#im nocturnal thats the only explanation
katyobsesses · 2 years
I somehow stayed awake until 4am last night and woke up at 12:30. I'm in the wrong timezone
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gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
ok its really funny that the title smt indicates the importance of a female goddess but when it comes to the games outside of 1 and 2 its like. Who.
esp for me personally. i assume in nocturne the goddess is meant to be aradia? If so thats the only one where i care about the goddess. But TDE totally destroys her significance so like. Lol.
In smtiv i just like. Burroughs doesnt add enough and really just complicates and confuses story components so i toss her out when im writing. Which is so funny its like yeah ill just pretend shes siri >> she is a god. She has no presence in smtiva so hilariously smtiva supports tossing her. smtiva doesnt really have a goddess either like. Lmao.
Strange journey has so many women in it idk who the goddess is supposed to be but i dont think anyone actually fulfills that role, redux or originally
smtv has tao but then its like half her content and like all explanations about whats going on with her was left on the cutting room floor so like. Her impact is sort of wrecked.
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kikie-e3 · 3 years
Ok so the one thing I have yet to see for this fandom, weirdly enough is a hybrid au. (Unless I missed it, thats also up there) Though I did see some fanart art on Pinterest at one point of the characters as animals, so I mean I guess? (If I find it again Ill write in the artist) Anyways Lets start with an obvious Character
- So Im stuck between two for Carmen actually, A sheep makes most sense, I mean black sheep? Or a sheep with red wool maybe? Though also maybe a fox? A cunning sly fox? To obvious? Anyways Sheep Carmen.
I would assume she would have big fluffy hair, and its thick hair. The type that makes you want to cut it all off. (Perhaps that short hair in the flashbacks?) She would have floppy sheep ears on like the side of her head, and a little cute sheep tail. Also if where going past just ears and tails. Should would have hooves. Like ones like a Faun maybe? I would expect it would take some time to learn to be quiet with hooves, but I would think she would manage.
Ivy and Zach
- I think Zach and Ivy would both be a breed of dog. (They drove cars instead of chasing them) I cant really explain it, (and im not so sure this is concrete for them) But I believe they would be mostly Golden Retriever. (And another mix of dog in there) I think it stems from loyalty and friendship. Which I think is sweet. They would look like every basic werewolf oc ever. Except with some changes. First of they have red fur (gingers😒/j)
I think Zach would have pointy ears near the top of his head and the more shaggy type hair then soft. He would have a bug bushy tail that would be speckles with lighter spots (Freckles). Also, paw feet. No I don't have an explanation for this. (Toebeans maybe?) They would again be that ginger red with speckled spots. Also sense he is a dog he would have sharper nails to imitate a dog.
Ivy on the other hand would have more droopy ears near the side top of her head. I feel like the tips of her ears would fold over slightly. She defiantly got the more fluffy hair of the two. I would think it would be very soft to touch. She would have a more sleek tail, not as bushy as Zachs (Zack? Im spelling it like my brothers name) I think she would have speckles to, but very light and not many. Her tail would probably lead in to a lighter tip then the rest of it. She would also have paws! From the Knee down (Same as Zach. Also I would like to believe they bend like a cats. So there a tad shorter then usual in this au) She also would have longer nails.
- Panther! I couldnt really find an animal (Besides a Panther) that felt like Shadowsan. Hiding in the shadows, not seen by its prey, the perfect fit for the disappearing act. Also tell me Shadowsan doesnt fit the "I hate you, But secretly like you" trope of a cat. Or well more tolerates. But my point stands. (Many have tried to distract him with string. He has yet to crack)
He would still be tall, obviously. He would have pointy black cat ears. His hair would be sleek and almost shiny. And a sleek spotted tail (Normal Panther, not a black panther) I feel like he would have more claw like hands, perhaps his hands are almost paw like with long claw like nails. He may even have fur up his arms? He also gets the paw treatment. With the toebeans and everything. No one can escape. Also he may have extra spot like birthmarks on his face to imitate spots, but Im not concrete on that. He may also Purr, but has yet to admit it. (Carmen can keep her mouth closed) Finally, Shadowsan goes for the more nightly Capers, not only because of the shadows, but also because of Panthers nocturnal nature. Though his sleep schedule is a little messed up due to the diurnal society norms.
- Player honestly, Raccoon. (This spawned from a fic where he was compared to one, Ill link it of I find it again) I just feel like he would be a little bastard trash rat. Also tiny claw hands, perfect for typing and fidget toys. And a tiny animal, perfect for a tiny person (Isnt he like canonically under 5'0? Or am I wrong?)
He would have the trademark raccoon mask around his eyes, of course. (Is it eye bags, or a marking. We may never know) He would have the pointy raccoon ears on top his hair, and would have softer straight hair. The striped raccoon tail, bushy and soft with normal gray and black strips. He would have grey paws leading down into a darker Grey around the foot of the paw. He would have more rounded nails and paw like hands. More nimble and long. He also Purrs to (Finding out raccoons can purr is like the purest thing ever) And of course a hell of a sleep schedule. Cause again nocturnal. It was already pretty bad before he met Carman, but oh boy did it go down hill after that.
So Im only doing Team red for now, I might do other characters after this? (I have the idea to make Jules an owl and Maybe a poodle for Devinux? Ill think on that one) and If I wrote a fic out of any of this it would probably just be a oneshot book mostly focused on team red. Anyways my hands hurt from typing this. But I would love to hear other ideas for this random AU I came up with!
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pollination-tech · 7 years
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“oh wow nine messages! what a nice surpr--oh”
i’m not responding to all of these because i have to go to work but definitely read my response to the TWD one because it’s p much confirmed canon #mvfacts (it’s response 4 under the cut)
MV Replies (pls for the love of god read reply 4 this is why i’m gonna be late to work)
1. im back and taz and gretta are actually the cutest i cant asdfghjkl
i love them so much and to my shame gretta was originally supposed to be just a throwaway side character but just them ugh they’re so cute
2. the fuckin blue domestic settled men is back i am D O N E
i still maintain that that is the best joke i’ve ever written
3. lmao what the fuck taz u dont have to talk about it like that my man not in front of ur kid
i have literally no idea what this is referring to but have you learned that taz has 0 tact
4. my favorite part of this whole thing is that the walking dead is clearly like the favorite show of the entire family throughout all the generations thats all that remains
i know i’ve rambled about this in the tags a lot but yeah this is my favorite thing too like i just imagine literally the entire family getting together (in taz’s tiny apartment with his giant-ass TV) every sunday and making a ton of food and drinks and like pregaming the new episode by bingeing all the others that have already aired that season and getting rowdy and then everyone getting v serious and quiet while they watch the new episode and then yelling about it a lot afterward
except it’s literally only the dekreshes that care and like all their spouses are there and tolerate it but it’s only like taz and everyone directly descended from him that are like FIRED UP up about it
and taz is sitting directly in the middle of everyone and telling everyone why his theories are right and everyone else’s are wrong, and then meanwhile gretta is rolling her eyes and starting to clean up the kitchen because she knows it will literally never get done and adia is baking another pan of brownies so they have something to eat during talking dead, and nick is like, trying to understand the obsession and cadence is patiently explaining things to him (not during the show though because nO TALKING DURING THE SHOW), and then buck is just like sitting there wanting to watch once upon a time instead (“you’ve already seen this one, the new one don’t start for another hour”) and complaining about the “stupid zombie show” the whole time, and then jacob is kind of vaguely into it at the beginning because of Sheriff Rick but isn’t a fan of the ricktatorship and then nat is trying to listen in to cadence’s explanation of things because ellie and jefferson are too busy arguing with each other about their theories (and ignoring taz’s) to pay any attention to him and dax is just trying to keep the peace and flan is helping gretta clean up the kitchen because no one in the rest of the family is paying any attention to her, and toccata and fugue are like acting out scenes during the commercial breaks (and toccata is always carl because he’s such a badass and she makes fugue be judith and fugue doesn’t really know what that means or what’s going on but he’s pretty sure he doesn’t like it and cries about it) and then nocturne is sitting on the couch cosplaying as negan and prelude is real salty and sulking about it (because he wanted to be negan) and basically i just love this family and their unironic love of TWD a lot
and basically these are the things that keep me awake at night and all of that is confirmed canon exactly what happens (or would happen if people weren’t, you know, dead)
5. im crigjng holky shit =haahahahhhahahahhahaha [post link] oh my god i sborted hahahahahhahaaaha
i love sona and buck a lot too
6. no no no nononononononononono i hate u ihate u so much im back at the party fuck no omgomg staph i cant
can’t stop won’t stop no regrets
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