#im normal. about this 16 year old game series.
ribombeee · 1 year
16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 27 for the ask game? i love you!!! ❣️❣️❣️❣️
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16. the book that made u fall in love with reading?
oh gosh. um. the first series i was every into as like a young young child was the little house on the prairie series but i think the first book/series i ever really liked for like the Themes and Artistry was the gregor the overlander series hot damn those books made me so upset as like an 8 year old child. if u remember i wanted to have my 9th birthday party be gregor the overlander themed. with like giant rats and cockroaches i guess. it would been fucking awesome
20. do u prefer audio books or e-books?
i read a lot of ebooks bc theyre the easiest format to get ahold of but i dont have fond feelings towards them. whereas i am a certified audiobookhead certified freak for audiobooks. bc i like reading while walking around or drawing and i like voice acting
21. hardcovers or paperbacks?
hardcovers for modern books bc im a book cover HATER if a cover is bad it will distract me and most hardcovers u can take the dust cover off and burn it as a sacrifice to Big Graphic Design. however in an ideal world with no hideously ugly covers i would read exclusively paperbacks small enough to fit in a hoodie pocket <3
22. a book that u hated at first but now love it?
this may be kind of a cop out answer but the translation of the odyssey i read in high school english was extremely boring and cliche and the version i read in college (tr. emily wilson) gave me a bit of a diff perspective… i still wouldnt say i love it but i have a healthy respect for it
23. a book u used to love but now hate?
i really dont know if i can think of an answer for this… i feel like even really stupid books i loved as a kid i can appreciate for what they are even if i wouldnt read them now
24. a book genre u haven't read? why?
idk if i have an answer for this one either?? umm i was gonna say i havent read steampunk but i actually totallly have OH i guess i havent read self help books. bc i think theyre stupid and unhelpful
25. a book that had u bawling ur eyes out?
by god. nona the ninth. literally perhaps the book on this earth that has made me the most upset. all 3 locked tomb books made me cry but for weeks after reading nona i would randomly start crying just thinking about how she never got to have her first birthday party and invite all the dogs. poor poor baby nona…… u also already know that i used to be completely unable to read like more than 3 lines into snow and dirty rain from richard siken’s crush without bursting into tears like a maniac that was very normal of me. average 15 year old experience
26. ur fav quote from a book?
many many many!!!! but the first one that comes to mind and the one i’ll go with is this fucking banger of a classic from tlhod thank u miss le guin thank u miss therem harth rem ir estraven
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infernwetrust · 4 years
Luke Langdon [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader] Pt 3.
Summary: The one where you and Michael have a child together, but like most relationships, there are parenting differences.
Warnings: angst, swearing, blood, mentions of cutting
WC: 1.4k
A/N: Last part of this 3 part series. I enjoyed writing this very much. Part 1 is important to understanding this final part. Thank you for reading! -Juno
"Daaaaaaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyyyy!" the young bright eyed girl screamed as she ran into the house, eyes full of panic. You and Michael sat on the brand new couch he had gotten you for Christmas. He watched how you eyed it in one of your monthly magazines that you got in the mail. Luke had just turned 16 a few weeks ago and was thriving more than ever, until today that was. The both of you were use to your 13 year old daughter's, Kayleen, screams. Usually her and Luke would get along during play for the first hour before something went down between the two.
"Same old, baby girl?" you asked, eyes not darting away from the television. Your favorite show was on and you didn't want to miss a beat.
"Whatever it is." Michael chimed in, eyes not looking up from his laptop as he continued working. "You and Luke will figure it out. No games today, hmmm?"
"He's laying there! Not moving! I don't think he's breathing either!"
"Oh like he always does?" Michael glanced up at her, becoming a little bit more concerned when he saw her facial expression. There were tears in her eyes and she looked pale.
"I lifted up his eye lids and his eyes are like.. red! I know you said that black eyes were fine, but they're red. And dad he's really not breathing!"
"Shit." Michael said, tossing his computer to the side and flying out of the chair. You followed behind him quickly, Kayleen still a crying mess. "Shit. Shit. Shit."
Making his way outside, Michael was no stranger to what his son had done. He glanced at the giant sigil of baphomet that his son lay almost lifeless in, but he could still hear a faint heart beat.
"I told him about fucking trying that spell without me." Michael said, quickening his pace to reach his son, unbuttoning his shirt and stripping from it along the way. You froze, shocked at the fact that your first born could be dead and then you lost it. A screaming mess, you were. Michael quickly dropped to his knees, retrieving his blade out of his pocket. He wasted no time cutting into his skin, dragging the blade up his arm, causing him to bleed. He did the same to his other arm, clenching his jaw. Overwhelmed by the sight, your daughter fainted and that caused you to only scream louder, much to Michael's annoyance.
"Y/N PLEASE!" he shouted. "Luke will be fine! Kayleen will be fine! Go back into the house if you can't keep it together long enough for me to even attempt to do this!" You hushed, your loud screams now becoming just muffled whined as you kneeled down next to your daughter, placing her head in your lap. Michael then did the same thing to Luke's arms and after rubbing his hands with his own blood, he mixed it with Luke's before firmly placing his hand on his son's chest. He fell silent for a moment, his eyes going black as he desperately searched for and tried to communicate with his son.
"Come on..." Michael breathed out. "Follow my voice, baby boy. Follow my voice." A tear fell from his eye. Luke was in such a bad place. Why would he even think of trying to go back to some place like this. The Murder House? What could he possibly be searching for there. "My sweet little stupid boy... why?" He was almost to Luke, his heart beat growing stronger, when he was knocked out of it, his eyes turning back to normal and his wounds closing.
"No." Michael said. "No no no." He stood up, hands in a fist. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY FUCKING SON FROM ME." He dragged Luke out of his sigil that he created, laying him to the side before creating a fresh one. He dragged Luke's body into that one, falling to his knees once again.
"I'm not gonna let you go, boy. I promise." Michael choked, trying to hold back his tears, knowing that his window was closing and that he had limited time. He cut himself up the arms again, this time, taking it a step further, drawing a mini sigil on his chest with the blade, doing the same for Luke. Grabbing his son's hand, he pressed it to his chest, him doing the same. "Come on. Come on. Let me in." His eyes turned black again and he found himself back in the same spot, his closest to Luke he's been. All you could do was watch in horror. The sigils, all the blood, your daughter who was still passed out in your lap.
"Please..." you whispered as tears continued to fall from your eyes. "Please not my son..." You rocked back and forth, holding your daughter close to you.
"Follow my voice, Luke." Michael said. "Come on, son. You're almost out. You're almost out." And then bam, Luke shot up, choking on his own blood and gasping for air. "Ssssh. Ssssh. It's okay, I'm here." He threw his bloody arms around his father, clinging to him for dear life. He already knew that he was going to be in a world of trouble. Michael never liked to discipline the kids when he was angry. He would wait until he calmed down and then he would hand out punishments.
"Im s- ss sorry, dad." he said, choking on his tears as well. "I k- know you told me not to, but I just wanted to see it all. The past. I wanted to understand you better. I was just trying to learn about you that's all. I'm so sorry."
"Hush." Michael said, helping Luke to his feet. He waved his hand over his body, immediately closing any wounds and then doing the same to himself. "We'll talk about this later. Go to your room."
"But dad-,"
"Now." He didn't question it any further, scrambling to his feet, running to give you a hug before darting in the house and into his room. Michael rushed over to you and Kayleen, kneeling beside you.
"I'm getting real tired of being on my knees for the wrong reasons." he chuckled at you, hoping to relieve some of the stress that you were under. He put his hands against Kayleen's forehead and was met with a sigh of relief. "She'll be okay, Y/N. I promise. Nothing a little cold compress and some tea won't fix, yeah?" You were speechless, staring at the ground blankly. You can't believe what you just saw, but Michael understood. He gave you a kiss on your forehead before scooping his daughter up into his arms and bringing her inside to her room where he laid her down, applying a cold compress to her forehead before tucking her in.
When he came back outside, you were still speechless. He lifted you up off the ground too, carrying you bridal style back into the house.
"Y/N." he called out to you, trying to break the trance you got stuck in. He called out to you multiple times and when they failed he had to resort to his magic to snap you out of it. "Hellooooo. Earth to Y/N."
"Huh?" you asked, looking around frantically, about to start screaming again. Michael could sense that and immediately put his hand to your mouth, listening to your thoughts.
"Everything is okay." he said.  "Yes, the children are fine. Kayleen is resting and I told Luke to go to his room. I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth now, but you have to promise me that you will not scream or do anything to alert the kids." You nodded and watched as Michael slowly removed his hand from your mouth. You immediately jumped up, wrapping your arms around him in a deep hug, face nuzzled into his chest.
"I thought we lost the both of them, Mike. I can't lose my babies.. not because Luke wants to be so hard headed."
"I won't let the boy kill himself. That I can promise you, my love. As long as I live and boy do I plan to be around for a long time, nothing will ever happen to our kin. Plus, the boys a fighter. He got that from me."
"Not funny." you said, shoving him lightly in the chest and wiping away at your tears.
"Seriously, Y.N. That's another one of my promises to you. I will protect you and our children." He kissed your forehead, running his hands through you hair before pulling you closer to him. "Cry no more. It's okay now."
And you'll rule the world. They'll bow to you and attend to your every need That I will make sure of, Luke.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid
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dotsayers · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
tagged by the beloved @myrmidryad 
this is a LONG one so here’s a cut to avoid do you love the colour of the sky syndrome
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
101 after a recent purge... no one may know about my Past
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
329004! used to be about 350k but again... purge
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
on ao3 i’ve written for (chronologically) doctor who, skyfall, discworld, les mis, star trek, lord peter wimsey, marvel (various), in the flesh, red vs blue, roosterteeth rpf, check please, hockey rpf, star wars, daredevil, rivers of london, dishonored, emmerdale, dirk gently, holby city, hot fuzz, kj charles, guardian, the covert captain, taskmaster rpf, good omens, ghosts, roswell new mexico, leverage, schitt’s creek, the magicians, 9-1-1, it chapter two, the magnus archives, the old guard, the mandalorian, the ritual, the locked tomb
way back on the pit of voles i wrote for twilight, harry potter, hetalia and xmen first class. and on the newsround chatrooms i wrote exclusively harry potter fic about my oc neville and luna’s daughter
as you can tell i am not prone to staying in one fandom writing wise, i tend to end up with one complete fic and seven abandoned wips concealed deep in my google drive
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
finally see what it means to be living (captain marvel, carol/maria, i really hit the zeitgeist with this one i think i was something like the fifth fic in the ship tag)
do whatever you think (the magnus archives, this series is actually #2-7, then #8 #9 and #11 for me so i’m going to cheat a bit)
standing in a world of my own (daredevil, matt/foggy/karen, another zeitgeist hit! really miss writing for daredevil actually... it’s a perennial fave)
a winding road that stretches towards the truth (iron man, tony/rhodey, i STILL don’t know when this got so many kudos. i swear i looked away when it was at 100 and suddenly it ended up here)
where the long shadows grow (star trek aos, kirk prime/spock prime, thank god some people are checking the prime kirkspock tag is all i’m saying!)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i don’t really Do angsty endings... possibly a blanket of stars just because i ended it on something of a cliffhanger and then completely zoned out of rnm for long enough that i forgot where i was going with it. there was definitely the intention of fixing things but then i just... did not do that. and now the show is on s3 and i’m over a season behind! life comes at you fast
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
where the long shadows grow, because it reunited kirk prime and spock prime and they DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY. i’m a complete sucker for presumed dead/back from the dead stories, actually, so on a similar theme i have two (TWO) daredevil fics which follow the trope, one about ray coming back post-s2 (might never be normal again) and one about foggy and matt reuniting post-endgame (in the corner, taking up space). this is the only time i will ever acknowledge endgame ever again
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i do write crossovers! in fact i am often roundly mocked by my friends for the increasingly esoteric nature of my crossovers. way back in secondary i wrote a twilight/labyrinth crossover where angela was sarah and jareth’s daughter  because i had a massive crush on a girl who liked both twilight and labyrinth. however, since that has been comprehensively scrubbed from the internet, i think my craziest crossover is probably part three of ‘traced upon the skies’, already an esoteric crossover of rivers of london and hot fuzz, when i added in a crossover with the horror movie ‘the ritual’ just because i wanted rafe spall’s character to be happy 
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
EXTREMELY rarely and only with extreme embarrassment. i will not be any more specific than that
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i used to really struggle with doing this, to the point that i had over 300 comments just. lingering in my inbox unanswered. so i decided to give those up and just commit to answering them from then on, which has been working fairly well for about a year and a half now. i love getting comments but i get overwhelmed really easily and struggle with replying in a way which feels meaningful without getting in my head about it! 
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes lmao it was for a harry potter fic on ff.net where harry got sorted into hufflepuff instead of gryffindor. it wasn’t a very good fic but i think the fact it was clearly written by an 11 year old should have scared off at least some of the less flattering comments.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t... think so? i don’t know how i’d find out to be honest, my vanity googling is rarely very effective
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! as bronze may be much beautified (skyfall, mallory/bond) got translated into chinese, i was extremely pleased. i think it’s mandarin but the ao3 page for the translation doesn’t say and my mandarin is.................. extremely poor
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also yes! me and jess little-smartass have written a lot together, although only our star trek/les mis series has been published, more’s the pity. we spent a lot of les mis fandom time workshopping aus and we were always extremely correct about all of it, imo
14. What’s your all time favourite ship to write for?
oh god. i think probably kirk/spock, although there’s some recency bias to that since i reread space manhattans recently and was reminded of my love for them. i really like writing jon/martin but i’ve mostly done that from outsider pov which is a bit different to writing shipfic, i think. joe/nicky from tog was also something i really liked writing but i struggle with plotting longer fic with them
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i recently went through my abandoned fic folder so i actually have a few options for this. the obvious choice would be ‘any of the hockey ones’ but i did delete most of those just for my sanity. more recently i started writing a vaguely smutty pre-the thing mac/fuchs fic for alex @milkdrinker5000 which i really WANT to finish but am struggling with. most obscure answer (even beyond the thing) and most likely to remain unfinished is the insanely in depth post-tog booker/copley fic i had planned out back in about october. i wrote a good 6-7k of that one and then i realised it was going to be, like, difficult, and decided if i was going to put that much work into something it may as well be the novel im meant to be writing
16. What are your writing strengths?
once a friend told me i had an excellent facility for dialogue and ive thought about it every time i write ever since. i love writing dialogue and i think i’m good at knowing what sounds ic and what is right out. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
one of the things i struggled with for a really long time, and honestly still have trouble with, is depicting action in words. once i wrote a hockey fic which featured multiple hockey games and i spent probably four times as much effort editing those to make sense and be interesting that i’ve ever done on a talkier scene.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i’ve done it but only when i knew more or less what i was talking about - i did italian at school so i felt confident using it for nicky in something particular and real. i try not to italicise when i drop in words from other languages, which is what i usually do when i’m using a language i haven’t studied in depth (for example, joe’s use of arabic in some of my fic), and to only use words which i’ve heard used by native speakers in that context. i think if you don’t feel confident using another language, generally speaking, you shouldn’t do it. and for god’s sake don’t use google translate for a full sentence
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter on the newsround chatboards. ariana lovegood-longbottom my sweet child
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this used to be an easy question because hands down the fic i was proudest of on posting it was i’ll be seeing you. i spent a year and a half on research and writing! but these days i do cringe a little at my hockey fic, and i think i’m prouder of some of my shorter works. let’s do a curveball and say layer on layer, down on down, which is my favourite of my rnm fics and the one i like most from a narrative voice perspective. getting michael right was stressful and i’m still proud i got it down for a TIME LOOP FIC, my absolute favourite trope
tagging @little-smartass and @leescoresbies just in case they want to try this
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okay so my last post got more love than i normally get so my adhd is telling me to completely ignore all the schoolwork i have to do and instead write more little things that nico would totally do, and not proofread any of it. just as soon as i finish typing hit post. so that’s what im going to do
there might be ToN spoilers in here idk im kind of just writing this as i think of things
but otherwise enjoy this part 2 of my thoughts and ideas
1.) nico would definitely get will a bunch of star wars stuff (it was revealed in ToN that will is a massive star wars fanboy and im so here for it) whenever he could. like birthdays, anniversaries, little obscure holidays that nobody even really celebrates, like national days that you make up on that website. nico would just be walking around the mortal world and ever time he would see star wars merch or collectibles he would try to buy something for will
2.) because of this, will has a big shelf by his bed in the apollo cabin dedicated to those funko pop figures that nico has gotten him over the years, and will would DEFINITELY be the kind of person to keep them in their original packaging, either that or he would have special display stands for each figure
3.) and every time nico walks into the apollo cabins and sees will’s shelf of Star Wars Things From Nico, he would get really happy inside because it meant that will really appreciated all nico’s efforts
4.) also can we please talk about how solangelo would absolutely do things with the younger campers, like teach them how to play pinochle (even though they aren’t very good at it themselves) and like will would bring board games to camp and he would spend hours with little kids playing candyland or monopoly or whatever. 
5.) this isnt relative to the rest of the post, but like i dont think solangelo has ever kissed? like not in BoO, not in any of the ToA books? and if they did and i somehow missed it can someone please? tell? me? but otherwise like what is rick waiting for please i need the nico series to be true so that maybe they will kiss
6.) anyway back to the normal stuff
7.) also kindly imagine nico and will having like star wars movie nights and like using a projector or something that leo made so it works for demigods and using clamps to attach a sheet to the side of the hades cabin
8.) and then at night they would set up the projector and watch star wars movies and hold hands without really realizing they were holding hands
9.) and the first time they did a movie night, these little kids that were new to camp would kind of linger a few feet away, wanting to watch the movie with them, and so thats how nico and will ended up hosting monthly movie marathon nights with popcorn and mcdonalds
10.) also (for the sake of this lil headcanon please imagine that demigods can use phones) will would definitely put himself as an emergency contact in nico’s phone, and also set up all that medical info in the health app, just in case nico collapses or gets injured after a battle and is stuck in the mortal world and a mortal finds him, then they can contact will and he can get there ASAP or at least give the mortal directions for what to do
11.) i think if nico and will could have regular mortal jobs will would obv be a surgeon or some kind of awesome life saving doctor but then i dont really know about nico. like he could go down lots of different paths. but for the sake of NOT going off on a tangent and just sticking to giving u guys headcanons, i think nico wouldn’t really have a job, he would maybe just live in italy or france or somewhere with that aesthetic and sell things he makes or maybe run a little storefront (i realize that these qualify as jobs and yea but hear me out i’ll probably be able to take this somewhere) 
12.) and he would like sell little items and things and antiques, and if someone came into his shop and he had a good feeling about them, he might give the item to them for free or like give them a discount. like
13.) i’m kind of imagining an elderly italian lady coming into his shop and shes really nice and sweet and they talk a little bit and he decides to give her like an old necklace for free. idk that just so cute to me
14.) but back to actually possible things i 100% believe that nico and will would play pranks on each other and try to minorly inconvenience one another all the time. 
15.) like one time nico might take only half of wills socks, so none of them match
16.) and then to retaliate will set up an elaborate rube goldberg machine type thing with the help of the hermes cabin and percy and some mastermind athena kids so that when nico stepped outside of his cabin the next morning a massive bucket of water would be dropped on his head
17.) and they just go back and forth and they’re really competitive with each other but never in a mean way, like they never take it too far. 
anyway that’s all, i might write more if i think of any! :) xoxo
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jazajas · 4 years
okay so i finished love, victor a while ago and i saw some other reviews and thoughts about it here so now i've got a pretty good list on my thoughts and feelings.
tl;dr: it has some issues, yes, but im gonna hold out and hope it gets better later on because the same thing happened with the first few eps, i wasn't that into it but then it got good, and nothing is ever great with the first season, because at that point we're getting used to those characters.
⚠️caution: spoilers ahead (im on mobile, i cant get an under-the-cut)⚠️
1. while a leah on the offbeat movie would have been amazing movie sequel (even tho i havent read the book yet, im just here for the wlw content) i am kind of glad we got this instead. mostly because I've seen book series where one movie was good, so they decide to do the rest, turn out bad (hunger games? divergent? percy jackson? the hobbit?) because so much was cut from the book-to-first movie writing, that other scenes wouldn't make sense to future movies if they had those in while cutting others. however, i am sad that i didn't get to make the choice of deciding whether what was cut was wrong etc. about future movies, but i'll take what i can get.
2. LGBTQ+ POC as a lead! that's amazing! as a ace/bi lantina that's close to home (it also is great that victor's from texas and so is ya gorl) and even then it's a mixed latinx family! i think pilar mentioned that at least the grandmother left Colombia and i saw the Puerto Rican flag in victor's room. also the salazar's are definitely from small town texas, even without knowing the name. (church barbeques, the use of the words "such a diverse city" in regards to atlanta)
3. a lack of actual lgbtq+ main storylines (so far) is kind of sad for a show like this. i was getting serious bi/pan vibes (as a lot of other people) from victor from the beginning, and when it was implied that victor was actually gay (while great, not shaming) as it has been brought to my attention, there was a lot of looking at a lot of straight relationship problems (please let us know more about benji)- edit 6/18: upon further consideration, it very much is a show about questioning your sexuality, I'm speaking about the other straight relationship issues, not mia and Victor's, its just the first season.
4. let us talk about cheating for a sec. never okay, in any circumstance. i feel sorry for mia that she saw victor making out with benji and the fact that he was doing any of that in the first place. victor made a choice to lie about the espresso machine and then kissed benji at the hotel and then when benji was fighting with derek, basically confessed his love and mistakes, then proceeded to makeout with benji after he broke up with derek, he built that grave and now he must lie in it. i get having feelings for a guy when you are in a relationship with a girl, and not accepting yourself enough to end that relationship but you really want it to work so you can be "normal". really, he should have told mia after he got back from the trip tho. i get being in highschool and doing stupid stuff and making dumb decisions, but for a show aimed at teens i think we should also remind said teens to make good choices even if we have to lose some realism within the character choices.
4. pilar and her decisions based off her brother pissed me off. because i honestly think that if she'd kept her mouth shut about what she knew or confronted victor about it in the first place we could have avoided a LOT of mess. did she not learn from snooping around her mother's business about her relationships that going behind a person's back doesnt end well? i did, however, like the pilar/felix friendship and was really kind of hoping that they'd get together during their coffee hangout (although now im glad that didn't happen) because they had a deeper understanding of each other. same with wendy/felix, although they do seem to much alike to work out in the long run but i still feel bad for wendy.
5. i don't know how i feel about lake and andrew, as people separate from each other. both seem to be the way they are from their upbringing (not confirmed why andrew is such an ass, but if his comment about his dad is anything to go by i bet it's got something to do with attention) but andrew seems to be less, idk, superficial? like he turned down mia because he didn't want to be a rebound, he didn't out victor, he actually stood up to early teasing the other dudes in the lockerroom were doing at victor (with teasing of his own obviously but that interaction had him on my nice list until much later). lake? lake. i honestly don't have an opinion of her? not really. i mean after hanging out with pilar i was hoping felix wouldn't go back to lake. is her name laken? i feel like her full name is laken. but they also played the "im only like this because my mom is really superficial about stuff and i do like the geeky nice guy but appearances" to "actually screw the norms im gonna makeout with him infront of the whole student body". i honestly thought she was gonna be bi because she kept hitting on mia when she was helping set up for her "date" and "big night" and there was one point where i saw her face fall at something mia said in relation to her and idk i was hoping she'd be bi (i figured early on that victor/mia wasnt gonna work and was like "oh mia/lake would be cute" but now idk.
6. okay on to the "big night", i have one word. NO. i didn't like the peer pressure into having sex. i agreed with felix when he said "your body your choice" but im also disappointed that victor made out with mia and when lake was talking to felix after victor left he didn't try to stand up for victor.
7. on to age gaps because i hadn't really thought of this at first. we'll start with benji/derek: WHAT GRADE IS BENJI?! because that determines my thoughts. if he's a sophomore that meant that he and Derek started dating benji's freshman year and thats eugh, don't do that, don't care if its a gay couple that shouldn't be happening because the maturity of the two characters is DRASTICALLY different (this is also a reason i am not a fan of cmbyn) but that would explain why they were so rocky. hoping the event at the gay bar was open to anyone not just for drinking, but not liking that fact that not one of the adults with victor were like: hey, this is a 16 year old, that's kind of wack when that dude was hitting on victor. that made me question some stuff. although i figure it might be making up for the lack of a gay bar scene in love, simon. but even then, in svthsa it's a restaurant with a bar that some people go to just to drink at, it wasn't just a bar, simon could be there but should NOT have accepted drinks from college kids, not matter how attractive.
8. i loved how bram and simon and their friends helped victor out though. i like how bram was like: hey i know my friends are a lot so here's a gay basketball league becaue there's no one way to be gay. i like how Simon talked about needing help himself just to help victor and how he said his friends were cool with it because it's a community. i like of justin(?) mentioned how being what his parents wanted was putting on a mask and pretending, not him doing drag. my favorite lines from that ep are: "and before you ask my pronouns are they/them/theirs" "'they're all gay? even that guy? he's like [insert really tall number]' 'yeah. you should see him in heels'" "or in simon's case: really unathletic" "and also because bram said that if i wore [the jean jacket] one more time he'd burn it". also katya was there. and the group hug too!
9. the back hand homophobia in relation to family is sad, but realistic and i sincerely hope his parents are kind enough not to be too harsh on victor because of it. anything they say that isn't positive or supportive of victor is bad but i hope they realize that there is more to him than that and that they can come to terms with it because it's not always that hard to be a part of that community and super religious. i am biromantic and catholic. and while there are some things i wont agree on my mom with, i know that it's more of a strike against God for kicking out gay kids from families than it is to be gay, because those parents were given trust by GOD to love those kids no matter what, and be good parents. so in the end, the parents are wrong and harmful and in the case of christians against jesus's teachings to love everyone.
10. this is fan speculation but dont think simon/bram are going through a rough patch? i honestly think it'd be a little cruel to the characters to have on of their actors be producing but then not have that relationship stay. and while it's not set in stone and obviously things happen in the real world, we have no proof script wise about there being a rift. all we have are bad photoshopped ig photos and scenes where two characters are never standing next to each other probably beccaue schedules never link up correctly for minor characters. who knows, maybe nick robinson was filming for a movie where is does have an even more major role than victor's gay guru in a series about victor so his filming time was around that. im gonna keep hope that things are okay.
11. that being said: we need more mainstream wlw content, because someone said it earlier and it really does seem to be catering to straight girls. i'll admit i did freak out when benji played call me maybe which is something i associated with him and victor but then kissed a guy because who wouldn't? we get that serenade and sweetness and then it'a ripped from us. but i did mellow out. if i flipped later it was because victor was making dumb decisions and i had to give myself a moment of compsure before i continued.
in the end, i'd say that there is a lot of growth this series needs to go through, but i also know that some people just aren't going to like it and i get that. but i also know that sometimes the best of stories have rocky starts, nothing is ever perfect from the beginning. and besides, further seasons are on hold until we figure out this covid thing, which means that you bet they're gonna be looking at our feedback. they saw what we thought before, they can do it again
i really did like it but we need more ACTUAL lgbtq+ relationship stuff from this series and better decisions on what we are teaching the younger generations, as well as what we want to focus on and realism within characters. i'm giving it an 8/10, because there is always room for growth and i really hope we get better things out of this than what we have been given in season 2.
edit: someone mentioned it really seeming like it was meant for Disney+ and i felt that. also to anyone who reaches the tags agter reading ALL OF THIS: i am sorry
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justdyingslowly · 5 years
1. Name justdyingslowly obviously come on
2. Nationality Australian
3. Age 22
4. Birthday nnnah dont feel like it
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) Libra/Scorpio cusp
6. Gender wamon
7. Sexuality very very hetero
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) androgenous
9. What do you/did you study? Psychology (focus on sexology) and art.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I am disabled you think I can work ha sexologist would be awesome. When I was a kid I wanted to be a fireman but Australias always burning
11. Your birth order head first
12. How many siblings do you have? 1
13. Do you have good relations with your family? yeah dads finally out of his abusive relationship, nearing age 70 and his emotions and his sexuality are finally opening up for the first time and that makes me SO happy.
14. How many friends do you have? what kind of fucked up question is this.
15. Your relationship status relationshipped. Fiance? got the marriage papers in a drawer somewhere with the car rego but can’t be fucked filling them?
16. What do you look for in a SO? empathetic, mature, calm. Always open to discussion. Prefers to be blunt rather than secretive. Emotional age over 14 (incredibly fucking rare apparently). Puts an importance on context and understanding other views above all else.
17. Do you have a crush? Hellll yeah Crush on my partner and got a crush on a mutual friend of ours who don’t even know hes cute af hehe one day partners gonna accidentally spill the beans and embarrass me coz hes shit with secrets RIP me.
18. When did you have your first kiss? You think I can remember this bullshit? Its not that big a deal
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? One night stand sex almost exclusively sucks. Just. SUCKS. Because neither of you know what the other likes and it ends up being an awkward mix of trying to please yourself while trying to also be considerate.
20. What are your deal breakers? Plugging your ears to anything that feels gross, uncomfortable or disagrees with you. How can you grow as a person without introspection? How can you mold what you think and believe without taking in other arguments and comparing them to your beliefs to see how they stack up? Its pathetic.
21. How was your day? cute mutual friend had a fall this morning and were both worried about him. His back is bad and he’s getting a little older, he can’t be getting dizzy and having falls like that. other than that im anxious about seeing my gastro. He’s lovely but... specialists are specialists. Good at knowing what they know but not always great at listening.
22. Favourite food & drink you think im allowed to eat or drink? water and... foods a touchy subject.
23. What position do you sleep in? Usually on my side with a body pillow to grip so I don’t end up choking my partner in his sleep.
24. What was your last dream about? uuhhh...going to italy and being unable to get into this tiny basket boat properly.
25. Your fears does PTSD to medical shit count haha
26. Your dreams ... going to italy and being unable to get into a tiny basket boat thingy?
27. Your goals - get some sort of diagnosis eventually. Its been 3 years of trying and im tired. - get back to studying art part time for my bachelors. - pass JLPT N3. - go back to university for psychology. - do the dishes when I get home.
28. Any pets? two budgies. we also take care of any orphaned or injured birds.
29. What are your hobbies? feeling nauseous drawing writing a little bit im making a little gameboy game in C atm too
30. Any cool places in your area? i live next to a national park with waterfalls and koalas and emus and stuff
31. What was your last awkward situation? mutual friend made a comment on his chest i playfully smacked it (related to the comment) it was surprisingly hard “O-oh wow, thats... I didnt expect that” my partner laughed at me. it was awful.
32. What is your last regret? getting embarrassed at friends pecs stop making me think about it 33. Language/s you can speak english. N4 Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) of course not what the fuck
35. Have any quirks? Quirkless. I do wiggle when im happy though apparently.
36. Your pet peeves open doors.
37. Ideal vacation spend a months chilling in an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
38. Any scars? internal? yes
39. What does your last text message say? peepee poopoo ustinky
40. Last 5 things from your search history how do i find this
41. What’s your [device] background? Sam Porter Bridges walkin around Sam Porter Bridges cuddling BB-28 Louise while he sleeps my chicken
42. What do you daydream about? all might
43. Describe your dream home an old japanese house in autumn hokkaido oooooof that sounds nice
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion its a comforting thought having a parent-figure who cares about you and looks after all the big things you can’t manage yourself, but institutionalizing it runs a severe risk of becoming harmful cults. And it often does.
45. Your personality type me
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done i saw the lost bunny that was on all the posters in the neighbourhood looked thin and patchy so i grabbed him to take him home. im allergic. sent me to hospital and I almost died.
47. Are you happy with your current life? feeling sick sucks and partners having a depressive episode but things are pretty good
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life living
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? blacks, reds, whites and pinks
50. Favourite colour to wear? at the moment pink. Red is always comforting though.
51. How would you describe your style? mix between lazy alternative punk, teenager with band shirts and harajuku peach kawaii uwu
52. Are you happy with your current looks? kinda wish i was a bit shorter but what can you do
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? bit shorter
54. Any tattoos or piercings? lol no PTSD
55. Do you get complimented often? by who? partner constantly, family haha are you kidding im australian so a friend’s version of showing affection is calling you a cunt and slapping your ass in public
56. Favourite aesthetic? all might
57. A popular trend that you dislike blocking because you disagree or find them distasteful. Ignoring all context to opposing thoughts and arguments. taking a personal feeling of disgust to mean something is evil. Blocking your ears to anything that isn’t a circlejerk of what you already think - and trying to isolate anyone who even just listens to something other then the noise of your sloppy dicks to have a thought of their own.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with? The Machine by Low Roar
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like. why wouldnt i admit i like a song
60. Favourite genre? probably enka haha
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? probably enka haha oh and tatsuro yamashita
62. Hated popular songs/artists? why the hell would I hate something like a song? I hate aspects of the music industry as a whole I guess?
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 which playlist they aren’t all together in one place
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? piano, saxophone... uh... partners good at making music and playing shakuhachi
65. Do you like karaoke? no.
66. Own any albums? yes? many?
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? no. but triple J, ABC Jazz and Classical. sometimes they even play final fantasy and JRPG music on classical which is pretty neat. -
68. Favourite movie/series? can i make this about games because then the answer is Metal Gear Solid
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc ...shounen?
70. Your fictional crush/es if they’re over 40yrs old, male and happy and bubbily or grumpy and sad then there’s a big ol fat chance I wanna bone. Solid Snake from MGS4, All Might and pretty much anyone drawn by Tarou Madoromi.
71. Which fictional character is you? uh
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so what does this even mean what language is this
73. Favourite greek god? idk hades seems chill
74. A legend from where you live that you like the story of Tjilbruke is funny and good. all Kaurna stories are good.
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist? im in a big egon schiele mood atm.
76. Can you share your other social media? no i am incapable
77. Favourite youtubers? many
78. Favourite platform? not too high up. actually i like being a little lower than ground level in corners.
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? look i just want to say that MGS4 is the best one in the series and Death Stranding is phenomenally engaging.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) these are all so goddamn definitive how can I pick? Oh wait the answer is One Piece
82. Do you play board/card games? I play DnD atm and know 15 yr old rules to Yugioh
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? that shit dosn’t happen here
84. Favourite holiday golden week coz its a week also easter because thats when all the glucose based sweets come back
85. Are you into dramas? what kind
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? no. thats called being a murderer.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? chill people out a bit. when people feel unsafe they get really depenfive and territorial and block their ears to everything, making in-and-out groups for themsevles that end up putting them in more harm.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? im disabled with a disabled partner. we arent funny sure we can survive normal everyday life when society is angled so sharply against us.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? id like to be a mimi spirit
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? spooky time
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? toshinori yagi
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? anyone healthy
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo that cursed one with the intense eyes and the hand
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true im me im not me im pee
95. Cold or hot? cold.
96. Be a hero or be a villain? both are distasteful ideas in reality
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? i can’t do either partner speak sin bad puns and its hell, these both sound about equal
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting. controlling time is eithe rmanipulative or lonely. shapeshifing is every other superpower at once.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death? both are deeply upsetting ideas
100. ….. or …..? jiji or ossan? generally Jiji, but ossans can be lovely too.
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karihigada · 5 years
assassin AU
*me talking to my friend*
Shizaya Redesign!
and !!!! that shizaya redesign! ACTUALLY! look here: initial AU prompt
assassin!shizuo taking care of brat!izaya ! :D
let me tell you in detail
assassin!shizuo send to kill this upstart tech wizz kid izaya who founded his own company and got really succesful and now his adult business partners want to get rid of him. and shizuo does mean to kill him but instead shizuo ends up running away with him through a series of circumstances which make it seem like shizuo betrayed the people who hired him so he ends up fleeing with izaya cause they are now both hunted by other assassins
and izaya totally hates being wih shizuo at first. and shizuo wonders why he bothers with this brat but izayas skills (hacking and tech wiz stuff) prove to be invaliable so its an unlikely partnership based on nessessity. at first. but after killing so much for a living, shizuo thinks for once protecting somehing is nice
okay sorry i wish i could give you more for assassin shizuo taking care of a little shit and slowly coming to enjoy it but i actually never came up with more or concrete scenes
or you know maybe, imagine this. they are staying at some hotel and shizuo was out shopping and comes back and finds izaya lying on his stomach on the bed, playing videogames or you know actually, he lies on his back, his head hanging upside down the edge, and he plays like that and shizuo comes back to such a /childish/ scene that he cant even comment. izaya gives him a welcome back without looking at him and when shizuo walks past him and the tv in order to get to the kitchen he just gets an Hey (for being in izayas field of view haha) izaya then asks if shizuo got the stuff and shizuo just sighs and throws a bag of cheese chips at him which izaya gleefully tears open and starts munching
izaya in this is such a hypocritical contradiction of health cause he will happily stuff himself with all kinds of snacks but draws the line at junk food and instead demands his proper meals are healthy
so shizuo goes to cook dinner while izaya keeps stuffing his face and shizuo tells him to stop or he wont have an apetite later but jokes on him izaya still wolfs down the dinner shizuo makes (and says its delicious) cause izaya is a growing boy.
what the fuck this is way too wholesome with shizuo taking care of like 16 year old genius izaya, there is no way i can put fucking into this later with shizuo way too much of a guardian hahahaha
well i guess not every AU needs them to get together. instead shizuo becomes his bodyguard (izaya later also pays handsomly once the whole plot with the betrayal and framing and other assassins and corporate takeover is over) and they become good friends.
and maybe a few years later when izaya is older (between 18 and 20) and laments (like full on imagine him lying on a bed or couch with his hand dramatically raised to his forehead like hes about to faint like a victorian virgin and just overdramatically ranting. he is such a drama queen bottom bitch) that he could never find an interesing partner cause people are only interested in his looks and money and that shizuo is the only one who sees him for who he is and unaffraid to tell izaya off
so at first izaya jokingly comes onto shizuo or like fullon suggests they should try hooking up (i imagine shizuo is like, mh, 29 when he meets izaya? has been an assassin for a while. so he is like 13 years older.) and shizuo is just like What The Fuck Brat and says if izaya really wants to get laid that bad he could just pay anyone he wants.
izaya says he doesnt trust anyone, "remember that time my businesspartners send an assasin after me?! that was scary!" he says in mock fright. shizuo just grunts.
izaya then drapes himself around shizuos neck, shizuo going stiff, and whispers in his ear "common shizu-chan, its just sex"
shiziuo untangles izayas arms from his shoulders and gets up, leaving. not cause he is afraid he will give in but cause he is afraid izaya will push this too far and then get pissy when shizuo keeps refusing him and it will destroy the trust and friendship they build up. cause shizuo does enjoy this life at izayas side way more than his previous occupation
more from before the timeskip: imagine shizuo carrying izaya under one arm to get away in dangerous situation and the first time it happens izaya hates it, the second time he is completely nonchallant about it and types on his phone while shizuo is carrying him also since izaya is tech wiz hacker he gets them like access to security footage so that shizuo can sneak up on their pursuers
also, i imagine it a bit like Dishonoured videogame? like its a stealth assassin game and the plot is neat but anyway for every 'major' assassin mission for the plot you have the option of just killing the target or finding a noneleathal way of getting rid of them
some of these may include selling them into slavery but hey, at leas theyre alive xD yay morality.
anyway. imagine like this situation shizuo finds himself in, protecting a kid and multiple other strong assassins on his tail. he COULD, and would normally just kill all persuers to ger rid of them but with izayas tech wiz skills (cause iazya doesnt want to kill people) they find other ways to take them down.
like maybe one gets held up in the airport and then arrested and izaya conveniently reveals their identity as a hitman so the police just made a goldcatch. or another gets into a traffic accident and will be out of commission in a hospital for a while first (while izaya reveals their identity to the police...
okay the only way to take down hitmen with technology is to have them caught by the police but still xD nonleathal means xD
and shizuo is really impressed by izayas abilities (and izaya also gets them fake IDs and passports and creditcards and makes reservations in hotels under fake names so he keeps them afloat while they are on the run while shizuo protects them from physical danger. which is also nessesary since some hitmen do catch up with them and shizuo has to take them down. some with lethal force sadly since it was a dangerous situation and it shakes izaya up pretty bad and izaya flinches away from shizuo before he gets  a hold of hismelf again and and tries to laugh it off and say that he is okay but shizuo can see the strain in his eyes and how tense he is. maybe thats towards the begining and thats when shizuo decides that they should try to work out other means of taking down their pursuers
also imagine shizuo teaching izaya his knive skils :3
okay moving to post time skip. like izaya keeps making moves maybe and shizo puts up with it for a while but it gets to a boiling point where shizuo looses his temper and yells at izaya to cut it out (he normally never yelled at izaya) and izaya actually gets scared cause he didnt want to chase shizuo away.
like. izaya had a weird sort of imprinting on shizuo. he does like him as a friend and mentor and guardian but some part of him is scared shizuo will leave? so he tried being more to shizu than just some kid he once protected
so maybe if they talk about it openly they can resolve this and izaya doesnt have to fear shizuo leaving. and shizuo says that izaya can look for a partner his age and shizuo wont get jealous and will instead protect them too and maybe a kid. but izaya also says he meant it serious that noone he meets could ever look past the money he has (and also people are boring). "but shizuchan. shizuchan was never boring. he understands me."
so they do spend their life together in a fullfilling mutually supportive realtionship but it does stay platonic and both are satisfied with that :)
or maybe like 5 more years later when izaya is finally no longer a kid (mentally. that brat) and still says he wants to sleep with shizuo at least once but that it wouldnt change anything between them that they do end up fracking and start a sorta weird mix of platonic and sexual relationship that maybe evolves into romantic so all in all good end (other than that they are totally codependant haha)
or, alternate not good ending: 19 year old izaya pressures shizuo into sleeping with him and shizuo feels horrible about it but satisfies him sexually to appease his temper in order to keep his peaceful life
okay more domestic assassin shizaya things: izaya in in charge of their money, ne? and they need to lay low , ne? izaya orders them new clothes online. and shizuo has to wear what izaya buys xD cue them dressing like in the pic above with iazya in the pinks shades and shizuo in the suit. cause that brat wouldnt know subtle if it bit him in the ass
im trying to come up with more scenarios. but i explicitly said izaya DOESNT order copius amounts of take out food. unless its healthy take out food. expensive healthy take out food.
also. imagine. later in life. shizuo teaching izaya some light hand to hand combat self defense. them together standing barefoot on gym mats and izaya is sweating and panting and wiping the sweat off his forehead, his hair sticking in all directions cause he tried attacking and taking down shizuo for the dozends time and shizuo is totally collected and unaffected, blocking and sending izaya to the mat with ease. and izaya gets this really competitive streak. wants to /take him down/.
it actually becomes a sorta game, for a long time. izaya trying to catch shizuo unaware. he only once succeeded, a long while later, after they resolved their problems and fears and live a fullfilling life togehter and shizuo is completely relaxed and at peace and happy.
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some p!g-drv3 theories (spoilers obvi)
First of all I think people demonize the pg versions wayyy too much because its a good way to be le sexy in like fanfictions. And i get it, villains are hot or whatever. and also hs is a horny age to be. But even the edgiest and horniest of teens aren’t like. that sexual/monstrous. its kind of insane the portrayals people are placing
maybe this could also be like me being older bc when i was early hs i was like yea its fair to place these super mature portrayals on a 18-22 year old they are like adults but young and now im that age and im like woah there pardner. might be an age/maturity thing. 
also like its normal for people to relate to and portray characters their same age in a similar fashion, but when adults write more sexual content about the dg kids i get hella fucking sus
idk where i was going with that first comment i guess its like a preface and in the end i think its important when characters especially teenage characters are morally grey not because they’re mature and dark/brooding but because they are still young and learning. fuck im older than like most of them, but im still young and learning. its good to be in turmoil and confused, especially the drv3 cast. they are more confused than anything.
which i think is a reason why people would join dr because if you are completely loss and in turmoil, it is appealing to be given a purpose in life and amazing talents/abilities. despite the morals of danganronpa, it is a simple reality to be told who you are and what to do
OK ONTO HEADCANONS (not doing all bc i dont have thoughts about all)
first of all i understand changing stories but i think, deep down, you can’t change fundamental personalities/values. so while the backstories might be different i think, in the end, a baseline is always the same
SHUICHI being a Bad Boy is like canon obviously but i dont think he’s as manipulative as people make him out to be. i think he falls in the more the bully role that like. mae borowski or tf2′s scout filled before they grew up. rough background, bad anger issues, lots of emotional turmoil, and the only way he knows how to deal with shit is by committing crimes and beating the shit out of people. and, similar to those characters, drv3 represents an older, more emotionally sober yet equally confused version of himself. the urges are still there as foreshadowed in the dialogue. i think he struggles with guilt, mostly survivors, but there is still a lasting impact of guilt of what he did in his past, even if he can’t remember.
KOKICHI is a child. a piece of shit motherfucker child but a child. I really do think he’s like one of the youngest people in the cast. he reminds me a lot of when my brother doesn’t take his adhd medicine and takes jokes way too far and does mean and cruel things because he thinks its funny and that its just a fun joke, but is hurting people. he desperately wants approval, which is why his leader role is so interesting because in the dr narrative he has the approval he craves and so he is satisfied. still, he does try to impress characters like rantaro and values his opinions a lot, even developing a brotherly relationship in the time they knew each other. this being said, its established kokichi was bullied before, but i dont think he’s like. the wimp people make him out to be. i think he’s more of like the class clown who desperately uses humor to make people like him, and ends up resorting to be the butt of most of his jokes. you don’t just develop a good sense of humor out of a brainwash, and that’s not something you can program in. i think that was a remnant of before, and he’s so good at bullying people and coming up with roasts - i just think that in p!g the roasts were about him.
KAEDE is baby but her p!g personality seriously reminds me of any ~quirky/edgy~ girl in a teen coming of age story who tries to be edgy and cool and act like she doesn’t care but deep down, she really does. if she didn’t have an empathetic personality, she wouldn’t want to end the game. i also think she has that self-identifying QuIrKy personality because its like she lives in her own narrative, practically announcing this story is about her and she is the protagonist. i know i used to self narrate like that and distinguish how i was different when i was like. 15-16. she has a tumblr. 
I really like the theory where KAITO is a make-a-wish kid who was better when he was younger but relapses later in teens. he never used his wish before, so he decides to use it now to be on danganronpa and become the hero he always wanted to be. i also think he might have joined as a way to raise awareness about adolescent healthcare. definitely the type who puts on a “heroic” character to make everyone else feel better about the fact he is literally dying of a terminal illness, and keeps that act up till the end. 
i think KOREKIYO is still a serial killer. i think honestly a reason why he mightve auditioned for danganronpa is because he is a serial killer. maybe his sister found out and he felt so much shame that’s why he auditioned. he probably mentioned why in his interview because duh, tell them im a serial killer and then only reason im coming clean is my sister found out and im ashamed, that is like a guarantee to get on the show.  i LOVE the theory that his sister is still alive, however, and has to watch her brother go insane because they wrote her into the story as the villain. because technically, she brought on this guilt, and is the reason why he auditioned - as a way to cause despair, twist it around so she’s the one to blame for his insanity. also, because its pretty accepted DR members become celebrities, kork’s sister is totally bombarded with paparazzi and is demonized in the media. she might end up writing a tell-all memoir about kork’s actual childhood and personality. quiet kid, thoughtful, interested in anthropology, she never thought he’d hurt a fly. watching her brother go insane probably destroyed her. 
I also think, timeline wise, kork is probably one of the oldest members along with rantaro. tbh i think kork actually graduated hs and went on a gap year doing the whole “hitchhike around the world to discover myself thing” which is where he began killing people. he was getting ready to go to college when his sister found out about what he did. this is when he decided to go on danganronpa instead of university. this would help explain why he knows so much about other cultures/travel/been so many places with so many memories/killed/is knowledgable on a level most other students are not. this would place him at like, 20-21, where everyone else is like 15-18.
ok so there’s two p!g RANTARO, p!g before 53 and p!p!g before 52. i’d like to establish now i think rantaro is the oldest of the characters, seeing as though he was already pretty old to begin with in 52, it takes time between television seasons, and he was in another game. so im placing him like 21-23, similar to yasuhiro in d1 being so much older than everyone else. i do think, in all iterations, rantaro was pretty much raising his sisters, though i don’t think he had twelve like the story (i think that’s an exaggeration, his sisters mean a lot to him, lets make him have a TON and then lose them all and feel GUILTY) rantaro joined the first game, partially to get money for his family and hopefully establish them as celebrities and let them have a comfy lifestyle, even if he doesn’t live...and also to finally ahve some sort of experience without his siblings tagging along. if he’s been raising his sisters all his life, he’s never had like something that’s JUST his. that’s his adventure. 52 is his ULTIMATE adventure. ahaha. mostly for money, kind of dreading it, still a tiny bit excited
ok p!g rantaro between 52 and 53 probably came back broken. he did the signings and appearances, but mostly wanted to spend time with his family and make sure they were set up. i think he knew the whole like few months between seasons he had to go on another show, but he did’t tell his sisters. his family found out when they saw a billboard with his face plastered on it hyping up the return of a fan favorite. yikes!
ok i get it a lot of people hate HIMIKO but i think she’s not nearly as similar as other “useless” characters in other games. its like, pretty clear she’s depressed, and the only thing she’s holding onto with dear life is magic. lack of hygiene, lack of personal care, constantly tired, social interaction exhausts - she has depression, but she’s not an UWU depressed character. so people find her depressive traits (which are some of the most realistic portrayals of mental health in the series) SUPER annoygin. she joined dr because she was completely lost and needed some sort of direction in her life, even if she’ll die for it. the thing is, even with direction, her mental state didn’t change because she wasn’t getting legitimate help. it’s like that one SNL skit that’s like. same sad you from before but in a new place. i also think she knows the magic is not real, because how could she not. i think she’s so adamant that it IS real, less as a way to convince others, and more of a way to convince herself. it’s like really super cruel that team danganronpa took a girl who is desperate for meaning and gave her literally a meaningless, fake talent.
i also kin himiko and find her a comfort character because i feel seen by her, replacing her useless talent of magic with mine of like shitty film making and comedy. i am seen.
related i don’t think she’s nearly as ugly as everyone says she is, i think she’s probably just depressed and takes absolutely no care of her hygiene and sleep and looks like sick and greasy all the time. same queen.
honest to god i think RYOMA’s backstory, tennis and all, is like 100% real and he’s the only one who keeps all of his memories except for the fact this is a tv show. i think he rolled up, a hot fucking mess, and the danganronpa team were like damn. we cannot improve upon this. 
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solongllondon · 4 years
1, 7, 16, 28, 37, 44, and 48 for book ask game!
thank you!!! <3
1. What book did you last read?
(let’s preface this with the fact that im always reading at least 2 books at the same time lol) 
i’m currently reading Amy Spalding’s We Used to be Friends, which is really cute and quite innovative! also re-reading Hot Milk by Deborah Levy because a friend wants us all to give her our favorite books with annotations on post-it’s in it for her birthday (super cute idea btw) so im doing that. but honestly, the only book im actually actively reading right now (aka reading more than 2 chapters a day from) is Midnight Sun. It is very bad which also makes it highly entertaining.
7. Do you borrow books from people?
i do!! and i will return them in pristine shape because i hate when people ruin borrowed books lol oops  
16. What book has been on you TBR pile the longest? 
probably all the lotr books? i read the first one ages ago but never read the others because they’re so fucking long. also war and peace. 
28. First book that comes to mind, tell us about it. Rant
okay. so. mockingjay. (spoiler, i guess??) i totally get that she had to kill finnick to showcase the brutality of war and how quickly a life can end and it made sense to pick him because he had finally gotten his happy ending. but. but. but. has Suzanne Collins ever thought about the fact that maybe. just. maybe. i didnt want finnick to die or get eaten by lizard mutts?? has she?? he is the literal love of my life and she?? just?? did that?? it’s honeslty. still so rude of her. 
also just in general people are quick to ignore mockingjay and say it’s bad and rushed but?? it isnt. it’s a brilliant book about the catastrophes of war and the awfulness of a tyrannical government and how in war people die quickly and there’s no time to mourn them, they’re just casulaties over all and it’s so clever and so well done and katniss’s ptsd is honestly expertly portrayed and you can still see that she is simply a 17 year old girl even if they all want to paint her up to be a war hero or traitor or both and how both the capitol and district 13 use her like they want to, essentially throwing her back into being a fucking puppet in their games?? GENIUS. Suzanne Collins is genius and we owe her. a lot. 
37. Is there a book that you think everyone should read?
James Baldwin’s Notes of a Native Son. I read it for a uni course and it has not let me go since. Honestly, read anything James Baldwin ever wrote but definitely read Notes of a Native Son. 
44. Favourite book quote, go.
This is gonna show how pretentious I am, already apologize: 
“She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not up close.” - good omens, neil gaiman & terry pratchett 
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”  - anna karenina, leo tolstoy 
“But beyond that, in a time when things could still change, there were revolutions. The people rose, the empires fell and things changed. Liberty moves in arcs, rising and falling with the tide of time. - red queen, victoria aveyard. 
48. Do you write, highlight, underline etc in your books
I do if they’re uni books no question. I also do it occasionally in none uni books. for example, i have two copies of the hunger games series, one is pretty for displaying and the other one is highlighted, annotated to death. i think there’s a few pages missing in the first book, at least. and if i wanna annotate a normal book i’ll use post-it’s. 
thank you this was super fun!!
✨ Send me books asks ✨
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thewritingstar · 5 years
I would ask you 1-100 but that's a huge request and doubt you'll do it, UNLESS🤔🙃
1. Name- Deanna or as everyone knows me, Star
2. Nationality- American
3. Age- 19
4. Birthday- April 5th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)- Aries
6. Gender- Female 
7. Sexuality- Bi/Pan (im fine with either)
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)- Dark brown hair, greenish eyes and body of a 12 year old boy
9. What do you/did you study?- Animation
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?- I work in an ice cream shop just as a job but i wanna be an animator or writer for shows
11. Your birth order- Youngest of 2
12. How many siblings do you have?- One
13. Do you have good relations with your family?- for the most part
14. How many friends do you have?- I would say I have about 8 close friends and then just a ton of other friends
15. Your relationship status- single but accepting applications 
16. What do you look for in a SO?- usually a pulse and good hair 
17. Do you have a crush?- kinda but also no
18. When did you have your first kiss?- haven't yet :(
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?- prob meaningful
20. What are your deal breakers?- smoking and drugs and how they treat others
21. How was your day?- well i just woke up so i guess good. 
22. Favourite food & drink- Raspberry iced tea/Vanilla Lattes and Chowmein or burgers
23. What position do you sleep in?- either on my side or stomach. Im usually curled up in a ball so prime cuddle position...just saying 
24. What was your last dream about?- I think it was about cake..
25. Your fears- bugs and the overwhelming thought of me being a failure
26. Your dreams- being someone where others can be inspired by 
27. Your goals- to live a life with no regrets (i know typical right?) but also have a successful career. 
28. Any pets?- 2 doggos 
29. What are your hobbies?- drawing, painting, writing, video games, reading 
30. Any cool places in your area?- kinda but you gotta drive to them so not really 
31. What was your last awkward situation?- me stuttering over my words at work
32. What is your last regret?- idk 
33. Language/s you can speak- English and barely any French 
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)- hell yeah
35. Have any quirks?- i can make a guinea pig noise and can stand on my head for a while. 
36. Your pet peeves- having my neck being touched and mouth breathing
37. Ideal vacation- Any disney park
38. Any scars?- only mentally 
39. What does your last text message say? “Shes being a big girl and taking 5 classes.” 
40. Last 5 things from your search history- im to lazy to check but prob youtube or fics
41. What’s your [device] background?- Phone background is a painting from a museum and my computer is a bunch of Nintendo items
42. What do you daydream about?- being a voice actor or a pirate 
43. Describe your dream home- one that looks like a castle
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion- I was raised Catholic but i really dont practice it anymore. I think it its a beautiful thing and alot of good comes from it, however i dont like it when it is used to harm others or defend evil people
45. Your personality type- So i took a test based on the 16 different ones and I am an Advocate type which apparetnly is very rare and less than one percent of the pop are it. https://www.16personalities.com/ heres the link if you wanna take it!
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done- I used to suck on batteries as a child
47. Are you happy with your current life?- for the most part 
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life- Snorkeling in Hawaii (which i almost died), Crystal Cave tour and donuts which i hate
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?- hoodies and graphic tees 
50. Favourite colour to wear?- black
51. How would you describe your style?- comfortable and sometimes i look good 
52. Are you happy with your current looks?- ye
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?- I want blue hair one day 
54. Any tattoos or piercings?- have my ears and now my nose pierced but i do want tattoos in the future
55. Do you get complimented often?- usually for my hair and i find it happens often 
56. Favourite aesthetic?- Gothic and pastel 
57. A popular trend that you dislike- crop tops 
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?- “Good Night Moon” by Go Radio
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like.- My Little Pony and Sofia the First songs slap
60. Favourite genre?- pop punk or pop 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? -Panic!, Taylor Swift
62. Hated popular songs/artists?- I wouldn’t say hate but im not really a fan of Billie Ellish, maybe i need to sit down and really listen but its just not my jam. I think shes a cool person and i love watching her on tv and what she stands for. By i hate Drake and Chris Brown for sure. 
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5- Head above Water, Happy when im sad, Love bug, Casual affair, I believe. So Avril Lavigne, Jonas Brothers and Panic!
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?- Im not the worst singer but im also not fantastic and i can’t play
65. Do you like karaoke?- sometimes
66. Own any albums?- like cds then yes
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?- not anymore
68. Favourite movie/series?- Any disney or pixar 
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc- YA like adventure books 
70. Your fictional crush/es- oh here we go. Juvia and Gray (Fairytail), Catwoman, Danny Phantom, Captain Hook and Regina Mills and Henry (Ouat), Steve (stranger things), Riddler (gotham) and Molly Hooper (Sherlock) and prob more. 
71. Which fictional character is you?- prob a mixture of Momo and Deku from My Hero and Honey from Ouran 
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so. Am I a shipper? ha. aight Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza, Kiribaku, Kacchacko, Todomomo, tododeku, LadyNoir and the love square, Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, The powerpuff girls and the rowdyruff boys (respected partners) and like five thousand others
73. Favourite greek god?- Hades and Persephone 
74. A legend from where you live that you like- literally nothing from where i live
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist?- love art and i cant just pick one
76. Can you share your other social media?- i mean you can follow me on twitter at StarsnShortcake but all thats there is my shitty tweets and interactions with my friends and Voice actors lol
77. Favourite youtubers?- Mikes Mic, Macdoesit, Twamiz, Larri, Dan Howell, Amazing Phil, Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson, Steph Inc, Garret Watts, and like a ton more
78. Favourite platform?- Tumblr or twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?- too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite?- I love anything Nintendo
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)- Kingdom Keepers, Suicide Notes and the Selection Series to name a few
82. Do you play board/card games?- Yes
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?- nope
84. Favourite holiday- thanksgiving for the food
85. Are you into dramas?- ye
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?- haha ye
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?- no racism, sexism, homophobia and legal marriage everywhere. Also that no one goes hungry and everyone has a nice place to live.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?- probably 
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?- a hot demon
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?- I turn into a goddess
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?- ooo Celeste is a cool name 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?- hmmm Tara Strong 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo- either the stars or the black heart or the fireworks
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true- Ive never eaten a chicken nugget, I can do the splits and I have cat
95. Cold or hot?- hot
96. Be a hero or be a villain?- oooooo um im a sucker for villains
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?- Rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?- Shape shifting, i could be a plant
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?- bold of you to assume i would wanna live forever
100. ….. or …..?- :0
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dylinski · 5 years
TBWTBE (4/?)
Warnings: SMUT, Oral (male receiving), Angst, Language (i think), your typical derek brooding angsty shit.
Relationships: Derek Hale/Kate Argent
Word Count: 2847
Author: @dylan-obrien-fanblog
A/N: I know this series is going slow, its agonizing for me too, but I need to lead up to the big parts. not many feed back is always welcome, good or bad. Honestly, i’ve gotten basically no feedback, so more than anything im writing this for me. GO ME.
Chapter 4
Derek sulked around the house with his head hung as his cousins played cheerfully. The twins ran up to him on either side, standing to his waist and tugged on his shirt begging him to play with them. “Leave me alone.” The dark haired boy shrugged them off as he grunted. When they refused to loosen their grip, he growled at them, causing them to scream as they ran away. Talia immediately locked her gaze on her son and pulled in her brows, giving him a stern look.
“Derek, you do not speak to your cousin’s like that nor do you growl at them. We are werewolves, not animals.” Derek shot his mom a look of annoyance as he rolled his eyes. Without hesitation, she shifted from mother to alpha. She shot up from where she was seated and gave Derek a look that caused him to shrink in size, cowering before the alpha. 
The boy looked up at her with deep green eyes, full of pain and she let the alpha melt away as she became his mother again. “Derek,” she whispered as she caressed his sorrowful face. “You’ve been walking around this house for almost a week now with this atrocious behavior. Talk to me my child.”
Derek averted his eyes from his mother, unwilling to reveal any reason to his behavior. He pulled his face away from her touch, immediately feeling guilty at the motion. He didn’t look to see her reaction, but she knew it was one of disappointment, in him and his reluctance to talk to her. He walked away from her before she could see the tears starting to fill his eyes. “If you won’t talk to me, please talk to someone. You can’t let this eat away at you the way Paige did.”
Derek stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, as his mother spoke to his back. He raised his head and held his breath. This was the first time his mother had spoken to him about her since the cellar. Lost in his thoughts, he lost all his strength towards holding back his tears as they began to fall down his face. He ran to his room to hide from her words and the world.
He curled up into a ball in his bed as he tried to escape the thoughts that were now flooding him. His memories of Paige that had fallen to the back of his mind since he met Kate. It was like reliving the whole story again. When he saw her for the first time in the hallway while playing basketball with his friends. Seeing her play cello when she thought she was alone. The first time they kissed under the stars. Her snarky comments towards him. The way she didn’t put up with his bullshit and told him what she thought without hesitation.
Then his mind drifted, without his consent, to the sound of her heart racing as she ran through the halls of the school from the alpha who attacked her. Her screams when he bit her. The black blood that seeped from everywhere while she laid dying in his arms. Her cries of agony that he couldn’t alleviate. Her begging him to take her life and-- Derek slammed his eyes shut, pulling his legs in closer to his chest. He screamed, trying to shut out her death. He opened his eyes and laid there, gasping for breaths between sobs. His face covered in tears and snot, his face puffy and red. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve as he sat up, collecting himself from the attack of emotions and sat at the edge of the bed, looking at his feet.
His mother had been right. He needed to talk to someone, but he had no one to talk to. No one outside of his mother and Peter knew he was the cause of Paige’s death, but neither of them would understand what he went through, the part of his soul that was taken when he took her life. Not only could he not talk to them about Paige, but he couldn’t talk about Kate either. Peter would tell his mother and she would order him not to see her anymore. Yeah, he was 16 and she was 22, but it was different with her. They just don’t understand. 
Derek’s phone buzzed on his desk, springing him back to reality. Sniffing and then wiping the snot from his nose, he stood up and walked over to answer the phone. He saw that it was Kate, and where he normally would have been ecstatic to hear from her, he felt melancholy. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and answered the phone as best he could.
“Hello.” His voice rasped as he spoke, revealing the soreness and that tears still lingered in his eyes.
“Hey stranger.” Kate spoke in her smooth, seductive voice. The sounds immediately bringing warmth to Derek, filling the emptiness he had been feeling only a second ago. She heard the hoarseness of his voice, but ignored it. “I’ve missed you, handsome. Wanna come over and play some more poker?”
“Um, yeah. Sure.” Kate was not unaware of his lack of enthusiasm. While Derek did want to see her, he also wanted to escape the lingering sadness and reminders of his room and family. Kate allowed him to escape from this world he found himself in. He slipped out of the house while everyone was getting ready to eat dinner. He hopped on his bicycle and then headed for Kate’s cabin.
What would have taken a human about 45 minutes to bike took him 20. The lights were on inside, but that was no surprise. The sun was starting to set, giving the sky an orange tint that broke through the trees. He walked up to the door and knocked, then shoved his hands in his pockets to hide his sweaty palms. Kate answered the door, wearing jeans and a spaghetti-strap tank top. His eyes gave her a once over, her cleavage not going unnoticed. She caught his gaze and smiled devilishly at the boy. “Come on in.” She stepped aside, allowing him to enter. He kept his head down as he did, hiding his embarrassment.
She asked him if he wanted a beer and derek accepted. He really didn’t want one and it was pointless since it would have no effects, but he didn’t want the woman to ask questions. What sixteen year old boy wouldn’t say yes to a beer? He sat down at the same table as before, the cards already sitting in a stack on its surface.
She handed him the beer, another in her hand for herself, and sat down in the chair sideways, using the chair’s back as an armrest. She gave to boy a crooked smile as she took a swig from the bottle. “So.” Her voice echoed through the small space. She turned in the chair to face the boy and leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. “What’s new with my brooding boy?”
Derek furrowed his thick brows, immediately glaring at the woman and shot back in a loud voice, “I don’t brood.” She raised her eyebrows causing him to relax his face. His cheeks turned red as he realized he was, in fact, brooding. She laughed and shook her head at him as she picked up the cards and started to shuffle.
“You need to lighten up kid. Relax and have some fun.” Derek raised his eyebrows to her, interested in her ideas. He desperately wanted to, but somewhere along the way he’d forgotten how. Kate flashed a cheshire grin that sent chills down the boy’s spine. “I have an idea.” She spoke in a deeper and more mischievous tone than Derek had heard her use before. “Let’s play strip poker.”
Derek’s face went flush and his body froze at the suggestion. He must have looked sickly because concern covered Kate’s face, a look he had never seen on her before. He shook the cobwebs from his head and answered. “Yeah.” He hadn’t realized what he said until it was too late to take it back.
His cheeks were flushed and he couldn’t look Kate in the eye. She found this amusing, to see him writhe and wriggle in discomfort under her thumb. She began to deal the cards out as Derek thought to himself that this is really happening.
His wolf howled at him, telling him this was a bad idea, but his raging hormones proved to be superior. He took the cards that sat in front of him and began what he knew would be a long night.
“Full house,” Derek laid his cards out in front of him in confidence. Kate raised her brow and smiled deceptively. Dread fell over him as he knew what was coming. 
“Royal flush, baby.” She winked at him as he threw his arms back and groaned. Derek then proceeded to remove his jeans. As he stood there in nothing but his boxers, Kate looked him over as she bit her bottom lip. For some reason, this made Derek want to cover himself, like she was a wolf eyeing her prey. He sat back down quickly to hide himself behind the chair.
“How come you haven’t lost a single game?” Derek asked sincerely. Suddenly he furrowed his brows, “Are you cheating?” His accusations were hard and cold. Kate laughed.
“Here,” she stood up and removed her top, revealing a pink laced bra. “Better?” She looked down at him seductively with hazel eyes. Derek couldn’t believe his eyes. He didn’t mean to stare, but shock left him useless and unable to move. He finally averted his eyes when he could feel pressure building in his boxers.
He turned to face the table and kept his eyes down. Kate sat back down at her seat and rested her face on her hand. “Don’t be shy, Derek. It’s okay.” Her voice wasn’t soft or sweet, but it was relieving. He slowly turned his head to meet her, but looked at her face the entire time. “You act like you’ve never seen a naked girl before.”
Derek blushed as he shook his head, “I haven’t.” He spoke under his breath, barely audible. Kate sat back and let her mouth fall open in amazement. She stood up and grabbed Derek’s wrists, pulling him up in front of her. Derek stood two inches above Kate. Her eyes turned black as she took a step away and wrapped her arms around her back. She unhooked her bra, letting the straps fall down her arms until the garment hit the floor. Derek bit his bottom lip and felt the pressure rising again. 
Kate stepped forward and grabbed Derek’s right hand and put it on her left breast. He swallowed the lump in throat as he took in her peaks and valleys. Her hand still holding his, she squeezed, prompting him to do the same. Kate bit her lip and let it slide through her teeth. Derek took his other hand and placed it on the lonely breast. He gave both of them a good squeeze and looked back to Kate. She was giving her all too familiar seductive smile. “I’m guessing you’ve never touched a girl before either.” She asked, and Derek shook his head. “So that means your a virgin.” Even though it wasn’t a question, he still nodded yes. “Have you ever done anything?” Derek looked back up again at her face and looked embarrassed for his lack of experience.
“My girlfriend would sometimes rub me through my pants. And we made out a lot, but that was all.” He looked down to the floor, ashamed. Kate took her hand under his chin and lifted it up. She looked into his eyes, studying him and then brought his face to her lips. They touched for a moment and then parted. Derek looked at her for a moment, then the wolf took over, like a primal instinct. He grabbed Kate’s head with both his hands, pulling it towards him, smashing his lips against hers. She responded by pulling his body into hers. She wrapped her arms around the boy and clawed at his skin, leaving trails.
Derek parted his lips to take a breath, but Kate took the opportunity and pushed her tongue through the opening. They explored each other’s mouths, entangling their tongues. She guided the boy to the couch and then broke from his lips. She pushed him down with a growl and stood, towering over him. She looked down to see his fully erect cock begging to escape. Kate licked her lips and eased herself down until her weight was balanced on the balls of her feet. She slid her hands slowly up his thighs until they reached his waistband. Her touch alone was enough to send him over the edge.
She tugged on the material, allowing the firm member to spring free. She smiled, pleased with what she saw. The boy’s jaw dropped at the feeling of freedom. She palmed his stomach and blew air on him as her hands made their way down the trail of hair. She wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped it twice. She used her thumb to swirl the precum that had beaded at his slit. She pumped him a few more times before she kissed his tip. She licked the spot she just kissed, swirling her tongue in circles around his sensitive spot. He threw his head back in pleasure and Kate took that moment to take him entirely into her mouth. The surprise caused his body to shake. He looked back at her and they kept eye contact as she pulled back slowly on the shaft. As she reached the head of his cock, she scraped him with her teeth, stirring the wolf and releasing a growl.
He wanted the feeling of her mouth again, so he grabbed the back of her head, urging her forward. Almost instantly she reached back and took his hand, slamming it on his knee. Derek was surprised, but found the dominance even more arousing. She chuckled at his response, sending vibrations up is cock and into his stomach where his release was hanging on by a thread. She bobbed on his cock a few more times before his body began to shudder, signaling his release. She leaned back and told him to cum on her tits. He obliged, standing up and pumping himself as spurts of warm seed shot onto her breasts. He milked out every last drop, riding his high until his muscles lost all strength and he fell back onto the couch. 
Kate got up and went to the kitchen, she cleaned herself up and put her bra back on. Derek felt self-conscious about it, so decided to cover up as well. He pulled his boxers up from around his ankles and found his jeans on the floor. After he put his shirt on he sees Kate in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and drinking a beer. He goes in and stands next to her. 
“It’s getting late. Don’t you have school tomorrow?” She asked without looking at him. He nodded yes and turned to face the beautiful woman.
“I’ll see you later then?” He smiled and leaned in for a kiss but his lips were met by Kate’s finger. 
“I’ll call you.” She stepped past the insecure child and went to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Unsure how to read the situation, Derek grabbed his coat from the chair and hesitantly left. He thought he must have done something wrong and wanted to fix it, but he didn’t want to seem childish. So he headed back home on his bike.
It was a little after 8PM when he got back, all the kids were asleep, but his mother was up. She was reclined on the couch, the spot he often found her in. As he entered the house, her eyes immediately flickered up to the boy. As he passed where she was, he saw a look on her he had never seen. Her face often wore confidence and composure, but this was an expression of shock and confusion. He mirrored the look to his mother.
Derek’s eyes widened as he realized why she must have made the face. His scent reeked of sex. Mortified, he turned and continued upstairs, thankful that his mother didn’t oppose. He jumped in the shower, washing away the events of the night, but the memories lingered in his mind. He replayed every part, trying to pinpoint what he did to make Kate so standoffish. Did he cum too fast? Did he touch her wrong? Was it when he put his hand behind her head? He got out of the shower and dried off. He pulled on a pair of clean boxers and plopped into bed. He wanted to keep analyzing what happened, but he was exhausted from all of it, so he passed out almost instantly.
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eurekq · 5 years
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so here they are.... my revamped darlings. naohiko, rika, amane, and maya are new! im going to put all their bios under the cut, they’re mostly copypasted from the old ref though except for the new kids :P i really like naohiko, he’s basically an amalgamation of every percussionist i’ve ever known lmfao
basic premise: 16 fresh-out-of-highschool prodigies are invited to star in well-respected and widely-watched big brother-esque reality tv show, which takes place on a cruise ship. what they weren't expecting was for the show's 25th season to be a killing game! the students: CHOUMI YUKIYAMA: exceptional among even her fellow shsls, choumi made her historic mark on ballet by becoming the world's youngest ever prima ballerina at the age of 13 and japan's first ever prima ballerina assoluta at 18. fans flock to her ethereal, angelic grace on stage as well as to the percieved sense of otherworldlyness surrounding her albinism. on the darker side of her popularity, repeated sexual harassment from fans and male dance partners alike has hardened her world view to make her not quite cold, but definitely reserved in her emotions. she adapts fairly easy to stressful situations and pushes through pain with almost no visible outward struggle due to her all too common experience with dancing through foot and ankle injuries. because of this she usually ends up taking initiative in difficult scenarios if no one else steps forward. she is also a quite talented hobbyist figure skater and is fluent in both english and russian. REN KIKUHARA: a fairly odd florist in that instead of ordering flowers to arrange into bouquets, every flower he sells is grown himself. although this means that his selection is seasonally and fairly regionally limited, he has an incredible talent for working with plants and can even sometimes coax out-of-zone flowers to grow. he's fluent in hanakotoba and is surprisingly good at flirting through flowers without it seeming cheesy, although he doesn't do it very often. people often remark that his bouquets often seem to have more love and life in them than store-bought ones. ren is a calm and kind soul and prefers listening to talking, with what he does say always seeming to be just the right words for the situation. MARIKO MIKAMI: mariko was a sickly child, and spent a large part of her elementary school years in hospitals. around the age of seven, she began folding paper cranes as something to do, and wished to live normally after she folded her 1000th. she soon recovered, and feels that she owes her life to origami. she is precise and calculating in everything she does, which shines through in her art: every delicate, artful piece of origami that she makes is creased and folded perfectly. she also dabbles in wet-fold origami. she's most famous for her dry-fold though, and her pieces are well known for their complex, precise, mathematical beauty. she refuses to fold paper cranes anymore, feeling that they are too sacred for her to touch after they saved her life as a child. a calm, slightly disconcerting smile is always on her face, no matter the circumstance; her manner is polite for the most part, if i a little aggressive. MOMOTAROU KOBARA: momotarou, born into a rich family that fufilled his near-every want, made a name for himself in the world of collecting at the age of just eleven by, through luck and love for the series, collecting every pokemon card. from then on he set onto collecting just about anything non-perishable: pins, collectors set bandaids, vinyls, etc. he has exceptional luck in finding deals on ebay and other sites. he cant really be called a hoarder, since he likes to have just one of everything; he resells, gifts, or uses any duplicates. his mood swings between a dreamy, chilled out, flirtatious persona and periods of numb depression when it hits him that his whole life revolves around material possesions and that he has no real human connections. SARA KUROKAWA: a talented young woman from a long line of popular backalley tattoo artists. she combines traditional symbolism and youthful influence in her designs to make something new and more appealing for the younger generation, and is a huge proponent for tattoos being shown off for fashion rather than hidden away in the traditional style. sara does have (illegal) tattoos done by her older siblings on her arms despite the minimum age being 20, although her being homeschooled, looking older than her actual age, and having a tendency to wear long sleeves year round has led her to encounter few problems. she and her family are among the many who simply choose to ignore the statute requiring a medical license to tattoo. sara is a fairly rude person in a backhanded way, acts stereotypically catty and even a little deranged sometimes, and enjoys making herself the center of attention, whether through her appearance (dyed pink hair and white contacts) or the things she says. the only two things that can break her shell and make her excited and genuine are tattooing and piano, which she has played from a young age and loves. NAOHIKO KINZUMI: the son of a concert pianist and a professional jazz drummer, naohiko shortcutted the usual pots-and-pans percussion stage most children go through and spent most of his childhood hitting actual drums. blessed with perfect pitch and a natural feel for rhythm, his parents enrolled him in private music lessons at age five, and he joined onto his first indoor percussion ensemble at age 13. a fast learner, naohiko can play most all percussion instruments at a professional level, including both tuned and auxiliary. he is especially known for his drumset skill, specifically being able to match the speed and complexity of most double kick pedal rhythms with just one foot, and his delicate grace at bowed vibraphone. naohiko is loud, brash, and fun, with an infectious smile and sense of humor that draws people in. despite the flashiness of his drumset playing, his favourite instruments are actually the weird obscure ones, like the waterphone, mahler hammer, and "bucket of loud objects to be dumped on the floor". HARUMI HAMANAKA: harumi is a sweet and bubbly girl, if almost cloyingly so. her good luck is a fairly stable force (nowhere near as chaotic as komaeda, for example), generally acting in the favor of wishes of people around her. her mother intensly wanted for her to be on the show because of the exposure it provides, and this is what harumi attributes to her being selected. despite the way her luck operates, shes no doormat and in fact has an overwhelming force of personality, and her sweet demeanor can become rather passive aggressive if challenged on pretty much anything. SHOU KATSUKI (PROTAG): pushed to succeed in the game from a very young age, shou is japan's reigning chess champion, a FIDE-certified grandmaster, and went to international competition the year before the killing game. he played through to the finals with influenza, which worsened through the matches due to lack of treatment and culminated in debilitating pneumonia that left him in the hospital and unable to play for first. because of this, he's cultivated a sort of inferiority complex that he tries to cover for with self-confidence, which actually comes off as condescending rudeness. he has a natural talent for cause and effect analyzation and is good at planning ahead. he gets flustered easily over trivial things and is a sore loser, but tends not to crack under actual pressure. shou doesn't like to be associated with his family due to the intense pressure they put him under only to steal his winnings the second he began to succeed and thus prefers to be referred to by his given name, even by near-strangers. he does genuinely love chess, but his favourite board game is actually risk. (no one ever wants to play with him, though.) RIKA FUJIMIYA: originally scouted as a young child for her unique eyes and birthmarks, rika's first minor film role at the age of nine left the director stunned at her acting capability. as someone who grew up with a very murky self image and a difficulty interpreting social situations, rika lived most of her early life essentially "acting" the way she believed others would respond well to, which resulted in her easily adapting to doing the same for the cameras. she went on to have a very prolific child acting career without really settling into a niche. As a teenager she took her first steps into stage acting, playing juliet capulet at 16 in a moving and extremely impressive performance, and later at 18 performing a striking and memorable female hamlet. her deep and rich voice has also landed her several voice acting roles. her personality offstage has solidified a lot more since her younger years, although she doesn't go out of her way to talk to anyone, fan or otherwise. when approached, she is polite, gentle, and humble, although she has trouble separating her image as a celebrity from that of her as a person and thus it is extremely difficult to get to know her. KENJI MINAMOTO: an eccentric and a bit airheaded olympic fencer whose strange insistence on not wearing protective gear during practice (he believes it makes him better by giving him a stronger motivation to not get hit) has earned him many a scar over the years, and has left at least half of his joints in braces at any given time. he follows his own bushido-esque moral code (the details of which he will not tell anyone), although he will not put himself above whapping the occasional really annoying person in the ankles. his épée is his best friend and he carries it most everywhere. most of the scars on his face and hands are actually from trying to put in his very sharp industrial piercings while drunk. despite his oddities, his light-footed and elegant ambidextrous fencing has been compared by many to a graceful dance, and although in many respects he comes across as dumb, on the court his mind is laser-focused and unbelievably quick and analytic. AMANE BECKE: a more lowkey type of talented than her fellow contestants, amane hasn't won any major competitions, been on tv, set any records, or anything of that sort. she does, however, run what is widely considered the best bakery in japan. based out of nagano and the daughter of a swiss pastry chef, amane has a natural talent for baking nurtured through over a decade of dedication and love for the craft. she excels at interesting flavor combinations, but her true genius is in her classic, feel-good baked goods. many say that the things she bakes just taste like home and warmth. amane is as warm and sweet as her creations, but with a spark of wit and mad-scientist-y genius that make her an entertaining joy to watch work, if a little overbearing to talk to. EISUKE ITOU: eisuke grew up sewing clothes for his younger sisters barbie dolls, and he particularly loved dressmaking. he gained exposure in his first year of highschool by handmaking gorgeous outfits for his class's booth at the school festival, and, through application to various junior fashion competitions, he was eventually noticed by a big-name designer in paris. however, he found learning french next to impossible and has spent the year prior to the game in relative isolation, unable to have any real human conversation. his psychological state was fairly severely impacted by his long hours spent sewing and designing on internship with no company to get him by, and he is now debilitatingly socially anxious and finds conversation difficult and awkward. MAYA HANABAYASHI: maya spent her early teens with only a passing interest in survival-based media, having enjoyed hunger games and similar media, but not to the point of obsession. however, when traveling on a plane with her father back from visiting family in las vegas, she found herself in a similar situation when their plane went down in a heavily forested area of california, leaving a seventeen year old maya as the only survivor. with only a swiss army knife and a lipstick-shaped stun gun gifted to her by her father to feel safer during their stay in vegas, she survived alone in the woods hatchet-style for six months until late fall, when the fallen leaves made her campfire coincidentally visible to a very observant park ranger on firewatch. after being rescued and returned home to japan, maya found it extremely difficult to readjust to normal life. her thick and warm camo jacket, more a fashion statement when she was wearing it originally, was lifesaver to her during the cold spring, and she she can't bring herself to separate from it even with multiple rips and burns in the fabric. she has refused multiple book deals due to still being heavily traumatized, but after a long period of deliberation decided to go on the show as a way of finally moving forward and acknowledging it. maya isn't exactly socially anxious, but rather closed off and disconnected. JUN TENSEI: born jun harada, many believe that his spiritual connection is the real deal, but a few critics hold that he is most likely just an incredibly talented bluffer. the real truth about him is unknown, but many say that his seances do accurately reflect the personalities of their deceased loved ones and help them feel at peace. he is deeply religious, but not to any one traditional faith (although he does use traditional christian symbols such as crucifixes and items such as holy water on occasion). he believes strongly in the power of the soul and its ability to exist beyond death. his voice is soft and almost hypnotic, and he has a penchant for gentle teasing and riddles. he comes off as pretty shady to most, but he's fairly harmless. TOMOKO KAITA: a peppy and outgoing astrology guru who can read your deepest flaws and strengths with just your date and time of birth. known worldwide for her extremely accurate personal horoscopes. despite this, she strongly believes in the ability of an individual to defy their fate through hard work and self improvement. she dislikes giving negative horoscopes, and does her best to focus on the positives that the stars hold in store. her smile brightens the whole room! she is intensely loyal to her friends, to the point of self-sacrificing emotional labor. YUU IROIKE: yuu iroike isn't even his real name, and it's a mystery as to how show staff even tracked down his mailing address to get him on the show. he's a well-known public figure for painting huge, sprawling, colorful murals in tokyo, yet who he really is remains unknown. he paints faster than his murals can be scrubbed away, and has somehow never been prosecuted for vandalism because his graffiti is generally considered an improvment. he's sly, mysterious, and teasing in person, and gets a bit of an itchy trigger finger when he hasn't painted in a while. His skill with spray paint is so great that it seems as if the paint bends to his very will.
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onehystericalqueeen · 6 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by the lovely @discoastrophysicist 💕💕
1. How tall are you?
Last time I checked I was 5‘5 but I think I’m shrinking
2. What colour and style is your hair?
I have medium length platinum blonde hair with pink tips. My hair color changes with my mood
3. What colour are your eyes?
4. Do you wear glasses?
5. Do you wear braces?
Not anymore!!
6. What is your fashion style?
Either really lazy with leggings and baggy shirts or more of the 90′s punk style with ripped jeans and t shirts/old band shirts. On the very rare occasion I dress like a normal person my age. 
7. Full name?
My first name is Emily! Prefer not to share my whole name :)
8. When were you born?
March 23, 1999
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
In yeehaw Tennesse. I plan on moving away in the next few years tbh
10. What school do you go to?
I’m on my 2nd year of college rip but I go to a college in Chattanooga!
11. What kind of student are you?
Atm honestly I’m a terrible student because I hate my school and my major :))) (long story) I still try to make decent grades though
12. Do you like school?
God no. It’s like actual hell for me. 
13. What are your favourite school subjects?
I loved art class and I miss it sooo much. Science is okay sometimes. 
14. Favourite tv shows?
Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Sherlock, Parks and Rec, The Exorcist, etc. 
15. Favorite movies?
The Lord of The Rings/Hobbit series!!! Harry Potter, Star Wars, Wayne’s World, anything Marvel, and obv Bohemian Rhapsody
16. Favourite books?
Harry Potter is my all time favorite series and nothing will ever beat it. I also like LOTR/Hobbit series, Narnia series, Mooncallers series, and I also read comic books mainly Harley Quinn. 
17. Favourite pastime?
I ride horses, play video games, attempt to play music, sometimes cosplay, nap , and cry over Ben Hardy
18. Do you have any regrets?
Yeahhh but I’m trying to learn to let go
19. Dream job?
Drummer :’) or something to do with art
20. Would you like to get married someday?
Yes, I’m not the dating around type tbh I’m literally one of those who “date to marry” because I get too attached and don’t want to waste my time :))))))))) That sounded rude but I’m sure some can relate 
21. Would you like to have kids someday?
Ehhh not really. Unless someone can come into my life and change that but I’ve never really wanted kids. I want my sister to so I can fulfill any longings 
22. How many?
If I ever had any I would probably only have one because that’s all I could handle.
23. Do you like shopping?
Yes but not your average shopping. Let me go spend $500 at Gamestop or target
24. What countries have you visited?
Canada is the only one so far and I am in loveeee with it. Planning on going back soon!!! My goal before I die is New Zealand or Ireland! 
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
Uhh I promise I’m not crazy but I have dreams about demonic stuff sometimes and it terrifies me. I watch too many scary vids tbh
26. Do you have any enemies?
Not that I know of
27. Do you have a s/o?
Nope! unless you count me mentally dating Ben Hardy 
28. Do you believe in miracles?
Yesss I feel like I have to sometimes 
I tag a few of my favs @i-got-no-rhythm @rogerinatrash @im-inlovewithmycar @silvver-rose @misterf4hrenheit and anyone else who wishes to do it!!
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dauntless-dragayn · 6 years
Okay -cracks knuckles- im gonna rec yall some YA books because there are so many ive found over the years
@windycube this is for u
First of all ofc I gotta put in a word for Rick Riordan, this man literally raised me He has a LOT of series but i recommend Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard the most, one because its meant for slightly older audiences (the mc Magnus is 16/17) and two because its wAY more diverse than his older stuff (which i still love, dearly) like Percy Jackson and the Olympians and better written than the follow up series to PJO, Heroes of Olympus MCGA is about a kid who finds out he’s the son of a Norse god and that those gods are still around and kickin, but the world is ending aaaand him and his new friends have to stop it. Sounds cheesy and super typical but, Magnus is pretty different from most protags of this kind of stuff. He’s a healer not a fighter, and his strongest traits are compassion and teamwork rather than brute strength and violence (tho there is a lot of that. Violence. Kind of par for the course. You’ll see)
NEXT is Michael Grant, who Windy already mentioned. I cannot stress enough, how much I worship Grant’s story writing capabilities. If you want dark shit, READ HIS WORK. What a lot of people don’t realize is that he helped KA Applegate write the Animorphs series and.. Thats some of the darkest kids fiction out there. Grant wrote the GONE series, which is about a town where all of the adults (over like, 15 I think? Sorry its been a while) disappear and a giant impenetrable barrier appears around a small beach town. Chaos and horrifying violence ensues. This series will depress you even as you can’t stop reading it. The characters are gold. The twists are even better. He also wrote BZRK which is a trilogy set in the future where war is fought on the nanotech level. Admittedly its been years so I dont remember much, but its also very solemn and very unique. I’d say 16+ (teen protags)
Maggie Stiefvater. Another personal hero of mine, her prose is just.. Beautiful. Poetic. Magical. She has a few series and some novels. My favorites are The Raven Cycle (series of 4), All The Crooked Saints (novel) I cant even.. Explain what theyre about. Magic surrealism, young love, the darkness of the human mind.. Theyve got everything. If you’re intrigued please please give them a shot. 16+
Alright alright now for some lesser known stuff.
If you’re into vampires.. Monster stories… surviving high school… please for the love of gods, read The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd. I seriously don’t understand how this series isnt more popular. Zac Brewer is wonderful, I love him and his work sm. Tho, I think since this series is old its still under his deadname (Heather Brewer) Basically it’s about Vlad, a half human half vampire kid, dealing with high school bs but also being hunted down for his hybrid status and.. gAH its so good. Plenty of blood. The end has casualties and still makes me cry. Pls read it im begging you
If you’re a furry and/or into badass well written female protags.. Read Cry of the Icemark. ;3 It’s got magic, warfare, and have I mentioned Thirren the mc is BADASS????? (and no, its not all furries. But there is a race of leopard people whom i love dearly) By Stuart Hill, its one of my alltime favorites. I need to reread it again
Another older one is Pendragon. It is fuckin LONG, at 10 books total, about a ‘normal’ kid named Bobby Pendragon who finds out there are other dimensions in danger and that if they fall into chaos, the entire universe will. So he and a few other ‘Travelers’ set out to fix them even as a demon Traveler tries to fuck up their progress. Starts with Bobby at 14 but sees him grow up. Again.. I know it sounds super typical but what I love is that Bobby grows bitter. He’s not a golden keep saving the day sort of protag. I wont spoil; just check it out. By DJ MacHale
I have a feeling yall dont want to hear about romance but im a hoe for it so. Legend is a trilogy by Marie Lu set in a dystopian world (which im also a hoe for) where America is divided into two warring nations. One protag is Day, a poor thief who steals to keep his family alive. The other is June, who’s the best up and start soldier the Republic has. She’s pretty rebellious tho, so she can’t be reigned in until she’s sent to track down a murderer.. Day. excepthedidntactuallydoit Star crossed lovers. Fucked up America. My kinda tea.
If you want more dystopia that doesnt suck (because bOY a lot of it does) I’ll put in a word for Divergent. You’ve probably heard of it. Oh That Hunger Games Bootleg except not. Also it’s a trilogy but who cares. The first one is my only love
Switching gears back to romance uwu Carry On by Rainbow Rowell is gAY AND MAGIC! There’s a reason why everyone raves about it; best written romance I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. And I’ve read a lot. Plus, it’s getting a sequel in a few years! She also wrote Fangirl, as well as Eleanor and Park, two adorable novels.
Switching gears completely, lemme talk about Leigh Bardugo. She wrote Six of Crows, which is this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING heist/crime/action duology. Very diverse cast. A few lgbtq+ kiddos. She also wrote the Grishaverse series but I have not yet gotten around to reading it. From what Ive heard tho its just as good - a lot more about magic and monsters tho (set in the same universe!)
Wow okay im gonna stop because this is getting long but
basically any of Rick Riordan’s series
GONE by Michael Grant
anything by Maggie Stiefvater
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Zac Brewer (who used to be known as Heather Brewer)
Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill
Pendragon series by DJ MacHale
The Legend trilogy by Marie Lu
Divergent by Veronica Roth
anything by Rainbow Rowell
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
thank you for reading my book nerd ramblings holy shit
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Rules: Post 57 facts about yourself and tag at least ten people. When posting include the tag “57 facts” in order for people to find out more about you and perhaps find a kindred spirit to talk to. :)
i was tagged by @simlishkitsch !
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that me!
1) im trans! 2) the mysims series is probably my favorites out of the wii/ds games 3) im only 19 but i have the body and disabilities of an 80 yr old! 4) i have like 8 siblings, 2 moms, 2 dads and a billion cousins 5) i have a lot of hobbies! those include, drawing, knitting, cosplaying, singing, writing, doll face ups and sewing, along with probably more that i cant think of right now 6) i dont just enjoy something, i hyperfixate on them and then that topic/media is the only thing i can think of/want to do/watch/play for a couple months. right now, its the mcu 😔✊ 7) i have insomnia 8) often the only way i can sleep is to listen to very specific things on youtube. the things i listen to cycle thru a video essay about bbc sherlock, and cinemawins videos on the mcu. 9) the flash is my favorite dc superhero, and spiderman is my favorite marvel superhero 10) i have a two very specific types when it comes to faves in fiction. either, a: blonde sunshine good boys who deserve better, or b: depressed asshole kids who deserve better 11) when i was like 4 or 5 years old, i had a cactus thrown at my face! 12) i have 3 birth marks and 9 freckles 13) im half korean half latino 14) eggs are disgusting! 15) my favorite colors are yellows and pinks 16) technically speaking im panromantic asexual, but i like to just say im gay 17) i consider myself polyamourous as well 18) i love spicy foods so much, and like to think i can handle my spice pretty well 19) my favorite sodas are tied between sunkist and mountain dew 20) my favorite fast food is popeyes! 21) i use to dye my hair a lot, pretty sure ive had every color in existance, but nowadays i keep my hair its natural color 22) my hair and my eyes are both brown 23) i was born 2 months premature! 24) i use to drink up to 3 monsters every single day (how im not dead? i have no idea) 25) i was actually very popular in high school, and i never realized it until i left! 26) however, i was bullied very badly in middle school 27) i was also homeschooled until 7th grade 28) almost everything in my wardrobe either are hand-me-downs or clothes ive stolen from my friends 29) related to number 3, i often have to use a cane when i leave the house 30) my favorite games are the kingdom hearts games 31) i love everything disney!!! 32) disneyland is my most favorite place on earth 33) in school i really wanted to join choir, but i was so nervous that i joined dance instead 34) i have a nose piercing! 35) i never had an emo/scene phase and had never heard anything from my chemical romance until last year 36) i have a cat, her name is mina and shes a jerk. and i love her more than life itself 37) i curse a lot lmao 38) i cant be in a room unless there is some kind of white noise. ex: i constantly have a fan running in my room 39) my fashion sense consists of: if its black im wearing it 40) im currently writing these at 2:41am because i cant sleep! 41) i really like tabletop role playing games! ex: d&d, world of darkness 42) i still play toontown 43) im currently in a relationship 44) i am constantly tired no matter how much or how little ive slept 45) i absolutely love the cooking mama series 46) i had a pink ds lite as a kid 47) i really love milk 48) ive only had sunburn once in my life 49) im super allergic to cats and dogs! and we have a cat and a dog! meaning im dying forever! 50) im also allergic to ants, like normal ass harmless ants 51) when i was a toddler, i couldnt pronounce my dads name, so i called him "egga" instead 52) i still have a bear that i received from my dad when i was first born, and i named him egga bear 53) my entire family consists of gigantic nerds!! 54) i play the ukulele 55) i have asthma 56) my favorite pokemon are leafeon, raichu, and phantump 57) this was pretty hard lol
i dont really know anyone in the sims community so if ur reading this and u wanna do it! i tag u!
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sa1bo · 6 years
Y'all got any other anime recs?
i can just give ya all my fav anime fdfhdghk
sailor moon*
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne
Ao no Exorcist / Blue Exorcist*
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (16+)*
Kill la Kill (16+)*
My Hero Academia (duh)*
Tiger and Bunny*
(anime with a * have GREATLY influenced my art and or writing style and idea of what a good story is; AKA THOSE ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVES)
longer explanations under the cut
Sailor Moon (the oringinal one from the 90s; watch as sub if u want to go in all serious, but the dub is fun too if u like watching it more relaxed ((or with friends bc shits funny)))it has 200 Episodes and 5 MoviesThere IS a remake but I’d say watch that after you’ve seen the original.Summary:Usagi Tsukino is a normal 14 year old girl.. she’s like you and me... sleeps in, loves to eat sweets, loves to play video games, has bad grades, kinda nervous about making friends, kinda broke and just wants to have a good time. But one day her life turns over when suddenly she’s supposed to become a magical girl to defend Tokyo from evil and find a mysterious princess from the moon. (this also involves a talking cat how cool is that)Noteworthy mentions: gay and trans characters? hell yeah! (even if they join the party really late)
Inuyasha! I never saw the english dub, nor japanese dub so no info on which one to watch. just go with preferencehas 193 Episodes.Summary: Kagome Higurashi is yet again an average girl; but she lives at a shrine that has been home to her family for a long time. One day she falls into the well inside the shrine when trying to get her cat (iirc i didnt watch it in 10 years oops) and ends up waking up in feudal japan. She doesn’t really know what happened but thats when she meets inuyasha, who is nailed to a tree with a magical arrow. She saves him and that’s kinda how their destinies collide. again; inuyasha is a half-demon who jumps into fights with a huge fucking sword and its a tru adventure.
Digimon!All digimon seasons should be watched in japanese (or german or latinx spanish (because other languages like english and french did not use the japanese soundtrack. and the english soundtrack is HORRIBLE. bad. hideous. please watch in japanese, german or latinx spanish.)You should start watching Digimon Adventure (1 and 2 and 3)but those two together will be 130 Episodes (and this shit is 3 seasons) jkafhaskjafter seeing season 1 and 2 you should watch the Digimon Movie (my fav movie of all times) and THEN move on to Digimon Adventure triThis is the original digimon series and you don’t NEED to watch it to udenrstand the many reboots, but it’s nice to have seen it to get the references (plus its just REALLY REALLY GOOD!)[theres a lot of gay tension between certain characters but canonically ofc its not happening I GUESS but whatever them gay]Once u got all those down you can watch Digimon Tamers!It has 54 Episodes and is my personal fav season! Takato is a dreamer like you and me and he wants fictional characters to be real! He makes a fucking digimon OC and!?!? IT COMES TO LIFE!!!!!!!!! this season is so fucking good yall. It’s so good.I personally don’t like Digimon Frontier but if u want to give it a try go ahead! The kids THEMSELVES turn into digimon here! idk how many episodes it has tbh but the soundtrack is a bop.Digimon Data Squad is also really good!! the characters are more grown up and the approach is generally a tad more mature (to tamers is also pretty mature considering those are like 12) data squad has 48 Episodesanything after that i didnt rly bother watching but if ya want u can check it out
Kamikaze Kaito Jeannea magical girl anime that i liked a lot as a kid? didnt watch it anymore since 2012 but i have fond memoriesimagine that god himself assigned magical girls?44 episodes, watch in japanese
Ao no Exorcist / Blue Exorcist25 Episodes of the original anime; after epsiode 17 the anime does it’s own thing, not following the mangaWatch season 2 after episode 17 (or finish the first anime first, and then watch Kyoto  Saga; and then read the manga (it’s still ongoing iirc? my adhd ass didnt finish the manga yet so idk))The anime is about Rin Okumura, who turns out to be the son of satan. Instead of accepting his fate though, he decides to become an exorcist, and not just any normal exorcist, but an exorcist so powerful that he will defeat satan personally.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica12 episodes and a movie of magical girl adventure.it will get VERY FUCKED UP so  if ur very sensitive or death/unreality triggers u then us houldnt watch it.I’d say u need to be very mature to stomach this.But it’s oh so worth it. One of my all time favourite anime!!!!!!
Kill la KillAgain for mature audiences (mostly because of the very suggestive outfits and the high amounts of blood. also trigger warning for pedophilia and parent abuse and incest :((( its all just one episode where it happens but its. its bad. (the evil doer dies in the end tho. die bitch.))24 episodesand an OVA!amazing soundtrack, characters and story! (we like to joke that this is basically SA2 but with lesbian human shadow the hedgehog jakshfaskj)
If ur following this blog ur already watching My Hero Academia, and if not wHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THIS BLOG IN THE FIRST PLACE???????????
if u want to u can watch the first dangan ronpa anime (and after that watch playthroughs of the games) !warning theres lots and lots of blood and death and the first game/anime is a little transphobic, and Girls Stop Having Giand Bobbies Challenge but i promise its a good series with a really in depth story and characters!!(if u want to know more about what order to watch all the shit hmu after u finished the anime)
if you like My Hero Academia you MUST (i repeat MUST) watch Tiger and Bunny25 Episodes and 2 movies of super hero goodness. It’s MHA but with adults. Gay and trans characters? Hell yeah! Did the creators of the anime drink respect poc juice? YES!
i bet theres more but im so tired.................... ask me fore specific genres and i’ll have a rec some other time
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