#im not accusing anyone of anything ofc but yk
You know, as annoying as Mom Friend' Constance HCs sound, we could very well be living in the worse timeline where the fandom hates her because she 'has a good life but still complains about it'
oh, god. you have a point there
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menalez · 2 years
Hi mena
I wanted to say something about the discourse about lesbians and bi women.
I am critical of both sides. From what I have observed the problem lesbians have with bi women is rooted in the internalized misogyny or homophobia that some bi women (like any other women) have. And that is a very valid reason to be wary of dating bi women. However, while I find the experiences and reason valid I don't appreciate the homophobic (or biphobic if that's what it is idk genuinely) sentiment that sometimes jumps out of people, like in this post-
(Btw I am not lavendergrrls just a person who follows her)
At the same time, I do not appreciate when bi women who have had negative experiences because of lesbians in their lives say lesbophobic things about how lesbians are big,mean bullies and predators who have no humanity. Yk that very well.
I am asking lesbians to understand that many bi women just like any other women are not inherently lesbophobic and when they display weird behaviors it's because of the fetishization of ssa women and misogyny that men force on them. Just the way a "sex worker" (even the "pro sex work" ones) is a victim of patriarchy and not inherently hurting all women as a class. So please it's a request to be careful of the language and phrasing you use when you see a bi women being a victim of the patriarchal and homophobic mindset. If I am wrong in this logic please correct me mena.
And I am requesting bi women to understand that lesbians don't even need any negative experience with bisexuals to not want to date you. It's not wrong to desire a relationship with someone who's exclusively SSA although I agree there are few homosexuals who don't date bi people due to prejudice. And there's no need to use lesbophobic stereotypes to insult lesbians. And it is possible to not generalize lesbians while criticizing an individual simultaneously.
As for political lesbians- idk if you're bisexual or straight or what. But how do you explain homosexuality in nature if sexuality really is a choice according to you?
Btw mena this isn't like a personal message to you, I just want to convey this message through you. So ofc I am definitely not accusing you of any of the above actions. In fact I appreciate how you have handled the yourselves in the past. If you don't want to publish this I respect that.
hey so im gonna respond to what u said specifically in terms of what i disagree with if that’s ok! i can tell you’re coming from a good place & all and im sure u have good intentions, that said, i still disagree with some of it.
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this is the post u sent. i don’t think it’s biphobic, nor homophobic. i agree with the elaboration that by virtue of being both OSA & SSA, your experience of your SSA (&OSA) will inherently be different from people who only experience one form of attraction. do i think that means sth bad about bi women or that bi ppl love less or something else that’s negative about bi ppl? no, and i don’t think that was implied in the post so idk why anyone would be offended. then again idk what op exactly meant by it, maybe she meant something more malicious but ive never seen her say anything even slightly hateful to bi women, and i don’t think suggesting their SSA is experienced differently from homosexuals by virtue of also being OSA is wrong.
I am asking lesbians to understand that many bi women just like any other women are not inherently lesbophobic
i disagree with this, i think when we come from homophobic societies ofc we are going to be homophobic and this is gonna be especially more likely for OSA people, OSA women included. homosexuals are forced to confront our internalised homophobia bc it ultimately harms us, bi ppl too to a degree but they aren’t forced to deconstruct homophobic beliefs about being able to choose or exclusive same sex attraction etc in the same way that gay ppl are. we say that white ppl are inherently racist & men are inherently misogynistic not bc there’s some biological component to racism or misogyny but bc when ur part of an oppressor class or a class privileged over an oppressed class then u are more likely to take in and not examine prejudices against them which exist in society.
and when they display weird behaviors it's because of the fetishization of ssa women and misogyny that men force on them. Just the way a "sex worker" (even the "pro sex work" ones) is a victim of patriarchy and not inherently hurting all women as a class. So please it's a request to be careful of the language and phrasing you use when you see a bi women being a victim of the patriarchal and homophobic mindset. If I am wrong in this logic please correct me mena.
idk i feel like this is not equivalent. sex workers are directly being harmed by misogyny and by johns and pimps. they are being victimised repeatedly but they aren’t somehow harming women by being in sex work. they’re trying to survive and i don’t think the OSA women like that one woman who lured a lesbian into her house which ended w the lesbian being raped & murdered by the OSA woman’s boyfriend is necessarily doing it out of survival.
OSA women often will benefit from harming lesbians in various ways, sex workers don’t benefit from it they’re in fact the ones being directly harmed. maybe this applies to those rich women on onlyfans but not the avg sex worker who’s often a street prostitute or a stripper or in other fields of sex work that are traumatising & often even dangerous.
otherwise tho i agree with u and i do think there should be care in addressing bi ppl as well bc they’re still a minority group & face oppression on the basis of SSA, the same way i think ppl should be considerate when talking about idk moc for example bc they still face racism & are a minority (this doesn’t mean i think said groups shouldn’t be questioned or criticised or anything of the sort. just that there’s a line between valid criticism and prejudice)
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knucklesex · 3 months
hey i'm sorry for the intrusion but i saw you rbed this post abt toonimal kamariya/755417844563460096 and i just wanted to give you a heads up, the "toonimal callout" was specifically abt him running a "pedophile liberation" site that welcomes minors and adults. it wasn't just targeting him for being trans, a lot of the people speaking out abt it are trans, as are some of the victims on the site. efsp/738237205819146240 and like there's definitely still issues with how people responded, esp w how the victims were often included in posts as well, and there's still plenty of fair criticisms abt the right way to handle someone doing harm, but also there's been this push to frame the situation as if he was just targeted for being trans and didn't do anything, and that's definitely not the case. ofc not accusing you of supporting his actions i just saw you had radqueers dni in your pinned and that's like, exactly how he branded himself, so i figured you'd never heard of him before
you don't have to apologise. and i understand where you're coming from. idk what the OP of the post meant specifically, so sorry in advance if they meant something else entirely, but my opinion of the situation was and is this: (sorry cause i already know im going to ramble and go on tangents)
firstly, idc about paraphilias. while i really dont want to talk to a pedophile or zoophile for my own peace of mind, i realise that a lot of these people are "anti-contact" and are like this because of trauma. ocd also intersects with these paraphilias which yk, also not anyone's fault. the "radqueers dni" in my intro is for pedophiles and zoophiles (im uncomfortable with interaction from anyone who posts about those things) and no other paraphiles. it's also for transid people- whom I actually hate w my whole heart. i dont support the whole transaged or transabled or transrace bullshit. radqueers dni is mostly for transid people.
now about toonimal: irdc if he's a pedo or zoo. i do care about the other allegations that have been made, such as him being pro-contact and talking about sex to minors. while this callout shit was happening tho, most people did not even mention those last parts or they didn't know about all that. literally every other post i can find on the topic harps about how him being a pedo and zoo is The Problem.
some of them do mention the creepy behaviour towards minors, which i think should be what we focus on, instead of preaching about The Dangers of Paraphilia Pride. like genuinely idc if he posts gross digital art or whatever tf, i care that he has a large following and lets minors join what should be adult spaces and is def dangerous. if there's anything else like that he's done/doing, lmk.
there was a large subset of trans people who were "condemning" him for being a paraphile from what i can remember and like, i dont like that that's what they were focusing on instead of all the objectively wrong shit he's done. it's very Cutting Out The Bad Kind of Trans Rep, yk. he wasn't the first paraphile blog on Tumblr to be called out, too, and i remember sooo many posts just floating around on my literal dashboard- which typically doesn't have any non-political discourse- basically going like, "look this trans person here is a proud [x]phile!!! mass report them!!!" and then i would look at said person's blog and find nothing objectively wrong. no creepy xphileposting or whatever, just posts about Being a xphile. obviously not the same issue as toonimal, but this is the direction the discourse flowed in.
i more or less don't care about the toonimal discourse, i have literally no way to help the victims and im not going to call the cops on a microinfluencer across the ocean. i just dont like how often i see people jumping on a chance to call a trans person problematic and dangerous and how they'll often try to share the sentiment (actual words I've read), "see trans pride is good and all BUT" as if transgenderism is to blame here. the narrative, especially in cis spaces, shifts to (or starts with) "look at this account with a furry icon and rainbow banner!! they're a proud pedophile!! how dangerous". it really affects the trans community as a whole when instead of taking Actual action, actually boycotting, they talk about the person for WEEKS, weeks where "gay, furry, trans, pedo" is all that accumulates into people's brains. and other trans people do this too obv but theyre vehemently like this is NOT trans pride guys, please dont think we're like THAT person.
atp im too tired to keep typing though there's still stuff id like to elaborate on. but basically what i mean is: i dont think toonimal is innocent at all, i also dont think most (80%) of the people calling him out were completely innocent. like u said, there were problems with the way this was handled. imo the people who only discovered this shit by reading posts and not because they know anyone involved-- most of those people easily forgot the actual creepy shit he did. they were too busy making quirky memes and calling paraphiliacs disgusting, as if that has anything to do with yk. actual actions.
if u think there's more i should know about, feel free to lmk.
0 notes
meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath! 'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool???? WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind) 'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u 'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT 'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier. 'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT 'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow 'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!! ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing? and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening. in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed. i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings). that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more?? giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession? you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah?? take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
heelloooo lovie!!!! <3 <3 (((((((((:
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love letta toime <3
meow meow, angel! good morning! love time for good heath!
good morning too? ig idk what time you read my letters now that i think of it hahahahh (It BEtttter not be in the late hours of night 😡)
'understanding chavs that go innit is gauge of big brained-ness for you ??' why can't i be amazed by something i can't do so it seems cool to me?? i say you're big brained for literally anything WHY not this?? i just wanted to remind you of how wonderful you are TT can't i love you?? can't i say you're cool????
ok ok youre so right that was so stale cinnamon roll of me im sorry 😞 youre right you can be amazed by things that seem cool to you and you should always feel that way. it was just surprising/odd to me so ///: now i feel like a old soulless man T_T ewww BEGONE
WE CAN BE MUTUALS!' i do absolutely NOTHING in the internet so is this a thing?? idk anything about this concept tbh TT but ig you could discover my account pretty easily, if you'd want to. (not saying anything. just a thought that popped out in my mind)
lol i think i already your account but i decided not to say anything about it (all will continue to do so) because youre on anon for a reason and i respect that. its fine that you dont do anything (a gross exaggeration considering you send me letters everyday) you we dont have to be mutuals if you dont want to. i'll always be here on my small side of the internet
'aren’t we already' idk i was asking you? i consider you my MASTER what are we talking abt TT no but really ig we are? hope we are. luv u
daMB masTER? T_T my child you are not subservient to me. we are equals. we are friends T_T i have decided
'for how would i know' i'm literally reading your fics and sending asks abt hotd TT not like you should have known. i just answered you TT
imma show myself out hahahaAHHAHAHA
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'they’re all problematic' YEAH hdjsks it's kinda ridiculous how people fight so vigorously to prove their fav is the most innocent among the problematic culprits(?) they are all unholy and we're trying to find the jesus TT characters are characters. it's fiction. we all should take it easier.
so true, so real, im so 😬🙄 girl its not that deep
'people that are taller than me inspire my rage even more' do i insire your rage??? 'you think your safe' NO i don't, i can crash into this very celling TT
you dont actually inspire my rage because i have not seen you face to face lol. you dont have to crash into the ceiling, youre safe... for now
'you really are my #0 fan' im not the one to joke around you know meow meow
[gives you some kibble]
'sometimes i dont think i write it well enough' oh nono it's just fine! you trick with my heart enough! ok now i feel stupid for wanting to comfort you... like the real little sister who just doesn't understand the elder's problems... you took away my 'mom friend' role and i'm frustrated... just don't forget you're vvveryvery talented and bigbig brained. love you my talented angel!!
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thank you. i appreciate your efforts of comfort. you can mother me still even though im your mom HAHAH again im honored that you have such a high regard for me <3 i mean it. thank you my love. i love you. i learn from my little sister irl so i can 100% learn from you too <3 dont feel stupid. dont feel frustrated. i hear you <3 and i am glad for it.
ok so i've been listening to a witch themed playlist on youtube and now i feel sososoooo like daemon x witch!reader? like him not being able to win some stupid war so he goes to a witch in the woods to ask for protection? blessing?
and she's like ok but i can only make such magic for a person i have the strongest bond with. like a husband yk? daemon is like you bitch better give me this spell rn and reader shrugs her shoulders can do nothing for you then. after being a sulky prick and being almost defeated he comes back saying make your magic sorceress i'll have been your husband by tomorrow's evening.
in the moment she does the ritual/potion/curse, he thinks she'd bewitched him and confronts her after. turns out she just wanted to make herself more powerful bc being a princess and a handsome man's wife? why not. that's the price. so now he needs to bewitch a witch to live happily after his victory. no but this thought made me so disappointed.
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i always see fics with a vulnerable and such innocent reader (not accusing any author, you can write whatever you want, and it's absolutely ok to be the one, just my personal feelings).
NO BUT SO TRUE! as much as possible, i try to write strong readers cos i aint no naive girl i have a mind and strength. even in times where i want to make her meek, i cannot bring myself to make her have 'naive' qualities. i love your story so much i might just give it an express ticket pass T_T
that moment i was reading yandere!aemond fic and reader was so terrified and like... silly... srry. but have they ever thought about adaption?.. yes it's terrifying but you have a man that is willing to do anything if you so much as look at him sweetly? he kills anyone who bothers him but you're still alive? and you choose to hide and annoy him even more??
T_T the patriarchal values so imbedded. i mean to each their own. i will say if you're really in that position, growing up in that era where women were oppressed and you're faced with a 'grotesque' prince that is trained with the sword, sure being terrified of him is not far fetched, but it's human nature to fight back i think. annoying your captor AHHAHAH honestly HAHAHHAHHHA i mean it could be a power move if done correctly HAHAHHAH. we should give women more credit though
giiirl you can tell him someone you don't like touched you and have him killed. you can kiss his cheek and have the iron throne under your pretty ass. why (in this fictional reality ofc) do they always choose to be naive and try to escape for nothing instead of manipulating this manipulative prick with obsession?
GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS. youre so right. maybe YOU should write that. i will say though, people try to escape because the thought of being captured/kept against your will is not nice. no one wants to be a prisoner/slave. that's why i would think its hard to manipulate someone in any case.
you have no choice either way so why risk so much? you either die or adapt. plain biology. srry it's so long but this thought was bothering me for a while. not to offend smn, just my own impression. maybe my trust issues and fear of being vulnerable. maybe. i'm not the most mentally healthy. so i'd like to know what do you think. about this (again TT) fictional problems. irl it's not even a question bc.. yeah??
so true, you should learn how to adapt to survive. but i will say, part of the reason why i became a writer was because i disagreed/didn't like the plot points of the fics i was reading so maybe you should try it!!!!! id love to read them if you do <3. im glad to hear about anything you want to tell me my love <3, especially since we are so similiar in personality
take care! love you! <з have a nice day lovie!!
love you baby <3
0 notes
Hihi! May I request Father Frank castle and "innocent" daughter reader
(There is more to this request but I just want to make it clear that when I say "innocent" I don't mean that in a segsual kind of way I mean that as in she's super nice, sweet, everyone loves her and she's never done anything to be a burden, she's not rebellious ect ect)
Moving on, reader is part of of her school (girl) soccer team and her team has to play a game against their schools (boy) soccer team (and ofc Frank/Pete went to the game) and one of the boys is being really rude, kinda s€xist and it really pisses reader off and yk she kinda just- punches him, and everyone's kinda in shock cause no one would ever expect that from her??
(Reader is like 15 - 16?)
Good Game| Frank Castle
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Reader: female | daughter reader
Type: Novel- jk jk oneshot
Warnings: idiot Brad...ugh....brad. You airn havin any of his sexist/sexual shit, so fighting and blood mention
Masterlist: Marvel | The "Playlist"
"Shit! Shit! Shit!-Ah!" Y/n shouted hopping on one foot trying to pull her last knee-high sock on, falling onto the hallway floor.
"If you keep layin there you're gonna be late," Frank spoke with a laugh, helping her up as she pulled up sock past her knee.
There was a loud horn outside, "I'm here to pick up a soccer player and her crazy ass dad!?"
She smiled as she rushed to the front door. Opening it with a smile Curt stood there near the cars, and Karen was sat in the back seat.
"Hey, Curt! Hey Karen!"
She went to leave the house quickly.
"Hey!" Frank stopped her, "Bag."
She was tossed her bag as she rushed down her steps, a quick highfive from Kurt before she smiled at Karen. Seeing Midani sitting behind the drivers seat.
"Oh hey! Didn't see you there Ms.Midani." Y/n spoke with a happy wave.
"I got your favorite avocadoes to come." Karen smiled.
"Matt and Foggy?"
Karen nodded with a smile, "They're there waiting."
Y/n smiled, "Come on." Frank interrupted, "Don't wanna be late."
Karen opened the door, scooting over to the middle seat as she took the seat behind the passenger seat where Frank sat.
"Come to join the outlaws Midani?" Frank spoke, Curt starting the car.
"I've come to make sure you don't kill anyone on account of accused cheating." Midani spoke, "But Y/n fixed my car, so it's the least I can do."
"Oh yeah, how does that work now?" Y/n questioned.
"Oddly better than when I had bought it." Midani spoke, "Thanks again."
Y/n smiled, "Yeah whenever you know where to find me."
The drive to the school was shorter than expected, Y/n waved a quick goodbye to them as she rushed off quickly to go meet up with her teammates.
"Oi! You're not late today!" Her friend called, Y/n smiling as she rushed over, pulling her cleats out on the way, waving to Foggy and Matt as she passed by the bleachers to her teammates.
While she was untying her cleats they told her who was on the field and where they were going to be.
"Also...Brad's playing today."
Y/n looked over, she bent over from pulling her cleats on and tightening the strings.
"What's wrong with Brad?" Y/n asked looking over at the boys who were talking and glancing over towards them.
Brad caught eye contact with Y/n, she smiled and waved happily, he waved back with a small smile, "He's always nice to me."
"Damn what a babe." Brad spoke, "Think she'll let me bang after game?"
Number 8 looked up and back, "She's just a girl, she'll beg you for it I bet. What do you think Rog?"
"What?" Rogger spoke tying his shoes "About what?"
"Think the blonde that came in behind her is her mom?" Number 8 asked.
"It is that's a double score." Brad laughed.
"I think that Y/n's a decent human being." Rogger defended, "I really like her,"
Brad laughed, and so did his friend, "Come on, the little sophmore, she's what 15? Don't tell me you've got a crush on her, creep."
"What!? No! she's just nice!" Roger argued, "You're the one trying to bang the sophomore, senior."
"Ah, I ain't tryin to be with her." Brad spoke, "completely diffrent. Junior."
"Well it's diffrent, because I'm not trying to bang her or be with her." Rog defened walking off to get his bag before the game started.
Girls versus' boys, one of the most sought after games, and they were playing it. Both teams didn't take there sport lightly, girls may have had the speed, but the boys had the strength, both well set with coaches and strategies.
With Y/n as a center fielder, tied up with Roger, or in this case Rog as she knew him. It was a friendly competitive game; they still trying there hardest but with a smile on there face.
Kick offs were smooth, the girls getting the ball first, Y/n and Rog fighting for control.
Rog couldn't keep up with her weaving, and ultimately missed his shot to steal the ball. She passed the ball to the side fielder, who took it with ease.
"God I hate you..." he panted, "Already giving me a run for my money."
Y/n laughed, the two smiling and got back too it, the girls scoring a goal.
"Esta! Ahh!"
"First goal of the game baby!" She celebrated.
Things continued to go smoothly, throughout the game Y/n and Rog went head to head, and it turned out Madani was more into soccer than she realized, her and Karen the loudest out of the group. The men of the group were almost embarrassed by their excited shouting.
"Those you're mom's?" Rog asked.
"no." Y/n spoke looking at the two, "I could see how you'd think that, I'm a bit loud like them I suppose."
A whistle was blown and the game picked up again, closing in on the last minute of the first half, and the boys were slacking,
If the girls scored they were three points ahead.
Y/n weaved in and out of people, her friends and teammates guarding the boys. The shot was clear but risky.
"Come on!" Midani shouted, she wasn't the only one shouting though
It was a collection of Y/n's little wonder of joy group and moms and dads on each side.
"God it's open! Please!" Karen begged.
"Come on kid!" Frank chanted on. "Come on!"
Y/n took the shot, the farthest corner from which the boy's goalie guarded, and kicked it as hard as she could. The goalie couldn't get there fast enough and Y/n had made the risky but worth it shot, gaining them a point ahead.
The girl's side was in an uproar, was she extremely shocked? Absolutely, was she gonna be semi humble about it? Yeah.
And it ticked Brad off, the boys even congratulating her on her goal.
"Let's go!" Esta cheered, she hugging Y/n quickly as did the other girls.
Y/n laughed hugging them all back to the best of her ability. Things were going great.
Another kick-off started the last 35 seconds of the first half, Rog being replaced by an angry Brad.
"Nice kickback there." Brad compliment.
"Thank, really thought you were gonna come upon me in that last half." Y/n laughed, "I-"
"For a girl."
"oh, uh thanks?" Y/n finished as the game started again, the girls mostly dribbled it back and forth, keeping the boys from getting it, and did successfully before the whistle was blown for a halt.
With that half time started, the twenty-minute break left them to rest. She drank water and a short walk to calm herself down, Rog joining her.
"Hey! You should meet my family!" Y/n spoke.
"What? No. I'm horrible with parents." He answered honestly.
"Come on,"
Y/n happily walked over there Rog by her side, some of them gone for water.
"Nice foot work out there kid." Curt complimented.
"Thanks, hard keeping up with him." Y/n spoke gesturing towards Rog, "Where's dad?"
"Pete's gone to get water with some of the others."
Y/n nodded, "Curt this is Rogger, I call him Rog.'
"Nice to meet you, sir," Rog spoke.
"Same here," Curt spoke shaking hands with the junior, "Always nice knowing Y/n's making friends."
"This is Matt, Foggy, and Karen." Y/n introduced, "This is-"
"Nice work out there."
Y/n turned her head, "Oh hey! Rog! This is my dad! Dad this is Rogger,"
Rog gulped, were dads always this scarey?
"Pete." Frank introduced holding a hand out for him to shake, Rog only nodded and shook his hand, oh god...
"Roger Moore." He smiled, "Y/n and I have honor's bio together."
"Y/n with friends?" Frank questioned, taking a drink of his water.
"Real funny old man." Y/n smiled, "This is Madani."
Rog said hello and shook yet another person's hand.
"You're gettin your ass kicked out there." Frank teased Rog.
"Ah, yeah I am." Rog laughed, "She deserves to kick my ass- I-"
Rog cleared his throat, "I, yes Y/n is definitely good in the field, she's a sophomore on the varsity team, she got on freshman year, she's doing good for himself."
"Aw." Y/n spoke, "Keep goin."
Rog laughed playfully, "Hey! Rog!"
He turned his head, his coach calling him, "I've gotta go, nice meet you all!"
Rog left quickly.
"Damn Frank made him pee his pants." Curt laughed.
Frank laughed, "You think?"
"No just gave him a heart attack," Matt spoke, thanking Madani as water was handed to him.
"Scarring away my only friend?" Y/n laughed.
"Oh please, he's too old to be your friend," Frank spoke.
"He's only a Junior."
"My point." Frank shrugged as Y/n shook her head with a smile.
Yet soon Y/n was called back into game, Y/n rushing back to her team.
Like before, the girls were doing good, managing to keep their 3 points ahead, for most of the rest of the game, Brad wasn't too hard to handle, he relied on strength, and overshot things, so as long as she could avoid him it was easy to switch around him or kick the ball away from him.
The last ten minutes were getting brutal for her, the back of her ankles were stepped on, dirt purposely messed up in places she had to run ending in her tripping. Brad obviously attempted to knock her over, and did successfully, Y/n assumed he had done this all before, because he was good at hiding that it wasn't him, usually acting like he tripped with her.
Yet another trip over a purposely placed leg, she fell and slid in some up-kicked dirt.
"Shit sorry." Brad announced quickly, kneeling down to help her up, "You look good under me though."
Y/n glared at him as he helped her up, he was close to her, looks like they were hugging it out a hand too comfortable on her hip, "Come with me and a friend after the game, bring one or two of your friends? Treat you real good."
"I think I'm good." Y/n defended his hand on her arm tightly.
"Oh come on, why are all the sexy ball players dikes."
"Excuse me?" Y/n shouted.
"It's not like you play good anyways you're just a girl, they just pick you because these guys get horny for a girl in uniform-"
There was a loud slap, the whole game went quiet, and Y/n pulled away from him in anger.
"Shit Y/n what the hell!" her friend shouted rushing over, but not fast enough.
"You know why they put me on this team, it's because history will remember me in soccer, while it'll just forget you as some man whore."
Y/n walked away, her hair pulled harshly as she pushed away from him.
"You wanna go!? Fuckin creep!" Y/n shouted.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!"
Could it of been defused easily? On anyone who looked at it from the outside, maybe, but this was war.
The two started fighting throwing punches, she was grabbed by Frank, quickly other kids trying to hold Brad back who had a bloody nose, it was broken by one of Y/n's throws.
"Go ahead! Say it again! You ain't no big man now!" Y/n shouted at the top of her lungs, "You still wanna say I'm a girl and can't be shit but your fuck toy! Come on! Come at me! Come at me fucker!"
"I said it once and I'll say it again! Crazy ass hoe!"
That's when Frank handed her to Curt, he shouted at the boy, his father who had rushed onto the field arguing with him.
Matt had gotten on the field out of all people, he was one of the only people that could actually take on Frank, both legally and villigantely wise.
"Look! Hey! Hey! We'll get him legally!" Matt shouted, "Think about Y/n right now."
Matt managed to push Frank away from the fight, Midani, and Curt looked over Y/n's own bloody nose on the bleachers. Midani taking off her cleats and socks as instructed by Curt, the coach helping out as well.
"And he the kept steppin' on my heels, I'm not lying-"
"Yeah, I can tell." Curt spoke, "Stand up and turn around."
Y/n did as told, her tight socks and shoes not supporting her anymore caused her to wince.
"Those are definitely from Cleats..."Curt spoke, "Shit..."
"I've got a medkit." Her coach spoke rushing to go get the team's medkit.
"We take pictures of this and any injuries she has now you can use them against any possible court case or bring on." Foggy spoke, "That mom been tapping the whole game so we have more evidence. Plus, that mom of that asshole who did this looks entitled."
"Hey," Frank spoke she turned around, "You good, You okay?"
She nodded as he cleaned the blood from her mouth, wincing.
"You're okay kid, you did good."
She nodded tears starting to fill in her eyes, her whole world felt like it was crumbling, adrenaline pumping through her ears mixed with her heartbeat caused overthinking: that was it, no more soccer, no more friends, everything: gone to shit.
"Hey! Hey!" Frank spoke lifting her face up to look at him, "He doesn't deserve those tears, alright? You did good, You did good,"
She hugged him tightly as he rubbed her head, "You did good..."
Y/n held him tightly kissing her head. The coach rushed back over with the Referees.
"Castiglione, I'm gonna need you to tell Refs everything: we got people who've been filming the whole thing; we can get Brad suspended immediately if everything lines up."
Y/n nodded, her face going back into Franks chest, "Give her a minute."
They did, Curt taking and pictures of her injuries, more brusies than usual, especially on the back of her heels, and her arms and sides.
Curt was sweet, making her laugh as he patched her up, it's different patching up a kid than a grown man.
It was Matt and Foggy that hovered over her with Frank by her side as she talked the Ref.
"Don't calll our client sweetheart." Matt interjected.
"Uh, are these lawyers?"The female ref spoke.
God what was happening, how did the biggest game of the season turn into a trial, the refs judged as they watched over multiple camera angles from soccer moms.
It was true, they found in each different camera that there was either, Y/n being tripped purposely, or pushed in the ankles. And one camera had caught clear that she had tried to pull away and he grabbed her arm.
and as formal penalty proceeder: "Red Card Number 9, Misconduct! "
"What!?" Brad shouted, "Me!? That's bullshit!"
"Number 9 will be disqualified from the season!"
"You can't do that-"
"I just did." The ref argued, walking off to meet with the other refs.
Y/n reasonably was sat out on injury, she sitting with her family on the bleachers. The girls won that day, Y/n shooting up to cheer just to fall into the dirt due to weak ankles. She only laughed as Frank shook his head at her: it was crazy how she could change his mood with just a smile.
"Come on," Frank spoke helping her up she sat back on the bleacher.
"Yeah! WE DID IT!" They cheered, the girls rushing over to Y/n.
"Come on! Come on!"
"I really can't stand-"
Frank and Curt picked her up, letting her lean on their shoulders. Both had smiles on their face as the teens surrounded them. They all cheered, it infecting the girl's bleachers as there was an uproar in smiles and laughter.
Y/n could see the coach of the boy's team scolding all of them, it must've been awkward to sit over there. Y/n tapped her dad on the shoulder, she pulling her arm from Curt.
"Take me other there."
"What? Are you crazy?" Frank demanded.
"Please?" Y/n spoke.
Frank sighed, helping her in walking over, the boys watching; they had for sure been scolded, but watching Y/n walk over was like a salt in the wound about to be rubbed in.
She stopped in front of the coach, he looking down at her.
"I don't want an apology, just let Brad gets what he deserves," Y/n started, holding a hand out, "Good game."
"You never fail to surprise me Catiligonie." He spoke shaking her hand firmly.
"Good game." Rog spoke, holding his hand out for her.
"Good game." She smiled, shaking his hand.
Others started to line up, firm handshakes, and high fives that led to handshakes and snapping fingers given by the boys. The girls followed quickly in Y/n's footsteps and soon enough everyone was giving high fives and shaking hands.
"I'm proud of you kid," Frank spoke, they walking back to the group of people who came to support her.
"Yeah?" She laughed teasingly, "Learned from the best."
He let out a light laugh, pulling her head closer to kiss her temple.
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