#im not affiliated with the mod btw this is just for fun
snallygayster · 1 year
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obsessed with the playable fake peppino mod so i made some rank screen mockups for fun
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wcrpconfessionbooth · 11 months
hi water!!!!! i hope your day is nice :3!!!! im in a group i love but like hate because the recent plot beat was absolutely awful in terms of resolution. but the rest of this group is so good (even if this left an awful taste in my mouth DX ) so the TLDR is that a cat got hatecrimed/near murdered for believing in a fish diety,.. the cat who tried to kill them got to run away AND another cat hid the fur/evidence from the hatecrimed cat,.. btw in group we are nawt allowed to call dis a hatecrime despite it literally being religiously based. like errrm? oAo anyway the murderer and the cat who helped hide evidence both got put into a rehab system instead of any punishment bc of the mods not wanting to "replicate the prison system" these are fictional cats…, excuse me,,,? sowwy,,,? (yes theres issues with the justice system for sure but uhm. what does that have to do with fun fictional punishments wtf? god forbid someone wants conflict to write with) and then. the cat who DID the hatecrime . the person who played them left the group bc they felt like their cat wasnt liked enough. HOW DO U WANT PEOPLE TO LIKE SOMEONE WHO HATECRIMES WTH THATS ON U TO MAKE THEM LIKEABLE??!
Hey Anon! My day has been swell. It's a shame when there's a little bump in an otherwise great group, I totally get feeling conflicted when a plot ends up a little.. fumbled. But, that's one HECK of a TDLR! There's so much to unpack there. This sure sounds convoluted but If the attack was genuinely due to a religious affiliation, that is by definition a hate crime. A hate crime is defined as "a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds." - Definitions from Oxford Languages. So unfortunately, if what anon here is telling is the truth- Staff of this unnamed group, please acknowledge that it is exactly what it says on the tin! This is fiction and ultimately the best way to work through the aforementioned 'issues' with the prison system is just to do research. Not every prison is the US's, and punishments are not exclusive to prison establishments. I will also reiterate that this is fiction and part of the fun is doing stuff that isn't in our real life world (for example, talking cats!) Forcing everyone to be friends and to silence them for calling it out as it is is certainly a choice. Conflict is part of what makes warrior cats good, but it's important for everyone to be comfortable too. Which, if the person whose character hatecrimed left, it's likely because they didn't feel comfortable being in the group anymore because of the usage of the term around them. Obviously, however, actions do tend to have consequences (unless you're here, i suppose? I'll go to rehab for my opinions ) and this is why it is important to discuss matters like this prior to roleplaying them out. That way this could've easily been avoided. As a response to the final line, this is very close to the warning in my submissions in which something is pointed at someone specific. Please refrain from pointed outbursts to individuals.
Mod water
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