#listen fake peppino is everything to me.
snallygayster · 1 year
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obsessed with the playable fake peppino mod so i made some rank screen mockups for fun
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pizzabox-box · 7 days
How does Fake Peppino and Peppi-no perceive themselves? I assume from the clones post that Fep sees himself as peppino (to some extent), but also knows that he isn't as "real" as the real peppino (and that being real is better? Or is that something Pizzahead told him?) Does Peppi-no still see himself a bit as Peppino, or does he just consider himself the monster that killed peppino?
The best way to describe how Fake feels about himself would be like this:
" I may not be "The Real" Peppino but I'm still a Peppino! And I will try to be the best Peppino I can be! I'm not just some messed up clone... I will prove how good of a Peppino I can be! You will be proud of me! Just you wait! I will show you! I will show you all! "
Fake Peppino seems himself as a Peppino, but at the same time he's aware that he's not the original. He doesn't want to admit it to himself, but the fact that he's just a butchered clone of someone is eating at him.
He doesn't see himself as the monster most view him as. He's just making pizza, what's so wrong about it? There's some doubt and second thoughts but it's deeply repressed. There's no time for being sad when you're running a restaurant!
So now onto Peppi-no, what does he think of himself?
"I'm Peppino! Of course I'm Peppino! I have to be Peppino. People need their Peppino! What else would I be if not Peppino. This is what I always wanted. ... "
But he knows he will never be The Peppino, real Peppino is dead. He Killed him.
"Oh, who I'm I kidding. I'm a terrible selfish monster. I took a life of another for my own selfish desires. No better than a stupid ravenous animal... "
But there's no time for self pity, he has a restaurant to run! "Friends" to meet. An act to put up. He can't risk anyone finding out! So he shoves these thoughts in the back of his mind. But no matter how hard he tries, they come back to haunt him again. Each time more intense and more aggressive.
This song fits Peppi-no very well:
I realized in my last life That I hate the light So I keep running And running I'm trying to hide From everything that's inside This heart that I've tried To erase and wash away all the shame
He regrets what he did, and is trying to hide from the consequenses
Scared to death of what's within There's bleeding kind of beating, deep beneath the skin Feel it rattle, ravage, all my sin Hear it scream behind my chest again
No alchemy can give me what I wish I could be So I'll try a different body Just a dash of this and that A touch of blood and add some mud My wishes, fears, and painful tears I wonder when I'll have enough
He can't undo what he did. He takes real Peppino's place, runs his restaurant. Worries about how long he can do this.
No form of love can give me what I wish I could be I pray just change me I'm broken, torn, and tattered I'll never be full again I'll close my eyes and shatter My heart, rebuild from the start Dis-gus-ting
Talking about how much he regrets doing what he did, he was fundementally changed by the piece of real Peppino.
Even if I somehow find a way to feel alive, I Realized in my last life That I hate the light So I keep running And running I'm trying to hide From everything that's inside This heart that I've tried To erase and wash away all the shame To erase and wash away all the shame
Didn't know what he was doing until it was done and now he's stuck with the consequences
Stuck in the mud in my mind, if I clean up, I swear that I'd shine I am confined to what is inside Eating away at the thoughts that I'm trying to hide And I'm sick of all this wondering if I even deserve to live I think it's best I rip these feeling out with the rest of it
Hating himself for what he did
The breath of life was my demise I'm cursed until the day I die Perhaps a better set of eyes Will blind me from this sin of mine
taking Peppino's life was a terrible decision, he wants to return to blissful ignorance, before he took the bite
I've been forsaken, I'm breaking, can't take it again So take from me my mind and let me be
Reaching his breaking point. Wants all the guilt to stop
I'm lower than the dirt A worthless Homunculus Sick. of. this.
self hate again
Even if I somehow find a way to feel alive, I Realized in my last life That I hate the light So I keep running And running I'm trying to hide From everything that's inside This heart that I've tried To erase and wash away all the shame To erase and wash away all the shame
self explainatory, he's trying to run away from what he did
Toil all day, till this rotten clay Water and blood just aren't enough To fill my heart up Over and over I try to reshape Crying in shame as I take the pain out Maybe that can change me That can save me
day after day he takes Peppino's form to continue his act, hopes he will weasel his way out of this mess, hoping that maybe someone can help him
I'm broken, torn, and tattered I'll never be full again I'll close my eyes and shatter My heart, rebuild from the start Disgusting Even if I somehow find a way to feel alive, I Realized in my last life That I hate the light So I keep running And running I'm trying to hide So maybe in my next life I'll finally find Find a way to wash away all the shame To erase and wash away all the shame
already went over this, a lot of guilt, self pity, self hate. And he's trying to run away from of it.
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Okay so i know this is your askbox and everything but I want to say that i feel like the bosses would start to hate pizzahead after peppino tells them what he was planning on doing, because as far as I know they were simply hired to guard the keys and look out for peppino.
I have some very minor tweaks to this but for the most part i agree!
put under a readmore bc i dont wanna clog up any potentially Non-Exploded pt tags lmao
-Pepperman, the eccentric man that he is gets shown 1 (one) image of a fucked up drawing of peppino and hes like ‘yes yes fat little human man, got it.’ And continues sculpting as if he hadnt heard pizzahead at all. Hes the MOST startled when peppino enters his arena bc he literally forgot he had to fight him 😭 hes like WHO is this little sweaty human in my fucking ART STUDIO????!! and then immediately gets stomped.
He is definitely indifferent to pizzahead; he didnt really care about this weird man and even postgame hes like well. This sly dog led me straight to my muse so I cannot be too angry with him 🤔
-Vigilante is like ‘hmm. Never seen this man round these parts; whatd he do?’ And pizzahead is like if you need a reason; its no longer just a simple request; its a bounty. And Vigilante it like ‘well... A bountys a bounty; if he wanders into my town he aint comin back out’ and pizzahead is like great! Fantastic! Im holding you up to that 🧡
Vigilante is probably the one most angry about pizzahead. Hes not exactly lawful good but he does Not like being used as Hired Muscle. He hunts down Bad People; not a human some weirdo has a personal vendetta against. He doesnt know exactly WHAT that vendetta is but its not worth his time and its not worth getting his cheesy ass handed to by Peppino again 😭
-The Noise craves violence and destruction. Hes a little menace! He also likes money. LOTS of money. And lucky for him, Pizzahead had seemingly Infinite Funds. Funds that he used to hire the Noise; to utilize this brats WEALTH of questionable tools and contraptions in case Peppino climbed his way through the tower. The noise was like ‘ur hosting this shitshow on TV? give me a 40/60 split from whatever ur filming and you have a deal’ and he does NOT find it troubling at all that Pizzahead is so eager to accept this.
He never figures out that the recorded content was never actually hosted anywhere. He eventually tries searching it up, asking his agents to look up anything recent with his face in it but they all come up emptyhanded. When asked about a name or title or scheduled tv slot and publishing, hes a bit sheepish to admit he never asked. Thats not his job! Thats his agents job! Hes so weirded out though; Pizzahead gave him a Ton of money. Obviously not alot by the Noise’s standards but more than what most people could even remotely afford. Weird. Well he got money and Peppino doesnt try to kill him unless he ignores the restraining order placed on him so its okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-Fake peppino cant really comprehend hate. But he does comprehend…distrust. A man comes up to him, gives him a picture of some human, asks him to make sure this human does NOT make it to the top of the tower- ‘nononono. Listen to me. He does NOT make it past you. Do you understand that? I am serious. If you see this man come by your sorry excuse for a shop, kill him. Maim him. Eat him; i dont care WHAT you do as long as he does Not get this fucking key.’
And Fake Peppino just nods. But hes so wary despite his dopey expression. Hes got little goosebumps prickling along the back of his neck as the man hands him the key and a picture of the human. A human that looks like him. JUST like him. In the back alley of his poorly lit pizzeria. Just like him…Hes a bit taller than the man in the picture but…just like him… just like him just like himjustlikehimjustlikehim- ‘Yeah, yeah, just like you, but listen- listen; hes messin' with My business and you gotta understand that, right? You have a business too! Whatever this…*gestures weakly* is. You would be. Sad. If someone destroyed your business. Right?’
A slow nod.
‘Exactly! See? Right on the same page! Thats why im countin on you!’
When Fake Peppino gets to see that Human Peppino has his own Pizzeria; a pizzeria that almost got destroyed (a BUSINESS just like his...) everything seems to click into place at once. Hed probably maul Pizzahead like a chimpanzee 😭 WHAMWHAMWHAM BASH THAT DOUGHY FACE IN !!!!!!! Peppino doesnt need the manpower, but its Nice to have the equivalent of a bulldog guarding his shop
#answered#chattin#long post#peppino#pepperman#vigilante#noise#fake peppino#the noise and fake peppino are kind of still in the air bc i wanna make comics for them and i havent started yet#whereas I already have an idea planned out for vigilante#anyway……….thank u for this#esp for the excuse to write some basic pizzahead interactions#helps me characterize him a bit 🤔#in order from least angry to most pissed off w pizzahead:#pepperman-> noise ->vigilante ->fake peppino#with fake peppino literally having the equivalent of a sleeper agent code or some shit imprinted in his brain now#completely dedicated to go absolutely apeshit the second he even gets a WHIFF of pizzahead in a 250m radius#i will Not draw this bc i simply cannot think of a way to even attempt to panel this#but like during the boss rush instead of the four hits it takes to knock a boss out#fake peppino literally gets hit once and stays the fuck down#hes HURT hes never been hurt before until today and it KEEPS happening and its this weird pizza mans fault!!!#he wants to CRY !!!!!#he doesnt even think of peppino being at fault he just thinks about the man who came to his pizzeria at night#in a shady back alley with a lump sum of cash#and everything went bad after that !!!!!!!!!!#after he gets knocked back behind the rest of the bosses piled up#pizzahead is like um. this is not worth whatever youre going to do to me GOODBYE-#and fake peppino chokeslams pizzahead into Peppino to make him fight instead#hes ANGRY hes wants that fucker DEAD KILL HIM!!!! KILL HIM DEAD !!!!!!!
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sauce-machine · 1 year
My first Pizza Tower fic, and first fic in ten years. (Angst, Yelling, Mentions of abuse.)
“Are you-a serious?! Again?!” Peppino shouts so loudly one would think the walls of the pizzeria were shaking. It was loud enough for the rats in the back alley to scurry away, for Gustavo and Brick to fully turn their attention to the kitchen, and for his clone to slither backwards into a corner in fear.
Since the tower fell almost three months ago, the beings that inhabited that tower went to live in other places. Some integrated into the wild, others had families to fall back on. But not all of them.
Peppino’s clone would skulk around outside of the restaurant during hours, sometimes trying to get in, other times digging for food in the trash. At the mere suggestion that they take in the clone, Peppino would sputter and throw a fit. He wanted NOTHING to do with that clone.
That’s what he would say, until Gustavo finally wore him down.
The clone would only help with odd jobs in the back for some food, nothing more. It would stay in the back where customers wouldn’t be able to see it.
For the most part, his clone was pretty good at being told what to do. Sweep the floors, take out the trash, clean the bathrooms, fold the pizza boxes. It made things easier around the kitchen.
But every so often, his clone would get too ambitious. Accidentally knocking over orders, spilling sauce, minor mistakes in the eyes of the everyday working man.
But Peppino was a workaholic, with a temper that could explode at any given moment. And when his clone happened to drop an order flat on the floor, these were one of those moments.
“Fucking hell! The moment I turn my back to you, you mess-a everything up! What the hell are we going to do with you?!” Peppino shouts at it. His face is red and sweaty, not too far from his usual state.
Gustavo comes running in. “What happened?! Is everyone-a okay?” Gustavo asks. He immediately sees the pie face down on the floor. “I see, I see. Peppino, just-a give me the order and I’ll remake it-a.” Gustavo said softly. His eyes wander over to the clone cowering in the corner. It was almost a pile of mush at this point.
Peppino glares at Gustavo. “Gus! It shouldn’t even-a had the pie in its hands! If this thing would just listen to me--” Peppino argues.
“I think you’re being-a too hard on him. Look, Peppino..” Gustavo says as he softly gestures to the clone in the corner.
The mushy pile that is Fake Peppino gurgles a few things. “...Yrros..Yrros.. ...yrros m'I…” It says.
Peppino shakes his head. “No, enough is enough! I’ve-a had it! I want this thing OUT!!!” Peppino yells from the back of his throat, pointing sharply at the clone.
As soon as he does point, the clone jumps up and screams. It’s much more rattling and sharp than Peppino’s yell, and even more inhuman. It spreads its limbs out, holding itself up in the corner of the room. It lets out a hiss at Peppino as it jump’s into the air ducts.
Peppino sighs, but gives himself a weary smile. He claps his hands together. “Well! It-a seems to have-a gotten the message. Now, to fix that order..” Peppino says.
“Are you really going to-a let it suffer like that?” Gustavo asks.
Peppino rolls his eyes. Gustavo is his closest friend, in fact, many creatures and people consider Gustavo to be their close friend. He has a knack for befriending the weird, creepy, unsettling, and unnatural. And also Mr. Stick.
“That thing can’t-a suffer. It has no heart.” Peppino says.
“Oh, really? What makes you-a think that?” Gustavo asks.
“Because it wants to-a be me! I bet that moment I close my eyes tonight-a, it’ll sneak into my apartment and slit-a my throat!” Peppino loudly exclaims, making a knife cutting motion across his neck.
“It’s been-a months now! Don’t you think it would have already-a tried to do that?” Gustavo asks. He begins to clean up the mess on the floor, Brick slinks in to help.
“Maybe it’s-a waiting for the right moment. When I’m alone and don’t-a expect it.” Peppino mutters as he carefully places the toppings on the pizza.
Gustavo places a few dirty rags in a bucket of water, finishing up with the cleaning. “Oh, well, I hope you’re not-a too afraid.” Gusatvo says.
“I’ve-a got the gun upstairs.” Peppino says.
“And why do you-a have the gun upstairs?” Gusatvo asks.
Peppino hated that question. Gusatvo knew the answer, why even bother asking it? He keeps it upstairs in case…
He just…
Peppino chose not to answer, and instead, just kept working.
The rest of the day was quiet. A few more customers coming in and out, nothing special. Closing time has come yet again. Another day, another dollar, until the rent is due. Again.
“Have a good night, Peppino.” Gustavo says while riding Brick out.
Brick does not squeak a goodbye. How odd.
Peppino waves them off. He has to count the earnings from today, then, he can finally go to bed and forget about this nonsense day.
Cash register is open.
“One, two, three, four, five…” Peppino begins counting.
Where was that dripping coming from? Is it a leak? Better not be, just another damn bill to pay..
���Six, seven, eight, nine, ten…” Peppino continues to count.
The sound is…getting closer? What if.. No it can’t be. That thing ran off, but still…
Peppino looks around for the source of the dripping. He doesn’t have to look long or hard at all, as he sees flesh colored ooze dripping from the air duct above him, and a single eye looking down at him.
The two of them scream. Peppino feels his heart shoot up in his throat. His entire chest beating like a drum, wanting to escape.
The clone immediately drops from the air duct and onto the floor, where it tries to run away, but instead backs itself into a corner.
“You!!” Peppino shouts. “You almost-a gave me a heart attack!”
The clone melts into a little pile of flesh again, gurgling apologies.
Peppino approaches the mass of flesh. “What-a the hell is the big idea, scaring me like that?!” He can really feel his anger rising now. “Am I going to have to beat-a some sense into you?! Is that it?!” Peppino yells at the clone.
His clone stops shuddering for a moment, it regains its usual shape. Tall, disproportionate, googly eyes, pink cheeks, all that it was missing was its goofy smile.
The clone’s hand reaches back to the kitchen, searching around for something. Peppino is left completely in the dark. “What-a are you-?”
The clone drops a knife in front of Peppino.
He stares at it.
“What it…Why?” Peppino asks.
“.tnemhsinuP” Utters the clone. It nudges the knife closer to Peppino with its foot. “.tnemhsinuP” it repeats.
“You’re-a going to punish me?! For what?!” Peppino hollers.
The clone winces and shakes its head. “.tnemhsinup yM. tnemhsinup yM.” It gestures towards itself with one arm, and sticks out the other one as if it’s waiting for something to happen.
Silence fills the pizzeria, an uncomfortable and heavy one. Peppino had no idea what the clone was getting at, but he didn’t want to say anything. For once, he was analyzing the situation before him instead of just acting upon it.
Until finally, he spoke. “You want-a me to-a punish you? Why?” Peppino asks.
“.azzip depporD..” The clone gurgles sadly.
“But why would-a that--”
“.tnemhsinup sa tuo hself ym fo stib tuc dluow daehazziP .rewot eht ni pu ssem dluow I nehW.” said the clone. Its eyes stared directly into Peppino’s, despite them always being a bit lopsided.
The clone steps closer.
"...pu ssem dluow I revenehw os ,tcefrep eb ot em detnaw eH .uoy fo enolc a ot teg dluoc eh tsesolc eht saw I" said the clone.
".pohC" It bubbled.
“Pohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcpohcp̸̰͉̯̲͈̒̈́͂̀́̈́͋̈́ơ̴̱͔̭̤͛̅̈́͒͒h̶̛̟̞̲͖͔̙̝̯͓͙̣͔̝͔̝̋͐̈́̆̅c̵̲͔͋̈́̿̀̆͌͘̕͝͝p̶̨̡͉̃̑̏̐͑̐̔ͅo̴̜̻̗͉̖̱͙͆̂̂̃̾͌͋̽͂̏͂̕͝h̵̢̙̜̻͕̕c̶̢͈̰̮̦̘̖͍̑̚p̴̝͕̠͈̭͔͈͖͚͖̩̟̓̍̀̈̍̕o̵̲͊͂̏͑h̸̞͇͓̘̞̲̿̂̅̚͝͝ç̴̐͛̃͛̄̂̂̌̂̃̑̚͝͠p̷̡͕͚̞͚̬̻̣̝͉̝̰͍̤̈́o̴̧̞͉̙̳͔̜̲͍̩̺͂͛́̿̅́͂͐̀̿̈́̏͜ḩ̷̼̣̺͍̾́̇̀̀͐c̶̹̮̆̄͗̓̑̃͘ͅp̴̨̧̥̬͇̪̫̰̬̗̰̫̝̜͝o̶͎̳͉̲̎̅͆̊͐̔̀͘̕͝ḧ̴̛̟͉̯̝͕̝́̎̉͒̓̆̾̓̆̆̅͝͠͠č̵̩̿͂͊̏̐̈́͝p̶͉̑̔̎̃͑͛̍̀̈́͑̓̀͛̚͝o̴̧̭̪̤̟͉͖̪͚̹͖̞͇̒̈́̊͆̃͜͠h̷͇̩͇̟̗̤͎͍̬̐̋͊͐̌̒̽͊̾͛͌̔̔͘ç̸̧̺̫̹̲̠̝͍̩͌̐̆̈́̉̈́…” The clone kept repeating itself over and over until even it just kept repeating a garbled mess of backwards words and cries. It melts again into the floor, but the arm is still up at Peppino.
Disturbed. Peppino always felt a bit disturbed at the sight of his clone. But this time, he didn’t feel it towards the fake, but instead himself.
What the hell did Pizzahead do to this thing? All it does is act like a weird dog, sniffing things, occasionally eating restaurant equipment and the odd rat. His clone didn’t deserve that, nobody did.
Peppino looks down at his clone’s hand, and takes it. His clones shudders, morphing and changing against its will in a fit of unbridled anxiety and fear. This thing is just like him..
This thing is him..
It acts like him, it mimics his speech patterns, it even cooks like him. Which makes Peppino wonder if his clone suffers the same way he does?
“Mio dio… When the hell did I become-a so heartless?” Peppino sighs as he gingerly puts his other hand over his clone’s. “I’m not gonna hurt you, compango.”
“?ognapmoC” his clone uttered softly.
Peppino kicks away the knife between the two of them and sits down. “Now, I don’t-a know what-a Pizzahead did to you in-a that tower. I almost-a don’t want to know… But rest assured, I will never-a do that to you, capeesh?” Peppino says. He explains it sternly, like a father talking to his kid.
His clone slowly regains his form, building up from the pile of flesh it once was.
“I’m not-a exactly used to having you here yet. If I’m-a being honest, you still kinda freak me out. But, I’m-a sorry for yelling. I’ve let-a my anger go unchecked when it comes to you. You didn’t ask to be brought into this-a world, so why should you be punished for it?” Peppino says.
He notices his clone poking at his hand. Peppino takes it and gives it a firm but loving squeeze. “I’ll be more-a patient with you from now on.” Peppino says.
For the first time in what feels like a while, his clone smiles again. It was that moment, Peppino learned to appreciate his clone’s big dopey smile.
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silverstarsheep · 1 year
hhhh take care of urself please!! (Also absolutely get you with the fic stuff as I sit on a pile of fics that aren't getting any love)
So anyway, still, some fake pep stuff! I bet Fake has never been out of the tower in it's entire life until the collapse! They 'recognise' things to a degree but still so much is new to them! Things Peppino thought of as super mundane suddenly have a new light to them as he watches Fake discover things all over again, there's so much room now! They can run so far! Oh gosh so much room to run! Wow! Just everything that comes with having never left the tower and not interacting things seen as just so plain/everyday as much as everyone else so they're all new and fascinating.
idk I just feel like life outside the tower would just be so 'new' and different to them and everythings amazing they're learning and seeing so much!
thank you! I'm doing my best, but it's really difficult when you relax and cope via drawing, but drawing can cause you physical pain. apparently it's not carpal or cubital tunnel according to recent EMGs (though my body does it's absolute best to convince me it is), so who knows what I'm actually dealing with. painkillers don't work, which sucks greatly. getting a doctor to actually help with this has been a trick and a half, even down to getting them to listen to me when I express concerns about my prescription maybe making my thoughts worse.
ANYWAY enough about me, let's talk about the goopy boi.
I totally agree that Peppy's never been out of the tower before, heck, I don't think he ever really left his FLOOR. I think that bruno's pizza is a physical place in the world, tied to the tower via a Pillar John, but Peppy never went out of it. just used a portal right to his floor in the tower. I mean, he refused to chase Peppino further when he got out of the pizzeria!
lots of new experiences... he can touch grass for the first time. and lick grass. maybe eat it. not so good, but he liked the experience! and new sounds, more than just "bad part of town" noises and car sounds.
he has fun!! he loves it!!! he's going to run 300 laps around the area!!!!!!!!
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