#i wanted to emulate the art style yknow
snallygayster · 1 year
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obsessed with the playable fake peppino mod so i made some rank screen mockups for fun
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razormeetwrist · 2 months
as much as i love the demiseman type art style at the same time i cant help feeling like it is sooooo overdone and stale :-P pretty much every emo/scene artist out there draws in some variation of that style and it almost never breaks the mould or adds anything new/unique. its all just the same thing and you couldnt tell apart these artists if you tried i feel like so many people are limiting their creativity by trying to be just like their fav artist rather than taking inspiration and adding their own elements :-( real sad stuff
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tangirlisfangirl · 2 years
Tell me about your MH-sona!!
i feel like i talked about her when i was doing the live action outfits thing but i dont mind reiterating 😋
so her name is labelle jabless, granddaughter of lajabless, a caribbean folklore creature thats kind of like a succubus who lures in people lost on the road into the forest, notable by her one goat leg and large hat to cover her devilish face
labelle is basically a second-gen monster meaning her family moved from their home to the boo world and shes the first to be born here (one in a semi-long list of other ocs who are also second gen, all in the same friend group lol)
she has more goat features like ears, horns, a short tail, and horizontal pupils, but is still classified as a demon instead of an animal monster like manny taur or gilda stag
like her grandma she dresses in flowy fabrics but also adds stuff like knots, gold jewelry here n there, and wears a mix of dark and tropical colors
and is basically a self insert 😅
but here’s my scanned drawing! with and without color blocking
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luvtrooxhis · 6 months
Hello, Hello! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your art! Honestly you deserve to be hired for your amazing work! Although I did have a question in mind, I love how you can easily adapt your art style to match whatever media your drawing for, if I may ask what’s your secret/technique for that?
Have an amazing day!
PS: 🐷🕷️🍰, Spiderham bought you a cake.
Thank you so much you sweet talker you!
Well, for starters, It’s quite a bit of work… you gotta really study the cartoon and try to get the proportions right, yknow?
For example…
Let’s say im trying to emulate the looney tunes art style.
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I search up concept sheets and sketches the original artists do. (these are from space jam!) It’s really helpful to go over these and trace, just make sure to actually retain the information.
Then, I try to draw in the art style itself.
I traced this first one, but did the second one completely freehand.
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This was back in 2020, the attempt was rather wonky, but i was getting there.
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2021! i was still learning, albeit i took a break.
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and finally i revisited my looney tunes phase in 2023. You can see the major changes here. better shape language, nicer head shape, less stiff, etc.
try to see what makes up the art style. is it exaggerated? or is it stiff and lifeless? work with what you already have, it really does wonders. dont be afraid to take inspiration from other medias. (my go to inspo is eric schwartz!)
i tend to adapt quickly to new art styles. i try my hardest to emulate the same energy as the original, because honestly my urges to fit into the media overpowers any limitations i may have at the time. the power of autism 😸😸 /lh
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orowyrm · 2 years
massive disclaimer this is not a fully thought out post im just firing this off from the bathroom at work and pretty much immediately after i hit post im putting my phone down and going back to the register so don’t throw me to the wolves on this but like. i genuinely don’t understand why so many people act like ai art is inherently ‘not real art’. i understand not liking it when people use it to try and emulate the styles of preexisting artists, that’s shitty and the people who do so are hacks but to act like their sheer existence is ‘robbing artists’ feels really like….. one dimensional. if i grabbed my good camera and took a photograph of a sunset while someone next to me painted that same sunset on a canvas, would my artistic interpretation somehow be ‘lesser’ because ‘all i had to do was push a button’?? the mindset that “the more a person suffers for their art, the better it is inherently” has always rubbed me the wrong way. art can and should be easy and fun, yknow? a while back i saw someone say basically word for word “these programs want our JOBS!!!” and it was weirdly funny to me bcs a. the ‘program’ doesn’t want anything. it’s code. it’s a tool. a human person still used the program to make that image. and also b. the people who would bypass commissioning a real human artist to just try and ai generate the pics they want to see are probably not the type of clients you’d wanna work with cuz if they want professional quality art at low/zero price i know personally i’d avoid them like the plague cuz they’d have no respect for the process. idk this isn’t a fully fledged thought it’s just something i feel kinda strongly about cuz it’s weird to see people go full on ‘fire bad technology scary thomas edison was a witch’ because they feel threatened by “good” ai art (what is and isn’t ‘good art’ is subjective anyway but whatever)
maybe it’s just a sore spot for me as someone who’s had people up my ass about digital art and photography and stylized art and simpler art styles and basically anything that isn’t ‘the norm’ for ‘good art’ being “not REAL art” all my life both in personal and academic circles so i’m conditioned to get defensive about this shit but it annoys me a lil. it’s such a weirdly hostile mindset to have to me i guess
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bucephaly · 4 years
Mmk yea im tired no more art today lmao
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pansyfemme · 2 years
What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
What’s your favorite thing to draw?
Do you ever collaborate with others?
Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
- Honesty, comics! I’ve been reading them since i was little and that’s partly the reason i fell in love with art- because in the sixth grade i wanted to learn to draw like jill thompson in her scary godmother series. It seems like everytime i pick up a new anthology or the like I fall in love with a new artist and want to emulate them through my work! Also, ever since i was very young, i go to a LOT of art shows and museums. Theres two very good free art museums in my hometown and I visited them like twice a week after school as kid since they weren’t a far walk from my house. Viewing other artist’s work is always what inspires me- I try to see as much art as I can, and it’s what makes me want to continue doing this!
- already answered!
- Yes! My brother and I collab fairly often since he’s also an artist. I’ve posted his work a few times before, but he’s more of a fine artist and has a more realistic style than I do- but his work is gorgeous! As for other people, I do art trades from time to time with my friends but not really collabs!
- Music when I’m working on something serious, and everything else is usually a video essay lol. I genuinly do not care what they’re about I just choose one at random and its good enough. as for music, I don’t have a specific playlist or anything its just what im feelin like yknow
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offtopicoverload · 3 years
I see your playing choices rn. Whats your fav book?? (I feel like its prob not baby bump lol)
oh god no, i hate this book, its an absolute disaster. like i dont care that there’s a female li, it still feels so incredibly homophobic
the only reason im playing is so i can get diamonds for desire & decorum book 2 cuz @alccaddsccup is a simp for parsons, and i get it. shes fucking amazing. but i dont get how these two books were made by the same company??? d&d really said “oh youre gay as fuck? sick, but lets keep it historically accurate. here’s your homosexual husband, youre each others beards, its great.” i mean, iconic, but what the fuck is going on with baby bump
- as for other books, i was playing through blood bound on my emulator, but i stopped to save diamonds for foreign affairs. it has they/them and im so stoked bro
- i fucking love queen b. it is so goddamn trashy, and im not usually huge on trashy stuff, but its incredible and i dont think i could ever put into words why, and i dont even care man
- the first series i played was the freshman, and its got some bad parts, but overall i liked it. becca and kaitlyn are both great, and i have so many fic ideas for them lmao. i played choices like a year and a half ago, maybe more than two years ago and romanced the guys and the only thing i remember is that there’s a super biphobic option on zig’s route? i think? like he comes out as bi and mc can be like “i cant believe you never told me.” like bitch sit down and shut up, its not your business
- i played the heist monaco, but i dont remember much, tho i think it was really good, definitely pulled me into choices more
- BOLASSS. its amazing and i love nia with all my heart. i wanna write something for her but idk what
- OHH and the elementalists was so fucking good. the mechanics and lore was sick, and the gang was amazing, with aroace rep and some iffy stuff, but it slaps and has elemental magic. i have no choice but to stan
- i played through the crown and the flame in chunks cuz i get distracted easily, but i dig it. its an og, right? definitely a good starter for them
- hero is amazing, i want the sequel so bad, and i love the art style
- i still need to finish OH2, tbh, but obviously i love the characters, ive trapped myself in a series for it asdhkjsf
- ride or die was okay. i dunno, mc was a dumbass and i didnt like how forced logan was. most of the time you get little sneaky scenes with other lis, but there was literally nothing with mona til the end, so the gay in me was disappointed. i know everyone loves it tho, so feel free to yell at me
- i played through all of trr and started trh, but i hate pregnancy stuff so idk if ill ever finish it. but i would die for hana, and was annoyed by the forced romance. like i love her, but it felt way too soon for her to propose to mc with how little development they got, especially for a baby gay like hana
- okay, and uhhhh i got like halfway through endless summer, i need to restart, but its good, quinns precious
- again, i started book 2 of perfect match but got distracted cuz i have the attention span of a frog, but hayden is amazing and im kinda curious about romancing sloane tbh
- and then i tapped through most of americas most eligible, but didn’t really like it. it felt trashy trashy, not queen b trashy. also i dont think teagans an li, which is a travesty
i have so much more to play through, but if you have any suggestions, id love to know. i want that good kush yknow
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