#im not really treating this as a “Meet My MC” profile
aria-ashryver · 5 months
ive had Ollie for ten seconds and they are my child. I love aer. Cinnamon roll of all time. Perpetually too cold. If any side characters in The Ghost Of Us say anything mean to them, I will cry and so will they. (Please enjoy a little intro (w edits) bc once again I couldn't resist yeeting the "Generic" body type and replacing it with "Lady")
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Oleander Woods (they/them, occasionally uses ae/aer) | Demigirl | Allo
🧡 Vibes!🧡 dimples, freckles, tea, fuzzy socks, anxiety, thrifted grandpa sweaters, excessive apologies, baby animal enthusiast, timid, excessively helpful, has never raised their voice (probably doesn't know how), bullet journalling, optimistic, easily the softest MC I have ever made.
✨ Goes by Ollie (Lee or Lea are fine too!). Entirely mindblown that between all four of aer parents, they somehow decided Oleander Woods was in any way a good name for a child??? (They think that sounds like a landmark)
✨ Ollie grew up in a loving household with two mums and two dads. It always amused them when all four of their parents would turn up to parent-teacher conferences at school, only to have people think "oh its so nice that people can get divorced and still make an effort to accept their ex's new partners for the sake of their child!". Yeah, no, Ollie's parents are poly. None of them are sure who got Mum #1 pregnant --Mum #2 is trans-- so they all claim Ollie as their baby and absolutely dote on aer and smother aer with affection.
✨ There is not a single ghost they will not help. They are selfless to a fault, and still feel like they aren't doing enough.
✨ Was overwhelmingly sad when they got mugged in the subway, not because their wallet was stolen, but because that person probably really needed the money.
✨ Will gently carry bugs outside. Tried to adopt every stray animal ever, in their youth. Volunteers at an animal shelter in their adulthood.
✨They know they are naïve, and that will lead to people taking advantage of them, but they don't really care if it means they can help people who actually need it.
✨ Worried about being misunderstood so they ramble and over-explain a lot.
✨ Really wants to get a tattoo (or several) but they are scared of how much it will hurt. Also the reason ae has no piercings.
✨ Their main goal in life (beyond helping as many ghosts find peace as possible) is simply to be comfy and warm. The ghosts trying to make and interrupt existing psychic connections tend to cause the air temperature around them to plummet --which is fine! Its not the ghosties fault!-- but it does mean they are forever in pursuit of a good woolen jumper.
✨ Their fav colours are orange, yellow, and green.
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hi! i saw your mammon content and i swear i ran to ur profile to see if requests were open😅(ur mammon content is top tier🤌) Anyway! im like an absolute sucker for angst with comfort at the end, SOOOO i was wondering if i could request something where the reader is pinning for mammon, and tries to confess to him, but his brain went overdrive and went into full tsundere mode. he ends up hurting MCs feelings. then he feels bad and tries to make up for it. (sorry this is really long🥲) have a great day AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF <333
Of course! I’m glad you like my Mammon content and thanks for requesting. And don’t worry, it isn’t too long but sorry if this is a bit short. Hope you’re taking care of yourself too!
Mammon accidentally insults MC when they confess
Today was the day. You were going to confess to Mammon. You were GOING to confess. Even if the idea was terrifying. Worst come to worst, you figured you could just go back to the human realm if he rejected you. And sure, it wasn’t the greatest of backup plans but it would probably work. Hopefully.
“Hey, Mammon, could I talk to you about something?” You asked as the two of you walked home from RAD.
“Course.” He replied, wondering what you could be about to say that would make your tone that nervous.
This was the moment. This was the time. “Mammon, I - I really like you and I have for a while and I just - Mammon, would you go on a date with me?” You couldn’t meet his eyes as he spluttered. Maybe if you had, you would’ve seen his red face and the sheer joy in his eyes even as he schooled his face into a frown.
“Pfft, of course ya’d want to go out with the Great Mammon, human! Since I’m feeling generous, I’ll come with ya to eat, but it’s your treat, got that? And only cause I’m in such a good mood, otherwise I’d never go with ya. Ya can’t tell anyone that the Great Mammon agreed to go on a date with a weak little human.” That was quite possibly the most hurtful way anyone had ever agreed to go out with you. It was up there with Mr Darcy’s first proposal in Pride and Prejudice.
“You know what, Mammon?” You said, your vision growing blurry with tears. “I wouldn’t want to impede on your generosity so much. Forget I said anything.” And before he could correct himself, you’d sped off home.
He’d fucked it all up. Him and his big mouth, never thinking anything he said through. And now, he’d hurt you cause of it. He was an absolute idiot. His brothers were right. He was scum. He’d made you cry! Cry! He’d been so happy when you asked to go on a date with him, it’d felt like he was floating. But of course he’d managed to screw it all up.
You hardly talked to him at dinner. Or the next day. Or the next. He’d go into your room and you’d make a half hearted excuse about having to go see one of his brothers before leaving. He had to fix this.
You, on the other hand, were starting to think that you should’ve thought through your backup plan of fleeing to the human realm a bit more. You’d fooled yourself into thinking that Mammon actually liked you but apparently the tsundere act wasn’t really an act. You felt like an idiot. And of course he had to keep rubbing salt in the wound by turning up in your bedroom and walking with you to class even when you tried to shake him. And then, crows had started turning up at your windowsill. Constantly. They’d drop a shiny object, or even a whole wallet one time. As hurt as you were by Mammon, you couldn’t take it out on the crows. You accepted their gifts with a plastered on smile, gave them a head pat and some bird food, and then put the treasures in a shoebox.
It’d been almost a week. Why hadn’t you come to talk to him? His crows told him you’d taken the gifts. You’d even been giving them food! They loved food! They were even starting to bring you treasures of their own accord, instead of just at his behest. “Feathery little traitors.” He grumbled at one of them, after they’d given you a whole wallet. “You’re gonna make ‘em think it’s that guy you’re bringing them gifts from!” There was no other choice. He’d have to do this himself. He’d started leaving presents outside your door. Still no reply. This was killing him. He would have to talk to you. Properly. Hopefully he wouldn’t mess it up this time.
He went straight to your room. He’d been practicing what he was gonna say for an hour straight, there was no way he was going to mess it up. Also it’d been over a week since you’d last properly talked to him and he couldn’t take this any longer. It was downright cruel; he missed you. “MC!” He all but shouted, closing the door behind him. “I need to talk to ya. I’m sorry I was such an asshole when you confessed to me. I’d- I’d like to go on a date with you.” He could barely even bring himself to look at you, growing worried at the confused expression on your face. “‘N I get it if you don’t wanna go out with me anymore but please, please just talk to me again. I miss you MC. I like ya too. I like ya so much that I act like a total idiot around ya. And I’d get it if you hate me now but please, just give me another chance.”
He was caught off guard by a hug. “I’d still like to go on a date with you, Mammon.” Your voice, muffled against his chest but still strong, answered. Oh thank Father. Cause if there was one thing in life he didn’t want to mess up, it was this.
AN: I hope you liked this, angst to comfort isn’t really my specialty but I tried. Reminder to everyone that requests are open (I also have an event on) and comments are appreciated!
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rosecolored-gay · 7 years
Ayo answer all of them. Oh and for question 100: how's life
1. do you have a favourite sweater? - probably my citizen hoodie
. 2. what’s your middle name? - I hate giving it out, not happening.
. 3. do you still talk to the first person you kissed? - No, I haven’t seen him in like 2 years.
. 4. do you get on with your grandpa`? - He passed away before I was born, so no.
. 5. what was your favourite cartoon as a kid? - powerpuff girls? I wasn’t big on cartoons as a kid.
. 6. what’s your favourite cartoon now? - I don’t really watch any.
. 7. do you read the news paper? - Nah, very rarely.
. 8. who was the last text you sent to ? - Abe
. 9. what does the last text you sent say? - “pulling up in a second”
. 10. if you could have any hair colour what would it be? - Probably just my natural
. 11. do you like nature documentaries? - Yeah, just depends on which ones.
. 12. what is your aesthetic? - I have no fucking clue.
. 13. when did you last pet a dog? - this morning, my dogs as I was leaving the house.
. 14. whose friend’s parents do you like the most? - It’s definitely a tie between my best friend’s parents.
. 15. have you ever been on a road trip? - Yes, to georgia, it was so much fun.
. 16. tell me about someone you know called emma - I don’t know anyone named Emma
. 17. are you reading a book in english class, what is it? - I’ve finished my english classes. But I’m currently just reading “The Executioner’s Song” for fun.
. 18. do you have a favourite aunt? - I have literally no extended family.
. 19. baths or showers? - Showers
. 20. skiing or sun bathing? - I’ve never been skiing but I want to go.
. 21. do you kill spiders? - Usually I scream bloody murder and then have someone else do it for me.
. 22. have you ever made an ice pop? - yes
. 23. are you wearing shoes right now? - yes, vans . 24. tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher - my favorite teacher was my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Parkins, she was super chill and my mom became friends with her. I’m about to be a junior in college and she still says happy birthday to me every year, and I visit her at least once a year.
. 25. who was the last person you hugged? - Abe . 26. do you wear glasses? - no . 27. do you have a cat? - i technically don’t own a cat, but my best friend has two and i treat them like they’re mine, so yes?
. 28. do you have a favourite pair of underwear? - any of my VS boy shorts
. 29. what was your last tweet? - hahahaha it was this “my eyebrow lady made fun of me for the fact that I can sit through 3 hours of tattooing but not 5 mins of threading” follow meeee @gaysanatomy19
. 30. do you still use facebook? - yeah, just to scroll through though
. 31. do you like birds? - kinda??
. 32. who was the last person you called cute? - Abe, but it was because she was making an ugly face
. 33. who was the last person that called you cute? - Abe
. 34. how did you meet your best friend? - I met my two best friends through our co-ed medical fraternity
. 35. escalators or elevators? - escalator.
. 36. are you named after anyone, who? - nope
. 37. what was your first url? - oh god, i think it was like “dramabandgeek619”
. 38. autumn or winter? - autumn . 39. do you win at scrabble? - yes, as long as my dad isn't playing
. 40. put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by? - How does it feel? - Citizen
. 41. have you ever drunk from a mason jar? - yeah
. 42. can you draw? - do stick figures count?
. 43. what was your first profile picture? - On tumblr? i think it was a selfie that i thought was cute, but it was really ugly
. 44. favourite tshirt? - probably one of my vans shirts
. 45. best tumblr friend? - my real life best friends
. 46. when did you last run? - I was chasing the dogs in the backyard the other day if that counts lol
. 47. do you like to paint your nails? - no.
. 48. did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble? - for some reason, i was the golden child when i was little, so i decided one day that i wanted to be ‘bad’, and when it was my turn to empty the class pencil sharpener in the bathroom, i got the shavings all over my hands, wet them, and made handprints all over the bathroom wall.
. 49. who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours? - MC
. 50. have you ever been drunk? - yes
. 51. have you ever done something you regret while drunk? - i hope not…
. 52. do you want to kiss anyone right now? - .
. 53. do/did you like you math teacher? - I hated all of my math teachers until i got to college
. 54. do you often ride the bus? - never
. 55. do you have a fireplace in your house? - no
. 56. are you violent when you’re angry? - no
. 57. do you cry when you’re angry? - if it’s that type of angry, then yeah
. 58. favourite Harry potter book? - goblet of fire
. 59. can you remember your last dream? - not suitable for these answers
. 60. do you go to bed early or late? - depends on the day
. 61. do you speak a second language? - im learning arabic and ASL
. 62. who was your first ever best friend? - Brandi!
. 63. have you ever had an operation? - no
. 64. tell me about your favourite cousin   - Ben is 15, and a huge pain in the ass. He’s a rude little shit, but he plays baseball with me and teaches me to curse in hebrew. I love him
. 65. do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away? - yeah
. 66. have you ever been in a musical? - I was in charlie and the chocolate factory, west side story, legally blonde, and broadway through the ages.
. 67. do you have a porch? - no
. 68. how many times have you watched your favourite movie? - about 4000000000
. 69. what do you order at mcdonalds? - fries
. 70. do you get on with old people? - sometimes
. 71. science fiction or romance? - why not both?
. 72. do you take naps? - I’m in college, I survive on naps
. 73. how many classes do you/did you take in high-school? - the ones necessary to graduate??
. 74. when did it last snow where you live? - has it ever snowed in florida???
. 75. does it ever snow where you live? - ha no.
. 76. how many months until your birthday? - less than one, june 19
. 77. how much charge does your computer have right now? - 70%
. 78. what is your favourite disney channel movie? - lemonade mouth?
. 79. the city or the sea side? - sea side
. 80. what is your least favourite colour? - yellow
. 81. do you have homework to do? - no, i thankfully took the summer off to work
. 81. are you still friends with your first best friend? - yes, i was literally just texting her earlier today
. 82. do you have/are you the gay cousin? - i am definitely the gay cousin.
. 83. do you own dungarees? - i dont think so?
. 84. do you like to play sport? - i did martial arts for 12 years
. 85. what was your favourite ever christmas present? - trampoline
. 86. how old are you? - 19, about to be 20
. 87. what is your mum’s name? - linda . 88. do you ever use internet explorer? - that still  exists?
. 89. have you ever had blonde hair? - it was a bad time…
. 90. is their a play park near your house? - yes
. 91. when did you last see the person you have a crush on?
. 92. who did you last talk to on the phone? - abe
. 93. pants or dresses? - pants
. 94. do you read fan fiction? - yes
. 95. what is you’re favourite blog? - Caitlin’s!
. 96. do you write poetry? - yes
. 97. drama or comedy? - comedy
. 98. have you ever had a hickey? - yeeee
. 99. Your own question that you want me to answer - yo tuna! life’s okay i guess. text me or something and lets chill!
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