#im real proud of coming up with dismember
freaky-flawless · 5 months
Alright, I can't get this out of my mind, and I feel compelled to figure this out.
Monster High Months. I have a few figured out, but I'm drawing blanks on others. Some suggestions would be greatly appreciated, even alternatives to the ones I came up with.
January- Fanguary or Janu-scary
February- Febooary or Febu-scary
March- Lurch...?
April- Gravepril or A-shrill
May- Maim
June- Gloom
July- Ghoul-ly or Goo-ly
August- Ughhhgust (Like Zombie speak)
September- Hextember
October- Spooktober (I think this works so much better than "fangtober")
November- Bonevember (Not fond of this one) or Novemboo
December- Dismember
Edit: Added some of the suggestions!
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wazzappp · 5 months
ALRIGHT WE BALL. Time to get on with the story (i have a story planned thats. a real shocker. im ass at writing but ill get this drawn damnit I promise)
This argument is one that just needed to happen. Robbie cant think of the infected he's been killing as people because that would mean he has killed a truly UNCOUNTABLE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE. Lisa has done what she has to in order to survive, and that includes killing the un-infected (which, of course, to Robbie is totally unacceptable). So when he's trying to explain the difference it just comes across JUDGY AS HELL. They're both proud and defensive and bad communicators and the conversation goes BADLY.
This happens while they're on their way to the Beneviento house. Lisa basically goes 'Alright if youre so high and mighty go ahead and beat this one yourself then!' and fucks off back to Duke with the intention to kill as many Lycans in the way as physically possible. Robbie goes ahead to the SPOOKY NIGHTMARE HOUSE trust me I have plans for what he sees in there and its appropriately disturbing but it also spoils the ending I have planned for this whole thing so :) hang in there.
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BUT he ends up having a BAD TIME when he's trying to head back and what @rokhal suggested slotted in SO VERY NICE HERE (i feel i have sufficiently LOST MY MIND over the fic you posted i am JKSL:FJSDFDS F UCk)
'Picturing Robbie alone in the Village foraging for gunpowder and cash (because it's a Video Game and they can't just hang out in Donna Benaviento's house throwing the creepy dolls in the river while waiting for rescue after reconnecting the phone lines, no, they have to wander around the entire map) and he's saving the herbs for Gabe and using all the chem fluid for sniper rifle ammo or whatever. And he's fighting off werewolves and it's fine because apparently his health regenerates like mana because he's made of mold.
But as he's wandering around it starts to get harder and harder to remember how much cash and scrap he needs. And he keeps missing shots. And then he gets a little turned around but now he's lost and there's more fkn werewolves, and he's seriously low on ammo and he just wants to get back to Gabe, but he needs to regroup and his hands are numb so he tries to warm them at one of the villager's stoves.
And then he discovers that he's slowly turning into a mindless mold creature, and realizes that the only way to keep Gabe safe from him is to get really really really lost, so lost he'll never find his way back before something kills and eats him.
This does not work, but it does ensure that he is incoherent and barely recognizable by the time Gabe and Lisa track him down.'
Which is all MWAH. CHEFS KISS.
Anyway Robbie is gone for a WHILE and Lisa realizes that the puzzles she needs to solve to move the fuck on require 2 people so she's stuck killing any lycans that stray too close to Dukes camp and hanging out with Gabe. UNTIL, of course, Gabe decides yeah no fuck this fuck that Robbie has been away for WAY to long and I'm going after him. Only problem is that Gabe's abilities are kinda rooted too wherever his sclerotia pods (is adding pods to that redundant? whatever we ball) have had enough time to take root and grow. Meaning, despite her anger towards Robbie at the moment, if Lisa doesen't want Gabe caught, dragged to Mother Miranda and dismembered, she's gotta go with him (also featuring @moosemonstrous hilarious idea of her being proud of Gabe's attempted intimidation).
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When they DO track him down he's barely awake. He keeps wandering in one direction then looks like he wants to turn around and go another but he keeps FORCING HIMSELF to go the other way (generally I think he would be a decent bit stronger, but fighting his instincts this hard make him seem more aimless. Robbie is borderline unstoppable when trying to get to his brother, but right now he's NOT trying to get to his brother. you feel me?). Lisa goes up first to make sure he's not going to lose his shit or something. He basically falls onto her with the single saddest "m'sorry" ever heard on planet Earth. If it's for FALLING on her or if its for the CONVERSATION earlier, Lisa isn't quite sure. But it's been years since anyone has apologized to her for anything and thats enough for her to decide she should at least sling him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes back to Dukes camp.
They make it back to the Dukes camp and give Robbie a couple of med kits (GOOP JUICE!!!!!) and he's a little more coherent. He's still trying to stay away from Gabe even though everything in him is saying 'STAY CLOSE' but he's got SOME brain space available because at least he's in line of sight now. Scrambled brain time is not the BEST for trying at an apology but hey, Robbie isn't really known for his great ideas and he tries anyway.
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(ft me being unwell about shoving them together)
They're on better terms after this. The communication is still weird but hey its them so everything is weird. Plus they get some extra bonding time because I also snatched rokhals OTHER suggestion of
'....Been thinking maybe The Duke has a recipe that would heal Robbie...requiring meat from a golden dancing fish and the breast of the blue bird that haunts the graveyard and the tenderloin of the magnificent boar that sires all the swine in the Village...or something. So Gabe and Lisa have to go hunting while keeping Robbie calm...'
Ah yes. the high end flesh of the Great Village Fuck Boar. Delightful.
Cause I mean he's BETTER but still not GREAT. I think now that he's with Gabe he would be unable to leave him again while like this. Gabe would HAVE to go with them (we can get >:] 'Robbie goes into an overprotective frenzy and sword hands himself to hack some poor lycan that got too close in half' its a good time [its not. sword hand is very disturbing to him])
So anyway what Im TRYING to say is that the brainworms will continue
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teeto-peteto · 1 year
My friend, I would love to read you Ramble about Soul fighter Pyke and Gwen.
NO 👹 DONT DO THAT YOU WILL OPEN THE PANDORA BOX Im weak for them, and since Soul Fighter is an universe based on the present, it made my mind run free.
For starters, its stated that Pyke did die in this universe too, and that Gwen 'helped him come back from the spirit realm'. Nice, but what if Gwen 'had to sew him back'? I headcanon Pyke with the scars going all the way around, instead of the flashy ray shape they have on the skin. Imagine that Pyke actually died on a very gruesome way, and was dismembered? And Gwen somewhat found him and sew him back with her threads and power. That way you have the cute and wholesome storyline of the canon on wich Gwen helps Pyke and he bows to himself to protect and make her proud of him, but also a gruesome, horrid background on wich technically, Gwen had to find a dismembered body somewhere by accident and decided to sew it back. Maybe she was just feeling like doing a puzzle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Its something very Frankstein, and i dont think Pyke remembers who killed him, but still affects him to this day.
They are bestfriends, and they live together. I think thats pretty obvious in the canon given the splashart of LOR where Pyke is holding the shopping bag, it shows that they most probably share residence. Pyke clearly is the one that carries the heavy bags from the supermarket saying 'Im fine' while his arms are in pain, and Gwen carries the paper towels happily, its not like she cant carry the heavy bags but that Pyke is both not trying to bother her but also very prideful.
'My parents didnt want me' 'Omg same!!' kind of traumadumping. I dont care that much about Viego to see the voicelines of his skin but Isolde is clearly siding with him i guess? So i guess Gwen is a random child running around with her little friend.
Since its based on present day im betting all my horses that Gwen is very active on social media. I headcanon Gwen being one of those tiktokers that do makeup, but not the cute/impressive ones but the creepy and hilarious ones that try to resemble a cartoon character with face paint and ducktape... and while shes filming Pyke is sometimes passing through the hallway and then stands by Gwen's room door watching her doing her tiktoks with a very confused face and hes appearing on the background of the video like 🧍 but she can also do impressive makeups, also shes a great dancer she just loves to be weird and hilarious. Pyke does have social media but its undercover, he doesnt use his name and its under an alias because he doesnt like the attention, but likes and shares all of Gwen's makeups and videos. Doesnt publish but spends his spare time watching reels or tiktoks with sea creatures and sharks with goofy sounds or those ones with the little star/swirl thing on the midddle with a lot of sea animals footage. He's pretty much clueless, often goes to Gwen and asks 'Why is people making edits of me with Mary on a cross?' for example. Doesnt interact but probably Gwen would record an embarrassing storytime and he would comment 'It didnt happen that way.'
Gwen films him when hes not looking, she loves that, or takes funny pics of him when he's distracted, eating or asleep. She will definetly pull up an embarrasing pic and post it.
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im unaware if this is true, it was the first thing that came on google but imagine Gwen posting a pic of Pyke sleeping on an akward position and he screams 'GWYNETH-' from another room in embarrasment. She also post cute pics of him, and pics together, they have a bunch of polaroids on their rooms doing silly stuffs or just being cute <3
They like baking together... cant explain but its just so real... and they are so good on it... and they decorate it together... when they are done with soul tournament they are going to open a bakery.
On skin design i really like both of them BUT i would love to see more of them being on the same team aside from the colours... like Pyke could have a little kitty bag on his belt or a charm resembling Gwen's cat hat... I recently drew Gwen with a little Pyke plushie attached to her i think it would be cute if she made matching plushies so they can keep each other... wholesome...
Pyke's thing about being designed around belts and zippers... its just funny to imagine him on his room super distressed on the verge of tears and Gwen goes 'Whats wrong?' 'I cant pull my back zipper up'.
Gwen designed his outfit, and the prestige one. Imagine her very concentrated with her pins taking measurements on him and she says 'stay still! you are moving!' 'sorry m'am...' He wears his outfits proudly, and constantly bombards anyone who approaches saying 'My best friend designed and made it! Shes an angel' and shows everyone her socials...
i love them, and i imagine them with a lot of struggles, and a lot of self doubts. In the end Pyke has to learn that he doesnt have to preassure himself to the edge to make someone proud of him, and Gwen has to learn that not everyone will return her kindness back, but she still has to keep going. They have each other and they support each other, and i love them very much.
long post im going to self strangle and nobody is going to sew me back
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Complications Part 8
((TW: Murder, Violence...  Eh just go with all the things.)) Xiao actually chuckled at Aret's words, kissing him gently on the forehead. He spoke in Pandaren, but he translated through the link for Vol. "Aret, do you really think they would not be coming back to Pandaria with us? They are your family... and you are our family. They will be welcome in our home, just as Naddja and Zakin are." He hugged Aret and then offered a warm look to his mother. "Take them outside, Aret. To your apartment. Your family and your daughter need some time together. We will be back when we are done, okay?"
Aret looked up at Vol and Xiao as Vol pulled him to his feet.  "Take our daughter to your apartment.  Get some clean clothes and such for your mother and sister before you go.  Xiao and I will finish this up and meet you there.”  We'll bring something to eat.  Rest, sweetheart, and trust us."  He gave Aret a kiss, smiling as Pahre blushed, but smiled.  "He is well loved, Auntie.  I promise.  Please trust us both."
When Aret left with his mother, Tarja in his arms, Vol turned and grinned brightly around his tusks.  "this is needed...."  With that the big hunter used one of the kicks Xiao had taught him, dropping his heel right onto the man's nose, watching it explode in blood.   "Dat be fer Auntie.."
Xiao watched them leave, making sure they were out of sight before he turned around and- WOW that was a mess of blood that splattered all over. He let out a disbelieving little noise, not out of distaste, but merely surprise. "Someone was in a hurry." He said through the link to Vol. "Do you wish to do the honors since I already have paralyzed them and left them with little pride left? Jansevet is more stubborn but Aket seems quite broken, which I am rather proud of even though I likely should not be."
"Do you blame me..  and my kills were quick, clean and business like.  THIS involves our husband and our daughter.  Personal."  Vol grinned, pulling the hunting knife off of his hip.  "Oh, It's gonna be my pleasure."  Vol became silent and ultimately businesslike as he swatted a few spiders away from the screaming priest.  "Oh Shut yer face, ja gonna be dead in a minute.  Xiao Chun, dey can feel dey faces, right?"
"Not at all, they are monsters. They deserve it." He then watched as Vol pulled out the knife, shaking his head. "They are numb from the neck down. I severed each spinal cord, but they can still feel from the neck up. I am not entirely certain of the cut off, but... somewhere on the neck. Jansevet also soiled himself, so... that is what /that/ smell is."
"Ah smelt raptah shit before... Ja go open da door?"  There was a scratching sound behind the door as Vol knelt down over the priest, smiling as he grabbed an upright tusk in one hand and his forehead in the other.  His words were in Zandali, so he translated for Xiao so nothing was missed.  "This is for my Daughter." He Snapped the left tusk off at the jaw line and set it to the side as Aket Screamed in abject pain.  "This is for my Pandaren husband for making him upset"  Both Tusks were left on the man's chest as their prey screamed in horror and suffering.  He did the same to the old prelate, the same response from snapped off tusks as he spoke.  "This is for my Zandalari husband and torturing him...  And this one is for his mother and sisters, for the same thing."
Xiao nodded and moved to the door, wincing lightly at the sounds of tusks snapping, but he knew it was deserved. He opened the door, expecting to likely find Honor and Valor on the other side if he had to guess.Valor actually licked Xiao's face, finding the spot of blood before He and Honor wandered in.  Vol whistled and both sat, watching the pair of Zandalari that would be their dinner.  Vol let them both lay and scream, rolling his eyes as he found a cooking pot, and lined it with what looked like large palm leaves.  "Xiao, love, can you shut them up?  Annoying as fuck and the old one keeps cursing my balls... so.. Little sick of him." 
Xiao squeaked in surprise at Valor, smiling a bit as he gave the raptors each a friendly little scritchin'. He looked over to Vol and nodded. "Of course. One moment." He went over to touch them and then kind of just... made a whimpering noise and looked to Vol. "Spiders..." He said through the link, trying not to be weak but there were still spiders crawling over each one.
"Nothing to be done about them.  She's upset with them as it is I would bet.  Don't fuck with Shadra."  He found a lid that fit the cooking vessel and put it on the side next to Aket.  He used words in Zandalari, speaking the words softly, but strong enough it was easy to know this was a prayer, ritual.  "Bwonsamdi take you, in peace.  To the Loa of graves I send you.  Death comes for all, mortal and Loa alike.  He is the equality of the world.  No matter your power, status, strength.  We all go to him in the end.  I am a hunter of death, I give you until my Loa this day."
Aket could not stop Vol as the long knife was plunged into his gut above his umbilicus, and pulled up until the blade met bone.  The hunter grunted as he pulled harder, enough to crack the bone.  There were no screams, but the room felt different and a maniacal laugh filled the air.  Vol knew the voice and spoke through the link to Xiao.  "DO NOT look up.."
"Et been a LONG time, Raptahblood..  Took someone wrongin' ya family fer ya ta send me gifts again, hmm?"
"I apologize for my lack of service, Guardian of the Dead.  I hope they make up for it."
"You send me two of Shadra's.. and no contest from her.  Ah be forgivin' ya, man."
Xiao nodded, offering Vol an apologetic glance at not being able to silence them. He just couldn't get himself to touch all of the tiny spiders. When Vol began sliding the blade into the flesh, Xiao looked up and away, off to the side toward the kitchen. What he didn't expect was the laughter. He immediately whipped his head toward the noise as if ready to defend... and then he heard Vol's words. It was too late, he was already laying eyes upon the Loa of Graves himself, going a bit wide eyed. "You... should have told me sooner..." He said through the link nervously.
"Well.. Well.  The Little monk what started this little sacrifice.  If the Raptahblood 'ere hadn't come, YOU were gonna gift me these two, I would bet."  The Loa cackled, looking down at Xiao.  "Take pride in ya work, little man."  The Troll skull-like face looked Xiao in the face, a smile in his words.  "Ya served me maaaany guests in your wars.  You won't deny it, will ya?  Raptahblood!  You finish em, and Ah'll gladly take what you and your little man gave.  Remember, the heart is best stewed..."
With that the Loa disappeared, Vol relaxing immediately as he went back to work.  "Well, he knows you."
Xiao offered a nervous smile as he mentioned his wars, nodding a little. "Many, yes... and I had every intention of giving these two to you, had Vol'raka not come for Aret's mother. You deserve to do with their souls as you will, they are too cruel for this world." 
He said with a hard swallow, hoping he wasn't speaking out of line. When the Loa vanished, Xiao practically slumped, leaning against the wall with a full-body sigh. "Sweet Celestials above, Vol'raka you could have warned me he might make an ACTUAL appearance. You should feel how fast my heart is pounding right now."  He said as he tried to steady himself, his hands lightly shaking.
"Xiao, NO ONE controls Bwonsamdi.  I didn't think He'd show, so why worry you?" 
The troll kept slicing his prey up, having broken Aket's ribcage at that point and looking down at the beating heart.  "Here is where we find out how queasy you get."  
Precise incisions released vessel and sinew as the heart stopped beating and Mala'ket slowly lost the light in his eyes.  Vol cleaned the blade on the priest's robes as he placed the heart in the cook pot.  "He shat himself too, no leg meat, but Im not cooking a roast.  Can you find me a cup.. or something small with a lid?"
Xiao seemed mostly unphased by the heart, still recovering from the LOA OF GRAVES actually fucking showing up. He stood and leaned in to kiss Vol gently on the cheek. "I am more queasy from Bwonsomdi showing up than cutting out a heart. Death is something I try to avoid unless necessary, a Loa? That is much more startling." He said with a nervous chuckle as he began to look through the kitchen for something to match Vol's description. "They really do not smell good..." He murmured to himself mostly. "I should have made them go to the bathroom before I severed their cords."
"Those two don't care.  They'll still eat them.  And how do you think you would have.... managed that?"  Vol smiled, even as his arms were covered in blood and he'd began nonchalantly dismembering the younger male's corpse with a crunch and crack of bone and body.  "They wouldn't have listened... 'hey go squat on the pot before I kill ya'."  The Darkspear chuckled as Jansevet watched in horror as they were so blasé about what they were doing.  He could not talk for the spiders in his mouth and throat, but he was still very aware.  "did you hear my prayer, Xiao.   He is the equality of the world.  Don't fear him.  Respect him."  
Xiao smiled, chuckling now. "Yeah, that... would not have exactly made sense. Still, it is unpleasant." He looked back at them. "I think he is shocked that us 'weaker' races are so capable of talking about these things so easily." He shook his head, leaning down before pointing at Vol. "He serves Bwonsamdi. More importantly? Let me simplify this. The two many your boy loves?" He paused, looking at Vol. "Bounty hunter." He then pointed at himself. "Shado-Pan and war veteran." He dropped his hand and shook his head, speaking toward Jansevet's person now. "Fool..."
"ey now, ah not a bounty huntah anymore.  Ah tend mah raptahs, ah love mah mates, an' a raise ouah baby.  Ah take farmah, Fathah an' lovah more serious, hmm?  Ah just real skilled at dis.  et fill mah belly, en more ways den one.  En dis case.  Breakfast.  Maybe dinnah ef ah gotta stew et."  
Jansevet had pure fear in his eyes as he saw Vol finish up and leave Aket's mangled form alone.  He stood, picking up the pot and moving it closer to the old man.  "When I did this, for money.  I would apologize, if I was looking them in the eye.  I'm not sorry tonight.   You hurt a sweet man, made his life hell.  He was strong enough to stay alive.  As his husbands, we have an obligation, you see.  We are obligated to protect our family.  You no longer being alive will let me sleep SO much better at night now.  You should know some things.  Your oldest Grandson, Zakin, is a good, smart boy and I am glad to call him nephew.  Your daughter's supposedly dead baby.  That is the daughter I helped make.  Our Little Tarja is chosen to be a Shadowhunter for Vol'jin once he comes to his power.  She is beautiful and will grow strong of heart, spirit, body and mind.  She will be raised with unconditional love.  You will have at LEAST three more grandchildren, that you will never meet, nor will they know anything about you.  your legacy dies with you.  None will mourn.  Your wife, she will be treated as I treat an Aunt.  Your daughters I will protect until they find ones they love, I will arrange no marriage for them.  Every ministration you used to destroy them, I will work hard to undo.  You will cease to exist.. and I will destroy your memory one day at a time." 
Vol smiled, an oddly calm gesture as he placed his knife between the old man's eyes.  "They are my family now.  They are our family now." 
Xiao moved up behind Vol as he moved beside Jansevet, standing behind his love like a stalwart supporter, staring the Zandalari man down as his love spoke each and every word to dismantle the monster's life works. Xiao reached out for Vol's hand to stop him before he plunged the blade in, however. He spoke in Zandali, managing the sentence remarkably well for someone still learning the language. "May Bwonsomdi show your soul the same mercy you showed your family. Loa of Graves take you... and punish you forever." With that, he spat on Jansevet's face the same way he'd been spat at earlier. Then he let Vol's hand go, letting him plunge as he wished.
Vol grinned, holding Xiao's hand on his as he plunged the dagger down, letting the skull crack as the blade sunk in.  "Ja Loa gonna love workin' wit Ja, lil lovah."  He pulled the dagger out, flicked a bit of bone off of it and used the same technique on Jansevet as he did on Aket.  "You find that cup?  I want to collect some blood before we go ransacking the house.."
Xiao smiled with a little blush. "You bringing out my dominance paired with me dipping back into... well, 'War Veteran Xiao' has made me more confident in things like this." He said before nodding and reaching over for the teapot he found since it had a lid like Vol asked. "Will this work?"  
“It'll work.  Looks like a pandaren spoil.  Ours now."  Some blood from both men found its way into the pot, a small bit of cloth from Aket's robes plugging the end as both hearts and two pairs of tusks made it into the covered pot.  "There. Easy to carry."  He moved away, whistled, watched the raptors dive in to two dead trolls and turned to Xiao.  "We need to ransack the house, make it look like robbery.  unless you have a better idea?"
Xiao watched the two raptors for a moment before shaking himself away from it and looking at Vol. "I was just going to suggest we burn the place down, but... it is mostly stone, so I don't know if that would work."
"Before we do that, look for valuables then.  Anything that looks like an heirloom, or something they want to keep?  The inside will burn just fine, but the walls wont burn before the shamans and mages get here."
"Will that be enough?" He then gasped. "Ooh, we could make it look like a kitchen fire. Have something in the pot go wrong but we accelerate it?" He asked curiously, trying to be helpful.
“I am marrying a clever pandaren.  Look around.. ten minutes.  Then we burn it."
With That Vol wandered out, looking for all valuables he could find.  In a box he came back with a doll, some jewelry, Gold, A Sari-type length of silk that looked pandaren in its pattern, a few knives, of gold and obsidian.  There were other little treasures in the box, the black wooden container tucked under his arm.  "Find anything?"
Xiao smiled and kissed Vol before scampering off, going around looking through the home. He came back after some time, carrying a small box, looking as though he might cry. "Vol..." He whispered. "I found a hiding spot in Aret's old room... I found a journal, a doll... drawings..." He bit his lip. "I... I am afraid to ask him if he wants them." He cleared his throat. "I also found some antiques from Pandaria, likely stolen during the invasion. A small vase, some dinner finery. We can use them as our formal dinnerware." He was trying to remain casual, but something from Aret's hidey hole seemed to have upset him.  
"Let him decide.  They are his old memories.  We are the new."
Vol had built a small pyre on the cook stove, his raptors looking fat and happy now.  He had a bottle of what looked like wter, but smelled like goblin jet fuel.  "Janaret.  Take Tarja, your sister and Mother back home.  We will meet you there in a bit.  Get them settled in to a room for the night and we'll talk."  
There was a whine, but Aret did as he was told, going quiet as Vol poured the liquid on the wood, soaking the material and then over what the raptors had not eaten.  "I don't have that fire breath... thing....  Care to do the honors?"
Xiao nodded, setting the small collection of items down and taking the bottle from Vol. "I always hated this part, the alcohol always tastes horrible..." He said with a shake of his head. "The bodies, the stove, or... everything?"
The Darkspear bent down, picked up the little collection, and walked to his pets and put his arm around one's neck.  "All of it.  I'll take Valor...  bring Honor with you?  Burn it down, no trace."  He blew a kiss and touched his hearthstone, letting Xiao know that they were landed and waiting on him.  
"Quickly, lil love.  We have a mess here to settle everyone in."
Xiao nodded. "We will be right behind you." He said to Vol before watching him leave. He brought the bottle to his lips, took a swig, sparked the Chi in front of his lips, and spit in a wide arc of fire that exploded from his mouth. He had luckily grown quite skilled at this, managing to not singe a single piece of fur. He did this several times, the first one singeing the bodies to a crisp until they were unrecognizable. Then he did the same to the kitchen, starting from the pot and making it look like a kitchen fire gone wrong. He hurriedly backed out of the room toward the front door, taking Honor with him. He filled the back rooms one by one, hurrying out until the entire house was starting to fill with smoke. 
"Come on, Honor."  He said it with a cough as he pressed his back to the front door, far away from the smoke as he could manage. He took one last swig and filled the main room, the fire getting dangerously close. He threw the bottle into the fire, making a small fireball explode upward and causing Xiao to yip. "Okay time to go!" 
He triggered the hearthstone and yanked them to safety as the home filled with flames, his fur undamaged but damn was it warm to the touch as if he'd been laying in the sun for several hours.
Once Vol walked in to the house, the boxes  in his hand, he heard the screams.  They were of joy at least.  Vol wandered up, sighing as he got into the shower, scrubbing himself as clean as he could of blood, clipping his nails even to be sure nothing was left behind.  He got as presentable as he could, shaving the sides of his head and rebraiding his hair, making sure his tusks had no trace of blood or grime.  He was aiming to make a first impression.  When he sensed Xiao home and in the house, he wandered down, tying a knee length kilt low on his hips.  
"Get cleaned up, My love.  Best to explain tonight before they all are settled in to bed."
Xiao came home and nodded, leaning against Vol and hugging him tight. "I will head up, this armor feels much hotter than normal..." He said as he kissed Vol's nose and wandered up, looking tired. He washed quickly, but it still took a small bit since he had to do his fur cleaning process. He came down wearing his red vest and black pants, as casually dressy as he could be. 
"Why am I suddenly nervous. I brought the woman back from the brink of death and I am worried about what she will think of me now?"
"She will think how she thinks.   It is Aret who thinks the world of you.  The man who curls his arms around you in the night as you cuddle and sleep, love and wake up with kisses all over that adorable face of yours.  It is the little girl who calls you Ba, who wants cuddles and comfort, who looks at you as if you hung the stars for her and her alone.  It is me, and reminding you that, no matter what, you are the other side of my soul."  
Vol smiled, kissing Xiao on the nose and taking his hand.  "Ja come den?"Xiao practically swooned at Vol's words, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him deeply. He gave a little moan, not one of lust, but just of how deeply he loved the man. "I thank the Celestials for the day I met you, Vol'raka Autumnpaw." He said the full name, grinning widely, love so clear in the way he looked at him. "I am ready..." 
He leaned down again, grinning.  "Wit dat dominant streak, mebe Are and ah cane make lil mastah Xiao feel nice en da mornin', hmm?  Ah do owe mouth presents."
He left it at that as he walked to where they had made rooms for Naddja and her son.  There, Janaret was holding Tarja, letting Nielka coo over her as Naddja and her mother spoke in the corner.  There were tears in the eyes of all four, Zakin asleep in his mother's lap.  It was Naddja who smiled looking toward her mother.  
"Mother, this is Vol'raka and Xiao Chun.  They are...."
"The loves of my life.  They are my husbands to be.". Aret smiled, standing and walking toward both.  He didn't care what his family thought as he licked Vol's chin and kissed Xiao's lips.  "Thank you.....  I don't know what happened, but I.... Thank you."
Xiao wiggled a bit. "You better follow through with that." He murmured happily before following them inside. He was looking at Pahre the most as they spoke, wanting to make sure she was okay. However, when Aret spoke of them, he smiled and leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around him to hug him gently as he returned it; albeit chastely as his mother was right there. 
"I would do anything for you and your family... Vol too. You needed to be safe, to be able to sleep at night. So did your mother and sisters."
"I think, Little Master, that we will be ok now.". 
Aret blushed, hugging Xiao tightly before introductions.  "This is my mother, Pahre, my sister, Nielka. They have met our daughter.". He added through the link.  "She knows Naddja birthed her, and both accept not calling her Tarja's mother."  
Pahre stood, clothed in whatever Naddja had that fit, walking over to Xiao first and looking down on him.  She let her magic fall, showing so many old scars that even Vol was agape.  "You, stopped.  No more hurts.  Jansevet, Mala'ket.  Dead?   Yes.  Good.  Grandbabies safe.". Her orcish was just as bad as Xiao's Zandali.
Xiao nodded at Aret, so happy to hold him. When Pahre walked over and her magic dropped, his eyes actually glistened slightly with sadness as if he were fighting tears. He nodded. "Yes, dead." He said in Zandali before hugging slowly extending his arms as to not frighten her with sudden movement, and then went to hug her. That would also mean she'd have a whole mess of INCREDIBLY soft Xiao fur wrapped around her, it'd likely feel like heaven on her skin compared to what she's been living with. "I am sorry for pain. You no deserve it. They no deserve life. I am happy I got rid of. You safe now. Stay here if want?" He said with a smile, looking up at her, assuming she hadn't panicked and pulled away from the hug.
"Your Zandali is getting better, Lover."  
Vol wandered forward and kissed Aret softly, giving the same look to both of his mates as he pulled him into an embrace, back to chest.  The look was one of love, softness, and acceptance.  "Auntie, You are welcome to stay here long as you like and need.  No strings.  You are mother to our mate, and grandmother to our daughter.  After that hell and those two Quashi Yudo, you deserve rest."
Pahre tensed up, so used to pain, she was not used to endearment nor affection.  She quickly recovered and hugged Xiao back.  She looked at him, then the two large trolls.  "You love my son, no pain, anger or yelling?  No hitting, or..  abuse?"
Vol nodded, looking at Xiao then down at Aret.  "No unwanted pain.  Respect and love.  He is a loving father, a beloved mate and a good man.  No matter what that shit bag tried to do, he is sweet, caring, and loving.  As he said, you and your daughters are welcome here.  We have extra rooms, but will need to get you clothing.  We grabbed some things in your old house, we will sort them after breakfast.  Aret..."  
He pulled away, a hand on his sweetheart's cheek.  "Settle them in for the night, show them the kitchen if they need something to eat before breakfast, then come to bed.  We will need to talk a little and sleep.  I have to be up in a few hours and I am a bit tired."
Xiao smiled over at Vol, looking so proud as his Zandali was complimented. "I have been studying." He knew that one, as if he was hoping he'd be asked about it. He then looked back to Pahre and shook his head. "Never anger or yelling. He is Ba'la, Wassa'dim... Lok'dim, someday. We only try to..." He paused, thinking hard for a moment before finally finding the word. "Strive to make him happy." He said with a resolute nod before looking to the Vol. "Right, we need to talk to Aret about... that thing." 
He said in Orcish now, looking at Aret with a hint of concern, though trying to hide it.
Aret was confused for a moment but nodded, licking Vol's chin and clicking tusks as they kissed.   The Prelate kissed Xiao softly as well, caste and loving.  "Mother, Nini.  Come we'll get some blankets and settle you in."
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