#im really really mad at some girls on my team and neutrally mad at the others
theguardianace · 1 year
Hi hi hello I'm back!! How are you my dear 🤎
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Hi dear! It's so nice to see you again :)
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volfoss · 11 months
⚱️<- for volfoss character ask 👍
YIPPEE ok i KNOW the girl u will like so so much <3
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tossing veycer there for scale and also because hes important to their fucked up sibling dynamic. but i think sheala would make u go insane analyzing.
sheala has a LOT of depth and theres a lot of politics involved (one day i think i will have to make a heres volfoss' politics in a silly slideshow or something bc there is so much.) so i will do my best to explain why i think you would like her :)
first off. she is very good at hiding her tragedy and well um. theres not a better example of this than on the ikuaipe route (shes part of the ikuaipe army, which is like one of the 3 major countries in volfoss). to simplify it as much as i can, there is a war going on bc asdenia (one of the other big 3 countries) refuses to export rare metals to ikuaipe, who use them to make drugs. there is no reason explained for WHY they stopped this but thats all u really need to know about the war bc its complicated and they get into a lot of stuff w the drugs (specifically on like. how withdrawal is handled and how restricting supply from people isn't immediately going to fix their issues etc, its handled very well) in detail in game but. sheala's older brother is veycer who is the head of the army (he fucking sucks. i hope he dies soooo bad but he is also written with depth and like. kind of even tho he DOES some over the top evil stuff [like well. the incident im about to get into lol], he still is given enough character that he's fleshed out properly. all of the "villains" are but thats besides the point.) plays a very big part in well. why sheala would make you go make so many character studies on her.
anyways dear god. politics explained and hatred for veycer being put in there in advance. sheala goes on a mission (where shes a commander, so has a decent amount of responsibility there, and more specifically is leading the rear of the troops, veycer is leading the front) and gets ambushed pretty bad. to the point that when shalvas (who you would also love. but it would take me like 3x as long to get into his diseases. i promise youd love him tho, hes the silly protagonist) arrives, theres just one soldier left of her unit bc the rest of them were killed, and that soldier dies shortly after. sheala is facing one of the four heroes (who basically are some of the strongest characters in the world, and are sworn to remain neutral (they are not by the point of the war, so one of them is fighting on the side of asdenia. its a lot of politics im so sorry) and a BIG amount of very tough enemies on her own when shalvas arrives. shes dealing with a ton of guilt about the entire team she was leading dying (which honestly like. she couldnt do much about bc of how strong the guy thats part of the 4 heroes is) and is completely determined to stay, even if it costs her her life. she's someone thats very loyal and very stubborn and this is not so great for her. thankfully, shalvas is able to persuade her by basically saying hey. if you died it would cause more trouble for veycer than if you lived. thats the ONLY way she would go back despite being in pretty bad shape and being completely willing to let her life go there.
on the way back, shalvas clearly is having the very awkward moment of ok. she is clearly upset and i do not know how to make it better (he is like. very very blatantly written as autism to me, so he communicates in a way thats very awkward a lot of the time, or just is silent. which is honestly very cool of him), so after Sheala apologizes for everything to him, he tells her that she can always fight the hero again (because yk. she didnt die lol) and then IMMEDIATELY denies it when she asks if hes comforting him. their dynamic is really nice because its just like two weird as fuck guys trying to be friends.
which um. well you see. veycer sucks so bad. and he is incredibly mad at how badly sheala fucked up with letting her troop get killed (guy that loves to get so mad soooo much of the time for no good reason other than its fun for him). and hes having a little moment of its fun to do drastic punishment and despite another army officer (who youll def see a lot if you play, his name is auveon. hes friends w sheala) begging him to not do it, he orders sheala's execution. (and when i tell you i felt like i was going to puke reading this for the first time, i do mean it. this is the 2nd route ive done, so id already seen a lot of her and liked her a lot, and ofc the more ive interacted w her in this (and the last route) ive cared a lot more about her. so it was like oh ok. we are suffering). veycer basically is just like well um. she fucked up BAD and she cant get any leniency for that. yeah even if she IS my sister, people would see me as a weak commander if i gave her a lesser punishment so um lol. all of the soldiers are pleading with him to not do it and auveon asks if sheala wants to plead her case and um. well she says "I will follow Your Excellency’s orders. I am prepared to give up this life at any time if I am told to die." like. what is your DEAL.
she is fine eventually tho, just got demoted and veycer had the fucking nerve to be like omg i loveee my family thank you shalvas for protecting her. which is then like ok. did she know he wasnt really going to do it. or is he just lying to shalvas for fun. its insane to me they have such a fucking weird dynamic bc sheala worries about veycer a lot and then veycer is like um. ok i kill you with rocks and hammers. but i promise i love you.
ANYWAYS. some of the other things i really like about sheala. she has a quick temper and will NOT hesitate to call someone out on BS (this gets her in trouble a lot but shes very capable. when i fought her in the first route it was the worst fight of the game bc she is THAT strong) but she is also very kind as a person. she and turi-marrya (shes a water maiden but is also genuinely so fucking cool and i could go insane over her. easily.) in both routes ive played, despite being on opposing sides are very kind to each other and very polite (both of them having a lot of respect for the other, given some events in the game.) i think just like the way that she is facing a lot of tragedy (mainly due to VEYCER.) and yet is still brave enough to keep going but also does have a lot of moments where the grief does hit her and she is clearly struggling to deal with it. i think youd love her.
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katslitg · 4 years
how the open heart lis would react to you being pregnant. (obvs jackie’s pregnant in her scenario.)
Jackie Varma:
god she’d be pissed!!!!!!
“what do you mean positive??? check the other ten tests!!!!”
“jack, all of them say posi-“ “shut up!!!”
she’d be mad, mostly at herself for not being careful enough
pregnancy on top of money problems is rough
good thing you two already live together
wouldnt acknowledge it until she started showing
“dr varma, ure pregnant???” “yeah, just ignore it.”
shed ignore you at the beginning, not knowing what to do
“jackie, c’mon, you cant keep ignoring me! it takes to two to tango!” “i can and i will,”
when you finally force her to come shopping for baby clothes, supplies, furniture etc, she loves it
“omg look how adorable! can you believe our baby’s feet are this small!”
she’d become insecure further into the pregnancy
“what if im not going to be a good mom, hm?”
“don’t say that, jack, you’ll be a great mom,”
you two would move into the your room, since it had a better view and change her room into a nursery
the boys would help you put everything together.
“bryce, that’s not where its supposed to be- ykw forget it.”
“jesus, dr ramsey do you even know how to-“ bryce would shut up just seeing ethan give him a glare
“see i knew raf would come around to save the day” she’d flirt with him, making him blush
cutest mood swings ever!!!
“all im saying is he’s a fucking jerk and i- ohhh sienna are those donuts?”
jackie would get stressed at the weirdest moments, and you kiss her and cuddle with her to calm her down
“mc, you know i hate kids, why did this have to happen to us!!!!”
she’d slowly come to terms with the fact that she was going to become a parent
god giving birth would scare this woman, and trust me not a lot of things scare her
“mc, what if-“ “jack, breath, everything will be fine!”
when you two found out you’d have a daughter she smiled
“at least i wont have to deal with a little mc” she’d joke
when she got in labour she’d curse at everyone!!!
after a couple of years, the three of you would move into a bigger apartment, still close to the hospital
god, your daughter absolutely lovessssssssss aunt sienna and uncle elijah!!!! these two dorks would hang around with her all the time
“dad, can i stay at aunt sienna’s after school?”
“she’s working today sweetheart but mommy will be there to pick you up”
you two would have some sweet, annoying nicknames for her
love, sweetheart, sugar, honey etc
Bryce Lahela:
he’d be excited and scared
he would freeze when he found the positive pregnancy test in his trashcan
“i wanted to tell you but seems like you already found out,”
he’d shut you out and be less loud at work
“bryce, please talk to me” “uhh, cant have a long shift today”
but one day you’d show up to his apartment, keiki opened the door
“oh hey keiki, is bryce home?” “yeah come in”
youd try to get him to talk but man he was not feeling it
“i just need some space mc,”
wouldnt even take a week for him to come over and apologize to you
“im just not sure if i’d make a good dad, i mean i had two bad examples growing up, what if i-“
youd cut him off with a kiss
“no need to stress, bryce, im certain you will make a great dad!”
you two would have to look for a bigger place, and also someone to fill your spot at the apartment
sienna, elijah and jackie would help you decorate the nursery
“jackie those colours do not match with the blankets i bought” sienna would say while jackie just rolled her eyes
“well maybe you shouldn’ve bought so! many! blankets!” jackie said while holding up multiple blankets
“guys please its mc and bryce’s child we can’t fight over this” elijah was the only one who would think rationally
when you found out you were having a son bryce almost jumped into the air
“a little bryce,,,,” he’d say with heart eyes, making you roll your eyes
when you went into labour, he’d be the one freaking out
“can’t believe im saying this when im the one in labour, but good god bryce calm down!”
uncle raf!!!!! aunt kyra!!!!!
rafael and kyra would absolutely adore your son!!!! theyd fight over whose turn it was to babysit
“kyra, you had him last weekend!” “but mc said he always talks about how fun aunt kyra is!”
“why dont you two take him to the park together? he loves both aunt kyra and uncle rafael equally” bryce would say, making the two adults reluctantly agree
“finally a moment alone with the woman of my dreams” he said the second they left, making you chuckle
keiki would hang out with your son. occasionally.
“aunt keiki can you read me a bedtime story?” “right. im aunt keiki.”
she’d love it secretly
Rafael Averio: (pretending sora doesnt exist here lol)
this man would beam with joy!!!
he had always dreamt of having a big family of his own
“youre pregnant?” “yeah.... i-“ he’d kiss you before you could even say anything else
would brag to everyone about it
“do you guys know im goin-“ “going to be a dad? yes raf you told us like a million times” his paramedic friends would say
it was even funnier when you saw how some people avoided him because of it
would not leave ur side
“jesus ever heard of personal space?” “oops sorry”
he’d be at ur apartment all the time
“raf, not that we don’t enjoy you being here but don’t you idk have other friends?” jackie would try to get him out of the house
sienna’d be fine with it since he would help her cook n bake stuff
“i didnt know you cooked!” “not really just some stuff i picked up from my grandma”
he’d sleep over at your apartment
when you got insecure he’d talk to you and make u forgot about it in a certain way ;)
“what if im not a good mom? or what if your fanily doesn’t approve of me?? oh good god this is not going how i imagined-“ “relax, you know my family loves you, now get over here”
you’d move in with him, and get someone to fill ur spot in the apartment
the two of you going to the senior center together!!!
“now edith you better not get to comfortable” you’d joke, earning a laugh from rafael
kyra and bryce would come over and help with the nursery, of course it was after the boys’ gym day so bryce dragged ethan with them
“hey gu- oh hey dr ramsey!” you’d say with a bright smile when you opened the front door.
“kyra not that i dont love you but what even is this?” “yeah i tried to make a blanket but as you can see it backfired”
“uhm ethan you sure that this is the color we picked out?” bryce would panic, knowing damn well they didnt do the one you asked them to do right
“well good thing aunt kyra did got the good color” she’d go get it from the car while the two men started at her in confussion
when you found out you were having a girl he got super excited
“a little mc running around the house” he’d say, already coming up with names
when you’d go into labour he’d put up a calm gentle persona while in reality he wanted to screammmmm
uncle bryce n aunt jackie!!!
u cant tell me bryce n raf havent become close friends
“hey dad can uncle bryce and aunt jackie stay for dinner?” “sweetie youre ignoring the rest of our guests”
even tho they would admit it bryce and jackie loved babysitting her
“do you want to come with uncle bryce?” “bryce thats enough its MY day!”
his family would come around often, bringing gifts every single time
his grandma would try to get him to propose, earning glares from him
when your daughter heard juliana say something along the lines of “when is the wedding” she’d get super excited!!!
“are you two really getting married??!!”
Ethan Ramsey:
you two would already be in an awkward position bc of the gwyneth thing
what was worse was that he admitted to not wanting to get married and have children
god, that little fight on the way to leland and at house took a toll on you, so when june came to check on you back in the hospital you told her
“so, youre pregnant?” “yeah” you’d sob
she wouldnt force you to tell her who the dad is, but it was obvious
before the fight you’d always come to the diagnostics team’s meetings with a smile on your face but now it was a neutral face or sometimes even a frown
soooo ethan found out. not directly from you, but from june, resulting in another fight
“you told june but not me?” “you dont even want kids i cant just casually bring it up!”
the awkwardness would be there for a while, im talking 2-3 months
“enough already! you two talk this out! not only is this bad enough for the two of you but also for me and baz! think about us! and our patients!” june’d snap one day
you’d talk it out, still awkward around each other
“jesus, ethan we can’t keep doing this, i have an appointment to check on the little one, you want to join?” you would try to keep the awkwardness at a certain level, he’d nod with a smile on his face
so when he found out he was having a son, he’d be happy, still very scared but very happy
“im sorry, mc. i acted as a jerk and didnt listen to your needs. i want to be in your and our baby’s lives.”
he’d ask you to move in with him, which you reluctantly agreed to, i mean there wasnt even enough space for a nursery in your apartment
sienna would invite herself and elijah over to help you with the nursery , since they knew about you two since that time after the hearing
“thank you, trinh,” ethan would say as he accepted the cookies she had baked
“i helped too. just so you know” elijah chimed in, earning a chuckle from you
god labour was the worst, you had to do an emergency c section since it was a bit too early for the baby to be born
so when they send your son off to the nicu, ethan would be there the whole time, very worried
“dr ramsey, you should go we’ll take care of him” the nurses would try to get him out of there with no luck, “no its fine i just want to stay here”
when you two could finally go home he would make sure to never youre side
“mc do you need anything? want me to bring you something to drink? maybe an extra blanke-“ “ethan shut uppppppppppppppppp its 3 am”
of course your friends would come over but not as often since they had to take care of their interns and stuff
uncle baz and aunt june!!!!!
“AUNT JUNE!!!!” he’d yell when you, june and baz picked him up from the daycare at the hospital
“wow so youre just ignoring uncle baz?” baz would act hurt, making the boy laugh
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spelviin · 5 years
endgame thoughts, not because i think i have anything valuable to say abt it, more just bc i want to get my initial unsullied opinions out before various overly nitpicky or overly praisy internet thinkpieces come around
okay so. first of all, i’m tired to death of the way folks talk about the mcu. like, it’s either a godly feat of everything and the most important thing ever or the literal devil incarnate and the source of all evil in this world. i am literally so fucking bored of both these perspectives and have zero time for either of them. 
yes, the mcu is emblematic of a lot of problems in the current state of the film medium as a whole. yes, it is also a really cool feat of storytelling that a whole bunch of movies spanning a whole bunch of years could all come together and culminate in a big huge blowout finale. yes, it could have been far better, but yes, it also could have been far worse. 
i wasn’t a fan of thor being a punchline in this film. like, the whole “lol thor fat” thing was like, really tired and not cool. and the fact that his genuine moments of expressing grief and the significant trauma he’s been through were played off for laughs more often than not bc “lol thor supposed to be big many man but he’s crying like a wimpyboy instread.” like, fucking please. it’s 2019 and other male characters were allowed to be shown crying and processing their trauma but thor’s??? not allowed for some reason??? anyway they did him dirty in this movie and i’m not super pleased abt that. 
i didn’t like that they fridged natasha. i’m not a fan of scarjo so much these days, but i did like natasha. 2012 me adored her and was 100000% behind her as the Only Woman (despite being miffed that she was the Only Woman) and i really liked her character and redemption arc through the films that she appeared in. and like, i get the justification for fridging her. like i get that she was this assassin who killed a bunch of folks and in the end, not only wiped out the red in her ledger, but saved the whole damn universe in doing so. i get that. i’m just annoyed that they literally went and fridged the Only Woman to give the boys manpain before the third act. 
speaking of the ladies.... the One Scene Where Women Get To Do Things. my god. the critical feminist part of my mind greatly resented the obvious lip service of that scene, and the fact that the ladies only got the one shining moment before we got back to the sausage fest. but lord, the lesbian part of my mind hella enjoyed it. like i was legit bouncing in my seat like YESSSS FUCK EM UP LADIES i was just completely stoked. 
and my god. MY GOD CAN WE TALK ABOUT CAROL’S HAIRCUT AKA A GIFT TO THE LESBIANS. THIS MOVIE HAS MANY SINS BUT WE CAN ALL THANK IT FOR THAT HAIRCUT. (and again, feminist me is like, hey, dont focus on her appearance, focus on the important shit she did in singlehandedly turning the battle around for everyone, but lesbian lizard brain is hhhhhhhhhhhhh girl hot)
anyways. 2012 me was a month out of a major jaw surgery when i saw the first avengers, puffy faced, on heavy painkillers, and unable to eat any solid foods, and just generally weak and miserable. i dragged myself to the theatre and i smiled the whole way through that movie bc even though i was feeling super shitty, that 360 shot of the team made me so excited and happy. so happy that i watched and rewatched a bootleg download over what was probably the worst summer of my life, and it made me happy and gave me hope, dumb as that may sound. 
i havent watched the first avengers movie in a long time, and i’m not sure if i’d feel the same way seeing it now. remembering how it felt then still makes me happy, but seeing that same 360 shot repeated in endgame didnt stoke much emotion. tumblr fandom took a lot of my avengers joy away. the drama and character hate and constant complaining and cringe culture bullshit exhausted me. and the recent turns of the mcu also contributed to that. a lot of things contributed to it, i guess. but i dont feel as happy as i once did. so a lot of this movie rang a little bit hollow, needless to say. 
that being said, though, i did feel a little flicker of that joy. for all the movie’s and the franchise’s faults, of which there are many, i can say that the moment where all those portals opened up and the revived characters stepped though, i felt that happiness again. i legit almost cried when i saw shuri’s silhouette step out of that circle. that moment when the score came in with that booming version of the avengers theme, i was 2012 me again, just for a moment, and i think that’s worth something. to me, that’s worth something. so for all its sins, i thank the movie for that. 
this is rly rambly and im tired so im just gonna say 2 more things. things i’m not personally super invested in, but other people are, and so i feel i need to have an opinion on em.
first is bucky. i fucking adore him, and i am kinda miffed that he got like, no interactions with steve. i know steve/peggy is the canon ship, i knew it was always endgame (heh) and that stucky is just a fandom thing. but god damn it, even if they were never gonna have their relationship go there (which tbh i literally never even came close to expecting to happen) it still feels a little bit unfair to have steve basically ignore probably the most important person in his life. like, i know he wanted to live his happy straight life with peggy, and passing on the shield and identity of captain america to sam is super important, and i loved that moment and would never begrudge him that bc i adore sam. i was just... really sad that bucky had to get kinda shafted for that. (literally all i was saying in the last half hour was “but where’s bucky? but what about bucky?” our boy deserved better. 
second is tony. tony tony tony. i know folks have a lot of strong feelings about him, both ways. i know of folks who think he’s the scum of the earth for some dumb reason, and i personally know others who think the entire mcu should revolve around him, for equally dumb reasons. i’m more neutral. i think he’s a good character who made questionable decisions in the past. i feel for him and his struggles with PTSD. i respect him as a character in-universe and also for what he and RDJ accomplished. like, if he hadn’t hit it out of the park with that first movie like a fucking decade ago, none of this would have been possible, and i think that’s pretty damn cool, regardless of feelings on the monster juggernaut the mcu has turned into. basically, i know some folks are maliciously rejoicing at his death while complaining that he got a hero’s send-off when he is a Bad And Not Morally Pure Man, which is. boring. and other people (namely one who i know personally in my family) who are mad because he is an Angel and deserved the Best Happy Ending Because No Bad Things Are Allowed To Happen To This Perfect Boy. i’m not here for either opinion. i’m okay that he died (peter crying over him did get to me in a huge way, but i think tom holland just has a power that if he’s crying, i’m crying so idk). i think it’s cool that he got to save everyone and got a heroic and well deserved send off. this isnt a revolutionary opinion i just wanted to throw it out there bc im bored with the polarization. 
and... yeah? i think that’s it? sorry, im really tired and this probs doesn’t make sense but i just felt like i had to get the initial reactions and feelings down before the thinkpieces get to me lmao. 
oh, also nebula deserved better 2kforever i just love her a lot and want her to be happy and not suffer, kthxbye 
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thorne93 · 7 years
The Right Path (Part 6 - FINAL)
Prompt: (From request) Hi! I was wondering, would you it be okay to request a Charles Xavier x telepath!reader? Where they have a mind link since their ability first showed up and so they already know each other even before theyve actually met and then he finds her when he first uses Cerebo and he and Erik go to her first?? Its an idea ive had for a while, but im not nearly an amazing writer like you!
Word Count: 1683
Warning: language (maybe??), child abuse, mental and physical abuse, depression…
Note: I LOVED this request. Thank you for sending it in. I am so sorry it took so long to write. I hope I did it justice dear. Plus, thank you for the super sweet note ; ) Beta’d by none other than @like-a-bag-of-potatoes
Forever Tags: @capsmuscles @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise1982sand @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @marvelloushamilton @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @hardcollectionworldtrash @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr​ @kaeling
James McAvoy:  @bohemianrhapsody86 @lenawiinchester
Charles Xavier: @bohemianrhapsody86 @lenawiinchester
Right Path: @polkadottedpillowcase
You and the team worked tirelessly for a handful of days. You helped ease Erik’s mind when he got too upset, you helped calm Banshee before he tried to fly, giving him a bit of confidence that he needed to fly. You and Hank talked chemistry and biology, while you and Raven discussed her crush on him when he wasn’t around. Charles trained with you every day, and each time, the two of you had such chemistry and bonded so well, it nearly drove you mad.
Other than that, Charles and Hank assigned you to help train everyone. You would get inside their head, ease fears, help them see what was holding them back, and then you’d work with them. It was becoming quickly apparent that you were Charles’s right hand. Yes, he and Erik made a great team, they were pretty much your leaders of the pack, and you didn’t want to deny or invade on that. However, when it came to keeping uniform, you were the better choice.
You dealt with all sorts of obstacles of your own, dealing with the others, and even with Charles. He asked you to help him train as well, which felt incredibly foreign, but you loved to be of any service to him. You realized you had thought about your feelings around Charles numerous times, not on purpose, and you were sure he’d heard you, but you’d never admitted it out loud to him. Now wasn’t the best time. Not while everyone was gearing up to fight Shaw.
Raven had confided in you about the thing that Hank had said about being beautiful, she also told you that now she had feelings for Erik. At first, yes, you had a bit of a crush on Erik, but now, now he was just a good friend. Charles was the only man for you and he would always be, even if he didn’t return the feeling. So you let her cry on your shoulder, as you tried to explain Hank’s thoughts. You informed her that if she felt more comfortable around Erik then she should be with him. Erik was a lot stronger on the “mutant and proud” front than Hank, and that’s all Raven had ever wanted -- acceptance. So Erik would be the obvious choice for her. She told you of her plan to seduce him and it made you blush and squirm a tad, but ultimately you gathered your senses and told her she should do whatever will make her happy, whatever she won’t regret. She had kissed your cheek and bounded off to set her plan in motion.
Charles had confided in you about Erik’s personal vendetta, the one he’d seen in your mind.
“I saw it too,” you confessed. “But can you blame him, Charles? He shot his mother right in front of him.”
“I know that,” he said, pacing his bedroom as you sat on the end of his bed, watching him. “I don’t want to get there to stop Shaw and Erik is so blinded by rage and hate that he blows the whole thing. Do you know he asked me if I was naive or arrogant?” he asked, nearly rhetorically. Usually he was never this upset, but then again, his newest and closest companion was giving a stance, a hard one, against an idea that everyone felt very strongly about.
As a mutant, it wasn’t a political debate. Not one that some people felt strongly against the humans, some felt strongly with the humans, and someone was neutral.
No, when it came to the stance of “Are you for or against humans?” there was only one answer to be had. A side to pick. You and Charles believed in humans like Mr. Nobody and Moira. Erik believed in humans like Shaw.
“What did he actually say?” you wondered, knowing Charles was upset.
“He said, ‘Are you really so naive, as to think that they won't battle their own extinction? Or is it arrogance?’.”
You nodded. “Charles...You won’t change his mind. He’s been through too much to believe humans can be good. It would take an act of God for him to see that they aren’t all the same.”
“That’s my fear, is that they are,” he confided.
“You think they’re like Shaw?” you questioned as he walked over to you and sat down next to you, your legs practically touching.
“No,” he stated, seeming exasperated. “No, but I know how people are. People are just like animals, when they’re hurt, they lash out. Someone like Moira might be okay today, while we’re helping them, but if something goes wrong, are we suddenly the problem? The thing that needs to be cast out?”
Your hand found his as you gave it a squeeze. “That will always be a question we have. But we have to have faith that not everyone is like that. How can they trust us if we don’t trust them?” you asked. “It has to start somewhere. It needs to start with us. No matter what happens tomorrow, or in ten years, or in twenty years, we can’t give up hope. There will always be non-mutants that will stand beside us and fight with us, not against us...We just have to get through the ones that want to fight us first.”
“How do you have so much hope? You’re upbringing was nearly has heartbreaking as Erik’s. How can you have faith after all this time?” he wondered with curiosity.
“You,” you said without much thought or hesitation. “You were my beacon for so long. I held out hope that we’d meet. You came to me in my dreams over and over, without fail. You could’ve given up on me, on meeting me,  you didn’t know anything about me, but I’m willing to bet, something within you made you want to come back to me. Somehow, Charles, we’re linked, and not just because we’re telepathic. But because you somehow knew I needed you in my life. If people like you exist, mutant or not, then I have to hold out hope. You’re proof that it’s real. That having faith pays off.”
A small v formed between his brows and a wild look swirled into his eyes before he lurched at you, his lips crashing on yours, taking you by complete surprise.
The feeling of pure electricity lighting up your body, from your lips down to your toes. You’d dreamed of this moment for as long as you could remember, and now that it was here, you felt light, floating, dizzy, nearly ethereal. His lips were softer than you ever imagined, but they were firm, the feeling behind his lips determined as ever. Somewhere you were vaguely aware that his hand was resting just above your elbow. All too soon, the kiss ended, but you were far from sober from that kiss.
“I---uh--” you stammered, your mind and body not quite caught up to what was happening.
“That was…better than I ever imagined,” Charles breathed with a bit of a joyous laugh in his voice.
“You liked it?” you asked, a tad embarrassed and nervous about your lack of experience.
“I loved it. I want to do it every day for the rest of our lives,” he said in a low voice, a giant grin painted on his face as his slender hand reached towards your cheek to cup it.
“I’m in love with you,” you said, quickly as if you were ripping off a bandaid. You had to say it. You’d been putting it off, but with the impending war, you were tired of waiting. Tired of waiting to be yourself around someone. Tired of putting your feelings away for other people.
You were so afraid to look at him. To meet his eyes. You were so afraid of rejection, it wasn’t even remotely funny. You wanted to rant and say it was okay if he didn’t love you back but you kept quiet, letting him gather his thoughts.
After a moment, Charles suddenly said, “Y/N, I love you too. Look at me,” he gently commanded and you obeyed. “I have loved you from the moment we met. And not because I could read your mind, although that was part of it, but because you’re good and pure and compassionate and wise and smart and kind...You’re so many things, Y/N. You’re everything anyone could ever want in their life. More importantly, you’re everything I want. I know we’ve only known each other for a handful of weeks, technically, but I feel so connected to you. I want to spend a lifetime with you, getting to know you, getting to help you, having you help me with mutants.”
“But...we hardly know each other,” you prompted. Yes, you loved Charles. Yes, you wanted to spend your life by his side. Yes, you knew you’d never tire or fall out of love. Yes, you knew it sounded crazy. But you knew how you felt. Charles could just be infatuated.
“Read my mind and tell me I’m not serious,” he challenged with determined eyes. “I know it’s highly unorthodox, but when has anything about our relationship been normal?” he questioned with a bit of humor in his features.
“Never, I suppose,” you admitted.
“Right. And it doesn’t have to be now. I know I want you, I know I love you. I don’t need to know your favorite color or favorite band to know that I loved the girl whose dreams I visited for three years,” he assured, his eyes searching yours. “So if you’re willing to be something more...so am I.”
“I am. I’m more than willing.”
“Good,” he breathed before planting a lingering, soft kiss to your lips. “Me too. I think this is a good path for us.”
“I know it’s the right path,” you assured, your hands resting on his arms, staring into his eyes, finally happy with your life. Finding where you fit in, and with whom, with a perfect man by your side. You could take on the world.
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skulltula · 7 years
psst answer all those unusual asks!!
so,, man y omg
started 12:24 am
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify!
is your room messy or clean?answered!
what color are your eyes?brown!
do you like your name? why?¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i am neutral
what is your relationship status? dating @dreamui!
describe your personality in 3 words or lessanswered!
what color hair do you have?black!
what kind of car do you drive? color?i c an t drive
where do you shop?uhh mostly forever 21 and i used to shop @ wet seal until it died
how would you describe your style?i have no idea tbh,, grunge sometimes and jus kind of whatevers trendy other times
favorite social media accountanswered!
what size bed do you have? queen!
any siblings?8!
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?uhh tbh just austin would be nice?? id rlly like to just live in austin it seems like a really good city especially for the south
favorite snapchat filter? dog filter 🐶
favorite makeup brand(s)i like colourpop! i only rlly wear highlighter tho?? fenty beauty seems rlly gr8 too ofc thank u rihanna
how many times a week do you shower?i bathe with olive oil and a strigil like the ancient greeks sucker
favorite tv show?cxgf!! or jtv
shoe size?7.5
how tall are you?5′4″ish
sandals or sneakers? sneakers!
do you go to the gym?lmao no
describe your dream dateanywhere w my bb! i really like just going to places like the mall and walking around tbh but ofc restaurant dates r nice?? im not as romantic as id like to b rip
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?5 dollars
what color socks are you wearing? white!
how many pillows do you sleep with?none i dont like pillows
do you have a job? what do you do? [looks out the window]
how many friends do you have? uhhh around 15
[this ones too negative]
whats your favorite candle scent? anything vanilla tbh!
3 favorite boy namesorion, adante, troy
3 favorite girl namesquinn, zuri, cherry
favorite actor? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite actress? zendaya!!
who is your celebrity crush?zendaya!!!! or arian grande
favorite movie? answered!
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?n,,, i dont read a lot i dont have the attention span
money or brains? brains bc i can jus,, get money if i make some life changing shit
do you have a nickname? what is it? daizy °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °
how many times have you been to the hospital?i dont keep count tbh!! its not that many tho
top 10 favorite songshoney - kehlaniwait a minute! - willowthe other side of paradise - glass animalsbad decisions - ariana grandeperfect places - lordegravel to tempo - hayley kiyokoveggies - aminewild thoughts - dj kahled but lets be real rihanna owns the ssex - the 1975team - babeo baggins
do you take any medications daily? yyyy i should but its jus for stomach stuff so its not a Big Concern
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)dry-average
what is your biggest fear?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many kids do you want? 1 to 2
whats your go to hair style?short and manageable
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small
who is your role model? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what was the last compliment you received?@dreamui gave me a lot in the ask thing she got today!! ////
what was the last text you sent?“horrified“
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?i always knew bc my mama didnt want me thinking a white man was giving me presents when it was her
what is your dream car? i,, dont know
opinion on smoking?i dont like ppl tht smoke cigarettes?? at least not the ppl tht smoke them in public non-smoking spaces or get mad when ppl r upset they have to breathe their fuckign shit air bu t ppl tht jus smoke weed r chill but i assume this was abt cigarettes
do you go to college? going to eventually ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what is your dream job? elementary school teacher!
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs!
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? hm i havent been to a hotel since i w as like,, 7?? but i dont think i have and idk if i would! ik some hotels r chill w it tho
do you have freckles? nahhh i dont
do you smile for pictures?i try to!!
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 430
have you ever peed in the woods? ye s it was a p mundane experience
do you still watch cartoons? yeah for sure!
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?crie s i love them both
Favorite dipping sauce? hmm i think maybe honey mustard
what do you wear to bed? whatever stuff i threw on after showering
have you ever won a spelling bee?na h i never entered i was too anxious
what are your hobbies?drawing, playing the sims, making ocs, writing vns that i never finish, cooking, gardening
can you draw? yeah!!
do you play an instrument?yeah! ukulele a little
what was the last concert you saw? uhhh oh god idk if ive been to a real one
tea or coffee?answered!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks
do you want to get married?yes!! i do for sure
what is your crush’s first and last initial?cl
are you going to change your last name when you get married? yeah probably!
what color looks best on you? yellow i think?
do you miss anyone right now? yes my gf!! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
do you sleep with your door open or closed?open usually bc my mom used to never let us close doors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you believe in ghosts?mild belief i hav mild ghost belief
what is your biggest pet peeve? oh god i dont even know???
last person you called@dreamui!!
favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry rn!
regular oreos or golden oreos? golden oreos
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow!
what shirt are you wearing? this fuzzy blue pajama hoodie w bear ears tht i got for christmas
what is your phone background?lil pineapple guy
are you outgoing or shy?shyyy but im good at pretending to b outgoing
do you like it when people play with your hair?n o unless its my gf
do you like your neighbors? i like the gays that live above me
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?i dooo, in the morning.
have you ever been high? nope!
have you ever been drunk? nah!
last thing you ate? fried rice & chicken
favorite lyrics right now“i like my girls just like i like my honey; sweet, a little selfish.”
summer or winter? winter in tx is always better
day or night? day!
dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark!
favorite month? mayyyy
what is your zodiac signtaurus
who was the last person you cried in front of? @dreamui probably!
finished @ 1:17 am to b fair i zoned out a lot
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groundramon · 7 years
Its only been 15ish minutes but I’m still thinking about this post and I really like how instead of being offended about the outrageous displays of sexism in the exact field im going into, instead of being mad that a show I really enjoy was canceled prematurely/at a spoiler (? so I’ve heard, like I’ve said I’m only on season 3 so...), I’m just like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN TERRA WOULD’VE GOTTEN MORE SCREENTIME IN SEASON 6″
That says a lot about where my priorities lie.  Like sexism in the children’s television industry and division in the toy industry are two things I’d love to work against once I get into the industry (I mean im not planning to change the world lmfao but I can try) considering both fields are close to my heart and I’ll probably be working with them extensively once I get a job (not sure how involved I’ll be in merchandising but I’d like to have at least some hand in it), and I hate enforcing gender roles on kids (do you know how fucked up I’d be if my parents didn’t let me play with “masculine” toys like dragons, Pokemon figures, ect-), but Terra is more important.
My obsession aside, I do wonder how much that’s changed in recent years.
Teen Titans aired from 2003 to 2006, and honestly I think sexism had the biggest grip on children’s television in that time period than any other time period.  Sure other older shows would just...not show females in equal roles to their male counterparts, but in the early 2000s, either you did that too or you made a big deal about your female character being given equal treatment to her male counterpart.  Oh boy, look at Rika from Digimon Tamers, it’s so WEIRD that she’s a GIRL and she’s SO GOOD AT TAMING AND THE CARD GAME, wOWEE.  I give Digimon Tamers a lot of slack for that because it was extremely realistic about its sexism lmao (Henry never said anything about Rika being a girl, Jerry and Rika were both treated as equals in the overarching narrative, ect) but my point still stands.  Teen Titans is really good about how it treats its female characters, but I can still see the fingerprints of this era all over it, from its character designs (DRAW RAVEN WITH A THICKER WAIST YOU COWARDS) to its choreography (if Starfire gets wrapped up by one more tentacle I s2g-)  They also both have male-dominated casts but like...what show doesn’t?  Steven Universe, and then shows specifically targeted towards females?  And like, I’m not gonna sit here and yell at shows from the early 2000s because these were the better shows out there, they tried their best.  I can find a more sexist show airing nowadays easily, and like whatever, plenty of shows have done just as bad if not worse and I’m just using those as examples because I’ll stan those shows til i die.  I’m just sayin, it’s not surprising given the time period.  (I also have no idea how ATLA survived and thrived in the late 2000s, seriously what the fuck, how did Nickelodeon do something right in those years)
Fastforward to nowadays though, and while male-dominated casts are still the...well everything except Steven Universe and female-oriented shows, there are so many shows that really don’t seem to appeal to a particular gender.  If you made me pick, I’d say shows like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and We Bare Bears are probably aimed at 7-10 year old boys.  But honestly?  They’re relatively ageless and genderless shows; SU and AT are both adventure-comedies, and We Bare Bears is about as gender-neutral as a Tom and Jerry cartoon.  And I already mentioned that SU is like the only cartoon I can think of that doesn’t have a male-dominated main cast and isn’t targeted exclusively at girls.
One thing that the 2010s have brought that I really appreciate is ageless, genderless shows that aren’t just there to sell toys.  Sure you can find merchandise for AT and SU (I cant find any WBB merchandise though :( i wouldnt mind an ice bear plushie but its fine...im fine...) but it was never their primary goal.
Green Lantern was canceled in 2013, and while that doesn’t seem that long ago, that was actually four years ago (jesus christ why am I so old).  Young Justice was canceled the same year, but it was announced last year that it’d be returning for a new season.  Legend of Korra was canceled in 2012, meaning it could’ve easily been part of the same sexism in the industry that killed Green Lantern and Young Justice.  I did hear something about there being concern from Nickelodeon executives about Korra being a girl, but the writing team was allowed to proceed when a test screening showed that boys didnt care about her gender (surprise surprise! kids arent sexist assholes until you teach them to be. who knew? oh yeah I FUCKING DID) so...
Yes shows like Adventure Time and Steven Universe were out or coming out around this time, but the industry hadn’t made the shift in mindset yet.  Adventure Time was a hit at the time, but like Avatar: The Last Airbender, it was an outlier, a show that was picked up for so many seasons and just too big to kill when its contract was up.  But with shows like Steven Universe, Clarence, We Bare Bears, ect...the cartoon industry has become a lot more gender-neutral in my eyes.
The group that networks are most concerned with appealing to now is 90s kids.  The hip thing to do is play with nostalgia and reuse old properties, for whatever gender people you want.  That’s why Teen Titans Go is still playing when it appeals to people of all genders, despite Teen Titans doing the same thing (in an arguably better show) a decade ago.
But one thing I dont understand is 90s cartoons.  90s cartoons - the original CN cartoons, the original Nicktoons, the original Disney cartoons - none of them seemed particularly...gendered.  Like anyone could relate to Hey Arnold.  Courage the Cowardly Dog was scary no matter your gender.  Everyone loved Ducktales - altho I guess Disney isn’t behind any of the situations i mentioned before (it’s mostly CN and then a little bit of Nickelodeon, but I do know Disney’s done some...kinda shady shit and does have a tendency to gender its shows, but idk if it’s ever canceled a show for that reason)  I dont know.  I wish I had the motivation and resources to do more research, but I’m just some idiot on the internet lmao.
I guess my point is that Teen Titans, The Legend of Korra, and related shows would likely be much better off if they were airing in 2017.
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You are going to kill me... buuut all 200 questions? I'm keeping you busy and thinking about your life
200: My crush’s name is: Jennifer 

199: I was born in: a hospital? (Jks 1998)

198: I am really: funny 

197: My cellphone company is: Lebara

196: My eye color is: boring ol’ brown 

195: My shoe size is: a ladies 9

194: My ring size is: I actually don’t know

193: My height is: 5'10 

192: I am allergic to: nothing surprisingly 

191: My 1st car was: 1998 Subaru Legacy (the station wagon)

190: My 1st job was: Checkout Worker

189: Last book you read: The Accident Man

188: My bed is: a king 

187: My pet: I don’t have one atm 

186: My best friend: Anushka 

185: My favorite shampoo is: I don’t have one (but I like anything coconut or tropical scented)

184: Xbox or ps3: don’t care 

183: Piggy banks are: lit

182: In my pockets: I’m a girl, only 20% of my clothes have pockets big enough to put anything in 

181: On my calendar: “Spotify Premium runs out on the 27th of August"

180: Marriage is: Not married 

179: Spongebob can: 

178: My mom: is awesome 

177: The last three songs I bought were? Whatever I listened to last on Spotify? 

176: Last YouTube video watched: review on Aztec clay face mask 

175: How many cousins do you have? 4 step cousins and then 6 blood related cousins 

174: Do you have any siblings? Just a younger sister 

173: Are your parents divorced? Nah they still together and in love 

172: Are you taller than your mom? Only just 

171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the piano 

170: What did you do yesterday? Worked
[ I Believe In ]

169: Love at first sight: kinda 

168: Luck: yes 

167: Fate: not really 

166: Yourself: sometimes 

165: Aliens: yes 

164: Heaven: yes 

163: Hell: no 

162: God: yes 

161: Horoscopes: I mostly enjoy the zodiac memes and compatibility and personality horoscopes 

160: Soul mates: yes, but I believe you have more than one 

159: Ghosts: yes 

158: Gay Marriage: big yes 

157: War: nope

156: Orbs: it would be cool but I’m neutral 

155: Magic: yes
[ This or That ]

154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs 

153: Drunk or High: Drunk 

152: Phone or Online: Online 

151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads 

150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes 

149: Hot or cold: Hot 

148: Summer or winter: Summer 

147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 

146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 

145: Night or Day: Day 

144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 

143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 

142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccas 

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 

140: Mac or PC: Mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels 

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 

137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke

136: Hillary or Obama: OBAMA

135: Burried or cremated: Cremated 

134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing 

133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel 

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they?

131: Small town or Big city: Big city 

130: Wal-Mart or Target: I haven’t been to either 

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 

128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure 

127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast 

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: this is too cruel to answer 

125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 

124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 

123: Yankees or Red Sox: um don’t care
[ Here’s What I Think About ]

122: War: It’s expensive and unnecessary and should be a last resort. It’s not worth the lives lost, people injured and relocated. The monetary cost is ridiculous and it barley solves anything. It cause more issues and potentially more wars
121: George Bush: did 9/11

120: Gay Marriage: It’s actually crazy how long and how much effort it took to get this accepted. And I just hope this right isn’t taken away! 

119: The presidential election: Donald Trump and Pence need to die or be locked up forever, I don’t even understand how anyone thought that Hilary Clinton would be worse. 

118: Abortion: Pro-choice for the win 

117: MySpace: I wasn’t old enough for this 

116: Reality TV: my guilty pleasure tbh 

115: Parents: I love my parents and they are good to me. But it would be great if they could be less homophobic. 

114: Back stabbers: I don’t know why people feel the need to intentionally hurt and embarrass someone, especially someone who isn’t prepared for it or trusts you 

113: Ebay: I don’t really use eBay 

112: Facebook: I use it to tag my non tumblr friends in memes and to stalk people 

111: Work: I’m sick of my job but I’m having to stick it out for now. 

110: My Neighbors: They are seasonal but if their kids could not move and rearrange the bedroom at the ass crack of dawn that would be fantastic 

109: Gas Prices: New Zealand, especially in the towns. Gas prices are so high. Spain isn’t so bad

108: Designer Clothes: I’d rather have more clothes than one designer one 

107: College: 

106: Sports: I have zero hand eye coordination and therefore hate sports! But I will watch the Olympics 

105: My family: They are cool for the most part 

104: The future: is scary and it makes me wanna throw up if I think too much about it
[ Last time I ]

103: Hugged someone: like a week ago 

102: Last time you ate: I’m eating chocolate right now 

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: my grandparents and my cousins today 

100: Cried in front of someone: it’s been forever 

99: Went to a movie theater: like a good 6-8 months ago

98: Took a vacation: ummm like 4 months ago 

97: Swam in a pool: yesterday 

96: Changed a diaper: not since my babysitting days 

95: Got my nails done: literally before I left New Zealand so 5 months ago

94: Went to a wedding: it’s been years 

93: Broke a bone: never actually broken anything in my body 

92: Got a peircing: I got my ears pieced when I was 12 

91: Broke the law: Probably when I was driving, speeding or something but nothing I've been charged with lmao

90: Texted: like a couple of hours ago
[ MISC ]

89: Who makes you laugh the most: my sister 

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: having consistently good home cooked meals 

87: The last movie I saw: probably shrek 

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being back in New Zealand! Or doing some travelling 

85: The thing im not looking forward to: working 

84: People call me: gay
83: The most difficult thing to do is: be honest 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I actually haven’t 

81: My zodiac sign is: Leo 

80: The first person i talked to today was: my girlfriend 

79: First time you had a crush: the first crush I remember, I was in year 4 (so 8 years old) and it was on this boy named Joseph 

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: I’m good at hiding things tbh 

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my sister when my mum and dad were talking shit 

76: Right now I am talking to: my sister and my friends from New Zealand 

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Hairdressing tho I kinda would like to do pre school/nursery/kindergarten teaching 

74: I have/will get a job: currently working as front of house at a little supermarket 

73: Tomorrow: I’m working and doing house work

72: Today: I slept and then worked 

71: Next Summer: I will hopefully be enjoying the sunshine 

70: Next Weekend: Working yet again and having dinner with my grandparents 

69: I have these pets: Definitely a cat, and also a dog 

68: The worst sound in the world: chalk or finger nails on a chalkboard 

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 

66: People that make you happy: my sister, my friends and my girlfriend 

65: Last time I cried: when I watched beauty and the beast 

64: My friends are: absolutely incredible, I don’t deserve them

63: My computer is: I don’t have one anymore 

62: My School: I’m not in school 

61: My Car: I don’t have a car atm 

60: I lose all respect for people who: are snakes 

59: The movie I cried at was: beauty and the beast

58: Your hair color is: brown and boring 
57: TV shows you watch: Atm limitless, shooter, Shetland, Rewatching Criminal Minds, AHS and Black Mirror

56: Favorite web site: boohoo.com or iherb 

55: Your dream vacation: A cruise or a historical/relaxed tour of the ancient world 

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: in a tie between slamming my fingers in a car door or when I got a virus (it’s a really bad version of food poisoning) and I actually thought I was gonna die. 

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium to well done 

52: My room is: relatively clean and currently got that minimal plant theme going 

51: My favorite celebrity is: Dua Lipa 

50: Where would you like to be: with @dysfunctionalgroup

49: Do you want children: yeah one day 

48: Ever been in love: yes 

47: Who’s your best friend: Anushka 

46: More guy friends or girl friends: it used to be a balance but now mostly girl friends 

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: cute underwear and a good nights sleep 

44: One person that you wish you could see right now:

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: yes

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: mentally but it’s not written down anywhere 

41: Have you pre-named your children: no, but I have some names I really like lined up 

40: Last person I got mad at: my sister 

39: I would like to move to: the Uk or NZ 

38: I wish I was a professional:
[ My Favorites ]

37: Candy: Reece’s pieces or skittles 

36: Vehicle: Kinda want a Range Rover or a Land Rover but in the old style. Or a classic car

35: President: Obama

34: State visited: ive never been to America 

33: Cellphone provider: Lebara 

32: Athlete: my bio teacher, she played for a big women’s netball team 

31: Actor: Jensen Ackles 

30: Actress: Gal Gadot 

29: Singer: Dua Lipa

28: Band: The Internet
27: Clothing store: h&m or boohoo

26: Grocery store: I don’t have one 

25: TV show: Brooklyn 99

24: Movie: I have too many 

23: Website: this hell hole

22: Animal: Cats or Goats 

21: Theme park: I’ve only been to Disney 

20: Holiday: Christmas and Halloween 

19: Sport to watch: Gymnastics 

18: Sport to play: None

17: Magazine: who reads magazines anymore 

16: Book: the Mysterious Benedict Society 

15: Day of the week: Friday 

14: Beach: as long as it’s sandy I’m cool 

13: Concert attended: J Cole

12: Thing to cook: Pizza and Sweet and Sour Pork 

11: Food: Cheesburgers 

10: Restaurant: Any that sell food I like 

9: Radio station: ZM
8: Yankee candle scent: most of them
7: Perfume: Dolce and Gabbana, Floral Drops
6: Flower: forget me nots
5: Color: Green
4: Talk show host: don’t have a fave
3: Comedian: don’t have a fave
2: Dog breed: Border Collie
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Guess you’ll never know
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redvelvetvenom-blog · 7 years
I'm making a sandwich with confusion meth deceipt apathy and manipulation now please suck my dick and get out
That's what you say when you keep up your relationship with her while lying through your teeth while I was trying to be your friend and did shit I didn't feel like doing to help you. You didn't ask. But I felt like I owed it to you. I need to leave this anger and resentment at this post to avoid possible inner chaos but wow fuck you really are almost worse than JD. I don't even trust you and I understand you and accept you for all the shitty things about you because I want the same but you'r lack of respect for yourself isn't something I want to get used to. I don't want to go that way ... I wanna do meth. Fuck I'm high right now, but maybe it's not you doing meth it's meth and tits mgee doing you. I thought you were manipulative, I liked that. Idk why. I didn't understand you, I liked that. I felt like you played me, I liked that because it's always me doing the playing. But there's certain red flags that come up that I don't understand nor do I want to spend time trying to rationalize to sound normal if I don't have to. You are not the end all be all of my existence and the sand which your eating isn't negative concepts it's SHIT and it's a stagnant path of nothingness that breaks my heart and makes me feel like you were never real with me in the first place. I'm an A LIST bitch as dumb as that sounds, you talk about b team a team girls but I know what I am. And I'm kinda exhausted of feeling like I need to be better than some 32 year old mentally ill barred out bitch that's accusing you of hitting her with a car and saying I'm hiding in the closet. As if. There's so much more to life I can't see the prize I can't feel it. But I know it's there. I'm just gonna keep telling myself that till I believe it. You taught me, fake it till ya make it. And I'm sad to say that I believe that is very important to know in life. Im not perfect but I'm not gonna stick around if your with her. She pawned my laptop and I'm not even over that. She caused so much chaos that deeply hurt me to see you go through and It's not just like that didn't happen. People are selfish and I am just gonna say that that is a neutral statement. One of the most freeing in fact. But I am affected by seeing someone I care about get treated like you do and then along with your confusing behavior it doesn't add up. I don't love you but I have felt love a few times in my life. I saw love when I saw you in your natural element. Being peter. And I cherish that, but I have an appreciation for myself I'll put it at that, and I know who I am. I feel lost but I also feel like you owe me something that I don't think is fair to ask from you. Being a friend wouldn't do that. I wouldn't be mad if I were a selfless friend but like everyone else I am in this for my own personal gains as well. But I am trying to change and so I forgive you for whatever you didn't tell me, I'm sure you had your reasons and will tell me when you're ready. I respect you and your need for space. I like that your loyal. It makes me have one
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jones573 · 8 years
the following is a list of characters who appear in the ‘St. George’s’ RP saga (even tho they havent been at St George’s in like, a long time, shush, details). 
characters with an ‘r’ are played by reynarda , with a ‘t’ by tsukasakadoya, and with a ‘j’ by me, still_jones573 . 
some characters do not really belong to anyone and are just there, or have only been mentioned by certain characters that DO belong to someone but said character isnt really being ‘played’ by anyone because they havent appeared, you know.
The Gang: aka the primary characters, they all currently live together in a townhouse owned by Vlad & Bram
(r) Vladimir Drakoni: Full vampire, born in like the 1400′s?, has a long-standing feud with the Council Chair, Claudios Von Batts. His family was removed from the Council, but he is still pretty involved in their business, cuz he’s nosy and doesnt trust them. Magically tied to Bram by things beyond comprehension, and has after many decades, gotten used to it and they’ve even been able to harness the power of friendship, to the horror of their enemies everywhere. Is short (at least enough that Bram likes to tease him for it), has dark hair (?) 
(r) Abraham Lluewen (??sp?): Human, born in like the 1400′s to the family of hunters that created ‘silverblood’, a liquid silver that is particularly dangerous to vampires. Has worked for and with the Hunter’s Guild over the years, most recently as the head of St. George’s (a monster-hunting school, basically), though is now on ‘parental leave’. Along with Vlad, has a tendency to get into dangerous situation, and also to collect sad magical children and make sure they eat their veggies. Is the tallest member of the Gang, has red hair
(r) Devon Von Batts: Claudios’ son, lived with his human mother until she died when he was a preteen. Stuff happened, he went to juvie, Von Batts Sr. found out he had a son and asked Vlad to pretty please deal with that. Devon lived as Claudios’s son for a few years, having previously been ‘privately tutored’ or whatever. Was part of the plot to infiltrate St. George’s school with young vampire spies, but a lot of stuff happened, he got a bit stabby, things went south, etc. Is now in the care of Vlad and Bram. Recently got his fangs! Has blonde hair, is tall but not quite as tall as his sister (tho this could be because she has a soldier’s posture, and her skininess makes her seem even taller than she is)
(j) Winona Von Batts: Kidnapped from her human mother at birth, raised by creepy vampires who were obsessed with creating a perfect weapon, though they had many and often contradictory ideas about how that should be done. Basically, it really sucked. She eventually killed her ‘family’ when they tried to force her into killing young human girls and drinking their blood, and was picked up by the Guild. Was not exactly communicative, so she ended up at St George’s. lots of stuff happened, now she lives with Bram and Vlad. I think outside the townhouse gang, no one knows (or should know) that she and devon are, in fact, only half vampires. winona is quite tall, and muscular in a way that suggests she was encouraged to exercise frequently but had poor nutrition, tho that has likely been getting less obvious over the last few months. she has brownish stubble across her scalp that might prove to be lighter if it grew out some, but she scratches herself and rips at her head when she’s nervous or often while sleeping, so her head stays buzzed and her nails short.
(t) May Garrison: Quite possibly the destruction of the world is small, adorable human form. a sacred magical ritual on an island went wrong, and the resulting magical baby was taken home by bill garrison who likely did not realize the next 20 years would be spent thinking ‘i was just being a good person, why does magic exist’ may eventually left his island home, and met gabriel, who tasked him with (???? i honestly dont remember the specifics) being at st georges on a plot-heavy day. the aforementioned stuff happened, and tho the Council was reluctant to deal with WInona themselves they also DID not want to just let Vlad have her, so May volunteered his services as a neutral party that would report on Winona’s progress. Is asexual, uses magic through precious gems and stones, likes pineapple on his pizza to the dismay of many. the shortest member of the gang by far (he’s like 5′1″? 5′2″?), i think he’s blonde?, and he wears a lot of very bright outfits
(j) Alex Moraes: Full vampire, from standardly rich and powerful family. Grew up living on the Yates plantation, going to fancy boarding schools, alternatively learning ball room dance and financial investment strategies, visiting the Moraes home in the Andes, etc, etc. Feels a LOT of pressure to be a perfect son and heir, in the human and vampiric traditions, tho honestly he could probably relax about that, as he is already doing WAY better than his parents were at his age. Is gay and closeted and has a lot of conflicting feelings about that, also has an enormous crush on May that is obvious to everyone but may. Is growing his hair out because he wants to have a stylish mane like his father, and because he no longer goes to a boarding school that forbids that sort of thing. maybe also because sometimes may admires it, but im sure thats just convenient
The Legal Team: aka other important people that show up and do stuff, mostly covering everybody’s ass even tho they themselves are kinda an ass
(t) Gabriel Last Name?: Vampire (presumably full, as his family used to have a Council seat), lawyer, May’s employer and friend. Has his fingers in many pots as it were, perhaps not all entirely legal. Bad blood between him and his brother Chris, who absconded with all the family’s wealth and hasnt been heard from since (many many years ago- at least 20 or 30?). Not really the most warm and generous seeming of people, but has come through for the gang. Most notably, he was their legal representation in the case of ‘yall dont really want this dangerous vampire child who might kill you while you sleep, why dont you give her to bram and vlad while you clutch at your pearls and pretend you care about atrocities committed on your watch mkay?’ he and his boyfriends (denatro, a full werewolf and Locke, a bitten vamp) came to the townhouse for an awkward yet hilarious yet terrible christmas dinner. has red hair, generally dresses himself in a corporate fashion
(j) Maria Moraes: full vampire, Council member, member of indigenous population based in the Andes mountains that no longer exists any more, trans woman, also born in like the 1400s (honestly i forgot??), alex’s other mother but that is known to like, three people. a shrewd and savvy businesswoman, Maria is a no nonsense lady who is very unimpressed with the amount of nonsense alex has recently gotten into. but also sees the value of having Von Batts in her debt, and allying herself with Vlad and Bram, as well as Winona- she doesnt like wild cards, but she’d rather they be in her hand than loose in the deck, as it were. she secured the votes of other councillors for the ‘vlad gets winona and devon’ plan, and is apparently quite comfortable manipulating her colleagues. she has many business and political connections in the human world as well, as she does not subscribe to the isolationist theory many old supernatural beings prefer. in a not-serious-but-maybe-serious relationship with Mags, a werewolf gal from Deno’s pack. practices magic, but more like ‘spells’ and potions than the abilities Vlad has. can turn herself into a hawk, which is quite useful as she hates mechanized transportation
The Extended Fam & Friends: aka some more people that the Gang is fond of
(t) Bill Garrison: May’s adopted father, a very patient but bewildered man. His family, especially his parents are well respected in the community, which allowed him a bit more flexibility in the ‘adopting this random and potentially dangerous baby’ thing. handyman and builder
(t) Henri LastName: May’s best friend and confidante. Is a ‘guardian’ (i think that’s what they are called? basically, she’s involved with the giant world eating snake thing their island has going on, though she seems much more friendly with May than the others in her position). A take-no-shit lady, sells fish, i dont think she gets along with her mother? rocks a nice suit
(j) Matt Moraes: Alex’s ‘father’, Maria’s older brother, married to Annabelle. Enjoys art perhaps a little too much, as he seems to have taken the ‘my wife and sister can do as they please so long as im not interrupted from this project’ and honestly, they have some /dangerous/ projects that could use somebody willing to stand up to them. But generally, a kind man who has a good life- his marriage to annabelle is primarily a political one (they’re both gay), but they get along well enough in public that few would suspect they aren’t genuine. also, absurdly handsome. has a great beard and great hair, College Professor Hot™
(j) Annabelle Yates: full vampire heidi klum. elle woods disposition and charm, the manners of a southern belle, but also a cross between iago and mrs. bennet- she loves to know everybody’s business and she LOVES to be involved in it. not necessarily ill-intentioned in her manipulations, but manipulative nonetheless. has dabbled in most of the potentially high-profile ‘socialite careers’, tho right now is mostly focused on cooking and catering (but goodness knows that could change on a whim). she makes it a point to always look put together and have control over any situation, but she is incredibly protective of alex. loves parties, loves being adored, loves being right. has been known to flaunt whichever lingerie model she’s been seeing at maria, her ex, in attempts to make her jealous. does not actively practice magic, as her family has the rather unfortunate predisposition to go mad with power lust in their obsession to acquire more and more dangerous magics. has long, bright red hair and a smile a dentist would love to use in advertisements. (also, is maybe pregnant! this was going to alluded to more heavily in a thing i will hopefully eventually post that explored matt’s relationship to his family, but i was having difficulty with the dialogue and abandoned it for the time being, so)
(t) Denatro LastName: Deno, full werewolf, son of his pack’s previous alpha and younger brother to the current one, but has not been ‘home’ in years. his dad was an asshole that made him feel like having had a complicated birth (has only one eye, usually wears a patch over it in human form) was somehow in his control and thus his fault his mother died. Married to Locke, and the two are dating Gabriel. Deno is somewhat grumpy, not keen on people or tidiness or many other things besides. His wolf form is on the smaller side for a werewolf, but he’s faster and nimbler for it (i think he has black fur? and a very good nose?) annabelle thinks his butt looks nice in his suit, deno thinks wearing suits should be outlawed. has tried to eat a cat at least once.
(t) Locke Smith: owns a gas station with Deno in canada, bitten vampire, that’s not his real name (i mean, at least none of the Moraes-Yates gangs are still going by their original names, so he’s fine). Got into some real awful shit with some vampires when he was younger and had to kill his sister after she got violent, first met gabriel as his lawyer. eventually took up hunting, met and started dating Deno, got bitten at some point, got married at some point. reconnected with gabriel, they started seeing each other. like deno, is not keen on socializing, but is far more patient and polite about it. seems to wear a lot of turtlenecks
Ye Olde Baddies: people the gang dislike and/or have to fight against or are just generally suspicious
(r) Claudios Von Batts: Council Chair and leader, full vampire, full trash bag. i keep wanting to sympathize with him, but R assures me not to bother. slept with a human woman (the indignity! for a respectable vampire anyways) after his vampire wife died, obviously did NOT follow up. feels comfortable enough going to vlad when he needs help with child custody stuff, but also is cool with kidnapping and torturing vlad, so. power amongst the councillors and the supernatural community in general have been shifting, and Von Batts wishes to hold onto his at all costs. Is blond, is paranoid, lives alone in his huge mansion (maybe he listens to phantom of the opera as he swoops around? who knows)
Gautier: i almost forgot about him? full vampire, Council member, french dude. generally, a grade A creep. likes to ‘collect’ things (people, lbr). Assumedly connected to and even employing Rawe, and perhaps behind the kidnapping attack on May. i described him as looking older and ugly, but at times ive also implied vampires can influence their appearances, so who know. maybe he likes looking a guy colbert would make fun of
DeLuna: another random council member? wants von batt’s power for herself, seems suspicious of the commonly held belief that the twins were his late wife’s children. had her car stolen by May and Winona.
(j) Jack: cosmic entity charged with making sure sentient life doesn’t magic itself out of existence on accident. why Maria and Matt are the only remaining members of their civilization, gained the ability to posses a human body after helping merlin out, and now just hangs around on earth sometimes, eating food and enjoying carnal delights, etc. has become fond of Matt over the centuries they been sharing the second, but is unlikely to admit it. is absolutely enthralled by the prospect of May, and was invited to the New Years party in an effort by annabelle to satisfy jack’s curiosity without exposing may to much danger. is currently inhabiting the body of a dutch coma patient, and sorta looks like a man who hasnt left a hospital bed in years- very grayish skin, limp black hair, creepy eyes
dr rawe: .... a boogey-man, magic scientist dude? we needed to shake stuff up with some drama, so i created him to kidnap May and then came up with the explanation for what he was later on, dont judge. at any rate he’s dead now, having been quite injured by the gang and then eaten by jack
party goers: people at Annabelle’s primarily-human New Year’s Day party that the gang and others are interacting with
(j) Ilhan: human, Alex’s friend from prep school who is currently studying at MIT. Also, his girlfriend- the relationship was always a bit of an intentional ruse, but Alex has never actually talked to her about it, and probably should. I suspect that she genuinely does like him and would be hurt if he admitted that he has no interest in her, but probably not surprised. is wearing a white hijab and a long dress with galaxies across it
(j) gavin LastName: human, son of the fictional texas governor. a real asshole. he and alex dated secretly for awhile, under the pretense that gavin would be ostrasized and disowned if he came out, and became very manipulative of alex. it eventually became clear that gavin was largely just using alex for his own means, mutual friend Ilhan got real damn angry and things went south. gavin is... bitter about this. i keep trying to sympathize with gavin and give him more complex motivations (there are lots of people who cannot come out and that is valid! it is not inherently abusive to ask your partner to keep your relationship private! -things that i think and also alex probably thinks when he frets about it and wonders that maybe he /was/ in the wrong, no matter what ilhan claims) but honestly hes just a superficial high school jock villain and it can probably be left at that
(j) Chris Yates: i gotta rename him because there are only so many red haired characters that can have a brother named chris, but he’s annabelle’s younger half brother and runs their security firm. (they freelance with the mob, they are NOT the mob, its different) a decent dude, though was a stereotypical ‘big brother’ to alex growing up- as in, he was WAY cooler to hang out with than alex’s parents, but also likely to tell him scary stories and encourage him to do dangerous things that annabelle would have absolutely forbidden. i got some other backstory on him with the Yates family and the civil war and all that stuff, but basically he was very useful when annabelle exerted herself as head of the Yates family (i dont wanna say he shot folks who disagreed with her, but thats pretty much what happened)
annabelle’s ‘family’: yall i keep meaning to post something meaningful about the ‘cousins’ but basically its a large collection of full vampires and bitten vampires and a few in-the-know humans who were brought in as significant others but didnt want to be bitten. its not exactly ‘Council approved’, but they’re basically a coven of vampire rednecks and muscle thugs and the council was like ‘if we recognize the Moraes-Yates marriage and give Moraes a council seat then we have power over Annabelle and by extension her coven, without actually having to directly interact with her coven, soooo’ Technically Maria is ‘head of the family’ in the ways that matter for vampire law, but to the cousins, Annabelle is head of the family in the ways that /actually/ matter, and in the ways recognized by the old magics of the yates matriarchs. she keeps them out of trouble, disciplines them as needed, and the Council generally gets to sleep sounder at night knowing that at least things are much better than they were before annabelle took charge (and killed and exiled a good portion of said trouble-causing family, but thats another thing!)
Assorted Side Characters: aka people who i forgot to mention or didnt have a category
(r) the vampire doctor lady whose name i forgot: she’s friends with Vlad and gets away with because the supernatural community is pretty shit about medical research and the Council can’t really afford to alienate the world’s best (and only) expert on vampire health and wellbeing. probably one of vlad’s inside eyes and ears on the Council, has been treating Winona to recover use of her voice
nora: winona’s primary care-giver until she was maybe seven or so, and protected her from some of the abuse of the others. was presumably killed by the others in the coven, but if we ever need a new plot idea, nora can definitely be alive. though goodness knows if she really cared for winona or was just another manipulative sicko, so i supposed i would have to figure that out
victoria: a mysterious lady that Bram used to date, much to the displeasure (and detriment, it seems) of Vlad. Possibly why Vlad is so against Bram dating in the present
the folks on the island: May’s community is something of another mystery- Henri and Bill, at least, are very much on May’s ‘side’ as it were, but it seems that sentiment is not widely embraced, and there may be some who are anxious for May to die young, as has been predicted
(j) FirstName Domagala: aka ‘Mags’, a werewolf from Deno’s pack. She is older than him (maybe 5, 7 years? idk) and is also in a somewhat self-imposed exile, tho the details of that are unknown to us (aka i havent decided) and she formally left the pack several years after Deno had. She initially left to study medicine (surgery, specifically), but in recent years her seizures (which she used to only get after transforming) have forced her out of practice. is ‘seeing’ Maria, and weirdly enough, it seems to be approaching a ‘real relationship’, tho who knows. her parents were well respected and loved, her father being deno’s father’s best friend. she DEF killed him. it should be noted that Mags has several variations and though Werewolf Mags is certainly not warm and personable, she is a LOT nicer than Apocalypse Mags and Mutant Mags. 
sara weaver, greg parker, some other gal whose name i dont remember: the other kids in this generations vampiric baby boom. greg was the youngest by a few years, and real shy and nervous i think? and sara and alex have always been friends in the same way you might be friends with the kids of your parents college friends that you see once or twice a year- you get along and enjoy catching up, but outside of that connection, you dont make a lot of effort into maintaining the relationship. initially they were maybe going to be closer, but i decided that if alex supposedly had a ‘normal’ life he should maybe have some human friends, so ilhan became his primary friend outside the gang. sorry sara.
apologies for the many details i got wrong or outright neglected (like gavin’s last name, which i have already forgot, or Mags’ first name, which i STILL havent come up with, despite the character having originated even before her appearance in the Northern Ridge Werewolf RP sheesh i should get on that) i tried to include physical descriptors when i remember them, but obvs they are not complete nor necessarily accurate.
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