#im sleep deprived please dont judge me too hard
polareddie · 4 years
tw // Haiji Towa
i am going to have an aneurysm. i just realized how much H*iji Towa looks like Shuichi and i’m at the verge of a panic attack thinking that pg shuichi might be related to him
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i can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t
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brelione · 4 years
Dating Rafe Cameron
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Mentions of drugs and sex.Also I know Rafe kind of sucks but my imaginary version of Rafe sucks significantly less than actual Rafe so dont fight me :)
This boy is so in love with you.He didn't really love anyone else,all the love he did have was just for you.
You were able to calm him down when he got really angry
He loved to hug you from behind and nuzzle his nose into your hair
Anything you wanted he got you
He bought you a lot of expensive things
Nice shirts,new bathing suits,new bras,soft sweaters
You loved to take his hoodies because of how gigantic they were on you
He purposefully bought more hoodies even though it was always hot out because he knew that you loved them
He loved to visit you at work
He was attention deprived for 19 years so he became obsessed with hugs,kisses,hickeys,cuddles and literally any attention from you
He felt really comfortable around you
Comfortable enough to complain to you about his father and feeling unloved and Sarah getting all the attention
You telling him you loved him every morning,after every hug and kiss and before you went to bed at night
He enjoyed brushing your hair for you
He gets really excited for your birthday because he gets to buy you gifts and you can't refuse them cause its your birthday
He stopped using coke because you refused to be around him when he was high
Him finding out that your uncle had used coke and got into a lethal car accident and now the thought of it make you sick
He no longer stirs up trouble with the pogues because it makes you upset
He calls you his Queen and occasionally the Love of His Life
“Rafe take out the trash!” “I'm talking to The Love My Life!I can't!” “Rafe,baby,go take out the trash.” “Okay.”
He’s the biggest simp
He knows how you like your sandwiches and brings them to your house randomly
Someone called you a whore
He beat the guy so hard that his knuckles were bruised
You like when he goes grocery shopping with you because it makes you feel safe
Forehead kisses,nose kisses,little neck kisses when you're making coffee
Your parents regularly leave for weeks at a time
He comes over to your house when they're gone
You guys don't screw around often when he’s over,you just enjoy eachothers company and do chores
Literally though.You two will listen to instrumental music as you do the dishes,vacuum the living room carpet and dust off shelves
When you’re done cleaning you’ll build a fort,order a pizza and watch whatever is popular on Netflix
Sarah and Wheezie loving you
Rafe getting jealous because his sisters literally try to steal you from him
Ward and Rose noticing the obvious difference in everything Rafe does
The biggest giveaway was Rafe being awake before noon,making himself toast and looking out the window
He tries to eat breakfast everyday because if he doesn't you always pout and talk about the importance of breakfast
“Rafe...what are you looking at?” “That’s a sandpiper! (Y/N) loves those!”He exclaimed before taking a photo of the bird on his phone
“Who the hell is (Y/N)?”
You being terrified to meet Ward and Rose
The two of them like you a lot
Rafe buying you a limited edition hardcover signed copy of your favorite book
You literally crying when he gives it to you
“Oh god-you're crying.This is good crying,right?”
Going on beach dates and seeing  the pogues
Rafe doesn't even notice them,he’s too busy looking for seashells for you to add to your collection
He keeps a picture of you on his nightstand
You guys dont have sex often but when you do its actually quite gentle and full of soft kisses
He leaves small hickeys along your collar bones,neck and jawline
Him taking care of you when you get sick
For some reason you get sick a lot and he’s convinced its because you go swimming late at night when the water gets cold
“Baby,you need to stop swimming at night.” “But it's fun!” “Baby,it's making you sick.My pool is heated,you can swim in there whenever you want.” “But I like swimming in the ocean!”
He carries you in his arms like youre a child
He loves being the little spoon so he can rest his head in the crook of your neck and feel your fingers running through his hair
You being really adventurous and making him anxious
Like when you climb trees and hang from the branches
 “Baby,can you please get back on the ground?”
Rafe introducing you to Topper and Kelce
Once Rafe gets off of coke Topper and Kelce follow in his tracks
Him introducing you to Topper and Kelce
“This is my Queen.” “Your Queen?” “Correct.”
Drinking wine together as you watch short horror films
Him being embarrassed when you and Sarah have a passionate conversation about the extinction of different river dolphins
“We don't even live in the amazon!” “Rafe!” “You're so inconsiderate!There are dolphins dying right now!” “Imagine if a dolphin said not to care about you cause you don't live within their line of vision!” “You can't judge a whole species you've never even met a river dolphin!” “Neither have you!” “Rafe Jacob Malcolm Cameron!” “I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'll help you rescue the dolphins.”
Rafe was never in a serious relationship until yours
This boy has a bit of separation anxiety
He’ll call you 20 minutes after you leave his house to tell you he misses you
You facetime him at night after watching a slasher film because even just having him on the phone makes you feel safer
“We should get married.” “Baby...I love you so much,I really do but its four in the morning and i'm trying to pee and im tired.” “Okay.I love you...i'll talk to you later.” “I love you too.” 
After you take a crap ton of his hoodies (Which actually makes him feel appreciated and validated believe it or not) he decides he wants to steal something of yours
That ends up being one of your pillows because it smells just like your shampoo
He sleeps with that pillow and everytime you come over you’ll spray some perfume on it so it still smells like you
When you sleepover you two have to sleep in the living room because with Ward’s logic if you're in a living room you can't get pregnant
He wakes you up with kisses and makes you coffee
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