#im sloshed
loversj0y · 11 months
(this ask contains mentions of domestic violence) 
Heyyy i'm still here churning out wilbur blurbs  (wilblurbs?) until their quantity exceeds their quality, like a true capitalist. 
So we’re going back to my boy SIren. 
With how the Hero/Villain society is structured, I think that several West-End rich people would probably take in children who show potential. Not “take in” as “adopt”-- not all of these kids are orphans, although plenty are– but “take in” as in sponsoring them, paying for their education and taking it upon themselves that they become a successful hero. 
Nasty process. 
Anyway, I bring you the reader, straight from the alleyways and juvenile detention centers of East End L’manburg, who’s been training to be a hero ever since they were “sponsored”. 
I wanted to base the sponsor after Pearl from the Inheritance Games– I haven’t read the series, but a friend told me about it. Basically, Mrs. Coriander (or whatever you want to call her) is from a long lineage of prestigious families, yada yada, and has been widowed for 20 years. Back in her day, she used to be a talented pianist, not exactly famous but well-renowned in some circles. Her husband, utter bastard that he was, came home drunk one night to hear her play the piano, and he ended up crippling her hands. Later, he’d mysteriously die of unfortunate circumstances. Too much medicine in his coffee. Could happen to anyone, said Mrs. Coriander’s lawyers. And with after a couple hours of publicity, two days of court hearings, and a couple thousand dollars passed under the table to each of the jurors, Mrs. Coriander was found innocent. To this day, she remains a bitter, sharp-tongued and sometimes downright nasty lady. 
Despite owing their entire education and most of their livelihood to this woman, the reader had barely seen her until 3 years into their partnership. Maybe one of the grandkids/employees in the Coriander mafia family died and left a lot of loose ends, and Mrs. Coriander needed someone to fill the spot– and because there was no time to look for another hire, they just brought in the reader temporarily. 
The reader gets closer to the old woman– but never warm or familiar. A sort of respect/understanding is created between them, but it's far from “found family.”
Maybe the reader plays piano, and learns to play Mrs. Coriander’s songs so she can hear them again? (even if the lady is never pleased with how the reader plays them. She’s a picky lady– but she’s internally grateful, i promise). 
So that’s the time period when Siren meets the reader, a bit bored and not really invested in their hero career that was chosen for them instead of by them. 
They still fight him though.
Maybe the reader has the ability to create illusions? Which can be extremely advantageous in a fight– unless the opponent learns to deal with them. After all, their illusions don’t have sound. So while an illusion of a building collapsing would certainly catch someone off guard, they’d quickly realize something is off when the catastrophe is completely silent. 
Maybe Siren starts treating the reader a bit more like a vigilante than a villain? They still fight when they see each other, but they have some sort of hesitant respect. You know, the good old ‘silently/solemnly nods at you from across the battlefield’ or something. 
The reader won’t stay as a hero though, obviously. Once Mrs. Coriander’s old age starts getting to her, she calls the reader to her deathbed and requests that no matter what, they keep the House of Coriander alive and functioning— even at the cost of breaking the law (i say that Mrs. Coriander doesn’t really like her kids/grandkids and shows favoritism towards the reader). 
Mrs. Coriander dies, reader pays their respects, and then proceeds to take over the entire family business. And if the other family members/employees are against an outsider and a – *gag*– poor person /j taking over their business?  
Maybe they disappear. Or are inexplicably fired and blackmailed. 
Maybe siren and the syndicate is helping
Maybe he doesn’t dislike how the reader looks in their shiny new mafia suit and feels compelled to help out. 
im LATE TO THIS so sorry (also apologies for any mistypes/bad english i was off drinking so im not 100% sober atm)
but okay holy shit the concept of like "sponsoring" heros is fucking genius and i can imagine it having such a sinister connotation where like, it is a lot of these kid's biggest FEARS because they want to be heros, but they are terrified children like they dont know if they're ready for it
like let me flesh this out more accurately with like social dynaimcs and shit okay?
im bringing hunger games into this because i. fucking love the hungergames but okay so from the tribute pools, a few are people who are a bit better off and who have been training in facilities for the explicit purpose of winning the games (careers), there are some people who are completely terrified of the games and would not volunteer for anything: it's a death sentence for them; but then you have people who are terrified but will volunteer, because they have some reason to (this also brings me a terrible idea for worldbuilding that is dark but i could very much see happening but i digress)
so imagine these kids are the same: some of the more lower-middle class kids actually take classes to hopefully be sponsored by rich people and become heros. you have people who, even if they have overpowered powers, they would NEVER go near a rich person in the fear of getting their power discovered and being found out (it feels more like a death wish than becoming a hero) and then you have people who dont care either way, are still afraid, but they have a bigger motivation to push them to agree: which is where i imagine reader would lie
so reader i imagine is pretty neutral on the whole hero/villain thing. they kinda dont villainize the villains or see the heros heroically. their battles have never concerned them.
but maybe their only family member gets injuried because of some rubble during a hero/villain fight
and said family member is now in the hospital, likely a coma, and reader now has no way to actually pay any of these bills (do NOT tell me to go into the complexities of hero-au insurance companies)
so this random rich person heard abt their powers and wants to sponsor them? fuck it lets take it
(plus i feel like this have a healthy tie in with the mafia concept: she pays for the family member's hospital bills, keeping the reader involved and unable to really leave the family business)
but yeah they get close, reader is basically now the mafia's hero-for-hire (as if they haven't bought out the majority of them anyway) (do not ask me to go into the socio-political climate of hero-aus)
but here's the thing, bc the mafia is more who the reader works for, the reader doesnt really fight villains unless theyre trying to fuck with their stuff - hence the vigilante angle that siren has on reader. but because they're a crime family, the syndicate actually doesnt come after them often. no they usually work together.
reader was never allowed to go to the meetings before she passed away, since the whole "needs to keep the hero identity a secret" thing, but i imagine that civilian reader and wilbur knew each other. wilbur came into one of the businesses that the mafia runs, mostly to run a watchful eye and make sure they're upholding part of their deal, but civilian reader is there sitting in the corner, surrounded by a stack of shady papers, and hey. he's curious
not sure how they would eventually have the identity to civilian discussion but still
after ms. coriander dies, right, the syndicate shows up, and now this hero is standing at the head of the table, clearly corrupt, and theyre like. oh fuck yes.
it just makes their relations better. having an in to the hero committee while having a crime organization that can help cover their trails? yes please
plus... a syndicate member dating the leader of the biggest mafia family in the city? a power fucking couple. not to mention, the businesses could merge, making a full gotham-esque take over
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swedenis-h · 10 months
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Aaanywayss here’s a redraw of my favorite scene from Goncharov 1973
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houseswife · 3 months
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practically emanating
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sicc-nasti · 1 year
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Hanging out after a long day :9
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acatpiestuff · 5 months
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@tjs-stuffs this is specifically for you your're welcome and goodnight
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analogwriting · 2 months
Smutilogue (amab edition) Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3k first|afab version a/n: here's the cora smut y'all been feinding for. technically, this is an epilogue, but it also works as standalone. im lit as shit rn as usual when i write that shit - so enjoy. as usual, there are two versions. one afab, one amab but they both have diff things happen. (one rails the other rides ain't that great) also amore is love in italian and amor is love in spanish which tbh its cute n funny to me
“Ugh, it's so nice to finally be home,” you grumbled as you walked into the door of your house. At this point, you hadn't been home for a month and a half, but luckily you had cleaning services to maintain everything while you were away. Marco had also been sure to check on the house, he had a spare key, after all. 
“I think this is the first time I've been in your home.” You looked back to Corazon who was closing the door. “Well, benvenuto in casa mia.” You chuckled as you set your things down. Man, it was good to be home. 
You set your things down on the couch, letting Corazon explore your place while you checked everything. Windows, exits, the likes. You just wanted to make sure no one had broken in at any point. Marco had done this for you too and you had an alarm system, but with recent events, you couldn't be too cautious at this point. 
You headed into your room, seeing your boyfriend standing and staring at something on the floor in your closet. “Whatcha doin’?” 
You could've swore he jumped ten feet in the air. He looked back at you with panic in his eyes as he closed the door. “N-Nothing!”
Your expression changed to that of a droll one. “I don't believe that for a single fucking second.” You walked over, moving him and opening the door. 
Oh. Right. You'd forgotten that you meant to go through that and get rid of some stuff. 
There, in the middle of your closet, was a box of sex toys. You weren't embarrassed about it, if anything you were amused. You snorted, looking at him. He couldn't make eye contact with you. “Oh, you're just the cutest.” You reached up, pinching his cheek, causing his face to turn a deeper shade of red. 
“What's got you so flustered, amore? Imagine me using these on you?”
You heard him gasp softly and you looked at him, his face still a bright red. You grinned. The two of you held out this long despite almost jumping each other a couple of times. You could see his blush creeping down his neck and to his collarbone, his breathing became shallow. Oh, he absolutely was thinking of you using these on him.
“Oh, you dirty boy,” you mused and he frowned, quickly turning to head out of the room. You grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. You moved just right to get him to stumble onto the bed, quickly straddling him in the process. 
He looked at you with wide eyes, but he wasn't protesting. “Y-You should be recovering,” he mumbled. A large smile spread across your face. 
“That's all I've been doing.” However, if he was uncomfortable, you weren't gonna make him do anything. “But, if you don't wanna, that's okay.” You kissed him softly, smiling against him before moving to slide off his lap. 
Before you could go too far, you felt his hands on your hips, pulling you forward. You blinked, looking at him. His face was still bright red, but you could see the lusty haze beginning to form in his eyes. 
“Only if you're sure you don't need to recover some more,” he said. 
A smug smile spread across your face. “Oh, I'm just fine.” You kissed him again, hungrier this time. The two of you groaned against each other as it quickly became a heated exchange. You appreciated his concern, but you were just fine and you were about to be even better. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, pushing him down into the bed, following suit as you kissed at him. You reached under his shirt, feeling him up. You slowly lifted his shirt, resting it above his chest as your lips trailed to his neck, leaving hickies in their wake. Your hands explored his body, fingers gently tracing his scars. He shivered, his breathing shaking as small noises of pleasure escaped his lips.
Having him at your mercy like this was…delicious. 
Your fingers brushed over his nipples, twirling around them before pinching them softly. He gasped, arching his back. This was something you could definitely get used to. You moved down, beginning to kiss at his chest now; your lips gently pressing against his skin. He pressed into you as he moaned your name.
Who knew he could be so submissive? Sure, he always gave in to you, but you didn’t think that he’d be this submissive in bed. You were going to make sure to give him the shag of his life. 
You continued to kiss down his torso, taking a couple of detours to kiss a scar here and there. You two had that in common; bodies littered with scars from your former lifestyle that you were born into and were able to escape from. You reached the waistband of his pants, beginning to unbutton them. His breathing had already grown shallow as he looked down at you with a flushed face. 
You sat up for a moment, just admiring his beauty. Him just laying before you, face and body flushed, beginning to glisten with sweat. His chest was moving up and down rapidly as he was already breathless. His shirt pushed up over his chest with his pants slightly undone while looking disheveled…you honestly were tempted to take a picture. Though, Marco had access to your phone, you didn’t want to embarrass Corazon like that.
A grin slowly stretched across your face. “Already this worked up?” You could tell by the tent in his pants that he was more than ready for you to do whatever you pleased with him.
You absolutely planned on riding him - give him the time of his life. He deserved it after all he's done for you and the fact he's stuck around despite the absolute shit show your life has been the past couple of months. 
“How can I not be? I've been waiting forever,” he mumbled, looking away from you, covering his mouth with his hand. You just grinned at him like an idiot for a moment. His gaze shifted back to you. “W-What?”
“Nothing, you're just so pretty,” you mused, licking your lips. He groaned softly, covering his face again and you chuckled, finally making your next move. 
Your hands moved quickly, freeing him from the constraints of his pants. He twitched and throbbed against your hand as the cool air hit him. You expected him to be on the bigger side considering how large the man was himself, but you weren't too worried about it. You had experience with some large toys in your day.
You leaned down, pressing your lips to the base of his cock. His breathing hitched and he let out a tiny whine. “You tease too much,” he mumbled. 
You just smiled at him. “It's because you're so fun to tease.” You decided to do so just a little bit more. Taking your tongue, you started from the base, dragging it along the underside all the way to the top before swirling it around his head and pressing a kiss to it. The entire time he whined, his back arching - he was completely and totally at your mercy.
“Please,” he mumbled, his voice breathy and desperate. Oh, you liked that. “Please what?” you asked, beginning to stroke him, your thumb brushing over his head. 
He just looked at you with a pained look in his eyes, his hips bucking slightly, begging for more friction. His pupils were blown with lust and you were eating it up. “Please stop teasing me,” he gasped as you squeezed him slightly as his base. 
“Mm, I guess.” You decided to finally show him some mercy. You could tease him further, make him say even lewder things, but you decided to take it easy this time around. This was only the first time, after all. There'd be plenty more to come. You wanted to hear him yell your name, honestly. Nothing would get you going more than being able to hear him desperately calling your name in such a lewd manner. 
Finally, you gave him what he wanted, sliding him down your throat. Every time you did something like this, you were a bit worried about getting lockjaw so you tried your best not to overextend your jaw. Even if it did happen, you were a doctor and could take care of it, but it wouldn't make it any less embarrassing. 
Your eyes widened slightly as he rolled his hips, shoving himself down your throat even further. You pressed down on his hips, holding him in place as you pulled off of him for a moment. “Careful there, eager mcbeaver. I'm the one in charge,” you said, panting a bit. He looked down at you through half lidded eyes, pouting slightly. Fuck, he was so hot. 
You resumed what you were doing, taking him into your mouth once more. You could feel him straining under you to keep from moving. Good boy, you’d be sure to reward him well. It wasn't long before you started to work him, bobbing your head as your hands gripped at his thighs - mostly keeping him in place. You could also feel that he was going to be sent over the edge at any moment. 
Using one of your hands, you began to fondle his balls, causing him to whimper and moan. “Y/n!” His voice was a high whine, breaking halfway through. You gave his balls as nice tug and squeeze, causing him to buck his hips and shoving himself down your throat even further than the time before. He moaned loudly as he came and you did your best to not choke at his sudden movements. You were glad you didn’t have much of a gag reflex, but he still made it a bit hard.
Though, you should've seen that coming from a mile away. 
You pulled off of him, swallowing every bit of cum he had before fully pulling off of him. You were panting heavily, as was he. He placed an arm over his face as you moved up. You removed it, kissing him hard. “I'm sorry,” he mumbled against you, so breathless you almost didn't hear him. 
You smiled. “It's okay. I should've expected it. I didn’t exactly play fair.”
You sat up again, running a hand through your hair. “I know you were eyeballing the toys, but I think this time around, we'll just go with what we got,” you mused, kissing him again. “But don't worry, I'll ride you so well you won't even be thinking about anything else.” His eyes widened at your words, his face turning a darker shade of red and you just laughed. 
“God, you're so cute.” You kissed him again before sitting up again. 
You moved quickly, removing your pants and underwear. Your own erection twitched with anticipation and excitement. It felt much better now that you weren't trapped in the confines of your own pants. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been so turned on. You were almost sent over the edge just by blowing him.
As much as you just wanted to pounce on his cock right then and there, you knew it'd been too long and you needed to prepare yourself. You hopped off of him, going over to your nightstand and rummaging around before you finally found your lube. You were worried for a second you didn't have any. That would've been the ultimate cock block honestly. 
“I'll have to stretch myself first. You're a big man,” you mused, a lazy smile on your face as you licked your lips and winked. You were going to be full tonight and it made your heart race. 
Corazon sat up a little, grabbing you and pulling you into the bed. He pushed you into the pillows, hovering over you. “Let me do it, then.” You looked up at him, your own eyes wide, face ablaze. You couldn't form any words, just nodding before squeaking out an “O-Okay.” 
He took the bottle from you, slicking his own fingers with it. “It'll be easier if I do it, right?” You just nodded, gasping as you felt him press one of his digits against you before sliding it inside. You shivered, moaning softly. 
Luckily, it wouldn't be the first time taking it up the ass, so you didn't have to worry about being relaxed. You just needed to loosen up a little.
You squirmed, rolling your hips a bit as he moved his finger inside of you, adding another one to the mix. You pressed into the bed, your back arching slightly as you moaned. Shit, you might have to just let him fuck you now. 
But not enjoy the view of him under you? You couldn't give up that easily. 
He began to scissor his fingers inside of you and you pulled him into a hard kiss. His fingers were long and slender, reaching deep within you and driving you wild already. He slipped another inside of you and you honestly couldn't take it anymore. You were more than ready, you needed this man inside of you. 
“Pull your fingers out,” you mumbled against him. He did as you said, pulling them out and you whined, bucking your hips slightly and shivering. You placed a hand on his chest and flipped positions with him, straddling him once more. 
“I kind of liked making you squirm. Not something I see often,” he said, looking up at you. You smiled down at him, winking. “Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities, I promise you.”
With that, you moved back, feeling his erection press against you. A shiver ran down your spine, anticipation growing all the while. You knew this was going to be fucking great. 
You lifted yourself up slightly, feeling the head press against you. His hands placed themselves on your hips, helping steady you. Your head started spinning the more you stretched for him. You could feel your walls twitching as they expanded to fit him inside, slowly pulling him in. 
Then he just…pulled you down. Your eyes widened and you cried out as he rubbed against all your good spots. It sent you over the edge, feeling yourself climax for the first time tonight. You were panting heavily, doubled over slightly as your legs and body shook post nut. 
“S-Sorry,” he mumbled, panting. You looked at him, breathing heavily. “You are so lucky that I love you,” you breathed, closing your eyes to gather yourself again. That had thrown you in for a loop but you were recovering now. If that had been anyone else you would've long since pulled yourself off of them and left. 
But, when Corazon did it, it was kind of hot. 
He frowned apologetically and you could tell he felt bad, but it wouldn't last very long as you began to move, successfully distracting him. You felt his hands dig into your thighs as you started rolling your hips. You moved slowly at first, trying to find a good pace and get back into the swing of things. He went to roll his hips too but you pressed a hand against him. 
“Not yet, lemme adjust first.” 
He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes and you almost broke. The both of you would be yelling and crying out each other's names soon enough. 
As you found your pacing, it wasn't long before you were flat out bouncing on his dick. The sounds were sloppy and wet as they rang off the walls, the both of you moaning and panting. You could hear him begging for something you couldn't quite make out, but it was accompanied by lots of yeses so you assumed it was good. 
You felt his hands suddenly grip your ass and you gasped surprise. He held you still, pushing you forward slightly so you were bending as he spread your cheeks. “Cor-” You were going to ask him what he was doing when he started ravaging you with no mercy. Your eyes widened and rolled back as he slammed in and out of you, moving his hips quickly and desperately. 
You quickly became a drooling, sobbing mess and it wasn't long before he suddenly slammed into your sweet spot, making you scream his name. Your vision went white for a moment and you came hard, making a mess of the both of you for the second time, but he didn't stop. He kept pumping in and out of you ruthlessly. You were losing the feelings in your legs and you knew you weren't going to be walking tomorrow - and you honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
Finally, he stilled, burying himself deep inside of you as he reached his climax. You let out a long mewl as you felt yourself being filled by him in more ways than one. “Fuuuck,” you whined, your eyes glued to the back of your head as your body shuddered with another orgasm. 
The both of you were panting, you felt like you were on cloud nine and higher than a kite. Your entire body was buzzing and shaking.
Slowly, he pulled out of you and you whined softly, eyes rolling back slightly. You felt something run down your leg once he pulled out and it didn't take a genius to know what that was. 
You collapsed on top of him, eyes closed as you tried to get the world around you to stop spinning and you felt yourself moving up and down as he tried to catch his own breath. 
“I don't think I can feel my legs,” you mumbled, your breathing slowing down some. He chuckled, shaking you slightly. “Sorry about that.” The both of you chuckled, settling down. You felt exhaustion creeping in. You were technically still in recovery, after all. 
“Mm, I love you, amore.” You pressed a kiss to his chest before closing your eyes again. 
“I love you too, amor.” He pressed a kiss against your head before settling in. It wasn't long before the two of you were out for the count. 
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lobotomizedlady · 3 months
how does any woman just go to a bar or out to dance and magically meet a man worth hooking up with even once let alone consistently. I'd rather use a cheese grater as a dildo than fuck any man who's ever approached me at a club I'll tell you that much
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bugslap · 11 months
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i might be a little biased when it comes to weapon types, but...any slosher mains out there...if ur interested in the best weapon in splatoon as a pin pls fill out my interest check 🫶💥‼️
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eggsploded · 4 months
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the beginning verse of born slippy was made to be sung by denji
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sloshr · 2 years
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After the Battle. I love you so much Small Fry!!!
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tosxah · 3 days
Me sober: guess I should reply in a way that isn't shit
Me after some bevvies: *cracks knuckles* bout to write poetry that'll make the gods gay.
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54prowl · 9 days
hm I should probably go to the ER for this
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fooltofancy · 1 month
important to understand that my approach to oc design and characterization depends explicitly on how i'm playing that specific game, like. a thing you should know about ilya is that he is the kind of person who will dive into the middle of a large pull ahead of the tank and pop all of his mitigation while screaming because i get distracted and do that. constantly.
... it's the siren's call of the big aoe damage noises, ok.
#mostly im thinking about these things because they're the easy things to think about#i am. very. very. bad. at like deeplore dives lmao#so bad!!!!!!! i'm here for the emotional complexity do Not ask me where this man lives i don't know#... i do know.#once it starts branching out into history and family lore and godforbid fucking cultural lore i am just#so dumb. i'm so dumb i was not designed for worldbuilding even if it's just the world of one weird little guy#v invested in other people's sandboxes because mine is very small and it's also just full of rocks.#anyway.#my partner: BABY MOOOOOOOOODE#me: it's okay my heal is up it'll be FINE#also increasingly play casters like melee dps so everybody gets to suffer that as well#ilya standing directly under a very large guy in his stupid leylines like MANAWARD'S UP IT'S FINE#.... i dont play blm as much now honestly because to contribute i have to be less stupid. and that's not fun.#i really. REALLY enjoy the big melee dps damage noises#they're across the board better than caster noises. so disappointing because in my heart i am On Fire#sam+pal noises are the best noises in the game#SPINNING#i'm thinking too hard about backstories and it's not going well lmao#grabbing this creature by the shoulders and shaking him violently like WHO ARE YOOOOOOOU#concussed probably his brain is just sloshing around in there#babg mode blogging#this is also why he's canonically A Guy Who Touches Things He Shouldn't#because i'm that guy.#i'm the guy who touches things.#this explains sehren also like she would not be who she is if i didnt play dragona age with wild hubris and abandon#.... it wasnt fun unless i was wildly underleveled in places i didnt belong ok#every if mc ive gotten invested in also
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mikodaiyo · 1 year
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[skfw] “Let me take care of you.”
Day 3: Hurt/Comfort Word: Pining Scenario: Kagome receives bad news and goes to find Sesshomaru.
These? BABIES! Plus, a close up! Get into his tears ducts baby
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Sesskag Fluff Week Prompts  ♥️  
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lovesomehate · 8 months
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Help this crush is now an obsession - 17/??
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gachabastard · 3 months
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Gregor, Drunk Homosexual
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