#im slowly working on the donut tutorial
clanoffelidae · 2 years
I have genuinely not gotten a decent night’s sleep since I started learning Blender on Sunday.
Is this the true Blender experience
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tomleetv · 7 years
Okay so before choosing my final idea i want to do some testing and drawings and stuff just to see if my ideas are simply going to work. so the first thing i want to do is just sketch out the ideas i have for each channel that i have chose, because i still havent decided between what channel im going to chose yet. 
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So with the first idea i planed on having 3/4 shots, the first being completely cinema 4d. the idea was to have the earth shown in large and slowly turning peacefully and within a few seconds of silence, a slight noise can be heard becoming louder and loud and suddenly a meteor fly’s past the camera causing it to wobble, realise its heading straight towards the earth. as it gets closer and closer this would then cut to a very low angle medium shot behind roughly 3 to 4 people looking up as they see the meteor flying through the sky, getting closer and closer. This would be followed by a shot where we see the meteor hit the ground causing a huge explosion of dust and particles, which would probably be in a field. Now if possible i would like to have this shot as a continuous motion shot where the camera goes from being eye level to an aerial shot where we see the smoke fade away to reveal the Syfy logo imprinted into the ground.
 The next two ideas are revolved around the Simpsons as I realised that both of the channels air the Simpsons with a whole lot of other channels also. one of the main reason i chose this is purely flexibility because if 1 idea doesn’t work with a certain channel, i can change the channel to any of the others and it will still work with the channel and their branding as they play the Simpsons. 
For the second idea, it was much more simple than the first, and i really wanted to go for an itv 2 like style for the ident. Originally what my mind set was would be that hopefully i could create something thats so visually pleasing that it would look super cool duplicated near a hundred times, and moving very rough, but played in slow motion to show the rough motion with a very smooth effect. I would then just use the normal sky 1 logo which would fade on screen as i dont feel that making anything fancy would add to the ident, but maybe take away from it. 
The final idea i have is one of my favourite ideas, I think its on par with the first idea in how much i like it. The basic concept is that i would have modelled the Simpsons TV from the shows which would be placed in an infinity yellow room. The camera would start off with the Tv filling the frame (i’m thinking roughly 50mm lens) and after 1-2 seconds of the camera staying static while something happens on the tv, the camera will then dolly backwards while the lens moves from the focal length to a much smaller one, something like 15-20mm which will give an extreme wide angle shot which i’m hoping will look really cool with the letter and make them look very powering within the scene. The tv will continue to do something and towards the end i’m thinking of having the screen flicker until it switches off, which then turns all the lights off within the scene causng a black screen which will end the Ident.  
Before jumping straight in to my ideas I think its best I actually look for some stuff and make sure i’m not either blatantly copying someone or doing something that isn’t reasonable with stuff like the time I have for the project or even smaller things like if my Mac book can handle this sort of editing. Although it sounds silly it could play a huge factor within the whole thing, so i think its best i just double check. 
Now for my meteor idea, honestly i dont think i’ve seen the exact idea before, but i feel like i’ve seen a lot of shots that use the same idea in films etc.. i feel a meteor shot heading towards the earth is quite a cliche shot, but it does look super cool and thats why you see it in so many films and photos. Heres a few i found on google: 
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One film that popped to mind when thinking of this idea was actually the good dinosaur, but after finding the part i had in mind, it was 100% what i remembered so it was slightly different, but still could have been a possibility for a shot within the ident. 
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Idea 2: 
Now to be honest, the only channel that really uses object that are cloned to fill the frame are Itv 2 which i have already researched so i dont need to do more on them, but what i do want to do is learn how to clone objects within cinema 4d if i do end up using this idea. 
So i looked up on youtube that exact thing and this is the tutorial i came across which is really clear and informative. 
Although the video was posted in 2011, the basic layout is still the same and i still managed to copy the video clearly. After using the tutorial i decided to test it to make sure i could clone properly. I first selected a Torus as its a donut like shape.
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I then made adjustments to the torus to make it more donut like.
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Once i had this i went to the ‘MoGraph’ tab and selected a cloner, while holding ‘alt’ which makes the ‘Torus’ a child of the cloner. 
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Once i done this, well, this happened and its pretty messy, but it worked, and cloned my object. 
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So i went into the cloner settings and made adjustments to the amount of donuts, spacing between and also the height. 
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after doing everything i managed to clone the objects evenly in a tillable matter. Josh also told me that by adding ambient occlusion and global illumination it gives a much better looking render, which i must say he was correct. It gives a nice shadow to each object and does something magical with the lighting. 
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IDEA 3: 
Okay so for my third idea, like my 2nd idea, research isn’t as important, its more about learning the software and getting to grips with how everything works as my 3rd idea is completely 3d and means i will need to create 3d models. The best place to start i think is just to simply look up tutorials and learn. 
This is the tutorial i am watching and usig to learn the basics of the software as its obviously a good starting place. Ill probably do more research in to tutorials and the idea in general if i end up choosing this idea. 
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