#im so glad sanvers shippers
Of course the Supercorp Shippers would get blamed for shit they didnt do. So again, Some Kermlins and WestAllen/Iris Stans are accusing supercorp shippers of being racist because supposedly Supercorp shippers are saying they were boycotting black lightning (Which By the way, No supercorp shipper even said) because BL is forcing the Legends to take up Supergirls night? That is just hilarious and makes Zero Sense. Why would the Supercorp fandom, the people who are happy about the Nine Week hiatus, Say they would Boycott BL because of it?
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If you couldnt tell, these are karamel shippers here, not supercorp. These are Karamel shippers who are showing a big distaste for BL because of the hiatus.
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These are supercorp shippers who are excited about the hiatus and Supercorp shippers who are excited for BL. So why are people trying to accuse them of not wanting to watch BL because of the hiatus? Why are people bullying the fandom off of rumors? If your going to accuse a whole fandom for something like this than you should bring some actual proof and facts before doing so other wise its going to make you look like a dick who is just trying to start shit. I could easily get more screenshots of the Supercorp fandom saying they were excited for black lightning and how they were excited for the hiatus but I legit threw this together in 10 minutes and these were the only screen shots I had.
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jamestikirk · 8 years
Look I'm tired of this war between Supercorp and Karamel why can't you guys just ship whoever you want without spreading hate (IM TALKING ABOUT BOTH SIDES) I'm a karamel shipper everyone who follows me knows that but I LOVE LENA LUTHOR and I'm so happy Katie is going to be a regular next season. I don't ship Supercorp but I think the kind of friendship Kara and Lena have is hard to find and I'm glad we're gonna see more of this friendship but all this hate coming from both sides and hateful posts is just exhausting when I read this things (and is hard not to bc is all the time) I find myself sad and all the joy shipping karamel brings me kinda goes way. Look I find it very honorable you guys fighting for LGBT equality and wanting more time on screen that awesome (I personally think that sanvers is a beautiful couple that deserves more time on screen) but you have to understand that is not karamel fans who decide that so stop attacking them for something we can't control and I love Chris Wood w/ all my heart he's the most selfless and adorable person I know he talks and fights for the mental illness cause bc of his dad and he's so strong to talk openly about this his feminist and fights too for the rights of LGBT community so I'm sorry but if you hate him for just being white/straight or bc your ship is not happening sorry but it's not enough bc you're hating and spreading horrible things about a beautiful human being. But ok you have the right to no like his character and karamel that's your opinion and I respect it but don't think you should say this things about him bc it really hurts especially him(who hardly uses his social media and with all this hate his getting i'm not surprised) and for us fans it sucks you hurt us too bc I'm a fan for a really long time I know the kind of person he is. You guys are hurting a human being a super cute human being not the character bc he's just doing his job and he has no say in the storyline so pls stop I'm begging you. THE OTHER SIDE NOW in MY FEED I've never seen any hate about supercorp or about the LGBT community THANK GOD BC IF I DID I SURE AS HELL WAS GOING TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT THING (of course I know that there're people out there who spreads hate about supercorp too) BUT IS NOT THE ENTIRE FANDOM EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE ITS A TINY PART OF US AND IS STILL WRONG AND IT HURTS I KNOW BUT WE FIGHT THEM TOO BC ITS NOT RIGHT. I told myself I wasn't going to talk about this ship war anymore bc it makes me sick to see a fandom who are supposed to be supportive and united grabbing each other's throats like that but the time is passing and more and more hate are being spread I mean ??? LEARN TO LOVE THATS ALL IM ASKING YOU DONT LIKE YOUR FRINDS SHIP THATS FINE YOU DONT NEED TO FIGHT W/ THEM BC OF THAT OR SAY OFFENSIVE NAMES. RESPECT THATS ALL Don't say offensive things and spread more hate on this post okay? I'm just trying to idk help maybe try to unite a little THIS amazing fandom that's all I'm asking thanks.
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