#im so glad that fucking bitch got what she deserved! i hope something horrible happens to her in the next episode too!“
Webtoon commentors are the worst people I have ever seen
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
So I'm back with my thoughts on ex not missed..
First of all I loved how it was set up, I fell in love with seokjin 474738 times
Now I'll paste here what I wrote while ow as reading cause I took quick notes
-i relate to the bad luck holy shit that's me
-i love Jin so much did I say it????? Also in his glasses????????
-he s so nice to help reader and not look I wanna cry
-he even cooked for reader and she's been just bitching at him
-mrs nameless I died and came back to life honestly
-i feel so bad for Jin being unlucky too
-he s so nice taking care of reader I'll cry into oblivion
-"this guy is your boyfriend, remember, sweetheart?" I CHOKED HOLY SHIT
-the vase scarred Jin for life to the point of asking to not get hurt😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-can someone give the reader a joy.. she can't even say something that it just doesn't happen😭😭😭💀💀
-im sorry I'm picturing Jin eating that gingerbread house icing and my heart melted
-reader screams Capricorn, and honestly I relate I feel so called out oof
-i'll be crying bc of his reaction to the breakfast brb
I guess I stopped here cause I concentrated yup, I loved the fast forward, I was so afraid they would never meet again but the ending made me melt, actually overall it made me melt, Jin was such a sweetheart putting himself aside to cheer up reader.. I will never mentally recover from reading this one shot, I need some fluff to compensate my broken and pieced back together heart..😭
Thank you for the suggestion and for blessing my eyes with that one shot, I loved it so much
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Awhhhh yay!! Lynn you read it and omg?? All the commentary is dang amazing😭💕 I fell in love with that Jin while writing it ahaha like no question he was just wanting to help this struggling stranger.. And yeah reader was on the abrasive side but turned out to be a big softie anyway LOL
So much happened! And it’s so funny because your notes suddenly turn into all caps LMAO like!! The turning point is obvious and I’m cryinggg😂 I’m also so happy that you pointed out the jokes because I WAS CACKLING OK💀 This Jin did not hold back on the humor and reader was nottt having it🤣 But then of course we get to the more serious stuff, and the climax of everything. It was a challenge to write because this was a rom com style, but I think I like how it ended up! Glad to know you enjoyed it, at least :D
They both deserve so much and I hope they are having the best times right now watching movies and drinking wine at resorts as a couple🥺 You’re so sweet for reading and letting me know what you liked!! Thank you so so much😭💕💕
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mulderspice · 4 years
like god. sorry to keep talking about this but. there are so many episodes of the x files that are so so so objectively horribly racist so as a fan of color im gonna make jokes about scully (and mulder! wtf we literally make fun of him being a spoiled rich boy who hates poor ppl all the time) being a “terrible person” all i want lol.
like the white wlw girlies on this site need to examine how much racist shit they let slide bc its Their Fav ❤️ to thhe point where they are antagonizing REAL PEOPLE OF COLOR (u and us) defending some FICTIONAL white bitch like ..... going out of your way to stalk the poc section of the fandom to say mean things to poc who are FANS THEMSELVES (who have all experienced racism in their way. white ppl should know this) bc you couldnt handle joking about your favorite FICTIONAL white woman COP being a racist thats just ......
like whats the “im not a racist” explanation for that. what happened was that you care more about fictional dana scully than about actual real poc (who are just minding their fucking business having fun) and what they have to say abt racism. (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEYRE JUST JOKES LIKE NO ONE IS BEING SERIOUS AT ALL THE BLOG IS HALF FAST FOOD. WHY ARE U SO HEATED. NO ONE EVEN MEANS IT. THATS WHY WE STILL WATCH THE SHOW CUZ WERE OBVIOUSLY FANS TOO).
like whatevr that makes sense that shes attached to scully i dont fault her for having an emotional connection to scully (x files is my life im not one to judge) and for getting mad but. she really took that feeling and went “im gonna make it this poc’s problem”. and came into your inbox. like ..... thats gross u didnt deserve that.
they’ll actually probably reblog a post on their woke little blogs saying all that. but they wont do it. they wont change their behavior. i actually remember her calling us misogynists earnestly like she was woke for it like what a joke..... white ppl get more offended at being called a racist then actual racism. maybe im reading too much into it but i think im just mad because this is something you see everywhere and this is just one tiny example and like. u literally care about just hosting a fun rewatch during these lonely times like youre doing a kind and fun thing. just the idea of fun benign wholesome things exist and still somehow racism find its way in.....
ugh just wanted to say dont let these bitches get u down youre NOT being misogynist or whatever. claiming misogyny is white feminists favorite defense. thats literally these white girls cover for when they get caught being too heated over their fictional girlfriend.
ugh im so sorry for writing so much. this got away from me. thabks for reading it if u made it here lol. and thank you for hosting these rewatches theyve brought me a lot of joy in this sad joyless pandemic.
thanks for sharing babe. I know how u feel and it’s frustrating and annoying but it’s good to talk about it and I’m glad I’ve created a space here for you to literally do that. I know it’s easy to feel excluded from fandom especially as a poc unfortunately it feels kind of unavoidable 🙄 I hope it can change but I also hope we’re very much off tumblr by the time that ever happens LMAO. anyway we love u! Thanks for sharing
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jungblue · 6 years
UGGHHH why did the oc have to be so stupid and let JIMIN retrieve the notebook for herrrrr!!!! She should've remembered that that's the wrong one!!!! Ugh it's making me so emo but I understand that it was for the best....😭😭😭😭😭😭
lolol like don’t get me wrong i’m glad that jimin found out bc he totally deserved to know that his girlfriend was a lying cheater… but like bro if you’re gonna cheat don’t allow your boyfriend to hold the notebook full of poems written by the person you’re cheating on them with. like maybe that wasn’t a smart move on your part lmao. but honestly when she was just like oh i can grab the right notebook before he gets to the really incriminating bits!!!! i was like bitch you’re fucking dumb!!!!! lol
Anonymous said: The cheating fic took a piece of my soul I finished it in one sitting. But tbh Sohee at the end got A LITTLE TOO CRAZY like I had the innate urge to slap her. Some part of me hoped the reader would end up with JK, but alas I.T was not so. Also, she pined for jimin at the very end, which was contradictory to the whole ending of “loving yourself first”. BUT ANYWAYS STILL BALLED MY EYES OUT AT 5 AM
no same when that happened with sohee i was like… alright?? get trapped in a loveless relationship??? go off i guess??? like i know why she did what she did but i also don’t understand why she would wanna be with someone that doesn’t wanna be with her. and i think that the thing with jimin at the end happened more so bc she’s lonely, not bc she doesn’t love herself. like you can love yourself but feel the effects of loneliness. like it’s been 4 years since that whole incident and in a single instant she lost her best friend, her boyfriend of 2 years and the guy she was in love with. like that’s gotta be hard on the soul lol. i mean not that she didn’t bring that upon herself, but still i get why she was feeling lonely at the end lol
Anonymous said: TAY i just finished reading Right of Way and i jUST— i feel exactly the same like you, like this fic wrecked me up that much?????? I couldnt even cry bcs i was so mad that the OC ended up alone?? I know it was fucking wrong but i lowkey hoped that Jungkook and the OC would end up together… i just felt theyre perfectly fit…. Anyway the last time i felt like this was when i read a fanfic called “Vow”, its also a cheating!au, im wondering if u ever read it…
no same it’s like i know that i shouldn’t like them together but i’m also like i get ittttt and i don’t wanna get it bc then i’m sort of justifying their terrible behavior. but no i haven’t read vow. who’s it by?
Anonymous said: i just finished the cheating fic (its almost 4am here sigh) and i agree with you about the whole feeling sorry for them even after they did such horrible things and all that but. uh sohee’s pregnancy trap made me pissed. like, jk deserves some obvious shit thrown his way but. i feel bad for the baby ?? that whole plan of hers just put me off so much. i d k
yeah exactly i was like alright jungkook deserves some sort of revenge but i honestly just hate the pregnancy trap trope. it annoys me to a very high degree. honestly that’s the only part of the story that i could’ve done without. though it definitely happens in real like so i can’t be too upset about it
Anonymous said:i just finished reading ROW becof you. And I just really really loved it! Yes, I want me(yup I was imagining myself as the OC who doesnt) to have a happy ending, but realistically, not with jimin and jungkook. I hurt them too much and FCK THERE ARE TIMES THAT I WANT TO STRANGLE MYSELF FOR CHEATING BEC HOW CAN A HUMAN CHEAT ON JIMIN THE ANGEL?I just love how realistic everything was. I didn’t want it to end. I need more fics like this. ROW also is the 1st fic I read in Ao3. Suggest me more :(
ON TOP OF THAT, I was listening to The Truth Untold on loop the entire time I was reading it and when I broke things off with JK, his part on TTU where he sang “but I still want you” fucking ripped me off.. Also jimin’s “I still want you” in the killed me too what a fucking roller coaster
yeah it was very realistic which was why the ending hurt so much :(( but i have a lot of ao3 recs but they’re mostly m/m. row was actually the first reader insert fic i’ve ever read on ao3, so if you want more of those i unfortunately can’t be of much help ;;;;  and jxnsajdnl why would you do that to yourself lol. that fic is too sad to pair with that song 
Anonymous said: Fksnofkn I just read Right of Way and feel as if my heart was ripped out of my chest and then punched repeatedly. What makes it even worse is that we all know this is how Jimin was feeling when he discovered the truth :( idk I’ve been an angst binge lately and so, this was a wonderful recommendation! If you’ve recovered lol (bc I sure haven’t) or want to read something else similar to Right of Way (I enjoy piling on the angst sometimes lmao) I just finished Comfort Inn by joonbird and recommend!
i know i had a lot of emotional turmoil afterwards i was just like why??? do i feel so numb??? and thank you for the rec!
Anonymous said: Babe I binged read the entire ROW and I’m now in bed sobbing oh god everyone is hurting and good god so am I HAHAHA the ending was so realistic and I think that’s why it was so painful WHAT A RIDE
like i say i love angst and i honestly do but i like angst where the journey is hurtful but the ending is nice jxjsdalnjs lol
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
long story short.... i liked a senior of mine (boy 1) but his friend liked me (i didnt know at the time, hes boy 2) but his other friends knew i liked him so we all became close!! i introduced my bestie to them (they got along well but she didnt like boy 2) and she told me she felt uncomfortable being friends w him and that she didn't like me being close to him because she got weird vibes from him, i respected her decision so i messaged him that i didn't wanna be friends anymore. he pulled the gaslight card on me (i was 15 and didn't know any better + I'm also a rlly emotional person so i felt SO MUCH guilt, he was also EXTREMELY overprotective and we weren't even dating) i didn't know how to handle the situation so i let my bestie take over for me and then things calmed down a bit. a few weeks after, i was assigned a project and was teamed up w this guy (boy 3) we became close, got along rlly well. my bestie tells me she likes him and i encouraged her to go for him because i didn't see anything wrong !! i was super supportive !! (it was around halloween, there was usually a big event (like a carnival) and we all went (she also told me she liked ANOTHER guy but i didn't care) at the end of that night, she told me she noticed boy 3 liked me (because he stuck by my side the whole time and rarely gave her attention) and she told me to ACCEPT HIS CONFESSION (they planned it behind my back) and i told her NO cus 1. she liked him, it was wrong 2. i didn't have romantic feelings for him 3. i was not ready considering the past events (1/2)
(2/2) but she put our friendship on the line, either i dated him or we stopped being friends (she was my only friend and i didn't wanna lose her, i was also extremely stupid BUT then again i was ab 15?? when it happened?? and i wasn't in the right mindset) so i chose the latter and accepted his confession and we started dating. and then i went on twt and saw my ex guy friend (boy 2) had tweeted something and i IMMEDIATELY knew it was ab me (bc he was dragging me and he also said somethings that were related to my current situation) so i messaged him to confront him and in the tweet he called me a bitch and a whore (I WAS 15) and he said i was a horrible friend for dating my friends crush. i tried to explain my part and said that she FORCED me to date him but he didn't believe me and continued to talk shit ab me (he also kept defending her and i was SUS because she kept telling she hated him) i felt extremely hurt and i told boy 1 ab it and he was there for me and he told me to talk it out w her. and when i did, she denied everything and said he was lying but i knew SHE was lying because boy 2 and i weren't close enough for him to know the things ab me that ONLY SHE knew (she told him a lot of the things that happened between one another but twisted the stories to make me sound like the bad guy) i went back to my childhood friend (we grew apart but she was my only other friend) and i told her ab it and she helped me put out receipts that proved i wasn't a bitch blah blah things became okay again, i cut her off and made new friends (i feel much more comfortable around them than i did w her) moved on but i never hated her for it ?? like i hate holding grudges eventho what she did was SHITTY.. i talked to her again last year and we made amends but we aren't close (more like friends) + I also broke off my relationship w boy 3 lolz HE WAS A SHITTY GUY ANYWAYS all he wanted was sex, i hate men, he would constantly bug me and ask me for nudes so i told my mom ab him and reported him to the cops HEHQHAHAHAHAH
i guess I've grown and i hope soemthing like this never happens again lol i just look at this like a normal memory again and i'm alright now !!
okay FIRSTOF ALL i had the luxury of reading this at my own time and pace last night and i just wanna say im so proud of you for getting through all that drama bec sis wtf lmao i really don't understand the logic behind all these lies esp when you are friends. im the type who is brutally honest ESPECIALLY with my friends because i prioritise the truth and i prioritise honesty in friendships and relationships so i really couldn't fucking understand why your friend had to make you choose between the friendship and the guy. you dating the guy has NOTHING to do with your friendship with her and if she was in her right fucking frame of mind she would've known EVERYTHING was of your choice.
i really don't know what to say and since you're out of that zone I'm just glad you're safe from that HELL of a friend and also your ex wtf? why do men think about nothing but sex and nudes like if you want shit like that just visit a porn website wtf those people pay for ppl to jerk off to them and you didn't?? good LORD I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm sorry it escalated all the way to the cops NOBODY deserves to do go through that kind of nonsense EVER
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 5: “Our tribemates had to die for MYSANDRE to rise.” - Lysandre
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I'm kind of glad Raul is gone. To me, he was the biggest liability in all the alliances I had with him. It is just a shame to see someone I made an alliance with early in this game get eliminated like that. However, now that means Marie will continue to be a target for Cassie at merge, and I can still work with Lysandre. They are a valuable asset to me. I would not want to bring them to the end, but I would love to take them as far as I could to ensure my own safety. Right now, if it is a final 3 scenario, I want to take Flint and Joey since they seem the least active and the most trustworthy. Plus, they don't seem to have games at the moment, but I'll have to keep an eye on that as we go along. Final 2 scenario for me is definitely with Joey though at his point in the game. 
"Sorry for my lack of confessionals lately. Just literally nothing is happening. My tribe basically died completely as far as activity goes and I'm just sitting pretty until merge anyways so!
Yeah go me woo"
"I don't want to summarize. So take this chat log instead. 
TLDR: Joey confirms to me that we're ride or dies which makes my FTC plans more possible. He wants Sumi to win the challenge and for either Mea or us to go to tribal. I want us to go to tribal because, well, I don't trust Charlie to remain loyal to us.
What do you think about all that's happened?
Joey, 8:10 PM: i think we're the only ones who have never been to tribal
8:10 PM: Yeah I think so!
Joey, 8:10 PM: what's the tribe that's not mea
8:10 PM: Sumi
Joey, 8:10 PM: yeah i think at merge it's gonna be based on tribal lines
8:11 PM: Mea will defintely be the people in the middle. We need to reel them in if we want to stay the majority based on tribal lines
Joey, 8:11 PM: exactly that's why i'm wondering if losing the next challenge would be bad for us
8:13 PM: Yeah someone will have to lose it. If Sumi loses then they have 4 against our 5. But that means Mea will want to work with them more since we'd be a threat due to our size. Though if we lose, then we have to convince Mea on the same principles to vote out a person from Sumi. It's kind of a tricky situation to be in. But hen if Mea goes to tribal again, then that'd just be one person to convince but then it'd be deadlocked
I think this might be the most important immunity pre-merge
Joey, 8:14 PM: i agree like honestly best case scenario is Mea loses again lol but i think if sumi loses we could be in trouble obviously i'm loyal to the four but above all you're my ride or die man
8:15 PM: Are you suggesting that you throw the challenge? Tsk tsk how unsportmanlike lol. But I wouldn't mind it. The worst that happens is that we vote out Charlie
Joey, 8:15 PM: i hate throwing challenges lmao but i think it depends on the challenge i think regardless of what happens we want sumi to win make them the threats
8:16 PM: I think so too. Whatever direction you take this in, I'll follow. And you're my ride or die too! I've bonded with you the most out of everyone here and think you're awesome!
I'll trust your instincts on how to tackle this immunity. Good luck either way!
Joey, 8:17 PM: haha i appreciate it man!! we'll definitely touch base and see what happens "
This eraser will definitely help out at merge, especially those early votes. I think I'll use it the second merge starts just to make sure we have the numbers to kick out someone from Sumi. It sucks that I didn't get one of those big advantages tho
That auction was cut throat, woof! 
"Hi, I’m Spencer from Cagayan you might of heard of me as the most unlucky survivor player ev-
NO BITCH MOVE OUTTA THE WAY ITS ME MARIE. O k, so my tribe is already down to 2 people. And now our chances are even worse?????????? Wow I have horrible intuition "
Well that auction was a bit of a bust for me personally, but as for our five person unit it wasn't too bad. After I brought in a ten percent overall disadvantage for the next immunity, Joey scored big with that advantages. Plus Felix as well. I still believe in the Tuai power!
So I had a chat with Felix earlier today about the game. At this point I've coasted very easily through pre-merge since i have yet to attend a tribal council, but as the individual game approaches, it's time to go from a direct UTR/MOTR to a CPM legend! Obviously, Sumi and Tuai are pretty evenly placed going into the merge, but personally I think we're the bigger threat. We've never lost a challenge nor attended tribal together, so it's a lot easier for us to band together with numbers and I think the other tribes are smart enough to see that. So, I was throwing around the idea of potentially throwing the next challenge and booting Charlie so that we would go into merge with a numbers disadvantage to Sumi and have a lot of swaying power for the Mea duo. However, with my challenge advantage as well as Felix's vote eraser, we have a lot of opportunities opening up that we can hopefully capitalize on!
Turns out my machete advantage from the auction holds no power. So now I have to decide, tell people that I didn’t receive an advantage or lie about it and create a fake advantage to gain favor in the game. I’m a terrible liar but I think I should create some lie to help gain insight from others
I am truly a mess and Jay deserves better. Been dealing with life changing stuff and its been keeping me away from checking in the game. I got a strike and its my first one ever and i feel so bad. Gunna try harder but still dealing with stiff so we’ll see.
"Oh boi I hope your'e ready for a thicc confessional. So I survived last round miraculously! Marie didn't vote me out lmaooo. 
The reward challenge is here!! And the reward is an Auction!! I'm heading into the auction trying to snag something so that I can at least boost ability to navigate in the game. Some notable things from the auction: Joey gets a 15% advantage in the challenge, Felix gets to negate a vote, Marie gets a 10% disadvantage in the challenge hjefwkbvkaevbkj.fe bdka and Boris gets to pick someone from any tribe for a movie night. 
I SNAGGED AN EXTRA VOTE at the AUCTION AND HOW I DID IT WAS ICONIC. So me and like 5 people bid on the same item and it got randomized 3 times and I picked spot number 4 to be the winner. The person in spot number 4 was none other than LYSANDRE. AHA!! 
Now the speculation begins. Charlie bought a mask and I believe that the mask holds the ability for her to see the votes for one round. I have no idea what Apollo has but it may be an exile pass or like a clue to merge idol?? I think the first tho. Also who the hell knows what Brianna has. I believe Flint bought the power to give someone a disadvantage.
OMG BORIS PICKED ME FOR THE MOVIE. This is literally the best outcome I can think of. During the short time that I was on another tribe I really clicked well with Boris and I liked him a bunch. I really want him to be my ride or die moving forward into the game. I'd love to hear who he's close with and could pull me in with. I also want to gain a lot of his trust by willing off my extra vote to him since I have my idol. the only way I would do that is if I tell him about my having an idol . 
JAY RELEASED THE CHALLENGE AND IM IN SUCH A CRISIS. It's Duolingo which is really oof. What makes it Biig OOOOF is the fact that we are learning the language of Game of Thrones or something. Do I look Like Arya or something???? So in order to drag me AND Marie into the merge I'm going to have to speak like the Valyrian, eat like the Valyrian, become the Valyrian, experience Valyrian. "
Marie is kind of a liability. She publicly announces things that shouldn't be announced and she now knows about my extra vote even tho its obvi. She was cute until she started anti returnee propoganda dbkvka l  but I probably will keep her around unless we lose and battle.
Lys and I have a fire lit under our asses, but maybe that’s what we need to get our tribe of two to win
I. Hate. Duolingo. So much. I hate being one of the two people participating. And I hate that Bradley is never online and is probably gonna barely contribute so it all rests to me. That sounds rude. If Bradley does end up contributing I will make an apology confession. 
With recent news that we are losing majorly in this challenge, it seems Tuai might have to go to tribal for the first time in this game. The vote would obviously go towards Charlie, but what if she has an idol? I have an idol, but is that the only idol on the island? Things get crazier and crazier everyday but I am hopeful that things turn out alright. I really do hope she gets eliminated if we go to tribal, then we can make it to merge
People call me Lys now. I guess Lys is short for Lysol because I stay cleaning these bitches 
"I have a feeling I might be voted out this round, I think it has to do with how im performing in challenges
"that auction... whew!! So many hidden powers that's def gonna fuck me up in the future. And all I got was a pair of $400 movie tickets. The most EXPENSIVE movie i've ever seen, and it's gonna be a documentary about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lmao. 
I chose Lysandre for the movie night bc? They're my fave from our fake swap tribe and even though they probably don't have a lot of juicy tea to spill because they're on Mea, I might as well start trying to build a strong relationship to prepare for merge"
also I was kinda worried about Brianna and Bradley having to compete in this next challenge for us because they sat out last time but so far it looks okay? Brianna seems to be doing #that and Tuai is trudging behind, which is perFECT because it'd give Sumi a numbers advantage in the merge. so yeah! come thru!
2 things. Thank god I don’t have to compete in the duolingo challenge and I am so lucky to have received the extra vote. With a super idol and a vote steal and who knows what else out there, any extra advantage that’s out there? From now on? I’ll take it. I have the time to complete the challenge but not the patience nor the desire to. The gag is if Brianna or Bradley don’t put up enough effort and we lose? They don’t know that it’s their asses on the line. If we lost I think Brianna should go since she’s more of a threat than Bradley could ever be. Bradley will end up being loyal to us if we lose. It’s convoluted but if we lose my plan is. Convince Brianna and Bradley to vote for Zest. Convince Brianna that’s zest is voting for her. Convince Brianna that Zest has an idol and to vote Bradley in case Zest isn’t lying. Actually vote Brianna along with Borris and Zest. Brianna leaves in a 3-1-1 vote. Bradley would be shook and thankful that we saved him and we’d tell him afterwards that Brianna wanted him out. Then we’re a strong foursome with a goat in Bradley. Would I like to execute this plan? Yes, absolutely. But winning immunity would be just as satisfying. 
Waiting on results for this challenge has left me feeling quite nervous. Both Charlie and Joey have their reasons for not being able to catch up as much and it makes me more nervous. I don’t like feeling this way.
OH MY GOD WE MIGHT NOT GO TO TRIBAL, but then again those might be my famous last words
"So this duolingo challenge is agonizing but I'm giving it all I have so that me and Marie can rock this thing. She wants us to get 1st place because she thinks that the last two tribes will both be going to tribal council. I would agree with her and I'm aiming for first. 
Also can't wait for my movie night with Boris to begin!! I know its going to be good and I plan on solidifying something with him!"
2nd place. But we still have to go to tribal. Ugh. Um. Kind of don’t know what’s gonna happen. Probably gonna be zest or Bradley. 
Charlie is gone. Or she will be. There's no way the Tuai Quad LLC will vote for each other. Unless we are snakes in the grass. Also, this double tribal council is iconic. Now the stakes are even going into merge. Let's see how this goes
Well damn. I had a feeling we wouldn’t make it without a tribal, at least as a whole tribe. It seemed as though the disadvantage didn’t matter too much though as we were below Sumi anyways. Tonight should be the easy vote, I hope.
"Flint does not trust Joey which is understandable. I mean he doesn't trust Charlie either, but he hasn't talked to either extensively. Joey seems to not have a social game which proves that he is the perfect goat to bring to FTC (at least in this stage in the game). I have no doubt that Charlie will go since Cassie has already cast her vote, and Joey will vote Charlie since he's the other one on the chopping block. I will also vote Charlie. That 3-2 if Flint goes against us. But that most likely will not happen. 
Cassie is so smug. She already cast her vote for Charlie. She cannot fathom us betraying her. She thinks she is in charge of this tribe which might be true. But she's got me so close that she can't see the snakes in her garden. It's infested honey! Flint already has doubts about the alliance, and I'm already plotting your downfall. Her garden of snakes will be the end of her!"
"Wow I can't believe that me and Marie are in the lead for this challenge!!
And my movie night with Boris was a huge success from it I learned that he has half of a super idol and he found an advantage that allowed him to see how many alliances a person was in and he chose Felix and revealed it was 2 alliances he was in. I first had to share my extra vote with him and we were solid.  We started watching Knock Down The House documentary on Netflix and so Alexandria Ocasio Cortez or AOC for short was the icon that we bonded over. Since I had already seen the documentary I had just opened my duolingo in another tab and continued that lmao I refuse to lose!! Towards the end when AOC won I decided to really really solidify things with Boris by telling him about my idol. LITTLE DID I KNOW Boris the Brute had an idol as well!! From that point we decided to really work together and share our collective power. 
Other notable events during movie night include an exposing Felix party as well as Briana possibly having the other part to the idol. Oh and Me and Boris also decided to name our alliance after AOC. Thats our final 2.. the AOC FINAL 2!!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Me and Marie WON!!! Mea WINS and we get to avoid fire making!!! Also Marie was right! The losing TWO tribes went to tribal. SO WE DID THAT by getting first place. Our tribemates had to die for MYSANDRE to rise. 
Now that we won I can't help but hope that Boris survives. He needs to up his social game or else he's in trouble. Apparently his social game is ok at best because Apollo didnt tell him what his advantage was and yet Boris claims they are close so what is the truth. 
Meanwhile me and Marie are discussing the game and our potential future at a merge and a strategy that may work for us. Lets go Mysandre and Lysoris!!
Ugh this is a tough loss and I’m so torn on what to do. I’ve heard both Joey and Charlie’s names being thrown out as an option. I was close with Joey at the beginning but we’ve seem to have drifted apart. Charlie did better in the challenge so that could also factor into my vote. With all the auction items on the table and talk of a potential merge this could be an interesting tribal. 
Imagine, me, finally getting the opportunity to play with Zib Zab. Imagine, me, thinking she was Karen in the beginning of the game. I think Boris is my mom. And if she’s not, And she is Karen, well, she’s doing a great job of being incognito
It’s so weird not planning for tribal, I’m so proud of lys and myself
"Last nights movie date has me SHOOK. Im so glad I picked Lysandre, we built such a strong connection in the limited time we were allowed to spend together, and I think despite us barely having time to connect I can consider them my biggest ally, even across tribal lines, so I hope we can both make it to merge in one piece!! 
Lysandre gave me so much info last night; Felix is playing hard asf, there WERE alliances made on one world and the fake swap that I wasnt included in, and both Lysandre and I have our tribe's idols. 
Knowing all of this is a game changer, I have to adapt my strategy to how everyone else is playing and hope it works out in my favor. "
ALSO this double tribal is ugly at. Bradley did the absolute bare minimum to not get a strike but we all see how poorly hes performing. Ugh I want him gone so badly so that we can have a strong tribe going into merge. Apollo and Zest are giving me a little push back, insisting Brianna is more of a threat but i don't care!! We got way bigger threats to worry about when merge hits!! We need to make it through as a stronger tribe, not a weaker one
Welp, she's gone. I wonder how things will go for Sumi. I'm just excited to make it to the merge!
The last tribal went off as hoped with no idols or funny business played. I feel bad for voting Charlie out but I can’t play with my heart and need to toughen up to make it far in this game. 
It feels so good to not have a tribal or fire to worry about?? I am really relieved lol. It looks like Charlie left and thats ok because I didn't even know the person. I just hope Boris doesn't die lmao. I hope he uses his idol this round though.
I suppose I’ll be a passenger for now. Brianna is going to stay and Bradley will be leaving if all goes according to plan. I’ll let Borris take control so that he becomes a bigger target than I come the merge. I love Borris but I guess I would cut him if it was a f2. I’m going to try and use this time to try and get Zest to be my f2 partner."
0 notes
~~mod~~ OK here’s the bulk. ill add to the comments.  Before anyone asks my opinion on it or how i feel about it ill just say it.. I don’t care and Im not bothered by it,  I haven’t liked her for a very long time due to how she treated a close friend of mine, them together doesn’t change my fan-ness of him.   I know that there are others that don’t care some that are happy for him and i know that there are a large number of people out there you are angry , hurt and devastated. I get it and i want you all to be able to express that, but do me a favor and respects each others feelings and opinions and keep it medium.
Anon: I am devastated Mod. He lied to us. Blatantly and I will never forgive him for that. I can’t even look at anything he is in ever again. I just can’t believe I trusted him as much as I did. I believed his words when he spoke. Now I don’t know him at all. He is NOTHING like what he says he is. I hope they are ripped apart by media because he deserves everything now. It hurts me so much to say that because I used to defend everything about him. I don’t even know what to say about him now.
Brandi:Let’s tease this NR DK thing out a little. Anon:First off, good for Norman. She’s age appropriate and has some understanding of the entertainment industry and the pitfalls of it. AnonThat said, Norman works eight months out of the year in rural Georgia and works a ton outside of TWD. DK works predominantly in Europe. (I believe) When the heck are these two actually going to see each other? Anon:If her bad behaviour toward her fans/coworkers is to be believed, Norman may have trouble with this. Reedus is incredibly kind to people/fans, if she is rude to them, it might not go well for her, in Norman’s eyes. Anon:The earlier denial of his romance with DK is similar to what happened with CS. Did he not deny they where more than friends for ages?! I can’t blame him, I think he was protecting her, people where really hard on that girl. Anon:Just my two cents. Shine on you crazy diamonds.
Anon::My friend got it on good authority that Daryl will DIE in S8 because of all the negative publicity caused by NR sneaking around w/ DK. 😢 That he “came out” with their relationship per those photos taken in NYC last night to try to make himself look honorable. But AMC had already decided to kill him off bcause of the bad fan reaction to his affair with DK–denying it and such. AMC just now informed NR that Daryl will die in a battle w/ Negan. Totally crying right now. This cannot be true!?!?! 😭
Anon:He’s drunk in those pictures. He doesn’t look happy only drunk and nasty. It’s disgusting marching down the street being something he always claimed to hate. I’m done with him. Anon:Norman is completely full of bullshit.
normieslittletwign :  Well, I guess they’re official. The only thing that disappoints me is how it was handled. They should have “come out” as a couple right at the beginning and let the chips fall where they may. She could have said that her relationship with JJ was on the rocks for some time, that they’d been leading separate lives for awhile… whatever…. make shit up!! They’re only human and shit happens, the heart wants what the heart wants. IDK   But now Norman is (or may be) seen as a homewrecker. She may be seen as a cheater all because no one knows when this relationship started.   To be caught mere weeks after releasing an “official statement” that they are “just friends”… SMH. The pics are *not* of people who are “just friends”.   I also feel for fans who have put Norman up on such a high pedestal… they must be devastated!!   For the record, I’m still a fan of and still like Norman. He has a very unique personality, I quite like his acting and a number of his movies, not to mention TWD. But then again, I never put him on a pedestal and read too much into his interviews. I most likely will never meet the guy and I’m OK with that. And if I did, I’d just be another fan who wants a pic or an autograph.   To be honest, I’ve never wanted to meet *any* celebrity. I’m one of the biggest Iron Maiden fans around (36 years and counting… am I aging myself? lol) and if I go to my grave having never met any of the members of Iron Maiden (or any other band or actor I admire) it won’t bother me a bit. But that’s probably just me.   You know, God himself could hand pick a lovely woman for Norman and she still wouldn’t be seen as being good enough for him by the “lunatic-fringe” fans.  Now to sit back and watch the shit-storm. I’ve noticed on Norman’s Instagram he’s already feeling the heat… sadly.
dixonimagines:On the DK thing: Are they f*cking 13 years olds, making out in a street corner like they can’t rent a hotel room? I enjoyed meeting him this year but I will never again pay another cent to meet him. Not only is he a liar but also freaking dumb one. Why lie when he knew he would be outed sooner or later? I do not feel betrayed but I cannot continue being a fan of someone who is dumb enough to put his fandom at risk for a fling with some woman. He is no better than most of us.
Anon:i don’t particularly like DK, but I also don’t think she’s the evil bitch that some make her out to be. Whatever their relationship is, it’s theirs to explore and pursue. N looks happy in the pics and that’s good enough for me. I’m actually more concerned about Mod being bombarded with the Insanity 😰Sending you 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃, Mod, stay gold!
Anon:I feel like this has been explained ad nauseum (though ppl choose not to listen) but *some* fans are upset this couple began by breaking up Diane’s 10+ yr relationship. So it was cheating then 2+ years lying, with fans defending him against cheating rumors. Is it really that hard to understand that some may take it personally because they defended him, or because they’ve experienced relationships broken by cheating? “As long as the cheaters are happy who cares” is a rather ignorant response.
Anon:Can I just point out how happy Norman looks in the pics with DK? Anyone who can make Norman’s smile that wide is good with me. I wish them so much happiness ❤
Anon:Did pR’s reps genuinely not know he was seeing DK? The just friends comment is making less and less sense 🙈
Anon:To all those defending Norman saying he is entitled to a private life YES he is. But these shots were staged for the paps, he has chosen to forgo his privacy, and expect more like this to come. Everyone in the industry knows these types of relationships are biz deals, he couldn’t give a fuc what anyone thinks, he is as hollywood, elite and privileged as they come. He does not deserve defending. So many of his fans so naive and gullible.
Anon:for people that are saying ‘oh get over it’ or 'why taking this so personally’ its not that the question. Norman lied since day one when it came to all this mess. He lied that he didnt cheat JJ with her. He lied when said they were just friends 3 weeks ago. he lied when he said he loves honest people. he lied when he said he doesnt understand cheating…i mean this is years and years of lies and people believing he was one thing when he was other. its too many lies
Anon:Lol honestly I’m not even his fan and i feel like i could cut a bitch now because i was here trying to prove that he was better than the rumors that were always circling around. I saw on him a good guy trying to break bad habits and i feel fucking offended with this! lol i mean he is a 48 year old men why lie? he didnt need all of this…unless he had another thing going (which we all know its rumored to have) and someone dropped someone and he went on the easy root. sad excuse of a man sorry.
Anon:Now i get why he is friend with Balthazar Getty, which in my opinion, is the ultimate douchebag of Hollywood….Norman is exactly the same. Nobody cant deny people..he is a  sleezy liar. Hope he likes to see his daily life on daily mail from now on.
Anon:the fact that norman played the game of the 'honest'person and he hates liars makes me sick. He lied to everyone. No he doesnt owns us anything but he denied any romantic link with her 3 weeks ago. this to me is beyond ridiculous. I guess she got what she wanted and he once again is going along because its comfortable to him and guarantee he have his dick wet at least once a week…but the rest?? i feel sorry for the fans that always believed how good guy and true to himself he was.
Anon:I guess I have mixed feelings about the whole DK relationship. He does look really happy and I personally don’t care who he is with. But why all the sneaking around and lying? I can only think of one reason they would do that. They wanted to make the cheating rumors look untrue. To me the cheating rumors now look true. I am still a fan of his but I don’t think I will spend the money to see him if he comes to the Walker Stalker near me.
Anon:They are both scum. Anon:Up till now I always gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I feel like the biggest fool alive now. He really is a LIAR!! Yuck, so disappointed in him 😳.
Anon:I just feel sorry for the people that believed in him. They have been duped/snowed/hoodwinked by a professional liar and all around horrible person.
Anon:Let’s Please try to not make Norman and DK’s relationship about us. It has nothing to do with lying to fans, manipulating fans, or laughing at fans. There’s no personal insult to his fans here. It’s just them letting the world know on their terms, not ours. In other news, I’m so glad he looks happy. His kid is growing up, his job has got to be ending in the next few years (sorry but that’s just reality), and he deserves some joy as he figures out what to do next.
Anon:I truly don’t get all the DK hate. And w/ those pics coming out today, I’m sure it will only get worse. How about everyone just be glad he’s in an age appropriate relationship this time? I mean, I can’t be the only one who was completely grossed out by the 18 year old, right?
Anon:I am completely done with him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for so long and I am mostly an optimistic person…But this is just disgusting. IDC who he dates tbh…But this snake???? And the cheating??? Breaks my heart. It’s awesome that he gives his all to his fans but I think it feeds his narcissistic ways. Sorry Norman…You will live your life whatever you want to…You’re a grown man (sometimes)
Anon:Sending you tons of nachos and lots of alcohol for the incoming shitstorm. If you need anything else let me know.
Anon:I just did a google searched on the latest on NR, and there is a picture of what appears to be N kissing DK right in plain view of a pap. Rather this is the real deal or simply a PR move on behalf of DK herself, N and D are together. Love it or hate it, we don’t have a say in who he dates and I personally wouldn’t want to because I wouldn’t want people to do the same to me.
Anon:Sorry something is not right , your people denied the rumours 3 weeks ago and then you come out hand in hand with her , plus it doesnt look kissing to me but ok , im dissapointed in him , but i will still be a daryl fan !
meags672:This night out was obviously their 'coming out’. They both look very happy to me! Good for them. Its about time!
Anon::Ohhhh mod. ALL OF THE WHISKEY AND NACHOS FOR YOU!!!! Anon:It’s official. Norman is a cheater and liar. They are both gross and deserve each other. They deserve every ounce of hate they get. #shittypeople Anon:its confirmed, they are a couple. bye bye norman. i don’t support lying little cheating sneaks
superleeleehipster:I am sending two bottles of whiskey your way and some nachos… followed by chocolate cause this is gonna get crazy for another week :p
Anon:So umm… how are Norman’s reps gonna say they’re “just friends” again when there are pics of them holding hands and making out? Anon:Those “just friends” look very very happy. I think you all should be happy for him.
Anon:she went to paris to support her friend, just friends, that what friends do, right. but not the show in spain bc why. tho she goes out so ppl see her there. no pap or fan shots of her in fr or ger. why none in ny until some of him show up. guess they r friends who dont hang out in public. btw why never any fan pics of her any where, does she not have fans. just pap shots around him
Anon:Bye bye Norman. You’re canceled. It’s official, they are together. Eonline posted pics of them kissing and holding hands while smiling and walking around in NYC yesterday. They really made it official after denying everything just three weeks ago. It makes me so sick to see DK all happy. Disgusting ain’t even a damn word about what I feel
Anon:Norman died for me. Did you see the eonline pics? He’s holding hands and kissing DK in PUBLIC. They walked around and had the biggest smiles on their faces. What an incredible disgusting piece of trash Norman is. Disappointment is not even a word how I feel right now. Sorry if I’m going to unfollow you but I don’t want to see anything about him anymore.
Anon:Seriously not a fan any longer. You can date who you want, but why lie about it 3 weeks before going public? That makes you shady in my book and I don’t support shady people.
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Thinking Back....
I convince myself that you never cared...
Recalling all the times before
You let me go so easily
You lied to me on a daily basis
You hid things from me
You expect me to not be angry
You'd hope that eventually I'd come around
With how heartless and deceitful you were
Ill be damned if ill ever get over it
I doubt ill ever give you the understanding you desire
You want me to get better
You're a fucking idiot
That will never happen
Not with the amount you escalated
Not when you led me on again and again....
How can you think that ill just forget about you easily
How can you sit there and think of me in such negative ways
How could you not have ever been honest with me
Why didnt you just speak the truth to begin with
Instead of it being something new every time you explained yourself
That gives me the reason to believe you're fake as your promises were
You were never going to be serious with me
Because like you said
You're always kidding
Only when you say im being serious
Is the time to really take you seriously
And on that note
I guess that means you weren't ever serious from the start
You liked to make me think that way so you can feel better about yourself
You don't want me around because ive yet to get over the traumatic past you've put me through
Of course who wants that reminder
Not when the things you have now...
Weren't ever the things you had before when I was around
Perhaps you think I was the one holding you back
When clearly you're doing it alone
Youre in a pattern
A constant off and on relationship
So how is that my problem
How can you rid me away in fear of losing something you've done lost continuously more than you've actually lost me...
The only difference between mine and her in betweens is the time we spent apart
As if I ever treated you to deserve such demeanor
I lost everything since you've come along...
Despite the things I lost
I found you worth it though
Because I figured it was going to last for some time
Maybe not forever
But to the point what I had lost was worth it...
What I gave up to let you back in time and time again
You don't find me as worthy
You never did
While you're reading this smirking
Probably annoyed and aggravated
Or perhaps emotional
As if id ever fucking know
You and I both know what and how things really took place
We both know youre in the wrong for how you're going about this
Not to mention your reasoning
Either way I know Damn well you could be better and at least clean up the mess you made
Thinking back I recall you doing so very little
Why am I expecting so much from you now
When you never really tried for me before
You never stuck by my side
Before I became this angry hurtful person
I was so nice to you especially....
I used to be so patient....
Damn to think I once wanted to give you the world....
And when you think back to how you destroyed it....
I hate how I've become who you were those few years ago....
Except I don't have that ex that is as forgivable or even caring....
I don't have an ex whom is willing to take me back despite the stupid choices I made....
I don't have an ex that even has feelings for me anymore......
Thinking back....
I wish we never met....
I wish I never got involved....
I wish I never fell in love ...
I wish I never knew who you were....
Thinking back......
I can say with great sadness
You weren't worth it.......
You still aren't...
But hey look at me now...
I'm writing a post
That you're currently reading.....
It's still not affecting you any
Maybe there's no feeling left to feel
Thinking back you used to be so emotional
How I actually prefer that
Over this silent treatment
Even if it was nothing but lies and broken promises
Atleast I had a response....
Thinking back we've changed entirely.
But there's that part of us that's always going to remain
I hate that you won't even pick up the phone to see how I'm doing
I would text or message to see how you're holding up
But thinking back to all those times before
God forbid I get blocked again or no response at all
Just get left on read
Yet another thing
I'd never do to you especially thinking back
To those nights you calling me in secret
It pisses me off how you just played with my head so bad
And you've gotten away with it
You don't have to answer to me
You can't technically.
Your relationship prevents it
You would lose the same person that you've lost week in week out, month after month, just consistently since the beginning Of Your relationship
So you do win overall
I get to be the obsessive one
Im the needy controlling angry druggy that you can't and no longer have a need for
There's nothing for me in your life now
I didn't realize things changed that much
I never knew I wasn't good enough to stay in your life....
It hurts like fuck that it's been four fucking years total...
Why are you still reading this and not feeling something by now....
Seriosuly compare who you are to now and do the same with me
Think of how you really drastically changed it worse than what it should've been.....why can't you just really think for a second and reason to which why I've become the way that I am now......
There's another lost battle to fight....
Thinking back.....
I remember you telling me your memory sucks.....
At that point....
I think I'm done....
Its pointless when that's the answer on if you ever wondered how I've become so fucked up....
I swear on my life....
Nothing and no one has ever gotten me so fucked up as you have.....not meth....not cocaine.....not weed.....not acid.....not ecstasy.....not Xanax.....not anything......nothing and I mean not a fucking thing compares to withdrawels from someone you truly love.....I hate being angry.....I really do.....I jump down everybody's throats just for the simplest things....I'm really at lost for words on how ive become such a horrible person......Jesus I wished you'd understand that because of how you went about things.....in taking the anger and hurt I feel for you on everybody else....I mean ive become a monster.....how can you let me have become this way......its not your place now....but thinking back.....why couldn't you stuck around or make me a first choice for once in your life....even as a friend.....
Idk it just be nice if you did the major things for me as I have for you.....
It would have been an easier road to travel if you would have been open and honest
If you hadnt lied to me constantly....
If you didn't hurt me...
Idk what else to say or do to convince you to really change what you're doing ...idk what is even left to fix or if there's anything at all, but I would hope for someone who cared, I had hope that I was worth at least give it your all to someone who's lost it all for you in the first place...I don't want what you have fuck no.....I just want the time that I gave you...its all I ever wanted honestly.....not a relationship not asking for anything other than a few minutes out your day every other day or so just to chat.....you never gave it your all before.....thinking back.....idk what makes me think you'd even consider it now....
Glad to humor you....
Glad you could have a laugh before bed....
Its whatever....
Nevermind for asking
Just forget about it....
Like you've done me as well.....
Last one and I'm done...
Choice is yours from here on out....
Obviosuly the answer will be clear in the future....
I just hope that you at least understand where I'm coming from and realize the reasons why ive become this horrible.....
I'm sorry I can't be better....
I'm sorry you can't be around to really help me heal
I'm sorry I'm not worth you losing your relationship....
Idk I'm sorry for everything...
Seriosuly I apologize endlessly for who I've become
I'm not fond of her either....
She's rather fucking annoying
And I'm having a time refraining from punching her in the face
Seriosuly she's pissing me off
Can't stand the bitch
Idk why you ever dated her 😪😒😐
The fuck were you thinking
0 notes
viewofsal · 7 years
Goodbye 2017. I’m ready for 2018 adventures.
2017 has been a year filled with laughter, smiles, tears, anger, anxiety, lessons, blessings, experiences and fun adventures. It was a year to let go of people, to let new people in, to be strong when I felt weak, to fight for myself against life and most importantly to find myself in all of this craziness.
I fell in love, I got my heart broken. I trusted someone with my eyes closed, which is rare because I dont trust a lot of people. I wanted to marry this guy, he was the dream guy I wanted. I did everything I can to save a relationship from falling, but it was never suppose to be this hard. We fought, we argued. we loved each other at times, we didnt talk for days… and then it finally ended. (71517)
I fought against my health, I went to therapy. It was probably one of the most scariest thing I have ever been through… I never felt so lonely even though I was surrounded by so many people that loved me and cared for me,  yet I still felt alone. I dont know why… But it all went well and I am much better.
I had trusted a few good friends who at the end fucked me over big time. Shabina was like my best friend and the little sister I never had. And looking back at it… I realized how can she be that, as in my bff and little sister when she was actually never there for me through anything. I will never forget the day that I was telling her about my break up the of day it was happening and she rolled her eyes. After that day I didnt talk to her and I wanted to be left alone. But she texted me before my trip to Atlanta- she literally said forgive and forget and move on. So I did. Because thats what the nice Salia does…. But then after the whole Haroon + Salia thing happened she became bitter- and she asked me if I was just “having fun with him?” Like yeah hell ya I was… but shit on the first meet you dont tell someone “hey so when are we getting married…?” NO. This is why you and that lawyer guy never made it. But anyways….. Telling her was the biggest mistake ever, because she put nazaar on me and potentially having something. It is what is. And yes I am a horrible person for calling her a bitch while arguing- but she was being one. I had to tell her to stop. I remember I had a stop at San Fran on the way back from Arizona and she just accused me of being a hoe. And I had it… like yo at least I dont meet guys off of minder and on the first hour hook up. BUT TO EACH TO THEIR FUCKING OWN, right? If we want to call people hoes. *eye roll* Anyways that was me ranting but I learned that not every “friend” is your friend. And keep your moves, your business and your love life on the low. Period. Because at the end of the day you really have your own back, no one else really does. And no one wants to see you succeed in life.
I got close to my family once again and spent the whole summer with all of my aunts, uncles, brother/sister in laws and cousins, and of course my little cutie pies. I attended over 9 weddings in the summer, including both of my cousins. All of my cousins live in the East Coast and whenever we are all together it is so fun! I miss them so much!
My skin cleared soooooo much MASHALLAH! That it literally shocks me every time I look into the mirror. I had to cut off coke out of my life, I was so addicted to it and I just had to drink it with every meal. But Im glad I get to still drink coffee. :D I broke out so much back in 2015-2016 and it had to do with my stalker and a lot of stress on my mind and hormones jumping around lol. But you always have to take care of yourself and make sure youre always healthy. You should be your number one priority, ALWAYS.
I met a guy named Haroon. He came to see me all the way from Virginia. No, I didn’t fall in love- and I didnt think about marriage while being with this guy. I wasn’t messing around. But life threw something tough at me which made me come back to reality… So I lowered my expectations but not my standards with Haroon. We were I guess “perfect”. Our humor, our mentality, he was accepting and so was I. He was down to come see me every month and he opened up to me and made me trust him back with my life. He went back, and feelings changed. Even if it was temporary it felt good be treated like how I should be treated. I guess it was God’s way of making me realize that just because I’m sad right now doesnt mean I always will be. It was a trial and error, and it failed. But there is someone meant for everyone and you will too one day find someone.
My sister graduated from law school and found her boo thang. I am so happy for my sister, she is so hard working, ambitious, dedicated, intelligent, witty, sarcastic and a hot ass lawyer. Lol. Im being bias, but if she wasnt my sister I would still say that. She went through hell and back with law school, family drama and idiotic boys that cant fight for someone. But she never gave up her dream- which was to finish law school and become a lawyer. Along with her life being so hectic and all she found someone that matches her perfectly, alhumdulillah. I am so happy for her and Beez (thats not his name… Thats my nick name for him). He is so like… words cant describe. He came to pick my family and I up, he hugged my parents, he calls my mom “mama”, he gets along with my brother, he makes fun of me for being a yelp nerd. He just respects us so much. I am so proud of you too Badr bhai, for graduating and inshallah being part of our crazy ass family. But…. I have to say they are like power couple goals, mA! He spoils her like crazy and its cute. I wish one day we all find “the one” and spoil them with our love. *Did I mention hes half Spanish + Pakistani…. HOLY HELL. His sisters are hot. Lol*
And to end it… I got the closure that I was wanting to get. Thank you Farhan for giving me closure over and over again. Im sorry you had to hear me cry, because I think Ill probably cry for a while but its going to be okay. I wish and pray that you have an amazing new year and whatever you pray for you get. Because you deserve the best and you deserve to smile, laugh and be treated like a king.
But does that mean Im ok? No. But will it take time? Yes. I pray that I heal so quick that I can feel again, I wont be bitter, I wont be afraid to let someone in. I just want to be Salia again. Thats all.
Im ready for a new year, new hellos, new smiles, new laugher, new people, new adventures, new beginnings, new everything. I am ready. I definitely want to work on a few things on myself. I am not a perfect soul in this world. I hate that I have such horrible anger issues, I get mad easily to the point where I want to cry. I want to be my number one fan always. I want to love myself like no one else is going too because no one is going too… jk! And to heal. All I really want is to heal and be the old me. I want to stop crying al the time.To love again, to feel again, I dont want to be numb anymore, or bitter when a guy talks to me… I just want to be soft and gentle. But It will take time.
I hope this year not only brings me happiness and joy but to all of my followers. The more I write and have people follow me I see that everyone is struggling, heart broken, happy yet sad. I see it all. I am healing too but I am always here to listen to anyone. Ive been blogging since I was 18 and Im so glad I became a tumblr nerd because I met a few people from here, ive had a few conversations and I learn about my followers all the time. You guys deserve all the happiness, all the smiles and success in the world. Thanks for always listening to my rants and posts. Love you all! I hope you guys have an amazing New Year!
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