#webtoon have a good original challenge
You can clearly see what anime is this artist's favorite
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idolomantises · 7 months
which character from either of your webtoons were the most challenging to design?
Bugtopia: Cale, don't have his design on hand (too many spoilers) but it was AGONIZING redesigning him. particularly picking out his clothing. he originally had tattered clothes based on his canvas design, but I realized that this is New Cale and he'd dress differently. he's still difficult for me to draw for some reason
Monsters and Girls: Ciel. Literally took me half a year to figure out his design. This asshole bird was a nightmare to figure out, because I dont like using more than white, black and gold for my angel designs (keeps it cohesive), as well as me having a personal vendetta against drawing bird characters (nothing serious, I just cant make their beaks and feet look good). I'll likely redesign his leg colors in the future.
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albywritesfiction · 9 months
tbh helene and aedan's engagement strikes me as actually very fairy-tale romantic? idealistic and unrealistic, yeah, and very brash of them, particularly given how sudden the announcement was + aedan's noble obligations, but they're young. infatuated. incompetent buffoons.
to me his willingness to commit to helene in spite of the danger to his position (given his father obv prefers mc + mc's political power) is very cute, probably moreso because its so childish haha. ofc its something that he should face consequences for given its so. unrealistically naive. but if he's still willing to follow through in spite of them as a human being he also has that right?
actually, if made to choose between the throne and helene which would he choose? would be an interesting scenario to test his mettle
also: is the portrayal of helene as a *scheming snake* just because the story's portayed from mc's pov or are there reasons they have to believe so?
Hello Anon!
Long answer under the cut!
Yep, Ædan and Helene's story up to the wedding was always meant to resemble the common fairytales that we may be familiar with that paint a rather idealistic view of love, especially the notion that love will be enough to face any challenge, and always end with "... and they lived happily ever after. The End."
But what about everyone else? Did they all have their happily ever after too? Or has the story been told through rose-tinted glasses?
I also mentioned previously that I was also inspired by some webtoons, and one of the common tropes I've seen (both used and reversed) in historical fantasy romance webtoons is: the Crown Prince Male Lead breaks off his engagement with his Jealous (and sometimes kinda unhinged) Fianceé to be with the Kind and Humble Female Lead (who is often of a lower social class). All in the name of love.
Usually, this becomes the tipping point for the Fianceé. This is her villainess origin story. And more often than not, she'll make an attempt on the sweet Female Lead's life and end up with Male Lead's sword in her heart. All in the name of love.
Now, if the villainess was capable of doing bad things for love, why wouldn't the main characters be the same, and vice versa? After all, no one's perfect, not even the good guys.
And so, we now have the Blinded by Love and 150% Committed Crown Prince, the Questionable Saintess, and the Collateral Damage Fianceé
actually, if made to choose between the throne and helene which would he choose? would be an interesting scenario to test his mettle
If you asked Ædan at the beginning of ATE whether he would save the kingdom or Helene, he'd say that he would do everything in his power to save both (but really, it's skewed in Helene's favor). Towards the end though ...
also: is the portrayal of helene as a *scheming snake* just because the story's portayed from mc's pov or are there reasons they have to believe so?
Oh, Helene is definitely hiding something that will hurt at least one person. MC has no idea what it is, but they know that Helene's been hiding things. The only thing I'll say is that she's not a spy.
(Please do not send asks about what secrets Helene may be hiding, I like the backstory I came up for her so I may end up spoiling it if someone asks 😅)
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aihoshiino · 3 months
I'm at peak doomerism rn how is this series gonna climb out of the abyss that we've been in and are continuing to see. Even if we get the best outcome (aqua rejection) there's a lot more that needs to be done to lay this shit to rest.
i would very much like to not be known for being having brainworms for a show that ends in inc*st full on please akasaka im begging
i was going to make a joke here about how i'm a person who likes shoujo manga, romance fantasy webtoons and weird eroge so the incest barely even makes me blink anymore but. honestly, i think that is actually Not A Joke.
I totally understand if people have too much of an incest squick or are triggered by incest and just have to get the fuck outta here or even people who are just tired of anime being fucking weird about incest and are dropping the series as a result. Life is too short to read manga that doesn't give you incurable brainworms. But like I said in my previous post, I think talk around the series is sort of... missing the bad writing forest for the incest trees, if you don't mind me torturing that metaphor a bit. But I recognize I can only really say that because I'm both pretty desensitized to incest as a topic (two of my favourite creators are, as previously mentioned, Kunihiko Ikuhara and Yoko Taro LOL) but also because I really like art that challenges me and makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. If something gives me strong feelings or I have a strong negative reaction to something - especially a kneejerk, moral judgement - then it gives me the opportunity to both interrogate why I felt that way and to try and articulate, even if it's only to myself, why I felt the way that I did what it was about the work I thought did that to me. I think it's made me a more open-minded and more well-rounded person in terms of what sort of art I'm able to consume and enjoy and I'm happier for it.
However, I fully acknowledge that this is NOT an attitude shared by everyone, especially in modern fandom climate and even more especially so for younger folks, and there are plenty of people reading Oshi no Ko for whom this is probably a whole fucking lot to process!! And there are even more people outside the fandom who are just hearing out of context explosions and random panels of the twins kissing and thinking what the christ is going on over there. It's a mess!
Ultimately the only thing you can really do is focus on the parts of the series you like and continue enjoying those, if you can. I'm sort of at a place in my life where I just unashamedly love the things I love without really worrying all too much about anyone else judging me and I think it's really good to try and cultivate that kind of attitude, too! Like, at the end of the day - does other people turning their nose up at OnK including this plotline take away the things that originally made you love it?
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binnieceo · 10 months
Live-Drawing Summary
On August 18th, Webtoon CANVAS did a creator summit where Webtoon authors could teach others and share their process. Sleepacross was one of the many artists who were invited, and they did a live-drawing session.
The Webtoon moderators said that the stream was recorded, but we have no idea as to when it will be published, so I thought it'd be nice to write down the questions and answers that were said in the stream!
This is very much paraphrased and spoken from memory, so some things might be a bit off (and I apologize). I marked the things I am not completely sure about with a "(?)"
If you were in the event too and want to correct me on something, just tell me and I'll edit the post!
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Q: Which character changed the most and which character changed the least from how they were in the beginning?
A: Sayeon changed the most, Min changed the least.
Q: Who do you like to write more and who do you like to write the least?
A: Sleepacross likes to write Ryujin best, because they like angry women, but doesn't like to write Min as much, because it's hard to get across what Min is thinking.
Q: Who looks better in a suit?
Q: What are your sources of inspiration for Hand Jumper?
A: Videogames. They cited The Witcher and the author of Berserk as an inspiration. "Thank you to old men."
Q: What will you do after Hand Jumper is finished?
A: Not quite sure. Sleepacross is studying to be a Visdev for videogames. Maybe they will make another webtoon, as they have other ideas, but they are unsure.
Q: How many seasons will Hand Jumper have?
A: Probably 3. Hand Jumper can be a little longer or shorter depending on the pacing of the story.
Q: What character are you most excited to show more of?
A: Samin and Sara Lee.
Q: How did you come up with the magic system for Hand Jumper?
A: Sleepacross wanted to make something a little mystical but that also was a little grounded in reality. They also mentioned that there is soft magic in Hand Jumper. (but their stream froze while they were speaking, so I didn't catch the rest </3)
Q: How do you balance out college and Hand Jumper?
A: They don't.
Q: How did the pitching for Hand Jumper work?
A: Word vomited into a google docs for 2 days and apparently that was good enough for Webtoon, who greenlit the series.
Q: How many assistants do you have?
A: Two flat color assistants, one editor.
Q: Biggest challenge when creating Hand Jumper? (?)
A: Sleepacross wanted to do everything on their own at first, but it was tiring. Eventually they got assistants to help out, and said that we should look for assistants too, if we ever decide to make a comic.
A: Not too far.
Q: How far along was the original Hand Jumper when the originals version got released?
Q: How many episodes did you have ready when you began uploading the original Hand Jumper on Webtoon?
A: Just 2. Don't do that.
Q: Advice for others who are starting their webcomic?
A: Draw what you like, write for yourself, and do test panels to know how the webtoon will look like.
Q: Are there plans to have a physical copy of Hand Jumper?
A: Not yet, but the idea sounds nice. Either way they'd have to redraw the old chapters because they'd rather gauge their eyes out than have them be printed.
Q: What character would you personally simp for who isn't Samin?
A: Ryujin (? I think ?)
Q: Is Iseul actually nice or is he a psycopath?
A: Iseul is nice. They added by saying "Nice characters are nice in my Webcomic."
Q: How much time do you spend working on Hand Jumper?
A: No idea.
Q: What takes the most time to draw in Hand Jumper? (?)
A: Action scenes.
Q: What's most important when making a custom brush on CSP?
A: The pen pressure, so you can get a better feel of your tools.
Q: What brush do you use to lineart? (?)
A: A custom brush lovingly nicknamed "sleep2"
Q: About the songs in Hand Jumper...
A: Sleepacross will upload the songs on youtube eventually, and is working on a new song which they will feature in the first episode of season 2.
Q: When will season 2 come out?
A: No idea, but they are working on it.
Q: Can you make your college work Hand Jumper related?
A: Sadly no, their assignments don't have anything to do with Hand Jumper
Q: What characters do you like the most? (?)
A: Sayeon and Officer Han
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tonytylerdraws · 10 months
August Artist Blog (more under the cut)
For August I tried to make a vlog, not only to document my month making art, but also my attempts to overhaul my approach to making and sell art. However, I’m not experienced at making vlogs, nor do I have a quiet, dedicated space to record voiceovers. But I did post a video of me doing marker work. We’ll get to that in a bit.
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First off, in case you’re new here, my name’s Antonio Tyler. I’m a webcomic creator and illustrator. I’ve been making art most my life, but started drawing comics in 2003 with my first webcomic, Synaptic Misfiring.
I drew variations of Synaptic Misfiring for a few years, got married, had kids, worked two jobs (because California). Over the last 5 years, though, I’ve been focusing more on illustration and selling products, though o want to get back into webcomics. I did a 3 episode Webtoon called Only Human, but I haven’t done a comic in a few years now.
Mobile Studio Setup
I don’t have a dedicated studio. I know a lot of artists do. But it’s not impossible to have a setup that is portable.
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I use a 4th generation iPad Air with 64GB and a 2nd generation Apple Pencil. I use IbisPaint X, and use the paid version. I find it’s most ideal for making comics. And it’s constantly updated. New features are added all the time.
I have an assortment of tonal markers by Tombow, and a couple of Copics.
I always carry my iPad with me, so I can work on sketches or finished art whenever or wherever. You can access IbisPaint’s cloud storage via internet if needed, but it also stores files locally. It’s great being able to draw on a lunch break, a bus ride, or at the library. Occasionally I carry a sketchbook and pens with me if I intend to do traditional art.
Rethinking websites and storefronts
A couple months back I looked into doing a website on a number of platforms, such as Wix, Squarespace, etc. While a lot of them are pretty affordable, and have good options, I don’t really use my website much. It’s mostly a hub for all my other sites and profiles.
Tumblr, having been purchased by the Wordpress folks awhile back, is really pushing itself as a website alternative, with their templates (which they always have had) and having direct sales of web address. I’m in the process of updating AntonioTyler.com while also keeping the functionality of a Tumblr page. Tumblr is notorious less functional as a mobile site or app. So choosing the right template has been a challenge.
One thing is making a Linktree/Beacons/Milkshake-style link page instead of just a text based link page. Including links to all my different store fronts.
Updating my storefronts happens to be another thing on my to do list. I have several, and they are all decentralized. I use several: Ko-fi, Threadless, INPRNT and BigCartel. Originally I was going to use BigCartel for my sole storefront, but issues with getting Stripe to work dampened those plans. And BigCartel was mostly for my international customers, since it uses Printful products. But since there was a less than enthusiastic response, I will keep all my storefronts, but make them specialty shops. Threadless will have the bulk of my products, BigCartel will be a seasonal exclusive shop, INPRNT will be my…prints, and Ko-fi will be my digital shop (though I’m toying with the idea of carrying my Printful items here).
September plans
Working on some new Wand-Slinger merch for the seasonal shop. Threadless will be getting an overhaul. The website will be wrapped up and relaunched.
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standardquip · 7 months
Video:Wolf's Rain, Trigun, Vision of Escaflowne, Neon Genesis Evangelion, K (TV), Made In Abyss, Princess Mononoke, 91 Days, Death Note, Death Parade, Grave of the Fireflies, Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 3: Rebellion, Akira (movie), Death Note: Relight 2: L's Successors (movie), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 1: Beginnings, DICE: The Cube That Changes Everything (webtoon) Audio:The Everlove – Cruel Premiere Date:2019 Status:Downloadable, Streamable Genre(s):Drama, Serious, Sentimental Cons/Awards: n/a Outside Links:.org Categories:Music videos, Featured videos
Original description:
I had goals to make this more than just a compilation of cruel scenes from anime. Unfortunately, my story telling capabilities aren’t as good as I’d hoped. —– I’m not entirely happy with this, but I have let it sit for so long, I wanted to get it to “finished, not perfect” status so I could move on to other projects. (I started this September 2018.) Personal goals: – No blood – No gore – Don’t go the easy route (overused popular/obvious scenes) – If I do use a popular scene/anime, infer most the action to avoid use of said specific scene. Or change it some way. – Homage to some of my most liked moments in old anime – Retain some semblance of story rather than just a cruel montage I think I did okay. The blood thing proved especially limiting. I wanted to avoid Death Note entirely in the beginning, but to focus on story I re-added it. I have avoided almost all the expected scenes, however. I’ve remade portions of this at least 3 times, several anime were considered, added, then removed. In the end I am mostly happy with this. My biggest complaint is that the cruelty of the Dildandau character in Vision of Escaflowne (my favorite anime) is not conveyed well in animation and so likely gets lost among the madness of the AMV unless you’re familiar with the anime. This “implied cruelty” is the same for some other points, but I think those specific anime are so well-known that the message is clear anyway, even among those who have not seen those anime, they probably know what it refers to. Overall, this was a challenge. It is my first full-length AMV in many years, and is also one of my first various anime AMVs. I think I will stick to single anime AMVs from now on, hah. There is an unaccounted for video source in here. The “game start”, dice, game stat page things, and a couple random scenes are from a Korean webtoon called “DICE: The Cube That Changes Everything”. Special thanks to Tirazel, Requiett, Replay, and Mango.
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missionkitty · 1 year
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[Image ID: two images drawn for webtoon canvas' canvas week 2023. the first one is an introduction of the original poster, drawn in a chibi style and lists likes and dislikes and other facts. the second is a template having two panels, the one on the left showing the original panel from chapter 2 of op's webcomic, moonlight valley, of a young man. colored in black and white looking shocked, and the right is a recently redrawn version, showing the comparison of improvement between the two. /End ID]
been doing canvas week 2023 on instagram, and figured you guys get a sneak peek for tomorrow's challenge! i'm especially proud of the redraw...makes me feel pretty good about how far i've come and how much further i can still go 🥰
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chipster-trickster · 8 months
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🎃Happy Halloween!!!🎃
This is my entry for a 100k DTIYS challenge by @al-berg over on their Instagram cusstardii
See below for the uncensored bloody version!🫀
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I love their Webtoon “After Dark” so definitely go go go check it out if you like werewolves!🐺
May have gone a bit overboard for this but I’m proud of it and was good art practice as I mess around with my style! Drew has soooo many freckles🤧
Original post (right) linked here!
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💕Likes, Reblogs, Comments, and Follows Appreciated!💕
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Average speedrunner in a parryable game
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saemi-the-dreamer · 1 year
💵? It can be anything from webtoon, games, anything! :D
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Thank you! :D
💵 = recommend something you think cpc fans would like
The Makeup Remover by Lee Yone, it teaches a similar lesson on how to love yourself the way you are and how to break the beauty standards, there are many endearing characters, and if you like watching pretty and surprising makeup, it is a story for you! Good mix of humour and serious!
Gourmet Hound by Leehama, is a perfect mix of good humour and serious topics (in my humble opinion of course). I can't tell too much about it without spoiling it, it's better to just go and read it, I can't recommend it enough! Have a snack while reading it ;) And a very good LGBT+ character cast with various body types and origins, it is just all so natural instead of feeling forced for representation!
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, it is a lovely fairy-tale-like game, I was enchanted by the storytelling and the graphics. It is not the most complicated game to beat, but still, a good challenge especially if you want to unlock all the achievements and bonuses (bonuses that add a lot to the lore and story comprehension!).
Gris, I love platform game, and this one is very good! I haven't finished it yet, but I still recommend it for the pretty musics, graphics and themes!
Long Live the Queen, I must warn you before you choose to play it: it has very cute character designs but the theme are quite dark and there are some messed up relationships here and there (only mentioned but still, be warned!). Plus, it is quite arduous to beat the game without a guide XD But honestly, it's worth it! If you like strategic and visual novel games, go for it! Help Elodie survive and become a good (or evil) Queen!
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Ta-da, the rant that everyone’s been waiting for (I hope). I know I’ve been keeping it under wraps for a few days but that’s only because I’ve been having some major issues with my iron (yeah, I’m iron deficient and the pills that I normally take ran out so I’ll be waiting for them to be brought back to me by my local pharmacy) and it’s been pretty bad ngl, it’s a pain to work with and stuff and I keep thinking I’m going blind (it’s fine though I take breaks in between these rants) but yeah moving onto the actual topic of the rant and not my low iron.
Today I wanted to talk about Lore Olympus as a whole honestly (but mostly webtoon), and when I say this I don’t want anyone using this to bash Rachel or anything her and her team worked hard strenuous hours on Lore Olympus and I’m not gonna discredit that neither am I saying that she’s not worthy of the awards she’s gotten either. I’m just making this rant because I don’t like the way that webtoon has neglected half of its artists and storytellers just to hype up one comic. I know that webtoon is famous for others but let’s be real, as soon as you download webtoon the first recommendation is surrounding Lore Olympus. It’s been like that for years too! I’m so confused on why there hasn’t been other webtoons brought to the table with the same amount of coverage Lore Olympus has, and it really irks me.
First off, I wanna start with the advertisements. I’m gonna be real with you I’ve only ever seen ads about Lore Olympus and how good it is and everything but I can’t even remember them showing us ads for other comics. I know that they make challenges and everything for people to read the comics and the check out what the new story is about but that only lasts a fucking week. I can’t even remember the newer comics because it seems like as soon as they’re there they get taken off and put somewhere secluded where it’s never mentioned again. Meanwhile you have Lore Olympus who has all of these damn ads, even whilst it’s on break, and recommendations surrounding it like it’s the best comic on webtoon. Everyone who has webtoon knows of Lore Olympus but what about the other comics? Why do they get 5% of the spotlight while Lore Olympus gets 95%?
Second off, I think it’s really defeating to the other artists and storytellers on webtoon. There’s so many people on the app creating all kinds of interesting stories but have no support or coverage, people don’t even know that it exists because of how much it’s neglected for Lore Olympus. Honestly, can you imagine working so many hours to draw and develop your story just so no one can read it? That has to be so distressing and frustrating. Plus it’s not fair to everyone else, especially good stories being discontinued by webtoon because I’ve stumbled across multiple stories on originals that got shut down early because of the low ratings. You’d think it would be for canvas because they get no coverage at all unless you actively look for the stories, but it was an original. A comic that got advertisements and got to be broadcasted on the little slides for everyone to see who opened the app, dozens of people clicked that story and indulged themselves in the interesting and captivating story, everyone loved it including me, and then all of a sudden one day the webtoon rushed to an unsatisfying end. I was confused because it had so much lore and development to be explained until the other commenters speculated that it had been cancelled and discontinued due to the lack of readers. It’s a terrible process and me personally I would be crushed to have to end my story in such a rushed way, something I’ve spent years or even months creating and developing trying to make it the best version possible, gets cancelled and discontinued over the course of a few months! It’s just frustrating and a huge let down.
Thirdly, I do feel as if Lore Olympus as a whole could be better.. There’s a lot of cons coming from Lore Olympus then there is pros sadly, and I don’t think that it’s fair to have Rachel just receive that award in the state of the comic now. In season 1 you could really see the passion and the motivation of the story, it felt like it knew what it wanted to be and how it wanted to tell the story. But after that, it went downhill. Everything did, the character designs, the art, the story, the characters, they all became less polished and just more… Rushed I’d say. Not saying that Lore Olympus is just so bad and stuff that it doesn’t deserve an award at all, but I just don’t think it’s fair that Lore Olympus is talked about so much, you’ve got interviews, ads (with a damn known celebrity too), videos, edits, merch, books! Lore Olympus has quite literally made itself known throughout the damn comic community. It has so much recognition and coverage and everything for being best seller and critically acclaimed award winning and everything. Then to just top it off with an award while all the other creators put their heart and soul in every single chapter or webtoon they create. They cherish all the characters and you can just feel how much they love their story and how gently they handle everything so that they can satisfy fans with a worthy development and conclusion. There’s writers on webtoon who can barely get recognized for their work even though they have amazing storytelling and passion. So many writers and creators working with little to no team pushing themselves to make top tier art and writing each and every single chapter every single time they upload who don’t even get as much as an edit. I just think that it’s okay to give other webtoons a chance and to actually let other people get recognized and acknowledged for their work because it barely happens in webtoon for other people who isn’t Lore Olympus material.
Anyways, that’s the end of the rant. I hope everyone understands that I was using Lore Olympus as an example but mostly talking about the bullshit that creators face with webtoon because it’s terrible how other creators get treated by the company and I wanted to shed some light on it. I know Lore Olympus isn’t the most popular webtoon out there of course but it is one of the most talked about and advertised so yeah, I kinda had to use it as an example. But I hope no one takes this as me trying to say that you know, Lore Olympus sucks or whatever because that would be disrespectful to Rachel and her team who also spends hours on the episodes and stuff. In my opinion, I just don’t exactly like that barely any other comics are getting popular and picked up and being recognized by the community. But I digress, as I always say this is just a meaningless rant and it should not be taken neither as fact or seriously, I don’t do any sort of research on these because I’m literally just ranting purely based on my opinions and how I feel, also this shouldn’t be used as fuel to hate Rachel or Lore Olympus nor it’s fans because that wouldn’t make you any cooler or anything, you’re just going to be an ass if you do that. If you don’t agree with this that’s completely fine and if you do that’s also fine, we all have different brains and consume different sorts of media so we look at things differently, therefore if you don’t agree don’t try and force yourself to agree because you believe that it’s the right opinion, there is no right opinion it’s only mine.
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You ever have a good original idea for a book or book that can become a movie one day you think hey I should get to work and start creating? But then you think about after facing the challenges of getting your idea out there it’s subject to being changed by movie studios that may and can cut important info from the source material you poured your heart in and they’ll just make it weird with hot actors who can’t even save the most cringey lines the editors will put in the film? And even if you made a book not everyone reads books that much you fear and it will be lost to the fading light that is the library and bookstore lands?
This was me at 3am after getting up for some water and couldn’t head back to sleep and ended up having an existential crisis over a “what if” scenario that popped into my head. Just a regular daily thing for me😓
Hey there Non.
I'm not gonna lie, I've had PLENTY of ideas that I would have pop up in my mind when brainstorming randomly, even at times writing the ideas out in synopsis form with little dialogue tidbits and potential character arcs if I ever choose to write about it in the future, not just in terms of stuff for like Sonic or other fandoms but just OG story ideas that were created over the course of a couple of months that were just inspired by stuff I've watched over the years.
And each time I would put more time to explore those ideas, that same negative feeling of thinking what would happen to said stories and/or characters if it got accepted into some big, well-known studio or company and having it become a lesser version of what it initially was because they kept changing things that probably didn't need to be changed or taken out.
But that was before I got more accustomed to other means in terms of that, like posting artwork on websites like Instagram or Deviantart, sharing stories you've written on Ao3 and FF.Net, creating a comic series and posting it on Webtoons for everyone to see. Or even on sites like Tumblr, where you can pretty much do all three on a single blog! Even comic strips that started out on here got to become cartoons and shows on their own in due time.
We can't always let those what-ifs get in our way to try and get out there in the hectic world, cause otherwise we could end up missing out on opportunities where it'll be everything we'd ever dreamed of doing. For some creators, they'd rather do the safe route and be a small, part time creator and continue making content for the audience they gained while others want to aim for the big leagues like YouTube or a animation studio and give their content a shot to be made into a property.
Both routes are good choices, but it’s mainly up to you to choose how you want your content to be known on the web. It's different for everyone, it would probably come to you in a couple of weeks or months, but in due time...lighting will strike and you'll act upon with no doubt on your mind.
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gyuyoungarchives · 6 months
💬 Cine 21: Highlights from Interview on Sweet Home
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'Sweet Home's Park Gyuyoung - Would She Become a Monster of Tears?
Repressing the flutter of first love, it's the primal instinct to survive that prevails. For actress Park Gyuyoung, who portrayed a nurse secretly in love with a psychiatric ward caregiver in 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' and a noblewoman of the Joseon era secretly in love with a modernist in 'The Nokdu Flower', 'Sweet Home' presents a novel challenge. Her character, Jisoo, a bassist living above Hyunsoo (Song Kang), trades her musical instrument for a baseball bat when faced with monsters.
"In previous works, I only played cute, pure, and delicate roles. In reality, I have a down-to-earth and strong side as well. The opportunity to show that in 'Sweet Home' was both a challenge and a chance." After gracing the cover of 'University Tomorrow' in 2015 as a Yonsei University student, she moved between films and dramas and was named a rising star by Cine 21 in 2018. We meet her again in 'Sweet Home.'
What was your impression when you first saw the script?
- First of all, I really enjoyed the original webtoon. I read it with a lot of fear because it's genuinely scary. I'm not good with horror, but once I started reading it, I couldn't stop until the end. It was thrilling and fun, and the artwork was great. I read it lying in bed on my phone. Personally, I found the character Jisoo very attractive and thought it would be really fun to play her, so I was excited when I got the role and found the script enjoyable. Since it's a drama where the visual aspect is important, I was curious about how it would be portrayed.
In your previous work, 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay', you infused a cute and adorable element into a character experiencing unrequited love. In 'Sweet Home', however, you face off against monsters. What kind of allure does this character have?
- Jisoo has a girl-crush charm and a strong survival instinct, making her a character who acts decisively in various situations. She also harbours a tender side within, allowing her emotions to surface depending on her surroundings. While fundamentally different from the character Juri in 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay', Jisoo in 'Sweet Home' still retains subtle emotional nuances.
In the webtoon, Jisoo has short hair, but in the drama, she appears with long, dyed hair tied back. I'm curious about the process of creating this different look from the original work.
- Jisoo is a character who plays the bass guitar and needs to look strong externally. The production team suggested bleaching and colouring my hair, and I decided on pink after bleaching about half of my long hair. It was my decision to choose pink. This was my first time bleaching, and after doing it five times, I dyed it pink. I chose pink because it seemed to convey a strong personality, and I've always wanted to try pink hair. (Laughs) It was really refreshing. I wanted to bleach my entire hair, but since the filming period was long, I transformed only half of it after being discouraged by the people around me that I would have no hair left if I continued to bleach it.
In the world of 'Sweet Home', people who become monsters transform into grotesque figures as their desires strongly manifest. What would Jisoo look like if she became a monster?
- Jisoo pretends to be strong but in reality, she is a character suppressing various sorrows and pains. I think she maintains a strong exterior and behaviour to not show these aspects. If Jisoo has a hidden desire, it might be her tears, a wish to show her vulnerable side. So, she might become a 'tearful monster.' A monster that continually cries and carries water around. It's a thought I just had. (Laughs) She'd be crying loudly, but I imagine it'd be quite frightening if water surged around Jisoo whenever she exerted her strength.
How did you develop the character in relation to her senior Haerang?
= Jisoo is a musician. Haerang was the person with whom Jisoo most empathized through music. Music can be a hungry dream for some. Haerang faced this reality and left the world. Haerang gave his most precious bass guitar to Jisoo, saying, "It's yours now," before leaving. I think that's the biggest narrative. Perhaps that's why the bass guitar felt more precious to Jisoo. Also, Jisoo has an episode tied with Haerang and a baseball bat, and I think the bat becomes a source of strength for Jisoo because of her memories with Haerang. The fact that Jisoo's main weapon is a baseball bat is also related to Haerang.
Playing the bass guitar must have been a challenge.
- It was my first time handling a bass guitar. The guitar itself was very heavy, and the strings were so thick that it required a lot of strength just to press them. My fingers hurt too. But it was fun to play because it sounded good. Jisoo's first appearance is playing the bass guitar, and I really wanted to do well, so I practised very hard. I took lessons consistently for three months, and when a specific song was assigned, I lived with the bass guitar every day. I thought I had to play the whole song myself. I couldn’t accept only playing parts of it and having a double for the rest. After the song was decided, I only practised playing that song. I still vaguely remember how to play it. I played the violin from elementary to middle school but wasn't very good, and I hadn't tried any other instrument since then. (Laughs)
You also had to perform action scenes.
- There were parts where I had to synchronize with other actors, and there were action scenes that I had to perform entirely with my own body. It wasn't easy. However, while doing 'Sweet Home', I developed a desire to do better in action acting if given the chance. It's challenging to express through physical action, but I found it fun. Since the setting is being isolated in an apartment, as you watch the later episodes, you'll see the characters, including mine, becoming more emaciated. It's a narrative flow that makes sense as we were isolated and couldn’t eat properly. While doing this, I also had to do physical action, wear bloody makeup, and deal with the cold. It wasn’t a comfortable environment physically, but I think that helped us immerse more in the work. As the episodes progress, the actors' appearances change drastically. The sound engineer said that after getting used to the actors' looks in the later episodes, when they went back to edit the first episode, everyone looked so different it was like they were different people. (Laughs) In the later episodes, things get more intense, and everyone is pushed to their limits.
What was your first impression when you saw the set?
- The set was very realistic. Places like the corridors and inside the houses looked just like a real apartment, which helped with concentration.
It must have been challenging to act in scenes facing the monsters, considering the extensive use of special effects. What did you imagine to portray fear?
- A major part of 'Sweet Home' are the monsters. It's not easy to act in empty space without the monsters, so there were senior actors on set who performed as the monsters. Of course, there were times I had to act in front of a green screen, but having these senior actors perform as monsters helped me capture the right emotions.
You've experienced many changes this year, including changing your agency and appearing in two dramas. If your acting career were a 10-story building, on which floor would you say Park Gyuyoung is currently?
- I'm still on the first floor. (Laughs) In fact, I want to become an actor whose mere name, Park Gyuyoung, holds a presence, but many people still remember me as the nurse character from 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' or the rookie employee from 'Romance is a Bonus Book'. I think I can move up to the second floor when people start talking about the acting of Park Gyuyoung, rather than just the characters I play. There are still so many roles and projects I want to explore. I have a long way to go.
What floor were you on when you graced the cover of 'University Tomorrow'?
- Back then, I hadn’t really done anything as an actor. It's like I just parked in the underground parking lot of the Green Home apartment and have now finally reached the first floor. (Laughs)
- What does it mean for you as an actor to star in a Netflix Original?
= I truly experienced the power of the Netflix platform during 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay'. I gained a lot of international fans. It's honestly great that we're not just shooting for our country, but our content can be viewed worldwide. It makes me think I really need to do well since my acting can be seen globally. Personally, I watch Netflix so much, I might as well say I'm 'married to Netflix'. But turning it on and seeing myself there! (Laughs) Right now, I’m just waiting for the 18th when 'Sweet Home' will be released. I think I'll binge-watch it at home on the 18th, and probably watch it again.
- You often post movie stills that impressed you on your personal Instagram. Is there a role from a film that you would like to challenge?
= The role I really want to try is like Cindy (Michelle Williams) in 'Blue Valentine'. In the film, Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams portray a man and woman who fall in love at first sight, are consumed by love, and then change to the point of throwing away their wedding rings, the symbol of their love. The movie expresses this flow so well, and I think it’s very representative of how we live. Love seems to be the emotion closest to humans, and it would be great to have the opportunity to express it.
- You seem to watch a lot of movies.
= It’s embarrassing, but I started watching movies with interest when I began acting. Before that, I was too busy studying to have many memories of performances or movies. I naturally started watching more works as I acted, and I realized there is so much diversity and so much to see. I grew to like movies as I watched them out of determination. These days, I try to watch a movie every night before going to bed. Still, I feel embarrassed to say I watch a lot of movies, because the senior actors know so much about movies, and I feel there are many movies I still need to see. There's so much to learn from movies... But I am earnestly watching them. (Laughs)
Lastly, if actor Park Gyuyoung were to fall into the world of 'Sweet Home' and become a monster, what do you think you would look like?
- One of my main emotions is the difficulty of showing weakness and the desire to appear strong. This is similar to Jisoo. I might become that 'tearful monster' who carries water around. (Laughs)
Congratulations on the upcoming Netflix release.
- I really didn't know I would be on the cover of Cine21. I was named a rising star (by Cine 21) in 2018 and to be (featured in the magazine again) on the cover after two years... Next time, I hope to try something on my own.
Full Interview: http://m.cine21.com/news/view/?mag_id=96829
as Yoon Jisoo in Sweet Home, 2020
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lgcjaesun · 8 months
time seemed to blur these days, moving faster than jaesun would like. if only he could stop time for a little bit so he could relax and just be in the moment. but for now, it was time to start preparing for a comeback (which, he obviously wasn't going to complain about especially since so many artists didn't even get the same opportunities to do so as they were getting).
comebacks were fun challenges for jaesun. as someone who could get bored easily at times, it presented something new to focus on. plus, after taking a listen through the songs, he really liked what he was hearing. as the leader of the group, he wanted to make sure that he was prepared. that, if the group needed his help, he would have the ability to provide that support to the rest of them.
which was why he started learning the songs immediately from the time they were announced. he needed to get the details down to a tee. sure, the members were all capable, but in the event that they needed the extra hand, he wanted to be able to at least know what he was talking about. what good was a leader who was confused, after all?
on top of their regular comeback schedules, jaesun was also excited to learn that they would be taking part in lgc webtoon's ost. side projects were also always fun for jaesun and undoubtedly, he would be thrilled to see his alter ego become animated in the new webtoon. truth be told, he had somewhat forgotten about the whole project origin bit and so it was interesting to see it coming back to life once more. it felt like so much time had passed since then, but perhaps time felt that way as he got older, jaesun thought to himself.
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idolskpop · 9 months
Ryu Seung Ryong: The Late-Blooming Action Star of ‘Moving’
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Ryu Seung Ryong is one of the most versatile and acclaimed actors in South Korea. He has starred in various genres, from comedy to drama, and has won numerous awards for his performances. But he has recently surprised his fans with a new challenge: playing a superhero in the hit K-drama “Moving.”
What is ‘Moving’ About?
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'Moving' Episode 10: Ryu Seung Ryong’s Past as a ‘Monstrous’ Gangster Revealed “Moving” is a sci-fi thriller series based on the popular webtoon of the same name by Kang Full. It tells the story of a family that has to move to a different planet after a mysterious disaster strikes Earth. Along the way, they encounter various dangers and secrets, as well as other survivors who have different agendas. Ryu Seung Ryong plays Jang Joo Won, a former gangster who became an elite agent of the National Intelligence Service (NIS). He was tasked with protecting the president’s daughter, Lee Soo Hyun (played by Go Yoon Jung), who has a special ability that can save humanity. However, he betrayed his mission and became a fugitive, taking Soo Hyun with him. Joo Won is not only a skilled fighter and strategist, but also a caring father figure to Soo Hyun. He has a mysterious past that connects him to the origin of the disaster and the fate of the world.
How Did Ryu Seung Ryong Prepare for His Role?
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(Photo : Ryu Seung Ryong Instagram) Ryu Seung Ryong is known for his meticulous preparation and research for his roles. For “Moving,” he had to undergo intense physical training to perform the action scenes. He also had to learn how to use various weapons and gadgets, as well as master different accents and languages. In an interview with a local media outlet, he said that he was grateful for the opportunity to show a different side of him as an actor. He said that he enjoyed doing the action scenes, especially the fight with Lee Jae Man (played by Kim Sung Kyun), who is his rival and former colleague. He also praised his co-star Go Yoon Jung, who plays his daughter. He said that they had a good chemistry and that he was impressed by her acting skills and professionalism. He also thanked the director, writer, staff, and viewers for their support and love for “Moving.”
What Are Some of Ryu Seung Ryong’s Previous Works?
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(Photo : Ryu Seung Ryong Instagram) Ryu Seung Ryong started his acting career in theater in 1987. He made his film debut in 2004 with “Arahan.” Since then, he has appeared in more than 40 films and 20 TV shows. Some of his most notable works include: - “Miracle in Cell No. 7” (2013): A heartwarming film about a mentally challenged father who is wrongly accused of murder and sentenced to death. He befriends his fellow inmates, who help him reunite with his daughter. Ryu Seung Ryong played the father role and won several awards, including Best Actor at the Daejong Film Awards. - “The Admiral: Roaring Currents” (2014): A historical epic about Admiral Yi Sun Shin, who led the Korean navy to victory against the Japanese invasion in 1597. Ryu Seung Ryong played the Japanese commander Kurushima Michifusa and received praise for his villainous portrayal. - “Extreme Job” (2019): A comedy film about a team of undercover cops who pose as fried chicken restaurant owners to catch a drug lord. Ryu Seung Ryong played the team leader and showed his comedic chops. - “Kingdom” (2019-2020): A zombie thriller series set in the Joseon dynasty. Ryu Seung Ryong played Cho Hak Joo, the power-hungry chief minister who plots to overthrow the king and unleash a deadly plague. He was nominated for Best Actor at the Baeksang Arts Awards.
What Are Some of Ryu Seung Ryong’s Upcoming Projects?
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(Photo : Ryu Seung Ryong Instagram) Ryu Seung Ryong is not slowing down anytime soon. He has several projects lined up for the future, such as: - “Chicken Nugget” (2024): A webtoon-based comedy thriller series about four people who get involved in a mysterious incident involving chicken nuggets. Ryu Seung Ryong will play Park Jin Woo, a former detective who becomes a private investigator. He will co-star with Kim Yoo Jung, Ahn Jae Hong, and Kim Nam Gil. The series will be released on Netflix. - “The Silent Sea” (TBA): A sci-fi mystery series about a team of specialists who are sent to an abandoned research station on the moon to retrieve a sample. Ryu Seung Ryong will play Han Yoon Jae, the leader of the team and an aerospace engineer. He will co-star with Gong Yoo and Bae Doo Na. The series will be released on Netflix. - “The Pirates 2” (TBA): A sequel to the 2014 action comedy film “The Pirates,” which follows the adventures of a band of pirates and bandits in the Joseon era. Ryu Seung Ryong will reprise his role as Jang Sa Jung, the leader of the bandits. He will co-star with Kang Ha Neul, Han Hyo Joo, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kwon Sang Woo.
What Do Fans Think of Ryu Seung Ryong?
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(Photo : Disney+) Ryu Seung Ryong has a loyal fan base who admire his talent and charisma. He is also respected by his peers and juniors in the industry. He is often praised for his versatility, professionalism, and humility. Some of the comments from fans and netizens are: - “He is a legend. He can do any genre and any role. He is always amazing.” - “He is so handsome and charming. He has a great voice and a great smile. He is also very funny and kind.” - “He is one of my favorite actors. He always makes me cry, laugh, and feel inspired. He is a master of acting.” - “He is a late bloomer, but he is shining brighter than ever. He deserves all the love and recognition.” Ryu Seung Ryong is a late-blooming action star who has proven his skills and range in various genres. He has starred in many hit movies and series, including “Moving,” where he plays a superhero. He has also prepared for several upcoming projects that will showcase his talent and charm. He is a versatile and acclaimed actor who has won the hearts of many fans and netizens. He is also a humble and hardworking person who always strives to improve himself and deliver great works. What do you think of Ryu Seung Ryong? Have you watched “Moving” or any of his other works? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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