#im so hund over rn
getoswhore · 2 years
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geeky-in-the-tardis · 3 years
Long time no see, neighbour🥺💗
Ich hab grad den post gesehen, den du gereblogged hast und dacht mir ich lad mich mal ganz sneakily bei deinem Sleepover ein ;)
First off: how are you? genuinely asking💗
Late night questions:
-if the pandemic were over tomorrow, what would you do? (Geld spielt keine Rolle hehe)
-which food gives off cursed energy to you? (I'll go first: for me it's brussels sprout bc looks and texture Do. Not. Match)
-if you had to write a book based on a Hozier song, which one would it be?
Super random, aber ich hab heute das erste Mal seit Monaten ein Tier gestreichelt (hab zufällig mein bestie mit ihrem Hund im Dorf getroffen) und das tat so gut🥺🥺🥺
Ich hoffe dir gehts gut und du hattest einen tollen Sonntagabend💗💗💗
(Hope you don't mind me randomly hopping into your inbox, I miss talking to you🥺)
Okay es tut mir soooo leid, dass ich noch nicht geantwortet habe!
I’m good but so stressed! Working two jobs at the same time & thinking about politics all the time due to work and my free time makes me so unsocial in my free time 😫 ich hätte dir hoffentlich bald geschrieben - mache ich gleich auch! 💖
If the pandemic would be over tomorrow and money wouldn’t be an issue - I would travel to Canada and just watch hockey the whole time (bc rn I’m doing the same thing but in front of the tv) 🙏
Brussel sprouts is a perfect answer! I think beef jerky is cursed as well, I think it looks tasty but it’s just jucky!
Love the Hozier question!! 😍 probably on “Arsonists Lullaby” or “In a week” both songs already tell wonderful stories! Arsonist’s lullaby would be a thriller and In a week a tragic love story with some thriller/supernatural elements 💖
Und ohhhh das ist so schön! Das freut mich voll für dich! Das braucht man einfach mal! 🥰🥰🥺
And I’m having a great Saturday evening: Skyping with my beste @pelkatoffel & watching hockey together 🥰
Please always hop in my inbox when I don’t answer, I sometimes need to be reminded to answer - but I’ll try to get better!
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