#im so speachless now
gyuletters · 2 years
Y'ALL IM NOT OKAY AT ALL 😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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diwtara · 6 months
The locals were throwing them a feast in thanks for saving the village. With music and booze and meat - what more could they ask for?
The chief even brought out a local speciality.
"This drink," he explained, "will compell you to go to your friends and tell them something honest." He went on to explain that though it might not be something you would normally say out loud, it very rarely led to hurt feeling on either side - it did of course happen ocasionally, but the drink was made specifically to celebrate and help strengthen bonds.
When offered the chance to try it, no one was surprised that Luffy took the opportunity. Their cook was next, having caught a wiff of it Sanji insisted he needed to learn the flavour profile. Franky was the third and final volunteer, claiming that honesty was SUPER.
The stawhats kept a close eye on their captain as he bounced around chatting with everyone in his vicinity, though it was hard to tell if the drink had taken effect yet, or if Luffy was simply being Luffy.
"Nami-swan!" Sanji called running eagerly up to the red head, with a bright smile on his face.
She greeted him in turn with a polite smile, allowing him to take one of her hands gently in his own
"Nami-swan, you are such a strong, amazing person and I am so glad that we met. I am so happy that we are friends!"
Namis eyes widdened as a blush spread across her cheeks. "Oh!" That wasnt what she had expected him to say at all. Now she found herself stumbling over how to respond.
"I see the elixer has begun to work, cook-san" Robin cut in with a soft smile.
"Robin-chwan!" He cheered taking her hand in his free one. "You are so brilliant and wonderful. Im always excited for you when we find ruins for you to study, or a poneglyph for you to read. I love seeing you happy!"
It was Robins turn to be left speachless. She knew the strawhats were okay with humouring her passion, but it still caught her off guard that they were people, that there could be people, who genuinely cared about her happiness.
Movement off to the side caught Sanjis attention and he took off as quickly as he had appeared.
"Usopp!" He cried, wrapping the man in a hug.
"Oof. Okay okay, you can let go-"
"I know how brave you are Usopp! I see it every time you do what you need to despite being scared! But i will still always do my best to protect you whenever I can!"
Usopps eyes watered for a moment before he threw his arms around the chef. "Sanji!!"
Zoro doesnt know what draws the blondes attention his way, hell maybe its just another special property of the drink, makes you zero in on the people you know one by one. He sort of wishes he hadnt been noticed though.
"Zoro!" He tried not to squirm or duck away as he was approached.
He didnt need the cook rushing over to - what? Tell Zoro that theyre friends? He knows theyre friends, its not something either of them should have to say out loud. Thats not what they do.
Or worse, the curly-browed idiot could decided to say something like 'you're strong', or 'you're a good fighter', or 'I respect you'.
That would just be uncomfortable for both of them. And the cook would probably regret it in the morning.
And just how would Zoro be able to respond to that? Zoro sure as hell cant respond in kind to that sort of comment. Hes not the one who drank a truth potion after all.
He could pick a fight of course, make fun of the blonde for coming over and smiling and talking with complete sincerety. Laugh at him for willingly taking the drink and spilling out his feelings everywhere.
"Oi! Zoro!" The cook was grinning at him in a way he never did, or at least he was until he tripped on something on the path and a look of concentration replaced the smile as the man focused on staying upright while stumbling the last few feet forward. This had Zoro fighting off a smile of his own. The staggering blonde was a stupid, and maybe slightly endearing, sight.
Sanji caught himself with one hand planted on Zoros chest, staring down at it in complete fascination.
"I think about kissing you all the time."
Zoros breath caught.
"I would really like to suck your cock." Sanji continued, licking his lips, "Maybe tie you up first if you'd let me."
The blondes eyes slowly traced up from his hand on Zoros chest to meet his eyes. When he did, whatever he saw there, he seemed to realize exactly what he had just said.
Zoro watched as his mouth opened and closed several times, a dark blush racing across the mans face.
Finally Sanji snatched his hand away and turned on his heel before running back the way he came. Zoro almost chased after until he saw the blondes path change so he could scoop Chopper up in his arms.
The bright smile was back on his face, the blush fading. Whatever he was saying to Chopper had the reindeer wiggling and delightedly calling him a bastard.
Zoro watched the group - Franky was now openly sobbing while Nami pat his shoulder awkardly, Luffy was fully wrapped around Usopp - while he tried to catch up with what just happened.
How the hell was he supposed to respond to that?!
He sighed and decided he could confront the cook tomorrow. (Maybe.)
For now he needed a drink.
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pshwrldd · 8 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out🖤
hi nana, my precious cutiesweetie! hru cutie? i know you've been dealing with a terrible cold now! i am sad and mad to know that 😔 you, such a cutiesweetie are infected! all bad virus must stay away from you they're horrible😣
anyways, you are one of my love, my bsf, and an important person for me. I really hope we'll continue to be close friends forever, and always found comfort in each other! tysm for being by my side, helping me choosing suit pics for my layout ❤ just want to remind you, that you never fails to make me smile ❤
Nooo… lily babyyy😖 ur gonna make me cry- im feeling the same😞 but so much better! Awwww, dont worry, i promise ill get so much better soon!!!
im actually speachless, i really hope the same. NOO thank you for being by myy side and u dont have to thank me for something so small? U help me with my whole header😖 💗you never fail to make my day sooo much better💗
im glad im alaways able to bring tou smiles, laughter and comfort always<3 i hope we get closer through and ups and downs.
thank you for being an amazing bestie anyone can ask for, thank you for being my sullyoon to my heawon🫶🏻 thank you for comforting me throughout the whole time im sickk. Thank you for being the sweetes preetiest, kindest person anyone can ask for. [your so kuch prettier than me i swear] thank you for being the first to text me, thank you for asking me to be moots, thank you thank you thank youu<3 not even an infinity amount of thank you can replace how grateful i am. And lily, i love you infinity and beyong💗🫶🏻
and i want to sent u back the award angel<3
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out🖤
ps: im so sorry if it took me ages to type this out bc im having a really bad headache right now but nothing can stop me from showing love to u . And i felt overjoyed from reading this thank you my lily sweetheart<33
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footytea · 4 months
These influencers are scary AF like seriously not Amanda Díaz promoting her boyfriend's album now that she is in the spotlight  after causing Havoc with Jude ( because why you act like this knowing you have a Whole boyfriend just only because of CLOUT???. I mean is not her fault because the one who liked her pic back is Jude but damnn don't be that bold with all noisy ( and dont come for me she KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING GETTING JUDE ATTENTION BEING IN A WHOLE RELATIONSHIP) But what i learned about Jude is he dont care who use him or whatever i think he wants these influencers so bad no matter if its only for a fling or hook up or chatting because he always with the noisiest ones maybe he is not lowkey at the end of the day 🤷🏼‍♀️ . If this is the way Amanda Díaz moves im speachless a whole fucking boyfriend i meam she is helping him with Jude clout but damn zero decorum because she's doing ALL what people said about her promoting her boyfriend and acting accordingly what rumors said about their toxic moves . IN THESE LIFE FEAR INFLUENCERS 💀
i'm sorry i just feel like i need to share this with y'all so you can see just 1% of the insane & delusional asks i'm getting? acting like this over a like? 😭
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honestlynervousnut · 3 days
• Ficlet Friday Sunday•
@cliophilyra (just the meet-cute)
|One sunny afternoon in LA|
Sal was driving down the road in his beat-to-shit Ford Festiva with his daugter Layla - Ten years old, tall, with long curly dirty blond hair put up on a bun and with full pale pink ballet attire- on the passenger's seat in uncomfortable silence.
After months of a long divorce process Sal had finally achieved sole custody but the truth was that even though yes he loves his daughter pretty much, he has a hard time bonding with her.
"So...." He started speaking "are you excited for your firts day?"
"Mh-hm...mom says is pretty good" Layla nodded
Layla's last ballet teacher had retired due to maternity, and after the old dance school closed Gina, Sal's ex-wife enrolled Layla - unbeknownst to him - in a new dance school.
"And..." Layla continued speaking "They also said that Mr. Tommy is a great teacher..."
When Sal heard that he braked the car hard and looked at his daughter perplexed.
"Im-im sorry....MR. Tommy?"
"Y-yeah?" Asked Layla a little bit scared
"Tommy, as in...Thomas?"
"Yeah...I-I think so...."
"Layla that's a man! Why is a grown adult man giving you ballet lessons!?"
"Wh-Dad guys can teach ballet as well!"
Sal scoffed "yeah, sure...now I know why your mother didn't told me anything..." He said as he turned on the engine and continued to drive.
"Im gonna have a small talk with your teacher when we arrive...."
"Daaad!" Whined Layla
"Oh don't "dad" me I just wanna talk with him. It is a precautionary measure, you will understand it when you become a mother"
Layla let out a frustrated grunt and crossed her arms on the seat.
When they arrived to the dance school Sal parked the car and both him and his daughter got out. Before going in Sal looked at the outside of the school.
It was a small building with large windows painted a pale blue and with different bushes around it decorating the exterior of the building. Sal looked at the big sign writen in cursive:
"Kinard's dance school •ballerinas on pointe•"
Sal looked at the sign skeptically but went inside anyway.
Inside there was a room with a large mirror and a bunch of little girls in ballet attire talking to each other. Sal looked at his daughter with a small smile.
"Well honey have fun today, Il go talk with your teacher..."
Sal took a quick glance around the room and saw a man preparing the speaker, Sal aproached him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hi excuse me, Tommy?" He started talking but all the words remained on his mouth once the teacher turned around.
He was a little taller than Sal, with curly hair, broad chest and big arms, with a cleft, defined cheekbones and eyes of the cleanest blue that Sal had ever seen. He looked at Sal with a smile.
"Yeah! That's me, Hi!" Sal was speachless.
Tommy's eyebrows frowned slightly confused "Can I...help you?"
Before Sal could try to speak again Layla walked over to them.
"Hi Mr. Tommy...." She greeted him
Tommy looked at her and smiled "Oh Hi! Uh....Layla?" He asked and the little girl nodded.
"Alright! Let me just check real quick if you're on the list...." He said as he quickly grabbed his clipboard "Oh there you are uh- Deluca?" Tommy looked at Sal "Is that Italian?"
"I- Y-yeah..." That's all Sal could get out of his mouth.
"I like it..." Said Tommy as he left the clipboard next to the speaker "Alright now go with your classmates and let's start class"
When Layla left he looked at Sal
"Sir, im sorry I can't have a parent in the middle of the room so please step aside"
"Oh! oh yeah....sure...sorry" He stuttered as he went to the side of the classroom trying to remove the red from his cheeks "What the-?" He thought -why was he so nervous!?-
At the beginning of class, Professor Tommy introduced himself, took roll, and explained to the girls the stretches they would begin with, But before starting to stretch he realized Sal was still on the room.
"Sir, if you don't mind I prefer to have the parents outside of the room, y'know? It can inhibit the girls seen an grown adult man they don't know see them dance...."
-"Son of a-" Sal thought. But he was right...
"Oh uh..." Sal chuckled nerviously "Yeah! Yeah your right...sorry uhh bye honey Il see you later!" Sal said goodbye to his daughter and left.
Once he left the girls started stretching and Tommy got Closer to Layla.
"Is that really your father?" He asked her with a hint of a smile on his face
"Mom says he is but I still have my doubts" Layla sighed and continued the stretch.
Tommy held back a chuckle
"Jesus Christ, okey.... Let's continue shall we?" He chuckled and continued teaching.
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years
It’s more than I can stand, sweetheart
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Fandom:Moriarty the Patriot
Character:William James Moriarty
A little bit sad, jealousy, f!reader
We have a dance
At a ball in city called London
Tells the story
Of a one girl
And a man... who falls in love...
With her…
/William’s s pov/
First there is desire
{“(Name) you will flirt with Duke”}
Then... passion!
Then... suspicion!
As she was dancing with that duke i felt…
Jealousy! Anger! Betrayal!
Where love is for the highest bidder, there can be no trust!
Without trust,
There is no love!
Yes, jealousy...
Will drive you... mad!
{“(Name), you didn’t have to wear that dress tonight”}
She was wearing that beautiful dress. That beautiful red dress who was letting her to show her figure.
{“(Name), you don't have to sell your body tonight”}
I will protect you tonight, he will not touch you in pervert way.
His eyes upon your face
As they were dancing he pulled her closer. That son of the bitch.
His hand upon your hand
I watched them carefully, if he dare to touch her in pervert way i will cut his hands off.
His lips caress your skin
When music stopped he kissed her hand. How dare he. SHE IS MINE. Only mine.
/after mission/
(Name)-chan went to sleep and i was sitting with others in living room.
“What’s wrong ni-san?”, Louis asked me.
“I think i like (name)-chan”, i said.
“How did you realize that?”, Albert asked me.
“When she was dancing with that duke i felt jealous and wanted to kill him even more”.
“He was touching her hands and hips and he wanted to kiss her AND ITS MORE THAN I CAN STAND!!” I said and glass in my hand broke.
“WILLIAM”, everybody got scared and came to me to see if im good.
As Louis was warping my hand i was thinking about her and only her.
When he finished I went to her room. She was sleeping like an angel. I sat at her bed and watched her sleeping.
“Why does my heart cry?”, i asked as i was caressed her hair.
“Feelings I can't fight….”
“You're free to leave me, but just don't decieve me, and please believe me when I say I love you”, i said with tears in my eyes.
When i felt warm tears falling down my face, I stood up and when I wanted to leave i felt little hand took my hand. I turned around and saw her with that sweet smile she has.
“William, i love you too”, she said and stood up and hugged me.
I was speachless. I hugged her back like there’s no tomorrow and started crying even more.
“What happened with your hand?” She asked with worried face.
“I broke a glass while it was in my hand”, i answered and smiled.
“Poor baby, be careful next time.”
She took my hand and we went to bed. She hugged me with her leg and hands.
“You are my personal teddy bear”, she said.
I laughed and hugged her back.
“You are so sweet (name) and you are mine only mine”, i said and kissed her.
She fell asleep in 2 minutes and i heard knock on the door. Albert and Louis came into room.
“Is everything okey?” Albert asked and smile at the scene.
(Name) and I were sleeping and cuddling.
“They are so sweet, now ni-san will be better.” Louis said.
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The beginning of the end of Lloyd Lloyd Hanson origin story.
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COMMENTS welcome its still a Work in progress. Reblogs are welcome working on a larger peice im thinking it might go this way or maybe another way. So I need feedback
Trigger Warnings 18+ as always just incase there is mention of Lloyd getting aroused once just one sentance violence, kidnapping. Guns being shot and manipulation. No reposting or publishing elsewhere or translating you are responsible for what you read.
Immediately following the events of The Gray Man
Lloyd stood frozen at the sight he last time he saw her she was...
"Meg but I thought you were-"
"So did I looks like we were both reserected. Happy Easter. We've got work to do" she shoved files in his hand. Not amused at him or the situation.
Lloyd stood there speachless by the only women who could do that to him. Who turned him into....by breaking his heart. Alive breathing and she looked good.
Years ago when Lloyd had begun his training.
Lloyd: copy that you're clear I have eyes you get to-
He felt steal against his head
Lloyd's head dropped
Then the gun lowered "bang"
"You're dead Lloyd What are you doing?" He didn't respond "What. Were. You. Do.Ing."
" I was covering my p-"
" No You were trying to get killed," she held her her hand for the ear peice. "Give it to me.:
He bregrudegedly agreed.
"You need to look out for yourself because trust me no one will be covering your ass in the field. It may be all friendships bracelets and kumbayas now but out there no one care trust me."
She blows a horn two long one and two short signaling a reset on the field.
"Again We start from the top" she emphases to Lloyd
"I don't care . Just as much as you hate it its boring for me to go over the same stupid simulation point out the the same issues. I mean how many time do I have to fucking say it Lloyd. No one will come for you. No one will rescue you you go on there and your partner will do the same thing you go down they continue. When will you start to fucking trust me on this. It's not boy scouts"
The frustration rose in the chest as she finally fired the gun at three trunks.
Lloyd. Steped back a little.
"Oh yea I dont have a training gun oops she says dryly. " Crushing his earpiece with her bare hand it both terrified Lloyd and turned him on.
She turned her back and walked away and Lloyd caught up and put his hand on her shoulder which she grabbed, twisted and held him securely with his hand behind his back
"Don't do that."
"How do you know?"
"I was like you then I spent six fucking months in a terrorist camp in the hills. partner was dead mission failed and HQ knew. They heard. And I waited for my rescue and no one came I got myself out. Then I found out there was no failed exfil there wasn't even an attempt at one. As far as they were concerned I was K.I.A. in an unscantioned operation."
She took a shaky breath
Then through gritted teeth "I am trying to help you here."
She let go and he turned around rubbing her wrist.
"I love you Lloyd. I do. But you're going to get killed out there unless you listen to me. Because he was alive"
"My partner"
"Alive and fine he didn't even care while he knew I was-"
Her head dropped.
He stepped slowly to her
Then in a caring voice- slowly lifting his hand to her shoulder
"Did they?"
"Don't" she said softly with a tear escaping for her eye.
"I dont want to be going to your funeral Lloyd because I didnt do my job." She sniffled.
He looked her over- this confident badness chuck just gone. Her eyes down. Her shoulders rolled forward slightly
"You won't. I'll listen. I promise you. When were on a mission together."
She looked at something else on the ground. As he stepped closer
"When because ill pass training. I'll never leave you behind I'd rather be there with you. Than to live without you."
Thier faces were closes her breathes uneven as she then threw her arms around Lloyd's neck
Promise me you won't tell anyone what I just told you. I never told anyone- her breath shaky
"I promise" me wispered in her ear as he rubbed her back.
"Come on" she sniffed "Lets go get another ear peice for you." She went to while her tears off when Lloyd did it for her.
"What did I say about getting too close? "
"It's more fun to see the fear as you kill them. Not that you ass."
They did then things were reset.
Everyone was reset as meg and the other trainers and supervisors sat at the command center
"Well that was evil." One commented
"That was fun" she laughed
"Tears were a nice touch."
"You can send my Oscar to my office."
"And you don't feel the slightest bit of sorrow for him?"
She breathed in slow. "No. " She smiled "he'll thank me one day well not thank me my grave stone. I'm thinking I want one of those infinity flames. But trust me if I needed a heart transplant he'd give me his. Bit of a shame though- might have made someone a good husband." She says with an indifferent look
"Oh yea you look so broken up." A handler rolls thier eyes.
"Hey I train him to be a ruthless killer I've done my penance and I'm back on the field and Meg is dead."
What do you all think
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen
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geronimomo-spd · 2 years
Hi! Did you ever listen to the Six and Peri “Conflict Theory” audio?
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i did!! i forgot to gush about it darn, it was so fun! i did not see the plot twist coming at all actually! but maybe its because its my first ever 6 and peri story, my first ever 6th doctor story in fact, so i was excited for it!! and it did not dissapoint like wow
I can say a lot about this, because i tink i can now call myself a fan of six because he ws hilerios and so fun in this, i adored the scene in the librery where Peri was talking about "WE ARE NOT GOING TO SAY WE SURENDER TO TRY TO GET THE UPPER HANDS, HE IS SMARTER THEN THAT", then it cut to 6 doing this exact thing it was hilerios, i adored the line delivery of how he said "i do have some overdue fines myself!!"
i loved that line so much that i added it to my fave doctor lines list lol, overoll he had really cool lines!!! i also loved the "The Arrogance of the academic mind leaves me speachless" like damm what a line there doctor why are we dropping the tuth bombs in the coolest way ever calm down with the big guns
the whole plot was really nice, accept that the ending felt little weirdly rushed? but then again i have this problem with the newer 60 minute big finish episodes feeling way too short to me as im still working through my long early ones so i think i just need to august!!
anyway the main reason i was here was because of the idea of one of the doctor's companions shoving him into therapy to try and solve a problem and damm did i get what i wanted!! even if it was all a rouse, it still felt so connected to how the doctor actually oparates mentaly and his troubles that i got super invested, as it was a rouse, damm Sixth!! you are incredibly self awear good for you i guess dfgdfg
also i was suprised how much i ended up adoring the doc's and Peri's relationship at the end of it, i can clearly see how and why they are friends becuse they balance each other's annoyence and fondness so well!! i am sure that when i actually get to their relationship i will appriciate this a lot more, but as a stand alone adventure i just finished it adoring the dynamic so much
also Peri working against the robots's insecurity on the spaceship against their evil lords was inspired to be honest, like wow!! she really nailed that!! she was so brave and cool and showed such street smarts and yeah she's cool!!
so yeah!! overoll i really liked it!! most of the best qoutes came from Six, and Peri was so cool, and i enjoyed ie way more then i expected!
thanks for asking what i feel!! hope this wasn't too long!! i wil defenetly end up listening to more 6 stuff when i get the chance, perhaps after i get to his episodes, but then again as its a long way away maybe i will pick the audios up sooner then later, i just uwu about him now
thank you!
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i-heartclones · 2 years
So like two weeks ago I saw Avatar The Way Of The Water and it was so fucking amazing im telling you. I left that theater speachless and with tears running down my cheeks.
So ive been on the internet for a while now, rejoining the fandom since the first movie like 13 years ago.
I discovered SO MUCH hate for the new movie. WHY??
Yall just be hating on anything at this point. People making fun of yhe new avatar are trying so hard to be different. Nobody cares.
Im not saying you cant put your opinion on the internet, by all means comment on how much u want the movie to flop or how u are never in a million years going to watch it.
BUT LEAVE US FANS ALONE. So many people just starting wars out of nowhere, making fun of the fandom. We are allowed to like the fucking movie and if that bothers you, log off.
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bronwiebear-brad · 2 years
Long live the prince - 2
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The noise from your shoes were getting too loud as you made your lonely way through the well known corridors of that castle. You had lost the amount of times you passed by there. On and on. Night over night. Morning after morning. Coming back. Now, all of it is about to fade away.
"(y/n)!" A young ladymaide called you and made you jump. "Im sorry to scared you but the Queen wants to see you" She explained.
You felt your face lose color and changing it expressions. Your heart started to jump even faster.
"Do you know what's the subject?" You asked. Your voice almost breaking. 
She shrugged her shoulders totally unaware of what was going on. You only nodded and she guided you. You accepted your fate as you tried to keep up with her pace. A few moments and long corridors later she knocked on the big door, guarded by two knighs. She only entered when she heard the queen’s command.
“Lady maide (Y/N), my queen.” She introduced you and gave you an petty look. You sworn she was saying sorry.
“Leave us.” The queen instructed and the girl, who was not above her 20′s, left, leaving you to your own mysery. You were still bowed when she started talking.
“Lady (y/n), how gracious you look today. That dress is lovely.” She looked at you up and down. You remembered the similiar words coming out of her son's mouth and for a split second, you relaxed.
“Thank you, your highness” You answer kindly. Trying to cover your anxious state.
“Did your father acepted a good dowry from a knight yet?” She asked pouring wine into her glass. You studied her actions. You knew exactly what she was doing.
“I’m afraid no, my queen” You placed your hands behind your back. Playing with them.
“Oh” She looked at you trying to look surprised. “So its perfect.” She smiled and got up from his chair. “I’m sending you to france with Mary, to escort and to be her chaperone” She went to the window and stared outside not looking at your face.
You could hear your world crashing to the ground and shattering into pieces.
“The king and I think that princess Mary will need someone to give her suport. Someone she knows well when she is so far from home.”
She kept talking but in your head only he came to mind. Theres was no way that he knew of this. He wouldn’t allowed it. You were sure about that.
A small tear ran down your face and you quickly wiped it away. It would be terrible if the queen saw it.
“So?” She asked looking at you now and you quickly stop thinking about millions of ways to prevent that to happen. You just looked at her too speachless. “Aren’t you happy? This is a great oportunity! Lady (Y/N), you have no idea how these girls would kill for this.”
You were never going to say no to the queen or the king. You knew what could possible happen. Not only you, but your family, your friends, everyhting you cherish. Also, you knew that she was doing this to put you away from her son, so that meant that she knew about your little secret.
“I am, my queen. I am.” You lied and flashed her a small smile.
“Great. Sir Isaac will escort you to your room, you’ll collect your things and take you to the boat.” She went sitting on her chair again. This time her expression changed. She looked proud of herself. Empowered. “The weding is almost over and son the boats will leave to france.”
“Thank you my queen, i’m honored.” You lied again trying your hardest to put a happy face. She just nodded and you bowed, leaving the room moments later, sir Isaac, the personal guard of the queen, followed you.
And then, sooner than you’ve expected, tears were falling down your face. Staining you dress.
It was amazing how everything could end in a moment. How a love could be broken and destroyed. It was amazing how easy it was separate two people who loved each other but couldn't be together.
Everything was happening so quickly that you barely realized your new reality when the boatman blew the horn, the sails were hoisted, some people from the court celebrated the departure of the princess and the new prince, who waved happily from the bow.
And then your eyes met his, through the waving crowd on the dock. The terror and sadness in those beautiful brown eyes that wanted you so much and that made you weak. His expression, his mouth that silently screamed in desperation.His hair and clothes were out of place. He wanted to shout that he loved you, run, throw himself into the water and swim to you... but he couldn’t.
You were paralyzed, static, looking at him, saying goodbye to the love of your life with just a look and tears. In your hands was the ribbon that had bound your hands together hours before.
His figure on the dock grew smaller and smaller as the ship sailed away. The air became frigid and cold, making you shiver.
On the same day they exchanged promises of eternal love, their destiny was set and all that remained now was the memories.
“Why are you staring at me for?” You laughed, getting away from him in the bed. The linen bedsheets were wrapped around your naked figure.
“I’m saving your features in my brain” He answered suporting his chin on his hand. You noticed his rings and the way they shined. “I don’t want to forget how you look” He smiled. 
“You wont” You said kissing his hand and brushing your fingers through his hair once again.
“I wont” He repeated and lowered himself, getting inches from your face. “I wont” he whispered and kissed you...
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jevajoy · 1 month
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andvys · 9 months
that's good! i did some shopping yesterday but woah there were so many people in the mall! OMG what cookies did you make? were they good? 🥹
im good, thank you! i loved the new chapters so much 😭 i can't wait to read the latest one but your stories are so addictive omg
“So, what do you want to eat?” He asks, looking around the crowded mall. 
you ♡
You’re sitting across from her, playing with the fries on your plate that you have only eaten half of. There’s a troubled look in your eyes, you are chewing on your bottom lip, blinking as you stare down at your lap. 
Before she can even finish the sentence, you jump up from your seat out of sheer panic, slamming your drink on the table before you rush out of the restaurant, leaving Robin to  sit by herself. 
“You’re a coward.”
“Yeah, well, she needs to figure out her feelings and who she wants.” 
robin is me because i cannot deal with my friends having a crush on another pathetic man
“It’s a pink mojito,” Robin mumbles, rolling her eyes at the smirk on your face. At least you look a little more relaxed than you did earlier. 
i've never had it but that sounds so good actually
“You’re in love with her? Like, you’re in love with her! Like, she is ‘the one’, the one?!” You say in a hushed whisper. 
i would too chrissy 😭❤️
“You’re really pretty.” 
“And so sweet, you’re always so good to me.” 
“I wish I met you first, Eddie.” 
“What’s with that long face?” Dmitri asks, his voice thick with the russian accent that everyone keeps teasing him for. With a slap on Eddie’s shoulder, he snaps him out of his thoughts, “pass me the screwdriver, boy.”
“I used to be married.” 
“I’m telling you, y/n, the Star Wars movie collection would be the best decision ever!” 
no bc i love star wars so much its my roman empire
“You’re like the older sister I never wanted.” 
the way you write the kids is so perfect 😭 i've always loved your max and lucas and now dustin is so cute 😭
“The babysitter who is secretly dating both the mom and the dad,” he says with a smirk. 
As you stare at the restaurant, realization floods through you like a cold wave that would make you gasp and shudder. 
HELP IM STILL AT THE RESTAURANT--- evermore is one of taylor's top 3 albums for me 🤭
Though, while he sounds hopeful, you sound uncertain. 
oh my god the malls are always soooo crowded during this time of year, especially the last few days before the holidays!
and yes the cookies are sooo good! I made a few different ones! I made two different kinds with a jam filling and then vanilla powdered cookies & sugar cookies with chocolate and sprinkles on top!
& thank you omg 🩷 I'm so happy you liked the new chapters! who are you rooting for?👀
I love adding the kids to my stories, especially these three! Dustin, Lucas and Max are my faves🥺
AND YES EVERMORE IS SUCH A GOOD ALBUM! what's your top 3 evermore songs though? I know Champagne problems is probably your #1 right?
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3dumb2potatoes1 · 1 year
•High • School • Crush•
Pt.2 What's happening?
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• Pairing: Hyunjin x Female reader.•
• Genre: Classmates to friends.•
• Warnings: Crying, Shouting.•
• Word count: 680•
• Note: Tell me if I missed anything. And im very sorry for making this short. Next one will be longer.:)•
It had been running through your head for too long now. Next day you decided to ask it yourself. Of course not in front of him, cause that would just be too embarrassing. Instead you would sit meters away from him and text him it. Your bestie was just sitting beside you, until you heard a, “Oouuhh who are you textinggg. It can’t be me.” Your bestie had never been that Interested in what you had going on with others. You didn’t think anything of it cause again, she’s your bestie! You see Hyunjin across the roof top. He finally notices the message you sent him. You can see on your phone, that he is texting. Right after he starts writing, you hear a phone taking a photo. It’s your bestie interrupting again. “Oh sorry, I’m just taking a photo of todays lunch. Doesn’t it look so good? Considering the other days.” You couldn’t help but give her a weird look. “Yeah, mhm.” Lunch always looked the way it did right now. The only difference you could see, was that today there was slices of apple instead of grapes. Did she really like apple that much? You weren’t gonna judge her cause suddenly you get a message. It’s Hyunjin! He came with a cute message that made to stare up at him again with love in your eyes.
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You looked over at your bestie. As soon as you looked at her, she looked down on her food. You could clearly see she was just staring at you and your messages. She was so… weird today. You decided to let it be.
The bell rang, and all you could say was, that you were actually happy to be separated from her. She made you feel weirded out the whole day. You went inside and had the last lessons of the day.
When you came home, you immediately had dinner. You were so hungry, it felt like it was killing you. When you were done eating, you went to the couch and watched a movie with your family. It felt great to get to be with your family again, without anyone having play dates, work, homework, housework, or other things. You all sat down with sodas on the table, and a medium sized bowl with candy and stuff. Movie night was always so fun!
Suddenly your mom gets a call. It was nothing new, since she worked in a very busy company. After she ended her call she looked back at you and stared directly into your eyes with a serious look on her face. This felt worrying… and she didn’t say anything until a few seconds later. "Why did i just get a call from your school, telling me you have a boyfriend?" What did your mom just say? A boyfriend?! School?!?! None of this made sense. you didnt even have a boyfriend. Where was the school getting this from? "Mom, what do you mean?" "Your school called me, telling me that students have seen posts of you and a guy together." you were speachless. The only guy you were friends with, was Hyunjin. "but i dont have a-"... You just got cut off. Why though? You were speaking!! "YOU KNOW THAT I SAID YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY BOYFRIENDS... How dare you disobey me Y/n. Can't you do something right for once?" You felt like crying.
You ran to your room, while tears were slowly running down your cheeks. Your mom looked at you in disgust, anger and betrayal. You entered your room, slamming your door. After jumping onto your bed, you couldn't stop your tears from spilling out of your eyes. One tear, two tears, and after it felt like a million. You could feel that you were soaking the pillow. After minutes of crying, there was a huge dark spot on your pillow after crying. You felt like sleeping, after this chaos. But before sleeping, your bestie posted. That would definitely fix your mood. But when you opened instagram. It was chaos. All you could say was...
“What’s happening?”
The end
To be continued
Made by Potato 2
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carolmunson · 1 year
CAROL I- I- IM FUCKING SPEACHLESS. I was not ready for surprise vampire!steve and I’m now going to reread that blurb because I’m obsessed. That’s amazing thank you so much
we love being a lil' blood bag <3
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hollyhomburg · 6 years
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Did I get tickets? Yes! Am I still freaking out? Yes!
I’m so excited! After 2+ years of being a bts fan I get to see them in concert for the first time! I’m so excited and incredibly lucky that I get this opportunity to see them. I think I’ll be bouncing up and down with excitement every day until a few days after the concert it’s self.
Now I gotta buy an army bomb and plan my outfit! Probably going to go with a peidpeiper esque outfit because I love body harnesses!
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cryogenicmango · 7 years
I can’t believe it’s finally over
For the past year I’ve been working on this project for school. It was something that most of us in our program dreaded since we all knew that it would be long. 20 people dropped out of the program right before we started doing the project because they didn’t want to do the project. The other 80 of us stuck it out and here I am now. 2 days before the final due date, 2 days before it officially ends and I’m finished. I’ve finished everything that I had to do with 2 days to spare. So let me go on a little tangent here and tell the story of this project that became my life.
During march of last year we received the first presentation of the project. It wasn’t a long presentation and the teacher was just explaining to us what we had to do. I was really excited for the project, so much that I bought the notebook that would be my logbook two weeks before the official presentation. I already knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to write a book. I’m a storyteller by nature and I’ve always loved telling stories. As far as I can remember I made stories up for fun. I remember when I was around 5 I made up this really fantasy like story of my birth. I was 5 so I was really innocent back then. All that to say that I wanted to write for my project. I say the project as a sort of motivation, a way to get me to write and keep writting with a meaning behind. And so I started.
At first I wanted to write an entirely different story than the one that I wrote. I was planning on delving deep into mental illnesses and creating a story out of that. But the more I thought about it I realised that if I was going to use the project as a motivation to write might as well just write the book that I had been developping for 2 years already. So I scrapped everything that I’d done and started over. I researched for hours just so that I could get the historical facts right. I spent days in libraries, in bookstores, on youtube searching for documentaries. I spent so much time researching that I barely saw time pass. 
I was one of the few people that did everything in advance. I’d finished doing my product during the summer by accident because I had wanted to finish at least half of the book by the time school started. I’d worked so hard to make it perfect. I’d reasearched and talked to people for hours and it took so much time. I didn’t sleep a whole lot because I just wanted to get stuff done. I wanted to write the story that I’d created and that I loved. I wanted to work forever because I enjoyed it. 
But then school started again and everything kind of just snowballed. I tried my best to keep on top of things and I did at least for a little bit. I kept working and working jumping between school and the project. Stuff happened in between and I got stressed. My phobias got worse because I couldn’t juggle the workload well. I got diagnosed with Anemia because I spent so much time working inside and not going outside combined with the fact that I no longer went outside period because my stress had gotten so bad that my phobias had gotten unbearable. I started going to therapy because it had gotten so bad. 
During the project school work was a bitch and took up most of my time. I was so swamped that I was having mental breakdowns when I didn’t understand a question in the homework. It was absolutely horrible. But through it all I still had fun. Somehow. I was pretty much the only one that had fun. It was a good thing that I was writting my own book. A friend of mine was doing her project on an illness that she was really interested in. The key word there is WAS since as the project was going she lost interest and she got so stressed that she also had to start therapy. 
This project was the work of a year. An entire year. A year in which I worked myself to the bone, where I started having health problems because i spent so much time working, where a lot of things went to shit but also a year where I had the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life. I made a new friend during this time, I worked so hard with my friends that we got closer than we’d ever been before. I wrote the book that had been in developpment for two years. I did things that I never would have thought I would ever do. I found out more about myself while doing this project than I would have ever thought possible. 
I complained a lot about it. I complained a lot about the workload and everything that happened. But to be completely honest this year that I worked on the project was the happiest time in my life. So many things happened during my last year of high school and I don’t know how I can begin to start explaning the joy and the sadness I feel from having it all be over. There are still a few months left to school and I’m going to keep working hard because that’s just the kind of person that I am. But to have this all done, to have this be over, it’s really incredible as it truly feels like everything that I’ve worked for is coming to an end. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can see all the effort that I’ve put into everything that I’ve done, I can see all those sleepless nights spent working on my book and on various projects for school. I can see everything that I’ve done these past 5 years that I’ve spent in that school surrounded by those people and I can see it all coming to an end. I can’t believe it’s all over because with the end of this project it really is a new chapter starting for me. 
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