#im so very very normal about this i promise
betasquads · 2 days
chapter l
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Summary: You and Niko have been close friends for years ever since the moment you had met him in a collaboration, sharing countless memories and laughter. It was until someone's jealousy grows, making it harder to hide their true feelings. This shift creates tension, leaving one of them unsure whether to confess or risk damaging their friendship.
Warnings: —
A/N: Jst so you know my babes first 1-3 chapters ARE going to be very boring, nothing interesting since I'm trying my best for this to be a slowburn (promise that this is just a filler chapter and it'll get better, love everyone of you 😘)
The morning sunlight filters through the curtains, gently coaxing me awake from a restful slumber.
As consciousness slowly seeps into my weary mind, the soft vibration of my phone on the bedside table punctuates the tranquility of the room. I groan, jolting awake, disturbed by a sudden noise echoing through the quiet room.
With a groggy hand, I reach for the device, the screen illuminating with Niko's name plastered across it in bold letters, followed by 5 other missed calls.
I roll my eyes despite the lazy smile forming on my face. Everytime, at this time of the day, Niko had to call. It was comforting to say the least. It never failed to bring a smile to my lips.
I quickly press the answer button as Niko's name flashed on the screen.
"I thought you wouldn't pick up like yesterday." his voice echoes through the receiver, warm and familiar. "You up yet?"
I chuckle softly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I prop myself up against the pillows. "What do you think? It's7 in the morning Niko." I reply, my voice still thick, clearly sending him a message that I had just woken up from his phone call. "What's up?"
"They're setting up a gathering for youtubers. Its like some party. Sharky told me about it. You in?" He questions.
I tilt my head, trying to comprehend the sentence that had just came out of his mouth. After a quiet one minute, I let out a sigh in acknowledgement. "Well, I guess I'll have to put up with your terrible jokes all night since im coming. I'll also bring my best friend." I tease, replying with no hesitation. It wouldn't be a day if meeting up with them doesn't happen.
My heart never fails to skip a beat at the prospect of spending the evening with our closest friends, the anticipation of laughter and camaraderie weaving its way through my veins.
Ever since I had met Niko and the beta squad in a collaboration, Niko and I have formed an inseparable bond. He's the first person I've gotten comfortable with.
"Hey, watch it, you schmuck," He retorts with mock indignation. "You're just jealous because my jokes are legendary. And don't lie to yourself. I'm probably your only friend."
I look at my phone in confusion and disgust, "Uh, excuse me?! Never. My jokes are way better than yours. Even Chunkz said it himself."
"And second, I'm talking about Adeline. Shes been dying to meet each one of you." I add, my eyes now fully open.
There was a bit of silence in the other end of the line, before hearing an annoyed sigh. "Well guess what?"
I roll my eyes, playing with ends of my hair. "What?"
"He lied to you."
"No he didn't. Look, Nikolas, if you're jealous," I shrug, "Just say it."
"You want me to say Wallahi? Wallahi he said that." I could hear the smile in his voice, like he had won the argument.
With a laugh, I playfully declare, "That's it, I'm closing the call on you."
"Oh noo. You just ended my life with that sentence. God. I'm devastated. Truly heartbroken." He says in sarcasm, and I could imagine the way his face had switched from normal to mockery.
"You should be. You know why?" I say with suspense, waiting for him to reply.
"Why?" He replies finally after what seemed like a while in a bored tone.
"Because..." I say with enthusiasm whilst trailing off, trying to come out with something.
I tap the end button with a dramatic flourish. The line goes silent, but the echoes of our laughter linger in the air, a testament to the bond we share.
As I set the phone aside and let myself be enveloped by the warmth of the morning sun, I can't help but smile at the thought of Niko and our endless back-and-forth banter. Despite his penchant for teasing, there's no one else I'd rather spend my days with, laughing until our sides ache and our hearts overflow with joy.
As I entered the bustling YouTubers party, my eyes scanned the crowded room in search of familiar faces. It didn't take long to spot Niko and the rest across the room, his signature grin lighting up his face as he waved me over.
"y/n!" He calls out, weaving through the sea of people to reach to me. "You made it!"
I flashed him a mischievous grin, my eyes twinkling with amusement. "Of course I did! Can't let you have all the fun without me, now can I?"
We fell into our usual banter, trading playful jabs and teasing each other relentlessly. Niko's quick wit kept me on my toes, his jokes leaving me in stitches as we caught up on each other's lives.
But just as I was about to deliver a particularly witty comeback, my gaze drifted to the doorway, and my breath caught in my throat. Agent stood there, looking effortlessly handsome and completely captivating.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, the sight of him leaving me momentarily speechless. It was the first time I had seen him in person, and I was utterly mesmerized.
"Niko," I whisper, unable to tear my gaze away from Agent's figure. "Look, it's Agent."
Niko followed my line of sight and let out an exaggerated groan, his expression one of mock disgust. "Ew, not him, please."
I shot him a playful glare, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Stop it, Niko. Don't be mean. He's.. He's attractive." I hesitate as I spoke.
"Don't tell me you're actually thinking about it?" He's holding his laugh as he says this particular sentence.
I shrug, "I just got out of a relationship. Why shouldn't I?"
He chuckles, a huge grin forming on his face as he shook his head. "You and Agent... It doesn't make sense. He's too.. I wouldn't know how to explain it. It just wouldn't work out. But hey, I'll understand if it's Sharky or Kenny." He nudges my shoulder, slightly going lower towards my ears so I could hear him from the loud music.
I nod in understanding, but a disgusted groan isnt failed to escape my lips at the thought, "Never in a million years. They're like family."
I frown, feeling a knot tighten in my chest as Niko's words echoed in my mind. His insistence that it wouldn't work between us felt like a harsh confirmation of my deepest insecurities. I couldn't shake off the doubt gnawing at me, whispering that maybe he was right, and I wasn't good enough for them.
Niko was my best friend, and I trusted his judgment, but it stung to think that my feelings and hopes were being dismissed so easily.
Standing next to Niko at the party, an uncomfortable silence stretched between us. My mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts, each more unsettling than the last.
The awkwardness was palpable, and I felt trapped in my own overthinking. Just when the tension seemed unbearable, my best friend arrived, her presence a welcome distraction.
"Adeline! I missed you!" A grin forms on my face as she hugs me, and I feel her chuckle vibrating against my body.
"Niko this is Adeline, Adeline this is Niko." I quickly introduced her to Niko.
She takes her eyes off of me and looks at Niko with an all knowing look, and I slightly smirk to myself.
"So this is the Niko you've been talking about?" She says with a smile, her eyes not being taken off of Niko. I give a knowing smile to Niko, my heart screaming with happiness.
I could sense a flustered Niko coming as he looks away from her nervously and looks at me. "Who wouldn't talk about me?" He tries to play it off by making a joke, but I squint my eyes at him, clearly aware what his intentions were.
As they started talking, I saw a spark of interest between them and seized the moment to set them up. The awkwardness began to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of hope that maybe this would work out for the both of them like just I had hoped to.
Leaving Niko and my best friend with a huge smile, genuinely happy for both of them, I decided to head to the open bar.
The music pulsed around me, vibrating through my bones and mingling with the hum of conversation. I stood by the punch bowl, idly stirring my drink.
As I sat down, the buzz of the party felt distant, and I allowed myself a moment to breathe. Just then, my heart skipped a beat as Agent, the one I'd secretly had eyes for, approached me.
My pulse quickened, and the air around us seemed to crackle with a new energy. For a moment, all my worries faded, replaced by the exhilarating possibility that maybe, just maybe, things could take a surprising turn tonight.
He was taller upclose, with a confident smile and an easy grace.
"Hey, you're y/n, right?" Agent asks, his smile widening.
I nodded, a bit taken aback that he knew my name. "Yeah, that's me."
"I've seen you around. You and Niko are pretty close, aren't you?" he asks, his tone friendly and engaging.
"Yeah, he's my best friend," I reply, relaxing a little. "He's the one who dragged me here tonight."
He laughed, a warm, genuine sound. "I'm glad he did. It's nice to finally get a chance to talk to you."
I felt a flutter in my stomach, surprised by how interested he seemed. We chatted for a while, and I found myself enjoying his company more than I expected. He was funny, charming, and genuinely seemed interested in what I had to say.
But then, as the conversation flowed naturally, he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "You know, y/n, there's something I wanted to ask you."
I tilted my head, curious. "What is it?"
"Well," he began, a hint of hesitation in his voice, "I'm really interested in Adeline. I was hoping you might be able to put in a good word for me."
The words hit me like a cold splash of water. My smile faltered, and I took a step back. "Oh," I managed, feeling a flush of embarrassment and disappointment.
After what seemed like a while, a laugh escapes my lips to hide how embarrassed I had felt, "Yeah, yeah. Totally. I mean. You and Adeline...Perfect match."
He must have noticed the change in my expression because he quickly added, "I didn't mean to lead you on or anything. I just thought you'd have a good sense of who she likes and if I'd have a chance with her."
I force a smile, trying to hide how crestfallen I felt. "Sure, I can do that," I say with a tight smile, my voice sounding hollow even to my own ears.
"Thanks, y/n. I really appreciate it," He says, his relief palpable. "You're a great friend."
As he walked away, I felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. I mockingly mutter the last sentence that he had said, frustratedly looking around. I had been flattered by his attention, only to realize it was never truly for me. Just like what had Niko said.
"This tall headed giraffe is always right," I mutter under my breath.
I look over to Niko was still pretty stuck on Adeline, happy for them but still annoyed that every guy had to go for her.
Taking a deep breath, I decided to brush it off. I wasn't going to let this ruin my night. "Great..This is fucking great."
I turned to the bartender, who was busy mixing drinks with practiced ease. "Can I get a vodka tonic?" I ask, trying to sound more enthusiastic than I felt.
He nods and quickly prepared my drink. I took it, savoring the initial burn as I downed half of it in one go. It helped dull the edges of my unease, so I ordered another. Then another.
With each drink, the world around me seemed to blur a little more. The colors became brighter, the music louder, and the faces less distinct.
I lost track of how many drinks I had consumed, each one blending into the next. The bartender’s cautious glances in my direction became more frequent, but he kept serving me without comment.
At some point, I stumbled away from the bar, clutching my latest drink like a lifeline. I wandered through the crowded room, feeling a mix of exhilaration and disorientation. The alcohol buzzed in my veins, making me feel invincible yet unsteady.
The music seemed to get louder as the night went on, and I found myself refilling my glass more often than I probably should have. The lights swirled, and the room felt like it was tilting slightly.
I needed a break. I needed to find the bathroom. Navigating through the throng of people, I stumbled a bit, steadying myself against the wall. Everything felt a little blurry. As I rounded a corner, I bumped into someone and nearly lost my balance.
"y/n. You okay?" A familiar voice asked with a hint of concern, catching my arm to steady me. I looked up to see Niko, his concerned eyes locking onto mine.
"Oh god– you truly have lost yourself." He chuckles to himself, observing my state.
"Niko!" I exclaim, a bit too loudly. "Fancy meeting you here. Aren't you supposed to be with Adeline?"
He raised an eyebrow, ignoring the last comment. "You seem a bit– stressed. Are you alright?"
I waved him off with what I hoped was a convincing smile. "Parties can be overwhelming. You're supposed to know that! You know i hate parties."
He studies me for a moment, clearly not buying it. "If you say so. How about you? How’s everything? Did you talk to Agent?"
I took a deep breath, trying to keep my smile steady. "Good, good. He just asked me about Adeline. Typical."
He raises his eyebrows, trying to contain a laughter.
I nodded, "Between you and me, I would rather see you and Adeline. Not looking too good for Agent." I say with a soft laugh, genuinely happy for him but feeling a twinge of envy that had nothing to do with Adeline herself.
It was more about what they had, something I seemed to keep missing out on. "You think?" He raises his eyebrows at me.
"Oh, I know so." I say with confidence, his smile warm and genuine as I spoke.
I take another sip of my drink, trying to ignore the slight dizziness. "I think I’m going to head back to my apartment. This party is a bit much for me right now. Or you could have a drink with me and tell me the details about you know who." My eyes shift towards Adeline who was across the room talking with a stranger.
Niko’s expression shifted to one of concern. "I don't... I don't drink. Are you sure you’re okay? You seem pretty drunk."
I waved my hand dismissively, though I knew he was right. "I'll be fine. I just need some air and a bit of quiet."
"Let me walk you home," he said firmly, not giving me a chance to argue. "I don't think it’s a good idea for you to go alone."
"Shut it."
"You really think I'll stay for her rather than you?" He scoffs, a bit of joking in his tone. "Never in a million years. Don't argue with me." He says like he was a bit pissed that I even thought about her.
"And what about after the million years?" I raise my eyebrows, a smile appearing on my face. I snort when I see his annoyed expression and the way he glared at me, trying to contain a laugh as i thought about saying another thing, but he shot a warning look before I could say what I had wanted to say.
"Fine, fine." I spoke with a sigh, grateful for his concern despite my initial reluctance. "Alright, Niko. Thanks."
As we walked out into the cool night air, I felt a little steadier with him by my side. Niko chatted lightly, trying to keep the mood up, and I appreciated his effort.
"And then....Adeline and I kissed. And you know? I couldn't believe it. It's like my soul had left for a moment." He spoke with excitement and I laugh drunkly at his excitement.
Even though I felt a bit envious of how easily it was for him to just build a quick relationship with Adeline, I was grateful to have a friend like him who would look out for me no matter what.
Maybe my turn would come someday. For now, I was okay with knowing I had people who cared about me, and that was enough.
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afro-hispwriter · 1 day
do you have any headcanons for aemond or ewan (idk if u write for real people) but what do you think either of them would be like in a relationship?
Dating Ewan Mitchell:
Ewan gives off very caring bf vibes
he definitely listens to you all the time
he has a genuine interest in what you say and he learns about you through that
he LOVES seeing you in his clothes
doesnt care if he slowly starts running out of shirts bc seeing you in them makes it better
ewan loves horror movies and if you don’t… he will respect that
but that doesn’t mean he wont try to convince you
maybe it works
maybe it doesn’t
or maybe you will just as long as you get to be cuddled up to him🤭
i feel like he gives AMAZING hugs so imagine just laying in your apartment together and he just pulls you into him or your in bed post sex and his arms are wrapped tight, maybe legs entwining with yours
tbh i don’t think they would happen often, ewan seems like the guy to realize somethings wrong and bring it up to try and talk
and he seems pretty responsible so fights over chores probably wouldn’t happen
but not saying they wouldn’t happen, one that might happen is over work
if both of you are actors you might not have time too be with each other so there will be more understanding
but if you’re not a celebrity of any kind, it most likely will be a little difficult for you
ewan might but put job before you to often and that hurts:(
you have love and supported him through his hard times, you visit him on set, you go to his premieres
but it goes both ways
a fight would break out, maybe a screaming match followed by some silent treatment until one of you breaks probably ewan
it ends with make up sex
im not to sure about ewans cooking abilities since I've only even seen a mention of a steak
BUT if he can cook he probably would cook for you a lot when he can
or if he cant and you can then you’ll take on the cooking aspect
but if you’re not as together as youd like due to work or you’re having a lazy day
i see some take out or simply going out to dinner frequently
ngl ewan doesn’t seem like the jealous type NOW
but when his career started kicking off maybe he was a lil jealous of the people you hanged out with
or if you’re a little bit more well known than him and have an established career before him and you had been dating already
boy probably had to deal with the people you work with already and got used to it
but i see a silent jealous person in him if it comes down to it
staying right behind you
holding on to you at all times
maybe he will go as far as kissing you in front of everyone
neck kisses
A LOT of pecks
he might even get a lil handsy around the person
or he will try a full blown make out session and you’ll be like 😯🤨
you both like your privacy like the media might not even know but they will now depending on where its happening
he’s a professional but he loves you so much
but once you catch one to whats his deal
a lil talking too with some words of reassurance and a kiss ofc and he’s back to normal
The talk of MARRIAGE and/or kids probably would come up depending on how long you had been together
i can see ewan giving you a promise ring, especially if you had been dating since you were young
but i say give him two or three years and he’s on one knee
kids though….
not sure if ewan wants kids or if he does obviously just not now
so if you guys got married, kids probably wont happen immediately
unless you had an oopsie before or right after marriage
but the whippets are enough for you two for now🥰
thats all i got for now😙✌🏾
he seems like a pussy eating king ngl
legs trembling
the type to cum just by giving you pleasure
imagine the groans😩
a/n- first time writing a headcannon😗i know this was supposed to be both ewan and aemond but aemonds will come later🥰
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deadghosy · 12 hours
Dynamic: reckless x nurse
Prompt: when the healer comes to the rescue or needs the rescue.
Warning: violence, blood mentions, fluff, and slight suggestive.
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How in the hell are you supposed to tame a wild snake when all he does is get into trouble. Cleaning your boyfriend’s knuckles was not on your list for a relaxing evening. Christopher Locks, a Slytherin boy who had taken your heart back in 4th year was certainly sitting in front of you after he had gotten into a fight with a gryffindor. You were tired of these house rivalry as it just seemed dumb as hell. “Really Chris? Why can’t you ever just stop acting like a dimwit.” You said throwing the boys slightly big hands at his legs. Christopher tilted his head a little before smirking. “Why can’t I have my future spouse tend my wounds? I choose you over these bloody nurses in the hospital wing any day.” You only sighed once again feeling him pull you to his lap. “Chris.” You flicked his head which only earned a small laugh. “Im not a nurse..or even a specialized nurse at the fact.” Grabbing his hand again and dabbing the cotton swob with alcohol gently on the spilled knuckles. “Yeah but..” he says whilst his other hand resting on your thigh.
“Does it really matter love?” He looked up at you with those dangerously low eyes. You felt your breath get taken away by those green eyes of his. You look away from him and back onto his knuckles. “Other hand please.” You said holding out your own hand for the other you haven’t tended to yet. He lended you his hand with a smile as you quickly get to work. You were begging Helga Hufflpuff for patience as sometimes you didn’t have the patience to keep tending your lover. “I hate you…” “I love you too darling.”
It was now another "normal" day, or so you wish it was. Having a Slytherin boyfriend meant that some people would have problems about a hufflepuff and a Slytherin being together as a Slytherin is evils while a hufflepuff is an angel. Honestly you didn’t give a care in the world for people trying to trash talk your own relationship with your lover. Honestly Christopher is a lovely person after all. Protective, charming, funny sometimes, and very much a good lover. Hell, he had given you a promise ring that had your favorite gem in it. It was like you were swooning over him all over again. Your love sick thoughts were cut off by a student, a Gryffindor of kind to shoulder check you. “Ah, apologies—” “Ew. Aren’t you that hufflepuff dating Locks?” The gryffindor said with a disgusted face. Your face faltered into one of a frown and distaste. “Yes..I am.” You said eyeing the student.
“Yikes! I feel bad for you and your relationship. To even date a Slytherin might as well be foul to even imagine. Or maybe you’re foul yourself.” The student started to walk towards you, making you uncomfortable and back up. “Please back up—” the Gryffindor cuts you off, “I’m thinking that maybe you were forced into a relationship with that bloody snake. Maybe you are just blind and an imbecile to even see what’s in Locks.” You narrowed your eyes, as you opened your mouth to counter on what was said. Christopher came around the corner with a dark look. “There you are love..” he said with a dark tone. His eyes were sharp into the student that seemed to now back away from you. “Is this person bothering you?” He had now stepped in between you and the Gryffindor, Christopher already heard what had happened earlier. He just wanted to see if the problem needed to be solved. You looked between your boyfriend and the student, and nodded your head confirming his accusation.
He smirked at the student in front of him, making sure you stayed behind him before he started talking. “So mate, I see you’re starting trouble with my love.” He puts his hand on the student’s shoulder, gripping it to the point his defined hand was showing veins. “I shall say, if I see you messing with them again.” He leans against the person’s ear. “I’m breaking your face and wand.” His voice was low into their ear, gripping the shoulder with a deadly grip. The student made a sound of displeasure and it was enough to make Chris smile at that with a dark look. “Do I make myself clear?” Chris then punched the student’s stomach making the poor person kneel down and hold their stomach. Your eyes widen with a gasp. “Oh yeah..and that’s for calling them names you prick.” Chris grabbed your hand and walked away from the agnozing crowd that seemed to grow large at what happened.
You frowned, “that wasn’t necessary chris…” Christopher bit the inside of his cheek. “You know what isn’t necessary? That bastard making fun of you. Even calling you names love. And I will not stand for that.” He said looking at you, squeezing your hand as well. You sighed at this boy, “what am I gonna do with you..” you said walking side by side with him fully. “..you could give me a kiss.” You looked at him with a shocked face. Smacking his arm with your free hand he laughed. “Kidding, kidding..or am I?” He bellowed out a laugh for a second time as you let out a small giggle. You felt a little better getting out of that situation, and he knew it as well.
But sadly, it wasn’t the end of it.
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Screams erupts the halls as you were walking with another hufflepuff, Elizabeth to class. You raised an eyebrow and Elizabeth squinted her eyes before screaming. “Omg! Isn’t that your boyfriend?!” Your own eyes widen as she pointed over to a crowd of students in a circle. You could only see two heads, one head was definitely Chris but the other wasn’t. “What?!” You yelled shocked, you started to run over there. Pushing through the crowd that’s when you see Christopher throwing a punch at the student you seen harassing you yesterday. Apparently the student didn’t learn their lesson from yesterday and had insulted you to Christopher’s face. “Cmon mate, throw a good one while at it!” Christopher said with a smirk, he gestured with his hand towards the student who whipped out their wand. Swiftly Christopher dodged a depulso spell, without hesitation the Slytherin boy whipped out his own wand and depulso the student away. The crowd ooh’s at this as the student was laid out on their arse, you looked at the student who seemed to have a slight bloodied face. Then you looked your Slytherin who had surprisingly clean knuckles, a little red on them. But clean.
“Christopher Locks!” Christopher looked at his beloved with a smile, showing off his sharp canines. “Ah, my dear badger. What brings you here love?” He was acting as if he didn’t throw that waste of time Gryffindor across the hall. You only narrowed your eyes as you walked up to him, he still kept a smile watching you closely. “…why must you cause mayhem everywhere you bloody go!” Christopher was going to answer before you grabbed him by the hood of his cloaks and drag him off from the crow that now surrounded the knocked out Gryffindor. “Love please slow down or else—” “I don’t give a rat’s arse! I worry about you too much for you to only start another fight?! What if you get suspended from the school?! I swore, you need patience to think before acting out.” You were obviously upset and it made the Slytherin frown.
The walk from away the crowd turned into him taking you to the Slytherin’s house. “Pureblood” he said as he let you walk in first and then him. You didn’t even look at him as he sighed. You had walked ahead of him, that was before he picked you up bridal style and took you to his room. “Hey! Put me down you idiot!” You tried to get out of his hold, but you knew if you did you would’ve busted your own behind on the floors. “Can’t, I gotta show you I’m sorry my love.” He opened the door with his hand and closed it with his foot. You only huffed when he set you down. You looked at him, eye to eye to see he had no expression before he leaned his head towards you.
“I’m sorry love..” his voice was low, slowly his hands grazed your waist. You pouted while his eyes were clearly onto your lips. He dipped his head lower capturing your lips perfectly onto his own. Your eyes widen before relaxing, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled into the kiss. The kiss was passionate before turning sinister. He bit your lower lip asking for permission, and you clearly gave him it as he pushed you against the bed. Claiming dominance over you. Your hands gripped his back as he pushed back and licked his lips. “You drive me fuckin' crazy angel…” he said with a low growl. Before he could even say anything else mattheo came in, ruining the moment. You and Chris looked at the door, your face showing clear embarrassment as Christopher was nonchalant. Poor mattheo only saw a hufflepuff looking flustered with bruised lips from kissing, and his housemate that had disheveled hair and a cloak that seemed to drift off of Christopher’s shoulder.
“Yep I’m gone.” The riddle brother said, closing the door quickly. Chris only shrugged and kissed your lips one more before sitting on the bed beside his darling. “Think he’s gonna tell the others?” You said to the Slytherin boy next to you. Chris only shrugged again, slithering his hand to hold yours. “The others wouldn’t care that I’m dating a lovely badger like you my dear.” Chris showed a soft smile, his low eyes showing protectiveness. You giggled squeezing his hand happily. “Awww.. you’re so cute when you’re sweet” Christopher immediately jokingly gagged when you called him sweet but he held a smile on his face. “Cmon now love, you know I can’t ever be mean to you.” He says leaning his face down to yours to give you a small peck. After that the rest of the day and night was trouble free. He knew he had to learn patience just like you.
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hero-king-baybe · 1 year
i need him to butcher me tenderly-violently and sell my various cuts at his shop and maybe take home a nice steak or two to pan sear until the exterior is a rich golden brown and the interior is a perfect rare to medium rare and he smiles so sweetly as he takes the first bite 🔪💖 kyauuuuuuuurrrrrr~ 🔪💖🥩💘😭💖🔪💘🥩��💘💖💖🥩🔪🍖💘🥩
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verflares · 6 months
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i've been looking everywhere for you!
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mmira-d · 7 months
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new percy jackson new percy jackson new percy jackson
(click for higher quality lol)
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giftplane · 1 month
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wuh oh!
more fambonds art this time for chap 31 woauhghghgh no way forever.
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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saw this post and remembered that i had this sitting in my folder so. take it
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
the planes of existence
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
crash landings and all
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(a/n): to my annie x brady girlies, here is the piece i’ve since promised and since fallen in love with!!! featuring annie, brady, coffee cups and the rising sun + some heartfelt talks about reality. and of course all those emotions annie doesn’t really need but feels instead. enjoy!
It was 0600 and she couldn't sleep.
But this had been happening far too many times in the past few weeks for her to ignore it and call it nerves, or worry, or any other bothersome symptom that would have one of the girls nudging her and asking her if she was okay.
Which she was, alright?
Or she was at least trying to tell herself that.
When there were mornings without missions, that's usually when she would come and sit out, just outside of the mess hall, and stare out towards where the B-17s sat, silhouetted against the purple and pink skyline as the sun began to appear. She'd usually sit there for about an hour, before she started seeing people moving about, and then she'd disappear inside, grab herself a coffee, avoid one of Major Egan's horrible jokes in the morning, and then be on her way to her crew, or to Silver Bullets, or to anything really - to distract herself, get her mind active, get her brain focused on something other than the worry.
This morning was no different - beautiful as the early dawn was, it was also incredibly reflective. She'd sit in the silence, the only noise the breeze in the trees and past her ears, the birds beginning to wake up and sing. It was usually a lot of her convincing herself things were fine and that everything was okay. That she was okay. But usually that didn't last very long and she was off worrying about one of the girls, or that one damn engine on Silver Bullets, or better yet if Lemmons had screwed that one bolt in enough. It kind of ate her alive at the worst of times.
"Hey." Annie looked up and found, stepping down onto the step, and nestling in beside her was Brady, an outstretched hand with a steaming mug of coffee opposite her, and a tired smile on his face.
"Hey," Annie said, trying to hide her surprise and current spiral that she thought was normally drawn across her face, "you're up early. Thanks." She took the coffee and watched as he settled beside her with a sigh, sipping at his own cup of coffee and glanced her way.
"I could say the same about you." he said back, his voice still waking up it seemed from sleep, knocking her shoulder gently. Annie watched him, the first rays of the morning son painting his face a beautiful golden with his eyes and she nodded.
"Couldn't sleep." she told him honestly, "Haven't been sleeping too well anyway, so. What's not to lose with a sunrise, you know?" Brady watched her for a moment, his lanky knees bent up to his chest, the mug resting on his kneecap and his expression quiet.
"Something worrying you?" he asked her, seemingly the first assumption of many on this base - was something worrying her? The sun would shine and she'd be worried, she'd be sat at a table and someone would cough and she'd think she'd have to get the doctor, someone would come in with a headache and she'd assume the worst. So, yeah, maybe there was something wrong, but she wasn't about to spill that to Brady at 0600 in the morning.
"I just worry about the girls, you know how it is. Making sure people are sleeping, eating, feeling okay, not feeling too homesick they're bedridden. That their letters get sent, get read, they get comforted, listened to." Annie said, "Just making sure they're keeping what smiles they can on their faces." Brady caught her gaze as she glanced his way and she found a small smile lingering on her lips.
"It's just what I have to do. Make sure things work like a well-oiled machine." she told him honestly, sipping at the coffee, "I must say, you know how to make a coffee taste good." Brady smirked slightly, a bit of a laugh escaping his mouth, before he looked at her.
"I'm glad you like it," he told her, his voice tender, "but don't try to worry yourself over your crew. They're a good group of ladies flying a B-17. And they've got a great pilot to lead 'em."
"Thanks, John."
"Just make sure you keep an eye on yourself, alright," Brady said, leaning into her side a bit, causing her to glance his way, "you're a part of that crew and just as important." He spoke with a gentle ease of tone, but equally just as serious, like he was coaxing someone to calm down.
"John Brady, you are full of compliments this morning." Annie said quietly, sipping her coffee and peering at him over the edge of coffee cup, just in time to watch his ears flame red a bit and he gulped and smiled at her.
"I don't lie." he told her and Annie grinned and held his gaze for a moment.
"Humor me then," Annie said and a brief moment of reflection passed over Brady's face, "Croz sort of let it out, about those 'mechanical failures' when he mistook France for England…..what was that about…..?" Annie watched him expectantly and Brady's ears flamed a deeper red to the point it spread to his cheeks.
"Supposedly you covered for Croz, real gentlemanly, too, I must admit." Annie said, "Lying to Major Egan of all people, John Brady, I wouldn't suspect such a thing." Brady chuckled at her words and shook his head.
"I was putting it how it was," Brady said, "God, it was embarrassing though. In front of both Buck and Bucky. Land the plane on its belly, Croz vomiting just below, the thing about to blow up but it doesn't, our first introduction to the base. You do what you gotta do for the crew. I was a bit of a shithead to Croz, but to be flying over France -Nazi-occupied France - it wasn't the most pleasant." Annie smiled, watching him as he spoke.
Knowing how he cared how he flew, how he coped. He was so fluent in what he thought and believed, right and truthful. Caring, gentle, but firm and purposeful in his speech.
"The worst was that belly-landing though," Brady said, shaking his head as he sipped his coffee, "that was horrible." Annie watched as Brady seemed to relive it for a moment. She bit back her lip and then reached a hand forward and placed it on the sleeve of his wrist, the touch warm and welcoming and causing their eyes to meet.
"I crashed an AT-6 when I was doing hours for my license." Annie said - she had never dared to tell a soul such a thing, she wanted to take that to the grave, bury it, hide the humiliation. She'd jumped out of it like she was losing her mind, a lunatic sprinting across the base, with her hair ends crispy and black, her blonde hair suffering from the smoldering smoke, looking more monster than woman in that moment. Not her finest, but it had taught her a whole lot of lessons. Brady watched her for a moment, surprised.
"You?" Brady said with a nod, "Crashed not only a plane, but an AT-6? No, I don't believe you." Annie could get his joking tone pretty solid by this point and instead laughed at his words, leaning back to wrap her slightly cold fingertips around the mug and nodded.
"I did in fact crash-land it. Crazed eyes, hair-on-fire and all." Annie said and Brady watched her as if amazed.
"I must admit, it's hard for me to picture that because you're one of the best pilots I've ever met." Brady said and if she were honest, they both looked surprised as that came out of his mouth, but he was quickly talking next and she took a moment to relive those words.
"I mean, you look so calm and collected….what…what happened to warrant that?" he said, leaning a bit closer, evidently interested in the tale that had her losing her mind for weeks after.
"Truth be told, me learning to fly was like telling a fish to live in a tree," Annie said watching as Brady chuckled, "I wasn't always….this." She pointed to her face and Brady smirked.
"Oh c'mon, you're a goddamn good pilot, Annie, really." Brady said, and then smiled, "Go on though." Annie sent him a look with a playful smirk.
"You, asshole." she said and nudged his shoulder, "Don't try to get back at me with that or something in the future."
"Never, my lips are sealed." Brady said, sending her a wink - why would he do that at six am when she's somewhat still fogged with sleep and brain exhaustion.
"Anyway," Annie said, catching his smile again, "all the engines crapped out on me as I was coming in for the landing, the tower was telling me to eject, ejector was jammed, and the wheels were stuck at 45 degrees. So, I did what I could, braced myself and the thing slid across about hundreds of feet of sand before tilting to the side, me pouring out like Ma's soup for dinner. It was so bad, and horrifically embarrassing. God."
"Hey," Brady said, leaning into her peripheral, "'least you can say you know how it's done." Annie let out a laugh at his words then and there, her heart feeling warm for one of the first mornings sat out here; usually alone and now in good company.
"I mean, it wasn't the first time I even crashed landed." Brady offered with a shoulder shrug. Annie stared at him, trying to keep the smile from her lips.
"You're joking."
"Wish I was, Annie," Brady said, "back in training, went down, Croz could tell you all about it. Became pretty well-known among the base and the training groups." He smiled.
"But," he said, "'least I can say I did it." Annie let out a laugh, clasping a hand over her mouth as she glanced at him and watched him chuckle, his eyes glowing in the morning sun that was slowly peaking its way over the horizon line.
"You should join me for mornings like this more often," Annie said quietly, looking out towards the sunlight, "get some things off your chest. It's why I do well….usually alone, but it helps me think. Through things like that." She looked over and met his gaze and smiled. His expressions in the early morning were so much gentler than at dinner, and it almost made her wish he could stay like that forever in some selfish way. All of them, truth be told.
"I think I will," Brady said, "I'm glad you like the coffee. I wasn't sure what you went for, but….you seemed like a cream type of person."
"You either are really good as guessing or someone snitched." Annie said, catching Brady smirking.
"Nah, Bessie was in there the other day getting coffee for you two. I know she drinks straight black and was wondering who the hell she'd be getting a coffee full of creamer for so…." Brady admitted, glancing her way, "I hope you enjoy it." Annie looked to the cup of coffee and took another lingering sip. She wanted to stay like this for a while, freeze time maybe. But that would never be such a thing in their lives.
"We should take a spin together some time," Annie said looking towards him, a smile growing on her lips, "if you ever wanted to be in Silver Bullets when she gets going in the air. You could be my co-pilot." Brady watched her, his face still for a moment, held in a graceful balance of seriousness and surprise and then the corner of his lips ticked upwards.
"I think Francis would drop-kick me from the cockpit." Brady whispered quietly to her and Annie chuckled.
"She'd be fine with it, I swear to you," Annie said, "maybe not anytime soon, as long as we're going up, dropping bombs and all. But maybe when this whole thing ends. And we just get to be. When we get to go home." Looking over, she found Brady already watching her. Home, seemed to echo in her mind the longer she held his gaze.
"Hey! That you Brady?" Annie watched Brady turn away from her face and glance behind her, her own gaze following to find Crank coming towards them, waving an arm, "Buck's been trying to get a-hold of you!" Brady nodded and then looked back at her, a sudden shift in whatever it was that existed between them. He slowly got to his feet, brushed off his pants and then stopped to lean down towards her ear.
"I'd love to be your co-pilot," Brady whispered, sending chills up her neck, "ma'am." Then, he was up and off, sending her cheeks flaming red, her eyes going over her shoulder, as he went and caught up to Crank, shaking his hand and nodding to him, exchanging all the pleasantries. Annie caught his eyes one final time as he glanced back at her. He winked.
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undeadkyart · 11 months
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<- guy who cried over the route of a love interest named nakedtoaster
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harvestmoth · 7 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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zizzlefizzle1 · 16 days
Canon Underfell Asgore vs my interpretation 🥀
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I completely forget asgore doesn’t have a Smokey eye in canon lmao 💀
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long-lost-mcguffin · 6 months
hey guys what if wu’s form split in two and the spirit that’s guiding cole and was guiding kai & nya is his actual soul, while egalt is his physical form and thus doesn’t hold any memories of the ninja or his family. hey. hey guys. guys wait come back
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k1rameki · 4 months
me and my beloved @alex-dontknow were busy doodling on whiteboard together and here are some of my many many doodlies feat the entity ladies (amora and nikusa), tabi, agoti, aldryx and ayana >:3
@beans2cheese @appallinnballin (hello appa i hear you enjoy my entity humns so have the ladies plus everyones favourite brothers)
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phykoha · 1 year
Is there a scene in The Time Traveled that lives in your head rent free?
Oh, the fight between Leonardo and Kraang at the beginning, absolutely.
Recently I've been daydreaming it to Gwen's theme from ATSV.
Until 1:17 when Gwen's music cue comes in, there are sweeping shots of the prison dimension. It looks desolate yet serene when pared with the music. Everything is so still.
There are a few shots that give us very brief looks at Leonardo. Some from far away, some of just his cape moving or his legs/feet walking at a slow pace. Once the cue (1:17) happens, we get our first close up look at Leonardo's face, from the side. Just based on his expression alone, we can tell he sees something, and the camera pans over to the distance, where we can see movement.
At 1:33, hard cut to close up shots of Leonardo running and leaping across broken floating platforms/rocks, spliced between shots of Kraang beating the shit out of Leo. These shots are much faster paced than the ones before 1:33.
Right as Kraang is about to lay waste to Leo-
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The beat drops at 1:56 and Leonardo launches himself into Kraang's side, sending them both flying and allowing Leo to somewhat recover.
Until the slow down at 2:08, we focus on Leonardo and Kraang. Kraang struggles to yank Leonardo off of him as the turtle claws at his suit and pulls out his broken sword to stab it. After 2:08, we cut back on Leo, weakly sitting up and holding his side as he stares at the fight in disbelief.
But his attention is drawn up and away from the fight as an orange portal begins to open a ways away from the platform he's on. He gains a determined look on his face as he gets up and tries to get to it without drawing attention to himself.
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