#im sorry but no one is inherently 'cis' bc gender is inherently not real (saying this in cool trans way not transphobe way).
sammygender · 4 months
the thing thats always missing in conversations about gender in general is the fact that 'cis', as an identity, is not a innate Thing Some People Are, but rather a state of acceptance society grooms us into from birth
#im sorry but no one is inherently 'cis' bc gender is inherently not real (saying this in cool trans way not transphobe way).#being 'cis' just means you live as the gender youve been assigned. being 'genuinely' cis in a way where youre not repressing anything and#you're truly happy to be that way means you're the ideal and desired endgame of the whole gendered culture and have been successfully#groomed into accepting only half of yourself (the half that can exist in the gender role you inhabit)#Like every culture agrees that people have both 'masculine' and 'feminine' within them but on entry to the earth the vast majority of peopl#are placed within a role that rewards either 'masculine' or 'feminine' but not both. and of course everyone continues to be both but#theyve still been placed in one role.#To be honest i think we need to rid ourselves of the idea of gender as something innate even though its nice to teach to well-meaning#liberal cis people. 'born this way' dogma was a useful vehicle to pitch existence in but its unhelpful when queer people actually act like#its the whole truth and nothing but the truth.#dont get me wrong i couldnt be a girl cause i self destructed and died and that was just something within me. totally that is a thing 100%.#hashtag born this way. but just because it doesnt go that far for some people doesnt mean that theyre Innately Cis. it means they accept#their circumstance and r priviledged to be able to do so. thats what cis means#to be clear: i say being cis is the result of grooming. thats not to say that people who reject cisness are smarter or more radical#necessarily or doing the right thing. some people stay cis and push the boundaries of that role wherever possible and thats just as radical#i think in fact its more radical than trans people who ruthlessly uphold gender roles#tldr its not a moral failure to identify with ur assigned gender and to argue that would be incredibly ridiculous#but the only reason u feel identification with it at all is because of the grooming. shrug emoji.#oliver talks#gender#gender abolition#gender assignment is grooming & its violence & its awful#ted talk over#Disclaimer if anyone wants to pick a fight that i do literally identify as trans so take of that what you will
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5typesoftrash · 3 years
warning: this is going to be a long post. transphobia and bigotry under the cut
I am posting this rebuttal of a person who got (hilariously) angry at someone who Does Not Care (me) and wrote an entire-ass essay on this post because apparently this is how I spend my time. Defending my identity which does not need to be defended because it is immutable from transphobic trolls who won’t even see it cause they’re blocked from this account.
Anyway. Be careful looking under the cut.
TERFs, gender-crits, radical feminists, transmeds, nb-exclus, anti-mogai, and anyone else whose ideology promotes transphobia and/or trans erasure, please kindly do not fucking touch this post. I am not kidding when I say that I will report you all to tumblr for hate speech if it takes me all fucking night.
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Two screenshots of a reblog from tumblr user homosexual-means-gay. The post reads:
please tell me how literally every single gay man being repulsed by ppl with vaginas hurts you! tell us why it’s a problem gay ppl aren’t attracted to the opposite sex like straight and bi ppl are!
homosexuality isn’t a political movement it’s a regular natural innate sexuality. gay men aren’t attracted to biological females and it hurts gay ppl when you side with conversion therapists and it hurts bisexual ppl who actually are attracted to both sexes when you erase them for your homophobic agenda. you’re not a victim. you’re happy to eliminate homosexuality from existence as long as you’re able to reinforce heteronormative gender roles the gay community has always opposed. your bigotry harms trans homosexuals too, not that you transhets care about the gay trans ppl either.
erased from history? you want gay ppl correctively raped out of existence bc you love socially constructed gender roles more than human rights. you deserve all the hate you put out into the world. im sorry our innate orientation and culture prove how flimsy and useless the gender roles you define yourself by are, but homophobia will not improve your self esteem. you’re driving away ppl who would be happy to support your made up identity by attacking how we were born same sex attracted. sorry you can’t relate bc you’re straight. sorry you think you can use your privilege against us. but it’s not something we’re doing to you. it’s not something we can change and it’s not something we want to change. there’s never been a gay man in existence who likes pussy, not even the gay trans women like marsha p johnson and sylvia rivera. you’re a sad little straight girl alienating all potential allies.
hurting us doesn’t validate you. it doesn’t hurt you that no gay man will ever like pussy.
End ID
(If someone wants to do a better ID that’s fine, I just wanted to put everyone on an equal playing field when it comes to understanding the content of this post.)
I’m going to go line-by-line and refute every single bullshit thing this person said.
> please tell me how literally every single gay man being repulsed by ppl with vaginas hurts you!
factoid actually just statistical error. TERF Tommy, who has committed multiple transphobic hate crimes, is an outlier and should not have been counted. I know many cis gay men who are attracted to trans men because they are MEN, not because of the genitalia they have. And I know you want to say ‘that makes them bi’, but no, it doesn’t. You want to accuse me of homophobia? Telling another gay person that their identity is invalid just because they express it in a different way than you do is literal homophobia.
>  tell us why it’s a problem gay ppl aren’t attracted to the opposite sex like straight and bi ppl are!
because... some are? And you don’t speak for the entire gay community? Especially not the other side of it, for the opposite binary gender than yours.
>  homosexuality isn’t a political movement it’s a regular natural innate sexuality.
and transness isn’t a political movement either, it is a regular natural and innate gender identity. You know that gender identity is inherent, right? When people say ‘gender is a social construct’ all that means is that it is not a natural thing. Humans created the concept of gender and assigned value to it based on what we could perceive as a means of giving order to the world around us. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t important and it doesn’t mean that there aren’t parts of it that are inherent to individuals.
>  gay men aren’t attracted to biological females and it hurts gay ppl when you side with conversion therapists and it hurts bisexual ppl who actually are attracted to both sexes when you erase them for your homophobic agenda.
I’m sorry this is literally incoherent. To reiterate: some gay men ARE attracted to assigned females. Yes, siding with conversion therapists hurts gay people. No, I am not siding with conversion therapists. I have never once stated -- in fact, the entire point of my post was the opposite of this -- that anyone should EVER have sexual interactions with a person they don’t want to. Even if the reason for that is because they have a genital preference, which is NOT the same thing as a sexuality.
(I know I’ve been over this before but here it is again. A sexuality is a measure of what GENDER/S you want to have sex with. A genital preference is a measure of what genitalia you are willing to get all up close and personal with. Both are innate, one can be manipulated. They are not the same thing.)
Hurting bisexual people... hey, fellow bis, am I hurting you by *checks notes* existing in time and space?
>  you’re not a victim. you’re happy to eliminate homosexuality from existence as long as you’re able to reinforce heteronormative gender roles the gay community has always opposed.
I am literally A GAY PERSON. Even by YOUR MEASURE I am a victim. And I do NOT want to eliminate homosexuality, I just want people to acknowledge that language evolves and definitions can change as our society does. Also, have you ever met a trans person in real life? Because like 80% of all the trans people I’ve ever known have been gender non-conforming, so like. That invalidates that point. The trans community opposes gender roles as well.
>  your bigotry harms trans homosexuals too, not that you transhets care about the gay trans ppl either.
Please point to where it says I’m straight. Please. I want to see it.
>  erased from history? you want gay ppl correctively raped out of existence bc you love socially constructed gender roles more than human rights.
At this point I’m just repeating myself. Please see the above points for rebuttal.
>  you deserve all the hate you put out into the world. im sorry our innate orientation and culture prove how flimsy and useless the gender roles you define yourself by are, but homophobia will not improve your self esteem.
Says the person berating a minor for *flips notecard over* agreeing with them that people shouldn’t be forced into sex. I’m sorry that you’re so hurt and angry that you have to push your pain onto other people just to feel better. I genuinely am. It makes me so sad to see how much some people are hurting. But I won’t just sit and take this kind of verbal abuse. I don’t deserve it, quite frankly.
>  you’re driving away ppl who would be happy to support your made up identity by attacking how we were born same sex attracted.
I doubt anyone calling it a made-up identity wants to actually support me. Next.
>  sorry you can’t relate bc you’re straight. sorry you think you can use your privilege against us. but it’s not something we’re doing to you. it’s not something we can change and it’s not something we want to change.
Again. I am not straight. I do not have any straight privilege to use against anyone. Even if I was cis I still wouldn’t be straight because I’m aroace and attracted to anyone and everyone. My gender identity isn’t something that I can change, either. And even if I couldn’t, I wouldn’t want to. I love being a man, and I love being a trans man. 
>  there’s never been a gay man in existence who likes pussy, not even the gay trans women like marsha p johnson and sylvia rivera.
I’m sorry, WHAT. Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera can’t be both gay men and trans lesbians. Which one are they? You gotta pick, babe.
> you’re a sad little straight girl alienating all potential allies. hurting us doesn’t validate you. it doesn’t hurt you that no gay man will ever like pussy.
So am I a transhet or am I a straight girl? Also I’m not sad, I’m quite happy with where I’m at in my life. I do not feel validated by hurting anyone, because I don’t enjoy pain. I’m not masochistic or emotionless, I am in fact hyperempathetic due to my autism, and I don’t like it when anyone is hurt. This can be evidenced by this post here where I wish well upon a group of people who have directly hatecrimed me in the past. 
I will repeat that. I have literal trauma from physical violence as a result of the actions of this group of people, and I am still wishing them good things. 
Nor does it hurt me that ‘no gay man will ever like [AFAB genitalia]’ because this isn’t even a true statement. As I have mentioned previously, I know personally multiple gay men who are attracted to trans men. And reader, please note the fact that this person uses a slang term, a deliberately vulgar one, where in my original post I used the medical term ‘vagina’.
Hope this clears some things up.
TERFs, gender-crits, radical feminists, transmeds, nb-exclus, anti-mogai, and anyone else whose ideology promotes transphobia and/or trans erasure, please kindly STILL do not clown on this post. I am once again not kidding when I say that I will report you all to tumblr for hate speech if it takes me all fucking night.
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theravennest · 7 years
Hi, im sorry if this sounds wrong in advance -- is it possible to say that valkyrie is a portrayal of female masculinity? I was disturbed by silverloreley's post and sent an ask talking abt fem. masc. too, didnt get a reply yet. I feel that masc. is not just for men, and fem. masc. is just a dif blend of masc. and we dont get to see it on pop media truly w respect, especially 4 black women. But i doubt i can decide that bc i no longer identify as a girl. All the same, i loved valkyrie in thor!
There is definitely plenty of wiggle room when talking about femininity and masculinity in Black female characters as well as other characters. Valkyrie included.
Black women can have feminine qualities and/or masculine qualities. Absolutely. I’ve known plenty of people who ID as women who were “masculine” and I’ve known people who ID as men who were “feminine.”
I personally think most people are not 100% one or the other and instead have a blend. Or maybe we should think about these attributes in a less binary way?
I think it also gets messy when we try to perfectly describe what is feminine and what is masculine because everyone comes up with different definitions/examples of them. So whose is THE end all definition by which we should measure a character? Western Media usually uses the Western, white cis-male opinion to define and measure these things but that’s how we’ve fallen into this pit we’re all in now.
You’ve said yourself that you don’t ID as a girl anymore so I’m sure you have your own experiences with femininity and masculinity and how they’re defined/lived that I, being cis-female, don’t know anything about.
IDK. I’m not really an expert in studying the gender binary or in breaking down gender perception and gender essentialism so I hesitate to speak more deeply on it.
I think that racism/racial bias often comes from the language used to discuss these things as well as the imposition of what is considered feminine v. masculine on Black women/characters without regard to how Black women are currently and were historically perceived in society. 
Often we are considered/portrayed as aggressive, masculine, undesirable, animalistic, and at times sexless while other times over-sexed. These things are exponentially more likely to be applied to dark skinned Black women. 
Tessa Thompson is a fairly light skinned Afro-Latina and got that ugly post written about her. I can already imagine what that user might say about the dark skinned women in Black Panther. smh
The language that other user used was rife with anti-Blackness and misogynoir.
Valkyrie does inhabit an arc that is traditionally given to men. She does occasionally display behavior that is traditionally associated with men in media. But that doesn’t mean the arc or the behavior or Valkyrie herself are inherently and essentially male or that “real” women never do the things Valkyrie does in the movie.
It only reveals how much Hollywood and entertainment media have locked women out of those story lines even though they fit many women’s experiences. So that now these stories/behaviors are considered male even though there’s nothing inherently male about PTSD and alcoholism or being a warrior or whatever dialog Valkyrie had that that first OP considered to be overtly masculine.
I just feel like if you do discuss female masculinity as you’ve termed it with regards to Valkyrie and other Black female characters, just remember to think about Black female history and the very specific language that is used about us.
Intersectionality is a beautiful thing.
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3785091890821 · 8 years
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