#im still homeless/couchsurfing BUT
dramat-ique · 2 years
I have so many half drawn Barts in my procreate library
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magicstormfrostfire · 10 months
I'm in pain right now, and it's your fault. I'm reading Rose Drops, which is amazing, but I'm four chapters in and already on the verge of tears...
Anyways, I was wondering how you get inspiration for these fics? I love how you write and I just can't go without knowing the source of these wonderful ideas.
Lol sorry about that; honestly that's what I was hoping for though! Since that happens so early in the story, I wanted to show that that kind of thing happening isn't always 'the end' of a tale. It can lead to so much more.
As for inspiration....hm. Well, I've always been a storyteller; I used to make tons of comics in highschool and college, though I never showed them to anyone.
I can at the very least say that Rose Drops i wrote during a very difficult time in my life. I was homeless, couchsurfing, jobless, and my cat, who was my closest friend, died. there were so many things I was losing and leaving behind. Sonic has always been a comfort for me since I was a child, so I wrote a story about change and loss to cope with my own, and my hopes for a brighter future.
As for Blizzard Bedfellows, that one was a mix of talking to friends on Discord about Sonadow, and experimenting with the Boom universe for fun. Also i just really wanted to make a sonadow hibernation fic for the winter!
Equinox is sort of a mix of my fascination with vampires, werewolves, dark romance, blood and gore; stories I wrote a lot in highschool and are still fun. But I also thought Silver and Scourge would make an interesting dynamic and MAN do I enjoy writing them together. Equinox is a guilty pleasure in a way.
Lastly, Heavenly Bodies is from my Cardigan AU; where everyone is in their 30s-50s and just being cozy. I was inspired by Scragony's 'Vampire Husband' on webtoons. A comic about an immortal vampire and his elderly human wife. A very cute and cozy story. Sonic and Shadow kind of mimic that; an immortal hedgehog and his crunchy husband lol.
I have another idea mulling around in my head from a dream I had, which im tentatively calling Fractured AU. though nothing is concrete yet. Essentially Sonic Shadow and Silver go missing, and pieces of their personalities are copied and split and/or fused into sentient beings. Amy and the others try to find all the copies to solve the mystery of the hedgehog's disappearances.
And a Host Club AU that I made 2 years ago, thay is REALLY not put together beyond a rough draft lmao (it was originally a template for a Silver/Scourge fic, but I ended up going the Werehog route and made Equinox) the host club AU is technically centered around BlazeAmy, Sonilver, and Scourge/Vanilla, among other ships I like...but its so rough, man. I dont even talk about it because its not a full idea lol
In any case, im rambling, but I thought id that the opportunity to talk about all my ideas since you asked! It also gives a rough frame of things im working on for the future too. I hope you have fun reading Rose Drops! ^.^
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wolfiejack · 2 years
Personal rant post, keep scrolling in just needed to type this out...
I just am so fucking tired of life, not in a suicidal way at all, more in a fuck capitalism, fuck ablism, why do I have to torture myself all the time to get by I'm not even able to enjoy my life I'm just always busy dealing with each new problem and ongoing problem and I fucking hate it.
I've lived in my current apartment since may and I'm still not unpacked all the way. I've moved so many times (8 that I can count off the top of my head, another like 8 times while i was homeless for 4 months and couchsurfing a bit) since turning 18 (im 21, almost 22 now) I just want to live in one place for a while but I keep moving to another place over and over even if I ignore the part where I was homeless. What I really want is to move far away from where I currently am, but that's not practical right now. I honestly don't want to live in the US at all but I want to at least move several states away from my abusive parents and have them just not be able to find me. But my boyfriend and partner have great families and I don't want them to have to move away from their families and jobs and stuff and it's not like I can afford to completely financially separate myself from my parents anyway.
On top of all that I'm working so much and barely getting by and my body is constantly in pain from one thing or another but I would never get approved for disability and if I could it would probably not be enough to live on anyway. I just want to live a comfortable happy life and right now that's pretty much an impossible dream. I just want to have a nice, small house with a fenced yard. I don't even care if I own it or am renting forever I just want to not live in an apartment anymore and have a little place I can call my own without hearing gunshots outside all the time. I want my dogs to have toys that aren't all dirty or damaged and room to stretch their legs. I don't care I'd it's small I don't need a huge mansion or anything just something I can call my own and enough money to make things look nice and not have to keep using things until they fall apart because I can't afford to replace them. Just enough money to have something simple, modest, and comfortable. I hate that that is just way too much to ask right now
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