#im still pretty fucked over from my boss fucking up and disappearring my vacation time i had been SAVING UP SO I COULD TAKE TIME OFF
gilfrespecter · 2 years
I wish joe and janet would get me my money faster I have Shit I Need To Do With That
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annab-nana · 5 years
Who Is He - Colby Brock
While at a normal day of work, Y/n gets an influx of images of what looks like Colby all over another girl. Distraught, she leaves work, talks to her best friend, and goes home to deal with her “cheating” boyfriend.
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.6k+
"I'm going on break, Mel. See you in thirty!" I say as I grab my wallet and head out the door to the food court. Melanie waves at me before I exit. Mel and I both work at a boutique in the mall called EnEx, short for Envious Expressions. I have several work friends, but Mel and I are the closest.
I make it to the food court, grab me some Chinese food, and go back to EnEx to eat in the break room. As I eat, I scroll through my phone, replying to a few texts I received earlier while I was working.
Dev: Hey! What are you doing after work? I was wondering if you wanted to go get our nails done. I NEED to get mine done bad lol
Y/n: I so would but I don't get off until super late at 10:30. How about tomorrow?
Dev: Yesssss! See you tomorrow ❤️
Then I had some messages from Colby.
Colbs💜: im ready for you to be home
Y/n: It's only been a few hours, love
Colbs💜: a few hours too many
Y/n: You'll survive. If I can be without you for all these TFIL and XPLR trips, I'm pretty sure you can be without me while I'm at work.
Colbs💜: i know, you know i love you right?
Y/n: Yes babe, you remind me of that every chance you get. I love you too ❤️
Colbs💜: well i guess i'll let you get back to work baby, see you later
Y/n: Okay bye love
After that, I started scrolling through Instagram, liking several pictures from my friends and fan stuff of Colby and me. I loved that Colby's followers weren't super hateful towards me and our relationship. In the beginning, things were kind of rough but once people realized that I'm not going anywhere and am staying in Colby's life, the hate died down. Now people make edits of me and him both together and separately. Some people even have fan pages of just me, which is still so insane to me and crazy to think about. But I love to just scroll through the ones with me or Colby or the both of us and like the pictures or videos and read the stories. Lots of the stories were so interesting and well-written and some were spot on with our personalities or things we would say. I'm still not used to all of this and I don't think I will truly ever be.
My DMs are also filled with several fans messaging me and I love to talk back with them and get to know them and if I ever get to meet them, it makes the encounter so much better. I normally check them while I'm on my break so that's what I do. However, when I open them, I am not met with the typical fans' messages. I have several direct messages from fans and other random people sending me pictures. Each one I open brings more and more tears to my eyes.
Apparently, Colby was not at Jake’s filming a video as he had told me. He was at the bar and had his arm around another girl. Some pictures had them kissing and in others, they were hugging. Not in any of them could I see his face, but I could see the wolf and moon tattoos that were inked into his triceps clear as day.
Calming myself down was the hard part. I have no idea what to do. I grabbed a napkin and dried my tears before looking at Snapchat to see my reflection. I can't stay at work and focus on folding clothes and running the cash register while these pictures flutter around in my mind. Once I made sure it didn't look like I was just crying, I walked to my boss's door and knocked.
"Come in," Janine said quickly. I pushed the door slightly open and slipped in. Janine's hazel eyes glanced up from the papers she was shuffling through to meet mine. She could tell something was up with me and gestured towards the chair sitting in front of her desk 
"What's wrong y/n?" Janine asked me as she set her papers to the side. She has always understood me, and I love that about her, even though it got on my nerves sometimes.
"Umm... I need to leave. Some personal stuff came up and I can't be here right now." I tell her in hopes she'll understand. She gives me a sad look before nodding her head.
"You can go. I'll call Sadie or Gracey to see if they can cover you and if they can't, I will. Do you want to tell me what's going on or do you want to head on home?" Her sweet voice asks me. I give her a small smile as I stand up.
"I'm going to go home now, but I'll tell you about it next week. Thank you," I say as she stands, and we hug. We say goodbye and I gather my things.
"Where do you think you're going?" I hear Mel chuckle from behind me.
"I'm going to Xepher's because my boyfriend is a piece of shit," I confess to her.
"Woah, what the fuck happened?" Mel grabs my shoulder to turn me around and the tears fill my eyes once again. I pull out my phone and show her the pictures. Her eyes widen as she goes through them all and then she turns my phone off.
"Oh y/n," she whispers before pulling me into her embrace. Her comforting hand runs up and down my back and we pull away from each other. "I've got to head back but go to Xepher's. Tell her I said hey and dump that loser. Love you, girl!" I hug her and grab my stuff before walking to my car.
Once I'm in my car, I let the tears flow as I make my way to my best friend's house. I pull in and walk to her door. My hand knocks against the wood door and my friend comes to it in response.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" She asked as she saw my tear-stained face and pulled me into her apartment. We walked into her living room where Griffin was.
"What happened?" Griffin asked as Xeph sat me down between the two. I explained everything to them and showed them the pictures. There was no denying that it was Colby in the photos. 
"It's obvious that Colby doesn't appreciate you. You deserve so much better," Griffin told me as he wrapped his arms around me, comforting my sobbing self.
"I thought I had a good one, but Xeph, you have the best one out there. Don't let anything happen to him." The two chuckle at my response before getting serious again.
"So, what are you going to do?" Xepher asked me, grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it with her thumb. I shrugged.
"I don't know. I kind of want to wait it out to see how long he is going to lie to me about it. But if he doesn't say anything in the next few days, then I'm just going to disappear for a week and get a much-needed vacation or something." Xepher gives me an understanding nod before I stand up.
"I'm going to head home now. It's about time for me to come home from work anyway. Wish me luck guys." I say before hugging them both and leaving to take the dreaded journey home.
I walk into my shared apartment with Colby and set my keys down on the counter. The house appears to be empty which makes me even angrier. Who is he out with now without me knowing? I walk past the living room and head to the bedroom.
"Y/n!" I hear Colby's voice ring from the office room. His footsteps approach me, and I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he plants tiny kisses all over the side of my face and neck. I almost forget everything and reciprocate the same feelings, but I hold back.
"Hey, I had a bad day at work and I really just want to shower and go to bed. Sorry, love," I tell him as I pull his arms away from me and walk into the bathroom. He follows and leans against the doorframe.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asks me, concern laced in this deep voice. I roll my eyes to myself and turn around to face him.
"Not right now. Maybe later?" I say and he nods. I close the door and turn to face my reflection in the mirror. I felt like I had no more tears left in me and I just looked sad. I stripped my clothes and took a long hot shower. I wrapped myself up in a towel and walked into our bedroom to find something to sleep in. Normally, I would wear one of Colby's shirts and some underwear to bed, but I decided to wear one of my oversized shirts and a pair of shorts. I left to go back to the bathroom and brushed through my hair. Then, I went back to our room and climbed into bed. As soon as I did, I heard his footsteps. I felt the bed dip next to me and soon, his arms found their way around my waist.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about what happened at work today?" Colby whispers in my ear as his hand rubs up and down my side.
"Yes Colby," I reply as I roll onto my stomach, attempting to fall asleep. I feel Colby scoot closer to me and whisper, "I know what will cheer you up."
That sentence is followed by the sensation of a pair of lips against my neck. I tried my best to ignore it, but that proved to be harder than I thought. I couldn't help the way he made me feel and right now, I hate myself for it. His trail of kisses traveled from my neck up to my cheek until they got close to my mouth.
"Colby, I don't want to do this right now," I mumble against his lips. He pulled away from me, sadness and confusion evident upon his face.
"Did I do something? I don't know why, but I'm getting this feeling that you're mad at me," Colby admitted. I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed huff.
"Well gee, I wonder what gave you that impression," I responded, hearing the immense amount of sarcasm rolling off my tongue. The bitch in me was coming out, but the douche bag in him came out last night when his dumb ass cheated. The level of anger in me was at an all-time high. I don't think I ever been this angry and hurt by someone and the sad thing is that I thought Colby was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.
"Y/n?" I hear his voice call out to me. I sit up and turn around to face him as I watch his face grow sad as he stares at me. A few tears had disobeyed me and fallen out of my eyes anyway.
"Why?" I ask him sincerely as the tears stream down. He reaches for my hand to soothe me, but I pull my hand away, placing it in my lap.
"Why what? I don't know what happened. Why you're so upset?" he questioned. That ticked me off. He knows exactly what he did. I rose to my feet and stood by the window, gazing out of it and watching people walk by. They look so happy. I wish I was as happy as they appeared to be.
"Colby, you know what you did. It's all over Instagram and everyone's been dming me about it. Don't play dumb. It's not a cute look on you." I stated. I could practically feel the anger coursing through my veins. I felt like I could actually explode at any given moment.
By the look on his face, I could tell he was taken back. I've never acted like this around him because he has never given me a good reason to. I don't normally behave this way unless someone seriously pisses me off.
"Y/n, I am being completely honest when I say this, but I have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Will you please just tell me what I did?" he pleaded. My eyes automatically roll again as I reach for my phone that was sitting on the bedside table and open the sunset-colored app. I open my direct messages which have new messages about the subject and toss it to him.
"Explain that," I demand as I fold my arms across my chest and resume my stare out the window. I hear a hum come from him and my gaze becomes fixated on him again.
"That's not me," he tells me as he places my phone down in front of him on the bed.
"What the fuck do you mean it's not you? It looks just like you. The dark hair. A black shirt with black jeans which was what you were wearing last night when you went off to... Where was it you said you went? Oh yeah, filming at Jake’s. I've been to his place and it doesn't look like that. And the fucking moon and wolf tattoos, Colby. How is that not you?" I basically scream at him.
"Did you see my face?" He asks calmly.
"No, but Colby everything else-" I start but he cuts me off.
"DID you see my face?" He reiterates. I let out a sigh of defeat and shake my head.
"No," I almost whisper.
"Do you want me to call Jake and ask him if I was with him last night? Do you want me to ask Kat if he saw me with Jake at Ralph's last night? Do you want me to dm Luke and ask him if he was at the bar last night?" Colby questions me.
"Who's Luke?" I ask him and he grabs my phone before showing me a picture that he had posted on his secret account on Instagram. The image had Colby and another guy, Luke I'm assuming, and they both had the wolf and moon tattoos on the back of their arms. From behind, they look the exact same. Well, I feel like shit.
"You don't have to call anyone. I believe you. I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions and didn't think." I said as I looked down at the ground. I feel like such a piece of garbage. Colby walked up to me and pulled me into his forgiving embrace. There, I broke into tears. I felt so bad for just assuming that he would do that when I know he wouldn't.
"Hey it's okay. I would have thought the same thing. We look almost identical from that angle. At least I know not to mess with you now, " he laughed which got a small giggle from me.
"I don't want to lose you. That's what I was afraid of, that I had already lost you." I confess as I cry into his chest.
"Y/n, baby, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," he says, and I pull away from him, only to go in for a kiss.
"I love you," I whisper against his lips, going back in for more.
"I love you more," he whispers back, and a blush rose to my cheeks.
"Now how about you cheer me up the only way you know how?" I whisper seductively in his ear. A cheeky grin spreads across his face and he nods. Picking up where he left off, his lips travel from my lips to my ear where his nibbles on it lightly before whispering in it.
"Maybe Luke should go out more often if it ends up like this."
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