#like fixing my car. and getting me& rob new shoes. and mailing my friends things. and making a better seat for my kayak
gilfrespecter · 2 years
I wish joe and janet would get me my money faster I have Shit I Need To Do With That
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Unparalleled Service [BTS V]
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Plot: Your Instagram obsessed friend drags you into Gucci for the sole purpose of trying on a pair of their iconic shoes just to get a pic worth posting for bragging rights. You reluctantly accompany her and try to avoid making faces, feeling slight pity for the clerks who will be wasting their time for her dumb photo. “May I get you some water before I get your shoes? Did you want to try other styles?”
Rating: PG (Language)
Characters: Gucci Retail Clerk!Taehyung x Reader (Any gender), Madison OC
Notes: Part of the Unparalleled Service series I’ve planned. I own nothing except for the idea and setting. Inspired by the author’s personal encounters with the rare friendly or welcoming clerks in high end brand boutiques. This one was inspired by some friends in college who would venture in Louboutin to photograph themselves in a pair of the iconic red-soled heels, but wouldn’t purchase them.
“BITCH! How did she get that?!”
You snapped your head over to the young woman seated in your passenger seat, who was preoccupied with her Instagram feed, instead of helping you find parking. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted one car starting to back up out of their parking space and you flicked your directional on immediately.
“Who are we talking about?” you sighed as you watched the large SUV inch backwards out of their spot.
Madison paused, a long fingernail hovering over the screen of her phone. She thrust the phone into your face, which had a picture of a girl taking a selfie in a full length mirror.
“Do you remember that snot who wouldn’t let me pledge Alpha Phi?!” Madison demanded. The acrylic fingernail pointed to the girl’s feet, which were adorned with fur-lined slip-on loafers.
“Um I kind of remember her?” you offered, eyes focused on the empty spot. You cranked the wheel and carefully drove the car into the space, adjusting it so it was straight.
Madison brought her phone closer to her face and scowled as she scrolled down to see how many likes and comments the horrible sorority chick had gotten. “I hate her so, so much!” she groused. “Just because her parents had enough money to gift her an Audi and now she’s wearing Gucci on her feet –”
“Mads, how do we know she actually bought them?” you asked, putting the car in Park.
Madison paused and a wicked grin spread across her face. “You’re right Y/N! Oh wait, now I see it’s in the boutique! No way that bish actually bought those fur slippers! God, they look so ugly with her outfit!”
You exited the car and Madison got out, closing the door behind her. She switched to Facebook so she could check in at the mall you were at, making sure to tag you. You sighed as you locked the car, shaking your head.
“Didn’t you say you needed to buy a dress for something?” you asked. You coughed as a huge whiff of perfume hit your nose from the nearby counter, walking quickly to get as far away as possible.
“Oh yeah, but there’s nothing I like so far,” she huffed as she put back a lipstick she was trying on. “The cuts are awful and the colors are all wrong for the occasion.”
She pulled out her phone to snap a selfie of her with the new lip color, tagging the brand in her caption. Her fingers flew across the screen as she posted the selfie to Instagram.
“Hey, isn’t there a Gucci here?” she asked as she looked up from her phone.
You nodded and pointed to the directory, which showed the Gucci boutique wedged between other brand shops near a large Neiman Marcus. Madison dashed up to the directory, eyes scanning for your distance from the boutique.
“What are you thinking?” you asked. Part of you had a terrible feeling that she was going to try to do something stupid and petty.
“We’re going in,” she declared. “I’m gonna try on their clothes and shoes and show her how it’s done.” She took off for the boutique, heels clicking loudly on the floor.
You had to weave around other shoppers to reach her and keep up with her pace. “Mads, she’s a spoiled brat – everyone knows she’s never gonna make anything of herself if she doesn’t focus on the important stuff now. Besides, she’s probably asking to get robbed by posting all her bougie shots with every designer good available.”
She ignored you, eyes set on the high end boutique with a bit of a line outside.
“You can’t even afford a pair!”
Madison whirled around and tilted her head. “It doesn’t mean I can get a better selfie for the ‘Gram, right?”
You tried not to groan loudly as you followed behind her, wishing that she hadn’t picked you for her shopping excursion. She didn’t have a car, which meant she was only chumming you up because you had one and it didn’t look like a pile of junk. Maybe you’d force her to buy you lunch for the pain she was putting you through.
She slipped into the line and you fell in behind her. She checked into Gucci on Facebook, then pulled up the site to look at their shoes. She flipped through the options and shared two different pairs with you.
“Which do you think? Princetown Slippers or Ace Sneakers?”
You pointed to the sneakers and explained that they’d look better with her current ensemble, which was a black crop top and shorts, with a kimono-style shrug on top. She agreed and began musing if she wanted to try on a sweater or some clothing item.
“They’re probably not gonna let you try on the shoes and the clothes together,” you pointed out.
She sighed and murmured that you were right. She stepped up as the next pair were admitted into the store, the security guard informing her that she was next.
“Besides, it’s the shoes that matter,” she said.
You nodded as you scrolled through your e-mails, opening one from the H&R rep who helped with your taxes. Your eyes skimmed through the body of the message, which shared that you were getting back some money, which would be in your account shortly, due to the direct deposit option you went with.
“Please come on in – welcome,” the security guard said as he gestured for you and Madison to enter.
Madison thanked him and you followed behind her, trying to keep up as she moved past older clients looking at purses, tourists checking out the brand belts, and headed straight for the shoe wall. She walked over to the display of sneakers and picked up the sample Ace sneaker to look closely at it.
You came up beside her and tried not to balk at the price. She didn’t bat an eye as she picked it up and scanned the other displays for pairs to try on.
“Hello miss, were you interested in trying those on?” a deep voice asked.
Both of you turned to see a slender young man in a neat suit and Gucci tie addressing Madison. You resisted the urge to do a double take, as his youthful, boyish face was a stark contrast to the warm tenor voice you heard.
Madison nodded as she put the sample sneaker in his palm, sharing that she needed a size 8. She also picked up a clunky platform sneaker with bejeweled straps and asked for her size in that style as well. He nodded and gestured to a velvet couch nearby.
“Is there something you would like to try?” he asked, turning his attention to you.
You shook your head and offered a small smile, jabbing a thumb at Madison. “I’m only here for fashion advice.”
Madison took a seat on the velvet couch and fixed her hair in her camera, which was switched to selfie mode. You waited until she was done before sitting down next to her.
“May I get you two some water while you’re waiting?” the young man asked.
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Oh please!” Madison chirped. “Sparkling would be fantastic.”
The clerk nodded and promised he would return with the sizes and water. “My name is Taehyung – I’ll be back in a bit.” He excused himself to the back and Madison began filtering her latest selfie with special effects.
“Sexy voice,” she murmured as she watched him leave. “Wonder how old he is?”
“Hmm...” Madison hummed as she tried on the platform sneakers. She walked over to the mirror and studied them from different angles. She quickly snapped a pic and checked it out. “Y/N, what do you think?”
“I don’t think those are you,” you replied.
Taehyung pursed his lips and admitted that he felt those were very trendy, but not very classic. “They’re fun with your outfit,” he said as he looked at Madison, “but I think if you go to pair them with other things that have a busy print or design, they can be a challenge. I’ve had some clients tell me they are a bit awkward to wear. Definitely a statement piece if you want that. Are these your first Gucci shoes?”
Madison nodded and Taehyung shook his head. “It’s your choice Miss, but I think if you were to buy your first pair of Gucci shoes, I’d choose something that can go with almost anything.”
Madison agreed and walked back to the couch, removing the platforms from her feet. She retrieved the Ace sneakers and put them on, tying the ends tightly.
She walked over to the mirror and did the same thing: checking them from different angles, snapping a picture, then asking you for your opinion.
“Your legs look long,” you offered. “They look nice.”
Taehyung agreed and shared that it was a staple shoe for the brand, due to the versatility and style. “It’s lucky you came in when you did – the average sizes are hard to keep in stock,” he said.
Madison pouted as she bent over to touch the tongues of the sneakers. “I mean, they’re nice, but the tongue’s so stiff.”
“They do give after a couple of wears,” Taehyung promised. “I own a pair and I wore thick socks the first few times to help with the break-in process. They can be worn with casual or slightly formal looks.”
Madison nodded and put her hands on her hips. She sighed as she walked back to the couch and slipped them off. In one hand she picked up the platform, the other, the Ace sneaker. “I mean I like them for different reasons, but I don’t know. Um, could I think about it? Maybe get your card?”
Taehyung nodded as he retrieved them from inside his suit jacket. He presented the cream colored card, embossed with his name, work cell, and work e-mail address, one for each of you.
“If you have any other questions, please let me know,” he said before shaking your hands.
“Y/N! Check out my post!” she yelled.
You looked up from reviewing your notes for your test and saw Madison had posted her selfies from Gucci as a collage. The images gathered many likes and comments, which seemed to make it happy.
“So your post is better than the Alpha Phi girl’s?” you asked.
She nodded excitedly and rambled how everyone on Instagram was complimenting her, saying she slayed. Apparently she gathered some more followers afterwards and you internally rolled your eyes. She never paid a visit to the shop again or bothered to contact Taehyung after her post. She actually hung onto the card for a few days (a record!), before tossing it and saying that it was fun wandering in there.
“Did you think about actually using your money to buy one pair?” you asked as you flipped to the next page in your notebook.
“Naw, I’ve already got my sights on that Pat McGrath launch – gonna buy all of Queen’s collection and do a look,” she declared. “Plus I wanna get the special table at Benihana for my b-day with champagne flowing.”
Of course you are, you thought, trying to tune her out.
“It’s a big birthday!” your sister reminded you.
“I didn’t forget,” you sighed. “What are you getting him?”
“I’m getting the golf club he’s been eyeing, plus a few rounds at the club,” she said.
“Maybe a nice tie, you know he loves a good tie,” you responded.
“Predictable, but I know it’s a useful gift,” your sister replied. “Where?”
You picked up the card and twirled it between your fingers. “Gucci.”
“Welcome back Y/N,” he greeted you. He tilted his head and asked where Madison was.
You shrugged and replied that she was indecisive, but you were here for a birthday gift for your father, who was turning 60 in a few days. He nodded to show he understood and led you over to the area where the ties were kept.
“Is there a popular design?” you asked.
Taehyung pulled out a few options and explained the details of each one. You picked up a striped one with a few bees on it and studied it. Then you picked up one in a red silk with the Gucci stripes at the bottom with a single bee within the stripe pattern.
You held up the second one and declared this was the one. Taehyung smiled and replied that he was going to grab a new one for you and have it gift wrapped for you. He accepted it from you and left to check the backroom for it.
One of Taehyung’s colleagues led you to the register to check out, asking you to wait off to the side. You withdrew your debit card, resting your arms on the counter as you waited for him to return. In a few moments he emerged, Gucci bag in hand with ribbon tied on the handles.
“I put it in a tie box with ribbon and there’s a blank card there for you to fill out,” he explained as he placed the bag by the register. “Do you need a gift receipt?”
“Sure, but I’m 99% certain he’s going to like it,” you replied. You swiped your debit card and entered your pin on the screen, before signing.
“Please let me know if there’s anything else I may assist you with,” Taehyung said as he walked around with the bag in hand. With his free hand, he shook yours and thanked you for remembering him.
“Thank you for all the help,” you said with a smile as you took the bag.
“I’ll walk you out,” he replied as he gestured to the front. “It’s a very nice thing to give your father.”
“60 is an important birthday,” you said. “I’m sorry about Madison – she’s just–”
“Selfie?” he asked, lowering his voice.
You blinked and he flashed you a knowing smile.
“Happens more than you think,” he sighed. “I get it, it’s fun to come in and pretend you can buy them. Good thing she didn’t get one of my colleagues – he would have called her out on social media.”
You sighed and replied that you told her that she needed to be the better person and stop worrying about her “image” online. “She’s worried about her appearance and popularity now,” you explained. “I’m the lackey who had a decent car that could take her to the mall in the first place.”
“I appreciate you remembering me and coming back,” he said, pausing at the entrance. “Really, if there’s anything you need, please reach out again.”
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mylifeasavetstudent · 7 years
Nerves About Ross
I heard I was accepted 3 weeks ago, but I’m still waiting to hear about whether I start in September 2017 or January 2018. I should know within the next 5-6 weeks - which could give me only 3-4 weeks to get ready and move down there.
Trying to get my thoughts in order, here are some of the logical and illogical things I'm scared about in regard to starting Veterinary School and in regard to moving down to St. Kitt’s. I’m sure some are normal and shared by most students, but I’m sure some are me just being a whiny 23-year old New York girl.
1) Packing. (Overpacking, underpacking, forgetting). How am I gonna fit everything in two suitcases? I plan to use vacuum seal bags and bring the two biggest overweight suitcases and a carry-on that I can. I just keep thinking about all the bulky stuff - kitchenware, bedding/pillows, shower/beach towels, steel-toed farm boots, shoes/clothes, toiletries, makeup/hair/cosmetics, electronics, books/school supplies. I went away to undergrad college about 30 minutes away and lived on an on-campus dorm/apartment for 4 years. However, I was in a big city, and could easily get anything I needed down the block. I was also so close to home, that I often went home on the weekends, and could pick up anything I needed. Also important to note that I could use Amazon, unlike St. Kitt’s. Every time I moved in/out, it took about 2-3 car loads of stuff!
2) Buying textbooks/school supplies.
I guess I should wait till I get to the island to get books? Do they have a school bookstore? Will other students be selling them? I worry if I wait till I get down there, I won’t be able to find them.
Should I order them in advnace and pack them? I worry this will take up too much space/weight in my suitcase. Should I order them in advance and have them shipped to St. Kitt’s? This would probably be super expensive, and what if they take too long to get there or go to the wrong location?
3) Buying a car (getting license/insurance/mechanics, etc.)
When should I buy a car? Second semester? I’m worried I’ll be taken advantage of and pay a lot of money for a really crappy car. I’m nervous about driving a dangerous car. I’m nervous about going through all the processes of getting a license, insurance, legally buying the car, etc. I love my US car and I’m gonna miss it and hate leaving it at home for a few years! I’m also terrified to find a reliable St. Kitts mechanic, since I’ve heard horror stories about being overcharged and taken advantage of. Mechanics who “fix” your problem, but purposely create more. Criminal mechanics who steal your car and sell parts. Agh.
4) The bus system/traveling.
Super nervous about figuring it out and navigating it while I don’t have a car yet. What if I get stranded in some bad area alone as the sun sets?!
5) Food shopping (bugs, giardia).
I've heard horror stories about food on grocery store shelves being rancid and expired. I’ve been told to check the dates on everything before buying it - even milk and cheeses. I’ve been told about boxes of pasta full of bugs and peanut butter full of worms. I’ve also heard there is giardia and mycoplasma in the tap water? Definitely scared of that. Is this true of bottled water or other drinks?
6) Bugs/centipedes/spiders/ticks.
I am terrified of bugs. The pictures I see of giant spiders, moths, and aggressive, hard-to-kill venomous centipedes in homes/beds/clothes give me absolute nightmares. I’m also scared of ticks and tick-borne diseases due to all the outdoor activity. 
7) Living arrangements.
The uncertainty here is killing me. I know I'll be living in a dorm my first semester, but that’s only 3 months. And will I be living alone? With 2 roommates? 3? How do I apply? I’m nervous to be living alone - but what if I get roommates I hate?
8) Wild animals/monkeys/sea animals/hiking.
Are there dangerous wild animals? What about the monkeys? What about in the ocean? Are there aggressive fish/octopi? Do I need to worry about jellyfish? Sharp sea urchins? I know there are a lot of great hikes - but I'm an inexperienced hiker. Do I need to be scared of animals on the trails? What about tick-borne diseases? What about being robbed/attacked by humans on the trial? Or getting lost in the woods with no cell signal? I don’t even know what clothes to wear or what hiking shoes ARE! HELP.
9) Personal Safety/Being burgalarized.
I’ve heard that as long as you are generally street smart, you should be okay. But I also hear horror stories of native drug deals gone wrong right near St. Kitts students - of guns shots and murders. I’ve heard of armed car jackings, robberies, rapes. I’ve heard of break ins and burglaries. Definitely nervous about personal safety. Even if just my STUFF is stolen - I’m so nervous I'll lose expensive items, as well as personal valuable like photos and class notes. I’m investing in personal property insurance that extends to St. Kitts, as well as external hard drives to copy all my stuff. Do I need to buy a pocket knife or mace or something?
10) Cell phones.
I still don’t really understand this concept. So I can bring my iphone, and simply put it in airplane mode and turn on the wifi? That way I can use iMessage, email, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, viver, etc. for phone calls/text - but, it will only work when there is wifi around. This way, I won’t be charged an exorbitant amount for international cell service. Should I stop paying for my phone plan?
I’m also told you’re given an old block phone from Ross for calls to other students and businesses on the island. 
11) Massive debt.
Yep. Probably gonna be in $325,000 of debt and start at $40,000 a year while I have clients scream at me about how rich I am and don’t care about animals. 
12) Failing out. 
Definitely scared of vet school being “too hard” and failing out. I know I’m a good student and I’m planning to study my ass off - but this fear is still there.
13) Living on my own.
Like I said, I lived about 30 minutes from my house for four years in undergrad college. I could go home on the weekends, and ask my mom for help with anything. I lived on campus, so I had maintenance and security staff always present. I never lived off campus. I also lived with 1-3 roommates every year, and always shared a bedroom - so I was never completely alone.
14) Making friends and knowing no one.
Definitely a big fear - but everyone else seems to manage it, right? I guess when you’re all in a completely new country with no friends/family, everyone’s a bit more open. 
15) Logistics - setting up a bank account, loans, FAFSA, paying pills, receiving monthly loan allowals, visas, passports, customs, flights, vaccines.
16) Rabies vaccine
It’s gonna hurt, isn’t it? What other vaccines do I need? Can I get them on the island? Is it cheaper?
17) My dog.
My dog is 13 with CKD. I’m terrified that when I get on that flight, it’ll be my last time seeing her. ):
18) Mail system.
Seems very complicated and expensive. I’ve heard people dig through your personal mail right in front of you. And SO. EXPENSIVE. Also gonna greatly miss amazon.
19) Disease (Zika, HIV, Lyme, parasites - vaccines)
Definitely scared of getting some crazy topical diseases that we don’t have up here in NYC. Definitely scared of parasites - is that gorgeous water there safe to swim in? Not just the oceans/seas, what about lakes? I don’t need some crazy vagina parasite swimming into me or accidentally swallowing some giardia. Or is just the drinking water dangerous?
20) The health system (getting insurance, birth control, allergy shots, hospital visits)
Trying to figure out how to continue my birth control and allergy shots while I'm down there. Apparently my birth control is $4/month over the counter down there. Apparently Ross Health Services can administer my allergy shots, but I’ll have to bring the refrigerated vials down from NYC with me, and have them changed out every 9-12 months. God knows how much that would cost to ship - might be cheaper for me to just fly up and back and get em!
Definitely nervous about the quality of health care and emergency health care down there. I heard chickens roam the hospital. Hoping to get all my general/preventative care done on my breaks back home. 
21) Being okay with “island time” (everything being closed)
I’ve lived my entire life in a busy city - nothing closes, ever. Weekends, nights, holidays - there’s always somewhere I can stop and get food/drinks. Adapting to there being no drive throughs or quick delis to stop into when I had 5 minutes before class is gonna be rough. And so is realizing that by 5pm on a Friday, I’m screwed until 8am on a Monday for any business I need to go to or contact. Especially dreading this with a car breakdown. 
22) Not being able to find things from the US (Certain drinks, snacks, cosmetics)
Again, this is just something I’m gonna have to adapt to - but I will miss it!
23) Deciding when I can afford to go home.
I have no idea if I should go home after every semester? Is that something people normally do? Or once a year? 
From what I'm reading on flight websites: It’s gonna be about a $400-600 flight ($1000-1200 round trip), take about 5 hours (10 hours both way) and need to have 1-2 stops. With the stops, it’ll be about 7-22 hours one way (14-44 hours round trip). Ugh. 
24) Not taking advantage of all the great opportunities/trips available. 
I’m scared I’m gonna be so overwhelmed with classes and exams, that I’ll miss out on some of the great extracuricular activities, clubs, sports, games, hikes, etc. Or the great “vacation” trips abroad available on breaks. 
25) Second semester - rent, laundry, landlords, safety, finding roommates.
Definitely scared of moving on to second semester and out of the dorms where I'll be pressured to find a safe, convenient, cheap apartment. I’ll have to move all my stuff (how? rent a car?), pay bills, pay rent, deal with a landlord, all for the first time in my life. And I’m definitely scared about picking the “Right” roommates to live with. 
26) Restaurant food/native food
How is the food there? I’m unfortunately not a huge seafood fan, but not averse to trying the native food. However - is it safe? Should I make sure I ask for no ice (water parasites)? Is there a possibility of undercooked meat/seafood or spoiled/expired meat/seafood? Is there a possibility of parasites in the food?
27) Hobbies
I’ve been going to school part time and working full time the past year, and I haven’t participated in any of my hobbies in over a year. I love learning foreign languages and I love horseback riding - and I haven't had time (excuse excuse) or money to do either. I worry this will just continue on in veterinary school, as I’ll be even more stressed, and have even less time and less money. Is there even any horseback riding availability down there? I mean, I can’t really pack all my language books (guess I can do a lot online), and I definitely can’t pack all my riding stuff (boots, helmet, clothes, saddle, etc. etc.)
28) Fun one: So when do I change my blog name from mylifeasaPREvet student to mylifeasaVETstudent? I also think I’m gonna start a website blog about life on the island - no only for future nervous students (like me right now) - but for my friends and family to see via Facebook. Don’t exactly wanna share all my tumblr info on Facebook! Best website for a blog?
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m0rgansux · 5 years
Who was the last person you took a photo with? Was it self-taken? It was Ben, and it was almost a month ago
Have you ever tried to learn another language? How did it go? I took like 10 years of Spanish, and I didn’t learn shit lol
When was the last time you charged your phone? It’s charging right now
So, what are your plans for the near future (a year)? I hope I die so I don’t have to figure it out
What can you hear right now? Tell me even the tiniest things. The Rob Dyke video I’m watching, and I can faintly hear my mom’s tv on in her room in the background
Where did you last ride in a car to and why? I rode home from my grandma’s with my mom
Do you drink alcohol? How often? I get drunk almost every night, because I have a problem that no one will take seriously and I have no desire to stop on my own
Do you have any bills that need to be paid right now? I don’t think so, but I only have two bills and they’re both credit cards
Do you know anyone from the Philippines? I don’t think so
What was the last type of soup you ate? Shrimp Bisque
Do you use bar soap or gel soap? Gel
What’s something you wish you’d never seen or heard? I don’t know and I don’t want to be sad so I’m going to not think about it
What colour do you associate with the flavour mint? Green
When was the last time you had brunch? Some time in the last week, I’m sure because my mom is a slut for brunch
Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? Do you have to use it? OKAY SO, it does have a lock but it’s on the outside and no one has ever fixed it and I’m literally scared to death of being locked in my room???
How many times a year do you travel away from home? I currently don’t live at home
Do you like your job? Why or why not? I don’t have a job right now
How about your boss? What’s your boss like? -
Do you have a credit card? Do you rely on it? I have a Discover card and a Care Credit card. I try to not use my Discover card except for big purchases or when I don’t have money. I have used my Care Credit card once, and it was for a $1,500 vet bill.
Are you bitter about anything at the moment? Tell me about it. I’m always bitter
Who was the last person you saw a movie at the cinema with? Who paid? I went and saw Spider Man with Ben yesterday. It was free because the night before we went and saw Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and the screen malfunctioned and we got free tickets to see another movie. He paid for the snacks once, and I paid for them once.
Do you message friends and family on Facebook regularly? At least once a week
What is the most played song in your iTunes (or other) library? I haven’t checked that in over a year
Have you ever shared a house with a significant other? Yes, I’ve lived with my boyfriend for six months, but I’m moving back home this month
Do you have a song in your head? Do you remember how it got stuck there? I have Seasons by Danielle Brooks stuck in my head because it was in the end credits of the last episode of Orange is the New Black
When was the last time you did laundry? Earlier this week
Name three countries you would love to visit. Australia, Canada, Japan
Do you still have a landline phone in your home? No
How are you feeling today? Happy, sad, or anything else? Empty
What is your favourite brand of shoes? I don’t have one
Do you prefer to shuffle an album or listen to it start to finish? Shuffle all the things
If you smoke, what’s your brand of choice? I only smoke weed
Have you ever built a snowman? YEAH!!!
Does it even snow where you live? Once every few years on average
If you had to volunteer for a week, where would you like to volunteer? A local cat rescued I’ve already volunteered with for over six years
Who was the last person you made you upset? What did they do? Myself, who knows
Do you have a crush on anyone? Tell me about them. No
Have you ever had something signed by someone famous? What and who? I don’t think so
What was the last thing you said aloud? Yelling my cat Sylvia’s name
How often do you eat your favourite food? Once every couple weeks I think
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Yes, but I was with Ben
What room of the house are you in right now? I’m in my bedroom
What was the last tv show you watched? Family Guy I think
Have you been using Apple Music? YEAH!!!!!!!! FUCK SPOTIFY!!!!
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? No
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? I’m sad
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? I don’t have a job right now
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Green, white
What’s your favourite type of donut? Hot krispy kreme
What do you usually eat for breakfast? I don’t eat breakfast
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? I prefer incense
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? No, my spine is curved too much
When was the last time you went out for dinner? I went to Cracker Barrel with Ben’s family last night
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I... am not sure lol
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? Probably goodnight
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Windows
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? Most of the people I regularly call I call once a week on average
Have you cooked anything today? What was it? I have not
What does your shampoo smell like? Turmeric and Tonka (whatever that means)
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Raspberries or mangoes
Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? No
Why did you last go see a doctor? I thought my wrist was broken
Do you know how to play Minesweeper? No
What was the last thing you bought online? A tongue cleaner lol
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? Both because I switch between living at home and staying with my boyfriend
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Only if they itch or bother me first
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? I don’t know
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? Within the hour
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? I have ridden the subway in New York and DC many times
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? I can curl it, but that’s literally all
What was the last job interview you went to? A scanning coordinator, I got it and quit one month later
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