#im still trying to organize the gradients be nice to me
lithpin · 1 year
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Craft. Drawer
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trashcora · 3 years
im so curious: 1, 4, 8, 21, 26, 32, 42 i hope its not too much 🥺
never too many ;)
1. What are your top 3 favourite sets you’ve made? did one of these earlier sooo let’s pick 3 more!
pedro + cursing - from yesterday but this was insanely fun to make. & honestly as soon as I saw the request I had instantly picked out all the swearing moments like what space would I have in my brain if I didn’t have all these pedro moments memorized. 
yeehaw man - look at his NECK omg & just look how CRISPY this set it mmm yes good job me
the passenger - this is a colourful set that I got great responses from!??! (y’all so nice) I had fun making this one experimenting with gradient map tool. I really wasn’t super happy with how it turned out I wanted it more purple & more orange but people left super nice comments so yes ty friends🥺
4. A set that flopped but deserved better? how long we got??? jk jk gifmakings a rough business. This one not because its good or anything like this was during my early return to gifmaking but I spent WAYYYYY tooo long trying to make the emojis like rotate lmaooo. I still don’t know if theres a better way but I individually selected each emoji then rotated it slightly to the left/right. asjdkfjsl I spent too much time when I could have done something more productive... ANYWAYS 
8. What gif trend do you hate? *cough cough* reblog to like ratio 😔✌️
21. PSDs or original colouring for each gif? I tend to do original colouring for each gif but sometimes if I’m working on a set thats similar to a previous one I did (like a DARK gif) I’ll steal the filters I added. But then still I end up changing each layer anyways. 
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now 4! some are finished a few are partially done. The gif requests I’m doing for my milestone celly has got me super inspired🥰Plus I’m recently graduated & unemployed so I have alll this freee time! yay (shhh getting a job is a later problem)
32. What is your favourite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop Curves!!! oh my goodness once I started using those like light/dark eye droppers OH BOY have my gifs looked ✨spectacular ✨
42. How is your gif folder organized? Is it organized at all? I recently “organized” it... I have a tumblr folder then some sub folders for different fandoms, right now I have 4: Murdoch Mysteries, Marvel, PEDRO PASCAL & Others. Inside those theres typically 2 ish folders to separate gifs & edits. But my Pedro Pascal gif folder is wildely unorganized theres 227 gifs in there (HOLY CRAP!??!?!?!?!?!) all terribly named. I should delete some....
Ask me questions about being a gif-maker!
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azurera · 7 years
I know you are supposted to get one in your askbox. but guess what. i dont give a shit, and i’m bored as fuck so i did them all. my memory is shit atm so i dont remember some answers to some of these. and my grammar is shit but do with it what you want. g’night ya’ll ~
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more milk, because i can always drink the extra milk, the other way around you would end up with dry cereal and thats just bleh.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? no
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? everything i can find. most unique thing is probably a 10 Gulden bill (very old dutch currency before the euro) 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I trow as much crap in my coffee as i possible can, sugar, milk. more milk than coffee. give it to me cold, add alcohol. i dont give a shit. thea is just nice to have a little suger thats it. let me enjoy the flaver itself. 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? 9/10 times probably yeah
6: do you keep plants? since a few weeks i sometimes get flowers, so you could say i kind of own plants some times. 
7: do you name your plants? i should 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? i scream into the void
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? no, because i sound terrible 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side mostly. or when im really tired my back. usually not my stomach because .. well.. boobs. 
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? if i had friends.... no idea tho. i have so many jokes, my life included. 
12: what's your favorite planet? PLUTO. VIVA LA PLUTO. the little rings on saturn are also nice. shit this could have been a nice opportunity to make a uranus joke.. 
13: what's something that made you smile today? i didnt
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? lots of pillows
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 99% of our soular system’s mass is the sun
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? i dont know. but those swirly things are cute. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? every. colour. at. once.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. i try to stack those memories far far away. 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i dont 
20: what's your favorite eye color? i dont have a favorite eye colour. but i love eyes that look like space nebulas. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. i bought a nice leather bag on castlefest. its very usefull nice and small but it can fit more in it than you think. 
22: are you a morning person? if by morning you mean still awake at 4, then yes. 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? lay my dead body to rest on my couch and cuddel with my cat
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably not
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? my own house? i dont really break into places. 
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have to many shoes man..
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? the really over the top fruity onces
28: sunrise or sunset? sunset, (becouse im not a fucking morning person) 
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? im thinking of to many things at once and yet nothing comes up. 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? way to many times. 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i only own black socks, becouse then you never have the problem of looking for a pair. sometimes im all for socks, i wear them even when i take of all my other clothes just becouse they are soft and then i wear them to bed and they magicaly disappear. but since i wear dresses a lot i also wear panty’s and stuff. so its not always socks. 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. usually that invloves a lot of alcohol. which means that i don’t really rememeber a lot. (which is also probably for the better) 
33: what's your fave pastry? pie
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i think it was a little lion called simba. and im sure its in a box somewhere. 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yes i love them. but i dont use them a lot becouse a) not many people write me letters and b) i could. write them first. but obviously im a lazy fuck. 
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? i just really prefer silence right now. 
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? i like keeping it clean, but we all know thats not happening. 
38: tell us about your pet peeves! i do not know right now. i think
39: what color do you wear the most? black..... 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? the 3 things I always wear are a ring my grandma got me, a ring my mother bought for my 18 birthday that she switched her old wedding rings for. and a mjolnor necklace. I just saw so many people with one. and i really wanted to have one aswell, but not just any, so i went and looked all over this fantasy event and i’ve honestly seen every single mjolnor necklace they had, and then i picked this one. 
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? the girl on the train was a nice book (the film a little less)  it was just nice to have a book that i could go through quickly. 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! not really 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? god its been to long... 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? i still wish for this day... 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? mmmaybe
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. i can not make one up right now. i need to have the righ feel in the right moment. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? PINAPPLE ON PIZZA, PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA, PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? death. yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I only own a few CD’s, and a few LP’s the last one i think was a supernatural christmas cd thing.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? those prayer cards with the picture of the person, you get at a funeral. i have quite a lot of them, so you could say i collect them. 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? suddenly
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? i like the “you cant xx if you don’t xxx” memes. those make for some good jokes. other than that i make my own memes, fresh and local. 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? only parts... i should watch them shouldn’t i..
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? u know who u are.. im sorry.. 
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? i secretly moved out in a pretty dramatic way to prove my mom that i couldnt go on like that... 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when they shut the fuck up
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i do not feel like listening to it now, thats how its making me feel. 
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? im both.
59: what's your favorite myth? nice people are my favorite mythical creatures. 
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? im not really into poetry tho, but sometimes there is one thats just nice, discribing beaty in such a subtle way, that i like it. 
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? i don’t give stupid gifts. people either get something epic from me or nothing at all. go big or go home. 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ive been drinking this strawberry/apple/ bananna juice stuff sometimes, makes me feel like i try to be healthy. 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i keep them in an organized mess (just like my life) 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? its a lovely gradient of light blue/white/ to a bit darker blue. 
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? so many people, i suck at being social. 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? ALL THE COLORS
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? sometimes its nice to stare out of the window on those days. 
68: what's winter like where you live? shitty 
69: what are your favorite board games? i like playing monopoly and slowly see the light dissappear from my friends eyes. or cluedo you know, murder. 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? its this one thea they have at the cinema, the pink one. the rosy stuff. its so good. 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i should note it down. but then i forget to read it. so yeah, ill mess up either way. 
73: what are some of your worst habits? i tent to complain a lot, becouse i always hope it will make me feel better when there is to much going on in my head. but sometimes i just keep going, and i dont even know how bad its getting, and i probably pull myself down into some negative spiral and well then we’re fucked again.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. you fucking pancakes. 
75: tell us about your pets! MY CAT IS THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE SHIT, HE IS SO CUTE. AND LOVES CUDDLES. AND HIS FLUFFYNESS IS. i can keep going forever. 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? its getting pretty late. i should sleep. 
77: pink or yellow lemonade? mmmpink? 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? i hate them. 
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? im trying to think of one. but my memmory is shit atm. 
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? just white. makes it look bigger. 
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. NEBULAS
82: are/were you good in school? soommeeetimessss
83: what's some of your favorite album art? I do like GACKT his album art tho. the costumes he wears are nice.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? i have been thinking of this design of a music G thingy that looks like a cat. its really cute. but i cant even commit to where i put a sticker let a lone where to put a tattoo. 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? i have quite a lot of constantine comics, to satisfy the fact that the series quit after 1 season. 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no idea
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? stonehenge appocalpyse
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? not sure
89: are you close to your parents? *crying sounds* 
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i love all cities except the one i live in. Im such a slut for older building and architecture. old gothic churches man. oh my god. 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? france, for sad stuff, and i hope to see my german potato this year <3 if i can make it... 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? SMOTHER THE FUCKER IN CHEESE. 
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? just long, straight now. or either in like a clip. when its to hot  to have it all down. 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? i saw on my calander at internship that one collegue had his birthday today. 
95: what are your plans for this weekend? convention staff meeting on saturday, looking into something for sunday.. 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? *hysterical laughter*  
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? no idea, leo, huffelpuf
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? in germany i think. to long ago. i love mountains, and walks, and beaches. 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. PIANO’S 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the past to kill myself. :”D absoluutly.
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