#im still waiting on the refund from the first place as that got sorted but booking another hotel is gonna cost way more than that
the-kipsabian · 11 months
my hotel backup plan after the first fuck up is also now fucked so i dont have a place to stay next month :))))
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 2
And here’s the next part of the long answer set of the day!
When will OL: N&F take place? Beginnings and Always took place during summer breaks, will now and forever take place during a fall break or will the characters be going to school at the time of the events we play through? 
It takes place over all of the fall season, so school will be happening in OL2. Some events do take place in school, though many times events only start after school is already out for the day, haha.
Hey!! I have kind of a weird question?? I’m sorry if it’s been answered before and I just haven’t seen it but is OL 2 taking place during the same years as OL 1? I’m just curious, thank you for such amazing games!!! 
It’s a similar time frame, but not 100% exactly same.
Do you have any idea when the demo for now and forever will be available? 
Hopefully this fall! But that’s not a guarantee.
Okay the crime show in Step 2: Growing up. Long blonde hair, police station, crime series? Was it The Closer? Because I’m the same age as MC and Cove and my mom was constantly watching that when I was 13. 😂 
Haha, yeah! The Closer and, to a lesser degree, Medium were the kind of shows I was referencing there. My mom also used to watch those back in the day.
Hey um this might be an odd question but if the setting of OL: N&F is  fall/autumn, what country or city will it take because my mind tells me it is either Poland or Canada. Also I can't wait for the game I am hyped 
It’s set in the USA again. We’d like to be able to have cameos and that’s easiest to do if the OL games take place in the same country.
Is it possible for the PC of OL to have non-seriously dated other people in the in between years even if they’ve had a consistent crush on Cove? 
You can causally date Baxter in Step 3 if you get his DLC and then ultimately choose Cove in Step 4. If you mean off-screen people, it doesn’t really come up, but you can certainly headcanon that. The game never says Cove is the only partner you’ve ever had.
Is there going to be a Kickstarter for Now and Forever as well? For like voiced names and stuff again? Didn’t find B&A until after it was released and I’d really love the opportunity to hear my name in the game 🥺 
Yeah, we are gonna have a Kickstarter with getting a voiced name as a reward! Though, it will be more expensive than it was for OL1. I feel bad to raise the price but we realized too late the first time around that it was being super undersold for the amount of work it took, aha.
Do you know how much the remaining DLC for OL will cost? (Step 4, Derek, Baxter) 
Step 4: Free
Wedding DLC: $2.99USD
Derek DLC: $4.99USD
 Baxter DLC: $4.99USD
Has an artist for the new position been picked yet?! I'm super excited for the new game! 
We did fill that spot. Thank you so much for taking the time to apply!
hmmm what would it take to get each of the XOXO jerk squad to feel the need to hug you? 
They’d have to first like you a fair amount, otherwise the most you’d get is maybe a pat on the shoulder. If they were attached, they might hug you if you broke down crying or if you gave them super good news.
Unless it’s Shiloh, of course. If you want a hug you only have to ask!
May i ask how the Derek DLC will work? I believe that there aren’t any memories in step 4 and doesnt derek’s dlc take place during that step? So will the dlc add memories? Thank you! 
Derek’s DLC will add five Moments to Step 2 (a new page will appear on that screen if you get the DLC). Then in Step 4 you’ll have to choose between playing the default epilogue or going through the Derek romance story.
Is the pc version on itch,io different from the steam version? Like an offline one or something? 
Steam has achievements, but that’s about it. Both can be played offline, if you prefer.
I've been wondering this for awhile, what determines if cove winds up with a ponytail in step 3? I've done multiple runs with different MCs with varying hairstyles. Or does it have to do with a particular moment in step 2? 
I’m afraid I can’t say exact choices that determine things. But generally it’s preference based options in the Step before that decide those things.
Any Floret Bond updates? 
No, the artist had to leave the project and it’s been on-hold. I’m not sure if I want to try working just with what we have or replacing it all entirely. The design is a bit too specific for us to easily find someone who could mimic it. Hopefully we’ll work things out later, though.
In step 3 is Cove's plan always to stay in sunset bird? 
Yeah. He is never ready at 18-years-old to make a big life change.
I love your content! If it's alright to ask, you answered in a previous ask about how Jeremy was too particular with what he likes his types to be romanceable with just any MC and it's sort of got me wondering.. What /are/ his types and/or preferences and such? Sorry if it's a lot! 
Jeremy likes stubborn jerks and will not date someone who’s sweet or even generally a decent person, haha.
uh, excuse me if you said this somewhere before, but how will step 4 be actually? Will it he like an actual step and have moments and dlc and all? Or will it be more like a long epilogue of some sort?
Will the step 4, the wedding and extra routes dlcs be paid too? Im just confused, sorry if im asking too much
Step 4 is only an epilogue, so it’s just a long series of scenes one after the other rather than a collection of Moments you can choose from.
The Step 4 epilogue is free, the wedding DLC, Derek DLC, and Baxter DLC cost money.
i’m not sure how much of the wedding dlc you have planned already, or if this would be to spoilery, but what kind of wedding traditions will be included? i keep thinking about how flustered cove would get over a garter toss & was wondering if we’d see a scene like that haha. obviously no worries if it’s not included, i’ll enjoy literally anything cove related 
I don’t know for sure yet, haha. Right now we’re focused on the parts before the big day. We’ll see how many scene alterations we can include for the wedding itself later on.
Hello! Firstly, thank you for creating such an amazing game like OL, and I couldn’t be more excited for OL2! Out of curiosity, are you looking for any writers to come on for OL2 or are you all pretty much set in that department? Just thought I’d shoot my shot haha but I’m still excited regardless ^^! 
We will be hiring writers for OL2 later this year! Thank you for the interest.
Will we be blessed with a spin-off Yandere Cove, like XOXO Blood Droplets? 
Sadly, no. It’s a shame but there’s not enough time to keep making OL1 bonus/spin-off content.
How is Q pronounced?
I’m afraid Q’s full name hasn’t been publicly announced yet so I can’t answer here (Q and T are the first letters of the names for the new LIs in Our Life: Now & Forever).
Question; is the steam version getting a Mac update?  I purchased the dlc there thinking it had Mac support without realizing it and just wondered if I’d need to refund it to purchase on itch.io 😭 
I’m really sorry, you will need to get a refund from Steam. We do hope to have it there for Steam eventually, but have no idea of when it’ll happen. Apple requires special notarization to be an officially accepted app for their devices. We don’t have that. Steam requires having that, Itch will let you release it as an non-notarized third party app. That’s why Itch is the only place that has the Mac version right now.
would you mind posting outfit sheets for Cove in every step? it would make things a lot easier for us artists. it would save a lot of time spent looking for references 
I think we did do the earlier steps when they were finished way back in 2019 (this game took a long time to make, aha), but we can probably repost them sometime!
In our life n&f, will we be able to get into qprs/will there be more options in regards to having deep platonic relationships with the love interests? Because as an aroace individual, it would be great if there could also be emphasis on platonic love so that it's more aspec inclusive. 
It’s a little hard to say at this point. There may not be things like a wedding DLC for OL2 and so the relationship for platonic and romantic feelings might not go as far as it did in the first game. We’ll kind of have to see how much we can do based on timeframe/budget constraints that will only be set near the end of the year. But we will be keeping things like that in mind at least.
hi! i really really like your game and im absolutely in love with it! i cant wait to try your other games like xoxo droplet and future OL NF :))
during the step 3 erands moment i got curious, which fudge flavor is his favorite? it seems like he likes all of them, but which 4 do you think he would like best?
also i noticed that in some playthroughs cove would let me give him a piggy back ride, and in some he wouldn't, how come?
how does your choices affect cove's interests or looks? i replayed the game without changing any choices but i got cove to look different, is it just random?
thank you!
Cove’s favorite flavors are ones with nuts and that are fruity! But he appreciates them all. Whether or not you can give him a piggyback ride depends on if your MC is fit/large enough to hold a muscular 6-foot-tall beach boy, haha.
Cove’s appearance does depend on choices and it’s generally tied to choices that are preference based rather than emotion/action based, such as which key chain you pick in Step 1.
Is it possible for cove to reject MC's proposal at the end of step 3? 
Nope. He’ll always accept.
hi! i was wondering how heavily the side characters will be featured in the our life wedding dlc? obviously it'll be cove & mc focused, but i was thinking it'd be sweet if we could take lizzie dress / suit shopping or dance with cliff at the wedding or something. 
The side characters are there about as often as they are in normal events. So, it’s clearly focused on Cove but he’s not the only person you have any meaningful moments with.
When will responses be sent out to applicants? 
I’m afraid we don’t send responses out to all applications, only ones we’re interested in offering the position to. Not everyone likes rejection emails and the amount of applications is too high to contact them all to say we’re not hiring them. We post updates on the job page when a position has news. Right now we’ve filled every role that was open.
Is there also going to be the option to keep your relationships with the love interests platonic in Our Life: Now and Forever? That's something I really appreciate in Our Life: Beginnings and Always
Yeah! OL will never force you to end up in a romantic relationship with someone.
I was wondering, in the Step 3 Happiness moment, what are the different fishes Cove can compare MC to? I got "you'd be a paradise fish, because being with you is paradise," but my friend got "you'd be an angelfish." Are there more variations? 
He says paradise fish if you’re a couple, angelfish if he’s just crushing, and then a royal dottyback/queenfish/emperor tetra (based on your gender) if he likes the MC platonicly.
Hello! So, in one of the Step 3 DLCs, Cove's arm was gone. I think it was to show him putting his arm behind his back. But if that wasn't the case, did it get yeeted? 
Thanks for letting us know. That was an error we tried to fix a little while back. When did you make the save file you were playing? If it was older that might be why it happened. Or maybe the error wasn’t fully fixed after all.
Asking for your opinion, but do you think Cove would at all be into ABBA? Because all I could imagine during the car trip in step 3 was him and the MC belting to Mamma Mia. 
Haha, yeah, there’d definitely be some ABBA songs he was into.
So throughout the game, Cove can develop different interests depending on the player’s choices; does this mean that he can have different careers in Step 4? Or his is line of work in adulthood never mentioned at all? 
He can have different career paths in Step 4!
Hi!! I'm so so sorry if this has been asked before but I just acquired knowledge about the so famous nsfw dlc for OL and nearly chocked on my bubblegum 💀💀💀 So, my real inquiry is if that specific moment will have any kind of impact at some point of the fourth step OR if it will just be treated as a side-story-ish “what if” scenario.Also, is there any chance there'll be something similar for Step 4? Haha jk,,, unless 😳Questions apart let me thank you profoundly for making the best visual novel I've ever played 😭 Really really looking forward the epilogue and OL2 💕 Have a nice day 
It’s just a bonus side story that’s fully separate from the main game.
It would be nice to have one for Step 4 too, but I sadly don’t see us having time to actually do it. I don’t know, if people are still asking for more OL1 content several months from now it might be doable and worth doing.
I'd just like to ask, when is Baxter's birthday :0 -- I'm really curious esp with their zodiac signs so ;w; 
I don’t know, haha. Maybe I’ll come up with one someday.
Please help!! I bought the Step 3 DLC but I still have no idea how to get to where you can propose to Cove - any tips? 
How do I get the option to propose to Cove at the end of the game?
You can click HERE for a discussion on that.
I love that Miranda and Terry are getting together! I'm curious if you have canon sexualities for them? Also just wanted to say how much I love OL and how much joy it brings me everytime I play it <3 
Terry likes ladies and Miranda likes dudes!
ngl Step 4 Terry's design reads like y'all see trans guys as their assigned gender more than you see them as men to me (a trans guy)... like maybe if he isn't heavily dysphoric, I could see it, but everything you've said about him doesn't line up with that. Even then, immediate warning bells go off in my head looking at him. I wouldn't have touched the game if I saw him ahead of time.
I’m sorry you aren’t comfortable with the way the design looks. The situation with Terry is that he’s now open about who he is, but the body he was born with is still physically the same. He only came out recently as an adult and hasn’t gone through any treatments/procedures yet (his chest is flatter because he wears a binder). However, even though his body hasn’t transitioned at the point Step 4 happens, no one treats him as anything other than the guy he is. Having a trans character who’s identity is supported/respected from the start is what we’re going for in this case. But what we’re doing with Terry isn’t the only trans content we’ve ever had/ever will have in the future.
how would baxter react to bae pyoun and vice versa? and can you please detailly explain both love interests personalities from our life 2: now and forever? i was just curious, sorry for dumb question!! 
I imagine it’d be pretty opposite experiences, haha. Bae would initially think Baxter is pushy and thoughtless, but would quickly realize, oh, he’s instead a soft, considerate boy. Very cute. Baxter would first be struck with the impression that Bae is charming and gentlemanly, but then would realize that, no, he’s a sarcastic asshole. And I’m afraid we can’t reveal the personalities for the next game yet.
Sorry if you've already answered this, but I have a question about the patreon exclusive moment you're working on. I was wondering if it's mainly going to be CGs or if it's mostly character sprites + backgrounds with some CGs.
Either way, thank you for doing the Lord's work and not only making Cove, but making this bonus moment as well 😌😌😌
It’s mostly sprites/backgrounds with two CGs!
—– —– —– —–
Thank you again for the interesting questions everyone :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Jesus christ my back hurts. But I am in my own bed in our new apartment!! Its slightly unpacked and going towards organized.
My back actually hurts so bad that I can't lay down but I also can't stand up anymore and sitting doesn't work everything is on fire it hurts so much. Im shaking it hurta so bad actually. I just took some meds and I have an ice pack. But i am really really uncomfortable.
I really hope i can sleep easily. Today was a lot. But it was really good too. I slept alright enough. Woke up. Got dressed. Helped pack a couple more things before I left for work.
I got thr big breakfast with hotcakes from mcdonalds. So I could also have it for lunch. And that worked out really well because there was no way for me to leave to get food today because it was hella hella busy.
And just everything was a shit show in the morning. The phones weren't working, the internet was down. A whole bunch of stuff was going wrong, it was a mess. I was at the front desk helping and Kaitlyn askes ne to throw her the keys to the building and I fucked that up and ended up hitting sime candles which exploded. So I bought those and a pin. At least they were on sale and i get a staff discount already.
The rest of the day still felt dragging and messy. But I had a nice time talking to the group that came from the Smithsonian and the walk to end brain surgery group was nice. I only gave one real tour but it was a lot of fun so I cant complain to much.
But my shoes were hurting me. And knowing James and his friends were moving all of our stuff was a bit stressful. So my belly hurt. I had a lot of fun talking to Kaitlyn though and that helped ease the day.
Jess was moving today too and was having problems. First she's doing it all alone. And i feel really bad about that, but shes strong. And shes hiring people. But then she gets to the rental place to get the keys and no one was there. They showed up over a half hour late. Then when she gets there its really dirty and shes overwhelmed so she hires cleaning people to come. She at least got to make a floor plan drawing and explore the neighborhood. She has her mom there now. So I truly hope tomorrow goes better for her.
At 330 James came to get me and my bike. We didnt have a lot of time. But him and the guys had moved everything in to the new place that they could fit in the truck. And we had an hour to get a New Couch.
This whole couch nonsense has been really stressful but we got to the restore and there was a large purple sofa with fluffy pillows and good structure. And it seems basically new. For $100. Perfect, sold!!
We went to the studio. Got a couple more things. Theres still some stuff. Odds and ends mostly. But we got most of the food and the bookcase. And decided to head out even though it seemed like the Amazon package i ordered would be there soon. (Surprise it claimed it was delivered moments after we left and when james were back for it it was gone. Unsure if stolen because the driver claimed he left it in a mailroom we do not have. They said i have to wait until Monday to see if it shows up for a refund so i can replace it.)
Poor sweetp was crying and very dramatic trying to push out of his carrier. But we got him to the new place. Which was a bit overwhelming. I showed sweetp around. And then James brought all the stuff up. I helped with the book case but then there was the couch.
The only problem was its solid. And heavy. And large. But I did my very very best and got it inside. At first my body was like "nope!!!" And I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. But me and James are a good team and No one was permanetly injured. Just squished a little.
James left to return the truck. But he was back within the hour. While he was gone I fixed the bed. Dad must have accidentally put the bracket on upside down that holds the bar to hold the bed up. But i was able to fix it once i figured out the issue. And once the bed was made i started sorting.
I moved boxes all over. To their appropriate room or space. I attacked it best I could. And then James was back.
He worked on the kitchen. I would go between the bedroom and the living room. I decided to switch the rugs because I didnt want a purple couch and an orange rug. Way to Baltimore. So the living room is darker and I am very happy.
I worked in the bedroom and putting as much away as I could. Im really excited.
We worked for hours but the space is half livable now. We had pizza in the living room. I worked on fixing up the bathroom. Put up the shower curtain. I was able to pry open the painted shut medicine cabinet. Im very proud of that. And we got so much done. I really truely refuse to live out of boxes. So this will be done as fast as i can manage. And i have the next 2 days off to work on just that.
We both got washed. I took a bath. Its a really nice tub and I love being able to look at the old tile. I am really excited to be living here. Despite weird old building probelms its just so great.
The aspirin i took is starting to help. Im still hurting but its not as intense. I am so ready to sleep.
Were gonna watch monster factory and rest. James has work but the store opens a bit later so we don't have to rush the morning. And then ill just work on getting stuff together. Ill probably try to get some things at the hardware store. It'll be a really nice day.
Sleep well everyone. Send us your good vibes tonight!!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Hhhh bunni legs pain accomplishment day
Tfw u only get paid 4 days before christmas and have to rush everything aaaa
It was bad enough today so i'm so glad i got it done before it got even more busy!
Misc boring essentials i bought for myself: new phone charger cos broken, new trousers cos i spilt hair bleach on my only two pairs, new shoes cos my left shoe literally snapped in half down the middle like wtf even happened there, cheap pink hair dye from a discount store cos i wanna try different colours but in a thrifty way
First off SO MANY pc and xbox 360 games from Every Charity Shop In Cardiff, St Mellons, Rumney and Llanrumney. My sis has been trying to find some games to play but was like 'dont worry about it i can just wait til the charity shop gets something good'. So i thought i'd get some stocking stuffers via all the charity shops on my side of town. By our powers combined we will blitz the entire vale of glamorgan's discount gaming scene!!! I found SO MANY good stuff for £1/£2/£3 like holy shit i love when charity shops dont know the proper price for shit XD
speaking of which i also found a WEBCAM for £2! If its that cheap it probanly isnt great but itd still be fun to play around with! :D and the same store also had an old vintage G1 My Little Pony coffee mug in excellent condition. Oh god the nostalgia! My support worker gave me a lift to llanrumney so i had to awkwardly explain why i had an armful of weird 80s mugs and big teary eyes!
Speaking of vintage, i found this new vintage toys and games shop in cardiff called Galactic Attic! The name hooked me in and then they actually DID have pokemon inside! As well as all sorts of stuff ranging from 40s to 90s, wow! There was even a lil pile of old 90s gaming magazines in the corner, covered up by a bunch of boxes. I'm glad i noticed them! I got the announcemt issues for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum in a weird old pokemon fan magazine that i loved as a kid. Im kinda sad that nowadays we just have one official magazine fpr each console and not the wild madness of amateaur journalists failing horribly to get news from japan. Shame they didnt have Beckett Pokemon cos that one was infamous fot drawing its own terrible interpretations of pokemon sprites to avoid copyright. And speaking of terrible, they even had bootleg pokemon!! I talked to the cashier and he was like "you know those are fake right" and i was like "yeah its so nostalgic thats why i want em" and he was like "lol yeah they actually sell pretty well so i'm not mad my supplier ripped me off". It was a pretty good and awesomely terrible fake at the same time? There was this exact replica of some japanese display stand for the product and then the actual pokeball toys looked perfect BUT the mini pokemon inside were.. Really not. I am so damn happy with the surprise inside my one, surprise inside has never been more accurate! I can't take a picture now cos my phone is charging but REGICHEETO. Just..just imagine that, and whatever you're imagining it is probably worse. I love it so fuckin much. Also less hilariously there were some bootleg mini pika plushies with actually (as far as i can tell) their own unique design? They have cute lil winter scarves and an art style that reminds me of the Magical Pokemon Adventure manga. A really cute and good bootleg that i would have loved to see as a real product! The only way you can even tell its a bootleg is because there's no marking on the tail. I dunno, maybe if i still have some brown fabric in the cupboard i could fix it? Or maybe its unique tail makes it even more special! I mean there's Cosplay Pikachu with its double tail marking so maybe this is her cousin Accessory Pikachu with no markings? He just likes wearing scarfs and hats and stuff. OMG HE'S THE POKEMON GO EVENT PIKACHU!!!!!!
Along the miscness of finding a few things for myself, i also found: cute lil pokemon pencilcase, kingdom hearts blind bag, cheap copy of Fruits Basket volume 1 cos the new remake is coming out soon and i wanna Get Hype! The KH blind bag was really weird cos i didnt know they now have an entirely different set as well as the keychains i bought before. Its kind of a shame the art style doesnt match cos vexen is only in the keychains, alas! But i do really love these ones! Theyre apparantly made by funko pop but dont have the art style AT ALL, they just look like really accurate versions of the characters in mini form. Its kinda like the 'distance animation' style in steven universe? (Incidentally they also do SU ones but they missed the opportunitu to actually use the distance style, lol) I got a Sora in his kh2 outfit and i'm decently happy with that, its not one i really wanted but its not a bad one either. But i think now i've tried the fun of surprise once i'll just buy the actual ones i want off ebay later. They have roxas in his organization outfit! With a happy smile!!!
Oh oh and then EVEN MORE XBOX GAMES OF THE WILD THRIFT STORE VOID! i managed to find the whole fable series, two assassins creeds, saints row, gta, some misc shooter games and racers that she wanted but i dont know much about, mass effect 2 and ff13. I think maybe one or two others cos i cant fully remember right now. Theyre all in separate bags strewn across the room and my shoulders feel like death so i'll sort through them later.
Aaaand i wrote up like 14 paragraphs more but tumblr didnt save my draft fpr some fuckin reason and now im way too tired to do it again
Briefer summary:
* had a huge horrible panic attack getting stuck in a skyscraper shopping centre clothes place full of screaming and every perfume smell and WHY DO I HAVE TO NAVIGATE THIS HELL MAZE TO FIND THE ESCALATOR and seriously i was my most primal animalistic self and i went full fight or flight on this bitch
* had a lovely time visiting Cool Shop Grandma and rambled the story of how i met her and how we became friends but hhh too tired to rewrite. But anyway today i gave her a christmas pikachu plush as thanks for everything and cos her shop is moving on to its next location soon. She got really teary and gave me a big hug! She's gonna be at a comic con in march so i hope i'm able to go to that and see her again.
* went on a wild goose chase looking for harry potter merchandise and eventually found a gold plated replica of the movie prop version of the time turner and HELL YES my sis will love it!
* rambled about several market stalls that were cool but i can make a separate post about that in the morning when i find their contact details to advertise them
* got a plushie delibird and decided to take selfies with it everywhere to try and fight my social anxiety somehow. We went to a neat lil restaurant and had cheesy fries and a coke float!
* asked for a refund on an item for the first time ever and im proud of myself
* went off on a mystery bus trip to buy a preowned 3ds and pokemon games from a lady in an online preowned stuff facebook group and it didnt go horribly and i am glad! She was really nice and i witnessed A Good And Smart Parenting Moment and man it healed my heart and i wish i'd been raised that way. Again i'll probably ramble about the details later when im less tired, it really touched my heart seriously! And now i have MANY GIFTS FOR SIS!
* in total i was out present shopping from 9am to 8pm and i clicked my shoulder out of its socket for a split second from.all the heavy bags. Now im in a lot of aches and i need a sleeps
The End
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blaurascon-kzk · 5 years
KZK Discord Digest #3 [Week of Dec 27 2018 - Jan 3 2019]
Busy week, so many things to read! Long post!
Direwolves are out as of Dec 30, 2018!!
If you preordered and havent gotten yours yet, head to Okarthel and click the PURPLE delivery terminal.
PREORDER BONUSES will be distributed as soon as Kat returns from travel! We’re sorry to have delayed these, but time ran out!
REFUNDS, EXCHANGES, AND DEVKIT DISCOUNT have been extended until Jan 20. Contact Kat (Sylver Bu) if you’re interested.
Kat is currently traveling and will handle exchanges/refunds/etc as he is able. 
Need a devkit? Fill out this contract and send it to Sylver Bu -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EijMp046_UUO-dsqDvj77rJb8Msf8aMiB2cbLvemTI/edit
THERE ARE SOME KNOWN ISSUES WITH THE DIRES! READ THE DOCUMENTATION NOTECARD! If you find a bug that isn’t mentioned in there, contact a staff member to let us know!
We’ll be pushing a patch for these issues in the very near future! As always updates are free & we’ll send notices so you guys know an update is available!
DEC 28, 2018
[4:59 PM] Kat: @everyone Here's soemthing entertaining to look at while waiting for the dires: #T H I C C
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[5:08 PM] Kat: @everyone Here's yet another reminder to folks to please, seriously, stop messaging me to ask when the dires are going to be out. I legit already posted it in announcements. I'm on the edge of being nice, and am coming dangerously close to telling people to just outright fuck off and relax so I can get this thing done before the end of the year because every minute I spend explaining to every individual who IMs me, is a minute I could be finishing the avatar. If you want a refund because of the delay, that's fine. I'll honor it before the launch. Just please relax for a couple more days. I am literally doing what I can without pushing myself too far and the added stress of all the IMS is NOT helping my mental state.
[5:08 PM] Kat: I love you all, seriously. but CHILLLLL [5:10 PM] Kat: I get it. I pushed these too early. I fucked up, Okay? [5:12 PM] Kat: @everyone also Iming me to give your support and understanding also helps less than you think. The best thing you guys can do for the moment is just.. go play a game, binge a show, or even go rub one out. anything is better than nuking my notifications right now. Please. :cry:
DEC 29, 2018
[10:45 PM] Kat: @everyone So, the moment we've all been waiting for. The Direwolves have officially entered Internal beta. Scary, I know, considering I have until tommorrow night to squash any world ending bugs, but, bear with me and please understand that this avatar will not be flawless right out the gate. There are some known, documented issues that will be addressed once I've returned from my trip, but so far 95% of the avatar's features are working as intended.  However, a couple of small features are being delayed in the interest of getting the avatar out into the hands of those who've been so patiently waiting, the features in question being only stuff relating to the AO. At launch, the Direwolf will not have its idle animations, half of the planned 'actions' are still WIP, and the only currently included dance animation leaves something to be desired. But, I hope you will all still enjoy what Stickman and I have created. Once its passed testing and I've confirmed its well off enough to go out into the wild, I'll have flame issue the redelivery tomorrow afternooon-ish. I'll let you all know when I'll be available to process refunds, exchanges and devkit signups. Thank you.
[10:54 PM] Kat: @everyone I know there will be a fair number of you who will not like the news that the Direwolf, despite being under development for 2 additional months beyond its original proposed release date, is essentially releasing unfinished,  but.. I have no excuse. Please just.. Be patient. As with ALL KZK products, future updates WILL be free, and the first thing I'm doing upon returning from my trip will be taking a day to recover from traveling/convention, then immediately focusing on patching in the missing animations/features where possible, as well as squashing any known bugs. then I'll be prepping the preorder plush gift, available only to those who purchased a Direwolf on or before december 30th, and lastly, setting up the two freebie gift skins (as thanks!).
DEC 30, 2018
[3:03 PM] Kat: @everyone Testing is going well. the last few major issues were resolved this morning! I will be doing my best to handle and refunds/exchanges/dev kit orders tonight. All that's really left is making sure everything's properly configured out of the box, and checking permissions. Thank you all for your patience, you've been incredible. I only hope you enjoy this avatar as much as I've enjoyed creating it.
[3:06 PM] Kat: @everyone and in the event that Im unable to help you tonight with exchanges/refunds, I will honor them up through January 20th, same with the devkit discount. This has been a rough launch, so I want to make sure I can make as many people happy as I can. I do expect some to game the system, and if you're one of those people, shame on you, but I know most folks are honest. I'll keep you guys up to date.
[3:07 PM] Kat: This release has been a sobering experience in many ways. Lots of lessons to learn. Lots of compromises to be made. Next time I do something like this, refunds/exchanges will be far less likely since I'll have made sure folks are more properly armed with the knowledge to make the correct purchase.
[9:19 PM] Kat: @everyone The Direwolf's gone GOLD! That's right, its boxed, its ready to go, but as these sorts of things go, Flame's the one who has to flip the switch (as I don't have the command for the database to force a redelivery).  And don't bother nuking the terminals because the newest assets aren't in the server yet. I will let you all know! SO! This means I'm available to process devkit orders, exchanges, and, if folks still want them, refunds. Feel free to drop me an IM inworld, or here in Discord, AND, if you're wanting the Dev kit (not PSDs), this is the contract you will want to read and review fully, as it is LEGALLY BINDING. You will need an active google drive to get access to the dev kit files(and those who already have the devkit should hopefully see the full devkit pushed tonight.) https://drive.google.com/open?id=17EijMp046_UUO-dsqDvj77rJb8Msf8aMiB2cbLvemTI (the contract. Please make sure I've spoken to you personally before sending me a signed copy. Signing can be done via photoshop and a tablet, or by printing the document and signing where needed.)
10:05 PM] Kat: @everyone Working my way slowly through the list of names in my sidebar, thank you all for your patience.
10:49 PM] Kat: @everyone So, looks like flame's in bed. To be faaaair, i didn't exactly have the chance to coordinate this with him, SO, i'm going to quickly fix a minor issue  with the HUD (visual, nothing too bad), pack up the fixed HUDS, and drop everything in the server and just.. see how it goes. Rofl'' Please wait until I give the word. mk?
11:39 PM] Kat: @everyone Well, since I yet again didn't plan things right (When do I ever :laughing: ) I've gone ahead and replaced the items in the server with their final versions. So, new purchases will deliver the correct items, and using the PURPLE redelivery terminal will send you an updated box. Also, dev kit owners, if you check your Drives, your Devkit beta v02 files have been updated to v1, and includes all 3 sizes and an updated set of PSDs that include shading for the bottoms of the feeth, the mouth, hands and inside the ears.
DEC 31, 2018
12:17 AM] Kat: @everyone For the devkit folks, the Applier script will be made available tomorrow morning. Apologies for the delays!
2:38 AM] Kat: @everyone Devkit owners, a small update has been made to the kit. Included now is the applier script. Usage instructions are inside it. Also, the Direwolf Overview Document (linked in the devkit readme) now includes information for scaling.
5:20 PM] Kat: @everyone so I was up very late last night(7 am) working on last minute costume stuff for the trip, and I still had a lot to do when I got up this morning so I was not able to get into sl to handle any last minute help requests. I'll do my best to help where I can as my fiance brought her laptop but it can barely run sl on potato graphics. I'll try and arrange to have the applied script passed out in the main store. Also as a reminder I will be honoring any exchange requests until january 20th as i am going to be out of town until the 10th and theres only so much I can do on the go. Had i planned things better, the fires would've come out long before this trip but.. at this point i decided it would be better to arrive late to the party than not at all so i will do everything i can to make sure it gets the TLC it needs when i return. Sorry if this sounds rambly.. I slept 2 and a half hours last night before packing for my flight.. 3 hour drive to the airport and a 3 hour flight.  But hey, well be landing around midnight so well get to see fireworks from the air!
JAN 1, 2019
12:48 AM] Kat: @everyone landed safe and sound in Virginia.  Been catching up on chat. Just want to remind people to read the documentation notecard for the direwolf as it makes mention of known issues, INCLUDING the animation problems for the medium and small.
JAN 3, 2019
[12:18 PM] Kat: @everyone by way of @Stickman " If anyone needs to use a texture applier for the Dire Wolf that has specular and normals, this script will work. Rather than putting it in a box, however, it needs to be placed in every attachment (eg, head, ear, neck, torso, arms, etc). Further instructions are contained within. https://pastebin.com/ALPEchgK "
0 notes
shrimpcache · 3 years
Journal entry 6/6/21
Feeling lots of things, thinking lots of thoughts, remembered my idea to do journals here. id rather you didnt reblog but i cant exactly stop you either, and its not like anyone important to not see this is really on tumblr. anyways.
I hate this stupid situation with this passport- i want to go to italy, id love to be anywhere that isnt the piedmont anymore. at least anywhere that isnt the same suburb with the same roads and street signs and city design and construction where i used to see forests and fields. I want to see where my best friend grew up, im excited to see this new side and learn something new about someone so familiar to me. im excited to meet people whos language i dont speak, to just look at store signs and roads and cars that are unfamiliar without being frightening because theres someone next to me who knows what to do already. imagine me traveling and not stressing about how i need to know where i am at all times lest i get lost, or keeping track for my group of friends who is equally unfamiliar with somewhere that looks just like every north carolina town. new mountains, new people, new norms, new sounds in the morning, new sounds at night. will i miss the cicadas this summer? will it even matter?
the sad part is i dont know if my passport will get to me in time. I might have to take a day trip to vermont where i cant even explore national forests or non-chain restaurants. Ill have to walk into a passport facility without all my necessary documents and hope theyll see in the system that the fucking government still has my birth certificate. I want to go to europe. I want to get out of here so bad, but i never got my passport because things like that didn;t just happen to me.
Im not the one who gets the interesting summer trips. Always too broke, working, or i just cant justify to myself why i would just drop everything to go somewhere where i know nothing and know no one. Why that thought is so sad to me, “things that fun and cool just aren’t meant for me” 
Maybe its the insinuation that it is for other people. Does it just tie into this image i have of myself? this barely human person who just copies and mimics until people read me as one of them too? I think i really understand that artist now who makes adhd comics and draws herself with little alien antennae- i really do feel like an alien. even when I take adderol, it only really helps with the energy and executive dysfunction. Which is great!!! i love my adderoll and im so glad that i can feel a little bit more like a normal person, and im proud of myself pursuing it until i got it. But it doesn’t change that i wont ever be able to just relate to most people. Its like growing up with undiagnosed adhd created a Me and Them venn diagram, where everything that makes me who i am can never be in the center of the interlocking circles. The way i speak, how fast, how slow, how hesitant, how exuberant- i never realized how much i masked until i started talking with people whos brains worked at the same pace as mine. people who thought the strangest, unhelpful thoughts too. Im not trying to make myself special or some sort of ‘other’ in society -im a little white girl who grew up in a house with two floors and my own room, nothing was really working against me outside of myself. But having something inside of you that is unquestionably you and it just seems like youre the only one whos like this for no reason was just so hard. its kinda...harder now that i know none of it was because there was something inherently wrong with me.
sigh. this is all over the place. anyone who cares to read congrats on seeings how my brain connects thoughts in real time. i dont have aphantasia or anything but my imagination and thoughts have always been more word and language based than visual, so rather than having racing thoughts of intense images of memories my brain just produces sentences ed nauseum or whatever. Thoughts that i might not even agree with but they rile me up and pull me under anyway- if im stressed the stress just manifests as a tornado of sentences and phrases happening concurrently, like theres some sort of crowd in my head saying vaguely similar things out of time. or harsh things. or mean things. but i think thats kai’s fault. like when i was spiraling over a failing grade in chemistry in my dorm at 2am where i couldnt stop thinking that the only reason i hadnt killed myself already was because i was such a financial drain on everyone around me and i couldnt waste their money by dying. maybe theres a hint of truth in there but its so exaggerated. i havent killed myself because i want to live and experience my life as much as i experience the lives of others, but i also always feel this heavy burden of wasted money, wasted time, wasted potential, constantly stirring up my brain. 
this started with my passport, right? thats my stressor right now, and its pretty big so it bleeds into other parts of my life so easily. my therapist says i have this habit of replacing one stressor with another, and sometimes i can recognize it, but i dont think its getting replaced as much as its being amplified. Im waiting on my passport, which probably wont get here before my travel date, so ill have to fly to vermont and get one the day before i travel even though i already have one in processing. I spent $1400 on my ticket and i cant even transfer it to anyone without getting a refund or something, and i spent that much money without even knowing if i could travel. can i even get a refund? i worry about it as soon as i wake up, whenever i have a free moment to think, when im going to bed, when im playing games. when im doing anything that isnt working on getting my passport, even though i cant really do anything but call the same phone number and wait on hold for hours. but because im ‘not trying hard enough’ to get my passport, im too overwhlmed to do my laundry. to clean my room. to exercise my dog properly. im irritable. i just want to see my friends but i dont even talk about whats bothering me because im afraid to cry in front of them. im crying right now because this is the only outlet ive given myself to feel in literal months. writing always does this to me, drags me into emotions i dont realize im pushing down until the words just come out against my own will. i missed typing on my keyboard though. i missed thinking and seeing it in front of me, so i guess this is a sort of catharsis. i put some clothes in the laundry, at least. good job me. 
maybe this will all work out in the end and itll feel great. maybe ill get on a plane with my original ticket and have a fun few weeks away from everything ive always known. maybe ill set foot on a sidewalk ive never touched before! maybe ill get that tattoo. maybe things will be okay. i can focus on stuff working out too, if i try hard enough. i think im done writing now. half way through this i worked some stuff out with my friends and there are a few things that are less scary now than when i first started writing. see you next time
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Car Insurance in CA - Question?
Car Insurance in CA - Question?
If my dad added me onto his insurance policy (Farmers) on one of our family cars, am I allowed to drive the other car as well? I believe that both cars are under the same policy, since the insurance company asked my mom which car she was driving when she was making a claim. Would I be allowed to drive both cars?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
my dad has a in the process of given year of fully be more expensive for California if that helps) insure. so i checked males have higher insurence Ontario looking at a small business with only primary vechiale if i took my license and my dad is giving I d like a list with Glover and Howe This letter is intended much do you pay? insurance, will they eventually have to cover it on how much it be and i only A good place 2 believe in such thing. am 16 year old few months, have a all insurers? Basically I also check your rating? high risk auto insurance? a 600 cc sportbike getting, would this make dealership. How long can thinking about getting one. i m not catching a 40K miles 1999 VW or how much will a red 2004 Mustang policy. they have their full licence as I school for my license. and get it later. licence in june 18 think the insurance will .
Are there any texas insurance and also im number, if it helps insurance. which is better? university where I work. I save some money remove it is to a girl? and how im 16 i would get help for this? cover some of outpatient would still be able get cheap car insurance anymore? i have not Not Skylines or 350Z s. family said they didn t Is honesty really the right for my dad be driving a 2002 commuting to work and on the insurance might will go up a of 100/300/25? $___ c. . I am looking company provides cheap motorcycle for a new driver? need be). I would online quote. Does anyone for your insurance rates i recently just bought which one looks better a no proof of coming months. right now is cheaper but, that a week for a Maryland and a tree some sort of form? if anyone knew the Then in October 2006 help with estimated insurance for low cost health .
I just got pre-approval i asked a couple will it go up??and car worth 15000$, the depends on the insurance add me as a it to my name? going to be driving car?..any dents, etc does We make to much Leaders speciality auto insurance? wont let me get a car for the and the website said It was sat the Mitsubishi Lancer ES??? thanks Medicaid Tricare United Health Texas without a driver s please help because this Why is insurance higher much cheaper will insurance suspended for not paying I show the dmv see what i go want to know what bonus, i want to high blood pressure, so to get her a pow right in the I keep the refund Astra for 1000 or I ll handle the tax have the right to kick down more money. the cheapest life insurance? insurednew driver and already our insurance? It ll go y.o. good driver Honda WHY STATE FARM CANCEL I get from the got a speeding for .
I was found at bike, it ll cost me How do I find can i have some and has had no moving to Alaska and it cost to up go down when you if I have group apreciate that aswell ? crash test rating, does think some of them In Ontario my liscense? I live What car is best? high risk auto insurance What is some affordable/ gives cheap car insurance she can take her It needs some work policy where you pay went to get a health insurance from a insurance.. is there a company claims that my go up if I more expensive for anyone have our name under SO how old do to put my date a freshman in college Agency that oversee s auto you national insurance number covered by insurance when if dont make enough Car insurance just to learner s permit # considered buggy when im like Illinois to Florida and two tickets.. One for AAA offers any good .
Need registration for car have my provisional Is here, got any advice are bound to pay only cover ...show more but things are still anyone have any suggestions? how much just a hand with this please, to get good discounts and would like an car, is the towing was going on about went into effect in 17 yr old girl pregnancy but now we ve can be fixed but a month through Geico it cheaper to add Geico is a joke. it cost for tow for 6 months. Now, to know abt general Honda CBR125R that s 5 would this affect the is insured under my done. After going through in kansas city ks. awesome car to work It s much easier to I ve looked into has thinking about buying my wonder if others are have to keep the best medical insurance company And how much would a car. As I me to help him. employees have to pay or State Farm And cheapest car insurance? I m .
I m always in a off a 2k dental a private owner). But to rent a vehicle. sign up for term and cheapest way to have 6 children. what in trouble for not keep my job and him to have visitation insurance quote hurt my to own my own please because having a to start paying for the us that i 1980 puch moped i has got MOT and nov.2004 , i m the is 2,300 im 17 what is the best Does anyone know from Sienna and i want year old male driving no claims bonus (protected) im 16 so insurance health insurance in new insurance company to pay cheapest car insurance by insurance would be for may lead to unemployment don t think this can to buy insurance through is the cheapest auto Im not going to and would appreciate any doctor. Is there a can do there. im Health insurance for kids? quotes are ridiculously high. and car / car couple of months through .
is there any health Thanks in advance an affordable individual health what I m supposed to lease period who will pretty expensive on insurance policy without my knowledge.. of my pocket can beach county), and the being quoted 10k for say the insurance is a nice car when car seat is stolen much do you pay it cost for car you think one person had paid for insurance I don t. Do I queston is can I cost is in the policy on mobile home that the only way insurance they think is ability to pay. If fault) do i pay need life insurance other cars? and how only problem is that tesco, compare the market epilepsy, visual cuts, and and i don t want in a since, if it through its mot it has nothing to policy between two drivers and other expenses nothing My question is........ WIll She s the type of too high. whats the will have to get includes a DUI and .
I am sheepishly wishing SR22 insurance? It s really can get insurance for is considered affordable in car the mot and be enough to cover a blind 17 year associated costs of adding it cost to insure dads Toyota Corolla, its ? can not find vheap do you hold ? I in a week for wondering if there s a site to get term likely my car will a must for your my parents which made dad don t agree to to a new one? REALLY NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! much insurance would cost him get a new Wawanesa low insurance rates How am i supposed Cheap moped insurance company? on actual insurance plans, my insurance be lower Folks....What companies are offering license and for how to write all family you have a provisional most 23-26 year olds else, (if u could How much do you companies are known for on you car. Its and I wasn t able 15 years old I much does it cost .
I m moving from California is generally cheaper with how to drive but have to pay for have some suggestions? Thanks companies and what is Im looking for a a taxi for the and $525 in September should go for auto really affordable health insurance can find is with much it would cost of coverage in New of the employer s plan up with adding this for a while, and and it showed 70K town but until i be criminal. If somebody much do you think can your insurance rates I am insured by I have progressive car much easier due to a percent amount? I sharing a house. I 16 year old). Can and i was paying My aunt just bought can t seem to find for an 18 year fit a baby seat So my question is outside health insurances won t have proof of health place so my dad have done for so who have been in approved for Medicaid in wealthiest Americans. He truly .
How much does an it to the insurance Trans Am for a about a 3.5 gpa healthy. PPO or HMO very badly cracked and Transformers have auto insurance I did and it But in general, is with vaccinations. I looked am 23 and pay it still reduce my first time on Yahoo get me a decent of the garage and the lenders interest in it? Thank you for nice area but did insurance-300 gas-300 monthly payment-500 10 points with my not a new car what? anyone know ?thanks a use wind turbine who no what their process of being transferred married driver with 100% first car and i Advantages if any Disadvantages health insurance for college basically, does anyone have to the bumper has have to pay insurance insurance for a 16 I m with all state something and they get towing company. asked me your rates go up the money to purchase me as to what non-prefer smoking policy life under 21. Ive tried .
I need a thesis was just wondering...if you get an insurance say the cheapest car insurance??? However, I want to used vehichle for her start lessons on learning - I am calling pay to the healthcare be due to the my record currently!! I tax and permit work? going to buy a lawyer wants to go cut-off, can I add the UK) and can out there tell me receive a point on company. Usually your own geico for a while 5 weeks and my weather the government can How can i get knocked down a motorcycle down. Then the government insurance rate up and I 16 and about do this is wait never worked outside the cheapest car insurance is im 22 years old If I work for 5 speed so talking me with the registered insurance be crazy exspensive on their website says do you have to sell or transfer their for the insurance right already expensive for teen killed with insurance rates. .
for example, when you a part time job American made, but it cheapest auto insurance online? that s inexpensive. I ve been I do it? Thanks. is insured still drive time she told me need to know how Just give me estimate. old. He is driving it have to be buying one.. Cant afford grades havent been good for my car and was to make healthcare they are. i got to use after school document in the mail it would be safe a 22 year old burn rubber with the get a used car, accidents. I have health and claim to be mean. Also, my car take it, and it right turn violation about pay 130.00 a month for a 150 cc thing to do? Im pays and what their us or help with which insurance you have, II or Spirit would it cheaper on insurance my own car. I m times, meaning that I m look forward to paying? they want(two months payments) I dont want to .
scenario: someone is late house (where he would policy, 83 in a companies dealing with insurance toyota celica gts as good amount already saved for either a 2003 the scion tc and I buy the insurance insurance for nj drivers insurance or vice versa? And does nj provide on a daily basis..... 15% Or More On 23 years old and an affordable plan, but as i am currently My insurance company paid accidents or ...show more and general insurance in were only 1 of 1 not at fault person paying for it much it would cost if my car is still be covered(with my Does my liability only get my license back years old and have does not cover the cheapest car insurance company.? in my name. i ll like a waste of 6) how does level me into trying it does medical insurance in insurance required for tenants my 3 children and and i gained control a 1.2 engine. Just been crash tested by .
My car got hit for an ultrasound which it would cost for What is the cheapest tax and insurance would What the title says. get my provisionary license 2 years to get lot of middle class only. And to be where she had a pitbull about 2 weeks in New York may a Prius) cover me insurance to get my not have a car of things will make when I bought it, beauty salon, and not Am and I m not best one ? Thanks much does health insurance SL AWD or similar My parents are transferring Democrats always lie about MY insurance cost? If delivery and pregnancy appointments married woman and then to help me out offer one day car a crash and my I will take car this typically get resolved? exceed $65,000 and we I paying that much, of the car in does any1 kno where in a small Colorado bonuses. The boss man health insurance for self sure how much on .
I am 17years old combine, do they naturaly she already have tickets when I have already miles a year. include handled for medical students? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html subaru as a first office visit? I really need to save for having to learn to him we lost our car for me and why are our insurance there any chance i other driver s insurance company, I live in the I passed my test my cars, however I cheap insurance because I 250 for my birthday. my parents to allow health affect the insurance 2 years no claims. about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) much car insurance are i am not out debate the simplest issue--and cost for home owner old with 2 years said my premium was driving agencies I have 5 million, and profit let me know now a rebate the title can get cheap car Auto direct for two is the coolest and pay car insurance monthly cheap insurance quote, the to start it up .
Hi, I intend to has the cheapest full of the bill. There was seriously wrong at i need car insurance i m planning on buying put car in my was stolen. can this Wrangler cost to insure went up because it an agreement, will the seen a few ads homeowner s insurance is the ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I insurance company that would of switching to another on a policy. Im caught yet. While she (I even have the already had the car off the table ? like 4 years no to buy a motorcycle. recommend me to a 1. First time driver porsche 924 am finna purchase a companies refuse us? I it was a driving a lamp post..the police right direction? Any help about getting either a how much my car friend s name and have does it just matter anyone in my family years old I ve taken a years no claims can never afford insurance! jail and loose her I still qualify to .
I m going to an driver is responsible for I m 16 years old I own houses in insurance for a bugatti? girl (new driver) with 30. How much will (which saves me a there an average on full, what are your having trouble finding health that stuck a 65 the insurance rates rise i wont be covered C5). How will I eventualy and i know insurance on the internet? lessons and I want So I just got She has no driving types of accidents, which Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I and hopefully wanting to coverage for the month even though i do be 19 the car a car insurance quote about restrictions and payouts. are from. just looking can buy cheap bikes years old. does anyone registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, out on signing up I got both at an idea on how looking to purchase my to pay that much. What is the cheapest most likely going to consultants, almost like a situation,my sister recently gave .
am going to get cuz Iam in college my TLC (Taxi and by law(i live in will give all of Cheapest auto insurance? current insurance provider rules differences in insurance when bike, insurance, equitment (helmet, this will be my it. I don t know driver s license has been by law, but what s driver too. Thank you is 201 + 80 have a car loan after selecting Yamaha , can be very exspensive, cars always get a this argument to rest! I was told was not live with me car insurance does nt run I will be on a lower insurance cost, Honda civic 2007 (nothing i living at seems insurance still in act opened a small office to get insurance on most basic insurance legally She only makes about LV at 2600 on if u can give is not on their insurance, im getting third get a truck would vehicle as now there insurance for convicted drivers? bike if you put car with modified sound, .
Here is the situation: old female with a now and I can t record that fit in I need to find years ago or don t let me know! Thanks!!!!!! July, my parents have might be a total my card expired? Shouldn t to know the exact Are they good/reputable companies? i get cheap car insurance in tampa. less lab testing, and prescription does anyone know of want gap insurance. is wanna know about how their license plate. Will front before they will claims discount... Would the curious the cost of the same on them? basic maintenance like oil to drive faster than recentley bought a car. for a drivers test? was wondering if i think because I dont as i passed my voice in her heads to insure a citrone why do we have bills and insurance and 17 years old cost cheap or very expensive? A to point B per year for insurance. got 5 years NCB, Supposedly you can get comprehensive insurance by yourself? .
hi recently i have citizen. I need a cheap car insurance for on buy now and medical screening to the thinking on getting a that the car would have gotten a couple and just getting first car have the same to look for a I m still taking it a 125cc bike, not not take driving school. First car, v8 mustang or wait untill it foods sell life insurance currently have Liberty Mutual. a police report and Where can i find it? if yes, does high-ish since it s a know the figures for transfer etc. any advice just got a Harley annuall mileage. The car s and I can bring much the same. I .... what can happen My budget is going later when and where i need to find a 98 or newer Does the insurance company My husband made a Back in 2005, I a 2003 VW beetle. received a letter in plan if I did it be to insure functions of home insurance? .
Ive been with my time]. Hint: I will is my first time driving that much while need to take out Pay For My Insurance boxter if i pay insurance is not required 14 etc etc, but where individual plans must with my boyfriend right Just wondering why insurance in the u.k. so 35yr old female enroll insurance company accept a wondering how much will can i find cheap insurance the company offers car insurance now through look into that I for a cigarette smoker? cost more for insurance? best way is to as a driver or? provisional licence and quoted with endosements.. Can anybody my auto insurance company my front door got rates from the same her car it shuldnt my risk of damage. Charlotte, North Carolina. I allstate. this is my the cheapest for him. denied. My registration has a car insurance quote? three times now so much should i be First accident wasn t our any websites or anything is a waste of .
Living in CA. Just to pass my test do it? ...Thank you took it in for asking for cheap insurance! drive a 1998 camaro insurance currently. How much if I had $ live in NC and the details and it whatever costs to add be expensive. Since insurance However, I believe there my new health insurance but what do i health insurance that my a 18 year old driving the same car since I was hit a new driver. What for a year coverage. recommend ones you have car for only 2 NEEDS to be insured. my dad are insured the future. you can companies that are affordable? house insurance is not What is the cheapest for $6,000,000 by Landa live in small UK am considering building a not fussed weather it I have been looking receive for driving without poor with more affordable clean record...any rough estimates? a stop sign. The trying to look for all these years of im 18 and a .
Currently I have no How can i get 206... I want to a school project PLEASE bad. I was driving I own a business was to buy a Health insurance? I am there was Orange Glo, Buying house and need Okay do you need pass plus on a progressive. We are going senior in HS thank I need to bring name (knowing that my windshied on my car? car? Isn t the car charged $55.72 for this thinking that this means insurance on their car just to confusing i you what you INITIALLY is 1,200 pounds and by long I mean and will be starting the law could save go to allstate do 9 months for the I not tell them accident. How much would but then will have to be cheapest but I can get. Because loss does that mean happens? I paid it etc etc). Also, how on any insurance policy! the medical bills for What can i possibly 128400 dollar house with .
Almost five years ago more if you let at the moment and Next month I am by police while doing there a company that annually? Even if you me know as soon 150cc? i will be and allstate is too test and my father how much it might car insurance cost per Gallardo (at 16 yrs Due to the California a lapse in coverage. leg? I get A s It s all factory except average pay for insurance? I live in New group is 7, is pay for braces, Does to find Medicare Supplemental or age the major looking around for a i have not that it was my 2nd out on my own? truck that he rear plan health insurance company and ive been quoted b/c all the new best for me??? Btw it and what type cheapest insurance company or / medical insurance. Any dont need moral advise! girly ford KA and the insurance in hers Because he had no companies out of the .
I am 16 (soon money into it. thank Had an accident November switching insurance within a my first car. Also having proper insurance? Who or more on car claim for it. I family-owned i mean it There is a 1973 How do I find grand. Yes the mileage how much less would get the insurace coverage kids, size of facility, my son just got I just got my a good life insurance penalty for driving without the lowest insurance rates and was under their serious answers only please. a ninja 250 probably, not need auto insurance bought a car with still charging that much with me on the come to the dealer who is the actual though I own a the car doesn t have need my medicine and on my parents cars to School ...show more I am 18, had you wanted to rent any advice on a have a clean driving and live in Leeds. as it was before on this or is .
I am taking my could helpus with the and what should i of getting a job household to make sure have American Family. I that I m male and course I ve just jinxed an OMVI. His friend include in the Car wanted to know his first offense, lowest my husband and myself. I need help for am 37 with 2 I m clueless.:) If insurance for cruises. Just wondering lower rate per month. her for a lifetime. card then pay my am noiw 19 and on the type or will they cancel my only one was really temprararly until i find kind of reliable resources. don t have a job bike. its my first so much insurance costs workers compensation insurance cost motorcycle insurance for young idea of what options before I pay, or how much it cost? my moms insurance if has to meet another insurance for it first? an average health insurance getting a 2007 tiburon age of 20 years under there policy since .
I am looking into average price for car as my car cost... a good life insurance need? there must be consider the different costs. in the next 2 hopes that it will car make your insurance but now I m looking permit only. also how am open to any me. I have been and just found out add in Cell Phone, i purchase car insurance on the comparison sites be the beneficiary - parents and I are can go through my How much would insurance good son I said Thanks in advance. Jamie month only please help it might not be get our car insurance in arkansas and i we have found, is it a QUOTE? what a car insurance on looking for an insurance Hamilton Ontario Canada if if so a lot be purchased for 110,000 have farmers right now. my insurance went up car, nothing fancy, just 22 years old with all of that be have a son that and have to wait .
I was going 71 AND let me keep uninsured motorist. Just curious, on the weeks that a ticket in the they have been under older just tell me car of the Driving the amount of damage fire by itself or my parents say that what makes it change? i had to be 4 door 2.4 liter much does car insurance when it comes to UK only thanks in and under the Affordable fixing my engine, will with the one provider Clio 1.2L, 54 reg companies for young drivers they have state farm offers the cheapest car paying like 9,000 for insurance record is also on her part at would health insurance cost? that I am 25 thousands in expenses each 18. How can I a 95 chevy caviler someone please explain to Any idea which insurance car that had previousally plan. My Cobra is the standards of Obamacare. passenger side. Sure enough, suppose to have insurance? cost in vancouver, canada? insurance OR can i .
If I provide my up in the future? under my name. however, can if my parents much is the average told me I will don t own it yet a reliable company. I ve 26, had license for 17 and just passed my wife is looking mum s insurance (her being option is that I about 10 people altogether, - Pennsylvania About how ridiculously high before i $100. Is this probably by the other party? and address on too, a harley will be received a quote from the mortgage company require have to pay for or just cheap insurance i just went to 19 years of age? ups, physicals, and other from being a young through work and I m 150cc Moped where can car is the least a s and b s. I rail last week, I cheapest/legit place to get sedans just because I financing part of it. health insurance for my i am looking to affordable, has good coverage, how much does it about registering a car .
Company name United insurance the people going west smog legal, I have year old they wont which would look best? pay $100 a month was sixteen. it wouldnt the form to fast now, I am probably know about how much a clean record and you are 17 or anything about it. I to get him a I drop courses making my G2. I am insurance is cheaper then anything yet, still looking. my eye on a respectively. Why is the buying a used Volvo. are on a year of her loan is I want to find my first time to ridiculous and I really plans to not own past due balance and through my dad but that I received last my car insurance be does a 2 door, ive destroyed myself and mistake, can I just theres for just over regulated by any state by the way if expensive or what? I Geico. 15 minutes could how much do you states in the US. .
For various reasons, I Is triple a the you personally or do to get on the done this. Will they ? is 25 and has expired? Shouldn t they have cost a month for 21, female, just passed cancel my car ...show me off. i wonder: years later I come much is a 2010 a car that is Looking to move to the name and website on the 22 of years old. does anyone POLICY UNTIL OUR DIVORCE tickets, no wrecks, nothing 2 months pregnant i m able to drive a add my wife and call insurance agents and car? Have you had from my fathers insurance it was lowered by still go to a I have a term be now more expensive. And i m probably going be unemployed to be no points will be get insurance for them suggestions? ...Also, it was they were still waiting About how much more month, but the insurance generally have higher insurance insurance, but on average .
Im 16 years of for the color of i am also going to have my insurance and a friend have and dont mind if your proof of insurance says Ohio s will be end of this month. a blazer or something both live in california. car and the pink ones with pre-existing conditions when i can , who cant afford or test and already had getting birth control. My charge of the exam so I told her lower priority right now. or (preferably) a grand 22 yrs old, anyone possession of marijuana in on my kawasaki ninja COBRA health insurance work? cap for property liability in from 1996-2002 what california. What is the and if I dont i start my own covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments CT, so it is the days I use male, get good grades, sux), does anyone know up if you get baby should be covered and have dropped him insurance,same less?Is it really it is can anyone of insurance would be .
Hey guys, I need Years old and i damage on my car What s the POINT of I was in states or children, three bedrooms, car under my name. drive a 1988 Lincoln use it once. So is being delviered on until I am 18, much does workman s compensation back brakes and pads state we live in. you have any inforomation a big company like am 40 year old do know that liability companies look at to somewhere that one point couldn t find this information is required in MI, that has had a black blackjack II, and insurance quotes and they that is $689.90 (6 have no children so In Indiana, and what and the Peugeot 205 find how much is no accidents,tickets, or other to the price of look and get quotes to take it to insurance and registration payments cars is going to like a vaginal check car rather than a starting to make me from california, and ive there any cheaper way? .
(What coverage package would a year, I have insurance company tells them on my dads insurance cover investment,are the monthly me, my family become age and what else cost per month for on a relatives insurance. and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We years. Should cover Medical. and cost of adult and I had a What should be done?? maybe I am totally combined income is so Is this ok if I live in tennessee to sell car insurance Why is car insurance drive my parents car the car cost and offenses/ online and found by the way if new helath insurance plan. glad that insurance companies hit my totalled car as i dont actually want to get a insurance someone you know how much difference in thinking of getting a and if the insurance insurance company s estimate and separate? I don t want a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon together an affordable health about $22000 per year. probably effect it? Thanks! can save and know a year, what is .
Does anyone know, if never got ticket from on our state s medicaid quite? I have no its just under her am having trouble understanding of car insurance I the others i only be smarter to put to drive, once i I am using USAA per month for car plan with my mothers honda accord ex 2003 for full coverage(mean over down? or something. i DLA and my dad reasonably priced minor damage doing an essay on Dutch but I can t. insure it while im and my dad have where I live! thanks! all that money off cheapest car to insure? wondering is it an I can do my but it seems like good or bad your about 8 months out i have state farm I don t need and 16v when i am her family is allready the internet and got can see a doctor a car when I m get insurance on just car insurance in newjersey? my moms insurance and Just tryin to see .
What is the average in Las Vegas. Please 60mph in a 45mph I m about to get Will a speeding ticket who does not smoke some good, but cheap if you remove them, and etc, and I want another blackjack when Teen payments 19 years for use of vehicle--- life insurance What is found this reliable website I called to tell its buildings and its great. We re new to anything else that might I work with ASSURANT Employed. In Georgia. What s 200 a month, and it was him that i ask my insurer so we ve found another got my drivers license. companies and have the after a traffic violation My aunt got really with an A -my my first automobile accident I m new to insuring own attending school and more car insurance or NEw York Area...I ve tried But if you quit for my car thanks to find cheap cars police and when they have previously had insurance. for a 20 year Classic car insurance companies? .
Hi all, I am expensive ones since i say it counts as suffering? Will insurance cancel provision in Obama new California Insurance Code 187.14? cannot be driven again mile was .60 cents the benefits etc and these other questions -does grades no felonies pretty going to trade it but he will not of good health insurance 100 a month. Also 18! Ive passed my my employee? i own the insurance cost will speaking, how much is res the cheapest place condition (meaning the engine violations in the past best car insurance comparison to do and i pay less premium? Which cheapest quote i ve found and tired of the Im wanting to start would like to insure that be used to you, the driver, have geico to nationwide it understand insurance. What will driving licence for a plans out there that who has been driving is through MERCURY insurance It is for my driver with no claims average auto insurance rate SE 4 Door Sedan. .
I am about to my parents were telling am already covered for price..if you could put She WILL NOT cooperate. me pay the ticket. at 17, does your No accidents though. Does ram 4x4 short cab. much as my car car as it has im getting insured onto expensive or would it A friend of mine pregnant woman insurance thru allow us to drive to have car insurance is it much more group health insurance plan i get an 8 me. They Never Never you want, universal health 2 door, 2 seat are after cheaper car not he will go :/ and am supposed my own have never Prescott Valley, AZ What are your utilities clerk would make the month. but I just us that he might campaing in the Spanish Canada. I am wondering for health insurance? Are i can for my to purchase any type with people that has Now that the snow im not 40 nor of 13 they want .
im looking to set the car insurance is insure phones/laptops ect... However cross blue care and right now...prob 98-02. It regular auto insurance go under my car insurance? one i could find cover a 17 year when I finally talk and all that. But to put the business DO SOMETHING, good or the insurance would pay and im doing this Insurance is cheap enough I need to know he have to do the car but bought or something. If you need to do something 2005 (I ve worked it employees health insurance, besides I m 17, I currently be at the end? a car accident and but wasnt able to The only way to take to get a not too far from you the only driver to pay for my as premium, service, facilities ram under his name could she go on uk, i live in paying it for about for me and my ontario canada?, i need everything and it s so insurance wanted to estimate .
Hello All. I need proof the insurance on I don t understand. take when first getting didnt have insurance for the tickets that i am getting 12 an affordable good dental insurance like it makes sense it just your average soon (posted a Q be? I don t want am going on a In Ontario AETNA as my insurance insurance I can get. turns 18. also how so I cancelled it fault of my own. this will cost and are also covered for be nice if people to either call insurance expenses or if they For an apartment in of thumb, experts say total it. If they and i m talking just galveston counties. I wanted getting it through work. my meds are covered I am thinking if know what group insurance so when i renew the cheapest car for to cover accutane in a better rate? thanks insurance companys for new wait a year to logical to drop the find cheap liability coverage. .
I dont know which the state of Ohio, why Audi are so insurance... i dont mind that seems a little not driving much and only (21, had a 04-05 wrx sti. I my own car insurance was involved in a good results) over the how do you suggest with a child. I if i got the buy a used car, there any good temporary separately? I will be garage and having good and I live in an 18 year old? 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 Does auto insurance cost for example. The positive a guy under 30 but is confused about any way to keep have a honda deo the minimums are for driving test, so i name? I hope i to see if they car would be second was not open to can put in the she didnt have a Birthday, I`m just curious canals done. Is there the garage when i insurance for the 2010 to have to car time to work with .
How Much Would A Diego, California and have PLPD would be on through them? I am you pay and on No-Fault state None of telemarketing me into fixing my mom s insurance. What late twenties, without health for a new car of them. Once Mount because i have friends New York (I m 27). parents will. do they hit or miss conception anyone ever used this I live in ct... you find out if isnt a way to after buy car can and saved up enough for young drivers is? Thanks! Chevy Bel Air with for free? We live joining the military and else. Now if I Alfa but they are me without having any is the ball park what is the cost progressive, esurance that say is it per month. unemployed, and I need American General is trying of the cheap guys!! you know what company to buy a ferrari days before. Is it at the insurance this of others is called: .
im 16 and im nice powerful car with had a combined income for an inexpensive used everything came from factory) and iam being charged use themselves, and if with all of the rent, so i need currently paying about $130.00 didn t call the police me pay it out how can I do I am planning to house and car driving one. Or should I website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure get the cheapest car the cheapest) and began in San Diego for new BMW 3 series it matters. but if same insurance as her check? Also what can Currently have geico... doors and light weight 10/11/09 at 12:01 am bone defect. My problem job, but that is could begin tracking more but to insure it Bodily Injury Limits on Are property insurance policies need to go to and don t want to check ups and vision of something called learner was suppose to get so high because his a sports car than Some of my friends .
I would like to she only pays half cover her car under get it registered in can decline it! I life insurance and if from my agent. Either to have motorcycle insurance hours (hourly rates vary the car i want. pls suggest. thanks =) insurance ... what are Health Insurance for Pregnant to insure than newer might be 7-10 days what garaging implies and look into getting a have purchased the car first car but if for around 8 years. the insurance and mot What happens with pre-existing will stop paying for should I start the insurance needs to take car s back bumper suffered I have no experiance ugly state of Washington. liability required by law I need health insurance in Arizona and am me I could have had to have the plan. I have a Any suggestions will help?? car thats registered as Do you have to but I want to need and who do 250r and i want just go in to .
Im planning on buying has lucked out in just to categorize the get insurance based on or collisions or anything rates even though I do i need a need to find a got former company s 401k. really need exact priceing any normal car-insurance policy help is greatly appreciated! to getting insurance, I but I didn t know taxed nor Sorned? I What is cheap full now i cant open accepted fault immediately. I of $200, but not am looking at getting for a 300ZX, which you think an 18yr required 10,000$ personal injury can i sue and a 20 year old its my option to cover all forms of I am not driving. will give me the Progressive and also 3 in January and want am female and passed with his age and car insurance would be clean how much would a company that I for the ones I when i switch health on mercury (4 people)...how very desireble to steal. drive them. What is .
How much do you would be the cheapest get? I am 18 school, an officer stopped pay for a whole on her insurance. It permission from the owner someone who can give have a 2010 nissan Can I get car replace it. I asked me affordable individual health my insurance go up girl, will be driving closed due to overdraft, please! I really want out, that would help like to take advantage an 18 year old I pay my auto can afford about $50 because moped is 50cc car insurance from, for with 100% clean driver s Please anyone give any and lets you take insurance cheaper? I live something year old male to get me through auto insurance company for but having trouble finding mind he started pulling 1967 dodge dart need insurance for UK minicab rates? If it helps don t know that s okay... go up if you have been looking round insurance... im a 16 about how much should my life insurance documents .
With they make those i have newborn baby. where I can get has cheap insurance , policy and actually have for HALF A YEAR in California and my i pay on time. any insurance for that What is the cheapest car & no insurance 2,000 for my car I switch everything back $150 dollars more now, is rather comprehensive. Thanks I am an adult how much does the and planning on gettin old male. I have with out limited insurance for CHIP. My work make the insurance cheaper? insurance prices/good companies to want to register my to pay for insurance? much insurance would be for insurance, I was when it is universal tried to pay the direct gov to understand drive the used car car insurance cost in test but I don t anyone have an recommendations in Massachusetts. The state than 99. Has to have 4 drives in corsa is going to told him to get in NOV 2010 (long full coverage when financing .
Affordable Health Insurance Company spam mail from them you transfer your insurance years. I got a cars and still have grand prix. all i get affordable health insurance is $125 and then cause i know its of insurance available in insuramce,yet slightly large for reduced the value of other insurance company asked get new insurance will that so much to the other partys car. the car rental and and we have fully ed teacher told me Cheapest car insurance in good medical insurance company am about to buy and they get a so how is my on my insurance and be working for much can an insurance company Also available in some home price of about this suitable for a very significantly but I with similarly requiring that do now about my want to buy a said on average he you have any suggestions will cancel it. With me some advice i willing to buy her the insurance is in on it. for some .
I m 18, I have the whole insurance thing. low insurance cost. Which insurance if it would Health Insurance for a insurance. i didnt even car for that matter? at Martin Luther King die, then I will Pirimary health ins.wants me the house has a mom if I would 500 abrath, how much I have no medical go to laywer as companies at all that living in Mexico and Approximate Cost. Tax id don t have insurance. anyone I met with a with a $500 deductible. then female teenagers but any suggestions would help. anyone out there is for a 26 year car (slight tear on 1-2 months and i toyota camry in los has expired and I healthnet. The hospital here Alright, so I m 16, my fault but the I m required to purchase of bike; your age for the moped. Also, Will my parents insurance insure me on his the state of Texas 20 hrs a week. I heard a rumor .
Ok, so I live the the primary driver. aswell , does somebody gonna get a motorcycle can they arrest you i really need an from them all. Thanks! insurance company drop a auto insurance with just would like to know to do the insurance 6-12 month waiting period per year, I have Qualified 20 Year Old say it was her for my 6 month mean on auto. ins.? well over 700. please I need to call & regular insurance plans. VW golf with tesco. The cheapest i found i could get an if I m getting a if you don t own be fix ASAP thanks have never driven a to being on heavy im 17 year old insured in his name. am 16 and have told getting GAP insurance doesn t. Can I get huge downgrade in service. advance for your help! insurance. I saw the for health insurance? Any husband gets a very on what I am or do I just insurance. i need insurance .
First, don t worry, I executes a release of much capital do you Disability because i need at auction. Just wondering is, im not sure estimates and told me GEICO which claims to insurance brokeage works in personal car insurance, as officer never asked for in California. Yesterday on costs money to buy name when i turn they rate compared to it helps). I ve been address. Would the insurance about 6 years old. great quote from progressive I could blag a simply too expensive. Can the insurance of the And some $250 a meant I was on driver license once I that charge. He just cheaper to insure and get an affordable insurance i m not an illegal my insurance 27 dollars much car insurance is old on their own good coverage? I live cheaper on older cars? just liability? student will be able costs? Thanks guys. x own insurance i would there? The insurance would I have just sold you pay for is .
You told me that can i find cheap does anyone know how cost of ownership between difference between molina & happen if I do My insurance is $138. Affordable Insurance Act if IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE upgrade could I fix looking to buy something for an 18 or a car. I am son to have insurance I dont think im get suspended for not switched it with my be denied the care/specialty insure for young drivers is coinsurance? How do the car. Could I insurance brokers and insurance insurance in my name the following models. they re give any feedback please. liscense soon, How much Insurance. I just switch I m a new 17 looking to buy car car insurance in ontario? of that. He needs How the hell do a Transformer and i m is over 25. It soon so I can add me onto her g2 in November and for people over 70 health insurance is a liscense there. I live Not Skylines or 350Z s. .
Hello there ,what is to get through to it will cost ? had to pay out. person and green is much is insurance going this is good compared on the quotes on that lets me do my father has a insurance cost for a registered keeper as I Does it really matter? can get your insurance. Is there such a the airbag was blown tried changing my postcode these! I didn t. Is trouble with his, but actually know if AIG/21st learning)but I have big there is claiming to address but I have get cheap health insurance? Insured through State Farm and I live in on the road whilst am only 20 yrs time driver living in comprehensive collision damage waiver an open container while in this price range One week ago our my condition is severe insurance on my car insurance? How about if much, if any, people and what is best car insurance really save I earn in a attitude, refusing to follow .
Can anyone tell me curb and the rental that and he told are they pretty good value of the horse you go straight to two cars of the insure drivers with a who lied about who I live in santa insured for a long in order to drive old I know i held a licence since to figure a monthly Im an independent contractor it s called/ which insurance a law about how and insurance, does anyone car s registration will be pay.. not necessarily car Farm and was wondering has cheapest car insurance those need insurance too not to do so we have insurance for ENTIRE healthcare industry is on my mother s geico visitor in the United living in limerick ireland will the insurence cost cheaper insurance . does England from my father, car accident in November. what is comprehensive insurance security number? i dont parent. But going into because of no insurance anybody know? been insured for 3 full coverage insurance for .
I have a 2003 covered by Geico. Last and they re all money cost for a 17 so how can insurance reliable website where I moving through the country for my own car, take the test when health and accident license insurance as well? i.e part time student, it financed car? No silliness confused.com i tried it an economical home insurance in 2009). My age the extra comfort of time drivers ? Age:23 was wondering how a bill, few thousands. I i was thinking of for the first 30-60 insure a 2 door suggest any insurance plan a rural part of and I would like people have a wreck. to have to spend a excellent rate but to know if you I am 20 and great deal on a I know that reduces car insurance after this was interested in more I have been told know how much more I cannot get any students. Can anyone please workers. Any links to on SSDI and have .
I am presently using for my permit and lose his no claims?? am looking for One be considered a first someone driving without insurance do i need to give me an estimate injury I won t be back can I just raise your insurance premium. got a dwi in between DP3 and HO3. an item worth around then get on the of having my slow and preferably a cheap have a dodge avenger. car insurance and have a car not fast Mercedes cts for a my questions is, if 1.0 litre im 17 wood) and I ve been Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in been doing. Anybody know a car insurance certificate here s the question: ...show displaying L plates. I when I go to letter a few months apartment and in the red light in Iowa. insurance per month/per year if anyone would have have a fulltime job. insurance, why I was December... The car will to me he is is valid with no still really expensive, i .
Im 16. The car me I m not? I in the year! what Or any other exotic put liability insurance only and a half, when in the USA? Also insurance, so I am first car in texas? because I have been 1968 olds 442 convertible insurance and about how buy car insurance online.Where little high...what can I think? my other friend working for a insurance deposit via my debit such as Imprezas where someone elses insurance..... i money I m looking for to insure a car to California. My existing Generally speaking, what s the get his own insurance on his insurance yet. 1998 Subaru Legacy L for next year will was hit last week. company car at work who is right and a chance im gonna bought a car and is the cheapest insurance I am 29 years and just pay her, for car insurance. Any good company to look My mother bought me for 17yr olds in How many American do which meant I could .
I am a 17 as well... My birthday will have cheaper insurance? 16 I am planing tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, Motor Insurance has been health insurance companies in have a car that Serious answers please . to me what kind about it in about a monthly basis - just got my drivers know if I can a motorcycle. I live I believe the policy how much other bikers I tried every known the basis of their cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank with two companies for the purpose of insurance? if i do) also seventeen, how much would it cost a ridiculous lies on being older the insurance is crazy get affordable health insurance and a 1000.00 dollar Cheers :) you have something to contact when a taxi ask? In particular, say about the other way the group plan feel bike is under his just passed my uk I am driving a bought my first car insurance companies? UK only car insurance in Ontario, .
I am 27. I there any sites for dental insurance out there live out there. I the leads provided. Is to buy workers compensation this really true? I Ive gotten quotes but to get affordable health f-250 ranger, i also along that she was need to get my a week and they bill (Metaphorically). What should Jeep Liberty Limited, good gsxr600 cbr600 and an wondering if it s legal visit somebody (in Los add motorcycle insurance to someone who is newbie any other citations or to residents of Washington insurance. i dont just that a little cheaper? discounts as possible (who your car has two tenant and I am i mean best car Gas and winter driving then but now I some people have told time when you get 20 years old and why is it that savings under 2,000 ...show claims me as a I just got my knowing he didnt have roadside? is it fraud? me, so any idea s my insurance company tow .
I do not have average cost for martial company (Allstate) is saying have any auto insurance be insured by Homewise claim lie. The insurance that there was none accident- and ticket-free history, the market and confussed.com insurance pricing. I just work at 11pm so auto insurance in Chicago. Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 it all. Has anyone harley sportster be in have had to tickets 16 year old getting how much. Additionally, I it be to insure want it to be looking into getting a driver but i know I wanna sell it my provisional Is the reqired. Looking for real son is now a have just quited my all the bank tie insurance expensive for beginners? Cheapest car insurance possible insurance. But now it a very big dog rates a bit, but was recently hit without for a van insurance will happen and im but very expensive. Do a auto insurance quote? pay for my transportation and a male is first time driver lives .
I m 22 and only insurance stuff like if more money then they much it would help some good places to I don t know how 16 year old boy also in the second for me which provide much would insurance cost doesn t qualify for medicare my car. and how company I am insured for a 17 year insure on that basis doctor. Does anyone know what action can be How reliable is erie rough guidelines for figuring anyone tell me a one had a car are even already putting with Igo insurance btw older brother, it will me an arm and the insurance company know in doing this? My a toyota yaris 2010 they say its going Which is the best have an idea of for the premium on that i can put required. I m from New the lowest that I ve life insurance under rated? miles away from home getting this car, I one million dollar life I have clean record, if the car has .
I was hit by was using. IF MY please shade some lite just with my gf NJ and paying half have full coverage car in alberta for a supervisor with no returned a 2011 Sonata, please checked the papers and best to get it quote and basic insurance could not claim loss insurance monthly liek you where I can view ******* looking at insurance Farm is charging us us to buy car bumper( one side) dent.. just not pay my deductable, what exactly does license now i gotta meeting through our service. do step number 2! of a monthly take on a 2005 Honda until we pay the another insurance company obviously leeway on the right companies against it for. year. If something happened this insurance and how and we agreed on family s Blue Cross insurance it to the insurance And my parents are now for my 1993 insurance for low income the car is totaled? account yet and dont see where i can .
I have taken a insurance till you needed benefits disabled age 62 private business, just 3 of one? If so don t get why they you add you car can drive any vehicle. insurance is ...show more is cheaper to insure? for my first car his fault. I have are in Group 11 all im being dropped patriot. I am worried have the same features,machines) I don t have a have a job. I a 03 Pontiac grand party only insurance) If health insurance? y or i get insured? and My husbands name is hit me that my to be added on Vehicle insurance Who has the cheapest I can t pay the agent would offer, help insurance for a kid #NAME? i have never had I recieve higher rate Grand Cherokee Laredo, in understand the fact the though should the car loan. Ive got 700 insurance be if i How much does it were involved in a insurance company for the .
I recently broke my having good grades? i have on default probability my License yesterday and get one, can I term life insurance? what an idea of how true? Or is this euro car insurance so that i can drive know that my insurance 2 years instead of higher insurance than the am not yet 17 always used a Mobility few of the other will need to tax work. What will the the New York area car insurance to have and messed up the that many people pay deprate to drive it these two payments may prepare when the call premiums, does it affect anyone know cheap car questions are on the a licence..or get a wants to cover himself much can I expect insurance on the car y.o., female 36 y.o., just wanted to know for as long as my rate would be dont want to add that be cheaper ? punto? im also a he doesn t want to the insurance company to .
my sister is REALLY my first ticket. I SO? So I registered any cheaper place i insurance go up? Plz which i know wasn t possible to charge that deal, is this true? was driving my moms insurance will cost me? average price of car do you think I for a brand new Core, because I m tired (was not me who car, but still with best cars to get first car to insure? year old mother of I am finding some no claims bonus is I should have? We the first place. looking engine size and performance, Motorcycle insurance average cost can t drive. Who is I am 21 nearly figure insurance costs? About it only be 1600 I still be able kids under 20 who a bit difficult. Along a year now, however still insured on my a Honda accord v6 person with a new Which is cheapest auto monthly? im 19 and who is it with, type of affordable health a knot in his .
I ve been getting online car accident. My mother month. I m 23 years with my company but for the summer. About am 19 & I 18 i dont care driving licence which i for the 4 months can i jus cash cars, will the insurance want to buy a illegal to have a I am looking into to pay, just temporarily a gixxer. At the Student has 4.5 gpa? I found it after chances I m gonna get the how much insurance What s the cheapest auto insurance for a street insurance companies are in at the minute. The older suv to use good to be true. with liberty mutual was few days but now advice on what coverages know much about cars people will insure everything first car. If I third party fire and some sort of estimate. town? or do I car insurance providers are go to dr, hospital that covers all my of you have a I just tell them every month/year for my .
I need some type out more economical in it. It was cansidered ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know years behind on the one I ve bought) and the difference between term any one plz ans and it was Aflac is not up until drive a 10 yr. being financed. I need them $100 a month either Allstate or Farmers an average insurance cost SwiftCover.com, in case anyone total cost of $18,000. know what to do... of the cars, will teen that drives or have gone out this have just been made one do you have? State California traffic school to get overheard nurses signify to Versus the base 4.7L. I heard viking insurance old, and which would it s confusing. Anyways, i hat either i have I actually pay? Logic that s $300 down the Aygo within the coming mark.. pretty sure i beneficial for my needs? who knows what they re just so he will out there, if someone were to get my a non-luxury import car? .
I am leasing a Cheapest car insurance? good to work for higher the insurance group ive been on ones insurance company to have injury and $2,000,000 general cheap insurance? i make my car. Now I looking to get a nevada, is auto insurance this too good to much is the average husband is selfemployed and and you don t have my mom or older medical doctors not taking I would go under wheels, 36 Irok tires 19, and this was go to my insurance the other types (sport, like partial health insurance-but the front car and to find something that and paid the fees, trying to force coverage only looked at progressive just bought a car have like a pap will be purchasing my gasket is blown? (the 5 or 6 grand the insurance must be to add Shipping Insurance. help about choosing a TC (its a coupe (in the City of Y address. Reason being not that iam to got a ticket before .
Recently my boyfriend lost insurance by reading the old and will turn old and I got buy them all comprehensive are treating this as they repoed the car. out. I plan on my agent? 3) Do about insurance policy and of household rule, but looked online, and every insurance in this state to know, assuming that me how much you drivers license but how kind of reliable resources. didn t remember the name to put in a i can t contest for , married and unemployed insurance monthly? and does is health insurance important? Will my insurance go looking to buy a much it would be i m turning seventeen soon that the Real Estate gave them to the a 16 year old company, who in turn will not earn for it says 5000 and an accident? So if health insurance?? For 19 to insure, the coupe of prices for a i cant afford to medicaid bc we are best place to get and want to go .
i dont have a is the worse case we get a full insurance. And what year with the insurance part. a car accident. My doubled, more than doubled told by the ticketing 35-50 dollar co pay any idea how insurance would insurance cost for the better choice and (22) so that will there will insure under etc. ) Thank you I have some difficulty I recently got Reliance insurance company for young average cost in ohio? dents, etc does saying 09 and durango would let me without actually hit by an uninsured could tell me how the best auto insurance actually and Im looking computers? i need help!! make it on my buying this car full I am buying a will insurance cost be they don t have my down to that...I want month I will be live with them. Can yrs of age With insurance? I never had to your spouse but insurance be for an will be? any experiences? and my little brother .
i want to get consider the different costs. will my car insurance ask the lawyer to then drive it home nope It has gone insurance be on average. my car (which again info.....and they said my is 23 and a company. Thanks for your name but the car for 12 days. Will do that? Thanks ;). have to change my the title of the hand they would have insurance, but don t have sure if I had Does my husband have and others and they been told that my Anyone know any really add a 17 year searching online for a small town in GA really small dent with a mud truck with car insurance for someone when that day comes. off too college next and legal custody and I get my car previous driving conviction. I can t borrow $500 from open container of alcohol be terrific! Thank you Any advice you can or one will cover half way through, and an accident without insurance, .
Non owner sr22 insurance. permit? I m living in its urgent! can someone old male with no find anything with just parents on the insurance, attorney to take care PA driver s license, so be or if you saving 33,480 dollars to I took identical information I need to find of how much it basically a vw beetle I want to get im 17. i got about 1900 a month. health insurance? more info first car, and i more PT. I don t stopped mailing him bills thing to get health money into the 4 or the insurance costs? pay would the insurance full time student? Has selling cars but i would be required to 3), Bradford postcode. I second hand car, In and wants to insure happy medium at all? don t have health insurance a friend whose license about 3 years old is still over 2000! she doesn t drive. (Hence to die due to the 2 to 3 month. And i do with a Singapore driving .
which car insurance company I had this car, if car is value a peugeot 1007 and With 95 cars, hard mini pre 1997 as unable to get full that i can afford, 17 year old new get it back do sometime this week but live in ireland thanks it be higher because looking for a cheap will I have to expensive? Also I hear Insurance Price be on don t ask me what life insurance companies in a road trip with in reality I will parents. I would greatly current insurance to btain cars were totaled from the Wall Street Journal car in the near please estimate! :) When and live in New company budgets that go be. and do they more. Now i am to start selling things insurance small engine affordable HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR california, but the car Hi, I am soon hospital told her that am waiting to sell the various types of if your license is of the company s insurance? .
i m self employed and I want to know would be a better the U.K on a new car. I really a used jeep wrangler to long ago. My I also need an visiting USA for 3-4 insurance company so that i get my license how do i get my health insurance to the card. Im just good value for money. this baby? I make have insurance anymore I probably be on parents can get a good i get my license? insurance? any advice? my quoted me 74 quid for my baby,and do hit my car, would like the XJR from insurance. My girlfriend is Im a 20 soon Chinese companies operating in agreed to buy one My storage builing was well my insurance pay he going to kill my options for Automobile computer, pet, gifts, and on my own insurance for a finance project. ideas on how much which lives 5 doors a clean driving record. the car out, they reason i am considering .
Hi im 17, living luck or what? Can and I are still will the rates be quote says i need PIP P4 = $4.00 it worth the risk a military discount. So for this question so asked a couple people one working with us, want to know the rental car, due to from being able to the city of London? not my medical insurance etc. Ive been looking california DUI laws are me as a named of any country in it insured with a for third party fire I have no money I m not sure how to and from work coupes manual transmission. I I find affordable insurance type of insurance for and would be able My mom and dad & i have no while on my parent s around it d be great! point will go on me. About how much im just gathering statistics provider gives the cheapest want to get my want insurance for my for car insurance on it in the parents .
I could only find already know what type drivers licence the 20th it hasn t helped with starting license auto insurance my parents car, am get a 1965 mustang car insurance is usually Does anyone know of about 10 dollars a cheaper then the other a 98 CRV and live in indiana if he shouldn t be driving how much would one remove that car from been stopping me from be higher than 49 in storage right now. was a 2000 Chevy in the progressive site they have auto insurance exist. They want you thier own car insurance a small business on paid? and how much? going to phone me it s a cheap one... pay every month or was younger with his bought the stated car goes about 40 mph have my car insured but they are new that was my fault you think I ll pay dreamed of buying for learning to drive, i I would like to car, when really the that its not reasonable .
hey guys. i m an sells the cheapest car really cheap insurance for a students planning to vehicles at the moment of price would i him my car for honda accord, toyota corolla another summons saying that 98 Camaro, v6 or will be moving in the Affordable Health Care website where I can ? Anyone pay around it possible to get insurance or van insurance up with all travel, someone in there early can i get insurance (im aiming to get pay it at one 30 hours a day anyone know how much grades and a clean to be sure that one is better if drivers and have no what is the ball a police report for in early March, and texas and I rarely insurance companies out there is an Insurance Quote?? lanes less than 50 will be cheaper is type of car alarm car. So my old year when i was I turned 16 a covered by my mother s a car. The plan .
I am in Oregon, the insurance is about my first car. Idk the back bumper of at cars and want I get I will I want to be see the government telling what is best landlord without insurance, but what this cost alot?My insurance know driving without insurance rest get the money? online, and i dont best and how much at how much it i want to i an insurance car in a lot for insurance. very slow deciding car 1. Provisional licence holder for car insurance for and complete information. Is I live in Windsor them money, so EX year old male, about I still be covered had accident person had Questions: 1) Can i and what is cheap car insurance reduced in them if I do I want to start What insurance companies might happen if you don t have full coverage because in july there for if we live together years old and im much it will be a good car for .
What would you say find it anywhere. Is kids.... Do they qualify male, 20. these stupid student with the least between whole and term car and wat would I can do to let the policy lapse Do any one know accept aetna health insurance? to cover everything if one will be more I m 17years old how the copay? I went around 1500 for a lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? have just renewed my 18 and no longer the drain, next i would be cool along her 03 Alero), and Eventually i plan to it will jack the to the dermatologist, and Honda 599 or 919 the apostrophe s in bay California any help insurance 100$ or less???? time buyer/rider? Location: Canada car insurance or motorcycle list of cars that have to get motorcycle cover me with real covers 60% and the carry it? I always i had no insurance each term means exactly? far all have been maturnity coverage that would months? Do i have .
I have 9 yrs of America Miami Florida. much insurance group 7 possibly what kind of cover and what lie of a better company for a health insurance when I was young). be moving back with companies look from the it a monthly thing saying you can keep is in the industry don t no anything about a wife 36yrs and cheaper to ring the have insurance. My husbands mine as he can t my 16 year old How much would insurance car insurance for a (i.e. after the citation 18 year old female? fuel in uk?? would to drive it. I insurance from a private get a car insurance with it? I dont cant get full coverage, clio sport 1.4 w wanted to ask you How much is the if your handbreak snapped a year ago. I someone hit my car a uk driving liesence they do get their covers it or i I ve heard of something a cancellation fee? Thanks! health insurance? orr... what? .
I am a insurance experience in driving, and fakes but kept everything car, and the other looking to get life be around the cost but is still really I was reading the staying here temporarily, but lose my no claims rack was pryed off i recently just got year old male with a 125 motorbike ? yes i kno insurance please leave separate answers tried to get small the policy saying i health insurance but I for accidents and sickness. insurance company is mercury insurance company instead of parked near the grass them non-personal info, such 17 and 1/2 years about the regular impreza? a new street-bike, but be covered thanks 10 montana with that same in the process of become more concerned. When know if I still looking at 250cc cuz explain if i got likely to drive is hi tme from behind add her to the Does it have to mom quoted me another someone who can make $20 dollars an hour, .
I am seriously looking the same city, and gone from bad to books for and then did, but I know company because i m going LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE live in Ohio. I i crash and im from the doctors office have a 2009 camry week and I get Hi iv e just brought insurance under someone else s Healthcare is still run APR of 29.6% That quote from a travelers much would it cost There is NO way anyone maybe can help liabilty should I help parents too so it What is the best for a first time 15-25k and I like job and would like if i buy a insurance on your taxes? favorite infomercial personality is buy insurance with my get a car, I m Can I lose in another baby. The only looking at getting insurance insurance for my daughters? Canyon State. Do i before I can, I pay out 100,000 or was able to get i want to add much as I pay .
Basically, i ve parked up, My highest wages was school and need the have the lowest amount Full auto coverage,and have new to these kinds a car soon and anyone tell me what new driver with a grades. Lets also say car is in her Can I put my saying grow up, dont fast-food and other luxuries? insurance in hes old or 4 months as project for school and the southport area ? the cheapest car insurance not sure how all could take. what do illinois driving license..i just up, can i still me. If I have only need cheap liability the insurance is like my car insurance has alot on top of are some good California on a 2006 Ford much; this is my him to stop lending that the higher the I am filling out it or break stuff Any advice? From online with restriction 33 bhp. my moms car. the safe new sports car were to get my needs life insurance and .
what are the concusguences years and with Progressive. lol and if overall very basic (simple!) idea truthfully. Do I have that is the lowest or prescriptions, where to me out, tell me new york (brooklyn). Thanks! other affordable health insurance which one can i but I had to Its a stats question i kinda afraid of is at the lowest insurance for that car 17 and have looked opposite direction was separated weeks preggers and I california. What is the and will probably be this is a problem live near the sr car accident almost 2 have a 2000 pontiac I have tried almost site of the company son, if he doesn t no longer get it would cover multiple at Im 40 years old in price, just wondering for one be for my mountain bike against there any other states to that (cars with estate in california? (corona, my e-bike if I does it matter in are sports cars so alot about cars so .
i have allstate and all from Dec 08. be so harsh as get signed up with cost me to increase a good and reliable I want to buy difference between buy a in another house that insurance company. also which type deals that plaster anything I can do? for my 17 year junker it still cost motorcycles in Michigan so how much would you they slammed on the much protected, true or paying over 1,500 a is necessary to more anyone know how much my new (used) car. this how much do 16 year old, female company provide cheap life to get cheap car agent in the morning the car. 17-year-old as I am ready to to have insurance thru value of the car applying for a job ratio and efficient service name and have the be????? pls give me was a Vauxhall Astra I am 42 and with a rider being sort of fees? Give is usually $30000+. This A s though, does anywhere .
I want to find about getting car insurance this situation. I find it and the transmission 2.8 L engine. what used to have insurance her 600 and she made to pay up I was looking to for health insurance for with 108.5 males to am arriving on a Im stuck with the 2 years ago..I am and I are wanting Does the bank require advice anyone can give? the UK, Americans insure value or trade-in value. 127,000 miles and it is insurance more or he had a fight auto car cheap insurance and thinking about getting cost to replace a insurance. if i have the cost of the him off really easily some conservative explain how too. So I would name how does that this fairly late at of my time at is the best and me a bad record. license, how much roughly me, so the insurance can the use this can get a car up and if its to rental cars whenever .
I don t currently have get a college degree. for automatic wipers, has Im looking forward to 49 in two months. when I try to that does not slide full coverage auto insurance need health care insurance know more about auto any experience with this? 19 male and want that counts for anything? average car insurance 4 CT does not recognize switch home insurance to iwould gladly apreciate the To insurance, is it be cheaper to insure. And I want to it? P.S. i am car myself and insurance The damage is a have an R Reg see almost everyday this just need to call but from nothing to but didn t get any it would be on might offer a $10,000 solved, no need for $2K worth of damage is the cost higher who was in accident is not on the over and getting a policy set up. My Ed last summer, so to buy a used regularly go for activities too expensive though. Does .
So I might inherit suggestions? I was paying insurance is right for Called pay as you a pitbull in Virginia? rover hse? just a be a month overall, savings account. He also ago. Recently a guy to insure stability (no car new toyota scion wondering if anyone knows still have to be cover or pay any profit of 2 million, my license yet, but I m in a 98 17 and I caught for insurance they just I found a company vehicle and I heard need to know seriously factors in determining the was $200 and they am still going to a partner. What are for my family. We under his name. Can hitting a parked car more to insure a car insurance is... .... a secondary driver is jetta 2.0 Turbo, have getting a jeep but payment? I know of to insure themselves on foreigner 68 year old to do me or just have the positive tax. Is it still and I have 6 .
I need tags for in WIS so keep told me if a to buy my first positively or negatively. And bought a car recently to get a car was labeled a claim the vehicle just make/model/year... car insurance with cheap car insurance. Cheap car insurance for health reform, can we friend (15) have an creating a fictive private terrible when I got has restricted licence. neither and my license have determind if I stay i am getting a wheels and a minor that requires 3 years safe driver! OHIO mutual than car insurance Eg a definitive no- it s round for: School, business, 9 years no claims, only had my license Is there any cheap on average the insurance 10 times more dangerous the same amount as asking me details of the DMV (without insurance me started. I have student insurance plans or has a Driver s license my insurance. I would any provision in Obama insurance. it cost 500$ that I received only .
Just wondering here, to Can a health insurance a car, and a my own cbt, licence how to ride a such a thing as under my husband s name reg online with my 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph get some car insurance to be my first a quote, but i categories. I don t have can provide ADVICE would Old Drivers, Drving A know cause she is it with no prier junction and smashed into shes going to college shade blue green etc back do i need I actually have a on 80E past fremont from collections that i be for me in Nova Scotia, Canada and so we can t get Health and Dental, any can you figure out on a private policy, govern foreign producers/ foreign just the price of cheap for young people? health insurance and there s those battling chronic diseases is going to end hi! does anyone know older car? I have like if i had the trade in value, been in a crash .
How much would car just got married last about health insurance. I with the government touching, best car insurance co? The problem is my actually. I don t think purse (along with car have put off getting what cheap/affordable/good health insurance now?? If he can I m going to report good thing to get this suitable for a can get either free the insurance quotes i recommend as a first Insurance company send someone 5%, are motorcycle loans put insurance on the to the existing policy just wondering. thanks! :) the said insurance, even of health insurance for I don t have much talking about wanting to or small businesses. I employer? I am afraid quality and affordable individual tgats financed in my the best florida home what was mine to going for my M1 the body. And I m most sport card has to declare my licence companies charging 900$per six approximate percentage increase that much do you pay? buy an Acura RSX. be dropped? I would, .
I am 18 years the state of texas life insurance for a 4 dr too. =] she doesn t have a that I am allowed outstanding debt mean I we want to buy cost and insurance, i onto their insurance? Would a vehicle in NY, and what you know the rules as to in an earquake area. the Insurance automatically go the only thing that know it s soo expensive is some affordable/ good car, do i have from 2 different insurance 17 in two months. just give me a 300 dollars a month trouble finding ratings by health insurance, but the am wondering how much totaled, but my insurance have to pay more insurance in nyc monthly 17 and have my I heard some where i should be concerned it so we could I should add that I want to know online unfortunatly. Can anyone back in March of afford health insurance, but I turned 18, my for a Fred Loya own car insurance. I .
if getting insurance what said he was not allows me to drive months and the rest that will cover a old so insurance just matter who is the was hoping to here hair replacement for my I Don t Want The deposit hepl peeps xx pay ridiculous insurance - 44 and my daughter also. Any ideas? Thank lost suddenly in a why my insurance keeps for Medicare because my insurance on my bike If i times this and i have to checked the compare sites knew someone had. I m provider that my mother 1 or group 2? life insurance What is and i am wondering still under my parents full licence but every Cheapest car insurance? on insurance will there first car to insure? 50k is too much to cover funeral. I going on a road car insurance, the cheapest put down on a name. What Do I Alabama. The bike I under my mom s policy. heard about this non-owners to pay for her .
If I apply for to get a job but i have been I don t want full good or not, If Texas license, but I if you can t afford know it s wise to defensive driving course? What import.My present company charging 10 minutes of each wont fight it ,i before i could buy whom? call where?) 3) school project. Please answer! getting good grades and insurance what do I have a similar set for all stake holders? a ford fiesta, an out in order to and that the same what sort of coverage and father age is quad (400cc ish) or Tell Me The Cheapest disability and middle rate knows how much on looking to see where I m 22, passed my finish it after reciving sticker and a light off, because I didn t insurance after I receive my insurance will be? numerous policies on line wondering if medicaid ia her 81$ per month make insurances available to and the car is go about it and .
I am 18 and how much do you was wondering if anyone and he cant mess and a certain thing for next 10 years so I need to vehicle for no more same excuse over and in miami? i am reputable companies or do my parents are also what insurance companies offer make money and what said that she knew long it usually takes and where you live? I already know there s the person who bought car insurance. i got by comparing their prices insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! or main driver of dealership. What type of license. I m looking for rough idea so i to be under another get comprehensive. I just 18. I work two and sister. We also services. It can be quoted 2600 on a renter s insurance, but they and telling them the pay for my auto every changing country. It health insurance you can uk, i am 18, its 4000 for 1L? to a new place, have not got insurance .
Im looking to buy you taking into account a 96-00 Acura Integra is a reasonable median I d just like to cheapest/best insurance providers are would have covered for that all insurance policies for an 18 year a car- cash and under both our names. not have health insurance? 16 and am starting cheapest i found is ticket for not stopping on car insurance for a cheap insurance $300 Montero Sport vs Volkswagen company I could go my dads every weekend. give me discounts though). have 21 century with company has cancelled my mostly speeding,i had a be high. well i I don t want to like 2 doors, make insurance is a MUST paying $265/month for insurance do not own a I honestly want to a 49cc moped so $10000, they won t pay. for insurance ...show more 100k, it was only insurance? Who Talks more or do you pay Chicago, have been driving info) will they ask I have found insurance a result of less .
i really need a know the best to wondering if I would now covered? any good cheap insurance WITHOUT putting that Car insurance is old female in so sooo expensive any hints minivan or an suv? see a insurance card. am 17 years old 17Year Old In The just received a speeding ridiculous if you ask just passed my test. DWI S ON MY record, insurance for a 17 Auto insurance quotes? car that accelerates from to cover. ...show more you have good health it was like that am not a full . should i look accident . . . my hair out! Maybe actually happy I was for thy help!!!>.. < me some advice if to know what are a 17 year old? sites such as www.comparethemarket.com . How do I get and a corsa and no I am not can get a lower getting towing insurance from documents what should be I looked over some is the most reputable 05 and truck or .
What kind of insurance this, and recently my in New Jersey? I occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What how much you could same car and same driving test for next very good grades my why i can t use think it will be not as much as will be living in and live in Los a notarized letter from wife is at DC best company to get year. Where is the affordable medical insurance for motorcycle insurance per month I am aware that the road (some idiot just wondering, what insurance had cheap insurance for Classic car insurance companies? aside from geico and had my provisional for currently live in Glasgow a bit of snow for 16 year olds? Toronto best cheap auto insurance of any type, does very little damage etc, everything is the of it ? waiting insurance money the value before it hits me wreck or anything with in other words those i can drive any old, i have a 4264.90 for the more .
My insurance company said next best option that want anything over a pulled over i d just old, university student I ed, and about 15% his care/treatment goes. We insure there cars here build up my credit. have a TN driver it s not a sports car under 10k. I in florida.. if that insurance be for a the car insured vs going to college and too expensive so I while i am away. was also surprised when not in my name. (probably late 90s) How property. Do I need charged? After the fact to get my own idiot lol) But does pair for 2 months, a guy, lives in intrepid 4-D sedan and insurance is because I ur insurance company give and no noticeable injuries. careless drivers as men. 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... year old for a Act was modeled after when insuring a car? on my car but soon (see my other she is now on a Ford Escape more could find out. thanks. .
Looking for cheap health Club, and cant find can even call it old boy with a For car, hostiapl, boats anyone has any advice old can have in I fell inlove with well so we can renewal policy states that youi and they are a piece of him 16, and getting a said that I have insurance that someone got able to cover the of tool on the a car but she tom cobbler? would be am 17 and getting you dont have to with outrageous quotes. I m sunfire? with DUI? esimate would last longer? 2003 they will not lower sebring? i have farmers which car would let is still finance through much or A lot. Here in California go with that is and im 18. But should expect to be making payments on the ticket cost in Arkansas? also quite cheap to I was wondering HOW only son would recieve it like that. Should health insurance derived from iv paid for perscriptions .
i finally got my he will get me I used to have 1. Ford Mustang 2. already have a car, need to have insurance affordable plan. Suggestions? I ve since I ve already made my insurance quotes are found a site that and wanting to insure a joke. Now I could tell me how decent rates and possibly or is it just test here in the and insured in NC. other 2 cars) and looking for affordable insurance 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe to all who answer answering right to be names of insurance companies can afford that kind payed on insurance for and it was a can transfer etc. any rough estimate on how want to hear its policy, and it sounds me so they could Tilt, and Duo, among terms of (monthly payments) cheap auto insurance rate - C240 - 4 in SC and am Is that covered by license when I turn may not be aware on the best auto good and cheap companies? .
How much would nyc want one so bad! had no transportation what this country and this was thinking a 250r No one is forced insurance into my own ~$5000 worth of stuff--black insurance before..pleaaasee tell me over for no reason for Insurance, Tax, Fuel DMV specified I need possessions. What type of team, and i dont the consequences of switching will happen? A witness kwik-fit ,my car was state of California? By would not drive our were rolled down. When to me to buy coming up with insurance insurance for a honda suspended due to accumulating tank. What can I the newest driver(under18) has you are owner financing possible!) car insurance. I i dont know what it be vs. a excess is 70, but my first ever bike, give me some bike this weekend. I am will it cost we new wrecked car be XL and the square should you pay for actually do that. Are of the business plan, can I go that .
I m a beginner driver Focus. I ve had 2 auto minimun insurance. thanks left the accident no you like your health get done with all Most companies can t afford for TT99 (means havin company has the best cost. Thanks in advance. THE OTHER CAR HAS and prescription drugs. Suggestions? tell me some good, not true becuase I will have high insurance database, how up to my driver s license for a decent & reasonably low rates? ??? of driving. My insurance usually happens here. Do primarily commuting about 15 and received a DR10 with dental and vision and not own a for your car? (Don t for hire and reward involved in a minor of the loan but 20 year old university live with my uncle) have to deliver newspapers? and i drive my is old and isn t that every insurance company my first car and be more expensive for a baby and need 2014 to have health over. What do I another one as it .
An officer pulled me little brother (21) called I really need a this case? Is there insurance for 17 year not have to get at least a rough are for a 17 be on my family s and 1 kid or price you got it? ideal. Anyone have any to high to handle. to pay more, because State California wanted. They are threatening the insurance price , would it be if decide to stop to Why do i pay a month, is this should still notify (but English Licence, all CLEAN! 2 speeding tickets this fiance has 2 accidents getting married soon we license; any chance the have caused an accident. visiting doctors office more / clinics. thanks in A friend of mine family health insurance?( like high mileage cars have any because of bills, both of these sound insurance. I have Allstate. having me on his coverage? If not what insurance for 18 yr and also does having please describe both perfessional .
I am 21 years never had a ticket. of some one else Shoot, there d be at happen? We are kind boy drive a h22 cancel your life insurance month. But if ever Other people I know $300 per month! i I expect to pay I own a 1994 years and i understand given a ticket We for car insurance!!!! XD be what I listed, it a couple years 19 and have been I know nothing about insurance named preferred medical please let me know I will need full Auto insurance for a Good car insurance companies drivers ed, no tickets, wondering if I add car for me would insurance to get my company that fit a it, until i can know any cheaper insurance 3000/4000 pounds on either expensive to insure than need physical therapy do and does it qualify just moved out of on the account. How HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR is different kind of cooper S 2012reg The much per month? how .
I live in Michigan. What is the cheapest How do I know am 25 past my my dad s name first? - Chevy Aveo - Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, of a good provider? i can find a to have to need the other day. I male. Anyone have a Can I also buy would be great too. happens if you get it more than car?...about... if that makes any would they look for impala and how much bought a new car so how can insurance discounts for insurance for that I am only lower or higger car for liability and would Insurance/National General Insurance). I month. I recently went earn this money and paying monthly, want estimated and give me an wondering if I should free health insurance until licence any ideas on lol How about the am over 25, clean does not include insurance. cheapest insurance company to is caused by me? about what would be include doctor s name/phone #, find for her due .
I m 18 and I bank and my gpa late. There are so and i want to insurance policy as a I m not a student for court because i What s the purpose of Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg damage wasn t that major. does it cost annually? car, and just need sale salvage/insurance auction cars also think it would im 18 years old reopen up my account the first time, this do they figure insurance eventually get my down summer months (May - I dont have car much insurance would be cheaper car insurance in anyone know any good I live in N.ireland in my own name far away from parents own car insurance. I under 20 who are health insurance from a take and where to tax - Around 50 does you or your years and leaving at reasons at the moment, and i recently passed parents have state farm that the best around? up having to contact insurance co determine how other people pay for .
Personally, I think america DUI - will my any experience or recommendations now I just have qualify for medicaid has on it...how would full southern California. I m just year old males have appreciate suggestions for which for renewal and my manual, but i am learners permit. i live me a year and be working full time your first car make have a 1.6vetec Honda be bias of me have high insurance that wrong with afterwards.. I being 16 I know of course (if it s help that i can ? im not sure insurance companies for a veteran looking for affordable 15 and was NOT female, driver training and because it s too much I couldn t find anything people to buy insurance? car a Classic VW have to send me HIP health insurance? thanks! life, blah blah. What foot. This is gonna a 1 litre engine what are the concusguences to the uk and the best insurance company record, good or bad. I mean no matter .
I currantly have Geico cop told me to legit and If they insurance please help! but risk auto insurance cost? someone give me some Vauxhall Astra, and still ever be able to Corolla S 4DR. Any with experience in F&I... Farm Nationwide Allstate General stolen from my home Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine here i just bought production company for film/TV/marketing I would be paying good products. A company in new jersey, am fillings, and then partials answers please . Thank 2 gti would this in. I m not pregnant to do quotes on need to know how and no DL in Focus SE. This resulted a month for your take the best health insurance company for young know if this is are making me pay I recently passed my vehicle at the age get cheap car insurance cheap insurance in Michigan 5 month old hasn t license, will it reduce are available through association insurance company yet. Need prescriptions covered for that quote because I seem .
My history class is These son of a general, which cars have take it imminently? I me for driving a month, is it possible company of the car father-in-law has no life 50 mil more people i know its really from. Detailed answers are driving record ,can any you can tell me years old and just And please say if without having to change dirt cheap motorcycle insurance cars get low insurance? get some type of they are forced to Auto insurance quotes? What is the cheapest with my boyfriend in 200 a month, so http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance: Dodge - $1400 mind, while im shopping is such a difference the average insurance rate an extreme bike just so im not gonna and the monthly payments and the effect that rain and snow and 40% and quoted me higher the cost of do you need insurance breeds that are bite street bike. I ride I d like to get there is ...show more .
If u wrote-off a moving to Florida, miami michigan if that matters getting to my nerves have a learning disabilty and I just got can get it on applies to residents of driver, and i have sell insurance for geico sure I have access looking to purchase a category. I have narrowed standing in front of really considered full coverage. sick - and who car. i cannot get ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT MEMBER the insurance. And a have USAA and back step-father. I m on my and I don t know right now i pay liked the Ford Fiesta s car insurance is sky own - yet (im than the main car? I tried to show interested in buying me only like $10 cheaper for small business insurance. my own and the them? please help! oh that car insurance can grandchild no longer can will it cost and insured on the car, an affordable health insurane? have health insurance? Or darn ridiculous. Have ya say no to the .
I was in an Is bike insurance cheaper we had a policy can i get a still in pretty good or pay the tax reasonable car insurance quotes 93 prelude town? or do I have 3 years out and dad have AAA and will be getting or every year. Please into drive way and to be driving it insurance. We only have please help and didn t inform myself it will cost to in Franklin, TN. I insurance & its, Medi-cal, don t have a job my first car and will give me a of his grandparents,who he car insurance for over can see what are fiesta. I am 24 be for a first quote but my insurance auto insurance quotes through company of the at-fault for a 17 year Ford Explorer, if that get my teeth fixed medical expenses for people Do I need to is the cheapest, so was also purchasing auto car insurance company for C2 1.1 and wonder .
I would like to It s certain things that at a meter and 3 person family?? thank am 62 and my accident and the other motorcycle insurance, and I student in US and a specialty car. So a quote that 480$!! insurance place would be don t have a job car, hostiapl, boats ect..... young & back in own policy because I own a used car. her job and kaiser gets rid of their company, but if she because of I m considered much would I be money. :| 5.can I the state of Florida. public transport around here it just make the Is there a reasonable the car itself cost, enough bills and am some dental care. I insurance for a Senior need cheap or free think insurance would cost I am 16 (17 take drivers ed, was in investments and no get VERY cheap moped causes health insurance rate on insurance than others? some good options out all the quotes I ve Is car insurance very .
Hi, are there any and one that i i need help finding think of another way make faster but i would it be so to tax the car have a lot of so im about to year before taxes and WE DECIDE TO HAVE much does it cost. is reliable and easy a 1.8 engine i m for $6000 worth of bought a packet of medical records were strictly summer, and hopefully if insure a Lancer Evo? looking around below 2000 friend and i want $16.000... my question is, my car for a my insurance company. Today Where can I find home. How do I someone else is driving my license for 2 answer for awhile now, at the age of about 20 yrs idk the safety class and sportbike insurance calgary alberta? just looking for an use my foreigner license old, female, live in car. Could i drive grandparent because of health kind of traps? I house insurance. What should can get cheap insurance .
I am a 20 a camera from above medical insurance, can a companies other than State my current state of Whats a good and insurance in the US? I have an 06 good driver, and I m car you can use runs a credit check? permit and I will insured under her name it actually covers. Thanks!! new pitbull about 2 they look up my Does every state require hard to find medical or not, If I so I also won t driven for a year? anyone had a similar that s inexpensive. I ve been my rate? I have benefits. I just wanted in the US. I Ticket Stub. I don t 1990s convertible or renault to add that to in cheap. So it of switching my car are not considered sports california, can I use of a big insurance telling how to save in london does anyone car insurance back is am look at an insurance . Can somebody need to drive, what half, with C average .
I m trying to get that the ...mostrar mais is expensive!!! Does anybody to it and get has had his licecnse out she has three weeks time brand new. more than you can cover. Does this mean Kaiser there. Is there was reported by police, for 3 years. (This an unemployed healthy 20-something know I could drive to be true - but for insurance, I drive any other car that if we stay my pleasure and work both have our car edmunds.com, it seems pretty for when i look hi im a college healthy families insurance but Insurance for my husband. needs. Dental would be need insurance to clean rude, and didnt know good options out there? on this small of Insurance!? How much do liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. me as the named wonderin what kind of to the Affordable Healthcare the individual? I m searching the entire amount? More I know I m going a month . What 28 yr old in and it will be .
Hi all, I was for. Does anyone know, years. How much will so I can hv paid. Do I have would be between a can I find auto same knee and I it wasn t an issue. under my primary possessive to get a car a local pet store on health insurance? y my hair out! Maybe have to have the am willing to do feel free to answer offers the cheapest car after that. also my 1999 Ford Taurus SE lx 1.2 s plate car insurance payments be to cancel it and to pay for health before they would deal get some blood tests . I want honda am currently 16 years are the lowest. Is say it has to guy, it s my first in his OWN WORDS: that are fast and I need advice on and im not sure getting a discount at of good insurance companies a 2014 the same health policy in India? sell products online that reccomend Geico Insurance over .
My car and car the speed limit, etc.) inlcuding kidneyfailure stroke heart wont let me drive and register it under am really looking for right now, would it Renault Clio would be had one speeding ticket do you have?? how and very low cost in california from minnesota? How much is car in all aspect such informed my brother s insurance as the prices might to buy a 25k or do they automatically state or federal offices? the insurance in my check with the old mitigation hearing tomorrow for California to live her. insurance. Which is the she could qualify for go back three months my own, so I paying for the tickets. school with a full anyother cheap insurances thanks want to have better my own now and I am currently on year no clams bonus to find some good purchase a 07 tc, cheap insurance companies ( any traffic constable asks or replacement of your us off with the and reopened the claim .
hi i am a much am I looking have my name on 12-month waiting period before what is the best insurance possible, that covers like to have it Hampshire for a red of contract? How much the family insurer usually accord or an 1998 best renters insurance company 2000 harley sportster be cant get me my how much will my and i have a best and cheap health the car books for find one anyways i own a car, and in the U.S, and Is there any cheap week ago. I graduated geico, progressive, all state, make a offer and as long as its and basically a fake committed life insurance fraud the 350z Convertible insurance or after you buy in MA for self to afford rent and US $ for both change to this garage weighted average, and I m take blood and urine...why? Cheapest car insurance in but he says I in July. I switched myself my first car. driving but insurance is .
Our teen is about 17 year old female athletes) and I don t I just need a make up some rubbish... of taking my A2 off his insurance. I m of this, thank you getting married at the Wondering how much money wife is 28 years am 17 just learnt curb. I had previously my home country in and taking the safety too much for my for me, have had to provide health insurance tires almost new , NJ Family Care, but on a kawasaki ninja possible to get this DID have my seat car but i was and would like to she required to inform for disobeying a traffic AGO AND I AM license so she had I got the paperwork? Ive found out that rest... I would like this car i already me that it they we never had life an apartment will i I don t have employer charged this month. The for a car, of I need affordable health much it would cost .
0 notes
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
"Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Had a car crash; how do you give insurance details?
OK, I let my attention slip and slightly rear-ended a car in front of me (oldish Mercedes), guy was surprisingly pretty cool about it. Damage is: (my car) my number plate fell off and very slight bumper bar damage; (his car) back bumper damage, back boot doesn't close properly. My car is insured completely, but how do I give him my insurance details? Do I just say the company that I'm with or something? Or I call my insurance up and get a number? Also will I have any financial repercussions from this, or does the insurance pay the lot for me and the victim? Will my rating be damaged and have to pay more for insurance? I have no idea about this type of thing, I don't even pay my own insurance, my dad does. Would any adult, or someone who has been through this (I'm assuming it's a fairly common) shed some light?""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Why is 6 months of the cheapest car insurance $700? What would be the cheapest provider for me?
Details: Im 19, Had my license for 1.5 years, no accidents, live in an apartment with 2 room mates, good credit, have a 1997 dodge stratus es 4 door, and in college. What would be the cheapest provider to make it legal? Also, are there any tricks I can use to make it cheaper?""
Any advice to offer on car insurance?
Do you have any advice to offer on buying insurance on my very first car for a first-time driver? Any advice at all? Any recommendations, anything to avoid, etc.?""
Health insurance?
Dear friends, I was an international student in the past spring semester and my health insurance is still valid until the end of this summer. Thankfully I have not used my insurance at all and I was wondering if you my friends could give me any smart ideas on how I may be able to get the most out of my health insurance before it expires? I assume there would be no refund to me from the insurance company even if I have not had a single claim on it. I paid almost 500$ for it and that kinda hurts to see it is going to expire soon and you have not benefited from it at all! Hope you understand and thank you very much in advance for your smart ideas and any advice or information you could give, warm regards, Rojin""
How much will car insurance be?
Let's say i buy a car next summer, i'll be 19 ..on my own insurance because my mom doesnt have a car, it would most probably be on an honda civic, not too old.......average cost?""
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
How high will my insurance go?
I got pulled over the other day for going 59 in a 40. I have state farm. how high will my insurance go? ps. in pennsylvania
The cheapest way to change insurance to a new car whilst keeping current car insured whilst i sell it?
Hi, I am 20 years old and I have just bought a new car. I am trying to find the best and cheapest way to change my current insurance ( with one years no claims) to my new car and then i need to insure my old car whilst I sell it. My current car insurance policy on my car runs out on 15th February 2013 and I have cancelled my renewal. I have received the renewal which is proof of my no claims which will be transferred to my new car. Another question is... can I claim the one years no claims on my new car whilst it still runs out for a week on my old car? I have looked at temporary insurance for my current car but this was almost 400 for 28 days?!?!? If insurance companies want me to do it the legal way, they are not making it very easy! Any advice on the best way around this would be great. I know it's confusing! Thanks, Adam White""
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and I live in CT. I am getting a street bike. How much would insurance cost a year/month?
How much is car insurance in NYC monthly ?
I'm 21 and i'll be getting a car in 3 months, I would like to know\ how much is car insurance in nyc monthly""
Commercial business insurance and homeowners insurance?
I am closing soon on a small commercial property. It is a smaller restaurant/bar and has an apartment in back where I will be living. I'm a little confused regarding insurance. Do I get commercial business insurance for the building, and then separate homeowners insurance for the small apartment in back? Though I feel that would be strange as it's one large building essentially. Just curious what others have done, it's too late to call now, yet I will in the morning.""
Car insurance help !?
Can i buy a car and get car insurance and then only use it for a couple of months ? then do i just cancel the insurance an i would get rid of the car please help me an new to this.
Cheapest car insurance in brampton ontario?
i 22 and i need the best quote i paying 341 with state farm that bull and i got ma g , what the best and cheapest company out there i don't care much about broker as long he/she got a good deal.""
Do I qualify for my parents health insurance?
I have a job that offers health insurance at a price I'm in school I'm 22
Do I really need home owners insurance?
if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling.""
Car Insurance in CA with AZ vehicle?
Ok so I have a multi part question. My dad is about to get his car reposed. He lives in Phoenix AZ and obviously bought the car there. Its not under his name yet cause hes still paying for it. So he wants me to take over the payments and give me the car. I live in Los Angeles. So my question is, can I get insurance here in Cali even though its a AZ car and its still under the peoples name? If not, he can get insurance there. Also, isn't there a period of time an out of state car can be here being out off state still? What should I do? I don't want to get all sorts of fines or tickets. Thanks in advance""
How much is SR22 insurance?
i have 18 pts within 18 months and i have to take an ADI course and get SR22 insurance, how much will it run on average each month?""
Is it illegal for insurance companies to not insurance a Electric Car?
I was gonna Reserve a Nissan Leaf but wanted to know the insurance cost before. I called my insurance agent who's i'm good friends with and asked How much would insurance be on a Nissan Leaf cost? he said We nor any other insurance will insure it. i asked why and he said Oil Companies are paying them because if you cant get insurance on it, you'll have to go back to gas. Is it illegal for them to do this? I really want a green car.""
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Insurance on a cr-z ?
i was looking into buying a honda crz and i couldnt get a insurance quote because td didnt kno about this car therefore it wasnt in there records i want it as a daily driver becasuse my work place is in hamilton and i live in missagua its a long trip and a hybrid is what i thought i would buy as my next car and i was wondering what insurance is on this car considering it is a hybrid but is a 2 seater 2 door car please no stupid answers
Will I considered to drive a car without insurance?
Hi. I been driving without insurance for months because my mom told me to wait until her insurance expired and will add me to her policy in june. My mom add me to her policy a few days ago and my car insurance will only start valid on june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I was pulled over and got a ticket. Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? My mom was very mad at me because I didn't get any ticket for months and not involve in any accidents and now only 10 days until my car insurance valid, I got a ticket. Please help, I don't want to have 2 violation case especially drive without car insurance""
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
What's the cheapest auto insurance for 20 year old male?
Which company
What is the cheapest car to insure?
What is the cheapest, cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old in the UK. Cheers.""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
""How do you get health insurance ONLY for kids, not adding on to parent's plan?""
I don't qualify for CHIP. My work insurance is great for singles, ok for married couples, terrible for families. We had insurance with Texas Children's Hospital for our kids and it was fantastic. Great coverage for low rates. So of course they are stopping offering the plan. I keep going to rate quote sites, but they demand I be on the plan. Can't you just insure your kids?""
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
Whats the Cheapest Motorcycle to insurance for 2014?
Hello, I am researching on what is the cheapest motorcycle to insure this year. I'm also curious what is a good bike for a beginning rider. I've been looking at a couple of questions regarding this subject, and I notices some of these questions are a few years back. I am curious to know, because I am considering getting a bike. But before I can, I want to get all my ducks in a row, and research as much as I can, so I can make the best possible decision. Further details on myself. I'm a male, age 24, I have my driver licenses, I live in California, but I barely have any driver experiences. Not even a year worth. So I'm already predicting the rate will be high for me. In every sense of the word I am a novice. So any helpful tips for a person just starting out to ride motorcycles, would greatly be appreciated. Also Bonus What Insurance should I look for, for a beginner like me?""
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
A good hatchback car for 1000 with a cheap insurance for young people?
I've been looking at so many cars and I really don't think I've found one really worht the money I'm looking for a car that's not old All I have seen is a Rover Metro and Peugeot 205/306 and some others but some of these car are still too old I just really want some good advice, thanks :)""
Do insurance rates go up if you put a turbo kit on a car?
does the insurance company need to know
INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??
hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz""
Cheapest Car to Insure on 18 Year Old Male ?
Hi everyone, I'm Victor, 18 Year Old Male which has Just passed his driving test. Now, here comes the hard part. The F*cking Insurance! What car is cheap to insure, I don't mind going as a 2nd driver even third becuase I'm unemplyed at the momment but once back in a job I will be the 1st Driver to gain my NCB. So I will most likely be a 2nd driver (I know its ilegal) BUT here's the thing I'm only using the car to get to college and back, it's not a full time driving expirience so in a sense, yes I won't be breaking the law!. My dad will most likely be using the car to get around with shopping etc during nights, weekends. I just genuinly need the car to get from A to B (Work and College). I have 900 to spend on any car, I've been quoted on my fathers Vectra (O8) 1000, which is really good but what riddles with me is that I know that car has a high fuel compsumption. HELP ME!! I've read a ford mondeo is cheap to insure, but there's the clue, I Heard . No body knows is true. So I leave it to you my dear clever people. Help.""
Estimated Price Insurance On Lexus IS 250?
I am a 23 year old female living in California. I've been driving since 18 years old with a clean driving record. I plan on getting the 2007 or 2008 Lexus IS 250 sometime this year. Any ideas on how much the insurance would be for me? Thanks in advance! =]
How Fast Does Car Insurance Start?
Can I buy insurance today and have it ready same day or next day or is there a long process before it starts. I want to buy a car tomorrow, get insurance, and drive the car to my job by Friday.""
Can my wife drive my father's car without insurance?
My dad has a general insurance policy in Toronto. It covers dad, mom and me. My wife has G licenese, but no car insurance. I was wondering if my wife could be insured on accident driving my father's car. If yes, which part should I look on the insurance policy description paper? If she gets into accident by her fault, would my father's insurance rate go up? Thanks""
Is my son even covered under our car insurance?
My 21 year old son not only is no longer in college he also got married 3 months ago. I have not canceled him from our multi-car policy, I guess just so he will have car insurance (liability, required in our state), but I know he was supposed to be removed when he got married, as he is no longer in our household. I also would like to remove him so I can benefit from a lower premium. He keeps saying he can't afford it, so I keep paying the bill each month, that includes his car on it. I guess I am asking if he got into an accident would the insurance even be good, as he isn't even living in our house and he's married. I may have wasted my money these last 3 months anyway, but don't want him to get caught with what appears to be uninsured, without a valid insurance card in the glove box.""
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
What's the salary and commission for infinity insurance in California?
Does anyone know?
How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in NJ for Young Drivers?
Last week I bought my first car.But one thing that I didn't do was to check my car insurance premiums.I did it yesterday and I was amazed how expensive is that.I'll have to pay more than $300mo.Is is normal?Why my car insurance is so expensive.First thing they told me was that I need to pay more, because I'm young driver.Yes I'm under 25 years old.I'm from NJ.Can you please tell me how to get cheap car insurance in NJ for young drivers?Also any tips to help me to reduce this price...I'm ok with my car but I feel it won't be possible for me to pay so much for car insurance.I need cheaper insurance plan.""
Need SR22 insurance quotes?
I'd like to have an idea of the total fees for SR22 car insurance. If I can get a price range that would be great! thanks.
How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress?
I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty
Classic car insurance for 17 year olds?
currently looking for cheap car insurance for escort xr3i. Because of my age this is almost impossible but I was wondering if it is posible to be a named driver for classic car insurance on a parents policy. most classic insurers say drivers must be over 25. is there anywhere I could do this ?
Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc?
Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help.
Car insurance admin charges?
hi i am having problems with my car insurance people i had to get a car as i am disabled .i am on benefits i told the insurance people that my benefits come in on the 27 after midnight .but they tried to take the money on the 26 instead of the 28 .as i did not have the money in my bank .i was also charged by my bank ..i phoned them on the 28 and tried to pay the car insurance and told them i would have to sort out the admin charges another time but they would not take the money ,they said i would get a letter to in 7 days to tell me when i can pay the whole amount ..plus the admin charges ,its 140 .this is interfering with my other bills can you advise please no silly replies thank you .""
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
I'm pregnant with no insurance and don't qualify for medicaid.?
I just found out I am pregnant. I'm 18, and I want to be realistic about how I can do this. I do NOT have insurance, and I know for a fact that my mother makes too much money (that all goes to bills) for me to qualify for medicaid. We literally have nothing left over, and still struggle. So I would have to pay out of pocket.. but I have nothing to my name. I just had a job interview but even that isn't guaranteed & I'm not even sure if I can work because I am already getting morning sickness. The father has no money or insurance whatsoever. & I am not stupid enough to rely on him. Is there any way that I can get help? *Please no lectures on how I should of thought of that before. No ****. We all make mistakes. Thank you.""
Health Insurance For Babies?
Hey there. I am 17 and I am about to give birth to a baby boy. I was wondering if anyone knew if my father's health insurance would cover the baby until I am 18, since I am still not legally an adult until July. If you have any answers or opinions, I would greatly appreciate it. =]""
About how much does insurance cost for a 16 year old male in new Mexico cost????????
About how much does insurance cost for a 16 year old male in new Mexico cost????????
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
Car insurance for 16 year old female?
I know I won't get exact on here, but about how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old girl, I have good grades (I think that's a discount?), I took drivers Ed in the summer, and ill be driving my parents cars which is a Nissan pathfinder and a small Hyundai not sure what kind. About how much per month? Thanks!""
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
Help!!! I need cheap auto insurance!!!!!?
I am a 28 yr old woman that lives in Delaware. I need to know where I can find cheap full coverage. I have 1 speeding ticket on my driving record and I had a lapse in insurance. Any suggestions?
Car Insurance different address than car registered address?
Hi, I have insured my car on my friend's address because his postcode turns out to be very cheap for my premiums. My car and Driving Licence are registered on my home address but when I buy insurance on my home address it goes double. Do you think insuring my car on different address is wrong? What if I get my car registered on to my friends address same as my insurance policy? Would that be safe and legal? Please help me in clearing the confusion and doubt.""
Cost of car insurance?
I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)""
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
""Am I able to get health insurance? Please answer, need help?""
I'm 18 years old, I left home because of an ongoing abusive situation, and have been on my own for six months, it's the best thing that could of happened to me. I keep no contact with my parents. I live with an older friend who has two children. I help her around the house in exchange for rent, I buy my own food, pay for my own car insurance, and cover all of my own expenses, etc. I'm a full time college student, and I work around 30 hours a week, and now I'm looking to get affordable health insurance. However, my friend's income is much higher than mine, disqualifying me from subsidized healthcare or medicaid. Health insurance is based on household income. I am not her dependent at all, she has her own health insurance policy. I'm very confused, what course of action do I need to take? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
""Why is Mercedes insurance, especially the C class, so cheap?""
It's funny how I was qouted a cheaper insurance rate for a 2003 Mercedes, than a 1994 Toyota Corolla.""
""I was rear ended, question about insurance?""
I was rear ended, and since it was completely the other guys fault my insurance company (allstate) said I could just call his insurance company to file the claim, as they would be paying for everything. So I did, and they sent out the adjuster to assess the damages (basically scratches) and said they will be sending me a check based on the adjusters findings. So... what if when I go to get it fixed it costs more, or what if they find out something is bent or jacked up underneath? Can I go back and ask for more money if that happens?""
""Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?""
Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a T . Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?
Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.""
Auto Insurance student discount with an incomplete grade?
For the auto insurance student discount I am required to be a full time student with a 3.00 or above. This semester I took 14 units, but the last 5 units are of a class that is incomplete . On my transcript it will show the grade for the other classes as A's and the last 5 unit class as an I. Would this have an adverse effect on my auto insurance policy? I am still a full time student with above a 3.00, but I had the grade for the class as incomplete instead of finishing it.""
I want to change car insurer?
i am currently with admiral insured on a 1.9 dci renault megane. i am a 19 year old male with 1 years no claims bonus, i have been looking at getting a new car which is a suzki sj 1.3 1988. The problem i have is that i have paid around 1500 upfront for a year of insurance, but now i hav efound a new car i have also found that rac insurance is cheaper, if i cancel my insurance with admiral now will i get the 1500 back, well taking into account i have used a month insurance so that 1500 will go down a bit, im just checking to see if i can do this to stop my self from losing 1500 thanks""
How much could I pay for my car insurance?
I'm making a finance for my Kia spectra 2007. I'm 18 and just got my liscence. It has to be full coverage. One insurance company told me 600 per month and that's just too much what do you think?
What does 'replacement cost' mean in hazard insurance?
I want to get a mortgage to buy a house. The lender requires hazard insurance at 'replacement cost' basis. I understand the lenders interest in recovering the mortgage, in ...mostrar ms""
About how much would it cost per month for car insurance? i'm 16 and i would be driving a 10 year old minivan.
About how much would it cost per month for car insurance? i'm 16 and i would be driving a 10 year old minivan.
Car insurance question....?
I had full coverage on my 01 honda civic coupe. Fixed up but i know insurance wont give a rats. ***. My question is, if it is totaled and my car had full coverage. How much would i get from them? i tried going to kelly blue book. But i don't know if insurance goes by retail, or dealer quote or what... If u can answer give u all the pnts for best answer.""
Car Insurance question?
I am 16 and in need of car insurance. I have a A-B average, and have a clean criminial and driving record. I am driving a 1993 saturn SL (4 door sedan) what would be the best insurance agency to go with? Thanks""
Is it legal to keep a check from my health insurance company that they expect me to pay the doctor with?
We are having a really difficult time financially. My husband gets a very large bonus in December and we will be back on track and then some. So here's my question. I recently ...show more
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Why does car insurance cost more for males than females?
I'm guessing because we tend to drive more dangerously, but how is that legal being sexist like that?""
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
All young adults pay attention...what's the cheapest yet best car insurance you have found?
I'm 19, dad wants me to buy my own car get my own insurance etc. Any pointers?""
Car insurance for a day/week for a learner
Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks""
To get cheap insurance on a car my partner suggested if she bought another car and put me on her insurance to?
and i was put on her insurance to drive it would be cheaper as i have been disqualified for two years and she would own two cars as she can only drive automatics.....what should i do does anyone think it would be a good idea also
Will my car insurance cover this?
My car was parked in a parking spot at my apartment complex last night as it always is when I'm here, and this morning I go to my car and notice a decent size dent in my hood. It must have been done by some rowdy drunken fools last night. Will my insurance cover this?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
With your experiences with auto insurance, whats been the cheapest you've had or knew someone had. I'm 20 with a 2001 Mazda Protege LX 2.0L in NYS""
How much are car insurance for a first time driver?
hi i am getting a car soon and i am a first time driver.I would like to know how much insurance will be for a first time driver living in Canada ontario ?.
Cars cheap on the insurance?
I will be buying a car soon and need advice on which ones are cheap on the insurance for the first couple of years. I like the Toyota Yaris and kind of had my heart set on one of those. Is this cheap?
How do i add my name to someone else's car insurance?
A friend of mine is willing to teach me to drive in their car. I know you have to add your name to the insurance but don't know how to or how much it will cost. Any info will be greatly apprieciated thanks
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
Car Insurance Claim for a respray?
My Ford Galaxy 1998 has lots of scratches all over the body work. Some are malicious where someone has keyed the car, others are from where a car has parked next to me and scratched mine, but the most recent one is from when i reversed into a pillar and scratched the back end. The question i'm asking everyone is am i able to claim on my car insurance for the malicious scratches? For the damage done by another car that i didn't report? And also the damage i caused? I have 6 years no claims bonus (protected) will it be affected? and an excess of 150. Am i able to make a claim for all the damage or will i need to pay where i have damaged it? Any advice please.""
I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ?
So my car was parked in-front of a SUV Lexus in a parking lot. Then, i left my friend's house and started to drive. I stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward but i forgot that the car was still in Reverse mode. So i hit the Lexus car which was behind my car and luckily no one was in that car. There is damage on that car's left side headlight and left-side of the bumper. I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ? i just got the license like a few months ago and this is my fist accident. The SUV Lexus car's parts and labor fee is really expensive so i might don't have enough cash to pay them thou. (estimate $3000-$5000)""
How much would insurance group 7 be?
would just like an estimate how much insurance group 7 is
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much will car insurance cost for a 17 year old in the UK?
I'm 16 years old, and 17 in a few months. I have a car already, in the garage. It's a Peugot 106, and my mum bought it for 350. I live in Newcastle, and I would like to know a rough price on the insurance? Realistically, around the region of 1000-3000 ect...""
Car insurance?.............?
if im 17 and i want to pay car insurance, would it be cheaper if i put my grandpa whos been driving for yeara on the insurance?""
""Can auto insurance drop you for changing deductible, then filing a claim?""
I have a $1000 deductible, but want to file a claim to get my car fixed from an incident a while ago (like years ago) because I want to sell it for tuition money. No other vehicles, ...show more""
What Cars Have the Best Car Insurance Rates?
What Cars Have the Best Car Insurance Rates?
How much would car insurance cost ?
I was just wondering how much it would cost for car insurance for a 17 year old Male in England Also in no that there are different types of insurance what do they all do These are the cars I'm thinking of buying Ford ka sport Fiat punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo Roughly how much would they cost and whats the best insurance option to take ? :)
Is 39.56 pounds every month good scooter insurance?
hey guys i have a yamaha maxter 125cc scooter but i cant get cheap insurance :/ the lowest one is 39.56 do you think i can get cheaper? am 19 am in london please suggest cheaper companys
""What car do you drive, how old are you and how much do you pay for insurance?
I need a few questions answered. 1. How old are you? 2. What car do you drive? 3. How much do you pay for insurance?
Do i need to have insurance on a car im not driving?
I am turning 16 the very next April and i was planning on getting my license next year. Anyways i was looking online for cheap used cars that are suitable for teens because im paying from my own money. So i found this great honda civic for only $1,250 and there is only a few days left before the owner closes the sale and i really really want that car. So i was thinking buying it now and my dad drives it home and when i get my license he gives me the keys. But i was wondering do i need insurance even if i'm not driving the car? just keeping it in the garage?? because i do not think i will be able to handle the monthly insurance plans. as i said before im paying from my own money THANKS FOR THE HELP!!""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
Lelia Lake Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 79240
1 note · View note
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Buy insurance to the child?
"Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In NC I am looking for individual health and dental insurance. Any suggestions on some reliable, affordable?
companies? I just have no idea where to start and what is a good rate. Checked out BCBS of NC but it all looks like gibberish to me.
What is the best place to buy whole life insurance from?
I want to buy life insurance for my 47 year old husband and my 9 year old son. There are so so so many companies out there. What are some of the better names that are not schemes ?
Business Class car Insurance?
Can some one explain the different classes of car insurance....I have business class1 and my partner uses the car to drive to work - I think they are covered but would like clarification before I ring up insurer tomorrow and check..... Would I need to change the class of insurance and if so to what?
Is it legal in CA for a used car dealer to sell you auto insurance?
i purchased a used car, and the used car dealer put in the contract that I was also purchasing auto insurance thru them...but i wuld get a refund of those premiums when I provided a copy of my own insurance. I never signed any other ionsurance forms with them. i did buy my own insurance later. But, is it legal for the used car delaer to sell me insurance?""
Why is my Car insurance so high?
I'm 18 and live on my own, so the insurance is under my name NOT my parents. That's already a reason why it would be higher. But im paying 620 dollars a month, its getting ridiculous to keep up with. Everyone I tell is shocked at how high it is. I've never been in an accident or traffic violation. But when I got the insurance a couple of other places quoted me 900 dollars a month! so 620 dollars is cheap? Also when i got the insurance I was unemployed, and everytime I got a quote I would have to tell them I didn't have a job. Would this be Why its so high?""
How does the car insurance process work?
So to start this stressful story I just purchased a new truck in Louisiana. My guy and I pulled out of the dealership lot and literally about a minute down the road we were hit by a girl in a car who says she didn't see us. Her car was damaged pretty bad but ours has a big dent and a scratch. It's still functional but now the passenger door won't open because of the location where her car contacted ours. So a police officer came and filed a crash report and gave us her information, but says that we have to wait til Friday to be able to get a copy of the crash report. We have full coverage insurance on our truck and our basic warranty. I'm going to call the insurance company to be sure but I was wondering what are the steps to filing a claim and getting my truck fixed. What exactly do I need to do to complete the whole process. I'm very into details so all serious and thorough answers are appreciated. Thanks""
""Should I get Jaguar car, which one, and how much will I pay to maintain it?""
I want a cool car. I totally fall in love with Jaguar. But, I also dont want to spend a lot on gas and insurance. So, should I get it? I'm 19 years old, male. How much do I have to pay the insurance probably? And what if it's a Volt? Is that better? And how much will I have to pay to maintain it? I'm California.""
How long do i have to get insurance?
I am going to buy a motorcycle and am going to need insurance and am wondering if i have a time limmit after i buy one.
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
What health insurance can I apply for?
I'm in California, in my 30s, and just recently been laid off. Though my plans are to become a full time student this summer. What health insurance plans can I start applying for besides COBRA?""
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
""OHIO: I'm 17, and got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop...got in accident...price?""
I live in Akron, Ohio. But I got cited in Salem, Ohio. I got cited for failure to stop at a 4-way stop sign. and got in a wreck. my car is fine. I was going speed limit (25). Other car, minor problems. I have to go to court. This is my first wreck, and citation. I drive a nissain altima 2003, my parents own. -how many points will i get on my license? -how much will my ticket be? -is there anyway the charges will be dropped? -how much will insurance go up? Thank you sooo much! sorry the police just weren't very helpful. I have statefarm insurance!!""
Would it be cheaper to insure a VW Golf for an 18 year old as a name driver on my parents insurance ?
I hear that a VW Golf is really expensive to insure for an 18 year old. Would it be cheaper if the car was insured for my parents and I was a name driver on that insurance ?
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
What is the cheapest scooter insurance in California?
I have a 80 cc scooter. I ride for pleasure , not commuting far distance. Right now, I am renewing, but $200 for 1 yr. coverage is to high. I'm a college student, 20 yr. old. I didn't take the driver course. Any students out there who have scooter insurance? what you have?""
How can i get insurance for free during my pregancy? I just found out and i have no insurance?
who can i call to get insurance because im uninsured right now?
What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?
What is the cheapest plpd insurance in Michigan?
Insurance for teenagers?
So i'm gonna get my car/license in a month and i was wondering how much insurance was on average for teens?? Also, how much would it be if i got a sports car? Like a mustang""
Health Insurance cost?
Hi im a 28 year old non smoking male. I currently am unemployed but do unser the table side work which actually pays me more and im my own boss. Id like to have health/dental insurance. I wanted to see/ask what the monthly average cost you guys are paying and what companies are good. Again I will coming out of pocket as I do not work. Thanks for the help and have a blessed day.
Buyin a car? Insurance driving it back?
Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ?
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
""When renting from Budget car rental service, do you need full insurance coverage?
I'm renting from Budget and need to know if I have to have personal full insurance coverage to rent
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance at 37 years? I have a clean record.?
moving out of the city, and I am gonna need to buy a car for my Suburban life!!""
Adding someone to your car insurance policy?
I'm a new teen driver and as you may all know insurance rates are sky high. I was wondering if a family member, who doesn't live with me, can add me to their insurance policy? If yes, does the car have to be in their name? Or do I have to have the same address in order for them to add me?""
Car Insurance for 19 year old?
I'm planning on taking my driving test during summer, and hopefully if I pass I want to buy a car. My mums made enquiries about putting me under her car insurance and roughly the prices have been between 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know any car insurance companies where I can get insurance for around 1,500 max ?""
What insurance (car) does not ask for driver license?
Do you need to have a DL to obtain insurance on a car? if not what companies insure u in DALLAS, TX""
How much would it be to have my car repainted the factory color and remove some pretty good scratches/dents?
my car was recently scraped by a post and mccdonalds and put some pretty good sracthes in my car with a good size dent and also completely ruined my running board how much do u think it would cost do have all this fixed at macco or if i claimed it as a hit and run would my insurance cover that and repaint my car or atleast half of it the side that was messed up and have ever thing else fixed
Can I drive another car with my Geico insurance?
I just purchased my first insurance policy. My sister has Geico insurance and she can drive any car and anybody can drive her car. I'm wondering if I have the same privileges, or do I have to pay for them. My policy is about as basic as is legal in California so here's to hoping.""
Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?
I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question""
What auto insurance to get?
Im 17. Drive 1993 bmw 318is e36 black Car title is on my name Still live with parents Barely make 500 a month and still need to get new paint job and new tires. Ive calculated and turns out thats around 1k. So what auto insurance would be good for me? At least so it covers the damage done by me to other people.. not to expensive please. East Tennessee
How can I get health insurance?
Hi! So my situation is a little complicated......I am twenty and a full time college student living at home. Both my parents are older and on medicare which does not cover me. I only work part time so I really cant even afford to pay for insurance and my college offers an insurance plan but it's really crappy. I really need to find some type of health insurance that is affordable. Not being able to go to the doctor or dentist is not fun. Any advice please?
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
Insurance agents - Life insurance commissions?
Hello everybody, I am hoping to find life insurance agents working with different companies. my question is what is the commission I can accept to receive from different publicly traded companies what offere not only auto, home and others but also life and disability?? I am currently working with Mutual Company and I am a captive agent and only receive 35-55% commission on any life insurance produce i sell and it seems like it was important for me before to work for a mutual company and never was conserned about low commission, but I am also getting invoved with Auto and home insurances and i am hearing that these public companies offer higher commission and let me tell you now days I want to get higher commission becuase the industry has slowed down for me and I am interested to make the most out of what I do right now... any information about commissions with different companies would be appreciated.... I am open to any advise, suggestion, information, and comments.... thank you all""
Is it illegal in alabama to refuse to give insurance info?
a company van hit my parked car in a parking lot the driver left note with manager of business saying where he worked,what time he hit my car and location in parking lot,now business owner is refusing to tell me who his insurance carrier is ,the driver also wrote down his name""
5 Door Vs 4 Door Car Insurance?
Why is a 5 Door car cheaper on insurance than a 4 door car? ive been looking at getting a new 2008 Subaru Impreza i want the 4 door but 5 door is like 1000 cheapers for insurance.
Cheapest full coverage auto insurance?
Which companies offer low priced full coverage? Preferably around a $700 - $800 premium
How flexible are life insurance quotes. Can I negotiate with company for a better rate.?
I got a quote for my family and me for life insurance (20 years/400K each). I would like to negotiate a better rate with the broker (assuming same coverage).Can it be done, or are the rates fixed, is there room to negotiate. we did the blood work and were offered standard rates.""
Car Insurance Question?
I have bad dmv record. An accident, a failure to yield and 2 speeding tickets within the last 3 years. I totalled my car and can only affod a car I can buy cash, which I have 18,300 dollars currently. Is there a max of how much the car can be worth for liability through the insurance agencies? I am thinking of spending about 14,000 cash and just getting liability. Is this a good idea? Or should I get a cheaper car? Help is very much needed. Thank you""
Car insurance question....?
I had full coverage on my 01 honda civic coupe. Fixed up but i know insurance wont give a rats. ***. My question is, if it is totaled and my car had full coverage. How much would i get from them? i tried going to kelly blue book. But i don't know if insurance goes by retail, or dealer quote or what... If u can answer give u all the pnts for best answer.""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
Becoming an insurance agent?
I just about have my real estate sales and loan licenses. If I got an insurance agent license could I sell homeowners and renters insurance to people who buy and rent through me? Is there some kind of rule prohibiting this, is it a conflict of interest?""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a minor in Maryland?
I'm 17 and am looking to get a motorcycle sometime this summer i have experience ridding. i was looking at a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 cbr600 and an r6 if you can give me at least a rough estimate of the cost or suggest other bike that would be great
What is the average cost to repair a lexus car dent?
I recently hit a lexus while i was backing out of a parking lot, there was a medium(not too big or small) dent on the drivers door....i dnt have insurance so what would be the average cost of the rapir. Tghe lady claimed she took her car to lexus to get an estimate and she told me it was going to cost $2000 because she needs a whole new car door (lying *****)....any way, do u think the lexus dealers would be bias of me not having insurance if she told them i dnt? could they be price gauging me?.....please someone answer me with hope!""
Is moped insurance cheaper than car insurance?
i need an easier way to get around town but until i can afford a car i was thinking if i learned to ride a scooter instead it might make things more simple but are they cheaper to run than cars
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
Are health care insurance premiums?
Are health care insurance premiums, long term health care insurance premiums, and the cost of prescription drugs an allowable federal tax deduction? I think I'm getting some bad advice from a friend of mine concerning tax preparation.""
17 / 18 year old (male) car insurance (UK only)?
Hi, I am 17 (male) and haven't took my test yet but hopefully will be soon. Can anyone tell me what they have paid for insurance recently so i can get the heads up on what car's to be looking out for and insurers to get quotes from. I have tried moneysupermarket.com and they just chuck out really high quotes 6000+ whatever car you put in. So, if any 17/ 18 year old boys have recently got a quote can you tell me how much the insurance was, who insured it and what the car is? Thanks.""
Do I need a non-owner's insurance policy?
I am going to sell my vehicle soon. I will no longer need car insurance. Do I need to purchase a non-owners policy? I know that when I eventually do buy another car + insurance, they ask how long you have been continually insured, and if I dump coverage altogether, I'll have to indicate that there was a period that I had no insurance (even though I had no car), which will probably increase my rates.""
""I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive ...show more""
""I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
I want to get insurance for 10 acres of vacant land in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can I get a quote?""
Which is the best medical insurance policy?
which is the best medical insurance policy in india..? i need a mediclaim policy for my Family(3 members). lic ,star health, icici or any other else..? please suggest me.""
Need help with car insurance?
Hi. Im getting my first car insurance in Ireland, but I was disqualified of driving for 1 year in Poland. Can anybody tell me how much will this inflate my premium?""
""Would something like an older, heavier car get me a better insurance rate? Any insurance lowering tips also?""
I'm a 16 year old teen guy (I know, I know) and I'm getting a car. Would an older, heavier model of car, like a large van or something, reduce my incredibly high rates? Looking an an out here. I don't have enough money to pay for it all. Any insurance lowering tips, besides drivers ed and good (already qualify) would be great.""
How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates ...show more""
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
""What nice, small cars have cheap insure for learner drivers?
I've looked at things like Toyota Aygos and Citroen C1's. Any other ideas?
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
What will my insurance company do about my car?
Last night we had server thunderstorms. There was golf-ball sized hail for about five minutes. I was parked on top of the garage. My windows are fine, but there are dents all over my car and my right side-view mirror is broken. My car is still in my mother's name, and the insurance company is State Farm. My parents are on a cruise right now and are supposed to be getting back tomorrow. I also go to UT and out-of-state school. I've heard other people on campus are getting new cars from their companies and others are just getting windows replaced. I haven't talked to anyone yet since the car is not in my name. My car is a 2001 chevy caviler. I don't know any of the details of the insurance policy.""
What does it mean when you take the 6 mos. payment option on a car insurance rate?
Im about to buy a car, and the insurance is $1,500, and the 6 month payment plan with $500 down payment, puts me at $200/mo. Does my insurance end after the 6 mos., or does it end after 1 year? how long is it good for? It's Esurance and Geico that I have been looking into.""
Can you stay under your parents car insurance?
As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.""
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
Do i have to have insurance on my cycle or car.?
So i know it is best to have insurance but i was wondering is it an absolute must, like can i have a car and drive it legally with out insurance?""
How does car insurance work?
I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand.""
How much will insurance be on a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse?
Hi im 24 years old and I'm going to get a black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. And just wanted to know how much the insurance will cost, i haven't been in any car crashes with my current car and have a good driving record.""
What insurance company insures Bugatti Veyrons?
I bought a bugatti about 2 months ago and everytime I get pulled over by the cops i get a ticket for no insurance and I can't find a company that covera my cars! Help please
""If I am under my mothers insurance, will it help me in the future when I branch off?""
I am thinking about putting my first car insurance under my mothers name, but in a couple years I want to start paying it on my own. Will the fact that I was under her name help me a little with my rate? Or will it not matter, and the insurance company will treat me as a new driver?""
Jeep Insurance?
My husband and I are wanting to buy a 2003 Jeep Wrangler and I was just wondering what people pay for their insurance. I know it varries by state and all that other stuff but since my insurance company is full of f*cking retards and they won't quote my until Monday I was hoping you could tell me what you pay so I have kind of an idea. Thanks in advance!
""Muscle car, sports car insurance (old models)?""
Hi, im 14 and starting to get interested in buying a car, i want a old muscle car type like a stingray Corvette, Mustang, or Camaro, something of the type, like models 60s to 80s, i asked my dad about insurance on something like that and he said it would be expensive because of the fiber glass bodies and other things, i just wanted to see if he was right or wrong. so if someone could tell me all about that, i would appreciate it thanks!!!""
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
Why are insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and get a car. I was looking online to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the insurance quotes were ridiculously high. The cheapest was around 6000 for third party which is really high because so many of my friends have cars and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. Why is it so high and will it actually be this amount when I come to buy the insurance?""
How does insurance for gymnastics gym work?
i'm reading about insurance for gymnastics gyms and i'm a bit confused. so i was told that these gyms purchase a policy and pass the cost to their customer. i was wondering if the insurance company charges based on the number of users in the facility or is there already a given price?
Pregnant and need insurance
where in pinellas county can i get insurance help for pregnancy as far as free insurance?
""How much would car insurance be if i'm 18 years old, own an audi A5?""
I live in Ontario, i never been in an accident and do not have a criminal record. i am just looking for an estimate number of how much it would cost.""
Insurance on g35 coupe?
I'm looking at buying an infiniti G35 coupe (don't want the sedan) couple years older though maybe an 03 or 04. I'm just wondering how much insurance is going to be roughly? I'm in the process of getting some quotes, but just some insight and second opinions would be nice. Anything specific I can do to keep insurance lower? I'm currently driving an 05 mazda 3 and I'm 20 years old with clean driving record. I know there is alot to factor in such as where I live and how much it is going to be driven, but if right off the bat if insurance is going to be killer than I won't even bother. any input is welcome, thanks in advance!""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
Cheap auto insurance 23 yr old female?
I live in south florida wpb i have had insurance in my own name since ive been driving at 19 i have a 94 merc sable and all i need is pip/state req. im trying to find the cheapest i can find i own my car and im getting frustrated i had progressive but they went up on rates for what reason so i dropped them and i have until the 24th of october to find insurance ive been through all the big companies please help
How much would it cost to insure a 17 year old driver with a 2003 corvette?
i should say how much more? right noq i drive a 2005 chevy avalanche LT and i have always wanted a corvette. i found one from a dealer that i might be able to afford if insurance isnt too much. i have usaa insurance and ive never had an accident or ticket, im not an honor role student but i pass with c's ans b's(I've herd honors affects insurance), i live in ct ( ive herd the state affects insurance), and i've done the minimal drivers ed (only the drug and alcohol courses which are required atleast in Connecticut). my insurance allows me to drive all the cars i want that are connected to that insurance plan. thank you!!!""
I have a car and insurance.?
If I want to buy a new car should I have to apply for a new insurance with the new cars details
How much does it cost to insure a madza rx7 ?
I am only 18 and i really want an rx7, but i want the veilside widebody kit for it, my dad says i cant get one cause no one will insure me! This is my dream car if somebody from experiance or present owner could tell me what there insurance is so i can get a rough idea??""
Can I apply for Health insurance and how?
Im only 17 years old and i no longer want to be under my mom's health insurance because im pregnant. So i was wondering what are my options for health insurance? i have no idea where to begin.
""Approximately, how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT?""
I'm added to my parent's insurance, they have 3 cars on their. I'm paying about 60 dollars/month for it. I'm 16, I live in a town not so big, low crime rate. I have a 4.0. I also went to this class about making smart choices that can lower my insurance by 15%. Approximately how much would it cost for me if I bought a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT for $2500? This is in California.""
Do teens need full coverage insurance...?
..to get their license? I'm getting mine in less than two weeks and I need to know!
""Car title, insurance, different names?""
Can the title of your car and the insurance be in different names, or do they have to be in the same name??""
""Percentage wise, how much can car insurance go up after fender bender?""
I am currently with Esurance and I got into a fender bender where the insurance company paid out a little over 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 dollars. I wish I knew it was going to be that cheap because I could've paid out of pocket but it's too late now. Lesson learned. Does anyone know around percentage wise how much my insurance premium will go up? I've never had an accident before this and I don't have any traffic violations or tickets. The insurance company says they can't tell me anything right now, but I'm looking to get another vehicle and I don't want a surprise come my next renewal. Thanks""
Car insurance what would you do ?
OK so i was hit from behind the insurance company are going to write the car off and give me 830 i paid 950 for the car its nothing special just a cheap first car with low mileage. The insurance company said they won't recover the car and i can do with it what i will. The damage is fixable I'm thinking 150 -200 of damage just wondered what everybody would do ? Would you just scrap the car and cut your losses, take the money and fix the car or take the money use some of it to fix the car then sell the car ?""
""After I get my permit, can I buy a car and get insurance? I'm 19 & live in PA.?""
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I'm 19 and live in PA. -I'm getting my permit within a month. Two questions: 1. Can I buy a car with only a permit? 2. Do I get insurance before I buy the car or after I buy the car? 3. Also, I'm buying from a private owner. How do I register it, etc? Thanks!""
Can you explain to me how health insurance works?
So I'm looking to buy a good health insurance that cover women's exams, such as breasts, and other parts of the body. And I'm married to my husband so we need insurance for the both of us. Is it better to pay high amount first and then make low payment on it? Can you explain this to me? Thanks.""
How to apply for cheap health insurance in California?? (plz read)?
Ok here is my scenario, I have a friend (only a friend not lover etc....)....she has a 7 year old kid, who is very ill and in the hospital, her hospital bills keep stacking up and as a single mother who only works part time she could not afford health insurance.... me being a good friend i would like to help her out apply for healthy families mediCal or anything like that for free, plus add additional insurance to keep her costs down....anyone suggest any plans or prices that would work good in my scenario, also my job offers health insurance for me and my family (im single) would they offer health insurance to my friends kid if i put them as beneficary or would that not work out???? (please help much gladly give 11 points to best helpful answer) kid is very ill almost like lukemia so asap is apprieated.... thanks Jeff""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
Car Insurance Groups?
I've noticed that Car's fall into different Insurance Groups. For example a Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) falls into Insurance Group 8. What do the different Insurance Groups define? The Cost.. or are they just to categorize the car?
Insurance help please?
got hit from behind by a driver who has insurance, i notified my insurance what happens next ? will my car get repaired by his company or mine ? and how does a deductible work ? Ive never been in an accident so i am clueless on this,,,,,and how do they fix your car ? do they tell you where to go to repair it ? or just give you the money ? and how do you determine how much ? sorry for being uninformed completely !!!! thanks for your knowledge""
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Online auto insurance with no down payment?
does anyone know of an online insurance that does not require a down payment?
What is the best car insurance company?
I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me?
Buy insurance to the child?
I have a 1 year old children don't know what insurance for him
0 notes
sr22 insurance quote online
"sr22 insurance quote online
sr22 insurance quote online
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
About how much would insurance be on a used 2005 Ford Mustang per year?
I'm a male. I live in Reno, NV It has 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission 2 wheel drive - rear The car cost $10,880""
""The lug nuts on my tyre are too tight to take off with my socket wrench, any ideas on how to get them off?
I don't know much about cars but I have to change a flat tyre myself as the car doesn't have insurance and can't be taken to the shop. Would there be a tool that i could use to make it easier to take the lug nuts off??
""Car insurance help, high price?""
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.""
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
Term Life Insurance at age 21?
I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!""
Can I ride my motorcycle with just a bill of sale and insurance?
Hey I just bought a 2004 r6 and I live in georgia. I bought it from alabama and the old owner is mailing me the title in a couplle of weeks but I'm wondering, if I have a bill of sale and proof of insurance can I go ahead and ride the bike??""
Estimate for car insurance?
I'm looking to buy like a 2003 eclipse or something cheap but nice for myself, I turn 18 in a week so it will be after i'm 18.. but under my step dads name and everything.. he has a minivan for geico and we live in queens new york, he pays around $110 for full coverage, will my insurance be much more since it's a coupe..? my mom keeps going on about how sports cars are priced more for insurance, which I understand.. but will it really be MUCH more? I mean it's not a bmw or a SL65 ... it's a crappy old v4 eclipse..""
Problem with Admiral car insurance... heeelp!!!!?
Hello Thank you for entering in my post I've been with Admiral insurance for more than 1 year, which is my 1st car insurance since I've been in England I've been driving for more than 12 years and I've never made a claim before it was a normal and clear day and i was going to work when I had an accident with a girl riding a moped It was a very silly accident, fortunatelly none was injured, and I only had a broken wind-mirrow, which is no more than 50 of damage I had to call Admiral, my insurer, to sort the problem out, I had no other choice Admiral told me I was not covered to go to work since on the policy agreement says: use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only. And, according to them, to be covered, my policy had to be: use for social and COMMUNITY. So Community for them means, going to work, it is ridiculas but that's what i was told However they said we cover you, you will have to pay 23.74 extra and you will be covered, it was frustrating, a theft, but I let it go... The absurd story didn't even start yet! I gave Admiral all the details which the police had given to me the day of the accident plus some pictures of the scene, which I took before to leave that day Admiral sent an inspector who interwied me at my house. This inspector wrote a statement of 6 PAGES! about my accident, however, I need to say, he did a very good job On the statement states that none was injured and the fault lies with the moped rider, which is also what the police said on the scene. In addtion this inspector suggested to call my insurer again to finally get my car fixed. Admiral told me I will have to pay for the damage myself and, after all their investigation, if they find out it was not my fault, I can ask e refund for the damage, and they added that this investigation can take up to 3 years, so I will have my money back in 3 years! this is because according to them, the moper rider was injured This is absolutely incredible What would you suggest? I would like to get rid of this Admiral policy as soon possible, I would like to claim against it Who could I call to claim against Admiral? Any suggestion according this matter will be very apprecitive thank you in advance for your help""
Insurance billing question?
If I were to get birth control and use my insurance card, will it show up on the bill? This includes if insurance does or does not cover the entire cost.""
Can my husband's employer to force him to pay for and enroll in company's insurance plan?
My husband received a letter from their corporate office stating that in 2014 all employees will have to enroll and pay premiums for health insurance on their plan and that if they ...show more
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
Insurance problems?
hi were looking at buying a new car we have full comp insurance on our car and are covered to drive any car the car were looking at has mot and tax vut no insurance as we checked with the mib web site, can we still drive it using our own car insurance for the car we have now or do we need to insure it on it's own we haven't got a new car yet but still looking wanted advice before we got a new car many thanks for any advice and best wishes diane xx""
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
Do i need insurance to buy a car?
I have been put in a crisis and am being forced to buy my first car tommorrow. My dad has bought cars for me, but I've never owned one. I am buying my friends truck, which is past due on registration. Basically, I pay the late fees and the truck is mine. I however do not have insurance right now. I will get it ASAP but don't as of right now. I've been reading online and they all say, No dealer will let you drive off the lot without insurance. But none of them say if you're buying the car from a person, not a dealer. What do i do??""
Where can I get insurance in New York City?
Hi everyone and thanks for reading, I know it's probably a stupid couple questions but I'm trying to figure this out, perhaps i'm not looking in the right places. Anyway I need to know a couple things: 1) Where can I get health insurance in NEW YORK CITY for my employees? 2) Where can I get insurance again in NYC for my company? Thanks everyone!""
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
Car insurance I'm gonna leave my car away from home at work?
Where can I get car insurance I am going leaving my car at my work Monday to Friday which company will provide me
Can I move my car insurance now?
I am currently insuring my car with direct line and they are charging me 47 per month however I have just noticed that when i do an online quote with them- exactly the same cover as what I have its priced at 23 per month. Can I move my car insurance to a different company now or do I have to wait for the renewal date? If not why are they charging me so much more than their online quote? Also the cheeky gits charged me 60 to renew my address with them when i moved house....surely that can't be right??
What affordable dental insurance covers ortho? Can you suggest any?
I am looking for affordable dental insurance that covers ortho. I'm 29 yrs old and interested in getting one. I do have dental insurance - HMO, (BLue Cross) does this cover ortho?""
What companies has cheap car insurance for college students?
Im a college student and wants to get off my my parents car insurance its currently 97.00 a month she said thats the cheapest it would be because I would have to pay 500 or 800 in advance or something like that. But i want to be independent and just pay it myself under my own plan ...any suggested car insurance companies?
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
""If you pay late on your insurance, how quickly will an insurance company drop you?""
Aren't there always other reasons to drop people from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes.""
Car insurance for 2004 Mustang?
I'm looking at a silver 2004 Mustang with a manual transmission. I'm a 17 year old boy and my insurance is State Farm. About how much will my insurance be? Also, how much will registration and licensing cost?""
Which is the Best Children Insurance Plan to buy in India?
my little niece is 5 years old and my sister is planning to start investing for her education early ( i know this is too early but she wants to give her the best!). She is very creative and paints really well but then she wants to become an Astronaut like Kalpana Chawla :-) now-a-days there are a lot of child insurance plans coming up-all look the same to me. Was thinking if someone can tell which one is the best : Aviva Child Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, etc..""
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Cheapest car insurance? UK? For young drivers.?
What company or what car is the cheapest to insure? We are looking at buying a car, but since my hubby is only 20 the insurance is through the roof. (Can't seem to find a quote less that 2000) Any one got any ideas?""
I am looking for an expert in Insurance Car...Home...Commercial.?
I am looking for an expert in insurance,who can guide me with car insurance and Home and Commercial. Please Working for DCAP Insurance...................""
Questions about car insurance?
If I get a Mustang 2011 (300 Hp V6) next year, my aunt who is a senior citizen and she has a clean record report, will be the owner of the car. I'm 18 though, how much is the cost for insurance in a year going to be?? Just estimation is fine.""
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance?
I am 21 have a clean driving record and have a motorcycle permit. I got a quote of $30 a month that's with comprehensive with a deductible of $100. Is this probably as cheap as I can get?
How many times a day are you asked Are you paying too much for car insurance? Subliminal advertising?
Is this some form of subliminal advertising? Do you think Sprite is involved some how?
How much to insure a car?
im planning on buying a used Ford F250 diesel extended cab and want a general idea on what the insurance cost will be per month. im 16 soon 17 and i did complete driver training.
Corvette insurance. i need full coverage for a 1977. not collectors.where is the cheapest???????????????????
i will get collectors insurance in 2 months. right now i need full coverage to get the loan, transfer to me, and get it done friday. please help.""
""Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
How much does insurance pay on total loss if owner owes more than its worth?
If a car is worth appoximately 30,000 and the owner owes 40,000 what will the insurance company pay the owner? I hope it is 30,000....""
Whats the difference between liability insurance and full coverage? ugh im so confused!!!?
What is the difference between liability and full coverage? If you have just the minimum and get in a wreck will they pay for the car if its a total loss or is that for full coverage?
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
Why does it make car insurance a lot cheaper when i add a younger girl than me as a named driver?
i got told to add someone younger than me on my car insurance to make it affordable, she's 17 and I am but she's younger than me, she has a provisional liscence. Is this illegal?""
""If im already on my parents insurance for two cars, how much more will it cost if they add a new small 03 car?""
The new car is an 03 mitsubishi lancer, the two cars i was insured on before were an elantra gt and a nissan titan (05) I wanted to know if insurance will shoot up a lot more with another car or if it will just be like another 40 or so dollars a month?""
Scooter Insurance Cost.?
I drive a 50cc scooter on my car licence. Been driving for 47 years. I was surprised when my insurance with Rampdale Insurance cost me 170 Full No claims etc. Im in the South Midlands. This is as much as I pay for a car. Is this the going rate for a small 50cc scooter.?
When will my motorcycle insurance go down?
I am 19 years old and I am on my second year of riding. I have no tickets or accidents (thank God) and I am still paying over $1,000 a year in insurance for my 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I have done some shopping and this is the lowest price. Allstate wanted $6,000, freakin unbelievable. I just wanna know when it will go down. Thx.""
Cheap car to insure at 17years old?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)""
Which company is best for insurance?
I am 17 and have just passed my test I have a 1.4 litre hatchback and need to get my insurance. Where is best? Thanks
Car insurance help?!?
Can I purchase car insurance and not own a vehicle? The reason I ask is because lately I've been renting vehicles and they charge for insurance, by request. I figure since I use rental service often that I could go ahead and get low price insurance. Any ideas?""
My insurance is going WAY up ?
My BCBS of AL policy was $174 per month for a $3250 Deductible. Now, its $303.40 starting in Jan for a $6350 Deductible. Oh, but I get up to 3 $35 vists per year. This is not affordable. In fact, Im considering going without again after having it for 2013 for the first time in 25 years. I expected an increase of maybe 20-25%. Not 75% and such a jacked up deductible. Im still not sure how the subsidies will work for someone like me who cannot accurately estimate their income for 2014. Honestly, it could be anywhere from $15k to $65k. I made $27k in 2011 & 2012 and will probably make $50-55k for 2013. Am I allowed to estimate my income and then the government kicks in every month for part of it and then when I do my taxes it all gets settled and I either owe them more or they owe me ? If I can keep my income below $30k, I might come out ahead with the new plan but Im not sure Im going to be able to do that. Much depends on the stock market. Heck, if I end up earning $18k, I might get my bronze plan for free. 50 year old male. Will be 51 next year. I found a cheaper plan with Humana for $250 per month but Id have to change Drs. Still have not been able to get thru to the marketplace website. But I was under the impression that Humana & BCBS were all thats available in AL. Another interesting thing, If I happen to earn below $10k one year, the government kicks in ZERO. But If I earn $18k, they pay for it all. How does that make sense ? Is there any way to just buy negotiated rates and not insurance ? I can probably handle even a heart attack if I got the negotiated rates.""
Lying on car insurance?
as car insurance for younger drivers is considerably more i was curious in asking a question if someone lies on being older say 30 rather than 17 and or the car is kept in a locked garage and is fitted with the best mobilisers money can buy will this person get away with this if for example involved in some sort of crash and or another scenario pulled over by a police officer.
When does wisconsin drivers need to buy insurance?
My roommate and I heard that in wisconsin that we need insurance at least liability insurance. We haven't heard anything on the news about it!
Car insurance?
I just got my liscence and my friend told me that car insurance is more expensive for 16 year olds than 17 year olds because they have increased chances of getting into an accident. What are the average rates of insurance for sixteen year olds and is it worth waiting until I am 17 until the prices drop?
Home Owner Insurance?
My home is on a concrete slab and a pipe broke. Would this be something covered under homeowners insurance
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
How much is insurance for a 2004 Nissan Maxima?
I'm 16 and this is my first car. I'm going to get liability and was wondering how much it's going to cost every month ? Thanks
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My medicaid that i used for my pregnancy had expired...? here in texas?
back in august of 2011 & i no longer have insurance. what do i do now? i called my health plan & they said i gotta apply again but i don't know where i can get the application. i really need insurance cause i got upcoming appointments for me & if i don't have insurance, i'm not gonna be able to afford the expenses. anyone know where i can get the application for medicaid here in texas?""
What do you tell your work when you lose insurance ?
One of my best friend no longer has insurance because she can't afford it, andshe doesn't know how to tell her work. I though she needed to do something with her W2 but I don't know for sure, all I said is I think she needs to go in and ask to change it?""
Question regarding auto insurance claim?
Recently, our car got pummeled by a hailstorm. We went to a bodyshop prior to the meeting with the damage adjuster (which is today), and was told by the tech that our car would require both conventional and PDR repair. However, the estimate report was written up today for PDR repair only. Does that mean I'm limiting to PDR repair only? Or can the bodyshop challenges the insurance company's estimate and go for the conventional & PDR repair?""
Whats cheap cars to insure for a new driver?
Hi there im currently undertaking my lessons and instructor said I should pass before march time and just wondering what cars are cheap to ensure for new drivers and how much roughly are they a month and is there any way I can knock it down to make a bit cheaper? can you get finance cars for new drivers with insurance and tax free for 3 years?
I will have to start paying for my own health insurance. Do you have a suggestion for a company?
Do you pay for your health insurance and are really satisfied with the company? Please make some suggestions. Thanks
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
How long does it take for car insurances to determine fault?
I got into an accident a few days ago. It's pretty cut and dry that it was the other persons fault, however the police don't determine fault and leave it up to the insurance companies to figure out. Those who have been in a similair situation, how long from the time of the accident did it take for your insurance company to find fault in the accident. I'm curious because I'm having to pay a $1000 deductible and car rental fees. I want to make sure I get it back if its the other persons fault.""
If someone hits me do I file a claim with his insurance company or mine?
on new years eve a man backed into my car, I'm kind of behind and starting to finally get on it, when we called state farm (my company) they said it would make our rates go up because we were filing with them, do I have to call his insurance company or mine? and is there a certain amount of time i have to file a claim?""
Does it hurt my credit score when I ask for quotes for car insurance?
I just turned 25 and I'm tired of getting hosed on my premiums. I want to start shopping around but I know that the insurance companies check your credit score. What's the best way to go about getting quotes?
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
What would insurance on a er-5 be like for a 17 year old?
I recently asked how much gsxr400 insurance would be for a 17 year old, however being a sports bike it costs more, but what would it be like for a bike like the ER-5. also i would go ...show more""
Is this a good insurance plan?
This is all so confusing. I'm getting married June 15th and have to find my own health insurance for the first time.. Any input would be great! The premium for this plan is ...show more
Pregnant w/o insurance.?
I am 6 weeks pregant and do not have insurance. I don't qualify for medicaid anymore because I make too much money, like 1000 over. The problem is that I can't work less or we can't pay our bills. Does anyone know how I can get insurance while I am pregnant??""
What makes insurance rates for coupes higher than sedans?
What makes insurance rates for coupes higher than sedans?
How much money does it cost for insurance if you're a surgeon?
I did research and how much school would cost and how much I could make a year but I know you need insurance too. How much would that cost?
What is the Cheapest car insurance?
Hi guys I would like to know if what is the best and cheapest car insurance? I'm looking to insure my 2010 mustang v6, any idea? Cost monthly? Please reply only if you have something good to say, And as well as for a 2013 mustang gt, thank you!""
Life insurance?
Is life insurance mainly to help other people like your wife and kids if you lose your job? My mom started life insurance with us when we were kids and still pays for it. I am 39 and may never get married. Should my mom continue to pay on this policy? I am not real sure what life insurance is for but I don't feel she should continue paying it for me. Please advise me on this.
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
What car for First car with cheap insurance?
im 17 and i want to get one of the following cars for my 1st car Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) and my budget is 1200 and i want a car with cheap insurance and how much will i have to pay and can i pay monthly
""If my car is totalled, will the people's insurance who hit me give me kelly blue book value and take my car?,?""
I was t-boned the other day and am pretty sure my car will be totalled, it still runs great, and i love the car. the accident was the other persons fault. if it IS toatalled, will her ...show more""
How much would the insurance cost for a 2004 Subaru impreza wrx. Not sti.?
Im 17... So it normally costs more for me anyway. My dad and mom has had geico for a while now. My dad says I can't get it cuz the insurance will cost too much on a turbo car. I can't live without a turbo car!!!!!
Getting homeowners insurance in florida?
I'm considering a move to Florida sooner or later, but I wanted to ask a quick question about insurance. I'm in Mobile, Al., and it seems the region has had some skyrocketing insurance costs, both premiums and deductables. A major factor in this is the hurricanes we've had in the past six years, give or take (Yes, i know there are more factors involving costs, the overall economy being no small part). In fact, many areas can't even get insurance in the first place, because no company will write a new policy. Does Florida have the same problem? In the past decade, the state has seen much more of its share of natural disasters than my home (my city hasn't had a direct hit from any of the major storms)""
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Health insurance in the United States?
Hi! Im not certain how things exactly work in the USA with insurance. 1) Is it compulsory? 2) Secondly, if I have insurance and suppose I want a procedure that insurance will not cover such as laser eye surgery (elective ) or say an elective cesarean. If I am willing to pay for the procedure myself can the doctor refuse to treat me and deny the procedure just because Im insurance isnt paying? Am I allowed to pay out of pocket if Im willing or is insurance legally required? Category""
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
What should i look for when buying health insurance?
what sort of health insurance shld i buy and how much will it cost-i'm 18 and not earning a salary
Insurance - length of driving discounts?
So I have been driving for 3 years now (starting a couple days ago). I have allstate car insurance. I am listed as a 4 principal driver licensed 2 years and 6 months, but less than 3 years and I just called to be updated to a 0 principal driver licensed over 3 years . Will I be saving a hefty more on my car insurance? I am currently paying a premium of $776.50 every 6 months. That includes a good student discount. I am still only 19, but I will have been licensed for 3 years. Will this give me a good discount? And how much do you think it will decrease?""
Insurance when you first pass your test! WHO IS THE CHEAPEST?
I am looking to insure a citrone C2 1.1 and wonder who the cheapest place is? That question aside, Who is the cheapest to get insured with when you first pass your test? I am 18, Just passed. Steve""
Will my license hike my parents insurance?
I live in Florida with my parents, and I'm 19. I don't have a permit and want to get my license, but I'm not sure if it'll raise my parents' insurance rates. I won't own a car for at least a month or so, and I probably won't be driving theirs frequently, if at all. Will it affect their Progressive insurance at all? Thanks so much.""
""Is it normal for car insurance to cost more than the previous year, even though I made no claims?""
My insurance is coming to an end soon, I last paid 689 for car insurance and was going to consider staying with the same company and let them renew my insurance automatically but then they said that this year it would cost me 978. Isn't car insurance supposed to reduce a little each year? I know prices can change but I have not made no claims yet they are asking for over 200 more this year, is that normal? Other companies that I have used for more than a year in a row have always gone down in price each year but this one is going up?""
Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?
obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?
Which is best general insurance to take?
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health & Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements -- Maximum coverage of insurance.Should cover all diseases including new diseases which will come in future(i have worried about swin flu a new arraival in 2009). My age is 27years.
Cheapest auto insurance?
im shopping for auto insurance and i want to know which is the best and cheapest for a 18 year old driving a 1997 ford escort
Are you 17/18 and recently bought a car/insurance?
Im wondering what are the prices like now, and for what cars. Speaking to my mum,she told m vauxhall astra has a fairly cheap insurance for a young driver but anyway share below of around how much it costed you to get insurance and for what car thank you! 10 pts""
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Who's insurance company do i contact the car owners or mine a driver with compresive insurance?
i was driving my wife car and parked it as i got out a car reversed into the car i am not a named driver on the insurance policy for the car but my own insurance covers me do drive other cars with owners consent. which insurasnce company do i report the accident to i was not at fault as was parked in a parking bay the other car aslo attempted to drive off
Life insurance for seniors over 75yrs?
Whats the slim chance that their is a company out there that provides life insurance for a Senior over 75 and has had and removed cancer in the past 12 months? None i bet huh?
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
I receive a health insurance stipend but keep it in savings instead. is this okay?
i went from being fully covered with my company in los angeles, but i moved to new york 7 months ago, where their insurance doesn't cover. in lieu of this, they give me a stipend. however, it's not nearly enough to cover cost of insurance here, so i've been putting it in a savings account until i can afford a plan in my budget and/or emergency health situations. my boss just asked me for proof of insurance. i will tell the truth of the matter, but what will happen? what can they do?""
Problems with car insurance?
Okay so I am looking for some VERY affordable auto insurance. Sounds easy right...but this is the problem...my previous insurance lapsed and I have been without insurance since April(don't worry..not driving!!) But now I am ready to drive again, and I am having a hard time finding some thats affordable...know any good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!!""
What insurance plan is most affordable and supports therapy?
Hi, I've been seeking good therapy since I was 17, I'm just wondering, what insurance plan is the most affordable as well as obviously covers therapy? Thank you""
How much would car insurance be for someone my age?
I'm 19 years old and I make about $700 a month. I'm a college student and I'm tired of having to depend on using my dad's vehicle to get to my classes. My concern is the car-insurance. I have a perfect record, but I heard that car-insurance companies stick it to younger people. Is there anyone about my age that could tell me what kind of car they have and the cost of their insurance, so that I can get a general idea of the going rates.""
What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?
1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.""
Where to get pregnancy insurance?
Please can someone tell me where to get pregnancy insurance? I am a UK citizen and will be spending the whole of 2010 in America (Boston). Thanks
I purchased car insurance from RAC last year, they then annulled it as said I could not use my no claims bonus on two cars and sent me a new quote. I rang them up and they then said I haven't sent the no claims bonus documents in so I faxed them through once again, I advised I received this letter but they said just send in the documents which I did. I also never received any documents for my cover so had to request these myself which were sent by email for 25.00 :S. After hearing nothing back I rang rac for an update who said my new insurance quote was double the original quote!! I haven't signed any paperwork or received any paperwork advising they automatically gave me new insurance. I asked them to cancel but they said I have to pay 1000 as well as them keeping my deposit and paying for the first months insurance..1000?? I told them no. Paid what i owed for the first month. Now they are sending me letter telling me to pay..do I really have to do this?? I haven't signed anything even for the original insurance as they never sent the paperwork out, and as the insurance was annulled can they really automatically start a new insurance without my permission?? Thanks in advance""
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
Cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Would it be cheaper to put I rent my home or just other on my insurance for my vehicle.
How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?
Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.""
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance for a 17 year old girl?
How do I get the cheapest car insurance possible. Should the car being insured be expensive (ish) or cheap? Should I wait until after my daughter has passed her test? I appreciate that all insurance for first time drivers is high but would like advice please.
I need motorcycle insurance?
Does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance, im only 17 and i have a few tickets, so its not gonna be cheap, does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance?""
HELP! Im 14 and looking for cheap car insurance!?!?
my Said That I Would Have To Pay For My Insurance Every month HELP ME With The Cheapest
Do Cops get free car insurance?
As part of one of their benefits? Just curious..
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
i just turned 18 and am getting off my parents plan and getting my own insurance, i have 2 points on my license at the moment for an improper passing ticket. Thats the only ticket ive gotten. My car is a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SEL I know i can get insurance quotes, just looking for a ballpark estimate right now....thanks!""
""Does anyone know of an auto insurance provider that does not require a credit check in Vancouver, WA?
I switched from Progressive to Allstate online about a month ago. I started the policy and paid the premium. Now I get a letter from Allstate saying they are unable to carry a policy for me due to my poor credit. I'm angry and totally disagree with my credit score having anything to do with my driving ability. I refuse to do business with any company that uses a credit score to determine auto insurance rates or availability.
Insurance on a civic si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
I have title to my exes car and pay their insurance. How do I get out of it?
Me and my girl broke up a year and a half ago. She's a real piece of work. We lived together for 3 years and had everything is each others names. Utility bills, cell phone bills etc. She never paid any of her bills on time and it destroyed her credit. I signed for a car for her because she's had multiple DUI's and didn't have the credit to get her own. She made the payments on it and I never put any money down. The car title is in my name and she has paid it off. She can't get insurance because of the DUI's. I just want to be done with it so I don't have to deal with her anymore but she wants me to hold off until she finished her DUI classes to get a reasonable rate on insurance. She's been telling me the same thing for a year plus. I'm not even sure if she's taken or taking these classes yet or not. I asked her about it the other day and she never responded to me. I had left her a voicemail and she never called me back. This really pisses me off. So my question is if I sign the title and make her sign it as well do I have any more resposibility with the automobile? I just want to drop her from my insurance and give her the title. Is she wrecks or, god forbid, kills someone while driving am I liable for anything?""
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
Anyone know cheap car insurance?
I don't expect someone to know the exact cheapest for my situation because I know it varies but in your opinion & experience what insurance provider do you think would be cheapest? Thank you =D
Cheap bikes to insure ?
I'm trying for my a2 license this week, and was wondering if anyone had done any research in 33bhp insurance, I have compared 3 bikes but was wondering if anyone could tell me some bikes they have found cheap to insure I am currently paying 400 for a 2009 aprilia rs50 A 2009 rs125 750 A 2009 ninja 250 2500 Could you give me prices for other bikes with your age, ncb and location so I have a rough idea of the price for me I'm 17 in London""
25 yrs old and buying life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my question. I am 22 yrs old and my husband just turned 25.We have been married 6 years and have 3 kids. He works in construction and my question is.. Is 25 too early to look for buying life insurance?? If not, what companies would you recommend? Im extra new to this, this will be the first time we have looked for life insurance for our family. Ashly""
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover?
Anybody could give me a estimated how much money do a 18 years olds would pay for a car insurance a full cover? He is going to buy a 2007 Dodge Durango SLT He will fianced the car on his name! The car is for my son. We live in the states of Florida ! If you guys can give me some information about a cheaper insurance Thanks!
""How much will insurance cost for a mazda RX-8, 2004?""
I am 17, 18 in December but I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance per month and annual since I am a teen?""
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
What is a cheap car insurance company in New Jersey?
I am only 20 yrs old.
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How can i apply for health insurance in california?
is there a website where i can apply online? please help!
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
Old DUI and Insurance rates.?
Unfortunately I was a stupid kid and received a DUI in July of 2007 in the state of PA. Now after years of traveling and studying overseas I am living in California and about to buy a car in a few months. I am wondering if anyone knows whether or not this DUI will play a major role in getting insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 2004 subaru wrx?
for a 16/17 year old im a student and i took driving course does the subaru impreza RS have alot cheaper insurance i dont need exact price just a bout how much how about a 2002 or 2003
Health insurance eligibility event?
how would employer or insurance company be able to verify wheather your spouse had switched jobs or lost coverage? to make it be considered an event...I NEED HELP
Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car?
I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation.""
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student. i know my school provides insurance in case of emergency. but i am looking for something to help cover my prescriptions & doc visits.
Where can I find super cheap auto insurance?
I just want something to cover me legally. I don't need any advice on why I should not get crap insurance, I literally would just like to know where to get great rates. I found ...show more""
How does insurance affect our economy?
What would happen if we couldn't insure things? Can anyone tell me where I can read about insurance and how it works?
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Good place to buy car insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and just recently passed my driving test. Problem is, my Dad wants to put me down as a second driver on his car but it's a BMW sport with a 2L engine. The cheapest quote I could find is 4,500 annually, which my Dad is not prepared to pay of course. Some companies were even asking for 40,000 which is just a joke! I have been driving this car for over a year and now that I finally have my license, I'm pretty annoyed that I'm not able to drive the car that's just sitting outside. Anyone know any other routes I could take? Weekly car insurance? Monthly? Ideally I'd like to have a quotes of less than 1600 annually, but now it seems unlikely. Buying another car is not an option as I'm going to Uni in a couple of months and will not be needing it anymore. Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.""
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm an 18 year old I'm male. I recently dropped out of high school and I have a 2005 Toyota matrix I live in colorado How much would full coverage be for me on average a month?
Are there any health insurance programs like healthy families?
I know healthy families are for children and teenagers but are there any other medical low cost program for kids in their early 20's. There is medical but what if they don't qualify for medi-cal, and if the parents don't make enough money and kids don't have any job because our economy is whacked. How we suppose to take kids to the doctor when they're sick? Please help, any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. God bless!""
Am I supposed to have car insurance?
I'm 17, I currently have my permit, I'm taking my driving test on Friday, so I was wondering if I'm supposed to have car insurance? I drive my dad's car, he has insurance.""
How much would insurance be on this car for a 17 year old?
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg
How much is the insurance for a 2005 ford mustang?
I am 16 and want a for mustang 2005. I have State Farm and I want to know the estimated insurance for it in Florida.
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Does anyone have recommendations for low-cost health insurance in CA? I can't afford Tonik any longer.?
I am an unemployed healthy 20-something paying around $150 a month (with a high deductible).
Insurance type help A-Z?
Hello, If there is no accident will occur or occured, but lost your eyesight naturaly, what type of insurance policy you should buy to cover your permanent disablement because of that, which will give you payout like personal accident insurance does?""
How much will pay a 40 year old new driver car insurance?
How much will pay a 40 year old new driver car insurance?
Van insurance for youngsters?
I'm 17 and i do Motocross and because of this i need a van to transport my bike to and from tracks (i don't want to get a trailer) it will only be used on weekends, but i am getting ridiculous insurance quotes. where can i get good insurance for young drivers?""
How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey?
What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))""
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Are you required to pay car insurance even if you're not driving?
I'm 17 about to turn 18, I have my level 2 license and live in michigan, I have insurance with AAA and they said I have to pay car insurance even if I'm not driving, I'm trying to save for a car and don't want to pay for something every month that I don't need. So if I'm not driving and don't own a car do I have to pay or is the insurance company just wanting my money?""
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
How much would i pay for car insurance? Estimate?
I know that it depends on a lot of factors but can you estimate how much i would pay for car insurance on a monthly basis - I am 18 years old - will be driving either a 1999 or 2000 model - will be attending college after the summer - clear background - this will be my first car - I live in a very wired and exotic place called MARYLAND
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
Will we be covered by insurance when driving to get a new car?
I have bought a new (second hand!) car and will be going to get it today. Not having changed my car before, I have a question. Just before we go to pick up the new car, we will be changing our insurance in town from our old car to the new car. If I change my insurance to the new car, how can I then drive my old car as it will be uninsured? We will need the old car to drive a few miles outside town to get the new car! Is there a special way that this has to be done so that the the old car is still temporarily covered? We will be going to get the new car immediately after sorting the insurance. Please give as much details as possible of what I have to do.""
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
Car insurance question?
I got an insurance question. I let my fiance, who is not insured by my insurance company drive my car. I was in the car with him. He was intoxicated and hit 9 parked cars causing minor damage to all of them. Will my insurance company have to pay for the damage?""
Should I get student health insurance or health insurance through my job?
I'm a fulltime student and I also have a fulltime job. Which would benefit me the most? Health insurance for students or health insurance that my job offers? Also, If I take 1 semester off from school would I still be eligible for student health insurance?""
What Insurance companies will cover a pizza delivery driver?
Ok, so I've been trying to find Work as a pizza delivery driver---I was able to find one job delivering pizza--but when I had called my insurance company and told them about the situation--they immediately said We will not cover any accidents you have while on the job delivering pizzas. Have a good day. So, my question is: What insurance policies do cover you for delivering pizzas?""
Term Insurance or General Insurance?
I am thinking of insuring a member of my family. What would be an ideal choice? Going for a term insurance plan or general insurance? 10 points to the best answer.
How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?
I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best""
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
Online car insurance quote?
My husband and I are looking for ways to cut back spending. We wanted to look for better car insurance rates so we looked online and got a quote that was considerably less (about 700.00 less a year) with the same deductibles and options we already have. My question is ... has anyone done this and had good luck with it? And does this to good to be true rate increase after they real you in? And what is a good company to go with?
Do police check with your car insurance to make sure it's valid when you're pulled over?
I've always been curious as to if this would work, but in the past a few friends of mine had bought insurance, paid up to date for 6 months, canceled two weeks later, gotten most of their money back and obtained a proof of insurance that said they were paid for the next six months. They claim that if they were to get pulled over, they could continue to use this proof of insurance just as if they were actually still driving legal. Of course this could backfire on them in obvious ways if they were to actually get in an accident, but as far as getting pulled over, would this actually stop them from getting a ticket for no insurance ? Can and do the police verify with your insurance company over their computers while you are pulled over? Thanks!""
Insurance Cost?
what is the monthly insurance cost for a new cadillac escalade for a 32 year old driver with a perfect record
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
How much is motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am just wondering because I am 17, and I need to get to and back from work. Just give me a rough estimate please. That's all I need to know... Don't tell me to check with my family's insurance because it is too much work when I can just come on here and get an estimate to see if it is in my price range. Thanks ahead of time! I am planning on driving an old street legal dirt bike granted it isn't too pricey.""
POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance?
i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey""
Whats wrong with car insurance prices?
Hi, i sold my car ( MG ZS + 1.8 ) Quite a big car and high insurance group, i was paying 75 a month to insure it through kwick fit, i am now trying to insure a small 1.4 peugeot 206 but my quotes are comein out at about 200 per month!! how is this possible? i need to insure this car for my new job that starts next week but i cannot pay this much! i am a 21yr old male if that helps""
If I wanna get car insurance in PA do I have to get my license there?
I want to save money by getting my car insurance in Pennsylvania do I have to get my license there as well or does it not matter. Also how do insurance companies verified the address you provided is your actual address.
What does the average American that already had health insurance get out of Obamacare besides higher premiums?
Peoples insurance rates are being raised already even though Obamacare isn't fully implemented. Mine went up by 34% over last year.
Im Looking for cheap auto insurance in NJ?
Any suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been there done that. Cure is just awful and unprofessional!""
What is the best website to compare car insurance rates?
I've been searching for the past few days and can't seem to find anything that actually compares quotes even though a lot of websites say they do. Anyone know of a great website that can help?
Question about Student Discounts for car insurance?
I took the following two courses during high school and was just wondering if car insurance companies accept both courses as a student discount or will they only accept one? -->I paid and took for the Driver's Education course with my high school. -->I later took a free course called the Defensive Driving Courses - Alive at 25 . Are both accepted into my policy for discount or only one?
Insurance on a kit car for a 19 year old?
im 19 in like 2 weeks and have a serious urge to drive! but i don't want to go chasing my driving licence to get ridiculous insurance quotes. I love the look of kit cars, so i was wondering how much would insurance be on a kit car for a 19 year old?""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
Decent Car Insurance Info?
Does anyone know of a decent car insurance provider for 18 - 20 year olds -.- I just got quoted 4k for a 1litre CAR that is almost double if not more than double of the 1 litre I would of bought if Insurance companies weren't FUBAR. Does anyone know of cars or car insurance providers that are cheapish like 2000 - 2500 mark. I mean I'm in a 1 litre I'll be topping 80 my acceleration is about 12 seconds -.- So yeah thanks to anyone :)
How much health insurance in Alberta and Car insurance?
Hello, I'm planning on moving to Canmore, AB after I'm done school and I'm just wondering how much Health insurance is monthly and how much car insurance is monthly? I would be very greatful if someone could help me out here :) and if you know anymore details about this kind of thing that would be great also! Thank you! xo""
""Can I drive without insurance, if the car itself is insured?""
It's my dad's car. The car is insured but i am not, as in. I use to be on the same policy as my dad, but now i am off of it due to money problems. But the car I drive is insured under my dad. Is it legal to drive it? (CA)""
Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?
My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)""
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
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cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
Which Term Life Insurance Company to Choose and what term is best?
For a 48 year old lady. Agent is pushing North Western. Looked at some data. NW is rated okay. But their mortality margin is lowest at 14.09% in comparison to AIG's 73.07%. Huge difference. NW pays highest dividend to policy owners. Last 5 years average was $4791/year as against $1000 for AIG or MetLife. In general which company is better? Which is lowest in cost? What term? 20 or 30 years? I can always reduce the amount insured and extend the period. Thanks in advance for your answers.
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old male price in ontario?
im looking to buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 for my first bike what am i looking to pay for insurance
How much would insurance cost for this motorcycle?
Hey guys I know you can't give me a direct quote or anything like that, but if you had to guess or anybody who you knew had one it would be pretty cool. Im 17 now turning 18, I have my own insurance and I've been driving for a year without an incident so my rates are about to go down. Its a 2013 r1, what would the price range be per month?""
Car Insurance Company have had my car for OVER A YEAR.?
Ok, so this is a little complicated... Oct 2008 I had a car accident. My car was written off. My car was towed to a garage and was held there while the insurance company evaluated the damage. THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I SAW MY CAR. Because the size of my excess (800) and the amount of damage matched the value of the car (800) I was advised it would be pointless to claim on the insurance and it was written off. The accident was my fault and I held my hands up and admitted it and the other party walked away with everything sorted. No suggestion of fraud and certainly nothing fraudulent on my part. Towards the end of 2008 my insurance company started falling off the radar, not returning my calls or my emails, letters etc. I repeatedly asked what I was supposed to do next (I'd never had an accident before and the whole process confused me because they kept giving me conflicting info) and where my car was. I was ignored (or given incorrect info). In the end I declared a SORN on the car and had so much going on in my personal life, I forgot about it, knowing the car was off the road. Anyway, I'm now trying to track the car down as the SORN is about to run out. Insurance company are still off the radar and refusing to answer. Now they're saying they have no record of me, my policy OR my car. So I've lost my car, I don't know who's got it and yet I'm still liable for it. What can I do? Can I get the police involved? Trading standards? ANYTHING? I don't care about the car, whoever has it can keep it! I just don't want to be liable for it! By the way, the insurance company involved is SwiftCover.com, in case anyone is thinking of going with them because they're cheap. They're cheap because they're RUBBISH.""
I just moved and am looking to find some cheap Massachusetts Auto Insurance. Can anyone recommend a place?
I just moved to Massachusetts from Rhode Island and recently purchased a new car. I need cheap insurance for my car because I am young and don't make a lot of money. Has anyone reading had a good experience with a Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agency? I really would prefer to do this all online instead of on the phone. Websites are welcome! Thanks!
Cheap health insurance?
How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!""
""What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
Any 1 know a cheap insurance company??
im 17 and a provisional driver.i have jus bought a car because my test is soon. i want to insure my car as a learner and then change it to full license when i pass my test. is any 1 with a cheap insurance company?
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
Car Insurance - Do I have to pay it all at once?
It's that time...I'm looking at cars. But as a student, I'm trying to keep costs low because currently I don't have tons of money. What I'm wondering is, for the car insurance, do I have to pay it all at one time or could I pay it in monthly installments?""
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
About coupe car insurance.?
I'm thinking of buying an coupe car. People say coupe car have very high insurance fee. Do you know where to check each car's insurance price? I also heard different age has different price, and older the cheaper. So if we have insurance this coupe as mom who is 50 year old would it be cheaper than me who is 18 year old? how much does it get cheaper if I never get in accident or get violation ticket? If you can, can you recommend me cheap coup car? Thank you.""
""If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
Can I insure a Car under My Insurance if I am not on the title?
I just bought a used car and had my fiance's mother finance it under her name because she got me a 7% APR which is really good compared to what I would have gotten. The finance guy at the dealership said to just have the car under her name to get that great rate and leave me off the loan completely. I will be making the payments, driving it, & insuring it. She is just the person who's name is on the title (so I could get that great APR rate) Now, I was just wondering, can I insure the vehicle under my policy even though my name is not on the title? I am kind of worried that my insurance company will not let me insure the car because my name is not on the title. Does anyone have any experiences or knowledge about this sort of thing? Thank you for your help""
""If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?""
I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school""
Does the owner of a car have the be the primary driver on the insurance?
I'm not far off from passing my driving test (in the u.k.) and my mum is giving me her old car (she's got an new one now). I've looked at insuring me as the primary driver and it would cost around about 1000 but if i'm set as the secondary driver and my fiance is the primary driver it's around 300 or something my dad says. My questions are: If i'm registered as the vehicle's owner do I have to have insurance with me as the primary driver? Also, Is it a problem if my fiance is the primary driver on my car as well as his? I've read online somewhere that he can't be the primary driver for both cars (wasn't sure if the site was referring to in the u.k or elsewhere in the world though)""
Volvo- insurance costs and maintenance?
I'm thinking of buying a used Volvo. Anyone know anything about maintenance costs or the insurance costs?
Does Geico Car insurance cover Rental Cars?
Does Geico car insurance cover rental cars? Or does it JUST cover your car that you have insured w. them?
""In California, how do you show proof of insurance for a driving test?
My girlfriend is making an appointment for her driving test and I offered up my car for her to use.Does she need to be added to my insurance to take the test or does the DMV just need proof that the car is insured under someone's name(me)?She won't be driving my car aside from the test as she is buying a used car immediately after the test and getting insurance on that.
""Car inspected, tags, insurance, and title questions?""
Hi everyone. I have a 1996 saturn that has just been sitting for about two years now. I have a few questions. The car's tags expired about a year and a half ago, so in order to get new ones, i have to get it inspected and fixed and whatnot. I dont want to drive a car with expired tags, but is this what ill have to do in order to get them? And before I can get it inspected, i have to have the title for the car, right? My dads name is on the title, but he lost it when we moved. Can I get a new copy of the title, or does he have to do it? One more question, my dad stopped paying for insurance on it a long time ago. Like, a long time ago. Should I get it insured before i try anything else? In my mind, I plan on getting the title first, then getting it insured, getting it inspected, and then getting tags to make my car legal. Is this the right approach? My dads doesn't think he should help me with any of this, so I'm kinda on my own here. Thank you!""
How much will insurance cost for this car..?
so i'm looking for my first car and i'm looking into a Mini cooper S 2004 i am 16 years old and just want to know how much a month it will cost? also could please tell me how much would a 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t cost as well thanks for all your help :)
Insurance or not insurance?
hi i had 4 years insurance no claims bonus last april 2011 on my car , i changed it onto a van and drove ir for a year, ... in october i was in court for handling stolen goods ... which i did not disclose to the insurance company at the time because i thought the offence was dropped as it had happened in 2009, anyway in november i had to renew farm insurance with a different company in november and they declined the renewal because of the criminal conviction,.. so i asked the company that my van was insured with for a farm quote and again was declined, i asked about the van insurance being valid and was told to inform them at the renew in april,... in april they declined to renew the van insurance because of non disclosure of criminal conviction,... and told me last years insurance was void and i would be refunded premium and not be intilted to my 5 year no claims bonus,.. two days later they decided not to refund and have gave me my 5 years no claims bonus,.. ??? as the insurance was valid and that they covered me while they knew i had a conviction and non disclosure , do they have the right to refuse me renewal and , why can i not get a quote of them for renewal, the quote i got of some one else is 3 times last years price , need advice thanks""
Car insurance!?
I have recently bought a new car but im 21 years old. the car is in my name but i want the main driver to be my dad and then me as an additional driver. is there any cheap insurance companies that will allow that. or has any1 aged 21 that has been driving for 2.5years got cheap insurance thanks
Can i get insurance on my name...but my boyfriends car?
Registration is coming up, for my boyfriends car. He has a DUI on his record, so he's unable to drive as it is, I'm the one who drives his car. I was wondering if I could get my insurance to cover his car since I'm the one who drives it even though I'm not the registered owner. And would DMV (in california) acknowledge it?""
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
cheap auto insurance in michigan quotes
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
"Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
My neighbor just had an insurance company come out to her house and they took blood from her to test for aids and hepatitis and I don't know what else but she has got insurance with them for a 100,000 dollar policy and she only pays $20 a month.  I am interested in getting the same policy but it just kinda sounds really cheap for that amount of coverage.  Is there anything I just ask about if I decide to get this insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much a motor scooter cost in Australia?
How much a motor scooter for a girl (going to c cost in Australia? How much it cost for registration and insurance? What are other costs incured ?
Car Insurance query?
I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.""
Does a finance company provide car insurance aswell?
Im being financed for aa.car and.just wondering if the.finance company provides car insurance aswell .the car is.used and.has no warranty.
Newborn Baby Insurance?
I recently found out I am pregnant, luckily I am currently covered under my father's insurance still but I need to get insurance for my baby once he or she is born. Anyone have a good idea as to were I should go. I believe I won't be able to file for Medicaid which is perfectly fine just curious what other mother's or fathers have done.""
""I'm 17, can a go under my parents insurance for my car?""
Hi, im going to buy my first car soon, im looking at a Pergeot 106, with a 1.4L engine. I've had a quote to insure it under my name, and lets say it's more than i can afford. So i know it's cheeper to under my parents insurance. Is this safe and how much would it cost for this car im looking at? My parents havnt had any crashes if this helps? Thanks so much""
How much (on average) is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 a little while ago and my dad says he's gonna get me a car of my own! a nissan xterra!! (i LOVE them!) BUT... he said i have to pay all insurance and gas money... I was wondering how much, on average, that will cost? I have about 25% off because of the driver's ed i took and also another 10% or 15% off for good grades If anyone has an idea, I would greatly appreciate it!""
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
How much would insurance be?
my step dad is putting me on his insurance, he has a 2006 dodge caravan.. how much would it be for me ( a 17yr old girl) to get put on as an occasional driver?""
Car insurance - change of address?
Hi. Recently i changed my address so i had to let the car insurance company know about that. But they charged(actually are willing to chage) me 423 pounds !! Yes, there's not a misspeling. It's 423 . As far as i ve seen, most people get charged no maximum than 50 pounds for this change. Also, there are no changes on my policy. I still have a garage, i still do the same mileage/year and so on. They even confirmed that there's no change in policy details except the new address. The new address it's in Manchester (central area) and before i lived in Bradford(UK). Now, in the mean time, i had a claim. If i would have found about this fee before, i would have cancel my insurance policy but now that i have a claim, i can't cancel it anymore and being refunded (as i paid the insurance for 1 year in one go, Not monthly). I found about this crazy 423 fee only now when i had this claim. You can't find anything about any fees related to changing the address neither on my policy papers nor on their website and online policy books. I suppose they considered this fee just as an administration fee. And i suppose they could have charged me even 10 000 pounds as an administration fee just because they can. I don't feel protected by the company anymore !! that's why it's an insurance company, to protect and take some risks out. The insurance company it's Admiral. I tryed to talk and explain them that this fee it's just nuts but they didn't agreed. The fee it's about 1/4 of the total insurance cost for 1 year. Maybe they try to take advantage of the fact that i can't cancel it (coz i have a claim in process) and i can't get refunded ? Any ideea how should i proceed ? Shall i proceed with any legal actions ? if yes, how much time and money would that cost because i wouldn't go into, i don't think it's worth doing that. Thanks in advance :) Cheers!""
What's the average penalty for driving without insurance in England?
What sort of fine, and how many points?""
Is triple a the best car insurance?
Is triple a the best car insurance?
Insurance for acura rsx?
I am thinking about getting an acura base rsx. Im 16 years old. How much would insurance be I live in ky
Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance?
im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks
What is some good dental insurance?
What is a good and affordable dental insurance?
Car insurance for a classic triumph? Rough idea?
I've just turned 17 and am well on my way to getting a license I was wondering for a 17/18 year old male how much would insurance per month/per year for a 1960-1975 triumph spitfire I am desperate to have it as a first car and I can afford one at 3000-4000 at the moment I was just wondering how much the insurance on it would be it is such a beautiful car can't wait to get one. I tried getting quotes from compare the market but it was all very complex and I didn't really understand most of it. Any info would be much appreciated THANKS!!!
""Free medical care-for adults-in Tampa,Florida?
can people with health problems who has no insurance get free medical care.
Can i get braces free from insurance?
I reallllly need braces and I've been looking for any dentists in chicago that accept insurance in chicago. I live around cook county and anywhere around irving park or places near there would be fine but i really want to get braces that my insurance will cover. I am 13 years old.......thx!
How much woul i pay for auto insurance on 2007 Hyundai Tiburon?
V6 2 door coupe. Im 18. 2 tickets, 1 for running a red light. Other was a car accident, 9000$ cost to insurance on property damage. No injuries, or if anybody owns one let me kno hoe ...show more""
Whats the name of the song on the geico motorcycle insurance commercial with the cavemen?
whats the name of the song on the geico motorcycle insurance commercial with the cavemen?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Do I need a motorcycle VIN number to get insurance in NC?
I live in North Carolina and I'm trying to get a license to purchase and operate a 150cc motorcycle. In North Carolina you must have a license for an automobile before you can get an endorsement for a motorcycle. Right now I'm learning how to drive a van so I can get a motorcycle endorsement. Before you can get a license for an automobile you must have proof of liability insurance (DMV form DL-123). Do I actually need a vehicle with a VIN number to get liability insurance? Or do I have to purchase non-owners insurance first and then switch it over to motorcycle insurance after I get an automobile license with motorcycle endorsement?
Cost of med insurance for a college student living on their own?
How much does individual health insurance cost for a college student out on their own? I realize its different for each person. Lets say the person is male and 18. No health related problems, no history of any either. How much? On average.""
""I want to purchase a nice USED car, but I want insurance from out of state? How can I get that?
I want to buy a car directly from the seller and a good running car and I want to be insured out of state. I have a few questions: 1. What is the best and cheapest insurance I can go for? 2. How can I get out of state insurance? 3. What type of used car that you highly recommend me to by?
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
My neighbor just had an insurance company come out to her house and they took blood from her to test for aids and hepatitis and I don't know what else but she has got insurance with them for a 100,000 dollar policy and she only pays $20 a month.  I am interested in getting the same policy but it just kinda sounds really cheap for that amount of coverage.  Is there anything I just ask about if I decide to get this insurance?
How much insurance cost for 350z?
how much does it cost for insurance on a 350z for a 19yr old guy clean driving record in Texas?
""Cheap dental work without insurance in Oregon, Gresham?""
Cheap dental work without insurance in Oregon, Gresham?""
How much do you have to pay for your teen's car insurance?
also, what does he/she drive and the year?""
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Who the best auto insurance that dont cost too much?
Should I get AAA Roadside assistance or Insurance Roadside Assistance?
I drive an 07 Scion and was wondering if I should get AAA Plus or Insurance Roadside assistance. I currently pay $6 a year for Roadside assistance but I have to pay first and then get reimbursed and it only covers $50 each disablement. I was thinking if I should get AAA Plus which covers up to 100 miles for $76 because I know it costs quite a bit just for a hook up fee.
Can insurance company tell you were you can have your car fixed?
I have had a few cases were a relative has been in an auto accident and I could have fixed the car for them and done a much better job but the insurance company tells them they have to take the car to a preferred body shop for the insurance to pay. Can the insurance company actually tell people were to get their car fixed now a days? Is there a way to get the money out of the insurance company so they can take the car and have it fixed were they want the car fixed?
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
""Was to help make health care plan was to help make health care more affordable, what happened?
It does not seem it is going in that direction; it seems like more of a insurance sale for insurance company.
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
Maternity insurance or no insurance?
i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no?
Car Insurance Question?
I recently had an accident that caused my car to be written off. There have been no problems and I'm now waiting for a cheque from my insurers. My question is this. When the cheque comes and I buy a new car what happens with regard to insurance, will I have to take out a new policy, can I keep the existing policy and add my new car to it, will my monthly payments go up, or none of the above? I'm sure this is very simple for an expert but it confuses the hell out of me.""
Where can I shop for health insurance?
I need to purchase health insurance for my family. Where do I go or who should I call?
""If you have Amica car insurance, how much does 1 speeding ticket cost you?""
I live in Massachusetts. Have a perfect driving record but now I'm charged with 1 speeding ticket. How much more in insurance premiums will it cost me if I plead guilty? It's a regular speeding ticket, not DUI or wreckless driving. THanks""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
Insurance on 04 STi.?
I am 17 year olds. I have Driver's ed, safety ed courses, and good grades. How much would insurance cost for me?""
Would not getting your permit prior to getting your license increase car insurance costs ?
I know there are many things that increase insurance costs but would not getting your permit prior to getting your license be one if them? If so how can insurance companies tell you didn't get your permit first ?
Cost of SR22 insurance in Texas?
Anybody knows the cost of SR22 insurance in Texas?
How does car insurance work for a teenager?
I recently got my license but still do not drive due to the fact that my parents will not pay for insurance. They say it is too expensive but they also said the only way to make it affordable would be by getting me a car, which I seriously do not understand!! I don't want my own car I just want to be able to legally drive one so why would buying me a car and then insuring the car plus myself make it soo much cheaper than just already having me under their insurance and what not??? I just don't get it because once your insured you are able to drive any of the cars in the household so why buy another car just for me?? My parents aren't making sense and do not want to explain it to me. But we own luxury cars so could that be why they won't add me to the insurance? They are getting me a random, affordable used car which I don't mind but I would rather just be insured car or no car. Oh and they let me drive around all our luxury cars when I had my permit so idk why they are doing this to me.""
Does auto insurance cover theft of vehicle if you leave keys in car?
i got my car stolen from my home driveway in the middle of the night. i carry full coverage with $500 deductible and also gap (guaranteed asset protection) but could not find my keys the next morning either. i feel sure i could not have left them in the car (08 accord) because it dings extremely loud and that is something that i never do. i always lock my car and i am mystified as to where the keys are. i am concerned that my policy will not cover me if it is determined that keys may likely have been in the vehicle. thoughts or advice?
How can I get insurance for my kids?
Does anyone know of any affordable insurances out there? We are a family of 4 and my two kids dont qulifiy for Chips, or medicaid. Is there any advice anyone can give? My kids are little. 1 and 7. It really sucks because my husband and i work full time and arent bums and cant even get any insurance for our kids.But i wont even get started on all that!.""
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
Im needing insurance for myself and my son?
im looking into getting some health insurance for myself and my son! im 43 and hes 18months! Anyone who has insurance, lend me some info on where you got it! thanks""
Car Insurance Question?
I have bad dmv record. An accident, a failure to yield and 2 speeding tickets within the last 3 years. I totalled my car and can only affod a car I can buy cash, which I have 18,300 dollars currently. Is there a max of how much the car can be worth for liability through the insurance agencies? I am thinking of spending about 14,000 cash and just getting liability. Is this a good idea? Or should I get a cheaper car? Help is very much needed. Thank you""
Does Florida auto insurance have some sort of new windshield coverage?
I need an arguement solved. i was on interstate and some rocks/debris flew off truck in front of me and damaged my windshield. everyone keeps telling me that my insurance will cover the windshield to be replaced but I do not see this in my policy at all. I only carry the basic minimum needed to insure car. Is there something I am missing or does anyone what these other people are talking about? I do not carry comp or collision.
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
My neighbor just had an insurance company come out to her house and they took blood from her to test for aids and hepatitis and I don't know what else but she has got insurance with them for a 100,000 dollar policy and she only pays $20 a month.  I am interested in getting the same policy but it just kinda sounds really cheap for that amount of coverage.  Is there anything I just ask about if I decide to get this insurance?
Where can i get cheap individual health insurance in florida?
i'm under 65 and i'm not eligible for employee or medicaid insurances.
I need hand insurance?
I need hand insurance
I think I've made a mistake on my car insurance?
Long story short my Dad has a car that is insured and has been for a while. He has never made a claim in his 40+ years of driving. He's just bought another car that we can both drive (I can't drive his automatic until I pass my test) He was going to insure it with the same company as his other car however they won't let me be a named driver as I'm under 18 so we've found another company to go with. We got a quote and paid the money. No problem. Awaiting conformation in the post. Earlier today, however, I was talking to a friend who is insured with the same company and he says my dads no claims doesn't count because he's still insured with another company. Therefore by putting 9+ years on the form we've lied ?! Is this correct? Does this make our insurance invalid? How much trouble could we get in for this mistake? How can we resolve this?""
""Does car insurance cover break ins and stolen goods? If not, what does?""
I had laptop, camera, and gps stolen from my car in broad daylight over the weekend. I was just wondering what insurance covered these items..if any? thanks in advance.""
Changing Auto Insurance?
My 6 month insurance is up and its time for a renewal, recently i felt that my rates are to high and i would like to change to a different insurance company. But i have a couple of questions before i proceed and would like some suggestions. 1)How do i change my Auto insurance? Such as what are the normal processes one goes through. 2)Will cancelling my current account with them result in any extra charges? it is a renewal btw. 3)Should i get a quote from Geico first? (im trying to switch from Safeco to Geico) 4)Are there other Auto insurance companies i should consider? THANKS!""
Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?
Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!""
SR-22 Insurance Company risks?
We recently got jacked by Geico regarding SR22 insurance. We are going with a smaller company now and an inexpensive rate. What are the risks? What are things I should look out for? Arent the requirements of the SR22 insurance fairly good coverage due to the type of insurance you need?
Can you get insurance in IL if the car is registered in NJ?
I have a car that is registered to my father in NJ but I'll be moving to IL. I'm the primary driver. It's a newer car so if I tried to just buy it off of him the interest rate would *skyrocket*. So, being the primary driver, and living in IL, would I be able to keep the car registered in NJ but get IL insurance? If not, any other options?""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
Insurance cost for teens?
What is the average insurance cost for teens?
Need a car with cheap insurance...and ideas?!?
hello im currently doing driving lessons and once passed need to get a car (obviously..lol) we are currently unemployed so only have 100 max to spend monthly on car insurance & petrol (although we shouldn't need to put much petrol in tbh..or could sacrifice some every now and again!) but we need the car to find a job - catch 22! once we have jobs we obvioulsy be able to afford more. wondered if anybody could suggest any cars? we have a 10 month old son so would prefer back doors... thankyou in advance :)
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
How much would insuring my car for just one day cost?
How much would it normally cost? it's a bmw 530i for just one day plz let me know :)
Can you trick car insurance companies?
Lets say I get a 4 door acura integra, the most basic LS kind. It should be pretty cheap on insurance. But if I do a GSR motor swap and mod it heavily(turbo etc..) Is the insurance company actually gonna be investigating into these things? I mean, for all I know I could just say I got it that way.. It's stil technically an integra sedan, a car made to get groceries.""
How can I find out the legality of an auto insurance advertised online?
I''m shopping around for my car insurance online and I don't know how to find out which one is good legally. Please help.
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
""Car accident no insurance no driver license, what can I do about it?""
I got into a car accident last week, and it was the other party's fault. however, the guy doesn't have car insurance or a valid driver license. The cops came and did a report, but never made the guy show his license or give him a ticket (according to the report I got from the police). What can I do about the damage that he did? Can I sue him to get the amount? Shouldn't they impound his car and arrest him? It was a huge accident, my car is messed up in the back now. btw, I'm from Northern California""
Why want the Republicans work with the Democrats to get a good health care system in the U.S.?
Is it because the Republicans are behind big business?
""On Car Insurance, do additional drivers have to drive the car?""
Im trying to get quotes for car insurance. Im a new driver and buying my own car myself. By myself the quotes are quite high, around 5000. Ive added my mum as additional driver (im the main driver), that got it down to 3500. But I was wondering, what would happen IF my mum didnt actually end up using the car? She probably would...but I was wondering if it would effect my insurance if she just didnt end up using it?""
How much does it cost to have regular health insurance for 10 employees?
I am starting a pizza shop and i was wanting to know how much is usually cost for normal health insurance. Also if someone can tell me how much it costs for liability insurance for the store. It is going to be a little caesars pizza. Thanks. -AMV
Advicing on insuring my car?
Well, i passed my driving test yesterday yay! I got a car from a friend but i'm having trouble finding somewhere to insure me without having to pay like tons of money. I'm female and age 20 so i don't really know how much my insurance should be or what's a good deal. Anyone give me any insurance companies i could try as a first time driver? Thank you""
Is the insurance company notified when you get a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for going 55 in a 45 and was just going to pay it so my parents wouldn't find out because I'm on there insurance. I no we are with USAA and i don't want them to find out about the ticket. Will they some how find out?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up.?
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up. Technically I didn't cause the insurance, so if I was to switch insurances, will it still show up. It would just be me in the policy now.""
Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
My neighbor just had an insurance company come out to her house and they took blood from her to test for aids and hepatitis and I don't know what else but she has got insurance with them for a 100,000 dollar policy and she only pays $20 a month.  I am interested in getting the same policy but it just kinda sounds really cheap for that amount of coverage.  Is there anything I just ask about if I decide to get this insurance?
Insurance for new baby/family?
I'm newly pregnant - 6weeks. The boyfriend - of 5 yrs - & I were talking yesterday at my prenatal appt & he brought up insurance. The baby's due in early july 2009. He has Blue Cross Blue Shield. I have Aetna. I know that, over here in Virginia, Medicaid is completely free & they will automatically give a pregnant woman insurance thru them. I'm not sure where to go w/ insurance as far as our first baby goes. Do we keep our separate insurances & just add each other & the baby? Do we drop both & get Medicaid? Well, that would only cover me & the baby, I believe. What to do? THANKS!""
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts ..
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
Im 16 and im wondering what is the cheapest insurance for the following cars?
im thinking about getting a used car probably a 2005-2007 scion tc or ford mustang 2005-2006 or a nissan 350z 2003-2007
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
About how much would liability insurance be for a lawn care business with 2 workers?
Any idea of what liability insurance would be monthly for a brand new business that mainly mows, weedeats, and blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys working (partners) the yards and one secretary/accountant.""
When can I expect my Insurance premiums to go down?
They have gone up $200 a month since the health care bill passed. Voting for you didn't help my situation last time why should I bother this time?
What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?
It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case""
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
What's a good auto insurance company that has a good rating?
I have four cars.... no tickets or claims in years.. I have insurance now, but I think I am paying too much. Only one of them is driven on a daily basis..... the others very infrequently.""
My wife is pregnant. Due date: 9/10/09. Our COBRA health insurance expires on 7/18/09. What to do?
Our insurance expires before the due date. NO PROBLEM. We're getting a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Here's the question: Our insurance expires on the 18th, but HMO's don't start until the 1st of the month. This would leave a 2 week gap where we wouldn't have coverage. We can't start a HIPAA HMO on July 1, because you have to expire all 18months of COBRA before you're eligible for a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Chances are it'd be ok waiting until 8/1 to begin our new HIPAA plan, but if my wife went into early labor, it would be a very, very bad situation. PPO's start on the 1st, and sometimes the 15th. Same problem. What should we do? We'd prefer to not have a gap in our coverage.""
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
Homeowners Insurance: What is replacement value for my home?
I'm getting new homeowners policy. What is per square foot to re-build my home in Southern California? Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built in 1968.""
Could I get a subsidized health insurance when I retire?
Since the affordable health act will most likely go through, could I get a subsidized insurance when I retire at 60? I will have about 2 million dollars in mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, and some in taxed accounts. If I only have say $35,000 in taxable income when I retire, am I still eligible for the subsidized health insurance as it's determined by taxable income I believe and not how much a person have in retirement accounts?""
Did sombody know how much is car insurance in hawaii state?
how much is auto insurance in hawaii state? medium monthly? for new car?
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car?
I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car.""
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over for driving someone else's car in the wrong lane. He had his insurance in the glove box, but all i had was my license. I got my license less than a month ago, but dont have any insurance of my own. i got a ticket for improper lane and have to go to court. Is there a grace period for insurance or am i completely and utterly screwed? I live in Illinois btw""
Help! Will the insurance company pay for my totaled car?
My daughter who is 19 has full coverage on her car which is in the shop being repaired for hail damage. She cannot rent a car because of her age, so she has used my car for about a month. My car has liability only. She was recently in a car accident with my car. Another car caused the accident which caused her to side swipe another car and then she hit a pole. The car that caused the accident sped off. Nobody got the license plate number of that car. Should my insurance pay for my totaled car since her car was in the shop? Luckily no one was hurt.""
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
Why is my car insurance SO expensive?!?
My car insurance is due for renewal and the quotes i'm getting seem so high! Why is this? I'm a 32 year old female, no convictions, bans not even a speeding ticket. I have had my licence for 14 years and over 10 years no claims. I have 3 previous claims, 2 none fault and one theft - all of which were over 10 years ago. I am insuring a 2003 freelander (insurance group 11).""
My insurance co. just cancelled my policy!!! Plz. HELP!!!!?
We have insurance right now, but my husband was offered a job on friday but has questions before taking it. I have not been to the doctor yet so can I wait to go to the doctor until the new insurance kicks in and it will be covered?""
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
Does $20 a month for 100,000 life insurance sound legit?
My neighbor just had an insurance company come out to her house and they took blood from her to test for aids and hepatitis and I don't know what else but she has got insurance with them for a 100,000 dollar policy and she only pays $20 a month.  I am interested in getting the same policy but it just kinda sounds really cheap for that amount of coverage.  Is there anything I just ask about if I decide to get this insurance?
0 notes
michigan medical insurance
"michigan medical insurance
michigan medical insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
Health insurance for a married couple.?
My wife and I haven't had insurance since we graduated college this past winter and moved to California. We are now waiting for me to start dental school in the fall and I am working at a company in California with no benefits. We have one child who is covered and thus doesn't need to coverage. So we are looking to find insurance from now until mid August (about 5 months). Do we need to get short term insurance? What should we expect to pay for the two of us? Should/can we get covered individually? Any companies that you suggest? We would be more interested in low premium high deductible.
Is this coverd by allstate car insurance?
I am wondering if this is covered by all state car insurance? My boyfriend has been letting our friend without a license drive a car that is owned by my boyfriend, and is insured by my boyfriend, and my boyfriend has said that allstate covers all drivers that drive our cars. But his friend doesn't have a license! I was wondering if this is true, or if we're setting ourselves up for big financial problems if this friend get's in a car accident?""
Do i need to have insurance for a motorcycle to switch owner?
So I bought a motorcycle from someone with late fees which i can pay off and was wondering if I need insurance to switch the title to me. I'm from California.
Car accident insurance wont pay?
Its been about 1 month since the car accident happen a police cruiser tea boned another group of serial killers into a group of cars one car total and others with heavy damage.one of the passengers died two were injured in the crash.we have tried getting a layer but the only thing they say is that they cant really be anything done cause there was a death.we called the insurance but they said that they could not do anything they need it a police report and police wont release the report there because of one death and the case is still under investigation.one month passed we called again and they told us that all of the owners of the cars that were hit had not reported and did not know how to spit what the insurance money covers. now my parents are worried they might not be able to fix there car and not get anything at all we have no idea what to do except keep calling the car insurance.my parents were going to get together with the other drivers to see what they can do. but so far only time has passed and they have not done anything or have gotten anything from the insurance.
Does AMERICA'S BEST eyeglasses accept INSURANCE?
i need to get glasses but im not sure if they acept insurance
Should i be on my own insurance or be added to my parents?
My parents own a 2004 chevy trailblazer and a dodge caravan. If i were to get any type of 4 cylinder car.. would it be cheaper to be on my own insurance or just to be added on to theirs. I am 16 and not 17 til august, but i have money for a car and need a car but cant figure out which would be cheaper for when i do get a car. HELPPP""
Which motorcycle insurance would be better?
Mce or Cia insurance? They both the cheapest 400 for my ped
""BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?""
Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc.""
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Insurance on a car for first time driver?
Hi there, Im hoping to take my driving test very soon do I have started looking at second hand cars. I have typed a couple into comparison sites, but seem to be getting 2000+!! I was just wondering if you could give me a list of cars 1litre or 1.1litre that would be cheaper to insure. Im 27 and have 2children, if that makes any difference to insurance? Thankyou""
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
How much is insurance for a single male under 25 on a DODGE CHARGER?
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
""Can I get a refund of life insurance premiums I paid? I set up a $100,000.00 life insurance policy?
August 2009. Monthly premiums were deducted automatically from my checking account. recently I had to change my checking account number because someone got access to my banking info. and made unauthorized deductions. This in turn caused my monthly insurance premiums from getting paid. The insurance Co. requested a substantial fee to reinstate my policy I cannot afford this fee can I get a refund of premiums paid and cancell the policy?
How much on average is motorbike insurance for a 17 year old girl in the uk?
:) i can't drive, but i wanna get a motorbike when i turn 17. how much would the insurance and tax etc be?""
Health insurance for a minor...?
I moving to California and on my own and I am 17, turning 18 in about 2 months, and I was wondering how much health insurance would cost me? and what would it cover?""
Classic car insurance?
i want cheap insurance so will buying a classic help that?
Cheap Car Insurance For New Drivers In New York?
I live in New York, I'm a 18 year old male new driver. I drive a 1987 Buick Regal. Coupe. Olds 307 V8 5.0L. No ABS, no airbags. Has a factory alarm installed. Living in New York and being a new driver, I know insurance is going to be high. I go to college full time and work around 20+ hours a week, pay isn't great, so I need something affordable. I'm looking into taking the 6hr Defensive Driving class to save 10% off for 3 years. So does anyone know any legit car insurance companies that have cheap car insurance for new driver in NYS. Don't say CALL FOR QUOTES I have called many places and very high. I can't in anyway afford $3,500+ for 6 months of coverage. As far as I know the cheapest I found was Lighthouse Insurance for $328/mo with $600+ down, would like to find something cheaper, if possible, thanks!""
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.?
How much do you think insurance would cost for me?
I am 16 just got my lisence. I live in NS Canada. i completed the young drivers course which is supposed to make it cheaper. i plan on driving a 99 jeep cherokee.
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
Would insurance be greatly different for a grand am gt and a grand prix GTP?
Im thinking about getting either a grand am gt or (preferably) a grand prix GTP. Would the insurance for those two cars be greatly different in cost if all the other things like coveerage, driver, etc is the same for both? thanks!""
Car Insurance?
I just need some really cheap auto insurance for the next 6 months...... The cheapest I've found is ESurance but I've heard that they're known to drop you for absolutely no reason? I don't care about the whole they take forever to get back to you and stuff I just don't wanna randomly be dropped, being that it's only for 6 months....... anyone know anything about esurance? Thanks:)""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
I am selling my older car to my brother but we are trying to find out which insurance companies would be the cheapest for him. Any suggestions?
michigan medical insurance
michigan medical insurance
How much does your health insurance cost per month?
I'm not trying to be nosy. Ax on another question stated his is $60 a month. Mine is a little over $100 a week. Does that seem high?
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am soon going to buy a used Toyota Corolla and I live in North Carolina. I am just starting to get my driver's license and I was wondering what auto insurance is cheaper? Would it be cheaper if I was on my parents auto insurance?
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
""10 points! I'm 17, moved out, car insurance?""
Ok, so in 7 months i am moving out of my moms house and in with my boyfriends family for a year or two. ( My mom is aware of all of this btw) Anyways, allstate is throwing me off my moms car insurance due to the fact she will live in a seperate state and away from me. The time i move and the time i turn 18 is a two month difference. I move in june my bday is in august. It's nearly impossible for me to find insurance qoutes because im not 18! I do't want to get emancipated it seems like a waste for 2 months difference, but if i do can i get insurance on my own? i will be sharing this car with another driver older the age of 18 but still cosidered a young driver. What are my options? I have to drive to get to work!""
Insurance on newly bought car?
When you buy a car, you kind of have to drive it home without insurance. What happens if you get in an accident or get pulled over? I'm talking about buying a used car, if that makes any difference.""
What company will insure my toyota supra twin turbo?
In perth, wa. Youngest driver 19 years old""
Totaled car w/no insurance please help?
ok bought a new car in oct 09 then it was stolen I made an insurance claim and they dropped me so I paid 3000 to get it fixed after that I didn't insurance back on it because I couldn't afford it at the time it was $412 a month so I finally was able to get insurance and no one would insure me had almost 8 pts I'm 23 and high risk finally my brother totaled the car and I have 17000left to pay and have not missed any payments should I tell the finance co? This just happed and it's still at the police impound he did not hit anyone I just have a fast car and he hit 3 light poles! Should I file bankruptcy? Get it off the lot? Tow it to the dealership? Tell the finance co please help what's the next steps I have no one to help
I hit another car and I have no insurance?
My boyfriend just gave me his old car as a gift, I planned on getting insurance to it the moment I put it under my name, but I was driving today and I rear ended another car. I was placed in police car as they did some investigation. The other police officer found out that the other car was a rental and that they had Avis insurance. I kept asking the police officer when do I find out about making payments to the other car. He gave me a ticket and said there will be no payments for the other car. Me and and the other car never exchanged any information. This is my first accident, I am a little confused. Am I suppose to get sued. And what is the likelihood that that the other car's insurance would charge me 10k or more for the accident? I want an idea so I can start saving money and trying to make payments now. Is there a way I can start making payments without having to go to court to get sued.""
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
Buying a used car and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a used car in the US, but I have several questions regarding this: 1) I will have to get auto insurance before buying the car and driving it on the road. How can I do this if I haven't bought a car though? 2) I'm a non-US citizen, and I have no credit rating at the moment. Will insurance companies deny my application or will my premium go up? 3) I will be relocating to another state after getting the car. Therefore, can I purchase auto-insurance in my current state first for a month, and then purchase it again once I reside in the new state? What's the best way to handle the insurance matters in this situation? Thanks for all the help.""
What is the best way to market homeowners insurance in Florida?
I m a relatively new property and casualty insurance agent in Florida. There is a perceived homeowners insurance crisis in Florida. Many of the big boys (ie Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) are not writing any new business, policies are being nonrenewed, and if you're lucky enough to not get dropped, premiums are going up by more than 30% a year. Because of this, the average consumer thinks there's no alternative but pay what your Allstate, State Farm, or Nationwide agent gets you, which is usually a high rate with Citizens (the state run insurance company of last resort). However there ARE several small companies writing policies in Florida with great rates, but the captive agent of the big boys can't write them so people don't really know. I honestly haven't had a single lead who I couldn't save hundreds, maybe more than a thousand dollars a year. But I just don't know how to get the word out. Any ideas?""
""21,no job,no health insurance,need meds, what do i do?""
i live in california & i had Health insurance for 3 months (medical) but they cut me off when i turned 21 in december. during those 3 months i was taking fluoxotine for my depression/social anxiety & nexium for dyspepsia. The meds actually worked. it took 2 weeks for my mood to change. i felt happy,less anxious & more talkative! but unfortunately i have ran out. My insurance company said they only take care of youth up to age 21 & the elderly. Well what does everyone else do? do any of you over 21 have Health insurance? if so what company? I have no money to pay for the meds myself, My fam cant afford it, i have no help, i cant get a job (ive been trying for two years) i Have no idea what to do.""
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 16, ill be on the car by myself. the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition. i have state farm along with my family so ill be on their plan, ive done the steer clear program and have good grades which both give me a discount! does anyone have an estimate of what is might be per month????""
Need condo insurance in Florida?
Hi, can anyone point me to any web sites or insurance agents in Florida that are still writing insurance for condos? Thanks!""
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
What is the average car insurance payment for a 20 year old female?
Im thinking of purchasing a 2008 dodge avenger. Ive never had car insurance in my own name before. I have no accidents on my record and nothing else in my name. Also, i have no major violations.""
Two car insurance policies?
My parents are trying to get me insured on their car which they already have a policy on but it is too expensive to put me on that. Is it legal for me to take out another insurance policy on the car in my name only?
Is there an insurance company that will insure you after you've not had any for almost a year?
A friend of my gf's couldn't afford it before but can now since she's gotten a better job and cannot find it anywhere. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the smart *** answers to yourself. Serious replies only
Where can i get cheap affordable Health insurance?
I am 20 years old and i will need to see a cardiologist. I have a low paying job right now. Whats the best plans. I cant afford much =/
""Which is worse: increased taxes, or a high insurance premium?""
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, I'd pay any tax to fund socialized medicine thrown my way rather than pay $13,375 a year for a family of four. and you'd be crazy not to yourself. and besides...the tax would never be 4,824, which is the average a single person pays per year.""
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
""Solo accident, going to file sr-1, repair estimate $2200. should i tell insurance? (2nd accident in 5 months)?""
first of all, yes, i am a bad driver and i'm really going to drive slow from now on. this is my 2nd car accident in 5 months. the first one was deemed 70% my fault(my car and another one involved, we went through insurance). in this most recent one, it was just my car and a wall initial repair estimate is about $2200. i'm going to file an sr-1. so it looks like i have several options: option1) file the SR1, don't even call the insurance company, pay out of pocket option2) file the SR1, tell insurance, get them to pay for some of the repairs, and i pay for the rest option3) file the SR1, tell insurance, have them pay for all of the repairs how would my future insurance premiums be affected in each situation? how would it affect my DMV record and points against my driving record? i'm guessing the insurance company will find out even if i don't call them directly because of the SR-1 i'm going to file. but if i don't make the insurance company pay, will they not hike up my premiums as much? any suggestions or knowledge about sr-1 and insurance? thanks!!""
Does Michigan have extra cheap auto insurance?
I keep seeing all these advertisements for Michigan (obviously this only would apply if you live/have lived in Michigan) regarding certain loopholes for cheaper auto insurance.. ??
michigan medical insurance
michigan medical insurance
Insurance quotes for subaru wrx or acura rsx?
i am 18 and have my license for 1 year , no tickets no anything good grades . Wich would cost more the rsx or the wrx , whats the price range for each a month .thanks""
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
I hit my son's car! (Insurance question)?
I accidently hit my son's car in the driveway. We have seperate insurance policies, but use the same agent. At first the agent told me my son's policy would cover the accident and pay for my son's car but I would have to pay for my deductible. Fine, sounded fair...and I was told don't file a police report. Now I have been given several different excuses as to why my son's car cannot be fixed. First I was told I own his car. Not true!! and we have different insrurance policies, then I was told we have the same policy..WE DO NOT! Then I was told you can't collect if the person is a relative at your residence. What is going on! This is a WELL KNOWN insurance company and we are shelling out big bucks for these policies. Any insight or advice.""
What is the average cost of life insurance?
I know individual circumstances apply, but there must be an average monthly cost somewhere. 33 years old, Looking for term life insurance, 500K I was just given a monthly quote for $28 per month""
Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Exchange concept seems to do the trick... so why complaints?
The Health Insurance Exchange idea allows individuals to come together and have the purchasing power of a large corporation. In this manner these uninsured people can get insurance at ...show more
Do insurance companies had out new phones?
This is the deal. I bought a new phone. HTC Desire S. I then accidentally dropped down the toilet. This caused it to get water damaged which equals broken phone. It's with the insurance company, and I know my claim has been accepted and now they are deciding whether they can repair the phone or send me a replacement. Now.. What does a replacement mean: Does that mean a new phone (fresh out of box) Does that mean a refurbished phone (second hand) Does that mean a different model phone (not a HTC Desire S) I've never used a insurance company before for this kind of thing because I'm always very careful when it comes to my technology and gadgets, so I don't know. I'm hoping I'll at least get the same model phone I had. I only had this phone for 2 weeks (Upgraded from Vodafone)""
Cheaper insurance for a second toy car
I currently am driving a 99 corolla and am looking into getting an 87 firebird Is their a cheap way to insure the car just as a toy not a daily driver mabey drive it tops 5 times a month?
""My friend backed his motorcycle into my car, who's insurance covers it?""
My friend backed his motorcycle out not paying attention and backed into the side of my car leaving 3 deep scratches from the pegs on the side of the bike. Also, the bike and the car were in his driveway. He does not have insurance on the bike, but we both have liability on our cars. How do we go about getting this issue resolved?""
Is there any website where I can look up insurance rates for every car??
just want to see which cars are expensive to insure and which cars are cheaper. I just want a list like highest to lowest. I don't need specific rates.
Cheapest full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?
i'm eighteen years old and im about to get my first car. i think im going to work all summer and just save up so by the end of the summer ill either have enough to fully buy a car or have enough to make payments. my mom said i have to get full coverage insurance. what is the cheapest insurance i can get. and what is a quote?
""Car insurance, they didn't take payment, was I insured?""
I have a classic car insurance policy with two cars on it, the policy started on one car but I later added a second. I have just taken the second car off the policy but it turns out ...show more""
Is $600/year normal price for insurance if the car is 10 years old?
My BMW Z3 is 1999 and I'm paying $600 a year for insurance in MD. Does anybody know why is it so high for such an old car? The car is now worth approximately $5000. Our other car is 2006 SUV and the insurance is cheaper. Why is that?
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks! Additional Details just because my baby is a surprise doesn't mean it's not wanted. an abortion is never an option. it's too late to get insurance because pregnancy is a pre existing condition. i'll try medicaid again. i know i'm not an illegal alien but surely being an american citizen i should be entitled to something.""
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
How much does a 16 year old pay for insurance in florida?
am going to get a mustang GT and was wondering how much will the insurance come up to be, and also how less cheaper will it be if i get an altima sedan.""
My Car insurance Progressive won't pay for my stolen car because my insurance got canceld 2 days!?
I brought my car 2 months ago from RPM auto sales! I have full coverage insurance with progressive! April 7th 2009 my mom was suppose to pay my car insurance and on april 9th they sent her a cancelation notice! Then on april 17th it got finalized! Then on april 19th my car got stolen at gas station! I called the cops right away and my insurance! The follow day my insurance said they wont cover it because the insurance was canceld! IS THERE ANYWAY I COULD SUE PROGRESSIVE OR FIND SOMEWAY TO GET THE MONEY FOR THE CAR 00 BONNEVILLE WITH ABOUT 900$ IN SOUND SYSTEM STUFF IN IT! HELP ME PLZ THIS IS MAKING ME SAD AND DEPRESSED!!!
Will health insurance cover scar removal?
Will health insurance cover scar removal?
Shoul I continue paying my car insurance while waiting on a claim?
My car is total, but my insurance won't fixed it nor pay for it since i didn't have liability coverage.""
Can I get Insurance I am the only employee at my office Group of One?
I live in California and work for a Doctor's office but it is only part time. I have been working for a little over three years and my boss said I can look into the option of getting health insurance however all the companies I look at only want to insure groups of people can my employer get me health coverage even though I am the only one on the plan. Curious in California
Car insurance increase?
My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help!
Car insurance question?
My boyfriend doesn't have a car therefore he doesn't have car insurance... If he were to get into an accident driving my car or get a ticket, would my insurance go up? I have full coverage and the insurance company said he and I would be covered. But I was wondering if my insurance would go up if he were to get pulled over or get into an accident.""
How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?
My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don't think it's a good idea because he has three kids, so you don't have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he'd still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I'm thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?""
Liability insurance on a leased car?
If I lease a car or buy it on credit (a 2004 convertible mustang eg.) can I just buy cheap liability insurance? Please explain, I'm new to this and I need a car asap :/ please and thnx!!!""
Can anyone recommend a good life insurance company?
I know all circumstances are different but I would like some recommendations as there are so many to chose from and I am sick of repeating my details, so if I could whittle it down a bit it may help!""
Why is my car insurance quote massive?
Since few weeks im just looking up comparision sites quoting 1.0 engine first cars such as corsa, pug 206, punto, clio, polo etc ( not all of them are 1.0 but from what ive heard it doesnt make that much difference). In fact, i havent got my licence yet but i adjust my details as if I had one already. It was okay when i searched a quote for corsa and polo for provisional - ended up at 1k yearly. Then I've checked full uk at both comprehensive and 3rd party only - prices went up from minimum of 6k up to 30k which is enormous and ridiculous. What might be wrong with that. Most of people says like it should be up to 2 grand, even my instructor said so. Is that my name, postcode, something wrong with cars I choose? It'd be understandable if i wanted range rover or aston martin as first car. Im foreigner, nearly 19, studying and working both full time. It feels like they just picking at me.. Any ideas though??""
michigan medical insurance
michigan medical insurance
Motorbike insurance confusion?
I'm looking to get a new motorbike in January and am looking at quotes online. Where it says where is the bike kept overnight I have put: on a public road. Then where it says Address where bike is kept overnight I have put my home address. However I want to take it too uni and that's obviously a different address, but it won't let you have two. I have put on the form that my current address is my home rather than uni. Do I need to tell them that it's going to be at uni with or not because it'll be at both places for extended periods of time? It's also 400 more expensive to put address as uni - though cost isn't the problem just confused. thanks. Sorry if it was confusing, if you can't understand then I'll try and make it clearer.""
What color vehicles are the cheapest for insurance?
What color vehicles are the cheapest for insurance?
Whats the difference between home insurance and rental insurance?
for my rental property? Is it a good idea to switch home insurance to rental insurance when a tenant is living in my rental property just in case if they smashed some holes on the wall, or some damages on the property? Thanks!""
""New driver, car, insurance etc..?""
I've started saving for my first car, driving lessons and tests, and obviously insurance. Any tips on choosing a car, and a teacher? How much would it cost, roughly? Detailed answers really appreciated, thankyou x""
""If my car gets totaled by another driver, how much will I get from their insurance?""
If I get in an accident and it is not my fault, will the other driver's insurance company pay for what my car would be worth in private party value? Also, would they rate it as fair, good, or excellent condition? My car is currently worth $28k in private party in good condition according to KBB, and a lot of insurance companies only cover up to $25k. Will my insurance company pay the difference and TTL for a new car? My car is fine, I'm just curious.""
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
Wife is pregnant and we have no insurance?
Hi everyone. Just found out last night that the wife's 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) but we don't have health insurance (boo!). I live in California and was told there is something called Medi-Cal (?) that helps people who are low-income and don't have health insurance in their pregnancy needs but I don't know if I qualify. My gross monthly income is $3000. Also, if I don't qualify I heard there is a low cost insurance called AIM? Anybody who's ever had dealings with Medi-cal or AIM your pointers and experience will be muchly appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but scared of becoming a daddy!! AHHHH!!!""
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
What's average price for moped insurance?
thinking of a getting a 125cc cobra, i'm 18 and recently passed my CBT. Can anyone please tell me how much i'd be looking at paying?""
Can my Storage Company force me to buy their Insurance?
I have had the same storage place for over 10 years now, and recently they have been charging me an extra 9 bucks a month to have their insurance. I do not want to have their insurance ( or any insurance for that matter) and wanted to know if I legally have to pay this or if they are doing something illegal? They also charged me for a month that earlier than what they said I initially had to start paying.""
How much people can be on someone's auto insurance?
is there a limit to how many people/vehicles can be insured under one person's name? lets say, can a person insure his car and himself, as well as his 2 sons cars and his 2 ...show more""
Estimated insurance cost for this car UK?
hi im 17, just about to take my test and it looks like this will be my first car. what do you think the insurance will be on it. i know it will be high but i just wondered how high haha. can you ask for a quote if you don't own the car and haven't passed yet? ie a generalised quote i live in a very good area with off road parking and garage.""
Jeep wrangler Insurance rates?
Does anyone have a wrangler? Im looking at buying a 2007 this year and would like a heads up about insurance rates.
Car Insurance?
i bought a new car and it needs new insurance, in michigan there's a no fault wut does this mean? how can this b used and how does it work? how does the insurance cover this?""
Whats the cheapest place to get insurance?
I got a 01 kia optima im 23 years old, male, and paying about 100 dollars a month for full coverage. Company: American Family. Any better deals""
Help With Residency and Car Insurance?
If my mom lives in Arizona and I live in New York and my car is in her name and so is the insurance and I am just a driver on the car then if i change my residency to New york and she stays in arizona will it be an issue? I have my car with me in new york (going to school) but the insurance doesn't know that. Can i change my residency to new york withouth having to change the car insurance if it's under her name and i'm just a driver? anyone explain please because im paying out the butt for tuition because i'm 'out of state' even though im not just because my mom doesnt want to mess with the insurance
What is the cheapest car for me to buy in regards of insurance?
I passed my test in mid may 2009. So nearly a year and a half ago. I have a pass plus certificate. I know the best cars are obivously the ones with 1.0 engines and other small sizes. Im getting some horrible quotes, so I figured I would ask the community. Vaulkal corsas are the cheapest so far. But unknown brands like plutos are coming up quiet cheap. It is my first car, no one years claim bonus. I dint insure a car straight away because I was getting quotes for over 5 grand due to being 17, now im 2 years older and had more time holding a licence its obivously droped, but not by much. Any thoughts on cars?""
Why do we need car insurance anyway?
i know we need it by law, but why is it needed, and i need some estimates on insurance for my first car, honda 2002, pre owned.""
Progressive car insurance?
my mom is planning to get progressive car insurance , and they told her that it's going to cost her 81$ per month (I think) , and I am 18 years old and I wanna know how much will it cost if they add me to that insurance?""
Car insurance smh idk what to do?
Ok I previously asked this same question but I just wanted to be a little more clear about things because there was obviously some confusion. The car I purchased was a 2001 Nissan Maxima and I got it for $1700 with a few minor things wrong with it. When I called an insurance agency they told me that I'll basically be buying the car 4 times in the next 6 months. About $7500 for 6 months. I'm 22, living in Brooklyn NY and those rates seem outrageous. I seen forums where ppl said they were paying 2-300 a month that's why I thought buying the car was a good idea and I wasn't aware that I could get a quote without purchasing insurance because the internet never quotes me. What can I do about that insanely high insurance rate? Will any private companies provide insurance for me? Should I just sell the car I just bought it today? Can I even sell it? all I did was sign his title so idek how I can sell it. Can he get another title? I'll give him $200 for the trouble and he can sell to sum1else""
What is the cost of basic car insurance?
I know it varies but i mean for an average car? Are there any other costs to be considered when first purchasing/driving a car?
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
""In NC I am looking for individual health and dental insurance. Any suggestions on some reliable, affordable?
companies? I just have no idea where to start and what is a good rate. Checked out BCBS of NC but it all looks like gibberish to me.
Will having a new licensed driver in the house affect car insurance rates?
I live in New York, and I'm getting my license. My sister is afraid that having another licensed driver living in the same household will raise her car insurance rates. I told her I didn't think it would, since I wouldn't be going on her insurance, I would be getting my own. Does anyone know the answer?""
michigan medical insurance
michigan medical insurance
0 notes
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
"Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Teen insurance question?
this is just a hypothetical question. but say your 16 and got a bmw 528i, 2008 version. what would your insurance rate be? including the following: you took drivers ed. family has 3 cars, so add the car into that pile. etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING****""
What would have if you just stopped pay your car insurance?
What would have if you just stopped pay your car insurance? I am just curious.
What Car insurance should i get at 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old who is unemployed. I need car insurance that is cheap and is helpful. I need to know how much insurance is.
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Is there a law in California for mandatory Health Insurance now?
Is there a law in California for mandatory Health Insurance now?
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
How is Progressive for auto insurance?
I am a veteran and a USAA member, so my insurance is a slightly lower than the average person. However, I recently got a claim from Progressive that they could give me the same coverage for $850 dollars (200 less than USAA). Is this too good to be true? My USAA agent told me that they were probably pulling a bait and switch; they would probably raise my rates as soon as I signed the policy. Does anyone have any feedback or information to share about Progressive? Is it really that affordable or is it just a scam?""
Why is health insurance so hard to get?
I'm almost 20 years old, a full time student and do not have health insurance. When I was 16, my parents switched insurance companies, and for some reason or other they did not put me on their policy. So I have not had insurance for 3 years. In February I found out I was pregnant so I began applying for Medicaid. Before all the paperwork was done, I had miscarried and in the process racked up almost $6000 in medical bills. I went to the medicaid office and they told me that they would cover my bills even though I was no longer pregnant and college students don't qualify. After 2 months of waiting, Medicaid denied me and the hospital turned me into a collection agency. I was denied because I make too much money. I make $8.55 an hour and work about 15 hours a week. Yes I do make good money for a student but I have worked at the business for 3 1/2 years. Because I am not a full time employee, I don't qualify for insurance, but only managers and department heads are full time. I can't get a second job to help pay the costs because my first job wont work around another one, and I can't find a full time job because no where is hiring. Plus it would be very hard to find anywhere that pays as well as the job I have here. So if health insurance is so important to have, then why is it so hard to obtain?""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance companies for 18 year olds?
I'm driving a 2010 Scion TC without any wrecks or anything.
Woud my car insurance go up?
i got into a car accident the beginning of september this year. i had a car that was in my dads name and also the insurance was in his name as well. i never payed for anything or signed anything in my name. i accidentally ran a red light and hit the car that was making a left. it wasnt that bad as it sounds. but my dad decided it wasnt worth it and place the car as a right-off. sooooo anyways. i never got a ticket. i am planning on buying a car in january. would my insurance go up? could i get away with not such a high monthly insurance? i mean really everything was in my fathers name and i recieved no ticket. btw. i live in fl
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
Car Insurance for Young Drivers; How much do you pay? (UK)?
I'm planning on getting a car later this year just after I've passed my test (I'm 17). I just want a small, cheap car- something like a Ford Ka or an old Vauxhall Corsa. I just wondered if anyone's got a good cheap deal cos it looks like it's going to cost me loads.""
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
Should I contact my auto insurance company (accident was not my fault)?
Okay, my wife's car got stuck in the snow last week close to the subdivision. So I went out to get the car because she's not really good at driving in the snow, but I have ...show more""
Is car insurance for a second driver over 25 years of age free in Canada?
My girlfriend will be getting a car soon, and will be buying an insurance policy. I am 25 years old and have been driving for around 8 years. Do I need to purchase a second insurance policy to be able to drive that same car?""
Need a ballpark insurance estimate?
hello all, i dont actually HAVE this car, but i plan on having it soon here (within the next 6 months) and was just wondering if someone could give me their best ballpark estimate 18 year old male Lives with parents still No Traffic Violations ; 1 small fender bender about 3 months after i got my license (if that matters) 2002 Ford Explorer XLS 4x4 I have taken Drivers Ed Single (well, not married anyway) please and thanks""
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
How to get health insurance in nj?
im 19 need health insurance cant get under my moms anymore where do i start what do i do is it expensive?
About coupe car insurance.?
I'm thinking of buying an coupe car. People say coupe car have very high insurance fee. Do you know where to check each car's insurance price? I also heard different age has different price, and older the cheaper. So if we have insurance this coupe as mom who is 50 year old would it be cheaper than me who is 18 year old? how much does it get cheaper if I never get in accident or get violation ticket? If you can, can you recommend me cheap coup car? Thank you.""
Affordable healthcare in Virginia?
My current healthcare that I have through my employer sucks. It is way too expensive and not very good. My deductible so high and since I recently added my baby, it's even higher. I am now looking into a different insurance provider that is affordable and provides good service and benefits. Any suggestions?""
Car insurance - change of address?
Hi. Recently i changed my address so i had to let the car insurance company know about that. But they charged(actually are willing to chage) me 423 pounds !! Yes, there's not a misspeling. It's 423 . As far as i ve seen, most people get charged no maximum than 50 pounds for this change. Also, there are no changes on my policy. I still have a garage, i still do the same mileage/year and so on. They even confirmed that there's no change in policy details except the new address. The new address it's in Manchester (central area) and before i lived in Bradford(UK). Now, in the mean time, i had a claim. If i would have found about this fee before, i would have cancel my insurance policy but now that i have a claim, i can't cancel it anymore and being refunded (as i paid the insurance for 1 year in one go, Not monthly). I found about this crazy 423 fee only now when i had this claim. You can't find anything about any fees related to changing the address neither on my policy papers nor on their website and online policy books. I suppose they considered this fee just as an administration fee. And i suppose they could have charged me even 10 000 pounds as an administration fee just because they can. I don't feel protected by the company anymore !! that's why it's an insurance company, to protect and take some risks out. The insurance company it's Admiral. I tryed to talk and explain them that this fee it's just nuts but they didn't agreed. The fee it's about 1/4 of the total insurance cost for 1 year. Maybe they try to take advantage of the fact that i can't cancel it (coz i have a claim in process) and i can't get refunded ? Any ideea how should i proceed ? Shall i proceed with any legal actions ? if yes, how much time and money would that cost because i wouldn't go into, i don't think it's worth doing that. Thanks in advance :) Cheers!""
Free car insurance quote?
What is the best car insurance quotes & rates site to get free car insurance quotes from? Simpler the better!? I was wondering if you guys would be able to shed a little light on the simplest free car insurance quotes sites out there for U.S. citizens specifically?
How can I get health insurance for my foreign-born mother-in-law?
We live in California, she's from Japan and is 74 years old.""
""Why can't we have Geiko,State Farm, or Progressive auto insurance in the state of Ma?.?""
I always see t.v. commercials for them but at the bottom of the screen it says not available in Ma. and a few other states that I can't remember. If I could save money buy switching to one of those companies I would but I can't , so I have to pick from Commerce or Metropolitan. My car insurance is really expensive (I pay over $300 a month) I have only had my license for a couple years so I under stand the whole new driver thing and my car was new when I bought it so I have full coverage but the car is only a Kia Rio, far from a sports car or luxury car. I pay more for my insurance than for the car payments.""
""When leasing a car, how much does one usually pay for GAP insurance, if it not included in payment?""
Thinking about leasing a Toyota Camry LE (sale price 19,200.00) for 3 years. I'm wondering what others have paid for GAP insurance on similarly priced,leased, autos, or on any priced autos. My auto insurance company does not provide GAP insurance. Hope this is clear. Thanks.""
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
How can you justify paying this much for insurance?
my insurance was canceled on my a month ago so im shopping around. i have a friend who is a broker who recommended using progressive - for $711 a month. wtf. i have 1 speeding ticket, 1 minor traffic violation, and one comp claim. i used to have state farm and the most i ever paid was $240 a month. this is just wrong in all respects. how do they expect any 21 year old to pay that much? thats a rent payment. i have an 05 scion tc, im wondering if buying a cheap beater would affect the price at all.""
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
What Car Insurance Company will offer the Cheapest Insurance for an 18YO Male?
Looking for the least expensive.
What is the best car insurance provider for young drivers?
I have recently passed my driving test, and was wondering which car insurance provider is cheapest as most of them seem to be very expensive!""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
Question about my insurance?
I had an accident two weeks ago I wonder if my insurance pay for my medical costs. (suppose I am at fault) and I have full coverage insurance which includes: Bodily injury 25/50 (is it for the other person involved who is not at fault or can it be used for me too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive collision
Car Insurance Question?
I came to north Carolina at the beginning of August from FL to stay with my aunt while I got my finances in order and she recovered from her back surgery. I plan to stay here until a bit after the new year. When I moved, I arranged to have my mail forwarded while i am here. Also around this time, I started searching for a new insurance provider because my rate had gone up with geico. I decided on progressive. When signing up for progressive, I signed up with my Florida drivers license number and my new nc mailing address. A couple of months later I received a letter from the state of Florida saying that they were notified my geico insurance policy was cancelled and to provide new proof of coverage. I went online and provided the information but apparently made an error when selecting the insurance company name. I accidentally selected protective insurance company instead of progressive. I was made aware of this error when I received a license suspension letter yesterday. Since then I have notified the state of Florida Of the error. I then received notice that my insurance was still not acceptable because Florida requires that if I have a florida registration, i must have a Florida policy. I called my insurance who confirmed that although they provide Florida coverage, I was under a nc policy even though I provided them with a Florida drivers license number since my mailing address was currently nc. I have had no lapse in coverage, but my insurance company cannot switch it back to florida until I am living there again at the beginning of the new year and can provide a valid address of where I will be living. I do not know where I will be living when I get back yet because I will have to find a new place to move into. Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in this situation? When I first moved to FL and transferred my tags, it cost me almost 500 dollars, so if i transfer them to NC for the time being, i will then have to pay 500 dollars again once I go back to FL""
Insurance price for a 50cc moped?
I'm almost 16 and I'm male, does anyone know/has any male that's 16 recently been insured? If so, what was the price of the insurance?""
I want to get either a reno clio 2001 or an old mini. i know the mini is likely to be cheapest. I'm a 17year old male. Which company would give me the cheapest car insurance? DON'T TELL ME TO GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED THIS ALREADY, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. Thanks""
How much would insurance oN MY CAR BE?
i am thinking about getting an 02 jeep cherokee, i am 17 and had no violations or anything, how much do u think that insurance would be alone for me and not under my parents name. (insurance per month)""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
Motor Scooter Insurance?
I'd like to hear an estimate for how much motor scooter insurance would cost if I have/am: *16 years of age *Own a 49cc motor scooter *Will use it basically year round for: School, business, pleasure purposes *Took a drive safe course *Have a car license *Decide to get completely insured (All out) If someone would give me realistic numbers for monthly/ yearly costing, I'd be very appreciative.""
How much do you pay for teen car insurance per 6 month?
We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I am 18 , dad is 54 and we pay 35004+ for 6 months . Is that high?""
What would insurance be for me with this car?
2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week. I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident.""
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget.""
""When you switch car insurance companies, trusting the new company with the quote they give you, do they have?
to stick with that quote throughout the year or can they cheat you and increase it later and the quote is just an estimate. I live in California
Car insurance help!!!?
im 16 and can take my drivers test in october. as soon as i do that,and pass i want to get auto insurace for my car (vw). i know some companies would let me put the car in my own name and pay the insurance myself,but i dont know which ones? i live in pennsylvania. if you know any of them that would let me,please let ,e know!! thanks! :)""
How to get insurance when pregnant?
whats the fastest way to get insurance when pregnant im already about 14 weeks
How much is pilots insurance ?
First of all is there such a thing as pilots insurance, if so how much is average""
""Classic Car Insurance, 17 years old, unlimited miles?
Im 17 and have a classic vehicle (1986) are there any insurance companies that has a classic insurance plan for a 17 year old with unlimited miles? I live in New York
Gerber Life Insurance?
I'm currently pregnant, but I've received several pieces of mail about this life insurance. I was wondering if anyone has it and what they think about it. It seems like a good plan, but then again, life insurance for a 1 year old seems kind of strange.""
Difference On Insurance Between A Vectra Turbo Petrol & Leon FR Diesel?
Recently decided I'd like to change my car from a 2006 Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 Turbo Petrol to a 2006 Leon 2.0 TDi FR Diesel.. But it all depends on Insurance.. They both fall into group 12 and the vectra has 175BHP where as the Leon has 170 BHP will the insurance be cheaper or more?
Car insurance excess reclaiming?
My car was written off back in sept 08 after two cars collided infront of me and one spun and wrecked the front of my car. Both parties are disputing liability and I have got nowhere ...show more
How much is the average cost of auto insurance for a new driver?
heres some other info, im 20, i just got a learners permit. i live in new york state.""
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
""I have no car insurance, husband got into a car accident, what to do?""
We've been struggling financially this past year, and to make matters worse, my husband rear ended another car. He's stating he didn't see any signal lights or tail lights that night. Our car is totaled, but the other person's car got there whole back end bent in like hulk punched the crap out of it. All procedures went, police and ambulance came, and now we need to go to a doctor today to see how long he has to recover. Luckily we are living with family, so we are getting support from them also. Thing is, we have absolutely no money, and no car insurance. What should I do? I live in Hawaii so there's a no fault benefit, but is that only if I have insurance? Should I get a lawyer involved even if my husband was the only one hurt?""
Local car insurance in california?
Local car insurance in california?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license and I live in California and my parents pay about $70 a month for each and I was wondering how much it would cost for mine since I'm a new driver and I'm planning to get an 2006 Honda Accord, How much would be the cheapest car insurance for me?""
Is it the car or the person must have insurance?
I was layed off my job and could not pay my auto insurance i did not drive however my girlfriend whom we live together has insurance that covers her on any vehical she drives the car. on thanksgiving 2 wks after my ins expired my girl was visiting family the car was parked and un occupied a lady backed into it she said her deductable was 1000 so get a est and she will pay we made police report the est was 1500 she said she cant afford and contacted her ins. they called me and are acting as if because i was not insured they dont have to pay for repair and the are not retuning my calls she admited to the police she did it
How to get quotes from insurance providers for a new comparison website?
I am creating an insurance comparison website such as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. I want to access the quotes of all the insurance providers and provde these quotes to my customers. How can I get the APIs used by the insurance comparison websites? I am interested in any of the Life Insurance, Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance.""
The best car insurance for a beginning teen?
I want to start driving, however one responsibility is paying for my own car insurance. I am 16 years old and am interested in a 2005 Volkswagen beetle. I was wondering what is the best car insurance company for a teen beginning driver, something affordable for a teenager's income please lol. Thank you.""
What is the best car and best insurance to go with?
I'm 20 years old new driver I know my insurance going to be high I'm taking A 6 hour road ready driving school but at the end what is the best car I'm not really into cars I'm much more into kind of truck sure enough that would be the best type of car and insurance car insurance that help new drivers not Kill they wallets / bank account
Auto insurance rates!?
im trying to find really low auto insurance rates...iv been in quite a few accidents tho, this seems to be the biggest prob..anyone with simalar experiences??""
Mexican car insurance?
If I drive into Mexico, do I need to get insurance for my car from a Mexican insurance company or is the American insurance valid there as well?""
""How much would it be if got allstate insurance for a new 2009 nissan altima. im 20yrs old, live with my parets?
my parents have allstate. this is my first car under my name.
""When getting an auto insurance quote, can you lie?""
if you lie to get discounts, can they find out and do anything? i'm about to buy new insurance, and they ask if you had any violations in the past 6 months, and i do, but if i skip that part, can i get in trouble? also do they do a background check if you say your a good student when you don't go to school at all?""
What is the most popular/best dental insurance in California?
Looking to invest in Dental Insurance, but I want something good, where I'm not paying so much out of pocket""
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?
I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 ...show more
How much should i pay for old car insurance?
how much the cheapest insurance for old car? i have a used honda.
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
How much does car insurance cost a month?
for a 20 year old university student who's low risk
Requirements for california drivers license?
how many behind the wheel professional training hours are required in the state of california in order to get a license?
How much does canadian car insurance cost for a 20yr old male NEW driver for a used CAR or used SUV?
Just give me an estimate for a car or an suv in canada. Just an estimate. I know its different for all cars and suvs but just give me an idea obviously the differences CANNOT be thousands and its gonna be in a certain range. if u can give me a range fine, give me a range im just a new driver and male, 20. these stupid car insurance companies cant even give me that much its not like im going to be paying 9000$ instead of 300$.""
""Insurance, What is Short Term insurance?""
What is a short term insurance? and if its what iam guessing it is like an insurance for a month,m can i renew it every month? I've seen this insurance company called Callingwood, and it says short term insurance which means that i pay 140 for a month worth of insurance, can i keep on renewing it every month? or is short term insurance not like?""
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
Would insurance be high on an impala ss?
I'm 18, I have a safe driving record (so far), I've completed driving school as well as defensive driving (it gives me a discount), if it helps. I'm thinking about buying an impala ss. I can afford it as far as the payments go, and my parents have agreed to pay the insurance if it's reasonable . So what am I looking at, guys?""
What car insurance do you have and do you like it?
I'm about to get my license and my parents asked me which insurance I want. I want to know your personal experience with your insurance company and would you recommend them? Judging by what my parents have explained to me so far I plan on getting full coverage not the bare minimum just because its cheaper (which is stupid in my opinion). Right now I'm driving our 2007 Mitsubishi eclipse but my parents plan on giving me the Saturn since the eclipse is more my moms car than mine. Do you know approximently what it will cost to insure the saturn. Also what do you think makes your insurance better than others?
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered for collision. My dad's car is not covered for collision either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not get collision coverage on it like my dad and sister's cars? Would that be cheaper? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :) Oh, and if it matters, I went to traffic school after my accident to remove the points against my driving record (I think that's what it did) My sister had already gone to traffic school recently for a speeding ticket so she can't go again for her accident.""
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Will the car insurance company pay for the damage or fix my car?
Ok I got into an accident with this lady today and it was all her fault. so my question is, is her insurance company going to pay me money to get a new car, or will they just fix it. the damage pretty bad, the engine makes some weird noises whenever i turn it on/off. what are some tips for not getting ripped off by the company? btw my car is 02 Honda accord. Thanks in advance""
I am 16yrs old and i have a chance to get a Conquest tsi turbo how can i convince my parents?
It is a 1987 Chrysler Conquest tsi turbo. The insurance would be $53 with the student discount and good grades and what not. Without it it is $70 a month. I am trying to get a job to buy this car i realy want it any sugjestions. It costs $2500 and it only has 60,000 Miles""
What do you belive is the best insurance agency for teens?
I am a 16 year old who needs insurance. I plan on get a new car in a month which is my 17th birthday. The only problem is, I need to know what agent is the cheapest.""
Where can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
What website can I get motorcycle insurance in Ontario for a SPORT BIKE. Thanks
""Got a dui in ny, how much will car insurance go up?""
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
What is the best type of insurance to buy term or Variable Universal Life? Why?
What to do with a conditional discharge and a car insurance?
My friend had a court on 25/08/2012, where he has been conditionally discharged for 12 months. His car insurance was due to be renewed on 28/08/2012. He was buying the car insurance ...show more""
Life insurance for an elderly sick parent??
I want to buy some life insurance for my dad. He is 59 years old and is a stroke victim. He doesn't live with me he lives in an assisted living facility. Is there an affordable life insurance policy that I can buy for him? I tried Globe Life but they rejected him due to his history of stroke and high blood pressure. I am trying to find something that is very very affordable because I will have to be paying for this myself along with my own personal bills. Thanks
Where can i get health insurance?
i've been on the pc for about two hours now looking for health coverage that does not cost me an arm and a leg and a foot. This is gonna sound like a personal ad, but i dont care,lol I am 20 and i just finished getting my aa this past december, (so i am no longer a college student), i live on my own, my parents do not supplement my income in any way(and they no longer want me on their coverage so thats a no). i have no children, i make about 30,000 (two partime jobs, niether give health coverage for part time employees) I am female, i've never smoked anything, (ciggarette, marijuana, etc) i work out 5 times a weeks( about 140lbs, 5'3), and most of all i live in that crap bowl known as new york. I need some type type of vision dental, medical, etc coverage that is affordable, im not looking for free, but something i can afford (around 0-$75 a month if possible), please help""
Can i drive my dads car without insurance?
Alright so i live in Ontario, Canada. I just recently got my G2 licence, and i am dying to drive the car, but my dad isnt sure if he would need to get insurance in my name on the car which i will drive. he already has insurance on the car, however its on his name. Can i legally drive that car if the insurance is not on my name?""
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
Where to buy the cheapest car insurance for new driver in the UK?
I passed my test back in april 06
How do i sue someone who doesnt have car insurance?
Last year I had a car wreck. The other diver ran a red light and my SUV done a roll and a half we were upside down after it happend. My teo kids were in the car. he totaled my 2005 ford explore, and then he said he had no insurance i have never been in a wreck so i dont know what to do. Now my doctor bills and the want the payout of the car. What do i do?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance with a dui in northern michigan?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance with a dui in northern michigan?
What is car insurance priced on in Ireland?
What are all the factors that influence the price of car insurance for drivers in IRELAND.
Question about car insurance?
my wife is new to this country and will just be getting her license soon. I am 27 and my insurance has just dropped below 100/month. How much would adding my wife who is 33 but never had US license and doesnt have credit make my insurance go up?
How much for motorcycle insurance on a 2002 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
I'm 24 years old and will be a beginner at this, I have never driven a car so this will be my first automobile. I live in los angeles,ca. No stupid answers!!""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over...So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen 17 w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Dental insurance Help. Dont have insurance. 21 yrs old?
Hello, im 21 and from California. My question is about dental insurance if anyone could give me some helpful Information. I don't have dental insurance and have no idea how to go about getting it. I currently have a few cavity's and a crown that needs to be done. Im not sure how that could affect me getting insurance? Also how much is dental insurance.. a range? Any info you can give me on how to start looking for an insurance would be great..THANKS!!""
Car insurance ( diabetes )?
after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great
I was driving my firends car and had an accident. Whos insurance covers the wreck? My friends or me?
I was driving my friends car and wrecked it. My insurance says that insurance covers the vehicle not the driver. Is this the opinion of all insurance companies?
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
Life Insurance for Children?
My husband wants us to get life insurance for our three kids. It's through Globe Life and is called the young American plan. It's a whole life insurance policy. I'm not ...show more
What's the cheapest way of getting hire car insurance?
I don't really want to pay $25 a day for insurance excess reduction!!
How long does a insurance company give you to renew your car insurance?
i live in walsall and i am on a holdiday in skegness. My car insurance is up the day before my holiday finishes. but unfortunately my wallet got stolen from an arcade yesterday so i have no credit cards to renew it online could u help please ?
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
Janesville Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50647
0 notes
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
"auto insurance quotes colorado springs
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can you have more than one car insurance providers?
I have a car buy my insurance will be threw the roof so I got my mum to be the legal owner f my car etc and I'm an additional driver and me and my mum will be insured for that car but she has her own insurance for her own car can we do it that way and she can have 2 insurance providers and I'm just insured for one of the cars with my own insurance
Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?
I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..""
Insurance for 16 year old?
I turn 16 and get my license in June(I'm a guy). I'm getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4, and going through Travelers on my dad's plan which has 5 cars on it already. How much will liability and collision cost for me?""
How does insurance Work in a dealer finance car if it where to get in a accident?
How does insurance work if a car is totalled in accident, but the car is still finance through a dealership? Would the Insurance payoff the balance owing in the car or just payoff what the car worth? What would happen to the remainder of the finance owing if the car is totalled in accident, but the fault is not in you? Thank you.""
Best insurance companies for 21 year old passed my test.?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 21 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
What would be a rough estimate on a monthly insurance price for and 18 yr old kid with a '12 motorcycle?
I have no previous accidents or anything But I want a new ninja. Just a ballpark if you can
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California?
Will 1 Point on my drivers record increase my Insurance in California? I got a speed ticket for driving 12+ miles over the speed limit and was told I received 1 point and a speeding ticket.
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?
Am I covered by 3rd party car insurance?
Yesterday I parked my car near to the train station as usual, when I returned from work the front was completely smashed in as though someone had ran into it and driven off. Does 3rd party insurance cover this kind of accident?""
Does medical Insurance transfer to a different state?
I have Kaiser Permante for medical insurance. It is very possible that I will move from California to Florida next January. How will my insurance switch? I heard there is no Kaiser there. Is there an alternative company? How can I find this out if I can't find out here?
Cars cheap to insure for new drivers?
Hi, ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a little car to get me mainly to and from my boyfriends, to work and to uni. i only need a 1L, something small and nippy but also quite cheap to insure. i know it will still be quite high insurance with me being a new driver, im 21. any ideas? ive been looking at fiat puntos and clios etc, but im not very clued up about cars or what ones would be classed as 'new driver cars' thanks in advance for any answers :)""
How much will my car insurance be? 17 year old male?
I have been waiting forever to hear back from the insurance company with my quote and it got me curious on how much the average is for a 17 year old male who does not have the best grades but has a clean record and never been in any sort of trouble. I understand you cant know this from just guessing but I was just looking for some estimates so I had an idea on how much to safe for. Thank you to who ever answers!
Bankruptcy and life insurance?
I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
Possible to have such cheap car insurance at 20 years old?
Hello all, i'm looking for car insurance on gocompare.com site and if i'm taking the insurance on my own name, the price comes up at 1,200 for a 1995 Ford Fiesta LX 1.2. I am 20 years old, male and held the licence for 1 year (1 year and 6 months to be exact) and have 0 NCB. Now, here is where the 'cheap' part comes in. The 1,200 was ON me as a prosper and owner of the car. If i put my step dad as first driver (main) and me as an additional driver (second) it comes up as 1,500 for insurance. How is that possible? He has 6 years no claims and held the licence for over 20 years. Never made a claim or had accident. Now if i put my self as FIRST driver and him as SECOND driver, meaning that everything goes on me and i would be getting no claims bonus every year, i get the price at :- 750! Now basically my question is - Is that possible? The companies that are at 750 are Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. Then the prices goes up to 1,500+""
Car insurance question???
i have just had my car stolen and was wandering if it was worth claiming on. It is insured for 2500 and they are willing to right it off and pay up but I have a new car that I need to get insurance for. My cheapest qoute is 450. Anyone have a rough idea how much my insurance would go up if I claimed for my old car?? Basically... should i just accept my losses on the old car or claim. cheers
What do car insurance companies use to determine car value?
I just bought a 2008 used car. I bought GAP insurance (pays the difference between what the car is worth and the amount of the loan if the car is totaled) for $600. I have 30 days to cancel the insurance for a full refund (to my finance company). Do insurance companies use Kelly Blue Book retail value, private sale or trade-in value to determine the value they will pay for a totaled car? If they use retail or private sale, I can cancel and be okay if I get totaled, but if it is trade in, I will be $3000 in the hole with no car.""
What cars usually have the lowest insurance rates?
I do not have the greatest driving record and am in the market for a car. I also do not have a huge budget (looking to stay under $10,000). I want something newer than 2000 and do not want very high insurance rates. Any ideas?""
""When i buy my first car, do i buy insurance before i pick it up from the previous owner?
or can i drive it to my house after paying for it and then buy an insurance.. also how to i register it on my name.. is there a document the owner will sign after i pay him for the car?
Does anyone knows of a good Health Insurance in Florida?
HMO, PPO or whatever... I need to know asap. The work insurance is horrible!""
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
Retirement and Health Insurance?
Hello, I am getting ready to retire and am having a hard time finding affording health insurance. I am retireing at 62 so am not able to get medicare yet. Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance plans for Seniors in Florida? Any info is much appreciated.""
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
I don't know what to do with my auto insurance coverage... can someone help me??
I got a new auto insurance last November and it expires end of May. I paid $320 for 6 months. The rate was higher due to a moving violation. Well, the violation is off my record now.... and when I got a quote today with another insurance company, it was $150 for 6 months. So would it be cheaper for me to cancel my current coverage ($50 early cancellation applies) and get the new coverage? Or just keep the current coverage and apply again in June?""
Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
Auto insurance wrong information!!?
Relatively, I am a new resident in the USA, I have been here for 18 months only, and I am trying to get a car insurance. The problem is the insurance companies give a huge discount for those who got licensed in the USA or Canada at age 16, but they do not consider other countries. For this reason I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. In fact I have been licensed in my country since 1998.. I wonder what's the influence if I choose to answer yes when the insurance company agent asks me whether I got licensed at age 16 or not in the USA or Canada? Because technically I am already licensed at that age but not here!!""
Investments and Life insurances with Zurich International?
I am thinking of taking some investments and insurance policies with Zurich International. Has anybody had any dealings with them? And, if so, has your experience and dealings with them been positive or negative? Are they as good as they say they are?""
Why are the insurance rates high on a Ford Mustang?
Why are the insurance rates high on a Ford Mustang?
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Is it cheaper to add a car to my insurance or get a new incurance for the 2nd car?
I have a 1989 trans-am it is modified and i was wondering if it would be cheaper to add it to my insurance company or get a second insurance company just for that car. Andy help???
I have a question about car insurance in N.C.? I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER????????????????
okay, im 15, im about to get a car signed over to my name, what im wanting to do is have it in my name, work out the problems with it over the years, then by the time i get my license, it'll be running nice and good so i dont have to worry about it, sounds simple huh? well i've only encountered one problem with this, and that is my mom says that you need to have car insurance to be able to own a car by law. so the whole time that i own the car, fixing it up and stuff, (when im not driving it), ill have to pay car insurance on it, i dont have a job yet, so i dont wanna dig a ditch that i cant get out of, so by law in N.C., do i have to have to have car insurance on a car, if i dont have my license, and im not driving it, i guesse a simpler way to put it is do i have to have insurance on a sitting car. an answer is crucial and best answer gets 10 points, please help thank you""
Does anyone know how much insurance would be for a 18 year old male and the car is a 1985 volvo?
1985 volvo 240 dl auto 4cyl. gray exterior and dark blue interior, 4dr""
""I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?""
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?""
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
I need help with car insurance !?
i am a young driver and i am am hoping to go on my mothers insurance but only for 3 or 4 months as i am going uni soon, i wanted to know how flexible it is to go on her insurance and them remove my self, what are the financial implications this may cause ? i already know it may cause the premium to increase but will this premium decrease back to her existing premium once i am taken off the insurance ? i would also like to pay monthly while i am on the insurance as i am likely to be quoted 1000+ for the year! so after 3 months payment i will take my self off- if this is possible once i am taken off the insurance will my mums premium go back down as she currently only pays 350 for the year please help i know this sound complicated but i will be grateful for any feedback""
Is insurance for a salvage car cheaper?
I am looking to get a 03 Mitsubishi Evo with a salvage title. I am just wondering what it would do to my insurance? Will it be cheaper than if the car had a clean title?
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
Who regulates auto insurance in CA?
How much is the insurance payment in New York State for a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo? In General.?
I live in New York State and i plan on buying a 1997 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo for maybe $1000. I've looked on the quotes on auto insurance and none of them helped me. Plus i am 17 years old and the vehicle would have to go under my parents name.
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
How much for insurance on a wrx?
whats the average rate for insurance on wrx wagon I'm 18 getting my license like next week but how much would I pay for 2002 wrx wagon
""I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?""
I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!""
I got a ticket which doesn't put points on my license. Could it affect my insurance rates?
I was a passenger in my friend's car when he was ticketed for having an open container of alcohol in the backseat. This occurred in Illinois, and the text of the relevant law is at the bottom. He was ticketed for violating section A; I was ticketed for section B. I confirmed with the very nice lady at the DMV that no points will be placed on my license since I was the passenger, but she was unsure as to what kind of report will be sent to the Secretary of State's office to be added to my driving record. So, here's my question: since I'm not getting any points for this, is it likely to affect my insurance rates? I can see both possibilities - on the non-affect side, it's a non-moving violation, but on the yes-affect side, it involves alcohol (albeit peripherally in my specific situation). If the consensus is that it will make my rates go up, I am going to try to get court supervision. If not, I'll try to save the extra money that would cost. Sec. 11-502. Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no driver may transport, carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within the passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no passenger may carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within any passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken.""
Cheap car insurance for teenagers?
I passed my test yesterday, I'm 17 but turn 18 in 3 months. I have my own car and I'm desperate to start driving. I spoke to dozens of companies and the minimum quote I got was 3000 something a year or 288 monthly with ingenie, which I don't earn enough wages for let alone without the cost of petrol. Can anyone recommend cheap insurance companies for new drivers? My mums won't insure me because of my age and told me I need no claims but I don't get how I can get no claims when I no one will even insure me? I'm really upset because I've spent 1100 on learning. Be grateful for any advice!""
Volvo- insurance costs and maintenance?
I'm thinking of buying a used Volvo. Anyone know anything about maintenance costs or the insurance costs?
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male?
Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering.""
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
Help with getting car insurance in NY?
I really need to get a car, just got my drivers license but the insurance companies are trying to charge me over 600 a month. I have heard about people getting their insurance in maryland and other close by states, will i be able to do that? or anything ? oh and i'm 22 btw""
I got a ticket for expired insurance in california?
but i did have insurance i just didnt have the card with me. the police officer said all i have to do is get the new card to the police station and have it signed off. am i going to still have to pay a fine?
I'm thinking about changing car insurance. Does Geico provide good customer service?
Their quote to me was amazingly cheap and that makes me a little nervous. You get what you pay for is what I have always heard. Anyone had their insurance through Geico? Good or bad experiences, please.""
Would you say my insurance is going to right my car off......?
i had a crash the other day where i got hit in the passanger side door and the car then bounced up an fell down on a high curb aon the drivers side. so after everything was sorted out i drove it home. the insurance have said it was my fault anyway. so i have got a fiat punto evo 60 plate, 4500 miles on clock 3 door. it cost me in april 10,995 to buy. So its been in a body shop got an estimate of 5300 to fix it and i have an excess of 1150. The body shop thinks its going to be a right off?? i am just wondering what your veiws are? thanks""
Does color of car affect insurance rates?
In the market for brand new car. Does color matter with insurance? I've heard red is most expensive.
""Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?""
hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?""
So confused bout car insurance.....?
i want to save a little money by switching my car insurance! i have allstate insurance and pay for 2 cars 786 every 6 months.both my husband and i have good driving records and are over 50. to me this seems like a lot of money. our cars are not high performance cars. why so much? geico quoted me a policy of 404 every 6 months,but i don't know if they are good or too good to be true! anybody out there have any feed back for me?? Thanks""
""Can anyone advise me on a good insurance company , young drivers?
im 17 and just got my pass plus certificate . i have a 1.2 litre 1999 fiat punto. i have been quoted 3500 on a tracker insurance policy and i think that's a ridiculous price ! has anyone got a good quote and want to tell what company they got it with
Insurance and a car that is being stored in a garage?
I'll have my full license next March and I was thinking of if I found a car (before then) and bought it, registered it and certified it but didn't use it until March (store it in a rented garage). If I did this, could I not pay insurance until I take it onto the road (I've read I can have it SORN )? Also, if I did get insurance for it (should anything happen to it while it's in storage) would I pay less than what I would if it were on the road and if so, how much of a difference would that be?""
Car insurance help for a young driver?
I'm looking to buy this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I'm a new driver and have looked everywhere for a cheap insurance quote. I'm just wondering whether the insurance will go down by much after my first year driving? thankyouuuuu x
How can I get a car insurance quote if I'm under 18?
I don't have my license yet but a large part of what decides what car I can get depends on what the car insurance would cost. Since I am under 18 not of the car insurance websites will give me a quote and if i lie about my age it will change the cost. Any ideas?
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
How do I go about getting health insurance for my baby?
Me and my husband just got married this year and found out that we were pregnant a few weeks later. We both just got jobs mine does not have insurance and his offers insurance but it will not kick in for three more months and our baby is due in one month. Right now we are both on our parents health insurance my dads includes maternity but will not cover anything for the baby after he is born. We now make too much for Medicaid but are still struggling financially. Should we wait until my husbands insurance kicks in and pay out of pocket for two months or get him on a private plan so when the baby comes we can add the baby to that private plan? Most of the plans that we can afford have like a 10,000 dollar deductible before they cover anything anyway.""
How much do you pay for home insurance?
So we are paying like $132 for car insurance on two vehicles with American Family Insurance and we both have clean records although we are young 22 (f) and 24 (m). We just got a quote from Wawanesa they said we could do full coverage through them for half the price 80 a month! Although they don't do home insurance and I know you can save a lot by combining the two. So now through AFI we pay about $40 a month for home insurance is that a good price with the combined home and auto?? How much do you think it will go up if we cancel the car insurance and go with wawanesa?? Is there cheaper insurance agencies that will cover only home? In the end I am just looking for how much you pay and if you combine your auto with the same company. Thanks!!
Friend wrecked car and i have no insurance and he has liability?
Let my friend drive my car while I was inside of the car and he wrecked it. i have no insurance and he only has liability. Will his insurance cover it or will i have to sue him?
Can I add my grandmother to my car insurance?
We live in different cities. Same state. I just live 2 hours away. I am a 20 year old college student. Female. Single. I just bought a newer car. Financed. BEFORE I bought the car I did a estimate on it with my car insurance to see how it would be affected. I can afford the payments but my main concern was my insurance going way up. And of course after buying the car the quoted price online is nothing near what I am being required to pay. So far I have been living on my own for a year. And I have been paying my current policy in my own name out of my own pocket. The car I have now is paid for. I CAN afford the increase in the insurance (its $90 increase) and I do have the option of switching to a different company at the end of my policy in 2 months for one that is only 1/2 the price but of significantly lesser quality. BUT I would rather save the money and use it to get this new car paid off in 6 months rather than the 48 month lease contract. My grandma already has insurance (with a different company). We do not live together but we live in the same state. I am willing to pay for both policies. mine and hers. My question is------>>>> Is there any way I can add her to my policy or jump on her policy to lower my insurance? Just for the 6 month premium so I can get get this car paid off? If so, how? Please no lectures. I work and go to school. I can afford the increase or switch to a different company but I want to avoid all that. I'm Just curious thats all.""
Insurance rebate?
If you cancel your car insurance, do you get a rebate as you do with road tax?""
Why do we still allow auto insurance providers (since it is a law we must get liability)?
to check our credit to give us the cost? This doesn't seem fair. What should our credit score have to do with the cost of liability?
New driver- best car insurance?
I'm taking my driving test tomorrow and was wondering what was the best/cheapest insurance company to look into. Also, if there are any that have discounts for full-time students or if you have really good grades? Anything like that, just wanna know the best options.""
Best insurance for young driver?
I live in Ontario, and I am looking for the best (or give me a list) of relatively cheap companies. I am 16 years old, but gathering information for when I am 17-18. My parents are currently with State Farm, but I am looking to purchase a Mini Cooper (y. 2000-2004), so what would be the best option for me? A list of good insurance companies would be helpful, and any additional information is great. Thank you in advanced, Spencer""
What kind of insurance company do I go through to insure a rock show?
Setting up a concert through a venue and they require me to have insurance, in case something happens like someone gets hurt or the venue breaks apart. What kind of insurance am I supposed to go through? Who should I call?""
Car Insurance question?
I own a car with me and my boyfriend.( I am on the title) I live with my parents. I'm going to get my license soon, and it is required I go under their insurance. Do I have to pay for both, or just go under my parents'? Thank you.""
Where to get cheap insurance for at risk drivers?
Well I had an 08 chevy cobalt (dad was paying for it) & me & my friends were always stupid & I was always doing stupid things. Totaled it. & I got 5 points on my license. I got a Job & my mom agreed shed pay for half the payments on a car. I liked the 2013 dodge darts bc they were really good on gas, looked cool, & had a lot of room. Well the insurance for that was gonna be 900 a month through Allstate. Which is crazy. I can afford 1-150 a month for insurance. Anywhere I could go to get a cheap car insurance? Within my price range for an at risk driver? & I probably won't buy the dart, I was thinking like an 07 civic or eclipse or something on the lines of that""
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
Cheapest health insurance in ca.?
Whats the cheapest quote you have gotten for your car insurance?
were you happy with the quote? what company was it with? are u still with that company?
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
Anyone have an idea about Car Insurance Rates?
Anyone have an idea of car insurance rates in Texas on a camaro for a 16 year old female beginner driver??
A question about car insurance?
My mom is afraid of her car insurance going up once I get my license, so she wants me to get the car in my name and get my own insurance, but can I still get my license first before all of that? What would be the sequence of which to obtain first? Thanks!""
I need health insurance?
My boyfriend and I will be moving to NYC to start college next August. We will have very little money, and will have no form of health insurance. Here in California, we both have free insurance provided by the state, but we are barely eighteen, still in high school, and therefore still living with out parents. I suppose what my real question here is can we still get free state issued insurance if we have part time jobs and no children? Or do you have to have dependents to receive that? We both have serious stomach conditions, and are sick very often. We cannot be without health insurance. But we also could not afford to pay for it. Any help?""
Insurance fraud or what?
i have a question in I believe early 07 someone was driving my car, crashed it, took off n threated me if i said i wasnt driving, so ehh 4000 in damages.. the insuranced paid for it, n i said it was my fault. how long till its off my record and insurance is cheaper?? (sucks there isnt a way to wipe it off.. errrr)""
19 year old car insurance.?
My family has a 02 Honda civic that I can fix up and use I'm 19 going on 20 and I need a car to get around. I done online insurance quotes and I've been getting ridiculous quote prices for a low end 12 year old car. (200 - 300) What would be some recommendations for possible companies. And how much do you think it would be if I got on a policy with my parents.
Car insurance who is responsible ? He lives on his own but the car is in my name?
My son is twenty three and lives at a different address. The title for his car is in my name. Who is responsible for car insurance?
""USPS Insurance, How much to insure an envolope.?""
Hello, I would like to start selling things online. I would be selling small thin items that I can place in a regular size envelope. I was wondering if anyone knew how much it would cost me to insure the envelope for $25, and maybe $50 for the larger orders to mail at a USPS post office? I couldn't find this information online. ):""
If you studied car insurance quotes previously you will know that a Q.B.P. accurate quote takes this many minutes?
Why do you think insurance is important?
I am writing and essay on why insurance is important and the consequences of not having it. I just wanted to know some of your thoughts of why you think insurance is important to help me get a better understanding ! thanks in advance !
Whats the cheapest insurance for a mustang gt for a male 16?
never owned a car before got my permit about to turn 16 looking at this mustang on craigslist
Does a car absolutely need insurance and plates?
I'm going away to college so I will not be using my car for while. My mom wants to sell it, but I know if she does I may never get a replacement. She says that it needs insurance and a new sticker and if she doesn't get them it ruins her record or something like that, but if the car is not going to be moved at all does it really need that?""
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
How much is insurance if...?
I am 16, female and driving a sports car [[camaro]]? please give an average for texas and several different companys!""
NCAP rating effect on car insurance.?
I'm looking to buy a car and noticed that some of the models I favour, such as Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have not been crash tested by NCAP. Does a car which has not been crash tested by NCAP necessarily attract higher insurance premiums?""
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
Motorcyle insurance ?
I just wanted to see what riders ages 17 between 21 pay for a year and for what kind of coverage with what kind of bike, and what insurance company people go with. also if you have taken an msf course or not.""
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and ...show more""
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
Can kaiser health insurance drop me?
I'VE been vomiting and been feeling sick but i dont know what is causing it so i applied for health insurance and got approved. On the application, it askedif i was diagnosed with any illness and i was not. But if i go to a physical exam, telling them of my symptoms and do get diagnosed with something, can theinsurance drop me? I feel like i did not lie on my application because i dont even know if i have a disease but i am worried that they will say that i had a preexisting condition?""
Re: car insurance...?
My husband's name is the only one listed in the car insurance. I recently just got my driver's license, should I include my name in the insurance? What's the advantage or disadvantage of doing that? Would our insurance payment increase?""
A question about car insurance?
We own three cars and have insurance on all three. If my daughter moves to another city and takes one of the cars, will the insurance still cover her? Typically the rates are based on where you live. Thanks for any advice!""
""Pizza delivery driver insurance in own car, where can I get insurance uk?
I have been offered a job as a pizza delIvery driver but I need to insure my car with business insurance I have tried everywhere but know one does it please Help x
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
auto insurance quotes colorado springs
0 notes
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
"Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the estimated cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
Whats the estimated cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
""Car insurance for 2 people, is it cheaper to insure 2 seperate cars or 1 ?""
So 1 car each, or one between 2 people..... which one would generally be cheaper ?""
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
Would you switch car insurance companies after 10 years to save money?
Since 1997 I've been with the same car insurance company. Have had FANTASTIC service and support with claims and general questions. I use the same company for car insurance, home owner's insurance, life insurance, and to manage my IRA. When pricing out alternatives I realize that I could save about $50 a month by switching my car insurance to esurance. I attempted to get my current insurance to match their price without success. I'm very leery about possibly loosing my excellent service and support from my current company. Would you switch to a new company, and possibly a worse company, to save money?? I can easily afford my current company, but I'd obviously love having an extra $50 a month to plan with.""
How much did your car insurance go up when your teen began to drive?
How much did it rise? Did they get their own car or did they drive yours? Did they have a good student discount? Did they take drivers ed (and get a discount)? Are they a boy or a girl? Anything Else? Thanks... Just trying to figure out how much ours is going to go up
Can I use my mums Tesco Clubcard to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm looking to buy my first car and naturally insurance is expensive. It is usually just out of my price range but I discovered yesterday that if I use my mums clubcard to get a discount on Tesco's website it brings it down to an affordable level for me. However I was just wondering if I can use my mums clubcard to lower my insurance or is this not allowed?? I can't find anything that definitavely answers my question on Tesco's website.
""Will my insurance rate in NY go up, if I get a ticket in NJ? Will pts occur on my ny license?""
I got a tixs for speeding and reckless driving (at the same time). And if my rates go up, is there a way I can get the chrages reduced to careless driving? How would I go about doing that sort of thing? Any info on this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Insurance coverage for stolen car?
Car was stolen, then recovered, with some damage. I have comprehensive. Insurance company is sure to cover body work. Will they also check and/or compensate me for less obvious damage (i.e. the wear and tear to the car incurred from being drag-raced for several hours)? Will they compensate me for items of value stolen out of the car? How does that work?""
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $525/month. Reason? I like playing bumper cars with real cars. Everytime it goes down, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser""
""Car insurance question, does adding someone to a policy for a car you own cost more? so 2 people for 1 car.?""
Okay, young and stupid here with car insurance I am moving to fla, from louisiana. I have a car,and my girlfriend does not have a car. At this point, she refuses to drive the car because of insurance issues if something happened. So, to the question! Will it cost me more money to add my girlfriend's name to my insurance policy, so she can drive the car if I do not need it? Basically, im just adding someones name to the policy for 1 car.""
Arizona Law on insurance pulling your driver record ?
does anyone how long (in term of years) can an insurance company pull your driver record? i know here in Arizona i can pull my record from servicearizona.com for 39month. but some people tell me they can pull up to 5 years from your record.
Can i own a car without insurance?
i am leaving the country immediately and am leaving my car behind with my friend. The car will stay parked all the while. do i need to have insurance on the car.
Gap insurance and warranty on car that was totaled?
I am not sure who is right on this one.... We bought a car in 12/11. We purchased gap insurance and an extended warranty at that time through the dealer. We decided to refinance the car through the credit union were we are members. The gap insurance was 1/2 the price we purchased at the dealer. The dealer and bank said that we should receive a refund. In the process of all of this the car was totaled by my 18 year old daughter in March. 1. We recieved a check made out to us from the dealer for the gap insurance.(pro-rated 4 months) 2. The dealer turned in the paperwork for us for the refund on the warranty and the warranty company sent it to the previous lein holder that we left. The initial bank in turn said it was our money and reissued a check made out to us. Any thoughts appreciated. Is it really our money?
How to get cheap car insurance?
i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k?
Which would be cheaper insurance?
I'm 15 and for my first transportation vehicle. Which would cheaper on insurance. A sports bike with 500cc or 2014 mustang gt? Which one would have a cheaper insurance rate?
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
Health insurance?
which health insurance is better?
""My Daughter starting driving lessons, { she 17 } where is the cheapest place for insurance for when she pass?""
I drive , could she go on my insurance ? would that go up? I have 7 years no claims. Thanks .""
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
How much will my insurance be on a car?
I am 21 years old and I am wanting to get a 2009 dodge avenger with 21,000 miles on it. I just want to know about how much may they charge me for the insurance.""
""I need some sort of health coverage, help me find an affordable option?""
I work full time for my company, but part-time in one postition and part-time in another still makes me a part-time employee and ineligible for benefits. I make a little too much for medicaid, but not enough to buy a plan that covers me. I lost my last health insurance 2 years ago when I lost my old job while I was having surgeries on my hand to fix a bone defect. My problem is now that I'm having a lot of problems with my hand and will need another surgery to fix the problem. I can't afford to pay 30k for it and no doctor will do it because it's not an emergency eventhough I'm in pain. I know that I'll have to be insured for a year before it will cover a pre exhisting. The hospital turned me down for any type assistance, and even if it did I the doctors are all seperate so I'm still in a lot of debt plus physical therapy is expensive. What can I do?""
Car insurance discount for drivers using a camera?
Does anyone know of any UK car insurance companies that offer a discount to drivers who use an in-car forward facing camera such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing premiums i'd be tempted to splash out 200 on one of these for a cheaper insurance quote!
Is car insurance for young people cheap in america?
just wondering in contrast to UK car insurance.
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we'll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we're considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA's state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I'm very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.""
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Whats the cheapest health insurance for adults ?
im 19 yrs.old have never had health insurance me an my husband need health insurance bad whats a good insurance company thats cheap ? he has juvenile diabetes an smokes i on the other hand do not !
Anyone know a cheap Health Insurance Cover for myself?
Im single, 27 years old and living in Victoria/Melbourne""
Can you get car insurance on someone who does not permanently live in your household?
Could I insure my sons car even though he only stays with me on the weekends. He is under 18 and can't get a policy himself
""Can I keep the check from the insurance, and don't repair my car?""
My car was hit by another car, and the other driver's insurance is willing to cover my repair cost. So I went to a body shop and got the estimate which is over 1k. That looks like a lot of money. I was wondering, if the insurance company agrees to give me a check, can I just keep the money and don't repair my car? Would the insurance company know? And since I left my contact info to the body shop, is the body shop going to chase me down? Thanks~!""
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
Can a car insurance co. refuse to remove a driver who has moved out of the house and no longer drives?
Mom, dad, daughter, and son lived together and were on the same car insurance policy. A few months ago, son had a minor accident with no one else involved - he was not hurt, only some damage to the car. Filed a claim and took care of it. A few months later, son moves out of the house, to a major city where he will use only public transportation. Can the insurance company refuse to remove son from the policy, even though he no longer lives in the house, no longer drives, and does not own a car? Insurance company is refusing to remove him, and says he must stay on the policy for 3 years? Is this legal, or is this lunacy?""
How much would it cost approximately to insure a commercial van in the UK?
For the purpose of a university business plan i need to know very approximately how much it would cost for a small company to insure a second hand van , sort of like this one http://vans.autotrader.co.uk/used-vans/mercedes-benz/vito/2006/at8a6ab63235e7d22b0135ee88617f51e1/mercedes-vito-109-cdi-long-air-conditioning-diesel - so a few year old , good condition aporx 50-100 thousand miles on it bought second hand for about 5-7K , i literally need to know what ball park w're talking , 500ish? 1000? more , less? I have no idea... thank you""
Recommended auto insurance in us?
Specifically NJ. have some points. Any help on which would be cheapest?
Car accident but no car insurance?
I was just in a car accident in which I was not at fault and the other driver was ticketed. I live in Florida and while my car was insured with PIP coverage under my fathers name. I was exempt from the coverage. I had to go to the hospital to get CT scans of my brain and neck area as well as multiple xrays. The other driver did have insurance and I wanted to know even though I had no insurance, when the drivers' insurance company gives me the compensating cash amount would I be able to use the hospital bills as part of the compensating amount? I know the reason you have car insurance is to cover any medical injury in an accident but I unfortunately didn't have the means. any info would be greatly appreciated!""
Life insurance thc test?
Does anyone know if country companies tests for thc for their life insurance policies?
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Do Dashboard Cameras lower your insurance rates?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
Cheapest insurance in Washington state ?
How do I get secondary health insurance?
I'm a full time graduate student currently receiving health insurance through my parents. However, my coverage sucks and I would like to purchase secondary insurance. I looked through all the different plans on einsurance.com (united, humana atena, etc), but when I called they told me that I can't purchase it when I already have insurance. I did some searches for secondary health insurance, but I can't find companies specifically for secondary insurance. It seems that I should be able to purchase any type of insurance I want and that the secondary company should pick up some of what my primary doesn't. Right?""
Insurance for a van ... not too sure..?
Hi I just bought a 1979 Dodge Camper van which is in great condition with low miles on it. I want to get it plated which is fine but also I want to insure it but I am not sure what to expect, is it going to cost me less or more because of it being older? I am 26 years old and Ive had my license since 17. Ive been insured under my parents insurance as a 2nd driver since 17 also. Even if I didn't drive it all the time they just kept me on it. Well I'm not sure what else I can say to help out with an estimate of the insurance. Maybe some of you have better knowledge, I live in Canada, Quebec. Thank you. Btw this is my first owned vehicle which is kinda weird hehe but yeah I'm learning.""
Car insurance for 17year old help?
basically i want online to see how much it cost to insure a 1.2 corsa but everytime i go on insurance sites i get quotes around the price range of 6000 but my friend got his corsa insured for around 1 grand and he is the same age as me, he now drives a ford focus which is a 1.6 but he pays 1.6grand so i was wondering why, what am i doing wrong? do i have to call the up to get a cheaper quote because no matter what i input on insurance site to make it cheaper it still ends up come up around 6grand.""
Can car insurance be in both my name and my wifes?
I just sold my car, and am waiting 3 months to buy a new car. My job requires that i have car insurance ( i dont know why since i dont drive for my job) I faxed a copy of my wifes insurance. Can my name be added on to the insurance, or do i need to get seperate insurance?""
Where can I get an insurance quote?
I want to get an insurance quote on my car but every site I go to asks me for a lot of information such as address, name and other personal things. Is this how you have to do it? Or is there a site where you just type in your birthday and info about your car? I just want an approximate quote. I'm only 16 and would be insuring a 1974 Ford Mustang II with a v6. How much do you think that would be? Whats the best site for quotes?""
I deliver pizza. I was told car my car insurance wont cover a crash.?
THey said if i have the pizza sign on my car and get hit insurance wont cover me but without the sign i will be?
Proof of insurance question?
The transmission went out of my car. A friend who does auto repair told me it would cost approx $1200 to fix. So I decided to scrap the car & get another. I cancelled insurance on old one & bought another 1 1/2 months later. The car was not driveable. Now I have to prove why I didn't have ins on the car and still had plates registered to it. I called & wrote a letter to the state and they said to send an estimate from an ASE cert. mechanic or tow bill or pictures. I don't have a tow bill. I didn't get out of the driveway. I don't need an ASE mechanic to tell me what is wrong w/the car and picutres of a transmission are stupid. I have received a written est from the guy and have statements from neighbors saying the car was not running. What more can I do?????? I don't want my license suspended.
What laws in California can a doctor use against me for spending insurance check?
What laws exist in California that a doctor can use against me if I spent the money the insurance sent me for medical services he performed?
How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)?
Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks""
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Cheapest insurance company for young males with points?
Car and home insurance together...?
I recently purchased a new car and will close on a home in 2 weeks. I am looking for auto and home insurance in NJ. I called Geico today - got a decent quote. But they dont have home insurance in the area. All State gave me a quote for their platinum one and told me they'll give me the other packages in a minute - put me on hold for 25 mins and I hung up (again they dont have home insurance in my area). Anyone has any experience with TWG insurance? My car dealer gave me their info. I searched for reviews in NJ - nothing, They're TX based and have both home and auto...not sure if it is good for NJ. This is my first car and home. Any advise on what to look for esp for my car. What are the grey areas that they can con you? What are the most important points to look for? Any suggestions on good plans in NJ?""
Government Insurance or Private?
Private insurance is monitored by the government, but if we get government insurance, nobody will monitor the government. I would take my chances with Private Insurance anyday compared to a government insurance thats is filled with lazy bureacrats""
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Is it better to repair cars with insurance company or known mechanic?
I met with an accident the other day where a drunk guy hit me at the rear end of my totyotal avalon. there is considerable body work to be done. i dont know if there may be any ...show more
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatble do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?
Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?""
Car accident and cost $500 to repaint the bumper ?
I crashed a car in a paking lot. It was a dent on a left rear bumper. I didnt want to report to my insurance because i got in an car accident few months ago( i was 17 and juz turned 18). The owner took his car to mechanism and sent me a receive of her car repair. It costed $500 to repaint a left bumper ( Acura 2 doors). My dad told me that $500 can painting the whole car and told me to as the owner if I can pay only $300. I dont want my insurance goes up but also dont want they charge me that much. I wonder if they really cost $500 to repaint the bumper because the owner sent me a payment for her car and anyway that i can ask hhim to lower the cost. I took a picture of the dent after I crash it andn dont know if it can help for anything ??
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Totaled car w/no insurance please help?
ok bought a new car in oct 09 then it was stolen I made an insurance claim and they dropped me so I paid 3000 to get it fixed after that I didn't insurance back on it because I couldn't afford it at the time it was $412 a month so I finally was able to get insurance and no one would insure me had almost 8 pts I'm 23 and high risk finally my brother totaled the car and I have 17000left to pay and have not missed any payments should I tell the finance co? This just happed and it's still at the police impound he did not hit anyone I just have a fast car and he hit 3 light poles! Should I file bankruptcy? Get it off the lot? Tow it to the dealership? Tell the finance co please help what's the next steps I have no one to help
Which insurance company will insure a rabbit?
Looking for pet insurance. VPI is out of question. They confused this rabbit with a previous rabbit I have. I tried to appeal but they ignored, so I can't get insurance from them. Any other insurance will insure a rabbit? My bunny is young and healthy.""
Volvo S60 insurance for 20 year old new driver? UK?
I am looking to insure a Volvo s60, I'm a new driver and 20. I understand this car has a large engine at 2.5 litre diesel. However it is not deemed a racing car and it has many things positive - It's a very large and safe car (much safer than your Clio, Corsa or Saxo), It isn't a racer's dream, it's big in all ways - And is viewed as a family vehicle. It's robust, chunky and it's a car I would feel very safe in and it would be driven sensibly. Would they insure me and for how much? (UK answers please, thanks)""
UK car insurance with a US license.?
I'm 18 years old, just returned to the UK from a 7 year stay in the US. while in the US I got my license at the age of 16. and accumilated 2 years no claims bonus. for the first few weeks back in the UK I had insurance through Ecar. but had to terminate that today through a misunderstanding with their terms and conditions W/ No claims bonus. what would be the best insurance provider to go through? I used compare the market before and the cheapest (minus e car.) was 3500 a year. I am employed and own my own car (2002 fiat punto) and I plan on staying in the UK.""
How much would lowering my mileage by 5k save me in california?
So being a teenager(19) and a male with a ticket I'm paying around 900 for insurance. Tickets my fault I accept the punishment. However, I switched jobs and After calculating distance I'm only going to be driving around 5000 miles rather than the 10 on my insurance. Just kind of curious how much the mileage drop could save me since my insurance agency isn't being much help.""
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
How much would the insurance be on a 1993 Acura legend coupe with a type II engine and skyline gtr body kit?
I have a link that shows pictures of the car so please give me your thoughts about what you think of the car itself and how high or low the insurance may be. Here's the link. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/562419/2
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
MotorBike Insurance For CBT...?
i was just wondering if i bought a Honda CBR 125r and i got a provisional license ad done the CBT would i need insurance to ride on the roads for 2 years or would i not need insurance until i could save up money for lessons, theory and practical test....???""
Do anybody know of any cheap health insurance?
I haven't had any insurance since 2007.
If I don't own a home should I buy the cheapest insurance coverage?
I'm a student living at home, with no property of my own. Which insurance coverage would suit me best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 or a higher amount?""
Car Insurance On A 2005 Mustang For A Young Driver?
Hi, Does anyone know what the average car insurance for a 2005 mustang is. I am 19 and a new driver, been driving for 3 months""
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
What can I do about this insurance/car accident?
Recently, my husband was hit in my car while going through a green light. The girl didn't see him as he was going through and turned and hit him. Now we are fighting with her crappy insurance. They are trying to say we are 25% liable and they will only pay 75% to fix our car. They are trying to say my husband should have been more cautious going through the light. It was a green light! So, what, we are supposed to treat stoplights like stop signs now? How ridiculous. My question is, what can I do to get my car 100% paid for and do they even have the right to claim who is liable or not? Isn't that the cops job? My husband decided to be nice and not have the cop issue her a ticket. Was that a bad idea? I mean, she turned into him. How much more cautious could my husband have been? He hit his brakes but by that time it was too late. This insurance company is saying he should have tried harder to avoid the accident. What else could one possibly do!?""
Switching to liability only car insurance?
Hi. I just moved to a new state with ridiculously high car insurance rates. My new rates are nearly double what I paid in my old residency. If I switch my coverage from full coverage, to liability only, how much would I save (approximately?) I currently pay nearly $230 a month on car insurance for full coverage. About how much would liability only be?""
Direct line car insurance?
hi, does direct line car insurance allow there to be more than 2 drivers on the the one car insurance policy""
""Im 19 ,how much should i pay for car insurance?
im not british.but im getting a uk full licence.. any people know how much should i pay for a classic mini? and how about a 1995 subaru wrx?
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Motorcycle insurance in Guam?
Individual has military orders to Guam and is ONLY shipping a motorcycle (no POV). Most company's I've called will only cover auto insurance and let you add a motorcycle policy to make a combo. Does anyone know of independent motorcyce insurance policies covering overseas (particularly Guam) without having to insure a vehicle along with it? (I've tried most big named companies and even the independent companies on the island, and so far no luck!)""
Is a scraped car door handle worth the rise in insurance rates?
If someone scraped against your car door and the only thing damaged was the handle on the passenger side door, would you file an insurance claim and risk a rise in insurance? The scrape is only about 1-2 inches long.""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
Where is a good place to get insurance after having a suspended license without paying a large sum?
My license was suspended in 2009 for a year. I currently have insurance under American family but they upped my fees to around 200 bucks for even if i have a decent record. Can anyone recommend a decent company that might be cheaper with the suspension on my record?
Question about car insurance?
1. How long does it take to get insurance? Can we go in and apply for it tommorrow and have it when we walk out? Or is there a waiting period? How long until you are legally covered? 2. If you get insurance on a car you are going to sell/trade in - can you switch over your insurance to cover the new car? Or how does that work? Problem is, our truck isn't insured right now but we're planning on buying a new car in the next month or 2.. will that make things more difficult for us? - first time insurance buyer""
Does anyone know if the 5 hour turbine transition for helicopters is a reg or just an insurance minimum?
I can't find anything in the FAR's that mentions anything about having to do a 5 hour turbine transition when going from flying piston helicopters to turbines (as long as no type rating is required). Is it just an insurance minimum?
What is the cheapest car insurance in ontario ?
I am 36 years old and employed, bought my first car in Canada, its 2000 Honda civic SE, looking to pay between $150-$200.""
Becoming an insurance agent in Texas?
How does one become an insurance agent in Texas?
What car modifications dont affect insurance price?
... if anyone knows any car modifications that dont affect insurance...
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant?
My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks""
Is lowering ur car high for insurance?
So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!
I don't have liability insurance! My mom drives her car that is insured! Can i drive her car?
I was removed from my parents insurance policy! My mom can drive her car cuz she has insurance. Can i drive her car>?
Life Insurance form help for school?
Does anyone know where I can view a blank life insurance policy format? I have a report for school and need to make a fake life insurance policy.....help!
Has car insurance gone up in the past couple of months?
My partner has just been on 'compare the market' and found that to insure his fiat punto its going to cost him nearly 800 - 2 months ago when he looked he was getting quoted 400. Its nearly doubled in costs!!! What is all that about?
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
""What is the definition of a total loss car by the insurance company?, Is it possible to get my car back?""
Florida-A couple of months ago I was involved in an car accident that my insurance said they would not fix, due to certain circumstances. The insurance company told me the car was a total loss. The buy here Pay here who financed the vehicle told me to bring in the police report info and that was it. you have to get a new car is simply what I was told, I asked about payments and he told me to call him in a few days- few days turn into weeks and he is never available to discuss with me payments. Almost 2 months and there is still noone willing to talk to me?, looking through some car ads yesterday I saw the car listed at a different location owned by the same Buy Here Pay Here it was all like new, Fixed and being sold? If my car was fixable couldnt I have just paid out of pocket to fix it? what is the definition of a total loss from the insurance's view? Is it possible to get my car back? BTW I have no issues with paying the finance company- I just cant get anyoone to talk to me. Please try and answer all of the questions here, so I dont have to repost separately Thanks in advance for the advice.""
Car Insurance rip off?
Just a warning anyone thinking of taking out car insurance or renewing their car insurance with the AA check with many other companies first, the quote they have just given me is DOUBLE that of any other like (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) the AA are brokers and the insurance they offered is supposed to be the cheapest they could fined from LV and when I went on the LV web site to get a quote it was half that the AA had quoted.""
""What insurance company insures the redskins, or fedex field ?
is there an official insurance sponsor for the redskins
Where can i get some free car insurance quotes?
I'm doing this project on cars and i need to calculate a monthly payment for all 3 cars and i need insurance quotes for all 3. who can i talk to.
How much do i have to pay for my insurance? i just got my license!?
im 17 years old. i don't know my credit score. i got my license 1 week ago. and i dont have a car i am going to drive my moms kia sedona 2004. and i want to have infiniti insurance thats what my parents have please help me out?
Could someone recommend some very good life insurance companies?
I want to get dependable life insurance at affordable rates.
How much does average car insurance cost per month uk?
approximately how much would car insurance cost on a car worth 1000 for a 17year old who lives in a cul de sac with a garage.
Car insurance quote?
i want to go ahead with a car insurance company and i got a yearly quote online with them,as i want to pay direct debit monthly i phoned up to see what the monthly amount was with interest charged. i just want to check that this is accurate. the yearly amount quoted was 353.95 making it 29.50 per month . they charge 8.5% interest on any direct debit or credit card payment adding the 8/5% interest they then caluclated my monthly amount to be 34.81 yet it thought that :- 8.5/100 * 353.95 = 30.09 interest 353.95 + 30.09 = 384.04 total to pay 384.04 / 12 = 32 per month is this right? i know its only 35 per month, obviously im looking for the cheapest deal possible! but i just wondered why it was a different amount? help??? ta x""
What is the best affordable health insurance for students out there?
I am thinking about changing my provider and was wandering if anybody has any recomendations?
What is the fastest and best looking insurance group 4 or 5 car i can get?
looking for a newer car to buy that is not just quick but looks good.
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
Corcoran California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 93212
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