#im stuck in vlad hell
went from not reading or touching anything in months to getting sick and binge reading like 3 routes so uuuhh this feels surreal as all hell rn
finished yukimura's sequel (finally), and mozart's route, and now im binging the rest of luke's ...... crazy brah. also uuuuuhhhhhh....... i did not ever expect to end up liking mozart but now im glad i yolo did his route bc..... wow?? tho the last minute drama with the historical bs was so fucking unnecessary lmaaooo gdi ikevamp,, ...fr sometimes i think ikevamp shoulda just stuck to the drama/conflict being interpersonal instead of all the vlad/will shit cause it usually feels so tacked on in there :,)
can't tell if it was just the sick days and being bored as all hell having to cancel plans getting to me, or just the ayakoi influence, or craving hint of social interaction but like.... damn now im just sitting here itching and twitching and wanting to read a bunch again dkdkfkf (i had a huge stash of unused story tickets apparently.. and now im just mad that there's no collection event ongoing bc this would've come in SO clutch bruh i had like 50-100 of those fuckers in every game but ikerev 😭) .....so anyway, just decided to take advantage of finally having the time to read and nothing much to do. really hyped for rio's route but i do kinda wanna read the ikepri ones in order so like... still missing clavis AND sariel too fuucckk :,) this is what i get for missing out on sm.. let alone getting around to second endings?? unheard of 🥲
did manage to get the 5⭐ gacha thing from the ikevamp reading bonus ongoing thing..... and def did not get any of the pretty spring cards i can tell you that much :,) i think atp i have like all of the standard partnered cards,,,
and yet my alt acct got the leo card in like a free token pull wtf- arthur cards HATE me bro wtffff
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lunar-lair · 3 years
Dreamwraith sent me your tags on the Runaway King AU. I just spent the last five minutes mentally key smashing cause assjjdfkkfgkg THANK YOU???!!!!!!! such high praise holy jesus
I'm not used to anyone commenting about Evanescent Signs, so that made my entire week <3
ALAMSOSSKK HI????? Personally im like,,,sorry i barely paid any attention to the actually AU in front of me but also tbth the au yall were talkin abt isnt quite my vibe 😔 too much angst lmao. Also i heard you were coming back and my whole brain lit up w evanescant signs like my god.
Then again i have not read ur casper high stranded fic bc again, no vibes 4 me 😔 but unless im misremembering, what i read of the fic where you made danny and vlad like,,an angel and demon basically was fucking epic!! Even if i didnt get through it all the way. And the 5+1 with the line 'our here is tiny, he is young, and he is always, *always* saving us' was so excellent. And Amity Park LIVE is really hilarious, even if its one of your shorter ones. And i checked ff.net and not many of secrets revealed is on there? Totally ok i just noticed
In all honesty, and this is so hilarious, i havent read your namesake. Period. I think ive read bits and pieces of it? But it never really stuck with me, which...god, hilarious as ALL hell
But dude, ofc you deserve high praise! And ofc i love evanescant signs!! Ive been following that fic on ff.net since it had...2? 3 chapters? Maybe since before the tucker chapter-brb lemme check-yeye i had it right. I KNOW i waited a while for chapter 4, though. Ive reread every chapter there probably-esp ch. 1 (ectoplasmic encounters) ch. 2 (...smth worth saving i think?) and ch. 5 (ghost speak for jocks), theyre all tied for my favorite tbh
Im sorry if this sounded rlly scattered and like,,ig squirrelly?? ALSKSK ive never gotten an ask off anon i dont think and ESPECIALLY not from a writer ive been following for 5 yrs,,,,its rlly good to hear youre back!! Ofc you dont have to write for evanescant signs if you dont want to, but ive been checking every month or two since i read it first in 5th grade, and i wont stop now!! Its one of my favorites in the fandom, really, so i guess its nice to know you know how much i like it now too!! And again this is so hella scattered ALSLSLS but im glad it made you happy and that you werent focused on me just freaking out abt smth you werent talking abt ALSKSLS <3
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wygolvillage · 4 years
been thinking about how i would make a remake/reimagining of simons quest. long post ahead. might be a little stupid since im no game designer or writer or anything lol
random gameplay stuff
it would be metroidvania style, but not all in the castle. imagine it like ooe but the map is interconnected.
i would keep the day/night cycle but it would be less obnoxious of course... probably there would be a little clock on the HUD showing what time it is and how close you are to nightfall. villagers would go inside during the night, but you can still enter churches. churches are your most reliable healing method since save rooms would be pretty sparse in the rest of the world map, and saving at the churches also allows you to skip straight to morning or nightfall if you so desire. being stuck in the middle of the woods during night can be disastrous if the player is ill-prepared since monsters grow stronger then.
there would still be puzzles to figure out and complete, and it would still be a bit cryptic (not to the degree of the original of course), but there is a supporting character i would put in who you can ask for hints at any time, and hers are a lot more straightforward (more on her later). important items are gained through quests rather than bought with hearts, but drop rates would be VERY forgiving since it’s required. like, a villager promises to give you the red crystal if you can get him some fish meat from a merman, which would have about a 40% drop rate... i kind of wanted to preserve the sense of fighting monsters to forage for materials the original has without making the game a total grindfest :P
additionally, materials dropped from monsters can be used to craft food items after simon teams up with the aforementioned supporting character. like i said before, save rooms wouldn’t be super common so it would be implemented as a way to heal yourself when you’re away from town.
the bosses would be decently difficult to compensate with there being very few of them- a true challenge, but they can be beaten with both playable characters if the player is skilled enough
the plot would be expanded upon as well so lemme give a little summary
it begins in simons house where he wakes up having trouble breathing. he’s been struggling with some physical illness ever since battling dracula years prior, especially a nasty bite on his arm he sustained during the fight, and that arm has been turning a pretty nasty shade of grey, like its wasting away. he goes outside to a graveyard near a local church to try and get some fresh air, but it is largely unhelpful. suddenly, he spots an old woman standing at one of the graves. he looks over at him and says mysteriously “ah... must be a horrible night for a curse.” simon is like “what do you mean?!” the old woman tells him to “resurrect him and destroy what remains, or nothing will remain of you”. she then disappears into thin air, implying she’s a ghost or something equally spooky. simon is like “destroy what remains... dracula’s remains?!”
the game starts properly in the graveyard and surrounding forest as simon heads in a fairly straight path towards the town of jova, where he meets a woman a few years younger than him named agnes. agnes’ parents were killed by dracula’s forces when he was resurrected back then, and she admires simon greatly for defeating the dark lord (shes also implied to be a descendant of grant danasty!). she decides to accompany him on his quest after hearing about his curse. he asks the head priest of the town if he knows about dracula’s remains, and the priest tells him that he heard of some of dracula’s followers placing some of dracula’s body parts in their strongholds to worship, and points him to the direction of the first stronghold and hands him a stake. he also warns them that bringing all of his remains together can resurrect the dark lord and it holds a remarkable corrupting power.
simon and agnes then become a character swapping duo (just like portrait of ruin hehehe). agnes is low on defense but can deal plenty of damage at a close range, and her signature weapon is the golden knife. she’s fast as well, whereas simon is more of a slow, defensive character who is best at keeping distance between himself and the enemy. agnes is smart, but impulsive and stubborn, and doesn’t like being told that she’s wrong. simon is a stoic but kind individual who tends to keep to himself. their personalities occasionally cause conflict between them during the adventure, but they eventually grow to become really good friends.
eventually they reach berkeley mansion, the first of the strongholds, and its aesthetic is very much “dark evil church”. there are the usual skeletons and bats and stuff, but some of the dracula followers are regular enemies as well. the first boss is a human who has dedicated his life to following dracula (specifically to contrast against the priest dude who gave simon the stake and directions) who uses magic attacks and stuff. beating him earns simon dracula’s rib, which functions suprisingly well as a shield (which becomes important later).
the adventure continues on like this, going from town to mansion to town, with simons curse becoming more and more hindering to him (from a story perspective not a gameplay one. simon wont become worse to play as because that would be lame as hell). they go to the other mansions, with the bosses being carmilla (guarding the nail of vlad, in a mansion thats very much a vampires lair), olrox (guarding the eyeball, in a massive dining hall themed mansion) death (guarding vlads ring in a Spooky Clockwork Skeleton Mansion with slogras and gaibons and all the usual death stuff), and in the final mansion... there is no boss. just as simon is about to grab the heart, agnes stops him.
Agnes: You told me you were going to destroy the remains, weren’t you?
Simon: Of... Of course, Agnes. Why do you ask?
Agnes: Why haven’t you?
Simon: ...
Agnes: We have almost all of them. You remember what the priest said, right? That bringing them together can resurrect Dracula.
Simon: Well... I haven’t exactly been truthful, Agnes. The old woman who sent me on this quest didn’t tell me just to destroy his remains...
Agnes: So you’ve been intending to resurrect the Dark Lord this whole time? For your own selfish gain?
Simon: This curse will kill me if I don’t.
Agnes: ...So it’s true, then. You’re willing to risk the lives of thousands just to save your own skin. Lives like my parents’... Lives like mine.
Simon: I...
Agnes: There’s no need to explain yourself, oh great hero, Simon Belmont. (Scoffs) If you care more for yourself than anyone else, strike me down now!
surprise! simon has to fight against his best friend! tbh i would be pissed at him too lmao. and it’s a tough fight, as agnes can deal a ton of damage and is hard to dodge. killing her like any other boss will give you the bad ending, where simon realizes she was right and lets himself succumb to the curse out of guilt for her death. the way to the good ending is to use dracula’s rib as a shield (i told you it would be important!) or dodge/survive her attacks until she tires out (the shield is the best method though), and realizes simon doesn’t want to hurt her. they have a touching emotional moment and simon assures her that he beat dracula before and can do it again, but he will need her help. agnes nods, and they head to the ruins of dracula’s old castle, which is totally empty. there’s no music, while the rest of the game has been filled with catchy tunes, here there’s only ambient noise.
they reach the throne room and place drac’s remains on a pedestal, where they begin to glow with dark energy. blood is dripping down the walls and stuff, and the count is returning to the mortal plane as thunder booms in the background. simon begins to doubt himself. if he loses now, the world will be plunged into darkness, and it will all be his fault. but... agnes has his back, despite everything. they fight dracula together, and though it’s tough with simon’s weakened body, they eventually prevail, as simon drives the stake into his heart, the curse finally lifted.
the game ends with agnes and simon returning to jova. agnes admits that she’s still upset with simon for lying to her, but she would be even more upset if he died slowly because of her. simon sighs, stating that there was no easy solution to the situation they were in, and asks for forgiveness for breaking her trust and risking so much for his own desires. agnes says maybe one day she will forgive him completely, and she still considers him a friend, but she needs some time to herself. simon nods, and they go their separate ways.
SO YEAH idk if this is even good but i hope u at least enjoyed reading it. maybe ill make designs for this version of simon, and for agnes too ofc :D
...yeah, not exactly the happiest ending, but i always found it kind of weird that simon was so willing to resurrect the count to save himself from the curse, so that’s the main conflict i decided to add to the story. its not the sort of conflict that can be easily resolved. theres no easy answer... agnes was right about simon risking other peoples lives being wrong, but she was also wrong to insist that he just give up and let the curse kill him instead. its Complicated idk... Castlevania II: Simon’s Trolley Problem
edit: actually i decided there would be two "true endings" after using the shield in the agnes fight. the one i described, and a second one where they decide against resurrecting dracula and simon lives out the short rest of his days with agnes until he dies of the curse. both endings are considered equally canon and valid
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 5 years
hey for the free 4star servant im stuck between lancer alter and vlad. alter looks cool (evil horse) but the massive boobs make me uncomfortable. she looks good for burst but im afraid she wont be good for longer boss fights. vlad is cool (crazy guy and spikes) and looks flexible but im worried his damage is sort of low. my current lancer is normal cu. which do you think would work best for me?
I feel you on Lancer Alter’s final ascension (even the artist has straight-up said “the final ascension is non-canon and was Takeuchi’s idea”), but the armor she wears in her first two ascensions is dope as hell. I got vanilla Lancer Artoria on the GSSR last New Years and still keep her in her first ascension (tfw no Lion King costume). But aesthetics aside, I’d probably pick her over Vlad just because you’re going to have a lot more opportunities to get Vlad in the future than you will Lalter. He’s part of the general pool so there’s nothing stopping him from showing up when you least expect it, and he’s featured in the rerun of Halloween 2018 that should be coming in a couple of weeks. Lalter, on the other hand, is story-locked, which is DW-speak for “may as well be limited because nobody fucking rolls the story banner.”
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junionigiri · 6 years
chapter 214 ramble - spoilers!
okay, i am happy about some parts (obvs the dadzawa moments and the monoshin, ee) but the rest of it? ugh!
- i like that vlad is the first person shown in this panel! he clearly loves his kids and is concerned about them, even going as far as calling out aizawa for having a soft spot for them... gotta admit, aizawa admitting that that’s the case is surprising, i would think that he’d say something about logic or whatever. but i guess it’s how his character is progressing? he’s getting more and more invested in the students.
- while i have to admit that the mina-mineta team is a force to contend with (who knew that grape rush was this useful?) it was still really hard to read =_= because jeeze that lil perv has to act like a perv in the middle of a serious battle wtf? lost his chance at being respectable, altho i gotta admit that he’s beyond help
- mina’s great for still being able to work with that creep in the name of professionalism but still yuck. i really felt violated for her and reiko and yui
- and speaking of the 1b kids, i hate that they’re suddenly helpless. even though mineta’s flying around those balls and shit, surely reiko and yui could have done more than just duck??? i mean there are traps and stuff but after ducking couldn’t they have embiggened-poltergeisted the shit out of their opponents? and why is it up to shoda to watch out for them? ah, maybe it’s just me and my poor comprehension of action scenes???
- ah, but my boy tsuburaba and my cutie manga made cameos in a lil panel and im happy about that
- and i love the shot of bakugou watching silently while jirou’s wondering out loud about deku and ochako... again, another crumb for my kacchako shipper heart to over-analyze dont mind me
- and NOW the most frustrating part
- why, why hori, wHY you gotta do Monoma like that
- you are so being fuckin’ unfair dude... i mean, you gave this kid a really tough backstory, a challenging technical quirk to work with, a really interesting over-the-top personality and you just blatantly throw him to the sidelines like this
- i mean i know i was excited about ochako and monoma fighting but this is just humiliating -- it’s so easy to take Monoma down, and for all the badassery Ochako does with her brute strength and her quirk, she still looks like just a support to Deku who wasn’t even using his quirk wth--
- i mean--logically--why would Deku send himself to face Shinsou, who they’re considering the biggest threat in the group when he isn’t even planning to use his quirk??? Why not Ochako, who has a good quirk and brute strength and less incentive to talk back to Shinsou???!?!?!?!!?!?!
- jfc--this is wahat im talkin about, shes gonna be stuck in a support role 5eva
- i felt so bad seeing monoma on the ground in utter defeat!!! and deku and ochako not even considering him a threat anymore and focusing on shinsou--ugh, excuse me Monoma is a big threat you guys, it’s the MonoShin tandem that was supposed to bring you down and not just Shinsou!!!! Why is he suddenly so insignificant?? Why is he written as nothing more than just a big mouth with a quirk that won’t work on our blessed hero????
- i just--ugh i can’t even explain myself properly!!! it’s just unfaiiiririiiiirrrrrr im throwin a tantrum for him
- the only good part about this is Shinsou realizing that he has to save Monoma (swOOOOONing my way to hell, oh my god MonoShin is real) -- it isn’t just a one-sided thing, ugh I’m so happy for Monoma’s lovelife i mean--
- and I love the little sliver of the Dadzawa and Shinson!!! it’s... strangely similar to the fic i wrote before (but never mind that, I kinda wish I wrote that story differently LOL). Aizawa is really the perfect mentor to Shinsou, and dare I say it, Shinsou is the perfect mentee for Aizawa. Shinsou wouldn’t have progressed so far without Aizawa’s mentoring, and maybe Aizawa wouldn’t be as soft as he is now were it not for Shinsou (... and the rest of 1A)
- But whatever that doesnt matter. Shinsou’s hard work and Monoma’s plans and Shouda and Yui and Reiko’s seamless teamwork is for naught
- because of Deku’s deus-ex-machina quirk
- this is the first time I’m not rooting for Deku to win tbh--the quirk was killing him literally moments ago. it only takes a flashback sequence to Hellboy to have control of that shit?? Really???
- what happened to the months of mastering the strength-boosting aspect of OfA huh??? Is he really gonna have it easy from now on???
- in conclusion. i am bitter
- please let me know if i read some things wrong because i rly want to feel better about this. thanks
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devillucked-blog · 7 years
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so it's been a year since i returned to rp – i can't thank the people i've met through my blogs enough. i've met so many wonderful people, and although i've had a bunch of rocks in the road, i really can't thank those for sticking with me enough. some people i met a year ago have left, moving on to other things, but that's alright. i wish them the best and i hope they're having fun with what they're doing.
a year ago, i was in a tough spot emotionally, i was super fucking depressed, and even more isolated than i am now. i was sticking p closely to one friend group and it was through those people i decided to get back into rp again, first joining a closed rp group before falling in love with writing king leo so much i took the idea indie – going from brynhildrprince as the closed rp blog to brynhildrking. i stuck with that url through two penname changes, from roy to pluto to howl.
i've made and dropped several blogs, but leo has stood the test of time, and i do love him so much, i love writing him and admittedly i have put a lot of personal influences into him. i turned him from a favourite character with a few traits of mine that i saw reflected, but he just got more and more into a mess like me. oops.
under the cut i'm going to ramble and be really annoyingly gay, but then again, anyone in a five minute conversation with me will learn i love my friends to pluto and back. if you're sitting here, reading this, i love you and i thank you for putting up with the bullshit i get into. i hope that this makes for at least another year in this fandom. i can’t sing my praises of my friends enough, and i doubt i would still be here if i didn’t have such lovely people in my life 💜
vlad // gemji - @bushidolion​ @murdermage​ @maskedmage​ @ your other fantastic blogs
man we started off not really knowing each other, and now we're ride and die together. its just like leo and ryouma to have that intense of a partnership, except without all the romance. we became friends bc the two of us had really fucked up sleep schedules, and i'm so glad that we did. i can't say enough that i haven't already said before – i sing your praises all the time and i can't wait to spend another year + with you 💜
apollo - @diablisms​ @achiingblood​ @ your other damn blogs ilu and ur big ol habits
one of our first ooc interactions was that you made me the stuff for my hinoka ( which really dates shit lmao ) and we were both kinda intimidated by each other, but honestly we should have been friends sooner because we’re both gay memes + ilu so much you memelord. you’re every bit the odin to my leo + the lil twin brother whos just as ridiculously gay. 💜
kat - @bloominggates​ 
kat, the local grandma friend who will whoop a bitch, ilu so much + you’re such a lovely presence around. i haven’t known you as long as some of the others, but you’re just as close to me as vlad + apollo. another one of my friends that i’ll spend the little hours of a sleepless morning watching things and just chilling out parroting stupid stuff back and forth and honestly your lee is making me want to get into naruto. gfdi. i shake my finger @ u 💜
peaches - @chartreusepacifist
YOU SWEETHEART YOU LOVELY DARLING you’re such a lovely presence in the server + on tumblr and im glad we pulled you into fe rp hell with us. i scream because you’re such a fun presence to play games with and laugh with. 💜
sylv - @ramvillager @tometactics @durandaal
i love ??? you so much omg you’re such a joy to be around. you are hard to get things into your head but qv q its just patience thats needed. i love how much you adore chrom + eliwood + you’re super fun to play fe with. i look forward to revamping our nerdlords with you ( at this point in time LMAO ) 💜
zin - @zimmercalla @riivoltella @emblianess
zin one of my salty amigos we’ve been on salt squad duty since intelsys was a thing, and how we’d rip on things, and if anything, we’ve just grown saltier. you’re like the silent ninja, sitting and taking notes on the dash and what happens, you’re def one of my best friends 💜 
azur - @fleurprxnce
aZUR ur my son and i love ur gay boy sm you and inigo make me smile so much you’re the best son i can ask for i pick you up like simba. scoops u up 💜
well you know that i’m terribly gay but i’m also at ends to say without reducing to the same spluttering of pda. to the rest of my home server gay emblem, this is for u 💜
@nilmen0s | @glisong | @aazamaa | @aiiron | @destinprxnce | @praeceptumx | @kihoshi | @laceur
id also like to leave this as a thank you to all the other wonderful darlings ive met over the past year. just bc you’re not on here now doesn’t mean you won’t be here next year or at my next milestone
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manicmauve · 5 years
These are the kind of galaxy brain thoughts I have while watching Danny Phantom for the 10,000th time
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manicmauve · 6 years
Honestly, how many times am i going to go down the Vlad Masters rabbit hole until I'm reblogging things from 2014?
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