#im surprised her design had green eyes. tbh
birdcatt · 1 year
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a character design idea for a pokemon whos from the dark future and knew emerald & leaf personally
my current working lore is that emerald & leaf's parents got fucking stranded in the dark future since they tagged along with an injured celebi, who brought them here by accident
thanks to primal dialga Existing, they could get in the timeline but couldn't get out. also their first adventure when they got in was running the fuck away from primal dialga. this umbreon was one of those trainers' pokemon, and was 1 of the few pokemon who helped raise emerald and leaf
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plasticpixiez · 9 months
my struggle w/ my series so far
now dont get me wrong im very passionate abt this little passion project ive been brewing for abt two years now (or should i say like almost TEN bc ive been wanting to make a magical girl type project for a WHILE. i quite literally didnt get a concept down until recently) but oh my god. i never figured character designing would be this hard ESPECIALLY since ive mostly drawn magical girls for??? YEARS???
but yeah
heres the first draft i came up with two years ago
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god help us
so ive recently redone her design to change a couple of things ive grown to be super unhappy with
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this bitch. i call her amber. mainly cus she had orange hair. but NOW i dont like the orange hair so im changing it. to what? idk. anyways
ive been trying to design her for the past TWO YEARS. i figured that since shes the main character of the project shed be easy right? NOPE.
soooo i decided to mess with hair despite the orange hair being her signature look, but accoridng to the audience the orange hair was unpopular. i ran a poll to decide what hair she should have instead with these as the options
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i came up with a bunch of different choices specifically with ranges of oranges and yellow to lime eyes, even a brown to shake it up. ultimately the brown hair with green dye won, which was surprising to me at least but it is cuter than the other colors tbh. the original one had brown eyes but i cooked a bit and gave her the yellow. suits her much better and leaves hints that shes like. not Just a human u kno?
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some more rough drafts of her final design plus a color study. i intend on her being a nature fairy. flower powers. yeah yeah. her dress is a daffodil. soak in how cute that is. we love a nature related magical being with a flower themed fit. her little transparent sleeves representing leaves n shit. i rly like the disconnected look its cool but the commected look from the earlier draft is starting to speak to me now u kno? oh fuck its too late for that im doing the final draft
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too late for that ig unless i do another one. early winx club pngs are pretty consistent like forgetting blooms gloves im her magic winx form and some of them wearing outfits that like. they just never wore in the show or had merch made of like the dolls. shhhhhhh.
but anyways. ive finally finished amber (hopefully) for rn and i can FINALLYYY move on to work on the other characters
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like elora here. amber has a friend now!
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts @machine-gun-casie (BABES)
Almost all my friends have been tagged and I don't wanna be that asshole so ill try not to be. I tag @awkwardrocker @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @trixiehoe @she-who-is-timey-wimey
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Well it’s finals week so about -864. After that I have two weeks of legitimate nothing where I will bake my heart out so we’ll see
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#yikes #ughshesinherfeelsagain 
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Milo Ventimiglia, Kells, Rook.....being a music video love interest is only my life’s pipe dream 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
And that’s on daddy issues and no supervision...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to model like went to modeling school and got paid for it type shit
What’s your wakeup ritual?
get woken up by my dog tired of hearing my alarm, walk said opinionated quadruped, feed quadruped, get dressed, COFFEE, then take life as it comes
What’s your go to bed ritual?
melatonin gummies (gotta make anxiety fun), skincare when executive dysfunction will allow, brush teeth, fight dog for my spot in bed (moving a 90lb animal is no joke), turn on my sleep playlist or use my ambient noise app, stare at ceiling
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour followed by golden hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
lately tiktok and Kellyvisions, previously vine compilations or Netflix specials
Dream country to visit?
Ireland. I NEED to go to the motherland. My families castle is still standing and I get in for free. its on my bucket list FOR SURE. 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
getting into nursing school and chiropractic school. I’m a loser and I’ve never had a surprise party. I’d melt in puddle of love tbh
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Flats 98% of the time. Heels are reserved for business casual necessity, Halloween, or if I’m feeling myself 
Vintage or new?
both, depends on the item
Who do you want to write your obituary?
Amy-Sherman Palladino 
Style icon?
lmao a what? on the real though catch me fucking with those eco-friendly kitchen witch vibes. All the dainty jewelry, linens and converse/docks fam
What are three things you can’t live without?
my dog, my family (found and blood), healing people however I can (medicine ruined me for any other career and its sucks you guys)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
tbh salt, I question a recipes validity if salt isn't involved 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Kells and the band (I'd be too nervous for a one on one), a dinner party with my MGK fam, Elvis
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Failure, not accomplishing anything 
Window or aisle seat?
window all day everyday, on the wing preferably cause I like to feel the landing gear #pilotsgranddaughter 
What’s your current TV obsession?
Roadies forever, pry that series from my cold dead hands (also Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds)
Favorite app?
tie between Tumblr and Pinterest (im an aesthetic slut)
Secret talent?
I am bomb at disney princess songs, the girls I babysit for treat me like a jukebox at bedtime, cutest thing ever
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
delivered a baby has hands down been the coolest thing I’ve ever done
How would you define yourself in three words?
I fucking hate this question. always have. empathetic, resilient, intuitive 
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
overall: my senior prom dress. its emerald green, backless, with a slit to upper thigh chefs kiss 
everyday wear: Colorado sweatshirt
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
I second Jude: over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
nonspecific healing powers so they aren't limited to physical ailments
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
HA. probably that the body remembers more about trauma than the mind and your seemingly irrational physical reactions to things are your brain’s attempt to protect you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
his mistake does not define your worth. I went for a variant of these boys aint shit don't judge me cause she needs to hear it
A book that everyone should read?
Harry Potter series (yes the whole thing), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Giver by Lois Lowry 
What would you like to be remembered for?
empathy, the way I made people feel
How do you define beauty?
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS SUBJECTIVE, things that give you peace, it could be a song, a person, a sunset, a scone, a leaf. If it makes you stop a second and exhale then its beautiful to you
What do you love most about your body?
holy trigger question Batman...my eyes, my hair color, texture, and its ability to grow
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
drive with the windows down and blast music while singing at the top of my lungs
Favorite place to view art?
unexpected places, like street corners, carnivals, just somewhere it takes you off guard and makes you stop and pay attention
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
it’d be one of those crazy long 2000s fall out boy titles for sure, subject matter yet to be determined 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
violin hands down, it hits me different
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
I have a bunch planned, plane on my right shoulder, Kells related between 3rd and 4th ribs (maybe lower in case I ever need a chest tube), watercolor portrait of my dog at some point location TBD
Dolphins or koalas?
dolphins are stoners and they're super smart, but koalas cause they’re grumpy af and honestly same
What’s your spirit animal?
again Jude and I are vibin: I've been identifying with a phoenix as of late. according to pottermore im a greyhound though (yes a patrons is a wizarding spirit animal. fight me)
Best gift you’ve ever received?
seven year old me was stoked to get a functional microscope and metal detector, I was in my egyptology/archeology phase, I still have them lmao
Best gift you’ve ever given?
oh hell idk...I made my cousin cry once cause I made cupcakes for her birthday party, they were cherry limeade flavored and had little straws and everything. that was pretty cool, granted she was seven. I also made my teacher cry cause I made sea salt caramel chocolate cupcakes for her going away party. I guess my baking brings people to tears
What’s your favourite board game?
candy land, battleship, cards against humanity even though there isn't a board
What’s your favourite colour?
forest green atm
Least favourite colour?
bright yellow/orange, its offensive to my general The Dirt Mick Mars disposition
Diamonds or pearls?
pearls (actually opals though)
Drugstore makeup or designer?
not picky provided they are evironmentally friendly. I really like Besame Cosmetics though
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry, I don't have the patience for blow drying
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
COFFEE, im still learning to like tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
holy shit how much time do we have, my favorite weird word to say is fistula or omphalocele (they're medical conditions, don't goole it unless you have a strong stomach) 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
neither FALL BITCHES   winter if I had to pick cause I love Christmas 
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
red velvet cake....just why is it a thing that exists 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
baking scones or shit that’s flaky in general 
Best thing to happen to you today?
being tagged to do this twice, I felt special for a hot second (thanks babes)
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that I would make a good doctor (I handled a scary pt situation like a champ, they didn't know I threw up after I made sure my pt didn't die. puking in a foreign country on the download is a skill in and of itself)
Favorite smell?
bergamot, baking bread, baking spice cakes at Christmas
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
gifted kid fall off
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
In These Walls - Machine Gun Kelly
Casual Sabotage - Yungblud
genius assholes...
Lipstick or lip gloss?
lipstick for special occasions but actually tinted chapstick or lip stains 
Sweet or savoury?
savory to eat sweet to make for someone else
Girl crush?
Brittney Furlan Lee, Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham 
How you know you’re in love?
you look at them and just say yep. them. usually while they're doing something stupid 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
imma out myself but Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
the grass is not greener ya’ll. id rather go back and relive days 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
hopefully passing my first trimester of chiropractic school. fingers crossed pls
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grasslandgirl · 6 years
bookstore, knitting, and cozy for the cozy asks!!!
jj ILY and im SO SORRY im only JUST getting to this sbfjks im terrible!!!!!!
bookstore: favorite childhood book?
hm. i guess this depends on like what u qualify as childhood book?? ill give three from three different eras of Childhood
Goodnight Moon, Margaret Wise Brown- this was the baby book my parents read to me almost nightly when i was a baby, and my mom can probably recite it by memory at this point..... its so sweet and gentle
Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marc Simont: I counted this as my first “real chapter book” that I read by myself as a kid, and as such was my self professed favorite book for many years on sentimentality alone. I don’t remember much of the plot anymore, but to the best of my recollection it was about a young aspiring detective (Nate) who happened to discover the king of Sweden hidden in a basement cupboard at his friend’s after she gets back from vacation.......... or something
The Last Olympian, Rick Riordan: to absolutely no one’s surprise, i was a HUGE percy jackson stan in elementary and middle school, and this (the fifth and final book in the percy jackson and the olympians series) held and will always hold a special place in my heart. that being said, I’m due for an all encompassing reread of a like 15 book series. most of which i already own. I have no shame.
knitting: what’s a hobby that you would like to start?
tbh not to be ironic but i’d love to learn how to knit- it seems to practical and fun and relaxing and i really love scarves and sweaters and gloves SO
but also i REALLY want to learn to play a musical instrument; ideally and predictably guitar, piano, ukulele, or drums 
uhhh i did martial arts for like 6 years in middle/high school and kind of miss that though im REALLY out of practice
and the sentimental artist in me loves ballet and misses it from when i danced when i was like 8 but like... that’s never going to happen so
cozy: favorite gift you’ve ever received?
a target basket
ok story time bkdjvbkfjvb
so i did theatre in high school- like a LOT of theatre- and the theatre teacher/ artistic director/ director of shows was, as most theater teachers are, Quirky. 
one of her (many) quirks was that she would carry all of her things everyday in a Harris Teeter grocery basket (for the followers who aren’t from south eastern USA/ areas where harris teeters don’t exist- they’re pretty standard grocery stores (owned by Kroger now) and the baskets are the green rectangular plastic ones youre supposed to use in the store if you’re only picking up a few items, but you’re NOT supposed to bring home) 
but yeah she carried all her shit in a plastic basket- her purse, keys, water bottle, laptop, food, script, etc. Everything!! and there were always a couple other baskets floating around the classroom and the auditorium- especially during a show- that had scripts and other assorted shit stored in them. it was just a staple of life in the department and no one knew WHY she had them or why she used them or how she got them. it just was
so my senior year roles around and as a senior theatre student im lucky enough to get the opportunity to assistant direct our spring musical- the sound of music!- alongside my teacher, the chorus teacher, and another student (PLEASE dm me about questions about this, it was one of the best experiences of my life and i will literally never shut up about it if given the chance) 
and about halfway through rehearsals, a friend of mine (we’ll call her Sarah for anonymity’s sake) joked that i was acting like a mini version of our teacher; which, while accurate, was annoying in the way it is when someone say’s youre acting like your mom. like “yeah OK fine!! you dont have to Say It” bc in a lot of ways our theatre teacher was like our school mom. in the good ways and the bad ways. 
and so Sarah joked that i was just like her, and all i was missing was her infamous basket
and i swear i saw the idea enter her brain
Sarah: I’m going to steal you a harris teeter basket for closing night gifts*!!
me: wtf no don’t do that
s: yes only no i know i’ll steal you a TARGET one bc youre a CLASSY bitch
m: literally Do Not steal me a basket
s: too bad!!!
[*- closing night gifts are when designers/technicians/stage managers get gifts for the production team (directors, musical director, SMs, etc) as a Thank You gift, Sarah took them Incredibly Seriously]
so flash forward like another month, and it’s closing night of the show, and im emo af and trying not to show it, bc im a senior and this show was my baby in a lot of ways, and this was the last show i was going to be working in the auditorium at my school, like, ever, and it was the last show i would ever work with a lot of my friends, so yeah. so, obviously, i was running around backstage like a chicken with it’s head cut off, putting out fires and trying to be useful
and it’s like an hour, maybe, before the show starts and Sarah walks into the green room (a room backstage where actors stay when they’re not in the dressing rooms/ backstage/ onstage, and bc its an hour before closing night, its a mad house) 
and im talking to somebody in the greenroom, and at this point i haven’t forgotten her threat that she was going to steal me a basket, but we haven’t talked about it since the original discussion, and ive been hoping that SHE’S forgotten about it. and so bc im working and talking to someone, at first i don’t really see Sarah come in, i notice her out of the corner of my eye, and i don’t really realize what i see at first, and then my head whips around and there she is.
grinning all smug like the cat that ate the canary.
and she’s holding a target basket, of course.
and at that point its all too much and like a combination of the love i have for the show and all the grief that it’s ending and like im so Touched that she put in the thought and work and energy to get me this gift and im also like irritated just a little bc i told her Not To and OF COURSE she does it anyway and as a combination of everything i just kind of crumple to the ground in a combination of laughing and crying and i dont even know which im doing or which i did first 
and im sure half the cast thought i lost my fucking mind bc i was just kneeling on the greenroom floor like cradling a target basket and laughing hysterically and sobbing
and then we had to do the show!
but all jokes aside, it’s surprisingly functional and useful and i use it pretty regularly
and as a bonus people are always confused by it bc im carrying around a target basket in random places, so that’s a bonus
jj ilysm thank for the ask im sorry this was an ESSAY
send me a cozy ask!!
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justkpopjokes · 6 years
Oops || Tattoo Artist AU
Ft. Tattoo Artist!Mingyu
A/N: Mini mini collab with @justsomekpopstuff!! I asked JJ if we could connect our AUs together because we both have tattoo artist AUs lol. God bless this anon for this idea anD SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT
Tattoo Artist!Joshua
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So Mingyu is really good at drawing APPRECIATE THE TOL BEAN
His good drawing skills make him a really good tattoo artist, and to make it even better he’s friendly!!
A real gentle clumsy giant
He does a great job at balancing his gentle personality and his skill while working
People know him for his “creativity”, but to his co-workers, he’s only creative because he needs to cover up his mess-ups
He’s a good artist but like,,, he’ll get distracted while talking and accidentally colour smth wrong
So he’ll draw smth else to cover it up
To the customers, he’s just improvising
But his co-workers just know he messed up
At least all of his works are “unique” lmao
Since he’s really kind, he often is tasked to work on people who are getting tattoos for the first time or need something to distract them from the pain
Despite people being scared bc he’s like the tallest guy in the shop, Mingyu always makes sure people feel comfortable with having a needle on their skin & understand what’s happening so they don’t feel scared
I can barely write this though because let’s be honest Gyu shouldn’t be let near needles much less holding one BUT ANYWAYS
I mentioned Gyu is tasked with people who haven’t had a tattoo done before
You’re one of those people.
You and your friend went into this store to get matching tattoos
She’s one of your best friends, but contrasting to you, she has a lot of tattoos
She managed to drag you to the shop to get one and “live a little”
Once you walked in, your friend was immediately recognized and she took a seat at one of the empty stations
Mingyu came over and was about to ask what she wanted when she called you over to look at a collection of designs
Cue him freezing up and staring at you
Honestly, he’s a bit shaken because you look really anxious but cute whAT
He tries to focus more on the anxious part and comfort you by asking “is this your first time here? It’s ok if you’re nervous, just don’t think about it too much. It’ll be alright!”
Tbh just seeing this tall guy act so sweet makes you calmer already
You both make eye contact for a couple seconds until your friend tugs at your shirt to look at a design she wants you to get while rolling her eyes
It’s an arrow made with the word “forever” to show you’ll “forever be friends…because let’s be honest, if we weren’t meant to be friends for life I wouldn’t have been able to drag you into this in the first place” (as said by your friend)
My friend says this sounds like a stereotypical cringey tattoo but hey
“I’m here because you promised me coffee”
“And I promised coffee because you’d still be asleep otherwise”
Mingyu is cracking up at your friend’s teasing and starts to gather what he needs to start
After your friend has her tattoo done, she steps out to buy your coffee
Leaving you alone,,, with this dude,,,,
You’re not really scared of needles but for some reason, the whirring noises are making you nervous and shaky, so Mingyu has to stop before he’s even started
You apologize, but the shaking and that giddy feeling don’t disappear
He notices you getting embarrassed, so he sets down the needle-pen and  looks at you for a little bit
“Are you scared of needles?”
“No…I’m just…I dunno, nervous?”
“Yeah, almost everyone’s like that their first time. Nothing to be embarrassed about you know. I’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt so much”
He proceeds to place his hand over your shaking one and looks into your eyes mK THEN
It’s weird but you just do the same
Thankfully his co-worker Joshua managed to help snap him out of his trance
By literally shouting across the shop “HEY MINGYU”
And then screaming playing some overused romantic songs through the speakers
Once you hear the lyrics, you both turn red
Gyu just turns around and glares at a snickering Joshua
“Sorry about my co-worker…”
You just giggle and say “Oh it’s fine…you do look really red though”
That just makes him turn redder and mess up badly
You look at the mess up; the arrowhead looked like the feather side (↟)
He usually would improvise immediately, but as this was part of a match, he didn’t know what to do
Luckily you were really calm and had something to say
“Hm…how about you tattoo that into a heart?”
Mingyu goes with your idea, grinning like a dork
When it was done, you smiled and looked at your new tattoo fondly as Gyu looked at you fondly
That’s when your friend returned and saw that there was a difference
However, she was content with it, though she said she might return to change hers once it healed
You quietly thank Mingyu and take your ice coffee from your friend
Mingyu goes off to clean up but looks to the door right as you’re about to leave, where you shyly wave and leave Gyu with a helpless grin on his face
Now oBViously Gyu’s gonna get teased for acting so smitten which is exactly what Josh does :’)
So now Mingyu desperately wants revenge
Which he tries to do when Josh finds himself in a similar smitten situation
But it was just too cute and awkward that Gyu couldn’t bring himself to do it
Thankfully manager Seungcheol took matters into his own hands and set them up on a date LOL (trust me this is relevant)
And that kinda makes Gyu realize how soft he is
A couple weeks later, Mingyu’s taking a short break when your friend comes back in to get her tattoo updated to be like yours
He fixes her tattoo as normal, but right before she leaves she asks what his favourite coffee is(???)
He just answers green tea latte or smth idk what coffee he likes ok
“Oh ok, I need to talk to you abt something, so can you come to the coffee shop next door in a few minutes? I’ll order your latte before you get there”
Mingyu’s really confused because…why
But he goes next door anyway after cleaning up and leans on the wall on his phone, waiting for his drink
When the barista finally calls his name, he gets his drink
…which is not a green tea latte
He’s about to ask the barista if there was a mix-up
But then he realizes that right next to him is you
“oH HI fancy seeing you…here…with my drink?”
Turns out you were also wondering why your order is wrong too
And when you look up to meet Gyu’s eyes, you flush and step away from the counter to talk
“So uh…are you taking a break from the shop?”
“Yeah. Actually, your friend invited me here, she said she needed to talk to me about something.”
“She did? She told me she’d meet me here after she got her tattoo done”
“Where is she?”
“She’s been in the bathroom since she ordered my drink…”
Then everything falls into place
Mingyu just says “Hmm…I think I know why you have my drink now…I’ll take that,” while swapping the cup in your hand for the one in his
When you look out the window, there’s your friend, smiling cheekily and waving
You don’t say anything to Gyu
So you chat for a while until Mingyu needs to go back to the shop
He doesn’t leave without your number though ;)
You can bet Joshua notices the smile on his face and forces persuades Mingyu to gush about what happened
One day, you arrive at the shop
And when you sit in front of a distracted Gyu he jumps 15 feet into the air
To everyone’s surprise, you actually want another tattoo
Just a small one on your wrist
He gets to choose which one ;)
So Gyu starts drawing a tiny design
When suddenly there’s this chorus of screaming from across the room
Because Joshua and the girl he went on a date with have started blasting Careless Whisper over the speakers
“i’M nEVer GoNnA dANcE AgAIN,,,GUiLTY feET hAVe gOT nO RHYtHm”
Cue you both getting really flustered
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gulescamisade · 8 years
Alaska:  Day 3
[[ Despite the finesse of Nyalah's hunting capabilities, rabbits another small game are not quite so filling. Due to their bodies hard work of keeping them warm on top of their decision to continue moving, hunger begins to set in. ]]
KARKAT: =Great he loves starving.... but is there any water around? He's going to go check for that=
DAVE: -there's snow-
KARKAT: =He has fists and entire lakes don't freeze, the people need to be fed=
DAVE: -o yea you can get fish-
DAELOS: -The cold is really slowing him down, he's very still for long periods of time, trying to conserve energy.-
DAELOS: -He wants to have his STRENGTH in case something bad happens.-
KARKAT: =Weak. But he's venturing out on a quest for water. He's not letting people STARVE while he sits around like an assbasket=
KARKAT: =Or a lake/pond rather=
ARANEA: -keeping near to daelos and lending as much heat as she can. though she is unfortunately much smaller and only slightly warmer blooded then him, the hands she holds against his arm have a strange comforting warmth to them... if anything, it should be helping him keep his spirits up.-
[[ Karkat is in luck. In the distance, there among all the white and somewhat green-brown of the terrain, there is a sliver of light blue. It is the Yukon River, to be precise (and if anyone desires to use their GPS to check.) ]]
KARKAT: =Great, he knows shit about this place but he knows water, frozen or no. Shuffles his way over, slightly less bundled up and goes to check how thick the ice is=
[[ It is much thicker near the bank and sturdy enough to walk on. The closer one gets to the center of the river, however, the thinner it becomes. ]]
KARKAT: =Alright= WATCH ME SLIP AND FALL MY ENTIRE ASS INTO THIS FRIGID RIVER... =Mumbles to himself loudly and steps carefully on the ice to break it where it's still thick enough for him to be supported but he's not going to break his fist=
[[ Karkat must walk 30-40 feet across the ice until he reaches that point. ]]
DAVE: -also watching with terezi-
KARKAT: =Flinches and slips on the ice a little= FUCK. HOW LONG WERE YOU FO-- =They're both here= ....... UGH FINE. =Keeps.... walking, half-sliding on ice=
DAVE: -it feels great to surprise karkat and have him begrudgingly acknowledge him. Such an adorable grump-
KARKAT: =He's not adorable he's a survivor. Slips and falls rifht on his ass. Slides. ..=
TEREZI: =stifling a laugh=
DAVE: get on your feet DAVE: get up and make it happen
KARKAT: GREAT, YOU BOTH CAME TO BE USELESS AND CACKLE. =turns on his stomach and tries to stand=
TEREZI: 1 B3L13V3 1N YOU!!
KARKAT: WHATEVER, YOU'RE HERE TO BE ENTERTAINED. =shuffles more then INTENTIONALLY plops down and gives the thinner bit a considerable knock with his whole fist=
ICE: =dull thonk=
DAVE: punch it
ICE: =OWIE! produces a small crack=
DAVE: no you knock on wood
DAELOS: -He's not moving, but at least he's keeping himself busy. He dumped out his tool box into his sylladex to use as a bowl and he's currently melting some snow over the fire.-
KARKAT: =huffs and clasps his hands together, using some of the hope-given seadweller strength to WHUMP the ice=
ICE: >O< =it cracks, spiderwebbing across the ice about four feet.=
DAELOS: -He had some tea packets in his sylladex. No sugar or anything but beggers can't be choosers. Tries to make tea.-
KARKAT: =That.... is a big spiderwebbing.... it's under his ass isn't it?=
[[ Yup. ]]
DAELOS: -Not paying attention to any of this yet. He assumes the youths are just horsing around and using good judgement.-
[[ Though it takes longer for the water to boil since it's SNOW, Daelos will find success with creating leaf water. ]]
KARKAT: ..... =Scoots.... back.... Don't let his glorious ass crack this ice=
ICE: ...
ICE: =cracks?=
ICE: =a teeny bit more=
DAELOS: -slides one of the compartments out to use as a very inconvenient tea cup and carefully passes the piping hot leaf water to his lady love <333.-
KARKAT: =DEEP RESIGNED SIGH, takes off his jacket at least and chucks it to the side=
DAELOS: -HE WILL SHARE. but she gets the first sip-
DAVE: karkat im hungry
ARANEA: -flutters wings while accepting the cup.- Thank you, Daelos. -smiles up at him and just lets it warm her hands for a moment-
DAELOS: -What a pretty smile she has. They are on a snow date. In the freezing wilderness.-
DAELOS: -raises his voice- There is hot tea
DAELOS: When you all are finished with
TEREZI: W3LL DON3 Z4HH4K! =that's twice she's said that to him now=
DAELOS: -Snorts in OFFENSE. How rude!-
KARKAT: =Fine then STARVE=
ARANEA: - VERY rude...-
ICE: =CRACK!!!!!!!!!=
ICE: =gives way=
KARKAT: =SPLOOSH, swims off=
DAELOS: -He doesn't eat meat anyway, but he was being polite about mentioning it.-
KARKAT: =Goodbye forever=
DAELOS: -He will have to forage for roots himself later-
TEREZI: HOLY SH1T K4RK4T! =she's running to the shore=
DAELOS: -Concerned whinny-
MINDFANG: -She was gathering more wood for the fire and comes back with two arm loads of tinder and just in time to see the figure in the distance that is karkat vanish through the ice.- .........
MINDFANG : (Outstanding.)
FISH: =Why this. Why me=
MINDFANG: -Looks up at Redglare like "you going to bother with that or...?"-
KARKAT: =If Terezi is close enough she's gonna get slapped by at least two more fish=
DAELOS: -Spoilers, it's Alaska, he won't find anything. He'll have to eat fish.-
REDGLARE: H3 h4s g1lls.
TEREZI: =she ducks with the first one but the second hits her squarely in the middle and her legs go flying up in the air=
DAELOS: Do you suppose I should assist
MINDFANG: Ah. That's new. -She's no longer vaguely concerned and moves to finish piling up the wood before sitting by the fire itself and rubbing her shoulder that links to the robotic arm.-
DAELOS: -Of course if he went near the ice, it'd just all crumble...-
REDGLARE: -flutters down towards Terezi, pokes the fish with her staff.-
KARKAT: =Man look at all these fish. As soon as he throws enough that can feed them for the night he emerges SCREAMING= WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STILL IN THIS ABOMINABLE FROST-BEASTS ASSHOLE!??!
FISH: =uses Splash!=
REDGLARE: -gives it a good, hearty stab. go to sleep fishy.-
REDGLARE: W3 h4v3 food now.
FISH: =flap flap flap!!!=
DAELOS: -He's used to it with Nyalah, but it never fails to sadden him.-
TEREZI: =still on her back, staring up at the sky=
FISH: =is still=
NYALAH: -OH. Is Terezi part of the fresh kill pile? Nyalah is depositing another rabbit with her. Dead, of course.-
MINDFANG: -Watching all of this happen while trying to get warm so her body stops screaming in the form of aching joints and muscle.-
NYALAH: - 👁️👁️Would Arissa like a massage? She's good at those.-
DAELOS: -Cease...-
MINDFANG: -No, she would like the circuits in her metal arm not to freeze.-
DAELOS: -He could help possibly. But i'm going to bed so...-
MINDFANG: -Side eyes Nyalah looking at her though.- ..... can I help you.
REDGLARE: -just sorta. picks up Terezi by the sides.-
NYALAH: look stiff -wiping her paws of blood in the snow.-
TEREZI: =Pats Redglare's shoulder= H3H3H3H3 TH4NKS
TEREZI: =she glanced over at Karkat though, a little concerned that he might turn into an actual icicle. That water is cold as balls.=
MINDFANG: -Blood has no effect on her she has seen plenty.- I look stiff 8ecause I am. MINDFANG: Metal cools much faster then the rest of my 8ody does. While the arm is more or less insul8ted and water proof, the 8rilliant designer of this piece of equipment also provided it with cold sensors.
MINDFANG: And also the frozen metal and rubber feels just /peachy keen/ against the flesh stump of my shoulder.
KARKAT: =He's hauling himself out and shivering, just. Living with his mistakes but kicks the flopping fishes away from the hole MOVE OVER BITCHfang he's taking place next to the fire and stripping his shirt off. Wringing it out and throws it over..... some kind of stick over it to dry=
NYALAH: -👀 tbh -
MINDFANG: -Karkat is free to join her, but she isn't makin a show of moving over.- I'm impressed with you cold tolerance. -@karkat-
MINDFANG: Plenty would have died in that water. It's a surprise you didn't.
NYALAH: -prowls over to sniff the metal arm.-
MINDFANG: ! -Pulls her arm away from the sniffing.-
NYALAH: -settles by MFG anyway. Pulling out a joint.... and starts to light it.-
MINDFANG: -Drugs are for losers, but damn if she's considering pulling out her own cigarette right now.-
NYALAH: -offers her a pass of the doobie anyway.- B??
MINDFANG: No thank you. -She waves it off but is giving in and taking out one of her cigs. Does nyalah have a lighter she's willing to share?-
TEREZI: =she's deboning and gutting the fish Karkat caught by the frozen water=
NYALAH: -waves her lighter around. Maybe if she asks nicely.-
MINDFANG: -Gross.- Care to lend me that for a moment.
NYALAH: -tosses it at her.- k33ps
MINDFANG: -Snags it out of the air and smoothly lights her cigarette before taking a long overdue drag.- Thanks.
MINDFANG: -Puffs out smoke into the freezing air.-
NYALAH: hot -remarks, not even hiding the fact she's watching.-
MINDFANG: Generous, o8servant and truthful. Not terri8le qual8ties.
[[ The irregular wind patterns blow the puff of smoke back in mindfang's face. ]]
NYALAH: other ways to be the terribles
MINDFANG: -Squints to protect her good eye from the blow back.-
MINDFANG: There certainly are.
WIND: =ruffles up her hair=
WIND: =knocks off her hat=
GROUND: =gives her a wedgie=
NYALAH: -eyes grow round at this sudden weirdness.- ..............................whet
MINDFANG: -ALASKA CAN FUCK OFF. And good thing she wasn't wearing a hat.- (Fuck!)
MINDFANG: -Holds the cig between her lips as she fixes her hair.-
[[ It's not weird. It's just normal human weather. Which, yeah, is a bit weird. ]]
MINDFANG: -Is the weather going to keep harassing her? Is she going to need to tie her hair back to protect it?-
NYALAH: -staring at her doobie... she's barely had 1 maybe 2 hit.-
MINDFANG: -Gdi. That's it she's quickly braiding her hair to keep it from becoming a tangled mess later.-
MINDFANG: Are you alright there. Or are you already faded.
MINDFANG: -Speaks at her while staring at the fire.-
NYALAH: only watching
NYALAH: sp33ks when spoken to ye
NYALAH: -the temptation to bat her braid is so overwhelming-
MINDFANG: -Do so at your own risk.-
WIND: =nudges the very tip of mindfangs braid. OH the temptation=
NYALAH: -she is not strong... she baps, ever so gently-
MINDFANG: -Just as fast as she had grabbed the lighter earlier she is trapping Nyalah's hand in a tight, chilly steel grip.-
MINDFANG: -Slowly turns her head to look at her again.-
MINDFANG: I care a gr8 deal for my hair. Do not touch it without permission. -Don't touch her in general without permission.-
NYALAH: -she sure likes dying and being dead. Just gazes with her hand caught like it is.-
TEREZI: =is return with 1 rabbit and several fish fillets. awww....they're holding hands!=
MINDFANG: -Waits a few more moments for any sort of verbal response but when none comes she releases the cats hand.-
MINDFANG: -Sucks the entirety of the rest of the cigarette in one go, holds it for a few counts, and then breathes it out.- If you need help cooking, feel free to inform me. -Doing it herself is better then letting someone else burn their food supplies to ashes.-
NYALAH: hurt -staring at mindfang.-
MINDFANG: You aren't hurt. Try wiggling your fingers and you'll see that.
NYALAH: speaks to me like this
NYALAH: again -rasps. A request, a warning, it's hard to tell.-
MINDFANG: .........
TEREZI: =she's going to....go over here now.=
MINDFANG: -This cat is weird.-
TEREZI: =She settled on the other side of Karkat, bemoaning the lack of seasoning. They can always cry on it, she supposed. Where was Flavortown when you needed them?=
NYALAH: -way too wide eyed and hyper focused on Mindfang's movements. None chill cat.-
MINDFANG: -Narrows her eyes at the cat. Nyalah is making her uneasy with all this staring.- If you have a pro8lem with me say it.
MINDFANG: And do not expect an apology for half crushing your hand.
NYALAH: bitch does as bitch is none apologies no
NYALAH: but even she n33ds sl33ps too
NYALAH: cant be speakings as she does
NYALAH: if she has no tongue
TEREZI: =glancing between these two=
NYALAH: -huddled, coiled and dangerous with eyes that are reliving one too many unpleasant things with her hard stare at MF.-
MINDFANG: Oh I'm sorry the wind seems to muffle voices at times, for a moment it sounded like you were threatening me.
MINDFANG: 8ut o8viously that can't 8e the case, 8ecause you would have to 8e either incredi8ly stupid, or have a wish of self destruction.
MINDFANG: -Stares back at her, the coldness of the air has nothing on the ice in her eye. Do you really want to take her on?-
NYALAH: -imagining very loudly what it's like to gouge out that eye staring down at her. If Mindfang's empathy abilities mean anything.-
NYALAH: -continues staring unblinkingly with the words that circle in her thinkpan. Reminding her of the echo excuse she was for a troll.-
NYALAH: death would be favor
NYALAH: wouldnt have to listen no more
NYALAH: wins for me either way
MINDFANG: -She feels a vague sense of Nyalah's intent towards her. It helped that for a moment she had been trying to pry her way into Nyalah's mind in her subtle way that would feel nothing more then an slight itch.-
MINDFANG: Then it's a shame im not currently in the market of executing mem8ers of our party. You have use, don't go looking for serious injury.
NYALAH: bite deep nook
NYALAH: coward -It's amazing how she keeps her voice at the same volume, the same rasp, the same tone as she says terrible things.- and eat the words you says
NYALAH: wheres they belong
MINDFANG: -The only reaction that comes from her is a small smile stretching across her lips.- What charming ideas.
MINDFANG: -At that she is standing and dusting herself off as if they weren't just having this rather heated conversation.- I 8elieve I'm warm enough to 8e useful again. -It never hurts to have more firewood.-
NYALAH: bye arrisa -watching her go. She IS going to have to sleep some time.-
MINDFANG: -You'd be surprised how little she actually sleeps.-
MINDFANG: -Waves Nyalah off as she leaves.-
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demiquaver · 8 years
( tagged by @custompotato, you’re lovely, thank you ^-^)
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people
Long ass post.
LAST… [1] drink: Prickly Pear Lemonade [2] phone call: my dad [3] text message: last one i sent was to a band friend, the last one i received was from my mom [4] song you listened to: Something to Believe In by Young the Giant [5] time you cried: Last Saturday, so like 5 days?
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: Nah [7] been cheated on: Pretty sure [8] kissed someone and regretted it: Not really? Like I kinda regret it now, but meh, I just don’t really care [9] lost someone special: I mean yeah... [10] been depressed: Not for a while, but there was a while there [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah bruh, don’t drink
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Teal [13] Purple [14] Light Blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: Yup, mostly fambam peeps [16] fallen out of love: haven’t really been in love with someone in the past year, at least not romantically, so nope [17] laughed until you cried: like at least twice a week tbh [18] found out someone was talking about you: don’t get me started, I’ve already cut them out of my life for the most part [19] met someone who changed you: Fambam tbh [20] found out who your true friends are: again, don’t even get me started [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nah
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I think... [23] do you have any pets: 7 of them- 3 dogs, a cat, a guinea pig, and two snakes [24] do you want to change your name: Not really, I like mine [25] what did you do for your last birthday: ...I think I had a couple friends stay the night but that might have the year before I don’t really know, my concept of time is terrible [26] what time did you wake up: 6 I think, since I slept in [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. [28] name something you cannot wait for: Voltron season 3, Miraculous Ladybug season 2, Spring Break Performing Arts Cali trip (it’s gonna be lit I’m so excited) [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: This morning when she used my brother and I to cheat on a pixar quiz cuz she’s a nerd [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: How often/much I hate on myself [31] what are you listening to right now: The fan and the birds outside that the cat is staring at [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: Probably, Idk [33] something that is getting on your nerves: not knOWING HOW TO START THIS CHAPTER (oh my god it’s been like two days and I’ve started it like five times and I’ve hated all of them) [34] most visited website: Tumblr/Ao3 [35] elementary: Valley Academy [36] high school: Senior @ Greenway [37] college: Planning on ASU next year [38] hair color: naturally dirty blonde, but rn it’s silvery [39] long or short hair: I think long hair is super pretty, but mine is real short [40] do you have a crush on someone: Not really, I just really wanna be friends with a lot of people [41] what do you like about yourself: Tbh my fave thing is my eyes, and sometimes my flute/bass skills (i know, objectively, im not great, but it’s something i’ve put time into) [42] piercings: just ears, but I’ve always vaguely wanted more, just not sure where [43]blood type: O+, I just found out recently, im surprised I still remember tbh [44] nickname: i don’t really have any? I guess demi now, and a couple of my closest friends call me wife [45] relationship status: Single. [46] zodiac sign: Cancer [47] pronouns: She/her/they/them i don’t really care tbh [48] fav tv show: Voltron and Miraculous Ladybug rn [49] tattoos: I wanna get a couple eventually, I have a design for one in mind, just not sure where I would put it [50] right or left hand: Right
FIRST… [51] surgery: does getting teeth removed count? [52] piercing: Ears [53] best friend: my wives Cailin and Alyssa, I love them so much [54] sport: Marching Band. Fight me about it [55] vacation: we used to go to cali every summer, I probably don’t remember the first specifically [56] pair of trainers: Idk...
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: N/A [58] drinking: N/A [59] i’m about to: Leave for work as soon as I get this done [60] listening to: Nothing, rn [61] waiting for: this week to be over so I can get away from school for a week [62] want: to figure out how to start this next freaking chapter, go home and take a nap [63] get married: Probably eventually, maybe, idk [64] career: forensic science probably, maybe foreign service stuff for Department of State (I just found out that was thing recently and it looks p interesting, i have to look into it more)
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: both are great but hugs are so much easier to get from friends [66] lips or eyes: eyes are so pretty. all of them. fite me. [67] shorter or taller: literally  everyone is taller than me, it doesn’t matter (5′0″) [68] older or younger: ??? that’s such a weird question lmao, idk as long as it’s not illegal [70] nice arms or nice stomach: they’re both great, i really couldn’t choose [71] sensitive or loud: I’m pretty much the exact opposite of loud...
[72] hook up or relationship: def relationship, I get real clingy real quick whoops, I just want the cuddles and the emotional support, also ace/demi af so there’s that
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant- i’m way too scared of most authority/ judgement to be much of a troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nah [75] drank hard liquor? nope [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? don’t wear them [77] turned someone down: i think so? [78] sex on first date? nope [79] broken someone’s heart? nope, only ever dated one person and they dumped me [80] had your own heart broken? yup, see above^^ [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? the only ones I can remember are pets, but yeah [83] fallen for a friend? probably too often (and by too often I mean twice lmao)
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? almost never, but occasionally [85] miracles? yeah [86] love at first sight? nah [87] Santa Claus? nope [88] kiss on the first date? sure, but who’s gonna date me [89] angels? ye
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Cailin or Alyssa (probably closer to Cailin tho) [91] eye color: Green/yellowish, somewhere between those [92] favorite movie: Clueless probably
Tagged peoples:
Literally anyone who wants to, I’m not gonna have anywhere close to 25 people, plus @custompotato already tagged pretty much all of the fambam but also @ccheaeyne @turbulentwavesofasians and @witch-kayla
0 notes