#im talkin out my ass man soulmate science is weird
angelguk · 5 years
the soulmate au was so good!!! pls tell us abt the dreams they have of one another
thank u love! i’ll share the first dream oc has of jeongguk when they were kiddies :)
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You can’t remember the exact date the dreams started. They just appeared, waiting for the one night your eyes fluttered closed and then he was there. It was oddly vivid, for a dream. You can still see it now, if you tightly squeeze your eyes shut. There was a street, one you’d never been one. The curb was clean, neat grass clippings lining the break paths. And beyond that, a school with bright yellow gates. The guard napping silently beside said gate, which was slightly ajar, caught your attention first. His jaw was unhinged, drool smearing along the stubby beard he was sporting and a crumpled paper resting on chest. If you squinted hard enough, you could see the date. What date, you’re not sure - but you still remember recognised that it was the date for tomorrow. 
How could you dream of a day before it happened?
And then you saw the boy, crying on the curb of the street.
Your confusion rose at that. The dream was already strange but the presence of this boy made it even more bizarre. Dreams were meant to be about fairies and pirates and sometimes monsters that hid in closets. Not some boy who looked suspiciously older than you with tears staining his round flushed cheeks.
“Why are you crying?” You weren’t yet sure how comforting people worked. But your grandmother asked you this whenever you’d burst into tears. Crying, in her opinion, was a waste of time. She preferred to find the root of the tears and solve that problem instead of wasting time sobbing. Normally, you wouldn’t even be talking to strangers - but technically this was a dream. He was a creature of your imagination, right? And he looked so alone, so small…You’d felt compelled to say something.
He’d looked up when you said that - to your surprise -  snot dribbling from his red nose and a perplexed look forming in his doe eyes. Big wide eyes locked on you, as if you’d teleported through time and space, appearing before him from thin air. 
“Why are you crying?” You’d asked again, just as confused by his presence but determined to help the older boy before you.
"I’m not crying.” He’d said it stubbornly, sniffing violently throw his nose. “Why are you here? Aren’t you babies having lunch?”
“Babies?” You’d bristled at that. Sure you were small but you weren’t a baby. Grandmother said you were a big girl now and that had to count for something. How dare this boy who cried in the middle of the road call you baby. “I’m not crying and babies cry. So you’re the baby here.”
“I said I’m not crying!” He’d jolted up at your remark, scrawny fists scrunched up and a glare in those once gentle eyes that made you want to cower. “And you shouldn’t be here. It’s dangerous!”
“How come you can be here but I can’t? Huh?”
“Because I’m big and your small! Go back to the classroom!”
That had confused you. What was he talking about? You’d already finished school for the day. Grandmother has tucked you into bed like she did every night. And if this was tomorrow, you hadn’t even gotten ready for school yet. You hadn’t been woken up by Pogo or Pawpaw. No one had forced you into your uniform or shoved some fruit in your mouth before you left your home. How could you have been in school already. It’s like he’d realized there was something odd about you too because then he was he was staring at you properly. Analyzing you with more vigor than a child his age should have.
“And why are you wearing that? You look weird?”
Which was extremely insulting because these Tinkerbell pyjamas were your pride and joy. You cherished these more than any other item of clothing in your meager closet and only wore it for special occasions.  You’d worn it tonight because Mrs Ming had given you three golden stars for good behaviour and you thought you deserved a treat.
“Don’t you dare insult Tinkerbell! She’s a special fairy who-”
The guard who’d been napping away was running in your direction now and you already had your mouth open, ready to tattle on this stupid boy who insulted fairies and called you weird. But the man saw right through you. Literally. His gaze never shifted to you at all, as if you didn’t exist in the first place. He’d snatched the boy by the arm, mumbling something about insolent kids ruining his morning and then stalked off. The boy kept staring bar you as he was dragged away, just as perplexed.
“Why aren’t you taking her?” He sounded so small then. It made your heart ache.
“Who?” He’d asked, glancing around and find it nothing. “Are you playing a prank you kid? Do you not have any manners?”
You’d woken up at that, Pogo yapping loudly in your ear. It was morning time. Tomorrow. The day the dream took place. Nobody noticed how quiet you were that morning. Grandmother was too busy getting you dressed and presentable. Pawpaw was snoring in his room. Pogo kept yapping like he usually did. 
It was Minsoo who drew it out of you. And then adamantly convinced you that the boy was an angel. Or a fairy. Her conclusion was that he was some magical creature. She was more excited than you were - but she hadn’t been ignored as if she was air. You made her swear not to tell anyone ever, a difficult request for a seven year old who lived to run her mouth. Yet she kept quiet, only pestering you for details of the dream boy. 
You wish you’d told her the truth. But you didn’t. You made up all these glamourous tales about the boy because this was the first time in a long while that Minsoo had ever shown any interest in you as a friend. You were spurred on by the attention, to craft those lies. Minsoo would have been so mad if she knew the truth. You hadn’t seen the boy after that. Not a single dream. Even when you’d arranged your plushies in a certain way and wore the Tinkerbell pyjamas. Not a single peep from the stranger you’d envisioned.
Until you turned sixteen. When that happened, you didn’t tell Minsoo.
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