#at least thats how i plan her to be
verflares · 3 months
this all being said about the light dragon and how it is definitely the biggest highlight of totk (for me at least), i Do think a lot of the reaction to it Is dependent on botw and zelda's characterisation from that game... a lot of which is kind of lacking in totk because of her more passive role (e.g. you are told about her + see her actions after they have already happened)
like. if you didn't already really like zelda and were sold on her relationship with link (and not even just from a shipping zelink perspective, like. just UNDERSTANDING they have a strong bond from everything they've gone through together) then i'm not sure if any of that stuff in totk would've hit as hard as it did. the game does very little to build on what we already know about them, which i think is both a letdown to new players (which. i am not sure why they are playing the sequel before botw, but that is how totk acts most of the time lmao) and returning ones, and as time goes on it's become harder for me to blame people for not caring for it as much.
what a truly odd game
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helianthologies · 1 month
ok some thoughts: i have to say obviously that im very bored and frustrated by the way the rat grinders were handled ESPECIALLY LUCY AND KIPPERLILLY bc that was some stupid ass bullshit. but more importantly and what i havent seen anybody else mention is that whole "kalina WAS evil and working against cassandra!!" thing was so fucking stupid
what i think happened is kalina sacrificed herself to a ragestar to protect her goddess, went out of her way to give tbk a hint for the mystery right b4 she got corrupted, CLARIFIED THE HINT LATER WHEN NONE OF THEM KNEW WHAT SHE MEANT ( AND SHE WAS STILL RAGESTARRED AND MINDCONTROLLED!) and SNAPPED HER OWN! FUCKING NECK!!!!!!! so that she wouldnt be a danger to them or their quest. but the intrepid heroes misinterpreted one fucking clue and decided she was evil actually so brennan was just like yeah ok thats correct. which doesnt make any fucking sense but im not surprised anymore
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red-dyed-sarumane · 3 months
okay so this is super self indulgent but preface for those who arent aware i have this whole full world for my ocs & basically its like a 50/50 chance for any given person to have psychic powers called abilities & this ability is entirely dependent on the person themself & has nothing to do with genetics. ur either born with them or u can get them if ur from a different world & are isekai'd in. the only real thing about abilities is it has to be something a person can do with their mind/state of mind & isnt just like some super power like super strength.
anyway i realized this week i feel like i know the isotopes well enough so i ended up spending a lot of time thinking of what abilities they would have and i give u all my final decisions!!!
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Kafu: she has something im going to call window creation. basically the ability to call forth 'windows' which ranges from just invisible walls in the air to creating a pane that lets her (or anyone near by to see it) see into a different place, time, or both. these are in effect solid walls/windows so its theoretically possible to use them as a weapon but given how kafu is i doubt she would think that way & instead would take a more defensive route, using them as a sort of force field or to get info the group otherwise wouldn't know
Sekai: i'm calling hers shadow manipulation. she can take control of shadows in the area and turn them into a semi-physical thing & from there pretty much becomes a distance attacker or defender depending on both her mood & what's necessary. i would like to think she also keeps a little shadow as a pet & it just follows her around or sits on her shoulder. the shadows can change shape btw
Rime: pyromancy. she gets to create & control fire at will. i like to think she puts too much pressure on herself to learn it & ends up unable to do it at first because of that but the second she lets herself breathe she finally gets it & from there puts in so much practice that her style with it ends up absolutely beautiful to watch. default flame color is red bc thats her color but it changes color/temperature with her emotions. u threaten one of the others and watch how fast it ends up blue-white.
Coko: fox. by shifting her mental state she can transform into a fox & while in that form can do things like create wil o wisp/fox fire & force fields, but mostly i think she'd specialize in creating illusions. she probably actually has multiple tails in that form but after drawing the rest of her outfit i thought one was enough to get the idea across. yes this is the third time im giving a chara this ability its bc im not allergic to fun normally people cant talk in the fox form but i like her so i guess she gets a little telepathy as a treat too.
Haru: consciousness walking. that is, she can separate her consciousness from her physical body & move around almost like a ghost. she can interact with the physical world on a minimal level in this state, but more importantly it allows her to see & interact with other people's consciousnesses in a way that's very easy to mess with their perception of the world & throw off their judgment & things like that. kind of like astral projection but not really, also if she gets really skilled with it she'd be able to move both her physical & spiritual forms at once although that is very tiring
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
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doin' a fuckshite again ✌, i'll see y'all artistically in five to seven business days this fucking script is so bitchily long. i swear to fuck if its gon be over 8 pages.
anyway Fish is gon be in it <3 fucking Finally he shows off properly
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cemetery-baccanal · 7 hours
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Elizabeth Midford, Wife of the Queen’s Watchdog.
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twistedappletree · 2 months
lmao so i think the other girl working for my client is about to get fired for trauma dumping and making out of pocket passive aggressive comments constantly akdnakjds why can’t anyone just be fucking N O R M A L
**also pls excuse the typos in my tags omfg i’m so annoyed that i can’t type ahahahHAHAHA
#IM NOT EVEN JIRNAL BUT LIKE#AT PEAST JORNAL ENOUGH TO WORK THIS JOB#THATS LITERALLY THE EASIEST FUCKING JOB IN EXISTENCE#i don’t get it???? would you rather work in fucking retail making $7-12/hr#or make $50/hr walking dogs and running light errands that don’t even take up the whole day#so you have the entire afternoon and evening to do whatever tf you want#also#DONT TRAUMA DUMP ON PPL EAPECIALLY WHEN THEYRE PERMANENTLY DISABLED#JFC#people are so fucking selfish and weird and incapable of doing literally anything ever i’m so FLABBERGASTED#by the goddamn attitudes of the people coming thru working for my client#she’s literally the nicest person ever and they’re all so fucking????? miserable and jealous and have SO much hate and anger in them#it’s always the good people who attract these pieces of shit is2g 😑#apple babble 🍎#non fandom#jfc never in my LIFE have i ever encountered so many people who are just#totally incompetent#this isn’t even a ‘nobody wants to work’ thing bc i’m an anarchist & of course i get that#but this isn’t a corporate job#it’s just a pure cash hustle where you play with puppies & get to listen to music all day while shopping#lmFAO#PLS EXPLAIN TO ME WHATS SO TERRIBLE ABOUT THAT#HOW IS THIS JOB HARD PLS FILL ME IN#BC I DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND#FFFFFF#and i hope my client at least doesn’t fire her before this next weekend#bc i have plans with a new friend and i rlly do t wanna cancel 😭#NORMAL NOT JIRLMAL#OR WHATEVER#i don’t have autocorrect on and i can’t type for shit sorry
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aerisfelidae · 6 months
My mum got me a £15 IKEA pegboard for my birthday and went and found a local creator to 3d print some spool holders that would fit it - I've only just installed it and holy fuck this is the most thoughtful and life-changing gift I've ever received???
It's such a simple thing and I never would have thought to do this myself but she just made my life 100 times easier by taking an offhand comment and extrapolating
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im-smart-i-swear · 8 months
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Well that's an awkward family reunion if ive ever seen one
uh anyway this is like a month old and im not 100% satisfied w/ how it turned out but i dont think i'm going to try and fix it up any time soon so yeah. that's all youre gonna get ig
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I am genuinely so terrified of the fact that I have to find a job now. I'm trying to think of or look up a job that's suitable for my mentally ill autistic ass and I just. I don't know. Everything either requires some very specific qualifications that I don't have, or seems at best awfully exhausting, at worst literally putting me in danger. And I'm not even exaggerating, I genuinely think that working in retail, for example, could possibly kill me if I was forced to do that job for long enough. I sometimes get overwhelmed to the point of crying when there's too many other customers while I'm shopping, I can't imagine working in an environment like that. I suppose physical jobs could work, I've been to this blueberry plantation twice last week and mentally I was fine, but it was. So tiring. And you don't even make that much money a day, I don't think I could earn enough even if I did work there everyday, not to mention it's only a seasonal job. Right now it's fine for me to go there every now and then, but if I wanted to move out and become independent I'd have to get an actual day job. And that sounds impossible. The only job that sounds good to me is being an artist, it's not too mentally or physically difficult, and it's something I enjoy. But I'd have to get commissions constantly or start a small business or something like that to actually survive. And I'm not saying it's impossible, I know that people can live by being an artist, but it's so hard to get into that field. I wish I could do it but I dont know if it's possible for me. Makes me wanna cry. I hate this I hate that my brain isn't suited for this world and still I have to participate in all that shit that everyone has to do. My brain isn't made for working like that
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tgirljoker · 8 months
bold theory but im like 80% sure that the spiderman 2 story was a little lackluster because the dlc is going to be doing a lot more of the heavy lifting this time around
#i mean theyve definitely got dlc planned already… they had no idea how well the first games dlc would sell but this time around they do#i mean. okay heres my thought process here#1.#we know that norman is going to become the green goblin soon. the ‘’g-serum’’ he talked about was for harrys cure after the symbiote failed#but norman is probably the one who becomes the green goblin. how? idk yet maybe he tests it on himself first or something#i think thats going to be one of the storylines in the dlc#2. in this game they introduced ally teamups for the crimes in the overworld#two for the spidermen respectively and one for wraith. but during the period where harry is agent venom he has an ally teamup as well#his own animations and voice lines and everything. and thats a very short part of the game#so im actually convinced that harry will wake up from his coma in one of the waves of dlc and fight with the symbiote again#black cat had special finisher animations with miles too so maybe shes an ally teamup too? 👀#maybe wishful thinking but tbh i could see it happening considering the black cat threads from this game havent been entirely wrapped up yet#and also theres a severe lack of ally teamups LOL so im p sure harry at the very least is coming back#maybe to help fight norman somehow for when he turns into the goblin ?#idk. anyways#3. we still have the rest of kravens family to worry about and since they were tracking felecia maybe thats where she comes back ?#4. obviously theres going to be a dlc about the flame/cletus cassidy + carnage.#the flame even has a cult in this adaptation and their gatherings would make great bases which this game DESPERATELY needs more of#also going back to the ally teamup thing yuri still has one post game#and theyre definitely continuing her story given how open ended that questline was#im like. pretty confident in this even though i know its kind of iffy#if they save harry + the goblin for spiderman 3 i wouldnt be surprised but i think it has a solid chance of being addressed in the dlc#tldr there were WAY more lose ends than the first game
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lonlonranching · 9 months
there are simply not enough hours in the day
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jestlingnest · 1 year
vent in tags. sorry.
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frecht · 1 year
kind of annoyed at my friend :/
#ok so at the cafe at my school theyre having an event thats basically come play board games#and she texted the discord yesterday and said 'who wants to go to this?' and i said yes! i would!#and so i checked in with her bc its this afternoon like do you still want to go? what time should we go ?#bear in mind that she is the one who INVITED evwryone#and she said she has too much work#and i knoww i shouldnt like judge how much work she has but like she had only one class today.#couldnt she have done more of her work earlier considering that she MADE PLANS?????#and i really wanted to go to it i miss playing board games bc usually the only games i can play at school are. uno & cards against humanity#but im from a family who likes weird games my dad finds on Kickstarter (this is a lie only my dad and i play them. my sister and i refuse)#and i only get to play my weird kickstarter games at home!#not that i think theyll have weird kickstarter games :/ but at least itll be VARIETY!!!#SORRY i dont actually like uno and cards against humanity that much. but i need to play something else#i brought fluxx this semester but no one will play it bc they all wanted to play uno and cah first and by the end of those we were tired#they were done to death by like senior year of high school bc theyre the ONLY games anyone will play!!!!#and its honestly an effort to even laugh at any cah jokes at this point . sorry theyre so rarely funny.#and i feel bad bc i have one friend who laughs really easily and so they crack up and im just sitting there like . a corpse#talkin
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hexedmaniacs · 2 years
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hello devil may cry nation, as obligatory with all new series i fixate on, i have drawn dmc ocs. they are. kinda Cringe(tm) but who cares i’m having fun and have been infodumped enough about dmc to hopefully justify them.
maybe i’ll go into lore n shit with them one day when i don’t feel as embarrassed about it (read tags for some lore ramblings cause i can’t make up my mind lol)
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kellystar321 · 2 years
#periodical life updates#finished all my criminology homework! now i got sunday off to chill and maybe draw and also me and my sibs might go to chinatown? but idk#because dad's bbq-ing which might change some plans. anyway! eating dinner now :> its not my favorite but it is okay <3#high priority art to-dos: commission | daily eca (for tomorrow and the project) | art for *** and ******* | annual birthday redraw#general arts: mrd thing for monday | solepsi art | things for the ace iterations | the cases ref#self indulgence: drawtectives (i wanna draw more eugenes) | agent | fun ace things#my queue is winding down so that might go quiet in a bit <3 there's about a dozen things left <3 we'll see i suppose <3#project sekai updates: cannot believe i have to wait 6 more events until the next wxs event i just want a cool emu :'0#my strongest team is all four stars except for a three star emu; i just want a 4 star for her <3 also!! nicori smile survey for that event!#and also its probably the one where tsukasa makes a child cry by yelling about how hes gonna be a cool star hgkjh#but theres been so many events that just! arent wxs! it's been 13 events since the last one to the next one we get u-u <33 i miss them;;;#but we get some mmj ones so at least theres that <3 mmj's my assigned group and wxs's my favorite group so i have an attachment to both <3#but yeah im gonna save up gems for a cool emu card <3 theres the valentines day one too? AND ALSO. TSUKASA AS A KNIGHT?#FOR THE WHITE DAY EVENT!! HE LOOKS AESTHETIC AS HEL I LOVE KNIGHTS!!! <3 so maybe i'll try for those!!#im also writing a drawtectives fic and recently i drew some aces from one of the old aus <3 i miss him i love my little guy <33#im downloading all my old twitter archives. i have a lot of memories there i need to keep or else i'll be so sad <3 trying my best <33#i have school on monday as usual <3 can you believe my birthdays coming up this month? it feels like ive been 21 forever hgjkh <3#i think thats all the updates for now; im sleepy <33 goodnight. thank you for reading; ily <33
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swordmaid · 2 months
the yves/orin dynamic I hc is so hhhhhjjmyhhhhhhdhdghh scrumptious to me bc yves was orin’s biggest tormentor. yves constantly berated orin and thought she was useless, and she made her grievance known. like yves constantly preaching abt how orin is so useless and worthless and the only thing that’s significant to her is the blood in her veins and unlike her, she will never gain bhaal’s favour and she’s always going to be a mongrel chasing her heel for a sliver of recognition…! and the fact that yves - besides being bhaal’s bride and chosen - was one of the head priestess of His church meant that she influenced others to think similarly too. orin was also one of the constant victims of yves’ nasty tantrums and when she’s feeling particularly curious and she wants to see how a shapeshifter’s inner organs work mid shifting orin is the first one she takes to experiment on. like yves in her dead three was SO nasty and horrible and her cruelty is so deliberate and calculated. unlike her god yves was not reckless nor chaotic, rather, she was very meticulous and executed everything she did with precision hence why I think she worked well with gortash bc she isn’t unpredictable like orin.
but anyway, yves being so horrible and nasty to orin so when orin FINALLY managed to stage her little coup, it is a very satisfying and vindicating moment. now she gets to see the woman who made her life living hell kneel and break open like an egg, and she WILL watch with a smile in her face. now she has a chance to prove her worth, and to show everyone that yves was wrong abt everything and she IS bhaal’s chosen, and i think yves would actually be proud of her for finally standing up for herself lol.
but then orin makes the fatal mistake of not killing yves 😔
#and I like to hc pre duel or maybe even mid duel yves just admits that she picked on orin bc she was bored#like maybe pre duel… instead of telling orin the truth that she’s an incest nepo baby yves just goaded her and tells her that the only#reason why she tortured her for all those years is bc it was for fun. like there’s no grand reason to it she just found orin’s reaction and#cries amusing.#I also have this hc that leading up to duel yves starts to ‘act’ like her dead three era self again like she’s going like I AM a bhaalspawn#im sooo evil he he ha ha ha but her actual plan is that she’s going to kill every bhaalspawn and then herself bc she’s dismantling#every thing she has done for the absolute plot and she will give the prism to the companions so they end everything once and for all#to her thats the only thing she can do to balance out her scales. and that’s the least she can do for all the horrors she’s inflicted#but then she gets revived right after and she’s like 🧍‍♂️ girl this was NOT part of the plan and withers is like you want to experience the#catharsis of punishment so badly im gonna force you to live instead#and yves is like. well. depression ig….#but anyway back to the main point that is orin and yves dynamic i like thinking abt it in orin’s perspective imagine the underlying fear#when she learns yves is still alive and going back home bc that’s the woman who constantly abused you u know. but this time orin is the one#with power. this time she’s the one with bhaal’s blessing so she won’t be able to touch her…! and when she observes the very woman she’s#out there being treated with kindness and care and being LOVED ..? like HUH? what….! it’s unfair. and revolting. and sickening#that horrible woman deserves neither of those things and the only thing she deserves is the knife thrusted on her chest 1000 times over but#even then that is still too good for her. so orin taunts her. and she shows off how she wears bhaal’s divinity well. and she tries to make#her show off her true nature to her new friends bc this mask she wears is sickening!!! and it works kind of …#anyway dead three era yves being the most horrible person with unethical medical practices is so real to me#shut up about bg3.#bg3 spoilers
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