#im thinking of doing a sisters grimm reread
seoafin · 9 months
AHH your fav childhood books sent me back the TASTE. you’re so real for the warrior cats morgan 😭 tell me why those cats were living out telenovelas. little me went crazy over bluestar and her whole storyline. and the rainbow fairies, nothing matched the feeling of finding the fairy with your name. ella enchanted…tales of despereaux we really had such good books. looking back i remember liking the little house on the prairie books, inkheart, the mixed up files of mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, also the book thief which I read a little too young but it changed smth in me. ty for the nolstagia trip 💜
it wasn't only warrior cats i really enjoyed the seeker series too 😭😭😭 i was INVESTED in those bears but yes!!!! i've been reevaluating my relationship to reading lately and all the books i've read and i think it's a bit sad i haven't been reading as much as fantastical fiction as i used to. we really DID grow up with the best books ever. inkheart, eragon, dragon slippers, the spiderwick chronicles, etc and soooo much more. i just hope these books are still being cherished and read today all of them fundamentally CHANGED me. you're welcome!!!!! im glad to have reminded you!!!!
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gumjester · 1 year
I heard behind the scene lore and I came running- Gummie, if it's not too spoilery, could you possible give some behind the scenes lore on your version of Bella and Brutta sister?
OH DEAR GOD i started answering this, put it in my drafts and then its very existence was erased from my brain im so sorry
however im going to be so very 100 with you right now and admit that i have thought about the two sisters tale VERY little and you will not see it come up anywhere in the rewrite. BUT i would say that they did still exist and the same drama went down (at least that i remember...its been a while since i read tsol) but there is no remaining record of their existence, even in the vault of lost tales or wherever it was that raven found evidence (god i really do need to reread tsol), because grimm was a beast at covering shit up back then and he just completely annihilated their existence from public memory. that is my placeholder answer, at least. i might amend this if i reconsider and think of something better O__O
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e17omm · 2 years
what IS your comfort fic? :0
A tad embarrassing, but I did feel the urge to reread it again and I did bring it up...
Its not a soft, goofy and fluffy fanfic, its actually dark but I like it a lot with its more unique plot and execution...
It's Black Reaper by Vengfulfate over on ff.net
Its a RWBY AU fanfic, and... Uh, its kinda edgy, but I have caugh myself, in my mind, de-edgy-fying it. Like, every overly edgy moment and detail is toned back by like, 6 in my head.
But despite its edgy (and some cringy) moments... The plot of it is so interesting and I think its plot development is great - especially because theres not many fanfics like it.
So to go over the start (this is assuming that you've watched the first 3 seasons of RWBY (the only good seasons) to their ends)
The Fall of Beacon happens differently. Ruby is dating Velvet and is down in Vale instead of at the stadium, and when the Fall begins, they run into Neo, and stops her before she can use her Semblance to teleport to the ship Roman is on to break him out in time.
So he remains captive. Ruby then makes her way to Beacon and runs into Blake, Yang and Adam! That scene goes differently and Adam is captured, but not before he can throw his blade at Ruby.
This is where the fun begins, because Yang jumps to block it to protect her little sister, logical thing to do. But this isnt a cheesy happy story, so she miscalculates and gets herself impaled.
Then she fucking dies. But Ruby tried to save Yang with her Aura, which doesnt work as her own and Yang's aura turns on her
Ruby takes on Yang's Aura and Semblance. An emotion-based semblance, a semblance that makes her stronger the angrier she is.
And Ruby has no control over Yang's semblance as it is too strong for her, and she was never meant to have it. Take a Yang with a speed Semblance, an anger-based strength Semblance, and double the Aura reserves. Also make her unable to control her anger-based Semblance at all. That's Ruby in Black Reaper.
Queue Ruby getting angry at everything. Stuck in hospital? Mad. People get scared of her? Mad. Cant have a shouting match with Weiss? Mad. Getting hit in training battles? Almost kills Jaune. Banned from training matches? Mad. Mentions of the Fall or of Yang? Mad. This goes on for a year.
She keeps running off to the forest to fight Grimm to vent, until one day she instead ends up in Vale. And she kills a (likely) innocent faunus on the street, because it reminded her of when her sister died. Then she runs away from Beacon.
Months later, Neo finds her in Vale, they team up and break Roman out. And, Ive gone on long enough.
>One of the plotpoints I love is that, Ruby never truly redeems herself. Sure she eventually goes back to being a good guy™... But she's still a criminal at heart now, she casually steals minor stuff like chocolate bars just because she didnt feel like paying for it, even when she has billions in her bank account and a Heiress of a massive company right next to her.
As I said! It is cringy at times and edgy a lot (especially in Black Reaper 1 *mild shudder*), but if you take a step back and look at the idea, the plot, and the storyline - its great.
Its also the one fanfic I keep wanting to reread every now and again, especially when Im feeling down. I dont know, maybe it just brings me back to the past? It was written... 6 and a half years ago? o_o
Sadly the Author got burnt out. I chatted with them privately and it was a mix of burnout due to character bloat (OC's that are pretty good) and feeling like they (the Author) had to give every single character at least a scene in every chapter.
So its abandoned... What's there is pretty good, or at least decent, I think.
As you can probably tell I like it a lot, despite how edge it can be (which I subconsciously dial back in my head. Gotta keep reminding myself that I do that if I want to try to talk about it objectively...)
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pharmakiscirce · 4 years
once i finish we were liars for like the 10th time.... sisters grimm im coming for you
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nervestatic · 7 years
i cannot get this idea out of my head so here you go, im officially sisters grimm trash again, welcome back to 2005 y’all
anyways, a tldr of what’s under the cut: give an 11 year old a sword and an immortal, princely mentor. shake well, examine end results with caution.
ive been re-reading lately (found a show that involves similar things about grimm heritage, only darker and more adult, so i figured a reread was worth it) and the one thing that REALLY bugs me is how they deal with sabrina’s addiction to magic. she has a problem, yes, but she’s also a 11 year old girl with a problem and just saying “no, you can’t do this/have that” was NEVER going to work, ESPECIALLY with jake (bless is heart) around.
so, an alternative that fleshes out both sabrina AND another character’s personalities and gives their relationship (which is shown in a brief way but never tapped into) more flesh, is sabrina sees how magic is used in the first book- how jack uses it, how glinda uses it, how the entire town is pushed around by magic and while there’s something deep, deep inside of her that craves it, she has only ever seen magic used for evil. to erase memories and steal her mom and dad.
so sabrina goes to the hall of wonders after the incident with jack, and she asks mirror to take her to the armory. ‘magical swords again?’ he asks, and sabrina shakes her head no, because come on, there’s got to be a regular sword or something in the hall somewhere. and mirror shows her, and sure, the swords aren’t as impressive as excalibur, but she finds one that sits right in her hands and is heavy, but not too heavy, and the next chance she gets she shows up on charming’s doorstep. she saw him fight, and she doesn’t trust puck with this, so he’s her only option- he opens the door and sneers at her until he sees the sword.
‘you’re not going to leave me alone until i say yes, are you, grimm?’ he asks, and sabrina’s smile is answer enough. 
and of course charming bitches but he sees something in this girl, something he didn’t think grimms had, so he teachers her how to fight and fighting lessons turn into strategy, which turns into chess (’you’ve never played chess?’ ‘i’m 11, charming.’), which turns into charming somehow acquiring a protege.
and as a result, there’s a lot less of the bullshit “sabrina learns a lesson” as a plot device and a lot less of the “morally upstanding characters (daphne + relda) are never questioned for their actions“ stuff that happens. sabrina has something she’s good at, that she can throw all that pent up anger and that itch for magic into, and charming still hates (most of) the grimms, but instead of it being “for snow!” every time he makes a redeeming character choice, it can be “for my bratty protege!” sometimes too. and they bicker and there’s snark but sabrina is a good with a sword (and a knife, and some other stuff too) and all in all it makes her more rounded out (she’s still angry, she always will be, angry and rash and quick to judge, but come on, give her something more than “angry” “loves her sister” and “bad with magic”). imagine the possibilities with henry and veronica, and henry’s already pissed as hell that his baby daphne has magic, but seeing sabrina wielding a sword pushes him a little further over the edge.
they tell us sabrina grimm uses a sword in the future, and never really tell us where that skill comes from (aside from training with puck, who, although may be good, i don’t remember him being a very good teacher), who trained her, how she got that way. give me sabrina grimm who tries fencing but thinks there’s not enough hitting and kicking involved. sabrina grimm gets given a legacy of magic and monsters and refuses the siren song of magic, seeing what it’s done to others, and makes up her mind when she’s 11 (almost 12) and cuts a training dummy’s head off for the first time.
sabrina grimm can’t use magic to protect her own- so she decides good ol’ fashion violence will have to do.
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