#im trying not to get so freaked out but no matter what i feel crazy about this
ghostcrows · 8 months
ok the thing thats driving me mad is you cant just Be transphobic and then say no what we're doing is just a defensive action to protect ourselves from transmascs. that is not what youre doing?! like you understand that you cant just be like "i stay 100000 feet away from any transmasculine person because theyre all infected with misogyny and they hate trans women" and when we say. what. that is not true. be like "ok mra yeah 'not all men' amirite'" .... like what is with this shit man why are we being told we "ruined" the solidarity of trans people. why when i bring this shit up people ignore me or act like im being crazy what am i missing here. even other trans guys its like we are only allowed to talk about how much we fucking suck or else its bad optics or something its "being an mra"... im not standing up for the nebulous concept of mens rights im talking about TRANSGENDER men and how suddenly we are like the reason the community is ruined
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sensitivegoblin · 5 months
Is there anyone religious in the kink space?
I'm a Christian and I need to vent/get comfort cus I dunno what's wrong with me I'm dissociating so much and have so much anxiety and my head won't stop spinning about things
My dad says it's just anxiety hitting my body after being sick but I wish he could see inside my brain just to make sure I'm scared kinda :(
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dckweed · 1 year
Not sure if you're doing top gun requests right now, but if so, here's one. Rooster with a girl who is helping penny at the bar on a super busy night and there is some rowdy group who keeps calling her over and staring at her, and eventually they go too far and try to grab her but she just knocks one of them clean out and as the guys (hangman, fanboy, etc) is taking care of them, rooster takes her away bc she was about to go crazy on them lol. He's just like "that was so hot but you don't need to go to prison tonight."
baby i am always taking top gun requests. ooooh i love this idea so freaking much, thank you for choosing me to send it too, i absolutely do love it when you guys send things!
please note that i see every request that comes in and i am getting to them one at a time! with that being said, feel free to send one in!
anway, how are we all doing today? are we staying hydrated?
warnings: drinking, violence, inappropriate groping and harassment, bar fights, established relationship with rooster!
"BITCHLESS & DICKLESS' bradley rooster bradshaw x fem!reader
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It was a busy Friday night at the Hard Deck, you and Penny the only two working and barely able to keep up with the constant flow of customers coming through, it only seemed to get even more crowded and rowdy when a small group of sailors fresh off the base come through, taking up a couple of the tables near the juke box. They signal you over and you make your towards them, order pad in hand incase they order more than just beer.
"Hey guys, how can i help you?" You ask, your voice upbeat and a smile on your face. It was sticky hot outside and you knew your shirt was clinging to your skin because of it, you tried not to feel too uncomfortable with the obvious way two of the men were staring at you. "Eyes up here, fellas." You say, giving a playful angry look. You were used to being looked at, it kind of came with the job title of bartender, but that didn't mean that it didn't make you uncomfortable.
One of the men cocks a smirk at you, leaning back easily in his seat. "They'll have a round of Budweiser," He says, his eyes not leaving you once as he gestures towards his friends. "and i'll have your number, sweetness."
Before you can open your mouth to object politely, one of his buddies beats you to it. "Hey, Hanks, give some of us a chance with her damn." He chuckles flashing you a smile.
"How about none of you get a chance?" You say sweetly, laughing with his buddies. "I'll be back with the beers in a minute." You shake your head, walking back to the bar. You grab six cold beers from the ice box and start putting them on a serving tray.
"Those boys gonna be trouble?" Penny asks, maneuvering her way behind you with a few drinks of her own. You hadn't realized that she had heard the interaction.
"No, they'll be fine." You shake your head, glancing back over at the table as you pop the tops off of the bottles one by one. The one that had asked for your number, Hanks, was staring at you and talking to the rest of his friends at the same time. His gaze unsettled you, but you carried on with your job anyway. You make your way back over to them, planting your serving smile back on to your face as you start handing out their beers. "Alright fellas, let me know if there's anything else i can get you, okay?"
"That phone number is still wanted, honey." Hanks' friend says, taking a sip from his bottle. He shoots you a wink and manspreads in his chair, you perk an eyebrow at him. What was it with navy boys being so goddamn persistent?
"I'm sure it is honey," You say, your voice a little more stern on the matter this time around. "but my boyfriend sure wouldn't appreciate me giving it out to random navy boys that walk into my bar." You turn to head back towards the actual bar, where you see Penny starting struggle.
"I don't see him around, im sure what he don't know won't kill him!" Hanks voice calls after you, its almost admirable how persistent they are, it was afterall one of the more endearing qualities about your boyfriend when you first met him, although you had to say that he hadn't been nearly as uncomfortable as these boys were.
"Oh he'll be around!" You call back over your shoulder, not noticing that at that moment said boyfriend and his group of friends had walked through the front door of the bar. You didn't notice them for quite a few minuets, giving them plenty of time to get to their usual seats as you worked on the fresh wave of customers at the bar, mixing drinks and handing them out almost mechanically.
After around twenty minutes or so Bradley comes up to the bar, standing directly behind you, your back turned as you pour beer from the tap. "Here you g-Bradley!" You exclaim excitedly, nearly spilling the beer in your hands before you hand it to the man standing next to him.
"Hey baby," He says, his voice gruff and hoars, tired. He gladly accepts your kiss as you lean across the bar for it, pressing his lips against your own. He was still wearing his flight suit, and still covered in sweat, and a quick glance towards the others told you everything y ou needed to know.
"Rough day?" You look at him, eyes questioning as you get to work making their drinks. Whiskey neat for Jake, Scotch on the rocks for Bradley and Natasha and a pop for Bob, your favorite sober companion most evenings.
"You could say that," He says, a deep sigh leaving his chest as he watches you, already feeling more at ease. You didnt pry any farther, knowing he would tell you all about it in bed that night. "When are you off?"
You pout, coming around the bar with the drinks on a serving tray. "Not until nearly closing tonight," You say, walking with him towards the others. Bradley studiously takes the tray from you, ever the gentleman even on his roughest days, his arm brushing your shoulder as you walk. "Hey guys," You greet, giving Jake and Bob your usual friendly kiss on the cheek, and with a giggle you give one to Nat too when she taps hers and gives you a lopsided grin. You could tell by looks on their faces that they all needed a dose of happiness.
"Where's mine?" Bradley whines, hand on your hip possessively. You roll your eyes at him but lean up to kiss his waiting cheek anyway, adoring the small smile that tugs at the corners of his lips.
"Awe come on Rooster, you get her all the time, let the rest of us have some." Natasha says, causing you to throw your head back in a laugh, leaning farther into your boyfriend. Your laugh was infectious and the whole group lets out a chuckle, you watch their bodies relax afterwards. "Might want to keep em coming, Y/N , it's been a rough one.."
Jake looks somewhere behind you, eyebrows pinched, stare hard. "Looks like you're in need, Y/N" He says, raising his whiskey to his lips to take a sip.
You look over your shoulder, your eyes landing on the group of sailors from earlier on the other side of the bar. "Those guys again," You sigh, grabbing your tray off the table.
Bob grabs your wrist before you go, and you furrow your brow at him. "Are those guys giving you a hard time?" He asks quietly, he knew Bradley was already on edge as it was and didn't want him looking for a fight.
"Nothing i can't handle, Bobby," You say, ruffling his hair with a wink before heading off towards the group, putting some pep back in your step. "Ready for round two already, fellas?"
The night drags on quickly and slowly all at the same time, customers come and go, drinks are made and made again and carried out to tables. The two main groups being your Boyfriend and the rest of the daggers and the group of boat boys who become more rowdy as the night drags on.
Bradley is already uneasy with them as it is, catching them staring at you one too many times and asking for your number more than once, to which you studiously turn them down, looking his way as if asking for help. He knew he would step in when needed, but he also hoped that didn't need to happen, he knew Penny would talk to Mav and Mav would talk his ear off about it tomorrow on base.
Your patience had more than worn thin, and you were counting down the minuets until your shift was over, hoping that the last half an hour would pass without any issues. Your hopes were wrong though.
You were bringing the group of boat boys another round of beers and a couple of waters and were just picking up the empties and placing them on your tray when you feel it, a large, sweaty hand sliding up the back of your thigh and right up onto your ass, giving it a heavy squeeze. Your eyes widen. "You wanna lose that fucking hand?" You ask, voice gruff as you stand up straight. The entire table quiets.
"What? Fly girl over there is good enough to squeeze this thick ass but i'm not?" Natasha had playfully smacked your ass on her way to the restroom a short time ago, something the two of you had grown close enough as friends to do. It had made you laugh, but this? Oh this was an entirely different ball game.
You see red, and off in the distance you hear Bradley and Jake both yell and the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor as they all get up abruptly. Youve done it before they can even reach you though. The tray drops from your grasp, your dominant hand balling up as the sound of shattering glass reaches your ears and your fist collides with Hanks' face, right between the eyes. You feel a sickening crunch under the force of the blow and blood spurts out of his nostrils as he slumps down, you had hit him hard enough to knock him out.
"What the fuck?!?" Bradley is next to you, arm out protectively as his friends all stand from their seats, ready to brawl over what you had done, even though their pig of a friend had done worse in your opinion. "Y/N?"
"Bitchless and Dickless over there can't catch a fucking hint!" You yell lunging for his friend. Rooster's arms hold you back though before you can make contact with him, the entire bar watches you scream and kick at the sailor as your boyfriend drags you out towards the parking lot. "Fucking assholes! Squeezed my fucking ass!"
Surprisingly, Bob is the first to throw a punch. He had been watching the idiots mess with you all night long along with Rooster. And after their long ass day he was just as ready to fight as the rest of them, infact, he actually took pleasure in what he did. His fist collides squarely with Hanks' friend and Natasha drags the already semi conscious asshole across the floor after you and Bradley, Penny coming to help her.
"Jesus christ baby, you started a fucking brawl!" Bradley laughs, opening the passenger door of the bronco, shoving all of his stuff onto the floorboard as he sets you up on the seat. "That was so fucking hot," He says, hearing police sirens in the distance already. "You have no idea how bad i want to fuck you right now but i can't have you going to jail tonight, buckle in tight baby.." He says, closing your door before running around to the drivers side, the only the thought on his mind is getting you home where you're safe and in your guys' bed, preferably underneath of him.
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moneymartin · 5 months
🦌-lottie with skater!gf hcs
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k this has been sitting in my inbox for like a week im sorry zzz also pulling stuff out of my ass cuz im so sleepyt
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rich girl yes, she def buys you your gear and shit
if you ask her for a new deck she will literally get it for you no hesitation even if she already got you one
even the clothes and shoes like okayyyy (all brand name clothes for skating r so expensive too omfg)
offering her some help cause she wants to learn just for you
one day before she asked for it though she came home with scratches and a few bruises here and there cause she was trying to learn while you were out of the house :(
cannot balance thats why it happened
when you do end up teaching her though she is gripping onto you so tight it feels like your shirt is gonna rip 😭 she’s terrified of falling in front of you it is literally her biggest fear
teaching her tricks is a whole new level like she cannot pop up the tail properly and always holds on to you cause she sux!
you probably get her the skate trainers so she can do them when you’re gone ☹️
idk if ppl are gonna know what i’m talking abt but having her stand on the board while you hold her hands and she jumps so you can make the board underneath spin
please tell me you guys know what i’m talking abt or i’m gonna sound fucking crazy…
when she gets what she considers good she always calls you out so you can see her do a silly lil pop shuv or a strawberry milkshake 😭
when you sucked at skating you would get hurt ALL THE TIME!!!
lots of blood thats for sure.. lottie tending to your wounds and calling you ‘stupid’ for not wearing a helmet
you tell her “it looks dumb on me” and she ends up smacking you in the area where it hurts just so you know not to do it again and wear the damn helmet no matter how dumb it looks 😒
makes up for that tho fs! kisses your little scratches and bruises while you sleep so they magically feel better in the morning
definitely gives you massages too like she is such an angel oh my god
i think if you broke her arm or leg she’d FREAK!!!
she sees your hand twisted in that weird way but you’re just sitting on the floor holding up your wrist while she’s literally sobbing and calling an ambulance 🤧
same thing with the leg me thinks… your ankle twisted or something like that
when you get your arm casted up she helps you do everything like dress and cook and all that shebang
also she writes all over the cast like she makes it hard for the other yjs to sign it cause all there is on there is her name a bunch of times and a million hearts and doodles
one space on there where the yjs have their names cramped up while lottie’s is everywhere 😕
when it heals and you start to skate again lottie makes you wear a big ass sweater with a shit ton of padding underneath
probably makes you wear big old pants too so she can pad them up as well
gets you a big dumb helmet too so you don’t get hurt
but in reality she just cares about you too much and hates seeing you in pain 🙁🙁🙁
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serxinns · 4 months
Enemies to Yandere w/ Bakugo (ft Class 1a)
Katsuki Bakugo finally met his match. It’s Y/n Gojo! He got so mad about losing to them, he fell in loooove💕💕💕
He better pray his crazy classmates don’t find out!
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At the start of UA bakugo hated your guts and the way he thought of you as a stupid little nuisance a piece of dirt, just any insulting thing he could think of,
When you 1st made it to UA he always had an off feeling about you sure he disliked all the extras but it was you that mostly bothered him the most and what he hated was that you knew he loved winning and you take advantage of that
Whenever you and he would spar you wouldn't give it your all and he ended up winning most of the time he hated it, how dare a lowlife blue-eyed freak who wears a mask over your eyes most of the damn time pity the future number one hero? And the worst part I everyone is always completing how "amazing" and "talented" you are when you were just going easy his blood felt like an erupting volcano
And his classmates hovering all over you trying to get your attention and fighting over you makes him even more pissed, Like how Denkinwould make comments about how hot you are and Mina wondering what your favorite type fashion is and if you like do dance sero memorizing about your pretty blue eyes mumbling sweet things in Spanish and daydreaming and even his own best friend Kirishima is all over you as well always inviting you to their group asking to spare with him and kiri and just talking about how manly you are he couldn't take it anymore that he was unaware that he destroyed his drink with his palms full of a tiny explosions
But for some reason, he couldn't get you out of your head even without his classmates always talking about you whenever he's alone im his room studying or doing homework he would always think about that stupid twisted smile of yours and your adorable annoying giggles it made him warm but frustrated that broke yet another pencil, another time when he was exercising lifting weighting or using his punching bag he remembers the time you pinned him down during training and everyone cheered but for some reason why was he focusing on how soft your hand was?
At 1st these types of events were "rare" but the more your presence was with him the more common it got it was torture to him he couldn't get you out of his head no matter how much he tried avoiding you didn't work just made him more desperate and eager to see you your touch your voice your everything
Your classmates also noticed his strange behavior recently safe to say they weren't happy with it Izuku would glare at Bakugo whenever you let him spar with you Kota would grumble under his breath when Bakugo would interrupt his animal lesson with you your classmates were so jealous and angry about how Akatsuki would have to audacity degrade you for anything you do your quirk, your fighting style, anything but yet you still laughed at with him you still teased him which made him more mad and another reason to be infatuated with you
Your classmates would try and guilt trip you gaslight you to make you avoid him and never talk to them again but whenever they did you told them that you were interested in his firey personality and reassured them that he wasn't hurting you nor he was a pain to you which made them get even more pissed not aware that bakugo was listening which a slight blush and a proud smirk on his face "so they like the firey type huh?"
Meanwhile your classmates expect Bakusquad who was mostly teasing him now were jealous about how much you tease and taut him at times while bakugo either say something back, point up his middle finger or just taut you as well the two of you were like friends lovers and rivals at the same time and they hated every single moment
Bakugo would get threatened by every student against him and Bakusquad would always tease him that he likes you but he didn't deny it or say it but just ignored them instead Jen was focusing on what your weaknesses were to make you a coward in fear and catch you off guard so he can make you be with him~ but his pesky classmates were in the way protecting you.. you may have those obsessed freaks with ya but he swore he was gonna make you submit to him while your classmates swore they were gonna protect you from bBakugo no matter what~
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eclipse-rain · 10 months
Jjk - Big Brother Yuji + Choso Headcanons;
Warning: Mentions of attempted suicide in first part + manga spoilers obvi
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•You and yuji are twins (sry i love them being twins soo much)
•you grew up together with him and your grandfather
•but the thing is, when dealing with jujutsu sorcerers being a twin is considered bad
•this ment you could see cursed spirits while yuji could not
•your grandfather tried to console you by saying they werent real and to try and ignore them for fear of people thinking you were crazy and trying to put you in a hospital
•you tried your best to think that way and you learned not to freak out in front of other people about what you were seeing
•but you were a kid and they looked scary, why were you the only one seeing these monsters?
•yuji was the main reason you were able to look past it, past them
•he was always in front of you so all you had to do was look towards him and then everything was alright
•his smile was always such a reassuring sight, it could put you at ease almost instantly, wash all your troubles away in the blink of an eye
•you really loved your older twin brother, and he loved you just as much
•it would have been good if things had stayed that way, but i guess then we wouldnt have this story
•there was a time where you couldnt take it anymore, the constantly being scared and looking over your shoulder, it was during a short period of time when yuji wasnt around
•you were nine years old by this point and in the bath, suddenly the bubbly water looked more reassuring than staying in a world full of monsters being the only one who could see them
•you let yourself sink into the warmth and the next thing you knew, yuji was above you, holding you in a fresh fluffy towel but instead of smiling like he always did, he was crying
•for the next year yuji and your grandfather had you sing everytime you bathed or showered for fear of it happening again
•but you had realised from that day on that if you had yuji in your life, wheather he was far away or right next to you, as long as he was alive you could push past what you saw and focus on him, you could stay alive too
•you were born together so you both had an unspoken promise that you would live together and when the time came, die together
•thats not the only thing that went wrong though
《Yeah im about to change the whole plot and spice it up real good, cue the trauma✨》
•when you were ten kenjaku came to retrieve one of you, either yuji or you, it didnt matter which
•your grandfather knew this would happen some time in the future as kenjaku made it known after you both were born
•but your grandfather kept it from both of you and raised you the same way, without difference, same clothes, same hair, same treatment so that he could try and feel less attachment when the time came to give one of you away
•what he would get in return would be the guaranteed safety of the other twin, not a hair on their head would be touched and they would have a normal life as a human unless they themself chose otherwise
•your grandfather had been stuck between a rock and a hardplace
•and thats how you got separated from your twin and your grandfather
•your grandfather didnt even know which one of you kenjaku took, he raised you both without any difference, including gender
•that didnt mean it didnt impact him any less though, he turned away from yuji, became more distant and contemplative of his life and yujis future
•he regretted and agonised over what happened every single day he lived until his death and made sure to make yuji promise not to end up alone at his own death bed
•yuji always kept you in mind, he never forgot a single thing about you, your hair, your eyes, your smell, the feeling of your small hand in his as he led you to your next class in school
•you were the first loss he faced in his life, your grandfather didnt have the heart to tell yuji where you had actually gone, not that he knew
•And kenjaku with his connections or powers god knows what, made it seem, to your school, all the people in the community, as if you had died and with what happened last year that didnt come as much of a shock
•otherwise people would start to ask questions if you suddenly werent around, like you had dissapeared into thin air, even though by all accounts your grandfather knew...you had
•he wasnt even allowed to know where you were going or what you would be doing, if you would have a normal life or whatever the alternative to that was
•Or even worse you were actually dead and kenjaku hadnt just made people believe that so yuji and him could live a normal peaceful life
•but in reality and unbeknownst to your grandfather kenjaku had plans for you, those which were never revealed to you and that you couldnt figure out because you could never for the life of you read the person who was suposed to be your so called "mother"
•of course you didnt know that kenjaku was technically your birth mother, you only figured it out years later, five years later to be exact, when you were fifteen, a little while before yuji also found out
•kenjaku didnt know which one of you he had taken either at the time but it didnt matter to him, it was all the same regardless
• he hadnt even planned on either of your births, with all the rest of the cursed wombs being failures he didnt have much hope left for either of you to work out in his master plan, just like the nine death painting brothers you both were far too normal (though his and your versions of normal didnt seem to align)
•but now you just seemed to give him more options, more paths he could take, more fun, a variable in his master plan if you will
•wheather you both would be a catalysts or not was up to you two but you yourself had made it your lifes mission so that your brother could continue living safely without the need of ever knowing that you werent crazy after all and what you saw was real
•let him be ignorant, let you carry all this burden by yourself, if he can be the light, your light and give you hope then you can be the darkness, carry his burdens, his share of darkness aswell as yours
•it would have probably stayed that way if he hadnt gotten himself entangmed with the king of curses after - of all the ones he could have eaten
•being one of kenjakus kids means your the only girl amongst all your siblings which definitely sucked a bit in your eyes
•like what do you mean you have ten siblings and not even a single one is a girl
•you'd have to put up with yuki as your big sister since that was the closest to the real thing you would get
•you werent there when yuji and nobara killed Eso and Kechizu and you didnt even know that they were your brothers yet anyway
•you first met choso when (of all times) kenjaku, mahito and he were playing a board game while waiting for the outcome of the fight between yuji, nobara, megumi, Eso and Kechizu
•well you didnt talk or even make eye contact but you both knew each other was there (you're probably in a badass looking cloke or something idk babe)
•kenjaku tried to coax you into playing with them, fed up you just ended up 'standing guard' so you could get some peace and quiet or so you thought because they (*ahem* mahito *ahem*) wouldnt stfu
•You were colder now that you were older and not showered in your big brothers light which he directed completely at you when you were younger
•you didnt say a word the whole time, you rarely did since you had been with kenjaku and his lackies
•you wondered everyday, since you had learned what cursed spirits were, why he still kept you alive and with him, you couldnt read him at all and it gave you a horrible pit in your stomach
•of course how were you to even guess what really was your realtion to him, even if cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers were real kenjaku technically being your mother still seemed a bit far fetch when you first learned about it
•as you listened to their conversation you noted that a person called itadori yuji was one of the jujutsu sorcerers fighting against chosos younger brothers along with a girl named kugisaki nobara
•you had come here now for this exact reason, (after learning yuji was now a jujutsu sorcerer) just in case something happened you would protect your brother, even if you didnt see him in person, even if you did and he didnt remember you, or recognise you
•after they split off to see who could find him first so did you, you had to find him before they did
•you didnt ... (well done)
•choso and yuji still fought and he almost killed yuji successfully but for some reason when you found choso he was alone, no yuji in sight and he was huddled in a ball on the ground looking like he was having a mental breakdown (whatever that was about)
•though when you questioned him about if he found yuji yet or not he suddenly got wierdly defensive, you decided you werent gonna try and reason with a cursed spirit who was obviously crazed since he was working with kenjaku (even if he was doing it for family which was the exact same reason as you had for doing the same thing)
•kenjaku ; the man who basically kidnapped you from your home five years ago for god knows what reason, telling you that you were special since you could see cursed spirits
•the man who made you feel special and useful and like you had a purpose in life, the man that put you on a pedestal above all those who couldnt see cursed spirits like you could
•his manipulative methods could have worked on your young mind, they had somewhat, but never fully because of one key thing
•this was because you always remembered yuji, your kind older brother who couldnt see cursed spirits, unlike you, but just the same as the people (humans) who would call you wierd or crazy for being able to
•but he wasnt one of those people, by all accounts in your mind and heart, to this day you still believe he is the kindest person in the whole world and it was because of this that you never saw yourself above non-sorcorers because your precious big brother was one of those people
•And it should have stayed that way
•but it didnt
•and you cant help but blame yourself everyday for it (even tho its literally not ur fault babes chill out a bit)
•for not being more prepaired, for not being more aware, for not keeping better tabs on your brother for fear kenjaku might break his promise to your grandfather now that he was dead
•you had asked kenjaku to tell you about what yuji was up to after you left when you were small
•as you got older you didnt want kenjaku being near yuji and his information on him could be unreliable, just lies he fed to you
•so you stopped asking to know about yuji and for a while stayed away completely before you started keeping your own tabs on him when you were older and more able, stronger
•you had learned alot in your time with kenjaku and his lackies, even if it was unwillingly and even if it was perhaps ruining you, or who you used to be
•the small, kind and scared girl was no more, instead a shell of that girl remained, who would only come out of hiding when she was face to face with her brother again finally
•instead now you were cold and unspeaking, as you were unwavering in the face of the same monsters you once ran from
•you had only found out that your grandfather had even died after you finally dug into what yujis life was like after you got older
•you also learned yuji had eaten a curse and enrolled in Jujutsu high school, now under so called "protection" by some of the most fearsome jujutsu sorcorers who ever lived
•*back to the present ig* both you and choso went looking for yuji again, since you had no luck finding him by yourself last time you chose to stick with choso this time as he found him first last time
•Choso however was less than pleased at having you stick to him, as he now for some reason seemed even more determined to find Yuji if that was even possible
•choso can sense the transformations of his younger brothers through their blood connections no matter how far away they are
•choso could see yuji in his fake memory because yuji was going through the final transformation, which is death
•choso during his mental breakdown had figured out yuji was his youngest brother, but he also found out something else
•see yuji was a twin and that ment he shared his soul with his other half, his own twin, you
•that ment if he died a piece of the other twin would die along with him
•this ment he could also see yujis twin there too, you
•though since he wasnt dealing with your soul (death/transformation) directly, but just a link between you and yujis as twins, you were very blurry and he couldnt properly make out your face in his paniced state of mind
•so he didnt recognise you as the person who kenjaku brought along (you could have had ur face covered by like a hood or mask when with kenjaku as well)
•he could see the other cursed wombs properly only because they were all already dead
•choso and you end up getting confronted by a curse and with him now being even more hell bent on finding yuji he leaves you to deal with it (he ran without saying a word to you, leaving you by yourself, he did not care lmao, he's off to protect his new baby bro)(tbf he didnt no you were his sister yet and feels bad about it in the future)
•so you two got separated
(Skipping to when he finds out cuz im lazy)
•choso when he finds out he also has a younger sister, which is you, would be very shocked at first, and a little unbelieveing of it, since all the other cursed wombs had been male
•honestly he didnt think it was even possible for them to be female at this point (not that it was a big deal) 1/11 those are wierd odds tho
•there had to be a reason for this, perhaps thats why kenjaku/noritoshi kamo was so interested in you (so maybe it was a big deal?? He wasnt so sure but he hoped that wasnt the case, kenjaku had seemed pretty interested in yuji also and he wasnt female)
•he didnt know if he should treat you any differently than he did for his brothers for a while when he first found out
•he was the same amount of pushy about wanting you to call him big brother as he was with yuji though, possibly even more so
•he has a little sister now, thats crazy, he wants to hear what being called big brother is like coming from you
•when you finally called him big brother the first time he started bawling like a baby
•after the shibuya incident the three of you are all living normal human lives together after everything was over
•yuji cooking in the kitchen like he had done so many times for you before in your childhood, choso and you both sat at oposite ends of the kitchen table
•A warm light from the window shone across it, signaling the first signs of it setting and nights approach, it would feel warm and cozy, the atmosphere light hearted and safe
•choso would be taking in the sight of it all, slightly melancholic, thinking of how your other brothers never got to experience this
•you would be reading a book, possibly even studying now that your back at school, a hot cup of steaming tea a little to your right, a basket of fruits in the center, a cat lay on your lap barely visible, only so by an ear twitch or the slight swish of a fluffy tail
•butterflys landed on the plants by the back door, the one that lead to the back gardens, where cherry blossom flowers bloomed on the trees in spring but in autumn they were bare and the air was cold and crisp
•farther down a trail of cherry blossom trees, the chickens roamed and slept inside their coops snuggled up to one another for warmth, you would go down to collect the eggs tomorrow morning as you had done this morning, those ones now being used by yuji prepairing omurice for your evening meal
•yuji and you were happy once again and choso could safely say he was the most happy now than he had ever been since he had been born, he just wished his brothers could have felt this way too
•the three of you had buried the remaining cursed wombs and mementos of Eso and Kechizu in the back garden next to your grandfathers grave
•you three visited them everyday and told them about everything that happened, from exciting things to those that were rather boring or simple
•it was a nice way to live
Im backkk bitchesss📣, dont get ur hopes up tho, im here for a good time not a long time sry
I love writing nonsense about my silly little scenarios✊
Idk how i haven't written for jjk yet because its literally one of my favorite anime/mangas rn (I've also been waiting for choso to get animated and get more attention since i first saw his fine ass in the manga)
If there are plot holes pretend your ✨blind✨👩‍🦯
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dead-dolphins · 1 month
ROOOO!!! i need you to write a heiress mikasa who looks exactly like this goddess right here, a woman so magnetizing that every man is obsessed with her and everytime she goes out no one can take their eyes off her, and she's used to this so she really doesn't care about the constant male attention because at her age. she's never felt attracted by a man before. until she meets eren yeager, his father's new business partner (and older than her ofc) and she immediately feels attracted to him but it seems like he's the only man who doesn't seems affected by her beauty and that lowkey offends her as it motivates her to seduce him because she NEEDS that man to be hers as it is the first time she feels this kind of feelings for someone in her whole life, but no matter what she does, it seems eren is not interested in her at all and he even avoids her like the plague sometimes. what she doesn't know is that poor eren is with his hands tied because from the moment he and her father started to talk about business, her father threatened him to be VERY VERY careful with his daughter because he knew eren had a fame of being a manwhore who refused to get married and only had flings with models, singers and even A list actresses and he never took them seriously, and her father knew very well what her daughter's beauty does to do in men like eren so he warned him about not even looking at her or there would be no business between them, BUT THE MAN IS STRUGGLING TO EVEN BREATHE AROUND MIKASA because he DOES want her so freaking much to the point of infatuation because in every attempt of hers to seduce him, she showed to him sides of her that no one ever knew and he's so down bad for her in secret that he's even contemplating the idea of marrying her. but at the same time, her father and his whole family (kenny and levi) are so freaking scary and so protective of her and he doesn't know how much he's going to resist the temptation because he doesn't want to get his dick chopped, WHO SAID CLICHÉ? oops, it was me 😭
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I can just see her with that bratty "look at me" vibe, always finding an excuse to be near him whenever Eren’s around. She’d throw those little glances his way, maybe even try to flirt with someone else just to get a rise out of him 😭😭. But does he take the bait? Nope! He’s like a stone, not even flinching, keeping everything locked up tight. You know he’s probably battling all these intense emotions inside, but he doesn’t let a single one show. It’s almost frustrating how good he is at hiding everything behind that cool, indifferent mask. OMGSGHSSY it’s driving me crazy just thinking about it!
Also, I dunno if you have watched this movie “clueless”? she is giving me Cher in this one but MORE BRATTY!!
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charmedbystars · 1 year
you don't get it (e-1610 miles morales)
pairing: e-1610 miles x reader (unrequited)
summary: you try to understand miles, but you cant.
a/n: this is the first time i try writing something so i'm so sorry if it's bad. plz leave suggestions and stuff if ya want! also debating a part 2 but i hate this sooo i don't know yet...
you and miles grew up together. making an oath to stick together for the rest of your lives in the sandbox of a park about two blocks from miles’ apartment. and you guys sure stuck to that oath. from crying about getting sand in each other’s eyes, going through the awkward teenage phase (and miles still going through it), to being accepted into the same school. you guys were inseparable. 
recently, you found out about miles’ secret vigilante identity. you didn’t take it very well and constantly scolded miles about his safety, but you were glad he chose to trust you. 
of course, when it came to trust it came with knowing other stuff too… such as knowing who gwen was. and to make it even better, since you were the only person (other than ganke) that he can go on to talk about her, you became a victim of listening to the constant babble of gwen this and gwen that. you literally didn’t know how much longer you can take it, especially with those feelings of yours bubbling in your stomach. 
of course… how cliché of you to be in love with your best friend of years. plus your best friend being the super oblivious miles did not make it any better. 
anyways going back, you didn’t know how to tell miles that you’re in love with him without ruining your years of friendship or how to just simply ask him to shut the fuck up about gwen without hurting his feelings. you literally didn’t know how he could talk about her for hours without getting tired (although if someone asked you about miles, you would go on for ages, but that’s different) and the number of times you’ve caught him sketching her in his journal has become freaky. 
you love miles but this is just getting tiring. you want things to be how they were. when you guys would sneak up to the roof and talk about the stars or sneak out to do some graffiti. now it’s just cancelled plans, late texts backs, and constant excuses. and that’s how you are now, sitting outside the steps of miles’ apartment waiting for him to arrive with the cakes for his dad’s promotion party. you look down at your phone and open it again to see if he responded.
you: hey miles im outside waiting 4 you
you: dont forget the cakes and stay safe
you: lemme know when you arrive plz
you sighed for the twentieth time, wondering when miles was going to arrive. you just sat outside on the steps to his apartment when about ten minutes later you hear a crash. you stand and squint looking up. 
“y/n! come upstairs so we can enter the rooftop together,” there was miles, head handing outside his window. you nodded your head and headed upstairs to his apartment. you didn’t even bother knocking and simply just barging into his house. walking into his room, you see miles rushing to get his shoes on. 
leaning against the wall, you stared down at miles, “so what was it this time? it better be good enough that you’re late to your own father’s party”
“yes i knowww, i just got caught up doing some stuff. the villian today was super weird though and then i almost lost the cakes, but you know what? none of that matters because i’m here now!” he gave you one of his wide smiles.
you couldn’t stay serious with him when you gave you that smile. you yourself cracked a smile, shaking your head. “okay, noted. crazy day for spiderman, now hurry up and get your shoes on faster because one more minute longer and your mom is gonna freak.”
“well seems like my mom is already freaking,” miles smugly looked at you while standing up, grabbing the cakes and leaving you behind. you grumbled and just followed behind him. 
arriving to the rooftop, you can already see miles’ mom looking around and as if she sensed miles, she quickly walked over to you guys. 
“miles donde estabas? you’re late to your own dad’s party? y/n thank you so much for getting miles here,” miles’ brows furrowed as his mom gave you all the glory for him being there.
“mom what? i got here just fine!” 
“no, thank y/n because i know she’s the responsible one out of the two of you,” you gave miles the same smug look that he gave you earlier and tilted your head a little higher.
“anyways, grab something to eat. miles, ven porque your dad and i want to talk to you for a minute” rio gave her son a look. 
you simply nodded your head and strolled off to make yourself a plate. sitting down on a bench somewhere, you tried to block out and avert your gaze from miles’ parents yelling at him. you felt bad that you couldn’t do anything especially when you know so much about him that others don’t understand. 
about an hour has passed since miles’ scolding and you didn’t want to approach him directly after to save him from embarrassment and allow him to take a few minutes to himself. you assumed that he went to his room and would come back in a couple minutes because you knew he wouldn’t completely miss his dad’s party. 
you engaged in small conversations with miles’ cousins and family members, but after a while they left to go eat or do their own thing. resorting to scrolling through your phone and watching a couple tiktoks when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“mija, quien es esa que esta arriba con miles?” rio tilted her head in the direction where miles was. surprising you completely, miles was on the water tower with gwen laughing and nudging each other. looking and them and snapping your head back to rio who seemed a but agitated with her eyebrows quirked up. 
“uhh.. i think that’s gwanda? one of miles’ friends but she’s usually out of town. miles’ never mentioned her coming though…” you simply shrugged your shoulders. feeling a heavy weight in your stomach, you tried not to look over at them again. 
approaching behind rio was jeff. he had a similar expression as rio, brows furrowed and scratching his head. 
“she looks old enough to vote… and i bet she doesn’t even speak spanish,” rio kept talking about gwen which didn’t help you trying to block out the sinking feeling. jeff crossed his arms and kept looking over at them. 
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somehow, rio convinced you and jeff to go up to the water tower and meet gwen. now, you’ve never met gwen but you sure have heard enough about her to know that she’s not a bad person. 
rio was stumbling to get up the tower and introduce herself to gwen. crashing into miles slightly, not caring a bit if she interrupted anything. “hello! i’m miles’ mom,”
“rio! i’ve heard so much about you!” immediately hearing those words come out of gwen’s mouth, you winced. you knew that rio was not about having first name bases with any one of miles’ friends. you glanced over at miles’ expression who seemed a bit worried. 
looking at the interaction was a bit odd and very awkward, especially with you standing next to miles’ parents doing nothing. you didn’t want to make a move to introduce yourself either, you didn’t know if there was anything for you to say really. honestly rio’s jokes weren’t making it any better either. hearing “don’t take him from me.. oh! you can’t cause he’s grounded haha” and “don’t break his heart” coming from rio’s mouth was just making you want to get bitten by a spider so you can turn invisible in that moment. 
gwen trying to escape the moment made up that she needed to get her steps in and go. turning around to give miles a handshake, she glanced over, noticing you in the corner. not wanting to be rude, you just gave a wave. she gave you a small smile until taking off down the stairs. 
once she left, jeff also left to return to the party leaving miles, rio, and you behind. miles ignored both of your presence and leaned against the railing, shoving his face into his hands. you went up to miles and rubbed his back.
“i’m sorry miles,” he glanced over at you and gave a sigh. you looked over you shoulder and looked at rio. she seemed to be thinking. deciding to give miles and his mom a little time to talk, heart to heart, you descended down the stairs. 
looking down at the city below you, millions of thoughts run through your mind. almost all of them being about miles. you wanted to help him, you wanted to be there for him in every way, but you just don’t seem enough. you didn’t know what to do and you don’t want to try to seem understanding when you have absolutely no idea what he’s going through. you just want him to feel at peace with you. there’s nothing you want more in the world than seeing miles happy. although the feeling in your stomach of knowing that miles’ happiness lies with gwen and not with you just made you nauseous, you knew you had to let him go. but, before you let him go… maybe you’ll try. 
seeing miles and his mom done talking, you see miles about to leave. getting a feel of adrenaline through your veins, you ran after him before he managed to take a step down the stairs. 
“miles! where are you going?” you cocked your head to the side.
“i’m going after gwen. there’s something going on and i’m going to follow after her,” he tapped his feet and glanced around as if he’s if a rush. 
“wait, miles what? you’re leaving? do you even know where you’re going?” 
“no, but i know that i’m needed y/n. i gotta go now like i have this feeling.” 
“wait so you’re skipping out on your dad’s celebration for a girl?”
“n- no! there’s something going on and i need to fix it” miles was starting to squirm eager to put on his suit and swing through the city.
“is there gonna be a day where you live for yourself? i understand that you’re spiderman and you help out the people, but you can’t be doing this constantly miles. you’re a highschool student and have so m-” 
“no, you don’t understand! no one understands! but there are people out there who will-”
“c’mon miles, don’t be like that. i know i don’t exactly understand because i was bitten by a spider or anything, but i’m trying to understand through you and being there for you!” the tone in your voice starts getting a bit higher.
“i just learned that there’s a way for me to see other people who are just like me! i need to go!”
“you know what miles? go. i’m trying so hard to be supportive but-”
“well you’re not. i don’t want to escalate this any farther. i’m going… bye y/n” before you could respond miles ran down the stairs leaving you with a lump in your throat. you didn’t want to start anything, you just wanted miles to try to get a piece of normality within his crazy spider life. 
sighing once more, you decided to sit on the ledge and look off into the distance wondering how you were gonna fix it between you two. 
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Im hhaving such MASSIVE Brian brainrot rn can u plz give hcs for Brian cuddles...maybe even some Tim/Masky.....
hands u a can of fanta
Omg yesyesyes, Brian has been infecting my brain like crazy too omg
Brian, Masky, and Tim Cuddle Headcanons Warnings: a little sexual in Brians part cos he’s a freak, Masky being a weirdo, Tim Parings: Brian,Masky, and Tim x GN!Reader
Big cuddler. Like, seriously. 
Like sometimes he just decides it's time to cuddle 
No matter what you're doing. You could be doing the dishes and he’ll just come up behind you and just hold you til you're done. 
He loves to talk to you while you cuddle but is also very content just laying with you til you both fall asleep
Likes to lay with you on his chest or cuddled up into him
He does also like to lay face down smothered into your chest on rare occasions. You don’t even need fat tits and he’ll still do it
Likes to hold your hips or your stomach while he lays with you, he just likes the softness. 
Likes to give you lazy kisses while you sleep.
I do have to warn you that 4 out of 10 times he might get horny laying down with you pressed up against him
Sometimes he doesn’t care to act on it and other times he does. 
Might just slip himself inside of you and not move while you cuddle if he’s too lazy to fuck
Other times he might have some slow and nice kinky sex just depends on tbh
He is a rare cuddler
Not too big on super close contact
But he will take naps with you in the same vicinity as you
Like both of you sprawled out on the couch taking a fat nap is his idea of cuddling
The most you could get from him is like holding hands while you sleep, or just sitting close together
Or on the very rare occasion, he may hug you from behind for a very long time but will leave the second you try and face him
Man doesn’t know what real intimacy is fr
Tim is the opposite of Masky but not like Brian 
He does cuddle but just likes to lay with your back to his front
He doesn’t like facing people when he sleeps or lays down because he has a hard time not staring and because it makes him feel too vulnerable 
Cannot, could not, and would not fuck while cuddling he is too worn out to lazy fuck
Likes watching tv or movies while you cuddle 
Has a hard time not getting touchy while cuddling
Not even for sexual reasons he just likes to touch and grasp at you while you're so relaxed
His version of cuddling is you curled up on his lap or next to him while he smokes
Loves to lazily cuddle on the porch in the early mornings while he smokes
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Could I please request hc or a drabble about Cove as a new parent with a female MC? Thank you! ❤️
its your lucky day (aka you've asked smth ive been thinking abt for days LOL) bc ive written hc's and drabbles <333 although mostly messy hc's that are in no coherent order also I think I will come back n write more coherent n specific scenarios bc I have sm thoughts on cove through parenthood.... pls tysm for this ask I hope it's satisfactory bc i wrote in order of my thoughts LOL
tags : fluff, AFAB reader, after step 3/wedding dlc, "options" for 1 or 2 babes (if you hc triplets im praying for u🙏), no gender mention of the babe/s, birth surrogacy n adoption are up for imagination but pregnancy/surrogacy is most implied altho i think you could imagine adopting a baby before they're born bc ik some ppl do that
synopsis : how cove acts when you have your first kid & a bit on how he is raising them with you <3
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many many candid shots of cove holding the baby
PLEASE tell me someone recorded near the end of the birth/when they brought you the babe
he's crying. no matter what he's crying his fuckin eyes out
if you're giving birth please either have him wait outside n come in to cut the cord at the end bc he might faint
if you do have him in the room he'll be on his best behavior. will try his best not to worry too much bc he knows it could stress you out
(I'm thinking abt this video I saw where the wife said her husband fainted n fell back into this rolly office chair n just rolled to the back of the room into the dark side (it was apparently a long room lollll))
if you're in for a long labor or it's pretty short he's more calm bc either it's over before he can freak out or it's so fuckin long he's over it LOL
he's more of a solid, physical support than anything else because he's not too good with words but also he dosn't want you to feel pressured, annoyed, or smth with constant "you got this!" "its okay!" as you're pushing out a whole human, its not a simple task
[video 1]
COVE: so little... COVE: (looks at his mom/dad) are they supposed to be this small? (watery laugh)
is very scared to hold the babe, he's a big guy, with or without the muscles so he's always gentle with them even once they get bigger
definitely texts his dad during the pregnancy/surrogacy/adoption process "I hope i can be a good dad like you"
cliff getting a text from cove at 3am: "ty for raising me idk how you did it omg"
cliff is crying n flying over there immediately
!!!! if you need someone to help you adjust cliff is on the fuckin way!!! you can't even finish asking bc he's alrdy here, whatever you need guys!!!!
but if you want to be alone to bond w the babe or you hire a professional to help with the transition then he or your moms will come over and clean up, prepare food, and allows you to come home and not worry about getting things done.
dies if the kid has his hair color or eyes, like at first he just finds it crazy that he's a dad n that he has a lil spawn of his own
also lots of pictures of cliff playing w the babe/s
we all know cove can be lazy with his hair, but he doesn't want his kid going to school w crazy hair so he learns
at first it looks like a mess
n if you keep your hair short or can only do smth simple, its time to call your ma or lee for help LOL
imagine cove standing by your ma as she's showing him how to braid... so sweet
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cove is tip-toeing through the house, trying to shake off his outside clothes quietly and when he walks back into the room after brushing his teeth he's greeted with the sweet sound of his baby's giggle
you are sound asleep.
you and the other babe are sound asleep.
he shushes the baby, easing himself into the bed. suddenly he thinks that spending all that money on this big bed was worth it, especially with the way his achy body sinks into it.
he reaches over the babe/s. "sorry.. did I wake you?"
you hum, it's not a yes or a no, just a sleepy sound and he laughs at how out of it you are even though you're trying to fight it, stroking your face and carding his fingers through your hair.
"I love you.. thank you." he whispers. this moment is so delicate. he worries a bit that if he speaks too loud it'll be gone and he'll wake up in his teenage bedroom, staring at the bottom of his scratched up bunk bed.
"f'what?" you blink slowly.
"for everything..." he grins softly, thinking about that night
of your wedding, when you told him you wanted kids with him.
after the ORCA fundraiser dinner, when you asked him if he imagined having kids with you.
"we made it. that future we talked about..."
you smile softly, more awake now. "thanks for making it with me."
he laughs, muffins his face in the pillow and resting a hand on the baby, willing them not to wake. "how can you thank me for that?"
you grin, more sleepy than anything but still full of mischief.
"how can you thank me for getting me pregnant?" you giggle at your husband's flustered face.
"how can you thank me for being here like I promised years later?" you tease, bringing up night of the fundraiser.
cove flushes, burying his face in the babies hair instead of answering you.
he puts an arm around you, careful of the little one/s between you. "just go to bed..."
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gb lady said cove is sahd material.....
omg he makes them lunch always, or he at least helps you make lunch because his cooking skills are a bit limited and they'd prbly have star shaped sandwiches and applesauce everyday
your kids are definitely cuddles bc of him, he always picks em up, and if he doesn't have a carrier than he'll make a makeshift one out of a blanket.
omg imagine him and the kid/s at the dining table crying tryna figure out the homework
"its getting worse y/n!!!" "what the fuck is common core math?!" "babe call the teacher, something is missing here..."
if you're bad at math or smth too than you're all fucked n your kid/s AND COVE are facetiming his dad for a long distance tutoring lesson
he's reading them books every night
HE gets upset when it doesn't happen
"babe we gotta turn around, I only read them 5 books we're gonna be gone 6 nights."
FaceTime them every night you're away just the two of u
falls asleep w the kids in the weirdest positions
why is there a princess crown on his head and where did the face paint come from????
spoils the kid/kids. you're gonna go bankrupt please stop!!!
when your kid/s finally graduate n move out on their own, he thanks his dad for raising him and teaching him how to be the best dad.
also thanks you for just being amazing n reassuring him whenever he worried abt doing something wrong
if you have more than 1, he's a master by baby 2/3
COVE: (holding fresh baby, whispering) ....why is it so red
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raising you kid/s w cove is tough at first, cove worries about doing some wrong or failing as a parent.
and he did eventually admit he was worried about raising his kid/s in a "broken" home. his parents did their best! and he loves them, but the split was hard for him and he doesn't want them to go through the same feelings.
every day is a new experience in your house to say the least
I imagine it's filled w lots of worry, love, and tears
(cove is losing somehow?! he's been out crybaby-ed)
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bright-and-burning · 29 days
✨✨positivity chain! tag some of your favorite creators (artists, gif makers, writers, etc) and say what you love about them. Share with as many people as you’d like✨✨
oh man. doing this off the top of my head is so much pressure... any friends left off this list it is wildly unintentional and i am so sorry <3 this is gonna be super landoscar & co heavy. u kno how it is.
writers... well can i say everyone? truly. off the top of my head... @freeuselandonorris for the ability to get me interested in (or at least reading) Anything, @monacotrophywife for the funniest craziest concepts that spin out into deliciousness every single time, @vroombeams for the guaranteed gut punch no matter the length, im going to run out of unique ways to compliment my friends' porn i cant lie. @ocontraire who wrote THEEEE comfort fic of all time 2 me (little renaissance my fucking beloved),
@glasscushion and @strawberry-daiquiris who BOTH span the gamut of making my brain turn into sludge and also making me tear up abt being in love w ur best friend at christmas (what an odd venn diagram overlap), @foggieststars whose burning up fic i have (according to ao3 history) read 23 times (and who matches my freak like no other), @wanderingblindly for the sheer variety, @miamimaiden for the incredible aus,
@piastriachios for the bonkers-inducing markoscar, @chelemlem (dynamics that make u crazy fr). ok im cutting myself off. wait actually for some not-as-landoscar-centric writers i love: @leclercenjoyer (technically. Yet.), @userkritaaay (manifested jack's seat w the french-australian diplomacy project fic series and i am only half joking), @wormeo-and-juliette (funny and hot fic. queen of ensembles and large casts),
@landoisokay (whew. WHEWWWW. norrussell legend but also in general fic that leaves me dumbstruck), @wewentcarracing (lance expert and also prose expert), @alxalb (porn and awkward feelings alike that have had me face plant into my bed to recover). many many more that i am sure i am forgetting, i feel like im giving an oscars speech and theyre trying to play me off
@dumbf1sketches (who i could not for the life of me remember the url of. tumblr should know who @.brid is), @udonli (drew me in w '''poorly''' drawn piastri on stats notes and now has me hooked for life, something so incredibly apt 2 me abt oscar drawn on grid paper), @roosterhouse (COMICS OF ALL TIME. theeee narrative artist to me like im beyond obsessed), @unknownaster (very warm art of my fave guys!!), @kichona-s (the lemon landoscar lives RENT FREEEEE the little x faces omg. cutest little guys on the planet).
for the more graphics-y artists, you cannot go wrong w @argentinagp (gifs also!!!!) and @alpinelogy <3 coolest posters on the internet honestly.
gif makers:
@insideparcferme (excellent compilation-y gifposts), @cuthechicane (always capturing moments i miss on broadcasts), @blueballsracing (variety act!), @oscarcito (always ready to provide oscar in 4k), more that i am for sure forgetting but these r people whose urls i remember seeing next to gifs in the last day!!
renaissance people:
@piastrisms gifs and fic both god tier!!! magical realism and tenderhorny pwp (occasionally w plot!) what more could u want from a writer. and @mecachrome THE triple threat of all time... art that feels like summer, gifs that feel like a cool + refreshing drink, fic that feels like the perfect sweet treat!!
i am so so sorry to whoever i have forgotten (or if ive forgotten you also make x but i only have you under y, my memory is full of holes), i am so lucky to know so many cool people but that makes it so much harder to list everyone off!!!!
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sixx6sexx2love · 1 month
Hiiiii I was wondering if you could make a fan fiction about Vince becoming a dad or tommy or Nikki thank you!!
word count:1,736
warnings: drugs, alcohol, mention of miscarriage, cursing, insecurity, smoking (reader, only once. it was common for pregnant women to smoke in the 80s) not proof read
so I usually write for 84-86 motley (cuz thats my favorite🤭) I was tempted to do both 84 and 90s but maybe in like 5 months LMAOO
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now in the days where Motley was on top of the world and you were his girlfriend (long term or not) and he really liked you, probably really loved you even.
there was really no good time to tell him you were pregnant, you're with him all the time, but you're also with his band all the time.
and with the guys he's drinking, doing drugs, there's chicks everywhere, you know how it is.
nikki doesn't smoke but he drinks, and when he noticed you stopped smoking suddenly (though you admit to smoking once or twice in the few weeks after finding out)
you tried to smoke, you saw pregnant women smoke all the time but when you tried it made your stomach hurt and made you wanna throw up
 but when you also denied his offer to share a bottle with him, he got curious.
“you quit smoking or something?” “I guess.” “..why?” “just don't feel like smoking.”
now when you eventually told him you were a couple weeks in, still in your first trimester and you knew miscarriage was possible but wasn't too educated on it.
you told him at a party. whatever or whoever's party, it didn't matter, Nikki was wild, you didn't feel good and you just wanted him.
you would try and pull him aside but bed probably get a little annoyed, and when you finally got him hed probably do that asshole thing people do and go like “what? you have all my attention now, what do you need? hm?”
your hormones are crazy, you'll get upset and tell him your pregnant and apologize, and he's looking at you like he lagged, he didn't move lol
now he feels bad for doing this, but hed probably walk away, not because you're pregnant but he needed another drink and to think.
you probably went home and he got home earlier than he would’ve and went to find you and talk to you.
he was a little upset you didn't tell him sooner and did eventually apologize for walking off.
and he really didn't know what to do and didn't think too far ahead until he knew if you guys were gonna keep it.
you wanted to keep it? he didn't say no but was tempted to try and talk you out of it but didn't, but there was a lot of “are you sure?”
best believe he told his grandparents nona and tom right away
during the pregnancy he kept you everywhere, shows, parties, everywhere
He was nervous and excited but really emotional.
hes always wanted to be a dad deep down, and now he was getting the chance to be in a child's life, even if he knew he wouldn't be perfect he wanted to at least be there and try unlike his own.
you guys probably lived in van nuys at the time, he tried to baby proof everything like a week before you're due but he was in the zone lmao
probably even tried to cover the windows with cardboard or something but that's just because of drugs. He took the cardboard down.
while in labor, you're freaking out, hes freaking out, you're angry because you should be the one freaking out, hes freaking out because hes not supposed to be freaking out but he is and you're mad and hes gonna be a dad.
and right when the baby's almost out and you're crushing his hand, Tommy and Vince just started pounding on the door since the nurse's wouldn't let them in and you couldn't make out what they were saying but you didn't care, you hated everybody right now.
boom, baby was born and he stopped freaking out, the nurses took him for an examination and he stayed right next to you but was always looking at the baby.
he cried a little and wasn't ashamed.
hed wipe you off and tell you you did a good job.
when he finally got to hold the baby the nurses had to show him how to hold it a couple times before actually letting him.
he was so stiff and the baby was so small and he didn't know what to do besides slightly bouncing the baby in his arms even though it wasn't crying that much, it felt like it was just him and the baby in the room, looking down at his green eyes and could already tell it had your lips.
he's smiling and slowly walks over to you so you both could be with the baby.
nikkis a happy man and not a perfect dad but he tries harder than ever.
(obviously he made tommy, Vince and mick the baby's Godfathers and you had some of your friends the Godmothers.)
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tommys fallen in love with a lot of girls, but you've been his longest girlfriend and swears you're the one.
Of course he wants you to have his babies.
hes talked about it with you and also about marriage and your guys future together with like 5 kids in a big ol house.
hes great with kids. loves them.
even when he was just a kid he loved kids
I wouldn't say he poked holes in the condoms or anything, but he definitely wouldn't mind if one broke, all in his head of course, he wouldn't do it on purpose.
but when he woke up to you straddling him and held up a thin white stick with a blue tip and a big smile on your face, he was confused and didn't get it yet.
but when he squinted at it and remembered seeing one of those at a convenience store for condoms, he looked up at you more awake and sat up and took it from you to look at it.
“are you fucking kidding me?”
you shook your head no and he wrapped his arms around you and kissed all over your face and neck and chest.
hes a happy boy.
“no way baby, these are gonna get so huge! thats gonna be crazy!”
hed say and grab your boobs and then your stomach.
“and this too! but in a good way- the best way!”
and he'd scramble out of bed to find a bag to put the stick in and ramble about how he's gonna make a scrapbook.
hes calling his mom 100%
she's just as excited and you can hear her yelling in Greek and Tommy would have to pull the phone away from his ear.
huge baby showers, alcohol in baby bottles is a must (he was tempted to do something with coke as baby powder but went against it. he wasn't gonna get high at his baby shower, he was high on love and happiness)
you weren't gonna lift a finger the whole pregnancy even if you aren't even showing yet.
 you want a peanut butter and pickle sandwich? he's bringing everything to the couch for you and making it, he'll even try it with you.
perfectly capable of showering by yourself? not on his watch.
you wanna watch Sophies choice again? he'll tell you to be careful because you'll make the baby depressed (he also doesn't wanna watch it again)
if you're feeling insecure, hes your hype man even before you were pregnant. He'll probably buy lingerie for you and have you give him a fashion show, and he's shouting and clapping even though its midnight and its only you two. (three)
payed people to make a nursery so you wouldn't have to wory about it and he could be with you, but you both would spend all this time picking the wall paper, what color wood, what crib, etc.
throughout the pregnancy hes kissing your stomach, gets caught trying to play your boobs like bongos, picking everything up for you, gets you a pool floaty so you can lay on your stomach.
also cooks all this Greek food to see if you would like it.
also 100% takes turns with the guys playing songs on a Walkman and putting the headphones on your stomach, mick thinks its so silly and plays dirty songs.
tommy would have zero nervousness until your in the hospital. 
you're having contractions and he's trying to time them “1, 2, 3- wait wait wait” and doesn't know what he's doing.
lowkey the nurses ask him to just sit and wait lmao
he had everybody there, his parents, his sister, the band if they could make it and even called your family for you.
he feels bad because you're scared then two seconds later you're a demon and he looks like a kicked puppy when you yell at him because he's just as scared.
while you're giving birth his hands are on you and he fights the urge to pull his hand away because you're squeezing so hard, probably going “come on, come on! almost, baby!” all while trying to look at the action going on down there.
when the baby was born and they put it on your chest hes in awe, his hands on his head and leaning over you to see the baby, then he's going and thanking the doctors and the nurses trying to hug them.
he was so happy and nervous when he got to cut the cord, looking down at the baby and going “this is crazy, dude.” talking to both him and the baby
when the baby is a little older and its been home for a while, Tommy would not put that baby down.
the baby's on his lap and hes moving its its little arms with its balled up fists and making hes making little drum sounds like it was playing drums
hes definitely the one to get up when the baby cries at night but then it turns to rock paper scissors and making chore exchanges.
I see tommy being a girl dad, but would probably freak out and think about all those groupies hes been with and go “holy shit, I did that to someone's daughter”
if you had a son and its a little older like a toddler hed make a little fort with the couch cushions and a blanket, and when you try and join tommy goes “no mommies allowed!” followed with little giggles, Tommy and the son have a little meeting and eventually settled on a password for you to guess and then you can come in.
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scorpiussage · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet - Johnathan Crane (Scarecrow) 
- I’m not much of a DC fan so this is entirely based off the Nolan movies and what we see of Cillian Murphy’s Scarecrow 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Not an aftercare man at all. For real, you’d be lucky if he stayed in bed next to you after he’s done fucking you - he’s busy and got things to do and places to be. 
But, I think that if you caught him at a vulnerable moment (Scarecrow giving him extra grief or him struggling with the Batman) he might indulge in some cuddling but it would be very short lived and he’d expect you to never bring it up again.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Loves someone with a brilliant mind, body doesn’t matter to him at all. He just wants someone who’s crazy matches his crazy. 
He’s literally so vain though, like he will not leave the house unless he looks perfect and put together. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He doesn’t really have much of a preference to where he cums, just that he does. Most of the time it’ll be in you but he has been known to like to finish on your face from time to time. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Scarecrow is obv his big secret, but I think that if he took the time to pursue a relationship with you, it would be because both him and Scarecrow are attracted to you. So that might be a dirty secret of his, that he likes to let the other guy take control some times so that he can get his quality time in with you too.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced, he’s always been a huge dork and also very career driven so he’s never put any time into having sex. That said, he’s incredibly knowledgeable about the human body so even though he’s not very experienced, he knows all the best places to touch you.
F = Favourite Position (idk the names of any sex positions so Im just going try and describe them)
Johnathan is a massive control freak and so his favorite positions are all ones that put him in control of you. You on your knees with your face pressed into the mattress and your hands tied behind your back is a particular favorite of his. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He is literally not capable of being goofy and silly. It’s just not who he is. So sex will always be incredibly intense and serious.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Not very intimate nor romantic (though he could be if he wanted to, he just doesn’t want to) 
Don’t get it twisted though, he’s possessive and even though he may not show his affections like other people, you belong to him and he’ll remind you of it regularly. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate beyond getting excess energy out. He’s not got the time for that.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He’s got a huge doctor/patient kink to the point he’d convince you to get admitted to Arkham so that he could be your doctor and “give you treatments” 😉 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His office at Arkham or whatever seedy warehouse he’s using that week, he’s not picky.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Control and fear are pretty obvious motivators for him. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything church or religion related is a big yikes to him. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He will only give you head if it means a new way to dominate and control you into doing something he wants. That’s just sort of his personality. 
He’s personally pretty eh about receiving. It feels good and makes him cum, but he could also get that from fucking you so it’s not a necessity.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Not slow or fast so much as brutal and intense. Getting fucked by Johnathan is absolutely world ending and also too much. You’ll only be able to handle one round at a time from him. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s not one for quickies usually just because he’s very work focused and you absolutely will not tear him away from whatever new thing he’s doing. He has allotted time set aside to fuck you and he will not do it outside of that time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He loves taking risks, it’s sort of his whole thing because there’s a tie in to fear. You have to be someone who will go along with whatever he wants because if you don’t, he’ll get bored with you very fast.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Average stamina. He could probably do sexathons but he doesn’t have the time for that, his experiments take priority. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys personally but if you own them, he’ll for sure use them on you regularly. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Nothing would turn him on more than teasing you to the point of tears. He’s an absolute sadist about that and he’s unapologetic about it too. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not loud, actually very quiet but when Scarecrow is in the drivers seat, he does a lot of dirty talk. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s the kind of man who loves one and only one. So if you start a relationship with him, there’s no ending that relationship, you’re his forever. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Long and average width. Cock size doesn’t matter with a guy like this, he’ll make you cum regardless. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty low sex drive, he’s not really someone who spends a lot of time thinking about sex. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t sleep until he’s certain he’s in a safe location. So unless you do it at his place, he’s not one to fuck and then immediately fall asleep. 
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hellyesbro · 2 months
I am so fucking sorry that this happened to you. I hope your okay
ok ok ok honestly??? I am going to make vent posts about this for a while. But psychologically this is a minor setback because when I was a teenager dudes loved trying to physically assault me on the street (they were just normally too fucked up out of the skull to do anything other than collapse when i pushed them) and that fucked me up about as much as this in that I totally obsessed about it and revolved my personality around being a cisman murder engine but that took time and healing and i got better. So I know I can get better again. I think people are right to know that I'm tough and can deal with this but I think they are dead wrong to think I can do it without their compassion and care. Like I appreciate the folks who are proud of me it makes me feel better but I really appreciate the folks who make sure I'm okay. It means the world. And its tough because healing from bpd means understanding concepts like "you can't force others to care about you" but that doesn't mean I can't still think it's fucked when they dont. Like one of my friends did nothing and didnt check in, my other roommate "damn, that's crazied" me, I had 2 FWB do the same, my other roommate was very compassionate at first but then when the adrenaline and shock wore off and my trauma response got maladaptive she was like "I did NOT like the way you handled that" and I was like BRO A LITTLE COMPASSION THAT WAS THE WORST SHIT FR FR CAN I HAVE A LITTLE SPACE TO FREAK OUT...... but yeah when yr friends tell u they got into a fist fight thats not light shit!!! its no looney tunes!!! U should check in on them and see if they're okay!!! getting publicly beaten bloody by a transphobe was not something to be taken lightly!!! But I'll admit to all the people who think it was brave or cool or kickass I will take it. But yeah I mean I could have avoided it by just keeping my head down or tucking my tail between my legs and avoiding them entirely. But I needed to give that cunt a piece of my mind because I literally could not stand to live in a world where nobody stands up to trash like him. My therapist was like "Damn thats hardcore I kind of stand by what you did though it might legally be assault and battery since you poured your drink on him" but that doesn't really matter right now.
TLDR I'm doing a lot better than I was, I'm still kind of in the "please check in on me and be gentle with me" phase but I'm slowly exiting that end entering the "I'm alright but a little messed up so I'll take your compliments but please dont think it's past enough for you to be like 'damn thats crazy' and I wont take some offense" SO IM A LITTLE SENSITIVE WITH ME BE GENTLE.
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old-poptart · 2 years
*coughs cutely* miss me-?
Can i request hanako and teru (separately) with a s/o who overthinks A LOT and always gets nervous that people don’t like them- s/o reads into what people say BIG TIME so they can ‘prepare’ for when people leave them
So like the boys start to get distant (for school and other stuff) and s/o sees that as a sign that the boys dont want to hang out with them. Because of this s/o goes into a bit of a panic thinking that they might break up with them soon so instead of talking to them, s/o takes matters into their own hands. So when s/o tries to get their attention but the boys still shun then due to them being busy, s/o freaks out mentally and tries to hold back tears not to cry in front of them- you know what to do- ah-
(I totally don’t do this with everyone i know and I’m totally not spilling my guts out rn- nooooo-)
(Probably another reason this is so terrible written-)
a/n: yes i did ml 😘 AHHH IM VERY MUCH LIKE THIS AS WELL, REASSURANCE DAWG this idea is so muah chef's kiss, ANYWAYSSSSS ONTO THE HEAD CANONZ!!!
warnings: fear of abandonment, ignoring, wah wah sad stuff but yippee happily ever after :D!!!!
Hanako 🌺 and Teru 🤺 with an s/o who has a fear of abandonment (gender neutral):
Hanako 🌺:
"for we are like glue, stuck together forever."
hanako briefly knew about how you would get about the people around you
lil ol' you cant help but think of every possible outcome or aspect of the people you meet, if you didn't then you'd prolly go crazy and you'd be unprepared for any misfortunate upcoming events
as of recently, your beloved ghostly love has been quite busy with his supernatural schedule. meetings, rumors, keeping the school in order and in shape! it's tough being number 7!
he doesn't like that he has to spend less time with his partner but he is doing his best!! hakujoudai always helps y'all keep in touch, so does writing letters!! what a cute couple~
though you appreciate the sweet gestures from your boyfriend, you have been feeling like he is running out of love for you
you two normally cuddle and kiss like over five times a day, nowadays you barely get to peck each other's cheeks
sure you may be overthinking this but you never know the outcome!! you gotta be prepared!!
as time went on it kept getting worse, you two barely hung out anymore. he was the main subject of the day, now he was just another thought you kept in mind just in case
he's been meaning to talk to you about his absence but due to his ghostly duties (haha i said duty) he couldn't. believe me he is very upset that he can't speak with you at the moment and he's trying his best!! but alas, your thoughts took over
you came to visit him during a meeting, thankfully it was nearing the end of it and he was wrapping up the conversation. the small salty drops were beading up in your sullen eyes as your eyebrows were upturned, accompanied with your quivering lips that were too scared of saying of anything wrong
he noticed that you came to visit, a smile on his face but it slowly transitioned into a sadder expression when he saw your emotional face. once the meeting was officially over, he came over to you and quickly hugged you, murmuring these words as he kissed your sweet face, the face he missed so deeply. "im so sorry we've been apart for so long my love, im here now. tell me everything"
Teru 🤺:
"leaving you is like having my heart torn to pieces"
while you may not know it, teru reads your emotions very well and knows when you've been overthinking your relationship with him
he's tried his best to be a good boyfriend and spend the most of your time together, if he ever has any time with you
teru is a busy man. he has student council work, exorcist stuff, being the school prince, a lot is on his shoulders! he tends to get carried away with work a ton
he has been quite dry recently as well, his texts have been so lifeless.. you've wondered if a certain ghost decided to snag his phone and slide up on his contacts
you've also noticed that he has been getting more attention from his fans at school, it reminded you how much attention he had before the two of you started dating. you've also specifically seen more confessions towards him, it all seemed strange since the news about you two stuck to everyone like a piece of tape that would not get off of paper
with all of this, you felt less than. to you, it was clear that he didn't love you anymore, he just kept you around because he pitys you. you felt like decoration when you stood next to him, even when you two were alone
one day you finally decided to talk to him about this, you knew he was staying late for work as per usual. with balled up sweaty fists and a nervous mind, you walked inside that student council room
"hm? oh s/o!! come in!!" that charming smile of his always made your heart flutter. you sat down with him as you too a look at how busy he was, analyzing the paperwork on his desk
"yeah it's a lot- these are up for debate on the-" "teru, can we talk..?" your voice shook his head, he listened to what you had to say. he was still holding the pencil he had in hand and it made you sad, how he was right there next to you and yet he didn't fully pay attention to you, his lover.
you started to unravel about how you've been feeling recently, how these thoughts tricked you into thinking about how you boyfriend didn't have room for you anymore. he payed close attention to your tone, letting you finish and noticing how you tried your hardest to not let everything loose
he cupped your face, his thumb wiping away those sad tears of yours. it pained him to see you like this, he would do anything for you. and if that means to cut back on his duties, then that he will do. "dear, im sorry about all these things that have caused you pain.. i will help you go through this, and that it won't happen again.." his soft lips touched yours, making you feel loved again.
-ooga :D
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c-cummingforhim · 2 months
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3 month anniversary ૮ ˵ˊᯅˋ˵ ა !!
we’ve only been together for 3 months , 12 weeks , n around 91 days , isn’t that crazy? it feels like we’ve been together for wayyyy longer. i’m not complaining though , i’ve enjoyed every second that i have been blessed with you. i fall deeper in love with you everytime you call me baby or whenever you comfort me , i don’t think i can ever fall out of love with you honestly.
i can’t imagine us being a little temporary few months relationship , i see us spending the rest of our lives together. a cute little home , at least 2 kids ( lord knows you want more than that ) , and pets of course. but before that , i see us graduating high school n getting an apartment together while we both work to get our money up. we’re going to go through complications here n there of course , but that’s not going to split us up. nothing is. we will face every hardship together.
i want you to know that nothing will take me away from you. i will not be disloyal or even think of it , losing feelings isn’t even possible , us having distance will not make my love for you falter , and if i’m ever doing something that you don’t like please tell me. i don’t want you to keep that to yourself instead of talking about it with me , i want to be better for you.
just talk to me , even at times where you’re too tired babe , tell me what’s going on. don’t let nothing just bottle up inside of you , it’ll never get better that way. it’s only going to get worse. nothing you can say will make you sound like a b word or less of a “ real n word “ i promise. so never worry about me looking at you differently because you overthink , get jealous , or anything. i will always love you , no matter what. nothing you can ever say or do will make my love for you falter even a bit.
you know i pray for us to last forever? those are literally my exact words every time i pray before going to sleep. i pray for the lord to cast a guiding hand over our relationship and allow us to grow together under his guidance. i want us to live a life under his protection n pure love , i want us to go to the community church in whatever town we live in in the future , i want us to pray next to each other just before falling asleep in one another’s embrace , it’ll be lovely. it’ll quite literally be my biggest dream.
you are the love of my life , my partner , my best friend , my money manager , n my therapist all in one. i’d rather not be able to eat bacon on anything for the rest of my life than lose you. i seriously couldn’t imagine even a day without talking to you at least once. i love our conversations soo freaking much , even when we’re not talking that much , im still grateful for any type of conversation we have. anything is better than nothing.
i love you darling , maybe even too much for our age , and that love is never going to stop. i will try everything in my power to make us last forever , way past our physical vessels. and if i somehow pass before you , i’d want you to look for me in the stars , just as i’d do if you pass before me. i want our love to never die , and instead grow as we grow. we aren’t just two random teenagers who had a crush on one another and started dating , i truly believe we were made for each other. soulmates , interlinked , all of the above. you are the one for me , and i am the one for you , nothing will ever change that. not even death 💗.
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