#im working out of my dads garage which is great except that there isnt alot of space and there isnt enough power for a kiln
monkawonka · 1 year
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These are some of my mugs that I'm currently selling at a local coffee shop. Some of the first mugs were rough cuz it had been two years since i sat at a wheel, but after 5ish months they improved alot. I don't usually post my pottery on here but i decided it couldn't hurt.
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rental insurance quotes for apartments
"rental insurance quotes for apartments
rental insurance quotes for apartments
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
Insurance salvage cars?
i want to buy salvage and damaged cars from insurance companies which have been written off. I understand that salvage yards do this. does anyone now how i can buy written off cars from insurance companies
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
Good home owners insurance rate?
I am purchasing a new home. It is 2400sq feet, plus a finished basement and a finished attic. Also, there is an additional detached garage. The replacement value was placed at $230,000. I was quoted $800/year for 100% replacement value and $1000 deductible. OR $600/year with 80% replacement value and $2500 deductible. This is through State Farm, and I am purchasing the home in Pennsylvania. Are these good quotes for home owners insurance?""
Single input multiple quote car insurance?
looking for multiple quotes on car insurance with single information input
Obama Compares forced health insurance with car insurance? WTF/ No one is forced to buy a car?
Why does obama compare forcing citizens to buy his corrupt insurance for welfare medicine to buying auto insurance? No one has to own auto insurance...IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR? How did we end up with the stupidest man on the planet as our president when he's just an idiot?who cannot debate the simplest issue--and make wild irrelevant examples. His plan is not like auto insurance--so why can't his fans as dumb as he?
What kind of insurance?
I want to do residential housekeeping .What kind of insurance should i get?What is the difference between being insured or being bonded?please explain ?
If im on my parents insurance when i buy my motorcycle do i have to pay for insurance?
I have to save for it and its hard to get a job in Jacksonville if your a teen so how much the insurance cost and do I need it if I do have to buy it or can I just buy the motorcycle and go its the Honda cbr250r its the only in my price range for now
How can I get my medications without insurance in California?
I've been taking Citalophram (Celexa) daily and Alprazolam (Xanax) as needed for the past 5 years. They've truly helped me with my depression, social anxiety, and even bipolarity believe it or not. I lost my job in February of this year and so far have been unable to find work for myself. I've been trying so hard to find work but unfortunately, i haven't had much luck at all. My medications are running out and I'm completely broke. Where can I get assistance in securing my medications? I'm afraid I'll hurt myself once I run out of both meds. I am in California. Anyone know of any places and/or public assistance agencies that can help me out?""
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?""
Is Aviva a good car insurance what is a good car insurance company for a first driver ?
Aviva is the company that gave me a cheap car insurance quote. I would like to know if Aviva is actually a decent company to go with? I am a first time driver they gave me a quote for 501 per month.
If i drive less than 40 miles a day am I really entitled to more affordable car insurance?
You probably notice these ads on yahoo saying if you drive less than 40 miles you are entitled to cheap insurance to click on their ads to find out more. I was wondering if that true, what 's the trick?""
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Where can i find affordable car and renters insurance?
i plan to move out and rent an apartment very soon and i really need to find somewhere that i can afford with good coverage? I live in Georgia
Car insurance question?
i am 18 years old and taking driving lessons.after i pass can i get insured for two weeks.if i can please give me websites.thanks
Cheap car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 and interested in either a Clio, Punto or Polo. I've looked everywhere!""
Question about auto insurance claim pay?
Someone I know got into an auto accident (backed into a parked car). Both parties are insured. The guy I know filed an insurance claim and they find him 100% at fault (duh), but the insurer will not give him any money as a result of this. I've never had to file any auto claims in all my time driving (thankfully), so I don't know as to whether what happened is what's supposed to happen. If you're 100% at fault, is it standard for insurers to give no payout at all? I don't know the terms of this guy's insurance policy (told me he uses farmer's insurance, if that matters, not Geico or some other budget insurer), but I thought the purpose of insurance is to cover yourself in the event of accidents, whether you're at fault or not. Should I tell him to appeal, or something, or is the insurance company 100% justified in their decision?""
Does your car insurance premium go up if you have a claim that didn't involve others but was over $1400?
Its just body damage and no one else was involved. Also if I use my rental coverage will that make my premium go up (i.e. is premium tied to how much the total claim cost)? Thanks
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
How much will my auto insurance go up after a at fault accident?
I has a at fault auto accident in California. My insurance policy is not up until July. They will not tell me how much it will go up until 30 before my policy expires. I am 19 (got my license at 18) and have no other tickets or violations. I currently pay $57 month. Should I be expecting a drastic increase?
rental insurance quotes for apartments
rental insurance quotes for apartments
If you sell your car / do you need to keep any insurance for your DL ?
if you move to NYC and sell your car / parking too expensive. do you need to keep some type of car insurance for your driving license ? you might occaisionally need to drive someone else or might rent a rental car when you travel ?
How much is your car insurance?
How much are you paying for full coverage or what ever you have and where do you live. $265 a month in New Orleans LA Full coverage.. is this a lot compared to your state?
Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?
I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
Auto Insurance at 16?
How much could I expect it to be? I do live in Texas. I will be getting my permit soon (after I'm done with drivers ed), and to drive with it, I will need to be on my parents auto insurance, and I have to pay for it. I will not have a car for the time being so it shouldn't be really high?""
Got in accident. not my fault. will my insurance rates go up?
this is in reference to my other question but basically i got in a minor accident and it was the other drivers fault. i just called my insurance and reported but i have to wait until tuesday to talk to an agent. just to alleviate my nerves i need to know now, is it likely my rates will go up? it's not my fault. also all the damage costs will be taken care of by my insurance company right? or the other drivers..?? thank you.""
USAA Auto insurance extra monthly bill?
Hi we've been with USAA for over 10 yrs now for our Auto/Recreation insurance company. This month on our bill i noticed our rates went up by 35+ dollars per month. I called and they said nothing has changed in our policy. They told us because the dates our policy renewed we have an extra bill in this cycle. So they had to charge us more so we wouldn't have to pay 2 bills in 1 month. I am so confused it seems like were making an extra payment for nothing. We Pay every month on time , so I'm not sure why we have to pay an extra payment to avoid a double billing. Only thing they could tell me is that it happens to alot of policyholders once or twice in the lifetime of the policy. Seems strange to me. Thanks for your responses!""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
What are the chances my daughter could get good health insurance?
That's affordable? She has a few preexisting conditions. Spina Bifida (birth defect) asthma and Chiari Malformation. She only has one kidney. Right now she's receiving Medicaid but theres a cap on how much me and my husband can make a month and we really want to do better. Is Obama going to do something about Health care? I only have 3 choices if there are no changes, win the lotto, move to England or let things stay the way they are.""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
Question about car insurance ?
i know car insurance has many factors to it. i want to buy another car in addition to the one i already own. i drive a 1999 chevy lumina and i pay 1,700 a year for insurance for it...thats just the least amount of coverage too. i want to buy a 1992 firebird and switch the insurance over to that one. should i expect to see a drop in insurance because the car is much older or is there a chance it could be higher because the type of car it is? just curious thanks""
Where can i find affordable birth control?
i'm currently on my last perscribed month of the pill estrostep. my health insurance has been cancelled because i just can't afford it, we just bought a house and we're on a very tight budget. in order to get another perscription, i need to have a gyn appointment for an exam, but a visit is $200 without insurance, then another $50 a month for the perscription. any ideas?""
""Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Republicans, what should someone do if they are sick and cant afford health insurance?""
Does this sound like a Fair price for Obamacare insurance in California?
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty care Copay $65 Generic Med $25 Max out of Pocket $6400 FYI my brother has his own general practice, he said on average he charges people without insurance abot $60-70 for an office visit (cash,check,credit card or invoice)""
""2007 Mercedes S-class fuel consumption, reliability, maintenance?""
If you're 60 years old in Canada, with a great driving record, how much should insurance cost per year more or less? Also, if you drive 20,000km annually, how much should fuel cost? And is this car reliable? How much would you expect to spend on maintenance costs over the next 5 years? It has 70,000km and costs $36,000 also, is this a good price? Lots of questions I know, but thanks so much""
If i report my car stolen will the insurance company ask for the keys?
My car was tolen... But i lost the keys to it. Does either the police or the insurance company ask for the keys?
What is a good insurance for wisdom teeth extraction?
I am currently a college student, and I don't have any dental insurance coverage. I visited a general dentist today, he said that I have to get my four of my wisdom teeth remove ...show more""
I'm 20 with no diploma: How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male in Austin, Texas, and I was homeschooled and have 2 courses to complete until I get my highschool diploma. I have very little work experience (worked for HEB for 3 months). How do I get health insurance? Any suggestions on who would hire me that has insurance, or any government help I could be eligible for health wise?""
Where can kidney patients get affordable life insurance?
Life insurance for kidney patients.
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
I'm looking for a car insurance in Michigan that's cheap?
All i need is a cheap plpd auto insurance. My car is not worth much and I'm not going to spend a lot on car insurance for it. All I want is for the other driver to be fine. If you know of any cheap auto insurances let me know.
Auto insurance for 18 year old ?
I'm looking for the least expensive automotive insurance and was wondering what would be the typical monthly payment for an 18 year old driver who has had one accident about one year ...show more
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
rental insurance quotes for apartments
rental insurance quotes for apartments
What companies are still insuring unoccupied and or second homes?
This seems to be a new trend. It seems that insurance companies are canceling Homeowner's policies of their customers who are selling their homes! Once the client has to move out to their new home the insurance company cancels the policy on the home that's still for sale. This is being done even if the customer has been a client for over 30 years and is using that company for the new home! Sellers are having a rough enough time with the real estate market these days! What can be done about this? Also suppose the seller decides not to sell but keep the home as a vacation spot? Are second homes being uninsured also?
""When buying a used car, what is the process of getting insurance for it?""
I live in Indiana, but am about to buy a used car that is in New York. I am going out there to pick it up and drive it back to Indiana. How do I go about insuring and licensing the car? This is my first experience with this. Do I need car insurance before I leave New York, or do I get that once I get it back to my home state and get it licensed and tagged? How long do I have before it needs to be insured? How long do I have before I need to get plates and everything for it? Where can I search on the internet to find more information about this, also? Thank you.""
Why does my car insurance cost too much?
I am 19 and just passed my test (UK). I have a 1.0 liter Micra and I have put my details in confused.com comparison website. The quotes I am getting are around 4000. Is this right ? it seems too much. Any ideas?
""For Home Owner Insurance purposes, is an unfinised basement included in total square footage of the house?
Are Insurance company underwriters not supposed to include unfinished living areas of the house when determing my total square footage of house for replace cost purposes? My premium went up even though the home inspector from Allstate did not know I had part of my house that is unfinished. I was not home at the time when he did this home based underwriting square footage procedure.
Insurance complaint question?
When the insurance company receives a complaint from the insurance commissioner, what is the process? Are there any instances where the insurance company will reverse their decision to deny a claim? Thanks!""
Where would i get cheap car insurance male age 19?
getting funny quotes
How much is lowering a car likely to cost on insurance?
how much is it likely to increase insurance by replacing the springs with a Spax piece of kit?
If my insurance would charge me 600 pounds for a year how much would they charge for just a months insurance?
i want to insure my 125 motorbike for just a month. it cost me between 500-600 pounds for a year so how much is a month round about?
Might be pregnant need affordable med insurance?
Im 18, my parents don't have any kind of insurance, I might be pregnant(my parents have no idea), I am in the process of getting a job as a Habilitation worker but they don't give me any insurance. what should I do?""
""Car accident no insurance no driver license, what can I do about it?""
I got into a car accident last week, and it was the other party's fault. however, the guy doesn't have car insurance or a valid driver license. The cops came and did a report, but never made the guy show his license or give him a ticket (according to the report I got from the police). What can I do about the damage that he did? Can I sue him to get the amount? Shouldn't they impound his car and arrest him? It was a huge accident, my car is messed up in the back now. btw, I'm from Northern California""
I can't get car insurance?
I just bought a cheap older car with high mileage (the only thing I could afford) but I cannot pay the monthly insurance premiums. I'm only talking about liability insurance. Collision is out of the question due to budget. I've shopped around and I can't seem to find a premium that is less than $200 a month! What should I do? What are the risks with driving without insurance? I need to be able to get to work everyday or else I might as well set up camp outside my workplace in a cardboard box :(
Which life insurance company is best in settling claims?
Which life insurance company is best in setting claims? I want to but a term insurance for 25 yrs. I am 35 now. Please suggest good plan and insurance comany. Is there any databse where we get more information of claim record.
How much does UPS ground insurance cost?
selling my psp through ebay and would like to know how much does it cost to get insurance on the item and delivery confirmation
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
Cheapest car insurance?
What would be the cheapest car insurance for a low income 18 year old female who has had two tickets. I have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I live in Oklahoma if that helps.
My car insurance is renewing March 25th If i switch insurance companies March 1st?
Am i responsible for the whole amount of my insurance payment or am i responsible for being covered Feb 25 thru March 1st??
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
How much is insurance?
So.. I turn 16 real soon, and found a 2003 Mercury Marauder for sale, it was cheap. How much would insurance be? I'm a boy if that helps, its a 4.6 liter V8, a Mustang Cobra engine. Please, I have to hurry for it!!""
How to get cheap auto insurance?
So I just bought a new car tgats financed in my name. Even though my driving record is spitless im 23 so my insurance is crazy high. Everyone keeps telling me to get on.my parents insurance. How do I do thus legally so that if I ever need to make a claim.there will be no issues?
How much is tenant liability AKA renters insurance?
I'm thinking about renting a house with a month to month lease at very low cost. These are houses for sale that want income until they are sold. They require $300,000 liability insurance. I know that reputable insurance companies do a credit check just to give a quote that dings your credit rating if you have too many inquiries at the same time. Can someone give me a guestimate? Thanks in advance!""
What's the best life insurance company? why?
What's the best life insurance company? why?
Is car insurance cheaper in manhattan than queens?
Is car insurance cheaper in manhattan than queens?
""Cheap, affordable health insurance for a college student?""
I don't dorm for college being how I live within the vicinity of my school. So that already kills off a few suggestions being how there's more insurance coverages out there for dorming students. What are some websites or companies that would have fairly priced insurance? I'm on a low income & I've tried applying for medicare, but that's a whole another issue I'd rather not discuss here. I've heard someone tell me something about Obamacare? & I also tried getting insurance from my jobs union but they have YET to send me my medical card in which I've just about given up in trying to obtain in the number of attempts I've called them about it... So please, if you know ANYTHING based on the above criteria, thanks.""
I am looking for an affordable DENTAL insurance...?
Okay.. so I am an 18 yr old college students.. who just so happens wants braces. My teeth aren't too bad but I just want braces so make my teeth look better. Since braces are very expensive I was thinking about maybe getting a dental insurance that will help me pay for my braces. Also, I want those braces that are either clear or that go inside your teeth and not outside (Not sure if its possible, but I've heard about em). What is the best plan and/or what type of insurance will work for me best. Anything helps..""
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
rental insurance quotes for apartments
rental insurance quotes for apartments
Medical insurance?
my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ??????????????
Is Mercedes expensive to maintain?
im 18 just got myself first car 05 c320 4matic. my parents are paying for gas and insurance which is 350$ a month but i will pay for the car payments with a part time job and maybe repairs do you think it will be too much for me?
Will medical insurance l be Mandatory in usa?
will medical insurance l be Mandatory in usa ?
How much would car insurance cost for a 17-18 year old first time driver?
It would be under their name as parents dont own a car, and the car he is interested in is a Ford Mondeo. I know you can't say for sure without specifics but how much would you reckon (min) monthly?""
17 Yr Old Car Insurance?
Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay""
Does anyone know ANY affordable dental insurance or affordable/reasonable dentists in San Antonio TX?
Hi im looking for an affordable, dental insurance because it seems as though every where i look i can't get help because i'm not considered needy . And most health insurances have huge monthly payments without really any coverage. I think i need to get my wisdom teeth pulled and i have several cavities so if anyone can give any information on good dental coverage or even reasonable dentists' prices in san antonio, TX it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.""
""Car from 2003, 17 year old female driver. Car insurance average?""
I'm a B+ student, my car belonged to my dad and is now being given to me. It's a ford focus. I'm 17 and a girl from New York. Can someone please ESTIMATE how much car insurance would be for me? I tried websites but I'd have to put in my social security # to get an average and I don't want to do that yet.""
""If you pay an annual sum for car insurance, can you get a refund on it if you buy a new car?""
I'm just wondering, let's say I bought some car insurance recently and paid the annual sum. If I decide to purchase a new car in a few months time (and I'm assuming insurance policies are tied to a particular car) would I be able to get reimbursed for the months of car insurance I didn't get (since I'd need to sign up for a new insurance policy on the newly purchased car)? Or is this why you should pay monthly instead (even though it costs more in the long term)? Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I'm also in Australia.""
Car Insurance/car buying?
I am a first time car buyer and don't have much experience with this stuff. Should I buy car insurance before I buy the car or can I buy the car and insurance at the same time? Thanks
Insurance on a Blackjack?
One drunk night I managed to crack the screen on my (orginial) Blackjack. I bought it in June of last year and its on a 2 year contract, but i do have insurance on it. What does insurance do? Fix the crack on the phone i have? Send me another blackjack? Can i get a different phone? I dont want another blackjack when theres a blackjack 2....anything you know will help.""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Pimped car insurance?
I've always wondered how people get car insurance after their car has been pimped. I mean the cars are changed so dramatically and all these gadgets added - how on earth do you explain it to an insurance company?!!
How much does car insurance cost for a new driver?
Im 18. i live in California. i own a 2003 nissan altima. Ive had my license for over a year. The car is ONLY under my name and i will be the only one driving it. Ive gotten quotes but they have been as high as $1000 for 6 mths of full coverage. Any advice on something cheaper or how to save money.
Car leasing and insurance question?
Okay, so I'm 20 years old and in need of a new car. I'm looking towards leasing the 2013 Honda civic. The car itself is going to be under my fathers name, since he is the one who will be taking out the loan, however I will be the actual driver. However, my mom is the one who has taken care of my car insurance for the last 3 years. I am listed as a driver on her policy. I've heard that the person whose name is attached to the car MUST have the car insured in their own name, but my parents are MARRIED and my mom takes care of the insurance. Is it possible for me to have the car in my dad's name, and the insurance in my moms? Thanks in advance for your help !! I sincerely appreciate it.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
How do you get health insurance?
I'm try'na get emancipated from my parents, and they said I medical/health insurance. No ******** answers.""
What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?
What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A friend to me I need to keep the full coverage. Is this true?
How long do I have once I cancel my auto insurance in Florida?
Okay so I just got a quote from Geico that is half of what I'm paying my current insurance company. My insurance payment is due the 23rd though. Now they told me that the whole process of signing up would take from a few days to 30. I wont be driving my car these holidays so would it be possible for me to cancel my coverage with the other company and sign up with Geico. If I cancel will my license get suspended? I just don't wanna have to send the tag back because it cost me 400 dollars to take out.
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?""
When buying motorbike insurance is CBT= Provisional ?
I was looking about for insurance quotes for a 125 and when you select what type of licence you have it dose not say CBT at all, but it says UK provisional and UK moped, but i dont think moped is a CBT because moped is 50cc only, can anyone tell me what a CBT licence is called when buying insurance""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new student driver?
What is the cheapest possible car insurance for a new driver who is 17 years old and drives a 2005 ford explorer? I also live in NJ. I'm looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. The plan is for me only, no other drivers to be added. I need answers asap. Please help!""
Can my parents insure my car that is titled and registered under my name?
I am 18 and in college and can't really afford to pay my own insurance. The car is titled and registered under my name. Im a full time student in college.
""Discovered a lump, out on unemployment and without insurance- what to do?!?
My little brother (21) called me in a panic; he discovered a lump under the skin of his neck and is terrified its a tumor. He was laid off three months ago and doesn't have medical insurance. Is there anywhere in Riverside California that can check this for him for free or low cost- if only to put his mind at ease? I dont know what to tell him :-(
Can any body give me the defination of national health insurance?
I want the defination of national health insurance, benefit, coverage and objectives of national health insurance. plz quick.""
I am 23 years old. Questions about affordable health insurance in the state of NJ.?
Hello. Like I already mentioned, I am 23 years old and am still living at home with my parents who have been out of work for over 3 years. I have a part time job at the moment, and am wondering what my options are for affordable health insurance in the state of nj. My parents are currently on Medicaid, but since i am over the age of 21 and have no kids of my own I don't qualify. What are some of my options? I currently have no health insurance.""
rental insurance quotes for apartments
rental insurance quotes for apartments
0 notes
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
"What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best life insurance...?
Best life insurance What is the Best life insurance company
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
How much is insurance for an Eagle Talon?
I need a new car, and I found a great deal on a 95 Eagle Talon, but my dad says that the insurance would be too high since I recently got into a car accident, and I'm only 19 years old, and because of course, it's kind of a sports car. Does anyone know about how high the insurance would be for someone living in Missouri? Any help appreciated.""
Insurance for two vechiles with teen driver?
getting my license very soon and I want to buy a truck for many reasons but thats not important. With gas prices going up a pickup isnt the cheapest to just drive around so I also wanted a economy car. I was gonna buy a truck for around 5 grand and put that under my moms name and rank me as a restricted driver. Then get a beater civic for like 2500 insure it under my name and I would be the primary driver, and I could use that to drive to school and around town and use the truck to haul things and such. What would I be looking at in insurance costs""
How much home insurance & tax for a cheap studio?
I know 0 about this: are home insurance rates annual or monthly? Could someone give me just a very rough idea about how much a cheap studio's home insurance & tax would cost? (in ...mostrar ms
Car leasing and insurance?
Hi All, My partner is 24 years old and has 6 points on his license for driving uninsured with a provisional license. He now has a license but is obviously having major troubles with insurance prices. We are looking into purchasing a lease car with insurance in the cost, can anyone recommend? We want something identical to the NHS fleet service until we can clear the points but no friends or family work there so unfortunately we are not legible to apply for this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Emma""
What kind of car insurance do I need if I want to be the main driver of my parent's car away from home?
My parents own a car that they're letting me use for school. I live in southern California, but I attend school in Northern California. I'll be bringing the car up for normal use during the school year, and it will be garaged there except during summer. Do I need to buy my own car insurance, or will it work out if I just get added to my parent's insurance?""
Question about full coverage insurance on car?
If you're car is worth about 7,000 dollars and it gets totaled how does the insurance company know it was worth about 7,000?""
Applying for medical insurance for my son..?
I'm on the COMPASS website and it asks if I have medical insurance through my job and if my child can get it also. If I'm trying to get CHIP for my son as it'll be cheaper then through my work. Should I just not say if I have insurance or should I continue and put yes my child can get insurance through my job?
Give me your opinion on which if you think my car is total loss or the insurance will fix it?
here are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view&current=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg
Affordable Senior homes?
what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.
Insurance & newborns?
So I went down and added my baby onto my caresource... BUT I don't have an insurance card for him. How will I be able to take him to the doctors if I don't have proof of insurance for him? I have proof of insurance for me is that enough? Also I haven't made any appointments for him to have a doctors visit yet, when should I make one?""
What is an affordable health insurance for a 61 year old woman?
my mother needs a new helath insurance plan. any suggestions?
Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH?
Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What is the best place to get cheap insurance on a large van?
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
What insurance company dosenot check credit history?
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
Insurance for ninja 250 estimate?
what would insurance be like for a ninja 250? i am 17 and would be on my own insurance and will have my license.
Can I keep my life insurance?
I'm not going to get medical insurance from where I work at. It includes life insurance. What I want to know is: Since medical and life insurance are combine, do they naturaly cancel since I don't enroll for it? Do I get money back from my life insurance? Can I switch that life insurance to another company?""
Caught with no car insurance?
i asked this question already, but don't think i was specific enough, i am fully insured on a golf, which my boyfriend drove, beleiving he was insured under his company insurance as third party,since he drives dozens of cars at work.(and at a similar company he worked for last year it did cover him) however when he asked for the insurance policy from work he was informed it only covered the work fleet cars. it was a stupid but honest mistake, will he lose his licence?""
What is the best individual insurance for a pregnant woman?
I just found out i am 5 weeks pregnant and dont currently have insurance. My husbands works and his employer offers insurance for the family for $850.00/mo, which is completely ridiculous and not affordable for us right now. I stay at home with my daughter in Missouri, but we are having a hard time getting medicaid. Any advice. Thanks...""
Maternity insurance or no insurance?
i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no?
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny?
hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
""Which is cheaper for liability insurance, in Alabama: Geico, The General, or 21st Century?""
I am buying a little beater, just need some el cheapo liability..cant compare w/o VIN number, don't have that yet..""
""Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?""
Does anyone know how much a boat would cost me for a year, that's including gas, insurance, etc.?""
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
Scooter insurance - where can i get cheap scooter insurance for my 16 year old son ?
My 16 yr old son is being quoted stupid prices - he has a 49cc and has past his cbt. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?
My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Cheap insurance sites?
Cheap insurance sites?
Teenage Car Insurance?!??!?
I'm 15 and for my 16th Bday I'm getting an mid-sized SUV. & I'm just wondering about how much the monthly payments are gonna be......? thanks for any help:)
Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?
I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing?""
Need custom car insurance information?
I have a custom car, and am looking for information on custom car insurance. Rates and also brokers that cover this.""
When buying a used car what do you do about insurance?
so i am going to buy a used car. it's my first car but to put it on the insurance how do i go about it? do i call the insurance company before i buy the car or after? im so confused
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
Do libs honestly believe that car insurance is analogous to health insurance?
Beware of these guys; they are dangerous... In my state alone you don't have to buy car insurance if you can post a bond or if you have a fleet of cars i.e. if you can SHOW YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY FOR any damage you cause with your car. If I can pay for my own health care, why would I buy health insurance?""
What cars would be cheap to buy and on insurance for a 16 y/o driver?
my years i like are 1995-2004 and i dont want to spend more than 2000-3000 and more than 100-150 on insurance
I would like to get a moped when i am 16 and was wondering how much around the insurance would cost a year?
I live in england and will be 16 soon and am wanting to get a derbi gpr 50. I am male and will be a student in 6th form possibly working part time. can't think or anything else i just wanna know an average like will it be more for the insurance because derbi gpr 50 is a geared bike etc.
Medical Insurance too expensive?
Currently I am paying $514.03, every WEEK to cover my family of four. Our employers do NOT cover a huge chunk of the costs. I am completely ignorant to this new Obamacare, but I am also starting to learn about it. The only thing I seen happen with Obamacare is yes my insurance got better and stronger (Open Network), but it also increased over $200 a week. I am not kidding it is about $2,064.00 a month. I can't afford to go to the Doctor and pay the Co-Pays because of my weekly payment!!!! It almost seems better for my husband to lose his job and we can collect welfare/medicaid! What is out there for us? Please don't tell me to shop around because I have and its very expensive. I can save $50 and some even increased over $100. Nothing in our medical history to cause expensive insurance either. What does Obamacare do for this situation? Who can I call to get some help?""
What are some good health insurance plans?
We're trying to find one with low Coinsurance, I can't afford to pay 50% on a surgery -_- Anything good and affordable you guys recommend for families?""
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
Will my health insurance change?
im 21 and still in college in mass, if i move out of my house into an apartment will i lose my fathers health insurance?""
How much would it cost a year to own a car like a Ferrari in INDIA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer?
a car like a porsche 911 or ferrari f430. how much would it cost a year to own. dont include the buying cost. include everything else. like insurance, tax, fuel cost, everything, etc.""
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
Why is my insurance so cheap?
I am a 19 year old male, and I own a 2011 Nissan Altima SL. I live in Baltimore City (which has the highest rates in the state) and have a speeding ticket and a not at fault accident. I carry 100/300/100 coverage with matching 250 deductibles. I also have vanishing deductible, accident, and minor violation forgiveness. I pay 172.00 per month. I thought I could save a few bucks and switch companies, however, I quoted literally every company available in MD and the lowest I found was 580 a month for the same coverages. Thats a HUGEEE difference! I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with my policy. I have had it about a year with no issues, and my not at fault claim went through smoothly. I am the sole policy holder, and no, my family is not with Nationwide either... What could cause such a difference? Any ideas?""
Does speeding tickets raise your insurance?
I've gotten 2 speeding tickets this month so I'm worried. Does this raise your insurance rates?
How much do you pay for your car insurance? 10pts?
I have Geico and my vehicle is a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was charged $55.72 for this months insurance, it's always low but UM wtf??? How much are you paying? Do you own your vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? Thanks!""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Are there any good arguments for requiring health insurance. Ive only heard arguments against it?
Ive heard the car insurance one, not very solid. I also have heard there will be hardship exemptions and certain levels of income earned that will determine how much help will be given in purchasing insurance. Just looking for somethings to note when someone brings up this part of the bill""
Does anyone have any personal experience with Transamerica Life Insurance? Positive or Negative?
Life Insurance Companies
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
Cheap cars to insure?
ok so im not gonna get into it cause it was a big mistake and i never want to relive it but a little while ago i ran from the cops in my car ( 2002 firebird) and i was able to get away but someone noticed my car and tipped them off so now i am having to sell my car and go to court for some tickets. after talking to my lawyer i am looking at 22 points on my license. most of them will be dropped but he said i would still be looking at 5 digits for my insurance. so now i am looking for a new car and just wanted some advice on what i could get that would be the cheapest to obtain and insure?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am a male and I will drive a 91 crx si . none of my parents have caused an accident.
Would I able to stop my car insurance if the car has not been fully paid?
I bought a car, mazda protege and I'm planning to just store the car in my garage and not drive it for a year. obviously , Im not gonna be using it so its stupid to have an insurance for it. but the car is financed from a bank, I owe the bank a car loan. would the bank care if theres no insurance on the car. help pls.""
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
First time insurance for a 17 year old lad?
The cost of insurance is so high even if i added him to my current policy. so then i am wondering about putting him third party on his own insurance.. what are the main pro's and cons' of this... his car is worth about 850 and his excess would between 650-750 anyway, thanks in advance for your help :-)""
Best affordable medical insurance for surgery?
My boyfriend needs open brain surgery but does not have any insurance. What is the best affordable insurance andd can we be on the same plan without being married or related?
Car lot where i don't need full coverage insurance (47130)?
Is there a car lot (buy here pay here) that doesn't require you to have full coverage auto insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or even Louisville ky. thank you.
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is ...show more""
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
Outraged by auto insurance companies?
I had an accident on may 8, 2009, It was not my fault and the woman I had the accident with accepted her fault. I got the information of the insurance company. The loss defined by an automotive company, but never paid until now. More than three months passed,I always call insurance company, but they are always saying lies and fudging, is there anyone faced with same situation? I do not know what to do.""
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
What is the major advantage of term life insurance over whole life insurance?
Are car insurance quotes free?
i just want to know
How much will insurance cost? (teen driver)?
im 16 and im getting my license in a week or so and i was wondering how much will the insurance cost? im going to be driving a 2003 corolla and my parents have state farm. any help? thanks!
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance?
I have a job & have paid my car insurance fully each month since I was 16 it was expected of me. I also tend to pay for my motorcycle insurance I have 2 jobs & go to College. I have had 3 speeding tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 2009 2 were around 10MPH over & the 3rd was around 15ish. I have my reasons for speeding regardless drive down the interstate & find more then 3 people that don't speed..SERIOUSLY I HAD PLACES TO BE cops are prejudice. Anyway I want a 02 or newer Motorcycle & state farm is my current provider although I know that are Top Of The Line & I just want the cheapest insurance for motorcycles. I understand my rates will be higher then average but I turn 21 in a year and it can only drop. I just need some Input here. Thank you!
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
Car insurance for new drivers !?
Ok so Ive spent quite some time googling this but to no real answer ! My question is, what is the cheapest insurance available for a newly passed 18 year old male? From this i mean: What care gives the cheapest quote? What insurer is the cheapest? Of course i know there is no one cheapest insurer/car but a general type of answer would be helpful. like saying what your insurance was at 18 on what car and with what insurer! Thanks very much !""
What is a good insurance plan for some one 49 years?
Single, non smoker. I don't have health insurance and Im gonna need it. I don't know where to start.""
Cheapest car insurance in usa?
im 18. my parents now have a plan in Geico. I was to sign in also in a plan but I think Geico is too expensive. Which car insurance company is the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, 21st etc. ) ? idk if it matters but the place of living is in Virginia.""
What cars are cheap to insure in england?
im 19 and have had my license for 2 years and im looking to buy a car. I want a 4 door car but really don't care what it is as long as it is cheap. So i would like to know if there are any particular cars that are known to have cheaper insurance, thanks.""
Where does the money go that everyone pays for car insurance?
If I pay $100 a month for car insurance for 20 years that's $24,000. I know 5 people in my family who pay approximately that so that's about $120,000. So with everyone who drives pays about that, where does all that money go? To pay for car wrecks? Government? What? (No, I've never had a wreck or used the insurance to pay for anything)""
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
I'm tired of being an agent assistant. What other jobs can i find in the insurance industry?
I have a bachelor in marketing and i've been working as a licensed assistant to an insurance agent. I plan on working here at least another year, but I am interested in learning about other jobs in the industry since our corporate office is nearby. What are some other jobs i can look into? Just looking for ideas, thanks.""
What is the cheapest company for a 17 year Old's car insurance in the UK?
I am 17 and looking around on sites the car insurance is around 2500 but this is too expensive for me, if I was to get car insurance I would probably drive a ford fiesta or something like that.""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
Car insurance on a third gen camaro?
No idea who im going to for insurance but im19 and have 1speeding ticket on record ive never had insurance and my licensce was suspended for that ticket im trying to get my 1985 camaro on the road but testing the waters first and is there any way to reduce the cost of car insurance
17 year old car insurance quotes help please?
Right i havnt yet passed but my test is soon and i cannot get quoted less than 3000 on a toyota yaris and even a mitza 800cc its crazy if i could get it to 2000 pound i can afford it ive heard of i kube but that was still 3000 just wondering if there were any more companies like that or wether any of you have in the last year or so had any quotes for 2000 or less and with which company can u help me please and no answers like tough its always expensive i know that i just need it at a reasonable price thanks.
How to get young drivers car insurance down?!... HELP :(?
Hey, Im 19 and passed my test in july. Ive finally saved up enough to buy my first car and im looking at buying something around 1000-2000. Only thing im struggling with now is finding affordable car insurance. The cheapest ive been quoted is 2,500 a year, but im hoping to get it cheaper! Anyone any tips on how to get it down? .. would it work out cheaper if i went on my mums policy when she renews it later this month or would that not make any difference. Arggh this is so stressful!""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
Average cost of car insurance ?! 20YO?
I'm a 20 year old female , I'm about to get my own car insurance . What's the average monthly cost for someone my age with just an old beater car?""
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
What is the best age to buy life insurance?
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 Year old in the UK?
Im a male, i dont want no comparison sites as they are useless i can find sites that will give me good quotes, and please dont tell me to insure a 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine as i have figured out i can insure a 1.9 diesel engine for like 200 more. However i want to know if you know anymore than my current listen i have tried: Tesco llyods Tsb Direct line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If you know anymore can you please tell me thank you""
Where can I get the third party insurance?
I am travelling in New Zealand and I am looking for a temporary third party insurance policy. I am a non resident of New Zealand and was wondering if anyone knows where i can get an insurance policy?
How much is car insurance for 18 year old?
How much would car insurance cost under Allstate in North Carolina for an 18 year old boy? I drive a 2003 Ford Ranger if it helps, I'm a safe driver and do good in school?""
How and where can I get car insurance how much will it cost?
I called rent a wreck and they said in order for me to rent a car I need car insurance?
What happens after you buy car insurance online?
Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!
If someone hit my car & insurance says it is totalled will my car be taken from me even if i want to keep it?
My car was hit but is still safe and legal but to fix it is expensive and insurance has decided to call it 'totalled'. I heard that my car will be taken from me and that I will have to pay to get it back out of hock if this is the case. Can someone let me know if this is true? I would like to be able to keep my car!
How much will my insurance go up?
I accidentally backed up into the corner of someones parked car going about 3-4 mph and there were some paint scuffs and a 4-5 inch crack.
Where can I get the best deal for auto insurance?
Currently my wife and I get our insurance through SafeCo. We're both in out mid-30s and have great driving records (mine is perfect). We're paying $188/month ('07 Pilot, '00 Tundra). Any recommendations on where we can get a better rate?""
What is the best pet insurance company for my puppy?
I just got  a 2 month old beagle puppy. What insurance company would be the best for my puppy? And what coverage would I really need?
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