xtraterrestrials · 6 months
@imamxdel liked for a starter:
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"This hour's show is aimed more for kids. You know, it's got a little cartoon moon to introduce you to the stars, I don't know if you'd want to stick around for that?"
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warsinmyhead · 7 months
CLOSED for @imamxdel
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One good thing about living away from his aunt and uncle is working as late and long as he wants without hearing one or the other scolding him about his poor sleeping habits. But juggling his duties at work and his graduate thesis is a challenge and often he's overdone it on the late night revisions for the latter, which comes with consequences in the morning for work.
He's spent several hours working on revisions to his latest draft and his mind's a jumbled mess now – he's stuck at the moment for how to round out his conclusion better and it didn't help that he skipped dinner between leaving work and coming to the library.
The aides inform everyone that they will be closing soon, which means he needs to pack up and get out. Fine then, he'll either order delivery or see if the convenience store near campus has something quick to munch on that won't weigh him down.
He packed up his laptop, marked-up copy of his thesis draft, and research into his bag, and slung it over his shoulder. He's in the middle a big yawn, the kind that makes his eyes close, as he's nearing the exit to the library – barely walking into someone else.
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elysiumxii · 8 months
cont from here w/ @imamxdel ft alistair & doyun and imma make it dramatic, hopefully u're okay with dramatic!
Alistair had pretended to look for... a bit. It was all part of the game, of course because Doyun looked so cute all wound up and mad at him. In fact he had another little trinket to surprise her with, once this handcuff gag was over, so he rests on the floor, being less than helpful as he'd given up searching to instead prefer to lay on his back, free arm curled under his head as she scrabbles and searches under furniture. She did seem to find it far too easy to believe he'd actually been foolish enough to get them locked together though...
"Oh, what's that you've got there?" He asks, curiously as he lifts his head a little to look at what was in her hand. He sees a flash of the piece of jewellery, before he's whipped with one of those classic glares of hers. Lifting his bound hand (and subsequently hers) in defence he chuckles softly with a "sorry... sorry-!"
In fact he had been planning to use that moment to bring this little game to an end, before a whistling sound gets his attention. Turning his head towards the noise, the bedroom window suddenly bursts inward, a hole blast straight through the middle as a projectile lands on the hard wood floor with a metallic rattle and he has just enough time to realise what it was, before it explodes. Launching himself to the side he presses his body between Doyun and the grenade blast as the contents of their bedroom bursts around them. Shattered wood and splinters of glass whistle through the air and imbed themselves in everything, along with the hot wind of the explosive force as Alistair's eyes close and he curls Dohyun's head protectively into the crook of his shoulder. Their chained arms pressed between them.
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xseaofrosesx · 11 months
starter for @imamxdel
Peter hummed as he began putting some flowers on display in the windows. He wanted to show some examples of his work. He arranged them carefully not wanting to "hurt" them. He hummed softly to himself as he worked unaware that he had some customers enter.
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potestmagice · 2 years
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It had been a very rotten week. Therefore, the Professor needed to be alone with her cocoa. She stared morosely down at the road from the window seat of the diner. It’s mere moments later that she realised she isn’t getting the solitude she’d been hoping for. Hearing a sigh, she turned towards the other person standing beside her. “Yeah?”
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hikayat · 1 year
Starter for @imamxdel
“Harper, love” Jaejin stepped into the living room while holding two ties, “I am at the end of the road and I really don’t know which of the two… would not make me look like a clown” He sighed. Well, at least he would like to look presentable next to Harper.
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grievousomen · 1 year
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                        They often say that time flies when you're having fun and Katsumi was inclined to agree with this notion, even if his idea of fun was delving into his artwork and focusing on creativity, no matter how monotonous it could be.  He was nothing short of patient by the time Chanel got around to his work, having busied himself for the time being with even more sketching in his notebook or typing away concepts into the notes app of his phone.
                        "You're fine," he was quick to reassure her.  Truthfully, the man didn't sleep much to begin with and would either be out and about occupying his mind, or up until the hours of morning, peering over similar career obligations. "I'd rather be doing this than anything else on my evergrowing to-do list," explained with short laughter.
                        Patience persisted and he couldn't help but perk up once she referenced one of his favorite concepts out of the lot.  "Yes, exactly," he started, opening up his phone once more only to find a few photos in his gallery of reference points for the image.  "I understand it looks a bit macabre but Halloween is approaching and horror is a hot topic lately." Another pause.  "Plus, I wanted to incorporate Pantone's color of the year for 2023—viva magenta—even if I find it looks a little samey to their 2002 and 2007 colors." The tangent was exactly what could be expected from him, though he didn't dwell long, instead placing his phone next to the drawing with a reference of the aforementioned color.
                        "Mind my crass but it was a bitch to color match," he mentioned with a chuckle before he was standing up and heading over to the coffee pot to get some started.  This would be his fourth or fifth cup for the day, however he'd rationalize it to himself later.  Not wanting to be rude, he poured a cup for not only himself, but her as well.
                        A few sips of the hot liquid and he raised a brow at her question, nodding once.  "Of course," said before setting the mug down and raising the sleeves of his cardigan, showing off the vast array of dark ink.  "Most of these are my own drawings and a couple of them were attempts to tattoo myself." He allowed her enough time to look at each piece as she so desired, turning his arms or adjusting his sleeves when appropriate.
                        "I have more than this, I'm just not sure that it's professional to start stripping in your office in order to show them off," he joked.
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feltrain · 2 years
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“What brings you into The Blue Rose tonight?” Skipper leans against the counter a bit. “Can I get you started with a drink? Are you meeting someone?” // @imamxdel​
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inkshadow · 2 years
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     ❝ so what if it’s silk? ❞ alright, so perhaps she had an answer ready that described well-enough the benefits of having silk as the main fabric of a pillow but surely not at this price tag. he sighed and shifted weight onto one leg and pulled a bit of a pout at the sight of her, unable to deny just how happy she looked caressing the material against her cheek. ❝ look, it’s nice and all i know, ❞ he started back up, entertaining her just the slightest as fingers lightly bunch the sheets up at the corner. ❝ b-but my hair is fine! i wash, blow dry, and comb it every morning anyways. the routine will not change. ❞ 
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wndrbcy · 2 years
closed starter for @imamxdel​ | m / f / nb 21+
muse: jade 
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                ♡       he’s toeing precariously on the cusp of far too drunk, draped off the side of the bed, bleach blonde flopped towards the ground, and letting the blood rush. a share house- what a... wild idea his bandmate, niko, had come up with—and how she had convinced any one of them to agree was a mystery. maybe hypnosis. probably drugs. jade had at least had the insight to get the bedroom FARTHEST from the common areas, still the parties thrown had their way of seeping into his part of the house... optics closed and senses tuned in to the throb of the bass below, barely realizes when someone enters his room. 
“hey... this room’s off limits...”
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summerlovedfm · 2 years
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“Hey sweetheart, sorry I’m late.” Jaechan had been watching the other from the corner of the cafe and seeing the time slowly go, he figured they had been stood up. He slides into the booth across from them. “Look, whoever stood you up is an idiot. My name’s Jaechan, so I’m not a stranger.” // @imamxdel​
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khianat · 5 months
[ WAKEN ]: the sender touches the receiver's shoulder to waken them from a nap or sleep (it's to anyone, from Doyun)
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                        𝑻𝑾𝑶 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺.
juggling two jobs and online lectures certainly proves to be a challenge, one haeil sometimes struggles with when it comes to a healthy sleep schedule although he usually does not just fall asleep in the middle of a day at a random café. there is a tired and sleepy blink before he looks at doyun, fingers reaching out in an attempt to fix his likely messy hair. " i'm here! i mean awake ... " the yawn disappears behind his hand, blinking a little innocently. " ah, this is a little embarrassing, " he chuckles. " let's keep this a secret. "
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xtraterrestrials · 5 months
@imamxdel asked: [ WORRY ]: the sender grabs the receiver by the shoulders to take a good look at them for any sign of harm or injury (from Harper)
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"Oi! Let go!" Theo jerked hard, jerking his arms free from the other. He glared, breathing hard, as he rolled his shoulder in its socket. There was a cut, fine, but something he could handle. "You can't just grab people."
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elysiumxii · 2 years
cont from here w/ @imamxdel ft alistair & doyun 
Now, there was a pleasant surprise. As she turns fully to him, a polite smile on that pretty face, he registers no sense of recognition at all. Usually there would be a faint widening of the eyes in surprise, followed by a flighty, stammered greeting before eyes avert and his intimidation factor snatches from him what could have been interesting, before he had even had a chance to enjoy it. Not this time it seems and as she explains, the CEO understands why. She didn’t work for him. 
“Ah-” he chuckles softly, shaking his head “Me? I just lead one of the security units here” he lies. Well, more or less he does lead them. All of them. “But who are you?” He hums, making his interest clear with a lop sided smile as his head tilts a little. “-and er, point him out” he hums, before turning to point out at the busy room with his glass hand. “The idiot foolish enough to let you out of his sight for more than a moment” he croons smoothly because whoever brought this woman here and then let her wander away had just made a big mistake. He did hire some idiots. More than likely now seeing just who had her. 
With his light joke played and hopefully making her feel a little better, he turns back with a soft chuckle. “Alistair” he introduces himself, before slipping his hand from her back to hold it out for hers.   
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mvxnn · 11 months
    a new beginning, @imamxdel; to any
"I've never seen you stare like that..."
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like-x-thundxr · 1 year
"We're alone now...you can kiss me." (from Doyun, to whoever you'd like)
"Would that be okay for real, noona? Alright."
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