#[ Kingsman Seoul ]
warsinmyhead · 7 months
CLOSED for @imamxdel
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One good thing about living away from his aunt and uncle is working as late and long as he wants without hearing one or the other scolding him about his poor sleeping habits. But juggling his duties at work and his graduate thesis is a challenge and often he's overdone it on the late night revisions for the latter, which comes with consequences in the morning for work.
He's spent several hours working on revisions to his latest draft and his mind's a jumbled mess now – he's stuck at the moment for how to round out his conclusion better and it didn't help that he skipped dinner between leaving work and coming to the library.
The aides inform everyone that they will be closing soon, which means he needs to pack up and get out. Fine then, he'll either order delivery or see if the convenience store near campus has something quick to munch on that won't weigh him down.
He packed up his laptop, marked-up copy of his thesis draft, and research into his bag, and slung it over his shoulder. He's in the middle a big yawn, the kind that makes his eyes close, as he's nearing the exit to the library – barely walking into someone else.
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whenmusicsounds · 4 years
When do you look most fab?
Ungjae: “When I direct the song recordings”
What’s your ultimate favorite nickname?
Jeup: “vocal king”
Any style you want to try in the future?
Jian: “Kingsman”
(cr: Pops In Seoul)
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spockri · 7 years
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Smiling because he knows he’s a life ruiner. [x]
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rarepears · 2 years
How my first school day ended with me ruling the world.
Kingsman: The Secret Service X Solo Leveling crossover where after the whole winning the whole Monarch vs. Ruler war and settling down into regular ordinary life of someone who's totally not a S ranked Hunter, Sung Jinwoo decides that for college, he wants to study abroad in a country that he's never really visited... like Britain. Plus it will take him away from all the familiar-but-also-not-because-they-don't-have-their-previous-life's-memories people that he keeps seeing around Seoul.
So after lots of cramming, studying, frantic writing and applying, Sung Jinwoo manages to get himself into Imperial College of London. He kind of cheats and sticks a shadow summon into one of his future professor's shadows during the first day of orientation week to help him learn about the secrets/gossips of school... and his shadow reports back of the interesting meeting between the professor and some British gentleman before the professor's head kind of.... exploded.
Yeah. Naturally Sung Jinwoo decides to investigate. And when he gets serious, he gets serious.
So it's really no surprise that by the end of his very first day of class as an university freshman, Sung Jinwoo has identified and removed the problem called Valentine on his own - secretly.
He also might have gotten himself known as the underground king of the world since he owns all of Valentine's secrets, connections, and monies.
[check out other fic ideas in the #made up fic title ask game]
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taronegertonfrance · 7 years
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‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’ Seoul Premiere
More photos?
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w-a-v-ee · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @etherealinowrites to do this challenge 🤍
name: Abby or Abz
sign: Taurus
height: 5’5 or 165cm
time: 3:45pm
birthday: May
favorite band/artist: Stray kids, Ateez, Bts, Seventeen, Dean, Zico, Gorillaz, Metallica
last movie: Kingsman: The Secret Service
last show: You’re lie in April (I’m still watching it and oh my gosh 😭)
when did you create this blog: November of 2015
what do I post about: Stray Kids and Ateez. But I mainly reblog posts or stories that I love.
other blogs: Nope
do I get asks: Nope
average hours of sleep: 4-5
what I’m wearing: Grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt
dream job: A makeup artist
dream trip: Seoul, South Korea / Tokyo, Japan
favorite songs: I have a lot but these are a few
- silent cry - Stray kids
- wolfgang - Stray kids
- sunrise - Ateez
- the king - Ateez
- moonwalker - Svt
- autumn leaves - bts
- epilogue : young forever - bts
- D (half moon) [ft. Gaeko] - Dean
- eureka (ft. Zion.T) - ZICO
- red dessert - 5 seconds of summer
- sanitarium - Metallica
- plastic beach - Gorillaz
tagging: @purplelalaland @hongism @hyunjinspark @lix-ables
If you did it already and I didn’t see I’m sorry 🥲 but no one has to do it if they don’t want to 🤍
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lemonjoonah · 5 years
In Need of Orders (M)
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Pairings: Seokjin x Reader Word Count: 15K Rating: M Genre: Kingsman AU, action, drama, romance, smut, comedy, rivals to lovers  Warnings: violence, swearing, public foreplay, slight dom/sub dynamics which interchange (Seokjin is a bratty switch), discussion of safeword, light bondage, masturbation, voyeurism, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, small amount of cum eating, sexism in the workplace, referenced death of minor character, Seokjin and reader are bad at feelings.
Summary: After a disastrous mission, which lead to the destruction of your prized invention and the compromise of his cover, Seokjin is confined to your base, and placed under your command. Now that he’s stuck with little to do, he uses his time to investigate a past you simply want to forget.
A/N: AU based off the Kingsman Series, originally written by Mark Miller. There’s a mix of tech origins, the com-glasses, and poison-pen, were from the movie and the rest of the inventions are my own creation. Members will occasionally be referred to by their titles but I try and use their actual name as much as possible, here’s a list of members/characters and their corresponding titles: Reader - Merlin | Seokjin - Galahad |  Yoongi - Percival | Hoseok - Lancelot | Namjoon - (current) Arthur |
“No, no, no. NO! Seokjin, what did you do to my beautiful baby?!” You circle around what was once your wondrous invention. Your masterpiece of a vehicle that had taken years to get just right. When Yoongi dropped in a couple hours ago and told you to expect an unpleasant delivery you never could have imagined this. Unpleasant doesn’t begin to cover the damage done, this is an act of desecration. 
“Merlin, titles please! Without manners we are nothing,” Seokjin chides you, paraphrasing the principal motto as if it will save him from your wrath. You’ve reached your limit with him; there's no benefit you can see in maintaining pleasantries. 
“You will get my manners when you deserve them,” you growl back. “Now why did you sink my prized creation?”
“The cloaking device was faulty.” He shrugs off the loss like it’s nothing, no harm to him and therefore no foul.
“I find that hard to believe.” You’ve run this car through every test, checked every parameter, you would never have let it leave this workshop if it posed a danger to exposing agents.
“It was! I was conducting surveillance on a target when they became aware of my presence. They retaliated, so I needed a quick escape. I was on the overpass near the river, I knew there was a small oxygen tank in the glove compartment for emergencies-”
“So driving it off a bridge seemed like the best option?” You never thought you’d regret seeing the day you installed that safety feature, one that you intended for use in case of a gas or chemical assault, but here it is. “Tell me,” You look from your precious machine back to the monster who destroyed it, “What exactly were you doing when you noticed the glitch?”
“Just driving, maybe going around eighty. Does it really matter?” He sighs. “They saw me coming so I had to take cover or they would have shot me.” 
“Oh no, it works perfectly fine.” Your voice starts to echo through the workshop as your fury bubbles over. “When the user reads the manual and understands that cloaking only works when in a stationary position. I am a scientist not an actual fucking magician Seokjin! Of course you can’t travel when cloaked. If you had at least skimmed the booklet I gave you, you would have understood that!”
The technology you created doesn’t make the car invisible, instead it projects the images behind it to make it appear that way. It can only account for and cover small changes in movement, not whole vehicles travelling. Only an idiot would think that it could compensate for such drastic shifts to the backdrop. And for some reason that moron dares to continue arguing with you.  
“Booklet? That thing was a thousand pages long! You actually expected me to read that?” He counters his voice rising to combat yours.
“Oh, I’m sorry would you like me to make an audio-book for you next time? Or better yet I could make a grade school reader complete with pictures. Maybe that’ll hold your attention!”
There’s a sudden shift in his expression, with a thick smile forming on his face. “I suppose I wouldn't say no to a recording if it was read by you.” His words ooze with flirtatious mire, intent on sucking you in. 
Seokjin’s smirks and one liners have gotten him out of trouble many times with other agents. It’s not hard to see why, the man could be considered the most attractive of all your acquaintances,  but you refuse to let this drop simply because he’s batting his eyes in your direction. You grit your teeth and continue to chew him out. “Lancelot and Percival read it, I don’t see why I can’t hold you to the same standard.” 
“Fine, fine I’ll look it over.” He huffs in surrender, but even in defeat he still carries a playfulness in his tone. “When do you think you can get it back up and running again?”
“If you think I’m going to take time out of my schedule to fix this, only for you to go destroy it again, you have some nerve.” You can barely even register the destruction let alone process how much time it’ll take to repair everything. With the dents in the body work, the flooded engine, and the electrics most certainly fried, you're looking at weeks of work just to make it drivable again. But bringing it back to its full potential? That will require months of tinkering.
“What could you possibly have to do that’s more important than this.” Seokjin is clearly trying to hold back a snicker, but when a small snort escapes him, all remaining control of your temper vanishes.
“Seokjin, so help me god if you don’t leave my line of sight in three seconds, I’ll do those men a favour and shoot you myself.”
He chuckles at your threat, “You’re not-”  
“One.” You reach for your holster and take hold of your gun.
“Serious.” The laughter in his face starts to fade. 
“Two.” You disengage the safety and take aim.
“You won’t actually shoot me.”
“At ease Merlin.” Yoongi interjects, entering the room with his face buried in a file. His indifference is a true sign of how well he knows you. You were only going to relieve Seokjin of a few strands of hair, but maybe it’s better this way. The sound of gunfire would surely result in a slight loss of hearing, and Seokjin already has trouble listening. You sigh, lowering your pistol. 
“I can only guess you’ve both been discussing the...” Yoongi comments looking down at the remains of the car. “Accident.” 
“More like negligence,” You mutter, flicking a bit of mud off what was once a perfect paint job.
“Listen, I tried Percival,” Seokjin appeals to Yoongi. “We’ve been looking for this guy for months. I had him in my grasp,  I couldn’t risk losing him.”
“I know Galahad,” Yoongi rubs his brow as his gaze returns to the document in front of him “but there’s concern that you’ve been compromised, after reading your report there are worries that you might be identified and expose the operation. You’re on lock down for the remainder of the mission.”
“No! I’m so close to bringing him in. Just let me assist,” Seokjin pleads. You would probably feel bad for him if he hadn’t just gone and destroyed your life's work.
“The rest of the order doesn’t seem to agree. In fact they’ve called your work on this case,” Yoongi flips to another page of the file, “Reckless, irresponsible, and fails to even remotely represent their request for a covert operation...” He turns the file around to push it in Seokjin’s face. “And they’ve written those last two words in all caps, see?” 
You chuckle quietly, covering it with a cough but Yoongi doesn’t look convinced. His gaze shifts to you as he hands down the rest of the directive. “Due to these recent events, Galahad is to remain here for the duration of the operation. Under your orders.”
“Wait, what?! Why are they punishing me too?”
“It’s not meant to be a punishment Merlin.”
“The fuck it isn’t. Why can’t Lancelot look after him? It was his idea to allow him on the mission.” You admire Hoseok greatly, but in your opinion it was a bad decision to add Seokjin to the roster for this operation. 
“If Lancelot or I are seen with him then our cover will be blown too.” Yoongi reasons, “You’re the only one who operates completely behind the scenes.”
“But why do I have to be put under command of another agent?” Seokjin interjects.
“Because, you are clearly in need of orders until you can get your rash instincts under control. Just be grateful it’s not a complete dismissal.” Yoongi starts to step away with the matter settled.
There goes your peace and quiet. Unless... you call out to Yoongi with one last shred of hope. “Permission to put him under a gag order for every possible topic of conversation?”
“Denied, but nice try Merlin.” Yoongi smirks as he enters the elevator which will bring him back above ground.
Yep, you’re truly going to be living your own personal hell in such tight quarters. A small work den and communications relay located beneath a PC bang in the heart of Seoul. The base was never intended to host more than one for a long term stay. It’s purpose is for agents to stock up, gather their orders sent from headquarters, and then leave. The only person who actually stays on site is you. “Well then, the bedroom’s mine but you can take the sofa. Don’t touch what’s mine without my consent and we shouldn’t have a problem. Is that clear?” You lay down the rules quickly not wanting to prolong any further conversation with your new resident.
“Yes Ma’am.” Seokjin answers looking truly defeated for once.    
“If you’ll excuse me I have work to do.”You brush past him towards your computer, needing to assess what components you’ll need to order first for repairs.
“Wait, what am I supposed to do?” 
“You’re a big boy, I’m sure you can figure something out.” You respond keeping your eyes focused on the screen.
“Could you show me how to fix it?” His unusually quiet request manages to break your concentration.
“Fix what, the car?” You glance back at him with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out his angle. “Why would I do that?”
“Well for starters I probably can’t fuck it up any more than it is.” He laughs but your lack of reaction kills his joke rather quickly. “It would cut down your workload. Give me a better appreciation for what you do. You would get to order me around. And who knows, you might even enjoy my company.”
He’s right, you could use the extra pair of hands, and he might learn something. “Fine, you can start by reading this.” You fling the tome of a manual at his chest, causing him to grunt from the impact. “Report to me when you're done.”  
“How can you even call that a couch? I’ve seen footrests bigger than that disappointment.” Seokjin comments as he enters the workshop. You slide out from under your car to find his hands tending to the muscles at the back of his neck, and heavy bags resting under his eyes. It's the first time you’ve seen him exist at a fraction less than perfection in his appearance, a gratifying perk in this unfavourable situation.  
“It’s all that would fit.” You grab a towel laying on the floor next to you cleaning the dark grease of the car off your skin. Usually you wouldn’t bother wiping it off just yet, but having Seokjin in your presence has made you oddly self-conscious. “You might have noticed space is limited here.”
“Then who’s idiotic idea was is to make a base in this shoe box of a hole?” He grills you, probably intending to roast the architect of such a small site. 
“Mine actually. After the data breach a year and a half ago we needed something more secure. There’s so much information streaming to and from this location that it makes it difficult for anyone to find our dealings. It’s the perfect spot.”
“Perfect if you’re a mouse.” Seokjin takes a seat in your straight-backed desk chair. Groaning as his fingers continue to knead, moving down to his wide shoulders.
“Are you implying I’m some kind of rodent?” You glare up at him, ready to defend yourself against the slight.
“You should take it as a complement, mice are cute.” He gives you one of his famed smiles, the type where you can’t tell if he’s sincere or mocking.
“Why are you down here Seokjin?” You ask preparing to wheel back down beneath the undercarriage of your car. “I can’t imagine you’ve finished reading the manual already.”
“I did actually. This is me reporting for duty.” He throws the book down on to the floor next to you, marked and dog-eared. “Not a whole lot else I can do while on lock down.” 
“Is someone upset that Lancelot and Percival get to have all the fun? Maybe it’ll teach you to obey orders better, rather than getting stuck here with me.”
“I can follow them just fine... when they don’t conflict with the completion of my mission.”
“Not getting spotted was part of your mission Seokjin.” Your response is dry as you state the obvious.
“Yes, but so is recovering the data from that breach, before he can unload it on someone else.”
“You don’t know that he has it. That’s why you had to observe him.”
“Listen to me, Hwang’s a fence, one whose been trying his best to stay off our grid, of course he has it. Once we find him we can track everything back to his source.” Seokjin’s confidence is admirable. You can’t deny that you would like to catch the one responsible for unleashing one hell of a computer virus that caused you and many others weeks of havoc and restless nights. The worst part is you don’t even know what they were able to get a hold of, the sooner Yoongi and Hoseok can track this man down the better.
“You still should have exerted more caution, you're not the only one on this team Seokjin, people can get hurt if you're too brash.” You’re surprised to find Seokjin nodding with his head hung low. Since when does he ever agree with you on something?  “Now that you’re done with the manual, I do have work to assign that I doubt even you can mess up. Every single electrical circuit and wire needs to be removed, it’s unlikely that any have survived the flooding so it would be safer just to take them all out. I’m going to see if I can save the engine.”
Seokjin gives you a cheeky two finger salute before he sets to work behind the dash.
Thirty minutes later he’s already back at it with questions. “Do you have any speakers set up for music?”
“No, we could have used the car radio if you hadn’t submerged it, but here we are.” You usually work in silence anyway, but getting to deliver another stab of guilt is better than admitting your regular tendencies. 
“Ah no problem, I can fix that.” At first you wonder if he intends to repair the radio, but when he proceeds to hum loudly, you realize that’s not the case. Instead he treats you to a selection of unrecognizable songs which you don’t bother to ask the title of.
You let it go for as long as you can, but thirty minutes later when you move from under the car to beneath the hood needing to drain the cylinders next, you finally raise the white flag in pursuit of silence. “Seokjin, please just stop okay?”
His chuckle taunts you, “That’s what you get for pulling a gun on me yesterday.”
“If you’re not careful I’ll do it again.” Your tone turns salty once you realize that is was his intent to torture your ears.
“Can’t believe you lasted that long, I thought for sure you were going to crack after five minutes of my melodies.”
“That’s what that was? I thought you jammed your thumb and were screaming out in pain the whole time.”
“Ha ha,” He retorts. You're almost upset when he goes quiet with nothing substantial to follow up your jab, but then he opens his mouth again. “How can you work when it’s so quiet?”
“Helps me focus when there’s no distractions.” You answer hoping that he’ll take the hint and remain silent.
“But doesn’t it get lonely?”
You slow your pace as you loosen the bolts on the gasket cover, choosing your words carefully as you make an attempt to side step that minefield of a query. “I work better when I’m by myself.”
“That wasn’t my question.” Seokjin catches on to your evasion proceeding to look around the hood of the car trying to meet your eyes.
“We all make sacrifices Seokjin. This is mine.”
“If you spoke to Arthur-”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You try to cut him off quickly not wanting to get him involved in your circumstances, but he continues.
“I’m sure he would listen.”
“Drop the subject Seokjin, that’s an order.” You take a deep breath trying not to lose more of your composure again. “I chose to work in this place for several reasons. I don’t need to explain every one of them to you.”
Seokjin is surprisingly quiet for the rest of the day. It’s doubtful that you scared him off with your temper, he’s too confident for that. It’s more likely that he’s frustrated with you’re bickering. You hang back a bit more only giving direction when absolutely necessary. If you have to live with him you might as well attempt to make it bearable for the both of you.
That night you treat him to ramen from the business upstairs, they don’t usually do take-out but they make an exception for you. He sits across from you in a desk chair slurping his noodles while his eyes bore into you. “What, do I have something on my face?” You ask, starting to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.
Seokjin takes another slurp of his dish before he explains himself. “No, I’m just trying to figure you out.” 
“Please don’t.” You plead, not wanting to broach the same subject from earlier.
“You’re passionate about your work. You’re good at what you do. Your superiors trust you.” You groan with exasperation, nevertheless he persists. “You're lonely here. The order could put you anywhere and you would most likely excel, and yet you bury yourself here, in this hovel.”
“It’s not a hovel...” You mutter, but you’ve run out of energy to argue and your appetite has now vanished. Rising from your seat you bid him good night. “I’m going to bed. Clean up this mess when you're done, and try not to throw your neck out cramming yourself onto my couch again.” 
“Yes Ma’am.” He gives a muffled reply with noodles hanging from his mouth, and another fake salute.
You shake your head as you close your bedroom door behind you.
 “You know,” Seokjin bursts into your room early the next morning, startling you awake. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen test scores as high as these. Are you sure you’re not a magician Merlin, because these results seem too good to be true. ” 
You bolt upright in terror, “What are you looking at?”
“The start of your journey with the Kingsman.” He wanders around to sit at the foot of your bed as you drag the covers up to your chest. “I figured if there was an answer I would find it here, but I’ve never seen such an impressive resume. The last Arthur had you pegged from the beginning as the successor to your predecessor, he even recorded that his candidate didn’t stand a chance against you. You should be proud of this...” He leans to you reading the expressions on your face. “But you’re not. You’re scared. Why is that?”
“Stay out of my files Kim Seokjin.”
“Is that an order?” He asks his face still only a couple inches from yours when it pulls into smirk, looking pleased that he’s caught you off guard.
“If I recall,” He closes the document in his hands, but his analysis continues, “You were moved here just shortly after Namjoon took over the position of Arthur. You were living the life before, testing and training new recruits, doling out orders and information. But then you fell into this pit. What did you do to piss him off?” 
    “Nothing, ju-just stop asking, okay? I don’t need your help, so stop trying to save me!” Your voice cracks as it reaches the point of yelling but he doesn’t back away. “Staying here alone, that was my choice. So don’t you dare try to take my one salvation away from me.” 
“I’m not trying to take it away. I just want to understand it.” He answers his tone controlled and calm while holding your gaze firmly in his. When you look away he finally gets up leaving you with your files on your dresser. 
A week passes and Seokjin continues to try and figure out why you chose to work in your closed off environment. Throwing out random and bizarre questions on what you might have done to Namjoon to get yourself stationed here.
“Did you expose his guilty pleasure for stuffed animals?” He asks as he helps you unbolt and remove seats, making room for the new chairs and bench which just arrived. 
“Does he have a guilty pleasure for such a thing?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you.” Seokjin states with a snicker.
“Did you lose his glasses?’’ Seokjin inquires next as he pulls the seat from the driver side all on his own. You can’t help but notice the muscles straining through the back of his shirt as he lifts the heavy chair from its place. When he turns back around for the next you berate your pitiful self-control. Yes he’s attractive, but he’s also the current thorn in your side. God must be a sadist for creating this enticing man, with such a sharp tongue and a plaguing desire to mock you. 
“He does that just fine himself, he doesn’t need me to do it for him.” In fact, you have two pairs on backup for Namjoon at all times, just in case such a need should arise. 
“Did you sneak into his house and switch the sugar to salt in his tea set?”
“That’s just cruel,” You chuckle at the idea, making a mental note to check your own sugar before your next cup of coffee. “But no I didn’t.” 
“Well that’s it then, I’m out of ideas for today.” He heaves the passenger chair next to the other with an exhausted breath. A bead of sweat drips down his brow as he collapses on the new back bench waiting to be installed. 
“Really? I’m surprised. You haven’t asked the obvious question.” You lay the statement as bait hoping he’ll take hold so you can reel him in. To your delight, he does. 
“Oh and what’s that?” His eyes light up, with the chance that you might actually tell him something informative.
“Did I destroy his favourite vehicle? I mean, that’s why you’re stuck here isn’t it?” Seokjin glares at you in frustration, his gloom making you giggle. “But the answer to that too is no, I didn’t. I’m not a scoundrel.”
“Is that what I am to you now,” He presents a gleeful smile with a raised brow. “A scoundrel?”
“Why do you look so proud about that?” Your question is full of judgement, but his delight is not swayed.
“Because, scoundrels are sexy.” He tilts his head and bites his lip with a nod as if to make a point.
You let out an obnoxious laugh. “Maybe to some. I fail to see the appeal.”
“Then what do you consider sexy?”
“Someone who’s attentive, and dutiful. You know, an adult.” You attempt to describe the very traits he appears to lack to make your point. Though Seokjin’s looks might draw you in, you are in need of something more.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Where’s the fun in that?”
“It’s not always about the fun, I just like someone who I can depend on.” 
Seokjin’s about to respond, his mouth open with a solemn stare in his eyes when the elevator chimes. It’s doors open for you to find a haggard Hoseok with two black empty bags. You greet him with surprise, having completely lost track of time, he had mentioned that he would be stopping by to pick up supplies. 
You hurry away to unlock and ready the stock. While Seokjin rushes in, barely even letting Hoseok off the lift, launching into an interrogation about the mission and any progress they’ve made. There’s only a few short words exchanged before the man left in your charge storms away slamming the door behind him as he exits the workshop to your common room.
“Lancelot?” You call out to Hoseok with hesitation, noticing that he’s still standing in place where Seokjin left him. Stepping in you help to take and load one of his duffles with surveillance equipment he requested. After Seokjin’s barrage he looks like he might rupture if you’re not careful.  
“Please no formalities,” He sighs in exhaustion, while he too starts to pack up what he needs. “I would prefer not to be an agent right now, even if it’s just for five minutes.”
“That bad?” You wince for Hoseok’s sake, he’s usually so optimistic, it’s worrisome to see him so beaten down.  
“We know Hwang’s back in Seoul, but any time we get a whiff of a more detailed location he vanishes. Yoongi and I have brought in more agents. We’re stationed in the south end of the city now, trying to keep an ear to the ground.” He zips up his case and then turns the conversation to you. “How are you holding up?”
“Fine I guess, but Seokjin’s been looking into my assignment here. He keeps trying to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.” Hoseok is one of only a few who know why you chose such an assignment, and you would like to keep it that way.
“Maybe you should give it a smack then. Or better yet put him on a leash.” Hoseok finally breaks into a smile as he pats you on the back. 
“He’s not a dog Hoseok.”
“Really?” Hoseok raises his eyebrows as if it’s news to him. “Cause he looks at you with those puppy eyes all the time. I’m surprised you don’t see it.” 
 “I don’t need someone who doesn’t listen to me Hoseok.”
“Okay yes, that accident with the car was a major misstep on his part...”
“And the constant prodding into my past?” You groan, you were hoping Hoseok would have your back immediately. Why does he have to take the role of impartial referee when you need his bias the most?
“He probably thinks you’ve been wronged, and that you deserve better. Is it not natural to what's best for those we care about?”
You tilt your head starting to question your fellow agent’s sanity. “I doubt that’s the case Hoseok, he just likes to be nosey.”
“Fine, have it your way, live in denial. I’m sure he’ll be out of your hair soon anyway. But if I were you I would try and explain the situation. He might not be living here but you’ll still have to work closely with him in the future.” 
“You’re saying I should tell him?” You challenge his suggestion, he must be overworked since he’s definitely not thinking clearly. 
“I know it won’t be easy, but if he knows what’s really bothering you, he might try to be more tolerable.” He lugs the cases off the table crossing the straps over his chest.
“Either that or he’ll use it as ammo to really gun me down.” You curl your lip at the thought pacing behind Hoseok as he moves towards the elevator to head back above ground. 
Before the door closes between you he holds it open to give you the support you wanted along with a sigh. “I really don’t think that’ll be the case. But if he does... I’ll be your witness when you tell Arthur you shot him in self-defence.”
You find Seokjin on the couch with a pile of files and a coffee on the small table, his brow furrowed and his mouth pulled tight as he scans through each one at a rapid pace. 
“I take it you weren’t happy with his update?” You call out as you enter the room advancing towards him.
“No, I wasn’t. They had to pull in lower level field agents because I can’t be out there to help them. We probably would have caught Hwang by now if I was still working on the case.”
“Seokjin, I have every camera in the city looking for him, there’s not much else we can do from here. And your not going out there to track-”
“I know I’m not Merlin. I just want this to be over so I can get my shot at redemption.”
You nod looking down at the files in front of him.“What are those?” 
He lets out a panicked laugh as he tries to scrounge them together. “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Seokjin.” You draw out his name with intent to reprimand, leading him to respond with a nervous grin. He shifts his hands away giving you a better view of what he’s up to. 
“Since you said I couldn’t look through your files I thought I would take a general overview of those you’ve trained or worked with.”
You shake your head, tired of this never ending battle between the two of you. “You’re not going to stop are you?”
“Nope.” He takes a sip from his mug as he looks back down to the information he’s gathered. You scan through the names and pull out the file that haunts you to this day. Dropping it in front of Seokjin before taking a seat in the armchair across from him. He reads the name off the tab. “James Paxton the third, he sounds like a pompous prick.”
“Oh I can confirm he was, and definitely one of the most hard-headed recruits I’ve ever tested, but we shouldn’t speak ill of the dead,” You mutter as Seokjin opens his file to find the word deceased stamped in bold red letters. He stares up at you with his mouth agape, you can see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out how this fits into your narrative. 
“Why didn’t I hear about this?”
“It wasn’t really broadcasted through the regular channels, if you weren’t at the main headquarters you didn’t know about it. It happened just over a year ago.”
“I would have been in Lhasa...” Seokjin mutters.
You nod, not surprised that information flew under his radar. “I didn’t realize it at the time, but the last Arthur, he saw me as a bar for people to cross. He thought if recruits could take orders from a ‘bossy woman’ they could take orders from anyone. James Paxton didn’t pass that test, and he paid for it with his life.”
Thankfully for once, Seokjin doesn’t have a comment, instead he sits there, waiting for you to continue.
“Paxton thought me pushy, and overbearing, told me so to my face, several times in fact. I should have had him kicked out, but I was determined to prove him wrong. There was a mission to recover the stolen data a couple months after the breach. There was a lead, before we learned of Hwang.  We thought we had the location of where the data had been transferred to. I was supposed to go on the mission, but at the last minute Arthur told me to direct the team from off site.” 
Your hands start to shake as the story continues. A mixture of both anger and fear coursing through you. You shift to hide them beneath you, gripping your legs to keep your fingers steady, but they fail to escape Seokjin’s notice.
His eyes are downcast in shame. “You don’t have to continue if you don’t want to Merlin. I’m-”
“You wanted to hear this Seokjin. I told you to leave it alone, I told you I didn’t want to talk about it.” You take a deep breath trying to rein in your anger, “Either you let me finish or never question me about my situation again.” He shuts his mouth instantly letting you continue. “It didn’t take me long to realize the lead was a trap once they got on site. I ordered a retreat, everyone else followed except for Paxton”
“It wasn’t your fault.” Seokjin interjects sitting on the edge of his seat. 
“That doesn't mean I can’t be upset by it! Instead of trying to curb the discrimination the previous Arthur used it, and I didn’t even understand what he was doing until I lost someone. I found out that he enforced the idea among the recruits, that I was an overly authoritative woman, one who fails to take proper risks. Forget the fact that I am highly qualified, that I have more experience and knowledge of many of the situations than the other leaders, my lack of dick disqualified me from being taken seriously.” Seokjin falls silent again. He must realize that he too has failed to take you seriously in the past, then again, he’s that way with everyone else too. 
“When Namjoon became the new Arthur shortly after, I was able to address my grievances. He was ashamed of his predecessor and wanted to do right by me, so I requested this place as a base. I wanted somewhere I could work on my own for the most part and not have to worry about people thinking me conceited or bossy. I needed a break from giving out orders.”
You finally finish to find Seokjin with a narrowed brow and clenched jaw. His tone matching the anger in his stance, “You’ve been here a year-”
“I know.”
“You’re telling me you’ve been punishing yourself for a year?” He’s question is poised with what looks to be genuine frustration, “Over two assholes who couldn’t understand how valuable you are?”
“It’s not a punishment, it’s a safety net.” You explain.
“It’s a cell!” He gestures around him. “You’re basically living in solitary.” You shift awkwardly not knowing what to say, and definitely not expecting this reaction. “Come on, we’re going out.” He orders, getting up from his seat and pulling you out of yours. “There’s a bar I know close by. I’m taking you out for a drink.”
“You think it wise for you to leave?” You question him, not knowing how else to diffuse the situation, not when your focus is drawn to his grip which wraps your shoulders. 
“It’s only a couple blocks away. If we see anything suspicious I promise we’ll head straight back. It’s your call, but I think you could use a night out.” He pushes you in the direction of your bedroom. “Go change into something that doesn’t have oil stains all over it.” 
You should probably put your foot down, there’s no saying what could happen. But seeing Seokjin act like this... maybe Hoseok was right, he actually cares. The problem is now that you can see this side of him you don’t want to lose hold of it just yet. “Fine, but if anything at all is amiss-”
“We’ll hightail it out of there, and barricade ourselves in here for the long haul.” He rattles off the promises. “Now go get ready.” 
Seokjin maintains the persona of a caring companion as he drags you to his favourite bar in the city. “It’s quiet and the owner, Choi, is an old friend of Percival’s, he knows not to ask too many questions. There’s almost always at least one or two of us from the order or field agents hanging out there.”
He holds the door open for you to enter and you're greeted to the sight of a worn down ale house. A robust and stained wooden bar takes the focal point of the room, and there’s not a single other patron in sight. You can’t help but regret being forced to change out of your usual attire. You didn’t want to look out of place, but with no one here to take notice, your black dress it’s an unnecessary and uncomfortable gambit. Seokjin on the other hand looks very pleased to be back in his usual attire, a  three piece suit that’s been confined to the closet while he’s with you in the workshop.   
“Like I said, it’s quiet.” He chuckles while he helps you take off your coat.
From out back steps the barman to greet you. He’s an unexpected yet welcome gem of a sight among the rubble, a handsome face with a wide smile which he presents to you. You might have to stop by here again just to take in this view, maybe study some of the tattoos he has scattered across his arms. 
“Choi not in tonight?” Seokjin asks after seeing your reaction to the man behind the counter. He must not be the usual staff, it’s a shame really, but it’s funny to see Seokjin look so displeased. Realizing that for once he might not be the most attractive person in the room.
“Oh you know him?” Your host inquires with surprise, “No he wasn’t feeling too good, probably will end up spending the night by a toilet from the looks of him. I offered to take over tonight so he could get some rest.”
“That was nice of you.” You extend the man a warm smile.
“I like to think so.” He responds while beaming back at you. Seokjin hastily gives both your orders, allowing the bartender to leave you with a lingering stare as he walks back to grab your drinks. Maybe your efforts with the dress weren’t such a waste.
Seokjin glares at the man, mumbling a few choice words from which you manage to pull the word, ‘Flirt’. 
“He was just being nice.”
“My god you can’t read people when it comes to the way they look at you. You’ve clearly caught his attention...” Seokjin drops unexpectedly.
“I can read people just fine.” You bite back in confidence. 
“Really?” He challenges you, leaning forward with a whisper, “Then I suggest you look a bit closer.”
   The bartender hammers Seokjin’s drink down in front of him while he slides yours along gently, giving you a chance to inspect a stunning work of art on his hand, a flock of birds flying in formation following the trail between his thumb and index. He catches your stare and while you might be embarrassed at your lingering eyes he teases the skin of his lip between his teeth. “I’ll let you get back to your date.” He gives you one last flash of a grin as he backs away into what must be a stock room.
“It’s not a... date.” You start to explain but it’s reduced to a sigh once the man leaves your sight.
Seokjin presses a napkin to your mouth prompting you to look back at him in utter confusion. “Sorry, thought I spotted some drool,” He dabs the corner of your lips. “Just there.”
You steal the napkin from his hand and toss it on the bar. “Thank you for your concern.” You take a long draft of your drink refusing to look at your fellow agent. 
“Someone must be thirsty.” He snickers, not bothering to keep his laughter hidden.
“What can I say, the refreshments at the base have been far from gratifying.” Your quip might be implied but it hits its mark with flawless execution.
“Hey!” The volume of Seokjin’s voice rises to a new level to aid in his defence. “I’ll have you know I’ve been called an acquired taste.” 
“You’ll have to forgive my pallet for not meeting your standards then. I’m in need of something that goes down a bit easier.”
You take your victory in the form of Seokjin’s reddening ears and sputter from his lips. “After that confession, I’m almost sorry to be standing between you and that tall drink. Almost.” He reiterates with a wink.
“It’s probably for the best.” You sigh, finally dropping the banter. “He might be interested now, but I bet that would change pretty quickly if he got to know me.” 
“I doubt that.” He whispers right before he takes a sip. You can’t be entirely sure that he intended you to hear his comment.
“Oh really? You’ve spent the past week in very close proximity with me. How would you describe me?”
“There’s definitely a mix of frustration, with a side agitation, and a need for provocation. ” You let out a heavy groan while he continues. “Now some might find those to be unlikable traits, but I’ve come to find them very endearing.”  
You snort into your drink. “That’s the best joke you’ve told yet.”
Seokjin nods carrying the weight of a small smile on his lips. “What about me? I’d be curious to hear how you read my personality.”
“Are you sure about that?’
He nods, “Hit me with your best shot... if you can.”
He might think you unable to read people, but you can’t wait to prove him wrong. Your words spill faster than you intend, creating an improvisational soliloquy into his psyche.“You deflect with humor constantly, which in turn prevents anyone from getting close because they can tell what you truly feel about them. Can’t take an order without asking a question. You’re determined to a fault, but you also use that drive when you’re concerned that something’s wrong. Not letting anything rest until you’ve fixed what can be fixed.”
He holds your gaze, sitting there in silent disbelief before he comes to and lashes out, “Completely incorrect, it’s a wonder you became an agent.” He shakes his head with a scoff before finishing his drink in one sip.
“Nice deflection,” you counter. “I rest my case.”
He narrows his eyes and gives no response other than to call for another round. 
After finishing the second you’re about to suggest your return to the base, but the frown on Seokjin’s face as he looks into the bottom of his glass stops you. It should be an unwritten rule that men who look as good as him aren’t allowed to pout. How are you supposed to remain in charge when he can disarm you in seconds with a simple jut of his lip? It’s the one tool in his arsenal he has yet to use, you can only hope he doesn’t realize how effective it is on you.
You’re quick to order the next batch, and half way through the third he poses a question that he must have been holding on to. “You said in your analysis that people have trouble reading me because of my humour, how do I act when I really like someone?”
“How would I know?” You raise your brow along with your drink. 
“Then how do you think I should act? You know, so it’s not misconstrued as humour.”
“Level with the person, have a serious conversation for a fraction of a second.” It feels odd to be giving him your input on such a matter. Why would he ask this of you? And why do you mentally recoil when you start to think of him using that advice on someone else?
“If that's the case, I should probably tell you...” He leans in towards you, his face just inches away. Your heart stops as his hand reaches out to cover yours. He pauses there for a moment watching your expression, “I need to,” The gaps in his speech are big enough for your mind to flee from reality, creating a scenario where he admits... “I need to go use the facilities.” A half-hearted chuckle pours of him along with the words which break you from your daydream. 
“Then go,” You snap, your tone surprising even to you. It’s not like you wanted to have a serious moment with him, right? But the pain in your chest says otherwise.
“Are you... I was just kidding around,” he stammers.
What did you expect him to say, that he thinks of you as more than just an agent, even more than a friend? Did you want him to close the gap and kiss you? Oh god, you did. You like him. You like Kim Seokjin, and right then and there you wanted him to confess the same to you.
“Yeah I got it,” you mutter back, trying to cover your internal shock. “That’s all you ever do.”
 Seokjin gets up from his seat and heads to the washroom. Leaving you at the bar to contemplate his words. 
You feel like you’ve fallen into every trap you told yourself not to. But that can’t be right, it’s not like you fell for his fake smiles or flirtation. You must be drunk, that’s the only explanation. How else could you ever think that he might actually hold even a shred of feelings for you. He feels sorry for you, that’s all, that’s why you're here with him now. And once he’s treated your wounds, once he no longer feels guilty, he can go back to flirting with you and everyone else to get whatever he wants. 
The bell over the door chimes as a large group of people enter. You immediately look away, embarrassed by your current distress, turning your head to focus instead on the photos of the owner and his patrons pinned to the walls. Dabbing the corner of your eyes with the tip of your finger. 
Despite the number of newcomers the bar still remains oddly quiet. From a group of six you would expect the volume of conversation to be a bit more boisterous. With your instincts and suspicions now aroused, you keep an eye on them in the mirror over the bar.  Darting your eyes back to their reflection every few seconds, never wanting to linger too long. You’re about to throw away your apprehension, blaming it on your current level of anxiety on Seokjin, when something inexplicable happens. 
As the man seated in the middle leans towards one of his companions for a chat, his hand rises to rub his long nose, and in what you can only describe as a rendering problem, it passes through. You try to remain calm grabbing your glasses from your purse, turning yourself slightly you manage to edge his face in the very corner of your frames. With the tap of your finger to the rim of the specs you launch an application you created but never had the need to use personally.
When you had first designed your car, Yoongi had complained that even with the locater he had difficulty finding the vehicle when he left it cloaked. It was a reasonable request that prompted you to create a function that scans for visual distortions and creates a digital replication of what lies beneath the camouflage. And now as you activate that function you find what Seokjin and the others hadn’t been able to track down for months, the face of Hwang. 
He must be wearing what you can only guess is a variation on your technology, but instead of making his face invisible it projects different facial features over some of his own. It takes all of your restraint not to let out the swear taking up residence on the tip of your tongue. Why are they here of all places? Do they know that Seokjin is here? They look as if they’re waiting for someone. A potential mark, a seller, or maybe a buyer? 
Regardless of motive if your colleague steps out of the bathroom he’ll walk right into their view. You pull your glasses off leaving them on the bar, and call out to the keep. “Would you mind watching my stuff for me?” You gesture to your coat and specs putting on a fake smile. “Don’t want to lose my seat.”
“Don’t worry.” He confirms with a soft tone along with a grin. “I’ll keep them safe.”
Gliding off the stool, avoiding the stares of the target and his men, you slip into the hall and behind the men’s room door. Thankfully Seokjin’s already at the sink by this point. You find him hunched over hands pressing down on the counter as he lets out a long sigh.   
As he combs back his hair with damp fingers he looks up. Meeting your eyes in the mirror with embarrassment and disbelief, he lets out a small self pitting laugh. “Listen if you’re here to tell me off I get it, I didn’t mean-”
“Put your glasses on. You have them right?” You join him at the sink while his pity turns to confusion.
“Just do it.”
He fumbles to retrieve them from his jacket pocket before sliding them on. You move in as close as you can, bracing yourself on his arms so you can speak into the receiver embedded. Seokjin looks taken aback but remains still as you encroach on his space. “Call Merlin, auto-connect override authorization 2769.” That creates a connection between the two glasses without you having to be there to answer it, allowing Seokjin to see the issue at hand.
“Fuck.” He whispers right next to your ear as you remain close, getting ready to call in for backup.
“My thoughts exactly.” You mutter, unable to decide if this is a stroke of good luck or bad.  “Add secondary line, call Lancelot.”
Seokjin leans his head down so the speaker falls next to your own ear. It’s not the best connection with the audio from the bar, but at least you can hear Hoseok. “Merlin, Galahad. What- am I seeing this right?”
“Yes, Hwang’s at our location, Choi’s bar. We’re not sure of his purpose here, but he’s brought a few friends.”
“I can see that, but why are you both there?”
“Not the time. We’re in the restroom but not in an adequate state to take on so many and secure the target. How long will it take you to get here?” You try to gloss over your lack of sobriety, but Hoseok doesn’t fall for the guise of your paraphrasing.
“Not in an adequate state huh? That’s an expression for drunk I haven’t heard before. Sending a message to Percival, I can have him and the team on site in 10 minutes. Can you maintain your current position?”
“Yeah small problem with that...” Seokjin comments.
“I heard it too, maintain cover at all cost. We can’t scare them away.” Hoseok’s voice flutters, sounding almost nervous.
“Heard what?” You can barely make out Hoseok’s words, let alone the taproom.
“Someone’s coming to check the bathrooms. They’re looking for any people of interest.”
“We could try slipping out the back door,” You offer.
Only for Hoseok to throw a wrench in your suggestion. “If it’s a business dealing they might have people posted there.”
“We need a distraction then?” You ask and Seokjin returns with a nod. Just hiding in a stall won’t do either, they’ll likely wait for the occupants to come out. You have to make them uncomfortable enough to leave without looking too close. You’ll probably regret what you're about to do later, but right now your options are limited. 
You reach out and grip Seokjin’s shirt, drawing him into you so he has you pressed against the counter. He catches on quickly, putting his hands on your waist he lifts you up and onto the marble surface. “Make it look good Seokjin. Shouldn’t be hard for you to put on a show, you’ve had so much practice with me already.” His act of concern, and portrayal of affection have shown you he should do just fine when it comes to a performance of lust. 
“It wasn’t my intent to toy with you.” He growls back before snatching your mouth with his, forceful enough to ensure swollen lips and smudged lipstick. One of his hands rises to your hair pulling the elastic out of place. Allowing his fingers to weave between the strands, he delivers a slight tug to your roots while you drag your teeth across his bottom lip.
You push his suit jacket off his wide shoulders, throwing it down on the counter next to you, before forcefully opening the top of his shirt, accidentally ripping the button off his collar in the process. He pauses his assault on your mouth for a moment, investigating the damage you imposed. 
“It wasn’t my intent to destroy your shirt, but here we are,” You explain unfastening the next two buttons with a bit more care. Your fingers dip under the crisp white cotton of his shirt, raking visible lines down his chest.  “Take responsibility for your actions for once. Tell people your true intentions or you will hurt them.” 
“You want me to know my intentions? Fine.” He unzips your dress a few inches to bare your collar and shoulders before his lips target your neck. You close your eyes letting your head roll back. “I want this.” Seokjin grabs your upper thigh compelling a gasp to escape you. “I want you.” He confesses the same time the door creaks open. 
There’s not much movement from Hwang’s lackey. Your new audience doesn’t come in far, instead he freezes in place when he spots the both of you. Seokjin addresses him in a gruff manner without turning his face away from you . “It’s not a free show buddy, take your piss and leave.” The man clears his throat, turns round and closes the door in his wake, leaving you once alone with Seokjin. Though revelling in his soft bites to your neck, gaining back your composer is a more pressing matter. “I think he’s gone.”
“We can’t be too sure,” Seokjin counters your observation as he continues to nip at the column of your throat. “He might come back.” 
“Shit, I just lost visual of the bar.” Hoseok interrupts much to your embarrassment. You somehow forgot he was on the com-line during your effort to teach your fellow agent a lesson. “We’re running blind, maintain cover for now.”
“See?” The breath of Seokjin’s laughter is felt on your skin as he wins the debate.
“You really want to keep going with this?” You’re surprised, just a few minutes ago the man was making you the butt of his joke. Why the change? 
“I wouldn’t mind. I’m just sorry we couldn’t be somewhere more intimate, or private.”
“You and me both,” Hoseok deadpans.
“Lancelot, I suggest you find something else to watch while we maintain cover as directed,” Seokjin instructs. You find his mouth back on yours before he gets a response on the com. 
He’s right though the circumstances are less than ideal for a romp. The damp counter beneath you, the flickering fluorescent lights, and the out of order stall in the corner are all enough to make you cringe. No part of this is glamorous except for the man standing in front of you, which makes him all the more appealing. “We could just lock the door you know.” You offer a logical substitute plan. “I’m sure after what they’ve seen they would understand and we could stop this charade.”
“But where’s the fun in that? I’m sorry but I am too dedicated to this cover. I want to see it through.”
“Percival’s team will be dropping in two minutes.” Hoseok cuts in. 
“Yes sir,” Seokjin mumbles against your lips while he responds to Hoseok, not dwelling on the interruption. “We should probably make the act more realistic, you know gasps, moans, they might be listening.”
You highly doubt that, but if he wants to play, fine. You’ll show him what he’s missing when he casts you aside. “You first.” You respond, tugging him between your legs, causing the hem of your dress to ride back. His cock erect beneath his pants and pressing against your clothed core. He lets out a groan of relief. “So unlike you to be already standing at attention.” You tease him.
“What can I say, you bring out the best in me,” he gasps in response.
Seokjin takes your legs in his hands driving your dress even further up your thighs as he proceeds to grind against you. He tilts his head with a smile while you react. “Too far?” He whispers. 
You shake your head. If only he knew what he would find if he pulled your underwear aside. Your cunt, committing the ultimate treason against your better sensibility, is ready and willing. If he’s not careful he might get a darkened spot on his suit pants.
As one hand slides further up the inside of your thigh, the other takes your chin directing you to meet his eyes. His fingers tease the edge of your underwear making their presence known and as he waits for permission to go further. You nod back at him. His fingers slip behind the strip of fabric, separating your sopping slit from the damp material. “Looks like you’re well prepared too Merlin.”
“I guess so,” You tease, “Do remind me to give a big tip to the bartender for that.”
“I have a hard time believing that none of this belongs to me.” Seokjin murmurs back to you, but just as his knuckles graze your slick folds and clit, Yoongi announces his team’s arrival. “Another time I guess,” Seokjin whispers with a final kiss to your cheek. He helps you off the counter and pulls down your dress to a more respectable length while he takes one last stroke of your thigh.
“I take it’s safe to restore visual now?” Hoseok asks with a hint of laughter. You’re never going to hear the end of this. “Percival’s about to enter, I do suggest locking the door this time though. In case anyone does make a run for it, we’ll catch them outback. I don’t want you two engaging in this capture if you don’t have too.”  You roll your eyes over Hoseok’s word choice. “Galahad, give Merlin the glasses. I want her input on the scene.”
Seokjin hands off his glasses to you and proceeds to lock you both in.
“Where are they stationed?” You inquire trying to get a full view of the task now at hand.
“The majority including Percival are entering through in the front, and a couple men out back, there was no one there so they must not be expecting a scene. Were there any civilians on site?”
“Just the barman.”
“Okay hang tight.” Hoseok orders.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t be helping?” You ask, wanting to distract yourself from the tension between you and Seokjin.
“Nah, Percival’s got this. Besides I saw your reflection and you’re looking a little flushed Merlin, you doing okay?”
“Shut up Lancelot,” you grumble back in a muffled tone. 
“Was it the alcohol or was it Galahad?”  Luckily Seokjin was too far away to hear Hoseok's last question letting you ignore the comment as the team makes their entrance. Yoongi’s glasses give you the full view of what he sees. Hwang, much to your surprise, actually looks interested in the presence of the new arrivals. They’re obviously waiting for someone to show, but it’s clear that they have no idea who to look for.
“Don’t jump on the arrest so fast.” You direct, looking to gain any positive out of this awkward mission. The reward very much outweighing the risk. “You might be able to get some information first. Come off as a buyer, they might be trying to move the information or the tech.”
“You heard her Percival, get as much as you can before we make the catch.” Hoseok confirms your plan back to the rest of the team.
You watch barely drawing breath as he takes a seat across from the target. Hwang opens up the conversation first, “I didn’t think you would bring so many men just for a demonstration.”
“I prefer not to take any chances.” Yoongi’s response is blase, as he beckons the barman over to give his order.  
Hwang looks uncomfortable, for someone with a product to sell he’s lacking the usual confidence that you would expect to see. “Well this should provide for your needs then. You ask me to come to the thick of their territory and as you can see I’m still here.”
“You are, but how do we know they aren’t waiting to make a strike? Have you ever seen one?” Yoongi pushes, he must be taking great enjoyment out of finally being able to pull one over on the man who’s kept them searching for so long.
“I have, once, but I’ve been able to keep myself hiding for months with this.” He taps something a bud placed in his ear. It must be what’s projecting the image overlay on his face disguising his true features. “Camera’s can’t pick up my face underneath, it’s better than any mask you can buy, as requested.”
“Where did you get the tech?” 
“You-” The man pauses, his brow furrows before his expression shifts to a blank slate. He makes a subtle reach for his jacket pocket, but Yoongi is quicker on the draw. Lunging across the table he grabs the back of Hwang’s neck and smashes his head down on the table.
It’s hard to see the rest of the fighting with only Yoongi’s perspective. You catch flashes of the scene as the target’s men retaliate. There’s a flurry of pint glasses to distract as firearms are drawn. Broken shards scatter the establishment as the bartender flees away from danger towards the back exit with a phone to his ear. 
The altercation ends rather quickly, with those who are still conscious held at gunpoint by Yoongi’s men. It’s a relief to see the target secured, and the tech recovered, but you are left with disgust after having your own work be used against your team. 
Hoseok gives you the all clear to leave, but you're not sure you're ready to face the others just yet. “Could you give me a minute?” You request from Seokjin as he goes to open the door. He gives you a nod along with your hair tie, while you hand back his glasses. 
“Yeah, I’ll just go... fetch our coats.”
“Could you find my glasses too while you’re out there Galahad?” 
He freezes for a fraction of a second before giving you a hesitant response, “Yeah... yeah sure thing.”
What, no funny retort? No rebuttal? You thought calling him by his title would cause him to taunt you a little, but nothing comes of it. “If you can’t find them, the barkeep might have them.” That’s probably why the signal went dark, he must have moved them for safe keeping.
“Great. Just who I wanted to see.” He responds with a forced smile and gritted teeth. 
“If it’s that much of a problem I’ll go get them back myself.”
Seokjin leaves you with a grunt, “No, no, I’ll go see the cowardly Casanova.”
 The second he opens the restroom door you can hear Yoongi shout a request. “Galahad can I leave the team out back in your care? I need to move out and take this thief to Arthur for questioning.” 
Hwang had apparently regained consciousness, and starts arguing in his defence. “I didn’t steal that data! I just set them up with someone to make their tech. They were supposed to come here, they asked for a demonstration here and then stood us up!”   
Yoongi chooses to ignore him while he continues to give orders to Seokjin. “Make sure they drug the civilian, and then toss him behind the bar. Shouldn’t need to do much more than that, it already looks like standard bar brawl damage.” 
“That I can do,” Seokjin responds with satisfaction as he steps out letting the door close between the two of you. It’s amazing how much one flirtatious bartender appears to have got under his skin. 
You take a few minutes to straighten yourself in the mirror. Tying up your hair and closing the zipper on your dress when you spot several smudges of lipstick across your skin. You reach blindly for the paper towel, only to knock your purse to the floor in the process. A couple items roll away. Your pen, to your frustration, makes it all the way into the out of order stall. As tempted you are to leave it, you know it wouldn’t be wise to have something so lethal on the floor of a public bathroom.
With a groaning you crouch down, peering through the couple of inches between the stall door and the floor. Finding the missing item next to a pair of well worn leather shoes. You throw yourself back in shock grabbing your pistol from your overturned clutch, taking aim at the door bearing the sign. With a swift kick you force the stall open, and there passed out on the toilet is the man from the pictures behind the bar, the owner that Seokjin was asking after.    
“Shit.” You lower your gun as you run out of the bathroom calling out for back up. The bar is deserted though, Yoongi’s team has already left, forcing you to head down the long hall to the back door alone. You slow your steps as you reach the end of the corridor, starting to pick up bits of conversation between Seokjin and the imposter. You keep yourself plastered to the wall trying to assess the situation with a narrow view through the window next to the door.
The once friendly bartender points a gun at Seokjin. The other agents, those that were supposed to be keeping an eye on the ‘civilian’ are out of commission, all laying on the ground around him. 
“Call her out here, now.” The barman still holds onto his smile as he makes his demand, but now it only gives you chills as you try to puzzle out the motive behind it.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Seokjin keeps his hands at eye level, he’s trying to play the role of innocent bystander but that’ll only get him shot if he’s not careful. 
“The woman with you, that was Merlin, was it not? She designed this tech didn’t she?” He lifts your glasses for Seokjin to see. “And created the original cloaking program. I never should have outsourced it, she saw right through their guise. Since their product was faulty, I’ve been given a new directive.”
“Merlin? You mean like the magician in the old tales? Trust me that woman is nothing of the sort.” Seokjin is actually now chuckling despite having a gun held to him.
“Very well, if you won’t comply. We’ll just have to go retrieve her together.” He gestures Seokjin to the door with his gun. “After you.”
You shift yourself into position behind the door, when Seokjin opens it you remain concealed on the other side. Your fellow agent steps through, moving backwards to keep his eyes on the assailant, allowing him to spot you once he’s inside. You raise a finger to your lips holding your gun to your chest. You can’t let him give off any indication that he’s seen you. 
When Seokjin’s a few feet down the hall the aggressor proceeds to follow, and once his arm crosses the threshold you ram your full weight against the door. There’s a howl of pain as you trap his forearm in the door frame. The gun drops from his hand and hits the floor. Seokjin moves first taking the weapon and then the arm of the man who pointed it at him. You release the door and Seokjin drags the enemy in, throwing him against the wall. There’s a sickening crack as his head meets the concrete behind him.  
Though his body is now lip and eyes in a daze he still chuffs when he spots you, “So nice of you to join us Merlin, we were just talking about you.”
Seokjin pulls back a fist  letting land on the man's face with the full force of a brutal punch, finally sending the culprit into a comatose state.
“You okay?” You ask, noting his unusually rigid composure.
Seokjin nods, straightening his jacket as he lets the imposter fall to the floor. “Looks like I was right, you did catch his attention.” He boasts, with levity returning to his voice. “How did you know to come find me?”
“Found Choi, right where he said he’d be too...” You watch as Seokjin crouches down to retrieve your glasses from the man. “Who is he?”
“I don’t know, but I doubt he works alone.” Seokjin comments while staring at the tattoo that had caught your eye earlier, a flock in the shape of a V. 
Yoong makes a return trip, picking up the new captive as well as aiding the unconscious agents. The detainees will be moved to headquarters where they’ll be held for questioning before they’re turned over to the authorities along with a list of transgressions and admissible evidence.
After returning from the bar your base is busier than ever, with everyone following standard procedure and filing reports. There’s hardly room to move, let alone have a private moment with Seokjin to discuss what transpired. A full night and day go by with you only being able to lock eyes with him across the room. As much as you want to talk to him, your duty comes first, ensuring that everyone receives their new orders after the unusual turn of events.
You retreat to your room after a long day of report processing. There are still a few statements left to grab but those can be done tomorrow. The first recordings of the interrogation have come in and you're desperate to hear what Hwang has to say about the tech you found him with. To your delight it’s that exact question which Namjoon poses first.
Hwang rattles off the information, needing little prompting, they must have already cut a deal. “I was contacted  by an anonymous client over a year ago, they asked if I might know of someone who could utilize a cloaking program they had picked up, and apply it to something else. They wanted a mask, a way to hide in plain sight. I offered up a tech company who does some backwater dealings in armaments and weapons, and became the middleman between the two parties until the project was finished.”
“And you have no idea who hired you?” Namjoon asks. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Their wallet was big enough their identity wasn’t a concern, my main contact only referred to himself as V. He called me to the bar last night to provide a final demonstration to prove it worked before his agency made the purchase.”
Seokjin was right, Hwang was just a fence. Which would confirm the other man part of the group who orchestrated the data breach. 
You switch between the video files, hoping to find the other more enlightening. In the very centre of the shot sits the man dubbed as V. He answers none of the questions directed to him. Minutes pass while he remains silent looking directly into the camera with a  jeering grin and narrowed eyes. It’s off putting to say the least, no offer or deal can sway him to spill his knowledge. He looks content almost as if this is exactly where he wants to be. While the interrogators become increasingly frustrated, his smile only grows wider. 
You close out of the recording unable to take the silent stares any more. There’s nothing in his file they’ve attached other than physical attributes.  As you search the empty pages for a scrap of knowledge, a call request comes in from Arthur. You throw on your glasses answering in haste hoping he’ll have something new to share.
“Sorry to bother you so late. It’s been quite a day.” His voice is full of cracks and weariness.
“It’s no problem. I can only imagine after seeing the footage. Any new information on who this man works for? 
“No, nothing.”
“Oh,” Your voice echoes in confusion, “Was there something else you needed? Did you get my report?”
“Yes I did, thorough as usual. But it’s not your report I wanted to discuss.” Namjoon pauses again. ”I received an unusual request from Galahad at the end of his. I wanted to talk it over with you before I gave my answer.”
“Go ahead.” You cringe fearing what he might have said in his statement. 
“I freed him from lock down, and offered a new assignment, but he requested permission to stay and assist you with the vehicle repairs until they were completed. I would permit his extension, but I don’t believe that the answer to this decision rests fully with me, so I’m leaving it to you.”
“Don’t you need him back in the field? We don’t know who this man V is, or who he’s working for.” 
“And it’s doubtful that we’ll learn anything more anytime soon unless he starts answering our questions. There’s little direction in where we can take the investigation right now. I don’t have anything that requires urgent attention, that’s why the choice is yours to make. If you need help or want assistance he’s offering it to you.” 
“Thank you sir,” You’re grateful that he has left you with the final decision on the matter. “Would you mind if I spoke to him first before I decide?”  
“Not at all.”
You creep out into the common area, Hoseok is splayed out on the couch while Yoongi’s curled up on the armchair, but Seokjin is nowhere to be found. Did he leave the base taking advantage of his newly acquired freedom?
You doubt you’ll be able to sleep, not with the questions you have running through your head. Looking to keep your mind busy you descend the stairs and enter the passcode to your workshop, only to find the lights already on and Seokjin’s long legs sticking out from under the car. There’s a swear and a clang of a metal tool hitting the cement floor. You hold back a laugh as you approach, choosing instead to surprise him by pulling on the roller bed to tug him out from beneath the car.  
The initial shock on his face quickly changes to a smug grin. “I guess I’ve been caught.”
“Trying to sabotage my work again?”
“No, if you can believe it I’m actually trying to be an aid rather than a hindrance.”
“I’ll alert the media.” You fire back before diving into the more serious topic at hand. “I just got off the line with Arthur. He said you’ve been cleared to return to duty...”
Seokjin’s face falls slightly as he sits up on the rolling platform, “Oh-”
“But you also requested an extension here.”
“I did.” He looks up at you with sincerity, one that’s rarely seen on his face. No deflection to humour. This is just him. 
“I need to know why.” You keep your expression even, not wanting your feelings to influence him in any way.
“I want to help fix the car.”
“I need more of an explanation than that Seokjin. A few days ago you couldn’t wait to get out of here. ” This is it, there’s no room to spare feelings. He’ll tell you he feels guilty, or that he feels sorry for you, leaving you to send him on his way and that will be the end of this trial. 
“I don’t want things to go back to the way they were before. I like working with you, being here with you. You're not afraid to let me know when I’ve crossed the line.”
“So what, you just want to use me to keep you in check? I’m not here to fix you Seokjin.” You start to back away ready to send word to Namjoon that he’s free to assign him elsewhere when Seokjin grabs your hand, he rises from his spot on the floor in a rush to stand between you and the door. 
“That’s not what I meant. You make me want to be better.”
You pull yourself from his grip backing into the side of the car, “And after you’ve used me to better yourself, what then? You’ll just move on to your next project?” 
“No, fuck... I don’t know how else I can say it other than I like you Merlin. You aren’t the plan, you’re the objective.” He pauses for a moment, watching as his words sink in to you. “If you’re not interested in what I want to offer... I get it, but stop being so blind when it comes to yourself!” 
You fall still as you hear his confession, but you’re not ready to believe or condemn his words just yet. “If that’s the case why did you mock me at the bar?” Your voice wavers as you question him. “Why didn’t you say something?” 
“I was going to, but I didn’t think you would appreciate a drunken confession. You wanted a serious conversation, here it is. I want to stay here with you. Even if you’re not interested in a relationship, I respect that, but I still think we could both benefit from working together.”
He’s right, you might have believed him right then, but later, once the effects of the alcohol had worn off you would’ve thought it another game of his. You shift against the car embarrassed by your misreading of his motives, but pleased to see that they fall in line with your own.
“I wouldn’t say that I wasn’t interested...” You mumble your own confession carefully as he shifts in closer to his mouth catching a grin when he hears your words. “But staying would put you in a problematic position when you’re required to follow my orders. If we’re to continue down this path there wouldn’t be an equal power dynamic.”
“Good.” he mutters along with a chuckle. “Is that your only objection?”
“Yes, but-”
“Arthur released me from under your command. Any order you give will be discretionary.” 
“Discretionary orders?” You scoff. “You can barely follow mandatory orders.”
“Yes but it solves your problem, doesn't it? This way you can be sure that I will only follow an order if I want to.” He leans in placing his hands on either side of you on the hood of the car. “So Merlin, do you want me to stay?”
“Do you want to continue what we started yesterday?” 
You nod biting your lip at the thought of it.
“Then I await your orders.” He stands still not moving an inch while you remain caged between his arms and caught in his eyes.
“Let’s be clear on something first,” You state, trying not to focus on how close his lips are or how soft they’ll feel when they touch your skin.“I don’t want you to think you are in any way saving me.”
“I am well aware of that now. I finally realise I need you to save me.”
“From what?” You can’t help but laugh at his conclusion.
“My impulsive actions.” He lifts you onto the car just like he lifted you onto the bathroom counter. “My runaway mouth.” He closes the distance for a swift kiss. “And my very unprofessional desires.” His fingers flirt with the bottom of your shirt taking up residence underneath the garment against the skin of your waist. 
“Yet you combat every effort when someone tries to restrain those tendencies,” You scold with a smile.
“You told me yourself I don’t go down easily... If you want to put me in my place you’re going to be more commanding.”
“And you would like that?” You ask in disbelief.  
“Why don’t you find out...” 
“Seokjin I-I don’t know if I-” You start to panic, stammering at the thought of going too far and becoming what others have thought of you before, “I don’t want you to hate...”
“If I need to stop I’ll tell you to brake. But right now I really want you to take the wheel, and put your foot down. No detours, just floor it.” He tightens his hold on you leaning in next to your ear with a growl. “Don’t get shy on me now. Give me your orders.” 
The cheek in his tone at last sets off the need for retaliation in you, evoking a desire to finally see him begging you for more. He’s never backed away from you, leaving you with no reason to believe he’ll do so now. If this is what he wants you’ll be happy to try and make him submit. “You can start with losing this.” You tug on his grease stained shirt. “And these too.” Dragging your finger over the waist of his jeans. 
He strips looking eager to play along. Leaving him in a pair of black boxers clinging to his swelling girth. “Like what you see?”
“You’ll do.” You snicker back at him. You take the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss, as he moves to hold your lower back. He finds his way between your thighs once again but this time there’s nothing to stop you both from going further. 
“Do you want to take those off?” You brush your hands on the elastic of his underwear.
“Yes.” His answer is short and sweet, with nothing to misinterpret. You could get used to this side of him.
“Then you’ll have to do something for me first.” You shift your pants down kicking them to the floor. Taking one last kiss of Seokjin’s lips before pressing his shoulders down to make his mouth level with your hips. The grin he gives is something to revel in, finally seeing it as a sign of desire rather than a farce.
He pulls your underwear to the side. The first lick is short and sweet causing you to flinch from the flick of his tongue. The second he takes care in following the line of your slit but he doesn’t pull away at the end, instead he latches on to your clit taking deep drags which pull you under in an instant. 
Your hand reaches out to grip his hair needing something to hold on to and hold him back with if necessary, but once your fingers tug at Seokjin’s locks he moans into your flesh. His hands pull you closer to the edge of the car allowing him to bury himself even deeper.    
He slowly gains a rhythm with his tongue and lips, but every time you come close, when your breathing becomes shallow he starts to pull back. He’s teasing you, clearly goading you to become more strict with your desires. 
“No more games Seokjin. If you can’t get me there in the next minute, I promise you’ll regret it.”
He pulls away for a moment to draw breath while giving you a taunt. “I’d like to see that.” 
He’s about to return to his task when you push him back, no longer giving him the chance at redemption. You point to a straight back chair facing away from you , “Sit down, with your head forward.” 
He does as you ask with a smile still stuck to the corner of his mouth. You slide off the car and move behind him towards your work desk, stripping off your shirt, and undergarments as you stray from his line of sight. Grabbing something from the inventory closet before you return to him, still hiding from his gaze .
He tries to look back at you but you put a stop to that. “Did I say you could look around?”
“No ma’am.” He chuckles back.
“Since you like games so much I thought of one to play. Give me your hand, and tell me what I put in it without looking.”
“I don’t see what this has to do with-” You cut off his complaint quickly by placing the metal object in his hand reaching out behind him. “Handcuffs?” Seokjin questions with surprise. “I stand corrected, this seems like a fun game.” 
“Put them on,” you order. He complies instantly, letting you check the tightness once he’s done. “Safey’s there if you need it. Just tell me to brake.”
“Oh no, I’m quite comfortable thank you.” He grins proudly as if this is what he was hoping for all along.
As you move in front of him finally gracing him with your nude form he stares back at you dumbfounded. You reach out to the corner of his mouth, which sits agape, wiping at the edge of his lips with your thumb. “Sorry I thought I spotted some drool.” Seokjin smiles at your mimicry and jab, but he has no words to follow with.
You kneel down in front of him, your hands trailing up to reach for his boxers. “May I?”
“Please do.”
You tug them down releasing his erection from the confines of the fabric. You're careful not to touch him, not wishing to give any satisfaction or stimulation. Once they’re pulled down to his ankles you move to the uninstalled backseat of the car sitting right across from him. Seokjin furrows his brow in confusion. 
“Something wrong?” You prompt hoping to have him admit that he wants you to return to him.
“No, just admiring the view.” 
“Really?” You persist in teasing him a little more, “Because it looks like you need something.”
“Only to know the next step in this game of yours.”
“You get to watch while I play.” You lay back on the car bench resting your feet on the soft leather. Your hand moving down between your legs picking up where Seokjin left off, with a slow rub to your crest.
“That seems unfair.” He flexes his arms, testing the cuffs as he watches you. 
“That’s what happens when you don’t read the instructions, I get to make the rules.” He lets out a groan as you close your eyes ready to concentrate on your own pleasure. You know you’re wet enough already but for good measure and Seokjin’s torturous show you prep your fingers in your mouth before slipping the tip of your index finger inside yourself. 
There’s a small whine from Seokjin, you look over to him, your eyes take a moment to focus on his face, his teeth digging into his now swollen bottom lip. “Let me help you, please.”
“That’s not how punishments work Seokjin. You had your chance, and you disobeyed.”
Giving him a side profile allows your thigh to hide the sight of your fingers dipping in. The sounds though, those are his to enjoy. You continue to satisfy yourself for a while longer enjoying the little jots of pleasure you can give yourself and Seokjin’s moan every time you twitch. It’s hard not to pay attention and give in to returning to him. With his cock pulsing against his leg with a drop of precum growing at the tip. His lip must be sore with how hard he’s biting down. 
Unable to ignore his whimpers any longer you get up from the leather bench. You present your fingers to his mouth damp from your ministrations. You don’t even get the chance to ask before he takes them into his mouth and licks them clean. When you pull them from his lips, he beams back at you. “Was that attentive enough for you?” 
“Very...” You commend him, straddling his legs facing him as you lower yourself. Your hand grips his cock while the other rests on his shoulder balancing yourself as you guide him inside. 
He gasps out a swear along with your real name as you sink down fully onto his lap. You lean into him letting your chest push against his as you rise and fall on his shaft. Pressing and grinding yourself against his seated form has him throbbing inside of you. He’s quickly become a breathy mess beneath you, a sheen of sweat covers his forehead, with even more dripping down his pecs. 
Your pace increases in speed as you edge closer to your climax. The warmth begins to spread to your extremities as you continue to thrust down. When the wave finally washes over you can barely move. “Fuck-” You whisper along with a plea. “Don’t you dare come yet.” You collapse against him riding it out, clenching while Jin groans.
“Take the cuffs off.” His moaning request is impossible to deny. As fun as it was to see him at your mercy you long to have his hands back on you. 
You reach for the restraints behind his back, with a quick press of a hidden release he’s free.  Wasting no time he grabs you, helping your legs to wrap around his waist. Positioning you securely against him, he rises to move two steps required in order to ram you back down onto the car bench. 
He pulls one leg up and over his shoulder while he holds the other level with his hip. Despite your sensitivity, he’s relentless in his thrusts, pushing you directly from the wave you just finished and on to the next. 
He’s so close to his end, his muscles tense, his face stern with a clenched jaw, it takes a moment for you to realize he’s waiting for your permission. He’s holding back until you give him the okay. “You can come Seokjin.” Upon hearing this his thrusts suddenly hit harder forcing you to cry out. “Fuck, please come.”
He shudders with the last impact. Releasing your legs, he lowers himself onto you while his cock still pulses inside. His head rests on the seat beside yours, the hot air from his heavy pants flows down your neck as you lay there trying to catch your own breath.
“I think we might have ruined the new car seat.” You chuckle at him, your laughter restricted by the pressure of his body on your chest. “I should probably order another.”
“And miss out on Hoseok’s expression when he realized what the stains are from?” He nudges closer, kissing the spot behind your ear with his swollen lips. “Not a chance.”
You start to drift beneath him content with the warmth and weight of his form. He gives you a few minutes rest caressing the side of your face with the tip of his finger before he poses an important question. “You’re still okay with me staying here then?”
You turn your head to meet his eyes with a smirk. “Yes, but you still have to earn your keep if you want a stay.” You gesture to the state that he’s left the workshop in, “In addition to cleaning up your mess.” 
Seokjin briefly glances to the tools strewn along the ground and then back at you with a smirk. He then shifts his whole body down, dipping his head back between your legs. “Yes ma’am.”  His tongue takes a long stroke, cupping your cum filled cunt. “Hope you don’t mind if I start here.”
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bbottone · 7 years
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Taron Egerton attends the 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle' press conference at Yongsan CGV on September 21, 2017 in Seoul, South Korea. (Photo by Han Myung-Gu/Getty Images) #HollywoodCiak #KingsmanTheGoldenCircle #Kingsman #TheGoldenCircle #Kingsman2 #TaronEgerton #photocall #redcarpet #pressconference #Seoul #SouthKorea #followme
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marksassybanana · 5 years
Get to know me tag
tagged by: @jaenocide (thanks for the tag 💕)
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
Name: Jasmine
Nickname: Jas, JJ
Gender: female
Star sign: leo
Current time: 3:12 pm
Favorite artists: NCT, BTS, EXO, Ateez, TXT, Mamamoo, Red Velvet, Alec Benjamin, Pink Floyd, Cigarettes after sex, 5sos, Get Scared, Charlie Puth, Billie Eilish (these are the main ones, then I like others as well)
Song stuck in my head: comethru - Jeremy Zucker
Last movie I saw: Kingsman - the golden circle
Last thing I googled: "SES"
Other blogs: // (I'm thinking of opening a rec blog, but still not sure)
Do I get asks: like, once in a blue moon lol
Reason for URL: honestly I just put my bias name (Mark) and the first words that came to my mind, and tried to make it kinda funny
Following: 79
Average sleep: 5-6 hours, almost 8 on Sundays
Lucky number: 26 (while 11 is the number that "represents" me, idk how to explain it lol)
Currently wearing: a shirt with Hinata from Haikyuu on it and black shorts
Dream job: I honestly don't have one? Maybe something that makes me travel a lot, or something that has to do with dancing or with languages
Dream trip: Seoul, Busan, Tokyo, Akihabara and New York
Favorite food: Picanha
Instruments: I play the guitar. I also used to play the flute in middle school
Favorite song: My van (NCT 127), Outro: Wings (BTS), 134340 (BTS) [I can't choose only one sorry lol]
Tagging: @potaetaezz @cityscapesofdust @nctobsessedhours @jaeminsxhoe @dimplyjae @dreamiesdotcom @nsheetee @celestialmark @softesxuxi @jising-jisang-jisung @gigglymarklee @hyuckbabie @kpophogwartsaus @jenomark @sinfullsun @smutbymia @jaeminhrs @pureboyjun @moonfverie @gemihyuck @xoxohyuck
+ whoever wants to do it UwU (also sorry if I tagged someone who has already done it, I have a terrible memory)
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whatsmylaneagain · 5 years
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First Chapter: A bomb ass gift
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For Eggsy, that Thursday evening felt like he took a test in which he knew everything but the right answer, while his colleagues finished the whole thing in half and hour.
But thirty minutes before that, he was walking around the Greenwich park in full Kingsman attire, hoping he didn’t look as lost as he thought he was. 
“Merlin, PLEASE tell me you know the exact location of the bomb.” 
“So dramatic. It’s a shame you were the closest agent to the area. Give me a minute.” 
Eggsy looked around, taking in the field of the famous Greenwich park. He stopped by a tree, opening his umbrella to protect him from the light drizzle and funny looks he was receiving for wearing a suit in a park. Actually, the situation made no sense. 
“Can you remind me again why am I trying to stop a bomb threat? I bet the cops can solve this one.”
Through his glasses, Eggsy heard Merlin sigh. 
“Because, as Kingsman, it’s our duty to protect the citizens and, if possible, doing that without them realizing there was a security problem in the first place.” 
“But there’s almost no one at the park! I could count on my fingers how many people are here.” 
Eggsy looked around again. The sky was getting darker, clouds were starting to cover  up the little bit of sun that was still left of that May evening. Guards were walking around, talking to the families, which quickly packed their things and rushed out of the park. 
A lightening, and then, two seconds later, the thunder. Shit. 
“Merlin, there’s a thunderstorm. Really. Fucking. Close. Please tell me you got the location.”
“I’ll need a minute. We don’t have all the tech we used to have before the Poppy incident.”
Shit, shit, shit! He didn’t have time to spare. Eggsy started running.
“Galahad, what are you doing?” 
“Think about it” said Eggsy, though breaths. “planting a bomb in the Greenwich park at seven o’clock on a Thursday isn’t quite a big move. There’s no one here.” 
“The bomb is just to make us notice them” continued Merlin, following Eggsy’s thought.
“Exactly. So, if it is a warning bomb, that is supposed to make people feel unsafe, where would you put it?”
A minute later, when Eggsy reached the gates of the Royal Observatory, breathless, his theory was proven right. As expected, the bomb was right by the “Greenwich 0o”, over the famous meridian line, with a card attached to its side: “For little Eggsy” written in gold cursive letters.
To his surprise, there was no civilian on the – usually crowded – observatory, except for a short middle-aged man leaning against the fence, smoking a cigarette. He dressed an English cut, double breasted tailored suit jacket that Eggsy would recognize anywhere: a Kingsman piece, much alike the one he was wearing at the moment. 
The man smiled to Eggsy, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and blowing smoke on the air, like he was just talking to a work friend. He looked relaxed, holding his small roll of tobacco with one hand, while the other remained at his pocket. 
“The Boss even wrapped your gift.” he gesticulated to the bomb. “Aren’t you gonna open it?” 
“Galahad,” called Merlin through Eggsy’s glasses, his voice cutting due to weak signal. “I can’t see the detonator. You’ll have to disarm th...” The signal was lost.
Eggsy raised his gun, pointing towards the serene man. His arm was shaking. Even though he could blame it on the heavy rain that was soaking him up and making Eggsy really fucking cold, the tremor had other cause: the agent never had to deal with something that was meant to explode (Valentine blowing heads up on Eggsy’s first ever mission as an agent doesn’t count). So, he had no idea of how to proceed, and now not even Merlin could help him. His plan was basically to take the chilled dude out of the way and then worry about the bomb. Great plan.
“Oh young boy, you can’t kill me.” The man smiled and took another pull at his cigarette before slowly removing his other hand from his pocket, palm open, thumb taped to the detonator. “This is a dead man trigger. Shoot me and the bomb will blow up.” 
He took a step closer to the Kingsman, who was frozen in place, the gun still pointed to the elder’s man head. 
Suddenly, a woman’s voice came through his glasses, calm, but firm. 
“Kingsman, you’ll have to trust me, ok?” 
Eggsy typed “k” back with his eyes, hoping the man wouldn’t notice, which was easy, since he was too busy getting closer to Eggsy and talking gibberish about how naïve the agent was. The woman voice came back. 
“Knock him off, but hold his hand on the trigger. I’ll take care of the rest.” 
In one agile movement, Eggsy let go of the gun and held firmly the older’s man hand which held the detonator, whirling him and pulling his hand to his back, while holding the trigger and using his Kingsman dart-launcher watch to knock unconscious the slightly grey haired enemy.
If Eggsy wasn’t distracted by the sudden weight of the passed out man in his arms - that made both of them fall to the ground pathetically - maybe he would have seen a young woman fleet from inside the Royal Observatory towards the bomb. But he didn’t.
So he was surprised to see, through the heavy rain and his water stained glasses, a brave woman in police uniform crouching in front of the bomb, hesitating no time to take two lab cylinders out of her vest and mixing them together before skidding in his direction, grabbing Eggsy’s umbrella on the way.
 All Eggsy knew was that, seconds later, the woman stood right in front of him, holding his Kingsman shield-umbrella to protect the three of them not from the heavy rain pouring down, but from the... tiny chemical rocket she built. When the bomb had travelled high enough, she screamed “release” at the top of her lungs and Eggsy let go of the trigger, inducing the explosion on the sky the same time as a lightening brightened the night. The different types of energy mixed together in the sky, creating a beautiful scenario.
“Thank you for your hel...” Eggsy started, standing up to talk to her, before noticing she had already left. The mysterious woman wasn’t so far away; he could see her figure though the gates of the observatory. Her cap had fallen off by the fence, and the only thing he was able to see about her was the really short undercut hair. 
“Merlin, are you there?” Said Eggsy to his glasses, walking to the forgotten police cap and taking it. 
“Yes, Eggsy.” 
“Call Harry. We must search London Cinderella style. I just found a highly trained agent.”
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Hope you like it! If you can,leave a comment! I’m not a native English speaker, but I am indeed fluent, and the simplest of the feedbacks would help a lot! Thank you for reading, and hope you’ll come back for the next chapter! See ya!
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BTS Season’s Greetings
As a lot of Kpop groups, BTS releases a season's greetings for the new year including calendars, a diary, stationary and a DVD featuring the photoshoot and the boys playing games.
2015 Season's Greetings
Starcast article with B cuts (archive text, picture) (Facebook album)
Instagram of the dog that appeared in some pictures
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2016 Season's Greetings
First teaser
Second teaser
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
SNS posts from the boys: Jimin’s tweet, j-hope’s tweet, SUGA’s tweet
Outfits and accessories identifiedby@GetOnSwag: Jungkook’s guitar, and his hoodie, J-Hope’s shoes, and his snapback, RM’s sunglasses, cap, and overalls, RM and V’s shirts
Location: Stay Classy studio (cr. Deokutour)
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The concepts for this package were inspired by famous works:
BTS: Kingsman
Jin and V: Dumb and Dumber
Suga: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
J-Hope: Harry Potter
RM and Jungkook: the minions from Despicable me
Jimin: Romeo from Romeo and Juliet
2017 Season's Greetings
Preview pictures
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
Location: 반딧불이야기; the last part was filmed in the abandoned Gangchon station, here (cr. deokutour)
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Songs played in the DVD:
Home menu: Blood Sweat & Tears
00:00 Blood Sweat & Tears
During the photoshoot In School (00:58): Epilogue: Young Forever
03:54 Look Here
05:54 Blood Sweat & Tears
06:49 Look Here
08:34 Blood Sweat & Tears
J-Hope’s refusal (12:27): Converse high
Group shot (13:15): Epilogue: Young Forever
Mini Field Day (16:35): Fire was played here and there and for tension moments (like 21:56, 33:21, 33:48) “Battle Without Honor Or Dignity” by Tomoyasu Hotei was used
At Kong Chon (49:33): Save ME
55:29 Am I Wrong?
Interview (58:38): 2! 3! There will be better days
2018 Season's Greetings
Teaser images
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
Outfits and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag: main, Suga’s pants, RM’s shirt
Locations: Cafe Capful here (Facebook), Cape Zanpa here, Royal Hotel Okinawa Zanpamisaki here (website) (cr. deokutour)
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2019 Season's Greetings
Teasers (Spot and Spot #2)
Teaser images
Naver Starcast article with B cuts (Naver news article version)
Outfits and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag 
Location: 서후리숲 (Seohuri Forest), 스튜디오언아더 (Studio Another)
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Jin posted a selca from that filming on Weverse.
The final interview was filmed the same day the boys filmed episode 73-76 of Run BTS!
2020 Season’s Greetings
Preview cut
Outfits and accessories: Sies Marjan shirts
Location: 당케스튜디오 (Danke Studio)
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2021 Season’s Greetings
Preview Cuts
Naver post #1, Naver post #2 with B cuts
BTS’ SNS posts: SUGA
Outfits and accessories: thread by Bangtan Style
Locations: Eulji Dabang (cr.), Chungsihang (cr.), Hangang bridge (cr.)
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In the first SPOT video, the boys have surnames based on playwords or referencing things (translation by modooborahae, doolsetbangtan). Bom also gave us context for the ssang-hwa-cha V is drinking and then for the way he’s drinking his Yakult.
While he’s in the same outfit as in the picture above, Jin can be seen with a bus ticket that has details referencing BTS and ARMY (see Claire’s explanation and translation)
2022 Season’s Greetings
SPOT (Star Turned Villain), SPOT #2
Preview Cuts #1, Preview Cuts #2
Naver post #1, Naver post #2 with B cuts
Outfits and accessories: thread by Bangtan Style
Locations: Seoul city dragon
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Each member played a villain character :
Jin: shadow hacker
the programming language he uses is Java
SUGA: gray pianist
j-hope: mystic strategist
RM: mad scientist
he has word son his lab coat: “persona”, “the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character” from the Cambridge dictionnary (both nods to the song “Intro: Persona”, “Mono” (his 2018 mixtape), “nine one two 912″ (his birthdate, September 12), and “one only single”
Jimin: alley cat
V: fate reader
Italian ARMY made a thread about the card he picks, namely the five of cups from the Rider–Waite tarot deck
Jung Kook: action-taker
Concerning the rock star shooting, alongside custom-made posters with “Butter”, “ARMY”, and “Like dynamite” written on it, you could find : four t-shirts designs made by Michael Hinkle, a Stone Roses poster that came with their first album, a hand drawn rock festival poster and a hard rock music poster designed by emeget as well as three more posters from DGIM studio. In addition, there are three armchairs painted by Kevin Park and that have been added to the exhibition Perception of Beauty after (src).
As for the wall with music band names, here are the ones I could read :
Amy Winehouse
Animal collective
Arctic monkeys
Beastie Boys !
Beach boys
Billy Joel
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
Daft Punk
David Bowie
Deep purple
Fat Boy Slim
Franz Ferdinand
Guns N’ Roses
Hot Chip
I love rock & roll
Janis Joplin
Jimmy Hendrix
Joy division
Lady Gaga
Led Zeppelin
Michael Jackson
New order
No doubt
Pearl Jam
Pet shop boys
Pink Floyd
Queen, we will rock you!
Rage against the machine
Red hot chilli peppers
Smashing pumpkins
Steve Wonder
Stone Roses
The Clash
The Smiths
The vines
The White stripes
The who
TV on the Radio
Two door cinema club
War in the bed
Yeah Yeah Yeah
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warsinmyhead · 16 days
When the Quartermaster’s Away, the Agents Make it a Competition
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xie-keyin · 5 years
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spockri · 7 years
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Always smiling for Harry Colin. [x]
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pcperthin · 2 years
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JADEN ‘DONGMIN’ PAGE, 22 “are you bored yet?”
NAME  jaden page / son dongmin / 손동민 PRONOUNS  he/him/his DOB  15 / 2 / 2000 LOCATION  2000 - 2018 san francisco, california                         2019 seoul, gyeonggi                         2020 - present cambridge, massachusetts LANGUAGE  english native, korean proficient, french conversational FAMILY  son hyejin ( mother, 55 )                   jeremy page ( father, 54 )                   jenna page ( older sister, 25 )                   jacob page ( younger brother, 19 ) SEXUALITY  heterosexual RELIGION  christian OCCUPATION  none EDUCATION  convent & stuart hall, c/o 2018                           gap year, 2019                           massachusetts institute of technology, 2020 - present                               ( bachelor of computer science )
FACECLAIM  choi hansol, vernon BUILD  lean ZODIAC  aquarius sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising MBTI  istp ALIGNMENT  neutral good TRAITS  aimless chill escapist flighty intelligent lazy TROPES  wunderkind, tech whiz, sk8er boi, jack of all trades, desperately seeking life’s purpose, middle child syndrome INSPO  big hero 6 tadashi hamada, gossip girl nathaniel archibald, kingsman eggsy unwin PLAYLIST  billie eilish everything i wanted, surfaces sheesh, khalid young dumb & broke, fun. ft janelle monae we are young, tai verdes last day on earth AESTHETIC  graffiti skateboard tucked beneath his left arm, university club hoodies, heart-shaped birthmark on his left bicep, harsh blue light from a computer screen, polite pursed smiles VERSE  sol NOTES  none
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acelss · 6 years
hi i was wondering if you can tell me more about a.c.e ? i barely started stanning them but i cant find info about them anywhere :(
Ohhohoh boy ok *cracks knuckles* here we go 
A.c.e debuted in May of 2017 and consists of 5 members Jun (the leader), Donghun, Sehyoon, Chan and Byeongkwan here’s a link if you want to get more basic info on the members, their fandom name is Choice and they debuted with the mv that is cactus they did pretty ok for themselves but were pretty under the radar they then had a comeback with callin but still weren’t that well noticed it was after this that they entered the survival shows Mixnine (Byeongkwan, Sehyoon and Donghun) and The Unit (Jun and Chan) they did amazing (obviously biased but whatever lmao) Donghun and Byeongkwan had made it into the final group in Mixnine but the debut fell through, as for the The Unit Chan made it to the top 9 and debuted in the group U.N.B their latest comeback is actually pretty good but no worries even with Chan gone a.c.e still had another comeback with Take Me Higher which is a masterpiece! 
A.c.e is also well known for their covers before debut (here are some of my favs):
Dance covers
(BTS) - I need you & Dope
Bigbang - BANG BANG BANG & Good Boy 
(BTS) - Not Today 
Seventeen - Adore U
EXO - Growl & Monster 
H.O.T - We are the future 
H.O.T - Candy
Justin Bieber - Sorry 
Zombie dance video
Vocal Covers
John Legend ‘All of Me’ (by Donghun & Chan) 
BLACKPINK - Playing With Fire (by A.C.E with AG BAND)
K.A.R.D - Don’t Recall remix ver. (by A.C.E x fla4free) 
BIGBANG - Last Dance (by A.C.E) 
Some other videos you might want to watch
Weekly idol
Jun & Chan’s audition for The Unit
The Unit Monster performance with Jun
The Unit Perfect Man performance with Chan
The Unit Kingsman performance with Jun
The Unit All Day performance with Chan
Donghun, Sehyoon & Byeongkwan’s audition for Mix9
Mix9 Love In The Ice performance with Donghun
Mix9 My House performance with Sehyoon
Mix9 Very Good performance with Byeongkwan
Mix9 Bang Bang Bang performance with Donghun
Mix9 Ringa Linga performance with Sehyoon
Mix9 Paradise Lost performance with Byeongkwan
Mix9 Stand By Me performance with Donghun
Mix9 What performance with all three of them
A.C.E - Chicken Cider Live
Chan’s Birthday Behind Clip
Donghun’s Birthday V-live
Jun’s Birthday Fail
A.C.E’s First V-live
Instagram Live In Malaysia
This mess
Pops In Seoul Self Intros 
V-live Mission
2:2 V-live with Donghun & Wow
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