#imjaebum x reader
333vam333 · 5 years
The Nowhere | got7
{ CHAPTER 2 } edited a lil
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Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 1k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity(??), a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
Balmy sunlight brushes past the swaying curtains, caressing against your soft skin and brightening up the darkness in your closed eyes. As consciousness flows into you, you can feel the squishy and smooth surface underneath you, and you groan as you face away from the small window to your left. You bring your hands up to your eyes and freeze midway once you register what’s bandaged on your right arm. A skinny tube curls up your arm, stopping on the back of your hand being held down by a clear bandage. A transparent liquid flows through it. Your eyes follow the tube’s trail and stop when you see a bag of the same clear liquid.
Contorting your face in confusion, you take note of the continuous beeping emanating from beside the window, white bed sheets resting on your legs, and a plastic curtain blocking your view of the rest of the room beside you. Your eyes gaze around the dimly lit room, taking in the sun’s rays spraying a light tangerine color across the white walls and beige, glossy wood floor. 
You face the window again, staring at the tree that splattered oddly shaped shadows in the room, the branches oscillating steadily in the calm breeze. The soft chirping of birds in the distance flows into your ears, comforting you like a lullaby as the memories of last night ram into your mind. 
Your sister’s panic-stricken voice still rings in your head, causing a wave of guilt to flood over you. You release a quivering sigh and glance over at the curtain at your left, wondering if your sister is on the other side. Your heart stops, tears blurring your vision, How badly did I hurt you?..
 The faint clanking of glass grabs your attention and you look at the cabinet past your feet. You tilt your head, eyeing a person crouched in front of the small, two-door cabinet, pushing bottles out of the way only to set them back in their places carefully. You rise slowly on your elbows hoping for a better look at the person, but a wave of nausea swarms over you and your head wobbles, your vision making twos of everything. Wincing, you begin to rub your temples and close your eyes. The feeling doesn’t last long.
The man who kept mumbling to himself was now standing, running a hand through his raven black hair frustratingly, and his other hand on his hip. His white-coated back faced you. Opening your mouth to speak is cut short when the brown pastel colored door swings open, the man standing in front of you jumps and gasps, as another man stands in the door way with his arms crossed.
“O-Oh!” the man’s voice, who stood before you, cracked, “H-Hyung! Hey, how’s it goin?” He puts his hands on his hips, pushing his doctor’s coat behind him.
The man in the door way rolled his eyes and shook his head, dropping his arms. “I told you you had no reason to be here, and why are you wearing my coat?” His eyes widen and points to the nametag as he took a few steps up to his friend. 
The other man stepped back, forcing a giggle out.  “Hm? No, my name is Im Jaebum too!”
Jaebum squints his eyes, lowering his eyebrows and cursing under his gritted teeth. He releases a agitated sigh and the dull tone of his voice raises , “You always do this..Leave before-” 
Your eyes meet and you suddenly feel small, his dark eyes piercing into your skin peculiarly. It remains silent for a few seconds before Jinyoung utters gleefully, “What?..Finally realize how much you want me here?” Jinyoung opens his arms as Jaebum begins to walk forward in a daze, his expression a mixture of astonishment and relief, past his baffled friend and towards you. Your eyes don’t leave each other until he’s standing beside you.
“How are you feeling?” Jaebum questions in a hushed voice, one that embraces you in a welcoming vibe. 
You don’t answer. You’re too taken aback by his surreal appearance. His chiseled features are screaming at you, making your face flush the longer you stare at his unblemished rosy-pale skin. His narrow eyes curve into a crescent as the corners of his heart-shaped lips curl up. Eyeing the two teeny birthmarks above his left eye, you bring a smile up to your face, but it vanishes as your sister crosses your mind.
“My sister..” your hand flies to your throat once you realize the pinch in your throat, your eyes widening, “ where is she?” You continued despite sounding like a smoker.
Jaebum furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, mouthing the word ‘sister?’ as the other guy approaches you. You spot the water bottle in his hand before you get to see his face, and as you chug the water down, the cool liquid burning down your throat gives you a strange satisfaction as you can feel it drop in your stomach. You gasp once you take the bottle away from you and hear a giggle coming from the left side of you. You hadn’t noticed but Jinyoung sat at the end of the bed, just near your feet making a little indention on the twin-sized mattress.
“Aw. You’re cute.” Jinyoung’s eyes disappear and the corners of his eyes wrinkle, the smile on his full lips is bright.
Jinyoung’s features aren’t chiseled as Jaebum’s are instead he has a childish appearance with his squishy face. He gives off the ‘friendly-neighbor’ vibe the more you stare at him, making it more easier to look at him without becoming a blushing mess. 
“Sorry to tell you, Y/N,” your eyes are on Jaebum again. You didn’t see a joyful smile plastered on his perfect face and as he sets a comforting hand on your shoulder, your heart skips a beat. And not because he’s attractive.
You began to brace yourself for whatever Jaebum was about to tell you, biting the inside of your cheek and gripping your hands tightly together. You inhale sharply in hopes to suck in the swelling tears and thoughts of the unwanted. Please..please don’t let it be so bad..
  “We found only you in the vehicle.”
Your widened eyes slowly narrow, your mouth smiling in disbelief. You begin to cackle unsure whether it’s from relief that you didn’t have to hear ‘sister’ and ‘dead’ in the same sentence, or because his information was unconvincing. You, out of everyone, knew your sister was with you when you had the deer-like reaction when those bright lights approached the both of you. You remember feeling your sister’s newly painted fingernails digging into the backs of your hands, and her frantic, ear-piercing voice repeat your name as if she was a broken record.
You stare up at Jaebum, wiping your tears, with a foolish grin carved into your face. “There’s no way! She was with me, her nails dug into my hands, I swear, look!” You bring your hands up to his face but you realize your evidence is useless to him. He probably assumes it’s glass.. You frown, bringing your hands down in defeat. 
“Maybe she hit her head harder than we assumed?” Jinyoung murmurs loud enough for you to hear. You shoot him a death-glare and he jumps when you make eye contact. He leans to Jaebum and whispers to him while he keeps his wide eyes on you, watching to see if you would attack him. “She’s scarier than I thought, Hyung.”
His words make you think, Than I thought? Did he know me?..
You shake your head and decide to not let it bother you. “Where am I then?” 
“A hospital.”
“Don’t be a smartass, Jinyoung!” Jaebum growls, holding his clenched fist behind him. He inhales deeply and faces you, forcing a smile out. “Y/N, I asked around to see if anyone knew you here, but unfortunately you have no family or friends that can take you in for the time being.”
“Why would I need to stay?..I need to be in Seoul-”
“You’re still not feeling well.” Jaebum didn’t let you to finish, like whatever you had to say didn’t matter.
Everything that left his kissable lips flew over your head. Nothing made sense, and it caused your head to ache when you focused on it too hard. 
“Y-Yes I am-I mean, sure, my head was hurting earlier but that’s because I got up too fast..” you freeze, furrowing your eyebrows and squinting your eyes as you face away from the both of the men. “Right?..”
Jinyoung shakes his head as soon as your eyes land on him. “Your leg is sprained,” he gestures to the blanket and your gaze follows. You hadn’t realized your leg was bandaged or even sore all because your family was the only thing that concerned you.
“Your mind is everywhere, Y/N, take it easy.” Jaebum says assuringly, rubbing your back in comforting circles.
But it doesn’t work. You can feel your blood begin to boil, the urge to pounce on him consuming your mind, and your fists clenching so hard your nails are making your palms ooze blood from the tiny crevices. Jaebum takes note of this and steps back.
“We need to establish where you’ll be staying.” he continues, putting his hand on his chin in deep thought. 
“Can’t I just stay here?-”
“Oh!” Jinyoung’s eyes brighten and he snaps, almost like he thought of the most brilliant idea. You swore you could see a light bulb flash above his head for a split second. “Hey, Hyung, how about she stay with us?”
The amount of times your face has contorted into confusion is more than you would normally recall ever doing. “Uh-”
Jaebum’s mouth hung open in disbelief and he shook his head violently, “We can’t handle another person in the house, Jinyoung! You don’t even help me take care of the messes, and they’re mostly yours because I’m hardly home!”
Jinyoung’s smile is too bright it’s almost blinding. He grabs your hands, shaking them slightly. “Oh, you’re gonna love your time with us, Y/N.”
Well, this is something. I kinda got lazy midway, but I guess it’s alright. Hehe.
 It’s also shorter than what I’m used to writing, but that’s because I’m also working on something else as well. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 
11 notes · View notes
starrymarktuan · 7 years
First Place
» Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
» Genre: Angst + Fluff
» Word Count: 3,990
» Description: Jaebum is the varsity team captain, and to say that his plate is full would be an understatement. But you’re putting your foot down. If he can’t make time for your relationship, then how can you have one? 
» Part of the Varsity Jacket Series
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The group of jock-gods was lingering near the refreshments table, distributing red solo cups and laughing at an inside joke. Once everyone was properly armed with alcohol, they dispersed. 
The eldest, Mark Tuan, went with Park Jinyoung to play beer bong, downing their mixed drinks and ramping up for a little friendly competition. BamBam and Kim Yugyeom walked deeper into the living room and stole the karaoke mics from unsuspecting partiers, beginning to sing randomly and at the top of their lungs. Choi Youngjae wandered into the kitchen where his crush was munching on stale potato chips and talking animatedly with a friend. And Jackson Wang wandered back out the front door, where he’d seen his latest fuck buddy hanging about. 
But Jaebum, he headed for the backyard. He knew that’s where you preferred to hang out at these kinds of parties - fresh air and a drink. Or something like that. 
The cool, night air hit Jaebum’s face in a brisk slap, his cheeks pinking at the sensation almost instantly. You were standing on the porch, leaning over the railing. The dress you wore was low cut in the back, and the curve as you leaned against the railing was enticing. He’d been so busy lately that he felt as if he hadn’t seen you in days. Maybe he hadn’t. It was hard to keep track.
Jaebum took a step forward to greet you but stopped short when he saw a figure beside you. He clenched his fists inside the pockets of his varsity jacket, recognizing the person instantly. 
“Hey,” Jaebum said smoothly, slipping his varsity jacket from his shoulders and onto yours in a quick, obvious motion. You eyed him suspiciously, uncomfortable under the weight of the jacket and its symbolism. JB leaned down to kiss your cheek before his gaze slid up to Hyunwoo, who was sipping his drink awkwardly. Jaebum noticed his change in demeanor at his approach.
“JB,” Hyunwoo said. He focused his attention back on you and added, “I’ll catch you later?”
Jaebum was ready for your definitive no, but instead, you said, “Of course. Are we still down for lunch tomorrow?”
“Of course!” Hyunwoo smiled, pushing off the railing and heading inside.
Jaebum distanced himself from you, “What was that?”
“What is this?” you said, motioning to the jacket that was resting on your shoulders.
“You’re the captain of the varsity basketball team’s girlfriend! You’re supposed to wear the jacket! You’re supposed to want to!”
“I’m not your property, Jaebum!” you seethed, tearing the jacket off of your shoulders and throwing it on the ground. He gasped, offended by your actions. He stooped to scoop up the article, as you continued: “You can’t mark me, or claim me. I know everyone on campus thinks this thing means something, but all I see is a jacket!” You spat the last word with venomous malice. You’d been with Jaebum for almost two years, and in the time you’d been together that jacket had never done you or your relationship any favors.
Jaebum opened his mouth to speak, but you were far from done: “And if I’m hanging out with Hyunwoo then it’s only because my boyfriend is always busy!” You brushed past him brusquely, purposefully hitting his shoulder with your own on the way.
Jaebum watched you disappear into the party, the dusty jacket still in his hands. He cursed under his breath, frustrated.
“What’s up Cap?” Yugyeom said, appearing in the doorway almost as soon as you’d disappeared. There was a red solo cup pressed to his lips. He took a drink and smiled goofily at his team captain.
“She just...you know, it’s like...I mean...and she’s out here with...I just…” Jaebum was growling half-sentences, as was his tendency when frustrated and angry. Yugyeom’s eyes widened and he held his hands up in defense.
“Woah, Cap, what?”
Jaebum took a deep breath and tried to form full sentences, “Y/N is hanging out with Hyunwoo because I’m too busy.”
“You are a pretty busy guy, Cap.” 
“Well yeah, but...” 
Yugyeom shrugged and took another drink, “I’m just saying - she has a point.” Yugyeom turned back to the party but quickly rethought, turning around and adding, “Also, I’m drunk. So you can’t hold what I just said against me.” 
Jaebum shook his head and turned away from him. He nodded his head and resolved to slow down, to ease his schedule, give himself time to actually date you.
Let’s just say...that’s not exactly what happened. Before he’d even woken up the next day his phone blew up with messages, all containing the same image of Youngjae, face down and naked in the grass. Jackson showed up late to practice and when he finally did arrive he broke his ankle. And BamBam ended up in a fistfight the day after that. Plus Jinyoung would not stop texting him about this girl he’d met.
So, to tally it all up: one humiliated teammate, one who couldn’t play, one with a black eye, and a lovesick one. All of this left little time for you.
And you had almost thought he’d change. Almost.
Sitting in the library five days later, relative radio silence from JB and the big game coming up, you liked to think that these kinds of little fights and sudden silences were unusual. But you’d be lying to yourself.
The beginning had been...great. Really great. He didn’t have basketball, it was the summer so school wasn’t a problem and you both just fit. He was this charming, funny guy who cared about you and focused on you and paid attention.
Now it was nearly two years later and… And what? What was there to say? You loved him. Or the memory of him. You were unsure which was truer. And there were still good times - soft caresses on early mornings, sweet gestures of commitment in exchanges of coffee and mints, a smile here and a kiss there. But you didn’t go out, you didn’t hang out. Your time together had dwindled between the time dedicated to school and to work and to basketball.
You didn’t know if this could be fixed.
“Wathchya’ thinkin’?” Hyunwoo slid into the chair across from you with a newfound bag of pretzels in his hand. He opened them quickly and began eating them doubly so.
“Yeah?” There was a little crinkle between Hyunwoo’s eyebrows when he looked up at you. You knew things were platonic between you both. He had something going with a guy from his dance team. But he made a great listener and had an excellent shoulder to cry on. Somehow, he’d become your best friend.
And Jaebum didn’t even know that. Jaebum didn’t know a lot of things.
Hyunwoo, ever the awkward dork, changed the subject. “You going to the pep rally?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “I’m his girlfriend, right? I should go support him.”
“Unless you don’t want to.”
“Hmm?” you said, looking up from the equation you’d been scribbling through on your notepad. You’d only vaguely heard the words and so Hyunwoo repeated them.
“You don’t have to go to the game if you don’t want to.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. The idea had never occurred to you. It had become a habit to keep tabs on JB’s schedule and show up at his events. He always threw you a smile and a wave, running up to kiss you after a big win, etc. But did you actually enjoy the games? Well...you’d never really thought about it. And really, if he wasn’t being much of a boyfriend...why should you show up to his pep rallies and games and things?
“You, Hyunwoo, are a genius.” You tapped your temple as if to prove your point.
He smiled and chuckled, “So I’ve been told.”
So the pep rally came and went. You holed up in your room with Chinese food and your homework, steadfastly determined not to go to the pep rally. Hyunwoo, on the other hand, was a traitor.
“Jooheon wanted to go,” he whined, over the phone the next morning. You tsked and shook your head, smiling nonetheless.
“And I thought you were my friend,” you joked. Hyunwoo made a disgruntled sound on the other end and you chuckled, cutting short suddenly when you spotted Jaebum coming towards you. “I have to go.”
“There you are!” Jaebum said, stopping in front of you. You stood up from the bench and crossed your arms.
“Here I am.”
“Where were you last night?”
“Home. I had homework.”
“But I had a pep rally!”
“Did you invite me to the pep rally?” You raised an eyebrow.
Jaebum paused. He thought back to the past week. He’d been so busy. Had he...actually invited you? He opened his mouth to respond but could think of nothing to say.
“See, that’s the thing, Jae, you’re so busy that you forget about me. And I’m supposed to follow you around like an obedient puppy?” You scoffed and picked up your bag from the bench. “I’m late for class.” You sidestepped him and moved to walk away.
Jaebum turned quickly, a hand wrapping around your arm and spinning you back around. He looked lost and confused like he’d just woken up and found himself somewhere entirely different than when he’d fallen asleep. “What’s changed?”
You sighed. “I don’t know, Jaebum. Maybe I’m just tired of having to carry this relationship all by myself.” He looked crestfallen and you could tell that he was anticipating a breakup. But, despite all of this, that wasn’t what you wanted. When you looked at him you still saw him. You knew who he was without crazy schedules and obligations. You wanted to be with him. “Look,” you conceded, “I know you’re busy and you have a lot on your plate. But...something has to give. And, if we keep going this way, it’s going to be us.”
Watching you walk away, Jaebum felt as if he’d been hit by a high-speed train. There was a tightness in his chest and he felt winded. And exhausted. He collapsed onto the bench you’d been sitting on roughly, his knees giving way beneath him. But as he sat down, he felt a lump beneath his thigh. When he moved over to investigate he found you’d left your phone there. On the screen, there was a text.
10:07 AM: I really am sorry! I’ll make it up to you!
Jaebum was going to have to talk to this guy.
“Yugyeom,” Jaebum growled into his cell phone a few minutes later, “tell me.”
“You’re not going to beat him up are you?” Jaebum's fists clenched at the youngest teammates hesitation. “He’s a really nice guy, Cap.”
“Just tell me when and where your dance team’s practice gets out Yugyeom.” He sensed the younger one’s further hesitation, and so pulled out his very last resort, “Or I’ll have you benched for the next game.”
“But I’m–”
“Try me, Yugyeom.”
“We have a practice tonight at the rec center,” Yugyeom sighed, “We finish at ten.”
“Thanks.” And the line went dead.
Jaebum was waiting for Hyunwoo outside the rec center, fuming on a bench. He was tapping his foot to let out the explosive energy he felt in his chest. Jaebum felt like he was trying to swim upstream. It was as if he were stuck in a hopeless, destined-to-fail situation.
You have a lot on your plate. But something has to give. And it could be us. He couldn’t get the words out of his head. He was busy, he knew that. But…
But what? He wanted to scream, to fight, to stamp his feet and throw a tantrum. He didn’t want to lose you! But what was he supposed to do? He was the captain of the varsity basketball team, he had a full load of classes and a job. Something has to give.
But why did it have to be this thing?
Yugyeom had warned Hyunwoo that Jaebum would be waiting for him. He saw where JB was coming from but...Hyunwoo was a nice guy. And there was no way he was sleeping with Y/N - not when he was so happy with Jooheon. He didn’t deserve to get the crap beat out of him because Jaebum was tense and frustrated.
Besides, Yugyeom thought, Hyunwoo could probably take him - and then where would he be?
The three of them, Yugyeom, Hyunwoo, and Jooheon, stopped in front of Jaebum on his bench. He didn’t seem to notice their arrival, he was so consumed in his thoughts. Yugyeom coughed. “Cap?”
“Huh?” Jaebum said, pulled from his inner monologue. He realized who was in front of him and stood up quickly, trying to puff his chest out and seem intimidating. “We need to talk!”
Hyunwoo simply raised an eyebrow, not intimidated in the least. “So talk.”
All of the paths that Jaebum had envisioned taking in this conversation evaporated like smoke. He slumped back onto the bench and ran a hand through his hair. He sighed deeply, “What’s going on with her?”
Hyunwoo sighed, too. He’d never been a big fan of Jaebum, he always thought that you deserved someone with more time and attention to give. Sometimes Hyunwoo wondered if he even cared about you at all, or were you just a trophy girlfriend for the captain of the team?
But seeing Jaebum now, pathetic and frustrated, waiting on a bench at ten-fifteen when he definitely had homework or something to be doing… Hyunwoo stopped doubting. He turned to the other two and said he’d catch up with them, he needed a minute with Jaebum. They left quietly, chatting about dance rehearsal, etc.
Hyunwoo sat down next to Jaebum on the bench and immediately said, “I’m not sleeping with her.”
“No?” Jaebum said, his voice still small and defeated. Hyunwoo chuckled.
“No. I’m gay.”
“No shit?” Jaebum said, looking up, surprised. Hyunwoo laughed again and pointed at Jooheon’s back proudly.
“That’s my boyfriend,” he grinned.
“No shit,” Jaebum chuckled, feeling stupid and paranoid, “No wonder she’s mad.”
“Yeah,” Hyunwoo said, sighing, “She loves you. A lot. And she wants to be with you, she doesn’t want to end it. But you have to give her a reason to stay. You have to show her that you’ll make time for her.” Jaebum looked up at him with wide eyes, his heart pounding in his chest as the truth he’d been suspecting was finally revealed aloud. “So far your relationship has been brushed off, it’s always last on your list of priorities. You have to show her that it’s going to come first sometimes.”
Hyunwoo patted Jaebum’s knee comfortingly before bounding to his feet and running to meet up with Jooheon. Jaebum watched them wrap their arms around each other, Hyunwoo kissing the other man’s forehead and smiling. Jaebum saw everything he wanted for you and him in that moment.
“We have to come first sometimes,” he whispered to himself, the gears beginning to turn in his head. He was the captain of a leading basketball team. He could do first place.
You woke up the morning of the game feeling...despondent. You’d lost your phone the day you’d talked to Jaebum, but it had reappeared in your backpack last night. Hyunwoo thought you were making it all up. 
But even worse, you hadn’t heard from Jaebum since your talk a few days earlier. You checked your messages again, flopping over in bed gracefully to find your phone. Nothing.
You rolled back over, staring at your ceiling seriously. You didn’t regret what you’d said to him. It was a long overdue conversation. But you had expected it to be more of a conversation. He really hadn’t said anything at all.
9:53 AM: Still nothing…
9:53 AM: I guess that’s that
9:55 AM: I wouldn’t be so sure…
You were typing back a confused response – what’s that supposed to mean? – when there was knock at your door. You were frozen in bed when a familiar voice called out: “Hey, it’s me. Can I come in?”
“Jaebum?” you gasped, leaping out of bed to open the door. “What are you doing here?” You threw your legs over the side of your bed and ran to the door. You threw it open and repeated yourself, “What are you doing here?”
Jaebum grinned a beautiful, gummy smile and leaned down to press his lips to your cheek. He slid past you and into the room. You stood amazed, pausing for a moment before closing the door to gather your thoughts. What was he doing here? He had a game today, he’d usually spend the morning before getting ready and practicing so...what was he doing here?
Jaebum seemed to see the question in your face. He grinned at your confusion, a new kind of elation filled his chest as he started to actively prioritize your relationship. He was excited.
“I brought you breakfast,” he waved the white paper bag that was in his right hand, “and coffee.” He lifted his left hand to reveal a coffee cup. His gummy smile reappeared, “I wanted to ask you if you would go out to lunch with me, and then maybe...come to my game tonight?”
You smiled hugely, tucking your hair behind your ear and pretending to think, “Oh, tonight? Hmm...I’m not sure.”
Jaebum narrowed his eyes playfully, trying to hide a smile, “Oh, really?”
You smiled again, “But you did bring me coffee so I guess I can move some things around.” You slipped the coffee from his hand and sipped it carefully.
“Oh, well, I appreciate that,” he said, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours, tasting the coffee that still lingered there. He pulled away from you and handed you the muffin. “Okay!” he said, clapping as he did so, “Enjoy breakfast and I’ll see you at twelve thirty.” He pecked your lips again and slipped back out the door quietly.
You giggled behind your coffee, peeking inside the bag and seeing a giant muffin. You placed the cup gently on your desk before leaping into the air and jumping around excitedly. You landed on your bed and scooped your phone.
10:12 AM: Omg
10:12 AM: He brought me breakfast and asked me to come to his game
10:13 AM: JB man...comin’ in clutch
Jaebum was back at your door at twelve exactly with a polite tapping on your door. He carried a bouquet of flowers and offered them to you when you opened the door. He complimented your dress and your hair, insisted you loop your arm through his as you walked and took you to a nice (affordable) restaurant for lunch.
“See you tonight, beautiful,” he whispered charmingly, pecking your cheek and glancing at his watch. “Shit! I’m late!” He ran out quickly yelling, “Love you! See you tonight!”
He was being the perfect boyfriend. You were so elated by the whole experience that you were still grinning when Hyunwoo and Jooheon stopped by to pick you up.
“Ready?” Hyunwoo asked.
“Yeah,” you said dreamily. For once, you were absolutely thrilled to go to a basketball game. You’d forgotten how hot Jaebum was in basketball shorts.
Okay, you hadn’t forgotten. You just hadn’t appreciated it in a while.
Jooheon did his infamous, and hilarious, baby voice and sang, “Jaebum and Y/N sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
“Shut up,” you said, still smiling. Hyunwoo wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a hug. He kissed your hair affectionately.
“I’m happy for you,” he murmured.
You smiled back, “Me too. I just...I hope it lasts.”
“It should,” Jooheon said absently, having pulled out his wallet to examine its contents, “He did wait until the end of our dance class to talk to Hyun.”
Your gaze snapped up to Hyunwoo, who was now blushing furiously with a small smile on his face. You slapped his chest playfully. “You didn’t tell me that!” Hyunwoo shrugged and patted your shoulder before he removed it and instead held hands with Jooheon.
The game was...not worth mentioning. It was not the best or the worst game the team had ever played. They won, which made the experience better. But it was an easy win and was thus relatively boring. Jooheon and Hyunwoo spent a great deal of time on their phones, losing interest almost as soon as the ball flew into the air.
You, on the other hand, never took your eyes away from the game. You watched Jaebum almost obsessively, somehow proud and excited to be dating him again. It was like magic, the change that you’d both undergone.
You waited outside the arena for him, in the spot you’d agreed upon. It was late now, the cold air chilling your skin. You rubbed your hands against your arms and shivered subtly, your teeth on edge.
“Do you want us to wait with you?” Hyunwoo said.
“No, no,” you said, shaking your head, “you two must have plans. Go, be free!” They chuckled at your dramatic salutation and disappeared into campus. You clutched your phone tightly in your hand and glanced around your surroundings desperately.
Suddenly, the warm material of a varsity jacket dropped on your shoulders, smelling like Jaebum. You grinned hugely and held the material closer to your body. You turned and whispered, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He leaned down to kiss you, his hair still damp from the shower he’d rushed through. You brought your hands to his hair and felt it quickly.
“You’re going to get a cold!” you scolded.
“Relax,” he smiled. His hand found yours and you strolled together towards your dorm. You tried to hurry him along, seriously concerned about his health but he kept you walking slower. “I’ll be fine.”
There was a pleasant silence as you walked, your hand warmed by his embrace. You felt sure again, like you had when you’d first started going out. This was the relationship you remembered, the one you’d been fighting to get back.
“Hey,” he said softly, as if not to disturb the still air around you, “Can I say something?”
“Of course.”
“I just...I’m sorry.” He paused and collected his thoughts, trying to choose his words carefully. He’d been thinking over this speech all afternoon, even partly during the game (which ended up being, basically, a snooze-fest). “I know that I put our relationship aside for a really long time. It’s just that...I loved you and I knew you loved me, so I convinced myself that we’d be strong enough to get through this. Strong enough to be put aside. But I realized...no matter how strong a relationship, sometimes it has to come first.”
You nodded your agreement. He stopped and turned to you, watching your gaze for a moment. Seemingly finding what he wanted there, he leaned forward and reached into the pocket of his jacket that you were still wearing. From it, he withdrew a small box. You opened your mouth to object, but he beat you to the punch.
“This is not the ring you think it is,” he said hastily, smiling because he could all but read your thoughts, “It’s just...this was really important for me - figuring out how much you mean to me. I wanted something to commemorate it.” He opened the box and inside was a small gold band, dainty and simple. Not at all an engagement ring. A promise ring of sorts. He took it out of the box and revealed the engraving on the inside: first place.
“First place?”
“So you’ll know that this relationship, you and me, we come first.”
“Jaebum,” you cooed, “That’s so cheesy!” You took the ring as he gave it to you, slipping it onto your pointer finger easily. You hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I know,” he whispered, kissing your forehead, “But I mean it.”
a/n: ahhhh i like this one so much - so angsty and then so cute~
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schmuwuwu · 5 years
                     An AU featuring GOT7′s leader, Jaebum, in an unexpected romance with You and in the most unlikeliest of situations~
The biggest bully in your school, Jaebum, was always constantly after you. He would breathe down your neck and you would always submit to fear. Every time you heard his voice or hear him approaching, you immediately turn to run and find a place to hide. In the end, he would catch you; you hadn’t been too successful in escaping from his clutches so far. He would be glaring you down, making you scared as to what he would make you do. It’s either “Do my homework.”, “Money.” Or “Come with me.” The last one was the scary one. Doing homework was alright since you both were learning the same material and you weren’t tight on money at the moment, but not too free either. But whenever you hear him call you out to follow him, you knew that you had done something wrong, either to make him angry or he found fault with something you did. You were honestly more afraid of him than your parents. Every day, whenever there was a self-study lesson or a break, he would call you out. He would hurt you, without mercy, and leave you writhing in pain and in the end skipping the rest of the day to rest in the infirmary. Once, he had hurt you badly enough that you had to be sent to the hospital. Another student had found you underneath a deserted staircase, bleeding and passed out. You had had enough of this school life. But what could you do? After all, you had a crush on him... As hard as it was to believe.
You knew there was no point in running away from him. While at school, Jaebum would often address you as “Loser”—might as well be your name since he practically said that every time you met. Every time he called your “name”, you knew what Jaebum wanted from you. The tone in his voice said it all. You had learnt how to read his mood from his voice alone by now. Once, you tried running away from him, already having beaten up the day before and the fresh wounds were still dark and purple. The cuts had yet to stop bleeding as well and you knew that you couldn’t take another hit. You would normally be able to run quickly, flying past classroom doors and flights of stairs in a blink of an eye. But that day, you were limping and the wounds were aching, which slowed you down considerably. In the end, you had to hide in a toilet cubicle, praying that he didn’t see the direction where you ran towards. You leaned against the cubicle door, panting, and slide to the floor, tired. Your cuts had stopped bleeding that morning but due to you running, they reopened and had bled onto your bandages. Yet, you couldn’t feel the pain, the throb of your bruises, the sting of the cuts or the ache of your limping leg. No, your heart throbbed with pain and fear. You could hear your loud heartbeat in that silent bathroom, waiting and holding your breath.
“He can’t come in here… He wouldn’t dare…, would he?” you wondered to yourself, ears straining.
As luck would have it, the bathroom door swung open, colliding with the wall with a forceful thump.
“Don’t think you could run away from me. I already know you can’t,” Jaebum said.
You could see the smirk on his face as he announced his presence. You watched with panicked eyes as his shadow sidled closer and closer until it reached your cubicle door. Tears sprung up in your eyes as you knew, that there was no way to escape. That he was right; there was no way to run away from him. You scrambled to move and shrank yourself in the farthest corner of the cubicle, right next to the toilet, having a foolish idea that maybe the toilet would somehow help in making your escape. Seconds later, the cubicle door burst open, its hinges breaking from the force. Jaebum stood with a proud smirk looking down at me. God, you so wanted to wipe that smirk off his face but couldn’t help but be entranced at how cool he looked. His school uniform, a tad bit disorganised without the blazer and his tie was loose, revealing his chest from the top unfastened shirt button, striking a confident pose with his hands in his pockets. Your heart skipped a bit when you were suddenly pulled back to earth.
“Wait, wait, you’re about to get beaten and you’re thinking such shameless thought!!” you scolded yourself.
“Uhh… W…w—what do… y—you… wa—want—t?” you spluttered.
“Oh, nothing much, just the usual. A pinch of taking away your money, asking nicely for you to do my homework again on the side and of course,” he smiled widely. “Gobbling up your desperate and pained face as you scream in agony as I mercifully hit you again.”
What happened next turned into a blur for you and when you realised it, he had finally finished and left you on the floor bleeding as usual. Just before you passed out, however, you caught a glimpse of Jaebum at the classroom door, looking back at you. That guilty face of his… why would he beat you if he was going to make that face, why was he the one with such a pitiful expression when you were the one being beaten—you wanted to shout in his face. But of course, you didn’t have the courage to do so and you couldn’t help but actually feel pity for him. You spent the whole night finishing up yours and Jaebum’s share of homework—which unfortunately for some reason also included the homework from the girls that would hang around Jaebum. It pissed you off thinking about them and could feel your face burning up as you did their homework as sloppily as possible, no longer caring if they got a bad grade for the assignment. Gosh, if anyone were to come right now, you wouldn’t even say anything and immediately will burst into tears, hopping that they would give you a hug and a shoulder to cry one—and probably even a chocolate shake.
As you laid on your bed, you started drifting back into the past. You regretted ever passing the detention room that very day. Jaebum was shockingly present. He never had a bad grade on his report card even if he never did do his own homework or skipped class almost all of the time. He was laying with his head down buried in his arms on his table so you thought he was asleep. Quietly, so he wouldn’t notice you, you opened the door just slightly, enough for you to slip through, and inched your way closer to him. When you were as close to him as you dared, you took out your phone to document everything, so you can review what you got at home. But, instead of getting something or anything, you saw something that would change your life.
Jaebum was sleeping with his head buried as deep as it could be into his arms. But instead of the usual leering smirk that he had when he went to hunt for you, he had a melancholic expression. He had tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Suddenly, his face contorted into fear and pain and he shrank deeper into his arms. Your heart ached at the sight of him and thought about how nice it would be if you could make him smile. You looked at him, feeling pity for him, and without thinking, reached out and pat his head gently. His hair was soft, unlike how spiky it looked. You mindlessly continued to caress and Jaebum eventually had a peaceful expression on his face again. You straightened up from your position and got ready to leave when Jaebum smiled.
“Mum… don’t worry… I’ll protect you…,” he mumbled. “I won’t let… anything hurt you… anymore… I promise…”
You bolted out of the room, thinking of his beautiful smile and blushed. Your heart was thumping in an allegro and it didn’t showed any sign of calming down. You sank to the ground, leaning against the door, shocked at what you had discovered.
“Don’t tell me…,” you mutter to yourself. “Do I like him?”
You shook your head and stood up. You went back home for the first time feeling happy to have gotten your wish fulfilled in seeing Jaebum’s smile. But your heart still ached for what he had said in his sleep. You pondered for a while and realised you didn’t know Jaebum much other than the fact that he was good at fighting, for better or for worse.
“Poor guy… must have had a rough life…” you thought, pained as you recalled Jaebum crying in pain.
You would soon grow to know that Jaebum indeed had a tough life. Since young, he was exposed to a world of pain. He had made a resolve that he didn’t want to be weak and didn’t want to remain that way. He vowed to himself to grow stronger and stronger in order to protect his mum. In the end, it was inevitable but his father left the family and left Jaebum with a scarred heart. Eventually, he did get stronger, to the point that no one dared to come across him. He had made a name for himself and even delinquents dared not to pick a fight with him. Since he didn’t want to be caught by his parents, he always waited for them to throw the first punch. After all, what happened after would be self-defence for Jaebum. But when high school rolled around, he felt his frustrations grew as he realised the pain of keeping a secret from his mum. He had lied to her how he got certain injuries and even resorted to threaten a pack of students to pretend to be his school buddies. He had only realised how lonely he was and went around to search for fights. If he did, he would at least be distracted for a while, forget about the pain and the guilt.
Coincidentally, he had met you while he was skipping class and fell in love with your smile immediately as you were walking to your own class. A smile that knew no pain and he felt as though it was too precious to leave unprotected. He did everything to protect your smile, your precious happiness. He tried to keep you in his sights so he knew where you were at all times, would ward away any guys who had any intention of coming close to you and even tried to isolate you from the school just so you would come to depend on him. But he never knew how to properly protect a person and fighting was really the only thing that he knew. In the end, you were hurt in the process and Jaebum realised that you were never going to come around to him if he kept doing things in the shadows. You would continue to hand around guys, flashing an easy grin at them, not aware of what danger they could’ve posed to you. So, Jaebum felt as though you were challenging him. And a challenge it was. If you weren’t going to come around on your own, he was going to make you. And so, the bullying started.
At school, you successfully managed to steal the school’s rooftop key and locked yourself there.
 “Ahh! How nice!” you sighed in relief. “This way Jaebum can’t find me, at least for today!”
You were finally going to have a peaceful day for once. You went to the railings and sat there, swinging your legs in joy. The wind felt great in your hair and the freedom that you had, not being bound to anything felt amazing. You felt a whole load suddenly lift from your shoulders and for once after so many months, you managed to break out into an unrestrained grin. You laugh to yourself, feeling yourself go over the ledge, holding your weight by gripping the railings.
“This feels amazing!!” you laugh to yourself.
Immediately though, your thoughts went to Jaebum. He was probably searching for you right now since the bell had rung and students were beginning to file out of school from under you. You watched as your fellow schoolmates laughed with each other, smiling together. You thought of how lonely you suddenly felt without Jaebum. With Jaebum, at least you got someone with you, even if it hurt, but it lessened your loneliness even if it was just a tiny bit or if it was only for that one moment. It felt nice when Jaebum would find you. You felt wanted. Even if it was the wrong kind. Tears fell from your eyes as you looked down at the students. For a split moment, you thought of just letting go, feeling the wind through your whole body and not have to think of anything ever again. You wouldn’t have to worry about your parents’ constant arguing or your siblings retorting back to your parents or having you eat dinner alone everyday again because the others had “something more important to do”. You wouldn’t have to think of your school ranking or your academics or getting worried over an exam. You wouldn’t need to think about how lonely you were or Jaebum’s crying face or how he was probably still in pain. You would be free…
You sigh to yourself.
“Ahh… Before I knew it… Jaebum became super important to me…” you said.
You felt the familiar pang of jealousy as you thought of how he was always surrounded by girls or how he would casually flash his grin at them. Although everyone knew not to piss him off, as long as they were on his good side, they knew that he would treat them nicely. Was it just you then, you thought to yourself.
“Am I the reason Jaebum is always angry?”
You gazed off into the distance, distracted by your thoughts when you heard shouts from below you. You looked down from you position and saw a crowd of students yelling at you.
“Don’t jump off!”
“We’re here for you!”
“We’ll catch you!”
You looked down at them and felt confused. Did they think that you were going to jump? You rolled your eyes, which were still moist with tears.
“Even if I jump, is there actually anything good that comes out of it?” you muttered. “If I jump… Jaebum will be…”
You stayed up there at the railings, clearly not going to jump since you hadn’t taken off your shoes or written a suicide note but showed no signs of moving either. Some students had reported to passing teachers and some were trying to coax you to unlock the rooftop door. You made no movement, neither to acknowledge them nor to stop the possibility that you were going to jump. Right then, you saw a butterfly flitting by you. You leaned forward and reached out to it, carefully holding onto the railing. The butterfly landed on your extended finger and you smiled, feeling as though you made a friend with the small creature.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we were actually friends though?” you asked the butterfly laughing.
You sighed sadly to yourself and looked below you. You stared in amusement to the crowd who were panicking. You guessed that it might have looked like you were about to jump since you were leaning so far forward and they probably couldn’t see the butterfly.
“What do I care about them… After all… no one bothered to help me… They only made my life harder…” you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, a voice said from behind you.
“Please don’t do it.”
You turned around in shock and, having forgotten that you were on the edge, let go of your hand on the railing. The next thing you saw was the sky above you. I don’t want to die!! You closed your eyes when you felt someone grab you from above. You slowly open your eyes and saw who it was that saved you.
“Im Jaebum?!”
He was panting hard and had sweat dripping down his face. He proceeded to pull you up and you safely landed on the other side of the railing. You stared in shock at him. What was he doing here? How did he get through the locked door?
“I—I broke the door… I was in a… hurry after all…” he panted.
You could only stare at dumbfounded. Why would he, of all people, rescue you? But you were most befuddled by how Jaebum’s voice was. It surprised you that he could speak so softly. You suddenly snap back to reality.
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!” he yelled at you suddenly.
Well, there went the soft voice. He was back at shouting at you. At that point, you had had enough. You wanted nothing more to do with Jaebum. You wanted nothing to do with these doubts. You wanted to clear it with Jaebum once and for all.
“YEAH, I AM!” you shouted back at him.
His eyes widened in surprise as the timid girl in front of him was flared with defiance, your eyes looking at him straight on with no fear.
“YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME? WHY SHOULD IT MATTER TO YOU, HUH?!” you continued, spitting out words with pent up frustration and anger. “JUST GO BACK TO YOUR USUAL SELF! SHOUT AT ME, HIT ME! DO WHATEVER!”
You expected him to shout at you, to actually hit you for being so rebellious against him. You closed your eyes, waiting for his fist to hit you. Tears streamed down your face when you realised that it really wasn’t his fault to shout or hit you. Anyone would be upset if their obedient toy suddenly up and left them after all. But…
“Don’t cry…”
You opened your eyes and Jaebum enveloped you in a tight hug. You immediately squirm in his grasp, trying to break free, refusing to stop your tirade just because he hugged you. He tightened his hold on you, as though he didn’t want to let go of you just yet. The tears slowed to a stop, as though they were waiting for him to hug you.
“You…!” you twisted and squirmed as hard as you could against Jaebum’s unusually tight grip. “Let me go already! Do you intend to make my life more difficult than it already is?!
Jaebum just sat there, not budging and not speaking. In the end, you collapsed into his chest as you tired yourself out from fighting against for so long. You breathe in Jaebum’s smell and your vision clouded over with tears again.
“Why… why must it be you…” you whispered.
“If you want to hit me, hit me,” he whispered softly into your ears. “But hear me out for a bit please.”
He sounded so abnormally sincere that you could only nod and settle into his chest.
“I’m sorry. For everything.”
He pulled away and made you look at him in the eyes to show you how sincere he really was. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. You didn’t know what to say. You stayed in his arms as you listened aptly to him, basking in his scent and warmth.
“I know you think that I might be lying or planning to prank you by doing this but no. I’m serious right now,” he said, looking at you with desperation in his eyes. “I do smile at you, even if you don’t see it. I want to see you smile; I want to protect your smile. But I get so mad that you choose other boys over me. Why can’t I be the one by your side. I had even tried steering other guys away from you but… you never looked at me. Even when I tried to protect you… in the end…”
Tears streamed down Jaebum’s eyes. You immediately felt bad for shouting at him and reached out to wipe away his tears. At first, he was hesitant at you touching him but eventually warmed up to it. He took your hand it his and brought it to his lips. Your face immediately turned red.
“I don’t care what you think of me but,” he pecked your hand. “I like you. Not even that, I love you from the bottom of my heart. And I am not lying.”
New tears formed in your eyes—really, how much were you going to cry today. But you couldn’t help it. From one surprise to another. You break into a smile, the same smile that made Jaebum fall in love with you that fateful day. Jaebum’s eyes widened in shock and smiled at you, feeling a sense of freedom. As though a chain that binded you both together had finally been released, Jaebum let go of you. You could see that his smile was no longer the fake smile he would give to those girls or the proud leer he would give to you in order to hide his pain. It was a genuine smile. Much warmer and brighter than the smile he gave you that day.
“Im Jaebum, I love you too,” you say tackling him to the ground.
And for the first time since he vowed to become stronger, Jaebum laughed. A hearty, carefree laugh. He cupped your face in his hands and gave you a peck on the forehead.
“I love you so much and I won’t let you forget that,” Jaebum said.
His eyes which were once full of pain and guilt were now smiling and bright. This love which enveloped you, immediately healed you of the pain he caused you. You felt as though you were on a cloud. You never thought that you would ever be together. And now, your wish had been granted. And one thing was clear now, among those doubts that were in your heart for so long. You both definitely love each other.
“If I’m together with you, it’s alright.”
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dragyeoms-pixie · 7 years
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Because I loved the story lots, here’s a little mood board in honor of the series, Cold Hearted by @randomkpopscenariosandreactions. 
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dearsideris-blog · 7 years
- Foreign Feeling - Jaebum x Reader
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Character : Im Jaebum (GOT7)
Words : 581
Type : angst + implicit ending
Crossing her arms over her chest, holding a drink in between her slender hands, trying to relax herself, (Your Name) kept a smile on her naturally rose lips while talking to some of the guests, the lips he once kissed and shut, the ones that sent chills down his spine and offered him a glimpse of heaven everytime he would meet their unique and addictive taste.
Truth to be told, Im Jaebum did except his officially former lover to be there at their friends’ engagement party. He knew she would be there, a bit tensed, yet being his only source of obsession. Her outfit did fit her well, he thought, not realizing he was staring at her, taking in all of her facial expressions, the ones he cherished and used to make fun of when they were laying together in their love nest. He wished he was the one she was laughing with, no, simply interacting with. Why would I care ? he thought. I am the one that got away.
As he kept drowning in his own thoughts, he almost missed the toast his friend wanted to throw in honor of his loved one.
“ - I sincerly thank you all for coming, and I want to thank God for letting me protect my dear half. ” he said, holding his beloved by the shoulders, looking at his half with all the affection and respect a human being deserved. Jaebum couldn’t help but smiling at the sight, unconsciously directing his gaze to (Your Name) whose gaze and smile was directed to the couple in front of her.
Admiring the happines they shared reminded her of how truly lucky her friends were. How completed they would feel. How appreciated. Respected… Loved, and not alone.
As they all gathered in the room to talk, dance, (Your Name) decided to leave outside, in the yard, where her (eyes colour) eyes, as bright as gemstones, landed on the starry night sky. Sitting on a nearby chair, she sighed in content, in melancholy. The quietness of the space she left herself in felt utterly nice, the soft summer night breeze grazing her doll-like (skin colour) skin.
That’s when her heart tightened, a chill running down her spine, a consuming flame boiling inside her being. Jaebum sat next to her, his shoulders grazing her more petite figure, this simple and innocent touch being the source of the strongest electricity shock they could feel. They were like celestal bodies attracting each other, yet like two children not knowing what to do. She will never admit she loved his once chersihed presence next to her. When he left two years ago, not saying anything, without any warning, without any reasons, (Your Name) felt utterly betrayed, falling into the depth of an unknown loneliness where doubts and flaws hovered her, their dark shadows reminding her they took over the rightful place of ImJaebum, the same question echoing in her mind.
“ - Why did you leave me ? ” she said outloud in a susur, her voice filled with honey, strenght and sincerity sounding mellifluous into the hears of the man blindly, eternally in love with the woman he had in next to him, her presence filling his entire being.
Somehow Jaebum couldn’t answer ever since he couldn’t deal with his own act of ignorance of the past, leaving (Your Name) being his biggest regret, the source of his insomnia, her touch that was almost becoming foreign to him as in the night he prayed to feel her hands grazing his body. As he wrapped his hands around the figure of his loved one, he heard her voice aching, painfully letting out the words :
“ - Even though I desesperatly want it, I cannot feel you, Im Jaebum. ”
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333vam333 · 5 years
The Nowhere | got7
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Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity, a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
prologue |
“One, two..”
You pant, sweat dripping down your body as you try to keep up with the fast pace the song delivers. Your eyes don’t leave the wide mirror before you as if it were the audience you were trying to please. A smile finds its way to your face just imagining the sea of screams and cheers, the light sticks waving in the air in one direction, and people calling your name with a smile just as bright as yours is now. The thought makes your heart pound so hard you can hear it in your ears past the speakers blasting hip-pop, making the whole room and your gut vibrate. The adrenaline pumping through your veins pushes the excitement to course through you, making every movement fill with emotion. 
“3-No! Wider! Spread your arms out wider!” your choreographer’s booming voice causes most of the dancers to flinch and mess up the whole thing. “Ugh, never mind!” She pauses the music and everyone scurries to create a single line facing the mirror. You were in the center as always.
The choreographer dawdles to the front, her head held high, chest puffed out, hands behind her back, and disappointment screaming in her eyes. A single glance at each girl makes them straighten their posture. 
“This is how you treat your maknae on her last day?” 
No one answers. 
She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows in amazement. “It’s obvious why the younger one got chosen while you all decided you were too experienced to practice every time you got the chance to.” You can see a few girls hang their heads and one glare at you, only to look away when she caught eyes with the choreographer. 
Your teacher smiles at you, “Congratulations, Y/N.” 
“Woow!” your sister’s claps follow you all the way to the car. You could hear the long pauses between each clap and instantly tell she was being sarcastic as soon as you saw her emotionless face. Stuffing the last box into her trunk, you turn to her, and throw a ball of snow at her which you managed to form at the speed of light. She flinches and covers her head. “Yah stop! Just get in the car before I make you walk to Seoul!”
She mimics your laughter as you both sit in the toasty car, giving you a death-glare before closing her door all the way. “Be grateful your sister loves you enough to waste her gas on you.”
“I’m surprised, too, actually!” you ignore her comment which causes her to roll her eyes. “This was the last thing I expected: being a back up dancer of Kim Yugyeom’s!” You fall back into the car’s seat, your face forming a foolish grin. You release a pensive sigh as you slowly sink into your seat. 
You think back to all those years you’ve spent preparing for a day like this. Hard work day and night, and even times where you didn’t sleep properly due to the amount of time you spent just trying to improve on being a dancer..not like it was any different from what you’d normally do when you were younger.
Your whole life revolves around dancing especially now and even before the accident. And now, after all those years of dreaming, you are finally getting the chance to show the world what you’re capable of. Even the chance to inspire and entertain others. You squeal, bringing your balled fists up to your chest as your legs flutter in the small leg space.
You hear your sister chuckle quietly. “Weirdo..Did you bring your meds?”
You freeze, your smile and excitement dying as you glance at your sister at your side. “Yup..” sluggishly you sit up and cross your arms. 
You had completely forgotten about your nightmares ever since you were chosen to be a back up dancer, despite you seeing them every night since the accident. The dreams were always the same. You didn’t feel anything towards them anymore as you had in the beginning, when you were so terrified to sleep the thought of laying on a bed made your body shiver and eyes swell up with tears. The bags under your eyes when you were younger were much darker than now since you somehow managed to get the balls to actually sleep. Occasionally you will wake up in the middle of the night with no energy to start the day. As soon as you wake up, there was no going back to sleep until you couldn’t keep your eyelids open for another second. It shocked your family with how well you danced even though you barely slept.
As you were younger, people used to joke around and say the dreams were practically ‘Freddy Kruger’ to you which was pretty much true since you contemplated death a few times. You eventually began to see help and take medication that helped you fall asleep, and for a time, the dreams had gone away. Those were the best nights of your life. It didn’t last long though until they came back much harder, more realistic, sinister, and angrier as if it didn’t like how you wanted to make it go away and forget it ever happened. The feeling you got during and after the dreams made you suddenly question why you felt those ways instead of fear. You had always suspected it was something in your past. You didn’t know for sure if you knew your past correctly due to your amnesia and the lack of effort your family did to tell you everything, except for the basic things like who your parents were. You felt there were important parts in your childhood which could’ve triggered something in your mind that your parents haven’t told you yet or refuse you to know. Ever. 
You didn’t let your curiosity bother you much since it was the past, and maybe...it was better that you didn’t know. 
A buzz shakes you out of your thoughts. Pulling out your phone from your winter jacket’s pocket, you see a message from your choreographer. She sent you the video of the dance you’ve been practicing for over three months, the same one you’ll be dancing with Yugyeom. 
You smile and forget about the dreams as soon as you press play.
“Don’t leave!”
The deafening voice screeches throughout the ghost-quiet forest, the swaying trees sounding like rain falling on a metal roof in the distance. 
“Don’t leave me!”
Rocks jab into your bare feet, limping and wincing as you run. 
“You can’t leave!”
Your pounding heart fills your ears and you can feel your pulse aching strongly throughout your feet. The bottoms of your soles begin to burn but you keep pushing once again, tears streaming down your cheeks. You don’t feel fear flowing through you, but instead have the urge to turn around and face him this time on your own. So you do. You see the bright moon lighting the dim road in front of you and the tops of the Pine Trees at your sides. 
Feeling as if you wasted your time you turn and begin jogging, holding your pounding hand close to your stained shirt. You freeze, with your back to the moon, as you come in contact with the enormous bright light before you. 
Move, Y/N, move!
Your legs turn into noodles but a quick hand grabs your arm and yanks you out of the way before the roaring lights touch you. Your body touches the cold pavement and you inhale sharply, feeling someone straddle you. Staring up at the shadow looming above you, putting dead weight on you like they were dead themselves, makes the fear come rushing back. The person raises their hand and you catch sight of the glistening blade in the moonlight shining down on you both.
His big hand covers you mouth before you get the chance to scream. His face arches close to yours, his lips nearly touching your moistened cheek. “Now you can never leave me, princess.” 
You jolt forward, opening your eyes and slamming into the dashboard in front of you. You move back slowly as you rub your forehead and notice the sweat dripping from your face. 
You look at your sister who stuffs the car’s keys into her pocket. You hadn’t realized the car was stopped and that you were at a diner. 
You nod, groaning quietly. “How long have I been asleep?”
She shrugs. “About 20 minutes..and you were mumbling in your sleep too.” She chuckles and steps out of the car. You follow her lead and the both of you walk into the diner that has a retro theme. 
The seats at each checkered table has the design of a car’s seat in the 50s, and the walls were scattered with metal posters of movies back then, license plates from numerous places, and soda brands. A single wall catches your attention as the waiter brings the both of you to your table. Spread across the wall were newspapers of random events in history all over the world and even a few random ones. You see one in specific that makes you tilt your head and furrow your head in confusion.
“Hey..” your sister peeks at you over her menu once you’re sitting, “was my accident popular?”
“Hell if I know.”
You frown and your shoulders drop. She gets up from her seat, pointing at her menu telling you what she wanted before going into the bathroom. You pull out your phone as soon as she disappears, your thoughts racing now that your curiosity is peaked. You have to know if something that would normally be only news in a small town somehow ended up being blown throughout the whole nation. You doubted it. Car crashes happen all the time anyway.
‘3 die in accident, one little girl survives despite horrific injuries!’ you begin to read the first article you see, showing a picture of a younger you. Your strong interest doesn’t let you pull away from the small screen in your hand. ‘Young Y/N is a strong girl after facing horrible luck in her small town all in one year during her stay there. Going from saving her friend from death once, and to another who took his own life, we can only hope her strong spirit makes it in the hospital. Our prayers are with you!’
My friends?..What small town?..
Before you get the chance to look up from your screen your thumb scrolls down even further as your eyes skim across the words, looking for answers in the article. Not to your surprise, you see nothing but as you’re about to give up your eyes catch sight of a photo of you with two other people’s whose faces are blurred out. 
Your smiling face stares back at you as you had made a peace sign that can hardly be seen due to your yellow pull over sweater. The person to your right who you assume is a boy held your shoulders, his head leaning close to you. The other made a peace sign as well, his white long-sleeved shirt lowered down to his knees, and a metal ring on his left hand’s pinkie. You notice that you had the same thing but on your right hand. 
Your sister comes before you get to study the picture closer. 
“Did you know who my friends were in the past?”
Your sister doesn’t answer and continues to stare out of the passenger window. Your hands grip the wheel and you sigh. 
“Not a clue. You never spoke about them to me... so even if I did know I don’t think it matters whether you know or not.”
You shrug and glance at her, showing a small smile. “I want to know what I did tell you.”
“Y/N, why are you bugging me about this?” her clamorous voice makes you jump slightly, your eyes popping out of your sockets. You avoid eye contact with her.
She rolls her eyes and puts her seat back. Her head faces away from you and for awhile you’re alone with the radio playing silently in the background. The calm mood doesn’t last until your sister sits up and pulls the seat up with her. She faces you.
“You only told me that you had a friend who loved to paint and one who was extremely handsome, like a prince almost.”
You look at her and back at the road quickly. The sun was beginning to set past the mountains in the distance, and it wouldn’t be long until you reached Seoul. You smile, muttering ‘Thank you’, and your sister falls back with her seat once again.
The information your sister told you has no interest to you. When you were 12 of course you wouldn’t tell the important things to your sister, but you couldn’t blame yourself anyway. You didn’t live with your sister and didn’t even get to see your dad often either. Your mom had decided to move somewhere with you for awhile until your dad got settled in a city, getting a stable job and decent house while he was there. He could only afford him and your sister at the time, so your mom and you lived with your aunt somewhere for the time being. 
Your mom hates that place now and won’t tell you where that place is. What a shocker...
The night soon came and the sun disappeared, leaving you in the dark with your headlights and the moon lighting the road before you. You hadn’t given your past another thought as you deluged yourself in your future that was just a few more hours away. You smiled as you imagined yourself on stage, dancing with someone who was much more talented than you, and possibly being friends with him. That chance was special to you since that could really be the start of your career as a singer. 
You fell back into your seat and began imagining even further, nearly forgetting about where you were and what you were doing. 
You could feel your eyes begin to get that heavy feeling and as your eyes looked at the clock to see 12:01 am, your hope sunk as you knew you would be at the wheel for a few more hours. This is what you get for offering to drive. 
With the tires running smoothly against the black pavement, and the radio playing softly like a lullaby, you began to hold your eyes closed for longer than a second. You would shake your head and rub your eyes in attempt to stay awake, but it felt hopeless. You reach over to shake your sister awake when you see something familiar in the far distance getting closer to you at a fast rate. 
Those two bright lights...am I dreaming now?...
Your sister’s soft hands touch yours. Your name coming from her panic-stricken voice doesn’t leave your mind.
Not sure if this chapter was entertaining but it’s real late and I kinda wrote in a rush, but I’ll try my best to make the others more interesting and I hope you like the others. Thank you for reading ! :)
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333vam333 · 5 years
The Nowhere | got7
{ PROLOGUE , The Dreams }
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Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 1k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity, a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
Cold, moist drops fell penetrating your skin as you could feel the bottom of your soles beginning to heat up with each step you took against the dark pavement. The trees slowly enclosed around you, making your breath get caught in your throat and your heart pound faster at the anxious feeling in your gut engulfing you. 
He was on your trail even though you couldn’t hear his footsteps squashing in the puddles behind you. The hairs on your nape stood as you could sense him right on your heel, but turning to glance only slowed your pace which he wanted. You kept falling in his trap each and every night you spent with him. All that you saw behind you was the darkness being dimly lit by the moonlight that was shining down weakly onto the road, and you who stupidly stood in the middle where you could be easily seen. 
Without another thought, you picked up your pace and bolted, attempting to get into the woods at your sides but something wouldn’t let you. A force that dug into your hand with each attempt you made, like a blade grinding against your skin, tearing your tendons and muscles without care, causing you to cry out but you would quickly shut yourself up afraid that he would hear you. But it didn’t matter, he as like a hawk. Tears streamed down your cheeks, hope fading from you, getting mixed with the rain drops falling down freely. Even as your sides began to ache, your throat growing drier by every breath you inhaled, and your legs and feet growing numb with each step you took you kept pushing. 
You had to get away from his sight, his grips, his amusement that made your blood boil like this was some sort of game as if you were his favorite level to play on repeat. 
Wanting to finally confront him, fighting him off and showing him how fed up you’ve gotten after all these years, you’d stop without you yourself stopping willingly. Your heart would freeze as a single white light appeared before you, coming full speed like you weren’t there at all. The single light would divide into two the closer it got and you could smell gasoline find its way to you and your heart sunk. Your breathing would quicken, chest popping in and out rapidly, but before the lights reached your drenched self it seemed as if time stopped. You didn’t flinch at the lights blinding you that were just a few inches away. Instead, a pinch of relief swept over you, that is, until you felt a gentle hand find its way to your shoulder. Jumping and turning on your heel hastily, you would come face to face with a shadow hovering above you. 
It was a tree. It slanted to the side almost like it wanted to rest on the ground, tired after all these years of reaching its naked branches to the sky as if to silently call for help in this sea of upright Pine Trees. That wasn’t the thing that caught your attention though. A single man was sitting on the branch closest to the ground, one of his legs floating in the air as the other was barley touching the grass. He was gazing at the lake that stretched outwards until it touched land that was swarmed with even more trees. You felt trapped almost. Kinda like the trees were guarding you, either for something or from. Staring at the man who’s a few feet away from you, suddenly becomes aware of your presence and hops down. 
You take notice of the sunlight peering down from the leaves that were covering the top of the tree, creating many differently sized shadows on the floor. The rain ceased to exist during this time and the air around you felt cool, breezing gently against your now dry skin. 
Before you know it the man is now standing before you. Without thinking, and with a dumb smile plastered on your face, you run into his arms. Hugging you back you can feel his chin rest on the top of your head as your ear is pressed against his chest. You don’t notice anything off until you realize you can’t hear a steady heartbeat, or one at all. It felt right though. His welcoming arms embracing you, comforting you, protecting you, telling you “You’re safe.” His soothing voice finds their way to your ears and sends chills racing down your whole body making the hairs on your arms and nape stand up. 
“I’ll protect you.” were the only words to make you fall for him.
You release a moony sigh, your arms hugging him tighter. I missed you..
Strangely, you get the urge to peer up at him, but once you do your smile vanishes at the sight the sunlight shown on his face. He wasn’t smiling but the side of his face appeared to be. Pushing him away, you get a clearer look at his indented cheek which now made your legs go weak and your heart stop when his head flung back and his hand flew to his cheek. Once he pulled his hand away, his loud cries echoing throughout the forest, you could feel your whole world spinning as he opened his mouth in pain, exposing the inside of his mouth by one large gnash growing slowly. Covering your ears in attempt to stop the tearing of his cheek flooding in, they only grew louder. It sounded as if cloth were ripping. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the sight of his blood splattering onto the green grass. Once it stopped everything went silent. He looked at you but you couldn’t see his eyes. 
You stepped back cautious, terrified of the sight before you that was meant to be sweet, into the chest of someone you didn’t want to run into. His strong arms wrapped around your torso. 
His soft voice seemed loud being to close to you. He could feel your body tremble, causing him to chuckle as if you told a joke. He rested his head on your shoulder, his lips nearly touching your ear. “Is he still pretty, Y/N?”
Hey, this is the Prologue to my first fanfic series. I hope you enjoy it and if it ever seems too extra then please tell me, just tell me anything that could help me improve my writing! Thanks for reading :) I hope I don’t bore you.
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333vam333 · 5 years
The Nowhere | got7
{ CHAPTER 3 } edited a lil
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Title: The Nowhere
Word Count: 2k+
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fantasy-ish, Mystery, Thriller-ish
Warnings: mentions of suicide, murder, a lil graphic (??), a lil profanity (??), a lil smut too ;)
Pairings: Park Jinyoung x reader, Im Jaebum x reader
Summary: After suffering years from the same nightmares that slowly get worse as you grow older, you learn why those taunting dreams come to you like memories you can’t remember in an unfortunate way.
Trees. Everywhere. 
They towered over you, crowding you into a narrow walkway on the crunching dirt road. The sky above you was a clear, baby-blue scene, making your eyebrows lower and your nose scrunch up. Dark green portions of grass lay scattered against the feet of the Pine Trees, blossoming healthy, yellow Dandelions as if to say ‘Welcome’. Even the bright, pleasant Sun gazing down on you lit the way as you walked only a few feet away from the man with the less chiseled features - what was his name? Jr? Oh, it didn’t matter since your mind was in another world, baffled at your surroundings before your very eyes.
Nothing seemed right. Why wasn’t there snow coating the outstretched branches of the trees? Why wasn’t each step you took a deep crunch that echoed through this thin, suffocating pathway as you walked on white, newly pasted snow? It wasn’t right, you were supposed to be feeling each inch of your body be bit by small snowflakes and a cold wind that whipped itself at your eyes. It was supposed to be winter. Unless..
You shake your head, swallowing down that thought that happened once before. It was time to get your thoughts and head on straight. 
Peering over at your sides, lowering your pace but keeping your footsteps even with the man’s, you spot the bases of houses creeping behind the trees that enclosed you. They weren’t too far and you were confident that as soon as you began to run you could get to a doorstep and ask for directions to Seoul. But you hesitate. Where would you go from there? So far you hadn’t spotted a single soul other than those men from the hospital, or even an asphalt road. It seemed almost as if the total population of this area was two people. 
“Hey, Y/N!” your head instantly snaps to the man who stood before you. He motioned his hand towards him and your relief flies off your shoulders as soon as you see his friendly smile. He didn’t see you. You run to stand next to him.
“We’re here!” He extends his arms towards a small gray house. “This is our home, roomie! C’mon,” he grips your forearm firmly, but gently tugs as if to ask for your permission to be pulled into the dark house. You take a step and follow him up the railless, wooden stairs onto their patio that is the same pale brown paint. 
You gaze around as the man whose name you forgot jiggles his numerous keys into the keyhole, clicking his tongue each time the key doesn’t fit. Your nose wrinkles and your upper lip twitches up as you step away from the chipping, gray paint with its chunks of white spotted carelessly on the house. It seemed like people began to paint and got too tired to finish every last bit. You even take notice of the part of the wall above your head, where you can’t even reach, and see no patches of gray anywhere. 
The man cheers silently as the door finally pushes open and you follow behind him. You hesitate for a second, contemplating whether going inside a stranger’s house is a good idea. The man stops walking and turns as he notices there isn’t another pair of footsteps echoing behind him. 
“What’s the matter?”
You don’t answer. You step back and look at the neighboring house, hoping a couple or an elder will walk out. At least then you know you’d be a little safer.
The man smirks and lowers his shoulders, “You have nothing to worry about, Y/N. I promise nothing will happen to you, just let me show you your room and your can decide the rest for yourself.”
After a couple minutes of your awkward silence, the occasional glance at the floor and your shoe kicking at the floor, the man walks up to you and holds his hand out.
“I promise you that I, and my good friend Jaebum, will not do anything without your consent.” his low, tender voice oozes into your ears, a sense of comfort consuming you. Your eyes shift up from his hand to his dark eyes. “I can imagine how strange it must be to live with men you’ve never met before..but trust me, Y/N..nothing will happen, I cross my heart.” His pinkie finger crosses his bicep.
You lower your head in thought. The warmth of his voice and piercing, but trusting scream, from his eyes made you face up.
“Just show me my room.”
Jaebum peers over the gingerbread and caramel colored wall, into the dim hallway with it’s faded maroon carpet. Each of the 5 rooms filling up the hallway each had their insides exposed, all but 1 at the very end. He tilts his head, furrowing his brow, and pouting as he turns to Jinyoung who hums to a silent song as a sizzle overpowers his noise. 
“So..how long has it been since she came here?” Jaebum glances at his friend who only shrugs. 
“A few hours? Minutes? Who knows.”
The curious man rolls his eyes and walks to the front door, opening it and coming to a halt before he walks out completely. 
“Just..Make her come out of that room. I don’t want her to be a hermit.”
"Why?” Jinyoung finally looks at his roommate. His hands were covered in a clear plastic glove, a pink sauce smeared on his finger tips. “It would make things a lot better and easier for us, Hyung, wouldn’t it?” 
A smirk finds its way to full lips.
Peeking your head over the light pink polka-dotted blanket, you notice how still the house is. Not a single soft thump of footsteps on the creaking wood floor, or murmuring voices in the distance can be heard. You smile foolishly; this has been the best noise you’ve heard all day.
Getting the idea everything is safe for you to wander around, you jump off the mattress and cautiously open the door. You peer over the corner and your eyes meet with the dark hallway, ending at the dining room table with its two white, wooden chairs. You began to walk, wincing every time you apply small amounts of pressure on your left leg but you take big steps. Everything that went past you appeared as a shadow. Taking this chance and convincing yourself that you won’t be caught you dash to your left, eyeing the first door you saw that led outside.
Placing your hand on the cool, metal doorknob of the glass door, you slowly push it open, holding your breath and your eyes shut in hopes that nothing makes a noise in case anyone was in the house. 
Your breath of relief flies out of your mouth and you scurry off the light brown porch, your slippers coming into contact with grass that grazes against your ankles. The fresh, chill air pushes against your body and your hair back. Before you get the chance to pull your phone that pokes around in your pocket, you spot a tree just a few feet in front of you. 
You step down the small hill leisurely and up to the tree that caught your attention. It looked different from the rest of Pine Trees, you didn’t really know if you could consider it a Pine Tree. The branches were thicker, a lighter brown, and stripped of most of its leaves. The trunk slanted..the branches reaching up to the blue sky. You know you’ve seen something like this before but your slow mind doesn’t pin-point where.
Walking up to the plant, your hand traces its slanted outline as you circle around it. A pair of shoes tied by its laces hang from the highest branch that extended upwards to the sky once you peered up. You don’t think much of it. In front of you stretched a large body of water, the Pine Trees guarding it from ever escaping. You lean against the odd tree’s trunk and stare out at the water, watching the small patches of moss bopping through the calm lake. 
This place felt familiar to you. Your dreams cross your mind and your hopes of this place being in your past dissolve; you knew what would happen at this moment once you saw that man with his torn face. So that’s where I remember it then, huh?
You finally take out your phone and began to wander around, getting closer to the house as you went, holding it above your head. 
“C’mon!” you whisper harshly through gritted teeth, shaking the small thing as if it would help get connection. “Ah, please just work for one phone call!”
Eyeing the signal bar was useless as it never changed from ‘Not Connected’ ever since you arrived at the house, or the hospital exactly. You sigh, dropping your arms and gazing around. One more time, Y/N..try once more
You raise your phone to the sky, slowly moving around before a hand comes into view and it flies from your hand instantly. You don’t get the chance to react until you turn and see Jinyoung, the corners of his lips pulled upwards. 
“Give that back!” you reach for your phone but he raises his arm, his smile growing wider the more you jump up at get it. He steps back.
“Nah, this is useless. You have no reason to have a phone here, since there obviously isn’t any Wifi. And plus, your leg isn’t healed.”
You don’t give in despite his information. You continue to jump and chase him, his giggles making your blood begin to simmer. You’ve had enough the moment he puts his hand on your forehead, pushing you away.Slapping his hand off gives him the hint and his childish smile vanishes as he awkwardly glances away from you. 
“Sorry..” he says in a low voice.
You huff out a steamy breath and cross your arms. 
Suddenly, in the corner of your eye, you see Jinyoung hand something out to you. A crown of short leaves, brown creating the circle, and Daffodils swarming randomly around the creation is held in front of you.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Jinyoung’s soft voice creeps up as you examine it. Your eyes fling to his. “I made it myself. I’m a very artsy person!”
Without your consent he places the circle on your head and steps back, his eyes and mouth growing wide with amazement. He nods and as your eyes trail down his body you spot your phone held loosely in his right hand. This was your chance. 
You plot the scene perfectly in your mind as Jinyoung rambles on about something you aren’t listening to. Jump forward, grab the phone, and run away. Perfect! 
Narrowing your eyes, you slowly get in a stance, your eyes glued at the small object in the man’s hands. You lunge forward at him, only to have everything fly past you and the ground get bigger as tight arms wrap around your waist. A low groan and hot air brush past your left ear once everything is still.
You quickly pick yourself up slightly with your arms, your hands laying on both sides of Jinyoung’s dark haired head. “I’m so sorry!”
The tips of your ears grow hot instantly as you realize your face is closer to Jinyoung’s than you expected. There wasn’t a single blemish...no pores..yet his face looked squishy, like a child. Your eyes meet his and the embarrassment that clung onto you slowly oozes away, only to be replaced with a nauseating rumble in your gut. Your gulp sounded louder than it should have been, especially with the soft chirping of birds and the rustling of the dark green leaves.
You face away from Jinyoung and attempt to raise yourself off of him. His arms tighten their grip and for a moment it felt like your back was about to snap in half with his inhumane strength.
You look back at him quickly, freezing as you notice his face has gotten closer than it first was. His lips were only a few inches away from yours.
“W-What?..” your voice shook, the redness flushing back on your ears.
His hand reaches up to your hair and with a slight tug he shows you the small twigs that were stuck in your hair. You pat your head quickly to find the crown, but it fell once you both rolled down the small hill. The corners of his eyes wrinkle up and he exposes a toothy grin followed by a soft, deep laughter.
Uhhh, this is something hehe I hope it wasn’t boring and wasn’t tooooo bad. Anyway, thanks for reading! See ya next timmeeeee btw I hope not boring you :/
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