#imma be real. and maybe I’ll make a separate post about it but. I definitely feel like kiryu and majima drunk made out in an alley or
designernishiki · 1 year
GOD I wish we had like. Any canon content of Nishiki bearing witness to Kiryu and Majima's whole Thing
Like, in yakuza 1 it seemed like Majima knew Kiryu before he went to prison, and not just cause he learned his name in yakuza 0. They seemed to have had a rapport and Majima knew that Kiryu was "rusty" from his time in jail. So they clearly were doing their psychosexual fight shenanigans back in the 90s. And Nishiki HAD to have witnessed or at least known about it
No this doesn't keep me up at night I'm normal
SO true bestie I CONSTANTLY wonder what the hell was going on in that 89-95’ window with them,,, and the completely unexplored dynamic with nishiki as part of that especially– I mean, nishiki’s the one who initially says he’s gonna make it his duty to welcome kiryu back from prison with open arms and all that, and when that falls through majima swoops in without anyone asking (quite the opposite- he definitely isn’t supposed to be welcoming back The Guy Convicted Of Killing Dojima) and becomes somewhat of a replacement pillar in kiryu’s life where nishiki used to be. which is a pretty huge hole to fill. and suggests their relationship had to have not totally come out of nowhere.
it makes me seriously wonder like. what kind of relationship did majima have with kiryu prior to prison in which majima could become so attached to him that he goes out of his way to help or save him whenever possible? or did it become that way more delayed, ramping up the moment nishiki was out of the picture so to speak? like you said, they were already seemingly pretty well acquainted before shit went down, but with nishiki still around… hm. it’s an important factor to consider for sure.
my thought is that nishiki would’ve been protective over kiryu and would try, to the best of his ability, to keep him at a distance from The Mad Dog of Shimano (understandable, honestly), half out of genuine concern and half out of the fear of someone attempting to lure kiryu away from him and leave him alone and, by consequentially, worthless– considering he’s a very insecure guy and he and kiryu were quite codependent at the time. and knowing majima, he likely would’ve gotten the message loud and clear and perhaps kept his distance emotionally speaking (to the best of his ability, but let’s be real i think majima caught feelings for kiryu pretty early and wouldn’t be able to TOTALLY stop them from manifesting in one way or another), but I don’t doubt kiryu still ended up in various ordeals and play-fights with him– maybe even a bit more than that. I can see majima getting a kick out of annoying nishiki and by no means would majima be intimidated by him whatsoever (he can’t beat the shit out of nishiki and nishiki knows that from experience)– but majima’s, secretly, a very selfless, oddly self-disciplined person and I doubt he’d purposefully take his teasing too far. in fact, I think he’d try pretty actively to avoid approaching kiryu if nishiki’s around, knowing nishiki’s not a fan of him, not wanting to create any distance between the two, and not wanting to inject himself too deep into kiryu’s life to turn back when he needs to.
I feel like nishiki wouldn’t genuinely feel threatened by majima’s mad dog reputation; he’d feel threatened by whatever enigmatic thing majima is beneath the mad dog persona. whatever he is that allowed him to run the most prestigious cabaret in sotembori (and probably one of the best in all of Japan) and get it to such a status in only two years, all while only 22-24 years old, and all while recovering from an entire year in the hole (which, as we know, nishiki has been informed about the horrors of). so, while he’d be insecure and concerned about kiryu getting drawn away from him by someone more competent than himself, he’d also be distrusting due to the lingering feeling that whatever majima’s interests were with kiryu, they’d have an ulterior motive or two that could get kiryu hurt or worse. majima was shimano’s dog at the time, after all– who knows what he could’ve been ordered to do with kiryu in the long run? what kind of guy would voluntarily pledge his allegiance to shimano after being tortured by him for so long? you get the picture.
side note: interesting to consider that he would’ve been right to be threatened by majima’s competence to some degree, considering majima’s the one who jumps in to fill the gap nishiki leaves in kiryu’s life after he’s released, AND he ends up taking nishiki’s place as top earner in the tojo clan only a year after his downfall. where he’d be wrong is that any of that was malicious.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Gay Wyatt??? YES PLEASE 💕 is there anything else you can tell us that isn’t a spoiler for your fic? Like when he knew and who’s his type? You writing Wyatt as gay is like best thing to happen in this disaster that is 2020 👌🏻
i think wyatt was one of those kids who never really had issues coming to terms with / figuring out his sexuality i think somewhere between the ages of 10 - 13 when everyone’s really talking about crushes and who likes who and all that wyatt’s like i like boys :) i think he was out in middle school meaning he was definitely collected as a gay best friend because as someone who went to middle school in the early 2010′s the attitude towards gay kids (only guys obviously middle school is still very homophobic) was weirdly fetishy because we all watched glee and all that and the amount of girls who were all like we need him as our gay best friend....... yeah i think that was what happened with wyatt. i think during that era he really leaned into the “stereotypical” gay tropes like calling everyone sister and saying yaaaasss and okurrrr bc let’s face it he’s a people pleaser it’s middle school and he really doesn’t want to go against that grain. i think in high school was definitely more of wyatt y’know finding out who he really is outside of straight girl perceptions of him he was definitely in the school gsa all that in all honesty i think up to the point where i’m at in my story wyatt’s maybe had only two boyfriends (middle school doesn’t count there was only one other out kid he knew and they’d hold hands sometimes. they’re still friends tho.) bc like as previously stated i really do think wyatt is the type of guy to fall in love every single time i think he would have dated a guy he met in gsa from the end of junior year over the summer and into senior year, falling apart in the winter in a mutual fashion but like wyatt was still just really broken up about it all that definitely cried to taylor swift’s back to december a couple times and then in college he’s like i’m a new man i’m confident i’m independant blah blah blah and i think his next boyfriend would have actually been another witch that he had gone to magic school with and i think that would have lasted almost two years or so, roughly from age 20 to 22 with wyatt being 22 in the current place in the story and uhh wyatt actually got dumped the it’s not you it’s me bc uhhh wyatt was In Love with this guy and he loved wyatt too but like, y’know he didn’t really plan on extending that relationship past college and he loved and cared for wyatt but wanted to grow as his own person blah blah blah and um Wyatt’s Still Not Over It. i keep trying to subtly incorporate that into the story because quite honestly i think wyatt still has pictures of them around his apartment that he keeps trying to get rid of but then doesn’t have the heart to do so and it’s the excruciating back and forth and chris like,, makes fun of him for it in a sense but can also tell wyatt’s still really broken up about it so he goes easy on him chris’s initial plan was to talk shit about that guy but uhh it’s clear wyatt still has very strong feelings for him and talking smack only made him feel worse do uhh yikes! and that has always sort of been the romantic origin story that i’ve held for wyatt in my head even though i don’t think i’m ever going to do anything with his witch ex boyfriend i still haven’t settled on what i want his power to be i was thinking either a firestarter or telekinetic but also it doesn’t matter as i don’t have any specific plans for that character other than to hopefully eventually reference that romance to establish a) that wyatt is gay and b) that he’s a hopeless romantic who falls in love every time.
i really don’t have any romances mapped out for wyatt in my head, for most characters, i’ll sprinkle in some cute non-endgame relationships and then for some i know who i’d want them to end up with in the end idk if it’s a spoiler or not if i say that i’m definitely gonna make chris and bianca endgame but i also don’t want to jump into endgame relationships immediately because then you don’t really get to see characters date and change alongside other people as far as relationships i have mapped out, there’s chris and bianca, obvi, i have one long running one i want to add for kat, pj already has a boyfriend and i definitely want to continue to sort of work on and build their relationship bc i think atm pj’s boyfriend is the only himbo character i’ve got and i shan’t be giving him up any time soon i have a couple temp li ideas for parker and one or two for tam (i also have a firm, solid idea of who i want tam’s endgame to be but again i don’t want to jump into that immediately she’s like 18 there should be room for romantic exploration before you you meet the love of your life yknow) in regards to henry i’ve got a couple ideas i want to play around with you’ll definitely understand what i’m talking about sooner or later once i get there gotta pay homage to a classic charmed trope at this point am i missing anyone peyton’s 14 so i’m not putting like any real focus on her romantic life bc like she’s the brainiac who just started high school i think her focus is gonna be much more specifically honed in on studies than her own person love life (everyone else’s love lives are totally on the table though she is a cupid after all and she’s definitely joining parker and pj’s pre-established betting pool on the love lives around sfhs (melinda was also formerly in this betting pool as an empath but she’s now off to college) henry will also sometimes wager a bet despite his lack of powers) on the topic of melinda who i think at this point is the only character who’s love life i haven’t mentioned i don’t think she’s ever dated anyone. like, i think she’s been on dates, but never had that actually turn into a relationship, y’know? and i think she really lets her own empath powers get in the way of forming any real romantic relationships because once love is involved she has a lot of trouble telling which emotions are hers and which are theirs and she always negatively talks herself into believing any attraction she feels is 100% coming from her end and she should never assume that any of these positive emotions she feels could be coming from them and really has a knack for talking herself out of love with a person. because all of the piper halliwell kids are gonna have shit luck with love. that’s just gonna be like their trademark.
oh i forgot to answer wyatt’s type!! this post is already hella long imma link a separate post with the next gen + all of their types since i’m already rambling
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scatterpatter · 6 years
Tumblr chomped my submission so here's Take 2 in an attempt to send the rest
*Colorless torn the photo :<
This is where we left of last time hell ye
*One of the tags on that post: mi—–
*sssssips tea*
*Colorless is sad (not about killing though darnit Colorless that anon is dead do you have any remorse red-eye boy?)
He has... a lot of emotions XD
*Mention that he wasn’t always this unstable/a killer
He’s not lying. He didn’t come into existence chill with severing anons, that’s a trait that evolved in him over time.
*Tag notes: Mik—-, Nat——
*Strangely no quiet noise from Scatter through out all of this
He doesn’t want to interject- he found someone who C is finally opening up to- to Scatter that’s huge because he reeeeaaaally just wants C to stop this bullshit
*“It’s all HIS fault” -Colorless
*“HIS” is in blue hmmmmmmmM
;))))) It’s almost like I chose that color for a reason ;)))))
*One of the tags is “colorless loves the pronoun game” which is… interesting? The other tags of interest: Mik—, Nath—–
The pronoun game as in “HIS fault” rather than just sAYING HIS FUCKIN NAME WE STILL DONT KNOW BLUE’S NAME YOU EDGY WALNUT- Also continuity error, Mik was supposed to have another dash in it, oops.
*Colorless gave up control on the verge of tears. Was that on purpose?
;) Mayhaps~
*Also the words of Colorless and Scatter were smoothly transitioning during this event? Maybe Scatter was conscious of what’s happening then. Or…more on this later
uwu very conscious
*Colorless never left during his own hiatus. He’s still here. He can add tags Scatter :)
*S I P*
*Scatter wants to be kidnapped. How fun!
*You can’t convince me otherwise. Perhaps for Roleplay Drama? I was tempted to kidnap :3c
*I mean he never said “no” that was Colorless
*Maybe another time… :)
*Plz don’t snap my neck Colorless it’s for fun the door will be unlocked and He Can Leave At Any Time
Big mood
*Colorless is not good in hiding Moods
*emotional boy
He’s not good at expressing feelings
*It’s alright Colorless
It’s really not
*I mean the killing thing is not but
*The Shipping of Colorless And Apathy.txt (Ray’s character) Happens
Oh definitely! He’s more than capable of falling for Apathy, but first he’s gotta really trust him. Like, they gotta get really platonically close and develop a deep trust in each other before Colorless can start feeling attracted to him. I think it’s safe to assume Colorless is a Demiromantic Asexual.
*Though I’m unsure what of it may not be canon…
As of right now: Colorless and Apathy know each other and live together with The Game. C and Apa are... “friends”? They don’t hate each other but friends implies C isn’t an asshole at all times.
*Colorless can code. Is Scatter robot? Jkjk. The code reads (as much as I can tell(: “if (edge = true {run angst.exe} ints x = 4 lol Narrwashere)” Darnit Narr…. and “while (int i = 0) {delete blue.file} run owo.exe int ++ returntrue”
Since I’m a comp sci major I like to implement coding in things XD Most of it is clutter/nonsense to give the illusion that he’s doing some complex shit. Narr is a bean just let them mess around- 
*Is that a stitch on his belly? :O Scatter what happened?
;) Something really bad ;)
*“Unfortunately, I need to steal Scatter’s body in order to do any physical tasks ever since the Incident.” -Colorless
Correct! They shared a body so C couldn’t do anything physical without taking Scatt’s body first
*More coding (and me squinting at a screen): “err: blue.file .file is not a real file format you dingus run edge. avi” and “While (true) {Convert blue.file to blue.mem} erase blue.mem” and “Do you even know our real names? Do you?” That last code is weird, huh?
Very weird ;) Odd how Scatter doesn’t ever refer to him by his real name, only Colorless.
*Colorless is… planning something big.
What an asshole
*New code “Run seperate.exe”
This is probably fine
*“Yes, finally, I did it!!! After all this time, I’ll be free of THEM!!!”-Colorless. THEM is blue. Is them referring to two people… or one?
“Them” is colored blue and purple. Them is referring to plural. Blue isn’t the only one Colorless hates ;)
*Colorless pulled Scatter and himself apart….
This is still fine
*Scatter is still purple
Key note- He’s still drawn in normal pencil while Colorless isn’t ;)
*Colorless is crying black. Or bleeding black?
I didn’t explain this because I accidentally left the last event on a cliffhanger but: Scatter Blue and Colorless should NOT be separated. They’re veeery physically unstable when apart, and they would both be dead right now if Colorless hadn’t coded a way to keep them... slightly stable. The black is to signify “tHEY ARE NOT OKAY LIKE THIS”. It’s a mess. It’s a bad idea. Someone stop him.
*Scatter portrays, well, Scatter.
*Colorless is confirmed to be like a Darkiplier or an Antiseptiplier
What can I say I’m a sucker for edgelords
*“ He’s a character that looks similar to Scatter/me, but has a different personality.” Also pronoun is he.
Oh yeah, all 3 of them use he/him pronouns!
*“Colorless was not a planned character… He was supposed to just be a “Scatter finally snapped” before I made him his own thing. Now, Colorless and Scatter share the same body. Either ego can come out at any time, and we’ve seen them abruptly shift before: So yes. Scatter and Colorless are in the same body. It’s like one of those “he’s a part of me” kinds of things because, you know, alter ego. Someone found a photo of Colorless(with normal red eyes, important to note), Scatter, and someone else with their face crossed out. What’s odd here is we see Colorless and Scatter in separate bodies, which is strange because we always see them sharing a body, NEVER separate. Important to note that Colorless is fully red(save for the eyes and that other black stuff), implying he’s far from a normal human in this form.”
*“So yeah tl;dr: Scatter is a persona, Colorless is an alter ego. They used to share a body, but are now in two separate bodies. Something bad happened in the past that caused this whole mess to happen…”
*And then Scooterpooter appears. He’s great tbh give him more screen time plz
I never meant for him to be an actual ego but I love him too much to get rid of him
*Also Scoot’s a demon. Yes.
I want to make more content of the misadventures with him and his summoner kurnsjfndkdjfn
*Blue in a photo. He has a “cool guy/cold guy” aura or something. He blu
*Then red blue and purple scribbles him out :<
Actually the colors crossing him out are red purple and green ;)
And there’s a tag that just says “gone”
uwu *sssssip*
*Colorless’s fear: "Losing any more of himself. Losing his identity. Being forced back together. Being alone with his thoughts. Being lost and forgotten. Forgetting his real name. His fears are very existential/abstract.”
*Colorless’s past can cause him to cry and he hates himself… oh dear
*“Scatter can and will tip toe around the subject, while Colorless absolutely despises Blue and blames him for everything that happened to them.”
They are b a d for each other
*Man I am excite for the sunrise comic
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You and me both ;)
*Scoot isn’t evil and has no moral compass good demon roller boy
He’s doing His Best(TM)
*Latest art of Scatter shows some blue peeking out of one eye and… some black tears dripping there. Concern.
This is no longer fine
*Oh and more shipping and edge squad is a thing, neat
I was gonna make a post explaining this but basically- after Scatter and Colorless split apart, C abandoned him and eventually found Apa and Game, and that’s when they started to hang out and live together. He cares about Apathy and Game but shhhhh you didn’t hear that from me ;)
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jessamarvel-blog · 7 years
Why I’m so in love with “Camren”
*Bonus - the last part of this post is a must-see
Hi guys!
This is like a Camren Guide. LMAO.
I’m bored so Imma make a post about my favorite and only ship!
So first things first, to those who do not know what Camren is, it’s a ship name for Fifth Harmony’s Lauren Jauregui and former member Camila Cabello. Camila + Lauren = Camren. Look them up on youtube and get acquainted but I suggest you ready yourselves because it’ll suck you in to the bottomless pit of mixed feelings. It’s a fucking rollercoaster ride of emotions so buckle up if you may.
For those who are new in the fandom, Camren is not that much of a hot topic anymore. Knowing that Camila left the group last year. Both went on separate ways now and they’re said to be in bad terms. Plus, Lauren is supposedly dating Ty at this point in time so... But who knows, right? Maybe the people behind them are just creating drama to survive the show business because that’s what makes people keep up. DRAMA.
To my fellow shippers, we will go down with this ship till we hit the bottom. But even so, Imma still hold on because who knows? Maybe the ship will rise back up! Hold on you guys. Our ship is endgame. I repeat, ENDGAME! :D
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Look at that! OMG!
So now, I’ll tell you how I discovered this emotion-wrecking ship. I was about to sleep, watching a music channel in my room when their Write On Me musicvid came up. I saw Lauren and I fell in love. Yes, I’m a Lauren girl and I admit that it’s too freaking hard to keep up with her but I just can’t unlove her. WHY?? So then I searched Write On Me on youtube again ‘cause I just can’t get over her. Then I saw a vid on the recommended portion title “Camren - Write On Me”. My curious ass clicked on it and damn! I have never regretted anything in my life. It sucked me in. I love it and at the same time I hate it. Damn, Camren! What have you done to me? Somehow, Camren made me a harmonizer. I support the girls up until now. Even Camila. They have earned a big potion of my heart.
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This lured me in! Such beauty...
Now let’s get on Camren. Imma give you reasons to ship it. 
1. Their background/history
Camila and Lauren are both living in Miami. They both are half Cubans. Camila is half cuban, half mexican while Lauren is half Cuban, half American. They both didn’t know each other’s existence until they tried their luck in joining X Factor. Crazy, right? Both have immediately found solace in each other knowing that they have much similarities. They instantly got close and became each other’s bff in the competition. And little did they know they’re in for a big surprise. They were grouped together! And there came Fifth Harmony. Yay!
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Awwww. Fetus feels. T_T
2. The connection/vibes
“I heard Lauren singing from the booth and I was like damn! That girl could sing. Then I saw her came out and I was like damn! she’s pretty too!”
“When I first Lauren, I was like ‘Hi, I like you shirt!” 
“I don’t feel like I have a type. I feel like when you meet somebody there’s just like an attraction. It’s more like an energy If that makes sense.” - Camila when asked about the characters she’s looking for a guy.
“I feel like it’s not something physical. It’s more about the vibe. Don’t you just feel like when you get in a room with somebody, It’s like grrr (you’re gonna make me very happy)”. - Camila during an interview (2017).
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There’s tons of sweet interactions actually.
3. Their staring at each other
Have you ever looked at someone and get lost while staring at them? It’s like you’re looking at the world and feel like you just discovered the secret to genuine happiness. Like your eyes turn into heart shapes but you’re never aware of it. These bitches mastered that.
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The most epic look/stare in Camren history. Here you can see Lauren getting lost like she’s in another dimension.
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Camila staring at the world and found genuine happiness. xD
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Lauren enjoying Camila’s spoken thoughts. 
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Camila appreciating her girl.
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Woops. Someone’s droolin. Lol.
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I wish Lauren would stare at me like that. Damn, that girl doesn’t even know I exist. T_T
There’s tons of epic looks and stares I can’t post it all. 
3. Their Indirects.
“Indirects are fun.”-Lauren Jauregui
Bitch, we love it. We’re enjoying it. It’s definitely entertaining. You guys, I think some of their posts/tweets are prolly indirects while some are pure coincidence. I really don’t know how to differentiate. Nevertheless, if they post/tweet the same thought but are not meant to be indirects to each other, then I must conclude they are indeed soulmates. That fucking sameness in wavelength is fucking unreal.
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The heck?
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Oh, come on!
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How weird can they be??
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Oh, and I think you should follow their actions on spotify. They listen to pretty suspicious songs. They even post songs that have weird lyrics and that are low key exposing. Camila makes weird playlists on spotify too and they have meaningful songs. She’s even weirder on spotify. That girl is full of feels.
4.  The Sun and The Moon. Sol y Luna
This one’s pretty trippy ‘cause I’m confused as to which of them is the Sun or the Moon and I know Lucy used to post The Sun and The Moon on tumblr and her instagram too.  But fuck it. Imma make it a Camren thing still. One things for sure though, they both have an obsession with this Sun and Moon thing. :*
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This one always blows my mind. Fucking soulmates.
5. Mirroring
OMG! Their mirrorings are definitely a must-see. Are they twins or something? Maybe soulmates? I wish I could find a Lauren to my Camila too. Lmao. They’re sometimes so in sync that it gives me goosebumps. 
6. Camila Cabello 
Yes, Camila Cabello. The girl feeds every Camren shippers delusions like hell. She’s the opposite of Lauren who made it a hobby to kill Camren and break her fans’ heart once in a while. Her hatred for Camren is sometimes so questionable. Like girrrrll! Leave it if it annoys you too much. She’s so defensive about Camren that her actions become suspicious. Meanwhile, Camila freely posts too much suspicious shit. Even her new solo songs and even her whole album which according to her, “The album is really not about boys though....”. We get it Camila. You’re in a glass closet. Don’t you think it’s time to finally break free? ;)
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Thanks for sharing, Camz. xD
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This interview was full of tension. Camila, we know you wanna marry Lauren but can you please tone it down a little bit?? Lol.
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Remember her posting this after Lauren “accidentally” liked a Camren pic on Instagram?? Well Camz, it was an accident she’ll never live down now. xD
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For me, this post gives it all away. In that quote, Virginia Woolf is a writer who had an affair with someone of the same sex named Vita Sackville-West. Now, why would she post that? And to think it was that time where she’s being distant to her bandmates. Oh Camzi.
There’s also that time when she said “that’s cute” referring to a fan’s Camren phone case.
A post shared by FIFTH HARMONY-CAMREN (@http.camren.otp) on Feb 10, 2017 at 7:45pm PST
Here’s a vid. Hmmmmm???
Also, Camila’s Gender neutrality is freakin’ suspicious. She uses gender neutral pronouns too much. Why can’t she just say he, him, his or she, her, hers? She instead uses they, them, somebody, someone, people. Damn, it frustrates me sometimes! Like what is she really? Gosh!
7. Tha Fans aka The Camren Shippers
What’s an FBI when you got ‘em Camren Shippers?? LMAO. These people notice everything even the girls’ fingernails. I’m not even kidding. These people are so good in making ‘em Camren videos, it’s like they went to Harvard to study film making. Lol. They mastered the art of stalking that even the girls’ very  distant relative or clueless neighbor can’t get away. What can I say? It’s complicated. ;)
Some Camren analyzing videos and blogs make sense while some are far too reaching.
 I’ll give you some links to my fave camren videos. ;)
^^This one is a long vid showing Camren interaction from January to June 2016. You can see their awkwardness in there. It’ll make you delusional. :)
^^ This one is a crack vid by heybooboodaddi, Camren Shippers’ resident comedienne. It’s super hilarious. This one’s the latest crack vid and it hits so much points. It’s kinda exposing Camila.
^^ A reaction to Booboodaddi’s crack vid. Those people represent me. CaliforniaLuv84 makes hilarious reaction vids.
^^ If you wanna drown in Camren feels, you better watch this vid.
^^ You gotta see this too but you gotta prepare lotsa tissues ‘cause yer gonna be Crying in Camren. T_T.
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Hail ye Camren Shippers! Woooh! :D
Sooo that’s it.
Wait, gonna give you a fucking bonus.
Remember the supposed Camren kiss on Dinah’s snapchat last year which she deleted minutes after? She posted it on snapchat few days before VMAs 2016. Then during the VMAs Camren was a little less awkward. They were standing and sitting next to each other, talking and laughing. They were kinda happy that time. They probably knew it was their last VMAs together so they made the best out of it. Sooo, in that snapchat I don’t think those were bags. I’ll make you guys believe. It’s the most concrete proof that makes me believe that Camren is or was real. Whenever I doubt about Camren, I always go back to this video and get my Camren hopes up.
Here’s the vid.
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ispy with my little eyes. ;)
This was the VMAs days after that snapchat!! T_T
Thoughts - I feel like they are aware of the fact that they are so perfect for each other. Dude, that is why they became uncomfortable about it because they acknowledge the fact that it could be real, it could be true.  Because if it were ever real and they didn’t have the chance to make it public, they’ll be stuck thinking how it would feel like being free to show their love for each other, not hiding. They will always have that “what-ifs” until they’re free and get the chance to try it again. If that time comes, they’re free to tell and show the world the truth. Right now, it’s just complicated. So much is on the line. Their careers on top of it all. Who would’ve known they would end up like that? Wow, what a beautiful love story. Let’s give it let’s say 2 or 3 years more. Maybe till then they’ll come through. 
(Credits to everyone whom I grabbed those pics, gifs and videos from)
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 years
So, I was tagged by @gilrael for the following:
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets!
Listen, my first reaction was pretty much “I can’t list all the things I’m currently working on. It’s...no one wants to read that whole list. It’s too long. There’s too much.”
I have been called out good and proper, but you know what? This is what the read more button was made for. These won’t be in any particular order, because I really don’t have an “order” in which I work on things? Also, some of these projects are so far on the back-burner that I really can’t say I’m actively working on them, but I never know when inspiration will strike next and divert me from what I should be doing. Essentially, if it makes the list, I think of it in my head as “imma finish this.” 
Buckle up peeps, because we May Be Some Time.
My Epic YA Fantasy Series Featuring Pretty Much Zero Romance. I neglect this series way too much for something I consider my firstborn, but this is my Passion, okay. My very username is derived from the initials of the series title. I’ve been writing and rewriting it for almost two thirds of my life now, and one day when I have something to show for that labour of love, I will be screaming about it from the rooftops. Mark my words. Also I counted this as one but there’s like...at least five novels, and also shitloads of maps and worldbuilding notes, and songs, and I have a boxfile of old pictures drawn by myself or my sister, and progress on three or four conlangs... It’s hard to really convey just how much of this shit there actually is, if I’m honest.
Hope’s Fire My first ever proper fanfic, and also sorely neglected of late. I love this story so much though, and once I push past the block I have for the current chapter I can’t wait to progress with it, because there are fuuuun times ahead.
A Standalone Novel (sucky working title is “The Aspect’s Choice”) Another YA novel, which...actually has a complete draft? Like, start to finish with no skipped scenes or anything like that. There’s magic and shit, and also no romance for the lead, it’s like this is a theme in my works or something (there’s a background romance this time tho, for those of you who like shipping).
A Fantasy Trilogy about paradoxes and multidimensional travel. I’m mentioning this one now even though I’m kinda...not working on it that much, because I’ve borrowed heavily from it for some fanfic projects. The first novel is a fantasy spy thriller, the second is a sort of...ensemble piece about a major disaster at a futuristic interdimensional traffic control place a lot like an airport/train station, and the third one is a journey through space and time on a sorta magic train which explains how the fuck the first two books are actually connected.
A World of Trouble (The Spy AU) Haikyuu fic! I started this for the HQ Brofest last year and it’s really taken off. The plot for this story was shamelessly nicked from the first book in the above trilogy, albeit with some fairly substantial divergences. 
Until We Move On My...actually, daaamn, this was my first HQ fic. I entered this fandom in a fairly definite fashion, with Suga already dead and Oikawa following shortly after - I swear it’ll have a happy ending for them both eventually tho.
Metanoia, Renascent, and Equanimity (the Trinacriform series) I debated listing these separately, to be honest. There’s no denying that Metanoia and Equanimity are higher up on my list of things to work on than Renascent is right now, but all three are still important to me and all three are going to be finished someday. Ultimately they’re here as one because holy shit this list is going to be long enough already.  Rest assured I do actually think of them as three separate entities in my head! 
The Triffid AU (just gonna list these because there are Several and holy shit I’m still so far from the end): Dangers Unseen - First in the series, Karasuno accidentally sleep through the apocalypse. Interview Transcripts - Set a few months after DU; tells all the side-stories I have to skip in DU for pacing reasons. Seijoh arc (current working title of “In Search of Silver” which will almost certainly change) - I haven’t posted any of this yet but it’s hecking angsty. A Bit Like Home - Sequel to Dangers Unseen, set a year or so after. Also hasn’t been posted anywhere yet. At the moment it’s mostly bokuaka stuff but the idea is for it to be a collection of sorta halfway standalone stories.  I have more ideas for this AU than just these, but I haven’t started writing them yet and I’m not GOING to until this list gets shorter.
An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions I’m not gonna lie, this basically started out as a stupid halfway-joking crack fic and it got out of control. 
Partner Fic to “The Carpenter’s Gift” I started writing this and got a couple of thousand words in and then basically started over. I’ll get there. Probably not before the following though:
KiyoYachi Soul Animal AU fic Set in the same universe as “The Carpenter’s Gift”, sorta...around the same time?
Another Original Fantasy Trilogy I love my fantasy, okay? The three novels in this series are all technically started, although only two of them have any substance: The Legend and the Lake is a novel about a Great Hero, and how he...actually isn’t as much of a hero as he’s going to be remembered as.  Spells and Fire is about a real fucking hero and her apprentices, and how she absolutely will not be given full credit for all she does (because she’s a bit of an arse) The Lake Guardian’s Child will be a story about a minor goddess who meets a mortal that immediately falls in love with her, and their journey to cure him of that love because he’s actually sorta engaged already.
Not Within This Restless Heart A HQ!! poly soulmate au which will probably piss off a lot of people by teh end, because no one who’s read it seems to have caught on about how complex the poly relationship is actually gonna be.
Digimon Frontier Fic - working title “Loss and Gain” I can’t really explain this one properly. It’s Angst, that’s all.
Best Laid Plans A secret santa fic I need to finish! I have part of the second and final chapter written, but life intervened and I lost my flow. Hoping to get back to it some time in the next week.
Bokuto Koutarou’s Excellent, Totally Foolproof Plan To Save Christmas As above, really (except it’s the final of 3 chapters, and it’s also the sort-of sequel to “An Error of Cat-Astrophic Proportions” ). I want to finish this up soon, so hopefully life will stop being annoying!
Lifetime Achievement Ennotana fic in which Ennoshita is a film director up for a highly prestigious award he’s dreamed of for his whole life...but he has amnesia and it currently means nothing to him.
Travellers AU - Yachi story For the HQ Brofest! Details are hush-hush for now but it’s the same universe as my time travel practical joke fics. Expect similarly ridiculous stuff.
Things We Misplaced Someone accidentally challenged me to write angsty smut which wasn’t hatesex. Smut is not my thing but I’m really stubborn okay, so I’m writing it.
BNHA Bang Fic Details are under wraps for now, but it’s gonna be fun.
A Zine Fic. It’s early days, okay?
Swansong It angst. Also not being posted to this account, for Reasons.
The Digital Fallout AU A ridiculously wide-scope Digimon AU featuring crossover appearances from like, almost all the series. It’s very much on the back burner for now but I still like thinking about it. Someday. Currently comprises of two kinda short fics: “Adventure’s End” and “The Home Frontier” but I’ve planned a LOT further.
Connection Problems This was going to be for the HQBB in 2017 but I got a massive block and had to put it on hold. I’m hoping to revisit it and finish it up by...maybe Halloween.
The Book An original novel I’ve intermittently been working on for a few years now. Essentially the titular book may or may not be sentient, but it is definitely malicious.
First Draft The..um...sequel to my standalone novel, and both my fantasy trilogies. In my defence it started out as a joke and spiralled out of control and now I want to write it for real but I literally have seven novels to finish first. 
...so yeah. That’s more or less all my active (on some level) writing projects. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything! There are a few more which I have ideas for, but I haven’t started them yet and I’m not going to until this shitstorm is a little less overwhelming. I also have costumes for my kids that I’m about to make, but...I’m not going into other creative ventures here because I will literally never finish. Oh, and there’s tagging, too... Huge apologies for dragging you to the end of this hot mess, but I’m calling on @draculasstrawhat and @ahiddenpath along with any other mutuals who didn’t already get tagged (I know I took long enough to do this that a lot of people already did!) No obligations of course, but I love seeing what people are up to!
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