#imogen i am now clinging onto you as my comfort character
part of me wants imogen to date a girl (something something bisexuals aren't just lying about their attraction to women), part of me wants imogen to date a boy (bisexuals in opposite-gender romances are just as queer as those in same-gender ones), but the third and biggest part of me wants her to end the show single (something something you don't have to be in a romantic relationship to be valid and loved, even if you experience romantic attraction)
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lakesandquarries · 8 years
Great White Gravity - Chapter Two
Pairings: taako/kravitz, taako & angus mcdonald Characters: taako, kravitz, angus mcdonald Other Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, sazed sucks, ango and his 2 dads, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, sad boys Warnings: sazed, ptsd,  Summary: In the aftermath of the goblet, Taako tries to deal. Other Notes: hella spoilery. title from “lifeline” by imogen heap shoutout to @juicywizards for their amazing fanart!!
In the morning, Taako remembers why he never shares a bed with anyone.
For one thing, it inevitably ends with someone on the floor. He wakes up with his face pushed against the carpet, fibers probably being absorbed into his face. He does not have enough cleanser for this. Sighing, he pushes himself up, cringing at the feeling of lint clinging to his face.
Angus, meanwhile, is curled up in Taako’s bed. Taako’s big, beautiful, soft bed. He's even cuddling with Taako's sleep sack.
Whatever. It's not like he needs any more sleep. He stands, stretching his limbs and wincing at the series of cracks and pops. He takes a moment to glance in his mirror, trying to brush the carpet bits off his face, making sure his hair looks decent, adjusting his lacy pink nightgown.
He leaves Angus. Kids need sleep, right? Probably.
As he walks into the living room, Magnus waves. “Yo,” he calls. “You sleep well?”
“Yeah,” Taako says. It's only a half lie, really.
“Then why did I hear the door open at like, four am?”
“Uh,” Taako says, twisting one of his rings. “Look, Magnus -”
“You don't have to lie,” Magnus says. “I get it. Nightmares, right?”
“...maybe,” Taako admits.
Magnus stands and walks over to Taako. Elves are supposed to be taller than humans, but Magnus is tall and Taako's short, and Magnus is almost exactly a head taller than him.
Magnus holds his arms out, a wordless offering, but Taako makes a show of rolling his eyes and huffing before he accepts the hug. Magnus is good at hugs. He's like a dog, almost, big and soft and sometimes a little scary looking until you realize all he wants is to be friends. Taako lets Magnus envelop him, leaning all his weight on the human until Magnus is basically holding him up.
It's...nice. He'd never admit it out loud, of course, but there's something nice about letting someone else hold him. He lets himself zone out, shutting his eyes.
He wakes up two hours later, on the couch, Magnus still holding him.
“Heyyy,” Magnus says, patting Taako's hair. “You fell asleep hugging me.”
“I'm dead,” Taako says. “This is the worst thing to ever happen to me.”
Magnus pets his hair. Taako longs for death’s sweet embrace.
….speaking of. He sits up quickly, nearly falling off the couch. There’s a half-formed idea in the back of his head, working its way to actual thought.
Kravitz is dead. Therefore, if Taako fed him poisoned food, he’d be totally fine. And Taako could spin it as a romantic date, instead of him being a fucked up mess.
It’s perfect. A grin makes its way onto his face, and Magnus looks at him.
“Taako? You okay there bud?”
“Peachy,” Taako says. “I just had the best idea.”
“You wanna share, or…?”
“Nope!” Taako shouts, shoving himself off of Magnus and rushing to his room. He ignores Angus, still asleep on the bed, and digs through the pockets of his cape.
“Where is it, where is it…” he mutters, wishing he kept his pockets neater. Finally, underneath three candy wrappers and a ring, he finds what he’s looking for - his Stone of Farspeech. He glances at Angus before he calls Kravitz.
“Yo, Kravitz, my dude, you there?” Not his best opening, but whatever. He can work with it.
“Taako?” Kravitz asks.
“Got it in one. I was wonderin’ if you’d maybe like to….Come stop by? Hang out?”
Kravitz is silent on the other end.
Shit, Taako thinks. Shit, shit shit.
“Is this for business, or for pleasure?” Kravitz asks.
Taako grins. “Pleasure,” he tells Kravitz, voice smooth and with no trace of the panic he was feeling just a few seconds ago.
Kravitz makes a noise. Taako’s not entirely sure what it means - confusion, maybe? But he continues on. “I was thinking, our last….Meeting ended kinda abruptly, right? So maybe you could do you little rift thing again, come over at….well, time’s a little weird up on the moonbase, but let’s say in six hours?”
“Oh,” Kravitz says. “I would…” He mumbles something about jobs he has, and Taako can hear him flip through some papers and write something down, and finally Kravitz speaks again. “I can’t get there for nine hours,” he says, sounding genuinely sorry. “Would that be alright?”
“Yeah, that’d work,” Taako says, trying his best to sound like he doesn’t even care if Kravitz takes nine hours or three or two days. Gotta be cool.
“So. It’s a date, then?” Kravitz asks.
“It’s a date. Wear something nice,” Taako says, and Kravitz snorts.
“I’ll see you then, Taako.” Kravitz ends the call.
Nine hours. He can definitely be ready by then. He just has to get everyone of the suite, take a long shower, make sure he looks perfect, and cook an entire meal.
He can do this.
Oh, fuck.
“Who was that?” Angus asks, tilting his head at Taako.
“How much did you hear?” Taako asks in response.
“Are you really going on a date, sir?” he asks, with a face that can only be described as “delighted”.
“Hells yeah,” Taako says, grinning at Angus.
“Who’s it with? Do I know them? Are they nice? Are they part of the Bureau? Are they -”
“Woah, woah, Ango, slow down. You don’t know him, he’s cool, and he’s not part of the Bureau.”
Angus frowns. “But if he’s not part of the Bureau, why’re you inviting him here? How are you inviting him? The Director won’t be happy, if she finds out.”
“Um,” Taako says. “Well, uh….He’s aware of the Bureau? It’s complicated, don’t worry yourself about it.”
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna tell me,” Angus says. “What’s his name?”
“I’ll tell you his name but you gotta promise not to tell anyone else. Okay?”
Angus nods, rolling his eyes.
“His name is Kravitz. And no one can know about that, okay?”
“Okay, okay. Can I meet him?”
“Maybe some other day.” Probably never.
“Okay!” Angus says, still looking delighted. Taako grins at him.
“Now, you gotta go back to your room, cause I need to prepare.” He makes a motion to push Angus and the boy nods, scurrying off the bed. He glances back at Taako, hand on the doorknob.
“Thanks, Sir,” he says quietly, a tentative smile on his face. Taako’s about to say something snarky, but he stops himself.
“Anytime, Ango,” he says, and Angus nods at him before slipping out of the room.
As it turns out, nine hours is just enough time. Taako takes an hour long bath, first, then takes another half hour just to dry off and fix his hair, and then it’s two hours to get dressed and do makeup, leaving him with five and a half hours to cook and get Magnus and Merle out of the suite.
Which, speaking of, he has an idea.
“Angus!” he says as he turns his Stone to Angus’s channel. “Ango, I need your help!”
“What do you need?” Angus says a moment later, sounding slightly out of breath.
“I need you to get Mags and Merle out of the suite.”
“I can do that, Sir!” Angus says cheerfully. “I’m great at distracting people. It’s an important part of being a detective! How long, and when?”
“As long as you can. I won’t need you to for another couple of hours, but I’m gonna need them gone. Can’t have those bozos screwing up my date.”
Taako can practically hear Angus nod. “Okay! Call me when you need me!” he says, and then, almost as an afterthought, he adds, “I love you!” and hangs up.
Fuck him, Taako might think he loves the kid back. He quickly takes his feelings and pushes them as far down as possible. Fuck that shit.
This is no time for feelings. It’s time for cooking.
He shoos Merle and Magnus out of the kitchen, quite literally, and makes a frankly unreasonable amount of food. Some of it is the kind of simple shit he makes Merle and Magnus all the time, which he nearly throws at them. While they’re eating round one he makes a quick call to Angus, telling him to do his thing
“You’re in a mood,” Merle comments as a sandwich nearly hits him in the face.
“Hello, Sirs!” Angus says as he opens to door to the suite.
“Oh god,” Merle says. “Who invited him?”
Angus’s shoulders slump. “I just wanted to ask you guys for some help…” he says quietly.
“What d’you need, Ango?” Magnus asks, ruffling the boys hair. Angus grins at Taako, and Taako gives him a thumBs up before vanishing back into the kitchen.
“I wanted to ask if you and Merle would….train me, maybe?” He whispers the last part, still loud enough that Taako can hear, continuing with, “I know Taako already is but he can only train me in magic and I wanna learn other stuff too!”
“Ugh,” Merle complains.
“Shush,” Magnus says. “Of course, Angus! Wanna go to the icosagon?”
“Yes!” Angus says, and Taako doesn’t have to look to know there’s stars in Angus’s eyes. He listens to Merle make a few more half-assed protests before the sound of the door closing and then blissful silence.
The silence lasts about ten seconds, immediately replaced by the sound of cooking and Taako’s loud, off-key singing.
He goes for something kinda simple. Pasta.
From scratch.
So, okay, not that simple. He’s got the dough ready when he realizes he has no way to flatten it into actual noodle shapes. He takes a deep breath.
Okay. He just has to reshape them with magic. It’s not even transmutation magic. He can do this.
It takes him twenty minutes to reshape the dough into noodles.
He leaves the noodles for now, letting them sit, and getting started on his sauce. Just a simple marinara tonight.
He can do this, he reminds himself, shutting his eyes and transmuting a cut in half tomato into a whole tomato.
Everything will be fine.
It’s incredible how much someone can cook in three hours. By the time all the food is ready, he has half an hour to set the table, which he manages in fifteen minutes, leaving him with just enough time to have a panic attack.
What if it tastes awful? What if he someone manages to kill an already dead man? What if Kravitz realizes how stupid and awful and pathetic he is?
Stop, he thinks. He can’t start crying now, he’ll ruin his makeup and he absolutely does not have the time to redo it all. He takes a deep breath, then another, than a third, until he’s breathing like a normal person again.
He’s fine. It’s fine. Everything. Is. Fine.
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