#implied burnry
echotrinityme · 2 years
Choose Me, Henry Chapter 9: Jealousy Thy Name Is Rupert
A/N: I know there's already a chapter with this title, but the only difference in the title is Rupert is now acting like a jealous guy.
The General dismissed them and everyone went out of the tent. The trio saw Henry hasn't spoken a word, they look over at him, and saw he was still trembling. Rupert was about to ask Henry if he's okay when he ran away from them, Rupert was about to follow him, but Dave stopped him.
"Don't." Dave said firmly. "We need to leave him alone. We will check on him later, okay?"
Rupert wanted to argue, but Dave was right. He nodded as he huffed, he crossed his arms as Charles came over to them. Rupert stared at Charles for a moment, Charles stared back at him in confusion. "What?" Charles asked.
"What's with you and Henry earlier?" Rupert demanded stiffly.
Charles furrowed his brow, "What do you mean by that?" he questioned slowly.
"Both of your faces were red as soon you guys looked at each other." Rupert replied in annoyance.
Charles's eyes widen as he face became a tomato, "Oh! Right... Henry told you I invited him to the bar."
"Yes, and now what happened at the bar?"
Charles didn't respond to him, he was thinking what answer to come up with to give to Rupert, he didn't want to tell him the truth. Rupert saw Charles didn't respond to him right away, Charles looked away from him as he felt nervous, Rupert then had an idea. "Charles, did you kiss Henry?" Rupert asked sharply with a hint of jealousy in his tone.
Charles step back in surprise, "Whaaaaaaat?" he replied as he laugh sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
Rupert stared at Charles as he saw Charles denying, Dave was watching the scene like a person who didn't want to be part of a debate. "Okay...what's going on?" Dave thought. "First, we were talking about Henry then to Charles kissing him... Also why is Rupert acting...off?"
Dave studied Rupert's body language as he saw Rupert asking Charles again, Charles denied again, but Rupert was not having it. "You kissed Henry, don't deny it Charles!" Rupert exclaimed.
"Gah! I did...so what?" Charles said.
"Was he drunk?"
"No, I was."
Rupert shook his head in disgust, "Why did you do that?" he asked.
Charles rubbed his arms awkwardly as he looked away from him, he glanced back at Rupert. "I don't know...I was drunk and I wasn't thinking." he murmured.
"I know you have feelings for him, but I don't think it was a good idea to kiss him."
"I know..."
"After all, you still are bullying him, and you've probably given him the wrong idea." Rupert said tiredly.
Charles nodded, he wants Henry to like him, however, it will take him a while to get Henry to like him. Suddenly Charles had a thought, he stared at Rupert as he narrowed his eyes. "Why are you so interested in me kissing Henry?" he asked suspiciously.
Dave whom was still watching the scene felt his eyes widen as Rupert's face paled, Dave saw Rupert standing still. "Uh...no reason." Rupert replied as he didn't meet Charles's eyes, his face now pink.
Charles step closer to Rupert, he saw Rupert wasn't looking at him. "Are you sure? You seem very interested in my kiss with Henry." he commented. "Why is that?"
Rupert's face was now more pink as he turn to face Charles, he crossed his arms as he glared at him. Dave saw the look on Rupert's face and has a realization. "Oh no..." he thought in worry.
Rupert didn't respond to Charles's question, in fact, he didn't want to answer his question. He didn't want to tell Charles his feelings for Henry, it will only complicate things, and...he knows Henry would never return to his feelings. "Well?" Charles asked, snapping Rupert out his thoughts.
He stared at Charles as he felt a pang of sadness in his heart, "None of your damn business, jackass!" he snapped, making Charles and Dave jump from his tone.
Rupert left them alone before they can say anything, Charles and Dave were bewildered at Rupert's sudden absence.
"What just happened?" Charles asked dumbfounded.
"I...don't know." Dave replied slowly as he thought about Rupert and his feelings for Henry.
Meanwhile with Henry, he was in his tent. He was laying on his bed, thinking about his time in The Toppat Clan, the good memories. He was thinking about him and Burt, they are a couple...were a couple until Henry got betrayed by Reginald, and....
Henry shook his head to not think about the bad memories, he wants to think about the good memories.
Henry was doing paperwork at his desk when the door to his quarters opened, he looked up from his paperwork to see Burt Curtis coming in. He smiled as Burt came to kiss him on the forehead.
"Henry, you need to go to sleep." Burt said in a monotone voice with a hint of worry. "It's late."
"I know, Burt." Henry replied tiredly. "But I need to finish these papers."
Burt took away the pen Henry was using, put the papers away, and lifted Henry's chin gently. "Let Sven handle it." he said softly. "He's the one always do paperwork."
"But I don't want to give Sven more wo-"
Burt picked Henry up in bride style and headed out of the room. "Burt! Put me down." Henry demanded but Burt didn't listen to him, Burt carried Henry to his bedroom. Burt put Henry down on his bed and got on the bed with him. Henry didn't look happy at all, he puffed up his cheeks as he crossed his arms, and he looked away from Burt. Burt smiled at as he got closer to Henry and nuzzled him.
Henry knew what Burt was trying to do, he wasn't going to let him win that easy. Henry kept resisting Burt until he felt something cold and wet against his neck, he squeak as Burt licked his neck. "S-Stop it, Burt!" Henry said as he laughed.
"You love it, Hen." Burt replied huskily.
Henry groaned as he let Burt win, "Okay you win."
Burt smirked in victory as he brought Henry to his lap, Henry yawned as he lean against Burt's chest. He rubbed his eyes as he felt his eyes droop, "Go to sleep, Henry." Burt said softly. "I will be here. I will always be here."
"Thank you, Burt." Henry said sleepily. "I love you."
"I love you too, Henry." Burt replied happily as he started petting Henry.
The rest of night was spent in peace and quiet.
End Of Flashback
Henry smiled as a single tear stream down his cheek, he misses Burt. Despite appearing cold, aloof, and emotionless; Burt is a nice person. Burt doesn't like to show his emotions in public, he likes to keep them hidden, and only show certain people his true emotions. When Henry first met Burt, they didn't had a relationship. Henry tried to get close to Burt, however, Burt wouldn't let him. He was cold and aloof towards him. Over time though, Burt open up to Henry, and they somehow they fell in love.
Henry then remember something important; his feelings for Rupert.
Ever since his breakdown, he and Rupert had gotten closer. They learned more about each other than ever before. Henry learned Rupert has an abusive dad, his mom left him with his father, he was bullied like him, he used to be in a toxic relationship, and other things in his life. He also notice the little things...the cute things Rupert does. When Rupert brags about his days on police force, he looks so cute. Sometimes Rupert will construct "conspiracy theories" boards for minor things like someone taking the last donut or someone taking his things without asking. And Henry doesn't want to vocally admit it, he finds Rupert's awful jokes funny.
Henry felt himself choke up as he felt a pain in his heart, he has feelings for Rupert, and he still loves Burt. He knows Rupert would never return his feelings, he's a filthy criminal! Henry sighed as he cried himself to sleep.
However, Henry has a problem he didn't realize yet.
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