#implied simollo
the-twisted-samurai · 13 days
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((oh my sweet shy little summer child........))
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aaaghhhhhh · 2 years
me: wow. clapollo is such a rarepair. only 300 fics. i'll just have to be happy with my 18 hits but ouch.
me like 4 days later: posts a 100 word simollo drabble
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thefourthvulpix · 7 years
Somehow all my apollo ships are in the same room
And after they’ve come to terms with the fact that 1, there are multiple universe, and 2, Clay’s still alive in a couple of these universes, they need to tackle the most important issue; Telling the three Apollo’s apart.
Claypollo!Apollo: Don’t call me that.
Clay: Why not? We need nicknames to tell you guys apart, right?
C!Apollo: Exactly. There’s no way that either of those two (Points to Simon and Athena) will be able to use that and not die of laughter.
Athena: Um... sure I can.
All three Apollos: *glare*
Athena: ...ok nevermind.
Simon: To be fair, I’d say he’s more of a chicken than a pollywog, given all that clucking and that comb.
C!Apollo: Wait, you talking about me speficially, or all three of us?
Simon: *Shrug*
Justicykes!Apollo: Also, Clay, you should keep this in mind; Pollywog is a nickname the Clay in my universe has used as well, and I’m guessing the same can be said for the Clay from the third Apollo’s universe, so I don’t think that’d solve the issue if all three of us are accustomed to this nickname.
Clay: *sigh* That’s right. Man...
Simollo!Apollo: Instead, we each need to use a nickname that is unique to our partners and only unique to us alone in our own universe, if you know what I mean.
Athena: Liiiike me calling you cielo~?
J!Apollo: *Huge blush*
Clay: What does that me-
Simon: Well, in that case, (Wraps one arm around his Apollo) we shall name this little Apollo... Songbird.
Songbird: Wat
Athena: Wat
C!Apollo and Cielo: WAT
Clay: Are you implying that he’s a good singer?
Simon: Surely you wouldn’t already know the answer, Terran-Dono?
Clay: ...Touché.
Clay: (Grabs ahold of his Apollo) Anways, you are now JJ.
Athena: Why?
Clay & JJ: Inside joke.
Athena: Well, now what?
JJ: Video games?
(fifteen minutes later)
JJ: Simon I will murder you in your sleep for chosing rainbow road.
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the-twisted-samurai · 15 days
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((just realizing i never posted this doodle of housewife apollo from 3 years ago.... my sweet lil minnie mouse boy...
is it a 50's AU or is Apollo just feeling cute today? you decide uwu))
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((was trying to draw some club outfits for apollo and i realized that simon looks really good in pink to match him.... esp champagne pink
this is an old sketch as well tbf but i just re-found this and it went with the old redraw ironically so... perhaps i'll also redraw this and add polly :3c))
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the-twisted-samurai · 21 days
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((my favorite expression to draw on simon is absolute befuddlement from apollo's antics))
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the-twisted-samurai · 21 days
I need to see and hear more about gorgon polly or i am going to explode
tldr; he was part of a male brothel. since... yknow... being gay back in ancient greece was a LOT more 'open ended'/aka people didn't mind nearly as much (unlike most ancient time periods)
anyway. basically he would not stop flirting with SPECIFICALLY married men. like, it was like the only thing he would go after. it was just kind of 'fun' to him, and he never really thought much of it
and well, the gods did not like that at ALL because they're pretty strict upon a lack of debauchery and such
and well, when apollo died (pretty young unfortunately) instead of letting him die, they essentially resurrected him as an immortal gorgon, much in the vain of medusa.
and, just like medusa, if he looks at ANYONE, they turn to stone. this was specifically to teach him a lesson on messing with married people's lives bc he unfortunately messed up some relationships with his antics. now he can't have ANY type of relationship with literally anyone. :( even just basic friendships.
he can look at animals though. they were merciful enough to at least grant him the ability to not turn animals to stone
he basically lives in a ruined, fallen-apart temple on the top of a mountain and isolates himself there.
he will VERY rarely dress up in a full shawl (basically a veil over his head to hide himself/his skin), wear a translucent eye cover he can somewhat see through, and go to town to buy food and such. super, super seldom though. he is very afraid of hurting anyone so he tries not to socialize much if at all, but he really craves to be social, for obvious reasons
aaaaaaand one day, a very tall wandering blind nomad in a ponytail with his hawk eventually stumble across apollo's temple...))
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the-twisted-samurai · 30 days
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((POV: ur Simon, Apollo dragged you out clubbing (something ur already mortified by) and you notice that your husband's uh... undies... came loose...
....what is a gentleman to do?
uncropped/alts on my twitter 💕 (extra spicy one in the replies! you’ll have to sign in)
redraw of this from about a year and a half ago))
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the-twisted-samurai · 2 years
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((Apollo aboutta give Simon his Valentine’s gift~ 
Click HERE for the uncensored version on my Twitter! >;3c 💕))
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the-twisted-samurai · 4 years
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👹 【ㄖ几工 卂尸ㄖㄥㄥㄖ ー  鬼 おに 】 🎋
((So my friend and I were coming up with ideas for a bunch of revamps for old Simollo AUs, and some new ones. We started talking about a 'yokai' AU, and at one point said friend said the sentence 'Oni Apollo', and this immediately flashed into my brain, I HAD to draw it. LOL I actually adore the way I did this, and the concept itself??? wowza Also he carries around one of those massive sake gourd flasks, and drags around a dark-wood Kanabou that is way too big for him. Simon's a lone samurai in ancient Japan, and he eventually encounters him and has to make a deal with him (potentially for Taka’s soul to be returned). It's vague currently, but I really love the concept...))
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the-twisted-samurai · 5 years
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((tumblr better not flag this i s2g
God, I've been working on this piece for honestly like 3 months. Not every single day, but VERY OFTEN. So apparently, Incubus Apollo can't actually wear clothes when he's in his true form. Apparently they just 'don't stay on'-- I'm assuming they fizzle away or something if you try to dress him. But, MAN... I got this idea and I just... I HAD TO. It must be clothing he conjured up himself hence it not disappearing, I guess? LOL
Poor Simon... not only is his weakness for turtlenecks being used against him, but his love for skin showing as well. DAMN IT ALL.
Bonus Simollo comic on Twitter (NSFW): [link]
Incupolly owned by @dandyprince))
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the-twisted-samurai · 4 years
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((Uncropped/uncensored version HERE: (twitter)
So I made a new Speakeasy!AU where Apollo manages to land a job as a flapper there, because he wants to be able to dress femininely without judgement. So, he pretends to be a girl (because it’s illegal to be gay and dress up as a man sO), eventually runs away with simon the speakeasy pianist happy and gay in another town, hopping by train, where apollo lives out the rest of his life as simons ‘wife’ publicly by still dressing up, and he actually loves that. they eventually open their own little bar together once the prohibition ends, as this is towards the end of it.))
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the-twisted-samurai · 5 years
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((……vent art.))
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the-twisted-samurai · 5 years
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"Ooh... Simon..."
"You don't look so good. 💜"
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