#implied zenyatta in the top left
plaidpyjamas · 11 months
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Some more sketches of Scorpio (my oc), this time we get a little peek at the guy inside the suit [bonus Ramattra x Scorpio 💕]
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parkerpup · 6 years
Hero 29 Rant & Theory
Alright so with Blizzcon coming up I wanted to get my two cents out there about who I think the next hero is, largely because I don't believe many people are considering any other candidates other than the Junkertown Queen. Who exactly am I talking about? This guy.
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So in the early days of Overwatch I saw this guy pop up in the cinematic trailer among various other heroes. I always remembered him because I liked his design in that he seemed cyborg-esque like Genji but a bit messier. While he never became a hero I always kept him in the back of my mind hoping he would become a hero one day to little avail.
At least UNTIL recently, more specifically Overwatch Retribution.
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That's right! I think this guy is supposed to be Antonio. I think Antonio is the next hero. But before I can explain why, first we gotta address the obvious. Could that cyborg really be Antonio? Well lets look at what we know.
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We know that for a while Antonio was a member of Talon who specialized in smuggling weapons, on top of being responsible for the bombings at several Overwatch bases. To do this he sent people with robotic appendages that could store bombs yet still appear human/normal. Which by the way is an INCREDIBLY similar concept to the man in the first image. So it would stand to reason that if Antonio was behind the bombings and this was one of his goons, he would have access to this kind of technology. We could argue that this woman's cybernetics could come from another source (Doomfist or Overwatch) but Doomfist was more about prosthetics that functioned normally and Overwatch was struggling to put Genji back together with all of their technology. 
So this feels unique to this girl and to an extent Antonio. So it wouldn't be too farfetched to say that Antonio would have abilities similar to this since his goon is capable of it. I mean if you're gonna make tech like that why wouldn't you use it as well? It's like how Symmetra can control light energy, therefore her boss Sanjay should be able to as well because he's her boss and they both work for Vishkar.
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But then we actually look at Antonio and find some similarities to him and the cyborg guy. Both are big, stocky dudes, each with a large triangle nose and similar hair (although one being a bit messier). They may even have the same shoes (yes I've gone that deep don't judge me).
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Besides the similarities we see here there's still a lot of things weird about the guy. He has copper wires on his head which could indicate some kind of cybernetic enhancement, and through some digging it looks like he may have a metal plate on the back of his neck? If these two were the same guy that could be where the tubes would connect to the back of the head but that's getting ahead of ourselves.
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Also note the metal plating on the cyborg guy. He has a cybernetic eye as well as a metal jaw and metal plating on his chest. This is peculiar if you consider the fact that Antonio was shot point blank in the face with a shotgun. So these metal plates would coincide with the injuries Antonio would've had when shot.
Now at this point you may have noticed we're kinda dancing around the main issue, being that Antonio supposedly died in the Retribution event. While it's true we never actually see his body, this isn't exactly an uncommon scenario in the Overwatch universe. I mean let's be honest how many characters were supposed to be dead but came back? Solider 76, Reaper, Genji, Ana and literally anybody Mercy rezs in-game.
Jokes aside, we've seen this happen before. A character 'dies' only for them to come back with a new identity and new powers, revealing they faked their death and boom you have a new hero to play as. While it's true a shotgun to the face is pretty brutal on top a few stories fall, keep in mind Ana was sniped in the face and Genji survived with a quarter left of his body after fighting Hanzo (WHOS AN ARCHER LIKE HOWD THAT EVEN HAPPEN) and STILL survived. Basically, this wouldn't be the craziest story and it's been made pretty clear that death in the Overwatch world doesn't necessarily count out the character.
From another perspective, it would actually make sense gameplay-wise why Antonio would be added.
He has a unique, solid bodytype compared to the other characters, which game devs strive for so you don't get confused as to who is who in a fight. It's just part of good character design. Next we've yet to have anybody from Rialto join the game. Doing this would provide a character from a unique location that bonuses as a map which Blizzard is VERY much about. It's about their whole concept of making Overwatch feel inclusive. To add to that, we also haven't had a male character in quite some time (unless you count the hamster). Granted there's nothing really wrong with that! As a female myself I think it's amazing to have so many strong female characters in a game and I know that representation is very important to some people. I'm merely just stating a fact.
Also note that, judging by Antonio's build, he could be a new tank or damage character if he joined. Maybe some kind of hybrid in between like how Brigitte is a support/tank hybrid. This is a character type people have been wanting for a while and honestly it would just be nice to get another tank since we have so many damage characters.
Also take note that the cyborg guy mentioned before has some yellow tubes that connect to the back of his head. Now applying game logic could imply that if Antonio (assuming it's him) was in game he would have some kind of self-healing ability. This is because video games kinda color code things specifically so you know what's what and what you're doing. The color yellow in Overwatch always refers to healing where as purple refers to being anti'ed or being hurt more. This would be perfect for an aggressive tank character like Roadhog, or even damage characters like Bastion and Soldier 76.
To add the nail in the coffin, you also have to think about how Blizzard operates and how the characters are made.
Any character that's added to the game is completely different from the others. They all have their own unique themes, functions and looks. Blizzard tries to be very diverse with their characters as is needed for good character design and for good gameplay. Here's an example to illustrate what I'm talking about.
Both Dva and Hammond are mech characters. Yet despite falling in the same wheelhouse, both look and function completely different. They move, talk, and act differently and don't look the least bit similar. This goes for the omnic characters as well. If Blizzard adds an omnic character, they're not just gonna add an omnic that looks like Zenyatta but can actually stand. Instead they add a centaur robot with horns, a machine gun, mini gravitons and a shield aka Orisa. This is an important fact because this distinctly limits the options of potential heroes.
Sanjay's powers would likely be too similar to Symmetra even if he was a tank (same light energy theme).
Maximillion is very cool and does seem slightly possible but his differences aren't drastic enough from Zenyatta to be considered a sure in for a hero.
And as much as I would love to see another member from the mecha squad be added into the game I think they'd just be too similar to Dva. Yes their mechs would likely have different abilities but that's not quite enough. They need to be completely and entirely different, like Hammond different. Otherwise they'd just be considered "Dva, but they can do this instead of this." (which is a shame they seem really cool).
This distinctly drops the candidates to what are in my opinion three different characters: Antonio, the Junkertown Queen, or some other character we've completely forgotten about (a Moira situation basically).
To tell you the truth, I really do think the queen could be a playable character at some point. She's highly requested and passes all the other checkpoints despite being another character from Junkertown. But let me ask you this: what would shock people more at Blizzcon? The queen or somebody else?
Think back to the reveals of Moira and Brigitte, one being a highly requested character and the other completely unheard of. Now lore-wise Brigitte didn't really offer much. We kinda already new her story through comics and other characters, so the main satisfaction was in her being added in general. Now consider Moira, who COMPLETELY blindsided us, revealed new lore about how Gabriel became Reaper, gave more insight into Blackwatch and drove the fandom wild.
Now imagine if those spots had been switched, if Brigitte was revealed before Moira. Almost seems predictable doesn't it? A hero everybody had been asking for, while only offering a little bit of lore if any. Doesn't seem as exciting does it?
That's why I don't think the Junkertown Queen is hero 29. It's too predictable and it wouldn't offer a whole lot to the lore. While someone like Antonio, who has basically been forgotten on the account of him being 'dead' would SHOCK everyone, and could possibly add more lore to Talon or some new evil organization he could've been working on inbewteen Retribution and now. Even if it's not Antonio, whoever is the next hero is going to be a blindsider like Moira.
At the end of the day, it just comes down to facts. The fact that this concept of human-esque cybernetics has been around since THE VERY BEGINNING, and that said concept character looks like a guy ASSOCIATED WITH SAID TECHNOLOGY, just blows my mind and I'm just putting this out there so that people can see it too. If it's wrong that's fine, I just feel like people are missing this and I wanted people to consider this too.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk :)
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yeehanwritings · 7 years
Murder At Shimada Castle
“Seriously Gabe,” Jack Morrison said to his partner “Do you really think it’s a good idea to talk to them? I mean, I heard that McCree character has a pretty explosive temper and that bodyguard of his…is a bit unsettling.”
“McCree may be the only one with information with what happened at the old Shimada estate,” Gabriel told him “And given the fact, he moved his husband to King’s Row, not two months after that massacre happens, isn’t a coincidence.”
The pair knocked on the front door of the estate and was met with a man who had vibrantly colored green hair and a sword in his right hand.
“Who are you and what do you want?” He asked harshly.
“Genji Shimada I presume,” Jack said, “We have an appointment with your brother’s husband.”
Genji glared at the two agents but let them in staring at the whole time. “I’ll take to him, follow me and don’t touch anything.”
“Understood,” Gabriel as they were lead upstairs to a large room with a foyer.
“Wait here,” Genji said walking off presumably to get McCree.
After about a few minutes an Omnic monk floated into the room with a tray of coffee and tea. “Compliments of Mr. Shimada.”
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Jack asked.
“Oh, I’m Zenyatta,” The monk bowed.
“What is it you do Zenyatta?” Jack asked curiously.
“Healing mostly,” Zenyatta replied, “I mostly do any and everything asked of me.”
Jack and Gabriel shared a look. “Can you tell us about your employer?”
“Why don’t you vultures ask me your damn self, instead of talking to my employees,” A southern voice drawled.
The pair turned around to see the infamous Jesse McCree with a cigarillo between his lips staring them down. Genji who was right next to him said, “I’ll give you three some privacy, Master Zenyatta will you please come with me, there are some pressing matters that need your attention.”
“Ah, yes. If you will excuse me,” Zenyatta said following Genji out of the room leaving McCree with the two Overwatch agents.
“Have a seat,” McCree said gruffly stubbing out his cigarillo and plopping down still staring at the two men.
Jack and Gabriel took a seat right in front of McCree, Jack then flipped open his notepad. “McCree, we just a have a few questions pertaining to what happened at Shimada castle two years ago.”
“I’ve already given my statement to you Overwatch pricks more times than I can count,” McCree practically growled temper flaring slightly “What more could you want?”
“Just tying up a few loose ends,” Gabriel said watching McCree before he noticed something that gave him a little leverage “Now that there is mighty fine prosthetic you have there.”
“What of it?” McCree asked.
“Well, the last time we spoke you had both your arms,” Gabriel stated, “And that was right after I interviewed you and your husband the first time.”
Jack soon caught on to what Gabriel was playing at before going through the timeline in his head. Right after the murders were discovered, he and Gabriel had interviewed McCree, Hanzo, and Genji while they were still cooperating. Jesse McCree had both of his arms because he remembered seeing the Deadlock gang tattoo on his arm. So that means…he lost it somewhere along the way, maybe that’s why he moved to King’s Row with his husband. But why? And how or who did he lose the arm too?
“I don’t like what you're implying Ryes,” McCree growled, his temper flaring again.
“I’m only implying that you may or may not be in deeper than you think and maybe that’s why you moved to Kings Row,” Gabriel said unconcerned “Because you put your husband in danger and you can’t stay to admit it.”
At that McCree slammed his prosthetic fist on the table causing a spider web crack to form. “You have no idea what you're talking about!” McCree shouted in anger before turning a murderous gaze on Gabriel.
“Do I?” Gabriel said about to take another run at McCree when the sound of the door opening caught his attention. McCree looked up and his face immediately softens at who was standing there.
“Darlin’,” McCree started.
Jack and Gabriel turned to see Hanzo Shimada standing in the doorway in a blue silk robe that touched the floor. Jack immediately notice the dark circles under his eyes that he had attempted covered up with concealer and how his hair was in a messy ponytail on his head.
“You’re so loud Jesse,” Hanzo said quietly almost as if he was exhausted before giving his husband a weak smile “I could hear you on my way down.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you, darling,” McCree said standing up and making his way over to his husband. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“I woke up and you weren’t next to me,” Hanzo said before giggling “Then I got bored and decided to come find you.”
McCree’s brow furrowed in worried before Gabriel cleared his throat. “Mr. Shimada, it’s nice to see you again.”
Hanzo turned his gaze to the Commander, Gabriel could see the tiredness in his eyes and how it seems set deep in his bones. “I don’t go by Shimada anymore, I go by McCree-Shimada.”
“Did your husband insist you change your name?” Gabriel asked.
“I did it of my own volition,” Hanzo said, “I’m sure you understand.”
At this point McCree interjected. “Honey, are you alright? Did you take your medicine yet?”
“I’m about to,” Hanzo said giving McCree a wary smile “I just need something bearable to wash it down.”
After Hanzo said that he gracefully walked across the room to the mini bar and poured himself a glass of scotch before pulling out two pill bottles and shaking out a few. As Hanzo took them Jack took notice of the labels.
“Temazepam and Amitriptyline,” Jack observed, “That some pretty heavy stuff you're taking there.”
“He has a prescription for them if your wondering,” McCree said sitting down again watching the two Overwatch agents and his husband. “From a legal doctor.”
“I’m just wondering why your husbands is mixing sedatives and anti-depressants with alcohol,” Jack said, “Seems very out of character for an heir…”
“Former heir,” McCree growled before calming down as his husband draped himself across him with a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other. McCree pulled his husband into his lap letting the prosthetic rest on his hip.
“I like a good cocktail if you’re wondering,” Hanzo said chuckling before knocking back the rest of the scotch a pouring more in his glass “And it helps me get through the day. After all, I don’t leave our home.”
“Why is that?” Gabriel asked.
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m a mess,” Hanzo said smiling and swirling the liquid that was in his glass. “Physically, mentally…emotionally. It’s easier for me to stay at home, it’s safer.”
“What do you have to be afraid of?” Gabriel commented getting a glare from McCree.
“Everything,” Hanzo said simply polishing off his second glass of scotch and was pouring a third.
“Look what is it y'all want,” McCree asked “At this point, you're wasting our time.
“We actually found out some additional information about what happened that night at Shimada Castle,” Jack said.
“Oooh,” Hanzo chuckled teasingly unconcerned “Pray tell, what information did you find?”
“Well does the name Akande Ogundimu mean anything to you?” Gabriel asked.
Hanzo dropped the glass he had in his hand and it shattered as it hit the floor, McCree, on the other hand, grabbed the half empty bottle of scotch and quickly set it on the cracked table before he looked worriedly at his husband. “Darlin’! Are you…”
“I…I need to lie down again,” Hanzo mumbled trying to stand but swayed falling back into McCree’s arms in no condition to move.
McCree looked over to the agents “I think it’s time you leave.”
“Fair enough,” Gabriel said, “We’ll see ourselves out.”
“Genji will make sure you see yourself out,” McCree growled before tending to his husband.
As stated Genji made sure they left the property, and Gabriel and Jack looked at each other before walking back to their safehouse.
“That Shimada knows something,” Gabriel said, “You saw how he reacted when you said Doomfist’s name.”
“It’s not anything definitive,” Jack said, “And you didn’t help by railing his husband.”
“He knew something Jack,” Gabriel protested.
“And now McCree’s going to be even more reluctant to help since you may or may not have sent his husband in shock,” Jack sighed “Let’s just get some rest, and try to follow the leads we do have.”
“Right,” Gabriel agreed.
“Zen, how is he?” McCree asked as he finally stopped pacing outside their shared bedroom.
“He’s just woken up,” Zenyatta told him “I was about to fetch him some tea to keep him hydrated.”
“May I…” McCree asked.
“Go ahead, he was asking for you anyway,” Zenyatta said floating down the hall.
McCree slowly walked into their bedroom to find Hanzo sitting on their windowsill looking at the bright lights of King’s Row with one of Zenyatta’s healing orbs floating over him. McCree crossed the room in two strides wrapping his arms around Hanzo from behind. Hanzo leaned back into his chest running his fingers along the arms holding him.
“I’m sorry if I scared you,” Hanzo said quietly “I took too many at one and the alcohol didn’t help.”
“I almost thought I lost you for good, baby,” McCree mumbled kissing the top of his head “I couldn’t bear losing you.”
“I know, love,” Hanzo said softly “You want to protect me from the big bad wolf, that how you lost your arm in the first place.”
“And I’d do it again,” McCree said guff before smiling to himself hearing Hanzo chuckle.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Hanzo said finally looking at his husband.
“Just looking like your beautiful self,” McCree responded giving Hanzo a soft kiss.
“Ah, your finally awake brother,” Genji said interrupting the happy couple “How are you feeling?”
“Better, what do you want Genji?” Hanzo asked.
“I was checking in with my informant at Overwatch,” Genji said handing his older brother a manila envelope “And you were right to be suspicion Jesse, those two commanders are there to arrest Doomfist in connection to our family’s murder since they can’t prosecute him for any other crimes.”
“I knew it,” McCree growled, “And of course they don’t care about who gets hurt in the process.”
Hanzo looked through the files in the envelope before stopping on one in particular. “He could go away for life if they find enough evidence link him to the murders.”
“What are you thinking brother?” Genji asked.
“I don’t know,” Hanzo said handing the folder back. “I’m exhausted…” At that moment Zenyatta’s orb stop glowing and fell to the floor.
“I’ll go get Zenyatta,” Genji said quickly before rushing out of the room.
McCree looked down at his husband. “Think you can sleep tonight? If not, we can watch a movie or…”
“Jesse,” Hanzo said quietly causing McCree to shut up and reevaluate his words before he wrapped his arms tighter around him.
“I know darlin’, I know,” McCree murmured quietly burying his face in Hanzo’s hair again.
A few days later Gabriel Ryes was waiting for McCree to show up at the pier, he contacted him a day and only agreed to do the interview if he promised his husband was safe. Naturally, Gabriel agreed to his terms and they set up a meeting at night with the promise of mutually assured destruction.
“You’re late,” Gabriel said when he finally sensed McCree and turned around.
“Had to make sure I wasn’t followed,” McCree said gruffly puffing out a trail of smoke.
“Let’s get to business,” Gabriel said “There are two main theories our organization are using currently. The first is that Hanzo and Genji murdered everyone at the castle and escaped before they were charged, the motive for this theory is that Hanzo wanted to be in power sooner. The other is that Hanzo hired Akande to murder his family and to have a solid alibi leave him alive to diver the trail, this would be back up by financial records  both you and Genji made to him a month after the murders.”
“Seems like you’ve got it all figured out Commander,” McCree said nonchalantly.
“I don’t believe any of those theories because something doesn’t add up,” Gabriel said looking directly at McCree “I was hoping you would fill in the blanks.”
McCree stubbed his cigarillo out before saying “What happened at Shimada Castle wasn’t an attempted power overthrow or even a family skirmish. It was an attempt to get back at me.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I stole something from Akande,” McCree said, “Something so valuable that he’s will to make everyone suffer.”
“What did you steal? Information? Jewels? Technology?” Gabriel asked almost rapid fire.
McCree just shook his head. “No, even more valuable, something he could never get back.”
“What the hell did you take?” Gabriel asked.
“Hanzo,” McCree said simply.
“I…what?” Gabriel blinked.
“I stole Hanzo from Akande,” McCree said, “Hanzo by a definition should be married to Akande, but the heart wants what the heart wants.”
“Are you telling me…this whole thing started because…Hanzo Shimada wanted to get out of an arranged marriage?” Gabriel asked incredulously.
“It ain’t that simple with powerful families Commander,” McCree said lighting another cigarillo “You don’t simply just get out of an arranged marriage with the Yakuza.”
“What happened that night McCree?” Gabriel asked bluntly.
“That night…” McCree shallowed “Hanzo and I were going to run away together, however, Hanzo refused to leave without knowing his brother Genji was safe. So, I let him go back on his own, but something didn’t sit right with me and I followed him. When I got there…it was like a massacre had happened, there were bodies everywhere and none of them had any life in them. I started frantically calling out for Hanzo before I found him hugging his unconcise brother to his chest in fear before telling me to hide before they found us. I was confused…that was until Akande came out of nowhere and threw me through a wall.”
McCree paused to inhale his cigarillo. “He was about to kill me…had a hand wrapped around my throat, cursing at me for taking away his ultimate prize. I knew Akande only thought of Hanzo as a trophy…an object, but the fact he was willing to kill his entire family and I was another level.”
“Akande is an unstable power-hungry individual,” Gabriel said, “Hanzo meant more status and power to him.”
“But he did underestimate my Darlin’,” McCree chuckled before his expression went serious again “Hanzo chopped his right arm off with a katana and left was going to leave him for dead. But we found out he survived a few weeks later, we should have left Japan sooner but Hanzo and Genji wanted to properly honor their fallen family and get some financial records in order. That’s when I lost my arm to Akande’s sniper, Widowmaker.”
“You lost your arm to protect your husband and moved here for safety,” Gabriel said putting the pieces together. “I don’t understand, why pay Akande off?”
“Because he threatens to kill Genji,” McCree said “And Genji is the only family Hanzo has left…Hanzo…he deserves better but instead, he lives in fear. I need to ask, do you think you can put him away, for life?”
“Yes, Yes, I do,” Gabriel said, “But I need to ask, why now?”
McCree was silent for a moment before he said “My husband isn’t the man I meant all those years ago, he’s destroying himself from the inside out. I want him back, so I’m willing to take this risk for him.”
“I see,” Gabriel said.
McCree then turned and started to walk away but not before saying “Don’t make me regret this commander you’ve seen my temper.”
About a month later McCree was tending to Hanzo after he nearly collapsed in exhaustion again from his insomnia. Zenyatta had left to get supplies for an herbal tea that could help Hanzo with his psychical fatigue while he hoped mediation could help with his mental fatigue.
“You’ll be the death of me darlin’,” McCree said to Hanzo holding him close.
“Hopefully not too soon,” Hanzo���s tired voice said to lighten the mood.
“Honey,” McCree sighed nuzzling his neck when Genji burst into the room out of breath. McCree shot up along with Hanzo as Genji wheezed “They arrested him!”
“Who Genji?” McCree asked.
“Doomfist!” Genji stopped to catch his breath “Overwatch arrested him and his top assassins a few days ago, they say he could get life in prison.”
“Babe,” McCree said softly looking down at Hanzo who’s shoulders relax for the first time in a long while “It’s over, we have nothing to fear anymore.”
Dear Mr. Jesse McCree,
While working this case, I have had time to reflect on what I believe is right and what I believe is wrong. I used to see the world as black and white, right and wrong, good and evil. But as I worked this case with my Co-commander Jack, I realized there is no such thing as black and white, only shades of grey that get lighter and darker depending on the circumstance. Your husband wanted to get away from a life of crime to be with some who cares about him only to suffer the loss of his family and to bear the weight of the world. You were willing to protect him like a shining knight in armor no matter the cost as well as his younger brother. In this case, I have seen the truest fractures of the human soul and hope that you and your husband will have peace by the time this letter reaches you.
Commander Gabriel Ryes
McCree read the card twice before burning it in the fireplace, he watches as the envelope went up in flames before leaving the living room. He was immediately met with a content looking Hanzo arranging flowers in a beautiful bouquet in a red stained glass vase. Hanzo’s recovery was going nicely, he slept more and was able to finally stop taking medication. He was still prone to panic attacks and nightmare, but it wasn’t as bad as it once was. Hanzo then finally catch McCree staring at him and said, “Jesse, you're staring again.”
“Sorry darling,” McCree said wrapping his arms around Hanzo’s “I’m just glad to have you back.”
Hanzo just smiled at him. “It’s good to be back.”
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aughtpunk · 7 years
McHanzo Week 2017 - Day 2
Deep within the Underdark once lived two dark elven brothers, cursed by fate to be the only Drow within their city to be untouched by Lloth’s evil. For years they hid the goodness within their hearts until one day the youngest brother rebelled against the Spider Goddess’ High Priestess. He was punished by being changed into a Dryder, a centaur-like creature with the upper body of a Drow and the lower body of a monstrous spider. His family, deeply ashamed, commanded the elder brother to kill the younger. It was the only way to bring honor back to the name Shimada.  
Things did not go as planned  
If there was one blessing about the sudden rainfall, it was that it would prevent what remained of the bandits from tracking them down. Of course, this so-called blessing from the Gods (if their newest hanger-on was to be believed) did bring up a problem that no one in their merry band had thought of before: Genji’s massive dryder body sank like a stone in the mud.
Which lead to our heroes’ current situation: huddled naked around a fire in a cave under some thankfully dry wool blankets as their clothes were laid out to dry. Hanzo had chosen to share his blanket with Jesse, even though he had to make it clear to his lover that absolutely nothing was happening anytime soon. Not while Hanzo was cold, aching, and in the same open space as his equally-naked brother.
Genji had fallen asleep the second he sat down in front of the fire. He, more than anyone, gave it his all against the bandits. Truly, the brigands signed their death warrants the second they kidnapped Zenyatta. They were curled up together, dryder legs wrapped around Zenyatta’s metal body tight, daring the world to try to take his love away from him again. Of course Genji also had a few legs around the other person they saved from the bandits. Mercy, cleric of Ilmater, was also curled up against Genji and Zenyatta.
“I don’t know how he does it,” Jesse finally said. “First a warforged, and now an aasimar. In record time, too.”
“Genji said they had met previously,” Hanzo replied, not sounding so sure himself. Genji had scarcely left his side since they stumbled out of the Underdark. He didn’t think Genji had the time to become so closely acquainted with anyone outside their group.
“Pretty sure I’ve seen her travelin’ with Sir Morrison before.”
“That doesn’t make her the enemy.”
“Yeah, but she might also be itchin’ to shove that holy staff right up my-”
Genji let out a half-snore half-cough before rolling over onto his back, taking Mercy and Zenyatta with him. There was a brief fight over the blankets before the three of them fell back asleep. Hanzo watched as the feathered wings on Mercy’s back flexed once before folding against her body. Before Jesse could say another word Hanzo moved his own hand to scratch right under Jesse’s leathery wings.
“Mmm, darlin’,” Jesse purred. “Thought you said we were keeping our hands to ourselves.”
“I did not wish to imply we could not cuddle as well,” Hanzo said as he pressed against Jesse’s side. In return Jesse wrapped an arm around Hanzo to hold the drow close. If Hanzo didn’t know any better he could have sworn the tiefling was warmer than the fire. They sat there like that, lost in the sounds of the crackling hearth and the rain echoing against the cave walls.
“Million gold pieces,” Jesse said, ruining the moment.
“That is quite a lot of gold,” Hanzo replied.
“Million gold pieces, but you have to lick every magic item you come across.”
Hanzo rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder. “Do you mean every magic item I find and wish to keep for myself?”
“Nah, it’s every magic object you can directly see. Even if you don’t know it’s magic! The good news is that you now have a sure-fire way to detect magic.”
“Mmm.” Hanzo shook his head. “I must pass. If I ever find myself in front of royalty it might end with my beheading.”
“Good point. Wouldn’t want that to happen to you, darlin’.” Jesse kissed the top of Hanzo’s head. “Your turn.”
“Very well. A million gold pieces.”
“Sure is a whole lot of gold, sugarpie.”
Hanzo scratched between Jesse’s wings, earning another happy whimper from the man.  “A million gold pieces, but everything you read has a one-in-twenty chance of being enchanted with Explosive Runes.”
Jesse shifted his body under the blanket, which just so happened to pull Hanzo closer. “Can I hire someone to read for me?”
“I said everything, Jesse. Signs, labels, graffiti, tattoos, everything has a one-in-twenty chance of exploding in your face.”
“Better not then. Hate to have someone’s tattoo blow up just because I looked at them.”
Hanzo felt Jesse’s hand move and squeeze his thigh. Suddenly Hanzo couldn’t really remember why they were just talking instead of acting. It would be so easy to pin Jesse down on the cave floor, take his time to appreciate every inch of Jesse’s body, to-
A deep groan from the other side of the cave snapped Hanzo right out of it. One of Genji’s back legs lifted up in the air as he grumbled “I’ll give you both a million gold pieces if you shut up!”
And like that Jesse and Hanzo’s hands were back to themselves. Neither of them spoke until Genji’s leg went back down and the cave once again was filled with the sound of his snoring.
“Well,” Jesse said as he risked an arm around Hanzo’s shoulders. “Wouldn’t want a million gold pieces anyway. Already got everything I need right here.”
Hanzo laid his head down on Jesse’s shoulder and smiled. “Agreed.”
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rndomdragon · 7 years
Helping Hands
(AO3 -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/9368867/chapters/22232771)
—Nepal, Shambali Temple.
“Genji, get down here this instant!” Zenyatta called up to his student, who was currently residing on the top of the Shambali Temple. “It’s dangerous!”
“It’s okay, Master. I’m fine—” The brick he used as a foothold slipped loose, and he fell, tumbling off the edge of the roof.
Zenyatta sighed, and floated over to where his new student lay on the floor, slightly dazed, but thankfully not hurt from the fall. The brick floor, however, was crushed and broken, having a small, cyborg ninja-shaped hole in it.
“You ought to be more careful of where you tread, my student,” he spoke while looking down at him. “One of these days, you will be seriously injured.”
Days like this, in the usually calm monastery, were a joy to the younger omnic monks, often gathering to watch in awe as the cyborg leapt from building to building, with inhuman speed and jump heights.
The cyborg had stumbled upon the monastery, months ago, seething of hatred and vengeance. He remembered when he saw Genji, amour dented, and more than just a few wires sticking out here and there. He had seen this poor soul in need of help, and offered it. It did not go well the first time. But months later, Zenyatta was proud to say that he had been able to chip away at the cyborg’s frosty exterior, and find his good humoured side instead.
(8 Years Prior)
“I don’t need your help.”
Zenyatta felt his hand get slapped to the side, when he offered it to the one before him. He didn’t know who it was, whether a male, female, human or omnic, but he always offered his help. If they were an omnic, they were a newer design, definitely military grade. He didn’t recognize the model, but they looked to be built for speed, agility and stealth.
The other members of the Shambali had told him of the presence outside the small town, and that they seemed hurt, but refused any help that was offered. They also said they would lash out at anyone who got too close. Zenyatta took this opportunity to prove to his brother that he could help people, in different ways and methods, and he had responded that he was welcome to try.
“Most say that when they are in need. You seem to be needing help more than others.” He noticed that they were definitely damaged, or hurt. The green lights on their body flickered, and their left leg seemed to be twisted, like something forcefully speared through it.
“If you knew what I was, you would leave me alone.” They tried to get to their feet, but fell back to the ground, their leg collapsing from their weight.
“The Shambali do not discriminate here, man or omnic. We are all one with the Iris.” Zenyatta studied their form. Their modulated voice sounded masculine, and their built body shape implied that they were most likely referred to as a male pronoun.
“I am not man, nor omnic,” they spat, trying to get up again. “And I do not need your help, just like I told the others.”
“As you wish.” And with that, Zenyatta left, while they stared after him in shock, knowing that he was likely to get a visiter the very next morning. Whoever they were, was not expecting him to turn his back to them.
Zenyatta forgave too easily, and that was what Mondatta said was the flaw in his programming.
No omnic was built perfectly, and like humans, made mistakes and had flaws, sometimes making the wrong decisions.
Mondatta had always wanted to help the world. To help the omnics live in peace alongside humans. He always thought his brother to be too ambitious, speaking out against the world and their hatred. It got him only nowhere, but death, yet it was in his programming, and he couldn’t avoid it- similar to the situation Zenyatta found himself in, right now.
Widowmaker sat in front of him now, fully armed, yet her eyes were closed, and her face was relaxed. She had came to him, midst of a fight, and asked for his help. Since then, they had met up in secret, and he taught her the art of meditation, and to let go of her past. She could easily kill him now, yet his trust went far for those that he thought needed help.
Genji would call him foolish, as well as his brother, for trusting one that hurt him, yet he couldn’t help himself.
Amélie Lacroix. He knew of her past, and how she killed her own husband, like she killed Mondatta. Yet still, he wished to help her regain control over herself.
Zenyatta didn’t want to blame her, knowing fully well, that it was Talon who made her kill his brother, but sometimes, he would look at her, and think of how only a cold, heartless killer could murder a good person, and sleep peacefully on it. Thoughts like that haunted him sometimes.
Perhaps if he was there for Mondatta, things would have gone better. If he hadnt left the monastery, and accompanied his brother to Kings Row, he would have seen the sniper. He could have got them away, and safe.
But pondering in the past did nothing to help him now. There was only the present, and the future.
There was only now.
Widowmaker let out a sigh next to him, and her trigger finger twitched, Where her hands were folded in her lap. Her face was scrunched up in distaste, probably remembering the killings again.
Zenyatta passed a harmony orb over her head, where a golden stream of light attached to her, glowing with warmth, and her face relaxed once more.
Perhaps forgiving too easily was his fatal flaw, but if he could help other regain what they had lost, it was worth it. He knows that his forgiving streak will catch up to him sooner or later, and he may pay the ultimate price for it. For now, he just hoped that death will be quick, and swift for him, in return for helping others.
After all, he couldn’t avoid it, for it was all in his programming.
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