exorcizamus-archive · 7 years
I was tagged by @improbabledreaming! Thank you so much, bb!! <3
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈 -
1. I love my eyes, they’re my favorite part of my body tbh. Amber near the iris, then light blue, then dark blue rims. :)
2. I like how I can make people laugh.
3. I love my music taste.
4. I like that I’m a pretty good writer (comes in handy when you’re an English major, lol!)
5. I like how I’m not afraid to travel alone or explore the world around me. 
tagging: @flipse @ay-nako @brilliantthirteen @ilovethirteen @samstiels @ilovejared @madamesvastra @floofytwelve @julielilac @ksica
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poirot · 7 years
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edit request meme: River Song + favorite quote // requested by @improbabledreaming
» “Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call… everybody lives.”
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matbaynton · 7 years
Hello! I was wondering what program you used to make the little designs on your Rose Tyler icons, like the little crown shape and the little heart. Do you draw them, or is there a program that lets you stick little shapes on pictures? Have a nice day!
i didn't make any of the doodles i use (i'm not that talented) i got the crown from this pack and the heart should be from this pack! the first pack also comes with a heart, though! and thank you, you too!
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jeanmoreaux · 7 years
☀ My day has been stressful. I've been taking exams for college biology all day. And then I got home and ate a bunch of grilled cheeses. I feel whole again. Congrats on your 7.3k!!!
grilled cheese is so delicious, now i am craving grilled cheese XD thanks!
url:  9/10icon:  8/10mobile theme: 8/10theme:  8/10post: 9/10overall:  8.5/10
following: no(t yet), sorry | f+ | of course! | i love your blog with all i have
☀7.3k celebration blogrates☀
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njmphadora · 8 years
promos; batch 4 (mutuals in bold)
@slytherin-salazar the most charming, incredble person ever @improbabledreaming really cute multi blog @dementvr adorable incredible blog + blogger @potterslilys really lovely hp blog @triwizavd cutiepie with an insanely good blog
help me choose my new url
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Happy birthday to Morgan @stonehearts! I hope you have a fantastic and wonderful birthday!
Also happy belated birthday to Kayli @improbabledreaming! I’m sorry I missed your birthday but I hope you had a fantastic and wonderful day! 
Go send them some birthday love and wishes!! <333
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magicianparrish · 8 years
Hi! 20, 29, and 75 please!
20.  Dinosaurs or dragons? I’m gonna say dinosaurs. 
29.  What character would you most like to cosplay? I think doing another Padmé would be awesome, or Ahsoka, or Barriss Offee...so Star Wars lol 
75.  Any weird talents? honestly, I don’t think so. I don’t have a lot of talents if really any at all.  
Send me a number!
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akashsinha2114-blog · 7 years
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spookyjodie · 7 years
My name is Kayli and my birthday is March 31!
hiya! welcome to the birthday list! 
join my birthday list here! 
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wnq-writers · 7 years
Dear you, I spent a long time thinking of things I would say to you if I ever had the chance. You want know something, I come up empty every time and I was disappointed with that. I always thought that there was so much more that I needed to say to you, to tell you. But the likely hood of us ever seeing each other again was so little that I accepted the fact that I would never be able to find the words and it wouldn’t matter. Dear you, It was you. I know it and you do to. We’ll never speak of it or to each other again but I realised something today. In that fleeting second we locked eyes I found the words. I don’t love you. I never did. Dear you, I was never in love with you. I just thought I was because thats what teen movies are made of, boy meets girl, girl doesn’t feel good enough, boy helps her to understand that she is and they fall in love go to prom and live happily ever after for a summer. But that wasn’t us, we weren’t a teen movie. We weren’t even a ‘we’. You and I didn’t work because you wanted someone to be at your beck and call and I wanted someone to want me. Dear you, I had convinced myself that you using me between other girls was okay because you always come back to me and that meant something, that I meant something to you. But it works both ways I came back to you, I could have said no, I could have shut you out but I didn’t. I came back to you every time not because I loved you, but because I was afraid that some else would treat me the same way you did. So Dear you, I’m done now, theses are the last words I will ever write about you. I doubt you’ll ever read them and thats okay, you probably wouldn’t know they were about you if you did. I think it was alway meant to end like this, you doing whatever you do and me doing this. We might lock eyes again one day and there’ll been an understanding instead of a mutual dismissal part of me might even look forward to that. And finally… Dear Myself, I’m sorry, we deserved so much more. I’ve learnt my lesson I’m sorry that it took me so long. But its over now and we can move on. No more holding out for him because he isn’t coming and we don’t want him to. We are beautiful and interesting and unique and one day we are going to find someone who we really do love. Writing prompt 67
thedreamer-of-improbabledreams, writing prompt #67: write about an almost relationship, which broke your heart
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Rules tag 15 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @naruthirnith (thank you so much for tagging me, I’m sorry it took me so long to get round to but this was a fun distraction from revision aha!)
Relationship Status: In a relationship (with my amazing American girlfriend XD)
Favorite color:  Blues, especially lighter blues, also purples
Lipstick or chapstick: Can’t really say I use that much of either, it would have to be chapstick of the two
Three favorite foods: Oh man, fish & chips for sure (is that technically two...?), chocolate, and hell, apples
Last song I listened to: I Go Crazy by Orla Gartland, I’ve been listening to it in between bingeing Frank Turner’s new album XD (also the Black Panther soundtrack for revision today because it is SO good!!!)
Last movie I watched: Infinity War at the cinema (oh god...) and I guess 300 2 at home aha, it’s been a while actually, but yeah, long-distance date night with my gal :)
Top 3 shows: Ahhhh idk, Doctor Who for sure, Brooklyn 99 and Firefly :D
Books I’m currently reading: Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, cos finals are coming up veeeeery soon :/ but I’ve got Neil Gaiman’s new Norse Mythology book on the side too XD
Last thing I googled: “Cicero New Academics” because I’m really struggling to find a nice and simple description of some of his philosophy for my exam aha! Really interesting though
Height: 5′11″ I think, haven’t checked if I’ve actually made it to 6′ recently....
Time: 20:48 UK time
Song stuck in my head: Little Changes by Frank Turner, from his new album, I saw him in Oxford the other weekend and IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!
What are you wearing: Dark jeans and my black Spidey shirt
How many blankets you sleep with: Just the duvet really, I’m usually out like a light unless it’s really warm...like at the moment!
Dream Trip: A boat trip down the Nile in Egypt!! <3
I tag: @big-scronch @brilliantthirteen @meriida @marchonea @dipl0mat @sonickedtrowel @basmathgirl @the-king-and-his-warlock @infiniteregress17 @florencedrunk @improbabledreaming @ananbeth @percyyoulittleshit @bananannabeth @bastille-with-wwdke @arthurpendragonns
I know I’ve hardly chatted to any of you on here really, or just reblogged your stuff like crazy aha, so no pressure at all to answer! You all have awesome blogs XD
Anyone else is welcome to take part too!
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poirot · 8 years
★ I'd like some advice please! =) Also your picture of 10 with Rose and the hearts on your blog is absolutely lovely!
Aww thank you so much ! Doctor x Rose is basically my life tbh 
url: 6/10theme: 6/10mobile theme: 7/10icon: 6.5/10content: 7/10overall: 6.5/10compliment (tell me if you want an advice too): Your mobile theme header is so cute tbh and your content is niiice ! I think you url maybe is a bit too long. Also you could maybe try to make the background of your mobile theme the exact same colour as the header ? That would probably look awesome. I’m not such a big fan of your theme but I can’t really say why (I think the numbers/font is just a bit too big for my taste) (but that’s all very subjective tho) (the most important thing is that you’re happy with your blog)following: no(t yet but ily) | f+ |yes | until the very end
3.5k follower celebration no more please
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tardis-in-camelot · 7 years
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈 -
I was tagged by @impossible-stardust
1. I like my musical ability when it comes to playing viola.
2. I like my creativity when it comes to my photo collage graphics.
3. I like my hardworking attitude that helps me achieve my goals.
4. I like my ability to help other people.
5. I like the fact that I am an introvert.
I tag @lokilover5813 @sebumplug @sugacreme @improbabledreaming @jaimclannister @wittyker @badvvolfrose @library-in-the-tardis @wutheringweasley @loki-is-my-god-now
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annabelle--cane · 7 years
I was tagged by @improbabledreaming, yeeeeeeeeeeet
what are these here rules you may ask? write five things you like about yourself (we’re only having positivity this year, self-deprecation is cancelled uwu), and tag ten of your snazziest followers!
ooookay here we go:
I like my hands. they’re big, so I can easily easily choke someone to death, but pretty, so I can pull off the seven-rings-at-once look
not to be That Guy, but I know every english grammar rule, and I’m proud of that
I like my singing voice!
I can write a rockin’ essay
from compulsive moisturizing, I have the softest skin in the entire world
now, @keirs-cool, @vivilevone, @genderfluid-jaredkleinmann, @cosmicstargoddess, @tachru, @doodleddaisies, @iwriteshakespeareanninsults, @aroacethetic-shitpost, @sassycsap, and @tinylittle-femalechrist
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moonlightmolly · 7 years
Alphabet Tag Game
Thanks to @twelveclaraisreal for tagging me!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A: Age - 25
B: Birthplace - Texas
C: Current time - 11:06 pm
D: Drink you had last - Bai pomegranate
E: Easiest person to talk to: My mom
F: Favourite song: How do I pick just one?? I guess I'll go with one of my current favorites, "Adrift" by Jesse Marchant
G: Grossest memory: You don't want to know....
H: Hogwarts House: The first time I took the test on Pottermore, I was placed in Gryffindor. When I took the test again after the update, it put me in Ravenclaw. So I say I’m Gryffinclaw.
I: In love? No
J: Jealous of people: Sometimes. I need to learn to quit comparing myself to other people.
K: No question here
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? I don't believe in love at first sight
M: No question here
N: No question here
O: One wish: To do what I love for a living
P: Person you called last: I rarely talk on the phone, so I don't remember
Q: Question you are always asked: "So what are you going to do now [since you're done with grad school]?"
R: Reason to smile: The Doctor. An alien with two hearts who travels around getting in trouble and helping people, still learning in spite of being centuries old and loving the human race despite our many flaws? How could I not smile?
S: Song you sang last: "Heartbeat Away" by Sheryl Crow
T: Time you woke up: 7:30 am
U: Underwear colour: Leopard print 😏
V: Vacation destination: I would love to visit England, Scotland, and Ireland
W: Worst habit: Poor time management
X: X-rays: I think my last one was at the dentist?
Y: Your favourite food: Again, how do I pick just one? I'll say Baileys ice cream. It's a crime that they don't sell it in the US.
Z: Zodiac sign: Scorpio
I’ll tag @showmethe-stars @the-real-infguy @jellybaby74 @infiniteregress17 @c1araoswa2d @12thdoctorwhomst @sansaoswald @improbabledreaming @lady-nevermore and @twelvthdoctcr (Only if you want to participate! No pressure.)
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improbabledreaming · 8 years
dragons-on-a-spaceship --> improbabledreaming
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