#in 2021 it was jaemin
lee-minhoe · 6 months
every month of 2023 🎉 MEL RECAP!!
link your favorite or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
tagged by @ambivartence and @strayklds 💗💖
tagging: @agibbangs @chanrizard @chanstopher @dearlyminhyung @dinoboos @haechannabelle @jinniebit @minchanz @nctsworld @seo-changbinnies @shorelinnes @skzfaker @snug-gyu @woodziecup if you want + anyone else who'd like to!!
and here are my 2022 and 2021 recaps too :)
january: favorite lino moments (most popular); linotonin video (my fav 🥺)
feb: lino in a choker (most popular); jaemin vs lino (fav)
march: lino lonely st; i also started the lino in every mv series this month and idk if i'll ever finish that lol
april: lino 5-star trailer
may: lee think (most popular); thoughts of an unhinged han bias (fav); also started my fav lino genres series
june: lino for dazed
july: lino arms; i also fell in love with junho this month
aug: lino arms (most popular and wow this was a long set...); minchan for nini's bday + part 6 of shit lino says (favs)
sept: lino for akire and han for em
oct: lino bday set (also the only thing i made that month lol)
nov: lino idol theater
dec: ALL I'VE GIFFED IS SONG KANG: wedding song kang, cutie song kang, song kang in my demon (from my sideblog @kangsongpyeon hehe)
some stats about my sets! yes i used excel lmao (the 0.5s are if a set was for 2 members or something and then i just called it 0.5 for each)
i made 137 sets total with lino and song kang in the lead (which is saying a lot given that i only started giffing song kang in dec 🙈). i've also concluded that i really only gif han and i.n. for em, and jeno for siyuan <3 the subjects of my giffing have certainly gotten more diverse compared to when i first started hahaha
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jaemin - lazy day
word count : 468
"this movie is pretty good," jaemin said while you snuggled closer to him. he fixed the comforter, making sure both of you were covered with it.
"i don't like those two girls and that other guy though. they annoy me," you said and shifted a bit, leaning your head on jaemin’s chest.
"so you don't like anyone but the main dude?" jaemin asked you.
"mhm," you confirmed with a nod, "oh, and that guy. he's funny," you added, pointing at one of the characters on the screen.
"yea, he's a really good actor and a really good comedian," jaemin mentioned and grabbed his glass of water from the nightstand. he drank some of his water and put the glass back on the nightstand.
you two continued watching the movie when jaemin's phone suddenly rang. he sighed and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand while you paused the movie with the remote.
"hello?" he answered. you heard renjun's voice on the other line, "really? but what about tomorrow morning with that schedule? okay, yea, sounds good with me. i might spend the night at y/n's again. i'll text you guys later about it. okay, bye."
"what did renjun want?" you asked him and resumed the movie.
"a schedule got moved to next week for some reason, but nothing else got moved so i have tomorrow off now," he answered with a smile.
"so you're spending the night again?" you asked.
"if you're fine with that," jaemin replied.
"of course i am," you smiled and kissed him.
"oh, renjun said him and the guys are going out to eat tonight and told us to join them," he mentioned and kissed your forehead. "do you wanna go?"
"sure, i'd be fine with that," you answered. "after all, i don't think we can spend all day in bed watching movies."
"we could do other things in bed."
immediately, you grabbed one of your stuffed animals and smacked jaemin's face with it.
"why do you always hit me with stuffed animals?" jaemin asked and hugged your stuffed animal with his arm that wasn’t around you.
"i mean, i can slap you in the face if you want me to," you replied and poked his cheek.
he rolled his eyes at you, “you’re so weird sometimes," he commented.
"i'll take that as a compliment," you said and nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck. "wait, when are we going out to eat?" you asked him.
"like around seven. we have awhile until we have to get ready," he answered. "oh, you're probably hungry. we haven’t eaten lunch yet. do you want to order take out?" he asked you.
"please," you answered and jaemin chuckled.
"double please."
both of you laughed and jaemin kissed your cheek, "you got it, baby."
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neocitybooty · 1 year
Culture Things. [M]
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Genre: Dystopian, AU, SMUT, non-idol, angst, fluff
Pairing: NCT x OC 
Warnings: Oral sex, bodily fluids, rough sex, multiple partners, unprotected sex, dirty talk, voyeurism, threesomes, thigh riding, spitting (don’t ask), fingering, anal  
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: Zennie’s dreams of entering the walls are finally coming true. But she is about to also inherit a group of men who all have one common goal in mind. 
A/N: Okayyyyy so I’ve been working on my ideas for this fic for a long time. My inspirations for this were this book called The Giver as well as the concept for NCT’s Universe. I think it was just so well thought out.... But anyways..... you all should know that this story will be pretty long. I’ll be updating whenever I can and the story could start a little slow~ Pls bare with me. Thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to read my stories and please don’t hesitate to leave comments and show love! <3 
“Morning session is to start in thirty minutes. Morning session is to start in thirty minutes.” The monotone voice said over the intercom.
Zennie Pearl shuffled among the herd of rookies towards their new chapter. The new wave was said to be the biggest in over a decade. The expansion rate went stagnant in 2022 but went through a massive boom in the year 2040. What was supposed to be a simple project in the music industry turned into a new way of life for humanity. Borders began to fade into obscurity and two men continued to rise. Together they formed a new walk of life that altered everything.  
Zennie finally walked through the large doors and sped walked to her new dorm. Room 2020. The door opened and she was met with a smell of fresh breeze. The floors were a sharp white, the walls and ceilings gray, but the accents had neon green. Neo pearl champagne, she had overheard a rookie say a few minutes before the announcement. The dorm was beautiful and more importantly, it was spacious. She opened every door and much to her excitement, there was only one room. Zennie clutched her chest and let out a squeal of happiness.
She would finally be living on her own.
“Morning session is to start in ten minutes. Morning session is to start in ten minutes.” The monotone voice said over the intercom.
That is going to get old really quick. Zennie thought to herself as she pulled out the map to check the distance between her dorm and the Pillars building and gasped. It would take her about ten minutes. If she didn’t leave immediately, she would be late on her first day.
Zennie sprang up and quickly gathered her things into her bag. She caught a glimpse of herself in the full body mirror by the front door and shrugged. She did not wake up in time to do a full face of makeup but for once in her life, her twist-out came out great.
The walk to the Pillars was long and lonely for Zennie. Everyone around her had friends and were in deep conversation about things friends would talk about. She clutched her bag and picked up the pace. Her destination appeared and she felt her shoulders begin to tense up. Soon after, her hands started to sweat as she reached the door. The air started to move slowly as if time was threatening to come to a halt.
At the door stood a tall man with a smile plastered on his face that reached his eyes. He had full pink lips and wide, bright eyes. The rookies greeted him as he waved and said “hellos” and “hey” in response. His aura was welcoming and seemed oddly familiar.
Zennie approached him and his eyes widened as he met her gaze. “Hello!” He said, placing a hand in his pants pocket. “Are you ready for the day?”
Oh, he is starting a conversation!
Zennie let out a nervous laugh and tried her best to sound unshaken. “H-Hi!” She stuttered and the man chuckled and brought his free hand to his mouth.
“I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you, Zennie. Try not to get into too much trouble.” He put a hand on her shoulder and lightly squeezed. Once letting go, he motioned for her to go though the rest of the entrance and Zennie obliged. Her mind was so clouded by visions of the handsome face that she’d forgotten to ask how he knew her name. Or what his name even was.
Zennie quickly walked inside and took in her surroundings.
Everything was beautiful and clean. Doors with silver knobs so polished that Zennie could see her reflection. She stopped at a nearby door and peered closely. Nobody, excluding the Neos that were nearby, stared at her- all of the rookies were doing the same thing.
A man cleared his throat and Zennie shot up and made her way towards the elevators. She looked at the clear buttons and watched as a fellow rookie pressed the clear button for the 127th floor.
“Remarkable.” Another rookie said as the elevator rose to the highest floor.
Zennie said nothing. The elevator doors eventually opened and revealed an office with two men standing side by side in front of the ceiling to floor glass window. Behind them was the entire city, covered with green and sunshine.
One man was taller with jet black hair. He had prominent cheek-bones, paired with a sharp jawline and an intense gaze. Zennie recognized him as soon as they made eye contact.
Johnny Suh.
And next to him was none other than Taeyong Lee. A head full of silver hair and glassy, dark orbs for eyes. There was a twinkle each time he blinked and Zennie felt her heart skip a beat.
He was breathtaking. Although, not in the same way as Johnny. The two men exerted different auras but in the eyes of Zennie, they were both equally intriguing.
Taeyong smiled and walked towards the rookies with his hands behind his back as Johnny leaned on a nearby desk.
The first set of 22 rookies piled into the large room and fell into columns as Taeyong waited.  
“It’s such a pleasure to finally meet all of you.” He said with a smirk, a streak of light passing through each eye. “I have such high hopes for you and I hope you’ll settle well within the Neo  walls.”
He was walking through the columns and stopped in front of Zennie. She held her breath.
“Hello. Zennie, is it? We have heard a lot about you.” Taeyong smiled and looked back at Johnny, who gave a small wave.
Zennie could only do a small bow with her head, too nervous to speak as she felt all eyes in the room land on her. She lifted her head back up only to make direct eye contact with Taeyong.
His eyes bored into her own as she felt her breath hitch. He said nothing as he tilted his head, seeming to try to get a better glimpse of her entire being. After what felt like a century, he finally walked on to see the rest of the rookies and Zennie felt her shoulders drop suddenly.
Everything else seemed to fade into background noise. Zennie saw only streaks of color and muffled speaking as the introduction meeting continued.
She thought of her sister, who had stayed behind with her family, devastated that she hadn’t been chosen. Maybe even furious. She thought of the last words that she told her best friend when she left. “I’ll be back soon. Don’t miss me too much.” Her best friend, Jackson, had  kissed her on her head and gave her a warm embrace but said nothing.
“Zennie?” Her thoughts were interrupted by Taeyong. It seemed everyone had already left, including Johnny. It was only her and Taeyong. She slightly shook, once she realized.
“Everyone has already left. That must’ve been quite the daydream. Does that happen often?” Taeyong’s eyebrows furrowed as he folded his arms across his chest.
“I- uh yeah. It’s been happening more often lately.” Zennie said nervously.
Taeyong’s eyes never left her.
“You know….we can probably help.” He said with a slight nod.
Zennie looked at Taeyong and visibly lit up. “Can you really? How? I’ve seen so many specialists.”
“Now now.” Taeyong said calmly, placing both hands on her shoulders. “We can make an appointment with one of the Dreamies and see if they can squeeze you in sometime in the near future. My main priority is to see that you get settled in.” He draped a hand over her shoulders and led her to the elevator doors.
“Read your handbook and memorize it. You will meet more Neos along the way, but for now…memorize my number as well. Page 127.” He smiled at Zennie and waved as the elevator doors closed and Zennie descended.
Zennie made her way back to her place. She’d zoned out for the entirety of the introduction meeting with the other rookies. All she could remember were the names Mark, Jaehyun. Doyoung…something about 1:27pm. Everyone would be assigned a position (jobs) in the community. And these positions were based on evaluation of performance for 3-5 years.
She didn’t know anything else.
Zennie quietly sighed to herself. She was going to spend all night reading that wretched handbook.
Before going home, Zennie made a quick detour so she could get some food in one of the common centers. According to the map, the nearest one was only a few minutes away.
She reached the entrance and paused at the door. There wasn’t a handle for her to pull and she couldn’t push the door for entry either. On the side, there was a keypad. She got closer and noticed there were no buttons to press.
A green light beamed once she was close enough.
No, she didn’t see any fingerprints on it.
Then she stopped and thought.
No way.
She stepped right in front of the pad, her right eye perfectly aligned. She took a deep breath and stepped closer. The green light scanned her eye and the doors slid open.
Holy shit.
She quickly made her way inside and was met with a seemingly endless corridor full of restaurants. And it was filled with people. Rookies, Seniors, Neos. Zennie suddenly felt herself become small. Everyone seemed to have already found their friends…their tribes.
From the corner of her eye, Zennie saw someone approach her. She followed the moving figure and was met face to face with a woman.
She was about the same height as Zennie. Her stare was cold and her blood stained lips were pressed into a line.
“You look the most lost. Have you not read your handbook?” She said in a slick voice.
Zennie shook her head. “I just got here today-”
“As did everyone else in your year. Preparation takes place before you arrive.” The woman cut her off. She looked her up and down and started to walk off.
Zennie stood stunned and watched the woman walk away.
What the fuck is her problem?
“She’s actually very nice. Just strict.” A familiar voice said from behind her.
Zennie turned and was met with a man with a gentle smile. He looked familiar. After a second, it clicked. He was the first Neo she’d met. The man who started a conversation with her right as she was to enter the Pillars building.
“I’m Jungwoo!” He put out a hand. “It’s nice that we can formally meet.”
Zennie immediately shook his hand and smiled with a nod. “I’m Zennie.” She said cheerfully. Jungwoo had such an infectious energy.
“Well, Zennie. Since you have been so fortunate enough to catch my eye, I’d like to offer you a tour of this common center. It’s the most popular among the Neos.” Jungwoo winked and began to lead the way.
Zennie followed him without hesitation.
“There are a total of 3 common centers on this site. All other sites only have 1..” Jungwoo grinned to himself.
“This one is called Empathy. It’s the oldest, has the most options, and is in the most ideal location. The other two are Resonance and Universe. They are also enjoyable but be warned, they both attract completely different crowds.”
“Noted!” Zennie responded.
They walked past the first few set of restaurants as Jungwoo continued.
“The food here is completely free and will always be. Taeyong believes food should have no cost. If you see something you like, you simply grab a plate and ask one of the staff members to serve you.
“That is—-” Zennie started.
Jungwoo stopped his steps and looked at her. A look of confusion on his face.
He then spoke.
“What you see outside of the sites is merely a basic version of Neo Culture. We’re happy to have so many people be so supportive of the cause but it’ll be a very long time before all aspects are widely accepted.”
“I understand.” Zennie said softly.
Jungwoo smiled and they were on their way once again.
“Yes, the concept of money doesn’t exist here. The staff doesn’t need to be compensated because they don’t have any expenses. I’m sure you understand this and already know from your reading. The only reason we are able to prosper is-”
“Because everyone does their part.” Zennie said the words with Jungwoo.
He grinned again.
This dude knows he has a perfect smile, huh?
Zennie thought to herself.
Jungwoo put an arm over Zennie’s shoulder and led her to a hallway. “There are some people that have been dying to meet you. I think you’ll enjoy this!”
He pushed open two brass doors and the room was filled with about twenty or so men chatting and eating. Some of them had their ties loosened, others were out of uniform, and some looked like they were still working for the day.
Zennie squinted and gasped once she realized who was in the room.
It was the Neos. All 22 of them. She was in a room with the most important people on the site.
She gasped and all eyes went to her. It became so silent, she could hear pin drop.
She waved and meekly said, “Hi.”
“Zennie.” A familiar voice said from the center of the room.
Taeyong. She wasn’t ready to face his perfect face again. Zennie’s face turned into a smile, despite the knots forming in her stomach.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet someone who you’re going to like a lot. One of our greatest additions. Zennie Pearl.” He said, holding his wine glass out, as to start a toast.
Everyone started whispering to each other as eyes widened and heads started nodding.
“Zennie! We have waited so long to meet you!” A guy with sparkling eyes and deep dimples said in a chipper voice.
He got up from his seat and walked over to Zennie and Jungwoo. He put out a hand and once Zennie’s hand met his, he put his free hand on top and smiled sweetly.  
Zennie let out a small laugh, completely flustered by the warmth of his hand paired with his toothy smile.
Jungwoo said nothing, but watched as Zennie fought to regain her composure.
Finally. He thought to himself. Things are about to get very interesting.
2. 3. 4.
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ljxlj48 · 2 years
A Racer’s Heart
Chapter 1
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F1Driver!Jeno x Reader x F1Driver!Jaemin
Genre: love triangle, co-workers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers
Word count: 3K+
Warnings: swearing
Author’s Note: IM BACK LOVELIES!!!! Ahhhh so a little update, I am back to uni again, a quarter of my family moved away, I was in a relationship, that ended, and more that’s not coming to mind right now. I don’t know how often I’m gonna be writing, I want to do more but the reality is I don’t have as much time as before. Also I took major steps back from K-pop, I think there was just too much going on in the community that I couldn’t keep up with it anymore. Anyway, hugs and kisses to anyone reading <3
Formula One (also known as Formula 1 or F1) is the highest class of international racing for open-wheel single-seater formula racing cars sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). The World Drivers' Championship, which became the FIA Formula One World Championship in 1981, has been one of the premier forms of racing around the world since its inaugural season in 1950. The word formula in the name refers to the set of rules to which all participants' cars must conform. A Formula One season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix, which take place worldwide on both purpose-built circuits and closed public roads.
This is your first season with NCT, but your 4th season in Formula 1, as a race engineer for the infamous Lee Jeno. Jeno had entered the sport when he was just 18, racing for Alfa Romeo, however now he was with a team that matched his talent. He was in a competitive car this season. As exciting as it was for Jeno, it was exciting for you too.
You had known Jeno since before his days at Alfa Romeo. You had been his race engineer since formula 4, when you were assigned to Jeno for a race, by mistake. Jeno went on to win his first f4 race with you as the person talking him through it. Since then you had been his race engineer for every race he entered in. And you watched Jeno dominate in formula 3, and formula 2 before entering into formula 1. And even in a non competitive care, he continued to outperform expectations.
You were gonna stay by his side, and watch him stand on the top of the podium as champion of the world, talking him through the entire time.
However, your heart might have other plans for you.
“That’s P4, Jen, P4.”
“Fuck, that was a good lap,” you could hear Jeno chuckle on the other side.
“Race like that tomorrow, and you’ll be on the podium,”
“We’ll be on the podium,” Jeno corrected you, “I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ll meet you in the garage.”
You took off the headset, and took a sigh of relief. No matter how many free practices, qualifying sessions or races you talked Jeno through, you never liked it. You don’t remember when you started to feel anxious about seeing Jeno in the car, but you knew you couldn’t sit still until he was out of it.
You took note of where everyone was on the grid, Jeno didn’t care if the information pertained to him or not, he wanted to know it. You met Jeno by the car to be right where he got out.
“P4,” you said with the biggest smile you could manage for Jeno, P4 was well above anyone’s expectations for qualifying. Since this was Jeno’s first season with NCT, he was expected to qualify P7, P8. Although you're not too surprised about P4, Jeno had a habit of making his talents known.
“P4 today, P1 tomorrow,” Jeno said with a smile, as the two of you began to walk to his dressing room.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Leclerc is still on pole. Verstappen is P2, Sainz P3, Na P5, Perez P6, Hamilton P7, Bottas is P8,”
“Bottas?” Jeno questioned cutting you off, “in the Alfa Romeo?”
“The Ferrari is fast, and Alfa Romeo is a Ferrari engine.”
“Who rounds out the top ten?”
“Maggunsen at P9, and Alonso at P10.”
Jeno sat in the chair, leaning back, his head tilted up, looking at you. “You know, I’m so lucky to have you?”
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you appreciate me more then?” You asked, not being serious at all, just teasing Jeno.
“I do,” Jeno stood up now, coming close to you, “I am forever grateful to you.”
Seven years, you have known Jeno for seven years now, almost going on eight. Jeno has been with you through getting your GED, all through college, three boyfriends, getting your first place and more. He is your longest standing relationship, that it makes you question just how platonic everything is.
“Go already (y/n), I’ll look at your notes, and we’ll go over it tomorrow.” Jeno said, stepping away, grabbing the tablet with your notes. “I’m serious, go.”
You let out the breath you were holding, “alright,” you gathered your things before exiting, turning back one last time for the night, “call me if you have any questions, I’m serious, you know I’m a night owl.”
“I will,” Jeno smiled back to you.
You laid in your hotel room, scrolling through the usual social media, when a very curious caption caught your eye. It was a quote taken from a post qualifying interview from today.
“I think Sunday is more important than Saturday… We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to form any opinions.” Quote from Na Jaemin, about today’s qualifying.
You clicked the link to read the article about that particular interview. To which, Jaemin had subtly stated that Jeno out qualifying him was a complete luck, and that tomorrow would show who is the better driver overall.
Your first thought was to call Jeno and tell him the ridiculous lies that Jaemin was spewing out, but knowing teddy bear Jeno, he would tell you to just let it go. That his racing will speak for him, that what Jaemin said is nothing but words.
So without Jeno having to tell you, you did exactly that, you let it go, for now.
Sunday, race day. You were excited to say the least, you met Jeno in the hotel before going down to the paddock.
“You’re starting P4, Sainz is ahead of you,” you remind Jeno, “It’s gonna be difficult getting through Leclerc and Verstappen, so your main competition is going to be Sainz.”
“Are you saying that the best I can do is P3?” Jeno asked with just enough of a glint in his eye for most people to assume he was teasing, but not enough to convince you that he wasn’t serious.
“You can win it today, but it’s more important that you cross the finish line than winning,” you say. Jeno still looks a little in between, not fully convinced, you stop him before walking into the NCT motorhome. “You’re gonna do great, you’re gonna show everyone your worth of your seat, and you’re gonna come home safely,” you take a breath, “and maybe you can win on top of all that?” You smiled.
“Yeah I think I can win on top of all of that,” Jeno smiled once again. He always tended to be an overthinker. Always in his own head about things, allowing other people's opinions to fester inside of him, he never could pull himself out of his own thoughts. You would always do that for him.
All the cars lined up after the formation lap, you sat in front of your screen with the other race engineers.
“P4 and P5, the goal is to maintain positions.” Taeyong announced to the entire crew. NCT finished in 4th in the Championship last season, just behind Ferrari, ahead of Mclaren. Taeyong’s goal for this season was 3rd or better. In the practice sessions of this weekend, the car was on par with the Redbull but behind the Ferrari, so 3rd should be achievable. If all was to go well.
“Radio check, 1, 2. Can you hear me Jen?”
“Loud and clear,” Jeno responded back clear as day.
‘And its lights out and away we go.’
“We’re gonna box this lap, box.” You spoke into the mic, telling Jeno what to do.
“Did you just tell Lee to box?” Mark, another race engineer asked, in a panicky manner.
“Yeah, that was the strategy we all agreed on,” you answered back, worry starting to fill you.
“Na was supposed to be first then Lee,” Mark looked even more panicked than earlier.
“We’re double stacking?” You questioned as you turned your attention out to the pit lane, where the crew waits with two sets of medium tyres.
You watched, holding your breath as Jeno pulled into the slot, his tyres removed, a new set screwed on, and he was released just as Jaemin came up to the garage. You let out your breath, as the double stacking worked.
“2.2,” shouted one of the crew, to let everyone know Jeno’s pit stop was 2.2 seconds, “2.3” and Jaemin’s was 2.3 seconds. You and Mark high fives over a successful double stacking.
Just before Taeyong shouted out, “what the fuck was that?” You and Mark turned back to look at Taeyong, both of your guys face going pale. “That wasn’t the strategy.”
“Yeah but it worked.” Mark smiled.
“If you keep fucking up, you minus well work at Ferrari.”
“Come on boss, it’s only Bahrain, cut us a little slack,” you smiled sweetly at Taeyong. You had heard more than once, from more than one person that Taeyong was a bit uptight during the race, and that he’s much more reasonable after a race.
“That’s the checked flag, Jen, P3! P3!” You shouted into the mic for Jeno to hear.
“LETS GO,” Jeno shouted out loud into the radio, “fuck that felt good, I can’t wait to see you.”
“I’ll be waiting at the bottom of the podium for you,” you spoke into the mic once again. Your heart twisting just a bit knowing that your words were heavy with feelings. Funny thing, Jeno is actually the reason your last relationship didn’t work out. Although you refused to tell Jeno that. Your previous partner thought that you and Jeno were too close, that you guys were always more than just friends.
When Jeno asked why your partner ended it, you just said that it was because of conflicting schedules. It would crush Jeno to know that it was him, no matter how many times you would try to convince him that it was for the best. He would just believe that he was standing in the way of your chance to be happy.
You looked up at the podium watching Jeno spray the champagne, you could feel the light droplets of the liquid, tap down on your face. Jeno shook hands with Charles and Carlos, before taking a picture together. You felt this sudden heat radiating next to you, you turned to see Jaemin standing next to you. He must’ve just arrived after his weigh in. He looked very handsome, handsomely angry standing next to you, watching his competition standing on the podium. And vaguely, just a hint of emotion behind the anger was admiration.
You turned back to watch Jeno enjoy the podium, before saying “have you formed any opinions, Na?” You side eyed Jaemin. You watched him huff, before turning to walk back to the garage.
“1, 2, 3, say cheese,”
You smiled brightly turning to look at Jeno, when the flash went off, he remained staring straight. Trophy in one hand, the other one wrapped around you.
“Okay, good.” The photographer announced.
Jeno looked back at you, finally, his eyes curved like little moons. “What a good race,” Jeno’s smile never leaves his face. Jaemin came around to the two of you.
“Congratulations, Lee,” Jaemin stuck out his hand for Jeno to shake, “good race.”
“Thanks Jaemin,” Jeno took Jaemin’s hand in a firm grasp. The two come together for a hug, before both parting their own ways. You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes, because at the end of the day, whatever rivalry that goes on between Jeno and Jaemin. It stays on the track, the minute they step out of the car, they are colleagues, co-workers. It was like that for all the drivers, rivals on the track, friends off the track.
As soon as you made it back to the hotel, you started packing up all your belongings. You flew out to Saudi first thing in the morning, and you had meetings all day Monday.
The time in between races went by faster than you wished. Before you knew it, it was Friday again and Jeno was getting ready for free practice 1.
“Based on last week, the car should have the straight line speed, in the turns that’s all you,” you said to Jeno as he got strapped in his seat, before you went back to the pit wall.
“I got it,” Jeno smiled, as he put on his gloves.
“Safe release yeah?” You said to one of Jeno’s mechanics. You watched as Jeno drove out, down the pit lane, onto the race track. He started off with an outlap, just getting the car right. Just before he got to the line, “remember talk to me Jen,” you reminded. Jeno did have a habit of getting too much into the groove, and forgetting to relay conditions.
“Yes ma’am,” you heard Jeno chuckle. He started his lap, absolutely flying through the circuit.
“He’s too wide into turn 4,” Doyoung, one of the race strategists, said as the both of you watched Jeno on the monitor.
“Keep it tight into turn 4 Jen,” you spoke over the radio, trying to remind Jeno gently.
“I’m trying, but I’m loosing the rear too much,” Jeno was clearly frustrated.
“We should end the session early for him,” you said to Doyoung, not wanting to risk further damage to the car.
“He needs to run more laps, we don’t have enough data for the race yet,” Doyoung said, as he reviewed the screens, “have him pit for a break, but send him back out before free practice ends.”
“Yes,” you obliged, “Jen, box box.”
“The car has too much oversteer,” Jeno said, clearly frustrated about free practice. He couldn’t find his pace in the car, not nearly as much as he wanted to. “I like a little more oversteer too, but that was just insane.”
You sat in the debriefing room with all the race engineers and strategist, as well as Jeno, Jaemin and Taeyong. “I have to agree with Jeno on this,” Jaemin said as he leaned back into his chair. You looked at him for a good moment, thinking that he was actually very handsome, but only when he wasn’t talking. “The oversteer is insane, the steering wheel is pointless,” Jaemin said, and just like that he wasn’t handsome to you anymore.
“We can adjust that, but it’s gonna take time to find the right balance, for the both of you,” Johnny, the chief technical engineer, who designed the car, said, “it won’t be done by the next race.”
“It could also be the track, I wouldn’t do any drastic changes yet,” Jeno spoke, trying to considerate of everyone else, “last weekend the car felt good, we were on pace with the Mercedes.”
“Jaemin?” Taeyong asked, looking at his other driver now.
“No, I agree, if there’s still an oversteer problem by free practice 3 than maybe we need to make an adjustment, but right now is too early,” Jaemin looked around the table, making his opinion heard, “we’re just being honest with what we feel in the car.” Jaemin gestured to himself and Jeno.
“Good,” Taeyong said, “y/n, mark, you have the code list, go over it with your drivers, this is gonna be the list until Spain. Other than that, you guys are dismissed.”
Everyone began to gather their things, and leave, “oh Jaemin,” Taeyong spoke up before you and Jeno had left the room, “go see Ten, he wants to go over some PR stuff with you.”
You could hear Jaemin scoff, but you just smirked to yourself. That’s what he gets for making comments about your driver.
“P6 Jen,” you said as Jeno crossed the finish line for qualifying.
“Not bad team, let’s get them tomorrow,” Jeno said as he made his way into the pit lane. You met Jeno in the garage, after getting the car settled in it’s spot. After Jeno got out of the car, “where did Jaemin qualifie?”
“Jaemin was knocked out in Q2, he’s P12 for tomorrow.”
“Who’s ahead of me?”
“Ocon, ahead of him Verstappen,”
“Behind me?”
“Russell and then Alonso” you said.
“Ocon shouldn’t be a problem, but Max is something else,” Jeno said, thinking about the overtakes for tomorrow. “Russell and Alonso behind me isn’t great either though.”
“It’s gonna be a difficult one for sure, but you’ll get it done.”
“That’s P8 Jen,” you said as Jeno crossed the finish line at the end of the race.
“I’m sorry team, could’ve done better,” Jeno said, clearly upset about those last few laps.
“Jeno, this is Taeyong, that was a good race,” Taeyong spoke quickly, “you did good Jeno, proud of you man.”
“Thanks team, we’ll bring it next time.” You could hear Jeno chuckle just a little this time. “Y/n, where did Na finish?”
“P12, just outside the points,” you answered. “I’ll see you in garage Jen.”
After Jeno finished his weigh in and he finally met you in the garage, did you properly congratulate him for a truly spectacular race. “I finished lower than what I started,” Jeno sighed.
“You did good, and you raced hard, that’s what’s important.” You answered, “not to mention you also came home safely and you finished within the points.”
“I guess,” Jeno said in between sips of water, clearly exhausted from the race. At this time you could see Jaemin walking towards the both of you.
Jaemin came up on Jeno’s side, sticking out his hand, “good race Lee,” Jaemin said with a firm shake and a pat on the back.
“You too Na,” Jeno answered kindly. You couldn’t help but scoff just a bit. Jaemin side-eyed you a bit before walking away without another word. “Play nicely y/n,” Jeno said, giving you a look, after Jaemin had walked a bit away.
“I always do,” you smirked, before turning on your heels to make it back towards the hospitality room.
“Yeah right,” Jeno said loud enough for you to hear, before following after you.
In the media pen, Jaemin was making his rounds for the post-race interviews.
“Jaemin, thoughts after the race?” One lady asked.
“Um it was a difficult one,” Jaemin answered, wiping the sweat away from his face with the back of his arm. You just happened to be in the area, Jeno was also making his rounds, and you were waiting for him. “I obviously didn’t qualify in the best place, and we lost places early on in the race, so it definitely wasn’t one of my better performances.”
You were close enough to hear Jaemin, as well as the following question, “this is the second race in a row that your teammate has outperformed you, do you think there’s gonna be some added pressure now? Maybe a little more determination to do better?”
You couldn’t, for the life of you, understand why reporters would ask those type of questions. Questions that attempt to provoke a reaction. Questions that fueled fake rivalries. You knew the drivers hated being asked those types of questions. However, nonetheless you stayed close enough to hear Jaemin’s answer.
Jaemin chuckled before responding, “I mean of course there’s added pressure when you’re not performing at the same level that you were the previous season, but that’s not Jeno’s fault. And of course there’s determination to do better, but that’s regardless of how Jeno is doing, because I know I’m not doing as good as I did last season.”
You were thoroughly surprised at Jaemin’s answer. You didn’t expect Jaemin to give a very clean answer, you genuinely thought that he wouldn’ve hinted at his poor performance being Jeno’s fault, but truly he didn’t.
“I see, thank you for your time Jaemin,” the reporter smiled.
“Thank you,” Jaemin smiled at the reporter, and for half a second you blushed at his smile. He looked very handsome, post-race, race suit tied around his waist, hair slightly out of place, sweat dripping down the side of his forehead, pearly whites flashing with a bad boy smile.
“Are you drooling at my driver?” Mark, Jaemin’s race engineer, asked catching you in a moment of weakness.
“There’s many drivers in that media pen, I could be drooling at any number of them,” you scoffed at Mark’s accusations.
Just as you were packing up your stuff for the night, getting ready to head back to the hotel, you could hear someone talking. You peaked around the corner to see who it was. It was Jaemin, he was on the phone.
“I know…I know…” Jaemin sounded frustrated with whomever he was talking to. You didn’t want to eavesdrop, but it’s not your fault if the person is talking loud enough for you to hear. “It’s only the second race of the season,” Jaemin sighed.
You peaked around the corner again, to see Jaemin running his hand through his hair. You took notice of his grip on the phone against his ear, get tighter. “I didn’t call to be scolded by you Dad, I called to check in on mom,” Jaemin said finally, his tone sent chills down your spine.
That was your que to leave, you turned to go in the other direction, you slipped on a pair of earbuds pretending not to be able to hear anything. Thankfully just in time, Jaemin ended up pacing, and walking around the corner in your direction. By the time Jaemin saw you, you had your poker face ready, and your music playing. Jaemin took notice of the earbuds you were wearing, already drawing the conclusion that you didn’t hear him. He walked back to where he came from, while you walked in the opposite direction.
You officially called it a night after that, heading straight for the hotel. You figured you would just completely forget you heard anything.
Taglist: @90sgatsby-jjh
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peachjaem00 · 2 years
warnings: swearing
[03:00 pm] “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” you say while running, avoiding crashing into other people and apologizing when you fail. You ignore the nasty looks they give you. 
You’re late again. You have always been kind of an unpunctual person—a bad habit that you’ve tried so hard to get rid of—but you always ended up being late despite your best efforts. The majority of your family and friends have accepted it, knowing that you at least make an effort. But not when it comes to your little brother, especially when it is your turn to pick him up from school. 
You get through the school gate and you run until you get to his classroom. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” you say at the door frame. 
Putting your hands on your knees, you try to recover from the run, taking big gasps of air in order to regain your composure and ease your heartbeat. “Oh my god, I think I’m dying.” 
“Good.” You look at your little brother to find him death glaring at you. 
“That’s mean.” Your lungs aren’t burning anymore and you can finally speak without having to take air in between every word. When you finally stand properly, you see that he is not alone. 
“Are you okay?” a handsome guy asks, looking genuinely worried. “Do you want some water?” 
He is wearing a white button up and black formal pants, his sleeves are rolled up and his hair is styled perfectly—he looks like a supermodel. 
“No, thank you, I’m fine.” You give him a smile to reassure him. 
“What happened this time?” your brother asks. 
“My professor didn’t let us leave until we finished the class activity. I’m sorry champ.” 
“I don’t accept your apology.” 
“What?” You let out a laugh in pure disbelief. “Oh c’mon Jiyoung, don’t be like that. I didn’t mean it.” 
You come closer to him and bend down so you can speak to him face to face. “I ran all the way here as soon as I got out of class and you know how much I hate running.” 
“Or any other physical activity,” he says in a mocking tone. You fake indignance, making the little one laugh. You don’t notice it but the guy—who you assume is the teacher—is looking at both of you amused. “Okay fine, but you owe me an ice cream.” 
“Okay, deal.” You show him your hand and he shakes it to seal the deal officially.
 “And something else.”
“What is it?” 
“Mr. Na has to come with us. I think you owe him an ice cream as well.” 
“You’re right, I do.” You stand up and finally look at the guy again. “As a thank you for waiting with him until I arrived.”
“Oh, it’s not necessary. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Please. Let me make it up to you.” You beg him with your eyes without even realizing it, a thing you do that's second nature.
“It would be fun Mr. Na! We can ask for the most expensive ice cream.” Your brother's malicious tone makes him laugh and you glare at Jiyoung. 
“Ha ha, funny.” You say in a sarcastic tone, making your brother laugh harder and you smile. “Let’s go, I know the perfect place.” 
And the three of you start walking. 
Jiyoung gets a little ahead of you on the way, but nothing to worry about. You take this little moment of privacy to talk to the cute guy. 
“I’m y/n, by the way. I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself properly.”
“It’s a pleasure, y/n. I’m Jaemin.” He extends his hand and you take it, shaking it. 
“May I ask you a question?” 
“Aren’t you kind of young to be a teacher?” 
“I’m actually a student. I’m doing my practices here. I’m Jiyoung’s teacher’s assistant.” 
“Oh I see,” you say, genuinely interested in the topic. “Do you want to be an elementary teacher? Or do you prefer another grade?” 
“I’m not sure yet. I’m doing six months of practice in elementary school and another six months in kindergarten.” 
“You must like little kids a lot.” 
“Yeah, I really do.”
“That’s cute,” you say without thinking. “Oh shit, sorry! That was inappropriate.” 
You feel your cheeks getting warm. 
“It’s okay,” He giggles. “Jiyoung is actually one of my favorite students.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, he is really smart and participates a lot. He has a bright future ahead of him.” 
“Yeah, he’s the star of the family.” you say proudly. 
“You haven’t asked the star of the family how his day went.” Jiyoung says, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout on his lips. 
You laugh at his antics, then whisper an “excuse me” to Jaemin and you go to your brother’s side. 
“I’m sorry, star of the family. How was your day?” 
“Well since you’re really curious…” he starts and then he proceeds to tell you all about it. 
Jaemin admires you from behind. He is an only child and it never bothers him. But seeing you two talk and laugh together, seeing the pure love that radiates from your eyes and Jiyoung’s—for the first time, he wishes he had siblings. 
After that, you finally arrive at the ice cream shop and Jiyoung runs off, making you and Jaemin follow him. You scold your little brother and, after a little bickering session, you finally buy the ice cream. Once you have your cones, you go and sit at a table. Jiyoung makes you sit next to Jaemin since he wants the whole bench for him. 
“Y/n.” Jiyoung says and you give him a nasty look, thinking he is going to continue making fun of you. 
“You have ice cream on your chin.” His tone is mocking and you feel your cheeks warm. 
“Fuck.” You whisper so Jiyoung doesn’t catch you swearing and try to clean yourself up, failing miserably. 
“Here, let me help you.” Jaemin grabs a napkin and wipes your chin. Your cheeks are burning hot now. 
“Thank you.” 
“Uuuu you’re blushing!” Jiyoung mocks you and you death glare at him. 
“Shut up!” 
“You’re so cute,” Jaemin’s smile drops after seeing your surprised face. “Oh no, did I just say that out loud?” You only manage to nod. 
“Ha! Now Mr. Na is blushing!” 
“Hey don’t be rude! He’s your teacher!” Your serious tone makes Jiyoung silent. 
“He’s not actually my teacher.” The little one says in a low tone. 
“Oh my god, you’re unbelievable.” 
You say your goodbyes after finishing your ice cream and go your separate ways. You spend the rest of the day thinking of Jaemin. You couldn’t concentrate and you were caught several times spacing out by your family. Jiyoung makes fun of you, knowing exactly why you were so distracted. 
You wake up tired, needing some more hours to sleep since your brain was keeping you awake, thinking of Na Jaemin. 
“Ugh, fuck it.” You grab a napkin and scribble something before folding it and you go looking for your brother. “Jiyoung!” 
“Yes?” The little one peeks his head and enters the kitchen. 
“I need you to do me a favor, okay?”
“Sure, what is it?” 
“I’m gonna need you to give this to Mr. Na, okay? But don’t read it.”
“Why not?” He asks curiously while receiving the napkin. 
“Because it’s none of your business.”
“Don’t talk to your brother like that.” Your mom’s cold tone shuts you up immediately. “You have to pick up your brother again today. I have a meeting and, for the love of god, be on time.” 
“Yes okay, gladly.” 
“Okay…” She’s weirded out since it is the first time you show enthusiasm. “C’mon Jiyoung, let’s go.” 
“Bye!” He waves you goodbye and he finally leaves. 
Every single one of your classes went slower than usual, painfully slower. 
You can’t wait to go pick Jiyoung up and when your last class ends, you are the first one out the door. You run again even though you aren’t late, you run as fast as you can. 
“Jesus fucking christ, the things I do for a pretty guy.” You think to yourself while you enter Jiyoung’s school gate. Your legs are burning and the air is missing from your lungs. 
You arrive at his classroom and before opening the door, you catch a glimpse of your brother handing Jaemin the napkin. 
“Here, y/n sent it. It got messed up in my backpack but I can tell you what it says. I read it.” By hearing this, you slam the door open. 
“Hey! I told you not to read it!”
“Why? If you like my teacher’s assistant, I think I have the right to know.” He says nonchalantly. 
“What?” You both turn your heads towards Jaemin. 
“Yeah, that’s what the note says.” He gets closer to him and starts reading it while following the words with his finger. “I think you’re really cute and I would love to take you out for some coffee. Send Jiyoung as the messenger of your answer. If you’re gonna reject me, please don’t tell him or else I won’t live in peace.” He looks up from the note to study Jaemin’s face. 
Jiyoung seems like he was going to kill him if he even thought of hurting you. Even though he is your little brother, he feels like he has to protect you the same way you protect him. 
“So what do you say?” Jaemin doesn’t say anything for a while. It may have been seconds but it felt like ages for you. 
After a moment of silence, he comes closer to Jiyoung and he whispers something in his ear. Jiyoung nods then he comes closer to you. He signals you to get lower so you do and he brings you even closer and whispers in your ear. 
“He says he accepts and he wants to know if today is good for you.” You feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. 
“Today is perfect.” You say with the brightest smile. 
“Okay cool, great.” He reciprocates your smile, gets up from his seat and then walks up to you. “Shall we leave Jiyoung home and then go?” 
“Sounds good to me.” You couldn’t stop looking at him. You could swear you had heart eyes for him. 
“Can you bring me a pastry though?” 
“No.” You answer coldly. “You read my note.” 
“Oh c’mon! If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn't even have met Mr. Na! In a way, you owe me.” 
“I’m going to kill you one of these days.” 
“Okay, I think that’s our signal to go,” Jaemin grabs your hand and Jiyoung’s and he drags you both out. “Don’t worry Jiyoung, I’ll get you a pastry.” 
He winks at him and both laugh mischievously. 
“Oh no… That’s not a good sign for me…”
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for-jaemin0608 · 6 months
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(🫧) 231021
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zonezzone · 2 years
10.10 p.m.
@aehyei sorry but i wrote this. hope your sanity to be okay after reading this <3
"Jaem- I ca-can't bre-".
Did you think that the heated kisses session you had before the runway was everything?
After that intense lip caressing you received, you immediately knew that it was a huge no. But let's be honest, you couldn't complain about it.
You and celine model!jaemin ran towards his motorcycle to go at light speed to his home and continue what you two left unfinished. And the waiting was worth it.
When he opened the door of the apartment he quickly pinned you against the wall and kissed you with uncommon desperation while closing the gate again to let nothing or nobody bother the situation. His lips were insanely soft and addictive. Oh, and let's not forget about their flavor. It was exquisite.
Lucky you to put on them a flavored chapstick.
You both touched, bit, and caressed every part of each other's lips and even though visiting every space of them, it was impossible to get enough. You really took seriously that kissing session as it was your high school's math class of the last semester.
The difference is that there wasn't anything to calculate. Here, you both let reason go to hell. And it was sublime.
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yellowclover23 · 3 years
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11-Jul-2021 (PHOTO BY RENJUN)
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moonjobf · 2 years
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waitingforminjae · 4 months
my kpop roman empire is when i stopped caring abt nct and checked back in for nct 2020 and suddenly jaemin hated his job so fucking much 😭
0 notes
neochan · 4 months
straight out a romance novel (m) – teaser
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ➪ bookshop keeper!jaemin x author!reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 & 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒 ➪ meet cute (read:awkward), sunshine x sunshine, strangers to something, love triangle, jealousy, best friends to rivals, found family in a way, smut, fluff, minor angst, including barista!jeno, ice cream shop worker!mark, barista!haechan, day care worker!renjun.
𝐖𝐂 ➪ teaser is 1.1k & fic is 20-25k est.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ➪ i've had this idea in the drafts since 2021 when i saw this note on a bookshop door. ever since then, i've been dreaming about telling this story. today i put fingers to keyboard and wrote a little something.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ➪ comment or send an ask!
A brightly-colored yellow paper clings to the door, its message hastily scrawled in ink: "we're open!" beckoning with a number underneath. You reach for the handle, but it refuses to budge, the lock catching you off guard. If they truly were open, why wasn't the door unlocked? You ponder for a moment whether to dial the number, then with a resigned sigh, you retrieve your phone and punch in the digits.
After a brief moment, the phone rings just once before a cheery voice fills your ear.
"Hello, Jaemin speaking."
You hesitated for a moment before responding, your heart fluttering for what seemed like no reason at all.
"Hey. I saw the note on the door. Mind letting me in?" Your voice wavered slightly, "The door is locked."
There's a shuffling on the other end of the line, and then a long slew of slightly muffled curse words.
You can't help but stifle a chuckle at the colorful language. It definitely wasn't what you were expecting from the boy who answered the phone so joyfully.
Moments later, you hear the click of the lock, and the door creaks open. The boy – Jaemin – stands there, phone pressed to his ear, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.
"Hello," he says, his voice slightly louder than expected, the proximity causes a feedback loop that makes your ears sting.
You wince at the sudden noise, but the discomfort is overshadowed by the way he jumps nearly ten feet in the air. He fumbles to hang up the call, hands trembling.
"Sorry about that," Jaemin says, his cheeks flushing pink. "I forgot I was still on the phone."
Jaemin stands in the doorway, caught in a moment of stunned admiration as he gazes at you. His eyes trace the gentle curve of your lips, the way sunlight dances in your hair, and the subtle grace in your movements. He sways slightly, his heart thumping rapidly in his chest.
For a moment, the world seems to slow down as you both stand there looking at each other. It's only when you shift your weight that he realizes he's been staring, hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
Just as the silence begins to stretch uncomfortably, you clear your throat, "Um, can I come in?" you ask, voice soft yet filled with a hint of amusement.
The sound of your voice snaps Jaemin out of his reverie, and he blinks, his cheeks reddening even further at his own awkwardness.
"Oh! Yes, of course!" Jaemin steps back hastily, gesturing for you to enter the cozy bookshop.
You offer him a gracious smile as you pass by, feeling a flutter of excitement at the unexpected boyish charm that radiated off him. As you step inside, the scent of old books and ink envelops you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace. This was familiar. This was home.
Jaemin shuts the door and follows you inside, his heart still pounding with the exhilaration of your presence. He can't help but steal glances at you as you explore the shelves, his cheeks flushing anew with each fleeting moment of eye contact.
Realizations seem to come slow to him today, because as you pick up a tattered book, avoiding his gaze in the dimly lit aisle, Jaemin becomes acutely aware of how his lingering presence might be perceived as stalkerish. In an attempt to ease the tension, he crosses his arms and leans against the shelf.
"So, what brings you to Seaside Stories?"
You glance up from the worn pages of the book, meeting Jaemin's gaze with a hint of curiosity in your eyes.
"Seaside Stories," you repeat, the name rolling off your tongue as you gesture around the cozy bookstore. "It's a lovely name. Is there a story behind it?"
Jaemin scratches the back of his head again, another sheepish grin gracing his lips. "Yeah, it's, um, the name of the store," he admits, his tone tinged with a touch of embarrassment.
Your brow furrows in confusion as you glance towards the entrance. "But the sign outside just says bookstore," you remark.
The boy shifts awkwardly. "Right, about that... I, uh, I haven't gotten around to changing it yet," he confesses.
You can't help but chuckle at his honesty. "Well, Seaside Stories suits it perfectly," you assure him.
"Thanks," he murmurs, his voice bashful. "I'm glad you think so."
You nod, feeling a gentle warmth spreading through the air between you. The moment hangs suspended, the soft rustle of pages and the faint scent of old books enveloping you both in a cocoon of quiet intimacy.
As Jaemin stands, slightly uncomfortable by the wooden shelf that dug into his shoulder, he clears his throat, breaking the silence. "So..." he begins tentatively, his voice trailing off as he searches for the right words.
You meet his gaze, "So... what's on your mind?" you prompt, a smirk teasing the corners of your lips.
A faint flush colors Jaemin's cheeks as he gathers his thoughts, his eyes flickering. "You never answered my question... What brings you here today?" he asks.
"Just exploring," you reply with a shrug, "I have a soft spot for bookshops, especially ones with charming yellow notes on the door," you add playfully.
As if his face could get any deeper shade of red, Jaemin's face grows hot again. He nods, excitment lighting up his features. "It's always nice to meet fellow book lovers," he remarks.
Another wave of silence passes between the both of you as you continue to fumble through the pages of the tattered book in your hands. The cover depicted what looked like a blue haired pirate aboard a rickety wooden boat. Definitely not what you'd read on a normal day. And absolutely nothing like what you write.
Suddenly aware of the lingering silence for the upteenth time, he attempts to clear his throat, but it comes out in a cackle that sounded like a dying cat. "So, uh, can I help you find anything specific?" he asks, his words stumbling over each other in his eagerness to fill the void.
You shake your head, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. "No, I'm just browsing, thank you."
"Right, of course," he mumbles, his gaze darting nervously around the room. "Well, um, let me know if you need anything. I'll just... be around."
With an awkward half-wave, Jaemin retreats down the aisle, leaving you to explore the shelves in peace. As you watch him go, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
This boy was weird, but in a good way, you think.
Now come to think of it, so was the boy in the coffee shop.
Must be something in the water.
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jaemin - napping
word count : 390
you kept knocking on the door to the dorm, waiting for someone to answer. after a few minutes, the door unlocked and opened, revealing renjun, who had earbuds on.
"what?" he asked, clearly annoyed that he had to open the door.
"it's noon. are all of you sleeping or something?" you asked and walked inside.
"i was listening to music. jeno is playing video games. i think jisung said he was hanging out at chenle's house today. jaemin was up but he fell asleep again," he mentioned and closed and locked the door. you slipped your sneakers off and pushed them out of the way. "i'm going back into my room, if you need me," he said and left you alone.
you took your shoes off and walked into the dorm, hearing jeno complaining while playing his video game from his room. you walked to jaemin's room and knocked on the door. when you received no response, you opened the door and found jaemin asleep on his bed with his phone on his chest. you walked inside and closed the door behind you.
you put your purse down and took your jacket off, hanging it on jaemin's chair. then, you sat on the edge of his bed and leaned over to kiss his forehead.
"sleepyhead, wake up," you said and gently shook him.
jaemin didn't respond to you, but he unconsciously moved his arms above his head. you grabbed his phone off of his chest and placed it on the ledge of his headboard. you grabbed your phone from your pocket and made sure it was on silent before placing it next to jaemin's phone.
you laid down next to jaemin and put your arm around him. you closed your eyes and started taking a nap with him.
about an hour later, jaemin woke up only to smile when he saw you laying next to him. he brought his arms down and hugged you.
he kissed your forehead, causing you to wake up.
"sorry," he spoke, his voice still a bit husky.
"it's okay," you replied and readjusted yourself. "can we nap for a little more? then maybe eat something?" you asked him.
he just hummed in response, watching you fall back asleep in his arms. jaemin planted another kiss on your forehead before falling back asleep with a smile.
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ljxlj48 · 1 year
A Racer's Heart
Chapter 04
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F1Driver!Jeno X Reader X F1Driver!Jaemin
Preview, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05…
Genre: love triangle, co-workers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers
Warnings: swearing, car crash
Word Count: 3.6K+
Author's Note: You know when I start my story, I always have an idea of where it's going but then I start writing and suddenly I have no idea where it's going. Like if you ask me who is y/n gonna end up with, I have no idea. Like you guys are finding out with me about how this story will turn out lmaooo. I also notice that this story isn't doing that well compared to my others, and idk if its because my writing it starting to suck or because there's not a lot of nct fans that are also formula 1 fans lol. nevertheless hugs and kisses to anyone reading &lt;333
Part of your job, as Jeno’s race engineer, is ensuring that Jeno remains confident in his ability and his car.  Your job becomes extra hard when Jeno allows external influences or events to linger in his mind.  Then there's an added level of difficulty, if the events that are lingering on Jeno’s mind involve you.  
It was clear that Jeno’s mind wasn’t where it was supposed to be in Azerbaijan and Canada, when Jeno finished outside of the points in both.  This weekend, you guys were in the UK, silverstone. You hoped that you could get his mind in the right state for the race.   
“Just get out there and race,” you tried to find the right words to encourage Jeno.  
“I know,” Jeno said as he hung his head, fiddling with gloves, as he sat in the car on the circuit.  
“Jen,” you called out to him once more, to get him to look at you before you had to go back into the garage. “I’m okay, I promise.” 
“My helmet, please,” Jeno said as he pointed to his helmet on the nose of the car, not acknowledging your earlier words.  You sighed, handing Jeno his helmet.  
“Be safe,” you say as you place a hand on Jeno’s helmet after he puts it on.  The visor doesn’t let you see Jeno’s eyes, but you feel him nod slightly.  You leave your place on the circuit going back to the garage to take your seat.  You put on your headset, “check? Can you hear me Jen?” 
“Loud and clear dear,” Jeno chuckled, “let’s score some points, yeah?” 
“You know what to do Jen.” 
‘We’re entering lap 23, and you can see Martin, the battle between the NCT teammates are starting to heat up’ 
You watched the monitor, seeing what everyone watching on TV was seeing.  “This isn’t good,” Mark said, from the other side, as he watched his own monitor. 
“We told them they were allowed to race,” Taeyong said, as he watched what you guys were watching.  Jeno and Jaemin were going into the turns side by side, coming wheel to wheel.  
‘It doesn’t sound like they are giving out any team orders in the NCT garage, Crofty’
“I don’t like this Taeyong, they’re gonna crash,” you spoke up, not liking this.  Neither Taeyong nor Mark knew what happened in Monaco, when they asked if something happened, both Jeno and Jaemin shrugged it off as the season was getting more serious now.  
‘This is very interesting Martin, usually drivers are arguing with the team to give out orders or not, but it is silence on the NCT team radio’
“Let them race, as long as they’re not bashing each other on the radio where all the teams can hear, they’re not causing problems.” 
‘I would think you have to give out orders to ensure both drivers score points for the championship, if not they could crash which would take them out of the points completely’
The race continued on with them going back and forth, it wasn’t until Ocon closed in on them that they stopped racing each other and defended their respective positions.  They crossed the finish line P8, Jeno, and P9, Jaemin.  Picking up another six points for the team.  You took the largest sigh of relief when the checkered flag finally waved.  
“P8 Jen, good job,” you spoke into the radio to Jeno.  
“Thank you,” Jeno said, in a rather monotone voice, as he finished out his cool down lap.  
‘I wonder what’s happening in the NCT garage, I guess we’ll have to ask in the post-race interviews’
You sighed, watching the broadcast of the race.  After doing his weigh in, Jeno went straight to the media bullpen to finish his requirements.  However, when Jaemin finished his weigh-in, he came to find you.  “y/n a word, please?” 
“Sure,” you said as you put down your stuff, and stepped away with Jaemin.  Your breath started to get short, as you walked further into the garage, away from most people.  This wasn’t like Jaemin.  Usually, if Jaemin had something to say, he would just say it, regardless of who was around. 
When Jaemin finally stopped, and looked towards you, you began to feel nervous about what Jaemin had to say.  “Jeno told you what happened that night in Monaco?” 
You took a breath, “He only told me what he knew, there's still a few hours missing because no one was there with me.” You answered his question honestly, but it still looked like the answer pained him.  
“I see,” Jaemin didn’t meet your eyes, which was very unlike him.  Jaemin always portrayed confidence.  He said everything on his mind, he looked people in the eyes, he stood tall.  The person in front of you didn’t portray that confidence.  “It feels like Jeno is still angry with me for that night, and he has every right to be, I put you in danger.  So I just want to apologize again, I should’ve never left you like that, especially when you told me you weren’t familiar with the area.” 
You felt bad for Jaemin, he had apologized to you every weekend since Monaco.  He hasn’t stopped apologizing, even after you told him you forgave him.  Even after you told Jeno, you forgave him.  Jaemin continued to apologize.  You know he shouldn’t have left you alone, but what was done was done.  Everything ended up okay in the end, there was nothing more to be done already.  
You were about to accept another apology when Jeno shouted your name from across the garage.  The roughness of Jeno’s voice, caused shivers to run down your spine. You turned back to see him, and watched as he stared daggers at Jaemin.  “I’m sorry Jaemin,” you whispered, as you walked towards Jeno.  
You followed Jeno back up to his room, you made sure to shut the door before speaking up, “that wasn’t necessary.” Jeno didn’t respond to you, instead gathering his clothes to rinse off before leaving for the day.  “Jeno you need to forgive Jaemin already, I have, why can’t you do the same?” 
Jeno continued to ignore you. 
“Jeno, I’m talking to you, the least you can do is look at me.”  Jeno turned around to face you, his face stuck in a scowl. You felt your shoulders drop, and your eyes softened, “I’m okay Jeno, I really am okay.” 
“And what if you weren’t?” Jeno asked, a little louder than his normal.  “What if I didn’t get there in time?  What if I didn’t pick up the phone that night?  What if you didn’t go to the restroom?  What if you weren’t okay?” Jeno asked, as you saw the tears brim his eyes, Jeno dropped to a seat.  You followed, finding a spot right next to him.  “10 minutes, it took me 10 minutes to get to you.  For 10 minutes I could only imagine the worst happening to you.  For 10 minutes I had to figure out how to explain to your parents that you were dead.  For 10 minutes I couldn’t protect you.  For 10 minutes, I was completely helpless.  And it was my fault.”  
You wiped away your own tears, “it’s not,” you whispered as you stared down at your lap.  You took a deep breath, you could blame Jaemin for leaving you alone.  You could blame yourself for not watching your drink.  You could blame the bartender for allowing it to happen, but there was only one person to blame.  “It’s the guy who drugged me, that's who's at fault, no one else.  Not Jaemin and especially not you.  You can’t blame a predator's actions on you Jeno.”  You grabbed Jeno’s hand, squeezing it, now looking at him.  
“How are you so okay with this?” Jeno asked with a slight shake of his head. 
“When you grow up knowing that no matter what you do, you will still be at risk, you get used to it, I guess.”  You felt Jeno’s eyes on you while you looked ahead.  Jeno grabbed your cheek, pressing your temple to his lips.  You cracked a small smile, enjoying the feeling of Jeno’s lips on you.  The two of you stayed in that position for a minute.  You didn’t want to move, to disrupt the delicate peace that was in place.  
As soon as the Silverstone Grand Prix ended, you headed up to Austria with the majority of the team.  Jeno, Jaemin, along with a few team members stayed in the UK for another day.  The rumor that was being traded amongst team members is that Jeno and Jaemin needed to stay behind for a team bonding moment.  You kept your comments to yourself, knowing that Jeno just stayed in the UK for an extra day to visit some friends out there that he didn’t get to see over the weekend.  
When you arrived in Austria, you and some of Jeno’s mechanics got together to ‘work,’ it really was just you guys at a bar drinking and shooting darts.  You stayed away from the alcohol, not really feeling comfortable drinking.  Even if you wanted to drink, you couldn’t because Jeno bothered you every five minutes.  You swear you have had partners who texted you less in your entire relationship with them, than Jeno has texted him since you’ve been out tonight.  
“Your driver and you are awfully close,” someone commented, peeking over your shoulder.  
“Oh Jeno,” you shrugged, “we’ve been friends a long time, that’s why.” 
“I see,” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get your name,” you smiled, sticking out your hand, “I’m y/n.” 
The other person took your hand, “I know, I’m Renjun, a race engineer for NCT.  I was working with Danny, the driver before Jeno.” 
“I see,” you hesitated, worried about where the conversation was going. 
“I was excited to work with Jeno, but then Taeyong said that Jeno was bringing in his own race engineer,” Renjun said, beforing sipping the beer in his hand. 
Before Jeno was in F1, he was in Prema Racing, and so were you.  It was easy to move around and follow Jeno, because you remained a part of Prema Racing. So all you had to do was move up within the same team, like Jeno.  When Jeno left F2, and Prema Racing, he insisted you do the same.  So you did, you left Prema and applied for Alfa Romeo.  And you were content, you could’ve stayed at Alfa Romeo, you wanted to stay at Alfa Romeo.  However Jeno insisted that you needed to be with him in NCT, and he made sure of it.  He had it as a part of his contract with NCT, a job for you, to ensure you followed him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t,” you stuttered out a half-ass apology, not sure what to say at all.  At this time, Renjun cracked a smile.  
“I’m just giving you a hard time,” Renjun laughed, “It’s really fine, it’s amazing what you and Jeno have.” 
You tried to chuckle away the awkwardness, “what do you mean by that?” 
“I’ve watched you guys these past few races, Jeno holds a lot of trust in you, he doesn’t question any of the strategy choices you make for him.” 
You repeat the same thing that you always tell yourself to Renjun, “He just knows that I know what he likes.” 
“No it's more than that, I’ve worked with drivers before, Jeno has like,” Renjun pauses, you watch him look for the right word to string into his sentence, “faith that you will do whatever is best for him, even if it goes against the greater good.”  Renjun jokes.   
You smile, never thinking about it like that, “I want him to win, so…yeah, I guess I do whatever is best for him.”  
“It's amazing Jeno has someone like you in his corner for the races.” 
Renjun’s words carry a certain weight with you, as the night goes on.  You find yourself picking apart his meaning behind them, mulling over them again and again.  You go through all your time with Jeno, from when you first met him until now.  You wonder if you always did what was best for Jeno.  You even carry his words with you into the Thursday, during the first strategy meetings.  
“Where are you?” Jeno asked softly, during the meeting when he noticed you weren’t really paying attention.  
You shook your head, focusing back on Taeyong as he spoke.  Jeno watched you for a moment longer, before turning his attention back to Taeyong as well.   You listen attentively as Taeyong drones on, about different plans and which tire to use when.  You push Renjun’s words to the back of your mind, and decide to handle it at another time.  
Just when the meeting ends and Renjun’s words start to creep up again, the perfect distraction makes his way towards you.  “y/n,” Jaemin says almost breathlessly, “I need to ask you something.”  Jaemin looks panicked, as he stands in front of you, almost like he’s gonna vomit whatever he says next.  
“Okay,” you say with fake worry, entertaining whatever Jaemin wants to say.  He can tell you're mocking him a little, but it doesn’t stop him.  
“Let me take you to dinner,” Jaemin blurts out, that it takes you back.  You always pictured Jaemin asking someone out to dinner that it would be done with a certain cool, a specific type of charisma.  In which it had none.  
“Jaemin,” Jeno says, now making his presence known.  
You turn your attention to Jeno, whom you thought initially left with the rest of the team when the meeting ended.  “Jeno,” Jaemin says with a slight nod of his head.  
“You boys are talking to each other again?” you asked, as you look at the both of them.  The last time either of them spoke to each other, not in front of a camera, was at the club. 
“Playing nice,” Jeno sighs.  You crack a smile.  
“Okay Jaemin, you can take me out to dinner,” you smile, as Jaemin releases a sigh of relief.  
You walk away, heading into the garage to prepare your station for this weekend's activities.  Just as your out of the meeting room, Jeno catches Jaemin’s arm, “don’t do anything stupid, yeah?” The extra day Jeno spent in the UK was intended to catch up with a few friends like he told you.  However Taeyong had pulled Jeno into a lunch with Jaemin and him, forcing Jeno and Jaemin to work out whatever was going on between them.  At that lunch, both Jeno and Jaemin concluded that what happened to you in Monaco was to never happen again.  
“I’m taking her to dinner to make up for what happened in Monaco, Jeno,” Jaemin says, as he pulls Jeno’s hand off his arm.  Jaemin enjoys messing around with people, and he’s just beginning to realize how much he can mess around with Jeno if he uses you.  “I can’t help it if she likes me more than you,” Jaemin smirks.  
Jaemin meets you in the hotel lobby at 6, to take you to dinner.  He’s dressed in a simple pair of black slacks with a white button up, and a suit jacket.  It’s so simple, yet it looks like Jaemin, and he wears it well.  He’s much more attentive this time around.  He opens all the doors for you, he pulls out your chair at this upscale restaurant that he chose.  He listens to everything you have to say, he asks questions to keep you going.  He doesn’t flaunt his money to the waiter, or his title.  You guys split the dessert, almost in a romantic fashion.  
Just as you're leaving the restaurant, you feel a chill come on.  You shiver, as Jaemin opens the door out for you.  As soon as you step outside, Jaemin slips off his jacket, placing the item on your shoulders.  
“Thank you,” you say, as Jaemin smiles.  
“There’s an evening exhibit just a block away,” Jaemin offers.  
“I’m not much of an art person,” you say as you looks at Jaemin
“Neither am I,” Jaemin stares at you, “I just don’t want tonight to end.”  
“Okay,” you say, as you and Jaemin walk down to the exhibit.  Jaemin places a hand on the small of your back, he makes sure you’re on the inside of the sidewalk as the two of you walk the block. The two of you spend hours looking at the different art displayed.  Neither of you knows what any of it means, or what the artist was trying to portray or what symbolism is being shown, but you stay nonetheless.  Jaemin follows your lead, allowing you to pull him into any direction.  He doesn’t mind, he enjoys watching you pick apart the artwork to relate to something.  
“It’s really beautiful,” you say as you stare at the portrait, the plaque says that it was a portrait of the artist’s muse, their significant other.  
“It is,” Jaemin agrees, as his eyes stay locked on you.  Jaemin doesn’t know what the painting looks like, or what the plaque says, but the art before his eyes is truly beautiful to him.  
Neither you or Jaemin really want the night to end, so much so that the exhibit workers ask you and Jaemin to leave so they can go home for the night.  You bash, not realizing you spent that much time there.  Jaemin, thinks that if he slips the workers a few hundred, they will let you guys stay a bit longer, but before Jaemin can act on the idea, you’re walking out.  
“We need to let them go home,” you smile, offering your hand for Jaemin to take.  
“Because you said so,” Jaemin says, as he takes your hand.  You spend at least another hour or two walking around just talking with Jaemin.  Talking with Jaemin feels like floating in a calm sea, it’s light, easy, and can go on forever. 
You try to delay the end of the night for as long as possible, Jaemin does the same.  He walks you all the way up to your hotel room door.  It’s easily one in the morning by the time you make it back to the hotel.  
“Why don’t you come in?” you ask Jaemin as you push open the door.  
“That would be improper,” Jaemin smirks, “maybe after the second date.” 
“This was a date?” you joke.  
Jaemin chuckles at your joke, “I had a really nice night y/n,” Jaemin says seriously now.  
“Me too, thank you.”  
Jaemin comes in close, pressing his lips to your cheek, you feel a little disappointed that all you got was a kiss on the cheek.  You guess your face exposes you, because Jaemin says, “don’t look so disappointed sweetheart,” with a certain smirk.  
You blush, as you realize you got caught.  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say, trying to find words to fill in the gap, “goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Jaemin says as he takes a step watching you close the door on him.  After he hears the final click of the door shutting, Jaemin begins to walk away to go to his hotel room.  Jaemin lets out a sigh, if it was anyone else, he would have taken up the offer to come inside.  But you were different.  Jaemin doesn’t like second dates, or kisses on the cheek, or hand holding, or long walks in the park, or art exhibits.  But Jaemin likes being around you.  
He feels himself get giddy, thinking about the moment you offered your hand.  He smiles, when he thinks about you staring at the portrait at the exhibit.  He blushes when he recalls how you clung on his arm during the walk in the park.  He laughs to himself, when he remembers you had a little something on the corner of your mouth when you guys shared dessert.  He lays in his bed, with images of you playing in his mind.  He dreams of you in his sleep, with a smile plastered on his face.  
“How was dinner?” Jeno asks as he goes through the car specs to prepare for practice.  
The mention of last night's dinner has the blood rushing to your cheeks, “it was nice,” you smiled, staring at your tablet.  
“He didn’t leave you right?” Jeno asks with a certain bite in his tone.  
“Jeno, we agreed to let it go already,” you scolded.  
“I was just checking,” Jeno scoffs, as he goes back to looking over his car, “better not start cheering for him.” 
“Never, you’re still my favorite driver,” you say with a little nudge, that causes Jeno to smile.  
While Jeno is putting in his practice laps, Jaemin makes his way over to you.  “Hey sweetheart,” Jaemin says, gaining your attention.  You blush at the nickname he seems to love to call you.  “I had fun last night,” Jaemin says.  
“I did too,” you smile.  
“Let me take you out again, Sunday after the race,” Jaemin asks. It comes to a bit of a surprise to himself that he did ask you out again, Jaemin isn’t really sure about what he wants from you, or what he can give you.  All he knows is that he enjoys being with you.  
“Okay,” you answer, not able to contain your smile.  Jaemin leaves you to prepare to put in his own practice laps.  Just before he’s out of your sight, he sends a wink your way, that causes even more blood to rush to your cheeks.  
“y/n,” Jeno’s voice cuts clear across the radio, there’s a panic in his voice, something you don’t pick up right away, “something feels off,” 
“What are you talking…” Just before you could finish your question, you watch as Jeno’s car spins out of control and into a barrier. 
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flashbangstars · 4 months
Monday Miscommunications N.J.M
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Pairing. Jaemin x Female reader 18+ wc: 2021
Summary. I really liked writing the roommate series so I decided to try and write a extended/expand upon the original post. Basically you are Jaemin's roommate and you two and he's insufferable and sexy. brain rot from domestic roommate Jaemin.
Genre. Suggestive, ready and Jaemin get a bit hot and heavy... in a video game chair. fluff/suggestive
Warnings: mentions of violence in a joking manner, suggestive
I went a little haywire with the elipses in this so ignore that.
You two were about 7 months deep and you swear you got more confused with him the more time you spent together. Given the fact he lived next door to you all last year, it was confusing that he was the same person who would greet you in the morning.
Things were weirdly coming to a peak as of late, He had been extremely touchy MORE than usual, and was spending way more time in the apartment than he usually would. He now opted for his friends to come over instead of him going to them, and he was now making an effort to introduce you to them when they were over . This afternoon was no different.
Things were weirdly coming to a peak as of late, He had been extremely touchy MORE than usual, and was spending way more time in the apartment than he usually would. He now opted for his friends to come over instead of him going to them, and he was now making an effort to introduce you to them when they were over . This afternoon was no different.
You opened the door to the apartment and dropped the keys into the bowl. Feet dragging, eyes sagging today fucking sucked. You had dropped your phone the screen had shattered and your computer died during a three-hour lecture… 45 minutes in, you needed either alcohol or for someone to take you out of your misery at this point.
Standing in the kitchen you rested your head on the counter and closed your eyes. The cold surface pressed against your forehead and the heating in the apartment lowly humming. You needed to eat something and then pass out.
The door opened and you heard a second set of keys being dropped into the bowl. Lifting your head from the counter and turning, there was Jaemin walking in, kitten sweats and bucket hat in all their glory.
“Hey! Oh!..you look like shit,” he said with that pretty smile and pretty teeth.. bastard.
“Fuck you” you mutter dropping your head back to the counter. You hear his bag drop to the floor and his shoes get kicked off to the side, the Converse with the backs of them folded in because for some reason he doesn’t like to put his shoes on.
His socked feet pad across the wood floor and stop next to you in the kitchen, you watch as his feet inch closer to you and then you feel an arm lay across your back, and then a hand settle on your waist.
“I’m sorry baby, did something happen today?” Jaemin coos in a higher-pitched-up voice. Despite the day being so unbelievably shitty, the only thing you were able to think about was; the multiple bright red flags going off as to what just happened in this right here kitchen.
His hand was burning fucking hot on your side (not really you’re just insane!) and the proximity was something that wasn’t normally common for your dynamic, was he a freak? Yes! But this was a bit much. You didn’t know whether the right thing to do was to now stand up, or to stay in this position because you were tired, and a little coddling never hurt anyone. You decided with the first because you're a grown-ass woman who didn’t need any man and you stood up and blinked a couple of times refusing to turn to face Jaemin.
Now standing though, the closeness of you two was a lot more apparent, his hip was touching yours and his hand stayed behind you. He tilted his head in front of you to catch your eyesight and asked again if you were okay.
“I’m fine today was just a lot, I just need it to be over haha” Did you just verbALLY say HAHA?
Turning around so your butt pressed against the edge of the counter you started rubbing your hands on your face out of exasperation. Missing the movement from your side. Opening your eyes to Jaemin having moved to be standing right in front of you with both hands on the counter behind you.
Oh honey, what is this!?
He stared this time into your eyes and you could feel the slight blush coming up from your neck and you forced yourself to make eye contact with him. “Well if you need anything please let me know, I’m sorry you had such a bad day,” he said in a grossly endearing tone (you thought that shit was hot) and then stood up, patted your hip, and walked to his room. He is so mistaken if he thinks you won’t get on your knees in this damn kitchen! Jesus Christ DECORum!
Now you weren’t even upset about your day, you were upset about whatever the fuck that was. Jaemin and you had known each other for 2 years now and you had never gotten the vibe he wanted to fuck you? But this now domesticity and nurturing agenda he had was fucking with your head and your vagina. Who just casually acts like that? OUT OF NO WHERE?? You stood in the kitchen, and then consequently decided to not stand on business. Marching your way down the hallway to Jaemin’s room Opening the door, Jaemin was sat at his Gamer ass desk set up. Upon hearing you enter the chair swiveled around, and Jaemin smiled widely seeing you.
“Hi sweetheart, what do you need?” He asked uncrossing his legs. Sweetheart?!?? You walked closer and stood crossing your arms “Can you explain what happened in the kitchen just now?” You huffed leaning in and pushing your index finger into his chest disapprovingly. His eyes searched yours and then morphed into a devious look. Before you could lean back both of his arms shot out, grabbing your waist. Spinning you and placing you back down in his lap. HUHHHHH???
“I was just making sure you were okay! It makes me feel terrible when you look so upset. If you want something to do, I’m setting up my online calendar and you can just sit here and look pretty while I do so!” he said in a sweet but fast voice, not letting you get a single word in, He spun the chair again and pushed you both into the desk.
You felt the redness creeping up your neck, and your face was burning hot. I think… I think he’s going insane… that is the only answer to this. Using your brute woman strength, you put your arms out and pushed both away from the desk.
Not yet leaving his lap due to the one arm swung around your waist (and also like it was comfy, sue me!). You angle your head and slowly turn to face him.
“Did you hit your fucking head or something, cause what the fuck is this?” you say grabbing his wrist off your waist. You say a little bit more annoyed this time. Jaemin’s demeanor faltered for a split second, his eyebrows falling into a pout for a millisecond, but returning to the very toothy smile Inching closer to your face “Well a little birdie told me that you had been talking about your hot roommate, and how never would think he would go after someone like you” Jaemin taunted a bit, his voice lilting towards the end of the sentence in a faux pout.
Suddenly like That’s So Raven it all hit you, the conversation you had with Jisung on the bus about your little crush on Jaemin was replaying on loudspeakers in the theater of your mind. You had mentioned how you found Jaemin very attractive but could never see him going for someone like you due to his track record.
Determined to not lose to Jaemin in whatever battle of strength this was, you relaxed a bit “Oh well now I have to kill Jisung I guess” you said keeping eye contact with Jaemin. Despite your efforts to come out victorious, folding immediately as a hand comes up and brushes your hair behind your ear making you tense up again.
“And you didn’t even try to deny it,” he said with a smug look. …. Well damn.
“ Wish you would’ve said something, do you know how hard it is to live with someone like you? Smart, Pretty, determined to be oblivious to every single move I try to make” Now you two were an inch away from each other's face
“I…am not… oblivious,” you say your voice raised a bit above a whisper in protest of his claims on your character. Your hands were probably shaking now, and in any minute You think you were going to explode probably if this continued for I don’t know, maybe 5 seconds more.
“Yes, you are. You know people ask if we are dating? Jeno and Jisung have been making fun of me because no matter how hard I’ve tried to get you to notice, you just don’t, But now I get home and treat you extra nice, and all of sudden you are sitting in my lap so what am I suppose to think?” Jaemin said lowly his voice rasping from beside you, but to you, it sounded like he was screaming straight into your clit. Your awareness of your position in his lap feels like a bucket of ice water.
Staring at him you tried to collect your thoughts as to what would be your next move. On one hand, you could engage with the enemy and follow through with the sinful acts he is proposing. Or you could stand up and walk away and laugh about this whole thing tomorrow!
But like… what fun would that be?
Mustering up the strength, you relaxed a bit into his hold and let your weight rest against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice,” you said shrugging. Jaemin tightened his hold once he felt you relax and his fingers were now pressing into the soft flesh of your side, slipping under the fabric of your t-shirt.
“It's alright, I think we both are on the same page now, am I right princess?” Tilting his head so now you two were dangerously close to each other. Leaning in extending his eye contact to almost asking for permission, you nodded.
Jaemin pressed his lips against yours softly and his grip around you tightened even more, one of his hands moving up to tilt your chin to give him more access, parting your lips and deepening the kiss, silently thanking god you had had a piece of gum in before you got home. Your hands go up to press against his chest. His hand on your side moved up and now creeping along the hem of your bra, teasing the strap your t-shirt now shoved above your bra.
He got more intense with his movements, and you felt the arm of his desk chair pressing into the middle of your back reminding you of the situation you were in. Pushing against his chest and separating you two from each other before he succeeded in devouring you.
“It is 3 pm…. On a Monday… hold on” you said between breaths. “And…?” He asked with his annoying pretty smile.
“I need a second…” Staring blankly at you as if expecting something Jaemin didn’t move “I like you…I promise..I just need to go uh… send Jisung a death threat and maybe a thank you card and go and scream into my pillow, then we can continue this..on the bed.. hopefully,” you promise nodding your head surely at the end of your sentence.
Standing up and straightening out your pants… and… pulling your shirt back down over your boobs. You bowed a bit and left his room. WHY DID YOU BOW? You heard a soft laugh come from the same video game chair you had just been almost fucked on and didn’t dare to turn around again. Going straight down the hallway to your room.
Thank you for reading! if you guys are interested in more of these from the roommate series pls let me know!
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ihaechans · 9 months
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╰・Welcome to my blog ! © ihaechans (ex. Yu69ta) 2021-2024 ♡
This blog is strictly for 18+ only and contains mature content. If I find any minors on this blog I will block you immediately. Any smut written will be labeled (M) for mature content. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost my works on any platform. This is my only account.
Do NOT ask for a part two if you did not like or reblog the post. Requests are always open! Don't be shy to send one!
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Fantasy — (M)
Over and over again. The dreams of your roommate fucking you senseless keep reoccurring and there’s nothing you can do about it…well, maybe one thing but the issue is that Taeyong is too shy and timid to even hold a conversation with you longer than two minutes.
Again & Again — (M)
Haechan is needy. So needy that he can’t wait until you get home to play with himself, breaking the number one rule in your book. What was supposed to be a night of innocent quality time ends in Haechan getting milked dry, begging for you to make him cum over & over again. and over again.
Your Red Lipstick — (F)
Kisses, kisses, kisses. That’s all your boyfriend wants. When you refuse to give him the one thing he craves, he won’t leave you alone, begging and begging until you give in.
Impatient — (M)
Your boyfriend Donghyuck just wants you all to himself.
⋆ — MARK LEE જ⁀➴ Timestamps: [10:37pm]
Reminiscing — (F)
Time flies. Especially with best friend and nerdy ride-or-die Mark Lee. Reminiscing on the rooftop leads to foreign emotions and forgotten memories rising to the surface, and the obvious tension between you two can no longer be avoided.
Back for More — (M)
Jaehyun can’t get enough of you, and you can’t get enough of him either.
Crush on You — (M)
Jisung is a little too innocent for his own good, and when he asks you to help him fix that your friendship takes a slight turn…. okay, maybe a big turn.
PT.2 "7 Days" — PT.3 "Teach Me"
Midnight Driver — (M)
Fucking in the middle of no where with a man you met no more than a month ago was not something on your bucket list, but for some reason, it wasn’t something you were completely against.
Hallows Eve — (M) part of @/jenoslutie '1-800-slashers' collab
When your friend told you about 1-800-SLASHERS. You could almost laugh at her. Paying people to roleplay as characters from scary movies? Who does that? But once you found yourself calling 1-800-SLASHERS way more than you’d like to admit, even going as far as using their video call feature time and time again. You don’t think you can stop.
Smile! You're on Camera — (M)
Jaemin loves taking pictures. He loves the beautiful and captivating nature, golden sunsets, gloomy rainy days, and flower fields. The only sight that is his favorite though, is the one of his girlfriend on her knees.
Late at Night — (M)
Late-night walks around the city with your boyfriend Winwin turn out way more exciting than usual.
⋆ — XIAO DEJUN જ⁀➴ Timestamps: [7:00pm]
જ⁀➴ Sub Jeno thoughts...
⋆ — NCT 127
You trying to dom them : ✘
NCT 127 as boyfriends :  ✘
NCT Dream & Overstimulation : ✘
⋆ — WAYV
Attractive things they do : ✘
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216 notes · View notes
sleeping-sirens · 1 year
lips ღ lee jeno
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pairing : jeno x fem reader (reader is called sweetheart but could also be gn)
genre : soulmate!au (telepathy + matching tattoos + healing bond + mind reading), established relationship, fluff, romance, a bit of angst if you squint.
summary : jeno had come yet again from another one of his underground fights, all bruised and scratched up and reader is so worried about him.
word count : 1944 words.
warnings : mentions of blood, injuries, wounds, kisses, slightly suggestive towards the end.
a/n : i wrote this oneshot back in 2021 :0 so not that proud of it :(
i’m publishing it here mainly for 🍬 anon! thank you for your sweet words and encouragement, hope you like it 😔
buy me a coffee 🥹🫶🏼
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Heart racing inside your chest, you're pacing around the room while nervously fiddling with your fingers. A deep sigh leaves your clogged throat, wanting nothing more than to crumble and succumb to your sobs.
Your lips are bruised by now from how much you've been biting on them for the past hour. Your eyes roam around the room feeling lost in a world of your own, fear and worrisome bubbling from the pit of your stomach and crawling up your throat, lining your eyes with tears. You don't want to let your weakness take over you. At least not until he comes back.
The black screen of the TV is matching the sky outside, dark and lonely with only you in the middle, not knowing what to do and how to react. The broadcast has ended long ago, and you're now just waiting impatiently for Jeno to return home.
The clock hanging on the wall behind you seems to tick more slowly than ever, the sound of it resonating in the eerily silent living room, conducting an irregular melody with your staggering breaths accompanied by your crazy heartbeats.
Without noticing, your teeth take your fingers hostage, your nerves weighing down on you and tugging on your heartstrings like it's their last lap in a competitive race with nobody but you. Anxiety clouds your mind with thoughts that refrain you from thinking straight. On top of being worried about him, you're furious at yourself for being in this state while he needs you the most right now.
Taking your head in between your hands, you clasp the sides of your face and shut your eyes, completely messed up and failing at concentrating on what you should do. With many attempts at activating your telepathy connection with Jeno, you fall victim to the trap made only by you.
When you hear faint knocks on the door, you stumble around to open it. Your eyes meet two pairs of eyes already looking at you with pain swirling inside them, anticipating your reaction. In the middle of your frenzied state, you notice the slumped body squished between Doyoung and Jaemin, shoulders dropping as if he has no bones to hold his muscles up and head looking down feebly.
Your arms fly to your soulmate, and you hug him tightly, forgetting about his bruised body, and he lets out a pained wince, causing you to take a step back and open the door wider for his friends to get him inside the house. Pressing your lips together to conceal the sob that wants to leave your body, you heavy-heartedly look at him struggling to walk on his feet.
They gently put him down on the couch, tucking his shivering body under the fuzzy blanket that you had already prepared for him. You saunter to the kitchen and pull a bottle of water from the fridge, returning quickly to the living room before you crouch down in front of him, handing the bottle to him.
Unable to make a move, Jeno only lifts his arm to shield his eyes from the blinding lights assaulting his blurry vision. Concern filling you to the brim, you sigh, lowering your head on the couch, reaching over to hold his hand.
Doyoung nudges Jaemin and they both exchange knowing gazes, silently getting out of the apartment and leaving you two alone.
"My precious boy..." You whisper, getting closer to Jeno's burning body and brushing the blue strands of hair sticking to his forehead from sweat.
"Can you please turn off the lights?" He croaks out gruffly, voice hoarse and weak from the lack of energy in his body.
You immediately oblige and run back to him, only having the side lamp as a source of light. You hesitantly push his arm away from his eyes so that you can see his face. His eyes gently open to focus on you, but in vain, your face still looks blurry to him. Jeno throws his head back with a groan, doubling his efforts to sit up straight on the couch.
"Come here," He welcomes you to his stretched arms and you carefully join him, cocooning yourself in his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep you company on your way back," You shyly admit. "I couldn't bring myself to concentrate."
"It's okay, sweetheart." Jeno winces in pain when he wraps his arms around you and you worriedly look up at him.
You can clearly see his face now. Bloody scratches are littering his entire face, some cuts too deep with dried blood circling them, and some still fresh and glistening with crimson. The corner of his left eye is turning blue as your eyes travel all over his face, and when your vision settles down, you see the corner of his lips bruised and damaged badly than the other parts of his face.
Sensing you looking at him, Jeno glances down at you and tries his hardest to smile at you without triggering his wounds, but he fails badly, which causes him to groan and hiss at how painful his injuries are. Your fingers hesitantly fly up to his lips, gently skimming over the dried blood, and he closes his eyes, concentrating on your healing touch.
Your senses perk up and you close your eyes to activate the healing bond between you and your soulmate, scooting your body as close to his as possible, uniting your emotions and thoughts and making your souls feel like one.
Jeno hums in contentment, feeling the bond gradually getting to every injury and bruise in his body, sucking in the warmth you're spreading all over him and healing him in more ways than one. He's feeling grateful to have you by his side when he needs you the most, and he wants you to know just that.
"I'm sorry," He suddenly says, leaning his head on top of yours that's resting on his shoulders, and caressing your side with the gentle tips of his fingers.
You heavily sigh, not wanting to break weak in front of him again. Not because he hates it or because you feel ashamed, but this isn't the first time he's come home all scratched up and you have to heal him.
You're always worrying about him during and after each fight.
You have made your opinion about him doing underground fighting clearer than the gleaming linings of the moon that you both have as a soulmate symbol on your wrists, glowing upon your skins and defining you, and bonding you in the universe until the end of times.
The last thing you both want is to upset the other and as much as he knows how much you don't like what he's doing, he can't stop it, and you can't force him to. At first, it was hard to accept it and you guys have had countless fights over this, but as your bond grew strong, your love grew unconditional that you just couldn't let anything separate you.
You're not ready for such heartbreak.
"You don't have to apologize every time you come home after a fight."
"Yes, but-"
"No buts please," you silence him gently. "I'm not mad at you and I will never get mad at you, baby."
"But you're worried now." He insists.
"I'm not." You avoid his eyes.
Jeno bites his lower lips before gliding his tongue across the surface, placing his index and middle finger under your chin to lift your head up. He anchors his piercingly soft gaze on you and you can't help but maintain the eye contact with him, heat slowly bubbling inside your tummy and traveling up your body to reach your face, tinting your cheeks with a rosy blush.
"Don't lie to me," He whispers, leaning his face closer to yours until you're a breath away from each other. You unconsciously part your lips and close your eyes, enjoying his heavy and warm closeness. “I can read your mind."
"I know," you breathe out. "But I also want you to know that I'm not mad and I will never be mad at you for choosing to do something you love. Yes, I get worried, sometimes I feel like my heart will burst out of my chest when I'm watching your fights broadcasts, but I will never force you to stop."
Jeno keeps looking at you with glistening eyes, admiring your supportive words of encouragement and falling deeper and more in love with you than he has ever been. The feelings thumping through his heart with every beat strengthen the soulmate bond, making your own heart speed up its race and causing your breath to hitch inside your throat.
The fingers caressing your chin travel up your face, delivering feather-like touches that leave your skin burning with a new fiery glaze that naturally pulls your body closer to him.
His thumb runs down the side of your face before settling down on your bottom lip, anticipation building up inside of you with every passing second and as Jeno grazes the pad of his finger over your bottom lip, you let out a hitched breath before gaining control over the situation and pulling away from him.
"I really want to kiss you right now," Jeno admits, looking deeply into your eyes and not planning to look anywhere else but at you.
"Your lip is bruised," you reply with a concern-filled voice, and Jeno shakes his head at that.
"Kiss me to make it better." He brushes his nose with yours and slides his arm up from your waist to secure it on the back of your neck. "It'll speed up the healing process."
Before you get the chance to refuse, Jeno's lips softly lay on top of yours. At this moment, nothing matters as you let yourself free fall in love with the softness of his cushion-like lips.
At first, he starts slowly, making sure not to get ahead of himself and feel the pain of the cuts lining his lips. He delivers small kisses, guiding you slowly until you fall into a rhythmic momentum and you both relish in the melodious harmony blooming from within your bond.
Little by little, you both start to feel greedy. It's like your lips have a mind of their own, guiding your bodies even closer together. You place your palms on his chest, the crazy beats of his heart speaking to you from under his skin-tight black shirt.
His staccato breaths send your mind into overdrive and you mindlessly let out a satisfied hum, igniting a fire inside of him he doesn't think he can control. Having you under his arms, with your lips molding against his and your heated body clinging onto his is only encouraging him to push you back on the sofa, landing gently on top of you.
The closeness between you two is helping his body heal faster than he expected. With gentle yet deep kisses, Jeno gets all the energy he needs and you're there to give it all to him.
"I love you." He whispers in between kisses. "So, so much."
Nobody says that love is easy, but when it's with the right person, it exceeds all the boundaries and restrictions and conquers it all.
And as Jeno pulls away from your lips, eyes closed, chest heaving and face heated, you glance up at him with astonishment and appreciation because if he weren't your soulmate, you'd break all the rules just to find him and love him again and again.
"Now that I've secured yet another win," he starts, smiling gently yet sinfully. "Let's celebrate, our own way."
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