#in Brittney broskis voice
vtmgremlin · 1 year
Ok so I debated all of 2 seconds on if i should post this here or make a new blog for this kinda content but its _fine_ , anyways
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niishi · 7 months
Everyone's mad at that Brittney broski girl but...... She's right. It IS dystopian to ask some white tiktoker to use her podcast to talk about genocide. And the reaction to her saying she's not the one for that job, people making it online cancel culture discourse bc this white woman who makes poop jokes doesn't think she should be the spokesperson, is just even more dystopian. This girl is RIGHT. Y'all co opt these tragedies and are opportunists and just TALK AND TALK AND TALK AND TALK SOOOOOOOOO MUCH that the actual victims never get a voice. Never get heard. Never get the stage or the platform or mic. And WHITE PPL, THEIR ABUSERS, BECOME THEIR VOICES. PRIVILEGED PPL WHO NEVER FACED GENOCIDE GET TO BE THEIR SPOKESPERSON. do you understand how infuriating it was when non indigenous folks jumped on the bandwagon for like 2 months a couple years ago, and ALLLLLLL the indigenous voices got silenced, and NONE OF THEM were promoted or platformed or given the mic, and then we had ignorant Non indigenous ppl speak FOR us while having no clue what the fuck they were even talking about and it did WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY more harm than good. A lot of y'all need to realize you're opportunists, and you only care because you're self centered and can make everything about yourself (while deluding yourself and manipulating others into thinking that's not the case) and God forbid you have to shut the fuck up for 2 seconds and amplify an actual victims voice for once.
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4letteraroace · 9 months
ugh. i just watched the brittney broski video about bf asmr and can. i. just. say…
if you’re gonna start listening to redacted, lasko is not a good place to start.
like you gotta ease into the channel. start with david or vincent or if you’re really ready to buy in right out the gate, start with freelancer season one.
because like first impressions can mean a lot and if you start with a character who’s voice is an acquired taste, it’s very hard to keep with the channel till you find something that really works for you.
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Brittney Broski was so real for dragging Lasko in general I unironically found it so funny that as soon as she heard his voice called Lasko a cuck and then a puss it was so real.
🌌(starlight) anon
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