#in case you're not understanding the last one. the mafia sent a family of people (implying children) out to sea on a raft
ratcandy · 3 years
Bursts in through the door. Mafia town related rant incoming based on a realization I had/some discoveries I (re)made
So. We know that the Mafia took over the island, right? Right.
When Hat Kid arrives in Mafia Town, all we see of those that originally lived on the island are a few old men, Mustache Girl, and Cooking Cat. The latter two of which are hiding, and the former of which are frequently getting beaten up by the Mafia.
That island is far too big to have only been occupied by about five people before the Mafia showed up. So what happened to the rest of the natives?
Well. I've been running with two possible theories so far, one of which being a lot better than the other, but. With revisiting Mafia Town and coming to notice something specifically, I'm. Left a lil unsettled because I realize my darker assumption could be either right or just worse than I thought
What's the better theory? The natives all took off when the Mafia arrived. Packed all their shit, got on boats, and Headed Out. Gone. Issues I have with this theory: - ??Mustache girl 's ?? pArents ?? Did they leave her there, then? Was it an accident? Did they get separated and Mu was left behind? Did they abandon her intentionally? Or were they long gone before the Mafia even showed up? - Why did so few stay? I'm assuming people would stay either in hopes of the Mafia leaving, for cultural purposes/family reasons, or for business (though I doubt the Mafia would allow for competition). Especially since we see elderly as remainders. But still. that's only like. What. Three? Are there 3 old men I can't remember exactly, but. Very few. Suspiciously few
I'm sure a good few could have done this, but all of them?... Seems unlikely.
What's the worse theory that now I have more potential evidence for and I'm not happy about this with how the game treats the Mafia later?
Dead as hell, and the Mafia are to blame for it.
Before anyone comes after me saying "that seems a little dark for funny kid game" I'm going to direct your attention towards The Forgotten Children and put my hands on my hips and go "hmm??" all obnoxiously. So don't even try me
But. Listen. I said it once before and I'll say it again.
The Mafia are already shown in-game to beat children, elderly, and seagulls, for some reason. Mustache Girl looked like absolute hell in her storybook, so we can only imagine what she went through. So with this in mind, what would stop me from claiming that they could have killed full-on adults? Literally three of them beat up an old man at once, and one admits to throwing Mu into the ocean (I know I bring that line up a lot but it makes me SO angry I have to). Those actions alone could have killed people: a CHILD and OLD MEN. So. I mean. i'm just
But what specific thing today has set me off on this? well. Here's some screenshots.
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These. Boarded up houses and shops
This implies one of two things:
- The Mafia boarded these up for whatever reason (which wouldn't make a lot of sense, as one Mafia outside the the bottom left home is wondering how to get in) or - The original inhabitants of the island boarded these up.
And if it's the second option, well. The fact that these places have now been broken into, are falling apart, and/or seem relatively abandoned besides whatever Mafia is sleeping inside now... ...doesn't leave the happiest picture of what happened to the natives. Especially since they're nowhere to be found.
SOME places, like the compound/residential homes or apartments, are still boarded up, and the windows aren't broken to show signs of entry... So those people might still be inside there. But that's also worrying, because one Mafia claims that only the Mafia eat all the food the Mafia makes.
So. There's the possibility that people are boarded up inside their own homes, living off rations as they're unable to leave, and even if they were able to leave, the Mafia refuses to provide food for them. And I doubt the Mafia would take too kindly to their food being stolen if people were to try fishing. AKA, that's a lot of people potentially starving to death
and. and. also. in my searches around for these areas because my memory and sense of direction are both awful so it took me a while. I was talking with some mafia to get some ideas/more info. and. well.
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GFB i have a question why are the mafia redeemed at the end why are they on the side of the good guys why why why why why
anyways the natives are all dead or are currently starving to death. this makes me livid and full of malice because the mafia gets literally no repercussions by the end of the game and are instead one'a the characters helping hat kid and telling her not to leave. Enraged
and also one more piece of dialogue i refound and barked and growled and snarled over
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line before this was something along the lines of "Mafia is not cruel, Mafia find replacement home for family..."
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coconutshvings · 5 years
Stray mafia ♜ They spy on you [Maknae Like]
° Genre || ??
° Group || Straykids
° Warnings || Slight violence \\ slight swearing
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He didn't try to spy on you honestly but you said you were to get a pretzel while you were in the mall, Hyunjin became a bit anxious after 10 minutes no pretzel or you in sight he prayed it was just a long line while walking through the sea of people headed to the nearest pretzel station.
On his way speed walking nearly knocking people over as he grew more anxious to find you he happened to pass a store looking inside but then moving onward , however soon quickly back tracking as he seen a familar person, you were in there, it seemed like you'd stopped on your way back to talk to a male friend that is ,if you ever went to get a pretzel at all ,
but it confused Hyunjin as to why you were holding a child the most. "Our little girl is doing great." He heard which alarmed him the most, you and this male shared a child? Hyunjin tilted his head but realized he was in plain sight so he quickly stepped behind a poster board doing his best to listen so focused that he didn't notice a child in front of him.
"what're you doing sir?" Hyunjin looked down sheepishly smiling before hardening up "Beat it." He gritted but his voice came out a little to loud making him snap his head in your direction to see if you'd heard
"Hyunjin, hi what're you doing?" You smiled walking out with the child in your arms He tried not to look guilty clearing his throat and rolling his shoulders back "Looking for you and your pretzel, I didn't know they sold children too."
"I'll explain later, right now come meet Edwin, my friend." Hyunjin smiled then nodded excepting your offer while You turned and headed back into the store his smile disappeared once your back was to him and he followed you scowling at the male growling deeply to himself.
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You were going out with your father, a mafia man himself, and your mother, his respected wife, your family wanted to celebrate your parents wedding anniversary so of course your presence was important you wanted Jisung to come along but he was sent out on an overseas assignment so he wouldn't be back for a while or so you thought, Truth was Jisung wanted to surprise you and your parents and make a grand entrance that screamed I'm the best future son in law and fiance ever but traffic wasn't on his side and he made it there late.
He parked around the dark corner so he'd be unseen once he was out of the car he was headed around the corner but stopped at the sound of familiar laughter he peaked just to be sure and yes, it was you.
He squinted as he seen a male infront of you almost blocking you completely, "where are their parents this is their dinner,right?" He whispered to himself he quickly dipped back around the corner and leaned against the wall so you couldn't see him, "I'll see you around Nathan, that's it right?"
Jisung could sense the smile on your face as he mimicked you silently "Uh yes but wait, I want to give you something." He heard Footsteps making him peak again furrowing is brows as the male approached you closer, this was enough. "Oh no please, no gifts." You chuckled "It's just my number." The male grinned making you look at him bewildered "I'm eng-"
"Please explain why she would want her number in your phone as the last person you talked to before you mysteriously came up missing?" Jisung's voice rang through the air. In a flash he had stepped in front of you pushing Nathan backwards making him stumble a bit , you didn't even try to intervene just standing back knowing he'd keep you behind him in case things got too ugly.
"Was that a threat towards a mafia member? You got a lot of damn nerve boy." Jisung's usual squirrel smile was now sinister and devious "I'd like to see how many nerves you have." Jisung challenged as Nathan approached him directly his beer woven into his breath reached Jisung's nose
"Tell me boy, what does-" The sounds of electricity sprang in the air along with pained yells and grunts temporarily before you heard a heard thud what was obviously a body hitting the pavement from your experience around your father.
You stepped from behind your fiance instantly shrieking before covering it with your hand "What did you do?!" You gasped , Jisung shrugged pulling a small metal button that looked like a simple magnet as he twirled it with his thumb and index finger
"This, this little baby is a shock magnet, I call it the nerve wrecker because it sends 12 bolts of electricity threw your body, I attached it to the side of his neck" You were completely stuck, just shocked, ironically, "Sorry I was late, traffic." He finished.
"It's okay , my parents knew if you did make it back in time it'd probably be too late. " Your eyes still trained on the male lying infront of you "Is he...?"
"Don't know and definitely don't care, let's go inside so I can apologize to your folks." He said happily making you smile at him as he took you back inside the restaurant.
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All you were doing was going to get some flowers for your green house that Felix surprised you with just to keep you busy taking care of the plants while he was away since he knew you admired plants especially pretty ones.
You were originally supposed to go with Felix to pick out a wide variety of flowers, it was going to be your couple thing for the day but you got tired of waiting so you left by yourself, completely by yourself against his wishes for you, Felix wanted you to at least have one person who could protect you come along but you denied that authority today when you went out back to 'check on your plants' but actually were headed to a taxi that you told to park in an Ally outside of your backyard gates you had a key made to get in and out that way, surprised no men were out back today but didn't question why, you just went.
Felix was not filled with joy upon hearing you weren't anywhere in the home "What do you mean they had to leave, and go where exactly?" Felix was intrigued , "They said they was going to check on their plants, I went to see if they needed anything to eat or drink but once I got there I couldn't find them. I had the others check everywhere in the house-"
"I'll find them, you order my car around for me." Was all Felix ordered before hanging up. He leaned back in his chair of the office pulling out his phone opening a hidden home camera app that you didn't know about,
"Now Clever one let's see where you've gotten to." Felix looked at every camera individually before he found you heading out the back, he tried to think of why you'd sneak away until he remembered you mentioned getting flowers today but he told you to wait "Floral shop up east, I pray you're there and not elsewhere." He sighed to himself as he got up grabbing his suits jacket and heading off to you.
It took twenty five minutes but his car made it to the floral shop, "Park on the opposite side of the street." He ordered his driver in a low voice as he looked out the tinted window trying to spot you and soon he did "Got ya little birdy." He smirked letting out a deep chuckle that stopped in it's tracks once he saw a male personally handing you a potted flower bouquet, he noticed the males hand stayed on top of yours as you held the plant he spoke to you,
"Smooth." Felix mumbled getting out of the vehicle suddenly making a few cars come to a screeching stop, people yelled to him angrily but he didn't care he crossed the street and headed inside the shop where he hoped you'd be, the bell to the shop rang revealing a new costumer, Felix.
Your eyes grew wide but soon a smile graced your lips "Felix, look I got new lilies."
"I thought I requested you wait for me." He completely ignored your announcement stuffing his hands in his pants pockets you groaned "You were taking too long."
"Doesn't mean you couldn't take someone with you." He shrugged not caring about your excuses "I don't want a bodyguard, Lix." You sighed forgetting the young worker was there "Still should've took one." He deadpanned , you knew you weren't winning this one right now so you'd wait til you both were home "I'm leaving." You stated firmly thanking the man again before taking the plant and walking past Felix "Wait in the car across the street."
"I'll take a cab." You declined making Felix turn to you and grip your forearm yanking you closely "Just how bad do you want the argument to be, the car is across the street, go." He said through gritted teeth, you scowled at him snatching your arm away "Fine but just know that after this there is no longer an argument to have." You said walking out.
Felix poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he watched you Cross the street and get into the car he heard a scoff from behind him making him turn around to see the salesman going back behind the counter
"I'm sorry, is there something you'd like to voice?" The boy just rollef his eyes "You think you can just talk to a woman, anyone, how you want?"
"It isn't a matter of what I think I can do it's what I know I can," Felix confirmed inching closer to the counter as he looked at the boy's name tag "Jared." clearly the young man didn't notice
"Yeah because you're just some big bad-" Was all the young man could get out before he let out a muffled cry in pain, Felix bit the inside of his cheek as Forced the man's face down down against the glass counter smashing his face into it roughly surely smudging the glass,
"I don't give two fucks if you were the president or emperor, you better watch how you talk to me, understand?" The boy tried to nod but Felix's grip was too strong on his neck so he muffled an mhm , "Good because I don't want to be the one giving you flowers, at your burriel site." Felix Spat.
A few whimpers of pain and fear left Jared's lips as Felix kept him against the counter for a few more seconds before letting him up and back away, Jared shot up losing his balance and fell back into a few vases, Felix smirked at him as he backed up towards the entrance door Leaving Jared shaking in fear, his eyes dilated terrified and pants probably soaked,
"You better clean this up I wouldn't want you to lose your job when you just got a new favorite costumer. " He could see Jared gulp thickly making Him Chuckle loudly as he walked out the floral shop.
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Make some requests for your favorite Rookie idols or their group, they can be any kind but NO smut ❤ ~ WR:Le
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