#I will snarl growl bark and MAIM AND KILL over this for ages
antimnemonic · 1 year
yugo ☾★☆☠♒♥☮ since you were goin off the other day!
skjgjkgg sorry for taking 3 million years to answer this i lost the original post 😫
🌙 sleep
he sleeps like this
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★ - sad
ok i had to think abt this and ultimately make stuff up lmao. probably built up a lot of bitterness over not seeing his father for most of his teens. he’s like well whatever i don’t need him!! i can raise myself!! and he sort of shrinks into himself thinking he doesn’t need anyone else (even tho there’s random neighbors and grannies looking out for him bc hello. a child.). carries a bark bark growl growl attitude into his older teens. but when he does find his father (what’s left of him lmfao) that bitterness just melts away. that’s his dad!!! and then, yuji as yugo remembers him is u kno funny energetic etc and ALIVE and whole. so to go starkly from that memory to not just a corpse but the remains of one after being experimented on to death is a lil bit umm mind breaking lol
☠- angry/violent
ok jumping off the traumatizing experience of finding one’s father’s vivisected corpse. he transforms reflexively and goes on a rampage thru the lab he found yuji in. pero ykw they deserve it. KILL KILL BITE BITE MAIM
♒️ - cooking/food
he grew up on microwave food but when he takes in kenji it’s like oh i gotta start eating healthy. for the child. so there’s a lot of experimenting in the beginning and kenji is his taste tester but kenji was raised on lab food so he doesn’t have any standards. but that’s part of how they become close as bros, two kids fucking around in the kitchen lmao. and then alice has an intensive job and uriko is usually in tow so he cooks for them as well. so much of yugo’s personality is wound up in being the strong guy who beats ppl up so he doesn’t otherwise have a soft outlet for expressing his feelings towards his loved ones, but cooking for them makes him feel like he’s taking care of them
♥ - family
wait this isn’t rly hc so much as just. interpretation lmao. he doesn’t have any bio family left but he’s just sort of allowed random ppl to fill in that part of his life. like gado is sort of an uncle/godfather. i think also that mitsuko lectures him, pulls his ear, etc
☮️ - friendship
when kenji reaches able-to-take-care-of-himself age yugo is kind of an empty nester. he realizes that he doesn’t have any hobbies and that he doesn’t know how to connect to ppl his age. but bc of his wolfishness he’s actually quite extroverted and gregarious. so he goes down to the gym and makes friends w a bunch of old guys. they like him bc he’s son-shaped and keeps them on their toes. but soon alice tries to get him to hang out with her normie friends bc otherwise he’d spend all his free time standing around watching construction sites
☆ - happy
the top of his head and under his chin are weak spots. pat for massive damage. i have the mental image of like, early in their relationship, alice calmed him in his wolf form down by doing the whole, tentatively reach out to the snarling monster, and gently stroke its face, breaking the hold bloodlust had on his mind. as such, it became a romantic gesture between them — it seems simple but a simple stroke on the cheek or just having his face held in her hands calms him down a lot. also in his wolf form he is very susceptible to head scritches and will even wag his tail about it. perhaps you can even play him like a bongos?
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ratcandy · 3 years
Bursts in through the door. Mafia town related rant incoming based on a realization I had/some discoveries I (re)made
So. We know that the Mafia took over the island, right? Right.
When Hat Kid arrives in Mafia Town, all we see of those that originally lived on the island are a few old men, Mustache Girl, and Cooking Cat. The latter two of which are hiding, and the former of which are frequently getting beaten up by the Mafia.
That island is far too big to have only been occupied by about five people before the Mafia showed up. So what happened to the rest of the natives?
Well. I've been running with two possible theories so far, one of which being a lot better than the other, but. With revisiting Mafia Town and coming to notice something specifically, I'm. Left a lil unsettled because I realize my darker assumption could be either right or just worse than I thought
What's the better theory? The natives all took off when the Mafia arrived. Packed all their shit, got on boats, and Headed Out. Gone. Issues I have with this theory: - ??Mustache girl 's ?? pArents ?? Did they leave her there, then? Was it an accident? Did they get separated and Mu was left behind? Did they abandon her intentionally? Or were they long gone before the Mafia even showed up? - Why did so few stay? I'm assuming people would stay either in hopes of the Mafia leaving, for cultural purposes/family reasons, or for business (though I doubt the Mafia would allow for competition). Especially since we see elderly as remainders. But still. that's only like. What. Three? Are there 3 old men I can't remember exactly, but. Very few. Suspiciously few
I'm sure a good few could have done this, but all of them?... Seems unlikely.
What's the worse theory that now I have more potential evidence for and I'm not happy about this with how the game treats the Mafia later?
Dead as hell, and the Mafia are to blame for it.
Before anyone comes after me saying "that seems a little dark for funny kid game" I'm going to direct your attention towards The Forgotten Children and put my hands on my hips and go "hmm??" all obnoxiously. So don't even try me
But. Listen. I said it once before and I'll say it again.
The Mafia are already shown in-game to beat children, elderly, and seagulls, for some reason. Mustache Girl looked like absolute hell in her storybook, so we can only imagine what she went through. So with this in mind, what would stop me from claiming that they could have killed full-on adults? Literally three of them beat up an old man at once, and one admits to throwing Mu into the ocean (I know I bring that line up a lot but it makes me SO angry I have to). Those actions alone could have killed people: a CHILD and OLD MEN. So. I mean. i'm just
But what specific thing today has set me off on this? well. Here's some screenshots.
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These. Boarded up houses and shops
This implies one of two things:
- The Mafia boarded these up for whatever reason (which wouldn't make a lot of sense, as one Mafia outside the the bottom left home is wondering how to get in) or - The original inhabitants of the island boarded these up.
And if it's the second option, well. The fact that these places have now been broken into, are falling apart, and/or seem relatively abandoned besides whatever Mafia is sleeping inside now... ...doesn't leave the happiest picture of what happened to the natives. Especially since they're nowhere to be found.
SOME places, like the compound/residential homes or apartments, are still boarded up, and the windows aren't broken to show signs of entry... So those people might still be inside there. But that's also worrying, because one Mafia claims that only the Mafia eat all the food the Mafia makes.
So. There's the possibility that people are boarded up inside their own homes, living off rations as they're unable to leave, and even if they were able to leave, the Mafia refuses to provide food for them. And I doubt the Mafia would take too kindly to their food being stolen if people were to try fishing. AKA, that's a lot of people potentially starving to death
and. and. also. in my searches around for these areas because my memory and sense of direction are both awful so it took me a while. I was talking with some mafia to get some ideas/more info. and. well.
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GFB i have a question why are the mafia redeemed at the end why are they on the side of the good guys why why why why why
anyways the natives are all dead or are currently starving to death. this makes me livid and full of malice because the mafia gets literally no repercussions by the end of the game and are instead one'a the characters helping hat kid and telling her not to leave. Enraged
and also one more piece of dialogue i refound and barked and growled and snarled over
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line before this was something along the lines of "Mafia is not cruel, Mafia find replacement home for family..."
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foreverlilaclies · 7 years
No Time For Regret
A JayDick Oneshot
Rated T for Threats of violence and rape and character death.
In all honesty, maybe sending the Red Hood out on the streets while the Joker was at large was probably not Bruce's brightest idea. Yet, his resources were spread thin and there was little h could do with so few people available. Robin was out of commission for the next week with an ankle injury and Red Robin was out on a mission with the Titans. Nightwing and Batgirl were still facing off with Poison Ivy and with Batman on League business, the team was pulled thin and Batman did what he had to do. He had called Jason, the familiar weight settling on his chest as he told him the situation. Jason could do this.
 There was nothing to worry about. He was not a boy anymore...he would be fine. Still, even though Jason had managed to reign in his rage, it still came to life when the Joker was involved. The fact that he managed to subdue and not maim the psycho should have been enough to calm Jason's nerves, but even with the Joker down, he was still on edge, ready for an attack and itching to end it.
"I'll be there soon Red Hood," Nightwing spoke through the comm. "Ivy is detained, just hold on for a bit."
"Hurry it up." Jason replied, jaw tense, watching the Joker carefully. The man was bound, having finally been overpowered by Red Hood. He was still grinning and it grated on Jason's already frayed nerves. He kept his posture casual, ignoring whatever Nightwing was saying in order to calm his own nerves. Great time for Batman to be with the fucking League. The Joker was trying to call out for him, get a rise or something but Jason had managed to tune him out. He wasn't giving this asshole the pleasure of getting inside his head.
"Gordon's on his way." Nightwing stated in his ear. "I'll be there soon." He repeated. His voice was soothing and Jason couldn't help but latch onto it. Dickie wouldn't let anything happen. Dick was going to be there. Even after all these years and the fact that Jason had grown larger than him, he still could not help but cling to the fact that Dick would always be there for him.
"That Nightwing?" The Joker questioned, cheek pressed against the cement and smile ghastly. Jason did not answer him, arms crossed over his chest. The Joker merely chuckled at this. "Good old Nightwing, such a sweet boy. Shame we never talk anymore." Jason did not answer and he could feel the man's eyes focused on him. "Us however," The Joker's voice was slippery like oil. "We got to know each other very well. Funny how that works, eh? One blow with a crowbar and I know all there is to know about you, boy."
"You don't know anything about me." Jason could not help but ground out, fingers twitching violently. The Joker barked out a laugh, head tilting back so the tendons in his neck protruded.
"So vicious! Like a wild dog!" He stated and Jason breathed once. "You seem tense, boy. You still sore about that night? Gotta say, you make a pretty impressive piñata!" He turned onto his back so he could look up at the ceiling, staring at the flicking bulb overhead that cast him in a glow. Jason breathed again.
"Must have been disappointing to see you failed." Jason replied, silently cursing himself for once again rising to the bait. The Joker hummed in a bored tone, bloodshot eyes quickly moving to look at Red Hood's masked face.
"I already ruined you, boy," The Joker jeered, yellow teeth gnashing together in pleasure as he stared at Red Hood. "I already tore you from your pedestal and watched you burn. There's nothing more I could do to you." Red Hood didn't even bother to try to form an argument on that one. Still, his fingers itched to pull the trigger and see this psycho's brains splatter over the concrete wall. He shrugged his shoulders with a forced casual air. Bruce had better be happy that Jason hadn't decided to scalp the asshole. Joker seemed annoyed by his lack of reaction, eyes searching Jason's masked face as if looking for a crack. Jason was not about to give him one. He released a bored chuckle, cocking his head as he glanced the Joker over.
"You're losing your touch, asshole. I suppose age and predicability does that though." He shrugged, turning on his heel, pleased that he had the last word. For a moment it was silent behind him.
"Losing my touch am I?" The Joker muttered at his back, pride wounded. "I think I'm only just starting." Jason kept walking, refusing to get the the fucker's level. He was above this now. Even if at times he didn't want to be. The Joker laughed suddenly. "You think you've moved on, Red? I still have you in the palm of my hand."
"Yeah yeah." Jason waved a dismissive hand, still moving. He approached the warehouse door and reached for the rusted handle. Gordon was on his way and Jason was ready to go home and take a long hot shower and forget this entire day happened. "Hope the cell they put you in is nice and padded." His voice was mocking, grinning under his mask. He heard Joker chuckle again, darker this time.
"You might think you're invincible, brat, but what about dear Nightwing?" The Joker called out, voice bouncing off the walls and Jason stopped walking. For a moment he couldn't breathe. His vision suddenly felt as if it had been stolen and he could hear blood roaring in his ears. He breathed.
"What about him?" Jason asked, tone giving away nothing, refusing to face the man lest he see something on his face that gave him away. The Joker released a low laugh, rumbling deep in his chest.
"Oh come now Red, no need to play dumb with me. You don't think I haven't heard about you two crazy kids? Word on the street is that you're quite sweet on him, and I must say I can see why. He's certainly grown up fine. Perhaps Uncle Jay can pay a visit to him," Jason slowly turned, watching as the Joker's grin widened on glee. "Can you imagine it, kid? We'd have a ball! I could take him dancing or test to see how far that famous flexibility of his really goes." The smile winded if at all possible, his thin eyebrows waggling lewdly and bile rose in Jason's throat at the thinly veiled threat. He released the door handle, barely noticing how he had crushed it beneath his grip, turning to face the man behind him.
"You won't touch him." His voice was barely a whisper. The Joker hummed, leaning back with his shackled hand lifted. He waggled his fingers playfully.
"Ohhhh, getting defensive I see! Come now, boy there's no need to be so greedy. Plenty of Nightwing to pass around. I can only imagine what he looks like splayed out and broken. How long would it take for him to break? What sort of noises would he make?" Jason knew he shouldn't be showing his emotion like this. He knew he was only playing into the Joker's hands, but he didn't care. All he could picture now was Dick. The Joker was studying him with than damned grin and he cocked his head at the former Robin. "I'll get out. I always get out, and when I do...well, let's just say your precious little boy isn't going to be so pretty anymore. You'll get him back of course, I'll have no need of him after my fun."
Jason stared at the Joker for a long moment. He saw his death. He saw the crowbar coming down on him and whistling through the air. He could still taste the blood in his mouth and feel the inferno as death greeted him with curling black lips. He could remember the coffin. The tepid air and the darkness. Batman's- voice growled in his ear about justice and life. The joker swung the crowbar. Nightwing offered him a hand as he danced across the rooftop, his smile filled with mirth. The Joker set the bomb. The Replacement and Replacement's Replacement watched him in interest as he took down the drug dealer with just a fork, impressed but neither willing to admit it. The joker laughed. Dick smiled at him as he led him further into the bedroom, blue eyes bright. The Joker smiled at him, red lips curling back over yellowed teeth into something sinister, something disgusting, something that would never touch Dick Grayson. Not with Jason there.
A single shot rang out through the air and the silence following echoed off the dank walls.
It took less than an hour for Dick to find him. By then, the Joker's corpse had been found and no doubt Batman had been notified. Jason would not run. Where could he run to? Instead he sat on his ratty couch, methodically cleaning his guns as he waited for the door to burst open. When it finally did open, it was not with a bang. The door did not bounce off the wall, there was no snarling voice filling the hideout. Instead it was Dick Grayson, not Nightwing. He slid the door open. His hair was mused and he look exhausted. Jason waved him in and the older man did, quietly closing the door behind him.
"You actually killed him." Dick murmured, still facing the door. Jason set his gun down, wiping his greasy hands on his jeans.
"Yup." He replied. There was nothing more than needed to be said. He didn't have any explanation to offer. He knew why he did it Bruce could suck it.
"Jason-" Dick turned to face the younger man but Jason shook his head, unwilling to listen to him. He was not going to deal with this. Not even from Dick and especially not from Bruce.
"He threatened you, Dick. He threatened to...he was going to hurt you. I couldn't let him hurt you. I'm not sorry I killed him. I'm not sorry that animalwas finally put down." His voice felt like it was coming out in a jumbled rush but he couldn't bring himself to care. He would not apologize for this. Dick shook his head, lips pulling into a thin line.
"Threats-" Dick began and Jason reached forward to grasp his hands in his own.
"He was going to do it. I could see it in his eyes. He knew about us, and he wanted to hurt you for it..." His voice trailed off for a second and Dick patiently waited for him to continue. "So fuck Bruce, fuck anyone who says I was wrong to finally do something about it! He was going to hurt you, Dickie. I couldn't-I couldn't let him hurt you." He looked down at their hands, throat dry as he waited for Dick to condemn him like Batman would. Dick gave Jason's fingers a gentle squeeze.
"Sweetheart." Dick breathed and suddenly Jason was pulled against the older man in a hug. He quickly clung to the older man, burying his face in his shoulder, inhaling the sweet laundry detergent that Dick used as well as the musk that was all his own. "I'm not mad." Jason heard Dick whisper into his ear. "I'm so sorry you had to be with him." Jason did not move, eyes clenched shut as he held onto his lover. His fingers dug into Dick's side, but the older man did not move away, holding onto him like a lifeline. Jason couldn't think of anything to say. So, he continued to hold onto Dick. Bruce didn't matter, Batman didn't matter. Nothing mattered but holding Dick close and assuring himself that the monster would not return on his promise.
"I love you," He murmured against Dick's throat, breath warm against his skin. "I love you..." Was he repeating himself? Was he even making sense? Dick held him tighter, repeating him softly. His hands gentle in Jason's hair and his voice soothing.
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