#in case you're wondering he staked him haha
The WORST thing about my partner playing baldur's gate 3 at the same time as me is that I can't play when he's playing 😭😭😭
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
i think you did one of there with spencer and it was cute so i was wondering if you'd write one for aaron, a full fic or blurb where Aaron guesses she (his gf) is pregnant before she guesses? thanks in advance
i'm glad you liked it !! it's the type of scene i love writing
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Summary: basically as above, but they are married
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
Content Warning: pregnancy (obviously)
Word Count: 1.5k
It's a quiet day at the BAU, and you and Aaron are in his office, having lunch together on the rare occasion you're not out on a case, there aren't any urgent consults, and he doesn't have a meeting.
He starts smirking when you complain about there not being enough pickles in your burger.
"What?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at his sudden change in demeanor.
He leans back in his chair, his hands clasping behind his head. "I don't know, honey. You've been acting kind of strange lately. Do you think it's possible that you're pregnant?"
You roll your eyes, playfully kicking him under the desk. "Haha, very funny, Aaron. You better watch your mouth." You say jokingly.
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm teasing, but if I'd take a bet on it. Seriously, you've been craving some weird foods lately, and if I was dumber, I'd say you were having some mood swings. Maybe you should take a test, just in case."
You shake your head, laughing at his persistence. "I highly doubt it. You know, with the birth control and all that? And you know it's a bad idea to offer me a bet." It might have been why he did it because you're both insanely competitive.
"Why don't we up the stakes?" He offers, the signature smirk that only you're privileged to lighting up his face.
You grin mischievously at him. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, you know how the team bet on if we were dating?" He asks and you nod. "Let's include them. Only if you're comfortable." He's only joking, and you're so sure he's off the mark.
"A chance to show to prove your profiling skills wrong?" You ask with a giggle. "Derek would kill me if I didn't take it."
"You're on," Aaron says, holding out a hand to shake yours and make it official. "But when I'm right, you owe me."
You chuckle again. "Yeah? What will I owe you?"
He grins, his nose scrunching adorably as he thinks. "I'll get back to you about that."
You notice the team walking back in from lunch. "Let's do it."
Aaron and you walk out onto the landing, and he makes his announcement. "Conference room, everyone."
They look at you both with a high level of concern written on their faces, scurrying like something urgent has happened which, due to the nature of your jobs, is reasonable. "Don't use your Unit Chief voice." You scold, hitting him on the shoulder. "And don't even think about bullying anyone into agreeing with you."
"Deal, but you can't make it seem offensive for them to bet against you." He instructs.
"I won't." He assures you, placing a hand on your lower back and guiding you to the boardroom.
Penelope's jumpy when you two walk in and stand in front of the screen, not doing as well as everyone else to hide her worry. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." You tell them all quickly, but it's a message to Aaron as well: that although you're sure he's wrong, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
"Y/n's pregnant," Aaron announces.
You hit him on the shoulder, quickly speaking before everyone jumps up to hug you and offer congratulations. "That's just what he thinks." You say.
Even Spencer had a puzzled look, but Derek verbalizes their thoughts. "What?"
"We're betting," Aaron explains. "I think she's pregnant, she thinks she's not, so like you all bet on whether we were dating or not, we thought you might like to bet on this."
For everyone who has known him longer than you have, it's astonishing to see Aaron so open with his personal life, but you bring the playful side out in him.
The bets are in, more in favor of you, although the doctor of the team bets against you which is a little worrying. Of course, Spencer isn't a medical doctor, but he knows more about pregnancy than even JJ, who has been pregnant.
"So when do we get the results?" Derek wonders.
"Right now?" You offer. "Well as soon as I go get a test."
Aaron shakes his head beside you. "No, no way. I want it to be just us because it's going to be a special moment."
You roll your eyes at him. "Okay, but you're not coming in the bathroom while I pee on a stick." You inform him.
"We'll see." He settles, looking at you fondly before dropping the smile reserved for you when he looks back at the team. "Let's get back to work."
Aaron stops at a drug store on the way home, determined and cemented in his position as he buys three boxes of pregnancy tests.
"I don't have enough pee for all of these." You inform him when you're getting ready for bed that night.
He opens each of the boxes, handing you one of each. "Get your cute butt in there." He directs.
"I'm not taking this for you." You remind him with a smirk. "I'm taking it to prove you wrong."
"So, for me then?" He jokes, chuckling at you.
You're not really sure why you are taking the test. Of course, it's gotten to be a bigger idea with the team's involvement, but now that you're doing it, you're kind of hoping you lose. The excitement engulfing you is a shock, but it's so unlikely that you don't want to give in to the delusion.
"Are you okay?" Aaron taps on the door after you've been in there more than a reasonable amount of time.
You open the door, trying to keep a calm facade, and welcome him in, handing over the capped tests and sitting on the counter.
"You actually want this, don't you?" He profiles within a second.
It's an annoying trait of his when it shows up in your personal life, but sometimes you are glad since you're feeling like you don't have all the words. "It just threw me." You admit. "I didn't realize that I do feel ready until today."
His face drops in an instant, guilt sinking in. "I'm sorry I pushed so hard." He says very apologetically, a hand going to his forehead. "And I got the team involved."
"It's alright." You soothe, taking his hand in yours. "It's not like we can't just make a baby once we know."
Aaron nods, a cheeky smile taking over his face. "I'll give you a baby if that's the prize you want for winning the bet."
"Did you figure out what you want?" You wonder. "If you're right."
He thinks about it for another moment. "Baby or not, I can't think of anything else I need in life." His hand rests on your thigh delicately. "Ready to look?"
You shake your head, the nerves overwhelming you. "Let's not bother. We can go not knowing."
Aaron chuckles, shaking his head. "We both know we can't." He doesn't give you much more of a choice, figuratively tearing the bandaid off as he flips over the test. He's usually so good at keeping his face neutral, having had years of practice, but he doesn't. Not in your tender moment where his eyes go glassy, and he grins broadly. "Mrs. Hotchner, congratulations, you're pregnant."
"Oh, my god." Your hand clamps over your mouth in shock, but you quickly tear it away to take the test from him, needing to see it to believe it. "We're going to have a baby?"
"Yes, we are." He answers.
"I can't believe you realized before I did." You chuckle. Without a doubt, it's going to become a story that frequently gets retold.
Aaron leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours. His warm hand rests on your lower stomach, and it suddenly feels very real. "I know you that well." He reminds you. "But I will still be collecting my betting money."
You giggle at him. "I would."
It's probably clear to the team when you and Aaron are late for work, the team likely assuming you're at the doctor's office. The team is already waiting in the conference room, Rossi waving you two in.
"So, who won?" JJ wonders, struggling to curb her enthusiasm.
You share a quick smile with your husband that no one can decipher if you're gloating about winning. "Fortunately... Aaron." You inform them.
Penelope grabs you in a hug first, and you're sure she's crying. Then you're passed around the team for more hugs, sharing delighted looks with Aaron between receiving congratulations.
He's the last person to wrap you in a hug, holding you tightly to his chest. "You're so incredible." He whispers to you. "And I was thinking we could get lobster rolls with my prize money for dinner."
You quickly pull back, shaking your head. "That thought makes me feel nauseous."
His mouth drops before he quickly recovers. "Alright, pickles it is."
You're in your own little world with him until Derek gets your attention. "So, when do we get to bet if it's a boy or girl?"
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p5x-theories · 8 months
While im enjoying some stuff and its too early to judge from a beta, i feel like the stakes in this game are way waaay less severe than the original game. Wonder's life seems to be pretty chill compared to Joker's. Closer's relationship with the first palace ruler its way less personal than Ann and Ryuji's, and even Tomoko falling down the train rail its nowhere tragic as Shiho's attempt. There are no stakes, no urgency that if they dont stop the villain their life will be over. And its sad because the biggest appeal of the Phantom Thieves to me was this bunch of kids misstreated by society becaming eachother's family, here its like they are doing things just because the games needs to or Ruffy tells them :( i hope things will get better as the game goes on
I completely understand, the stakes definitely aren't as high, at least right now. And it's certainly not as urgent, which may be in part due to how P5X will prevent you from progressing the story (at least between Palaces?) until you're a certain level.
But I do think it's worth noting that Wonder doing things because Ruferu is telling him to is also part of the plot. It's clear from the start that that's sort of something Wonder is struggling with- he doesn't really know what he wants to do; he left his form about what he wants to do after finishing high school blank, and even after awakening his Persona is very much just going with what Ruferu tells him to do next. I can't guarantee that you'll like wherever the writers of P5X are going with this, but I think what you're picking up here is an intentional change that we're going to see payoff for later on.
As a sort of related thread, the P5X kids seem to be a lot looser with their secret identities than the Phantom Thieves were, and later on that might tie into either the current lack of urgent stakes and/or the way Wonder just goes along with things. So far the Wonder Squad can afford to be kind of lazy and open about this, but that might not be the case later on, especially if the stakes escalate. I think it might be fun if the first two or three Palaces are relatively low-stakes for them, and then problems start to catch up for them and they've got to get serious/they learn they've already screwed something up.
Which is all to say, I agree with where you're coming from here, but I'm staying optimistic, and I suppose we'll find out eventually, haha.
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manicpixiedreamkakyoin · 11 months
🎃jotaro/kakyoin halloween fic recs 🎃
this is by no means a conclusive list. it already got too long, so i refrained from adding mermaid AUs, animal AUs (kitsunes & the like), and general fairytale AUs. not everything was written for halloween, but everything here passed my vibe check.
tags & warnings have not been added to the list for brevity; please open the ao3 links & check if you so desire.
for the most part these are fluffy, there isn't too much gore or unhappy endings (some are bittersweet though) because i personally really needed some fluff 2day.
"Additional Notes" are my comments, in case you're wondering why I recced something or what I have to say about it.
anyway, enjoy! feel free to add recs if you want!
Dream Encounters by orphan_account | Word Count: 6.9k | Summary: Jotaro has been having strange dreams about a certain demon. One night he decides to try and catch it. | Additional Notes: Incubus Kakyoin AU ft. high school student Jotaro. I just thought it was cute.
Something Wicked This Way Comes by mahbecks | Word Count: 10.4k | Summary: Jolyne Kujo, self-taught witch, has been summoning lesser demons from the Void for years to help her with all sorts of things - chores, homework, chasing off rude boys. Calling upon a demon’s services to provide her father companionship while she’s away should be easy, then, right? …right? | Additional Notes: This has become one of all my all time favourite things very fast. I've already read it 4x? 5x? and it's been up for maybe 3 days. Haha. No shame. It's deeply funny and endearingly chaotic, and the characterisation is absolutely on point.
just another bloody mary by arenathesia | Word Count: 10.5k | Summary: Noriaki never thought losing his virginity would be like this. He already knew it wasn’t going to be everything he'd ever imagined, because Dio promised it was going to be everything he’d ever wanted instead. It would have been. It was supposed to be. Noriaki was meant to find something close to salvation in Dio’s touch, to feel anointed every time Dio kissed his forehead, and instead he caught Dio with an altar boy in God’s house, telling him the same lines, whispering the same sweet nothings and only smirking at Noriaki’s disbelief. Perhaps that was why Noriaki decided to walk backward and find hell instead. | Additional Notes: Noriaki with Dio as an ex getting together with Jotaro is a fond favourite of mine. Bonus here: Jotaro being the demon that Noriaki summons, to fuck. sign me UP.
this love ain't made for the faint of heart by librisdedita | Word Count: 29.5k | Summary: Jotaro and Joseph arrive back home knowing where they've been, what happened to them, what they've done; it may be awful and miserable, but it's a familiar misery. Holly doesn't know at all. The end of SDC, and what happens after. | Additional Notes: The Jo/Ka is not the main focus of this fic but it's enough of a classic that I had to put it on here. Holly is a main character, as she deserves!
séance by glasscamellias | Word Count: 830 words | Summary: The social scene for ghosts in Morioh was never bustling, so when Reimi caught sight of another ghost, she had to reach out. It was the least she could do for someone who had died so violently and with so much regret. | Additional Notes: I want to live inside this AU. it is so masterfully done.
Invisible Touch by lazyserendipity | Word Count: 10.1k | Summary: Jotaro stepped into the dark, dusty hotel room in Cairo where he planned to stay for the next couple of weeks. He made eye contact with a young man lingering in the corner. He was dead. He had that faint glow about him that Jotaro knew meant he was a ghost. He quickly scrutinized him. Judging by his mullet, high-waisted pants, and penny loafers, the young man had been dead for quite some time. Jotaro sighed at the inconvenience of it all. | Additional Notes: I've read this one like 6 or 7 times. One of those high stakes yet soft fluff kind of AUs, I adore those.
what is living is burning by desertmint | Word Count: 45k | Summary: Forty-nine days of mourning. Kujo Jotaro finds it hard to say goodbye. The ghost doesn’t make things any easier. It became clear that Jotaro was losing his mind. There was no other explanation. He walked into his classroom the following Monday and saw a dead boy sitting on his desk. | Additional Notes: Locked to users only. A pretty sad fic that deals with grief & letting go, but I found it cathartic, so despite the overall theme of this rec list trying to be light-hearted, I wanted to include this.
Jotaro's Guide to Making Friends with the Undead by Le_Croissaints | Word Count: 2.1k | Summary: "You’re dying,” Jotaro says in a wonderful display of his intelligence.“I believe the term undead would be more accurate,” the red-haired thing replies dryly, stuffing his eyeball back into its face.“Who the fuck are you?”“Kakyoin Noriaki, in the flesh.” He gives a stiff bow, awkward from his position and the hole in his torso. He grimaces. “Or perhaps lack thereof.” AU in which Dio caused a zombie apocalypse, and Jonathan saved humanity by creating an underground world to live in. Generations later, Jotaro meets an undead Kakyoin Noriaki.
Writober Fics Day 7 - Til Death Do Us Part by indevan | Word Count: 813 words | Summary: “We found a book and Josuke decided to summon your dead boyfriend for your birthday and he stole his earring from your hotel room to do it and anyway now he’s a zombie or something.” “Okuyasu! Don’t tell him everything!” | Additional Notes: This fic has been tagged "Casual Necromancer Josuke" which is everything I never knew I needed. It's a bit silly and that's why I love it, tbh.
Devil On His Shoulder by orphan_account | Word Count: 11.6k | Summary: It's close to Kakyoin's graduation, and, man, he just really doesn't want to go. | Additional Notes: I'm not sure if it's stated or just strongly implied, but Kakyoin is a witch in this if I remember right. Also, modern AU. It's a bit heavy/intense so heed the warnings, but the happy ending makes up for it & I really love this fic.
rose quartz knuckledusters by glasscamellias | Word count: 639 words | Summary: Jotaro Kujo is dissatisfied and stifled in the life of a kitchen witch but doesn't know the right path. Noriaki Kakyoin is forging their own chaotic practice, one that has no need for human interaction. Both are human disasters. | Additional Notes: cute fic that shows a snippet into an AU i am frankly quite obsessed with.
Everyone Hates Escort Missions by assuredsky | Word Count: 4.8k | Summary: Snapshots from the time Jotaro had to escort a beautiful elf back home, and also kind of fell in love with him. | Additional Notes: Elf Kakyoin!! Need I say more? Anyway this piece is really dreamy and atmospheric. I adore it.
the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine by undeadarchivist | Word Count: 20.6k | Summary: When he first saw the ad, he’d thought it was a joke. Looking for a werewolf to be my emotional support dog. Must know when to shut the hell up. Do NOT contact with unsolicited offers. | Additional Notes: Unfinished (last updated in 2018) but it doesn't end in a cliffhanger or stressful place. It is worth reading despite not being complete imo, it is definitely one of my favourite things on this list.
a list of things that fall by glasscamellias | Word Count: 1.6k | Summary: In a way, she had known all her life that she was born with something extra, an inherited wound of a past life that she tried to clean and stitch as best she could. Jotaro was so, so lonely, and Hoshiko didn't know how to help him. | Additional Notes: Reincarnation AU! I can guarantee that this reads differently from whatever you're expecting. It defies expectations and I adore it.
the uncanny study of an arachnid's heart (series) by minamimaru | Word Count: 8.7k | Additional Notes: Spidercryptid Noriaki & a Jotaro who is oddly charmed by this creature. Literally one of the cutest things in the world.
An Odd Dynamic by thisislegit | Word Count: 100k | Summary: Kakyoin sat on the edge of the bed with their hands folded over their lap. Jotaro expected a binding magic around his limbs, but found that he could sit up easily. What the fuck just happened? His face must’ve shown his confusion because Kakyoin let out a small laugh. | Additional Notes: Locked to users only. Please mind the tags. Also this isn't really a classic getting together kind of fic, if you're looking for romantic Jotakak gratification you will not find that here. That said, the world this takes place in is really intriguing.
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willowedwisteria · 3 years
I need an alternative version of the last ask (the ask that is the one that the villain reader ended up destroying everything and killing the archons by their elements,etc) . That ended up with fluff, and the genshin characters not dying. For some reason my heart wants angst, and after reading angst it just wants and au of it that is fluff.
⁂~The Embers of the Divine~⁂
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Summary -> Before Teyvat can obliterate all of the archons and themselves, you escaped by the skin of your teeth and calmed them down.
Note -> The piece that this anon is talking about is my "The ashes of the Divine" piece. Thank you to @anfre109 for helping me find it!
Genre -> Hurt to comfort
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You stared at the statue behind you in front of the cathedral. The shape of its eyes, its facial features, its body, was the same as yours. You didn't mean to copy a God, you were just born like this. You were just... you.
You didn't decide to look like a God, you didn't mean to mock anyone. All you did was walk around to receive those hateful and cold glares, glares that could kill someone because of the pressure.
Your hands and feet were bound by rope, meaning the option of escape isn't possible. It's not as if you could run anyway, there were archers from afar, lead by Amber, ready to aim their arrows right at your head.
You have more belief in their aim than your skill of escaping.
The Knights pulled you up, temporarily untying the rope clasping your feet together. They lead you to a stake, binding you to it as the crowd cheers.
Sick. Absolutely horrible.
What crime did you commit? Being born? Liking your own looks? Breathing?
"Imposter, by the grace of the gods and our divine creator, you have been given the chance to speak." Jean announces, "Choose one person to speak to."
Your eyes scan the crowd, looking for anyone that actually cared about you, that didn't treat you like shit.
"Is... Albedo here?" You call the alchemist to your side, wondering if he knows that it's his fault you're here, but... it isn't his fault you were treated as less than human.
"No. Our chief alchemist isn't present currently. Our invitation dedicated to him arrived late, so I presume that he'll be reaching late as well." Kaeya remarks, a scowl on his face.
You sigh, there goes your 'knight in shining armor'.
"Do you have anyone else you want to speak to?" Jean asks, a small look of pity shining in her eyes.
"Ah, there's... Klee. Is she here?" You ask excitedly.
Jean's taken aback reaction to your request was amusing despite your current predicament. Knights bring Klee over to your side, their swords were drawn in the case that you try anything.
"Your grace?" She looks up to you, then to the statue, pointing cheerily.
"Haha, no, I'm not the creator. I wouldn't be treated like this if I was."
"No way! You have to be their grace, you look exactly the same!" Klee comments, "If you really aren't their grace, then how do you look so similar to them?"
Chuckling, you continue your conversation with her, you wanted your last moment to be the happiest. "I was born like this. I never thought I would look so similar to a high and mighty god."
"Really? Klee wonders if she also looks like another God?"
"Well then, you're going to have to keep searching then! I found out I looked the same to the creator by just walking around and breathing!"
"Then Klee should do the same, right?" Klee asks, her hands on her hips, a grin on her face.
The Knights pull Klee away, not wanting Klee to befriend you. You smile, trying to wave at the girl with your bound hand. Klee waves at you, a bit sad that she has to leave.
Now, the real ceremony began, the archons surrounded you with a lighted torch in hand.
You could see their excitement, you could see how little you meant to them through those wicked smiles plastered onto their smug faces. It made your gut twist and turn.
As the crowd counted down from 5, you looked up, smiling. Death was cruel, but it was better to be dead than to live being ostracized and hated.
"One!" The crowd screamed as the archons threw their torches under your feet, fire starting to burn your toes. Beads of sweat ran down your face. Was it the heat or your fear of death? You couldn't tell and you didn't really care.
People began throwing their own firewood, fueling the fire. You couldn't move, you tried.
Plants escaped through the corners of the tiles below you, reaching over to you as your felt your feet scorching. What are you saying? Could you even feel your feet anymore?
"Teyvat?" You whispered, looking at the plant as its stem began burning with you. The crowd looked at it in confusion and shock. "It's okay, there's no need to burn yourself trying to help me."
Fluttering your eyes shut your head leaned against the stake behind you, tears streaming down your cheeks as you felt the leaves of the plants brush against your skin.
"Quickly!" Albedo called out, pushing the crowd away and creating a clear path for Mona to rush through.
Mona had a gut feeling that there was something off about you, but the stars gave her a more clear answer to follow. "The opposite of an imposter accused of sinning despite being the one sinned against."
Albedo telling her about him bringing you to Teyvat only confirmed her suspicions.
"Albedo! Mona! What is the meaning of this?!" Lisa calls out, her catalyst out, ready to attack the pair.
As Mona uses her hydro vision to put out the fire, Albedo explains the situation, loud and clear for even you to hear.
"I was able to bring the creator to our world. I brought them to the entrance of Mondstadt and returned to my lab, thinking that the people of Mondstadt would recognize their grace. It seems like my prediction was incorrect."
Lisa's face paled and the crowd went dead quiet. Hydro and Cryo wielders began using their vision to put out the fire as people began bringing buckets of water over.
Oh, how the tables turn.
Once the fire was put out, the burns on your feet were painfully obvious, you were untied from the ropes binding you to the stake.
You fell into Albedo's arms, unable to properly walk because of the pain stinging in your legs. Healers surrounded you as a small plant touched your face.
"I'm okay. Don't worry."
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Tag list: @lunavixia, @xyliope, @bardisipatos, @yourfaveisblack, @darling-rikafu, @anfre109 (Sorry for tagging you twice), @under-a-starry-night, @karmawonders, @irethepotato
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wigglebox · 2 years
hey can we talk about how jake abel has made queer jokes about midam and even himself, or rob and rich and matt joking about wanting to f*ck jensen and stuff, about kim rhodes being outspoken about queer issues yet not being queer (afaik) despite kim not conforming to gender norms either — and then can i ask how we continue to be okay with that right now yet gatekeep misha and say he was misleading us when he never explicitly called himself queer? he’s been outspoken about queer issues, he’s joked about sleeping with jensen, he’s joked about destiel in sexual ways. can someone tell me how we’re not burning everyone else at the stake over doing the same in the past, only him?
this is one of those things that also irks me a little bit the more I think about it in context with all of this.
also, re: cockles related comments from him, and jackles I guess the few times he has made... insinuations...
both men have stated, not hard but kinda just over the years whatever in random little tidbits here and there that they are 'straight'. whatever their definition of straight is. and we continue with the cockles truthing, be it if you think they're romantically, and/or sexually involved, just good buds TM, or whatever. whatever they are.
i feel like, he's got every right to joke around with us about that. it's about him. it's about him and his friend. i feel like if people are tinhatting about them, they're allowed to do what they want with that in the sense of like, leaning into fandom jokes. the tom/bottom discorse I feel like misha's allowed to make those 'heheh' jokes about because it's funny! and it's about him and his friend! the only thing that should matter, in my opinion, in this case of joking is if they're okay with each other making those jokes, and clearly they are.
and when i say jokes i don't mean the nasty malicious haha fuck you gay people jokes i mean 'jensen's the horse' jokes that aren't against us in any way, but they're just little things, and they've established with themselves that they'll allow each other to make those comments about each other and that's what should matter. i feel like in that case, since cockles truthing is about them, and we're assigning things to them, and we're insinuating things, I think they have every right to do with RPS what they want so long as it's not malicious to people and I mean again it's been 14 years, maybe there have been some comments, I know there probably have been, that didn't go over so well but if they didn't, I know misha would have apologized bc that's what he does. foot in mouth disease, someone tells him it's not cool, he takes the foot out and apologizes and learns.
i mean that's a whole lot more than others have done over the years in Hollywood Land so pfft.
but yeah like going back to the point of everyone else making jokes though, like — at cons, in those panels, everyone's having fun. these actors aren't belittling us for this, they're not making fun of us, they're going with the flow. so like where's the line? are they not allowed to do any of this either?
are creation cons just gonna have the vibes of a funeral home from now on? i don't get it.
i just don't get it. no one's being malicious. people are just trying to connect with us, and have fun with us. and if things turn a little sour, or something wrong happens, apologies happen.
it's up to you as an individual to accept it or not, but also as an indivdual you also hve to sit with yourself and wonder 1) why you're not accepting it 2) what are the circumstances that led to this 3) what was the context and what was the apology actually containing.
and i feel like this wholeeeee mess is getting churned and churned in fandom and it's condensing into this hot ball or something and I don't think that's productive. there's no reason for the level of hurt out there right now being thrown to other fans, and there's no reason for the vitriol being thrown at misha just because of this.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 38 - Discovery of new geoglyph in the Nazca lines.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....
J: Ask me about it..haha
K: Wha..?
J: Ask me about it.
K: .....Today..
J: Haha, no no no. Hellooo? *points at  Tokyo Sports hoodie that he is wearing* Look, look, look, everyone. Tokyo Sports have...actually, where are you selling this again?
T: Don Quijote.
J: Its a collaboration with Don Quijote.
T: Yeah.
J: Have a look. *Shows off hoodie* 'UFO caught in power lines'. I don't know why this scene has been chosen for it though. I've put it on straight away.
K: I've got one too. Its cute, right?
J: It is cute!
T: Oh, that makes me happy.
J: Anyone can get this if they go to Don Quijote?
T: Yep.
J: By the way, how much is it?
T: Its about ¥2000.
J: This is..
K: Its good.
J: Yeah it is.
K: Its good for this time of year.
J: This is great for just going to the convenience store.
Kami: Its cheap. 
K: But isn't ¥2000 a bit expensive for Kami?
T: haha
Kami: Well, its cheap.
J: Honestly, its a bit loose in the body.
K: You don't have to say that.
J: Hahaha
T: No matter when it gets dirty..
J: Its okay? kinda thing?
K: On the otherhand, its easy to wear.
J: Easy to wear! Thats it. Easy to wear.
K: Yeh yeh.
J: Ah, its thin so its easy to wear, haha.
K: Great for when its just a bit chilly outside.
J: Just right for that.
T: Exactly.
J: So by all means, everyone, this is currently on sale at Don Quijote.
T: Thank you very much.
J: This is a super hot item.
T: Thank you.
K: Speaking of Tokyo Sports news, this week's story is..
T: Yeah. A new geoglyph in the Nazca lines has been discovered.
J: I've been waiting for this!
T: Another mystery to unfold.
J: Yeh, a mystery.
T: On the 16th of this month, Peru's Ministry of Culture announced that a group of archaeologists doing maintenance work in an area of the Nazca lines discovered a new geoglyph measuring at 37 meters. Its from an earlier era than any of the other geoglyphs that we know of. It hasn't been visible up to now because it was drawn on the side of a steep slope. But it has become possibe to get footage of it using drones etc, which means more discoveries like this might also be made from now on.
J: Its amazing, isn't it?
T: Did you see it?
J, K: Yeh yeh.
J: It looks like a cat.
K: The moment I saw it, I thought it was a fake.
J: Hahaha. Out of all the topics so far, your enthusiasm for this one is kinda different, right?
T: Its crazy, right? A cat...
J: It looks like that giraffe that Tasai drew recently.
K: haha, yeh.
J: I wondered if Tasai had drawn it.
T: Yeh, like presenting my own work.
J: Yeh yeh yeh. But then you probably didn't have time to go to Peru and do a 37 meter drawing.
T: Well, yeah. Looking at the design of the cat, Im not sure whether ancient people drew this.
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: Well, when I first saw it, I thought it was fake news.
J, T: Hahaha
J: It looks like it, doesn't it? It looks like a joke.
T: For sure.
K: It makes you think, 'Eh? Really??'
J: Yeah. Maybe they left it there as a joke.
T: The other designs in the Nazca lines, the birds and things, are drawn very precisely, aren't they? This one has a different touch to it.
K: This one is older than those though, isn't it?
T: Yeah, its older.
K: Maybe it all started from there.
J: Yeah. Its like the very beginning of the Nazca lines. It could've been like a practice attempt.
T: So like, it started from there, and became many different designs?
J: Yeah, that kind of thing, maybe?
T: I wonder.
J: But its said the Nazca lines have loads of mysteries about them. These days, in terms of technicalties, you would draw a small image first, and while looking at that, like when making a map, go equally to various places and leave stakes in the ground. And then gradually make it bigger. If you increase the size by the same amount, no matter what the angle, it eventually turns into that kind of shape, right? But to make that kinda of image back then, with all the obstacles that they faced, there is the theory that it could have been aliens. Its quite a deep rooted theory. What is Tokyo Sports' theory on this?
T: Well, there is the aliens theory, but also former AKB member, Kojima Haruna....Kojiharu, right? She drew a picture of a cat at some event back in 2015, or was it a tiger? It was a tiger. It looks exactly the same as this.
J: Hahaha
K: *looks at pic on Tasai's phone* Well...
Kami: You're talking about Kojiharu's drawing?
T: Yeah, like did she draw this? 
Kami: Oh right. Um, I also..A long time ago, I drew a picture at Tottori sand dunes with a friend.
J, K, T: Ehh?
Kami: It was like a male symbol..I competed with my friend over the size.
J: Kami, how did you draw it, this male symbol?
Kami: Well, I got a tree, and trees are kind of thick, right. I found a really thick one, and went back and forward with it many times. We were saying to each other, like 'Mine is bigger'. Stupid, right? Haha.
T: Kami's type of fun is interesting.
Kami: Yeah, we went to Tottori sand dunes, it was fun though. I wouldn't be allowed to draw it now though, that type of thing.
J: Ah, is it banned there?
Kami: Well, these days its all about public decency. Maybe that was my fault.
K: Definitely.
J: Yeah. Its due to your excesses, Kami, now it has become like this.
Kami: Yes.
J: Stop it!
Kami: Its like as a god, I was the creator of these new rules.
J: Haha
T: I see.
J: Yeh, I see.
Kami: Yes.
K: He puts it very well.
J: He does. So, what do you think about this Kojiharu theory?
T: Well, we got a good response from her. She said something like 'Tokyo Sports, stop being stupid', haha.
K: Tokyo Sports gets about doesn't it?
J: Its great isn't it? haha. Imagine Kojiharu speaking out to them about the Nazca lines.
T: Also, the Major League player, the pitcher Maeda Kenta (Maeken), there has been talk that it looks like it was drawn by him.
K: Basically, the picture is not very good then.
J: Haha. So, Tokyo Sport's conclusion is that this geoglyph is old, but in terms of skill, its not that good?
T: Yeah. Well, because aliens did it to help them relax.
K: Ahh, I see.
J: Like, a drunk alien drew it or something?
T: Yeh yeh. 
J: Ah, there are many possibilities.
K: Its great that there are still others that havn't been discovered yet.
J: Yeah.
Kami: Um, will it be said that I drew it if they find a vulgar drawing?
K, J, T: Hahaha
J: Hang on, you're  a god, so it wouldn't be strange to say you were alive when the Nazca lines were made, right?
Kami: Right.
T: It wouldn't be that odd to find one or two vulgar ones would it?
J: Well, as I said earlier, they could start with a small drawing, and then gradually extend it, but the question is what did they make these for? I can understand that kind of big bird being related to a religious custom or something, but I'm interested in what this funny cat was made for.
T: Yeah
K: Well, I don't mean big ones, but they are a lot of small ones like this, done by people a long time ago, right?
T: Ah yeh.
J: Ah, I see. Yeh yeh.
T: It wasn't that unusual for ancient peope to draw random doodles, like symbols or religious images and stuff.
J: Ah, yeh. Its interesting.
Kami: Joe, I really understand what you said about expanding the drawing equally bit by bit.
J: Oh really?
Kami: Yeh, at Tottori sand dunes, the picture I drew was only circles and a line, but i made it bigger in the same way.
J: Oh right, yeh.
Kami: Yeah, I did.
J: So does that mean you really knew how to draw?
Kami: No, I didn't know how to at all. It just came naturally.
J: Naturally?
Kami: Yes.
T: Incredible.
J: Of couse, you are a god. I somehow wish you'd drawn something more decent. Haha
Kami: Well, I have a knack for that type of thing.
J: Haha, do you? Like, this is you?
Kami: Yes. Im just a vulgar guy.
J: Ah, you're vulgar? A vulgar god.
Kami: Yes.
K: Well, anyway, it will be interesting if they find any more of these.
J: Yeh, im looking forward to that.
T: I wonder if there are any more?
J: Oh, there will be more.
T: Hmm, yeh.
J: Well, I don't remember exactly, but in the place where the Nazca lines are, there is a characteristic type if soil quality, like if it rains, or is windy, the geoglyphs don't disappear.
K: Well, yeah.
J: If you drew a picture in regular ground, it would disappear when it rained, right? So, did these ancient people knew about the soil quality in this area, and draw them there deliberately to preserve them, or did they draw them in lots of different places, and only these ones have survived? Im not an expert, so I don't know, but it makes you imagine things when you see them.
K: Yeah.
J: Isn't it great?
T: There must be more..
J: Yeah.
T: Mysteries in this world.
J: Yes, I think so.
Kami: Isn't there any theory about them drawing graffiti with friends?
J: Well, there may be that kind of theory.
T: Yeah.
Kami: Is there?
K: We just don't know what happened.
J: Right, we don't know. Yeh.
T: That cat does just look like a prank.
J: Yeah.
T: There is no message in it.
J: No, there isn't. Haha.
K: How did they draw it though?
J: As for that Tokyo Sports Tshirt, I wonder if anyone holds copyright for the Nazca lines images?
K: I don't know, haha.
T: How about that? Hmm.
K: I don't know.
J: If its a press photo though, you can use it anywhere as long as you credit it, right?
K: Well, in that case, Tasai's drawing is better..
J: Oh, that?!
T: Hahaha
J: Lets make it!
K: Hahaha
J: How about that with 'The Freedom of Expression'.
T: That sounds good.
J: Kaoru did not seem to agree, haha.
K: No, lets just think about it a little more.
J: Yes, ok.
K: Ok, well lets finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
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