#in comparison Essek has barely spent any time with them at all
ariadne-mouse · 3 years
Thanks to the folks at CritRoleStats and their Wildemount Calendar, I can find out that the time between the Mighty Nein parting ways with Essek after the peace talks (11th of Unndilar) and their reunion in Eiselcross (28th of Brussendar) is just barely over six weeks. 
Six weeks.
Six weeks to go from ‘regret is a new sensation, I am but a humble selfish creature’  to ‘meeting you has shaken me to the core and yes I’ll try to help you  in any way I can’.
Rewinding further, the time between when Essek met the M9 (upon their arrival in the Lucid Bastion) and their farewell at the peace talks is a little under four months.  Summing up: their whole acquaintance spans less than six months. 
Drow are a long-lived race.  Essek is 120 years old.  Let’s look at this in perspective:
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Essek is having a very, very long year.
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