#in context itll probably track better
bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Tell me this isn't one of the most eerie things I've written.
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50in2021 · 3 years
Kanye Discog Ranked
      (0 i dont get any points for this)Why the fuck did i do this. I dont even wanna do this ranking, i just wanna never listen to a kanye track again cause good god thats all ive been listening to. But i need to record this so im just gonna keep it as short as possible.
#11 is Kids See Ghosts: Yeah its supposed to be great, but i just did not click with this one. 7/10, best song is 4th dimension
#10 is MBDTF: another well regarded one that i just cant click with, although it is saved by some genuinely great kanye tracks. 7/10, best song is Lost in the World
#9 is ye: I was expecting a lot worse based off the reviews, but i kinda liked this one. 8/10, best song is I thought about killing you
#8 is Jesus is King: I was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. Most reviews about this one are pretty mixed, but after pablo, ye, and KSG this felt like healing and i needed that. 8/10, best song is Every Hour
#7 is Watch the Throne: I expected this one to be higher, but after listening to this one in the context of his entire discography, i just prefer other albums. 8/10, best song is Lift Off
#6 is College Dropout: The album so good it inspired me to start this entire thing and its only at 6, its still amazing just not quite as good as some others. 9/10, best song is Slow Jamz
#5 is the Life Of Pablo: Im not sure how to describe this one, most people know its good and i generally agree, listen to this if you want a chaotic kanye album thats a bit more palatable album than ye or KSG. 9/10, best song is Waves
#4 is Graduation: This one is probably the Kanye album i return to the most often. itll always be the one that makes me the happiest, and its still only at 4. 9/10, best song is Champion
#3 is Late Registration: My personal favorite. I wanted to put this one at the top, but i do recognize that the two above this are better whole projects. Even if this one has my favorite individual tracks. 10/10, best song is Touch The Sky
#2 is 808s and Heartbreak: One of the coldest and most desolate albums Ive ever heard and if i can put on my “Ruff Criminal” hat id say this. “This sounds like the poetic musings of someone slowly freezing to death after being thrown to a snowy mountain” 10/10, best song is Street Lights
#1 is Yeezus: This has been my top kanye album for a while now and i think i just won’t defend it cause most people either hate or love this album and im not here to change anyones mind. 10/10, best song is New Slaves
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that-sso-raven · 8 years
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another fake questline. i came up with this idea a couple of weeks ago, when i was listening to detektivbyrån - monster a lot
its an origin story for the teleporting hens
will probably be in 2 parts because i think itll be. a little long
i’m not very good at coming up with names, so we’ll call the two main characters of this story A and B. 
when at long last we have access to nova alexandria, it’s eerily empty. (i don’t remember much about nova alexandria from its brief mentions in the archeology quests, so im guessing this is going to be     very inaccurate). 
you find a live chicken, a bizarre spot of life in an otherwise lifeless place. it vanishes mysteriously in a puff of feathers when you approach it - and as you’re watching, rematerializes several feet away, closer to the entrance of the library. if you follow it in, it will be waiting for you by a bookshelf, staring intently at one of the volumes. when you pull out the book (a study on interdimensional theory), you find a folded note in its pages. it seems to be a series of scrawls, indicating a small puzzle - moving a vase, and then rearranging some books, and then pushing a bookshelf a little to the right. when you go ahead and carry out these actions, a panel slides open on the floor, and unravels a spiral staircase into the dark depths below. 
you can turn and talk to the chicken again, but all it will offer you is a perplexed “cluck?” you decide to go down and see what’s going on; you descend the staircase, and the chicken follows. if you stop, the chicken stops. if you resume walking, it will go with you. 
you walk for a while. once you reach the bottom of the staircase, you are pulled into a cutscene: the chicken rushes ahead of you, hops onto a desk, and yanks on a rope hanging from the ceiling. the room is immediately flooded with illumination from what looks like several lanterns. in the sudden light, you are pulled back into a memory. 
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but it’s not your memory.
you suppose you’re living it vicariously, in a vision granted to you by your moon powers. 
you see someone sitting with your back to you at the desk in front of you. it’s a brief flash, and you can’t clearly discern much, but you think you see a chicken perched on the desk. the person is writing furiously in a journal; the desk is covered in all kinds of odd blueprints and calculations and alchemical ingredients. 
there’s the sound (and accompanying dialogue box) of someone calling their name - “A?” - distant, upstairs - and the person stops, and turns to look over their shoulder. slowly, they close the book, sliding their quill between its pages to mark where they left off, and then open up a drawer to the right on the desk and place the book inside. they close the drawer, and then get up to answer. your vision ends. 
when you return to yourself, you notice that the room is more or less in the same layout as it was in your vision. some things have been shifted around, and a few cobwebs have emerged, but apart from the details and the disarray not much has changed.
there aren’t any blueprints on the desk anymore: the desktop has been cleared off, save for a strange device (a stand with several joints that ends in a metal hoop) and a couple of neatly stacked, old-looking tomes. and your newly acquired chicken companion. 
you open the drawer on the desk, to the right, and find the journal. 
the quill-bookmark remains. on the page - still unwritten - there is a letter in stark black ink. it’s incomplete; it seems that for whatever reason, the person that was writing in it never had a chance to finish, or simply forgot to. the letter states that the person in question has left to go seek B in the “world where there were stars”, and advises the reader to not worry, or attempt to follow. going between worlds, they state, is a dangerous, unpredictable affair. the letter seems to be ambiguously addressed to some loved one; it’s signed “A”
there is an unfinished postscript that reads “P.S. thank you very much for t”
the rest of the journal before the message seems like nothing but blank pages. there is, however, a brief message on its inside cover that reads:
“This journal belongs to A.”
you decide to pocket it. it may contain more information about just what went on down here, if you can figure out how to make the invisible content of the first several pages not invisible.
you thumb through the books on the desk to get some more context, or in the very least to see if there are any more notes to open secret passageways. the books have titles such as “Searching for Star-place” and “Traversing Between Unaligned Worlds”, all by an author named B. the excerpts you choose to read refer to what B calls “starplace” (for lack of a better name), an alternate realm where time does not pass, or even, they say, exist. 
B wanted to see this world. 
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finding nothing else of note in the books, you bring the journal back to Elizabeth to see if she knows anything about it. she expresses surprise that you’ve found something from A, an extremely famous magician/researcher. much of her work still circulates, & generates new conversations to this day. one day she disappeared without a trace - but that was a long, long, long time ago. 
she says that she thinks the first few pages of the journal are in some kind of invisible ink - not your typical kind, either; A was crafty. 
Elizabeth suspects that this particular ink she used can only be temporarily revealed by dousing the words with Aideen’s tears (the dew that gathers on the flowers in the forest, not the literal tears of the goddess). you gather some for her, and then the two of you sit down together and very carefully gloss over the first few pages with the tears. it doesn’t yield any results for the most part, but an image does emerge on the first page - a fleeting diagram, that fades as soon as the dew on the paper dries. Elizabeth gets separate piece of paper and a pencil ready, and then asks you to reapply Aideen’s tears to the page: before the image dissipates, she makes a quick but accurate sketch of it, for future convenience.
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Elizabeth says she has no idea what that means, but it looks a little like a layout of a room. 
she mentions that A’s gone through great pains to keep the contents of this journal a secret, though, and while she’s certainly curious, she warns you not to be too disappointed of your search leads nowhere. this piece of the puzzle seems more like A left it for herself as a self-reminder than it is an intentional clue for future adventurers, and it might be something that only A can understand. 
in nova alexandria, you find a side-tower in the library that resembles the picture you have. there’s a rectangular rug on the floor, and you enter the room to the left. turning to your left as you enter the room, you find a curving section of wall; you fiddle with some stone bricks, and are able to get a hidden compartment to slide open, giving you access to three storage crates. 
in the middle crate, you find A’s old diary. this one is written in regular ink. A’s entries are few and concise, but she writes at great length about B - that she thinks B is “very special”, and that she hopes B will succeed in her research around the starplace. after a time, she writes excitedly that B seems to have cracked it; there may be a few steps left before B can safely travel there, but A is so happy for her. 
you realize that they were in love. 
A talks, too, about the various antics of a chicken she found and rescued from a pack of dogs. she jokes that this chicken is now her best friend. 
in a sudden tonal shift, the last entry eludes to the fact that something terrible has happened, that something in the research backfired on B, acted on her prematurely (several weeks before B was going to wrap up her final preparations) and B’s vanished. A doesn’t even know where. she has no idea what to do. 
you also find, in the same crate, a large, flat, circular crystal. when you pick it up, you begin to have another flashback --
you see A at her desk. the crystal - now recognizable as a lens - glints in the light. it’s locked in the device on her desk, which is now a fully intact thing that looks just like a magnifying glass. her journal, blank-paged, is spread before her, but she reaches and adjusts the device so the lens is right over the page. 
you return. 
the chicken isn’t in the secret basement study anymore when you go back there. you lost track of that little guy. 
you fit the lens into the device on the desk and tug the rope hanging from the ceiling to turn on the light. when you adjust the device just right, the light refracts through it and spills onto the pages of the journal, and the words begin to unravel into visibility right before your eyes. 
you understand why this one is written in invisible ink. not only did A include her personal thoughts + accounts, she’s also put a great deal of research material and speculation on interdimensional traversal. this is something she considers far too risky for herself in its early stages, let alone someone who might stumble across it and try and use it for the wrong reason. 
A reveals that her relationship with B was kept covert, but they spent a great deal of time together. A was so grateful to have her in her life. to have had. she doesn’t think she knows how to let go. she worries that B was searching for starplace as a final destination point - she knows that B went through a great deal of sadness in her life, and often spoke of starplace as a place that would be “without pain, without anything”. this is what A fears - that a prolonged existence there will swallow a person, and take away everything that makes B herself, and that, more permanently than death, B will cease to exist. 
it’s been a year, and she’s looking for ways to contact starplace under the wild hope that maybe somehow the malfunctioning of the machine that B had been preparing for a portal might have brought her there. she knows that it’s a shot in the dark, but it’s all she can do.
A mentions her chicken a few times. she says that while humans or horses are large and consist of much more matter to transfer between realms, something as small as a chicken could probably pass through with much less effort, while she’s still developing the technology. 
she knows that the portal-machine B tried to make was too fallible, and is therefore searching for something less variable, more directly managed by its user. 
she wants to see if she can make a chicken that can teleport. 
after about a year of working on the technology, A is beginning to feel helpless.
B could be anywhere, she says. even if she can send something through there’s a chance that it might go nowhere. B could be in starplace, or the realm of the ghosts, or pandoria. this is nothing more than blind hope.
but she finds that, under a certain alignment of the moon and stars that occurs once a year, the space between the worlds is the thinnest. if she can capture and distill the celestial light of that arrangement, and then imbue a host with it, the host might gain the ability to walk between worlds by bending reality around them. 
she decides that this is a wild course of action that she’s almost certainly going to take. 
A loves her chicken very much, and wouldn’t allow harm to come to it if she could prevent it. she anguishes for a while over an upcoming trial, but ultimately decides that her setup should be safe. 
after a couple of mishap trials, where the chicken typically skips short distances but seems to be going nowhere, the chicken disappears for a day, and then returns. 
A affixes a gadget to its leg that records the energies of its surroundings. in a few more trials she determines that the energy readings of the place that the chicken has been visiting are consistent with those of starplace (she also notices patterns of brief visits to other realms).
the journal ends, where A writes that she plans on writing a letter for the chicken to deliver to starplace. she has to know if B is in there, and if she’s ok.
(end of part 1)
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