#the emancipation cycle
murderousink23 · 2 months
08/01/2024 is Emancipation Day 🌎, Father's Day (but Father's Day was in June!) 🌎, Belarusian Written Language Day 🇧🇾, World RNA Day 🌎, International IPA Day 🍻🌎, The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of World War I 🇷🇺, National Girlfriends Day 🇺🇸, National Minority Donor Awareness Day 🇺🇸, National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 🇺🇸, Respect for Parents Day 🇺🇸, Albariño Day 🇬🇧, Yorkshire Day 🇬🇧, Cycle to Work Day 🚴‍♀️🇬🇧
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wearetheluckyones7 · 6 months
I had to report no income to centrelink because I haven't even recieved a payslip, let alone my pay yet because of the public holiday on Monday, and I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Like the pay period was 21Mar-03Apr, and it's 03Apr and I still haven't been paid, so I'm not being paid within this pay period, but it still feels like centrelink's going to come after me with a whip or something for not reporting my income.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
The 12th House in Astrology 🧜‍♀️🧚‍♀️ 🦋
(this can apply to both tropical and vedic placement of 12th house because regardless of the system employed, the energy felt and experienced is the same :-)
Most people have a lot of prejudice about the 12h and its energies. There is a largely negative portrayal of it in the mainstream astro community and very little nuanced discussion of the same. So, I thought I'd make a post exploring the 12th and final house in astrology and add more to the existing narrative regarding it.
The 12h is commonly described as the house of loss, liberation, isolation and decline
This house is said to governs misery, waste, expenses as well as divine knowledge, sympathy, Moksha (final emancipation) and life after death. It is also the house of detachment.
Now those are a lot of very contradictory terms. How could a house govern both loss and divine knowledge?
The 12th house and water houses (4h, 8h & 12h) in general are very complex and easily misunderstood. The thing about water is that it has no shape or form of its own, it takes the form of whatever vessel its poured into. another thing about water is that its the most easily polluted element. Water energy is one that must be precariously balanced because these natives easily absorb the influence of others (good or bad), this is one reason why the 12h is the house of "loss" because it truly is the death of the individual. you know those quotes about "i am an amalgamation of every person ive met, every book ive read, every song i loved...." 12housers are actually built like that.
being a 12h native can be rewarding because you absorb absolutely everything like a cosmic sponge but on the other hand, its very easy to lose all sense of self.
especially natives with 12h stelliums may often find it difficult to not take everything so personally. this is not because they think the world revolves around them but because its hard for them to separate themselves from others and their actions. they're personally of the type where everything they say or do is tailored specifically to the person they're interacting with. they may not even be aware that they're doing this, they pick up on energies almost by osmosis and guide their conduct that way. however they must realize that this is peculiar to them and is not something others are naturally accustomed to doing.
there is a reason why Venus exalts in the 12h. you lose all sense of self and give yourself completely to your lover with utmost devotion. love is sacred and profound to them, they will do absolutely anything for their love. which is why they have to be so careful with picking their partners. they have limitless capacity for giving but if you give to the wrong person, you'll be drained. when you merge with the right person, your cup never goes empty with your giving because your union satiates you completely.
if we were to think of houses 1 to 11 as a path of linear development, starting with the 1st house of self & identity and ending with the 11th house of friendship, community & legacy, then we will understand that after an individual goes through all these stages, the only thing left for them to do is seek liberation from this cycle; this is why 12h is the house of Moksha. once you've fulfilled your material desires, you will feel a lack in your life and the only thing left to do is pursue the path of spirituality. Moksha is however not given to one; one must strive for it.
this journey is a deeply personal one and liberation from one's ego and earthly pursuits is far from easy. no matter what these natives do, ultimately, they wont feel satisfied unless they've nourished themselves spiritually.
sometimes these natives may indulge in drugs or other substances to fill the void but as they evolve they will understand what theyre truly yearning for is the spiritual truth.
more often than not, these natives experience "spiritual awakenings" completely unprompted. god decides its time and it happens. much of their early life can be very dark and this "awakening" marks the beginning of a shift in their life. this happens in stages depending on the level of their spiritual evolution.
the 12th house is the house of isolation because what these natives experience is not something that others can understand easily. they are the most likely to develop psychosomatic conditions, simply because their energetic body is so susceptible to influence.
think of the vast endless ocean. can one individual possibly drink up all of that water? its absurd to even consider it. thats kind of what its like to be a 12h native. there's a limitless reservoir to tap into, the energy is so vast that its confusing and disorienting and you have no idea what to do with it. its very easy to be misguided as well. this is why its the house of decline. you have to constantly be on the look out in order to avoid the pitfalls, otherwise its easy to stagnate and easy to harm yourself.
There is a Latin quote that goes as follows:
"What nourishes me, destroys me"
This sums up 12th house energy pretty much. Its the energy of opposites and paradoxes. You need this endless reservoir to function, its the thing that feeds you but if you're not careful, it can also lead you to your own ruin.
Fun fact: Angelina Jolie has this quote tattooed on her. She is a Revati Moon. Pisces occupies the 12th house.
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remember that Pisces' symbol is of two fishes swimming in opposite directions. this shows that the innate nature of these natives is to be torn between polarising energies and opposing forces. it is a balancing act to say the least.
these natives are easily misunderstood, simply because there is SO much to them. whatever you think they are, thats what they're not.
going back to the cosmic ocean metaphor, its easy to see how such abundance can feel like an excess and lead to misery and wastefulness. its simply a LOT to handle, not just for others but even for these natives themselves. this is one reason why so many of these natives tend to keep to themselves.
even the more sociable 12h natives often have an interior life that no one will know about, they have a whole another side to them that they keep separate, just because they want to assert complete ownership of this private side as something that belongs only to them and the other, more "public" side that they give to others.
these natives are the most empathetic and if you look at the charts of most "legendary" actors, they'll either have pisces/12h luminaries. empathy does not quite cut it, they can not only feel what others are feeling but embody it fully and experience it as their own. this is what makes them incredible actors. even non-actor 12h natives process things this way and often find that others around them are insensitive or lacking the same capacity. they do not understand why others don't feel as deeply as they do or understand situations the way they do. they find society at large to be very callous and apathetic.
a 12th house native is also capable of feeling apathy and absolute indifference but this is very selective; the 12h is the house of detachment because as it is, they're tethered to the world by a thin cord and are only very mildly connected to things. they're in this world but seldom inhabit it. another side to this is that they're wildly imaginative. although mercury debilitates in the 12h, it does not affect the native too badly, as they simply channel their thoughts into other forms. they are gifted at communicating abstract ideas and make excellent artists due to the same reason. robbed of any sense of what is "practical" or "realistic", they roam free in the realm of the mind. many abstract, surrealist and expressionist artists have either Pisces or other water sign placements in their big 3.
these natives live a life of non-being, as they're already so detached from everything, including themselves; this is not negative on its own and will manifest differently for different individuals; this can mean that they're extremely empathetic or detached to the point of inaction and passivity in extreme cases; they dont find a lot of things to be meaningful and its hard for them to apply themselves because of it. this gives us a glimpse of what life is like after death.
the 12th house also represents spirituality, introspection, foreign travels, hidden enemies, & the subconscious mind and it is the house of endings and undoing.
12th house natives are always intrigued by all things foreign, they feel like they do not belong to the place they're from and feel connected to cultures and people that are foreign to them. since they themselves feel like an alien or are made to feel that way, they feel naturally at ease in foreign places and cultures where everything is alien. they often settle overseas.
these natives court attention wherever they go, because the 12h energy is a very distinct and potent one. a lot of celebrities have it and its a very common fame indicator. due to this reason, they also attract enemies who remain unknown to them. these natives are seldom if ever, engaged in actual feuds with people and if they are, its usually for righteous reasons or because the other person started it. theyre wayyyy too peace loving and lowkey to pick fights with others. this is why they dont know who is speaking ill of them behind their back. they're always minding their own business and it surprises them that others are not doing the same.
everybody is guided by their subconscious and one major part of spirituality is to try and make ourselves more conscious. 12h representing spirituality (the cosmic ocean) makes even more sense considering its opposite (2 fishes swimming in opposite directions) which is the unknown, the subconscious. to be spiritual means to seek truth and to seek answers and swim towards the subconscious to shed light to it and understand it better.
lastly, it is the house of endings and undoing. 12h being the final concluding house represents the end of the cycle. when a cycle ends, the energy is of a complete transformation. only when something has reached completion can it come to an end. the butterfly does not emerge unformed but as a completely fully formed butterfly. the end marks the beginning. the 12h gives way to the 1h.
the creature in the cocoon was not a butterfly. it only became a butterfly when it emerged from the cocoon and to do so means loss of an old identity, loss of self, loss of all that you've ever known. this is your undoing. in order to become somebody else, in order to ascend, we have to be willing to undo ourselves. this is essential to any spiritual practice. we have to rid ourselves and our flimsy shell of identity in order to grow further.
for the same reason, 12housers are constantly transforming. they're the type of people who seem to have lived 10 different lives in one. be it their style, lifestyles, jobs, you name it, they're constantly undoing and transforming themselves. it seems to be the only way they know how to live. once theyve gathered all they can at one place, they outgrow it and change themselves almost entirely afterwards as they venture into something new.
thats it for now. i hope this shed some light on the 12h condition hehe<333
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
So Hazz being ‘stunned’ about the backlash to the Pat Tillman award, reminds me of his shock at the ‘frosty’ reception he received at Prince Philip’s funeral. How on earth does he think letting his ‘feelings’ loose via the much hated media will improve the situation is beyond me. I can’t even remember why announcement the winning of the award was done so early, but more than probably RF related. Is it a case of keeping digging to get out of the hole or a massive PR plan that’s going over my head?
Harry wants attention and legitimacy in the US. He thought being a British prince and Diana’s son was enough to make us love and respect him (like it sort of did in the UK) but it didn’t happen.
So now he’s scrambling. Except he’s been scrambling since March 2020 when Edward Young and the BRF called his bluff on half in/half out. Let’s review.
January 2020: He demanded half in/half out and they all laughed at him.
March 2020: Harry signed with the Harry Walker Agency to be a speaker on their lecture/hotel dinner circuit. He gave like two or three speeches to pathetic reception and then gave up.
April 2020: Harry became a mental health advocate during the COVID pandemic and crisis, making comments like he didn’t understand how people living in high-rise apartments could cope without having a green space and that everyone needed some kind of green space for their sanity (yeah, no shit, Sherlock. That’s why COVID was also an enormous mental health crisis.) and encouraging everyone to become certified mental health counselors if they’re bored.
Summer 2020: Harry uses Diana’s memory to justify invading an elementary school with a camera crew during peak summer COVID cycle to plant forget-me-nots. Everyone pops off and it’s clear the backlash stunned the Sussexes.
Fall 2020: The Sussexes rebrand to become misinformation activists.
Winter 2020/2021: The Sussexes rebrand to the Emancipation of Meghan Markle. Philip dies. Harry rebrands to Hero Harry by demanding to wear his military uniform, resulting in no one wearing their military uniforms. He also pivots back to William's Best Brother at the funeral by ignoring the actual arrangements to walk alongside William (as opposed to behind him; Peter was supposed to walk next to William).
Summer 2021: Meghan wants world domination and the Sussexes rebrand to become humanitarian ambassadors.
Fall 2021: Harry rebrands to become a hairdresser global vax advocate. He and Meghan become the figurehead for the Vax Live concert.
December 2021: Harry pivots back to Diana and says his work with COVID is as groundbreaking as her work with HIV/AIDS patients.
February 2022: Harry rebrands as a dude who watches American football by going to the Superbowl and looking bored af.
March 2022: Harry and Meghan buy a new NAACP award for themselves for all the work they did fighting unconscious bias and racism in the BRF.
Spring 2022: Harry goes back to being Hero Harry with The Hague Invictus Games. He pivots back to being a royal when he attends the Platinum Jubilee with Meghan.
Summer 2022: The Emancipation of Meghan Markle continues and Harry re-rebrands as a humanitarian activist, giving an unpassionate speech to a mostly-empty conference room at the United Nations. Unfortunately The Queen dies and Harry gets to pivot back again to being a royal. He gets thrown a Hero Harry PR bone when he's allowed to wear his uniform to the Grandchildren's Vigil and gets to stand behind William and Kate in the procession.
Fall 2022: The Emancipation of Prince Harry's Unconscious Bias begins, with critically-reviled Netflix docuseries.
January 2023: Harry pivots back to Diana and picks up her mantle to destroy Charles and the BRF. He takes it a step further by going after William, when everyone knows Diana only wanted to destroy Charles to put William in his rightful place as soon as possible.
Winter/Spring 2023: Harry abandons his "I hate my family, they're evil" rebrand to go back into the royal fold by attending Charles's coronation.
May 2023: Harry pivots back to Diana by claiming a near-death chase by paparazzi on the busy streets of downtown Manhattan. Damn, if only there was a white fiat instead of witnesses.
Summer 2023: Harry pivots back to his Hero Harry at the Dusseldorf Invictus Games. He also becomes Polo Harry and becomes #husbandgoals when he joins Meghan at a Beyonce concert and looks bored out of his mind.
Fall 2023: Harry pivots back to mental health when he joins Meghan for a panel with Carson Daly on the dangers of social media.
Winter 2023: Harry rebrands as Hero Harry and purchases the Living Legend in Aviation Award for himself, while accusing John Travolta of dining out on his mother. Harry pivots to Hollywood and goes to Jamaica for a movie premiere.
Spring 2024: Harry goes back to Hero Harry and Invictus Games. Harry also pivots back to being a British royal prince with a very misguided tour of Nigeria.
Summer 2024: Hero Harry continues and he purchases the Pat Tillman ESPY.
Look at all the times Harry changed tactics. He can't stick with something long enough to make an impact because he - like his wife - is so impatient for validation. He just wants to be loved! Why won't they love him?! "That's okay," crones Meghan in her soothing Southern California vocal fry as she rocks her toddler husband to calm him out of his anxiety spiral (because she's the only one allowed to collapse in a heap on the floor). "Hush little baby don't you cry. Mama's going to buy you valor and honor."
And that cheers Harry up because Americans like gold (after all, we're the land of 'everyone gets a participation trophy,' Olympic gold medals, and world domination). If we see how many gold trophies and awards he has, then we'll respect him the same way the British public respected and adored him for his titles.
But that's their mistake. They've missed the fundamental realization that Americans don't care about titles and awards. We value action, deeds, follow-through, promises made and promises kept. That's the backlash (and the cause and effect, to quote an earlier post I made) that Harry keeps getting. He doesn't understand that we're a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps-and-don't-complain-how-hard-it-is-just-do-it nation of rebels and troublemakers. We're not going to sit idly by and watch a rich foreigner - from the monarchy that we booted in the first place - wax poetic on our national problems and pat himself on the back for buying awards that make him feel like he's fixed all our problems.
Not when there's real people doing the actual work whose credit he keeps stealing to buy those awards in the first place.
Anyway. I don't remember what my point was...
Oh, right. This is just Harry trying to find value and relevance here in the US. Everything else - Diana, COVID, misinformation, mental health, Hollywood, Meghan, racism and unconscious bias, British prince - sinks faster than he can claim he never got swimming lessons even though William was personally trained on how not to drown by David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson themselves (or whatever his pathetic excuse is. Hero Harry and the veterans is the only thing Harry has left that people pay attention to, and the media is only paying attention to that because Meghan buys them to cover her during all of the Invictus events.
So very long rant short, Harry keeps defaulting back to Invictus Games because it's the only thing that *works* for him. It's the only thing he has left that ties him to the life he used to know (globally adored and nationally beloved British royal soldier). He's going to hold onto it harder, faster, and more angrily than a toddler holding on to something they're not supposed to have.
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ellecdc · 4 months
helloo i’m freaking out
i just re-read “surprise! we’re making love” bc dah it’s a masterpiece and i’m obsessed w that fic and “a man with a plan”. (the way u write remus it’s just 🤌🏼FUCKING PERFECT ILYSM) and idk if i dreamt it or if there was a second part to that fic and pls if there was WERE IS IT I CANT FIND IT AND IM FREAKING OUT and if there wasn’t, im not gonna ask u to write one bc i don’t want to be annoying, but could u tell me how there story ends?☺️ i need to know they lived happily ever after in a beautiful cottage with lots of flowers and birds chirping
byeeee!! ilysm you are amazing hope u have a great week!!!💕💕💕💕
hahaha aweeee thank you, I'm so glad you loved it - I really like that fic too
and you must have dreamt it because there isn't a part two! I know how I want it to end but I don't think it would actually make an interesting or engaging fic (it would fall painfully flat in comparison to it's first part)
essentially, I imagine them talking more that night - reader saying to Remus "I'm engaged to be married....." and remus going "I know..............I'm a werewolf" and reader going "I know......"
turns out she was just as invested in him, she just hadn't realized it. but since being top of her class in astronomy (i.e., tracking moon cycles) and noticing peculiarities about Remus following such cycles, she managed to put two and two together.
they do sort of 'date' but it's quiet and soft and timid and maybe perhaps a bit awkward at first - Sirius is sort of against it and says something like "mate, you need to be careful - she comes from another world entirely, and they are not kind to their own let alone anyone else", which sort of pisses Remus off but he understands where he's coming from.
Remus plays a little bit of interference between Avery and reader while at school; showing up and sitting between them if Avery approaches her etc
now it's important to note that in this AU, I do have Voldemort BUT he's not the crazy fuck like he is in canon and it's not a war of sorts, but rather a political campaign and a lot of internal strife within the ministry
like canon, the purebloods/sacred 28 support riddle, with the exception of Crouch sr who agrees with pureblood supremacy but is running for Ministry of Magic himself
but my thought is that they get off the Hogwarts express at platform 9 3/4, Remus stands with his parents and Sirius and James with the Potters.
reader steps off the train with the Rosier twins, Regulus, and Barty and are chatting when the opposite half of the platform grows eerily quiet and readers name is called.
reader et al. look over to see readers parents standing with the Avery's and a very smug looking Avery jr., the Rosier's looking as severe as ever, and the Black's looking at Regulus expectantly.
Crouch sr shows up too, not standing with the other pureblood's but essentially on that side
and the group realizes they need to make a decision - the Rosier's don't feel like going back home to grey walls and apathetic parents who only had children to further their blood line and parade them around at balls, Regulus doesn't want to go back home without his brother to maniacal parents who use Regulus for political gain, and Junior doesn't want to return home to his abusive father who has never felt anything more than disdain for his son anyway.
and reader....well....she's not marrying Avery.
so the five of them shrink their bags, put their belongings into their pockets and they run
they head for the brick wall to cross into the muggle side of the station while dodging curses and hexes being thrown at them from their parents - an unforgivable from Crouch sr which actually finds him in Azkaban in the end
James, Sirius, and Remus find them all hiding in an alleyway in muggle London - the Potter's insist they come to their place, hire lawyers, sue their parents/are emancipated
and Remus ends up bringing reader home to Wales where they live in the Lupin's cottage and she's never been happier
the end
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mesetacadre · 16 days
You say that communists should prepare themselves for the inevitable collapse of capitalism, to look for the cracks that signal that it’s time to forcefully destroy the system.
Doing so would inevitably lead to mass death and bloodshed, as was the case in the past. How can we convince others - and ourselves - that dying for a future we may never see is worth it? And what if communism fails again?
You say you know what a revolution looks like, but do you know what the context that allows the precipitation of a revolution looks like? The abstract "cracks" in capitalism (small note, they don't signal anything, they can just be opportunities that allow for revolutions) actually are a set of extreme circumstances that generally cause some exceptional ill or harm. The cyclical crises of capitalism are not strong enough to bring the system to the tipping point, there would need to be systemic disfunction. Wars destroy masses of workers and capital, most functions of the capitalist state, including the labor that sustains it, become subservient to the war, working people die in numbers high enough to stunt the normal development. The wars and crises that can gestate the spark of a revolution are only the ones so destructive that it becomes impossible for the working mass to be deluded by propaganda.
Revolutions do not happen out of the blue. It's not a sudden impulse that turns a previously healthy society into chaos and wanton murder in a few days. On top of the very normalized violence and suffering that happens every working and non-working hour, which you also seem to be forgetting. The foundation of violence atop which capitalism rests, that are hidden by the routine, have to show their rot, poke through the previously effective cloaking, in order for any revolutionary movement to gain traction. There has to be a surplus of violence, put simply. Too much for people to brush off their conscience as things that just happen. Communists don't desire this, just like we don't desire the necessity of violent methods. But by the same token that the capitalist class imposes their rule through violence, the working class also suffers, and it suffers continuously, through even the most plentiful growth cycles.
Someone somewhere toiled to create every non-natural object you see, and they were coerced to work under threat of poverty, or more commonly, under threat of the deepening or the already present poverty. Every single object, service, everything that's produced under capitalism was produced through implicit or explicit instances of violence. And you want to talk about the figure of people who will die defending capitalism or as an indirect result of it? Actual revolutions have historically been virtually bloodless (wikipedia, which is heavily biased towards liberalism, doesn't even list any deaths for the October Revolution), what creates the bloodshed is the anti-revolutionary reaction. Revolutions don't create violence, they grow out of a substrate of pre-existing violence as an attempt to end it all. You don't blame the capitalists for the comparatively little violence that does happen as a result of a revolutionary struggle, so why do you blame the revolutionaries for the violence that's forced on them by the capitalist reaction?.
I don't see a more convincing cause than the potential to liberate all working people. Communism is not like the various liberal ideologies you'll see squabbling in parliaments and offices, it's not about promising individual -selfish- benefits. You can't build a new society without ever even hoping to also change the logics that built the previous one. It does not promise a more robust public healthcare system, or a stronger nation, or tax breaks. It lays out the historical process of the class struggle and concludes that the only way forward, and the thing that must be fought for, is the complete emancipation of the working class by changing the organization of work to not need the systematic exploitation of a social majority. This is done by abolishing the private ownership of the means of production, commodity production, money, and classes. This can only be achieved after an active period of transition that ensures that goal can be reached without interference, deviations, or returns, and that period of transition can only be reached with a violent overthrow of political power because that is how capitalism has developed to protect itself.
Communism not an ideology of vacuous and immediate promises to win over an electoral base. It does not hold a goal that can be reached by giving everyone what they personally desire immediately. You ask what what we can do to convince people of potentially dying for this cause, I ask how and when the working masses will see that it's either fighting for their class interests or condemning their children to shed sweat and blood for the same boot that stomped their fathers. They'll be convinced the same way every other communist was convinced, by combining the personal experience of the everpresent class antagonisms with the scientific analysis of society and history. The permeability of individual workers to these questions are left for tactics to solve, and they do solve it, not the overarching strategy.
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madamlaydebug · 7 months
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Breaking all chains and limitations, both mentally and physically.
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Breaking the chains of all BAD Family cycles.
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Breaking Mental Chains
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Tell me this isn't one of the most eerie things I've written.
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Presence is far deeper than our person.
he Various Forms of "Tandava"
Tandava is the divine dance performed by Lord Shiva. It is considered to be the source of the cosmic cycle of creation, preservation and dissolution. The word Tandava comes from Tandu, the attendant of Lord Shiva, who at Lord Shiva’s orders, instructed Bharat muni, the author of Natya Shastra, the usage of Angaharas and Karanas, which together constitute this cosmic dance.
“Pumnrityam tandavam, prahu: stree nrityam lasyamuchyate”
Tandava the masculine form of dance is attributed to Lord Shiva which is forceful and full of vigour often manifesting anger and fear while lasya anga attributed to Godess Parvathi is the feminine form where the movements are gentle and graceful often depicting love and affection.
The deep significance underlying this dance form is the personification of Lord Shiva as Nataraja or Nritya Murti. His dance is supposed to represent the five manifestations of eternal energy- Srishti (creation), Sthiti (preservation), Samhara (destruction), Tirobhava (illusion) and Anugraha (emancipation).
The various Tandavas are described in Bhavaprakash and in the Abhinaya Darpanam of Nandikeswara.
In the Bhavaprakash five forms of Tandava are described:
Ucchanda: This includes the forceful and quick Angaharas, Akaashacharis and Bhramaris. Raudra, Bhibhatsa and Bhayanaka are the rasa associated with this.
Chanda: This is represented by Bhumichari karanas and angaharas and evokes Veera and Raudra rasa.
Prachanda: This tandava involves jumping forceful karanas and bhramari. Rasas associated with this are Raudra and Bibhatsa.
Prerana and Prapana: These two are considered to be of tepid and are less forceful and masculine.
Nandikeswara in his Abhinaya Darpanam describes seven types of Tandava which are believed to have been performed by Lord Shiva.
Sandhya Tandava: A form of tandava performed by Lord Shiva at the time when the world was poised between lingering day and the oncoming darkness of the night. It was the dance of creation and scriptures. It is believed that Sandhya Tandava protects one and all.
Ananda Tandava: This form of Tandava was performed by Lord Shiva for protecting his disciples. In Chidambaram temple, the deity is represented in this pose. The image is depicted with four hands holding the drum, fire, the right hand in the Abhaya Hasta, the left hand with the Danda Hasta bestowing boons. The left leg is in Kunchita pada and the right tramples upon the sole. This posture is also known as the Sada Tandava.
Kali or Shakti Tandava: This Tandava is the type performed by Shiva and Kali. It is believed that Kali or Shakti is the energy that cannot be separated from Shiva. Shiva has the power to create only when he is united with Shakti.
Tripura Tandava: This is the Tandava performed by Shiva after killing the three rakshasas, Tarakakasha, Kamalaksha and Vidyun mali. He fought the rakshasas driving the earth as his chariot, Meru as the bow, Sun and Moon as the wheels, Adishesha as the rope, Lord Vishnu as the arrows, four vedas as horses and Lord Brahma as the charioteer. By destroying these rakshasas he freed the three worlds from evil.
Sati and Shiva Tandava: This Tandava is believed to have been performed by Shiva and Sati. This represents the eternal dance of the Man and Woman, depicting the unity of Purush and Prakriti. This item also depicts both forms of dancing, Tandava as well as Lasya.
Ardhanaari Tandava: This type of Tandava was performed to show the unity between Nature and God. Shiva took Parvati as a part of himself and assumed the form of Ardhanareeswara – one half man the other half woman.
Samhara tandava: This is the dance of annihilation and release. Shiva is believed to have performed this when Sati burned herself in ashes. Shiva in anger danced so vigorously that lords feared destruction of the three worlds. Only when Lord Bramha, Lord Vishnu and Devas appealed to him did he return to normalcy.
The concepts of Tandava and Lasya represented Shiva and Parvati have been the source of inspiration for most dancers across classical dance forms and across generations as it encompasses the entire cycle of cosmic evolution and stands for the dual personification of the Absolute.
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katmaibearfan · 2 months
Katmai Bear Cam Terminology
This is a reference document for the terminology that you may see me use on this blog (or that you may see in the comments on the Katmai Bear Cams). I am not an expert, I am just an enthusiastic hobbyist. The purpose of this post is to help people understand the terms I will be using -- nothing more, nothing less. Please let me know if I'm wrong about any of these, or if there's others i should add!
Some of these terms are Katmai Bear Cam specific, but the vast majority of them are general Brown Bear terminology. I've broken it into sections by theme to make it easier to read. If something could go in two different categories, I picked the one that felt the most relevant.
The categories, in order, are: Life Stages, Dominance, Feeding, Salmon, and Misc.
Life Stages
Dependent: a term to describe bears that are relying on another bear for food, protection, and other basic needs.
Independent: a term for bears that do not rely on another bear for their basic needs.
Cub: a bear who is currently dependent on another bear (generally their mother) for basic needs, regardless of age.
COY / Cub(s) Of the Year: a cub that was born this year.
Spring Cub: see COY above.
Yearling: a cub who was born last year.
Emancipation: the process by which a mother and her cub(s) separate from each other, often when the cub is between 2.5 and 4.5 years old. Generally, this process is driven by the mother's estrus cycle.
Estrus: the period of about 2-3 weeks where a sow is able to mate. It also causes the sow to emancipate her current cubs, if she has any.
Subadult: a bear who is independent, but has not yet reached sexual maturity. the term "independent subadult" is also sometimes used.
Sow: a sexually mature female bear.
Boar: a sexually mature male bear.
Top Boar: the boar who is currently 'in charge' of the local hierarchy.
Charge: a general term for when a bear runs at something they perceive as a threat; can be an aggressive charge or a bluff charge.
Aggressive Charge: when a bear charges and intends to fight. They will have their head down and their ears back, and they will sprint directly towards their target.
Bluff Charge/Hop Charge: when a bear charges and intends to scare or intimidate rather than attack. They will run toward their target in large leaps and either veer off to the side at the last second or stop short.
High Grading: when a bear eats only the most calorie-rich portions of salmon -- the head, the skin, and the eggs if the salmon has them -- and then discards the rest of the fish.
Scraps: pieces of food that the bears leave on the ground or in the river. The term applies to both the parts that are discarded when high grading and the pieces that come off naturally while feeding in general.
Pirating: when one bear takes food, generally scraps, from another bear who is currently present. Note -- does not apply to cubs taking food from their mothers or siblings.
Run: the annual event where salmon return to the rivers they spawned in to breed. All salmon species present in Brooks River die after spawning.
Staging: when the salmon wait in larger bodies of water such as lakes or large rivers for more favorable conditions before heading upstream to their spawning location.
Jumpers: a term used on the bear cam chat for salmon that are attempting to jump over Brook's Falls.
Popcorning: a term used on the bear cam chat for when the frequency of salmon jumping at Brooks Falls is approximately equal to the frequency of popcorn popping while it cooks.
Bitey Face: a term used on the bear cam chat for play fighting.
Treeing/treed: when a bear, generally a cub, climbs a tree for their own safety, often at the instruction of their mother.
Alice: a name used on the bear cam chat for any given seagull, which becomes pluralized when referring to a group, for example, "a flock of Alices".
Grazered: a verb used on the bear cam chat when a sow (most often 128 Grazer) attacks another bear, especially while protecting cubs.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
A fascinating and underrated part of Eleanor's characterization is how she uses her circumstances in life as an excuse for her actions (like bringing up her parents' divorce in the first cycle during dinner with "Real Eleanor") except she also undermines those circumstances and her own suffering.
The real things she went through? Her actual feelings about them? Those are things that she actively avoids ever talking about, even when she's trying to garner sympathy in any way she can. Her parents' divorce is fair game, but she never hints at how she was emancipated and completely legally independent at 14 beyond just mentioning having to get a job because that actually gives a real idea of what kind of person she is and how her life has shaped her.
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Source: Pictures from Pinterest. Harley Quinn from Harleen by Stjepan Sejic, Poison Ivy from Poison Ivy: The Virtuous Cycle by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, and Arif Prianto. Photoshopped by yours truly.
One of my favorite artists that I feel touches on Harlivy is Taylor Swift.
"I Can Do It With a Broken Heart" makes me think of Harley post Joker. This song could have been on the soundtrack of Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn.
Before she was the Clown Princess of Crime on her own terms, before she was even Harley Quinn, Dr. Quinzel was expected to uphold her professionalism and do as her department (of old white men) wanted rather than what she trained for and her aim to understand the criminally insane.
With Joker she was expected to obey no matter the cost to her safety or mental health. She was his sidekick and punching bag. Classic relationship between a White Faced and Auguste Clown.
"Lights, camera, bitch, smile,
Even when you want to die,
He said he'd love me all his life,
But that life was too short,
Breaking down, I hit the floor,
All the pieces of me shattered,
As the crowd was chanting "More!"
I was grinning like I'm winning,
I was hitting my marks,
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart."
When Harley drives the gas truck into the chemical plant "We're Never Getting Back Together Again" would fit brilliantly. Just saying.
"Mad Woman" is another great song. In the pre-chorus to chorus she sings:
"Everytime you call me crazy,
I get more crazy,
What about that?
And when you say I seem angry,
I get more angry,
And there's nothing like a mad woman."
Harley becomes the "Mad Woman" when people refer to her as Joker's sidekick or will never be able to escape his shadow. Ivy turns into a "Mad Woman" everytime someone does a purposefully harmful act to the planet. They both turn into a "Mad Woman" when someone threatens or hurts the other.
The meaning behind the song, at least for me, touches on the quote, "Nature isn't cruel. It's just efficient," especially the first verse:
"What do you think I'd say to that?
does a scorpion sting when fighting back?
They strike to kill,
And you know I will,
You know I will".
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Source: Pinterest. Reputation Era Taylor Swift.
In conclusion, this line from Imgonnagetyouback is reminiscent of Poison Ivy:
"Pick your poison,
I'm poison either way."
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elisabethbabarci · 29 days
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May my affirmations heal, awaken, and restore your soul within. You have the power to evoke forgiveness in every aspect of your existence. Give yourself the precious sacred gift of inner peace throughout your life.
My natural state is that of peace.
I choose to reclaim my inner peace, sovereignty, and power as I accept with patience, understanding, and wisdom that life is uncertain and I must embrace change.
With intention I liberate and emancipate myself from my experiences, processes, circumstances, and situations that are beyond my control.
With compassion and awareness I evoke self care and self love during my recovery.
With self respect, dignity, and honour I remind myself that I am not the body, I am consciousness.
I am progress in motion, and I choose to not foster a destructive environment where I maintain the rhetoric or belief to keep the pain alive within, as I acknowledge doing so, is regressive and harmful to my soul.
With each passing day, I learn to embrace self forgiveness by loving myself, as my experiences do not define me.
Breaking generational cycles, beliefs, patterns, and attitudes enables me to dissipate residual anger as my past circumstances or experiences do not have power over me.
As I seek inner peace, I enable self compassion, self love, self care, and self respect for myself and others.
I acknowledge and accept that I am processing my internal and external emotions of feeling intentionally wronged, harmed, hurt, or being a victim of endured suffering. I allow myself to heal and emancipate now.
I am more than my experiences as I am experiencing symptoms of a much greater root that is healing internally with every passing moment.
I recognize that I am safe and within a loving environment to make an intentional decision to release resentment, regret, anger, and negative emotions that may have consumed me at one period of time however, I have extracted the lesson to move forward with enlightened wisdom and strength.
I accept the process of life, and I embrace my natural transformation through catharsis and metamorphosis.
I accept my new awakening that I am liberated from behaviours, perceptions, patterns, cycles, feelings and emotions that are not aligned with my path.
I rise with every opportunity to become a stronger version of myself as I emancipate from stagnated perceptions and constructs that misalign with my moral and ethical principles.
Accepting loss does not constitute weakness or defeat, for it resurrects within me my inner power, to choose what I partake in.
I acknowledge the inner pain, as it enables me to evoke self reflection and deeper examination of core roots that I need to heal within. I am safe.
Practicing empathy enables me to consciously analyze a situation and reflect on my actions, thoughts, words, behaviours, and the impact it has on others.
The process of forgiveness enables liberation from stagnation and disturbance to establish inner equilibrium and tranquility.
Coexisting in perfect harmony enables compassion for others, respect, love, and community as we are all one, complete and whole. By seeing through anothers eyes enables me to gain deeper insight into the realm of higher conscious state of awareness.
Forgiveness then allows me to return to my natural state of peace. Securing a state of inner peace within myself enables and fosters forgiveness. I acknowledge and accept that both concepts are interconnected and promote divinity within.
There is universal power in compassion and love for another, which enhances the moral principle of interconnectivity, honour, integrity, respect, and virtue.
Forgiveness enables me to see beyond my fears, and to lead with love in every aspect of my existence.
Forgiveness is an inherent human right which is an essential element of benevolence.
Forgiveness is within my moral fabric of self, as I seek justice not revenge.
Embracing vigilance and prudence offers the ability to remain ethical in all pursuits, while governing my actions with fair impartiality and reason. 
With diligence, I observe and respect others perspectives as it enables me to become impartial during my recovery. 
Consideration of others feelings, thoughts, experiences, and trajectories enables myself to step outside of my comfort zone to observe the matter through another dimension. 
With care, perseverance, and motivation, I seek solutions which enables empathy, resolutions, and solutions. 
Self reflection fosters an internal dialogue with myself to observe and evaluate my actions critically, to foster and implement improvements of my behaviour, to enhance peace in all aspects of my life. 
As I encompass forgiveness, it liberates my soul within, from the confines of the illusion of control and fear. 
Forgiveness enables me the intentional decision to release resentment, residual anger, sadness and grief, and regret. 
I release residual energy that is holding me back. I am free to embark on my journey with ease, hope, and grace. 
I give permission to be gentle with myself through my recovery process. 
I forgive myself with patience, I forgive myself with time, I forgive myself with love, I forgive myself with acceptance, I forgive myself with care, I forgive myself with self support, I forgive myself with self compassion, I forgive myself with self love, I forgive myself with self empathy, I forgive myself with self respect, I forgive myself with understanding, I forgive myself with peace, I forgive myself with inner truth, I forgive myself now.
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patchwork-crow-writes · 7 months
I think Deltarune has done something rather clever in its creation of the Darkners, especially when you compare them to the Monsters in Undertale.
You can draw up a lot of similarites between the two groups - both are found in dark "underworld" type locations, both are presented primarily as antagonists that can be won over by ACTing, with additional nuances becoming revealed as you progress through the respective games... and both are trapped within systems that marginalise, demonise and/or otherwise exploit them.
Thing is, in Undertale, there's no real obstacle to seeing the monsters as fundamentally the same as humans, albeit with more interesting body shapes/features and a few other distinctions. All they want is to be free from their prison, and provided you are nice to them, they are willing and able to co-exist with humanity on the surface. What's more, this can easily be achieved: once you dispel the barrier, all the monsters join humanity on the surface and everyone is happy (...mostly).
But you cannot really emancipate darkners in the same way, for three reasons.
The first is practical - darkners who are brought into the light world revert back to inanimate objects. Short of all lightners going off to live in dark worlds, there can't be true parity between the two peoples, unless some method of allowing darkners to manifest in the light were found.
...which leads into the second reason: even IF all the lightners in the world were willing to do that, the world will (supposedly) end if the balance between light and dark is disrupted. What "balance" means exactly isn't 100% clear, but I think it's fairly safe to assume that said balance involves keeping the status quo - darkners serving lightners as inanimate objects, before being disposed of when their purpose is fulfilled. I don't know if anyone is going to risk bringing about armageddon on the off-chance that Ralsei is wrong.
But let's say that you were somehow able to circumvent these problems - darkners can come to the light world, and it won't cause rocks to fall on everyone. Then you run into the most problematic reason darkners can't truly be free in the way we understand it; unlike monsters before them, darkners are not just lightners with a different coat of paint on them. Based on the fact that they are literal objects given life, they have developed their own societies, their own beliefs about the world, their own instincts and desires that are intrinsic to them. Whether through some false-consciousness, or a genuine desire to serve their purpose, darkners at large seem entirely happy with the way things are, and have been for a long time.
Oh, but you can just convince them through dialogue and ACTing, like the monsters! They'll surely come around if we explain it to them! Yes, they will... and that is exactly the problem. They're not won over to our cause by logic or persuasion; they're agreeing with us because we're lightners, and they're doing what we tell them to... which is the way it's always been. They have to want to decide to be free for themselves, which isn't likely to happen anytime soon. (and no, King doesn't count, because he was inspired to rebel against the lightners BY A LIGHTNER.)
It's for these reasons that I think people expecting Deltarune to end in a similar way to Undertale - with everyone living together in peace and harmony - are going to wind up disappointed. Unless some new information comes to light, or some unsatisfying contrivance is pulled off, lightners and darkners are both destined and doomed to remain in the cycle that has defined them for aeons.
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lastwave · 9 months
my masky agenda. gets out my cork board and red string. please keep in miiiind this is going with the reading that tim and masky are a system
so. imagine this. you have bad memory. you have bad memory and you're not like other children and you see things that people tell you aren't there. you live with your mom and your mom is not kind. you have an imaginary friend. he is nice to you and he gets you. he talks for you when you cant. you talk to him in your head. there is a thing outside and it is not like the other things you see and it makes you sick. your mother just looks sadder when you try to tell her. the doctors don't say they don't believe you, but you can see it on their face.
and then you leave home for a while. you're at a psych ward and they leave you and your friend locked in a room alone longer than any child should be because they don't know how to help you. theyre upset because you stopped being able to talk a week ago and you don't remember why. you don't know when it clicks but you realize they have never called you your name. these hands are not your own. *you* are the imaginary friend here, not the other one. what are you, really? is it your fault he's here? he has friends, but do you?
the thing starts showing up in your room. making you both worse. the other can't handle it so you have to. you have to. ...sometimes it shows you the outside world. bloody and horrible and wooded but it isnt these stupid white walls it isnt these people who make no effort for you or your friend. your brother?
you go home again. you're not sure why. this process repeats itself time and time again. perhaps the thing can be deciphered? it isn't you, and it isn't your brother, you know that much. the meds make it easier to withstand. but not in the way it makes hallucinations easier. when did you learn the other things were hallucinations, again?
you come to the conclusion that it has the power to end this cycle. it wants something in exchange. there's no way to know what. a faustian wheel of fortune. you don't remember how the ward burned down, really. you barely remember the emancipation process, either.
and then things are okay for a while. they aren't great, but you and your brother are safe from your mom. doctors. the thing in the woods. your brother makes friends and you watch. sometimes you interact with them. always under the pretense that you are your brother, though. you can't break the illusion that this is one person.
you lose some time. more than usual. a few years, maybe? your brother's grown sideburns, gotten a house. your brother's friend is sick. sick like you were. the other is angry like a mad dog, you're not sure why.
you hang out with the sick friend. after a certain point he's mad at your brother, you by extension. he talks to the thing. a lot. maybe as much as you used to. maybe more. he's getting worse and you don't know how to help him and its started paying attention to you again too. your brother is alone again. he won't tell you why. his friend is not his friend anymore but yours. he doesn't feel like a friend but have you had a normal friend before?
he shows you a video of someone trying to dig through the mad dog's descent. he's also infected with it. so is the person digging. your friend tells him he's gonna mess with the person by leading them to his old house.
your friend is going to infect more people. your friend has reinfected you.
you hang out at the old house waiting for the person. you'll scare them off. people won't mess with something after there's a bodily threat towards them, right? you've always been a fighter. you think a doctor hit you. or was it your mom? you brother got into a lot of fights.
it doesn't scare them off. you keep trying to scare them, it keeps not working.
maybe your friend is right about their approach, you know? god is real and it can hear you screaming. can you scream loud enough?
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mesetacadre · 8 days
How do you avoid becoming a doomer with politics? I want to be more politically active but the current political climate makes me feel depressed.
talked more about this here but essentially, nothing is static. Conditions change all the time, the quantity of organized people can fall and rise (with parallel but not necessarily 1:1 development of quality). What today seems like an impassable wall, tomorrow (not literally tomorrow) will more and more began to be seen as a necessary step for an improvement to happen. The fact that there exists a scientific method of analysis of history and capitalism also acts as an accelerant; how much time passed between the first bourgeois state and the first formulation of scientific communism, 50 years? That is unprecedented in the history of modes of production, and it only took another 50-60 years after that before the first relatively permanent instance of the next mode of production.
The way I see this, inaction and pessimism feed into each other, pessimism favors inaction, and inaction reinforces pessimism, by limiting your perception because it limits personal experience. And that cycle can only be broken by first stopping that inaction, since it is possible (not always) to force yourself to act against your general feelings. And then, only by working against that inaction and finding an organization/party or general line of action that works for you, can you begin to sustain an action-optimism cycle (of course, it isn't this simple and I would not call my outlook to be optimistic, but this is the best way I can think of explaining this). This cycle is, in my experience, very fragile, and somewhat often I continue to act through periods of relative pessimism by inertia and by the continuance of the responsibilities that bind me to my party most strongly. I can keep talking about the way society and the economy evolve, but at a personal and more inmediate scale, this is the only way to avoid "doomerism", at some point you're going to have to start acting if you want to avoid it, and rethoric can help, of course, but you'll only start to internalize it once you experience becoming an active part of these mechanisms. For me, it sometimes feels like a hobby, other times like a chore, and most times like the best thing I could ever do with my life. But it's crucial that you're not only driven by blind hope. The amount of effort and time you can contribute as an individual will vary wildly, depending on your own personal circumstances, and in my experience the most common type of organized person you'll encounter is the one that can only really dedicate a few days a week or a couple of hours every few days.
There is some nuance to "you have to end your inaction" too, of course. I'm not saying to join the very first group you encounter and dedicate every minute of free time to it, but you also can't be waiting for the perfect opportunity or org to come along. I contacted my ML party on a Tuesday during a winter academic break, while I was only just beginning to stabilize out of a suicidal episode but still depressed, and while considering myself mostly an ancom (I was very lost in that regard, my beliefs were not truly emergent from any proper anarchist core, but I digress). You don't need to have read x books or need to have encyclopedic knowledge of your local movement to begin to organize yourself, and you also don't need to believe 100% in the emancipation of workers. The best time to begin is the next time you have some free time to research and begin to contact some orgs/parties, that's as best as I think I can put it. I can't assure you that it'll be straightforward, but I can assure you that you can't get out of doomerism just by thinking about it.
If it's too daunting, think about those executive dysfunction "tricks". Joining A Party can sound very big an unapproachable, but you can break it down into looking, for example, for "Communist Party of [your country]". Look at their socials, see what they do and say, maybe you find an offshoot org that looks better, or run into a completely unrelated group. Then you contact them, ask when they're doing something in your area or if they can invite you to some kind of meeting, etc. Be willing to contact them if you find a couple of drawbacks too, sometimes rumors turn into the thing everybody says about x or y org, without really reflecting reality. Have criteria, of course, if some org is talking about immigrants like they're invaders, for example, it is probably not worth your time. Everything depends on what your local scene looks like. Getting experience at a mediocre org is still better than staying at home and looking on at the state of the world like it's hopeless. this isn't a very well-structured post, I've been writing this across a few days when I can, I hope it's helpful
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