#in her first session she saved the entire party by killing 5 kobolds in one thunderwave
lystring · 1 year
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@orangenottangerineart drew my dnd character Bird!!!! I couldn't be happier omg ♥️😻 she's a tabaxi bard, a disgraced court jester, n honestly just a silly lil kittycat
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shtish · 5 years
Just do the whole 1 through 35 of the dnd asks, you know you want to
@alextblue​ said: “For the DnD ask: 1, 2, 31, 32, 33″
So you’re both getting what you want, let’s get into this thing! I’ll put it under a readmore, because holy shit will this thing get long.
1. A favorite character you have playedIf I really have to choose… I loved playing Thora Snowfoot, my 11ft tall, draft horse-based centaur. Started out as a life cleric, but in the end killed her goddess and became one herself. (Long story short, the original goddess was basically lying to part of her worshippers and also causing the world to die, so Thora and the rest of her party decided to put a stop to it, and succeeded!) Although I’ve also recently enjoyed playing Bottle-O-Wine, a grumpy Kobold who has a drinking problem and a giant rivalry with another party member. Also Margret, the escaped biological experiment (dragonborn but reflavored) and a bardlock whose idea of being smooth when teleporting into a room she shouldn’t be in is saying “I was looking for the toilet?” before teleporting out again.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has playedEmmmmm… I think Tizen would be my favorite. Also from the Thora campaign (which was called Sever btw), but he was a very edgy warlock, whose patron was Thora’s goddess in her not-lying form. We called his race Fiends, basically a fancy way of saying “satyr” (minus the horny connotations… Well technically he had horns BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
3. Your favorite side questOkay, so this wasn’t technically a side quest in the traditional sense, but it was one of the most emotional moments from the Sever campaign to me. You need to know a bit of background about Thora for this: Thora became a cleric of Epona because of her mentor Rotlaus, an elderly centaur who saved her after she pissed off a moose. The animal broke her hind leg, and if it hadn’t been for Rotlaus stepping in and scaring it off she would have died. He then introduced her to Epona, and she learned pretty much everything from him. This was all fine and dandy, until the mindflayer invasion happened, and we all needed to storm a castle to get to the next barrier. We made the mistake of storming the wrong one, and Rotlaus died a horrible death while our party was teleported to safety. But what we did not know, was that the Stillborn God (god of death) gave Rotlaus the choice to return as a revenant, and to go around the country killing people to create a mindless undead army. Thora learned about someone killing entire villages, and heard murmurs of this killer being Rotlaus. She tried to contact him through Sending, which worked, but not well enough to actually have a long conversation. So she went to him on her own, to understand what had happened. It was at this point she learned he was a revenant, and she could not get him to stop murdering whoever was around to create this army. She left very distressed and feeling super guilty, and Rotlaus took his army to the city of Aesengaard. Thora swore to herself that come what may, she would find the way to fix this, asking her goddess for help. Epona went “No can do, he’s the Stillborn God’s property now”, and Thora got more determined to Fix This Shit.Fast forward to a few months later, when she learns that Epona is also Shub Niggorath, who used to be a powehungry Alhun named Glyoc. Thora gets very fucked up about this because she’s spent almost all of her life serving a lie, loses most of her magical power, and has to realize that she is her own power. Goddess or no goddess, Thora is the one that protected her friends, not Epona. She undergoes a ritual with the help of her friends (fucking emotional moment as well, as they have to give their favorite memories of Thora to help her stay grounded and herself and UGH MY HEART), which ends in her ascending to fucking godhood on her own.-This is where the favorite side quest comes in. Because Thora goes back to Aesengaard. Back to the army of shadows, back to her revenant mentor, and stands before them all. And she offers them a choice. Because they were murdered where they stood, and raised again to become an army to fight an enemy without getting a chance to say no. Because Rotlaus was given a choice with strings attached that he did not fully understand. Because he would never have gone around murdering people if he had had a proper choice. Because it was not fair. She could now offer them the choice. No strings attached. If they wanted to continue and fight, they could. If they wanted to go home, they could. No conditions. No fine print. “Under whose authority?” asks her mentor.”Mine.” Thora lifts her staff, and brings it down on the ground. A wave of energy comes off of her, weaving through the crowd of silent shadows, rippling outward through the ruins of Aesengaard.Nothing stirs. Until something does. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a shimmer of color come back into the form of a shade. And slowly, flesh starts to knit together. Some figures hesitate, but then they too begin to materialize. Clothes are torn, but visible. Hair flutters in the soft breeze, and feet shuffle on the floor. She is surrounded by a crowd of breathing, living people. There is no divine presence here. It’s just her, and them. An army of former shadows. Who have a choice now. And then someone collapses. And another. And another. They stop breathing and close their eyes, and simply fall to the ground. Her heart stops in her chest as she looks at what is happening around her. Has she done something wrong? Is Shub behind this? Did she make a mistake?And then she looks at their faces. They are peaceful. And as Rotlaus sinks to the ground, he looks up and smiles at her. His old smile. The one she hasn’t seen in a long time.”Thank you…”-Thora Snowfoot lifts her staff and brings it down on the ground again, harder. The earth begins to rumble as the buildings of the abandoned city begin to collapse into fissures that pull apart all around her. The bodies fall too. A perfect 200 foot circle of rubble forms around her, finally bringing the dead to rest. She lifts her head, smiles, and sends a message to her home.There is peace in Aesengaard.
4. Your current campaignThe newest one we’re playing and planning on keeping going long term is called Four Color Engine, but we’re also playing one called Happy Trails (which is underwater, pirate-ish, and definitely dark in many places). Another friend of mine is also running one placed in the MtG universe, which is also great fun.
5. Favorite NPCI think that spot goes to Tezzeret in the Kaladesh campaign (the MtG one). In that campaign, we had a joke session where we would NOT deal with the boss, due to some of our players being out. So the rest of us decided we’d use magic to pretend to send him a letter from Tezzeret’s future self, so he would allow our super powerful allies to join us in a dinner at his place. He gets the letter, kiiind of believes it due to our swashbuckler’s mad forgery skills, and casts commune with planes… And promptly loses his entire memory because the spell misfires. We took him in, then some random vampire ripped his arm off, and my first character gets to the scene first and frantically tries to stop the bleeding. Later that evening, she brings him a cup of tea and they have a long talk about how you can change for the better, even if you have done terrible things. This later turned into her becoming his secretary, them fleeing from the cops, and eventually settling in a cottage with goats on another plane… Only to promptly get targeted by an assassin and having to find Tezzeret new legs due to assassin-removal. /The shenanigans of Suki and Tezzeret caused him to shift from evil to neutral, and I really love that development. He’s great in our campaign.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc)The best death was Shub Niggorath’s (lying goddess from Sever). Bitch cast invulnerability on herself when she was almost down, but Thora ripped it away with a dispel magic. AND THEN WE MURDERED HER WITH THE HELP OF THE COMPUTER PROGRAM RUNNING THE WORLD!!! Very satisfying to finally murder that one and save the entire world to boot.
7. Your favorite downtime activityGetting to know my party members and the NPCs around us is definitely my favorite thing to do. ^^
8. Your favorite fight/encounterHmmmmm… We had a very funny one with a wizard called Tavorlin the Passable, who was a fan of our party and gave us all nicknames. That was a fun one. I also really like ones where I can work around the encounter and turn it into not-a-fight. The one with the monster that Giggle and Bubbles had would qualify as well. We chose to talk to it instead, and Giggle even wrestled it for fun.
9. Your favorite thing about D&DI think my all time favorite thing is exploring the relationships between characters, and seeing them grow and overcome obstacles.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the mostMy most hated enemy… Anything that can kill me or my party with no save. My favorite ones would probably be the ones that I don’t need to kill to win.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?Depends on the campaign. We’ve got one currently going once every week, and a bunch of others that happen whenever there is time. I’d love to play twice a week though, or even more often, but alas. University is a thing.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came fromThere’s a bunch of them, but the one that was written on my door due to poor timing is the following:Tezzeret: -struggles to put coat on due to having lost an arm-Suki: “Do you need a hand- I mean help?” There’s also the “[X] happens. “Tizen squints”My friend who plays Tizen tends to squint suspiciously a lot. So now when someone squints at something that happens, we say “Tizen stop possessing them”.
13. Introduce your current partyLet’s introduce the Happy Trails one, since that’s what I’m playing every week!1. Jack. The Pirate captain of the ship we all sail on. 16 years old, somehow the owner of a ship, dumbass who finds everything cool and does not take the responsibility as captain very seriously. He’s damn good at stabbing shit though, and tends to find everything his crew does just fine. Very chaotic neutral.2. N’chastacha Atsee (me). A piebald Yuan Ti Fighter/Pugilist, who takes pride in her position as Quartermaster. Speaks with long “s”, uses the rigging to grapple and throw her enemies overboard, and defends the NPC crew fiercely (although she might hang people from the rigging for a night if they offend her, so it’s best to tread cautiously). Probably one of the more responsible people on the ship, and does not seem to have a whole bunch of humor. Used to date a princess, but only learned about her ex’s identity recently. Probably lawful neutral in alignment.3. Paranoia (played by @creepygoblin). A Tiefling Rogue with tight leather pants and a very heavy French accent. Most likely to use weird ritualistic sacrifice or sell people into slavery with Jack, and has given the captain drugs and too much alcohol on multiple occasions. But hey, she’s very good at what she does. Alignment wise she’s some sort of evil, but I can’t quite remember what. 4. Theo. Our Triton Ranger, who used to be a whaler. He’s a bit racist towards Knotsmen, but otherwise one of the more stable people on the ship. He is up for adventure, as long as he does not need to leave his best mate Otto behind. Very good at shooting harpoons and setting chocolate factories on fire. No clue what his alignment is, but I think Neutral.5. Otto Kuchenheim. The ship’s cook, human Emergent/Physician, and with a very boisterous laugh that is used about every other sentence. Also the host to a weird creature that telepathically yells “REAP BREAK SOW” every time it gets out and rips our enemies apart. Which happens when Otto gets too fearful, generally. It’s a bit touch and go with him, but hey, he’s part of the crew now, and the thing hasn’t taken an arm from anyone of the crew… yet. Some sort of Neutral as well I think.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-edThat will take forever tbh… I’ll introduce the Sever one, since that is over now and probably the most fun. 1. Thora Snowfoot, Clan of Blacksock (me). Life Cleric Goddess, originally worshipping the Goddess of Life, Epona, before learning she and Shub Niggorath were the same and deciding to become her own god. Snowfoot centaur, a bit on the serious side, but fiercely loyal and protective over those she considers close. She spent most of her life with her family, but had to leave them on their treks due to a bad hind leg. This is when she got roped into trying to stop first a Mindflayer invasion, and then a Beholder invasion, and then ultimately saving the world from Shub Niggorath. She spent that time keeping the group together, making sure her friends survived the fights with her healing, and make sure to not give up on the world. It was never an option to flee and leave it to die.2. Aelin Naïlo Xylia and Fayre. Played by @alextblue. Aelin was a Hideling (homebrew race) Ranger/Druid, with Fayre the white panther as her beast companion. Aelin lost her family when she was very young to a big abberation they tried to slay, and spent most of her life around the small village of Sigrholm in Sever, borrowing books from the library and carrying out some hunting for the villagers on occasion. Arguably the most “childlike” in her enthusiasm about many things, but also the one that ended up imprisoning Cthulhu in a vault that she controls. She also managed to get her feet turned into hands over the course of the campaign. In the end, took the role of goddess of nature, and started a giantass wildlife sanctuary.3. Rin Velvetmane. Rogue Trickster Cleric Falabella-based centaur. She got kicked out of the community that she lived in under the mountains, and found her way to the surface very angry, distrustful, and only moments away from stabbing people’s kneecaps. A pro at hiding for at least 33, and later learned she used to be a mountain elemental who joined a pact to reincarnate continuously to attempt to save the world from the corruption Shub Niggorath brought to it. This also led to us discovering that Rin used to be Aelin’s mother, a plot point that we then all refused to further investigate because it was Hella Weird. Rin ended up usurping the god of death by forcing him to take on her form through evoking duplicity on him, and basically turning him into herself permanently. She still visits her parents, and actually told them (almost) all about what happened. They’re supportive of her, but she has left out that she now rules death itself.4. Tizen. The vampire goatman of Eldritch Warlock-ness. He’s part of the Fiend race (homebrew), which was cursed by Shub Niggorath to have infertile females, and males that could only mate with humans. The race is bound to her so tightly, that there is an entire organization of warlocks that have her as their patron, called the Favored. Tizen is part of this group, however unwillingly, and is highly suspicious of many things. He is sarcastic, a touch arrogant, but also came to care for the world throughout the whole “saving it” business. When Thora died, he chose to take curses upon himself to save her, and had to be turned into a vampire in order to not lose his mind and become a monster. In the end, he killed the creature who had ruined the lives of many Fiends, took her realm for his own, and became the shadow ruler of the city of Kvidbelgr. What kind of a god he is is unknown, though we all refer to him as the god of sass.
15. Do you have snacks during game times? Fuck yeah, snacks are the best. We have all kinds, although we do try to make sure there are low-sugar options since one of us has to watch that. Hummus and carrots are usually there, along with chips and chocolate.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?In person all the way. Although since we all go to an international university, and some have graduated/dropped out, and the rest is graduating in a few weeks, it’s highly likely we’ll have to move to online. But in person is the best, there are so many ques that you miss when you play online. I have a character called Ink-And-Blade and he communicates through message and not much else. We have a list of the words he spoke out loud. It’s 22 over 3 multiple hour sessions. Ink is impossible to translate satisfactory to online, because so much of his communication is non-verbal.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?Ummmm… The rule of cool is one we employ every now and then. I don’t think we have strict ones, we tend to go with the very Barbossa attitude of “The PB and DMG are more like guidelines anyway”, plus our DM is always homebrewing things and changing the rules around. So I suppose our house rule is that if you can justify it, you can try.
18. Does your party keep any pets?Hmm… Familiars I guess. And we recently picked up a Cambriman who doesn’t really do too much. He’s kinda sentient, but not the brightest. He keeps calling everyone his “prisoner”, even though he’s tiny and made of soft flubbery goop. He’s cute.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?Oh hell yes. Some of us are worse then others, but I’ve had dice roll consistently below 10 and switched over for the session. A friend of mine has a dice jail that she puts bad rollers into (for the duration of a session). We all tend to switch dice around if they keep rolling low.
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?I wanted to play DnD for a long time, but I did not have the right people around me so my first exposure to it was through podcasts. The first one was something called TableTop RPG, though I can’t currently find it. After that I got roped into actual DnD at my university, about 2.5 years ago, when the gaming society held an introductory event. I played for a bit with a very old school DM in 3.5, which was hard and confusing, and then fell into Sever with my friends, which was a 5e game. So I’ve been playing for 2.5 years, and I will not stop any time soon.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?Oof… Well, yes, I very much regret taking the luck feat after I forced a boss to reroll a nat 20, which rolled up as another nat 20, and then attempted to reroll a nat 1, which came up as ANOTHER nat 1. I regretted that a lot. Other than that… Hmmm… In character, I think Margret really regrets teleporting into a dragon’s room. OH, WAITSo Bottle-O-Wine the kobold was very angry at a party member, and threw him into the harbor. Then, as he was running away, he accidentally set the crowd on the rest of the party. He didn’t realize the crowd became a mob of racists who wanted to murder them all. The party got away luckily, and Bottle has since apologized. For the first time in his life. So yeah, that was regrettable, if very fun for us all OoC.
22. What color was your first dragon?I think the first ones I ever had to deal with were two green and red hatchlings, who were playing with coins. My character spoke draconic at the time, so it did not end in bloodshed but instead with me polishing the coins and being led to their parents, who were metallic dragons. Because adoption.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns? I mean, most of what I’ve played has been homebrew, although I am attempting to run the Tomb of Annihilation, and we played a bit of Curse of Strahd. But I think I love homebrew the most.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?Depends. I do think out my character’s backstory and develop it further between sessions, but sometimes I do small RPs with my DM pre-session to get a feel for my character a bit more.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?My players decided to go shopping when I had not prepared any type of store due to it being a small oneshot. They then decided to try and steal a dress, which the shopkeep nat20 noticed, the tried to flirt her way out of it only to learn the shopkeep was a gay elf who had the hots for the dragonborn fighter. They got the dress by paying him “in natura” with the Dragonborn taking his shirt off and playing a little tune on his lute. He got pulled into the backroom and had a lovely few hours, came out with a sparkly costume, and it had the table in stitches. Me included.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your charactersI haven’t written that many scenes myself yet, but I had great fun portraying an Eyewitness who had been locked up for 100 years, and who just couldn’t wait to get out. She was slightly… well, she talked to floating lights and really really REALLY wanted to go see the world. She made a deal with the adventurers that if they could wait a day, she would let them take the treasure she was watching over for free, since her contract would be over at that point. I pretended my hands were eyestalks for that one and portrayed her body with my head. That was a good time.Another good one was when I had Gnoll NPCs who attacked the party with wild laughter, acting out the motions while screeching at the top of my lungs was fun. Freaked my table out pretty well too. :P
27. Do you allow homebrew content?Hell yeah, I love homebrew. I try to keep it balanced though, but I am all for coming up with your own stuff.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?Not that often? I started it up in the ToA, but I haven’t gotten to actively use the guide yet.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions? RP heavy sessions definitely. Combat can be fun to run, but I much prefer atmosphere over crunching numbers. Although describing finishing moves is really good.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?Most of mine are diplomatic, I think the closest I got to a murder hobo was the flirting bard who tried to undress everyone. So actually, all of them prefer not to fight.
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?I honestly loooooove the beast races. All of them. Class-wise I love me a caster, although monks are also good. I haven’t played every single class yet, so I’m still seeing whether there is one I truly dislike.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)Healer. But tank is also fun.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?I write backstories for every character I’ve got. How they come about varies, sometimes it’s the idea that comes first and then build a character around it, and sometimes it’s “I want to play this” and I continue from there. I generally come up with it myself, but I have rolled up a backstory with Xanathar’s guide as well. The importance of the backstory depends on what kind of campaign I’m playing though. One of my DMs is really fucking good at making backstory matter in-game, whereas others I’ve played with didn’t work it in that well.
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?A mix of both. Margret used to chase a thief around, so her pre-party spells are very much useful for this purpose, but fit in with her backstory as well. Thora has all her spells, but she picked whatever was most useful for the situations they were going to be in.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?ALL. OF. IT.
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100 Dungeons & Dragons Campaign/Session Ideas
While I have always been fond of RPGs, my first encounter with tabletops was Dungeons & Dragons. The iconic platform was created in 1974 and has served as one of the greatest contributions to the gaming world. While there are many great systems out there in tabletop format (Mutants & Masterminds, Shadowrun, Vampire: The Masquerade), none of them would have been possible if D&D had not paved the trail first. Of course, the pioneer of the tabletop RPG world can be intimidating to try out. The technical aspects can be difficult to navigate, it’s the most enduring tabletop, and you may be wondering what you can make that hasn’t been done already. However, one of the best parts of this system is that if you have ever dreamed of going on an epic adventure, being the hero of a magical world, or wanted to battle the forces of evil with friends, this system gives you the freedom to do all of this and more. It’s for this reason that I have made a list of campaign or session ideas I’ve either field tested or always wanted to try out. Enjoy!
1) Slaves are rounding up captives on every continent. Some believe it’s to diversify the types of slaves sold, but it’s really a plot to find the legendary Gatekeepers. There is said to be one from each race and the Slavers won’t stop until all of them are captured 2) A Holy War has broken out between two rival Gods. While both sides go to war with promises of salvation, there’s something much more sinister lurking under the surface 3) In an attempt to save his wife, a young Necromancer gets a ritual wrong at the Tomb of Uther, and has instead summoned hoards of the undead. They are rampaging all across the continent, and only you can stop them. 4) The Queen has been assassinated and the king has hired you to find out who among her many enemies carried out the contract on her life. 5) A Thief Guild has taken a step out of wanton crime and into overthrowing governments. You must either assist these anarchists in their goals, or join the nobility and try to stop them 6) The party encounters a coliseum, and they are offered a chance at profit if they win. But there are sinister elements at play in this world where murder is a sport. 7) A terrible Plague has swept its way across the kingdom, but the source is most unnatural 8) You are tasked with storming an ancient crypt riddled with traps in order to collect parts of a map. However, the map leads to a multitude of new locations, each with a miraculous treasure and a harrowing obstacle 9) A local Barbarian Tribe has kidnapped a noble’s son. You have been hired to bring him or his body back. Only it seems that the Barbarians have accepted the young lad into their ranks by the time you arrive. 10) The party is tasked with finding a legendary creature in a safari. However, the Goddess of Nature deems this the last straw and wages a war on the civilized world. 11) A city ahs lost its inhabitants overnight, and it seems that otherworldly forces are at play 12) The party must retrieve an artifact from an ancient bandit tribe. But when they make contact, they learn that the bandits have a terrible secret. One that grants them immortality and makes them a danger to the entire world. 13) A massive portal has been ripped in the center of the kingdom, and the royalty has tasked you with discovering how and why this has happened 14) A demented Gorgon has been harvesting people and animals for her “Garden of the Dead.” You must find a way to rescue them all and not become a new addition to her collection 15) You encounter a graveyard, yet the rumors of a Necromancer being at large are debunked by the presence of moving statues that are gifted with great combat finesse 16) An ancient Lich has waged war against the Elfish Kingdom. Yet the reasons are more personal in nature 17) A series of enchanted objects have appeared, and it’s up to the party to collect them all and return them to the Tower of Secrets before they fall into the wrong hands 18) An ancient race of Giants invaded the kingdoms after they were believed to be long dead. After they were defeated, it’s revealed that they’re not the only ancient race that has resurfaced 19) A dark figure arrives at a hanging ordained by the nobility. He claims that this corrupt system is going to be replaced with a new one. One that is even more terrible and awe inspiring 20) A series of dark crystals are found in your world. What’s more is that touching one gives you access to a shadowy reflection of your world, and it’s filled with a wilderness of horrors 21) An ancient artifact is revealed to have belonged to one of the Bard Kings. It soon goes missing and it’s up to the party to find it and return it to the proper heir 22) A Ranger arrives at a tavern, and he is full of life and charismatic. Only when he takes his first sip of ale, he is found he is found dead some time later. The catch? The ale isn’t poisoned 23) A series of Ogres charge through the countryside and are casting spells with greater finesse than trained wizards. What’s most troubling is that Ogres shouldn’t be able to use magic. 24) A God has issued a contest to the mortal kingdoms. He has dropped a blessed object on Earth and encourages all of them to fight in order to obtain it 25) The most oppressive of the Kingdoms has outfitted their armies with incredible weapons. They have the ability to cut through the hardest armor and its available to each of them. There can only be one explanation, one of the legendary blacksmiths has been enslaved! 26) Despite centuries of transgressions and unprovoked wars, the Orcs are attempting to come to peace terms with the other nations. Is it an honest attempt at peace, or some kind of trick? 27) The forest has been producing a series of insidious and bloodthirsty creatures. Local mages claim there’s only one explanation, the arcane center of the forest has become corrupted 28) There is an “Arcane Olympics” taking place at the capital 29) A series of “crimson cuts” have formed in the sky, and they are spilling monsters onto your world that are unnatural and extremely intelligent 30) You must clear the name of one of your party members, who has been framed for a crime. This is likely the doing of your party member’s rival, a noble who has lusted after your friend’s bride/husband for years 31) The God of Death ahs discovered a way to turn the souls of the departed into fuel for a ritual that will change the course of history 32) Monsters have been ravaging the wilderness, but it turns out that they are children that were contorted into these awful shapes. They are simply trying to communicate or defend themselves from hostile people. It’s up to you to either rescue and reform them, or to put them out of their misery 33) The Dwarf Kingdom has shut its borders. Yet the Council of 40 Clans protests against this. Perhaps the conflict lies with the King himself. 34) The Elves are suffering severe persecution and are being hunted within their own nation’s borders. You must decide whether to aid the hunters, or to resist and keep the Elves safe 35) A group of mercenaries claim they have a mission vital the safeguarding of the kingdom they need you to deliver a message to them and persuade them to help. Is it a scheme by the mercenaries, the negligence of the nobles, or something else entirely? 36) A massive lake that was once the center of the Halfling way of life has now been frozen in the middle of summer. It’s up to you to return the lake to its original glory 37) The entire party is turned into animals and they must find a way to return to their original humanoid forms 38) You happen upon a village an find that it’s teeming with beauty, peace, and pleasure. But upon realizing that it’s too perfect, it’s actually a village of murderers and manipulators. 39) The animals are suddenly attacking a local village. But what could anger them so intensely? The village doesn’t even hunt. 40) After a strange cosmological event, thirteen new islands have surfaced in a sea that was entirely deep water. You have been tasked with investigating each new island and reporting what you find 41) You happen upon a seaside church where many sailors have been taken in for injuries. What’s more is that the monks refuse to let you bathe in the water. They claim that something terrible lurks beneath the waves 42) The party is knocked unconscious and awakens in a village at the peak of the trees, all resting on chutes of bamboo and in the company of Monkeyfolk 43) You enter a town where there are no children. The mayor gets the party in a room alone and reveals that twisted alchemists are stealing all of the children to unlock the secret of immorality 44) You encounter a tribe of Gnomes that have turned their mountain village into a mobile mountain. It’s a marvel of engineering that could either bring the Gnomes from the brink of destruction from the last war, or it could make them the initiators of a new war 45) A Vampiric group known as the Red Fang is acting in opposition to local Clerics. They claim that it’s wrong to have the public live short life in fear when there’s another life waiting where they can be free and do as they please. The chief one of these new rights being the right to kill in order to feed 46) A family of four nature spirits has been separated so that corrupt mages can exploit their arcane potential 47) A witch that lives in a hollow Elder Tree promises knowledge in exchange for services. Simple as it seems on the surface, she is masking truly vicious intentions 48) A war is about to break out between Bandit Clans because the “perfect heist” was foiled 49) A family of Kobolds occupies a nearby mine. The nobility insists that these Kobolds are vicious and untrustworthy. But the Kobolds have a different story. They are looking to start anew 50) A series of murders are being committed inside the city walls that mirror the methods of a killer that was publically executed a week ago 51) The Council of Wizards and the Circle of Druids are in opposition. A marriage from one member of both parties has driven both of them off the deep end 52) Mysterious runes form at the front of a town hall’s door and reveal a riddle 53) A n ancient witch is trying to bind three royal sisters in an attempt to absorb them in a spell to give her Life, Form, and Magic. She will then return from the grave with all the power to exact revenge on the people that wronged her in life 54) The combination of magic and industry has created a massive rift where the laws of nature have no meaning 55) After years of researching, you discover a tree that has the ability to turn you into any race. Some believe it can turn you into a God, while others will not consume it because it can turn you into a Demon 56) You encounter a group of merchants that deal in items of emotional value rather than monetary value 57) You have been tasked with recovering artifacts that contain six of the most ancient Gods that scriptures of any religion can record. Some are benevolent and cooperative while others are hostile and manipulative 58) You must find a way to break out of a prison that is run by your sworn enemies 59) You must rescue a young warrior who is trapped in a mysterious forest. What’s more is that you must defeat a Demonic Insect Queen before getting this warrior free 60) A noble family has been thriving off of the exploitation of minorities in their jurisdiction. It’s up to you to find a way to take this family down in the name of justice 61) A council of mages has designs on becoming the most powerful group on earth. They have numerous arcane plots afoot that will shake the world as you know it to the core. You must find each member and defeat them before their plans can be completed 62) In a botched attempt to claim vengeance on a Dread Pirate, you must enter his service in order to survive on the high seas 63) A horrific creature has been attacking the Mead Hall every full moon. It seems entirely immune to weapons, both conventional and enchanted 64) You encounter clues that the legend of a city in the clouds is true. You must reach the city before the Human Nation does, as they want to use the weapons it holds for world domination 65) An ex-thief has teamed up with the nobility. In exchange for taking down Thief Guilds, his children are guaranteed a future 66) As a Beast Hunter, you must collect the five Grand Trophies, Razorfish, Manitcore, Kopru, Thraal, and Necronaut 67) Lovecraftian priests from another realm have invaded the physical plain, possessed humans, and are now manipulating the most powerful people on earth. They hope to bend the entire world to their will before the year is out 68) Magic has entered a state of flux. Mages of the world have come to the conclusion that the only way to return it to normally is by reaching the Fountain of Divination. 69) People have gone missing in the Forest of Dark Dreams. You go there and discover that an infestation of intelligent spiders have been keeping people a live and feeding off of them piece by piece 70) Nine of the most gifted warriors to ever assemble are forced into exile after the last way. Yet with them gone, crimes and wars have gone up in all of the kingdoms. It’s up to you to find each of them and to return the world to normal 71) An inventor is crafting items that are far ahead of your time (pistols, rudimentary tanks, primitive flying machines, etc) 72) As you travel with a group of Bards, trouble is following them like ticks on a dog. Yet it’s not simple bar fights or pranks amongst themselves. Assassins are trying to reach them wherever they go, and everyone from thrones to gutters is after them. But why? 73) An ancient mine ahs had its workers going missing. Many believe it to be a mining accident, but you hear rumors that it could be “her.” 74) A network of smugglers and murderers has overtaken the sewers. As long as they maintain this place as their hideout, not even the Royal Guard can keep them in check. Either smoke them out, or join their ranks. 75) An ancient castle has been discovered, but the landscape has been turned into frigid cold and the entire structure has fallen onto its side. The entire castle remains intact, but you will have to crawl through this dungeon from a different perspective 76) A volcanic tribe of Dwarves has lost contact with the outside world. You investigate to find that insects have infested this tribe’s homeland. What’s more is that they seem totally immune to heat and lava 77) Your ship is caught in hurricane winds along the high seas. Your entire party falls overboard, and you awaken to find that you are in an undersea dome where a pocket of air holds a legendary kingdom that has faded out of history books and into obscurity and myth…until now 78) You encounter a temple that is at the center of a natural anomaly. The seasons are at full strength in different directions, with the temple as its center. Winter to the North, Summer to the South, Fall to the West, and Spring to the East 79) A string of island nations have been overcome with horrible water known as the Crimson Tide. All creatures that swim in it are overcome with rot and ships deteriorate when they sail in it. What’s more is that the ring of destructive water is closing in on the islands, as though it going to devour them all. You must find a way to relieve these kingdoms of this curse before a genocide occurs 80) After all of the High Kings and Queens have been poisoned at a feast, every nation is at each other’s throats. You must find who is responsible, or the world as you know it will be torn apart in an endless war 81) You are welcomed by some of the wealthiest nobility for miles around. Yet for all the rumors, their home is dark, the villagers are terrified to speak the family’s name, and they eat from empty plates and drink from empty glasses 82) Toward the end of his life, an Alchemist created an “Ultimate Dowser.” It was first regarded as junk but was used to help prevent cosmic catastrophes. Now the time for using it has come again, yet it only works in one person’s hands…yours. 83) You walk through a forest and find that the trees are bleeding and that moans form with no wind to produce them 84) A handsome man has been seen in multiple towns and cities. He courts only the most wealthy and beautiful young girls. Yet for all his promises of keeping them safe, they always end up dead. He is now hunting an Earl’s daughter, and he pleads that you protect her from this horrible man. His presence has already been confirmed near the estate 85) A Barbarian boy is left for dead when his tribe has suffered a beating. He claims that with the death of their current leader (which is now inevitable, given his age), they will surely unleash the monster they’ve been keeping hidden for so long: the Mountain Troll 86) The King has had dozens of legitimate children and even more illegitimate ones. With his dying wish, he pleads you bring his true eldest son, Alan. The boy doesn’t know that he’s the son of a king, but you must protect him from his knifing siblings or else the kingdom will be in ruins 87) A terrible drought is sapping the earth and forests of their vitality. Most don’t know what to do, but all of them suspect tha the new Archmage is involved 88) At the center of all nations lies a mountain range known as the Eye. It is one of the wildest portions of the world. Some caverns go deeper than any recorded mine, and the peak goes well beyond the clouds. It’s up to you to find out what wonders this natural marvel holds 89) A master spy has lost contact with her lover. She pleads that you find him before he is tortured into giving information up or before he’s dispatched. In exchange, she will give you the chance to live any life you want 90) A mother has lost her son to the horrible plots of a coven of Witches. In an attempt to get revenge on them, she too begins practicing sorcery and enlists your help in exacting her revenge 91) A routine exterminator job turns out to be a dungeon crawl. You enter a woman’s pantry, and you find a passage that leads to a historical marvel of a site. The rats soon grow to enormous sizes and you see the ruins of a great battlefield that extend for miles beneath the surface. It’s your job to find out what happened. 92) After losing himself to madness, Kai-Von the Swift (mightiest of the Barbarians) has issued a decree to all other tribes: surrender or see true darkness 93) Corrupt Paladins have been tricking their apprentices into delivering young sacrifices to them so they can conduct rituals to Pagan Gods. 94) A blackmailer has been harvesting the so did secrets of all nobles in the kingdom 95) A clever Countess has arranged for a ball where she can delight her guests and kill her enemies 96) You are tasked with delivering a small chest to the next kingdom, but you are forbidden from looking inside 97) An ancient grove reveals itself. You see there are several figures appear, each claiming to be a guardian spirit that was once human 98) A child is kidnapped by their uncle for ransom. But this isn’t a normal crime, the commoner child has aspirations of killing the heroes 99) The party is caught in the throes of a terrible storm, and they must find a way to escape from the pale-faced creature that chases them relentlessly through the rustling trees 100) The Grand Forest is more expansive than any sea and more dangerous than any battlefield. Yet the crown has decreed that you must investigate it. You can bring any allies or friends you wish, but when you go out there, you are both at your most free and your most vulnerable.
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