#in like 1-2 weeks where he will prob need to get his teeth pulled and another shot for his arthritis and it’s like
sanchoyo · 9 months
annoyed I’m not getting as many hours as I’d like at work bc when I started they were giving me mad overtime 😔 ik it’s probably the holidays but at this rate it’s gonna take me (materialistic) forever to get the things I want and actually need ☹️ tentatively once again considering if I’d have enough self discipline to do something like a patreon before remembering I hate putting stuff behind paywalls 😭
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pixie88 · 4 years
Baby Shower
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Chapter 7 - Together - Adam & Ellie.
A/N: This chapter is a fast forward. Rereading it seems like a filler but a fluffy filler! I’m loving my new collages!! SO PRETTY!!! I hope you like it!
Comments always welcome good or bad!
I am only tagging those who have asked to be tagged in this new series from now on as I don't want to annoying people with tags. So Let me know if you would like to be tagged and if I missed anyone sorry just let me know!
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Word count: 1885
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Fluffy fluff, NSFW & adult language.
Pairings: Adam x Ellie.
Enjoy 😘
I've been home for 4 days now, I'm bored Adam is at work he wanted to stay home but I convince him that I am fine. But now? Now I'm bored! Daytime TV is awful, I decide to go for a walk. I pop into Bridezillas, Jess looks up at me as I walk into the shop "Hey Ellie! How are you feeling?" she has the most fake smile.
"Hi, I'm feeling OK, just bored!"
"I can imagine it must be just staring at 4 walls all day. Have you heard anything about what is happening to the girl that attacked you?"
"Erm, last I heard they were charging her. Adam is dealing with updates. Has it been busy?"
I don't know if it's real or fake but she gives me an apologetic look "Psycho, hopefully she'll get what's coming to her. Today has been pretty steady actually" the shop phone rings Jess smile and answers it.
I hear the shop door open and turn to greet what I thought would be a customer to be face with his 'Why aren't you resting, look' I feel like a kid being caught with her hand in the cookie jar "Ellie, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at home with your feet up?"
I give him my best pouty sad face "I was bored, so I thought I'd go for a walk and just popped in. How did you know I was here?"
He gives me that grin, "I was walking back from the shop, we needed more tea at work and I saw you in here"
Jess interrupts "Ellie, are you OK to keep an eye out here for a minute or two? Amy is on her break and I need to check out back if a customers dress has been altered?"
I look over my shoulder at her "Yeah, that's fine" She smiles before rushing out the back to the stock room.
"Busted then! I was just so bored I was going to go stir crazy just watching TV"
His arms come around me, his cheek bushes mine as he whispers against my ear "I could've kept you company, but you told me to go back to work!"
I laugh, "Adam!!" I playfully swat him.
"Back thanks Ellie!" Jess calls from behind.
"Right, come on I'm taking you to lunch"
"Oooo, can we go to The Grill? I'm really feeling a chicken burger! Oh, and ice! Baby wants ice!"
He laughs, entwines his fingers through mine and pulls me towards the door "Bye Jess!" I call over
We get outside "I just need to pop these into the office" we walk over to his office, we get out the front then I freeze on the spot.
Adam turns to look at me, then it clicks and his face turns to concern "Ellie, beautiful! I'm sorry! You know what I'll leave these here and tell Rob there outside. Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you or Charlie! I promise! Let's get you some lunch"
After lunch Adam drops me home, I'm looking round the spare bedroom we emptied a few weeks ago. We have the paint, furniture, and furnishings. Nina and Al decided to stay another week after my incident with Laura. I give Nina a text, half an hour later, Al and Nina arrive "Ellie, let's get start on this room" Nina rushes me upstairs. She paints not letting me help and Al puts together the furniture.
I hear my phone.
*1 New Message from Hubster*
[Hey yummy mummy, I hope you're at home resting! I will grab you a couple of bags of ice on the way home! x]
[Hi my gorgeous husband, I am! I've just grabbed one of your hoodies while the heating is heating up as I'm cold. I will send a photo as proof haha! You know how to make a girl happy, I just finished the bag we got at lunch :( xx]
I take a kissy-pouty face photo with his white hoodie in my hand to throw him off and hit send.
*1 New Message from Hubster*
[Beautiful! Probably all that ice you've eaten that's made you cold. OK, I'll get 4 bags might last until tomorrow at least. x]
[Haha, it probs is! I might get in bed until I warm up. Not a bad craving to have, can't put on weight eating ice! haha. We will see you later xx]
Later I'm just putting the vacuum round Charlie new bedroom, Nina and Al have, left as they have plans with Elaine.
"Ellie? Gorgeous? Are you here?"
I hear him call out as he comes in for work "I'm up here! Come up!" I call down, I rush out of the room and close the door.
He reaches the top of the stairs and turns to me "There you are!"
"I have a surprise for you!"
He narrow his eyes at me "Would it have anything to do with that paint on, your forehead?"
I touch my head (Crap!) "Ellie, what have you been up to?"
"Come here, cover your eyes and follow me!" I pull him with me as I open the door "You can't open your eyes until say!"
He grins, I pull him further into the room "Open them!"
He opens his eyes and looks round the room "Ellie, Wow! This is amazing!" he has the brightest smile, "Wait, you didn't lift that furniture did you?"
I laugh "No, of course not. I got your mum and dad to help. Your dad put everything together your mum painted the walls, I did offer to help but she would only let me make teas"
He wraps his arms around me "Ellie, it's perfect!" he claims my lips with his "Now, let me make you dinner!"
"No, Adam I'll make it! You've been at work all day"
He cups my face "And you're pregnant and came home only 4 days ago! I'm cooking no arguments" he kisses my lips softly. I know there's not point in protesting.
4 Weeks later.
He clutches my hips as I'm bouncing up and down him "Fuck baby! That's it ride me!" he pushes off the bed and sits up as pulls me to his lips.
I grasp his lip between my teeth, he groans and I let go before his lips kiss along my pulse line. He moves his hips up burying himself further into me "Yes! That's it! Oh!!" a wave of pleasure explodes between my legs and I hit my climax.
He drives into me a few more times before he hits his own.
I collapse onto him, he wraps me up into his arms "Do you have to go to work today?" I put on my pouty face.
He chuckles "Not had enough?"
I shook my head, "You will have so much more fun with me" I wink.
"I would but I'm busy at work" he kisses me gently before getting out of bed, he turns "But you can always join me in the shower!" he winks. I jump up, and he pulls me towards the bathroom with him.
After our shower we are in the bedroom getting dressed, I'm sat on the bed when I feel a flutter in my tummy (That's new) I rest a hand against my bump and I feel it "Adam!! He's kicking!" He spins round and rushes over to me, I take his hand and place it where I felt the kick.
Adam felt it, his face lights up "He kicked!" then another and another. "Oh wow! This is amazing Ellie!" Adam's phone rings and rings and rings "Rob, what's up?...Yeah, of course. OK, I'll be right there!" he hangs up "I've got to go. I love you...the both of you" he kisses my cheek then my bump.
"We'll see you later!" I smile.
I have today off as Amy needed to swap days. Mum has invited me to lunch at the club, I take the train into the city centre.
[Hey husband! <<I don't think I'll ever get bored of calling you that! 5 weeks tomorrow you made me your proud wife! How's work? Not working to hard I hope?! You'll need your energy for later ;) Just on my way to mum's club for lunch. x]
*1 New Message from Hubster*
[Hello my beautiful wife < I won't get bored of calling you that either xx. Wow, feels like yesterday! Yeah, work is fine muddling through. Oh, will I now? Why would that be!? Have fun and think of me stuck here! xx]
[Good because that's my title until I'm 6 feet under! haha. Aww just think we could be in bed sweating, panting and screaming each others names...but you chose work. Because I plan you for you to fuck me all night! haha! x]
*1 New Message from Hubster*
[That won't be for a long time yet! Fuck picturing it now *boxers feeling tight!* I won't make that mistake again. I plan to keep you in bed until you're sore ;) I need to get back to work. I love you both xx]
[I could've helped with that....but I can't now. You better not!!!!!!!! Ooooh looking forward to it. We love you too x]
I get to the club and head inside.
I look around the room is decorated in blue balloons, it's a boy and baby shower banners! Everyone is here my mum, Tom, Amy, Justin, Elaine, Nina, Kerry and Adam. My emotions get the better of me and I burst into tears.
Mum rushes over to me "Oh, El's this was supposed to have the opposite effect"
I smell his aftershave then feel his arms wrap around me "Hey beautiful! No tears!"
I smile through the tears, he cups my face and wipes them away "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting this! It's such a lovely gesture!" I apologize.
I dry my tears and Adam leads me to a table "Was this your doing? I thought you were busy?"
"Hey Ellie, You can cry if your want to 1. it's your party and 2. you're pregnant, you can be emotional and no one can question it" Elaine calls over.
He gives me a smug smile, "I had to make you believe that because I needed to get here to help your mum. Do you really think I would have turned down a day in bed with you for work?"
I laugh, "I'll remember that next time! Your mum is here! She's racking up some air miles"
"When Mel mentioned it to me a few months ago I had a word with mum. I said she didn't need to come down, but she wanted to. I think she likes you more than me," he laughs, "But seriously she wants to be here in her words 'Adam don't be so silly this is my first grandchild I'm going to get on the first plane for everything, the birth, their first steps etc'"
I laugh, "Bless her!"
Later after gifts and food. I'm catching up with Tom "How are you feeling El's?"
"Like an emotional hippo!" He laughs, "So, it looks like you and Justin are over your little spat?"
"Yeah, El's there's something I need to tell you," he gives me a look I can't read.
"What? What is it?"
"El's, come on let's cut the cake!" Mum pulls me away before Tom can answer. (What does he want to tell me?)
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 8.
@lem-20 @khoicesbyk @aussieez @shewillreadyou @txemrn @irisofpurple
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masonscig · 4 years
first line tag game
thank you for the tag @crackerdumortain !!!!! yours were so much fun to read omg !!!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some of your favourite authors!
[disclaimer: i write for the choices fandom and some for litg so you’ll see a mix of those fandoms on this list LMAO]
1. stay [twc – mason x sofía]
The first time was casual. She had a knack for musing her thoughts aloud, tossing her harmless opinions out for anyone who’d catch them.
She was good at starting conversations in that way – while he’d never been one for talking.
She never did it with heavy topics, though.
2. thieves in the shadows [choices – blades au – mal x zilyana]
bullets pelted the crates they were crouched behind, wood splintering in every direction. bodies were strewn across the warehouse, the unmistakable pools of blood streaking across the stone.
“raine! to your left!” immy yelled her way, barely sparing her a glance before unloading her clip, shell casings clinking against the ground.
the gun trembled in yana’s hands. she’d shot one before – practice at the gun range, glass bottles in a back alley – but never a live target.
3. if we meet again [choices – open heart au – bryce x spencer] 18+
year one
The ride from the airport to her parents’ home was long and grueling, the slushy ice pelting the windshield barely passing for snow.
It was practically sub-zero outside, a stark difference between the mid seventies weather she’d just left.
4. clandestine [twc – mason x sofía] 18+
“hey. hey wake up –”
she stirred at the greeting, but jumped when he kicked the desk. her face contorted into a grimace, the imprint of her tweed jacket on her cheek outlined in pink. “hmm?”
“you fell asleep again,” he said, plopping a bag in front of her.
5. undying [choices – blades – mal x zilyana]
Zilyana stirred, resituating herself against Mal’s bare chest, feeling his arm instinctively tighten around her shoulders. When she realized she was missing the sound of his deep breathing, accompanied with an occasional soft snore, she cracked an eye open to see his chin tipped upwards, his gaze trained on the ceiling.
6. talent show [choices – platinum – shane x dom]
There wasn’t a day that went by where she didn’t cross his mind. Even since they were kids.
He admired so much about her – her fiery spirit, her drive, her unwavering tenacity.
And he’d been in love with Dom for as long as he could remember.
7. redeemed [choices – platinum – raleigh x dom]
As soon as he stepped off stage, he was shuffled to his tour bus, Fiona on his heels. She looked like the human embodiment of rage in a grey blazer, a look in her eye that made him thankful he wasn’t the one it was directed at – or at least he hoped he wasn’t the reason she was two seconds away from a murderous rampage.
8. hidden [choices – foreign affairs – blaine x carina] 18+
Her cheek slipped out of the palm of her hand, forehead smacking the desk, nearly jumping out of her skin at the abrupt awakening.
She prodded the tender spot on her face, thankful her foundation was thick.
A soft snore caught her attention – next to her, Blaine was passed out. Leaning back in his chair, his head was thrown back, arms crossed against his chest, the textbook on its face in his lap.
9. is this fate? [litg au – bobby x mc] 18+
The peroxide was cold when it hit her skin, the liquid bubbling on her knee, relentlessly stinging. She sucked in a breath through gritted teeth.
“Sorry… should be over soon,” he murmured, wiping up the stray liquid that streamed down her leg with a small rag.
The heaviness of the atmosphere between them was almost too much to bear – they’d barely spoken since he helped her onto the counter in his small office, leg propped up between his own, where he sat in his desk chair.
10. asvista cove [litg college au – bobby x elena]
Bobby’s thumb flicked the lighter repeatedly until he got a consistent flame, moving slowly from left to right over the edge of the blunt. His cheeks hollowed out as he sucked in, the tip of it an auburn ember. He pulled it out of his mouth and sucked in an even deeper breath, holding it.
When he blew out the thick cloud of smoke, he passed it to her, coughing under his breath. “Whew. Your turn.”
She followed suit, the thick smoke coating the inside of her lungs, bitter and heavy. She exhaled, the shroud smoke enveloping her view of the sealine.
11. reticent [twc – mason x sofía] 18+
She was bare.
Bare in the way that one is when they’ve been stripped down and torn apart with a trained gaze just calculating enough for them to feel seen – parts of her she didn’t know she’d hidden splayed out like withered pages of a book, dog-eared and marked up like a frequently reread novel.
One he’d reread because it was familiar, because it had fallen into his lap (he hadn’t searched for it), not so much because it was his favorite.
12. more [twc – mason x sofía] 18+
He laced his fingers through her thick hair, reveling in the way his skin looked contrasted against the midnight of her hair.
[the way i can’t post more than this bc it’s....... very nsfw right out the bat LMFAO]
13. calm before the storm [choices – open heart – bryce x spencer]
Since the moment his hands trembled amidst one of the most important surgeries of his life, Bryce was holding on by a thread.
With each half-assed joke he cracked, each wavering smile, each time he tried convincing others – including himself – that he was coping, he fell apart more and more.
The first night he went home after Spencer was quarantined, he trudged through the halls of Edenbrook, like he was dragging his legs through wet concrete. He was nearly magnetized to her bedside, not wanting to leave, but he needed to rest – he’d been awake for nearly a day and a half by the time he clocked out.
14. envy | part two of the attached series [twc – mason x sofía x felix]
He strode down the hallway, hands in his pockets to give the illusion that he didn’t give a shit, when he was most definitely on edge. His fingers flicked his lighter open and closed against the twill lining of his pockets, trying to focus on the soft clicking noise it made instead of the swarm of thoughts clouding his conscience.
He still couldn’t figure out why he cared so much.
15. comfort | part one of the attached series [twc – mason x sofía x felix]
He noticed it before she did.
Her pulse didn’t jump the same way it did the first dozen times he walked into the room. The blood didn’t rush to her cheeks, or creep up her neck, the crimson flush absent even when he tried his hardest to fluster her. And it normally took next to nothing to get her to turn into a bumbling mess.
16. out of time [choices – open heart – sienna x danny]
She sprinted down the hallway, pager still beeping erratically on her hip, the weight of the numbers enough to make her feel like she was slugging through wet concrete.
No, no, not him, please, not him, she chanted to herself, vision blurring with tears before she had the chance to let the negative possibilities set in.
17. unrequited part three [choices – open heart – bryce x spencer]
She slumped into the seat in the deserted waiting room, her joints popping as she stretched, her deep sigh echoing off of the tile. She was exhausted.
She could usually push through the worst of her shifts, but fatigue settled into her bones, a lethargy she’d never experienced entrapping her like a net, and she couldn’t fight her way out of it this time.
18. signs [choices – ride or die – logan x raquel]
“A final in sign language? Couldn’t you just have a conversation with the teacher or some shit?” Logan sat across from her on the couch, watching as her fingers bent and flexed, transfixed.
She stopped abruptly, screwing her mouth to the side in concentration. She repeated the same few moves, getting more and more frustrated with each sequence.
19. mementos [choices – ride or die – logan x raquel]
The sound of his boots slapping against the damp pavement reverberated off of the brick of the alleyways, his gasping breaths adding to the symphony that was his escape.
20. warmth [twc – mason x sofía]
“You’re going the wrong way,” Mason grunted, looking particularly stiff in her passenger seat.
“I thought we could take the scenic route,” she shrugged, flicking her high beams on as she turned off of the main road leading downtown, easing on the brakes when the tires hit the gravel.
okay so....... i didn’t really realize just HOW MUCH i’ve written since the summer? i’ve fallen into a pattern where i think i’m a failure bc of how slow i am to write because i have so many series i’ve started and dropped off and wips i’ve abandoned but.... i’ve managed to write for most appreciation weeks i’ve both hosted/participated in and i’ve written for THREE fandoms.... i don’t normally gas myself up but? i’m really? proud of myself? KSJDJKSD if you read this far thank you and you’re prob watching me have a breakdown over how much i’ve managed to write oh my GOD ok i need to lie down KLSDFKASFJD i didn’t even think i could hit 20 but i did???? alright i’m officially gonna treat myself at some point bc i did all this in less than a year.... these are from the end of july 2020 to now..... wow ok im done i promise SKDFJKSDF
tagging: @raleighcarrera and @pixeljazzy !!! <3 
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 21 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: I know y’all probs forgot about this, but I haven’t. Life has just been kicking my ASS relentlessly, but I decided to kick its’ ass back and here we fucking are. Took me about 4 months to finish, but it is what is it. Also, I am a bottle of wine and a half down and not sure how this is going to end up, but let’s pray to the gods that Tumblr ain’t gonna fuck shit up. Dropping mic now. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 , Chapter 20 
Word Count: ~fucktonK. Don’t judge me. 
Warnings: the usual? idk. Ben gets quite frisky, I’ll tell you that much. Also not sure how much of this was beta’d or proofread so fucking forgive me father if I have sinned.
The shrill sound of the alarm and Ben's low, gravelly swearing snapped Annie back to reality. Her eyes fluttered open in the soft light of dawn. She fumbled for her phone on the nightstand to shut the alarm off and look through her notifications. Ben stirred behind her, snuggling as close to her as he possibly could.
"Mornin'..." he murmured and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
"Go back to sleep, Benny." Annie smiled when he pulled her in and engulfed her in his embrace. "It's too early."
"Frankie needs a walk." Ben yawned. "And you need breakfast."
"I can do both of those on my own."
"You can," Ben nipped at the curve of her neck, "but I won't let you."
The bedroom door edged open, revealing the tip of a snout poking through. A soft whine alerted Ben and Annie that Frankie had heard the two "magic words" Ben had just said - "Frankie" and "Walk" - and was making her presence known. Ben clicked his tongue three times and Frankie came scrambling onto the bed, her entire body swinging from side to side as her tail wagged. She dove right in to Annie's face, licking and whimpering excitedly.
"Oh God!" Annie shook her head from side to side, trying to escape the assault. Frankie had other plans. With a paw on Annie's shoulder, she tugged at her until she was flat on her back and climbed onto Annie's chest, pinning her down. "No! Stop!"
"Franks, I was actually hoping to be the one to give mum a morning snog..." he grabbed the dog and kissed her nose, earning a few licks for himself. "Aw."
Annie seized the opportunity to sit up and stretch her arms high over her head. She slouched down with a slow exhale and gave Frankie a rub behind her ears. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted Ben's Suitcase and duffel bag. She sighed and stood up, scratching her cheek as she marched over to the ensuite bathroom and flicked the light on.
"All done packing?" She asked as she examined her sleepy form in the mirror.
"Mhm." Ben shuffled behind her, pulling his sweats up over his hips. "I know, I'm a freak for doing it a week ahead of time."
"You're a freak for a whole myriad of reasons, Mr. Jones." Annie rolled her eyes and chuckled as she squeezed toothpaste onto her brush and then turned to Ben, who waited patiently with his toothbrush in his outstretched hand, nonverbally asking her to please put some toothpaste on his brush, too. "So you're that desperate to leave, huh?"
"On the contrary, my love." He winked at her and squeezed her bum before brushing his teeth.
Annie shook her head with a smile and leaned into his arm, resting her head against it. When they both felt their mouths were foamy enough, they took turns rinsing. Ben decided to finish this morning's ritual with a searing kiss.
"I plan on spending every waking moment that I have left with my girls." He mumbled against her lips before pulling away and walking to the toilet. Lifting the toilet seat up, he pulled his sweats down to his thighs.
"You're taking a piss when I'm right here?"
"Love, I've watched you give birth." Ben smirked. "Peeing is not half as nasty as that."
"Do you want me to watch you pee, Benny?" Annie smirked back, crossing her arms tauntingly. "Is that a sex thing?"
"Want you to?" Ben pretended to mull it over. "Nah. But if you want to hold it for me..."
"Freak." Annie scoffed and walked out of the bathroom.
"So no?" He called after her.
If there’s one thing Annie hated, it was not knowing where time went. One minute she’s shoveling eggs in her mouth in a hurry to leave for work, the next she’s got a baby attached to her boob again and it’s night outside. Annie walked into the bedroom, groggily rubbing her eyes after feeding Rory in the middle of the night. A full moon illuminated Ben, laying sprawled across her side of the bed.
"You stole my spot!" Annie huffed and collapsed onto Ben's side of the mattress.
Ben's arms quickly snaked around Annie and pulled her to him, squeezing her as close as he could to his body. He tucked her head under his chin and mumbled incoherently, wrapping a leg around her as well. Locking her in.
"Ben, I need air!" Annie squeaked against his chest and tickled his sides in a futile attempt to make him move.
"Shh." Ben pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "S'night time. No talking. Just sleeping."
"But oxygen!"
"No," Ben grunted and rolled over, right on top of Annie, careful not to put all of his weight on her. "Imma Human blanket now."
"Hey!" Annie flailed under him before giving up and relaxing, letting his body squish her into the soft bed. "Fine."
"Good girl."
Ben sat with Rory on his lap, both looking at the phone with goofy smiles on their faces. He'd just gotten the notification that Annie's series had posted a new story to the Instagram page, followed by a text message that simply said "show Rory".
The story was a boomerang of Annie in full costume, blowing a kiss at the camera lens. The next story was another boomerang, this time of Annie doing 'finger guns' and winking at the camera with her lopsided grin. Rory tried to grab the phone out of Ben's hands, babbling happily.
"So much for daddy-daughter time..." Ben murmured against Rory's soft tufts of blonde curly hair.
While he'd usually spend his day with Rory on Annie's set or with his mates, Ben decided that he needed some alone time with his baby. His departure was mere days away. Although on the outside he was his usual self, internally, he wasn't handling this too well. He knew Annie could sense that and he appreciated her efforts in trying to play it down and pretend everything's alright.
With a sigh, Ben turned the screen off and chucked his phone aside, much to Rory's dismay. She tried to crawl off his lap in pursuit of the device, but was captured and tickled by her father. Ben gently tossed Rory in the air, smacking a kiss to her cheek every time he caught her.
"You know what?" He cooed at Rory, who clawed at his face with her fingers. "We're going on an adventure! You wanna go see uncle Joey and uncle Gwil?"
At the mention of Joe and Gwil's name, Rory squealed. It was so high pitched, Ben couldn't help but blink in awe.
"Did Roger teach you how to do that?"
"How are you holding up?"
"I'm absolutely devastated." Joe lamented. "The mere fact that we only have a few days left is just -"
"I was asking Ben." Gwil rolled his eyes, interrupting Joe's rant.
"I'm fine." Ben shrugged and took a sip from his beer. Rory and Frankie played on the floor at Gwil's flat. "Gwil you have to duck, okay? You'll ruin the fort."
"Who's idea was this, again?" Gwil groaned, adjusting the corner of yet another blanket he managed to mess up. "Also, why are we in the fort?"
"If you're going to be grouchy, you can leave the fort, Mr. Lee." Joe stuck his tongue out at the tall man. "No grouchy people allowed."
"I'm not grouchy." Gwil retorted. "Plus, this is my flat, meaning that this is my fort, so I make the rules."
"You do realize that Rory is the actual baby here, yeah?" Ben raised an eyebrow.
"How are you feeling?" Mike asked between bites of ravioli during lunch break. "Jonesy all packed?"
"Mhm." Annie sighed and pushed the food around on her plate. "Got his passport extended today, too. Took Rory with him."
"Seriously?" Clara snorted. "He's taking her everywhere?"
"It's sickening." Jamie chimed in. "It's like they're siamese twins."
"Aw," Mikey drawled. "Bet he's gonna miss her terribly!"
"Do you think she'll even notice?" Jamie mused. "She's, what, five months old now? She just figured out she's got hands. She'll be fine."
"She loves her daddy." Annie poked Jamie in his side. "She figured her hands out two months ago, you knob."
"Could've fooled me," Jamie muttered.
"Don't be ridiculous, James." Mike pointed at his co-star with his fork. "She's going to daycare, she'll only see her mama in the early mornings and evenings. She'll notice there's an entire human missing."
"She'll have her uncles and aunties to keep her distracted." Clara winked. "Lucy and I already planned a whole Girls' Day."
"What?" Clara blinked innocently at her best friend.
"Why wasn't I invited?"
"Because you have more work than I do." Clara shrugged. "Gonna do it on my day off, Banana."
"Well, it's just you, Rory and Lucy, then?"
"Well," Clara looked at her plate sheepishly. "And Joe. And Rami. And Gwilym."
"What the actual fuck, huh?" Annie threw her fork down and huffed.
"Hey, you'll get to hang out with these two delicious chunks of mankind all day!" Clara smirked.
"Clearly, the superior chunks of mankind, mind you..." Jamie added, tongue-in-cheek. "We haven't had "us" time in forever, Banana."
"Don't you Banana me!" Annie hissed and turned to look at Jamie. He flashed her his best puppy dog eyes. "Oh, not the face."
"What face?" He feigned innocence.
"You know what face. Don't do the face."
"What," Mikey sighed, mimicking  Jamie's expression. "Don't you want to hang out with your own brother and husband?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
The next day was an entire mess. It started off well enough for everyone involved, really. It’s during the afternoon when things took a really, really bad turn. Ben tried to contain himself while Rory was napping, but his mind was racing. It was a chill day with "the band", as they now liked to refer to themselves.
None of them gave a second thought to the familiar sound of a notification rang through the living room. Then, it was dead silent for what felt like an eternity.
"Well, then!" Rami was the first one to break the silence, turning his screen off and tossing his phone on the coffee table. "Anyone see any good shows lately?"
"Ben? Buddy?" Joe shook Ben by the shoulder. "Dude, you haven't blinked in an hour."
Ben stared into space, his thoughts running wild. It was just a silly, candid, behind-the-scenes picture. Nothing more. However, he couldn't help the bubbling rage. There she was. His girlfriend, snuggled up to her ex-boyfriend turned reconciled-best friend. Her head resting on his chest, tucked under Jamie's chin. Her arm flung around his waist, his arms holding her close. One hand laced through her long hair. They looked so peaceful.
Ben knew how hard they worked. How tired Annie was all the time. How early she got up and how late she came home, trying to get as much work done while Ben was still around to be with Rory. He'd visit the set often, only to find her catching a snooze in her trailer. Stifling yawns between takes.
Yet he couldn't help but feel jealous. There was something beautiful and serene about the picture, especially when both Annie and Jamie were in full costume. The caption was what got to him most - "marital bliss".
"Mate, it's a picture." Gwilym brought Ben back to earth, cutting off his train of thought. "God knows, Clara had her pictures taken snuggled up to just about anything and anyone."
"Marital bliss?!" Ben sneered. "Marital fucking bliss?!"
"They're in costume!" Gwil retorted. "Those aren't Jamie and Annie. Those are Henry and Anne."
"That's Annie." Ben pointed at the screen. "That's how we always fall asleep."
"You're reading too much into this." Rami quipped. "Jamie isn't a threat to you."
"I'm going to be a continent away, while this arse is just lurking around..."
"He's engaged." Rami reminded him.
"It’s a bloody farce of a PR stunt and you know it just as well as I do. It's a sham."
"Why are you so riled up?" Rami's eyes squinted in confusion. "It's a stupid picture. They look pretty in it. End of story."
When Annie arrived later that night, Rory was fast asleep and Ben was losing his mind - slamming drawers and cupboards shut in the kitchen, cursing under his breath. He didn't even hear Annie come in.
Annie got a heads-up from Joe earlier that evening, letting her know that Ben had seen the Instagram picture. "He's definitely, 100%, not okay. Brace yourself."
"You alright?"
Ben's eyes shot up and looked at her. He wasn't just angry - he was positively fuming. Annie squared her shoulders, prepared for impact.
"I'm going out for a run." Ben muttered and walked right past her.
Annie followed him to the door, her arms crossed. Her brows knotted, she tried to figure out what to say. It was almost midnight. Ben never pulled an "Annie" before. He never walked out on an argument.
Before Annie could form a coherent sentence, Ben was out the door. She heard him stomping down the walkway, opening the gate. A shrill ringing startled her - he left his phone behind.
Annie took a deep breath and climbed up the stairs to check on Rory. After rubbing Rory's back gently and tucking her in, Annie went about tidying up. She picked up toys - baby's and dog's - and random articles of clothing. She straightened the sheets, organized the mail, stacked the coasters neatly. Anxiously waiting to hear the front door open again.
When it did, Ben walked right up the stairs without giving Annie an acknowledging nod of his head. She was prepared for an onslaught of accusations, but none came. Feeling perplexed, she absently followed him, wishing her stalking presence was enough to make him turn around to look at her.
It wasn’t. Taking his sweaty clothes off, he tossed them in the hamper and went in the shower, leaving the door open. Ignoring Annie's existence all together. Her guilt - not that she really knew why she should feel guilty - was quickly replaced with seething anger.
She stomped into the bathroom, stopping right in front of the glass shower doors. She glared at Ben, her hands on her hips. He started whistling and turned his back to her as he washed himself, suds forming on his skin. This wasn't just a cold shoulder. This was a butt-naked, frigid silent treatment.
"Are you joking?" Her voice bounced off the tiles. "Is this a bloody joke?"
"Had a good nap?" Ben snarled, still not facing her. "Looked refreshing."
"It was, actually." Annie raised a challenging eyebrow. "Woke up feeling recharged."
"Oh, yeah?" Ben turned the water off shook his hair. "Glad to hear."
"You're unbelievable." Annie scoffed as Ben reached for his towel and wrapped it around his hips. "How dare you?"
"How dare I?" Ben's eyebrows were so far up, they almost merged with his hairline. "I'm not the one snuggling my ex!"
"I also snuggled Clara!" Annie hissed. "Let me know when your little hissy fit is over, okay, love?"
"Fuck you, Annabelle." Ben loomed over her, his green eyes boring holes into her very soul. "This isn't a hissy fit."
"What is it, then?"
"I'm leaving, Annie. Leaving. In two days." Ben pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "For months."
"I'm aware." Annie said through gritted teeth. "You're also coming back."
"Will I have something to come back to?" Ben opened his eyes. "You've already replaced me as your sleep-aid..."
"Have you gone absolutely bonkers, Ben Jones?" Annie barked out a laugh. "What are you on about?"
"I'm fucking scared, alright?" Ben hissed.
"Of what?!"
"Me?" Annie's eyes were wide. "You're scared of me?"
"Annie, I'll be gone. You'll be fair game."
"I'm not some deer you can hunt!"
"I won't be here to protect -"
"Protect me?" Annie laughed, cutting him off. "From what? The Big Bad Wolf? Jamie?"
"Well, thanks for mocking me." Ben brushed past her, bumping his shoulder with her. "Real mature."
"Ben, you're throwing a fit over nothing!" Annie followed close behind him. Ben unwrapped the towel from his hips and dried off his torso. "I'm not mocking you!"
"We've been going through every aspect of me leaving." Ben chucked the towel to the floor. "What to do with Rory, what to do with Franks, when I'll be back for a visit..."
"I know." Annie sat down on the bed. "We've got this. We're prepared."
"Every aspect except our own bloody relationship. And all this time, you've been so calm about this!" Ben grabbed his head as he sat down next to her. "You've gone on a few benders, yeah, but even then - you were so calm."
"Annie, I'm going crazy over this. I'm devastated. Freaking out. I don't want to leave." Ben laid back. "And you? You're acting like everything's fine. Having cuddles with your ex. Looking like…” Ben sighed and balled his hands into fists. “Do you even care that I'm going away?"
Annie took a shaky breath and shook her head, running a hand through her hair.
"You'll have Joe, Gwil, Rami, Clara, Lucy, Mike..." Ben rubbed at his eyes. "Jamie. I'll have no one."
"You know they'll leave for the press tour soon."
"Yes, which I'll miss out on." Ben chuckled bitterly. "You'll still have your own mates with you."
"You'll make new friends."
"I bloody know I’ll make new bloody friends, Annie, It’s not that!" Ben scoffed and mumbled incoherently under his breath. "See? This is what I'm talking about!"
"It's like you're not even sad about it all!" Ben waved his hands about as he spoke. "You're out there, snuggling your cast-mates, working for hours on end, living your best life -"
"You think I'm not sad about this?" Annie spoke through gritted teeth. "Really?"
"Well, are you?"
"Of course I am!" Annie climbed onto his lap and straddled him. "Ben, are you having a psychotic break right now?"
"You're so cheery and positive and -"
"Because I didn't want to upset you!" Annie smacked his chest. "You blithering idiot!"
"Really?" Ben's voice oozed snark. "Seems like it backfired, no?"
"You're an arse." Annie smacked him again. "You're an idiot and an arse! Who on earth leaves his wi-" Annie huffed just as the word slipped her lips "-girlfriend alone with a baby for months?"
"Annie, stop hitting me!"
"No!" Annie punched him in the arm. "You wanted to see me upset? I'm fucking upset!"
"Annie!" Ben grabbed Annie's wrists and pulled her to him. She braced herself on her haunches to avoid head-butting him. "Stop. It."
"Do you honestly think I'd replace you?" the hurt in Annie's voice was evident. "Do you really think I'd go fuck someone else while you're gone? Jamie, of all people?”
She stared into his eyes, waiting for his answer, but there was none. Annie nodded and started to pull herself up, only to have Ben's grasp on her wrists tighten. She bit the inside of her cheek and tried to pull away again. Ben restrained her, not taking his eyes off hers.
"Ben, let go." Annie's voice was low as she tried to shake her hands free. She stared down at Ben's hands holding her wrists.
"Look at me." Ben squeezed her wrists tighter. "Look. At. Me."
Annie fixed her eyes on him. His usually bright green eyes were clouded and darker, a mixture of sadness, anger and need. He bit his bottom lip as he lowered his gaze onto their hands. All of his sadness, all of his tension had finally reached a boiling point. A crimson flush crept up from his chest to his neck, his muscles clenching with ever jerk of Annie's escape attempts.
"Let go of me. Ben, I’m deadly serious. I hate you right now." Annie hissed, still tense under his grasp. Ben snarled at her choice of words. Annie noticed it and pouted tauntingly. "What, did that hit a nerve? Is that all I needed to say to get a reaction?"
"Shut up."
"Oh, poor Benny. Did I hurt your feelings?" Annie's voice lilted condescendingly. A vicious glint danced in her eyes. "Did you really think you could call me a cheater," Annie's voice was so sweet as she said that, "that you could call me a slag?"
"I never called you any of these."
"You didn't have to." Annie chuckled. "It was heavily implied. Especially when you didn’t even answer my bloody question.” Annie smirked bitterly, tongue in cheek. “So right now? I. Hate. You."
Ben felt as if his entire body is on fire under her. Pins and needles raked through his body, a tingle rushing over his naked skin as they stared each other down.
"Who in their right mind," Annie tilted her head to the side, "leaves their girlfriend and 5-month-old baby for three months and then has the balls to be paranoid about her moving the fuck on without him? Hm?"
Ben clenched her wrists tighter, his upper lip curling up.
"I know who," Annie murmured. "The same guy who'll fail to appreciate his girlfriend's efforts to keep morale high, even though she's hurting. The same guy who's so afraid she'll cheat on him when he's gone, for no fucking reason, other than his own fragile ego, it seems."
"Watch it."
"No, fuck you. Fuck being careful." Annie retorted. "What will it take for you to stop being an undercover jealous prick? Huh? What, do you actually need to mark me as your territory?"
Ben's cock involuntarily twitched at the thought, grazing the crotch of Annie's leggings. Making their eyes lock on each other again. Sending a flurry of butterflies loose in both of their bellies.
"Oh, you can't be serious." Annie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable."
Ben licked his lips and made his move. Now that Annie was distracted, he used his body weight to roll them over and pin her down to the bed under him. His green eyes burned with raw need.
"Shut. Up." He grunted as she tried to wriggle her way out from under him while he held both of her wrists in one hand, up over her head. "Stop it."
Annie's breath hitched when Ben ground his hips into hers, his erection rubbing her inner thighs. He kissed her searingly and growled when she moved her head, pulling her lips away.
"Did I say you can move?" He whispered, his grip tightening on her wrists as his hand worked its' way to her legs. He kissed her again, physically taking her breath away, pushing her leggings down. She pulled back, gasping.  "Do. Not. Move."
"Air!" was all Annie could whine before his lips crashed onto hers again, muffling her moans.
"Do I need to punish you?" He whispered against her lips, his free hand snaking under her t-shirt. "Don't move. Be quiet. Don't want to wake the baby, now, do we?"
Annie shook her head slightly, looking up at Ben with big, doe eyes.
"Good girl." Ben cooed and nuzzled the crook of Annie's neck before pulling her shirt over her head, bunching it on her arms. "Do you hate me, still?"
"Mhm." Annie smirked.
"Guess I'll have to change your mind, then." Ben ground his hips down again.
After waking up all alone in their bed in the wee hours of the morning, Annie's sock-clad feet padded softly on the hardwood floor as she shuffled to the living room. She paused at the doorway, looking at the back of Ben's head. The soft, colorful light from the TV illuminated him like a halo. His head propped up on his closed fist, his arms on the back of the sofa.
Sensing her presence, Ben glanced over his shoulder and nodded his head, beckoning Annie to come to him. Smiling, she closed the distance between them and curled up on the soft cushions next to her boyfriend. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto his lap before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Baby monitor?" He mumbled against her hair and smiled when Annie reached in her hoodie's pocket and pulled it out. "Did she give you a hard time?"
"My arms are dead."
"She wouldn't let you put her down, then?"
"Does she ever?"
"Solid point."
"What are we watching?" Annie blinked at the bright screen in front of them and groaned when her face appeared on the screen. "Oh, no."
"I have a lot to catch up on, okay?" Ben tickled her sides as she buried her face in his chest. "I'm not sure I'll have time to binge on this while in Arizona, you know."
"Why do you need to binge on this at all?" Annie's muffled voice whined.
"Because." Ben shrugged.
"Right, then." Annie leaned back and grasped at the fabric of his long-sleeved shirt. "You won't mind me binge-watching East Enders, then?"
"You do what you gotta do." Ben sighed and leaned forward.
He grabbed his cup of tea off the coffee table and took a long sip. Annie's gaze followed his every move.
"Ben?" Annie tilted her head as she bit her bottom lip.
"Yeah, love?"
Annie caressed his cheeks as a million thoughts stormed in her mind. A sad smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
For the life of him, Ben couldn’t figure out how on earth it was night again. It seemed like everything was moving on double speed, nonstop. Exhausted, he laid sprawled on the bed like a starfish, with Frankie gently nibbling at his toes. One arm draped lazily over his eyes, the other tucked into his sweatpants waistband ever so slightly. The TV was on but on a low volume. Background noise.
He felt Annie's presence while his eyes were still closed, lurking at the doorway. He opened his eyes just a crack, enough to catch a quick glance of her face, and could feel his how his heart is breaking just from her expression alone.
"Don't give me that look."
Annie blinked and shook her head lightly as if her mind was an etch-a-sketch and she could just erase whatever thoughts popped up so Ben wouldn't see what they were. Considering that this very night would be Ben's last night at home, they both walked on eggshells, high on the tips of their toes.
"What look?" Annie asked sweetly and walked over to the bed. Ben stretched out his arms, inviting her in for a cuddle. "I wasn't giving you a look."
"Must've been imagining, then..." Ben mumbled with a sigh. He raked his fingers through her hair lazily, enjoying the warmth her body radiated. "Banana?"
"Hmm?" Annie purred and snuggled up as close as she could.
"I'm sad."
"I know." Annie propped herself up on one arm. “I’m sad too.”
“I need to you promise me something.”
“Ben, for the last time, I’m not going to cheat on you with Jamie!” Annie poked his side. “I swear, I’ll only cheat on you with Joe.”
“That’s not what I was going to say and you would never!” Ben grabbed her wrist gently. “Promise me you’ll always text me good night and good morning if you can’t call.”
“I promise.” Annie smiled.
“You know what?” Ben stopped in his tracks on his way to queue for his flight check-in, “I think I’ll stay.”
“The hell you are, Ben!” Annie moved Rory over to her other hip. “She needs toys! And  food! And diapers!”
“But Arizona is so bloody far!”
“Jesus Christ, not this again.” Gwilym chimed in and handed a bottle of Coca Cola to Ben. “Be a big boy, now, Benny.”
“God, I’ll miss you.” Ben sighed, his eyes closed.
“I’ll miss you too, babe.” Gwil replied instead of Annie.
“Do you two lovebirds need a minute alone?” Annie snorted. “I’ll miss you too, Ben.”
“And I’ll miss you the most!” Ben cooed and grabbed his baby, kissing every exposed inch of her skin.
“Thanks, love.” Annie sipped from his Coke. “I really appreciate that.”
“Ben, you’ll miss your flight, mate.” Gwil scratched his head as he looked at the huge departures sign. “You better hustle.”
“I’m staying.”
“Go!” Both Gwilym and Annie barked at him.
“I love you.” Ben murmured, his lips pressed to Rory’s cheek. “Take care of mum, yeah? Be a good girl?”
“Are you -” Gwilym tilted Annie’s head up to get a better look, “are you crying?!”
“Shut up!”
“Oh, fuck.” Ben’s eyes locked in on Annie’s face, prompting a wave of tears from his own eyes. “We said no tears!”
“Stop it, Ben!” Annie pawed at her cheeks to wipe off her tears. “No crying!”
“Goddamnit!” Ben hissed and shrugged one shoulder, wiping his tears on his hoodie. “Alright. Alright. No crying.”
“I think this is the perfect moment to separate the two of you.” Gwilym said, taking Rory from Ben’s arms and bouncing her on his hip. “Come on, children. Just like we practised.”
Annie leaped up and wrapped her arms and her legs around Ben, holding on for dear life. They kissed, one last time, their tears mixing together. Ben squeezed his girlfriend as close to him as he could and inhaled her scent as he pressed a thousand kisses all over her face.
“I’ll call you as soon as I land.” He whispered in Annie’s ear. “I love you.”
TAGLIST:  @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @qweenly @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @justgivemethekeys  @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you think you're clever? I can be but I wouldn’t say it’s a dominant personality trait. Did you wear socks today? No, I haven’t worn socks since the last day I went to school :/ Can you remember how you celebrated your 10th birthday? I don’t remember how the whole day went but I do have a photo of me on that day. We were in our old house then and I was at the dining area smiling with my cake, surrounded by my mom and sister.
Know any magic tricks? Nah I can’t perform any of them. Do you sleep well most nights? These days I certainly do. They’ve suspended online classes, and acads is really the main thing taking up my time (and head) most days until recently. Without that I’m just sleeping, eating, and having random bursts of productivity everyday.
Are your nails painted? No. Is there somebody you know that you really don't trust? Yeah I have a couple of orgmates that are a little sketchy. I also dunno if I can trust my mom in the bigger scheme of things - we’re just not close like that. Is there music in your head right now? No need to have it playing in my head, I already have a lo-fi livestream playing on YouTube at the moment. When's the last time you baked a cake? Grade 6 when we baked a rainbow cake in home economics. What time was it half an hour ago? 7:26 PM. Did you ever play cowboys and indians when you were growing up? I have no idea what that game is. Probs an American thing? Can anyone confirm? When did it last rain? My dad said it drizzled earlier this afternoon, but I wouldn’t know because I was taking a nap. The last time it rained and I caught it was two nights ago. Would you like to become a dancer? I would love to be able to dance gracefully and call myself a dancer, but I wouldn’t want it to be my Number One Agenda, as in joining contests or have it be my whole career and stuff. It’ll be nice to simply have it as a hobby. What colour is the bathroom of your house painted? The top half of the wall is white, the bottom half consists of light brown tiles. Which country is to the north of your home country? Taiwan. Name one person of the same sex as you you wouldn't mind doing: My girlfriend. Haaaaah you thought. What is the most gory film you've seen? Evil Dead, but I’ve only seen the 2013 reboot. Is there anybody that you know that you just feel really sorry for? Yeah I guess, like my uncle for stubbornly never getting his life back on track. I’ve been done waiting for him to get better. Do you like the Austin Powers films? I’ve never seen any one of them, even the one Beyoncé is in.
Where is the worst place you have ever travelled to? All the places I’ve been to have been wonderful and it wouldn’t feel right to tag one of them as the ‘worst’ because all the trips have been paid for by my parents lmao. But the one trip that didn’t exactly turn out the way we would’ve wanted it to was Caramoan in Camarines Sur. It was raining almost the entire time, so the scenario was either 1) the rain messed with the cable signal and we only had one channel every time we were in the cabin or 2) we had to make do with being rained on whenever we wanted to go out to the beach. It was also in the middle of nowhere, so we didn’t have internet. Ever fallen down a hole? Nope. That’s one of the scenarios I’m particularly afraid of. Do you like to read poetry? No I hate having to. I’ve never understood poems. What's your preferred frozen snack? Other than ice cream? Idk, frozen fries maybe? Those hit differently. Is rap music overrated? I’d say some are, but rap generally has a rich underground culture as well so I wouldn’t say all of it is overrated. Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? That doesn’t matter to me. I care more about how warm/cold it is, because I can’t start working anywhere I find too hot or else I’ll feel too sluggish. Do you know any vegans? Only from the internet. Filipinos are big meat eaters so it’s hard to find resources for if you want to become vegan. There are vegan food stalls but they’re VERY few and far between, and they’re typically situated in hipper, more cosmopolitan parts of the city since veganism isn’t a known concept here. Earphones or headphones? Earphones. Do you like bananas? Eugh no. What's a film you've seen that confused you? Interstellar confuses me to this day. But I loved it a lot and I enjoyed the premise, and that’s what matters to me. Do you ever wear black lipstick? I don’t think I’ve ever worn it before. You can take any illegal drug without any bad consequences, which one? That’s a really dark question but uh... I’d go with meth because idk, Breaking Bad? I certainly wouldn’t want to try heroin though. What is next to your bed? I have a drawer with my clothes and other knickknacks on one side, and a chest with a bunch of memorabilia and old books I’ve had since I was a kid on the other side. Are your fingernails dirty? Nope. What would you change about yourself appearence-wise? I’d straighten my front teeth and make my teeth in general smaller. I’d also have some hair grow on my left eyebrow because I permanently damaged the hair growth there by plucking too much as an anxiety habit. How long do you normally spend in the shower? Depends on how relaxed I need to feel. If I’m showering for school it takes me 4-5 minutes. If it’s been hot all day like in the summer I’d take up to 15. When's the last time somebody called you "baby"? Sometime today, I don’t exactly remember when. Have you ever had to keep something important from your family? Like... my 4-year same-sex relationship? Yup. Don't you think things feel much better after a good cry? The things that made me cry don’t get better or automatically get fixed, but it’s always nice to give myself a break and to let everything out. Do you think the UK should keep its monarchy? I honestly don’t know enough about their system to confidently form an opinion about it. My only contribution to this conversation is that the royal family does interest me and I know more trivia about them than the average person should hahahahaha. True or false: you'd do Mila Kunis. I’d do her character in Friends with Benefits but like I don’t really feel that way for IRL Mila, mostly cos I’d rather do wholesome stuff with her hahaha. Which colour would you rather have your hair: pink, grey or green? Green > grey > pink. Don't you just hate the sound of people eating? NOOOOOOO are you kidding. Mukbang ASMRs are my faveeeeeee. What's your favourite music video? Meh I don’t really watch music videos. Is it your aim to be perfect? About the things I do, yeah. I’m not obsessed about having *everything* be perfect, even stuff I have no control over.. Ever climbed to the top of a mountain? No. That’s on my bucket list though. Have you ever fell for someone believing you could "fix" them? No. That’s never been a reason I’ve had feelings for someone. Someone's paying for a fancy dinner, where do you eat and who do you take? BLACKBIRD. I’ve wanted to try it for a while now but Makati is a bitch to get to + their food would literally take away two weeks’ worth of my allowance. I’d take Gab with me for sure. Can you honestly say you are truly happy with your life? Not right now, but I’m not hopeless about it either. Can you paint well? I can’t paint at all. Describe a picture of yourself that you hate: The candid ones are the ones I end up hating the most. If you could keep any animal as a pet, which would you choose? Just all the dogs would be fine, thanks. Something you did in the past that you're embarrassed about: I was bidding Gab’s dad goodbye because he was leaving to meet up with his friends or something. Anyway my shoes chose to be slippery that day and I completely tripped the whole way walking over to him and I even unconsciously grabbed onto his arm to keep myself from falling flat on my face. I AM WINCING JUST TYPING THIS OUT PLS SEND HELP Would you rather play a good or an evil character in a play? Evil. It’d be easier acting that way. Do you like porridge? It’s alright. I mostly avoid it because it was all I ate for breakfast from when I was 4 up to when I was 10, and I’m so so sick of the taste and texture by now.
Has anybody ever lied to you just to impress you? Idk, probably. Strangest gift you ever received: Don’t think I’ve ever received anything I was genuinely baffled by. But I try not to be like that - all gifts are gifts so I’m always grateful whenever someone gives me one. Do most people annoy you? Nah. But 14 year old Robyn taking surveys would probably say yes just to sound edgy :/ Don't you think you should really be doing something more productive? Idk man we’re in the middle of a global health crisis. I think being productive shouldn’t be a priority for once. Have you ever felt really out of place? Yesssssss this was me when I was trying to apply for AIESEC. The crowd was just too different and I didn’t last long in the application process. What's your favourite shade of blue? Royal and sky blue. Do you have any odd phobias? I used to be afraid of watching advertisements at night, but I think it’s mostly gone now. What's the longest you've gone without sleep? 18-20 hours maybe. I don’t let myself pull all-nighters. When was the last time you just wanted to be left alone? Earlier this noon when I felt disrespected by my dad. Do you believe in karma? Sure. Can you remember a world before iPods? Nope. Google says the first iPod came out in 2001, and I don’t remember being 3 years old or younger. When was the last time it was sunny? This morning. Would you like to be photographed by Terry Richardson? I’ve never heard of him but I checked Google just now and apparently he’s been an asshat to his subjects? So no. Smoke? Yes please I so have been needing one throughout this quarantine. I ran out of puffs for my vape pen which is even worse. Would you rather have a lazy day or a day of being really busy? I’ve had 31+ lazy days now. I wouldn’t mind a busy day. Do you like the way that spoken French sounds? I don’t get to hear it all that much but it was spoken so beautifully in Portrait of a Lady on Fire, so I guess I’m alright with it for the most part. I just don’t like the times it comes from the throat and it sounds a bit like hawking. D: But maybe it’s just a cultural thing - Filipino isn’t throaty at all so when we hear sounds like that we’re just not used to it. What's the best film soundtrack? As stupid as the storylines were, they really made sure the Twilight Saga soundtracks SLAPPED. Bon Iver, St. Vincent, Muse, Death Cab for Cutie, The Black Keys, Florence + The Machine, PARAMORE?????? They weren’t fucking around. Interstellar and Gone with the Wind also had amazing scores. Where did you go on your last date? My informal first date with Gabie was at a museum + this quaint Italian place in Greenbelt that has since closed. My legit first date with her was at a Bonchon LMFAOOOOOOOOOO Do people find you "cute"? Not really... only my girlfriend calls me that. Who does the best remixes? Eh not a fan. What is most of your money spent on? Gas, food, dates.
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An Opera on Separation - Chapter 11
Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | CH. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 |
Summary: We take a step back to Emily’s junior year. After a near-miss on what could be a serious car accident, the young reporter meets Nathan Sterling on a human-interest story. But is he as nice as he appears?
Rating: M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Mention of rape. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Words: 1587
Notes: Ahoy-hoy, readership. So, flashback chapters. I’m addicted to them, sue me. However, I do feel that I needed to write one (and my one, I mean some) to properly clarify what’s changed on this AU.
First things first, the accident never happens. Therefore, Nathan’s never ellected as president, since Sebastian said only tried and true inner-circle members are ever ellected.
Second, on the same line as first, Beau’s president of Alpha Theta Mu. As he is one sick little shit, he decides to deviate a little from the pranking tradition of the group. No poor-taste pranks in this one. Not sure which one’s worse.
Third, no life-ruining award. Since pranking is no longer ATM’s focus, there is no longer a point of having that contest for ruining Emily’s life, and as consequence, no pranks on the suitemates. That do not mean they’ll have a sunshine-and-rainbows year.
But you’ll see that in time. For now, enjoy.
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How Do You Do?
Emily and her friends were overjoyed. They had, just that afternoon, convinced Hartfeld’s City Council to declare their house an historical landmark, defeating Dorian Delacroix’s big talk and big money.
They hosted a party to celebrate their success at the old house. The last, since they would have to move out come Summer. A few minutes after midnight, they had decided to go over to a nice pizza place the next town over.
“Hey, Tyler!” Chris shouts from the living room, as they were putting on coats to take on the off-season cold weather outside. “Can I ride with you guys? I wanted to talk to you about some stuff for the student council.”
“Sorry, Chris!” Emily responds from the doorway. “I’m already riding with them. Your business talk will have to wait.”
He smirked and said: “No prob. Tomorrow’s probably better anyways.”
“C’mon, there’s a spot on my car.” Zack said, pulling the jock over to his vehicle.
The redhead, the Asian boy and his girlfriend walked over to the car and jumped in.
“Sorry if it’s a little cramped.” He apologizes to the redhead. “I’ve been meaning to clean up the car but never seem to get around to do it.”
“No sweat.” She dismissed and talked amenities with Abbie.
A few minutes into their journey, Tyler stops at a traffic light. It was red for him, and so they waited patiently. When it turned green, he slowly lifted his foot from the gearing pedal and placed it on the gas pedal.
The young man was still a novice driver, so he was very cautious not to let the engine choke. Unlucky him having a manual shifting gear.
As they take off, a brilliant, white light hit them on the face. Emily screams desperately, while Tyler hit the breaks hard. All Abbie could do was instinctively trying to protect herself by placing her hands over her eyes.
The car spun around and around its own axis for what seems a lifetime, before hitting its trunk on a pole on the other side of the street.
For a second, everything is still and silent. Emily wonders if she died or lost her conscience. She was afraid to speak, or to move. If she stood exactly at that spot, she could pretend nothing happen.
But the soft peace was soon broken by the wailing cries of Abbie. Soon, her world was flooded with her friends and passersby shouting and calling names and telling them to be calm.
Hours later, at the hospital, the doctors told them they had sustained only but a few light injuries and that they were very lucky, indeed.
Emily couldn’t help but feel she had saved herself from a terrible, terrible fate, indeed.
A few weeks into the new school year, Reyna, the campus newspaper editor, had requested of Emily a story on the charitable work of Alpha Theta Mu, a traditional Greek life organization at Hartfeld. The redhead, herself, had never heard of them, but the other girl had made clear they were big on campus.
Emily had the distinct impression they were big enough to buy a space on their next issue, but she wasn’t about to expose her friend like that. Besides, the piece seemed easy enough, belonging on the variety section and all.
Not expecting much of it, she walked over to the ATM clubhouse and gingerly knocked on the door. A few seconds later and a tall, muscular, blond man answers with a welcoming smile.
“Hello, welcome to Alpha Theta Mu!” He said, cheerful. “I’m Nathan Sterling, the vice-president of this fratority, and you’re Emily Harper, right?”
The guy had done some research. “Yes, that’s right. So nice to meet you.” She smiled and shook his hand.
“Please, come in.” He let her inside and shut the door. “I am sorry for the mess. We hosted a party last night and things got a little out of hand. Would you like to talk over lunch? I’m having lobster.”
“Oh, no, I don’t eat lobster.” The girl responds, a little unnerved with the thought. “I couldn’t do that to Gerald.”
“Gerald?” He narrows his eyes in confusion.
“My pet lobster.” She provides. “And, anyways, I already ate, thank you very much.”
“I’ve never heard of someone who kept a lobster for a pet.” Laughing, he insists: “How about dessert, then? You can’t say no to tiramisu.”
“Something sweet does sound appetizing, thank you.” The redhead says and follows the guy into the dining room. Between bites of the heavenly dessert, she continues: “Pardon my bluntness, but where’s Beau Han? I’ve been told I’d interview him.”
“Oh, the president will not be available for today’s interview. We were hoping you could interview me, instead.” He shot a charming smile, and the girl found herself smiling back.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I don’t, either.” She responds and picks up her small notebook. “May we start with the questions?”
“By all means.” He motioned for her to go on.
She clicked her pen. “First, I need your full name and position.”
“I have much too many middle names, you may credit to Nathan Sterling, Vice-President of Alpha Theta Mu.” He shot her a winning smile.
“You’re the boss.” She nods. “How long have you been a part of ATM?”
“Most of our pledges are sophomore. I was no exception.” The boy recapitulated his career at the fratority in his mind. “It’s been a year last September.”
“Oh, it hasn’t been long!” She responded, surprised. “All other fraternities’ presidents I know have two or three years of enrollment.”
“Here at ATM we prefer juniors at the leading positions.” The blond explains. “College experience and available time. It greatly increases the odds of finding the perfect candidate, don’t you think?”
They glossed over the commonplace questions on such a story, like overall history, motivation for community service, enrollment and their plans for the year.
After the meal, Nathan offered a tour through the clubhouse, which Emily heartily agreed. The place was awfully empty, the other Alphas were at classes or other commitments, according to the blond man.
Regardless, she was amazed with the lavishness of the clubhouse. Every room was carefully designed and decorated, not to mention spacious and luxurious. Not at all what one could expect out of a dorm for college students.
“Do you all live here?” She questions, rather suddenly.
The fair-haired shook his head. “No, most of us, myself included, live at the dorms or off-campus. There’s not enough rooms for us all, and between you and me, it’s relieving knowing that, by the end of the day, I’m going back to my place and be alone for a while.”
“I know what you mean.” Emily responds, with the obligatory smile and nod. “I mean, not exactly, I always had a ton of roommates, but I can imagine how comforting ‘me time’ can be.”
“You got roommates? Anyone I might know personally?” He inquires, his eyes glinting in curiosity.
“Probably. I live with two people, Zack and Becca.” She provides. “Becca’s the former president of Kappa Phi Sigma, and Zack is working with Connecticut Historical Society on the restauration of a number of old buildings in the city.”
“Becca? As in Rebecca Davenport?” Nathan asks, and upon confirmation he laughs. “We’re acquainted. Her father and mine were Alphas together back in the day. I assume she’s still… opinionated?”
“Becca’s a tough cookie to crack, I give you that.” The redhead agrees, nodding and giggling. “But she’s a great friend to have, after you get over all the brashness.”
“I’ll take your word for it. After she pushed me off a toy horse on our elementary school’s playground back on first grade, I just accepted I’d remain on her bad side forever.” He shrugs off the memory.
They continue the tour through the house, talking amicably.
The Sun shone through the window on a Spring Monday morning at Emily’s bedroom.
It was her final month as a junior, and waking every morning felt like a blessing to the young redhead. Her English major classes have been a treat all year, her newspaper gig was going great too. She had two best friends she cherished very much and who lived with her on a nice apartment on the right side of town.
And, last but certainly not least, she had a handsome, charismatic and nice boyfriend whom she loved and was loved in return. Nathan was certainly everything anyone could ask out of a boyfriend, being comprehensive, attentive and so good in bed.
There was no reason why Emily wouldn’t wake up every day smiling.
While she was brushing her teeth to get ready for yet another day, a screech alarmed her. “Emily! Zack! Come to the living room right now!” Becca shouted.
Having the blonde screaming was nothing new, but that morning, the call was less bossy and more distressed, what motivated them to immediate response.
Over there, Becca stood impassively in the middle of the room, eyes fixated on the television and hand over her mouth.
“Becca!” Zack asks, concerned. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Speechlessly, she points over to the television, where the reporter spoke live from the Alpha Theta Mu clubhouse. The newscast was already finishing the piece, but the lead message on the bottom of the screen was ominous enough.
“Sex scandal hits Greek Life organization.”
“They raped Claire.” Becca manages to let out. “They raped her and then they bashed her head against the floor.”
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An Opera on Separation - Masterlist
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baguettelord · 6 years
Hi Guys - TL;DR at the end. Also swearing is a thing. JS
So uh, its been a while *waves* a lot has been going on for me. I’m actually kinda surprised that basically all of you are still here sticking around and stuff.
A lot has happened so far and first thing I gotta say is how the fuck is it May. I feel like a tornado of bullshit has swept through and sped up time or something.
I was in a course that went to work experience and to a POSSIBLE job. It all went to hell basically. I unraveled some pretty dodgy stuff going on and then I basically got pulled out due to a combination of that and my anxiety/panic going through the roof.
Things were kinda ok for maybe a week. At some point there (its a little hazy honestly, so much has happened) in like...March idk. We picked up a new puppy. His name is Leo, he’s a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and he is fucking adorable.
My mum, who is bipolar was really super duper excited about getting Leo because her family used to raise corgis for show when she was a kid/teen. Shortly after we got Leo..maybe 1-2 weeks the shit pretty much hit the fan.
I presented to my (new) doctor with this huge range of worsening symptoms that could be put down to a combination of things (weight/anxiety/bipolar/etc) but I wasn’t really sure. Doc ordered a CT scan. It came back negative BUT they found a weird lump that they weren’t sure what it was, and recommended an MRI. Meanwhile I had the biggest blood test I’ve ever had (from vitamins to hormones to HIV testing - yep that fucken intensive). MRI wasn’t covered by medicare unless it was referred by a specialist. Specialist wasn’t covered by medicare! So smart. So I had to go pay for that, which was fun.
Thankfully it turned out to be a weirdly shaped and located lymph node, which I’m happy to just pretend not to be concerned about being told that one of my lymph nodes is weird by a doctor...for now.
While this was happening, my mum’s leg swelled up really huge. HER doctor thought she had a blood clot and she was rushed to have emergency scans and ultrasounds done. Thankfully no blood clot, buuut she’s been diagnosed with some....vein disease. Probs cause she’s a smoker. IDK.
AND on top of that, shortly before we got Leo, my step dad, who is a truck driver, was injured at work. He fell out of a new truck that was higher but had fewer steps compared to all the other fleet trucks. During all the health scare fun with me and my mum, he was having his own scans done and they were investigating whether he would need an urgent knee replacement. So he was off work a lot, and couldn’t get hardly anything done. Turns out he now has osteoarthritis, and the fall (and a second fall down our back steps a few days later) caused a bad flare up. He WILL need a knee replacement eventually, but for now he has all these weird unnatural posing excercises to do insted.
So because of all these things happening - mum getting super excited about the dog, and then super worried thinking she would die from a blood clot and then my thing, and my step dad being badly injured and then trying to take care of a HYPERACTIVE puppy.. it pretty much triggered mum to have a manic bipolar episode.
She started getting paranoid, getting delusional, not sleeping..and then saying all the weird shit she usually does (”the man across the road is a pedophile (there isn’t a man - a lesbian couple who train dogs have lived there for about 8 years), “the man next door’s dad tried to get me to deal illegal tobacco at the school”, “i experienced the dreamtime and a kangaroo jumped through me” ETC).
It got to a point where she became unmanageable (she woke me up multiple times in the night saying weird shit, going through my phone, talking to one of my cats) and we convinced her to willingly go to her hospital where she’s normally treated and sign herself in. That’s what normally happened. Instead, her treating doctor was on leave and hadn’t notified us, and there were no beds. She and my step dad waited for 13 hours for a bed, that was then given to a patient who was sectioned (for those not in the know, it basically means you are given a legally binding order by medical professionals/paramedics/police to go to hospital and you can not leave). They were going to transfer her to a hospital nearby. Said hospital has treated her before, but it was the hospital her dad was treated at before he suicided, so she doesn’t have a good relationship with it. So basically she was like no. Fuck you. I’m not sectioned, I’m voluntary, and you can’t make me go there. I’m going home. She got home at midnight. I’d babysat the dog for the whole time. It was exhausting. I was asleep. I didn’t know she was home until she came in and woke up my partner and myself multiple times telling us we werent breathing and we were going to die. She didn’t sleep at all that night.
Next day I called an ambulance. She was tranquilised and sectioned. We ended up having to take her to a different hospital and I waited with her for 12 hours before she got a bed. She’s been there ever since.
After a week, our phone and internet suddenly disconnected. I couldn’t find any bills - she’d seemingly thrown them away. Then I found a disconnection notice for our electricity in the letterbox. Its just been...a nightmare. I’ve hardly left the house aside from times where my step dad went to work late so I could buy groceries and sort out really important stuff. All other times I’ve had to look after Leo, who is now teething and is so badly behaved. He hasn’t been able to start puppy preschool because of the ever-changing schedule of appointments and leave and my step dad’s work... honestly so far this year can die in a fucking fire.
Every time I sit down for a second and take my eyes off Leo, he’s destroying something. I feel like I’ve been shoved into a single parent role, locked in and had the key melted down into molten sludge before my eyes.
So that’s the reason I haven’t really been talking. I’ve only occasionally popped on and reblogged a few things here and there. I want to try and get back around to being active in downtime, when Leo is asleep...if I’m not doing housework and shit. But yeah. THat’s about it. I feel like I should sell my biography rights to channel 7 to write into a Home and Away season -_-
TL;DR my training course went to shit, we got a puppy, everyone had major health problems/scares, then my mum went manic and is locked up in hospital and I found out our bills were all so overdue we almost got our power cut and shit. And now I’m looking after a dog 24/7 and YEAH fun times.
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nahmooste · 7 years
pairing: Tetsuya Naito/Female OC warnings: nsfw, darkish. aggressive behaviour, physical abuse, hard smut. swearing as usual. i think that covers it? a/n: 2000ish words. i decided to do both a Pete Dunne and Naito fanfic, so here’s the first finished result. this was fun to write? like surprisingly so… does that make me a sadist? probs hey...  tags: @wrestlingismyfavourite @devittsbalor @fireangel1978 @laziestgirlintheworld @vipervenomisgoodforyou @narwhalneglect @destinodejapon
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Part 1, Part 2
Sam walks away from it. She walks away from him and the situation and yet there’s still some part of her that chastises the fact she let it go as far as she did. She knows that he’ll tell Seiya, and she knows that it shouldn’t bother her as much as it does— she and Sanada are through and that’s the end of that.
Except… except, somehow, somewhere along the line, she’d gone out of her way to track him down. To find him. To try and tell him that she’d left, no matter how impure her intentions had been during the encounter. She wanted him to know that she knew he hadn’t cheated. She wanted him know that she’d turned Naito away from a compromising position and an even more compromising proposition.
So now she stands in front of his hotel room door in the middle of Tokyo city, and she knocks before she can takes the easy option.
He answers the door with the same glare she remembers so well, and then he raises an eyebrow at her unexpected appearance, like she’s the last thing he expected. The last time he’d spoken to her… she’d threatened to sleep with Naito. She almost had.
“Sam…” he says, and a momentary flicker of emotion appears in his eyes. Then, it’s gone. “What do you want?”
Her eyes drop past his shoulder into the empty room. Relief floods her body. “Time. Please, I need… I need to be honest with you.”
Sanada raises an eyebrow at her, sighs when she doesn’t elaborate any further. “We’re not fuck buddies anymore, Samantha. I don’t have much time to waste.”
“I…” she lets her gaze rest on him and then takes a deep breath, tries not to let his words sting, but they do, and suddenly she’s not so sure what she even wants to get out of this. “Naito tried to fuck me. Last week. And I almost let him, you know, because we aren’t together anymore and I have nothing to lose. Except… except I thought of you— of us and, I just… I didn’t want to, and I walked away from him.”
He stares at her with little emotion. “That’s it?”
Sam can’t help the huff that sounds at the back of her throat and takes a step back. Well fuck, that hurt more than she thought it would. “Yeah, that’s it.”
When he goes to shut the door on her, Sam frowns and sticks her booted foot in the way. She knows that she’s only done this to clear her own conscience, that he’ll never care about this and nor he should, but what she says next surprises even herself. “Actually, no, that’s not it. I accused you of cheating when I found those panties in our bed. I owe you an apology, because even when you defended yourself, I didn’t believe you. I didn’t believe you until last week, when Naito mentioned it so casually… that he was the one who took a girl up to our room and fucked her. He left those panties there because he knew I’d find them. I didn’t believe you, and I’m sorry.”
And before Seiya can react to her and what she’s just told him, she walks away.
Except her hotel room offers no escape.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?”
On her bed sits Tetsuya Naito, smirking as usual, staring at her with faux innocence. “Your door was unlocked, Samantha, no need to be rude to your guest.”
She scoffs at him. “It’s a hotel, doors aren’t just unlocked.”
If he cares about what she’s just said, he doesn’t show it. Naito stands and tilts his head at her. “What did he say? When you were spilling your heart out to Seiya— what did he say?”
Sam’s cheeks burn as she glares at him and her nostrils flare. Of course he knows. “None of your fucking business.”
“None of my business,” Naito mimics, and he nods his head slowly, purses his lips. He looks at the watch on his wrist, then back to her, and then to the door. “If it were none of my business I wouldn’t be here.”
The Japanese wrestler moves so quickly she barely has a chance. One second there’s space between them and the next his fingers are at her throat, squeezing, and his other hand twists into her hair and yanks her head back until she’s staring up at him, her nails clawing at his skin, choked gasp falling from her mouth.
“You really think I’m going to take that as an answer? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Naito laughs, and then he pushes Sam back so harshly she hits the wall with a dull thud. “Tell me what he said, Samantha.”
The breath she breathes sounds more like a gasp than anything else. “Go fuck yourself,” she hisses at him.
When Naito raises a hand, she’s fully expecting him to strike her. There’s a rage burning in his eyes that she’s not seen before and not a flicker of emotion on his hard face.
And yet, she can’t stop herself from egging him on. “You want to hit me? Fucking do it,” she spits, “Fucking hit me!”
He does.
Her head snaps to the side and the sickening thwack echoes in her head and around the room, and she supposes she should be surprised that he’s struck her, but she’s not. When she turns to look at him, Naito doesn’t even look sorry. He doesn’t look like he regrets it. And then, despite herself and the way her entire being is screaming at her to not, she bares her teeth at him and snarls out “harder.”
In a quick movement he’s spun her and pressed his hand to the middle of her back, pushing Sam down until her head is resting against the wall, her body at a perfect ninety degree angle, ass high in the air. Naito yanks down the pants she’s wearing and the next sound she makes is loud and unrestrained— he slaps his hand down hard on her thigh, does it again but a little higher, rubs the tender skin until her sharp yells subside only to do it again. And the thing is, Naito’s not holding back; she knows her skin is going to bruise, knows that she won’t be able to sit properly, and that he’s hitting her so hard it’s jarring her entire body into the wall.
Then she’s being spun again, hands squeezing her throat once more. She has to crane her head to look up at his shadowed face. “Get on your knees.”
She does. Her face is at the waistband to his jeans and she’s caught for a moment staring at the way the material is starting to tighten. He slips his foot between her thighs and nudges them apart and, with the hand not twisted in her hair, Naito slaps her.
“Are you listening? Suck.”
When Sam spits at him, Naito squats and slaps her again, then shoves his fingers so far into her mouth she chokes on them, gagging. But she can’t move her head, can’t get away from the position, and so she’s left staring through watery eyes at Tetsuya Naito, completely and utterly at his mercy.
She’s struggling to get air into her lungs and claws at his hands, but all he does is push them in further. “Take my dick out and I’ll take my fingers out.”
At this stage, there’s nothing else she can do. Sam gasps for air the moment his fingers are gone, has a second of nothing before his digits are replaced by his hard length. It feels like an out of body experience— she’s kneeling half naked in a hotel room with Tetsuya literally fucking her face. This doesn’t feel real, but her hands, one on his hip and the other curled around the wrist behind her head, are desperately trying to put some space between them.
Sam falls onto her forearms when he pulls away, sucking in breath after breath and through hazy vision, stares at the Japanese man. He’s unbuttoning his shirt quicker than usual, kicking his pants off, and Sam kicks off her shoes and scoots backwards as Naito lurches towards her to rip her own pants away.
“Get up.”
He bends her over the bed before she’s even half standing.
There’s no prep. Naito pushes into her with only her spit acting as a lubricant, and the yell that tears from Sam’s throat is anything but quiet. He hits her cervix straight away and the painful jolt it sends through her body rips from her another noise, but at this stage, Naito doesn’t care. He’s using her. Getting what he wants with no regard to her or her body, and she doesn’t know whether that makes her mad or only turns her on more.
He starts to groan when sweat forms on her skin. “Take your shirt off,” he mutters, almost helping her with it, flicking the clasp to her bra open.
She’s on her back then, completely naked before him. A dark flush colours her chest as he takes a moment to stare at her body.
“Kuso,” he says dangerously low. “You want to torture me, don’t you?”
“Just fucking get this over with,” she hisses back.
Naito grabs her shoulder and yanks her off the bed, pushes her until the top of her ass hits a tall table, and then he’s lifting her up and onto it, takes his place between her legs. She’s torn between slapping him and swearing at him— she settles for the latter when he slams back into her, and gasps loudly when he brings a hand down on her breast.
A hand wraps tight around her throat, forcing her head back against the wall, and she can’t help the noises that start to fall from her mouth.
“Fuck,” Naito breathes.
His face is tinged pink with effort, orange hair sticking to his skin, and there’s a slight sweat forming across the top of his shoulders. Like this, he looks fucking amazing. Thrusting into her, taking her without even asking her… her body is starting to respond to him now.
His dark eyes hold hers for a moment. “Come.”
She wants to laugh at him and tell him that she’s no where close, and then she shuts her glistening mouth and drops her fingers to her clit, circling and pressing until she’s gasping for breath. She comes convulsing around him. Her body curls into itself and her jaw drops, white hot ecstasy pulsing throughout her, and before she’s even down, Naito pulls out completely and jerks himself a few times before the hot mess of his cum shoots over her breasts and her chin.
Bar their panting breaths, silence surrounds them. 
Sam holds her eyes shut. She doesn’t want to open them. Doesn’t want to see what she’s just done. Doesn’t look at Tetsuya Naito until he’s pulling away from her. And when she does, she feels tears start to prick at her eyes; what has she just done?
“Don’t cry,” he snaps at her, “this was bound to happen. Accept it and move on, Seiya has.”
Her voice is small. “Fuck you.”
Naito strides forwards and Sam gasps sharply as he embeds two digits into her raw pussy, curling them against her g-spot. He doesn’t move them, though, and she whines, almost, her entire body tensed. “I think once is enough, don’t you? Don’t want Seiya to think I’ve overstepped my boundary.”
She doesn’t understand a fucking word coming from his mouth, but the noise that falls from hers as he pulls his fingers away is borderline pathetic.
Then he’s dressing himself. He gazes at her from the corner of his eyes. “Are you just going to sit there?”
Finally, like she’s peeling herself from quicksand, Sam is able to move. She glares at the Japanese man as she pulls the jeans back over her thighs, reaching for her bra and shirt only to have the skimpy material plucked from her fingers. Sam frowns at him,  narrows her eyes.
“I think I’ll keep this.”
And then Tetsuya Naito quite literally walks through the hotel room door with her bra in his hand.
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queenklu · 7 years
1. omg yes yes yes!!! and then when loki finds out thor has known he wasn't aesir all along and that he loved him anyways, has loved him this whole time, its like his insides have been scooped out, and he would never go easy on thor, of fucking course not, but after that, he def goes out of his way to undeniably be around, in some form or another, taunting, mocking, making fun, poking and causing mischief, but there all the same, like some sort of fucked up reassurance, and thor figures it out
2. of course thor figures it out, loki may like to think he's completely opaque in all the ways, but to thor, he has almost always been entirely translucent in the ways that matter (because yeah okay, thor does get tripped up some times yo, he's not perfect, but if he knows ANYONE/thing at all, he knows loki), and maybe this time he doesn't let things lie, he physically cant, he knows what loki is doing, knows why, and one day cant take the way his heart feels three times too big for his chest
3. the fondness too much to handle, cant keep a lid on it any longer, something snaps, and he drags Loki in mid-rant (prob over how disappointed loki is in the fucking awful redecorating of their new residence, their new Asgard, that thor approved, what kind of king is he, I was gone all of one week thor, where are the Corinthian columns? we need to rectify this immediately, we're not fucking heathens) because loki is HERE, when he could be anywhere in the universe, far away from thor
4. no longer tethered by Asgard and all that meant, but hes HERE, tethered by thor instead; because Loki's been the one constant in his life, in some form or another, the star whose orbit he has always been defenseless against, even as a star himself, and he drags loki in mid-word and their noses smash together and loki's teeth catch on his mouth, the taste of copper heavy on his tongue and hes not sure if its his or loki's between his split lip and the tacky blood dripping from loki's nose
5 (end). that he thumbs away when they've pulled back, but it doesn't matter, it could never matter, his blood may run in his veins, but it has always belonged to loki, and from the exasperation pinching loki's look into something loaded and resigned, from the way he tugs thor's lip between fingers and digs his nail into it, then it matters not to loki too; and thor cant help the laugh then, despite the sting and loki's annoyed scoff, until he is silenced by loki's mouth on his once more.
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I want to see an estimate
Where to get the best price on event insurance?
Ive been throwing events for awhile now and just recently had a close call in damages to the property so i was wondering if anyone knew of something like a Event insurance company that covers Arizona events?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
""Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?
i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.
2-door and 4-door car insurance?
I'm considering about buying a new honda civic car . I heard somebody say that 2-door car's insurance is always more expensive than the 4-door one. is that right ? (remember that the 2-door car and the 4-door car have the same features,machines) And how they calculate the amount of my car insurance? What do they depend on?""
""Driving other cars, insurance policy for under 25?""
does anyone know of any insurance companies that offer DOC on their comprehensive insurance policy for an under 25? If not, how much roughly would a weeks insurance cost on another car?""
Can anyone tell me any health insurance companies that cover fertility treatments ?
i haven't started fertility treatments yet so i have no prob going to a new endocrinologist, gyno or clinic ect - because they will be new either way ! of coarse a insurance that covers the most fertility treatments would be best but just tell me the name and what treatments if any that you know they cover ( thanks in advance)""
SR22 insurance?
does anybody know of a low cost company that offers SR22 insurance for a good price. I got to many traffic citations and lost my licence in iowa and they are requireing me to get SR22 to get my licence back.
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance?
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance? Who here believes that if Universal Health Benefits are offered through the US government to all US citizens that companies and employers will continue to offer health insurance benefits to their employees as a payroll/benefits expense. Do you really believe companies will continue to pay such a large amount of overhead when they can simply stop offering those benefits and let the government program take over? What employer in their right mind would keep dishing out $500 a month per employee when the government is begging to take that system over? If you think Yes, please tell me why.""
How can I keep my car insurance policy if I sell my car?
Is there a way that I can keep my car insurance policy active for a low monthly payment if I sell my car and plan to buy another one next year? I don't want to cancel my policy due to all the goodies I get, so cancelling will make me a new customer when I try to get insurance again. Has anyone experienced this situation before? Thanks.""
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
Car insurance for teens... cost?!?
im 17 years old and im getting a miata 93. how much will insurance cost be around. by the way i have good grades
Car Insurance?
My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.""
""If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
If I cause $1000 worth of damage to another car, how much is my insurance premium going to go up next year?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a Kawasaki Ninja 250 in Texas?
Is a paternity test needed to get insurance from the state in michigan?
Do they make you do paternity tests to get government insurance
Where do you get good rates for dance instructor liability insurance?
I am a dance instructor and I need to get liability insurance. Anyone know of a place to get the best quotes. I tried Markel and they are expensive. I also plan to have other instructors that I train and work with me. How do I get insurance for them? Is this per instructor, or can it be as a dance school? Please let me know. I need this info ASAP. Thanks for your help""
Car insurance?
suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?
Car insurance. Diesel 1.6 or petrol 2.0?
Which would be cheaper to insure.
""Insurance company refuse insure my house, what can I do?""
Hi I bought a house at a auction for 30000 last week. The house is empty (vacated). But the house is locked up and no internal view before the auction, I cannot access this house before the contract is done, it may take 20 days or more. So by law this property is mine, I need building insure for it. When I try to apply for insure after the auction, the insurance company refuse to insure this house. They said: I understand the property is vacant at present.Insurance is difficult whilst vacant . 1. First, is it ture, vacated house cannot be insured? 2. what can I now? Thanks in front""
Have you ever heard of a Car Insurance doing this?
Have you ever heard of this before: I know a person who has car insurance with Allstate and they claim the following reason for jacking up their prices every 6 months when you pay the bill for the next 6 months. The Reasons from them are: 1-Because since you have allstate and when anyone else that has allstate also in your area has an accident where them and someone else is involved this will make your payment go up. 2-All insurance companies do this also where if anyone not involved in an accident say at home and someone else with the same insurance company as you have, if they have an accident even if your at home when this happens your payments will go up. My Father has had direct for i don't know how long but a long time and every time someone has a wreck that has direct and he is not involved in it he still pays the same amount he did last time before the other direct insurance people have a wreck. Please also provide the name of your insurance company as I want to make a chart of how many people answered and what insurance company they currently have or had. Thank you I'd greatly appreciate the insurance info that's all I would like for the chart not your name.""
insurance quotes in my area
insurance quotes in my area
Health insurance for baby?
i need health insurance for my newborn baby. Can anyone refer me to affordable insurance?
My car insurance went up 50 more dollars a month. They said it's an increase in Florida ?
Do any one know where I can get some good reasonable car insurance
Car Insurance Coverage?
I've a question regarding car insurance coverage. If I scraped my car while parking in a garage will they cover the repairs for it? What portion of the insurance coverage is that? Would it be comprehensive? Thanks.
Teen car insurance price?
I want an idea of my monthly insurance cost now that I have my license and a car. Here are the details I'm male and 16 years old I live in the North Hills outside of Pittsburgh (pretty basic suburbs) The car is a '93 Pontiac grand am. 90k miles on the engine I'm the third owner Good condition with some rust just starting to form on the wheel wells I am the primary driver It is usually kept outside
I'm in college with no health or dental insurance... What are my options?
My parents don't have any health insurance either, so being on one of their plans isn't an option. I'm kind of stressed out because I have asthma and my wisdom teeth are starting to really bother me, but I don't make nearly enough money to take care of either problem. As of today what are my options for affordable health/dental care until I graduate and can afford life?""
""Car Insurance for young drivers, first car. Helpppp!!!?""
I passed my driving test 3 months ago, my sister passed hers last week, we're both 19. We are now looking for a small, cheap car to share, with one of us being the main driver and an additional named driver. We've looked at a KA 1.3 ltr engine 2003 W reg 3 door hatchback. After getting quotes from a few companies it's clearly going to be expensive to get insured. Could anybody please point me in the right direction for affordable insurance for young drivers?! Thankyou!""
Top life insurance companies in india?
Top life insurance companies in india and its performances
Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
I want a car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
I asked this question before, but people were being extremely rude so I deleted it. If I get a car, I will be paying for everything myself. The car, the gas, the maintenance, etc. The only thing that I will not be able to afford is the insurance. I don't really care about having my own car, but I can't drive my parents' cars: my mom's is for her work, and my dad's is really expensive and he doesn't want me driving it. Either way, just to drive someone else's car I have to have insurance to cover myself and any damages I could cause in case of anything. So, anyways, the only thing I need my parents to pay for is the insurance. They absoulutley refuse. They think that I don't need to drive. I don't want to depend on my friends to drive me everywhere. They can definitely afford insurance, they just don't want to pay for it. I might sound spoiled or whatever but I'm not. Ever since I could remember, I've had to pay for most of everything I own. All of my clothes, toys (when I played with them), iPods, the computer that I'm on right now. I'm paying for my text messaging, too. so, I understand the value of money. I just want them to pay for this one thing. so, my plan was to buy a car, and then threaten to drive uninsured until they get insurance. Kind of mean, I know, but I'md esperate. What do you think?""
I have a question about teenage driving insurance?
I let my son drive my car sometimes and his six months is up and he is now wants to drive friends in the car. I know my car insurance will cover him if he is in a wreck, but will it cover his friends?""
Health insurance for non-residents of US?
My cousin is from Mexico and she is staying with me becuse her parents can not care for her anymore over there. She only has a Visa, she is not a resident. She is also a type 1 diabetic, the other day she got really sick with diabetic ketoacidosis, I had to take her to the E.R and now I am being charged 7000 for her care. Is there any way I can get some type of health insurance for her even if she is not a legal citizen of the Us and she is not my child? And could I get any goverment or any help to pay this bill? Thank you in advance.""
Life and Health Insurance Exam- I have taken it like 5 times and not been able to pass it?
I have been doing this online course license2go.com, and it has a lot of good information but it seems like on the test, there is a lot of stuff I didn't ever see when taking the test. Is there any alternative way to getting a license? Like online? If not, what are some other good ways to study for it? Thanks""
Will asthma affect health insurance premium?
Hello, I had asthma as a child from ages 2 to 11. I am now 20 years old. Will this affect my health insurance premiums if I try to get an individual plan? Or will it not matter because the last incident was over 10 years ago? I do not take any medication or anything for the last 10 years.""
Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!?
I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?""
Pay the Extra Premiums for Whole Life Insurance Quotes?
I currently have a term life insurance policy and am considering converting it to a whole life policy. I'm married with no kids. My wife has her own life insurance and retirements already in place. We are not going to have children. The main reason I was interested in the Whole Life was the investing portion to supplement my current mutual fund retirement. Should I pay the extra premiums for the Whole life or should I keep the term life and put the extra money into a Roth IRA? Any advice would be great. Thank you
What does a term life insurance medical exam consist of?
And what companies do people recommend.
Is there a health plan for someone that has had breast cancer. I am looking for an insurance plan.?
I am looking for affordable insurance that will cover doctors visits and surgeries. Please help
""Sorry, we cant provide you with a quote for car insurance based on the details which you have provided. AVIVA INSURANCE DECLINING HELP!?""
hi on aviva insurance, whenever i do a quote on whatever address or car the message comes up at the end and declines me we cant provide you with a quote for car insurance based on the details which you have provided no claims , clean record so why dont it let me""
I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?
Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?
""Haven't been paying my car insurance, help?""
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING Okay so long story short, my bank messed up and my car insurance didn't get paid for.. This was about 3 or 4 months ago. And then it just stopped withdrawing money from my account each month, and I figured I would just take my chances and go without insurance. I didn't cancel it or anything. I had State Farm, and I figured because I was getting a new car anyway I wouldn't bother, but getting a new car took a lot longer than than I thought and I just ended up getting one yesterday. So I got a 2000 Buick Park Avenue, it has airbags, all that. It should have a decently low insurance rate. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket, but no accidents. When I called for a quote though, through a different car insurance company, they told me it would be $230 a month. Why is it so high? Is it because I stopped paying for my State Farm Insurance?""
Does Auto insurance go down automatically after the age of 25?
if I drive and small and cheap car...
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
""Need advice for buying new car insurance (20 year old, male)?""
Need advice for buying new car insurance. I am 20 year old, male, college student, and 2 tickets...... I need insurance for a new Toyota SUV (4 Runner or FJ Cruiser)""
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
""Minor car crash, no insurance?""
So I got into a minor car crash, I believe my insurance expired. I only have a few scratches on my car, but for the other driver her side view mirror broke. I was wondering just to pay out of pocket because side view mirror repair isnt that much and she probably has a few scatches on her car as well, and going through all the hassle is to much time and work. She wanted to exchange insurance info but wasnt able to provide because I wasn't sure if I was insured or not. What to do? My first car accident! :(""
insurance quotes in my area
insurance quotes in my area
Geico or Progressive Car Insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. Which company offers better car insurance?""
HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!?
Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]""
Car insurance question?
I have basic liability insurance with American Family Insurance, About a week ago my boyfriend (who has a suspended license) took my car when i was sleeping, almost hit a deer and went in a ditch with my car and im pretty sure its totaled its a 97 lumina. I have a title loan on the car, will insurance pay it off?""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, went to traffic school to get it removed off my record. But before it got removed, my car insurance found out and now i want to change to a different car insurance company. If I change car insurance companies, will the new car insurance company find out I had a ticket from my old insurance company? Thanks for your help, I'm so confused!""
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
What is the cost of average car insurance that a 19 year old boy and girl pay?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
Ideas for a research essay on Private Health Insurance?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But what can I focus on on in terms of the health insurance. Any suggestions""
Individual vs group health insurance?
If an individual with wife (including 6 month old son) and sister work as a small business owners/employees and would like to get a group insurance through BCBS, would it be feasible to go through as a Group or as an individual/family healthcare plan, perhaps family and an individual for the sister?""
Car insurance for student under 18?
i wanna know how much insurance cost in one month, if i'm an international student and i buy used car, my insurance isn't related to any one... thank you""
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA?
What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS
Will my insurance go up?
I was in a car accident. I was stopped at a red light lady slammed into the back of me. THe cops came and filled out info. I did not go to the hospital, because I was not in pain. But the next day my back and neck were killing me. It has been 5 days since accident. I want to go to the doctors but i am worried that my car insurrence will go up. If it was the other persons fault will my insurance go up? And is it to late to go to the doctors? Will her insurance have to pay for doctors bill?""
""Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
Does motorcycle insurance help future auto insurance?
My driving record isnt very good. So i was considerong a motorcycle since insurance is less expensive. In the future i would like car insurance. Will having motorcycle insurance say for like a year help me when i get auto insurance later on. Ive never been insured. 21 yr single male 1 accident of 8000+payouut 3Pts on license
Can you register car w/o insurance & 1967 Mustang Steering wheel..?
I do not have my license or permit yet. I plan to have my permit by early September. I don't plan on insuring the car until September or Feburuary but can I REGISTER the car before I get insurance? (So it won't get towed.. does that ever really happen?) How much would a 1967 wheel cost and how much to have it installed?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
If I do not have car insurance...?
and i live with with my grandparents and they have car insurance but i dont, and i have my liscence, can i still drive their car with it not being illegal in the state of Massachusetts? Because i cant afford the insurance and if their car is insured i am told an officer cannot do anything about it, as long as the cars insured im fine, is this true? Thanks!""
Insurance company monitoring equipment?
I'm almost certain this is a start of a way to increase your insurance rates
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
Automobile Insurance Coverage?
My auto insurance payment was due 10/7/09 I paid it on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had a car accident that evening am I covered?
How much does car insurance fluctuate related to a car's make year?
I know the newer the car the higher the insurance, but by how much? Would a 2 or 3 year difference be very significant? Also how much more on average is car insurance for a mid-size SUV than a sedan-style car?""
What kind of insurance do I need?
I provide training workshops for colleges and the school I am currently doing work for asked me to send them a certificate of insurance. They said, they need this in order to process a purchase order. What kind of insurance do I need? I've never had to do this before? Is it general liability insurance? And generally, how much does it cost?""
What happens if your car is totaled in an accident and the Insurance company wants to pay less than you owe?
The guy that hit my car was at fault and cited by the police. Now his Insurance company wants to total my acr and give me 1300 less than i owe. This seems wrong.
Which make of cars are cheap to insure?
I'm planning on getting a new car but which car manufacturers make cars that are cheap on insurance? It seems Honda is on the higher side, but I was looking at Mitsubishi and theirs seems pretty low, and Mitsu is the one I was going to go with to begin with. Any suggestions? Assume it's just a normal non-sports car.""
insurance quotes in my area
insurance quotes in my area
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies for young drivers?
What is the cheapest major auto insurance company for a 19 year old male, with no violations or accidents? Going to be buying first car in the next couple weeks and need insurance. Getting a much older used car so I don't car much about comprehensive and such, just want state minimum coverage (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I've seen quotes from Progressive, Geico, The General and Safe Auto. So far, geico has been considerably the lowest. I checked various models I was looking at, on average progressive was about $100/mo, the General and Safe Auto were around $120 and geico I saw the lowest as $45/mo ranging up to $80/mo (but I've already eliminated that car- a ford probe that sold before I could test drive) I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other major companies with lower rates, otherwise I'm obviously going with geico. Right now my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or a camry/corrolla/accord (something of that nature, whatevers on the lot and priced right) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I imagine the camry would be more in the 45-50 range. Any companies with rates lower?""
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
""UK!! How much, annually, would car insurance be for a 17 yr old just passed, Peugeot 206....rest of info here ?""
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol and 17 year old just passed. Also, if you get insured before you pass your license, it will be very high won't it? But if i get insured say 28 days before I pass my test, will my insurance company take notice of this if I tell them and reduce it seen as though I have passed? Many Thanks""
Is there an insurance that will insure me and not my car?
my friend had an insurance that insured just him for any car he was driving idk what it was called but it was only for ohio residents anyway(im in pa) ....how would it work?
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
Affordable car insurance for poor driving record?
About a year ago when I was in college I got cited for driving without insurance twice. Two years ago I have had my license suspended for minor traffic offenses. Recently, I decided to take a safe driver's course because when I originally started driving nobody ever taught me how. I am not required to have sr-22 insurance but I am wondering if that would be better than paying $450 which I am paying for Gieco. I am looking for someone in a SIMILAR situation or has USEFUL answers. If your answer is move to different state , you just have to deal with it , or shop around that doesn't help me.""
Arnold Clark Insurance?
Whats the minimum age to be a policy holder for arnold clark insurance? Ive been told It's either 18 or 19, Do they still base the risk like everyone else as I've also been told that it's a fixed price regardless of risk, the only rating factor is the drivers age?""
How much is audi a4 insurance?
i am 18 years old looking at buying a 2003 audi a4 and wanted to know how much the insurance would cost me. I have a clean driving record and good grades.
Insurance Prices on a Antique 76 Corvette?
I have a '76 Corvette Stingray that I will be getting soon. I'd like to know what your insurance price are for those who have similar cars. In florida a car must be at least 30 years old to be considered an antique. The vette is. Will i get any nifty insurance breaks? if you have a older antique corvette or similar car... what do you pay for insurance?
Cheap car insurance for a new 17 year old driver in philadelphia?
I have a 2000 ford taurus and pay 240 every month for insurance.. is there any cheaper insurance i can use?
Do I need insurance to get my driver's license in Iowa?
meaning do they ask for insurance papers?? my friends car that I am planning to use for license test is insured but he doesn't poses the insurance papers. Do they ask for insurance papers or can you just tell them its insured and that's it.
How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
Will my car insurance decrease every year?
I am in my first year with my car insurance in Ontario. Please tell me how it works. By the end of every year, will they re-calculate my insurance rate or keep it the same? Providing I have accident- and ticket-free history, will I be paying lower every year or not?""
Is a paternity test needed to get insurance from the state in michigan?
Do they make you do paternity tests to get government insurance
What's the cheapest business auto insurance company?
There are different business auto insurance companies, I've heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
Can car insurance comp increase my premiums like this?
In April of this year, I paid for my car insurance for the period April to October. Now they are telling me they are increasing my premium for that period by another $50 because the address of my workplace changed. I don't get it. Can they do that? I already paid for my premiums for that period. If I don't pay the extra $50, is my insurance still valid?""
Help with car insurance?
It's my 17th birthday tomorrow, I am going to use the money I get for drivin lessons. But what I want to know is; Would I get insured on a range rover sport at my age and how much would it cost? This is the car I really want but I don't know if I'd get insured for it. I don't mind waiting, but if I can drive one now thatd be great! Thanks :)""
Pregnant with no insurance?
I may be pregnant and I don't have health insurance. I know I won't qualify for medicaid with mine and my husbands income, but we definately don't make enough to pay for appointments out of pocket, what can I do?!!""
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang v6?
I am 18 years old, I currently have an 03 Tacoma 4 door Prerunner and my current insurance rate is around $210 a month. I live in Louisiana, I average around a 3.0 GPA and I have saved up and I am really close to owning a 2011 mustang and I was curious if someone could give me an estimate on around how much the insurance might cost. Thanks""
Can anyone suggest me a auto insurance company?
i have japan based luxury car. my friend saying pay insurance in a good company. so i am searching company? thank you.
""Which one is cheaper, car insurance or motorbike insurance ?
where can i find cheap insurance policy for vehicles ?
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
Sr-22 insurance how much does i t cost?
I got a dui in 2002 and i havent drove snice i have a car paied off and its a 92 cavilier does anyone know how much my payments would be each month and all i want to put on it is just relaible insurance
Why do I need car insurance?
Ok, i have my permit and will get my driver's liscence soon, but i am not going to buy a car for a while. If i am just going to borrow one of my parents' cars, to go shopping and stuff like that, do i need car insurance if i never borrow it overnight or anything like that?""
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insurance quotes in my area
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
virginia insurance duty to defend
"virginia insurance duty to defend
virginia insurance duty to defend
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does it cost to put myself on car insurance ?
I'm an 18 year old male. I drive a red 2009 jetta sport. How much do I have to pay to put myself on the the car insurance. And how much will I pay monthly ? Oh an btw. I just got the car yesterday and I'm trying to get State Farm. Thank you!
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
What is compulsory excess on car insurance and how do u pay it?
i just applied for car insurance and it says that my compulsory excess is 250 my deposit is 201 + 80 per month.
What auto insurance companies are currently appointing in Florida?
I have been a licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent for a year now. Im currently looking for auto insurance companies that are appointing in Florida. Any names and phone numbers of these companies would be a big help. Here are lists of companies that Im currently writing business with: Bristol West Progressive Gainsco Seminoles I need some more companies so that I am not only limited to these four. By the way I am in the SW Florida area. Thanks SO much for your help guys
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
Does anyone know ANY affordable dental insurance or affordable/reasonable dentists in San Antonio TX?
Hi im looking for an affordable, dental insurance because it seems as though every where i look i can't get help because i'm not considered needy . And most health insurances have huge monthly payments without really any coverage. I think i need to get my wisdom teeth pulled and i have several cavities so if anyone can give any information on good dental coverage or even reasonable dentists' prices in san antonio, TX it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.""
Costs of insurance for Young people 16?
Could you write how much do/did you pay/paid for your insurance now/before?? Also could you add you car engine etc..
""People w/o health insurance how do you pay for medical care, or do you?""
I looked into insurance available to me in Georgia and here what the least affordable costs me: $350/month, 20% specialist cost after a $3500/yr deductible, 3 doctor visits per year at $45 each, $20 for each prescription, no dental/vision coverage and other charges that add up to over $7500/yr. And all of this BEFORE the latest 14% price hike. I've decided to save up the same $7500/yr for medical expenses and chuck the insurance companies. I figure some years I won't use all the money and it could go towards the years when I need it. What's your solution?""
How much do you pay for your home owner's insurance?
I am doing a survey and this would really be helpful for me. Please let me know how much you pay for your home owner's insurance. If you pay monthly or yearly. The location of your home. The value of your home. How big your home is. If you have flood insurance. And what you have as your deductable.
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
Car insurance for learner driver?
I am a named driver on my girlfriends fully comprehensive insurance policy. Does she have to sit next to me or can anyone who is over 25 and has held their license more than 3 years able to sit next to me if they do not have their own insurance?
Does my insurance go up after I get a ticket in someone else car? Or the owner of the car insurance goes up?
I got pulled over for speeding and the officer never asked for the insurance card. Since he didn't ask for the insurance card, does that mean my pay rate will be the same? Or can the insurance company find out by the tag number? Please inform me because this is my first time. Thanks! Also remember I was in someone else car.""
Is a Ford KA cheap to insure?
I am a new driver, just passed my test ( im 17 ) and thinkin to buy a ford ka as a first car. Is it cheap to insure tho? Around how much? Thanks""
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
Does having a 2 door civic make my insurance go up vs 4 door?
im 16 buying a civic. i like the 2 door civic coupes. if i buy a 2 door civic, will the insurance be higher than if i buy a 4 door civic?""
How do I advertise to people in California qualified to buy car insurance?
For the best insurance coverage all you need is a fax machine and a genuine need and intention to buy auto insurance now.
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
Visitor medical insurance?
Hi all, I am from San Antonio,TX and my parent in-laws are visiting USA. I am looking to buy a visitor medical insurance and i confused of to buy a trusted one. I am much concerned about coverage/providers. Which one is most trust-able and where can i buy ? I want to buy a good one and i dont want get cheated by UN-known or a wrong insurance where the health care facility says we don't know this insurance or all the (covered) claims are simply denied. Thank you all...""
Car Insurance Cancellation Fees? (UK)?
So i'm probs 2 months away from passing my driving test, and i was thinking about insuring my car on a provisional licence for these few months to actually get a few steps ahead and more experienced. I was wondering how much it would/if it would cost to say stop the provis insurance after them 2 months? People from the UK preferably please, cheers!""
How much do you think car insurance would be for me?
I am a 17 yr. old male in southern california driving a 2006 nissan 350z
Health Insurance and im currently pregnant?
I live in Orlando, Fl and I'm pregnant, is there any insurance company that i can get a health insurance now?""
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
Do you need to pay for insurance if you're using a family car?
Im 16, and am getting my license soon. Do i need to pay the $1500 dollars a month for insurance, or does the family insurance cover me? Im wondering if the insurance is for the person, or the car that the person is driving.""
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
virginia insurance duty to defend
virginia insurance duty to defend
Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?
I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx""
Can anyone give examples of how much their auto insurance went up in New Jersey (or another state) after a DWI
I recently received a DWI conviction in S. Jersey (my first offense) and was wondering how much local insurance companies will raise my rate? If anyone has experienced this I'd really appreciate knowing how much their rates rose. Also, is there any certain companies that give better rates to those who have DWI convictions? I appreciate any help. Thanks!""
Car Insurance?
What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim?
Can I get car insurance without a valid driver's license in the state of Delaware?
1. My License was suspended due to an ERROR that involves the Division of Child Support Enforcement... 2. My Ex-Husband said he will pay for my car insurance if I transfer the car title & registration into my name (knowing that my license is temporarily suspended). 3. * My Ex is a Wilmington Police Officer in the state of Delaware. * 4. I believe my Ex knows that I will not be able to get car insurance (due to the fact that he is a Police Officer), therefore, that is why he is willing to pay for it. 5. Any help will be greatly appreciated!... Thank You!!!""
I totaled my 2010 Mazda 3i how much should I expected from insurance?
I was just squished between two pickup trucks with the driver behind me at fault and having a suspended license. The body shop said the total damage is $13,700 and the insurance company just labelled it a total loss. My car is just over a year old with about 55,000km on it with no prier damage on it. How much should I expect to get back as I am financing the car and cant afford to keep paying if they don't pay it out. ( Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)""
Car insurance renewal quote question?
I hit a car in front last yr which i believe was not my fault. i didn't pay my excess as i had no damage on my car. however she said they was damage on hers and she had hurt herself which i believe was rubbish however!! when filling my questions out on my insurance quote do i say i had a claim? as i didn't claim for damage she did and compo, i only lost my no claims. can anyone answer please?""
Auto Insurance Question: Please help!!!!!?
I asked this yesterday too, but did not get any responses; so if you have any information at all, or this has happened to you, please list an answer! I just recently lost my beautiful 1977 Monte Carlo to a fire! It was all original, and the adjuster found it to be worth between $12,000 and $13,000. Due to my ignorance of insurance, we were put into a stated value insurance policy worth $6,000, and now, I am only getting $6,000 for my car. I feel ripped off. I am young, and don't know anything about insurance, but trusted my agent. The car has been in my family and was gifted to me from my dad a little less than one year ago. My agent asked for photos, and a letter from my parents with what they thought the worth of the car was, signed saying it was a gift. So, that's what we gave him. They stated in the letter they paid $6000 for it 8 years ago. We were never told to get the car appraised, or that we had to keep up on checking to see if the value had gone up so we could change our policy. Do any of you have any advice on how I can get the insurance company to give me all the money? Is there anything I can do at all? Thank You so much!""
Im 17 and pregnant where can i get affordable prenatal care in las vegas?
i dont yet have medicaid because my mom needs to take me off of her insurance...i just need to know where i can get either free or affordable prenatal care in las vegas...i dont need ...show more
What's the best individual health insurance?
I am 27 and have no major health problems, but because all the jobs I have been getting lately are temporary gigs, none of my employers offer health insurance.""
Is it good to shop around and change car insurance every 6 months. In order to always pay the lowest?
Does that look bad in your records, credit, financial history etc? Example..... This bastard is always changing car insurances every couple of months.""
Personal Health Care Insurance ?
I'm 20 years old and I don't have any Health Care Insurance at all. My current job does NOT offer insurance. I've been working for this company for over a year. I just want to get insurance for myself. Can anyone recommend a good and affordable insurance agency ? Thanks :-) !
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California?
Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive.""
How much does insurance typicly cost for an 2003 kawisaki ninja 636?
i have my m2 (just got it) and i have full G car licence.. i just wanted to no around how much insurance i would have to pay for the bike for 3 months durring the summer. btw i am 18, and i have never been insured, i would just like a really rough estimate range""
How much is car insurance for a 19yr old N driv er in BC?
I am nearly 19 about to buy a cheap car and insure it for the bare legal minimum how much approx will that cost me
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Insurance for car and motorbike on one policy?
does anyone know of any insurance companys that will do a joint policy for car and motorbike. i have 2yrs ncb on my motorbike and have recently passed my car test so would like a company to take into account my riding experience when insuring me on a car. carole nash will only do this if you have had your car license for as long as you motorbike ncb.
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
Hey much will auto insurance cost me?
hey i will be 16 yrs old soon enough but i need an auto insurance i live in orlando, does anyone know how much it will cost me?whats the cheapest?""
What is insurance like on an 02-05 VW GTI 1.8t?
I'm not looking for exact rates, just trying to get an idea if the insurance will cost more than normal because it's turbo. How would insurance compare to something like a 95 Accord EX 4 door?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
""Car Insurance....what to buy, how to buy.?""
What websites can I go to to find out what to buy , where to buy, what companies to avoid, the Best car insurance companies, etc. ? What companies do other people recommend for single, middle aged male, with an excellent FICO score, who wants to insure one 5-yr old 4 door family -type sedan ?""
Does anyone know the estimated cost for a FULL physical w/o insurance?
does anyone know the estimated cost for a full physical (that detects cancers, run pee tests etc.) for someone with no insurance? Are there any programs or places that will give the low income a more affordable price? In the California area.""
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
Health insurance for a single 23 year old male?
Well I have a couple of questions of how does this health insurance work. Do i automatically qualify right away after i pay all the fees? I want to know an estimate of which insurance best fits me and so on. I'm new to this so any advice will do. I have a link that has 10 best health insurance but don't know which to choose. http://health.usnews.com/health-plans/ca
virginia insurance duty to defend
virginia insurance duty to defend
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
So my dad bought me a 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 Sport today and he is thinking of putting me under his insurance. I want to find out how much insurance is going to be be, since I want to help out as much as I can because I don't want to be a dousche. I am looking for an insurance that covers everything. Anyways, I am 19 years old, college student, 3.2 GPA, living in Irvine, CA, and have never been in a traffic accident. This is going to be my daily driver (40 miles a week), and it is kept in a garage. Thank you for your help and I hope I was clear. http://1webproxy.cn/car-insurance.html""
Im a first time driver and never had car insurance?
I went to get a free quote online but i got to a page where it said something about my previous car insurance plan i was with. But i have never had any kind of car insurance because im about to get my first car soon. how do i get a free quote even though its asking about previous companies??? somebody please help me
Can someone give me advice on good health insurance that offers maternity coverage??
I am looking into individual health insurance because my hubby and I are trying to conceive and I don't have any. I know I need to have it BEFORE i become pregnant. I don't know a thing about insurance and can't seem to find any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage.......I work for a temp agency and have worked for them for a year and a half and their insurance is astronomical so I'm looking on my own. My hubby doesn't have insurance where he works as a mechanic so i can't get it through his insurance. Any advice would help!!!!
How much would insurance for a 16 year old(male) driving a BMW 2006 650i be?
My parents have no accidents or tickets ect that they look at when you're getting a quote. I just bet them that I could get a quote for this car without them ^_^ I livee in washington 98037. Verryy Much appreciated if you could try and see how much the quote would be. Also, I have a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don't Be A Stalker)""
Why aren't employers required to provide health care insurance to their employees?
Nothing is being said about the millions of employers that do not subscribe to some kind of health care insurance for their employees, even if part of it has to come out of the employees wages. I worked for a physician and the answer was that most women have husbands that have health care at their jobs. Shouldn't this be illegal?""
Military Out of state insurance?
Im a Texas resident but was stationed in Florida. My car was bought and registered in Florida, and I have my car insured in Florida . I am now stationed in las vegas and if i change the location my car insurance will double. Somebody informed me since im military i can have out of state insurance as long as its from where the car is registered? Is this correct? Does anyone know if im technically still covered or must i switch my car insurance?""
Insurance for senior parents?
I'm considering enlisting in the military. One of the benifits I will recieve is life insurance at an affordable cost. I can get a joint policy with my 2 senior parents (who are currently uninsured) given that they are my dependents. In order for them to qualify, my parent's AGI has to be less than $3200. My father is a licensed chauffer (cab driver) and my mother retired early, and is recieving SS benifits. Will the annual SS amount disqualify her? My father does not file for taxes, and currently owes for not filing. (cabbies don't deduct taxes, they make what they make, I guess) My question is, will this be a stretch to try to get them insured via my military benifits, considering their situations?""
Should car insurance be made mandatory?
I use public transportation or a bicycle to get to places, and my refusal to purchase car insurance drives the price up for people who drive. This is unfair that I save money and you have to pay.""
Cheap Auto Insurance in Houston/Katy?
I bought a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a week ago. I want to know which is the cheapest full coverage insurance on the Houston/Katy area. I also would like to know where can I get the insurance just for one month.
Cheapest car insurance in LA?
So, I had an accident last semester which made my existing insurance company geico hit me back with a pretty expensive new contract. Fair enough, but I would like to search for better quotes for southern california, if there is any out there. Thats why I am asking this mundane question. Thank you very much in advance!""
I hit another car and I have no insurance?
My boyfriend just gave me his old car as a gift, I planned on getting insurance to it the moment I put it under my name, but I was driving today and I rear ended another car. I was placed in police car as they did some investigation. The other police officer found out that the other car was a rental and that they had Avis insurance. I kept asking the police officer when do I find out about making payments to the other car. He gave me a ticket and said there will be no payments for the other car. Me and and the other car never exchanged any information. This is my first accident, I am a little confused. Am I suppose to get sued. And what is the likelihood that that the other car's insurance would charge me 10k or more for the accident? I want an idea so I can start saving money and trying to make payments now. Is there a way I can start making payments without having to go to court to get sued.""
How much is insurance if your under 18?
In Ohio and my sister wont b quiet cuz she dont have a job and is broke but I am younger than her and i have 600 dollars 2 save for a car. and she is whining cuz she dont have a job so i was wondering how much is insurance in Ohio
Do you think this is a good price for auto insurance?
Is $201.12 a month for full coverage from State Farm a good deal? Progressive quoted me for $285 a month and it doesnt even include UM and the liability is at 10/20/25. State farm would cover me 25/50/25, auto death indemnity, UM, and more. I am a 22 year old female and i just got my license in Feb 07, and i live in Miami. This is for a 2003 Honda Civic LX 2dr coupe (paid in full). This is my first car. I was just wondering, if this is a good price compared to other people my age with similar coverage. I know my friend is paying $300 a month for his and hes 24.""
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
How much is Canadian (British Columbia) car insurance?
I am 21 years old and have had a licence in California since I was 18.
Hey I'm looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 21 and looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro I'm just trying to figure out the basics like how much would insurance cost me and how much would the monthly payments on the car run me...I'm going to make a down payment of $5000 when I go to the dealership. Any kind good advice and tips on what I should do to get my dream car is needed ..Thanx in advance everybody
LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?
WHATS up with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...
Will this be covered by insurance? i damaged the radiator didn't realize it kept driving and engine overheate?
A little over a week ago i bought a 2006 honda civic from a honda dealership. While driving i hit a rather large pothole that i guess put a hole in the radiator. I got out to check for damage didn't see anything no smells, didn't see anything leaking figured i would continue to drive home. While on my way the car was driving completely normal but stalled out. Apparently the engine overheated and now when the car starts it sounds horrible and stalls if you put it in drive. The car is under the most protection the insurance company offers but someone said that they wont cover the engine because I continued driving on it even though I didn't know that there was something wrong. After further examination The radiator actually got dented and hit one of the fans for the engine but theres no way to tell that unless you lift the car looking at it with the car being normal you cant tell it ever hit anything.""
Which auto insurance company do you recommend?
I've had the following insurance and was not pleased: -Insure One (real insurance: Access American Casualty)=Cheap but HORRIBLE CLAIM PROCESS -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey and more hidden fees hence had to switch because I felt like I was paying too much and getting scammed (I tried resolving the issue but rep said there is nothing we can do ). Currently I'm with GEICO and I am paying the same as I was with Farmers (except w/out the random charges), at this point I just want a RELIABLE and CLAIM FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would you recommend?""
HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh
I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? Is this true? Please help me, I don't really wanna pay an $800 for driving without insurance""
How to reduce my insurance price?
I have been trying to find insurance as I will be 17 next year and have decided on a car I would like which is a Peugeot 206 2001 y reg and every time I use a comparison site I get quoted 4 grand or it says their insurers cannot provide insurance. Please help :(
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
Best as in cheapest auto insurance company in California.?
I have a perfect driving record, but i'm not currently insured because I'm looking for someone else... Had allstate.. any suggestions?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance.""
virginia insurance duty to defend
virginia insurance duty to defend
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be
My insurance is like $300 a month...help?
I just got a free quote from whipers.com but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic?
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
How much can I expect to pay for cobra insurance?
I was recently offered a job that pays much more than my current job. The downfall is the employer is small and does not currently offer an employee insurance plans. I'm 30 years old and I've never had any major health issues. I know I can keep the insurance from my former job thru cobra law. But what will i expect to pay. Currently as an employee I pay 26.35 per each pay period (2 week pay periods) for medical insurance and 9.53 a pay period for dental. In summary i pay roughly 71 dollars a month to cover myself only (no dependents). the company i work for has 7000 employees worldwide. probably 2-3000 u.s. employees. How much can I expect to pay for cobra?
Cheapest insurance company for a young driver without the blackbox?
i want to get a car but i dont want to pay 3grand with the black box. any other cheap insurance companies which insure young drivers with pass plus. thank you
Will my sisters auto insurance go up?
i live with my sister and her husband. i do not have any auto insurance. i was a pedestrian that got backed into by a car. i now will have to go and have surgery on my knee. to make a long story short, will my sisters auto insurance cover me because i am a resident relative? will their auto insurance go up if they cover me (they will get reimbursed though by the party who hit me)""
Why do sompanies like State Farm require you to pass a credit check?
What are they looking for because I do have a few things like a medical bill here and there but nothing more than 5,000 total""
Homeowner insurance cost in Florida?
i know that homeowner insurance is high in Florida. but how high is it? What would someone pay for a 3bdr home in jacksonville? i am thinking of relocating to florida from Illinois. How bad do the hurricanes get in the Jacksonville area?
What is the best insurance company?
I need the cheapest insurance that is basic I have a 2002 Ford focus. Any ideas?
I need to get car insurance im 17 year old male see more info below.?
Im 17 will be 18 in January. I need my license because I have a good opportunity to be a baby sitter but it involves driving the kids kids to soccer practice and school. I have already gotten hired I just need to get my license. I think my mom and dad have alstate and the car I would be driving is a 2001 mini van. How much would it cost ? Would the rates be cheaper if they said I would be driving on rare occasions ? The job pays 200 weekly so its a good opportunity and plus i love the kids.
Pulled over with expired car insurance.?
I was pulled over and asked for my car insurance.It turns out it was expired.I didn't notice since I have been up to date with my payments every month and the insurance company never contacted me to remind me. My insurance expired in September. I got a ticket for it. is there something I can do? even if it expired, does it still matter that I kept paying it?""
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?""
1998 Firebird insurance?
I'm 16, got my license last week, and my dads buying my first car for me. Yeah call me spoiled but that's how he did it with my brother so he said he has to be fair. Anyways, I want a 98 Firebird. V6 3.8L auto trans. I was looking at 01-03 Ford Rangers but were too pricey. Budget is $5k. Found a 98 Firebird for $3k. Is the insurance any worse on a 98 firebird than an 02 ranger? Thanks""
Does my teenager need to be added to my insurance policy BEFORE he receives his driver's license?
Three of my friends didn't add their kids until they actually had their licenses, and the driving school said that technically they are covered by the parent's insurance while driving with just a permit. When I called AAA, they said I needed to add him. If I don't have to add him to the policy until he's actually a licensed driver and save the enormous $$$ it'll cost, I'd prefer to wait.""
What auto insurance covers for pizza delivery?
i just got a pizza delivery job, but my insurance won't cover it, and she said that most if not all auto insurances do not cover it.... obviously people deliver pizza, what company covers pizza delivery?""
Do I still have to have car insurance? I'm a new driver?
I'm using my parents' car and they already have insurance for it. Do I still need to have my personal one even though my parents already have one for it? sounds kind of a rip-off for me.
Is a '94 Integra considered a sports car ...?
Trying to figure out why my insurance is so damn high... Anyone else own early-mid 90's integra? Just curious, how's your gas mileage? How do you like these cars overall? This is my second car & still fairly new ... I totaled my first car in a bad accident within like 2-3 months. Thanks =)""
How much does motorcycle insurance normaly cost?
im 17 and im going to buy a yamaha r6 or a honda cbr600rr this month and im wondering about how much insurance would cost. the website quotes take forever to get so id just like to know how much other bikers pay for their insurance.
Insurance for moped 16 year old ?
live in cork Ireland,im 15 now 16 in the summer im wondering how much a 50cc moped insurance would be roughly or how much insurance would be on a Yamaha tzr 50 ? Thanks""
What do you think about my car insurance? Please help?
Hello, I'm an international student in the U.S. I've just bought Honda accord car (year 1999) and a driving license. I need your experiences to find the cheapest insuarnce. I've got two quets until now. One is from Geico company which offered about 700$ per six months, and Sate Farm which offered about 600$ per six months. I still see these offers expensive. Please help me to find the cheapest insurance. Thank you in advance.""
Anyone know how to get mental health treatment with no insurance in California?
I have depression, anxiety ADHD and I think bipolar disorder. I dont have insurance except urgent care visits. I make a little less than $300 a week. I feel so down these days and really need some help. Even though everything in my life is going well I still have these issues. Any ideas?""
I live in SC and I need to get my own Insurance Policy to buy a car. ( I'm 17) Can I get coverage alone?
My Parents don't want to add me to their insurance because we have several vehicles already and adding another car and a teenager will cause their insurance to be even more outrageous. Can I get my own insurance policy without effecting my parents at all? (With their permission of course.)
Car insurance with child?
Do you have to get different car insurance to have a child in the car?
Do I have to have car insurance?
I use to own a car and had insurance I now sold the car and drive a company car 100% of the time. I called my insurance guy and told him to cancel it and he says that Illinois has a state law that says I have to have insurance on a car since I live at home with my parents and everyone in the house has a car. I could potentially get in to one of there cars and be uninsured. I told him I don't cuz I still a car with company insurance he said I have to have a policy with my name on it by law is this true?
How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female?
she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA
virginia insurance duty to defend
virginia insurance duty to defend
0 notes
Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
"Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
I'm insured through state farm and I anticipate having 2 points placed on my license on Thursday (traffic court date). Do insurance companies generally raise rates for 2-point speeding offenses or should I expect this to not be a problem? (I reside in the state of GA)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
""How much would my car insurance be, I'm 22 years old, only had one speeding ticket, 2003 Mitsubishi Galant se?
It has 4Dr
What is the best car and best insurance to go with?
I'm 20 years old new driver I know my insurance going to be high I'm taking A 6 hour road ready driving school but at the end what is the best car I'm not really into cars I'm much more into kind of truck sure enough that would be the best type of car and insurance car insurance that help new drivers not Kill they wallets / bank account
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Does anyone know about whether or not you are required to have car insurance in California?
or does the DMV get to know and suspend your car if you do not?
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Will it be more expensive to get health insurance in January?
When I did my income tax they said starting 2014 there gonna start charging a penalty fee for not having health insurance I'm looking for some right now but I'm not working right now and my employer dosent provide insurance so I was thinking in January when I start working Will it be more expensive because there's like a lot deadlines for insurance right now in December
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a 17 year old?
Im 17 and pay $112 a month just for liability! it use to be $121 but i got a discount after 3 months. what about you? do you think im paying too much?
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
How good is the Insurance Business in Florida or Texas?
Hello dear people...I'm an Insurance Agent-Broker who would like to open an office in either of those states, can anybody please tell me how businesses are doing right now there?. I'd like to stay where I live in California, but it is crowded here, plus I'd like to start a new life...your inputs will be highly appreciated....""
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
18 year old with car insurance question?
okay, i live with my parents...daddy has a car and insured it and put himself and my mother under the insurance. On paper, i dont live with my parents. Okay my question is if i get a car and put a different insurance under my moms name will her gettin a car effect the cost of my dads isurance (the only reason i think it will effect dads insurance is that my mom is on his insurance).""
Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help?
My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help?
Insurance on a 2006 Suzuki GS500F?
I am 16 years old, living in California. How much is collision insurance for the Suzuki GS500F? The minimal insurance possible?""
Do you have to buy full coverage insurance?
If you are finance a car from a dealer? This would be in california
Just passed her test and then crashed before they got the insurance sorted.?
Hi, I am interested in people's views of the following: A friends daughter is 17 and last Friday passed her driving test to much family celebration. She went out driving to see her friends, grandparents, and to get some experience. On the Monday the family tried to get insurance quotes but hadn't made a decision on which one to go with until Tuesday. Tuesday lunch she went out with three girlfriends and lost control of her car. No-one was seriously hurt but there are some stiff necks, bumps and bruises. She rolled the car after losing control over a hump back bridge. No other vehicles were involved but her own car is written off. The Police were called and paramedics. She is still on Provisional Insurance as the call hadn't been made to change the insurance, mum and dad were just moving money about so they can pay. The Police say she wasn't speeding just lacked experience and was taken by surprise on the road in question in the rain. So the questions for them are: 1. What is the legal position? Neither parent is concerned about making an insurance claim or anything like that. It was one of those awful moments in life and they are not interested in the value of the car just the welfare of the girls. 2. What does she have to present to the Police - I think they said that she would have to present her licence? 3. Do the parents have to tell the insurance company if they don't intend to claim? They are very honest people but don't want to do anything that would unnecessarily impact their daughters ability to move forward. 4. What should they do going forward with her? They would like to get her over the situation by putting her on the road again as they believe that she is a safe driver and has just been very unlucky. Any thoughts are appreciated, All the best, CF""
2010 Camaro LT 16 year old insurance?
I am a 16 year old and I want a 2010 Camaro. I'm not being ridiculous and getting a brand new Camaro 2ss. I am getting a used Camaro LT. I'm really responsible with straight A's and I was wondering how much the average insurance company would charge for a car look this and a guy like me.
How can a non BC resident be on a car insurance (ICBC)?
BC only has one choice of auto insurance, ICBC (gov't run). And ICBC is not flexible and so expensive. I have a car insurance from ICBC on my car, but they told me that when my boyfriend who has an international driver's license cannot drive my car under my insurance. I thought about renting a car so he can be insured and drive. But ICBC's rental car insurance does not cover non BC residents either. So how people who visit BC from other countries travel and be insured to drive a car??? Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
Will taking online driver's ed screw over my insurance?
I was just wondering. My older sister took an online drivers ed and said it was a lot easier and quicker, but my friends older brother said it screws over insurance, especially if you're a guy (which i am...). What are the pros and cons of taking online and in person classes? also, what can i do to lower my insurance rates for when i get my license?""
Should the government ban gender discrimination for insurance rates?
Why is it legal for car insurance companies to charge males more than females when they have the same driving record, same age, same car, and same everything else?""
Free health insurance for full time student?
My friend told that me since I am a full time student, I have 15 units, I would be able to qualify for free health insurance until i'm 26 or done with school. Is this true? Thanks""
18 in TX and need health insurance?
I live with my dad but he just qualified for his own insurance for seniors or something im not sure. Ignore this fact, but long story short I am a full time community college freshman and make around 700 a month at my job. I am very healthy and workout at the gym routinely and I notice i am having wisdom teeth probs. what health care can I buy thats affordable for me? I turn 19 in 3 months.""
""How much does car insurance usually cost for a 17 year old in Ontario, Canada?
a 17 year old brand new driver (Girl) owning her first car? (a pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA !! NOT THE US
Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
I'm insured through state farm and I anticipate having 2 points placed on my license on Thursday (traffic court date). Do insurance companies generally raise rates for 2-point speeding offenses or should I expect this to not be a problem? (I reside in the state of GA)
Jeep Wrangler: Insurance coverage costs?
I am a girl beginning driver, turning 17. I live in a rural area. I want a 1999 Jeep Wrangler SE. I am part of my family's plan. Does anybody have a price about what would cost a month/year? Thanks.""
Insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I turn 16 on December 30th, and i can get my license on January 4th. I know insurance costs less if you have a 3.0 or something like that in California, thats the state i'm asking about. Our new semester starts when we go back to school on the 3rd or something like that and i will have all a's. I was wondering if anyone knew if they look at those grades, or the final grades from the semester before? this is for the deduction on the insurance, anyone know?""
Self employed health insurance?
What is the meaning of self employed health insurance
Do i need full insurance if I finance a car?
I have 2500 I want to put down on a car that cost 5000 Do I need full insurance? I live in NY
Insurance on a used car verses a new car?
My dad says that if I buy a new car my insurance will double or even more than my insurance on my used car. Is that true?
Car insurance renewal ques?
i have car insurance with admiral and its going to be automatically renewed tomorow at 17:30 so can i cancel before that, am i within rights or will they charge before that? the reason being i have found a much cheaper quote else where, i paid admiral for the car insurance using debit card so will payment be taken same day tomorow on renewal date?""
Car insurance question ?
I am 17 years old and I recently got my driver's license. Our family's cars are covered under AAA's insurance policies. I want to know if I have automatically been put under our cars' insurance policies, and if I can drive my mom's car under her name (without her in the car) thanks""
Should I buy life insurance?
I am a 34 year old male, about to get married and will probably start a family. Some people have suggested that I need to buy life insurance and critical illness and disability insurance to protect my future family. I already have group coverage from my employer that includes some coverage for all of the above, though I work in an industry that is quite volatile and I could be jobless in a downturn. When I look at some of the policies out there and the monthly premiums involved, it seems like I need to dole out a chunk of money for a benefit that will probably never be realized, and the amounts are not even that sizable to make a HUGE difference to the financial security of my future dependents. I currently have around $300k in investments and no debt, and OK coverage from a group policy. Do I really need to buy life insurance? Ideally I need a product where the higher premiums and coverage only kicks in if I am unemployed.""
Car insurance for a non working vehicle?
My car needed a major repair last fall. I work from home and have been trying to pay off student loans so I decided to do without a car for 6 months since I live in a convenient location- I just received my tax return and can afford the major repair. I stopped my car insurance while I wasn't driving since it was $125/mo and I now need to start it back up. I am switching companies since I really didn't like mine- I just got to the questions about insurance lapse does this apply to me since my car wasn't working? I haven't returned my form yet. I hope I didn't screw this up, a friend just told me I should have possibly kept a storage coverage that my rates might skyrocket. It's an older car with no loan attached. I live in MN, perfect driving record, was with the same company for 25 years and had never missed a payment. If it is considered a lapse is there a way to get around it legally like giving/selling my car to my boyfriend and then listing me as a driver so I can use it when needed? We don't live together but he did most of the driving when we did use it- it's not worth much, maybe a few thousand dollars at most- maybe I'd be better off selling my car and getting a new (used) one so I don't have to explain a gap? Thanks.""
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
Car insurance for MERCEDES BENZE?
Does Michigan have extra cheap auto insurance?
I keep seeing all these advertisements for Michigan (obviously this only would apply if you live/have lived in Michigan) regarding certain loopholes for cheaper auto insurance.. ??
Can i get my own car insurance policy at 16?
i would really like it if someone could answer this. i coudnt fint the answer i was looking for online so i came here. if you guys are going to say it has to be under your mothers its not happening shes a *****. my dad has a car at his house thats mine he just doesnt want to give me the keys tell i have insurance and my license. but im getting my license in a few months. so if you can tell me this answer thanks, and can you give me a average price. and i know they do it based on the car so if i had an 06 nissian sentra with moded parts, and ome rims and a body kit would there be a difference. thank you so much for the people that are going to answer this""
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
Im 17 and this will be my 1st year driving & i will be on my parents insurance how much will it cost me a mon.?
i live in charlotte
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
Car insurance for my car?
I'm looking for cheap full coverage for my car , I only need comp and collision for my car , that is all I need. Any advice or help would be appreciated , I live in Texas""
How much homeowner's insurance do I need?
I am purchasing a peice of property and a modular home that is not new, it is maybe 10 years old. I am doing the whole owner finance/contract for deed deal so I am having to pay 120,000 for the place. I think it is worth less. But hey, that is what bad credit gets you. Anyway he said I would have to buy homeowners insurance and I asked how much and he said 120,000. This home itself without the land especially is not where near worth 120,000!!!! Why would I need that much? And if something happened to home would it be right for insurance company to pay 120,000 for a 10 year old modular home. May be even a little older for all I know but it is not 120,000!!!! What is the minumum that I should get? I don't have much money and never had homeowner's insurance.""
What will happen If I appear to court with NO car insurance?
I recently got pulled over for speeding. But the officer discover that I didnt have any car insurance. I got a court date to attend but dont have any money to pay for insurance. What will happen if I appear to court with no money for the speeding ticket and no insurance? HELP PLEASE.
How much is Property Insurance? How much is Property Taxes?
Doing a paper for School Whats the average amount of property tax, for a statelike california? Say Los Angeles Is there an average on property insurance?""
Ok.. who has the cheapest health insurance?
im doin a report in school and i need to know guestimations on health insurance? who has the cheapest and on what company?
Shopping for car insurance?
what are some good car insurance agencies out there?
Are auto insurance premiums negotiable?
They want me to pay the same rate I've been paying the last two years. Is the company/industry open to negotiating thru its phone agents? Anyone have success or is this company too big to do that sort of thing?
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
I'm insured through state farm and I anticipate having 2 points placed on my license on Thursday (traffic court date). Do insurance companies generally raise rates for 2-point speeding offenses or should I expect this to not be a problem? (I reside in the state of GA)
What is the best car insurance for a teen driver?
I need to find insurance for myself, and wanted to know what other people use or think is the best place to get it from. I need to pay for it by myself with out help form my parents too so it can't be to expensive. Is it cheaper to get my own or to add me to their account? I am using one of their cars if that makes a diffrence...""
Does the insurance rate go up if there's a gap?
I dont have insurance for the last 4 months.. I had it for 3 years before
Can I have Medicaid Share of Cost and private health insurance?
I was approved for Medicaid in FL with a Share of Cost of $425. Can I also buy private health insurance with medicaid?
""Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?""
i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.""
Is there a life insurance company that insures the mentally handicapped?
Is there a life insurance company that sells coverage for a man with learning disabilities? Thanks so much.
Need help with car insurance?
Hi. Im getting my first car insurance in Ireland, but I was disqualified of driving for 1 year in Poland. Can anybody tell me how much will this inflate my premium?""
How long is a quarter period in insurance?
My insurance says: Family coverage: $2,213 per quarter So how long is that? 3 months or what?""
Would you purchase this type of car insurance?
I wanted to test a business idea. 1 million people come together each paying 225.00 membership fee. This membership fee includes one years fully comp car insurance. In year 2, all of the companies costs are calculated and split between members. So if costs are 30m then each member pays 30 and this fee includes a years fully comp car insurance. My question to you is, if this business idea were proposed by a large brand (to give it credibility) would you purchase this style of car insurance? If no why not? You don't need any no claims (although you still accumulate them should you wish to leave), there is no excess to pay on claims, the insurance category of your car isn't relevant (inc make and model etc), and your insurance is fully comp.""
Does anyone know where I can find affordable auto insurance for a single parent of two?
I just purchased a 2006 Chevy cobalt four door and I need insurance that will work on a single parents income and I need it yesterday. Can someone help?
How can i get temporary car insurance in the UK?
my brothers not going to be using his car for the next month and i want to know how i can get insurance cover for a few weeks or maybe a month. my brother in law got it on my dads car so he could use it for a while but im not sure how to go about it. can i do it through his insurance and how much roughly would it cost? thanks
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
Auto insurance wont pay for damages?
I was involved in a bumper to bumper accident(at fault) in a borrowed car(my fathers) here in California. Now i get a call from the insurance that they wont pay for damages to the other vehicle because im not in the policy. Im not excluded from the policy either. My father only has liability insurance. Does the insurance has to pay for damages by law?
Insurance on my boyfriend's car?
I recently got my license and haven't gotten a car yet. Since my boyfriend has two vehicles I am planning on using his car for work. He has liability on the car but I don't have any insurance and his insurance agent isn't sure if we can be on the same policy if we're not living together. Will I have to get my own insurance or is there anyway I can be covered by his policy? Please help! Any advice on the cheapest way to do this is appreciated. Thank you!
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
""Hi, I Need to insure my car and I am have no idea which insurance company is best and cheap plz help!!!?
And I need to do it today. Anyone knows how to do it quickly and which company is really and cheap and meets the NYS dmv requirements?
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
Home & Auto Insurance Rip-Off?
My home & Auto insurance has doubled thisyear. I called today to ask why as I had no claims or tickets. The reason I was told was the new way that rates are based. My agent said that your credit score is now used in the calculation of your rate. With one credit card that I pay off in full monthly and never a late payment nor any outstanding debt i would think I should have scored high on my credit report. I feel by being fiscally responsible I am being ripped off by the insurance companies by this foolish way of rating policies. are their any other insuance companies that still rate you the old fashioned way by your record?
Anyone in pennsylvania know of an affordable dental plan that covers everything?
Does anyone have good dental insurance for a fair monthly price? I need something that covers crowns root canals check ups fillings and xrays. I don't really know where to start. ...show more
How much would insurance cost?
For a Yamaha YZF125 in a detached house with a secure gate and the bike woul dbe kept in a shed with a a lock? :P
Car insurance questions!?!!? HELP! accident!?
Hey, three weeks ago, I got into a car accident and rear ended someone in the front with suv. I had a honda, and the insurance company declared it totaled and they are going to pay around 9k for the car. Since it was rear-end accident, insurance company held me for 100% at fault. The suv had broken/dented bumper and lower part of trunk lid dented (No broken lights or anything). I would say around few thousand dollars worth of damage. There were 3 people in the car and at the time they said they are all ok, and drove off. No police report was filed. When I called at night to get one of the guy's birthday, he said all three went to emergency, and had whiplash pain in neck area (which is understandable from rear-end accident). I had full coverage so I know my insurance comp. would pay their bills. The thing I am scared about is what if they sue me? I am from low-class family and a full time student on loans so I have no money or even a job. If they do, how much can they sue me for?""
""Car insurance, advice and help!?""
Im 16. Ive done a bit of research and it looks expensive, so im going to try to be put on my parents plan. I know it depends on their plan and everything, but im just looking for an approximation per month or per 6 months or per year. They have pretty good coverage if that helps, and my dads on geico and my moms on progressive i beleive. i live in miami if thats useful, and i will only use one car if that would make the insurance cheaper (its in their name). Any bit of advice to make it cheaper or any tips would be extremely appreciated. If i could get somewhere around 500 per 6 months that would be ideal. Thanks u guys""
How much auto insurance coverage do I really need?
I am 21 years old and and married. I drive a 1 year old volkswagen rabbit, have had one speeding ticket and 1 major accident where I totaled my car(I was deemed at fault although it was BS, she hit me). I am renewing my policy and thought I had way to much coverage but I was reading this and apparently I need even more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I do not own a house, the largest asset is our cars which are not that much. Currently I have: 100,000/300,000 bodily injury 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist 500 deductible for comprehensive/collision 30 rental reimbursement- that is the cheapest they have and since I am under 25 I want to keep that on""
How long do you have to report an accident to your insurance company?
Insurance Claims
Why are teenagers car insurance rates so high?
I just heard they just went up on our car insurance because we are teens that's not fair at all. I'm struggling trying to make it meaning going to college and work. Because I can not depend on my mom to take me everywhere I need to go. This economy is all ready down the drain that's not fair I have no money and I am trying to make it.
Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
I'm insured through state farm and I anticipate having 2 points placed on my license on Thursday (traffic court date). Do insurance companies generally raise rates for 2-point speeding offenses or should I expect this to not be a problem? (I reside in the state of GA)
How soon do i need auto insurance after buying a vehicle (used)?
I am buying a truck for the summer, and i was just wondering if i need insurance to drive it back home, or whether i can just drive it home and then get insurance...sounds stupid""
""Boyfriend totaled my car, i have a $500 collision deductable on my insurance?""
my boyfriend totalled my 17,000 car. the car was totally paid off and i have $500 deductable for collisions on my insurance,. he has liability on his insurance. does anyone knnow what will happen from here, since he was driving i dont know for sure what insurance covers and what i will have to pay""
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Do you need proof of car insurance to get your license in Illinois?
Car insurance question ?
I am now 20 and i am planning on buying a car. I heard that the insurance price is high for beginning drivers so I was wondering if the price goes down as I age...what are the best insurance companies that do this ? Thanks !!
Health insurance For Football?
I'm going to play football in highschool soon. And i was wondering if i needed health insurance to play or its not required?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 20 year old male in ct?
Health insurance for individual?
Trying to find the best plan for myself. I am 30 yr old female self employed. I have an ok job right now so a high premium is not going to work. But I am fairly healthy and never really go to the doctor. I guess I need insurance for those what if moments that I hope never happen. Also I live in Pennsylvania. This is what I have found the HMO premiums are just too high but none have deductibles. The PPO plans all have deductibles but the premiums are lower. PPO Deductibles $2500 cost $188 a month,20% coinsurance $5000 cost $164 a month, 20% coinsurance PPO Advantage Deductibles $1500 - $142 a month, 20% coinsurance $2500 - $120 a month, 20 coinsurance Right now I'm leaning towards the lowest deductible advantage plan at 1500 @142 a month and a 3000 out of pocket max. It seems reasonable all the preventative care, primary and specialist are all copays w/out deductibles so say I never go tot he hospital I'm basically just paying a monthly premium and the copay. My issue is I have gone uninsured before and knock on wood nothing happened never even needed to use a cvs minute clinic. But as I approached 30 I realized maybe I should get health care for myself just in case. I do have the !500 set aside in an account that was supposed to be a splurge fund for vacation but now it may also just be a medical fund. Anyways, based on the above all co-pays are $30 and $50 for specialist. Do they sound reasonable?? Insurance is so hard to understand *sigh*""
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
Is Progressive Auto Insurance legit?
got a quote and it was so cheap!! is it legit?? anyone have progressive for there insure?? is it really that cheap??? its like 1/2 than wat i pay now!!
What car would be cheaper for insurance?
I am about to be 16 and I live in nebraska in a small town I was thinking of getting a 2005 camaro or a 2000 or 2003 corvette what car would be cheaper for car insurance and if I get a truck would you recomand a ford f250 or ford f350 and how much would insurance be monthly for the ford trucks and if you have any sports cars you would recomand to get then tell me it and insurance on it monthly
How can we get health insurance?
My Fiance (22) and I (18) are planning to get married November 30th, but if we do, I will no longer be covered by my mother's health insurance. We live in NY (currently Broome County) and we need cheap to free health insurance. At the moment, both of us (full-time students) have an income of zero, with no pay stubs (obviously) or other proofs of income. How can we get health coverage?""
Car insurance in Canada?
What is the typical car insurance cost in Ontario?
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old in nj?
what's the cheapest car insurance a 21 year old can have in the state of new jersey?
I am 17 and am going to buy a 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 abs. What will my insurance costs be?
How much is car insurance for 18 year old?
How much would car insurance cost under Allstate in North Carolina for an 18 year old boy? I drive a 2003 Ford Ranger if it helps, I'm a safe driver and do good in school?""
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
How much is motorcylce insurance?
Does the price vary from different insurance companies, and if so would it be cheaper then car insurance?""
""If a deer hits me, how fast can insurance get me a rental car?""
I have a 97 Ram 4x4, full coverage at geico (I'm on my parents insurance), $500 deductible. How fast can insurance get me a rental if one hits me, will it raise my rates, (I work 3-11:30 PM, and travel mainly back roads since there aren't many other ways to get home if it helps). I've been driving for 6 months.""
What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger?
well they would both be 2007. v6 cause my insurance is already high. and what one would you choose i want a mustang but alot of people have them but a charger has a big body
Car insurance is a conspiracy!?
I passed my test less than a month ago, and it just so happened that a distant family member was trying to get rid of a car and I managed to get it on the cheap. I got a quote for it, it is a Ford Fiesta 1999 (T-reg), and got a cheapest quote at 5500! My friends who live near me, have similar circumstances, don't pay even half as much as that so what the hell is going on? I mean yes I am a risk as a new driver, I don't have much experience all the rest but how the hell does anyone expect a student to pay that? I mean it is just maddness. Anyone have any ideas why it is this high, I mean come on!""
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
Temporary 2 week car insurance for 21 yr old?
My boyfriend i s coming over from australia and has an aussie driving licence, we are thinking of borrowing a car from my friend who is a second hand car salesman and hence has many cars hanging about but which are uninsured. Does anyone know if it is possible to borrow one of the cars (which are road taxed) and insure it for me for 2 or 3 weeks only (21, had a driving licence for 3 years) or my boyfriend (26, had an aussie licence for 8 years)?? Which company can we use?! Please help ASAP!""
Renters insurance?
what exactly is renters insurance all about? is it pretty important or a waste of money?
Do points on my license necessitate a rise in my insurance rates?
I'm insured through state farm and I anticipate having 2 points placed on my license on Thursday (traffic court date). Do insurance companies generally raise rates for 2-point speeding offenses or should I expect this to not be a problem? (I reside in the state of GA)
0 notes
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So, I get online at roughly 9 my time, and we’re all talking about social anxiety and depression. It’s a real thing. It is very much so a real thing that hinders people’s day to day lives. However Sara was very interesting with the way she went about it. Logan seemed shocked to find that I actually like my life? I love show choir, I love my girlfriend right now, my friends are fun. My family is supportive.
The way I get through my life is by almost putting myself down? It’s like Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect calling herself Fat Amy, so people can’t do it behind their back. I’m not the most attractive person, I let that be known to everyone. But it’s easier to be open about things in your life because it’s how you handle things. When I actually apply for the show it’s definitely something I am going to talk about. Growing up I didn’t /have/ a whole lot of confidence as a person to get through things. As I got into highschool I really was this awkward shy human being who wasn’t fond of social situations. I was always a quirky person; I felt like people didn’t like being around me a whole lot? That’s weird to say, but it’s hard to go through life feeling like an outcast. When I got into Show Choir my life really changed. My confidence shot through the roof. It was this wake up call for me that “hey, you’re good at stuff. Open up to that part of your life, and quit focusing on the negative.” And I definitely do that and it definitely gets me through the day.
I don’t get sad over a whole lot because it’s real easy for so many people to say “my life sucks, things aren’t going right.” but nine times out of ten there is something. And that’s what I focus on in my life. And that’s why I’m going to get through this game. I’ve learned to not focus on the negative parts of my life and the same goes for this game. You have to look forward to be able to progress. If you’re stuck in the past things won’t work out for you. So this is my way of saying my way of life. It’s weird to put it into a confessional, considering it’s hardly game-topic, but it seemed oddly appropriate.
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Okay i take back what i said i actually really connect with logan her and I both share a passion for stories and characters and shes great and like lowkey love my tribe
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Dang sh#t I know I’m not winning and now I may be going home just great <_<
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The MATT vote off went very well. Although in hindsight it may have been better to vote off ELENA instead of him. She received a self vote which isn’t a great sign at her activity level going forward.
The next immunity challenge is an individual challenge. Three people win immunity and both tribes go to tribal. So I guess it’s not a big deal that ELENA wasn’t voted off last tribal. If we need to, we can just vote her out this one.
After this coming tribal, there will be 15 people left, which opens the opportunity for a tribe swap into 3 tribes of 5. I hope that’s not the case, I don’t really want to be separated from SAM, DARIAN and NED. The four of us have a good thing going, I’d hate to have it end right now. I don’t exactly have a good record with tribe swaps.
I still have my extra vote but in a tribe of a five it wouldn’t exactly be useful. Either we go in 3-2 with majority or minority. An extra vote would only cause a tie and then a loss on the revote.
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fuck u n ur confessionals drew
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well! i gotta get to work on staying
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I smell
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I hate feet and Drew’s face
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Oh no no no, don’t phunk with my heart
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I prefer tea
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I like eggs
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OK. Well, I got immunity this week in the double tribal and everyone wants to target Elena.. But She has that advantage and I don’t want her to go. this sucks. I don’t know if i should stick my neck out there for her or if i should just bite the bullet and cut my losses. i have no idea what I’m going to do.
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I don’t know what these people are talking about!!
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The government is whack
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BOO! I’m a ghost!
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Honestly I asked them for confessionals. I did this. This is my fault.
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I’m here for the party
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ANYWAY AFTER THAT MEANNESS. I guess we’re voting out Steven? Idk him enough to even try to find someone else goodbye
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Super disappointed in how badly our tribe did. I know we’re going to tribal either way, but seeing just how much we got beat by has me worried for future challenges. Hopefully the challenges in the future will be a little different and give us an advantage.
In other news, me, Logan, Alex, John and Josh formed an alliance. We decided that this time the best person to vote out is Steven, because he’s missed way too many challenges and rarely contributes in the tribes conversations. So hopefully he’ll be gone tomorrow.
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Hi! after we lost the challenge a few official alliances formed. The Bubblegum Bitches with myself, Logan, Daisy, Alex and Josh. It was formed after I found out it was a four person alliance and Daisy added me to it when I asked her about it. Also, the alliance of myself, Alex, and Nehe. I like the two of them but Alex and I have discussed a final 2 already. Steven has not said a single word to me I forgot if I mentioned that but it still holds true!!!11 ok thats all bye
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I scream and yell in my host chat and forget I need to put them in the confessional chat.
So I have an alliance with Keegan, Darian, and Ned and it’s super cute or whatever I guess. All three of them won immunity so I guess I’m just here like the loser of the alliance but whatever.
Besides this alliance, I don’t talk to anyone but that’s not for a lack of trying! I literally try to bug everyone all the time and no one answers me! I really like Elijah when he actually answers me but 90% of the time it’s like pulling teeth. Elena AND Brandon didn’t answer me when I said ‘hey’ so now I obviously feel to self-conscious to ever message them again because I don’t want to have to see the double 'hey.’ So I guess I’m just never talking to them again. But I don’t think that’ll matter because Elena is either about to be 1) med evaced or 2) voted out either way. So I just have to worry about Brandon but like I don’t care if we talk or not to be completely honest. I’m just biding my time until a swap because EVERYONE I talked to before we got put into tribes is on that tribe so like that sucks. Hopefully they take pity on me and decide that they want to work with me.
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its been a fun game but my time has come
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As of now I know I’m on the bottom of my tribe which kinda sucks. Daisy and Logan made an alliance with Alex, John, and Josh and not me. That left me shocked as I thought me and Logan were having good talks. No matter that, Alex and John made an alliance with me telling me about that one. I’m prob their side piece but as long as it keeps me safe I don’t mind. I made an alliance with Stevie as I really like the guy. I need to speak more with Sara so I can align with her but i’m sure daisy got some side thing with her.
I went into the forest night one and received a self vote which i thought still allowed me to vote just have a vote against me. This turns out not to be the case. I can’t vote at all so this scares me. I told Alex and John about it so that they know they can trust me and in the morning I will be telling Stevie so he isn’t blindsided that I didn’t tell him. The plan is to get rid of Steven, he’s the easiest guy to vote out. Right now though I need to move myself into a good spot and not where I stand right now. But yeah my hope is that Steven is the vote. Not me lets hope.
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So I got roped into a great alliance including Sam, Darian, and Keegan, and three of us have individual immunity for the next tribal! Unfortunately, Elena hasn’t said a word since the game started, and I’m a little worried she’s not doing too great. However, we’re voting her out because she’s going to be medevaced soon anyway, and we don’t want to lose 3 tribemates before we even swap. At this point in games, I can usually tell about how far I’ll go, but I really don’t have a clue right now. I could be swap boot or I could win. Hopefully I win.
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I won immunity, yay! This is my first time ever winning an individual immunity. The other two individual immunities were won by my alliance members NED and DARIAN. No one on the other tribe is safe which means any one of them could be voted off.
The vote tonight is going to be really easy. ELENA hasn’t been around for a while, hopefully she’s alright and just too busy with real life to play the game. As far as I’m aware, everyone is voting for her. It doesn’t really matter though, I’m safe so I’m not worried.
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well no ones talking
but i think elenas goin bc shes inact?
0 notes